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Ruhn says something to Lidia yall will want to hear
Cc3 hofas audiobook clip.
#daynight#ruhn danaan#lidia cervos#lidia x ruhn#ruhnlidia#ruhn x lidia#lidiaruhn#crescent city#hofas#hofas spoilers#house of flame and shadow#cc3#crescent city spoilers
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Ruhn placed a gentle hand on Lidia's back, and she leaned into the reassuring, loving touch.
Her mate. Yes, she knew it without a doubt.
The glass top of the pod opened, and then Renki and Davit leapt gracefully onto the pier, Brann and Ace running for them—It was pure love and joy, the embraces shared between the boys and their fathers. Renki had tears of relief running down his face, and Davit was holding both boys to him as if he'd never let them go again.
But Davit did let go. He crossed to Lidia in two strides and wrapped his arms around her, too.
"Thank you," the male said, voice choked with tears. "Thank you." Renki was there the moment Davit pulled back, hugging her as tightly.
Lidia found herself smiling, even as her heart was again aching, and leaned away to survey her sons.
They were both considering her, Brann frowning deeply, Ace more unreadable. It was the former who said, "So this is goodbye?"
Lidia glanced to Renki and Davit, who both nodded. They'd spoken on the phone yesterday to coordinate this reunion-and what lay ahead.
"Until things settle down a bit up here," Lidia said. "Above the surface, I mean."
It was the best Lidia could hope for.
Now, Lidia glanced between her sons and added, "But l'd like to see you both again. If that's okay with you."
Brann nodded, and she had no words in her head as he walked up to her and threw his arms around her.
Her son's scent, his warmth and nearness, threatened to bring her to her knees. But she managed to stay standing, knowing Ruhn was beside her, would always be there, supporting her, as Brann pulled back, grinning.
"You're a badass," Brann said, and added, "Mom."
Even as her heart glowed with joy at the word, Lidia dared glance over his shoulder to find that Renki and Davit were grinning as broadly as Brann. Happy for her-for all of them. Her boys had a beautiful family, and perhaps, if everyone had a beautiful family, and perhaps, if everyone was all right with it, it was one she could find a place in. Find joy in.
Brann leaned in, pressing a kiss to Lidia's cheek that she knew she'd cherish for the rest of her existence. Then he walked over to Ruhn, and Lidia could only blink as Brann threw his arms around Ruhn, too, hugging him tight.
"Thanks," Brann said. "For what you were gonna do. To save us—and our mom."
Ruhn clapped Brann on the back, and Lidia's chest filled with so much brightness she could barely contain it all. "No worries," Ruhn said. "All in a day's work for us Aux grunts."
Brann grinned, then walked back to his parents, hugging Renki again.
Lidia glanced to Ace, who was watching her warily. Knowing he wouldn't rush into her arms as Brann had, Lidia walked up to him. Slowly.
Giving him time to decide what he wanted to Ace held his ground, but his eyes weren't cold as he said, "Thanks for coming for us." His mouth quirked to the side. "Take care of yourself."
"I've got Ruhn watching my back," Lidia said, glancing to Ruhn. "I'll be fine."
"He shot you," Ace said, frowning at Ruhn.
"I shouldn't have told you that," Ruhn muttered.
Lidia smirked, but faced Ace again. "He'll pay for it, don't worry."
Ace didn't look so sure, staring Ruhn down for a moment. But when he began walking toward his dads, he stumbled, as if ... Lidia glared at Ruhn, who whistled innocently at the sky. Fine—let him keep his mind-speaking secrets.
Lidia offered them a small, hopeful smile. Her fingers found Ruhn's, and she gripped his hand tightly. Ruhn didn't let go.
Her sons were alive, and free, and in her life again, and it was more than she'd ever hoped for.
So the future, whatever it held ... she'd cherish every moment of it.
#Lidia Cervos#Ruhn Danaan#House of Flame and Shadow#Sarah J. Maas#LidiaRuhn#RuhnLidia#Brann Cervos#Actaeon Cervos#Lidia’s sons#HOFAS spoilers#HOFAS quotes#CC HOFAS#Crescent City#lol the mind speak#step dad Ruhn#I love Lidia#finding her family#all the feels#her boys#Davit#Renki#hope#soulmates#knowing Ruhn was beside her😭#ACE HAS A POINT LMAO SAME#her fire heart glowed with joy 🥹#a future
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🦌 Lidia Cervos, The Hind, from Crescent City series by Sarah J. Maas
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redemption lies plainly in truth - chapter 2
Fandom: Crescent City
Pairing: ////HOSAB SPOILER//// Ruhn Danaan/Lidia Cervos
Rating: explicit
Word count: 3,514
CONTENT WARNINGS: Pollux being disgusting once again
KINKS (non-exhaustive list): dirty talk, 69, Ruhn has a piercing >)
"Don't be,” Ruhn replies, licking his lips. “You taste delicious." Lidia wills her face to show no emotion, to stay stoic, even as her heart skips a beat and her cheeks heat. "You're flirting with me, even now?" Ruhn brings his cigarette to his mouth again, inhaling deeply. He blows the smoke out in short bursts, rings floating up until they dissipate. It’s a stupid party trick, yet Lidia’s gaze snatches on his lips as they part to let the smoke out, igniting something inside her that she thought had been satisfied earlier.
