#aces are the way better team tho
kdsburneraccount · 1 year
If the 76ers are like the Las Vegas Aces then James Harden is the Chelsea Gray to Joel Embiid and A’ja Wilson
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milaisreading · 1 year
Crossdresser!Y/N having a bunch of fangirls flocking them when there out in shibuya post U-20 match, and the other bluelock players getting jealous
🌱🩷: thanks for the request! Here u go, I hope u like it🫶🏻
Warnings: Reader is she/her, just crossdressing as a guy. The boys address her as he/him tho. Requests for this series are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"Can you two stop daydreaming and concentrate?" (Y/n) and Isagi looked at each other, then watched as Ego scolded Bachira and Otoya for not listening to him.
"They can be funny at times." (Y/n) noted with a soft smile as Isagi agreed, laughing a little as they went to warm up. The stadium was already filling up with people, which made the Blue Lock team more nervous, even the ones who were usually more confident or laid back.
'I hope my parents aren't here...' (Y/n) thought as she stretched. Isagi looked over at his training buddy, a little bit concerned for the way she was acting.
"Everything alright?"
"Oh? Yeah, I am fine. Just pre-game jitters." (Y/n) said simply as Isagi raised an eyebrow.
"You sure? I have seen how you act during the 2nd and 3rd selection, even during the game against the World 5. You were a lot calmer than you are now."
'Busted!' (Y/n) flinched.
"Well... I am just hoping my parents won't be here... or my brothers."
Isagi tensed up a little, having heard about the strikers family weeks ago. They left a sour taste in his mouth, the way they forced his friend to be someone she wasn't.
"Don't worry." (Y/n) looked up at Isagi he held his hand in front of her.
"They won't come near you. You have the team and me to protect you." The girl smiled at the ace, not regretting letting him in on her secrets... even the one about her crossdressing.
'Isagi.' She was about to grab the boy's hand, when another's hand grabbed hers and quickly pulled her up.
"Gagamru?! You scared me!" (Y/n) shrieked at the goalkeeper, who nervously smiled at her.
"Sorry, but we need to get in line." The goalkeeper said, ignoring the glares he was getting from Isagi.
'Serves you right for hogging all of (Y/n's attention. He should be focusing on me- I mean, the game!' Gagamaru thought as he let go of her hand.
"Let's go you all. Ego will be on our asses if we don't hurry up." Otoya said lazily as he grabbed one of (Y/n)'s shoulders.
"Oh? Yeah, you guys might be right-"
The striker spoke, and then got interrupted by a bunch of screams from the benches.
"What even?!" Isagi yelled in surprise as the four saw a group of girls waving at them.
"Does anyone know them?" Gagamaru wondered.
"No... maybe those are your fangirls, Otoya-" but Isagi's suspicions proved to be wrong as the girls finally yelled out (Y/n)'s name.
The (h/c) haired girl was left in utter shock and embarrassment as he heard the girls, trying to laugh it off nervously. But Otoya and Isagi, who were agitated by the words took each of the striker's arms and started pulling him away from the girls, Gagamaru was left behind to send them a distasteful look.
'What a group of weirdos... (Y/n) deserves better.' The goalkeeper thought.
'No way will I let a bunch of nobodies get to him...' Otoya's glare deepened.
'I will protect you, (Y/n).' Isagi thought, deciding to make some small talk as they approached Niko, Chigiri, and Karasu, who heard the commotion and were all equally annoyed.
"Oi, donkey." Barou approached the group, scowling at the (h/c) haired striker.
"Focus on the game. Not the girls." Barou said, sounding a little jealous as he got out of Otoya and Isagi's grips.
"You act like I asked for the attention." The girl rolled her eyes.
"Stop being mean to (Y/n)-kun, Barou. It's really unwarranted." Bachira said with an agitated smile.
"Yeah, tyrant king. Come on, (Y/n)-kun, I should tie your hair before the game starts." Chigiri said excitedly, pulling the girl to the benches.
"Slow down, Chigiri." The girl warned as Niko trailed after them.
"Can I brush your hair?" The youngest asked timidly as Otoya and Bachira ran after the trio. This left both Isagi and Barou staring down at each other.
"What are you trying to do, donkey? (Y/n) has been my partner since day one, why are you so fixated on having her for yourself?" Barou whispered the last part, fully aware that Isagi was the only other player who knew (Y/n)'s secret.
"You might have been her partner during the 1st selection... but don't forget who she picked in the 2nd and 3rd. She picked me, and I would pick her as my partner any day. Besides, king, she trusts me with way more secrets than you." Isagi said smugly as Barou grew more and more agitated.
'Just what does he mean by that?!'
After the game ended with Blue lock's clear win, the team was given a few weeks off and they decided to spend one day together in Shibuya... well, nearly all of them. Hiori, Kurona, Nanase, and Niko sadly couldn't join them. And Rin flat out refused after everything went down. After the attention he should have gotten from his brother went towards Isagi and (Y/n), the captain couldn't stand being around them for a while. But, the duo paid him no mind, too lost in their own world.
The day itself started off calmly, as they all went to a nearby arcade, and everyone was lost in some form of game. (Y/n) was playing a dance game with Yukimiya, Karasu and Otoya as a group of girls approached them... well, they were more there for the (h/c) haired striker.
"E-excuse me." (Y/n) tensed up as someone pulled on her hoodie and she turned to look at one of the girls.
"Can... can we take a few pictures with you, (L/n)-kun? We are huge fans!" The blonde girl and her friends nodded their heads. Shyly, the striker nodded her head, still a little uncomfortable with all the attention.
'Wonder how this will end once it comes out I am girl.' She thought as each girl took a picture with her.
Meanwhile, Karasu, Otoya and Yukimiya stared at them in jealousy. Nobody should have the striker's attention now, except for them that is. Karasu pouted as one of the girls touched the other's hair, complimenting as to how soft it was.
'Stop touching him!'
Otoya's eye twitched as another girl asked (Y/n) what her ideal type was.
'Definitely not you.'
Yukimiya fixed his glasses as another girl how the two of them would make a beautiful couple.
'Absolutely not.'
The trio looked at each other and nodded their head. They made their way to the group, then Karasu and Otoya stood on either side of the flustered striker as Yukimiya decided to stand protectively in front of him.
"I am so sorry, but we need to go now." The model said as politely as possible as Karasu and Otoya started dragging her away while a satisfied Yukimiya followed after them.
"That... that was quite something..." (Y/n) laughed nervously as the trio softly smiled at his laugh.
"Yeah, it was~" The trio said.
The 2nd incident during the day happened at
a local karaoke bar in Shibuya. It was a pure coincidence that Chigiri opened one of the rooms of the karaoke bar, only to find the U-20 team inside. So now Chigiri, Bachira and Isagi were having either some sort of arguments with them or trying to calm everyone down... well, more like Isagi and Miroku were.
"Aiyah... what a day..." (Y/n) muttered as she watched everything unfold from the outside, when a door from behind her slammed open, revealing to her surprise two enraged women yelling at someone inside.
'What the hell?!' She thought, shaking a little as the women kept on yelling, not noticing her and the others staring at them in disbelief. They didn't look older than 20 by (Y/n)'s observation, then she turned to look around the hallway. And to her horror, everyone was looking at them.
"P-please, calm down." (Y/n) started speaking softly, causing the two women to stop and look at her on confusion.
"I... I am sure whoever is inside did mess up, but they aren't worth your yelling or anger." The girl said nervously, hoping she didn't offend them.
"Huh?" The shorter haired girl stopped for a moment, observing the striker's face. The long haired one widened her eyes for a moment and walked up to (Y/n).
"You are that striker from Blue Lock? (L/n)-kun?"
"Uhm? Ye-yes, ma'am." She said nervously and bowed. The two women squealed at that and were now on each side of her.
"The goal was amazing! The way you knew your way around the U-20 team was very interrupted to watch."
"Why didn't you give an interview? We would have loved listening to you!"
"A-ah... there was nothing much for me to say... besides, Isagi was the one who brought us victory." (Y/n)'s face flushed from how close the two women were and she backed away a little.
"So humble~" The sighed dreamily.
"How are you still single?"
"Well-" (Y/n)'s words got interrupted as Bachira wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling the girl closer to him as Chigiri and Isagi tried to play it nicely while shielding her from the two girls.
"Please don't make (Y/n) nervous... he is very shy around girls." Chigiri smiled as kindly as possible, but inside he was fuming.
'Back off.'
Bachira kept quiet, but intensely stared at the two older girls as his grip around (Y/n) tightened.
'My monster won't allow any of you to take him from me.'
Isagi was the only one somewhat calm, as he knew that (Y/n) wasn't looking for anyone yet. But the starstruck gazes she was receiving from the two were quite annoying.
'She is my training partner...'
The 3rd incident that day happened at a nearby bowling alley, where the Blue Lock team and U-20 team agreed to have a final friendly match for the day. Although (Y/n) wasn't much found of the sport, she agreed anyways as the boy's were excited for another friendly match. During the preparations, Aryu, Tokimitsu and her walked into Barou, who was bowling by himself as a group of girls was watching him.
