#acdec team
blebbloom · 2 years
There are a lot of names teams use to call Academic Decathlon! At a competition a while back, there were many heated debates on which team was the most correct. Today, I'm bringing the debate to you.
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spideychelleforever · 2 years
(Inspired by @seek--rest here )
So many movies and shows brag about how their characters marry their best friend. Or how their spouses are their best friend. Or how they-they-ugh. It just got more annoying the more she thought about it.
Because MJ wanted to get through school and go to the next school with her best friends Peter Parker and Ned Leeds.
But she was stuck because she was hopelessly in love with the former. And the latter knew about it, too.
They were all geniuses but somehow Peter was oblivious to one of his best friends being in love with him, and somehow she was dumb enough to fall as hard as she did for her best friend who would surely never reciprocate. And Ned got to be the main audience for it.
Bless Ned. He was wholly sympathetic to it, he wanted it to happen. He listened to her if she wanted to rant about him and even indulged her so she could mention to him how cute Peter looked that day. But in a way, he made her feel worse through no fault of his own because it was his two best friends in this weird dance, and she felt like she would make him choose her side or something. He’d told her more than once that would never be the case, but she also worried that what if her feelings caused the trio to break up, leaving Ned without anybody or one of them.
UGHHHH. She tore into her stress ball. Get back to work, she told herself. Peter can wait, but your paper can’t.
Then one of the absolute worst days MJ had experienced in a long time came - when she saw Peter making heart eyes at Liz.
“Too late, you guys are losers,” MJ snarked to him and Ned. She tried to keep the venom out of her voice, the sound of the shattering that was going on inside her chest from getting out of her mouth. Because she still couldn’t truly be mad at him, it wasn’t something she had a right to be upset with him about, after all.
But it still hurt.
MJ wanted to bury it, but some part of her wondered if that was healthy. But what would be the healthiest approach right now? Just move on and accept Peter would never like her back? She didn’t like that idea, even though Peter had never given her any indication he liked her. So she wouldn’t be losing anything if she moved on.
Still, something in MJ refused to let him go. Maybe it was spending most days with him, whether it was reading her book while he and Ned played video games, or whether they ate sandwiches with the bread smushed down real flat, or whether they studied together. Spending time with him made her so happy, but she was also in pain because she did want him in another way. But why wasn’t she happy with him being her best friend?
If there’s one thing MJ’s mind was, it was a mess of contradictions, roundabouts and detours. This possibility and that possibility. Much of it, however, was clouded by Peter.
And that simply wouldn’t do. She couldn’t let herself be so invested in a boy who didn’t even like her back. Even if he did make her happy.
So she decided that, if she couldn’t bring herself to move on from Peter, she needed to at least remember she had a life outside of Peter. Even if she wanted to spend her life with him- good God, get a grip, girl! It scared her how easily she could say and think things like that when she was just some chick in high school pining for some boy. Ugh!
So she devoted herself to her schoolwork. She worked hard to pull her weight on the AcDec team, enough to keep up with Liz, enough that facts were getting burned into her brain. She started looking at colleges early, far earlier than her peers, and what kind of career she maybe wanted. She tried to enjoy her time with her parents at home more than she already did, and her time with her best friends more. She kept things as casual as possible, and to be fair, Peter was so oblivious he wouldn’t notice a thing.
She had a whole life to live, she told herself. And it wouldn’t be defined by her best friend she was in love with. At least, that was the plan.
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sargeantwoof · 4 years
Lean Back And Breathe
In a school full of geniuses Peter expected to keep his secret?
Yeah, right.
Luckily for him, those who know aren't that interested in exposing that tidbit of information.
Peter shuffled to the side, dragging his face buried in his arms across his desk, missing the looks the team shot him. MJ cleared her throat, her face impassive aside from the minor tightening of her eyes.
"Well," she said, "The Yalta Conference was held when? And it was about what?"
Peter slid to the side again, his head getting dangerously close to the edge, knocking pens and papers from the desk. The muted thuds startled him, his head shooting up as he looked around panicked. His eyes caught on Ned first and then MJ, his body softening as he realized where he was.
"Peter?" Betty said quietly, causing Peter's face to swing to hers, his eyes blinking owlishly. When he realized where he was, in the middle of Decathlon practice, his face turned bright red and he groaned, dropping his head into his hands. "Peter," Betty continued. "Are you okay?"
He waved his hands at her, not bothering to lift his head. Above him, Ned and MJ exchanged a look, the glance not missed by anyone else in the practice. The silence lasted another beat before Ned cleared his throat, blushing lightly as the rest of the team swung to look at him.
"Peter- he's, he's fine," Ned said, his voice growing stronger with each word. "He- uhh, he had to get- help his aunt late last night."
"Right," Cindy said, her brow arched. "That's why he's always tired." 
Peter groaned again, lifting his head up, tired annoyance etched across his face. "Why do you guys care so much?" He rubbed his eyes, unaware of the sweet picture he was portraying. In the back of the room, Flash snorted, covering his mouth at the glare MJ shot him. Peter yawned, dropping his hand. "I just- I had a lot of stuff to do for Mr. Stark and Aunt May."
"Oh, I'm sure you did," Flash muttered, keeping his gaze focused above Peter's head to avoided MJ's worsening glare.
Peter scrunched up his nose, blinking at them again, as if he had just realized where he was. "What time is it?" He asked, frowning. He glanced down at his watch, freezing for a moment before swearing and scrambling for his stuff. "Shit!" He cried. "I gotta go, Mr. Stark-" he shoved a pencil in his mouth, shoving his chair back, the two muffling the rest of the sentence. "Gottagobye!" He ran for the door, never looking back.
MJ sighed, dropping her head into her hands. "Well," Abe said brightly. "It really is never dull in practice is it."
"Are we continuing?" Charles asked, glancing around. "Even though Flash is his alternate he really doesn't offer much."
"No," MJ said, sliding her notebooks in bag. She stood, Ned rising across from her. "We will reconvene tomorrow. 3 pm sharp." She offered the group a blank stare and a nod before she turned to go. "Later losers."