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chapter 1 • chapter 3
Chapter 2. but don't suffer alone
Lidia had gotten into the habit of never fucking Pollux in her own bed. Everywhere else was safe: shower, conference table, shadowy alley, even his bed—as long as she could slip away after he was done. Earlier tonight, however, she made the mistake of letting him into her chambers. After their little display in the dungeons, she had retired for the evening to her quarters. Personal boundaries never meant much to Pollux, however, and he knocked at her door mere hours later for a second round. Now, Lidia lies on her back, one of the Hammer’s big arms slung over her as he drools on her pillow.
Sleep has been scarce ever since Ruhn got captured. Lidia is used to fearing for herself, but fearing for someone else is a new kind of torment. Despite her warning him not to come here, he did, and his lapse in judgment led him to be captured. With his capture, the usual fear that haunts her multiplied tenfold, a constant tugging in her gut reminding her that he is in danger, that he is hurt.
It’s agony.
After sacrificing so much, she cannot risk her position being compromised for a pretty face and a kind heart. Yet her mind wanders every time she falls asleep, reaching for Ruhn’s. With the exception of their earlier “conversation”, he still keeps his mind reinforced in a stronghold of steel. It hurts that he refuses to talk to her, but she does not push him. She would hate herself too. She does, in fact. Instead, Lidia curls up against the ramparts he has built. To remind herself that she isn’t alone—and to remind him that he isn’t, either. She might not be allowed inside, but it feels as safe as if she were, to curl up next to him like this.
The mattress shifts and Lidia’s mind snaps back to the real world, like a rubber band pulled taut. A familiar dread settles into her as Pollux rolls over. She listens for the usual cues to figure out if he’s still asleep, but she gets her answer soon enough. Her lover presses closer, dragging his naked erection against her backside. Broad hands grab her ass and knead it as his lips find her neck, biting lightly. Trying to wake her up.
“Someone’s horny tonight,” Lidia says in that sensual voice that is not hers.
“You know I can’t resist you,” Pollux growls.
“Likewise,” she lies.
Exhaustion threatens to pull her apart. She doesn't know if she can even fake enjoyment. Perhaps she could blow him quickly and send him back to dreamland. She tries to roll to face him, but large hands hold her in place. His thumbs massage increasingly bigger circles on her ass cheeks, until they dip dangerously close to her hole. The angel has a specific goal in mind, it seems.
Over the years, Lidia has become an expert at emptying her mind. Clearing her head is as much a part of her transformation into the Hind as her clothes and makeup are. Until recently, she could only dare be herself in her dreams. As soon as she wakes, she pushes her morals aside and locks her real self deep where no one will see her. Where no one will hurt her. So when Pollux’s hands start roaming her body, she pushes down the repulsion. There is only survival and the need to keep her position of power, no matter what.
It’s worth it. It has to be.
Sometimes, Lidia can get herself to enjoy her time with the Hammer. Of course, she has to erase every trace of the male himself. Though he is a treat to look at, she has seen him commit horrors so vile that the beautiful face does not fool her. It’s easiest to forget who is touching her when he is behind her, like now. Without those large wings casting shadows as he looms over her, he could be anyone. His hands could be someone else’s—finer fingers, perhaps, callused from swordplay instead of breaking bones.
She closes her eyes. Instead of perfectly coiffed blond hair, the male behind her has long hair, dyed a shade of pure night. He runs beringed hands over the curve of her ass and she arches to the touch, hoping for his fingers to dip where she craves them—
Night’s voice echoes in the chambers of her mind, clearer than any fantasy. Lidia’s eyes snap open and sure enough, she finds herself on the familiar mental bridge where they spend their time together. Ruhn paces in the middle of it, void of any disguise, a lit cigarette dangling between two fingers. As his gaze lands on her, he stops pacing. Only when his shoulders slouch does Lidia notice that he was brimming with tension.
“Is everything alright?” Ruhn asks, voice rough. “You were here, and then, I felt you…” He pantomimes grabbing something and yanking.
Was he… worried for her? He’s the one currently rotting in a cell, though you couldn’t tell by looking at him now. She remembers, though. His bloodied face is burnt in her mind, like the faces of every other person she has been forced to torture.
“I’m fine. Just exhausted,” she sighs. As soon as she speaks the words, a low couch conveniently appears on the bridge. She drops into it, throwing her head back. “He wants to go again. I just want to sleep.”
Ruhn perches himself on the arm of the couch, a boot-clad foot insouciantly resting on the cushion.
“It’s really quantity over quality with him,” Ruhn mocks. “Is that why you’re here? He’s so bad that he put you to sleep?”