"Barou? What are you doing here? I didn't know you were a bowling freak." (Y/n) asked in amusement as Tokimitsu panicked a little from the irritated stare Barou was sending the trio.
"Shut your mouth! I just like playing it from time to time."
"Now now, Barou. Yelling at someone as glam as (Y/n)-kun isn't really nice." Aryu sent him a warning glare.
"Yeah... it's really unwarranted." Tokimitsu added in, and to (Y/n)'s surprise he didn't stutter.
"It's ok, you two. I don't mind."
"How I speak with my training partner is none of your concern, Aryu." Barou said calmly as Aryu glared at him more.
"P-please calm down. We shouldn't fight in front of him." Tokimitsu warned them and the two looked at him for a moment.
"You are right..." Aryu sighed and flipped his hair.
"I can't lose my cool in front of (Y/n)-kun. He looks up to me-"
"He does not." Barou rolled his eyes. Tokimitsu sighed and looked back at (Y/n), only for his face to fall as he saw the girl's surrounding her. They were either asking him quite personal questions or just asking for a picture. Aryu and Barou's looks also fell a little as they saw the scene. Neither of the 3 liked this. After all, (Y/n) was their teammate. The trio looked at each other and nodded their heads, deciding to save the obviously uncomfortable striker from that mess.
"That was an eventful day." (Y/n) yawned as her, Nagi and Reo were on the train back home. The two looked at each other and nodded their heads.
"It was quite fun, but I think you should sleep for a bit. We still have a long way till we get home." Reo suggested as (Y/n) slowly nodded her head. Nagi used the opportunity and pulled his friend closer to himself. The duo watched as the striker slowly fell asleep.
"Reo... do you think we are losing him to Isagi?" Nagi mused as Reo frowned at that. Although he didn't like what Nagi said, he couldn't deny the close bond (Y/n) now shared with Isagi.
"I think so... but, we need to bring an end to this." Reo concluded as Nagi slowly nodded his head.
"We didn't spend all this time stealing those love letter aimed at him, and shooing fangirls away, just for us to lose him." Reo said, looking down at the sleeping striker.
"We need to make him remember who his actual partners are." Nagi grumbled, his hold on (Y/n) tightening.
"We need to see how close he is with Isagi... I need to know why it looks like Isagi knows more about (Y/n) than we do. Then, we can start destroying whatever bond they share." Reo concluded as Nagi slowly nodded his head.
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chimielie · 1 year
my lover, my life, my shawty, my wife
summary: Ushijima x f!Reader. snapshots of eternal youth.
word count: 1.3k
cw: lighthearted manhandling, longterm established relationship ups (and one down), marriage talk and mention of toshi’s parents’ divorce. it’s basically all fluffy and silly tho
a/n: nobody @ me i wrote literally 99% of this a couple weeks ago and just remembered it was in the drafts today i’m working on the promised fics!!! it will just be A While i’m slow okayyy 💘 anyway enjoy some pure ushijima fluff
“Ushiwaka!!!” You shriek, voice breaking with laughter as you slam your hands against his backside. “Put me down, you—you barbarian! Kidnapper! Plunderer!”
He doesn’t say anything, just jostles you gently so your top half (currently upside-down over his broad shoulder) sways while your legs stay firmly in the grip of his arms. You know it’s as close as he’s going to get to a verbal admonishment, your current position already more than enough of an indication that he is fed up with you acting up in a public setting.
“Fine,” you scrunch up your face, sure that he can envision it just the same as you can see in your mind’s eye the near-invisible traces of amusement on his face. “Ugh, you’re going to make me sick. You are so bossy. I can’t believe you think that you can just pick me up and carry me around and tell me what to do. You don’t even say please, you know that?”
He probably gets the idea that he can just pick you up and carry you around and tell you what to do from the ten years that he's been doing all those things, since high school.
You've never gotten sick from being carried like this, either.
“You are bossy,” he says simply in rebuttal. "You say please but you know I'll do whatever it is you want. Even unreasonable things."
"I'm always reasonable," you say. He pats your butt in a way that isn't supposed to be condescending but is. You smack his in return and enjoy the way his back muscles tense up. "Ooh, you've been training your glutes."
He's been doing it in your home gym. You've always been loud about obvious things like this; he doesn't understand it, especially, but he likes it. At first, that had been much of your relationship. You were loud and obvious about your feelings for the up-and-coming teenage ace, and he didn't understand you, but he liked you.
He considers, and then revises his previous thought. He understands you better now. You talk through even things you and he know well because it helps you to process your thoughts, and you are determined to be shocked and delighted by all small things in the world.
"Hello, Bo-kun!" you wave to his teammate. Bokuto, bless him, attempts to bend over upside down to mimic you.
"Hey, Ushijima-san!" Ushijima is lucky that everyone in the facility knows you and you don't have to clarify to any security guards that you aren't in danger, for real. You take offense to the idea that you couldn't win in a fight against him, anyway.
You had been asserting this particular belief, actually, to the rest of the Japanese men’s volleyball team while they stretched post-practice and friends and family were allowed on court to distract them. Atsumu had been egging you on, urging you to try fighting another of the players since he didn’t trust Wakatoshi not to let you win currently. You had rolled up your shirtsleeves when the ace scooped you up and you had, already protesting, waved goodbye to the blond, a huge grin on your face. He had saluted you as you went.
“We’re not married yet,” you say, bonking your forehead into Wakatoshi as he stops short. “You all don't have to keep saying that. Please, call me—”
"Oh, Waka-kun said," Bokuto starts before being cut off.
“We may as well be," Wakatoshi says, turning to face Bokuto (At least turn sideways so I can see, you complain). "It'll happen eventually, so we can start practicing by calling her my wife now."
"What?!" You say. "Don't say things like that. You sound like you like me. Do you like me? Do you want to be more than friends?"
People have always talked about your relationship in begrudging terms. "Oh, opposites attract, I guess..." spoken in a disbelieving and reluctant tone. He understands. Most high school relationships didn't work out. Most people would get frustrated with him and his communication style. Then most long-distance relationships didn't work out. Most young professional athletes wanted to try new things, new people.
Wakatoshi doesn't understand why he would want to try something new when he had something perfectly fine with you. He had said that to you, once, when you were in Sapporo and he in Koganei. You had gotten very quiet for the rest of the call and then remained quiet for two weeks, sending all of his messages to read and calls to voicemail. It had taken a short flight and a shy, quiet apology to right his wrongs. He had known that he would spend the rest of his life with you, he said, forgetting to blink even as you furiously swiped away tears, a month in when you were fifteen. Barely longer than this terrible time you had stopped even fighting with him, just giving up on him. Why would he try anything else when he had never deviated from this path?
But what if you're just not seeing that there might be something better out there for you, you had said, voice angry but face already forgiving. Worse, what if you do see that someday? You’ll get tired of settling.
He had shaken his head. There isn't something better. Please, continue to be patient with me. Your breath had burst out of you in a single sob, and then you were yanking him toward you, ordering him to kiss you so you'd stop crying in front of all the neighbors.
Considering his parents' marriage, one might have thought that he would have more qualms about the concept than he did. You didn't seem interested in pressuring him there, though, and when asked just reminded him that living together long enough would result in common-law marriage anyway, so he just had to tell you if he ever wanted to stop living together. After several years separated and more reunited, he hadn't yet found any desire to do so. He definitely had strong negative feelings about being away from you for extended periods.
He was very lucky that you had chosen a career path which would allow you to travel essentially anywhere with him, find lucrative work anywhere with him. The home gym had actually been your gift to him, from the bank account you didn't share. It was the most thoughtful and horrifyingly expensive gift he had ever received. He had retaliated by hiring your most favored interior designer to rework your apartment into something both sentimentally familiar and not decorated entirely on the whim of two mid-twenty-year-olds. While they worked, he took you on vacation.
"We have to go," Wakatoshi adjusts you in his hold, nodding to his teammate. You’re quiet for a bit, so he puts you down, steadying you by your waist until your head stops swimming.
“You know we have to talk about these things,” you say, looking steadily at him.
“Yes,” he rumbles, considering his words for a moment. “I’ve been thinking about it more often recently. I still don’t feel strongly about the idea of a wedding, but I want you to be my wife. If you want to be.”
Insecurity sparks in him. You enjoyed your friend’s weddings, but perhaps you didn’t want one of your own, or one to him. Perhaps he had crossed a boundary.
“I don’t know,” you tap your lips with a finger, and a weight lifts off his chest when you smile at him. “I’ll see when you ask me. But I want it to be sometime in the future, somewhere more scenic than your athletic facility, okay? With a ring and a sappy speech.”
He smiles, then, his teeth showing. An explosive and momentous display of emotion.
“I’ll be sure to say please.”
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buckysmith · 2 years
OHHHH COULD YOU WRITE ALEJANDRO, GHOST, SOAP + GRAVES with an s/o who was (or is) in the air forcee???
A little bit not canon but i just keep wondering how it'd be.
I’m absolutely into that idea!!! But I’m not quite happy how it turned out (somehow I managed to just think about jets- I’m stupid, sorry)
- Graves with a s/o in the air force? He wouldn’t be quite sure about that at first to be honest
- it’s bad enough that your not a civilian but then you have to fly such an monster?