"Yeah, bye!" Ned called cheerfully as they left the room.  
There was a moment of silence after they left. One beat, two beat, before the rest of the team drew closer together.
"So," Betty said, raising her eyebrows at them. "They really think they're fooling us all don't they?"
Abe snorted, Charles rolling his eyes. "Uh huh," Cindy answered, her tone vaguely fond. "Parker thinks he's slick."
"I still think you guys are wrong," Flash said, scooching closer to them. He ignored Sally's scoff and lowered his voice, leaning in even closer. "There's no way that it's true."
Abe rolled his eyes, irritation flashing across his face. "Peter has to be."
"DC?" Sally said, interrupting. "C'mon Flash he has to be."
"No," Flash repeated, the word sour in his mouth. "Because if he is, why hasn't he decked me yet?"
Betty huffed, . "It's Peter, Flash. It's like you've forgotten that you, and most of us," she gestured around the group. "Grew up with him." She shook her head, eyeing him with disbelief. "He cried when one of us stepped on a beetle in 2nd grade, obviously he's not going to punch you."
"He's protecting people," Charles cut in. "You were gonna say, 'but now he's out there punching people' - and yeah," Charles admitted. "He is." He looked over at Flash, taking in the tense lines of his body. "But the difference is that those people deserve it."
"I called him Penis."
"You still call him Penis," Sally said, a wry twist to her mouth. "I think at this point we all assume it's more of a weird fond nickname than an actual issue."
"But nothing," Cindy said, slapping a hand down on the table. "We all know Peter is Spiderman."
A clap echoed from the doorway, the six of them tensing and spinning to look. MJ stood there, backlight by the harsh hallway lights of Midtown. "God," she said, raising an eyebrow. "It took you idiots long enough."
Tony Stark: I may have bugged your classroom.         4:23 PM
Peter Parker: mr stark???       4:25 PM
Tony Stark: c'mon Pete, like you didn't have my number before.       4:25 PM
Peter Parker: i didn't realize u'd know mine??        4:26 PM
Tony Stark: You thought that I'd not know your number - that I'd know you were the spiderling but not know your        4:27 PM  number?
Peter Parker: … in hindsight that feels dumb        4:28 PM   wait, y'd u bug my class? Tony Stark: why wouldn't I?        4:29 PM
Peter Parker: basic privacy laws???        4:29 PM
Tony Stark: those don't apply to me. I'm Tony Stark.        4:30 PM
Peter Parker: I think they still do        4:30 PM
Tony Stark: whatever, not the point        4:30 PM The point is that I bugged your classroom and your fellow nerds know Peter Parker: know what?        4:31 PM     wait, mr stark??   they know what??        4:34 PM    mr. stark?? ***
Peter scrambled from the car, his face flushing when Happy sighed behind him. He had told Mr. Stark that he was more than capable of swinging to him after school but the idea had been vetoed every time. He shut the door behind him, mindful of slamming it. The last time he had forgotten about his strength he had crumpled the car door. Mr. Stark had thought it was hilarious but Happy had been more than a little upset.
"Bye Happy!" He called over his shoulder, slinging his bag over his arm and scurrying in through the doors Friday was holding open for him.
"Good afternoon Peter," Friday said, her voice a familiar tone in his ears. "Boss is waiting for you in the lab - would you like me to take you there?"
"Yes, please!" Peter said, glancing down at his phone. Around him the elevator hummed, the doors clicking shut behind him as it began to rise. He frowned at the sight of Mr. Starks texts, still open on his screen. He sighed, shoving his phone back in his pocket, resigned to having to ask Mr. Stark what he meant in person.
The doors opened, a tiny woosh of sound, the hallway empty in front of him. Peter glanced through the windows as he walked towards Mr. Starks labs door, taking in the scattered tools and bits of machinery strewn across the tables inside. He pushed through, the sudden noise almost overwhelming him.
"-And you need to stop!" Tony said, staring at Dum-E, a fond look on his face. He shook the wrench in his hand at the bot, ignoring the way the he drooped in response. "If you go towards the fire extinguisher one more time-" Friday cut the music, startling him into turning around. "Fri- Kid!" He said, grinning at him. "Just in time!"
"Just in time for what Mr. Stark?" Peter asked warily, sliding his bag off his shoulder and setting it on the table closest to the door.
Tony blinked at him, the gleeful expression dipping for a moment. "Are we not re-calibrating the webs today?" He rubbed his forehead, smearing oil over his eyebrow. "I thought we were?"
"We are," Peter said, biting his lip to keep from laughing. "I was just - nevermind." He cut himself off, instead wandering closer to Tony. "Friday can you bring up the schematics from the last time I was here?"
"Of course Peter," Friday answered, the outlines unfolding in front of him in a haze of blue.
"Thanks Fri," Peter said, his eyes catching on a mistake he hadn't noticed before. He fiddled with it for a moment before glancing up and catching Mr. Stark smiling at him. He flushed, yanking his hand back from the schematics. "What?" He said, self-consciously.
"Nothing, Pete," Tony said, his face fond and open. "Just proud of you."
Peter blinked at him, blushing an even deeper red, his mouth dropping open. "Me- me?"
Tony snorted, rolling his eyes. "Who else would I be talking to here?"
"Friday?" Peter squeaked.
"Incorrect," Friday said, her voice as fond as she could get. "Boss is proud of you Peter."
Peter looked down, the action doing nothing to hide the shy smile on his face. "Thanks, Mr. Stark."
"Of course kid."
Peter fell silent, reaching back towards the schematics, his hands much slower than they had been. He worked for another moment before realizing that he had never asked Mr. Stark his question. "Mr. Stark?" Peter said, getting a nod in response, though he didn't look up from what he was working on. "What did you mean earlier?"
"Earlier?" Tony said, highlighting a section of code to be revisited, willfully ignoring the fact that the entire section was basically neon yellow. "Like when I said I was proud of you?"