He takes a drag of his cigarette and tips his head up to exhale, a cloud of smoke billowing above him. It hovers, like this place has no wind to disperse it. What is the difference between this place and dreaming? Perhaps he is just a fragment of her imagination. Yet she knows she isn’t dreaming. To stay here, her mind fights a constant tug towards her body, accompanied by a feeling of dread at the thought of returning.
“No, actually, I… don't know. I'm still awake, I think,” Lidia frowns. “It's like my mind is in two places at once."
If she concentrates hard enough, Lidia can feel Pollux through phantom hands and an uncomfortable stretch.
"I started thinking about you and now I'm… here,” she says, gesturing around.
Ruhn flicks the ashes of his cigarette away from the imaginary couch. “I was thinking about you, too.”
Lidia raises her brows, biting her lip to suppress a smile. "Really?"
"I’ve had nothing else to drink all day," Ruhn replies, grinning. "With nothing to wash it down, the taste lingers."
She flinches, her cheek burning with embarrassment. "Sorry."
Water, Lidia had learned upon joining Sandriel's triarii, was an important bargaining chip for any torturer. Not only does water make a great tool by itself, but the lack of it can drive even the most stubborn torturee to confess. In fact, it was one of the Hind's preferred methods of interrogation. Feed the prisoner a diet high in salt, then deny them water until they confess. It's easy, clean, and she does not have to endure hours of screaming. She can simply walk away and come back later, once she has convinced herself that the intel she gets from her work is worth all the pain she causes.
"Don't be,” Ruhn replies, licking his lips. “You taste delicious."
Lidia wills her face to show no emotion, to stay stoic, even as her heart skips a beat and her cheeks heat. "You're flirting with me, even now?"
Ruhn brings his cigarette to his mouth again, inhaling deeply. He blows the smoke out in short bursts, rings floating up until they dissipate. It’s a stupid party trick, yet Lidia’s gaze snatches on his lips as they part to let the smoke out, igniting something inside her that she thought had been satisfied earlier.
"What else is there to do?" He shrugs. "All I do is wait for the next torture session. Until you realize I won't talk, then you'll kill me."
She wants to say that she won’t let that happen, but can she really promise such a thing? Ruhn knew coming here that she would not help him escape if he got caught. She told him that she cannot compromise her position, and yet… When she tries to imagine an ill-fated future where he is dead and gone, the anguish plaguing her is too much to bear. Which is ridiculous, of course. She barely knows him, he is betrothed to her sister, of all people, and she is tied to Pollux in a complicated tangle of lies and hidden motives.
And because she is no hopeless romantic willing to throw her life’s work away for a pair of sky blue eyes, Lidia says, “You haven’t seen the least of what they can do.”
“As long as I get to see more of what you can do, I’m down,” he replies, discarding the cigarette butt over his shoulder.
Mighty Cthona, this male has no shame. He might as well have grabbed her by the throat, though, from her body’s reaction to his voice. Her knees weaken, and she has never been so thankful to be sitting down as her body screams for her to fall to her knees and satisfy her curiosity about that piercing he might or might not have.
Before she can even think twice about it, she crawls to his side of the couch. Ruhn shifts to face her, his legs widening enough for her to settle between them.
“You couldn’t handle what I do,” she says, using that sensual drawl she uses with Pollux.
Ruhn leans towards her, blue eyes darkening in challenge. “Prove it.”
One moment she is staring at that lip ring of his, the next she feels the cold metal digging into her lip. She grabs hold of his hair as they collide, their teeth clanking in the heat of the kiss. Ruhn’s hands hug every curve as they meander down her body. He worships her with his touch, the complete opposite of how she is used to being touched. When he grabs her ass, it lacks the entitlement that characterizes Pollux’s touch. Instead, Ruhn groans into her mouth, a deep, appreciative sound that has her smiling into their kiss.
Ruhn hoists her up, propping her on his lap until they are both precariously perched on the armrest. He continues his exploration of her body, unbelievably thorough. Lidia holds on to his shoulders for balance, every movement of his hand making those delicious deltoid muscles shift.
As soon as the thought crosses her mind, she voices it, “I want to see you.”
He mumbles approval against her throat.
Lidia grabs the collar of his shirt, intent on pulling it over his head. Instead, the fabric tears, as fragile as tissue paper. So she tears it down the middle, revealing toned muscles and ink. She barely has time to feast her eyes before he growls and pushes her to her back on the couch. He looms over her, shadows darkening the patchwork of tattoos peppering his chest.
He looks like the typical Crescent City youth–tattoos, piercings and a rebellious streak. Had they met outside of this war, would Ruhn have been interested in her? Or would she be too plain, too serious for him? Would she have approached him? Her family would have a heart attack if she brought him home, that's for sure. Which would have been reason enough for her to approach him.
“What are you smiling about?” he asks, raising a brow.
“Just that you're easy on the eye,” Lidia drawls.
