#actaeon cervos
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ayedion · 1 year ago
aedion 🤝 ruhn
order brother figures turned fathers because their mates have kids
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ennawrite · 10 months ago
POV: you wake up as a twin in the maasverse
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(seriously, though, what is up with her and giving every single pair of twins a crazy traumatic life?😭)
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acourtofquestions · 7 days ago
"The bedroom over there's got two beds in it," he said, pointing across the great room. "For your boys."
Her eyes were lined with silver as she faced the guest bedroom.
That had been Ruhn's main demand to the realtor: find an apartment with a guest room that had two beds. "They can visit whenever they—and you—want."
Her smile was so soft and hopeful that his heart ached. But she walked to the couch in front of the TV and sat down, as if testing it out. Testing out this house, this life.
"I think their dads will want to keep them close for a while after what happened," Lidia said, "but yes ... I would love for them to be here sometimes."
Ruhn sank beside her on the couch. "They're going to raise Hel when they're older."
"I'm fine with that, so long as it's not literally." Lidia sighed. "I've had enough of demons for a while, however friendly."
Ruhn chuckled. "Me too."
For a few minutes, they sat in companionable silence, the apartment-their apartment— settling in around them.
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biggestqiblifan · 1 year ago
Hey, wanna hear something disturbing?
So, Lidia's son, Actaeon. Let's talk about his name.
Actaeon is a character from Greek mythology. Artemis, goddess of the hunt, was bathing in a pool, when a hunter comes across her, and is overcome with lust.
Enraged, Artemis, transforms the hunter in a stag, his hunting dogs, unable to recognize the "prey" as a their master, tear the stag apart.
The hunter's name was Actaeon.
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myfriendscallmeraba · 1 year ago
HoFaS spoilers
Lidia and her sons
Brann being named for Brannon Galathynius who had wildfire in his veins
Actaeon is a name from a Greek myth, in which he saw Artemis bathing and she turned him into a STAG
Like daaamn imma say poetic
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rainingriversofyou · 1 year ago
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Ace & Brann
Artist: elizianna.the.one
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“She looked to Brann, whose eyes glowed with inner fire. Fearless—reckless. A natural leader. She’d seen that look on his face before, even as a baby.”
“Her dark-haired son lifted his head, and—Pure power glimmered in his eyes. She’d seen that look on his face before, too—long, long ago. The thoughtful, quiet stone to Brann’s wildfire.”
“They’re like the sun and moon, then,” she said quietly.
-House Of Flame And Shadow
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poppy-bindery · 1 year ago
If I had a nickel every time a set of twins was conceived during a mysterious and anonymous fertility rite I'd have two nickles.
Which isn't a lot. But it's weird that it happened twice.
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(First quote is by Gwyn during ACoSF and the second is by Lidia during HoFaS)
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shadowdaddies · 10 months ago
Camping Trip
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For @ruhnweek day 1: family
Summary: Ruhn spends the weekend with Ace and Brann while Lidia is out of town.
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“How are we supposed to know what to do around here?” Ace grumbled from behind his phone. Ruhn refrained from rolling his eyes at the teenager’s attitude - he’d dealt with worse from Bryce when she was younger.
Instead, Ruhn watched as Ace’s lips thinned, eyes softening as through the conversation had struck a nerve. Turning to where Brann slouched on the opposite end of the sofa, golden eyes shifting to meet his with a noncommittal shrug.
Running a hand through onyx locks, Ruhn sighed. “That’s valid, Ace. I shouldn’t expect you guys to know what to do in Lunathion. But we’re not going to sit on our asses all weekend while your mom is gone, so if there’s anything either of you want to do or see, now’s the time to tell me.”
The twins exchanged a look, silent communication passing between the two of them. This time is was Brann who gave a shrug, Ace clearing his throat. “Well, we’ve seen the city... But Brann and I never really got to spend time outside, like above water, you know?”
Ruhn’s face spread into a grin, hands sliding into the pockets of his jeans as the plan came to him. “Alright, get up then,” he jerked his chin at the boys. “Grab your bags and get ready to leave.”
“To go where?” Ace questioned, face finally peering fully over his phone for the first time since he’d arrived. 
Calling out over his shoulder, Ruhn strode towards his own room to pack. “We’re going camping.”
Twenty minutes later, the car was packed up and a map was handed to Ace. “You’re our navigator since my phone’ll lose signal up in the mountains,” Ruhn said, turning to Brann. “And you’ll be in charge of music. Let’s go.”
Making it to the campsite in record time, Ruhn couldn’t help but be proud of Ace’s directions - the teenager was even more detail-oriented than Declan. They unpacked the car, both boys complaining when Ruhn insisted that they help set up the tent, but their expressions had lightened during the car ride.