"No-" Peter said, a tiny smile on his face. "Like with the texts?"
"Oh," Tony said, looking up. "Your nerd friends figured out your Spiderman."
Peter frowned. "MJ and Ned already knew that Mr. Stark."
"No," Tony said, raising an eyebrow. "The other ones who are on your team." Peter's face drained of color. Tony stood, setting down the tablet and striding over to him. "Did you really not know kid?" Peter shook his head, completely mute. Tony sighed, slinging an arm around him. "If it helps, it sounds like they've known for a while."
"What?" Peter said, his face shocked and voice strangled. "Since when?"
Tony bit back a smile at the obliviousness of Peter. "Since DC?" He said, the smile coming out full force when Peter groaned and dropped his head into his hands.
"God," Peter said, his voice slightly muffled. "They must think I think they're idiots."
"MJ, heyyyyyy," Betty said, her face slightly panicked. "How long- how long were you standing there?"
"Long enough," MJ answered, her face impassive. Ned appeared over her shoulder, his expression equally unreadable. They slipped inside the room, MJ locking it behind her. The six in the center of the room swallowed hard, fear flickering through their eyes. Though they knew that Peter would've never laid a finger on them, MJ was a complete anomaly.
"We were just-," Flash began.
"Shut up Flash," MJ said, her voice betraying nothing. She slung herself over a chair, turning it so she was bracing her arms on the back of it. Beside her, Ned followed, snagging another chair and sitting in it, his face completely serious. "Here's how this is going to go," MJ said. "We're going to have ourselves a little discussion."
Ned leaned forward, staring each of them down. "No one is going to tell anyone about this discussion." They nodded, Ned leaning back once he was satisfied. He glanced at MJ, gesturing for her to go ahead.
"If Peter Parker was Spiderman," MJ began. "Then he would have quite a reason for being Mr. Starks intern." She glanced at Flash, taking in his rapidly paling face and didn't fight the coil of satisfaction that settled in her stomach. "And,  he would have a well-deserved reason for missing so much practice." She smiled at them with more teeth than needed. "Isn't that just so interesting?"
"He sure would always be tired," Ned said, his voice low. "Would be hurt far more than most." He glanced around the room again, taking in Betty's pained face, Abe's pressed lips, Charles' tightening grip on his water bottle. He blinked rapidly, his face suddenly pained. "Of course, this is all speculation."
"Of course," MJ echoed. "However," she leaned in close to the group, the others leaning in almost unconsciously as well. "If word were to get out that this rumor was spiraling, well," she exchanged a look with Ned. "Someone would have to go down for it, wouldn't they?"
For a moment no one moved, the room falling even quieter, as if the school itself had heard MJ's warning and was committing it to memory. In front of her, Sally shifted, everyone's gazes snapping to her. She blushed, almost lowering her gaze from MJ's but soldiered on.
"No one here would do that," she said, her voice quiet but firm, her conviction backed by the rapid nods of everyone around her. "And we're the only ones who ever even thought-" she cut herself off, her voice quieting. "You don't need to worry."
MJ sighed after beat. "I like you guys," she said, smirking a little bit at Flash's shocked face. "Yes, even you Eugene. But," she said, her face dropping back into impassivity. "This is Peter's life we're talking about." Beside her, Ned coughed suddenly, his eyes wide.
"Uh," Ned said, his eyes on a familiar figure on the window. "I think we're about to get some company."
"Activating," Friday said, in response to Peter's query about the listening devices. "Broadcast begins in 3, 2, -"
"Shut up, Flash," MJ's voice came through, Peter's brow furrowing. "Here's how this is going to go. We're going to have ourselves a little discussion."
"Is this old?" Peter asked Mr. Stark, frowning.
He shook his head, his face placid. "This is all live, kiddo."
Ned's voice began. "No one is going to tell anyone about this discussion." There was a beat and then MJ started speaking again.
"If Peter Parker was Spiderman - then he would have quite a reason for being Mr. Starks intern." Peter groaned suddenly, gesturing for Friday to stop the device.
"I have to go," Peter said, glancing at Mr. Stark who was smiling at him.
"Keep your stuff here," he said, reaching over and ruffling his hair. "You and your partners can come back after. I know Pep wants to meet them."
Peter flashed him a smile, pushing his chair back and heading to the bathroom off to the side to go change. "Can you ask if Aunt May can come?"
Tony spluttered. "Your hot aunt can always come," he said, ignoring Peter's familiar Mr. Stark!
He strode out of the bathroom, fixing a glare on Tony before it melted off his face. "Can- can you send Happy to pick us up?"
Tony held up his phone. "Already texted him kid." He raised an eyebrow at him. "Got a change of clothes?"
Peter nodded. "Ned made me stash one in my locker."
Tony stood up, tugging Peter into a hug. "See you in a few hours kiddo."
Peter pulled back, smiling up at him. "Thanks, Mr. Stark," he said, his smile shy. "Love you."
"Love you too, Petey," Tony said, swallowing down a lump in his throat. "Friday can take you up to the top so you can swing from there."
Peter grinned, turning to go. "MJ's gonna wanna have words with you," he called cheerfully over his shoulder. "She doesn't like being bugged." The door shut behind him, Tony watching as he slid his mask on, bouncing up and down in place as the elevator doors opened. He turned, waving at Tony before Friday shut the elevator, bringing him up to the balcony.
Tony smiled, shaking his head. "Friday," he said, the AI already bringing the audio from the device back up. "Keep playing and continue to record. I want to hear these threats."
"What?" Sally said, before the window slid open and Spiderman tumbled through.
"Oh shit," Flash whispered, his face dropping. "We're about to die."
Spiderman stood in silence for a moment, the whites of his eyes narrowed at Ned and MJ. In front of them, the others were mostly frozen, their hands tangling together in their sudden nerves as if that would protect them from a pissed off superhero.
"Goddammit," Spiderman said, reaching up and yanking his mask off, the brown eyes of Peter meeting MJ's. "I told you not to threaten anyone."