- man loves when his s/o is a small little bubu that seems weaker than it is, well and with you being an Air Force pilot wouldn’t quite fit
- he definitely ask you to leave but ofc you refuse, that would definitely hurt his ego
- but he would only think that till the moment you save his arrogant little ass
- you remember the Lockheed AC-130? ()
Tumblr media
- well imagine that beast against a jet, not quite funny for the shadows inside the Ac-130 cause it wasn’t really made to defend itself against a jet
- You were already in the air cause you had to deal with a Jet that decided to come way to close to you, but then it decided to just fly away
- You were happy, till your husband somehow managed to get into your headset.
- he didn’t do that intentionally, it was somehow a error but you knew that had to be the jet you saw earlier so you helped
- well and it decided to attack your man, not quite an intelligent move but how would the pilot know
- after your commander gave you the ok, you would attack the jet, sending its ass back to the ground way faster than the pilot wanted it
- you would contact your husband, telling him that he’s welcome (out of spite)
- after that he would make sure that the shadows have an jet pilot. You.
- the AC-130 is called angel of death for a reason but now your Codename would be just angel
- And you fulfill that name, at least for the ones that you protect
- he meet you at his base
- you had to take an emergency landing but had to inform the Mexican base first that you were about to land on
- they would welcome you, or better he and Rodolfo would
- they may do not have the jet you landed in their own military, but they would help you repair it
- while you have to wait Alejandro asks you about anything, really anything
- he’s so interested in you, even you notice that it’s not just friendly talk, this man just knows what he wants and he wants you
- But you both didn’t have much time together with you being in the American Air Force and him being in Mexico so you would leave
- You wouldn’t stop flying tho, but change your little plane to an 35 year old jet in Mexico or to some other aircraft
- it’s not the best, but you make it enough
- now together you can fight and you would
-you’re his angel
- to be honest, he wouldn’t give a fuck about you at first
- your just another pilot
- that would change when you safe his ass, well not only his but his whole teams
- it was a mission like every other, except that the bad guys had jets and ghost and his whole team was in an helicopter without any defense systems
- it was a close call, seeing how the missile was about to hit the helicopter
- you were able to stop the missile with one of your own
- after that you shot that asshole from the sky
- after you both are back on the ground he would thank you
- you joined 141 just a few months later, being it’s only jet pilot had its advantages
- ghost takes pride in you being a jet pilot and he’s thankful when you aid him in the sky
- (he would worry about you tho)
- He saw you a few times, mostly on cargo ships 141 had to land on
- he approached you one time and since then you both would have a great friendship and after a while an even greater relationship
- he asked you multiple times if you let him fly (you would not )
- he’s sad till you take him with you
- you were able to talk to some people to fulfill the wish of your boyfriend/ husband
- he’s so exited to fly with you, but after wards he wouldn’t even think about flying again
- his tummy doesn’t like anything about Jets after that
- but when you have to fly a normal military air craft he’s happy cause he can be with you the whole time without throwing up
- he loves to talk about you to his friends
- you’re his pride and joy
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sukunasweetheart · 2 years
Headcanons for sukuna as a volleyball player - idk if i wanted this to be set during highschool or not so i guess it'll be kinda generic or all over the place haha,, dedicated to @luvkun4 my love, who likes haikyuu and sukuna so its a perfect combo for her
warnings; NSFW, throat fucking, rough and angry sex, degradation, femme reader, youre kinda his pocket pu$$y but also his sweet gf, minor angst but with happy end -- this wouldve been a good fic but i dont have the energy for a fully written fic nowadays, im alr working on a billion rn
edit; THIS ENDED UP BEING SO LENGTHYY sorry, i wanted to add in the drama
right.. idk from where i should unpack this
we all know... sukuna would be competitive as fuck.
i know for a fact that he hates losing so much
which is what makes him such a good player tbh, the balls not gonna touch the ground as long as hes around
he’s a wing spiker, and definitely the ace (cough, totally not inspired by this gorgeous fanart)
hes so mean and arrogant but is willing to demonstrate teamwork in order to win and so theres obvious respect between him and his teammates
uraume is the manager, tho its clear that they favour sukuna the most pff
sukunas such a powerful player, no one can beat him one on one and hes so sexy when hes playing seriously
volleyball sukuna and his fuckin horse cock, u bet u wanna get wrecked by his shii
problem is, i cant find a creative way of how yall first met 
idk, probably through mutual friends, out in a big group at a restaurant ?? maybe you hooked up with him afterwards and you both caught feelings for each other
yeah something along those lines
anyway ofc seggs after matches are a regular thing haha
its almost an expectation that you come to see his games now
here comes the smut smut smut
vb sukuna would totally drag you into the unisex bathrooms so you can “help him relax” right before the game starts...
nothing like cumming down your throat to get him all warmed up
and youre such a whore for him, you can never say no bc YOU DONT WANT TOOO <3
even tho you make a fuss about the icky floor pfft, he grunts and lays a bunch of toilet paper for u to kneel on, what a gentleman
his soft groans as he lodges his thick cock into your warm mouth, and then pushing your head down to go even deeper
the pleasures just too great, the thrilling mixture of being in a public toilet right before a big match, fucking your tight throat raw
and your teary eyes, fluttering your lashes up at him with a mouthful of dick, he could laugh from how adorable you look
after hes done spurting stringy thick ropes of his seed down your esophagus hes just: “thanks babe... you sucked the nerves right outta me.”
and you know its bullshit bc hes smirking in that sarcastic way, and its a fact that sukuna doesnt know what it feels to be nervous!!!
lucky for you, he treats you better than anyone else - he wipes your mouth and kisses you before parting ways with you
likes to give you another smirk once he finds you amongst the audience
its crazy how much energy he still has after games
on the rare occasions when his team loses... oh boy
100% takes his frustration out using sex
just thinking abt the simmering anger...practically throws you onto his bed
pins your body down and slamming into you with his whole body weight
ruins you so bad, bruises and bites literally everywhere
but like... you’re into that shit
butterflies in stomach whenever the other team ends up winning
“ugh...fuckin’ squeezing me like that... you don’t want me to stop, do you?”
“maybe you like it when i lose a game. what a whore.”
“sukuna...sukuna, too bi-big..”
“oh? and you’d think this cunt would be pretty used to it by now,” he responds cockily. it turns you on when he uses such vulgar language.
spills so many loads into you, youre like a cream filled donut by the end
spanks you too, handprints on your ass and all - omg imagine the strength as a vb player
the aftercare is nice, usually he brings you to the bath immediately and check you out if you need ointment applied to your skin or vice versa
but it wouldnt be surprising if he got lazy with it on some days, especially after an exhausting game, having sex on top of that is gotta be tough
also he spends a lot of time training and practicing, which adds to your loneliness
sometimes you overthink it and feel like youre just being used, but instead of communicating it, you just act more sensitively around him
and vb sukuna sucks at picking up the small cues, so he just thinks youre being unreasonable
the two of you get into a pretty heated argument which ends with you storming off one time
theres a bit of silent treatment going on, but then afterwards you start talking with him “normally” again
theres an obvious distance growing between you and him, and your attitude is colder than it used to be. sukuna thinks its something thatll pass sooner or later
but then you text him, saying that you wont be able to come and see his game
thats not right. hes had a few fights with you before, but you’ve never skipped out on coming to watch him like this, ever.
but being a prideful tsundere he is, he just replies with a “do whatever you want” before chucking his phone off to the side (which he checks later again, to see if you said anything more after that. you didnt.)
on the day of the match, hes constantly checking the crowd if youre there
its not like *glance* he cares *glance* about you coming *glance* or anything *glance*
his mates raise eyebrows and tell him to focus properly and hes never looked scarier lmao
they won in the end, but the taste of victory isnt the same
the group wants to celebrate and go to some restaurant to eat but he skips out and goes home alone
and when he opens his door to an empty and dark living room, he cant shake off the feeling of uneasiness in the pit of his stomach
totally doesnt google search “signs of an incoming breakup”
feels worse afterwards
eats a nice and nutritious meal he cooked for himself, but it tastes kinda like cardboard
i said previously that sukuna doesnt know what feeling nervous is, but now he does, hes terrified youre gonna pull the breakup card on him, he wont know how to deal with that
he has a feeling that if he doesnt do something about this now, he will lose his chance forever
sukuna calls you but you dont pick up
he finds his way to your front door and rings the bell, and you call out from the other side asking him what he wants from you
“why didnt you pick up any of my calls? i want to talk.”
he hates how whiny he sounds.
you crack open the door ever so slightly, so only one of your eyes are visible to him
“about what?”
“about... this. about us.”