“Yeah?” Ruhn replies. He runs a possessive hand down her torso, the fabric of her top disappearing in the wake of his touch. “You are wearing too much clothes.”
He does the same to her legs, the imaginary fabric shredding off her with no effort until she lays in nothing but her underwear. Ruhn’s gaze is scorching as he gives her a once-over, his eyes catching on the straps of the garterbelt at her thighs.
“It’s different from earlier,” he says.
“I dressed up for you,” she replies. “It’s my favorite set. Do you like it?”
In this mental space, they can take the appearance they want. All Lidia had to do was change her flaming disguise for clothes. The set she picked mirrors her favorite amongst all the lingerie she owns. She does not wear it often, for fear that Pollux will ruin it in his blatant disregard for anything other than his own pleasure. It occurs to her that if she were to wear it for Ruhn, outside of this place where clothes just disappear into nothingness, the stud on his brow would definitely ruin the delicate lace. It also occurs to her that she would not mind.
A strap crosses between her breasts and attaches to a choker that matches the black lace on the panties and bra cup. A simple strip of silver ribbon hides her nipples, while the quarter-cup bra leaves everything else on show. The panties, made of the same see-through lace, do not offer much coverage. Then, there is the matter of the particular shape of them, and the split in the fabric that exposes the most intimate part of her.
Ruhn does not answer. Instead, he lowers himself to her, brushing his cheek against her breast. He nips at the exposed skin, leaving small red marks on the underside. He reaches for the other breast, his thumb slipping under the ribbon with ease, exposing her nipple. A simple brush of his thumb is enough to have it peak, eager for more attention.
Lidia wraps her legs around his hips, temporarily enjoying the press of his hard cock against her before she flips them over.
He’s under her now, his jaw clenched tight as his eyes rove down her body. Oh, he likes it alright. His chest rises in heavy breaths, and she can tell by the strain in his biceps that he’s restraining himself from flipping them over again.
“I didn’t get to taste you last time,” Lidia says.
His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows. “You’d like that?”
Lidia licks her lips, her eyes glued to his as she replies, “Very much.”
Ruhn huffs a swear, and Lidia could swear his cheeks start to turn pink. “Turn around,” he orders, a toe-curling roughness to his voice.
She obliges, lowering herself until she hovers inches from his face. He’s still trapped in his pants. She could just rip them off like Ruhn did to her clothes, but she also wants to make this last. She traces a finger up the length of his cock, slowly making her way to the zipper. She takes her time unzipping his pants, watching with delight as she unveils the outline of his cock through tight underwear, a small wet spot at the tip of it. And right under the head, is that—
Suddenly, she doesn't want to take her time anymore. Eager to answer the question that has been tormenting her, she pushes his briefs down. His cock bobs free, thick and absolutely perfect. She reaches for it, pulling the skin down to unveil the head and—yes. Right under the head, a glint of metal.
Ruhn takes her touch as a cue to start touching her, too. He runs his thumb over her lips, already plump and sensitive.
“Leaving this pretty cunt on display to taunt me,” Ruhn chides. “I can see why it’s a favorite.”
Lidia hums in affirmation. He can keep talking if he wants, but she wants nothing more than his cock in her mouth, and talking would delay that. She wraps a fist around it and gives it a firm stroke, watching as a drop of precum seeps out. She immediately licks it clean, taking care to dip her tongue in the slit as she does.
Ruhn grabs her hips and pulls her to his face. A precise flick of his tongue against her clit has her yelping. She feels his teeth against her as he chuckles, proud of himself.
Lidia wastes no time before retaliating. She wraps her lips around the head of his cock, relishing in the hitch of Ruhn’s breath. Her tongue traces the outline of the sensitive head, the metal bar of his piercing warming up with each pass of her tongue. When her other hand reaches to cup Ruhn's balls, he bucks his hips.
Lidia had never been one to enjoy giving oral. It was a means to get Pollux to leave her alone, a chore to be done quickly. With Ruhn, however, she finds herself wanting to make it last. Not only because he is also pleasuring her at the same time, but because she likes it. She uses both hands not to finish him fast, quite the opposite. With one hand, she pumps him slowly as she licks his glans. When she gently tugs at his balls, Ruhn’s ministrations falter and a surge of desire travels down Lidia’s body. It's intoxicating to have such control over this cocky male. It has been so long since Lidia pleased someone because she wants to, not out of obligation.
When I fuck you, you’ll come first. Every single time, he told her earlier. Lidia was not sure then, but she is starting to believe that he meant it. It had been so long since she had a partner who enjoyed pleasuring her, and it’s becoming clear that Ruhn genuinely does. He leaves no part of her unloved. Even her tighter hole gets attention, a quick circling of his tongue before it dips into her pussy again.
Perhaps with Ruhn, she can learn to enjoy sex once again.
Suddenly overtaken by eagerness, she hollows her cheeks and takes him deep. Her hand falls away from his cock, clenching his thigh as he hits the back of her throat. Her body protests and she pulls back, gasping.