"I knew it," Cindy muttered, her face splitting into a massive grin. She yanked her hands back, knocking her fist gently against Flash's shoulder. "Ha! You're the idiot now." Flash groaned, his eyes never leaving Peter who flashed Cindy a smile before going back to stare at MJ.
Surprising everyone but the three of them, MJ cracked first. "Protection?" She offered, her mouth twisted. "Cause you wouldn't do it yourself?"
"I wouldn't do it myself because I thought it was just rumors," Peter stressed. "If I had known that Cindy had figured it out, I would've done something."
MJ shrugged, her elbow knocking into Ned's. "We were trying to help." Ned shot her a betrayed look and she shrugged again. "It was a group plan Leeds."
Peter shifted his gaze to Ned, ignoring the fact that the others were enthralled in their discussion. Ned sighed. "You do too much sometimes," he admitted. "We wanted to take something off your plate."
Peter sighed, looking impossibly fond all of a sudden. "Just a little warning next time?"
"To be fair," Betty said slowly, looking between the three of them. "It was very spur of the moment I think."
"Oh," Peter said, blinking. "Just don't do it again?" He offered, grinning when MJ shrugged and Ned nodded.
"How did you know?" Abe said, wonder in his tone. He flushed lightly at the looks he got. "That this was happening?" He clarified.
"Wait, yeah," Sally said, her brow furrowed. "Do you know when people figure it out? Who you are?"
Peter laughed, snagging a chair and sitting in it, neatly sliding into the group. "No," he said, the corners of his eyes crinkling up. "Nothing like that." He glanced around the room, nothing sticking out to him. "Mr. Stark bugged the room."
"What?" Flash said, his voice strangled.
"That's illegal," Charles said, though his voice was light.
Peter's mask crackled to life, Mr. Stark's voice suddenly coming out of it. "And I'm Tony Stark, what of it?"
The room froze, Peter rolling his eyes at his mentors ego. "Mr. Stark," he said, ignoring the looks everyone but Ned and MJ gave him. "Please stop bugging my classrooms."
The mask was silent for a beat before his voice came through again. "We'll talk about this at dinner," he said, evading the plea. "MJ, Ned, you're coming with him, right?"
"Mr. Stark!" Peter said, fond irritation in his voice. "You know I haven't asked them yet, please, please stop interrupting this."
"Fine," Tony sighed. "I'll leave you to it." The mask crackled once more and when silent.
"Er," Peter said, glancing up at them. "Sorry about him."
Abe grinned at him. "This is the best day of my life," he said. "You've proven me right and I got to hear Tony Stark harass you?" Peter grinned back, grateful that someone was pleased with the turn of events. Abe shook his head. "It's an honor Spiderman."
"Oh geez," Peter said, flushing. "You don't - please-"
"I have questions," Cindy announced cutting him off.
Peter nodded but turned to Ned. "Can you-"
Ned cut him off. "I'll grab the change of clothes." He turned, leaving the room, exchanging a fond look with MJ as he left.
Peter smiled after him, turning back to Cindy. "Sorry about that- your questions?"
"Yeah, how are you Spiderman?"
"Do you produce those webs?"
"When did you become Spiderman?"
"What do you do with Mr. Stark?"
"Have you met the Avengers?"
"Okay!" MJ snapped, her glare silencing them all. "Peter can-"
"MJ," Peter said quietly, reaching out and squeezing her hand, the rest of them watching avidly. "It's okay." She glared at him for another beat before squeezing his hand back. "Right," Peter said, turning back to Cindy. "One at a time?"
Cindy smiled at him, her normally open face even more delighted than usual. "How are you Spiderman?"
"I got bitten by a spider," Peter said, rubbing his thumb over MJ's knuckles. "It was, uhhh, biologically altered and so it altered me."
"What the fuck?" Sally and Charles said in tandem, blinking at each other and then back at Peter.
He shrugged. "It was an Oscorp spider," he said, as though that made it make sense. "It died after it bit me."
Flash snapped his fingers, pointing at him, things clicking into place. "You- you were sick for like a week after," he said, ignoring the look MJ shot him. Peter nodded, smiling tentatively at him. Flash flushed, dropping his eyes and falling silent.
"So," Abe said, breaking the slightly awkward silence. "Those webs- do they come out of you?"
Peter snorted, glancing over at the door and dropping MJ's hand. "It's Ned," he said, nodding to it right before the knock sounded. MJ rolled her eyes but stood to get it as Peter ignored the slightly shocked looks he was getting. "No," he answered, turning back to Abe. "I made the webs myself, and Mr. Stark helped me improve both them and the web shooters." Abe wiggled his eyebrows at him and Peter huffed. "You are not going to get to wear them."
"Damn," Abe muttered, a grin on his face. "I really thought I had you."
Behind Peter, MJ let Ned slide through, relocking the door. Ned tossed the clothes to him, nodding at the teachers closet. "Best place for you," he said, grimacing. "Someone on twitter posted that Spiderman was out swinging so people are frantically looking for you - phones are everywhere, even in the hallway."
"Fuck," Peter said, dragging his hand over his face. "I really thought I could be stealthy this time." Ned poked him, urging him up and towards the closet. Peter sighed but complied, trying to change as fast as he could.
MJ snorted, leaning close to Ned. "He definitely needs to listen to Natasha more," she said in an undertone.
"Hey!" Peter said, popping his head out of the closet, yanking the sweater over his head as he reached behind him, tapping the suit as it folded up. "Not cool, MJ!"
"You heard that?" Betty asked, her face twisting. "I barely could and I'm right here."
"Oh, yeah," Peter said, slipping the suit into Ned's bag and reseating himself, scooching closer to him, his hand snaking out and gripping his. "I've got like super hearing and strength."
"Like how-"
"Stronger than Captain America," Peter admitted, frowning when Flash shrunk in on himself. He glanced at Ned and MJ, only to see the both of them shaking their heads at him. He arched an eyebrow, sighing when all they did was shrug back at him. "Anyways," he said, turning back to them. "I actually do have to be somewhere now," he said, sighing. "I wasn't even supposed to be here, I had stuff to do with Mr. Stark in the lab today."
