#actor’s mask shares media!
actorsmask · 9 months
"All the world's a stage, and I'm just an actor. Why cry when we can laugh instead?"
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Also run by:
MHA OC: @manami-m1zun0
Ongoing event(s): 100 Followers
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Keep reading for rules!
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You can call mod Ryoko or just mod!
Finished event(s)!
50 Follower event / Event ended!
Birthday 2024 event / Event ended!
I will not tolerate homophobia, racism, or misogyny. It will be an immediate block.
Mod has a life guys!!!! School has just started again and I’m not as quick to reblog or answer asks like I was before. So please do not spam or I will delete your ask.
You may have your own opinion, but if I see a hate comment or just something disrespectful, it will be deleted and you will be blocked.
Mod is a minor, so please do not send anything NSFW. I am alright with suggestive jokes and themes but lets not go down that rabbit hole.
I am fine with the gory stuff and violence(Blythe has done a lot of stuff as a Fool after all), but put a TW and mark the post as Mature.
I am not accepting any asks about irl politics and situations going on worldwide, nor am I going to comment on it. My blog, a hsr roleplay oc blog, is not the place to talk about such things. I'm only here to have fun with my OC, not talk about topics with the very limited knowledge I have.
That's everything, happy role-playing!
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dee-the-red-witch · 3 months
July pinned post time.
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I'm Denice, or you can call me Dee.
I'm an artist, writer, leatherworker, tattooist, media reviewer, card reader, witch/magician/occultist, voice actor, and a few other hats. I'm also a trans woman and a lesbian. I talk about all of that and promote all my work here in addition to whatever I'm reblogging on any given day.
Here's what some of all that looks like:
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I'll go mask off for the next bit.
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This space is my only blog. I don't sideblog, I don't compartmentalize my nsfw side, and i don't tag. Hope, art, anger, horniness, yearning, sadness, and jokes all belong innthe same space anyways- it's human. I won't tell certain folks to not interact because I know the worst of you will anyways, and the rest who deserve to get an education should do so.
Since the world has decided to make my existence political as fuck yet again without my own consent, that means yes, you'll be subject to my own leftwards anarchistic opinions as well if you stick around.
The ask box is still currently open for questions, or just so I can remind nonnies that I don't owe them a shred of decency in replies.
My surgery gfm is still ongoing and in need of shares and support.
Beyond that, i just hope we all survive this.
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firstkanaphans · 7 months
I know this post is only for like two people, but I’m going to make it anyway. So, my obsession with Dead Friend Forever finally reached critical levels and I resorted to binge-watching The Hidden Character just to get more content. For those that don’t know, The Hidden Character (which they literally call “THC”) was the reality show Be On Cloud used to cast DFF. It is bad. Like really bad. And not in a it’s-so-bad-it’s-good-type way. It’s one of the most exploitative pieces of media I have ever watched. I walked into it with a favorable view of BOC, Mile, Apo, and Pond (the CEO), and walked out of it hating all of them.
A small collection of things that happened over the 11-episode run:
Everyone was told that they had to share every single aspect of their life with the viewers or they would be eliminated. And, in fact, the first person eliminated was told that it was because he wasn’t being open enough with the audience. They filmed these boys—one of whom was only seventeen at the time—talking explicitly about their sex lives. Which is, of course, fine to talk about. It’s not fine to air it on television! Even some of the games themselves contained sexually suggestive content (i.e. Which do you prefer "eating" with—your hands or your mouth? If you were to cheat on your significant other, would it be just sex or a full-blown affair?)
During the first part of the show, everyone had a secret that the other players were supposed to guess. One of the player’s secret was that he used to be homophobic. (Questionable casting for a company that only hires men, but I digress). He was praised for having changed his mind. In contrast, JJay’s secret was that he was raised in an abusive household and had once hit his father. Pond crucified the poor guy for this. He made him sit there in front of the whole cast sobbing and apologize for hitting his dad who was an abusive asshole.
After the first half of the show—which served absolutely no purpose at all—we finally move onto the acting portion. This is, after all, supposed to be a talent competition. The judges were so mean. Especially Apo. He was like the Simon Cowell of BOC. There was no constructive component to their criticism. The fact that any of these people are still acting is honestly unbelievable. I would have gone home and cried myself to sleep and then never stepped foot on a stage again.
At one point, each of the groups was assigned a scene from KinnPorsche to act out (because BOC very clearly owns no other IP). One of the pairs was given the scene where Porsche gives Kinn a handjob in the bathroom. I wish I was kidding. 
The judges constantly told the contestants to make their scenes feel new and different but any time the actors actually tried to change anything, they complained it was “too” different and the original script was already perfect so who were they to think they could create something better. Once again, Apo and Mile, the original actors of these scenes, are the ones judging them! Like of course they like their version better. What is even happening??
And finally, the whole fucking thing was rigged for Ta to win. Like don’t get me wrong, I love Ta and I think he did a great job, but he was the only one who came into that competition with a built-in fanbase and the winner was chosen by popular vote.
It was all just…baffling. Especially from a company that claims to be trying to change the industry. Like if you want the industry to stop being so exploitative to its actors, maybe start with yourself? It also makes those condescending “how dare you watch our shows just for the NC scenes” press releases they do every week even more annoying.
I have no clue what the reaction to this show was while it was airing but god I hope they never do it again. It literally makes me feel so weird watching DFF now. I feel like those poor kids are being held hostage. Maybe CEO Pond’s been the one under the mask the whole time 🔪
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late-to-the-party-81 · 7 months
Red Carpet Ready
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AN: So when all the pictures and gifs from the Berlinale festival started to come out over the last week a lot of the folk on the BBE server went, shall we say, feral. When this particular gif appeared, @mrs-illyrian-baby, @buckyismybicycle and I started to have thots. Thots about a cool, calm collected movie star Bucky leaving a very wrung out reader melted in the back of the limo as he strode out onto the red carpet. And this was born.
Not beta’d.
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden.
Mood board by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
Master list 
Summary: You love your job as Bucky’s PA. You love him even more, even if he doesn’t know it. On your way to an awards ceremony he appears more nervous than usual and thanks to a traffic jam you find the best way to get him out of his head.
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Relationship: Movie Star Bucky Barnes x PA Fem Reader
Word count: 3k
CW: AU - Modern Day, Anxious Bucky, Pining, Power Imbalance, Explicit Sexual Content (Oral - M receiving, Vaginal fingering), Bucky’s A+ Dirty Talk, Implied future spicy time, effectively PWP.
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You lurched in your seat as the limo braked. Luckily it hadn’t been going fast, but it was enough to fracture your concentration. You looked up from your checklist towards the other occupant of the back seat, your boss, the famous movie-star Bucky Barnes.
You’d been his PA for several years now, acting as a go-between him and his manager, getting him booked into hotels under pseudonyms, liaising with his media team and his stylist, fetching coffees and a hundred and one other things. Luckily, he was a lovely man to work for, polite and respectful, but, unfortunately for you, he was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. You remembered when you first got the job - you’d spent most of your days refusing to actually speak unless necessary, lest you embarrass yourself by letting slip your not safe for work inner thoughts. However, as time had passed you’d not only relaxed, but also been able to get to know the man behind the mask, meaning that you and Bucky now had an easy friendship. It was based on mutual respect and shared memories, and you treasured it intensely. Your friends wondered why you stayed in a job that left you with no real base, flitting around the world for shoots, premieres and interviews. You told them that it suited you. You didn’t tell them that it was because you were in love with your employer.
Bucky looked nervous and ran his hands through his shaggy hair. He didn’t often wear it that long, but he was growing it out for a part, more willing to do that than have to put up with a stifling wig on top of what was bound to be an equally stifling costume. His left knee jiggled,  letting you know his anxiety was on the rise. 
Tonight he was attending an awards ceremony, one in which he’d been nominated for the Best Actor category. That in itself wasn’t that strange, he’d been nominated several times over the last few years, but this time was different, this time there was a high chance he would actually win. Such a thing was utterly deserved in your biassed opinion, but Bucky had been the runner-up so many times before and his nerves were starting to get the better of him. 
Realising you’d been staring at him for too long, you looked back down at your checklist and cleared your throat.
“You’re being seated next to Yelena, as she’s your co-star in the next movie, so at least you’ll be with someone you know.”
Bucky grunted and turned his head to look out of the tinted windows as the lights of L.A. moved passed at a much slower pace than you would have liked. The traffic was to be expected really, the great and good of Hollywood, plus all their fans, out in force for tonight’s event. It would have been more surprising if the roads hadn’t been blocked.
With a sigh you put down your clipboard and reached out to place your hand on Bucky’s knee to grab his attention.
“You’ll be fine, you know,” you soothed. “You’ve got your acceptance speech in your jacket pocket still, haven’t you?” You watched as he patted his hand against his chest, checking for the folded paper housed in the inside pocket of his black jacket and gave you a small nod in confirmation. He wore a navy blue shirt under the black suit and had foregone a tie. In your opinion - and you had a lot of those about Bucky - he looked stunning. 
He was also uncharacteristically quiet.
You wracked your brains, trying to think of a way to get him out of his head. From the corner of your eye you saw him push his finger down the collar of his shirt and give it a tug. You clucked your tongue and rolled your eyes and leant forward in your seat, both hands outstretched towards the offending fabric.
“Let’s just undo that for a moment. We’ve got time, and you’ve got me here to make sure you look presentable.”
He chuckled at that, and your heart soared. Your fingers made quick work of the top two buttons of his shirt and Bucky let out a deep sigh in appreciation.