Ruhn tried to keep his face neutral, not letting Ace or Brann see him noticing how they marveled at the large pine trees or the sun reflecting off the lake. “Come on, let’s go for a swim,” Ruhn suggested as he watched Brann take a picture of the lake. “I’ve got a specific spot to show you.”
After a short hike up a winding path, the three males arrived at a cliff. Large trees parted on either side, the earth dropping off so suddenly that if you looked up, it seemed as though you might be flying over the waters.
Ruhn stepped right up to the ledge before turning to look at the twins, violet eyes shimmering with mischief in the afternoon sun. “My friends and I had a tradition here. At the start of each year of college, we’d take a camping trip out here. And everyone - including the new guys - would jump off this cliff into the water.”
He couldn’t help but smirk at the slightly alarmed expression Brann held, Ace’s gaze unfaltering in a silent challenge - a challenge that Ruhn was happy to take. “See you down there,” Ruhn called with a mocking wave before running over the edge.
The cool water crashed around him, stealing the breath from his lungs as he plunged deep beneath the surface before feeling his weight slowly rise back up. Breaking back through, Ruhn gasped for air, wiping black hair from his eyes only to feel water splash across his face again, and again.
Finally able to see, he found the sources of each splash on either side of him, Ace and Brann both wearing cocky grins that showed how proud they were of taking the dare. “Nice. It took Flynn a lot longer to get the courage for that jump,” Ruhn commented casually before swimming back toward shore and the campsite.
They dried off at the tent, the sun setting low in the sky when Ruhn pulled out the cooler with ingredients for hot dogs and s’mores. Brann helped gather wood while Ace set up the food and plates, and Ruhn showed them how to make s’mores, chuckling at how well-received the new dessert was by them.
The weekend went by too quickly, so much so that feet were dragging and smiles fading by the time they needed to pack up the car. The drive was quiet and peaceful back to Lunathion, where Lidia waited for them back at home.
Ruhn sucked in a breath at her beauty, those golden eyes trained on him as she smirked. Dropping his bags, he strode to where she stood and pulled her in for a kiss, ignoring the groans from the teenagers behind them as he did so. 
“I missed you,” he murmured.
“You smell like lake water,” Lidia grinned back, laughing before she pulled him in for another chaste kiss. “And I missed you.”
“You all smell like the lake,” Lidia teased, nose scrunching up as she pulled Ace and Brann in for hugs. “What, you couldn’t get out of the water for just a weekend?”
Ace rolled his eyes, shimmering golden like his mother’s as he voiced his protest. “We were out of the water plenty. We went kayaking, hiking, made s’mores...”
Brann slipped his bag from his shoulder, pulling out his phone to show her the pictures he’d taken. “There were so many of these pine trees - it was incredible,” he explained, absentmindedly taking a seat with Lidia next to him.
“Oh, show her the picture we took up by the cliff,” Ace interjected, leaning on the edge of the sofa. Ruhn smiled, full of admiration and love as he watched his family. Listening to their excited voices as the twins told their mom about the weekend, Ruhn turned to get the rest of the camping gear from the car when a voice stopped him.
“Hey, Ruhn,” Ace said, the most reserved Ruhn had seen him yet. “Thanks for this weekend.” 
Giving a quick nod, Ruhn didn’t let them see before he stepped out the door, tears lining his eyes with joy as he thought back to the days when he lived with the Autumn King. He’d never imagined living a life as fulfilling as this - one with hope, excitement for the future, and true family.
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seaweedcupcake · 1 year ago
‼️Hofas Spoilers‼️
I understand that Actaeon didn’t expect her mother to be The Hind. But he treated her so badly after every time Lidia came and talked to them. Brann asked her questions and wished her good luck, he even thanked her for giving them such a good family but Actaeon didn’t even looked in her in the eyes. When he did he only spoke with harsh words.
I mean she literally died for Ophion and thankfully came back and first thing she did after she woke up was ran to her sons even her state was not healthy.
They saw what their mother willing to do for keeping them safe before she killed Pollux. That moment they understand everything their mother did was for their safety. She did everything for them to have good and safe life without effects and brain washing of Asteri. She wanted to gave them what she hadn’t got. A loving family and childhood. Even she didn’t know that they have it after she had to leave but she couldn’t just live with them on earth without noticed by Asteri servants, she was known to world for working with Sandriel for ten years.
After the events of final war Brann hugged her and showed her he understood her actions. Even Lidia was dying inside for thinking her kids hated her she was happy to they raised by loving family. Imagine how happy and emotional she became after Brann hugged her and kissed her cheek. But Actaeon was still cold even he showed her he cares about her. I know everyone shows their love differently but boy, just hug your mother after all she went through.
(And he’s supposed to be the smart one…)
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acourtofquestions · 7 days ago
Her sons got to their feet, shock stark on their battered faces. It was Actaeon who whispered to Lidia, "Mom?"