"That's okay, Peter!" Sally said, cutting off everyone else. "We can definitely text you questions later, right?"
"Sure?" Peter said, before frowning again. "Though I think I'm gonna have to ask Mr. Stark if it's okay - secret identity and all that." His face suddenly got serious, all the humor leaving his eyes. "I really really really need this to stay on the dl," he said, biting his lip. "I will do all I can to answer your questions and stuff but I can't have this getting out."
"Of course," Cindy answered, the rest of them following. "We've kept a secret all this time, we can keep doing it."
Peter smiled at her, the relief clear in his eyes. "Great!" He said, standing up from his seat and tugging Ned up with him. "And like, not a threat, but if Mr. Stark finds out someone leaked it-" he shrugged, his face not nearly as amused as it had been. "He takes that shit seriously."
"Got it," Charles said, shooting a look at Ned's backpack, where the mask lay. "We won't piss off Mr. Stark."
"Awesome," Peter said, grinning at them. "I'm gonna go," he said, gesturing to the door and holding his hand out for MJ to take, which she did with a sigh. "See you guys tomorrow!"
MJ unlocked the door, the three of them exiting, Peter's excited chatter carrying through the hallways for a moment before they rounded the corner and the sound muted before disappearing entirely.
"Oh fuck," Flash said, his face pale. "I'm going to die."
"Well," Sally said, her eyes alight. "I think that went really well." She exchanged a look with Cindy and Betty, the three rising together. "We're gonna go chat about this in a classroom that isn't bugged," she said. "My place?"
"Sure," Cindy said, Betty nodding in agreement. The three gathered their stuff, leaving as quickly as they could without outright running down the hall.
"Fuck," Flash repeated, staring at nothing. "I used to bully Spiderman."
Charles began laughing, Abe grinning at Flash. 'Well," Abe said, his voice bright. "At least it's a 'used to'."
Flash sighed, burying his face into his arms. "My life is a fucking nightmare. God." He sighed again once more before muttering. "Fuck!"
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fakeoldmanfucker · 3 years
Maybe I should just start calling wifi wifey.
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unoffical-marvel · 4 years
Can I ask for fic recs?
Specific tropes that I want to read more of:
Pre-civil war tony (preferably pre ultron too) thinking the team hates him and the team finding out. Hint: they don't actually hate him
The team thinking that peter is Tonys son and the two of them playing along with it
Any misunderstandings about peter and tony really...
Any characters (including avengers) finding out that spidey is not an adult like they assumed
The acdec team trying to figure out why peter keeps disappearing (and coming to really wrong conclusions) or peters teachers being nosey.
The avengers (again preferably pre -civil war) finding out that tony has PTSD or finding out exactly what happened in Afghanistan.
Fic where characters see peters bruises and come to the conclusion he is being abused... Because DRAMA
Any other tropes you think I might like.
No starker or peter/avenger ships (non-platonic). Preferably no Stony or Bucky/tony either but I'm fine with it if it's not the main focus. Honestly, fully platonic stories are some of my faves :)
Include links pls
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th3-r4t-k1ng · 3 years
Ok- but like, Theater Kid Peter Parker who is still Spider-Man?
•He got bit behind a theatre, that the theater club went on a field trip too, that, surprise, surprise is near Oscorp.
•Peter and, by Proxy Spider-Man is 10000 times more dramatic, and he adds ton of Vine references.
Example: Bad guy punchs Spider-Man? queue Peter Dramatically dying for 10 seconds before he socks the criminal right in the face.
•Hes still a genius in the STEM subjects but he isnt an the AcDec team and no one notices him when it comes to the marks
•He has ab amazing memory, he’s anxious and shy until you stick him on stage, and then you get Tony Stark level theatrics.
•Tony notices him purely because of Spider-Man and then suddenly ‘how and why is this child fixing my sleep deprived calculations and getting it RIGHT!?’
•tying in with Spider-Son and iron-dad, Tony Stark showing up to the theater to watch the (his) kid preform
•when peter meets the rest of the team He, Nat, and Bucky hit it off right away, they constantly watch musicals together and the two adults help him rehearse.
•The whole theatre club is LGBT+ and Peter dosent feel the need to come out to them. He just randomly shows up with news that hes taken and has no problem with telling them its a guy.
•Theatre Cult. if youve ever been in theatre youve been apart of at least one theatre cult. The Midtown theatre club found an old calculator thats screen is stuck on ‘4311’ Peter added robot luke legs and arms and now they worship him. the calculator is called Calleigh.
•Ned is his childhood friend; Peter helps ned with homework occasionally, ned helps him memorize his script and they both build lego together.
•Harley and peter meet at the tower; they hit it off right away, Peter and Harly make the Potato gun 2.0 and before tony can blink the two are dating
•Endgame, and Far From home arent the same; his identity was never revealed and Tony never died, neither did Nat and Steve didnt stay in the past.
•Aunt may is amazing but busy with work a lot of the time but she tries her best
and thats all i got so far ᗡ:
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nimikyu · 7 years
fact checking the depiction of academic decathlon in spiderman: homecoming (2017)
realistic: • matching team jackets • tomfoolery in the name of team-building • "nothing is more important than nationals" attitude • they used the actual usad logo I was impressed that they didn't make a knockoff brand decathlon unrealistic: • one of the presumably smartest people on the team misses out for the entire national competition and the team wins first place regardless of missing an entire person's scores • those little bell things. academic decathlon prefers debatably functional technology for inputting answers these days • to be one of the most smart people on the team you actually have to like. study and my boy peter didn't have enough time for that at all
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Links (and others) as members of my AcDec Team (part 2)
Wild: Hey look, we made a pentagon!
Twilight: Can I get that in Hylian?
Time: He's a Zora.
Twilight: Oh.
Warriors: I'm a virgin in distress.
Legend: You live by the book, you die by the book.
