#ace attorney thoughts
bittersnsweetz · 2 days
You said you like ace attorney... do you have thoughts on Trucy and/or Athena (and/or Kay Faraday if you've played the Investigations game, but no worries if not)? They are my chaos girlies and I would protect them with my life.
Oh boy do I like ace attorney...
I have many thoughts on all of them although as of right now I am still formulating my opinion on Kay (I haven't finished Investigations yet!)
Trucy is absolutely darling and I love everything about her. I think her implementation into the story is interesting, I think her becoming Phoenix's adoptive daughter is extremely heartwarming and her dynamic with Apollo is probably one of my favourite protag/weird girl dynamics aside from phoenix and maya who ultimately have my heart and soul - that said, I do think a lot of her backstory with her mother and Zak could have been fleshed out more (I just think the plot + growth of the characters in AJ get lost after the last episode and it makes me sad), and I would have loved to see more done with her in terms of her magician aspirations in the later games as well as her relationship with Phoenix and more importantly Apollo after finding out they were half-siblings -- also her meeting people like Maya and Pearl and having more interactions just with characters that Phoenix already knew would have been awesome to see
Athena is a character who I feel had a lot of potential, but ultimately felt lackluster and not because of any fault of her own, but because of how the writers and game devs portrayed her. Her personality isnt anything special, and her relationship with Juniper is extremely bittersweet but doesnt really lead anywhere meaningful in terms of the game's narrative, and it's partially for those reasons I feel like she doesn't really stick like the other protagonists and sidekicks do. Dont get me wrong, i LOVE her gimmick, but capcom just didnt do enough with it, they didnt do a good job establishing it, they didnt do a good job of exploring how it could be used not just in the courtroom but in conversation with people during investigation scenes. the lore of her and Blackquill's past was very intriguing to me though and I just wish they had done more or stuck with her as a protagonist more. Athena just wasnt given enough period and Im sad about it because she could have been something so special and cool but instead she was just. there. with a gimmick that felt out of place BECAUSE it hadnt been given the right amount of time to be really solid (i have my own thoughts about apollo and athena's abilities and how they were framed in the game's narrative but thats for a separate post)
I find Kay and Edgeworth's dynamic adorable and fucking hilarious and i am going to get through Investigations just so i can really sort out how i feel about them but thats the long and short of it!!! Hope this provided a unique insight and thank you so much for the ask. I love to analyse/rant/ramble about these silly characters
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