“...you’ve been crying. let me in.”
he gently pushes open your door and you stand out of the way, letting him
...and he starts with an apology. about saying mean things to you during the argument, about acting like he doesnt care when he does (he cares so much abt you that it drives him mad), pretending not to notice how upset you were
you watch him sternly, but end up bursting into tears bc youre so relieved he came out and admitted to his faults, and that theres hope for this relationship
youre bawling as he pulls you into his arms, and you confess that not going to see him and treating him coldly was the hardest thing youve ever done in your life
sukunas so relieved you still feel deeply for him, and simultaneously upset bc youre upset
you reveal that youve been feeling neglected, feeling like he only liked you for your body, and you too, apologise for not communicating that and acting sensitively instead
hes appalled, calls you an idiot but then retracts that statement and denies ever having thought in that way
the two of you snuggle up so close together in your bed, communicating and chatting and catching up for hours while he occasionally eyes the mountain of used tear-filled tissues in your room, rather concerned
for a while, he doesnt initiate sexual activity unless you specifically want it bc he wants to prove he likes spending quality time with you just as much <3
and when sex does eventually happen, he makes it very romantic and meaningful, with proper aftercare, continuously whispering “i love you,” throughout
and he shall do anything to have you keep loving him back.
some general stuff with vb sukuna:
mad tall. i wont give an exact number but anywhere between 195 - 200cm tall :>
mad horny. hes like an animal
hes such a big eater,, i mean, i see sukuna as a big eater in any au but this one in particular bc hes an athlete haha
u probably make protein shakes for him and stuff, but hes not rly on a strict diet or anything, he just eats anything and everything
has a lotta fangirls >:( but he ignores them now, after he met you >:) but before, he probably played around a lot and hooked up with some >:( he never liked any of them to stick around, tho >:) except you >:)
goes on morning runs, at like 6am and gives u a kiss on the cheek beforehand
is so fucking touchy clingy, always needs you on his lap, hands under your skirt or shirt
the last guy who tried to hit on you got a nosebleed, getting hit with a volleyball (its so funny, he changed his aim mid-spike during a practice match)
haha he was sent to the bench for that one (everyone was chuckling behind their hands)
the headband was given to him by you, bc he once complained abt having to gel his hair every morning + gel doesnt keep his hair in shape when hes sweating excessively
thats all for today <3 thanks for reading
tagging; @yuujispinkhair @moonchild-artemisdaughter @skunaskitten
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assiraphales · 1 year
you havent really been liveblogging your one piece experience much, but since you seem to be through Alabasta at this i was wondering if youd be willing to share any thoughts about the series so far/your takes on the characters in their original forms?
-luffy is a little gremlin who was fed after midnight but stayed cute. 10000 points in mischief. has THE biggest heart and would die for a stranger if he thought it was a worthy cause. much more intelligent (in an unconventional way) than he's given credit for. figuring out crocodile's weakness almost immediately?? hello??
-i like how all the crew mates have different (but very valuable and nourishing) relationships with each other. usopp n luffy's is very sweet because they're still kids at heart (and probably always will be, at least a little) who live by their imaginations and for fun/joy. zoro washing chopper in the bathhouse. usopp and nami being voices of reason for very different reasons, usopp making her a weapon bc she admitted one of her weaknesses to him. nami's love for luffy coming out in concern and sternness because she knows what he's capable of but also how hard he can fall
-some of the emotional moments that affected me the most; nami getting a tattoo for belle mere, nokijo, and genzo. pell sacrificing his life for alabasta and flying the bomb into the sky. sanji n zeff's relationship.
-klahadore is the biggest lil bitch thus far. but shout out to his kitty cat crew for supporting him and trying not to deadname him
-really liked the mihawk fight bc even tho zoro got WHOOPED mihawk was clearly impressed, and let him live for a reason. he also said after watching luffy and zoro together that they were a good team. which.
-luffy and zoro making each other better and worse (depending on how u look at it) and the crew just having to accept that "ok yah. that's their relationship. they're crazy bastards who enable each other and they're dreams are entwined."
-zoro being a secret goofball. I could go on about it. but one of my favorite small moments was when he told the usopp pirates that they were cannibals and ate usopp
-nami has such big dreams but she's so scared to get her heartbroken again. she lost her mom, she thought she lost her town and sister when she went along with arlong..... everything is a defense mechanism. she's a survivor. and she's so hurt. but everyday, from the crew's love to luffy's kindness, she's learning to accept that the world isn't that bleak. that good people exist
-ace's tattoo. um. JUMPSCARE. but he is neat and loves luffy lots
-tony tony chopper I would die for u. kureha is an icon and now I totally understand why people want jamie lee curtis to play her
-i'm glad that luffy n co were able to heal the giants relationship on little garden and now they're broskis who can fight n drink together without worrying about the whole "TO DEATH!!!" thing. zoro trying to chop off his legs and then posing so that he'd look cool if he died is another notable highlight from that arc
-princess vivi and nami. I know what u are. but in all seriousness she was just sixteen and infiltrated a secret assassin organization for her kingdom!!! I love that she had igaram pose for her so she could say goodbye to the strawhat crew properly
-there's just so many good people trying to do the right thing in the face of massive adversity. no matter what the odds, they'll fight to their last breath for what they believe in. and if luffy's there, he'll make sure they don't have to (die, that is)
-luffy managing to befriend the weirdest animals that want to kill him and them eventually saving him (the lapins and the kung fu dungongs)
-luffy asking zoro to save smoker's life because he couldn't swim, and smoker letting luffy go instead of arresting him so he could try and save alabasta
-sanji smoking cigarettes in the middle of a fight and constantly wearing a suit for Aesthetics
-mihawk hunting down the red haired pirates in his coffin throne boat just to show shanks the bounty on luffy's head (also way to go bestie getting it up from 30 million to 100 million in like two weeks)
-zoro sleeping everywhere but mostly near the rest of the crew so he can eavesdrop / be close to them
-the straw hat crew being a bunch of wild animal ragers and turning any event into a PARTAAYYYYY
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jade-kyo · 4 months
Season 17 post restoration thoughts
Casually skipping 16 and going straight to 17 because lord knows I can’t afford to lose anymore braincells. I genuinely enjoy this season so I’m looking forward to the rewatch!
Ngl jumping straight from 15 to 17 really highlights how absurd this is like bro why is there gods and shit omg 😂
The fates are racist- that explains a lot
Donut my sweet baby boy
You know as much as I hate time travel stories this works way better for a “lets reference and call back to as many previous arcs and seasons as possible” nostalgia trip than Restoration did
Okay while I personally prefer the take that Donut is fully aware of all the innuendos he makes and is doing it to be a little shit I do think it being unintentional is really funny considering the ace Donut thing
“You have me all wrong” “I doubt it.” Donut the master at not getting gaslit
Donut knows Wash’s name is David- meaning Wash must have told all the reds and blues his real name
Felix is afraid of knives
Man I love it when Dr. Grey sounds like herself
We love insurance fraud
Wash just silently shooting Donut again has me wheezing holy shit
The Wash and Carolina conflict is so freaking good man I love them
Man this season is just genuinely entertaining to watch despite everything- the way I wish we could’ve gotten this character writing with a better story
Oh what’s that a way to reference back to all the freelancers that includes Wyoming and the triplets. The concepts are wild again.
Also it’s just genuinely hilarious
I need to find the ost for when Wash and Carolina reunite and she’s saying how she trusts him and doesn’t know why bro this music is so pretty
Seriously I’m enjoying this as a nostalgia trip so much more than restoration
Oh I can feel my inner 15 year old desperately trying to take control of my body and send me down the carwash pipeline again holy shit- platonic or romantic. They’re good either way 🙂
Kai I love you with all my heart and soul but you do not disrespect Junior like that
Yes Caboose IS a genius and also my son
Kai messing with Tucker is glorious holy shit is that bit funny I love them
“Time is made of circles” what a nice, funny and succinct callback. Look at those concepts being wild.
Not Tucker dropping the “your mom” bit on Doc AGSKHAKS
Wash might be a competitor with Church for number one Donut Stan
Or simulation headcanon: Church is projecting his liking of Donut onto Wash
Okay but Donut should be in the caves not under the pelican FR PEOPLE STOP FORGETTING ABOUT THE CAVES!!!
Laughs in Spanish
I love competent Caboose and Donut
“My testicles send their regards” has no right being as badass as it is
Love a good Tucker moment- sure wish it wasn’t just redoing his character development that never should’ve been undone to begin with
OKAY BUT TUCKER AND DONUT MOMENT THO???? So good- can’t believe Donut is the “angsty bitch”
Love them talking about the AI like they’re Carolina’s siblings
Holy shit the voice acting between these two is so good
“If he’s single there’s no hope for any of us” sargington nation rise
Sarcastic Donut my beloved
I said this last time but seeing Church impaled by a golf club, even if it is actually Genkins, is entirely unnecessary bro I don’t wanna see that
Sarges vision is further proof that the correct ending for him is retirement
“Don’t say toodles” LOVE sassy Donut so much
Grif enlisted reveal you will always be famous to me
I never actually thought about it too deeply before but now that I am holy shit do I love that detail it’s so good and actually reminds me of my own brother who enlisted for similar reasons and regrets it now- seriously Grif enlisting is so realistic, a lot of kids sadly think the military is the only thing that can give them structure and purpose. It’s a great addition to the anti military themes of RvB
TUCKER CANONICALLY HAS PANIC ATTACKS- the fact they kept his visions so vague is truly a CRIME
AND WE DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO CABOOSE- honestly I know they probably didn’t have this arc planned back then but they should’ve used the labyrinth for Caboose to find closure in Church’s death rather than the Time Machine nonsense in s15. I feel like that would’ve been infinitely more interesting.