“Thanks, Doll. Don’t know what I’d do without you.” His voice was rough from staying quiet for so long, his vocal cords stiff.
Your lips turned up at the edges. “I’m sure you would have thought of it yourself, or found another way to get rid of your nerves.”
His eyes, stormy grey-blue, flicked up to yours just then, the intensity of his gaze pinning you in place. There was a feeling, nebulous and just out of reach, that you could almost identify brewing between you. Moments like this had occurred a handful of times over the last few months, coinciding with Bucky getting over his last heartbreak. His previous girlfriend had been… alright - it wasn’t any of your business of course and you definitely hadn’t stalked her socials whatsoever - but it hadn’t surprised you when they’d called it a day.  However, once he’d started to get back on level footing, you’d noticed him watching you more, and you weren’t sure how you felt about that.
First of all, you couldn’t be sure that you weren’t actually imagining it. You’d been in love with him for so long it wouldn’t surprise you if your brain had started to make you hallucinate.
Secondly, even if Bucky was watching you more, it didn’t necessarily mean anything. Maybe he was just making sure you were alright and weren’t being harassed by any of the pricks that tended to inhabit the movie scene. 
However, if it was what your brain was telling you it was, where did that leave you? He was your boss - okay, technically his manager was, but po-tay-to, po-ta-to - and a famous movie star to boot. It was a recipe for disaster if ever there was one, even if your heart, and other parts of you, were begging for it.
“Hmm,” Bucky pondered, amusement peppering his voice. “Other ways to destress. I wonder what you could mean, Doll.”  
You giggled at his unsubtle innuendo and playfully smacked his arm. “Behave, Mr Barnes!”
He laughed back and rolled his eyes. “Now I’m in trouble. You brought out the big guns. Making me turn around and look for my father.”
You continued to laugh, but suddenly the limo breaked again, much harder than last time, and you practically flew out of your front facing seat to land on your knees on the carpeted floor.
“Shit!” Bucky exclaimed, and his hands clamped around the tops of your arms, steadying you. “Are you okay?”
You shook your head to clear it and looked up, ready to confirm that you were, when your mouth went dry. Bucky loomed over you and his thick thighs bracketed you where you were kneeling on the floor of the limo between his legs. In the space of a breath his eyes, his expression morphed from one of concern to something darker, and more primal. When you heard him mutter “Fuck” under his breath, you knew that your brain had not been deceiving you over the past months. 
Bucky wanted you.
And although your mouth was still dry, your panties were having the opposite problem.
His gaze, dark and dangerous, pinned you in place, like a butterfly on a collectors board. You made no attempt to get up - you didn’t think you’d be able to even if you did want to - and that decision told Bucky everything he needed to know. Gone was the nervous wreck of a few minutes ago and in his place was a lust filled, domineering man. A hunter with his prey in sight.
He let go of you with his left hand and trailed his knuckles down your cheek. You couldn’t help it when your eyes fluttered closed at the sensation.
“I think I’m still a bit stressed, Doll. You got any ideas on how you can personally assist me with that?”
You nodded and swallowed thickly, your hands coming up to grip his suit clad thighs. You felt them tense under your grip and images of you straddling one, rubbing your slick core against the toned muscle filled your head, making your moan. He let out a deep chuckle that vibrated through his whole body.
“I’d love to know what images you’ve conjured in your head, sweetheart, and maybe I’ll persuade you to tell me later on, but we don’t have much time.” He popped open the four buttons on his jacket, revealing to you the tenting in his suit pants. 
You shouldn’t be doing this, but you couldn’t stop yourself. You knew what was in there. Had been on set with him enough times in various states of dress and undress - even though you always tried to avert your eyes - to be fairly well informed, but this was the closest you’d ever been. Like a moth to a flame, your hands slid up his legs until they were gripping his hips. You looked up at him again, and he just stared back, expectantly. 
Fuck. You’d never been so turned on in your life, and he hadn’t even touched you. 
Carefully you unbuckled his belt, but your hands still brushed over his clothed erection which twitched under your accidental touch. You pulled down his zipper and Bucky shifted himself so that you could peel his pants part way down his thighs.
There was a dark, damp spot on his grey boxer briefs and they clung to his body, outlining the shape and size of him. You licked your lips without thinking, and drew the lower one in between your teeth.
Were you really about to suck Bucky’s cock in the back of the limo? You were glad that the privacy screen had gone up straight away, to give you time to get Bucky ready for the red carpet, although the you of twenty minutes ago had in no way envisioned this scenario ever happening outside of your private imaginings.
Bucky took hold of your right hand and laid it over his bulge and you couldn’t help but give him a gentle squeeze through his briefs. He inhaled sharply through his nose and his eyes fluttered briefly, before they were back on you, somehow darker than before. You felt emboldened, the fact you held power over his desire making you dizzy, and you let go of him so you could pull down the waistband of his underwear and get your first, up close look at Bucky’s cock.
For a moment you were worried your arousal would spill over your panties and leave a wet spot on the carpet between your knees as you took him in with your gaze. He was everything you’d ever imagined from your brief glances and you barely hesitated before you wrapped your hand around the firm warmth of him and took his tip between your lips. 
You were aware of several things at once - the clean, musky scent and taste of him, as well as the salacious noise that left his lips at your first, tentative caress. You also heard a thud and cast your eyes upwards to see that Bucky had let his head fall back against the privacy screen. You should have been worried about what the driver may be thinking, but in reality, you didn’t care. All that mattered was Bucky.
You explored him with your fingers, lips and tongue, revelling in the groans, grunts and whispered mumblings that fell from his lips. His right hand still held your upper arm, but his left came up to gently cup the back of your head, not forcing you down, but just adding another connection between the two of you.
You bobbed your head and took him as deep as you could, your throat swallowing around his length until spots appeared in front of your eyes and you had to draw back.
“Jeez, Doll. Fuck! How did I not see what was right under my nose for all those years? Coulda been doing this sooner. Coulda had you writhing in my bed, creaming on me like you’re probably creaming those panties of yours right now.”
You hummed your agreement and tongued his slit, before tracing down his frenulum and around the underside of his head.
“Whatever happens this evening, you’re mine tonight. Gonna treat you right, Doll. Gonna fuck you until you don’t know your own name any more, only mine. And if I win? Shit. Might need an extra day and night in the hotel. God. I’m close, sweetheart. You gonna swallow it all? Can’t spill a drop on my suit. Can’t have me go out there with cum on my pants.”
You swallowed him down deep again, flattening your tongue against the ridgid length of him, and reached down with your hand to massage his tightening balls. Bucky’s hips started to jerk, so taken over by his desires that he was unable to hold back from fucking your mouth, at least a little bit.
“That’s it. Take it. Take it. Such a good girl. Every drop. Every. Fucking. Drop.” He came with a guttural groan, his cum filling your mouth as you struggled to swallow it. Even when his orgasm finally stopped, you continued to lick and kiss his cock as it softened, intending to clean it as best you could. In the end, Bucky had to ease you away, and you realised you were probably overstimulating him. He didn’t leave you disappointed for long, though. Easily manhandling you back onto your seat, it was then his turn to kneel in front of you.
“Fucking perfect, sweetheart.” His hands skimmed up your thighs, sliding under your, entirely sensible, black shift dress. The thumb of his right hand brushed over the front of your panties and your throbbing clit, making you whine and twitch.
“You are soaked,” he drawled. “Good fucking girl.”
Bucky leaned into your space and his lips captured yours in a searing kiss, his tongue demanding immediate entry and no-doubt tasting himself as he did so. At the same time, the fingers of his right hand slipped under your panties, and slid through your sodden folds. His kiss swallowed your cries as he toyed with your clit, the sensation almost bordering on too much. 
Then he slid a finger inside you.
You felt Bucky smile into the kiss at your reaction, your pussy clenching down on his intrusion.
“Such a greedy pussy,” he muttered before adding a second. “I got you, Doll. Can’t wait to get my cock in you.”
Your only response was another moan and another clench around his invading digits. When he changed the angle of his fingers, you ripped your lips from his as you threw your head back.
“There it is. Look at me, sweetheart. Want you to look at me when you come.” Bucky’s voice was deep and commanding and you wouldn’t have been able to disobey him, even if you’d had the presence of mind to do so. You meet his gaze from under heavy lids as his fingers and thumb continued to drive you upwards assisted by Bucky’s voice which only ever spoken to you like this in your deepest fantasies.
“That’s it, Doll. Need you to come for me. Need to know how hard you’re gonna strangle my cock later. Need to know how beautiful you look when you come. Gonna be smelling your pussy on my fingers all evening. Hell, if I win I’ll hold that statue with this hand and get you all over it. Fuck! Do it now, sweetheart. Come now.”
Your whole body spasmed as you came, your hands gripping Bucky’s right forearm to hold him still. Up was down and down was up as the world span before your eyes at the intensity of your orgasm. Eventually though, reality had to set back in and Bucky pulled his hand from the clutch of your body.
“Bucky!” You keened, your body still sensitive, but protesting at emptiness nonetheless.
“Later, Doll,” he placated at your disappointed whine. “I meant it. This isn’t over by a long shot. I’ll see you after the ceremony. I’m ready for that red carpet now and it’s all thanks to you.” He sucked on his fingers, grinning as he did so then leaned forward and dropped a soft, almost chaste kiss to your lips.
You blinked owlishly at him, your brain still trying to process what had just happened while you clit pulsed between your folds. Bucky smiled, pulling your dress down before putting his own clothes to rights, including the top buttons of his shirt. The limo jerked to a halt a few moments later, but this time it wasn’t due to a traffic jam, but because it had pulled up right by the venue.
