#oc:arioniel hawke
acgamesda · 3 months
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And that's how they became friends...
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acgames · 3 months
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*slides Bioware 50€*
Hey, so how my beloved geriatric Fereldans are doing in Veilguard, Bioware?
I need my elders Bioware. I need to know they are still kicking by 9:51 Dragon
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acgamesda · 3 months
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Facial changes of my Dragon Age canon protags + My future Rook, as I originally had her as my DAI OC. Made these as references but might as well share them.
Also I have no idea how my Adaars' horns work... Don't ask. It's weird shape in game too
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acgames · 4 months
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Art pieces for my Dragon Age protagonists.
Yes I know you have seen them multiple times on my different blogs, yes I know you tired of seeing them, but I am still very proud of these and I love my boys.
So Deal. With. It.
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acgamesda · 1 month
How well would your AC OCs do in DA and vice versa? Who's having a great time and who's hating every second of it?
(For the sake of this experiment all the characters know that they will be returned to their native universes once the main plot is over + they get a birief loredump at the start of their journey so they have a vague idea of what's going on and what they're supposed to do)
That's an interesting ask.
I think both groups of my OCs would be mostly confused about templars, because in one series templars are ultimate villians thinking they can control the world and bring utopia via total submission of humankind, while for other group of OCs Templars are mage herding religious police force, so there would be confusions on both sides.
A lot of also depends on the particuliar games/stories each OC would switch places with. With DA OCs it's easy because these three follow particuliar canon stories, while my AssCreed OCs follow their own stories made by me, but let's say Mira switches places with Gerard, Elio with Arioniel and Morrigan with Tallah.
Mira as Hero of Ferelden: oh she would be driven to stop the blight and utterly loyal to Grey Wardens, even if her temper would make her have some negative relationships with her team.
Gerard as Mesyaf Assassin: Just terrible. He is not scholarly and in general struggles with disciplines other than fighting and strategy. He's ultimate leader, but at the same time has nasty sense of sarcasm and is wildly independent person. Gerard would be that one smartass assassin everyone dislikes... Pretty much early Altaïr, but less cynnical, more an asshole...
Elio as Champion of Kirkwall: Elio scored pretty close as he and Arion are pretty similiar and have similiar personalities/views, though Elio is much more of a bookish, nerdy, introvert type. Still Elio probs would still be blue/diplomatic but I doubt he would have stuck with Kirkwall for entire storyline, as he is less martyr coded. Dude is realist and doesn't fight for hopeless causes
Arion as Italian Assassin: Well Arion is actually already an assassin in da2, so he woud excell as member of Brotherhood, but his desire to fix things for better would make him bit of red flag among the assassins. Idk it's hard to picture him as Ezio's kid tho as originally Ario had great relationship with his own father
Morrigan as Inquisitor: Oh dear God save us all... Morrigan would be way more strict and "red" and would be seen as tyrant Inquisitor. She doesn't mean to be evil, but she has lost belief in good of humans long time ago and acts on her personal needs and code, which would often oppose more diplomatic groups.
Tallah as Templar Agent: Seriously that would be a comedy show. Tallah is way too gentle giant to be a templar or ever side with templars (I mean Tallah is pretty much Connor, but with actual sense of humor). I am pretty sure my man would betray templars for assassins first chance given, and if anyone stood in his way, it's their funeral...
Hope I managed to answer your ask at least somewhat. It's hard to imagine how these characters would act in different enviroment and their individual stories kinda form them as people as story goes. Besides my AssCreed OCs are much more tied to century long assassin/templar conflict, while my Dragon Age OCs appear in different stories and have different attitudes.
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acgames · 3 months
I've been bombarded with Dragon Age posts since the 4th game is arriving soon and that has kinda reactivated my interest in the franchise, + I remember you making some posts about it in the past so... OC lore? Pretty please?
Well I am glad I am not the only one who had my love for Dragon Age revived.
But yeah, I am huge fan of the series and own/have played all three previous titles as well as have my own worldstate I absolutely love and wish to keep adding upon with the fourth game... Eventually.
I have three main protagonist OCs for each of the main games: my Hero of Ferelden from DA:Origins, my Hawke from DA2 and my Inquisitor from DA:Inquisition.
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Gerard Cousland is my Warden and youngest son of noble house Cousland. Despite being from very influential and rich family, he is very free spirit and prefers to do things his own way than to follow social norms, which puts him in pretty problematic relationship wih his own mother, who is very strict and wants for Gerard to marry and start family life, which Gerard greatly resents.
Personality wise, Gerard has short temper, sharp tongue and a streak of mean sarcasm. He prefers to get things done his own way and do not dally in helping others. yeah he starts as bit of a selfish scumbag, but he learns to take responsability over the journey. Still he means well, just complains alot...
In a twisted way of fate, Cousland family gets betrayed and massacred with Gerard being the only survivor (his brother survived too but it is only discovered later), pretty much dragged against his own will. Gerard's survival came with a price tho, so he became Grey Warden: pretty much poisioned himself to help save the world and dedicated his now greatly shortened life to stop the Fifth Blight (yet still almost entirely against his free will). Still despite being tasked to save the world and rally an army with his trusted bunch of weirdo friends, Gerard is obsessed with idea of revenge, which he comes to learn won't fix things anyways...