She looked over a shoulder to her son. Her lips curved upward—at what he'd called her.
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acourtofquestions · 7 days ago
Ruhn placed a gentle hand on Lidia's back, and she leaned into the reassuring, loving touch.
Her mate. Yes, she knew it without a doubt.
The glass top of the pod opened, and then Renki and Davit leapt gracefully onto the pier, Brann and Ace running for them—It was pure love and joy, the embraces shared between the boys and their fathers. Renki had tears of relief running down his face, and Davit was holding both boys to him as if he'd never let them go again.
But Davit did let go. He crossed to Lidia in two strides and wrapped his arms around her, too.
"Thank you," the male said, voice choked with tears. "Thank you." Renki was there the moment Davit pulled back, hugging her as tightly.
Lidia found herself smiling, even as her heart was again aching, and leaned away to survey her sons.
They were both considering her, Brann frowning deeply, Ace more unreadable. It was the former who said, "So this is goodbye?"
Lidia glanced to Renki and Davit, who both nodded. They'd spoken on the phone yesterday to coordinate this reunion-and what lay ahead.
"Until things settle down a bit up here," Lidia said. "Above the surface, I mean."
It was the best Lidia could hope for.
Now, Lidia glanced between her sons and added, "But l'd like to see you both again. If that's okay with you."
Brann nodded, and she had no words in her head as he walked up to her and threw his arms around her.
Her son's scent, his warmth and nearness, threatened to bring her to her knees. But she managed to stay standing, knowing Ruhn was beside her, would always be there, supporting her, as Brann pulled back, grinning.
"You're a badass," Brann said, and added, "Mom."
Even as her heart glowed with joy at the word, Lidia dared glance over his shoulder to find that Renki and Davit were grinning as broadly as Brann. Happy for her-for all of them. Her boys had a beautiful family, and perhaps, if everyone had a beautiful family, and perhaps, if everyone was all right with it, it was one she could find a place in. Find joy in.
Brann leaned in, pressing a kiss to Lidia's cheek that she knew she'd cherish for the rest of her existence. Then he walked over to Ruhn, and Lidia could only blink as Brann threw his arms around Ruhn, too, hugging him tight.
"Thanks," Brann said. "For what you were gonna do. To save us—and our mom."
Ruhn clapped Brann on the back, and Lidia's chest filled with so much brightness she could barely contain it all. "No worries," Ruhn said. "All in a day's work for us Aux grunts."
Brann grinned, then walked back to his parents, hugging Renki again.
Lidia glanced to Ace, who was watching her warily. Knowing he wouldn't rush into her arms as Brann had, Lidia walked up to him. Slowly.
Giving him time to decide what he wanted to Ace held his ground, but his eyes weren't cold as he said, "Thanks for coming for us." His mouth quirked to the side. "Take care of yourself."
"I've got Ruhn watching my back," Lidia said, glancing to Ruhn. "I'll be fine."
"He shot you," Ace said, frowning at Ruhn.
"I shouldn't have told you that," Ruhn muttered.
Lidia smirked, but faced Ace again. "He'll pay for it, don't worry."
Ace didn't look so sure, staring Ruhn down for a moment. But when he began walking toward his dads, he stumbled, as if ... Lidia glared at Ruhn, who whistled innocently at the sky. Fine—let him keep his mind-speaking secrets.
Lidia offered them a small, hopeful smile. Her fingers found Ruhn's, and she gripped his hand tightly. Ruhn didn't let go.
Her sons were alive, and free, and in her life again, and it was more than she'd ever hoped for.
So the future, whatever it held ... she'd cherish every moment of it.
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acourtofquestions · 7 days ago
Half of him wanted to dump the twins somewhere safe and race to wherever Lidia was, but his mate had asked him to protect the two most precious people in her world.
He wouldn't break a gesture of trust so great. Not for anything.
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dealfea · 1 year ago
That's why that sounded so familiar!! 😅🤣
If I had a nickel every time a set of twins was conceived during a mysterious and anonymous fertility rite I'd have two nickles.
Which isn't a lot. But it's weird that it happened twice.
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(First quote is by Gwyn during ACoSF and the second is by Lidia during HoFaS)
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ruhnweek · 10 months ago
this was soooo cute 😭
Camping Trip
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For @ruhnweek day 1: family
Summary: Ruhn spends the weekend with Ace and Brann while Lidia is out of town.
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“How are we supposed to know what to do around here?” Ace grumbled from behind his phone. Ruhn refrained from rolling his eyes at the teenager’s attitude - he’d dealt with worse from Bryce when she was younger.
Instead, Ruhn watched as Ace’s lips thinned, eyes softening as through the conversation had struck a nerve. Turning to where Brann slouched on the opposite end of the sofa, golden eyes shifting to meet his with a noncommittal shrug.