With a much more relaxed demeanor that when the limo had set off, Bucky alighted when the driver opened his door. It wasn’t until you watched back the footage, much later in his hotel room, that you could see that Bucky was re-buttoning his jacket as he walked up the red-carpet, a smug look plastered onto his face. Most people thought the expression was related to his nomination, but you knew better.
What you did agree with the general public on though, was the delight on Bucky’s face when his name was read out as the winner of the leading actor category. You were watching from the sides, having ridden in the limo around to the back of the venue, having used the few extra minutes to put your scrambled brain back together. You stood with the other PAs, managers and media secretaries of the main nominees, all of you with your fingers crossed. 
But while everyone else in the hall whistled and cheered when Bucky made his way to the stage for his acceptance speech, you were on your phone, quickly altering his hotel booking to include an extra night. He had promised after all.
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Tag list: @christywrites, @alexakeyloveloki, @wolfsmom1, @doasyoudesireandlive, @sonatabee-blog, @goldylions, @galactusdevourerofworlds, @apenny4thots, @crayongirl-linz, @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @kmc1989
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synergysilhouette · 2 months
"Batman: Caped Crusader" review
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Binge-watched this show, and I wanted to be one of many people to share my thoughts on this--plus I was spurred on by getting a wish of mine granted from the show. Make sure to check out the show if you can!
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The animation is beautiful--I know this is a weird comparison, but soemthing about the animation reminds me of 2010s Scooby Doo animated films, and I kind of adore that.
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The voice acting was...fine--I can't tell if it was poor performances or poor direction; Hamish's Bruce Wayne sounds too raspy/rugged some of the time, like he's still playing Batman, and many of the other actors felt like they were just reading lines rather than performing lines, not enough emotion. IDK if they're more used to live-action work, but voice-acting is a different ballgame, since your voice is all you have to convey the character. A lot of performances fell flat for me, but it wasn't 100% unbearable, just underwhelming. I have some people I'd recommend instead (both familiar to the role and otherwise), but I don't wanna start anything.
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LOVED Harley (but not her costume)--Jamie Chung had one of the better performances in the group, and I really LOVED the angle they did for Harley; I feel like the media often flanderizes her as the goofy crazy chick, so seeing her actually utilize her psychology skills (like I've been asking for!) is so satisfying. That said, the outfit has GOT TO GO. Gold and black is gorgeous, but it ples in comparison to her black and red look. And a weird nit-pick; when I first saw the stills, I was under the impression she was wearing a carnival-esque mask rather than face paint, and I find that idea a lot creepier. I wish we'd gotten more of Harley's antics--and even seeing her get close to Bruce in the way she did with Barbara and Renee--before revealing her as a big bad to the public. And I appreciate that she isn't 100% evil; she is doing what she believes is a noble cause, just doing it in an illegal and unethical way. I needed a backstory!
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Not enough Batman--Maybe it's just me, but it definitely felt like there were some episodes where Bruce and Batman were supporting characters and more focus was on the GCPD. While I don't mind it too much, I enjoy superhero shows for the superheroes, not the heroes; this is why I had a love/hate relationship with "Gotham."
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Batman (and Bruce) isn't quite likeable enough--In earlier incarnations, Batman was more kind and caring before becoming more emotionally closed off with time, but here he's that way from the get-go. Not to mention that Bruce Wayne puts on a facade around everyone, even people he trusts (he probably did that anyway; I can't remember), and his session with Harleen really frustrated me because I don't expect his walls to come down immediately, I don't expect them to be this high this early. I wanted him to be a bit warmer and transparent, rather than curt and cold like he's usually seen in the show. I feel like this is an issue often seen in comics, too; people prioritize Batman's "coolness" and thus push his feelings to the wayside.
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Using underrated and familiar villains--I'm sure the real experts are gonna chew me out for this one, but as someone who got into comics in the 2010s and didn't catch up on the acclaimed 90s series, it was fun to see villains I loved and villains I didn't know; one of the best things a popular property can do is use underrated characters, since it helps the show feel original and fresh (thus why "Teen Titans" is so enjoyable; the whole franchise is underrated).
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Too modern for the 1940s--I can't put my fingers on it exactly, but the vibes feel too modern; I assume the 1940s was for aesthetics, but since everything else feels updated (from the way people talk to Harley and Renee seemingly being open about their feelings for each other), I don't think it was a wise choice to have it both ways. I see no reason not to have it in modern-day, but I suppose you'd have to get more creative with technology.
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Barbara and the Robins--First off, I should've gambled with someone that Jason would be a redhead; I'd have made SO MUCH money. Secondly, I'm not crazy about how all four kids are orphans; If I recall correctly, both Carrie and Stephanie's parents were alive when they joined the Batfamily. In any case, I'm confused on why Barbara is significantly older than them when they're all supposed to be within the same age bracket (I think; someone has told me otherwise since posting this, so I could be wrong). Not to mention, a part of me worries that because of the quartet's young ages and Barbara getting so much screentime as a lawyer, we won't get any of them as Robins or Batgirls unless something drastic happens, and/or we get a time jump.
Overall, I think my biggest gripes are the voice acting and how Batman/Bruce Wayne is written. That said, I enjoyed the show overall. IDK why HBO Max dropped it. Hopefully season 2 will introduce Poison Ivy, Catman, Tim Drake, Ghostmaker, and Gardener, since the finale already showed us a certain someone who IS coming to Gotham.
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vintage1981 · 5 months
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The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee Kickstarts Deluxe Blu-ray Edition
The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee mixes traditional documentary with a dash of fantasy. It is narrated by Christopher Lee himself... in the form of an elaborate marionette, voiced by Peter Serafinowicz. The marionette was custom designed and built by Arch Model Studios, who made all of the puppets for Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox, Isle of Dogs and Asteroid City and Tim Burton's Frankenweenie. 
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The film combines new, exclusive interviews with filmmakers, including Peter Jackson, John Landis and Joe Dante, friends and family members with animated flights of fantasy from a wide variety of artists including 2000AD's Simon Coleby, award winning stop-motion animator Astrid Goldsmith and the legendary illustrator Dave McKean who directed, scored and animated a whole chapter of the film himself. 
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Spanning eight decades and almost three hundred films, Christopher Lee became famous for his iconic performance as Dracula. But he was so much more than just the Hammer Horror roles he is so fondly remembered for. His career took him from uncredited parts in 1950s swashbucklers with Errol Flynn, through famous performances in 007 and Star Wars films, cult hits like The Wicker Man and The Return of Captain Invincible, right up to a lead role in cinema's biggest event - The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Along the way, he worked with everyone from Orson Welles to Mario Bava, Jess Franco, Tim Burton, Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg. 
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Yet his story is so much richer than just his career. Lee was born into Italian aristocracy, with a military career shrouded in secrecy and kept his private life closely guarded. Some of his ventures and adventures seem highly improbable yet, as the film reveals, he often found himself in unexpected situations - he witnessed the last ever death by guillotine, was cousins with 007 creator Ian Fleming, he met Tolkien, performed with the classic Saturday Night Live line-up, was a friend and neighbour of Boris Karloff, he was the oldest person to ever get on the Billboard music charts (with his own Heavy Metal album), was an expert knife thrower, professional opera singer and a Nazi hunter. And somehow, he also managed to appear in almost 300 films of both the highest and lowest quality imaginable. 
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The film is finished and producers Jon Spira and Hank Starrs want to share it with you by producing a top quality Blu-Ray with great extra features and a really amazing LIMITED/NUMBERED EDITION COFFIN-SHAPED BOX SET, full of goodies, which will look killer on the shelf of any discerning cineaste. The jewel in the crown of this box-set will be a 3D 'death mask' of Christopher Lee designed and produced by Arch Model Studio exclusively for this set. They also want to host some screenings - both online and in real cinemas - so we can all experience it together and you can get to meet some of the people behind it.
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Making this film has been a fascinating journey - producers excavated the British Film Institute archives where they hold Lee's personal collection of scrapbooks detailing his career in his own hand, been given access to personal photos from the family archive, they met and interviewed his closest friends and family from all over the world and we've worked with some incredible artists, puppeteers, animators, musicians and filmmakers to bring his story to the screen in the most cinematic way. Whether you're a fan of Horror, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or just cinema history in general, we think you'll be delighted by this revealing and eclectic documentary.
Risks and challenges
The film is fully edited and ready to go. This Kickstarter is to fund the final bits of post-production and the production of a fantastic Blu-ray and deluxe collectors edition box set as we're all still committed to physical media. Please note that all illustrations of rewards are designs/prototype images. The final items might differ - we hope they'll actually be better.
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venussaidso · 1 year
Rahu Dominant Themes — 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 (part 1 of) 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟕
warning ⚠️: movie spoilers
Lord Rudra is an angry manifestation of Shiva who is the god that destroys the universe in order to re-create it. Rudra is the version which emphasizes the destruction of illusions, imperfections, diseases etc. before change can take place. Rudra means "one who eradicates problems from their roots", which rules Ardra, where we see the shadow planet Rahu being at it's potent height. Rahu is always dissatisfied and filled with illusions. With Rudra here, we see the strong conviction to break all things illusory, that are a stain or disease. Ardra, being Gemini and Rahu together, chooses to face the cold, harsh truth by deconstructing it (Mercury). There comes an intense anger and urge to destroy the root of all problems.
The best piece of media by far to embody the potency of Ardra, especially Rudra, is MR. ROBOT.