Caboose gets it!!
Man what nice fairly satisfying conclusions to everyone’s arc- don’t we love wild concepts.
Sure maybe it’s not anything super poetic or perfect like 13 but at least it makes sense
Hell I’ve even warmed up to Donut leaving! Bro deserves some him time and it’s not like he said it was permanent or anything… doesn’t that just really hit you in the wild concept 🙂
You know what- this season is genuinely such a delight at times. Im thinking about adding it to my regular rewatch list along with 1-13 as just like a little bonus I can have at the end cause it’s just such fun. Glorified fanfiction! We love to see it- maybe Restoration sucking was a blessing in disguise cause it really gave me a new appreciation for 15 and 17 (but 17 especially). I probably won’t rewatch 15 as much cause being honest I don’t really enjoy it in its entirety as much as 17 but it’s got good moments I love.
Now- I know the logical thing for me to do is go back and watch 16 and then Restoration but here’s the thing… I don’t want to.
I genuinely do not enjoy those seasons. I don’t want to put myself through something that’s just gonna make me angry and bitter just for the sake of giving commentary on them- not right now anyway. Maybe one day I’ll feel like being a bit salty and do it but that’s just really not how I want to spend my time with my favorite show. I’ve already rewatched any clips from restoration that I cared to rewatch and I don’t think any of my feelings on it are gonna change. And I’ve seen 16 enough times to know my feelings won’t change.
Now what I am considering doing is rewatching 1-13 for the 20th time (<- accurate number, I’ve kept count over the years) and continuing to do these thought posts cause they’re good fun to do! So who knows whenever the time comes you’ll probably have to deal with more of my insane ramblings 😂
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snailsrneat · 1 year
Stubbornly Hot-Headed
Some people are really stubborn, but they pale in comparison to MC. Whose head is about as thick as a rock. Mix that with MC's anger issues, and we have a ticking time bomb. However only one person is able to reason with MC and that's their S/O.
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Riddle Rosehearts:
Ah, there are two of them now. We're all gonna die.
No but seriously, Riddle is both happy and kinda annoyed that he fell in love with you.
Happy cause he has someone who thinks like him and often keep the first years in line.
Annoyed because you cause wreak havoc practically everywhere you go in N.R.C.
Especially with Savanahclaw and Pomefiore students. Who are also known to be hot headed.
Riddle, on multiple occasions, had to step in between you and another student to stop a fight.
He does scold you a bit afterwards, and while you are trying not to be so quick tempered you just can't stop yourself from trying to fight someone who ticks you off.
He can't stay mad at you for too long tho.
You have this adorable little pout on your face that is both so cute and childish it makes him want to pinch your face.
He refuses to say that out loud tho.
He also finds that dangerous spark in your eyes when you get mad really hot, to the point where he has to stop himself from blushing when he see's it.
Don't tell him you know that though.
Unless you want to him to sprint to his room and hide his face in the pillows, his face bright red.
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Trey Clover:
Riddle 2.0 Electric Boogaloo
No but really, Trey is used to Riddle's hot headedness.
So much so that when you start yelling at Ace, Deuce, and Grim he doesn't even flinch.
Oh and in case your wondering, no he doesn't try to help the trio.
If they pissed you that's their problem, they know better than to do something than that ticks you off.
However he will stop you from fighting other students, especially ones from outside Heartslabyul. He really doesn't want you to get in trouble with other students.
He also will, on the occasion, stop you from going off at brainless trio. Mostly because he can realize that their close to hitting your emotional limit.
Once he see's that he put his hands on your shoulders and calmly guide you to his bedroom where you can cool off, so that he can go back to reprimand them.
After he's done, he comes back with some of your favorite sweets and cuddles you.
He also enjoys that hot look on your face when you get mad. 50/50 on whether or not he actually tells you.
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Cater Diamond:
Thats all he has to say about your short temper.
He doesn't really care much about it given that he's never on your badside, but it can cause him some annoyance.
If he had a penny for every time he had to save you from a fight, you and hime would already have a honey moon on a cruise to the Bahamas.
He loves you despite the short temper.
He lives for that adorable pout too. He has way to many pictures of it saved on his phone.
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Deuce Spade:
Same brain
Except you're smarter than him.
Legit you both get into fights at eachothers side.
Like y'all are team rocket.
Does it cause y'all to get into big trouble?
Do you guys care?
In fact after a fight with you guys fighting together, you give poor Duece some extra kisses and hugs cause he's a sweet, innocent, and strong boy and deserves all of your love.
And who is he to stop you, his lover, from cuddling him?
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Ace Trappola:
You will never get a break
Literally this man will never leave you alone after finding out about your short temper around others, and not him.
Why? Well because he wants to tease you on how cheesey and lovey dovey you are.
It's like he's legit trying to make you angry at him, but fails completely when he sees your pouty face
Poor dude started having heart palpations the moment he saw it.
He still hasn't recovered fully.
He has, on the occasion, helped you out of a fight.
Mostly cause he didn't want you to get in trouble.
Though he will never admit this.
His ego doesn't allow him.
But he will pamper you after a fight, although he's very sarcastic the entire time..
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faithst · 1 year
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ask from ☃️ anon <3 faith baby why did you just start blasting when i was your man. faith my ears. anyway! since we used to play on that pixelmon server everyday for an entire year (dark times), what pokemon do you think zb1 would have on their team?? who’d be their ace, their starter, etc etc. ok ily pls chillax and turn bruno mars off ❤️
notes hi ☃️ anon (which is literally just @trashhdez) i was ‘same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now’-ing because i saw hanbin concept photos ok ☹️ but for the sake of simplicity; i will just be giving each member a starter, an eeveelution, and a legendary / mythical !
starter > eeveelution > legendary / mythical
— zhang hao
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fennekin it’s whole vibe fits hao imo, very classy but also a bit of spark yk. also a very pretty and babygirl pokemon !
espeon IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN BUT ESPEON IS SO RESERVED LIKE HAO (introvert-wise ig?) also hao fits very well w purple
lunala aka the better evolution from cosmoem ! lunala has stars and stars shine and yk who else is a star? yeah, hao. also lunala feels very classy like him
— sung hanbin
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charmander both very popular and has a determined vibe ! charmander is also v friendly (i think) so basically hanbin !
leafeon the design SCREAMS hanbin (it’s so cute) it looks so gentle and polite, overall friendly and easy to approach
shaymin (specifically the hedgehog, idk what the actual ver is called) similar designs to leafeon ! shaymin seems v assertive altho being a cutie patootie; so basically leader hanbin
— seok matthew
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oshawott I WAS TORN BETWEEN OSHAWOTT AND POPPLIO but oshawott seems more matthew-y to me yk ! both super cute and bouncy (idk don’t ask)
eevee because it’s fluffy like matt. also i feel like eevee is the most sunshine out of all the eeveelutions !
jirachi does that not scream matthew ?? like cute star = matthew, end of statement.
— shen ricky
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snivy super chic and elegant like ricky. screams expensive taste
glaceon THATS LITERALLY RICKY ! super elegant, super cool. ricky 🤝 ice types. also glaceon reminds me of his hair idk why
xerneas looks so EXPENSIVE. also xerneas is like super cool like ricky (i love xerneas sm) bedazzled and chic
— park gunwook
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squirtle are we even surprised at this point? it literally looks like him, literally identical; could pass off as twins
vaporeon (i do not want to be reminded of the copypasta) BUT LOOK AT IT, ITS SO CUTE AND CHEERY just like GUNWOOK !!
zekrom gbtb gunwook vibes. literally the cool side of gunwook. the build zekrom has also reminds me of gunwook !
— kim taerae
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piplup it’s literally taerae, look at it !
sylveon super babygirl. both prolly have their motto as ‘friendship is magic’ and the ribbons omg
diancie the jewels on it’s head remind me of taerae and his voice. all of these are so babygirl just like him :D
— kim gyuvin
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chimchar why? 1) @trashhdez is a big chimchar fan and has the exact same personality as gyuvin 2) gyuvin would love chimchar, super cute but also could beat you up
jolteon the puppy vibes from gyuvin ! sparky and energetic just like him !
zygarde (specifically the core. if not, then the 10% one) i have no explanation for this one… it’s just.. yeah..
— kim jiwoong
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sobble i feel like jiwoong would pick the most unhinged looking starter, thus picking sobble. ig it’s cute,,,
umbreon VERY CHIC JUST LIKE JIWOONG ‼️ looks very intimidating but actually just a cutie patoot
entei regal. like royalty looking. i feel like entei embodies jiwoong in a way i cannot explain, maybe it’s the stance
— han yujin
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froakie 100% plays pokemon by the meta and picks froakie just bcuz of ash’s greninja (i can’t blame him tho, the greninja is godly)
flareon gives me youth vibes and very playful. flareon looks like a teenage boy
rayquaza bcuz of the meta, prolly his fav out of every pokemon (also can’t blame him here, rayquaza is also godly)
© keiwook | 2023
tag @bruhiamistake @trashhdez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud @kpoprhia @karinaskitty @blaycke
here to join the taglist !