“You feel so fucking good,” Ruhn says. He licks a hot stripe up her pussy, sucking hard on her clit when he reaches it. “Almost as good as you taste.”
His praise swells her heart, her cheeks burning with heat. Lidia doubles her efforts, wanting to please him more. Quickly, her body gets used to the sensation and her gag reflex lessens, allowing her to take him deep over and over again.
With precise flicks of his tongue and expert use of that lip ring of his, Ruhn brings her near release. She takes him all the way to the base as she is about to reach her climax, giving his balls a light squeeze. Before she can leap over the edge, Ruhn pulls away with a loud hiss.
"Stop—" he groans. "I want to come in you. I want—ride me. I want to see you come."
Lidia turns around to face him once again, straddling his thighs.“I thought you said you wanted me to ride your face.” She meant for the comment to come off as a taunt, but a little frustration made it through. He did leave her wanting, after all.
Ruhn snarls. “That was before I saw what you look like when you come.”
She doesn't have it in her to protest. There will be time for her to taste him further.
When she slides onto his length, the fit is so perfect that it's impossible to deny the bond between them. The unavoidable truth that Ruhn is hers and that she is his. Neither of them dares voice it out loud, but Ruhn's hand grabs hers, their fingers a tight tangle.
Lidia moves up and down in long drags, letting herself feel every ridge, committing the feeling to memory. Ruhn’s hips move to meet her movements, driving himself impossibly deep. She feels his piercing rubbing against her walls and wonders how it would feel in other positions. Would it hit her in her g-spot, if he were to take her from behind?
“That’s it,” Ruhn’s other hand creeps up her thigh, following the curve of her hip. His hand reaches her ass and he kneads it, a purely fae growl escaping him. “Lidia–”
Until then, Lidia hadn’t realized how close she was. Climax tears through her unexpectedly. Her rhythm falters, her limbs shake, but Ruhn is there, holding her up and thrusting until he slams one last time, spilling into her. Lidia feels herself floating, her mind utterly blank except for the lingering throb of pleasure and…
Lidia. His gruff voice scratches each syllable deep in her memory.
Lidia. It feels so natural. It feels like acceptance. Like forgiveness.
When Lidia comes to, there is no Ruhn, no imaginary couch, no mental bridge. Just Pollux, collapsing next to her. She feels giddy still, unable to keep the smile off her face. She doesn’t even mind that Pollux is there, she knows that she will sleep well tonight.
tag list @figonas @kingandfireheart @godgavemelou @adxmparriish @hazelsheartsworn @zumurruds @inconspicuoussophia @idonotcareaboutyouropinion
#ruhnlidia#daynight#hosab#house of sky and breath#sarah j maas#sjm#crescent city#lidiaruhn#ruhn danaan#lidia cervos
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The Ruhnlidia fic I'm working on is already at 3.5k and it's filthy 😈🤌
#I don't usually post word count updates because they're meaningless but like#i have written SO MUCH last month it's insane#my sanity has left the chat#ruhnlidia#hosab#hosab spoilers#house of sky and breath#crescent city#ruhn danaan#lidia cervos#lidiaruhn
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redemption lies plainly in truth - chapter 1
Fandom: Crescent City
Pairing: ////HOSAB SPOILER//// Ruhn Danaan/Lidia Cervos
Rating: explicit
Word count: 2,744
CONTENT WARNINGS: Pollux being disgusting, physical violence, psychological torture, canon-typical dubious consent (Pollux/Lidia)
KINKS (non-exhaustive list): dirty talk, voyeurism, cuckolding, cum cleanup, guided masturbation
"I can think of a few places a male would not want a needle," the angel croons, tracing the skewer up Ruhn's thigh, "no matter what weird shit he's into."
Ruhn forces himself to grin, "what makes you think I don't already have it pierced?"
Pollux startles, his lips pulling away in a snarl. Behind him, the Hind lowers her head, suddenly finding her nails more interesting than the two males.
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chapter 2 • chapter 3
Chapter 1. Hurt and grieve
Ruhn lifts himself off the floor, spitting out a blood clot as he stares defiantly at Pollux. His hands are still shackled, his ankles bound together, but he tries his best to sit up straight. His ribs ache like Hel and every inhale feels as if it will be the last. The Hammer's last kick must have broken a rib as it sent him sprawling towards the back wall of the cell.
"I will break you," the Hammer snarls at him.
Pollux turns away and Ruhn lets himself hope for a moment. A fool's hope that the Hammer is done using him as a punching bag and will move on to whatever else he does with his wretched life. Pollux, however, saunters over to a metal table and holds up a skewer.
"Since you like metal in your skin, how about I give you some more?"
The Hammer is as cliché in his threats as he is in his insults. He grins as he says it, proud of himself for something Ruhn has heard more times that he can count.
"I doubt that will work, Pollux," a feminine voice drawls. "Clearly, he gets off to that. Why else would he have so many piercings?"