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Ardra is quite contradictory, as it aims to expose truth by ruthlessly shining light on it ("control is an illusion") and therefore breaking the illusion, despite literally being ruled by the most illusory planet, Rahu. Rami Malek is an Ardra Ascendent and in the series Mr. Robot, he plays a cybersecurity engineer who uses his rare intelligence (Gemini/Mercury) to take down an evil conglomerate that controls the world & gets away with terrible world crimes that are swept under the rug. The Ardra character is already established as not a truth seeker, but someone who is already aware of everything and has been long disillusioned. The other important main characters also seem to be played by Rudra influenced actors which I found so incredible. These key characters show different dysfunctional aspects of society, almost critiquing them. Though Rudra is more potent through Ardra, Rudra has incarnated in different forms. Aja Ekapanda, Ahir Bhudhanya - Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada. And Goddess Kali has associations with Rudra, and it rules the nakshatra Mula - which forms the axis with Ardra (being Sagittarius-Gemini). All the Rudra nakshatras are scattered across the main cast of Mr. Robot.
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Another similar piece of media that is linked with Ardra and anarchist/political themes that expose heavy truths of society and elite powers of the world is the film V FOR VENDETTA, which leans more into anti-fascism. Starring an Ardra native.
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Ardra faces the reality of things that is usually harsh and too overwhelming for others to bare, the kind of truth that is often not thought of. The series The Boys shows what would realistically happen if superheroes were a thing — none of that Marvel sugarcoating shit. Just like Rami Malek's character in Mr. Robot, the character Billy Butcher played by Karl Urban is already established as one who knows the harsh reality of superheroes (being monsters and corporate puppets) and is portrayed as an angry, disgruntled, dissatisfied person. And of course there is Rahu/Ardra influence.
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Ardra is not always about dethroning corrupt powers. It can simply manifest into meaningless chaos, purposeless anarchy as seen in Heath Ledger's Joker who only makes chaos to prove the hypocrisy in people and society. This critical nature is always within Ardra, no matter how chaotic and senseless it manifests.
Yes he's an Ardra Moon.
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It's always interesting how nakshatras with the same planetary rulership can share the same themes, despite the differences in their ruling deities. The film, Joker (2019), criticizes how society treats its ostracized members. And the character Arthur Fleck, being played by Swati Sun Joaquin Phoenix, unintentionally (and unknowingly) drives pure anarchy in the streets. Becoming the face of a movement spawned around him, called 'Jokerism'. And these masks, just like in MR. ROBOT (fsociety), V For VENDETTA, make the symbol of the movement.
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I also find it interesting that Zoro is a masked vigilante who fights against the injustice and victimization of the lower class and indigenous people. Shatabhisha can act as a saviour in this case, more than what is seen from Ardra and Swati.
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The character Hobie Brown being voiced by Shatabhisha Sun Daniel Kaluuya in the new Spiderverse film. Interesting enough, Shatabhisha being Aquarius can also have chaotic, rebellious and even anarchist tendencies. Aquarius emphasizes individualism, roots for the underdog and can absolutely despise authority – especially the corrupt kind (but mostly it's fuck all authority).
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The nakshatra also being co-ruled by Rahu, they can see through illusions and have a simple yet realistic approach to things (Saturn). There is defiance there in Shatabhisha, but rarely ever as erratic or angry as Ardra. In fact, Shatabhisha is more on what's morally right and wrong compared to Ardra where a dualistic nature is conveyed. Shatabhisha has a tougher framework, can be very virtuous.
Shatabhisha is ruled by the deity Lord Varuna who is the personification of divine authority and moral law. The theme of authority can manifest in several ways for Shatabhisha. Rebellion against authority can go to the extreme ends of violence and unlawfulness. Or it can go into activism. Critiquing the many issues in the world that are glaringly wrong and unfair (what the modern internet now calls 'wokeism'). Themes of rebellion or exposure in a political and societal context can be linked with Swati. This can somewhat be seen in the following medias:
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meefy · 1 month
Diverse Autistic Characters in Akagami no Shirayukihime
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I could go on for hours about my dislike of how autism is, for the most part, portrayed in popular media - the butt of a cruel joke; autism representation by a non-Autistic actor; or centered around the plot of the story itself, where it boils down to the Autistic person "overcoming" their autism or some outside force "fixing" it (or, semi related, an Autistic character being shoehorned in as a token minority).
I think that's one of the reason I love Akagami no Shirayukihime so much. While none of the characters are confirmed as Autistic, the ones that are quite blatantly Autistic-coded are so diverse and so welcomed by the cast that it's both sweet and refreshing to see.
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I have talked at length about Ryuu and why I love his character so much, so I don't want to get into it too much here because I've said most of what I want to say. He is, at first glance, the "typical" popular culture depiction of autism: the male child savant who has no friends, can't socialize, and has the niche restricted interests in science that seem to characterize every big Autistic character in media. But it doesn't take long to see he is so much more than that! His interests in poisons has granted him a field of study and work where he thrives and does what he loves day in and day out. His mentor, Garak, supports him and treats him as an equal, and looks for opportunities for him to grow - as does everyone around him, including Shirayuki.
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Ryuu's time in Lilias was so beautifully depicted. The years he spends studying and working there are not him masking his Autistic traits or "beating" them; they are years of him feeling safe and supported enough to test his comfort levels and branch out because he knows he won't be mocked or scorned for it. He has found an environment where he thrives because of his Autistic traits, not in spite of them. And so, as of most recently, we see that he wants to remain in Lilias to continue his studies there because of this. His growth is not reduced to finally acting neurotypical; Ryuu being Autistic has not changed. But he has found others who share his passions, who support him, and who encourage him without changing who he is.
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I also want to touch on Kirito specifically, because he is one of the few people Ryuu's own age who interacts with him. Kirito is too young to hold back his questions about Ryuu's behaviour. Why is he running away from a crowd of people? Why has he never had a snowball fight? But Kirito doesn't dwell on Ryuu's quirks; he accepts them, moves on, and focuses on what the two have in common - which is what I would hope for any Autistic person, myself included.
What is particularly special to me about how Autistic characters are depicted in AnS is the diversity. Too often I see Autistic characters depicted in the same way, like the author read a WebMD checklist and created a character around said list. Autism is a spectrum, and with that comes two ends of the spectrum.
Which brings me to Lata.
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Although I haven't explicitly mentioned at length Lata + autism the same way I've discussed it about Ryuu (and although I could write a whole essay on it), I do want to go in a bit more depth because his overlap and contrast with Ryuu is exactly the kind of Autistic representation I live for. Ryuu actively wants to work to help people; Lata seeks to work in solitude. Ryuu is open and generally friendly with others, Lata is blunt and evasive. Ryuu's expressions are generally flat (and his voice monotone in the anime); Lata is quite expressive (even if he doesn't smile often, and neither does Ryuu). Yet we see certain similarities between the two; for instance, both have their own niche hyperfixations that they absolutely live for, and neither is totally at ease in crowds.
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But leaving Ryuu out of the equation, one of my favourite things about Lata's character is that none of the Lyrias crew seemed genuinely bothered by how he acts. Like, even Obi's teasing is, by and large, in good faith. They're just like "Oh, that’s just how Lata is..." and move past it. Most recently in Chapter 133, Shirayuki is visibly happy to see him. And related to that, the other scholars always go out of their way to include and invite him to their outings - to their banquet celebrating the successful germination of the phostyrias, or to see them blooming in their lab. Even if he always declines, and they probably know he will always decline, they ask. Speaking on a personal note, I am like Lata and really, really hate parties or any large gathering; so people (understandably) stopped inviting me. And that hurt; even if I knew I'd say no, and wouldn't go, people actually thinking of me meant a lot more than they likely realized.
So, seeing representation of people actively trying to invite and include their Autistic comrade means so much to me.
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Lastly, I want to talk about Shirayuki. It's not terribly often that Autistic representation in media is a female character, let alone the lead character. I know I am not alone in thinking Shirayuki is Autistic, but I do love its subtlety unless you know what to look for. The long running theory that there is a "girl" autism (versus the stereotypical "male" autism that is most commonly diagnosed and seen in popular culture) is absurd; autism is a spectrum, and just where some Autistics are reclusive, have a flat affect, and exhibit quirky behaviours and interests, there are plenty that are the complete opposite, or somewhere else along the spectrum. In many respects, this describes Shirayuki; she seems to have no trouble making friends, attending parties, or showing emotion.
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And yet, she has the intense focus in herbalism and pharmacology that mirrors Ryuu's in many respects; she just does not express that interest in the same, "typical" Autistic way. She reads her textbooks to relax and spends time in a garden (the latter of which is, stereotypically, a perfectly expected behaviour for someone of her gender). It's easy to forget that, much like how Ryuu ran away from the crowd on his first day in Lyrias (a depiction of an Autistic shutdown), Shirayuki ran away from Zen when her feelings for him became too overwhelming. She asks Zen for a comfort object of his when she leaves for Tanbarun, much like how many Autistic people have a particular tangible object that gives them comfort. Shirayuki is also blunt; she tells Prince Raji to act more like a leader she can be proud of, and rebuffs the knight who insults Ryuu at the beginning of the story - her low rank does not deter her. Autistic people are sometimes known for apparently "not understanding" power dynamics and rules (which I doubt, as do most Autistic people - I think it's more likely that the rules and dynamics are simply unfair, and created and upheld by neurotypical people) - Shirayuki's behaviour certainly seems to fit this. She is not rude by any means...but where it might intimidate many others, a person's title does not keep her from speaking her mind. In many respects she reminds me of myself!