Running a hand through onyx locks, Ruhn sighed. “That’s valid, Ace. I shouldn’t expect you guys to know what to do in Lunathion. But we’re not going to sit on our asses all weekend while your mom is gone, so if there’s anything either of you want to do or see, now’s the time to tell me.”
The twins exchanged a look, silent communication passing between the two of them. This time is was Brann who gave a shrug, Ace clearing his throat. “Well, we’ve seen the city... But Brann and I never really got to spend time outside, like above water, you know?”
Ruhn’s face spread into a grin, hands sliding into the pockets of his jeans as the plan came to him. “Alright, get up then,” he jerked his chin at the boys. “Grab your bags and get ready to leave.”
“To go where?” Ace questioned, face finally peering fully over his phone for the first time since he’d arrived. 
Calling out over his shoulder, Ruhn strode towards his own room to pack. “We’re going camping.”
Twenty minutes later, the car was packed up and a map was handed to Ace. “You’re our navigator since my phone’ll lose signal up in the mountains,” Ruhn said, turning to Brann. “And you’ll be in charge of music. Let’s go.”
Making it to the campsite in record time, Ruhn couldn’t help but be proud of Ace’s directions - the teenager was even more detail-oriented than Declan. They unpacked the car, both boys complaining when Ruhn insisted that they help set up the tent, but their expressions had lightened during the car ride.
Ruhn tried to keep his face neutral, not letting Ace or Brann see him noticing how they marveled at the large pine trees or the sun reflecting off the lake. “Come on, let’s go for a swim,” Ruhn suggested as he watched Brann take a picture of the lake. “I’ve got a specific spot to show you.”
After a short hike up a winding path, the three males arrived at a cliff. Large trees parted on either side, the earth dropping off so suddenly that if you looked up, it seemed as though you might be flying over the waters.
Ruhn stepped right up to the ledge before turning to look at the twins, violet eyes shimmering with mischief in the afternoon sun. “My friends and I had a tradition here. At the start of each year of college, we’d take a camping trip out here. And everyone - including the new guys - would jump off this cliff into the water.”
He couldn’t help but smirk at the slightly alarmed expression Brann held, Ace’s gaze unfaltering in a silent challenge - a challenge that Ruhn was happy to take. “See you down there,” Ruhn called with a mocking wave before running over the edge.
The cool water crashed around him, stealing the breath from his lungs as he plunged deep beneath the surface before feeling his weight slowly rise back up. Breaking back through, Ruhn gasped for air, wiping black hair from his eyes only to feel water splash across his face again, and again.
Finally able to see, he found the sources of each splash on either side of him, Ace and Brann both wearing cocky grins that showed how proud they were of taking the dare. “Nice. It took Flynn a lot longer to get the courage for that jump,” Ruhn commented casually before swimming back toward shore and the campsite.
They dried off at the tent, the sun setting low in the sky when Ruhn pulled out the cooler with ingredients for hot dogs and s’mores. Brann helped gather wood while Ace set up the food and plates, and Ruhn showed them how to make s’mores, chuckling at how well-received the new dessert was by them.
The weekend went by too quickly, so much so that feet were dragging and smiles fading by the time they needed to pack up the car. The drive was quiet and peaceful back to Lunathion, where Lidia waited for them back at home.
Ruhn sucked in a breath at her beauty, those golden eyes trained on him as she smirked. Dropping his bags, he strode to where she stood and pulled her in for a kiss, ignoring the groans from the teenagers behind them as he did so. 
“I missed you,” he murmured.
“You smell like lake water,” Lidia grinned back, laughing before she pulled him in for another chaste kiss. “And I missed you.”
“You all smell like the lake,” Lidia teased, nose scrunching up as she pulled Ace and Brann in for hugs. “What, you couldn’t get out of the water for just a weekend?”
Ace rolled his eyes, shimmering golden like his mother’s as he voiced his protest. “We were out of the water plenty. We went kayaking, hiking, made s’mores...”
Brann slipped his bag from his shoulder, pulling out his phone to show her the pictures he’d taken. “There were so many of these pine trees - it was incredible,” he explained, absentmindedly taking a seat with Lidia next to him.
“Oh, show her the picture we took up by the cliff,” Ace interjected, leaning on the edge of the sofa. Ruhn smiled, full of admiration and love as he watched his family. Listening to their excited voices as the twins told their mom about the weekend, Ruhn turned to get the rest of the camping gear from the car when a voice stopped him.
“Hey, Ruhn,” Ace said, the most reserved Ruhn had seen him yet. “Thanks for this weekend.” 
Giving a quick nod, Ruhn didn’t let them see before he stepped out the door, tears lining his eyes with joy as he thought back to the days when he lived with the Autumn King. He’d never imagined living a life as fulfilling as this - one with hope, excitement for the future, and true family.
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