The Hind appears from the stairwell. A short pencil skirt hugs her curves tightly, long legs proudly on display. Pristine, like the flowy white blouse tucked in her skirt, a complete mockery of a professional attire given the kind of business she deals in. Her blond hair is up in a tight chignon, not one hair out of place. Every time he sees her, Ruhn gets sick to his stomach. The Hind. Lidia Cervos. Agent Day. His… no. He refuses to let himself acknowledge what she is to him. Since his capture, he has kept the walls of his mind up. After their initial meeting, she stopped trying to talk to him, though his traitorous mind sometimes drifts towards hers when he falls asleep.
The Hammer, thankfully unaware of his prisoner's dreadful infatuation with his lover, crouches in front of Ruhn.
"I can think of a few places a male would not want a needle," the angel croons, tracing the skewer up Ruhn's thigh, "no matter what weird shit he's into."
Ruhn forces himself to grin, "what makes you think I don't already have it pierced?"
Pollux startles, his lips pulling away in a snarl. Behind him, the Hind lowers her head, suddenly finding her nails more interesting than the two males.
"Freak," Pollux spits, literally, in Ruhn's face.
There is nothing Ruhn can do but sit there as the Hammer's spit slides down his cheek, bile and anger rising in his throat.
"Pollux," the Hind drawls. The tone of her voice alone sends blood rushing straight to Ruhn's cock—fucking Hel. "You're wasting your time. He won't talk. Let's go do something more… interesting."
From Pollux's groan, Ruhn is not the only one at attention. The Hind lingers near the stairwell, sensually undoing the buttons of her blouse. Ruhn can't help but stare as the fabric parts, exposing the top of her breasts. Another button goes and his eyes trail down the valley between her breasts, so inviting and begging for him to stuff his—
"What the fuck do you think you're looking at?"
Searing pain explodes between his legs and Ruhn curls in on himself. This time, there is no restraining the whine of pain or the single tear at the corner of his eye. Maybe this is what the oracle meant with her prophecy. Not that Ruhn will die young or that he's infertile, but that Ruhn will never have children because Pollux just burst his balls with his steel-toed boots.
The Hammer grabs a fistful of Ruhn's hair and yanks his head up to look at him, though Ruhn sees little through the sparks of pain glittering his vision. He growls, "she's mine, got it?"
Ruhn utters something akin to 'yeah', though every fiber of his body knows how Lidia is very much not Pollux's.
The Hammer lets go of his grip on Ruhn's hair and pushes him backward. Loud steps echo in the damp room as he prowls over to where the Hind waits for him. He kisses her sloppily and Ruhn wonders if he should turn away, or if Pollux would see that as another reason to attack his malehood.
Pollux gropes her roughly, thick fingers digging in her breast with enough strength to bruise. The Hind rounds the corner, trying to maneuver him up the stairs and away from the dungeons, but the angel holds her steady.
"You want a show, perv?” the Hind calls to Ruhn.
Always in a mood to piss them off, Ruhn rolls his eyes.
“We'll give him a show," Pollux replies.
The Hammer turns her around to face the closest wall. The Hind braces her arms against the wall as she looks over her shoulder at her lover.
“Don’t worry, babe,” Pollux says. “I’ll show him how a real male pleases his female.”
"Wait.” The Hind lowers her voice to whisper in Pollux’s ear, but Ruhn’s fae hearing picks it up clearly. “Take me against the bars of his cell. Make him see what a truly pleased female looks like.”
��Fuck, you're naughty,” Pollux replies, a rough edge to his voice.
Pollux might not know of the effect Lidia Cervos has on Ruhn, but she is no fool. She walks slowly, fully aware that the staccato clatter of her heels on the floor controls the flow of blood to Ruhn’s cock. His eyes follow the bewitching sway of her hips, and Ruhn is suddenly convinced that this is her way of torturing him.
Her hands curl around the bars of the cell and she arches her back as Pollux takes his place behind her. Then, Pollux lifts Lidia's tantalizing skirt up and over her ass. At the sight of the lacy thong underneath, Ruhn is suddenly reminded of the booted foot he just took to his balls as another wave of throbbing pain hits him.
Maybe she should take a turn too. A well-placed kick with those devious heels would surely do enough damage to make him beg for death.
Ruhn. Agent Day’s familiar voice calls him from outside the perimeter of his mind.
No, not Day. The Hind. She’s the Hind, she has always been, she will always be. Now that she faces away from her lover and towards Ruhn, her face has lost some of that hardness that it had.
Ruhn looks away. He can't bear to look at her. Seeing her hair up in that perfect bun, the snobby upturn of her nose, he cannot ignore that she is the Hind. No matter her intentions, she is still directly responsible for Sofie's death, she has killed others, she—
Day's voice, so different yet so similar to the Hind's, beckons to him. Every logical part of him recognizes it for the lure that it is. Yet, he carves a path through his defenses to let her in. Ruhn meets her eyes finally.
I’m sorry you have to see this, she says, smiling sadly.
Whatever, he snaps back.