I could go on and on about this topic - and how different Autistic traits are present in different characters - but I'm comfortable stopping at Ryuu, Lata, and Shirayuki (at least for now), and reiterating that media like AnS proves that diverse Autistic characters can exist without being a punchline, can grow throughout the story without shedding their Autistic traits, and can be accepted, supported, and loved by others for who they are. This series is dear to my heart, and this is but one (albeit huge) reason why!
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kastalani123 · 7 months
(if you prefer Ao3)
Drew Tanaka is mean.
She grows up under a mother that cares more for the cameras that follow them around than her. That cares more for her daughter knowing how to keep her posture straight, her smile saccharine sweet, her hair without a strand out of place, than her knowing how to make friends. That cares more for smoothed out and scrubbed clean photos and videos and interviews that show a perfect life, a perfect mother, a perfect daughter, than for her daughter being an actual child, not an actor with a script for every second of her life.
She grows up desperately clawing for any shred of privacy, having given up on looking for honesty long ago. She learns how to keep her makeup sharp, and her walls sharper. She indulges in cosmetics more than most children her age — it's all about keeping any hint of imperfection hidden, any hint of truth buried deep down. She files her nails into claws, paints her face into a mask no one can look behind. She keeps herself mean, because there's only so much of the same drama the media will pay attention to, only so much unpleasantness the people around her will deal with before giving up on getting close to her, only so much her mother can shape for the spotlight without risking controversy.
And then, she's twelve and at Camp, and it's weird.
The kids in the overcrowded cabin she's placed in (no privacy, no space, nothing she can keep to herself) tease and jest but it's never truly mean. Not in the way she knows. The pranks and jokes are too simple, too corny, too messy to be enjoyable to an audience of strangers. Meals are chaotic at the shared table because people push and shove and steal and laugh, and no one aside from her even thinks to bother with proper etiquette — nobody cares for small bites that don't ruin your makeup, for small portions that look lovely on pictures but don't fill you up, for elbows off the table and the correct cutlery for every food. The only rules are: sacrifice a portion to the gods; don't waste; enjoy.
That's the one they care most about, she finds within a week. Enjoy. Have fun. Live your life.
She's not sure she can do that, as she leans away from campfire songs and pottery, from swordsmanship and archery, from pegasus riding and monster fighting.
Instead, Drew Tanaka is mean.
She paints her lips brighter, grows her nails sharper, shadows her eyes darker. She digs and needles and stabs not with a sword or a dagger or a spear but with her words; she begins to write her script for these unfamiliar scenes, just as she's done her entire life. Her remarks are not the soft teasing of the others; they are her knives poised to strike at anyone who comes too close, more dangerous than ever.
Her voice is her weapon, her meanness her armour.
Literally, she learns within weeks, a command falling from her tongue as a dove comes into being above her head.
Cabin Eleven sends her off with a bracelet of colourful wooden beads and a rubber snake that was meant to be a goodbye jump scare she didn't fall for. She scoffs at both but is not allowed to refuse them, so she takes them and shoves them into the heart-shaped box every Aphrodite child gets upon entering Cabin Ten.
Because Drew Tanaka doesn't wear cheap jewelry made by a collaboration of six- to seventeen-year-olds at arts and crafts. Because Drew Tanaka doesn't find dumb pranks amusing. Because Drew Tanaka doesn't like tacky toys with sloppy paint jobs.
Because Drew Tanaka is mean.
And Silena Beauregard is nice.
She's nice, holding Drew's hand as she properly introduces every member of Cabin Ten — every one of her siblings — to her even though Drew digs her nails into her skin hard enough to leave marks. She's nice, coaxing a young pegasus over to Drew to let her practice flying. She's nice, remembering that Drew doesn't eat much meat other than fish and ensuring she gets it.
Drew is sure Silena is an exception. Camp in general is nice in a way she's only ever experienced in stories, but this goes beyond a casual piece of advice on her fighting stance or an arm lent on the climbing wall.
Except it turns out that, no, not really. Not just Silena, at least.
Cabin Ten is nice.
Anders sits her down in front of himself and braids her hair, tucking dandelions and daisies into it in a way her mother would seethe at. Khalid follows her around with a stuffed seahorse, babbling about the deep sea creatures everyone else is grossed out by. Ina shows her celestial bronze nail polish in any colour imaginable and every other way to hide weaponry in places no one would suspect. Sawyer trifles through their vast collection of homemade perfumes to find one she likes, simple as they are in plain, glass jars. Rory pulls her into dances at the campfire and steps all over her feet, his laughter and singing off-key and unappealing. Jasmin paints all over her skin, from sunsets across her forearms to hearts spread all over her face, disregarding the careful lines of her makeup.
They chip and chip and chip at her walls, with cracked nails and bloody fingers, until they startle her into lifting her mask for a second, allowing them a glimpse at the pieces of herself she has long since buried under ring lights and cameras.
They bind her to themselves with soft hugs and silly singing and simple gossip. They drag her screeching and screaming into their circle, into closeness, into softness. They push her scoffing into spending time around other campers, into sitting with people during arts and crafts, into collecting strawberries in groups.
Drew Tanaka is mean.
Drew Tanaka will never stop being mean.
That is a fact.
Nobody ever claims any different.
However, a fact is also this:
She remembers Silena's allergic to bees and ensures they never get too close. She sits Anders down and teaches him how to get his eyeliner as sharp as hers. She follows Khalid to bed some nights and struggles to read through One Thousand And One Nights because he sleeps better with them. She shows Ina the best products for her skin and hair. She trifles through her vast collection of jewelry to find earrings Sawyer likes. She pulls Rory through Camp to show off their matching outfits. She paints Jasmin's nails with designs according to whatever book or flower has caught her fancy recently.
(She wears a bracelet of wooden beads even when it doesn't match her outfit)
(She keeps a tacky rubber snake on the shelf above her bed)
Most importantly, she stays.
And next summer, Anders brings with him newspaper scraps with her and her mother's faces plastered all over them.
She smiles, sharp as a dagger, and burns them as an offering.
And then she's fourteen.
And then there's war.
And then her siblings are dead.
And then Silena is a traitor.
And then she's the Cabin Counsellor.
And then she's building up her walls faster than what remains of her family can tear down, stronger than they can chip away at, taller than they can look over.
And then Drew Tanaka is not mean.
Drew Tanaka is cruel.
(She forgot the most important rule she had set for herself long ago, when she couldn't take a step without cameras clicking and spotlights moving on her:
Give up on looking for honesty.
She reapplies foundation over her blotchy face and decides to never forget that again)
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anti-kawaii-daily · 9 months
J-Fashion Terms for Beginners 3: Electric Boogaloo
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Angura Kei: A Visual Kei substyle inspired by traditional Japanese underground theater performances (Angura = Underground), but it is occasionally associated with Ero-Guro Visual Kei bands. People who wear Angura typically wear traditional Japanese clothing such as kimonos, military uniforms, and school uniforms (seifukus and gakurans usually) but with a gothic twist or references to the supernatural (such as those triangle handkerchiefs worn by ghosts in Japanese folklore). It isn't uncommon to see them wear shironuri makeup as that was worn by Angura actors during the 1960s and 1970s. From what I've seen, Angura isn't typically a style one wears day to day due to its over the top and elaborate nature. Some known Angura Kei bands are: MUCC, cali≠gari (though they are more known for Ero-Guro), Zombie Lolita and Inugami Circus-dan.
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A truly theatrical blast from the past...
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Erokawa: Translates as "erotic cute", this aesthetic and style is also known as Erokakkoi (translates as "erotic cool"). Erokawa contrasts most kawaii trends by incorporating the concepts of sexiness seen in the West. While it is mostly a "visual art" type of kawaii style, I have seen outfits that do match this style; they tend to be mainly pastel clothes styled after lingerie, actual lingerie, clothes that share elements with Agejo Gyaru, shirts with sexy kawaii girls on them, or just your typical "tight sexy outfit with references to kawaii culture or ecchi on it. For accessories you'll see chokers, leg garters, handcuffs, harnesses and occasionally cat ears. The idea of cuteness is associated with neoteny, fragility, innocence and youthfulness; the idea of sexiness is associated with adulthood, experience, excitement and maturity. Sexiness can technically be seen as what cuteness is meant to evolve into once we all turn from children to adults. But Japan is famous for loving everything that can be considered "cute" and not approving of "non-cute" things unless they are made "cuter" for mainstream media, and yes...this partially includes sexuality that is natural for adult women to have. Enter famous Japanese Idol, Kumi Koda. Unlike most idols who's contractual purity is stricter than a Disney Channel star's, Kumi broke the mold by taking erotic elements in her artistic style and showing how they too can be seen as valid and acceptable. In contrast to other "sexy" kawaii trends, Erokawa was created with feminism and for women to take ownership of their sexuality.
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Let's get sexy~...and adorable!
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Ero-Guro Kei: If one thinks of Visual Kei they are most likely thinking of one of these subgenres and styles; Kote Kei (means "old school kei", this is basically how Visual Kei bands dressed in the 90s), Tanbi Kei (means "aeshetic school", this style is inspired by classic European fashion), or Ero-Guro Kei, the style we're discussing here. In case the name didn't give it away already, Ero-Guro Kei basically means "erotic" and "grotesque". As described by the website TV Tropes, this style is meant to be an Interplay of Sex and Violence. Most Ero-Guro Kei bandmembers tend to wear clothes similar to Kote Kei, but with more exposed skin (i.e. not wearing a shirt or wearing a low-cut one) and tons of S&M/bondage or fetish elements like chokers, corsets, harnesses, leather and lace or mesh worn together and masquerade masks. Despite this, for most people the "Ero-Guro" part in Ero-Guro Kei usually comes from the vulgar and raunchy lyrics in their songs coupled with horrifying music videos. Some famous Ero-Guro Kei bands include but are not limited to: cali≠gari, Dir En Grey (during their earlier albums), Kagerou and ANTI-KRANKE.