Ravio: And this is why we can't have both swords and butter.
Warriors: If life is just someone's story-
Hyrule: Then whose is it?
Time: Hylia's.
Wind: Maybe that was just kinky, don't worry about it.
Everyone else: shocked silence
Wild: Not a war crime if war wasn't declared.
Legend: I like the way you think
Twilight: NO
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What is your top three unpopular opinions about the spider-man films? (To add, a separate top three for the holland/disney version) -parallel
Let’s DO IT. 
Abe Brown and Cindy Moon should have been in FFH. I want some of the acdec team, dangit. And I wanted to see MJ as captain! 
MJ should NOT be a reporter if they fast forward. As sharp as she is, that’s a Mary Jane Watson thing, not a Michelle Jones thing. Whatever MJ does, it should be her own. 
Tbh, I wasn’t really a fan of the whole ‘Nick Fury’ thing in FFH. Even though I know it was Talos, something about it didn’t feel believable, even after the reveal. I kinda wish it had been the real Nick, or at least that it didn’t simulate the whole Iron Man vibe. 
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asexualtuckerfoley · 5 years
AcDec team: *gets to go to Paris instead of being sent home after London*
Hawkmoth: *is Hawkmoth*
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caffeinated-mendes · 5 years
Failed Mission - Peter Parker & OC - Chapter 1
previous work
synopsis:  Eliza Brooks, an eighteen-year-old Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and friend to Tony Stark is given a mission after Tony's death: Attend Midtown Tech and keep an eye on Peter Parker. With the use of her mysterious powers, Eliza had never slipped up on her assignment. That is until Peter's life is in danger, and she has to save him. The cost of her exposing her identity could very nearly mean the end of her mission, and the ending of her chance to become an Avenger.
word count: 2.5 k
a/n: Hi everyone :) Here's a new fic for you all with an OC of mine that I've created with the help of my friend @fallinallincurls <3 I loved Peter so much that I had to make a multi-chap fic for him! Anyway, I see this as Post Endgame, but a few months before FFH. Hope you all enjoy <3 comments likes, and reblogs are always appreciated!
warnings: none
*if you prefer, you can read this on my ao3 instead of here
“Can anyone tell me the answer to number twenty-seven?” Mrs. Codds asked, to which the class silently responded. “Anyone?” Eliza didn’t raise her hand, even though she knew the solution to the problem. Her eyes were trained on the figure in front of her. His leg was bouncing nervously in his desk, watching the clock that taunted them at the front of the room.
Eliza fiddled with her pen, waiting for someone to be called on without their asking. “Ms. Brooks?” Her eyes shot up to the board, examining the problem.
“Uh, thirty-two.” 
“That’s incorrect. Anyone else?” Mrs. Codds’ narrowed eyes found her next target, Michelle Jones.
Eliza raised her hand, but spoke without being called on, “Mrs. Codds? Isn’t it thirty-two, though? X equals fifteen, and the square root of sixteen plus y, which is thirteen, equals thirty-two.” With a bit of fright, she pushed her long hair behind her ear.
Mrs. Codds examined the board once again, “I suppose you’re right, Eliza. My mistake. Thank you.” Heads turned to her, including MJ, who mouthed ‘thanks.’ She nodded, moving her gaze back to the board.
“Everybody was so surprised that Mrs. Codds didn’t scream at you or something. She usually rages if anyone speaks out.” MJ said, clutching her book to her chest as Eliza took her bag from her locker. 
She chuckled, “I know, I was surprised too. By the way, I can’t hang out today. I’ve got work.” Eliza turned to look around, “But you could invite someone to partner with you in AcDec.”
MJ’s ears turned red, “Eli, no. It’s not gonna happen.”
“He’s cute, though! I know you like him.” Eliza grinned, pulling her navy blue backpack onto her shoulders. MJ pulled on the strings of her hoodie, shaking her head and looking at the ground. “Alright, I won’t terrorize you anymore. See you tomorrow. Oh, and don’t forget, we’re studying on Sunday.”
MJ nodded, “I won’t. See you!”
Eliza hurried her way down the halls of Midtown Tech, her black vans making squeaking sounds on the tile. Turning to look into the window of the library, she saw Peter Parker, MJ, and the rest of the team reading their textbooks. She took out her phone, and called the latest number, walking out the doors of her school. The day was a bitter, cold February day. Eliza had to pull up her hood to not shiver on the spot. “Hello?” A man’s voice answered the phone.
“Hey, Happy. Just the daily report. Peter’s fine. He’s at practice right now, so I’ll be going out later today. You know, the usual.”
“Alright. Thanks for letting me know, Eliza.” He sounded relieved, like Peter would never catch a break.
“Of course. Have a good day.”
“You too. You still coming over to Pepper’s tomorrow for dinner?”
Eliza pounded on the steps to the railway, responding, “Yep. See you.”
“Bye, Eli.”
She hung up, pushing her way into the crowded train. Eliza didn’t know how much longer she could keep the whole thing up. The whole routine of high school didn’t suit her. She longed for the days of training with her mentor. Somehow, she thought that training to be a spy was easier than being a high school student.
Perched up on the roof of a building, Eliza watched as a blue and red figure swung through the borough of Queens: the beloved Spider-Man. She had to hop rooftop to rooftop just to keep up with him. Luckily, her suit helped her jump farther, but landing always hurt. The flexible black and navy blue material let her move swiftly in the shadows, though it didn’t matter. Just one thought, and she could become invisible. She watched as Spider-Man made his way into a bank that was screaming with alarms.
Willing herself to turn invisible, she jumped down onto the steps of the bank. The best part of not being seen was people not noticing you. The worst part was having to maneuver your way through, as nobody could move out of the way for you.