Like a trainwreck you can’t look away from, Pollux’s movements grab Ruhn’s attention. The angel unbuckles his pants and spits in his hand before giving his dick a quick stroke.
He’s just gonna… start like this? Ruhn asks the Hind, his eyes wide. He’s deluded if he thinks he can please a female like this.
Sure enough, Pollux grabs the Hind’s hips and slides in.
He’s not a very giving lover, Lidia admits. I… I wish it was you fucking me.
Fucking Hel, this female. She can’t say shit like this and expect him to stay unaffected while her words grab him by the balls. It sure has more effect on him than Pollux’s pathetic display of rutting into an uninterested female. It’s unbelievable that he cannot tell her moans are fake. He does fuck like he takes advice from porn, so Ruhn wouldn’t be surprised if Pollux thought the scenes were real. No wonder Lidia can play the Hammer like this, if his standards for female pleasure are paid actresses. Her moans are loud and ill-timed, stirring in Ruhn a primal instinct to please.
When I fuck you, you’ll come first. Every single time, Ruhn promises. I’ll let you ride my face until we’ve made up for all the orgasms he’s denied you.
She gasps and Ruhn knows she’s picturing it just like he is, her thick thighs squeezing the sides of his head as he feasts on her, his chin slick with her juices.
Can you… talk me through this? She asks.
She sounds hesitant, more like the Agent Daybright he is used to than the monster prowling these dungeons. He had tried to forget his moments with Day, tried to convince himself that it was all lies. It was easier to accept the Hind as her true persona than having to watch the female he was falling for in the arms of an opportunistic brute. The fool had closed his eyes, too lost in his own pleasure to appreciate her devastating beauty.
But now, hearing her voice, talking to her, Ruhn realizes he was being selfish. Day was—is—real. He may not have physically held her, but it was as real as anything. The sex had broken him beyond repair, shattering his soul and ruined him for any other female. There was no coming back from that.
Lady’s choice, Ruhn finally replies, reminding her of something he had once told her. Can you reach your clit?
Lidia nods ever so slightly and holds his gaze as she slips a hand between her legs. The barest touch of those slender fingers on her cunt and her eyes flutter shut.
Fuck yeah, Ruhn purrs in her mind. Touch that pretty pussy for me, baby.
Ruhn's focus is solely on the manicured fingers circling her bud in languorous circles. Her moans sound breathless, realer than they were mere seconds ago. Yet, she still looks like she is restraining herself. More than ever, Ruhn wishes he could be alone with her. He would love nothing more than to coax her into losing herself.
You have such a nasty mouth, Lidia comments.
He meets her eyes and pulls his lip ring between his teeth, You didn't complain when it was on you.
Lidia's eyes flutter closed, no doubt remembering how it felt to have his mouth ravishing her. Her face had been hidden from view then—is this how she had looked? Cthona's tits, he will never recover from this. His cock strains against his jeans, bent painfully in an angle that should not be possible given how hard he is. He shifts, trying in vain to get his cock in a less awkward position.
Does this get you off? He drawls. Knowing I’m hard as fuck watching you. Knowing I can’t touch myself. That I can’t touch you.
Her fingers draw large circles around her clit, then retreat, like she’s edging herself. More than ever, Ruhn wishes he knew more about what she likes–does she like being ordered around? Does she like praise?
Don’t tease, he chides. I want to know how many times I can make you cum with just my words.
Lidia’s hand tightens around the bars of the cell but she does as he commands. She draws tighter circles around that plump bud, bringing her closer to climax.
Come on his cock, he croons. Come thinking about me.
Lidia swears aloud, her fingers dancing over her cunt with practiced efficiency. Her knees buckle and she yells out, coming with a cry that is sure to fuel Ruhn’s fantasies for months.
Fuck, look at you, Ruhn can’t help but comment. You're so beautiful when you come.
The slap of a hand against bare skin catches Ruhn’s attention, making him aware once again of Pollux’s presence. He looks up in time to watch as the angel’s hand hits Lidia’s ass again. Ruhn’s power rises inside him, only to be trampled down by the gorsian shackles. He growls, tugging at the shackles as pure blinding fury overtakes him. He’ll kill him for touching her, he’ll rip out his dick for even being near her. As soon as he gets out of these, he’ll pluck every feather off that bastard's wings.
Pollux stills, his fingers digging in Lidia’s toned thighs as he finds his release in her. His grunts of pure male satisfaction make Ruhn gag. As soon as he is done, the angel pulls out and tucks his limp cock back in his pants.
“Fuck babe, you’re dripping,” the Hammer growls appreciatively, inspecting her. “Make him clean you up.”
Lidia straightens, a slight wobble to her knees as she struts over towards where Ruhn kneels.
“You’ve heard him, freak,” the Hind’s cold voice croons, completely at odds with the apologetic look on her face.
She hitches her skirt higher, offering Ruhn a full view of her pretty pussy. A patch of blonde hair points straight down towards plump outer lips and a swollen clit begging to be sucked on. Ruhn swallows hard.