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Choke me like you hate me but you love me...
103 notes · View notes
actorsmask · 3 months
actor's mask does actor's mask shit! = Mod stuff, OOC
actor’s mask rambles! = Posts that are in character(in this case, what Blythe posts)
actor's mask loses her primos! = Anything Genshin related
actor's mask loses her crystals! = Anything HSR related
actor's mask loses her fingers! = Anything Pjsekai related
actor's mask tries to write! = Poorly written drabbles about anything
actor’s mask illustrates! = Artwork I’ve made
actor's mask shares media! = reblogs of literally anything
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actor's mask talks to yin! -> @/yintsukareta
actor's mask talks to anons!
actor's mask talks to fan club anon!
actor's mask talks to lenoraven!
actor's mask talks to crimson ashes!
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actor's mask talks to amberlynn! -> @/cat-lover-amberlynn
actor's mask talks to elinoir! -> @/riddler-elinoir
actor's mask talks to etsuo! -> @/yxxrei-aoiro
actor's mask talks to hyenapriest! -> @/hyenapriest
actor's mask talks to hanako! -> @/yxxrei-aoiro
actor's mask talks to warau! -> @/w4rau-sm1les
actor's mask talks to simon! -> @/masked-genie
actor's mask talks to the cursed one! -> @/thecursedooone
actor's mask talks to hatsu! -> @/4a-5tu
actor's mask talks to 🌷! -> @/rayne-carnation
actor's mask talks to phyvas! -> @/phy-v4s
actor's mask talks to space oddity! -> @/spaceoddityhsr
actor's mask talks to of-dust-and-scrap! -> @/of-dust-and-scrap
actor’s mask talks to vil! -> @/sch0d1ng3r5-human
actor's mask talks to the ducklings! -> @/chxotic-dxcklings
actor’s mask talks to the stars guide! -> @/the-stars-guide-me
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Playable Characters!
actor's mask talks to trashcan loving raccoon! -> @/galacticbaseballbatter
actor's mask talks to six phasedice! -> @/six-phasedice
actor's mask talks to blade official! -> @/blade-official-hsr
actor's mask talks to mr-cold-feet! -> @/mr-cold-feet
actor's mask answers silly sampo! -> @/silly-sampo
actor's mask talks to unmasked fool! -> @/unmasked-fool
actor's mask talks to life of a faker! -> @/life-of-a-faker
actor's mask talks to bronya! -> @/bronya-official
actor's mask talks to underworld-dcotor-natasha! -> @/underworld-doctor-natasha
actor's mask talks to s1lvermane! -> @/s1lvermane-capt
actor's mask talks to ask lynx! -> @/ask-lynx
actor's mask talks to pitch-dark hook the great! -> @/pitch-darkhookthegreat
actor's mask talks to emanator of nihility! -> @/emanator-of-nihility
actor's mask talks to argenti! -> @/argenti-of-the-beauty
actor's mask talks to bxxth1ll! -> @/bxxth1ll
actor's mask talks to ga1axy ranger! -> @/ga1axyranger
actor's mask talks to dr vrat1o! -> @/dr-vrat1o
actor's mask talks to dr ratio official! -> @/dr-ratio-official
actor's mask talks to veritas ratio! -> @/veritas-ratio-rp
actor's mask talks to the lucky coin! -> @/aluckiicoin
actor's mask talks to audhd-aventurine! -> @/audhd-aventurine
actor's mask talks to aventurine official! -> @/aventurine-official
actor's mask talks to topaz and numby official! -> @/topaz-and-numby-official
actor's mask talks to the bird unable to fly! -> @/bird-that-cannot-fly
actor's mask talks to sunday-halovian! -> @/sunday-halovian
actor's mask talks to sunday the hunter! @/sunday-stellaron-hunter
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Other Games!
actor’s mask talks to the prinzessin! -> @/prinzessin-der-verurteilung
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mikodrawnnarratives · 2 years
Before I talk a LOT (I'm not joking, A LOT)
About this au, how I stumbled upon the idea, story and all in a rushed format,
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COMPLETELY out of my general comfort zone in art BUT OH WELL LOOK AT IT :DDDDDDDD
Also serves as a good hook for what this post is about mehehehehehehehe
Oh I have your attention?
It started with me thinking and wondering about a specific fic that is unrelated to this post, frankly different fandom, and I was wondering how it would play out in a movie format, but seeing as the fic in question currently is unfinished and won't be for a while I decided to direct my attention to other fandoms, got to DCA fandom, came up with a few cute ideas i didn't write down for unfinished fics, for the record I do think it would be interesting if Solar Lunacy was a musical just saying, and then I started to think about ok what fics ARE fini-
Unfortunately at the moment I don't have any digital sketches to share for some of these points and the sketches I do have are pretty messy SO I'LL JUST RAMBLE cause I already wrote down a lot of these separately
Firstly, I imagine this kind of musical being in universe kind of au. Possibly an extension of the Actor AU where the original media (tv show? movie?) got so popular it got a musical adaptation
I imagine the actual music, whether the songs or just sound track, would be heavily inspired by Jazz or smthn. Like, the genre of music most popular during the time period Sleuth Jesters is in ish. It would still be musical-like but you can tell the genre they are going for
And before continuing, to get around not actually saying "y/n" on stage cause that might be a little awkward MAYBE there could be some kind of special sound affect for the actors mics that the audience knows is y/n's name?? Half baked tho
Sun, Moon and Eclipse (at least) would have highly decorated masks to match the original just added onto because they are on stage. Masks, so that there are more options for who to cast. To make up for this, the actors have to make it clear in their body language to make up for lack of expression
in productions with higher budget mayhaps one function could be the eyes have options for what emotion they could express
In most productions there will be sound effects in the background that mimic the noise that Sun Moon and Eclipse make as they move. Or at least be incorporated into the sound track ooooo
Y/n's clothes would have an easy to notice difference in quality compared to the DCAs, which makes the bell and ribbons much more noticeable on stage
Smaller note but I think y/n's make up could be kind of fun with how they show the y and n on their face
Would probably have a wig colored various shades of silver but not required
Would be the introduction (of course) and depict the first chapter and likely have something to do with "Until Next Time". I think possibly it would have little breaks in the song to fit in the dialogue
Honestly, in an adaptation there might just be more scenes added between the earlier chapters to fill in points in time or smthn
OR (the answer I like better) The first act uses time between chapters to fill in reader watcher on backstories or past's of characters
Actually yeah little hints would be packed in the first half
Any other songs could be filled in for the boys or y/n that could have the potential to return as a Reprise
Now listen Mandatory Eclipse Villain song(s)
this is not optional
Duets Duets DUETS
One duet could be between characters that are foils or mirror each other but it's one of those duets that have different lyrics that still match up musically
Particularly I think the latter could be used for Sun and Moon's complicated relationship with Eclipse but not completely sure where that would be, probably second half, speaking of which...
ACT ONE ends in the chapter that Y/N has to return the favor to Eclipse, where he crashes the party and they go with him, reassuring Sun and Moon that they allways can wiggle out of situations
Until Next Time Reprise
Which will have a moment of silence after, showing their mutual understanding yet make it perfectly clear sun and moon don't want to do resort to this
Doesn't last to long as it proceeds with the sound track DROPPING in tone as Eclipse stuffs y/n into the car, that is actually just a prop that leads to the back stage
ACT TWO (any major costume changes or forever hold your piece) I think would start off with Sun and Moon's dilemmas first before getting back to y/n
WHICH would likely cut to y/n maybe already in the burgundy shirt but meh that's not solid
I think the way Eclipse gives them the burgundy ribbon and bell could be changed in an adaptation of the story since it would be easier I imagine to show it later than in a car set piece
(Admittedly I have to reread these specific chapters to know specifically the order) But when Eclipse drops the bombshell he knows their past, and I think he leaves them alone for a bit after that, SONG TIME (though song could still happen with him there honestly)
Something similar to the theme "I thought I burned everything" and would just
And after that likely more backstory could be cut to depending on what it is and how relevant it is at that point. WOuld be much grimmer in tone but hey it's the second act.
Though if this opportunity is taken, this could be reprised later when Y/N proposes to the boys, with the necklaces to show being more comfortable with their past
More song opportunities with Y/N's trust issues, Sun and Moon's brother issues, etc
Final act-ish, where y/n first runs away after Sun and Moon "find out" and from there would have more focus on the score than any songs that could be fit into that small frame.
My thoughts went kind of to Heather's Dead Girl Walking Reprise and then Veronica and JD's tussle toward the end if songs got implemented there
AND OF COURSE The moment of Eclipse's death is really what makes me think this would be adapted into a musical in universe
Because it does kind of fit the bill for being tragic
You feel bad enough for what could have been
But also remember "Nah that bitch deserves it"
But also.. it's sad
After proposal, there is possibility to do a QUICK little glance into the future at the end, not unlike Dear Evan Hansen's ending, but maybe not
Ok now Applause section!!