Still in the end Gerard and his bunch of friends/comrades succeeded in stopping the Blight, Gerard ended up leader of Fereldan Grey Wardens and kept leading them since then.
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Gerard did end up in unlikely relationship with Morrigan, witch of the wilds, but two of them actually had more in common than differences: both prefered individual freedom of making their own choices as well as not feeling like their relationship made them both feel "tied down". Still two have stuck up together for more than a decade at this point and even have son together, Kieran.
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Gerard had "dropped by" Halamshiral to have a meeting with Morrigan while being away on his search for the cure of the taint. In other words I modded Inquisition to let me have two of them together... Yes I have priorities...
Arioniel (or Arion) Hawke is my well... Hawke and protagonist of Dragon Age 2. He is just too pure and too good of a guy to have to go through the plot of DA2, but yet he did.
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Arion is oldest brother, who was forced to fill shoes of his late father, and not only become a breadwinner for his mother and siblings, but also provide security and care for them, so he did the best he could, even if it meant Arion had work for some shady people and acquire skills you wouldn't think someone like him could possess.
Personality wise, Arion is altruistic, kind and a softie, but he can be cold and tactical once he needs to defend his loved ones or fight for his goals. His "dark side" is that Arion is professionally trained assassin who had worked for Antivan Crows. Yeah looking at him no one would tell he's actual expert killer, but if pressed Arioniel will be ruthless and efficient in ending someone's life. Yet, he hates himself for this.
Well there's isn't much to say about Arion without reciting plot of DA2, but he is mage rights supporter and has only remaining sibling who is alive: younger mage sister Bethany and even so Arion still lost her to the Circle of Magi, where all mages are locked up. Still despite that and Kirkwall in general being filled with foul things, Arion tried his best to do a positive difference no matter how many times life just beat crap out of him.
Arion ended up in relationship with Merrill, elf apostate and dear friend. I guess two of them had to carry a lot on their shoulders and be responsible for safety and wellbeing of others around them, while also harboring dark powers/skills/secrets (Merrill's a blood mage), both just fell for eachother (also both have really good hearts in them). They canonically have no kids, but I think it's possible they would, because I see both Arion and Merrill and type to want at least one kid.
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Tallah Adaar is my Inquisitor and a Qunari warrior. He just ended in wrong place at wrong time, thus becoming an Inqusitor and leader of Inquisition, an organisation revived to bring world stability back.
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Tallah is oldest son of two Vashoth, refugee Qunari who escaped the Qun, so Tallah and his younger sister naturally were raised as close to human way of living as was possible to his parents, still that did not help him and his family suffer from violance and racism. Yet, despite the hardships, Tallah managed to make living just as his parents did.
Tallah is easy going and very humorious type. He is a sunshine despite quite scary looks and can act as such. People around him know him as someone who is almost always in good mood (because then he isn't Lord save us all)
Tallah ended up in relationship with Cassandra Pentaghast, who is quite older than him and also a noble human, but both of them don't really acknowledge any racist remarks their couple ever gets. In start Tallah and Cassandra butted heads over their different opinions, but realising how much Inquisition's success matters to Cassandra, Tallah relented, soon starting to see Cassandra in the new light. The light which made him fall for her hard.
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(yes Tallah is that tall...)
In the end Tallah as Inquisitor decided to stay working as honor guard to newly appointed Divine, Cassandra joining him in the duties. So two of them are coworkers and actually get married (then you are buddies with a pope and work for her, interracial marriage is minor feat). So far two of them have no kids as there are no canon info if their races even can have biracial kids or not. If it's not possible I probs imagine they adopted in the future...
Hopefully I did not ramble too much. I also assumed you know the plots of all the games so I did not go into detail about that or choices my guys picked. If you want some specific answers, feel free to ask. Also I have one more OC: Tallah's younger sister Karaah, but I might make her my future DA4 protag.
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acgamesda · 3 months
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My canon worldstate protagonists (so far one day my Rook will join the showcase)
Hero of Ferelden: Gerard Cousland
Sword/shield warrior, Human Noble, Romanced Morrigan.
Sided with Circle Mages
Brokered peace between Dalish and Werewolves
Bhelen is king of Orzammar, Anvil destroyed.
Anora and Alistair rule joinedly, Loghain survived.
Performed Dark Ritual with Morrigan
Champion of Kirkwall: Arioniel Hawke
Rogue Archer, Assassin spec, romanced Merrill.
Diplomatic personality
Bethany survived, but was taken to Circle
Arishok killed.
Sided with mages
Spared Anders, but shunned him away.
Herald of Andraste: Tallah Adaar
Two handed warrior, Reaver, romanced Cassandra
Allied with mages.
Loghain left in Fade.
Pardoned Wardens
Celene rules (with Briala)
Morrigan drank from the Well of Sorrows.
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