Checking her surroundings, she quietly opened the door a sliver and slipped through. This was the worst part of the job. Watching Peter defeat the bad guys, and not being able to help. A woman at the counter trembled at gunpoint, a masked man clamping his hand over her mouth. Two other goons raided the available containers behind them. As if right on cue, Peter screamed, “Hey! Don’t you have other people to rob? I mean not like you should rob them-” He cut himself off, shooting a spider web to grab the gun in his hand. The action made the man angrier, but before he could do anything, Peter ran, jumping onto the counter and swinging his legs into the man’s side. He doubled over in pain, but as Peter stood over him, he didn’t see that the man’s big, beefy buddies were right behind him.
Eliza wanted to scream, tell Peter to watch out, but she knew better. She watched in horror as one of them hit Peter in the head with a bat, knocking him to the ground. Peter didn’t get up. She couldn’t stand there anymore, so she ran for the two of them, pulling a gun from her belt. Thankfully, whatever she held became invisible too, so she didn’t have to worry about people seeing a floating gun. Making two shots, she hit them both in their legs, not wanting to kill. 
Her fingers trembled. She hadn’t done anything like that for real, and hadn’t shot her gun in months. The woman at the counter shrieked. Seeing two men get shot from nowhere was justifiably scary. Eliza jumped over the counter, seeing that Peter was breathing, and conscious. It seemed like he had just woken up. Eliza didn’t think of the consequences as she hoisted Peter up, still invisible. “Whoa! Who’s pulling me?” He grabbed for her, and Eliza was too late to move, as he’d gripped her wrist. “Show yourself! He looked not in her eyes, as he couldn’t see her, but at her neck. Eliza had a couple inches on him.
Eliza knew she’d failed. She lost her grip on her invisibility, and soon she was fully visible. Peter still wouldn’t know it was her. She had a mask on, not unlike Peter’s, but it was black with three stripes of blue on each side. The eyeholes were shaped like upturned rectangles, an almost clear mesh. His spidey-eyes widened. “Eliza?”
Eliza’s breath hitched. Peter didn’t know her. She never spoke to him. Calmly, she replied, “I don’t know who you’re talking about. Let’s get out of here. The police are on their way.” She shook her hand from Peter’s grip, and started running out of the bank, Peter on her tail. They made their way into a dark alley, lit only by a flickering streetlight. 
“Are you sure you’re not Eliza? Because you sound like her too. Wait, why am I asking you that? You know who you are.” Peter caught up to her. Eliza tried to turn away, walk in the other direction, but then, Peter pulled on her mask, taking it off. Her long, blonde hair cascaded around her face. “It is you.” He didn’t say anything else. 
“How’d you know it was me, Peter?” Eliza’s heart sunk. She failed her mission. At least it meant she got to go home.
Peter almost choked, “How’d you know- I mean, I’m not Peter-” Eliza pulled Peter’s mask off to reveal his terrified face. “Uh- your eyes. They’re blue. Just not a normal blue, it’s like a weird blue. I don’t know why. When you showed up a few months ago to school, and the teacher introduced you to the class, your eyes glowed. I don’t know if everyone else saw it, but I did when you looked at me. Then they went back to normal. They glowed so bright when I grabbed your arm that it went through your mask.”
Eliza looked down. “Peter, I’m not allowed to tell you this, but I failed my mission anyway. I’ve been keeping an eye on you since you went back to school, after, well, you know-”
“Since the blip ended?”
“Yeah. Tony found me, kinda like he found you. I was fifteen, it was right after, um, Sokovia. I blipped too, so I’m only eighteen now. But it was eight years ago. When I blipped back, Fury gave me a mission. He told me that Tony intended it for me when he was gone. I’ve been reporting back to Happy, giving him updates. I follow you when you go out into the city.” Eliza looked down at her feet. 
Peter’s face looked disappointed. “Oh.”
“What?” Eliza looked back up at him. Peter played with her mask in his hands. The scene must’ve looked weird. The two of them, holding each other’s masks.
“Well, it’s just that, I thought Mr. Stark thought that I could take care of myself now.” Peter looked up at Eliza, shrugging. His brown eyes looked sad.
Eliza hung her hands, “I’m sure he did. I think he just wanted to have me make sure you were safe. In a way, I was supposed to be the big sister you never had. At least, that’s how Pepper put it.”
Peter nodded, holding out her mask. She took it, and gave him his. “I think this means my mission’s over.”
He looked away, then back at her, “Maybe we can convince Happy to let you stay. He doesn’t have to tell Fury. You could join me, the media wouldn’t know, because you can turn invisible!”
“That might work.” Eliza started to think that she wanted to stay in New York a little bit longer, “Also, I’m not just invisible. I can turn into other animals, too.”
Peter’s eyes widened, “No way! Turn into… a monkey!” He grinned expectantly.
“How about I do something a little more convenient?” Eliza laughed.
“Yeah, okay.”
Eliza felt the familiar sensation encapsulate her body. It was like your entire body was falling asleep, but intensified, as the pins-and-needles feeling grew stronger, her vision changed, and suddenly, Peter got much taller. Her suit, designed to only appear in her human form, was gone. Peter spun around.
“Where’d you go? Eliza?” Eliza scuttled up Peter’s leg, all the way to his hand. She saw him look down. “Ugh. Of course you’re a spider. Deja vu. Can you turn back now?” Eliza hopped off his hand and landed back on the ground. She envisioned herself as herself, a human, and was enclosed in the prickly feeling again. She flexed her fingers, looking back at Peter.
Eliza grinned, “Uh, weird question, but out of all the situations I might’ve had to save you from, how’d you let it be a bank heist?”It seemed too easy for him. Peter didn’t fail like that. Eliza knew that he’d been in much higher-stake situations. 
As if reading her mind, Peter replied with a red tint to his face, “I have a fifth sense, it’s kinda like I can feel what's going on around me. Stupid to say after I didn’t realize two guys were behind me with a bat, but you were distracting me, I think. I didn’t know it was you at the time, of course, but I felt this weird power. It pounded through the room, and it distracted me.”
“I guess you can sense me, too. Have you felt it this whole time?” Eliza lifted her hair into a makeshift ponytail, and put her mask over her head. Peter put his on, too.