Freddie and Gregory would bow together
I forgot to mention earlier, but the character that is revealed to be a spy for Eclipse at the police station I'd imagine would have hints on their clothing (like burgundy) that would foreshadow their side
Eclipse would bow by himself, flaunty as ever, yet you can still kind of tell the actor is kind of a sweetheart
Sun and Moon would enter, bow together and then welcome Y/n
Who would get to bow on their own, then with Sun and Moon
Then the rest of the cast is welcomed
How the arrangement would go from left to right I was thinking
Law Enforcement and basic background cast making up crowds, Freddy, Gregory, Sun, Y/N, Moon, Eclipse, Michael, Other Aftons and Spy, rest of Law Enforcement and basic background cast making up crowds
AAAAAaaand thats what I've got.
@naffeclipse did you catch all of that?
and @sunnys-aesthetic for their detective au! :3
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bcofl0ve · 9 months
new austin butler fan? start here!
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hey there girl/pal/buddy/friend! welcome to the crazy train the endearing mad house that is the austin butler fandom. i joined the party after seeing elvis 2022 with my dad on a whim opened my third eye and have adored austin ever since. if you have any questions please please send an anon or send me a message, but i hope this post is useful as well!
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congrats, i have a hyperfixation on being an update blog which means i have a masterpost of where to stream everything he's ever been in since he's started acting!
my personal favorite thus far is shocking no one, elvis 2022, but i'm really excited for everything coming out in 2024!
if you want to get to know austin the person outside of being an actor, i highly recommend checking out his episode of the marc maron podcast. content warning for talk about losing a parent- austin's mom who passed when he was 23 from cancer, and some allusions to domestic violence re: a step father. but that to say it's imo the most personal interview austin has ever given (and it makes me cry when i listen to it). i linked to apple podcasts but it's also on spotify!
austin's first ever interview from when he was 16 years old (article)
long- and personal, interview/profile via esquire from 2024 (article)
ruthie’s table interview - 2021 podcast with his good friend, chef ruthie rogers. some very sweet childhood talk in here.
austin butler drives greg williams back home (austin going back to his home town and visting his childhood home and elementary school)
austin butler plays with puppies - what the title says
in conversation: baz luhrmann and austin butler (article) - a very funny joint interview where baz and austin talk about filming elvis
austin butler @ the oscar nominees luncheon - the interviewer is jason kennedy, a long time buddy of austin's who also knew his mom. this was my favorite interview of awards season.
austin giving his publcist kate an honorary oscar - also from the oscar nominees lucheon press junket, so sweet! we love his ginger publicist around here (:
austin and lisa marie presley joint interview - lisa adored austin, and he mentioned in a different interview during awards season that when he was at graceland she took him upstairs for *3 hours*. if you're unfamiliar with the presleys, that is point blank unheard of for someone that isn't a blood relative. lisa passed away in january 2023 just two days after watching austin win his golden globe, and is very very missed. (lisa and austin at the globes)
another little lisa and austin interview, my personal favorite because of the hug!
so who's the girl?
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austin is currently dating kaia gerber and has been since december of 2021! i'm working on a masterpost timeline of their relationship which will likely take...a while. but in the meantime the basics are that they like to make out in public while also being quite the private couple.
here is a very cute little video of the two of them after the elvis premiere at cannes and my favorite deuxmoi sunday spotting of all time- someone saying they were making out *in face masks* in line at erewhon.
like i said, they are veryyy private but that means the little tidbits we get are a treat! austin 'gushed' about seeing her walk in a celine show here, and here's a little clip of his smiley little self in the front row.
the two share a dog milo, who is the shining baby boy light of ausitn's life and came up no short of two billion times when austin was doing press for his ysl campaign this past summer. we love milo!
(and i also love that austin wears his gf's clothes sometimes, king!)
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misc fun stuff
austin is close friends with ashley tisdale, and has been since the two of them met filming the movie aliens in the attic in new zealand in 2008. he's 'uncle austin' to her little girl jupiter, and they're also distant cousins!
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speaking of aliens in the attic, 300 years ago in 2008 austin ran a little blog for his fans throughout filming which is just the darn sweetest most endearing thing to me. you can read the entries that i pulled from the wayback machine here and here.
some other austin-isms that i love
his habit of wearing shirts inside out
how everyone that works with him gushes about how kind he is
this little video of him when he was four years old
his dear sweet publicist kate having to hand hold his golden retriever self on track
the 27 he has tattooed on his wrist bc it was his late mom’s god number
and so many other things that would take me too long to list
if you have any questions that this post doesn't answer pls slide me an anon or a direct message! happy to have you here! <3
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videogamepoc · 7 months
Note on article and article title: This article does heavy work to continuously refer to Hamas as terrorists, and it refers only to the October 7 events in their attempt to delineate the history of Palestine and Hamas, failing to mention the decades long history of occupation and war inflicted on Palestine by the state of Israel. This is a skewed historical overview of the occupation and genocide. I've removed that part below. If you want to read it, click on the link above. Furthermore, the title poorly depicts the reasons behind the boycott, which go beyond the single comment about Hamas that this actress made.
Overwatch fans are calling for the recasting of Pharah—one of the game's lineup of DPS heroes—following comments on the current situation in Israel and Palestine made by her voice actor, Jen Cohn, in a TikTok and YouTube livestream. In response to viewers commenting "free Palestine" in the chat of one of her Ask Bird Mom livestreams on February 12, Cohn said "Yes, free Palestine from Hamas." Cohn, who is Jewish, then expressed her wish for Palestinian "autonomy" and "safety," but angered some viewers by referring to Israel's campaign in Gaza as a "war" and saying that "when both sides are able to stop fighting, it will be wonderful." Some Overwatch fans were incensed at language that presented the last several months of violence as an equal conflict between two evenly matched sides, and saw it as an attempt to whitewash Israel's actions. The comments sparked an intense negative backlash. Cohn has spoken about Israel and Palestine on social media before, which is likely what led to fans commenting "Free Palestine" on her stream in the first place. But although Cohn has done things like criticise the use of "from the river to the sea" chants among "well-intentioned, good young people" at pro-Palestine protests on Instagram, her comments on stream elicited a bigger reaction. Many viewers were angered by what they saw as the drawing of a false equivalence and the use of obfuscatory language. Israel has drawn widespread condemnation for its campaign in Gaza, with 29,000 Palestinians—two-thirds women and children—reportedly killed and the International Court of Justice finding it "plausible" that Israel's actions could amount to genocide. At another point in the stream, Cohn remarked "that is not a very 'values of Overwatch' thing to say" in response to a comment reading "Free Palestine [flag emoji] new Pharah voice actor > >," which also caused anger. Cohn noted in a comment to PC Gamer that her remark was directed at "the call to have my role recast" and not the support for Palestine. "When I heard calls for my replacement—because I’m Jewish, because I love and support my people, because the ways I call for peace differ from the ways someone else calls for peace—it seemed to really run counter to those [Overwatch] beliefs," said Cohn. But to angered fans, Cohn's statements don't read like a call for peace but as an equivocation masking a one-sided campaign of violence. "I hope this is enough to show why fans want Jen Cohn recasted," said a tweet from an Overwatch fan that attracted nearly 3,000 likes on Twitter, "she is doubling down on her pro-Israel beliefs and this isn't a joke, this is a genocide happening right in front of us and she supports that." Other widely liked and shared tweets call on Blizzard to recast Pharah, accusing Cohn of spreading "Zionist propaganda" using a platform provided by her role in the game and of ignoring Arab suffering while voicing a character of Arabic descent. Numerous other examples of anger at Cohn's comments can be found across social media, with some calling for a boycott of Overwatch's ninth season until Pharah is recast. Meanwhile, a Change.org petition to recast Pharah's voice actor has attracted over 4,300 signatures at time of writing and its description reads that, "as of now, a beloved Arab and Indigenous Canadian character Pharah of Overwatch is being voiced by a woman with video evidence of her making zionistic statements… Jen Cohn has made countless statements denying the genocide of Palestinians calling it 'war' and claiming that the Palestinians must be freed from Hamas not Israel." It implores signees to take to Twitter with the hashtag #RecastPharah to show support.
Link to the Change.org petition:
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trans-axolotl · 2 months
Hi - I am planning to move to a large city soon and I desperately want to get involved with community organizing, mutual aid, protests, etc but I have 0 experience beyond attending a few small protests over the years. I've only ever lived in a small suburb and none of the people currently in my life are involved in anything. Do you have any advice for how to get materially involved for someone who doesn't know what that looks like? Is it a matter of networking via attending events, that kind of thing? Apologies if this is a silly question, I'm going to try my best to figure it out on my own but I feel extremely inexperienced and uninformed.
Not a silly question at all! So many times I see people telling other people "go out and get involved" like that's something that's really simple but there can be a lot more steps to making that happen! I'll share some general tips that have worked for me in the cities I've worked with, and other followers feel free to add on with relevant advice in your city.
One thing that was really hard for me when I first moved to a new city is that I didn't know anyone, so it was hard to find out what groups even existed. Because I didn't know anyone, I also didn't have anyone to vouch for me, and there are a lot of groups that (understandably) need people to vouch for you because of police infiltrators and other bad actors.
I think my biggest advice is to try to find a group with open membership, even if it isn't the thing you're the most passionate about, and start showing up regularly in order to get connected with other people. In my area, the groups that are most easy to get involved with are mutual aid groups and outreach groups. Particularly, if Food Not Bombs has a chapter in your area, in my experience they've been a lot easier to get involved with than some other groups. A lot of harm reduction groups in my area have things like supply kit packing nights, which are SUCH a great way for new people to get involved and meet people without having to make a huge commitment. Keeping an eye out for one time events like that, or other events like teach-ins about specific topics, can be a great way to get your foot in the door and start meeting more people who can connect you with organizing in the city. You can also go and access the services from a mutual aid group or Food Not Bombs group if those are relevant for you! A lot of groups will have days they do outreach that they'll post on social media, or other ways to get in contact. A lot of the ways I've gotten involved in harm reduction organizing is because I'll go to syringe exchange drop-in hours to get needles for myself, and then ask the people working how I can volunteer with them. From there, you might be able to get connected with groups that might have more intensive onboarding processes.