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acgamesda · 1 month
How well would your AC OCs do in DA and vice versa? Who's having a great time and who's hating every second of it?
(For the sake of this experiment all the characters know that they will be returned to their native universes once the main plot is over + they get a birief loredump at the start of their journey so they have a vague idea of what's going on and what they're supposed to do)
That's an interesting ask.
I think both groups of my OCs would be mostly confused about templars, because in one series templars are ultimate villians thinking they can control the world and bring utopia via total submission of humankind, while for other group of OCs Templars are mage herding religious police force, so there would be confusions on both sides.
A lot of also depends on the particuliar games/stories each OC would switch places with. With DA OCs it's easy because these three follow particuliar canon stories, while my AssCreed OCs follow their own stories made by me, but let's say Mira switches places with Gerard, Elio with Arioniel and Morrigan with Tallah.
Mira as Hero of Ferelden: oh she would be driven to stop the blight and utterly loyal to Grey Wardens, even if her temper would make her have some negative relationships with her team.
Gerard as Mesyaf Assassin: Just terrible. He is not scholarly and in general struggles with disciplines other than fighting and strategy. He's ultimate leader, but at the same time has nasty sense of sarcasm and is wildly independent person. Gerard would be that one smartass assassin everyone dislikes... Pretty much early Altaïr, but less cynnical, more an asshole...
Elio as Champion of Kirkwall: Elio scored pretty close as he and Arion are pretty similiar and have similiar personalities/views, though Elio is much more of a bookish, nerdy, introvert type. Still Elio probs would still be blue/diplomatic but I doubt he would have stuck with Kirkwall for entire storyline, as he is less martyr coded. Dude is realist and doesn't fight for hopeless causes
Arion as Italian Assassin: Well Arion is actually already an assassin in da2, so he woud excell as member of Brotherhood, but his desire to fix things for better would make him bit of red flag among the assassins. Idk it's hard to picture him as Ezio's kid tho as originally Ario had great relationship with his own father
Morrigan as Inquisitor: Oh dear God save us all... Morrigan would be way more strict and "red" and would be seen as tyrant Inquisitor. She doesn't mean to be evil, but she has lost belief in good of humans long time ago and acts on her personal needs and code, which would often oppose more diplomatic groups.
Tallah as Templar Agent: Seriously that would be a comedy show. Tallah is way too gentle giant to be a templar or ever side with templars (I mean Tallah is pretty much Connor, but with actual sense of humor). I am pretty sure my man would betray templars for assassins first chance given, and if anyone stood in his way, it's their funeral...
Hope I managed to answer your ask at least somewhat. It's hard to imagine how these characters would act in different enviroment and their individual stories kinda form them as people as story goes. Besides my AssCreed OCs are much more tied to century long assassin/templar conflict, while my Dragon Age OCs appear in different stories and have different attitudes.
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black girl anime headcanons ☁️ fluffy ☁️ 
blk girl hair headcanons for anime characters (with HQ, JJK, One Piece, MHA, KNY/Demon Slayer)
Soft bois
-would be so so gentle with you. it can get annoying at times bc he can act like u fragile (all good intentions tho)
-getting matching durag and bonnet sets when you come over and or leave your hair stuff at ur house 🥺
-wash day is a team effort. periodt. this man is fully prepared for anything, has done his research, brings al ur supplies you need to you, like whatever you need, HE IS THERE!!!!!
-you best BELIEVE this mf has silk sheets and pillowcases ready for you when you coming over. manz cannot stand it leave his boo hangin- 👑
-will always be gentle and attentive to your hair needs, no matter what curl type, he will do his best (and somehow everytime he does your hair, it looks gorgeous)
Sugawara, Akaashi, Kenma, Daichi-Nanami, Choso, Megumi, Todo-Sanji, Ace, Zoro-Midoriya, Todoroki, Aizawa, Hawks-Zenitsu, Uzui, Kaguya, Tanjirou, Rengoku
The “agressively clueless” boys
-dont know WTF theyre doing. 😃
-bro sees wash day an thinks youre crazy 🥲 will ask why you cant just wash your hair and go, inspecting every product like u some kinda witch
-as much as you love him, please do not ask this poor baby to help with your hair. will end up bald or with less hair than you began with. dont do it for the sake of your sanity and his too
-will agressively ask questions, making sure to wring every last detail out of you 👁👁
-wants to get better, but theyre too strongheaded and can get frustrated when things arent working out the way they want it to. they want their love go look good, why style not workout?
-you love them for trying tho, and eventually they become better at taking care of you, even if they dont fully understand the reasosns behind it :)
Nishinoya, Kageyama, Hinata, Bokuto-Yuuji, Yuta, Noritoshi-Luffy, Shanks, Ussop, Koby-Kaminari, Bakugo, Kirishima, Sero-Inosuke, Sanemi, Kokushibou/Yoriichi
Will worship the ground you walk on <3
-adores you. love at first sight. would marry you on the spot. yesyesyesye- 😍
-exclaims that you hair defies gravity, and the fact your hair naturally curls is just so cool to him, and you can put it into so many styles and he can go on for days at you
-would try to run his fingers thru ur hair, but alas, its not working 💀 settles with giving you massages when your scalp/head hurts from tight styles/rubs oil ito your edges or parts
-will be extremely careful when detangling your hair, since he thinks its a gods given gift that needs to be cherished and proteceted at all costs (adkgjfksks) 😤
-waits patiently and watches you do your hair. not in a creepy way, but to focus and learn more abt how to style, protect, and keep your hair healthy
-anyone who tries touching your hair is losing a hand, if not their arm 😭💀
Yaku, Kuroo, Tsukki, Aone-Getou, Inumaki, Mechamaru-Brook, Law, Dragon-Tokoyami, Ojiro, Tetsutetsu, Mirio, Hawks-Giyuu, Rengoku, Gyomei, Akaza, Yuichiro
Guard dog
-hes your gaurdian angel, and he adores everything about you, especially with your hair
-will stare any mf down who even tried to get close to you; will put on a stank face whenever you tell them abt someone you dont like 😒
-if youre exhausted and tired, he will try to do your hair (and even tho he doesnt know what hes doing at times, it comes out good)
-absolutely dedicated to you and the process of taking care of ur curls, and that includes paying for nails, hair extensions, prodcuts, headwraps, curlers etc 💸💸
-hypes you up SO MUCH its adorable; will see you putting on makeup or just putting your hair up and will automatically compliment you 🥰
-racists beware, bc he will not hesitate to body someone for you, regardless of whether they had “good/bad” intentions 😑
-loves you so much and would do anything for you. it the cutest and hes so lucky to have you as his s/o (including beaning racist whyte ppl)
Tanaka, Iwaizumi, Ennoshita, Aran, Sakusa-Sukuna, Yaga, Todo-Zoro, Newgate, Smoker-Dabi, Shigaraki, Rock Lock, Inasa-Muzan, Douma, Obanai, Kigaku
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i know that only like 2 other people on this webbed site care about womens volleyball but what is everyones thoughts on vnl so far and olympic predictions 👀
i think china, italy, and japan are gonna qualify through vnls for the olympics. i cant make my mind up between canada and netherlands for the fourth spot, on the one hand canada is ranked slightly higher rn and have played the best ive seen them but also the netherlands match against china was really impressive
i think vnl quarterfinals is gonna be:
thailand - hosting so automatic qualification, theyre my fav team and im happy they get to host the final round but i dont think my girlies are gonna make it past quarterfinals, at least not this year (though their win against dominican republic was great AND they took a set from the usa even if their loss to korea was frustrating, something happened between weeks 1 and 2 and they came out stronger because of it also my girl wipawee is proving me right that this is her year)
brasil - currently ranked 1 and their bench and starters have been lethal. gabi is solid as always nyeme has been making so many great saves. also i love the way the crowds erupt when thaisa comes on court i never get tired of it. i think they can make it to finals if not taking gold
usa - i know they havent been dominating but they seem to still be testing out their younger players, like washington/drews/hancock all havent even played yet- drews aint even on the roster and shes usually a go to player for them. their loss to china sure was something and they lost to brasil for the first time in like 5 years but their week 1 team wasn't their strongest and we knew this, it certainly gave newer players/ their bench some good experiance. excited to see how they match up with poland and turkiye later this week.
poland - lavarini has been great for them also they have wołosz back and stysiak is a monster and i thought genuinely they had a great chance of making it to finals last year if texas ac hadnt sabotoged them
italy - (now that egonu an sylla are back) for sure they can do it also antrapova in their pocket is great and in general despite the stumbling last year their team is doing well this tournament like their win againt turikye was great and that was with their week 1 squad
turkiye - won last year and are in a great position having both karakurt and vargas- (i like their odds better when they use them as subs for eachother more than having karakurt play outside but santarelli obviously knows much much more than me lol) they havent swept as much as i thought they would but they are human. and if they are on their game then theyre unstoppable but 3-1 loss to italy and 3-2 to japan took me by surprise. still would never count them out theyre obviously making it through. excited to see their game against serbia tn
china - silver metalists from last vnl. yall know i love yuan xin yue and want to see her play but also wang yuan yuan has been great this week also zhu ting is back on the roster!!!!!!! as im writing this their ranked 4 so i have a good feeling about them
for the last team idk but it could be:
japan - put some respect on kogas name!! girlie has been fantastic this tournement and winning against turkiye is huge imo and theyre game against brasil was amazing even if they didnt win they fought hard those 5 sets. genuinely i think japan is more primed to win the mental battle of the game i have such high hopes for them
canada - if they can get back to their week 1 play style i wouldnt count them out even tho its unlikely
serbia - usually is an easy prediciton but theyre right now behind korea in the rankings.... but they dont have boscovic back and their squad seems to be pretty young and they fight hard so it can still be them
dominican republic - though they haven't been winning a ton so far they are one of my ult teams i love them dearly and i hope castillo joins them again soon cause she is my favorite libero
i dont really have thoughts on olympics as of now except for my qualification predictions
hoping a single other person wants to talk about this!!