Peter shrugged, “Well, sort of. Just not that strong. I had a feeling like someone had their eyes on me everywhere I went in the city.” Eliza nodded. 
“Well, if I get sent back home, I’d like to make this a night to remember. Wanna fight crime as a team?” Eliza laughed.
Peter shook his head, “We’ll ask Happy to let you stay. I know it’ll work. But sure, let’s do it!” Eliza took this as a cue to change, morphing her body into a creature that could jump easily from building to building.
Looking down at her now, Peter’s spidey-eyes widened, “A monkey! Sweet!”
“Hey, Penis Parker! Did your face always look that stupid?” Flash taunted from behind Peter and Eliza. Peter pushed his face further into his locker, biting his lip.
Eliza, on the other hand, was not the quiet type. “Flash, why don’t you quit taunting Peter so you don’t have to keep hiding your insecurities? I think it’d be a better look on you.” Kids laughed and turned to face her from their lockers, watching as Flash choked on his words. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Eliza slammed Peter’s locker for dramatic effect, making him jump.  “Let’s go, Peter. The trash in here stinks.” This was responded by a chorus of laughter from their classmates. Peter pushed his way through to catch up to Eliza, hiding a smile. Flash was left sputtering behind them.
“That was amazing, but you didn’t need to do that. You know I’m not supposed to draw attention.” Peter shouldered his bag as they climbed up the staircase. Last night, the two of them bonded pretty well, beating up thieves and returning stolen items. It felt like Eliza had already known Peter forever. It was a shame she couldn’t stay with him much longer. She was going to tell Happy tonight, at dinner with Pepper and Morgan. 
Eliza shrugged, “It’s not like anyone is gonna suspect me of anything.” Eliza’s phone buzzed. It was MJ, asking if she was coming to class. Eliza responded, Yep, I just finished telling Flash off to the entire hallway. She pushed her phone in her back pocket, “Sorry, that was MJ.”
“MJ? I didn’t know you were friends with her, she’s really cool.” Peter said this in a high pitched voice, looking at Eliza and then in front of him.
“Isn’t the AcDec team going on a Europe trip this summer?”
Peter cleared his throat, his voice a little deeper this time, “Yeah, I’m hoping I’ll be able to actually relax on that trip.”
“That’s understandable. I mean,” Eliza lowered her voice, “I’m not really an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., but I still kinda get it.”
Peter smiled, his voice hushed too, “I have a feeling you’re gonna be more than an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Maybe an Avenger. I mean, we’re kinda down on members.” He looked towards their history class with glassy eyes.
“Thanks for the encouragement.”
“Remember, I’m not letting you leave yet.” With that, Peter walked into their class and found his seat, turning his attention to the girl in front of him. Eliza smirked. It was only obvious that Peter liked her. Ah, to be oblivious to shared love!
Eliza found her seat on the opposite side of the classroom. She looked up at the board, and her heart sank. In big messy handwriting at the top of the chalkboard was written The Sokovia Accords. Eliza put her head down on her desk, and closed her eyes. A voice went through her head, a familiar ghost of her past. It’s okay. Breathe in. Hold it. Breathe out. Breathe in. Hold it. 
Breathe out.
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bria116-blog · 8 years
STATE!!!!!!!! 😁😁😁
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spideychelleforever · 5 years
MJ: Why
MJ: Why
MJ: Why
MJ: Why
MJ: WHY did I have to fall head over heels for Peter Parker?!? 😩😞
Peter: *walks up to MJ* Hey MJ! I got you a cup of that o-long tea you like! With a little mint! I heard it’s your favorite, I know you’ve been super stressed from leading the AcDec team lately, so I just wanted to show my appreciation for you! ☺️
MJ: t-thanks, you’re a loser
Peter: You’re a loser too ☺️☺️ *walks off*
MJ: *looks at the tea*
MJ: *sigh* Yep, that’s why 😣😣😍💘😣😣😪
Tagging: my crush @you-guys--are-losers @spiderman-homecomeme @spideychelle @spideyxchelle @spideychelle-romanogers @here-be-spideychelle @lovely-iris-west-allen @wandrlust-stark @acastleintheair @peterjonesparker @suplosers @miranduh1 @theslytherinterran @sodafizzyart
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directionr · 7 years
all i can think about whenever i see peter parker is how easily he would get into college i hate being a junior
this kid he has an internship with tony stark (WHO WAS LITERALLY WILLING TO PUT IN A GOOD WORD FOR HIM AT MIT) plus is captain of the acdec team plus played an instrument at one point plus probably has a wild sat score (would not put it past him to get a perfect) PLUS has a passion for STEM and generally knows what he wants to do with his life PLUS wants to help people and has genuine care to contribute to the world P L U S HAS A TRAGIC BACKSTORY THAT MAKES A GREAT COLLEGE ESSAY THIS KID IS LITERALLY A SHOO IN (plus he’s white which makes it a tad bit easier to get into college than being asian bc stupid asian caps) 
i hate this why do i have to go through the college process uuuuugggghhhhhh fuck you peter parker you better not be a real life person in my grade bc i’m not letting you steal my slot 
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nightcore · 7 years
The Signs as Things Written on my AcDec Team's Quote Board:
Aries: “I’m glad we’re so in sync with our memes.”
Taurus: “I love lard. Lard is awesome.”
Gemini: “I can digest corn.”
Cancer: “Are yeast animals?”
Leo: “You continually surprise me with your mouth.”
Virgo: “I need some blood in my booty.”
Libra: “I am not coping well. :)”
Scorpio: “It would be interesting to experience decomposition.”
Sagittarius: "All Roman architecture is built around groupsex."
Capricorn: “There’s nothing I love more than a good manga in the morning.”
Aquarius: “Days until tomorrow: 610.”
Pisces: “Only the liberals don’t like hotdogs. 100% of the South likes hotdogs.”
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This class needs a lot of Motivation and Inspiration still.
-My teacher talking about trying to get the JV Acdec Team to work harder- with his two cowboy boots that he would beat them with called Motivation and Inspiration
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