I also think it's really helpful to start showing up to protests and trying to get familiar with what groups are active in your city, but I think that's a hard way to meet new people, since a lot of people understandably have a lot of additional security concerns at protests and might not want to give out their name or contact info in that environment. But it can be a great way to get more familiar with the patterns of action in your new city and figure out what orgs to trust and what orgs to avoid. And once you're more involved in other orgs, it can be easier to find a crew of people to go to protests with.
In order to find out what all these groups are and when protests are happening, I usually go to instagram and start trying to follow as many organizations as I can. I usually start by searching for groups that I think I know are going to exist, like food not bombs, the local chapter of Black Lives Matter, local chapter of Palestinian Youth Movement, and then start looking for city specific mutual aid orgs, harm reduction orgs, sex work advocacy orgs, books to prisons or letters to prisons project, mask blocs, street medic collectives, anarchist and prison abolitionist collectives, tenants unions, sexual violence advocacy orgs, disability orgs, LGBTQ orgs, etc.And then, I go into the followers tab for each of these orgs and find out what organizations they're following--that has really, really helped me start to be able to map who's active, who knows who, and usually at least some of those orgs will be active on Instagram and publicizing events, protests, outreach, donation drives, etc. Also, if there's a leftist bookstore or infoshop in your city, they might have a pretty good calendar of events and be a good way to get looped in. (most of the cities I've lived in haven't had that though lmfao).
I think my biggest advice is to not get discouraged if it takes some research to find groups with open memberships or if there are groups that you're interested in but can't join right away. I'd also say it's definitely helpful to think through what your interests are and what your skills are. Are you particularly passionate about a certain cause? Do you enjoy cooking and want to help prepare food for mutual aid? Do you like doing social media graphics? What resources do you have that you can bring to groups--access to craft supplies, free printing, a space to host events, medic skills, good at building things, etc? There's so many different types of groups to get involved in that are doing direct organizing work for so many different specific causes, and I'm sure you could bring a lot to whatever group you're passionate about.
One random thing that I do want to mention is that a lot of times when I see people answering this question, the advice they give is to get involved in orgs like DSA, PSL (Party for socialism and liberation/ANSWER coalition), or other branches of national orgs like that. I disagree with that advice and I don't actually think it's the most helpful way to meet people or get involved. Although I think DSA is better than PSL, I have my own political issues with DSA and REALLY really do not trust PSL at all because I think that PSL is a really bad actor who actively endangers people in every city I've organized where they're in. (Here's links to articles that describe some of the issues--trigger warning for sexual violence. Article 1. Article 2. I can go more in depth into my personal experiences in another post if needed) But beyond that, I don't always think that's the most helpful way to get looped into other things happening in your city or direct mutual aid or direct action work--I think groups like DSA and PSL often have a lot of other priorities like intra party dynamics, electoral politics, etc, and that other things like protesting or mutual aid work is often a secondary priority for those groups. The only reason I wanted to mention this is because I think that these groups do a lot of recruiting, and that oftentimes these groups are the most visible organizations with open membership for new people in a city to find. PSL in particular does a lot of predatory recruiting, in my experience. And I've had a lot of friends who originally joined groups like these to try to get connected and involved and ended up just sort of sucked into a lot of unrelated drama, so I just wanted to briefly mention that!
Overall, I think the biggest things that have helped me get really involved is just consistently showing up places and also doing research when I first move to a city. Once I was able to meet more people, I was able to get looped into more types of organizing, including more secure or involved organizing that I wasn't able to join when I first got to a new city.
I hope that helped, and please feel free to reach out with any other questions! If any other followers have tips, please add on!
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canonsinthehead · 3 months
Naruto Modern AU/Hollywood pt.5 - Evolution of Tecnologies & The Strongest Podcast
Since the industrialization of most large cities, new technologies, wireless devices, diversity of media, and better Internet connection have opened the flow gate for diverse opportunities and career paths online.
Streaming took over since techno scientists rushed the installation and promotion of such interfaces, after getting a glimpse of the promised profit along with funding from the rich families (Hyuuga and Senju) to do so. Video streaming and online media grew overnight across large and small nations as it is a new ineffective way of communication. Ideas can be shared and reach an unlimited audience to support your work. This new way of doing work proved itself to be helpful, as it reduced unnecessary paperwork for the Hokage.
In these times, an individual named Mizuki grew in popularity for strange reasons. A nobody like him released a series of videos, raging and insulting an elementary school teacher, Iruka Umino who was trying to teach his audience phonetics and how to improve reading skills. Out of nowhere, he called this man everything but a child of God. Red in the face, relentlessly huffing and puffing.
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His rants gained a lot of attention because of their absurdity. This deranged weirdo made bold and outrageous claims about the teacher. His audience was perplexed (and low-key entertained) since Iruka was the least problematic person on the Internet. Efforts to shut down Mizuki made him angrier as he noticed people either clowned him or defended Iruka.
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It went for the worst when Mizuki started doxing him and his students leading to the teacher unfairly losing his job. The turn of events took everyone by surprise, but in all humbleness, Iruka made an apology video taking the blame for the situation and the inconvenience it caused his students and their families. He likely touched on his past and how him and Mizuki were friends (they were dating, but he did not say that) before leaving social media to Mizuki’s enjoyment.
Months passed, and net-citizens searched to the end of the Earth for their favorite sweet Professor but couldn’t find him. They could not predict that the next time they would see him would be on TV…
Well, in the height of the crazy debacle with Mizuki, the lawyer turned A list actor Kakashi Hatake watched the whole scandal go down. He was practicing and training for his next movie: Speed Hour. An action comedy with fellow fitness influencer, celebrity trainer, and part-time actor: Might Guy.
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The movie involved speaking a foreign language, which was not Kakashi’s best asset. His manager has been harassing him to improve his pronunciation because of that damn mask he wears 24/7. Let’s knock out two birds with one stone, so he reached out to Iruka after he heard the teacher lost his job to then hire him as a speech specialist and help him prepare for his role.
Iruka was hesitant at first but accepted. Due to the movie's success, he became a celebrity speech specialist. Kakashi was a long-time watcher of Iruka’s former video channel. He found his videos, relaxing (and thinks the nice teacher is super cute). Iruka can now be seen on the red carpets of special events and is dating Kakashi. What an upgrade!
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When Mizuki found out his attempts at sabotaging the former teacher failed, he had a mental breakdown during one of his live streams.
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He vanished from the Internet to let the dust settle but came back with “The Strongest Podcast” where he discusses subjects important to men. Don’t hope too much because it is just questionable conspiracy theories, red pill narratives, and “exposing celebrities” content with his unhinge antics. He has not changed at all.
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Matter of fact, he had made a tradition with his cohosts to call everyone and their mama gay. He has been on Iruka since his newfound popularity. Mizuki spilled every single intimate detail of their past relationship not realizing he was exposing his orientation and abusive antics (I made him blow me when I was driving & the cheeks are clapping). Don’t call him out, Mizuki would foam at the mouth if you call him gay. (I’m a strong, alpha male! I don’t do that gay shit!). One day, Anko (invited as a guest) called him out for just being a bitter, scorned ex missing his narcissistic supply and how he would still hit it if he could (She was right) but got dragged out of this studio by force.
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Mizuki has a larger following than most people would like to admit. He has a really supportive fan base who 1000% agree with him and go to the front lines to defend him. A lot of people (supporters and hate watchers) tune in for his conspiracy theories, and when he exposes celebrities along with another random dude named Kabuto. They claim to have exclusive sources and hidden information in the deepest pit of the dark web. 95% of anyone coming across their content laugh it off as insanely far-fetched and move on with their lives. Many theories, claim to be real have their audience in a chokehold:
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               •             The Uchihas are devil worshippers
               •             They leaked Sasuke’s real surname and aristocratic affiliations, rushing the disbandment of Taka
               •             Demeaning and toxic ideologies against other nations disguised as scientific facts
               •             Red pill content
We give them less credit than they deserve because they are still two deranged grey men who make such unhinged statements that it overshadow any “ truth” they put out there like:
               •             Calling anyone and everyone gay (with “proof”)
               •             The Earth is shaped like a cube
               •             Konoha’s president, Minato Namikaze is in fact, a woman.
               •             All men from Kiri have 10+ inches dicks
               •             Claiming to be the perfect example of masculinity and handsome looks
The recent trick up their sleeves is swearing on God, the famous actor Itachi Uchiha is homosexual. They came up with the most outlandish, mind-boggling proofs to support their bogus claims
Most of their accusations were ignored by the general public and still are till this day. The minute they threatened to release hotel security footage, revealing the identity of the basketball player the actor was allegedly entangled with, Itachi’s PR team came through the back door (literally) and shushed the duo for good. They vanished overnight, without a trace. The supporters of the channel are still trying to give Justice to Mizuki by keeping remnants of his account alive as much as possible (This is an attack on freedom of speech!) but are struggling since the claims made barely scratched the actor's public image.
The most ironic thing about all of this is that Itachi’s sex tapes could be leaked tomorrow and not affect his career or the public opinion of him AT ALL. Weirdly, he could walk out of this level of controversy untouched and brand deals intact. People would just blink twice and keep it pushing like nothing happened.
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