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milaisreading · 9 months
Helloo~ i just wanna lyk that im so freaking obsessed with your blue locks fics specially sae x isagi’s sister y/n. If you don’t mind can you please do a sae x isagi sis reader where oliver wants to get back together with the reader only to find out that shes already in a relationship. Sae got jealous and publics their relationship slsksksk i dont even know if i make sense but i live for possessive sae ❤️‍🩹🔫
🌱🩷: I hope u like what I wrote! Thanks for reading and the request 🫶🏻
Warnings l: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
Sae Itoshi wasn't a particularly jealous person, he never had much of a reason to be jealous. He had the talent it takes to become a football player, the looks, and for the most part important connections in the football world. He was never much of affectionate person either, if you ignore the brotherly love he used to give to Rin. But that pretty much changed when he agreed to the request of playing at a match between the Blue Lock team and Japan's U-20 national team. As Sae expected Rin was there and he wasn't surprised by the progress Rin made. What did surprise him were 3 things: 1. how well the opposing team was keeping up, 2. the ace of Blue Lock, a no name to Sae, leaving most of the team in the dust with his tactics, and the 3rd thing was a certain yell he heard in the middle of the match...
Sae hid his surprise as he heard the girl from the spectators spot yell at the ace, which shocked his team as well. Sae stared at the girl, trying to make out her features as he heard Oliver sigh.
"What's up with you?" The rehead asked.
'Can this guy think of anything else?' Sae wondered, already suspecting what Oliver might say.
"Isn't she just beautiful? God, she used to yell at me like that at times." Oliver smiled warmly, something that surprised Sae. He never looked fondly at anyone.
"You know her or?"
"We used to date a while back... I really messed that one up."
Sae kept quiet as Oliver spoke and shortly after left as his coach called him over. The redhead couldn't wrap his head around that one.
'Oliver used to be in a real relationship? And he was still hung over about it? Weird...' The redhead thought, glancing between Oliver and the girl.
"Sae!! What are you thinking about?" The redhead shook himself out of the memory and looked over at (Y/n), giving her a small smile.
"Nothing, I was just remembering the time I first saw you."
"Oh? That time I walked into you, yeah. That was embarrassing." (Y/n) laughed with a flustered face as Sae stared at her with the same smile.
"Yeah, but you were really cute with that surprised expression. Your clumsiness didn't change much since that night either." Sae chuckled, grabbing her hand as they made their way out of the stadium.
"Hey, it did get better. Don't be mean." She scolded him back. Sae stared at her for a moment, running his eyes over her frown.
'Adorable!' He thought as he poked her cheeks.
"Hey!" (Y/n) protested, getting more embarrassed but didn't remove his hands from her face.
"Anyway, how was your practice today? Yoichi said Luna-san is getting a lot more stricter with the team." She commented as Sae took her hand again. The redhead stayed quiet for a moment, observing the night sky before looking back at her.
"Yeah, he is a lot more on edge, but it's mainly because we have that upcoming game with Ubers."
"That's right, Yoichi did mention that last night to me. But, I am sure you will do great like always." Sae's face grew red at the flattering words and cleared his throat.
"Of course. You know me." The rehead said back, his voice much more cheerful than the usual one. This, a much softer side was something he only reserved for (Y/n) to see. He just wished they could stop hiding this relationship, wearing a mask during summer and in Madrid wasn't the best thing. But, to stay with (Y/n) he would do it.
'Besides...' Sae thought as he looked back at (Y/n), who was lost in her own thoughts at the moment.
'This side of her, the embarrassed, funny, and loving version of her is something only I want to see for now. This side only belongs to me.'
Sae was never more greatful for the mask that hid his red face.
Later that night, Sae was at (Y/n)'s apartment and waiting for her to join him to sleep. He was mindlessly scrolling through his phone when (Y/n)'s phone beeped, signaling that a message arrived. Now, the older Itoshi wasn't someone to pry on other people's phones, especially of his girlfriend so he just ignored it.
'If it is important, she will tell me.' Sae thought to himself. After about 5 minutes, another message arrived and (Y/n) entered the room again.
"I am so tired." Sae glanced at her as she yawned a little.
"Cute." He smiled to himself as he watched (Y/n) grab her phone only to see her frown in confusion.
"What happened?" Sae asked, growing a little worried from her reaction.
"Ah... it's just that Oliver texted me, weird." She mumbled, laying on the bed next Sae. The said boy grew annoyed at those words, he was aware of their history and he didn't enjoy the idea of them being so close. But, it's not like he can tell her who to speak to.
"What does he want?" Sae tried to sound disinterest as he pulled her into a hug, smiling as he felt her relax in it.
"Just said he will arrive in Madrid in 2 days for the match and that we should meet again." She said, reading through his messages. Sae's eyes narrowed a little and his hug tightened as (Y/n) wrote something back, then put her phone away.
"I won't go. Besides, I like spending that time more with you." She answered honestly and kissed Sae's cheek, which caused him to blush a little, kissing the top of her head in return.
"Good. I love spending that time more around you, too."
'I need to do something about Aiku. I know very well that he still has some feelings for (Y/n), and while she will reject him, Aiku isn't one to give up.' Sae kept thinking as he watched (Y/n) slowly fall asleep.
'Should I finally announce the relationship? I like it like this, tho... What to do?' The redhead sighed, burying his face into her hair.
The day of the match had finally come and both Re Al and Ubers were doing good so far. It was half time break right now and the status was 2-1 in Re Al's favor, and bot scored by Sae with Isagi and Luna's help. The team wasn't sure what was going on with Sae, but they weren't complaining. Now, the older Itoshi did plan on scoring when the chance was given to him, but what made his determination skyrocket was what Isagi told him earlier on.
Prior to the game...
"Hmm? I see Aiku still didn't give up." Sae looked over at Isagi as he finished his warm-ups.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean Aiku is still trying to win big sis back. I thought he gave up 2 years ago." Alarmed by those words, Sae looked over to where Oliver was, and sure enough he was talking to (Y/n) about something.
"He wants her back?" Sae asked, his eyes narrowing as (Y/n) moved away from Oliver a little.
"Yeah, he still likes her a lot. He told me earlier when they arrived here that he plans on asking her on a date later on. I told you to come clean with this relationship earlier." Isagi sent Sae a look before going to where his sister was.
'Aiku wants her back? No way will I let that happen.' Sae thought to himself, finally making up his mind over everything.
'I will defeat Aiku, then show him and the whole world to stay away from her.'
And true to Sae's promise, Re Al ended up winning the game, with the redhead surprising everyone with his performance today. And while Luna and the rest of the team were flocking him with praises, Isagi and (Y/n) were standing to the side on the field as the cameras and press walked over to Sae, probably excited for some answers. (Y/n) smiled the whole time at Sae, happy to see him get all the compliments.
'Proud of you.' She thought as someone tapped her shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, Oliver! Great game there! You did great today." (Y/n) said as she saw the taller standing behind her.
"Ahh~ wish we won, though. But, I am happy you liked it. You look quite good today, but I would like it more if you wore my jersey than your brother's."
"Well, I like Yoichi's more!" (Y/n) said back, a little nervous by his words.
Isagi, who was standing close by moved over to where they stood.
"Aiku, don't you have a team to go after?" He asked, a little irritated and worried. Sae was already pissed at Oliver for wanting to win his sister over, if he heard of this now...
And, as if luck wasn't on Isagi's side today, Sae saw the interaction and it was his final straw. He quickly pushed his way past his teammates and press, ignoring the shouts as he walked closer to the trio.
"I am so tired of this." Sae narrowed his eyes as he gently grabbed (Y/n) and turned her to face him.
"Huh? Sae?" She wondered in surprise as a blush covered her face.
'He was never like this in public! Weren't we supposed to be lowkey?' She thought as Sae grabbed her face and moving her closer to him.
"Let's make this official now." He smiled softly, pulling her into a kiss. And, while she did hear the people's gasps, Oliver's shocked yell, and Isagi saying 'finally', she didn't feel as embarrassed as one would expect. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Sae enjoyed this reaction, and he will enjoy this even more when he sees Oliver's defeated expression.
'She is mine. He better back off...'