Pollux stands on the outside of the cell, arms crossed with sick anticipation. Ruhn looks from him back up to Lidia and flashes her a grin. Pollux wants pathetic? Pathetic he will get.
Ruhn crawls the few feet separating him from the Hind and sits up in front of her. This close, he cannot ignore the heady scent of her desire, so enticing. He keeps his eyes on hers as he brings his mouth to her sex, licking a long stripe from her hole to her clit. Lidia bites her lips, her eyes rolling back. At first, the salty taste of Pollux’s release makes Ruhn’s stomach turn—until he tastes the sweet, tangy taste of Agent Daybright, and he goes back for more.
Pollux barks a derisive laugh. “Pathetic filth,” he says, and the sound of his steps recedes as he walks out of the dungeons and up the stairs.
He’s gone, Lidia says in his mind, refusing to risk saying the words out loud. You can stop.
Ruhn keeps his eyes on hers as he dips his tongue in, Pollux’s semen entirely forgotten as he laps up every drop of her.
Ruhn, you don’t— she starts, but she stops herself when Ruhn wraps his lips against her clit and sucks. The moan she rewards him with is the most beautiful sound Ruhn has ever heard.
If you’re too loud, he’ll come back, Ruhn comments in her mind.
Lidia mashes her eyes shut and Ruhn realizes there’s another side to his mind-talk he has never used. It’s a miracle he hasn’t thought to use it before, but his sexual partners don’t usually know about this specific power. Lidia does, however, and he now sees how useful the mind-talk can be when his mouth is otherwise busy.
You taste so fucking good, baby, Ruhn drawls. He’s a fool not to spend every waking moment with his face between your legs.
He has her, he can tell by the way her walls contract around his tongue. He grins and flicks his lip ring against her clit. He wraps his lips around it again, savoring the way she whimpers at the sudden pressure. Instead of sucking on it, though, he lets his teeth graze it–some hate it, some love it, and he has a feeling Lidia will like the slight edge of danger.
Knees shaking, she clamps a hand over her mouth to smother a cry as she comes. Ruhn licks her through it, barely aware of finding his own release in his filthy jeans. All he can think about is this female. How right it feels to have his face between her legs, tasting her, pleasuring her. Lidia’s hand tangles in his hair, anchoring herself as she tries to stay standing.
When her knees can finally support her weight without risk of giving out, Lidia takes a step away from him. She adjusts her thong back in place. The lace leaves nothing to the imagination, especially as a damp spot spreads and darkens the fabric.
Two down. How many more do I owe you? Ruhn teases.
This is a dangerous game you’re playing, Ruhn, she replies, pulling her skirt back down.
Ruhn holds her gaze as he licks his lips, savoring every last drop of her.
Tag list: @figonas @kingandfireheart @godgavemelou @adxmparriish @hazelsheartsworn @peachcollective @nnazyalensky @inconspicuoussophia (if this ship isn't something that interests you, worry not, I have a C2C chapter coming soon <3)
#ruhnlidia#lidiaruhn#ruhn danaan#crescent city#house of sky and breath#hosab spoilers#hosab#ruhn#daynight#agent daybright#agent night#lidia cervos#the hind#house of earth and blood
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🌹🌹🌹 give me ALL the content my beautiful friend
Ruhn being hot for you and your smoking fetish, from chapter 2 of my Ruhnlidia fic <3
Ruhn perches himself on the arm of the couch, a boot-clad foot insouciantly resting on the cushion. “It’s really quantity over quality with him,” Ruhn mocks. “Is that why you’re here? Pollux is so bad that he put you to sleep?” He takes a drag of his cigarette and tips his head up to exhale, a cloud of smoke billowing above him.
Drop a rose in my inbox and get a random sentence for a random wip!
#roses for wips#ruhnlidia#hosab#hosab spoilers#ruhnlia#lidiaruhn#ruhn danaan#lidia cervos#crescent city#daddy danaan#daynight
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Ruhnlidia live in my head rent-free now, so I'm currently working on a (probably) 3-part fic involving them <3 To hype people up, here's a drabble I originally posted on Ao3 Fandom: Crescent City Pairing: Lidia Cervos/Ruhn Danaan Rating: Mature (graphic depiction of violence/torture) Word count: 100 Fanfiction masterlist
Lidia forces herself to watch Ruhn's face as she slides the tip of her sharp blade under yet another nail. He glares at her with cold determination, disgust clear on his face. She wishes he would just let her in, but his mind is a stronghold, steel-reinforced. So she mouths the words instead, I'm sorry, as she angles her blade and the nail tears from the skin. A phantom sensation echoes in her and some ancient, primal part of her roars at his pain. She lets herself feel it all. Shame, pain, guilt. Yet she keeps going Rigelus is watching.
#ruhnlidia#hosab spoilers#hosab#house of sky and breath#crescent city#crescent city spoilers#ruhn danaan#lidia cervos#lidiaruhn#drabble
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