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scribz-ag24 · 5 months
What is your favorite Grovyle headcanon?
Ooh I don't tend to have a clear set of headcanons for many characters but there are some things I've seen in other art that I've kind of absorbed lol.
First it's definitely gotta be the scars. I know i only ever draw the edgy face scar and not really draw him as desaturated and dry as before, but I always will adore @/emeraldtimethief design of grovyle. Withered leaves, scarred all over, smaller than the regular grovyle, give me all of it. I need that gecko malnourished and eating rocks lmao
Besides that, I think I really like putting him in the ace spectrum, even tho i do that with basically every character I like ahaha. I can't see him being interested in romance specifically at ALL, he simply loves those closest to him with all his heart, no matter if theyre family, friends or partners (The small glimpses we see of HOW deeply he cares about hero, celebi and even dusknoir after the mamoswine fight drive me insane).
I'm gonna count as headcanon the entire backstory he has in the romhack Special Episode 0 bc that fangame is way better than it should be and it gave me all the grovyle content I ever dreamed of and more <33
Also ig I should include that he forms a exploration team after special episode 5 with Dusknoir and Celebi, no I don't take any other answer
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daz4i · 2 years
bored so i’m looking for shit to overanalyze. anyway you know how nikolai has the 3 diamonds thingie on his eye. and how the diamonds suit can be switched with pentacles in tarot. anyway
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upright this card has nothing to do with him (tldr: teamwork, collaboration, learning, implementation. maybe that last one...? if you stretch it) but reversed it’s p much all on point imo. this part^ is more for the doa in general. they literally all have different goals, but like, theoretically, i can see why the other 4 would work on the same things bc at the end of the day it can help them in some way. but not nikolai. he always stands out to me the most in that regard, bc his personal goal is the literal opposite of what the doa’s trying to achieve
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this is interesting to me, bc we are first introduced to him when he’s disguised as a government worker that’s definitely overlooked by his superiors, BUT even in the doa he was meant to do his part of the plan then die. he really is basically meant to sacrifice everything for this plan and not even live to see its fruits, and there’s no way for him to further his own personal agenda either
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at the end of the day, he went against the plan and saved himself, then went against it again by saving sigma all on his own, AND he’s the one breaking fyodor and dazai out of prison (even if. um. in his own unique way). every time we see him, he works alone. the most he does is drag sigma around with him, but not really involve him in anything actively outside of simple mundane things, never actually letting him in on it
NOW! and interesting thing i thought about, is that the upright meaning of this card is actually more aligned with the plans fyodor has for the doa. his plan relies on collaboration and everyone doing their part. and i thought, “wouldn’t it be funny if fyodor had a 3 of diamonds thing going on too”. and!
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this is the card his game with ace ended on! what a crazy coincidence amiright. (i WILL say tho that’s not the case in the anime)
i mentioned a tldr of what the three of pentacles is, but to go in a bit more length, it’s everyone doing their role and bringing their best to the table. everyone is at different levels of experience and skill, but if they work as a team, they will bring the best out of each other.
i think this is def what fyodor’s going for. for example, he thinks sigma’s lack of history is his strength. he sees his lack of experience as something that contributes to his plan, and he’s willing to work with that. if anything, fyodor is closer to fitting the meaning of the three of pentacles
now. the thing about playing cards is they don’t really have a reversed form, they’re always upright. when we first meet nikolai - out of disguise - he does seem to fit that idea, talking excitedly about why he joined the decay of angels. but... we also see that his words are written by The Page. no better way to implement teamwork than controlling your coworkers’ actions!
there’s this theory running around that whenever nikolai has his eye cover off, that means he’s being his true self. if you wanna go into symbolism, you could say that working with a team - the meaning of the upright three of pentacles, or, the three of diamonds, the symbol literally covering his eye - is what’s diverting his eyes from his true goal, and only when he takes it off - becomes the reversed meaning of it - can he be himself and work towards what he wants.
you could also say, to an extent, that his attachment to fyodor is the thing that’s blinding him, and that this is the reason he wants to kill him and be free. to support this idea, he quite literally removes it when talking about it
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the thing holding him back from going and achieving what he wants, the thing holding him back from true free will, the one who planned for him to die, the one whose plans involved nikolai’s actions to be written in the book. his attachment to fyodor. that’s why he has to kill him to achieve freedom
i’m not sure how to transition into the next thing, but this official art
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becomes even more interesting to me in the context i’ve laid out so far. this is naturally designed to look like a card, one of the royals specifically, and i doubt that’s not intentional
well. we’ve just said that fyodor (or at least, his plan with the doa, which i’d say is his connecting thing to nikolai from his personal perspective) and nikolai are the inverted meanings of the same card. but the interesting thing is how nikolai’s the one upright in this one, and fyodor “reversed”. this might just be bc nikolai’s the more recent character so he needed high quality art to show off his design for the first time, but... ig if i stretch things again (which, tbf, this entire post is one big stretch lmao, so what’s another small one), his goals are more aligned with the protagonists - free will for all of humanity, rather than peace at the price of everyone being mind controlled. also killing fyodor lol. it could simply mean that this reversed meaning is the “correct” one, in the context of the story.
anyway, i’m not sure how to end this post, but i hope you enjoyed this blurb of words and maybe took something from it to add to your own future theories or analysis of either of them/their relationship 😌
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cheemken · 10 months
Knight I’m gonna send a request soon, I just need to think about what
Anyways, I’ve been thinking about the Masters Eight tournament and I’m still disappointed with how it was handled
And I know you don’t care much for the Anime, but just hear me out about how I think it should’ve went
The competitors should’ve been Ash, Iris, Cynthia, Diantha, Steven, Alder (not totally sure about him), Wallace, and Lance (they’re not ranked in this order). With Leon being the final challenge to the winner
I hated that Leon was a competitor because it just guarantees that whoever he faces is automatically going to lose
But yeah, I just think if it’s the MASTERS Eight then it should be the strongest trainers. Which are the Champions both present and past, hence Wallace and Alder being here
I’m kicking Alain out because he just felt like he was chosen as a competitor at the last minute when he had no true reason to join the PWC. Plus he ain’t a Champion
Another thing I was annoyed with was the Battle Field, like if you look at the Kalos League battle field in the Anime, it actually looks cool and had different battle fields. It wasn’t a generic rectangular box. The Masters Eight should’ve at least had a nicer looking battle field than…what they gave us
Last thing I want to rant about, but ALL battles should’ve been 6vs6 and not 3vs3 in the first round. The battles would’ve been so much better to watch if they were full battles
But yeah, it would’ve been a great send off if Ash had competed with the Champions from each Region, won the tournament, and then won the title of World Champion from Leon as the final challenge
The way they handled the Masters Eight was smth else man it was such a cool concept but the way they executed it is just cnmdndjd😭😭
It would've been so cool if it was like that bc for one, why is Alain there, and two you are so goddamn right abt Leon like he's always gonna win against anyone, plus I'm hella fucking salty over the Diantha vs Leon fight as you can see owo
But real why is Alain there😭 for fanservice??? He and Ash didn't even fight and you can tell I'm also salty over that Lumiose Conference battle lmfao the way I started hating Alain and Zard X bc of that yes I'm that petty— also why the fuck is he a rank higher than Iris💀
I do like that it's the Champions for the Masters Eight tho, it checks out bc they're the strongest of each region, but w Alder, as much as I love him, isn't he retired? What I always picture was the Champions plus Raihan, bc iirc, I think in the manga?? I'm not sure but I read that Leon always had to figure out a new strategy against Raihan bc he's always close to beating him, so if it's not Alder, I pitching in Raihan
So my ideal Masters Eight is Lance, Steven, Wallace, Cynthia, Iris, Diantha, Ash, and Raihan; Leon then being the final boss to see if the current number 2 can be number 1
Speaking of the M8 y'know, how does the ranking system of theirs even work? Cause yeah there's still the Ultra trainers, the top two of those being Raihan and Drasna. What I'm saying is,, should the competitors battle within Wyndon Stadium to be counted in it or do they have some sort of trainer card registration thing that automatically knows how many battles you had and how much you improved as a trainer? Idk bc I haven't watched the anime since hahaha
But yeah with the stadium and the battlefield right it's so goddamn plain😭 what I had in mind that would've been more of a challenge was smth similar to Kalos' field but also having control of the weather, like, if it's the ultimate challenge, then the Champions/M8 should be able to adapt depending on the weather of the field, whether it be raining, sunny, hailing, or if it's a sandstorm, to see how resilient they truly are, how they can make a disadvantage into an advantage, it would've been cool to see ig
Also as much as I despise all those "this is Ash's ultimate team" videos in yt bc they're basically all his aces, for this, I really wished he could've used all his aces because come on, you're gonna challenge the different champions of different regions with a team you just trained? Like he really won against Steven and Cynthia with a recent team, and ik he had training but c'mon man, the M8 aren't pushovers, might as well bring your strongest mons to have a fighting chance against them (I remember someone actually writing a fic abt that, of Ash using his previous pkmn, using a different team depending on the champion he faced and it was really dope cnmdnd).
But yeah, it's just,, well it could've been better but hey hahah
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