#according to my asks this is something i should weigh in on
shallowseeker · 16 days
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Worth pointing out... Dean is a soldier.
In this episode, 5x03, he came all this way expecting to die with Cas facing an archangel, which is the thing he may arguably be the most afraid of in this particular moment (with the recent stuff with Lucifer, Michael, etc)
...all because Cas asked.
Dean's used to risking his life for loved ones, friends, and fellow hunters all the damn time. Like... the sad thing IS that when it comes to risking his life for others? It hardly registers.
Back in 2x20, we saw that when faced with happiness, Dean remembered John's "heroic" example.
DEAN: It's like my old life is, is coming after me or something. Like it like it doesn't want me to be happy. Course I know what you'd say. Well, not the you that played softball but... "So go hunt the Djinn. He put you here, it can put you back. Your happiness for all those people's lives, no contest. Right?" But why? Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero? (begins to cry while talking) What about us, huh?
It's what most, nearly all (?), of the soldier-coded characters tend to do. I think too of Mary in Apocalypse-word. The sad part is that, in many ways, the real Mary is even more of a soldier than John was.
MARY: (looking uncomfortable) I, uh...Boys, um...About that. [Dean and Sam look at their mother, confused. Mary sighs.] MARY: I’m not going back. DEAN: I’m sorry. What? MARY: I fought beside these people. I respect them. I respect their cause. You can’t expect me to just abandon them. SAM: No, Mom, that’s not -- You heard what Lucifer said. We have 31 hours -- MARY: I -- Sam...Dean...I know what you went through to come find me. [Dean scoffs at that. He is obviously upset.] MARY: But these people are being slaughtered. They need me here. DEAN: (getting angry) No, we need you, Mom. We do.
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screamingcrows · 3 months
Long days - Alhaitham x reader
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note: an old thing I've never posted and decided to rework while taking a break from my dead dove dottore wips. There's a part two brewing in my mind. I'll say: bathtub and bed. I do not consent to this being used for ai and will give you Bordetella pertussis if you do. Tags: gn reader, soft, fluff, domestic, established relationship, reader is a student at the Akademiya, overworked Alhaitham Minors, ageless, blank blogs DNI
Lounging around in Alhaitham's house on workdays was always a comfortable experience; you'd wake up to him pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead before leaving, always leaving slices of zaytun peaches, your favorite, on the table. The living room was your preferred spot during the day due to the cool breeze wafting through. He'd often come home and find you laying on the couch, reading through whatever books were left out to avoid your own studies.
The front door was slammed louder than usual, causing your head to perk up in confusion. It was never really difficult to guess if it was him or Kaveh coming home, but today was different. The door had been shut with more force than what Alhaitham usually did. Letting out a soft sigh, you put the book you'd been reading away.
"Alhaitham, is that you?"
Hoping that he'd already turned off his noise cancelling earpieces, your voice remained soft, not wanting to grate on what might be already frayed nerves.
"Obviously" He sounded annoyed although he did his best to hide it behind his usual cold tone, but you weren't fooled by that, not anymore.
It took you only a moment to deduce that it must've been a busy day for him. There had been too many busy days ever since he was forced into accepting the position of Acting Grand Sage, a thought that had long since taken root and blossomed into a fear that you'd never get him back properly. The thought of him always being worn out and having no time to enjoy himself weighed heavily. You debated going out to hug him as usual, ultimately coming to the conclusion that the unexpected touch would likely only aggravate him further.
Instead, you rose from the couch and went into the kitchen, rummaging around for some ground coffee beans.
You cursed under your breath, suddenly understanding the frustration of Kaveh having a knack for reorganizing every time he cleaned. The only thing to do was thank the Archons that he was currently away, knowing full well that he had a habit of pushing Alhaitham's buttons on days like this.
Meanwhile, faint sounds of Alhaitham going about his business reached your ears, getting his shoes and that silly cloak he insisted on wearing off. Some faint clattering rang through the house as he emptied his pockets. Finally.
A loud curse quickly followed by a loud thud caught your attention once more, body tensing on reflex. Maybe he wasn't emptying his pockets after all? Unusual.
Hands working on muscle memory alone, a pot of coffee was set to brew, a little stronger than usual.
"Are you okay 'haitham?" Soothing words were the way forward, knowing he must be seething to warrant raising his voice.
"I'm in perfect condition," he sounded less composed, a hint of snark in his tone as if you'd asked the most ridiculous question.
You smiled to yourself, in some ways Alhaitham was like a small child, getting annoyed as soon as something didn't go according to his plan. Not that he would ever admit to it. But with a watchful eye, you could catch how his eye would twitch and his bicep flex. His movements sounded a little sluggish as he entered the living room
"You're still working through that book for your thesis? At this rate, you won't even start writing before the deadline for submission has passed," voice having quickly returned to it's normal tone, you smiled at his quip, knowing full well what would come next, "You should accept my offer of assistance, it would be the only logical thing to do."
With a small chuckle you entered the living room, the cup of freshly brewed coffee in your hands as you walked over and offered it to him.
"It would be improper for a student to receive help from the highest authority in the Akademiya," you spoke the words with a smile playing on your lips, knowing that he ached to help, having already read through your drafts and provided commentary more than once unprompted, "Besides, you hardly know enough about my field of study to be of any meaningful assistance."
As you spoke, he took a sip of the coffee, visibly relaxing at the warm feeling spreading through his body from both the drink and your presence.
"Hm, is that so?"
A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he sat down on the couch, leaning back and crossing his legs. It was clear that he took it as a challenge, if the way he reached out for your book on the table was any indication. You swatted his hand away with a grin before placing it out of reach. The last thing you wanted was to spend what little time you had with him on something as dull as that.
"You have enough tiresome scholars and students to deal with as it is, no need to add me to that list."
Although you were mostly teasing him, there was a hint of truth to your words, you could see the toll his current position had taken on him, faint dark circles present under his eyes a new constant. He let out a sigh that made you grin, leaving him without counterargument was always pleasant. Not quite as pleasant as the way he patted the spot next to him, eyes fixed on the dark liquid swirling in his cup.
With a satisfied smile, you sat down, resting your body against his toned frame. He placed a soft kiss to your hair, making everything tingle pleasantly. The two of you sat in comfortable silence while he finished his coffee, the color slowly coming back to his cheeks. Begrudgingly, you picked your book back up, instinctively shifting to allow his eyes to skin across the pages as well.
"You should take a bath. You reek of poorly-written submissions and the sweat of scholars desperate for funding," you poked his chest, not taking your eyes off of the book in your hands.
"Have you considered that it could be coming from yourself?"
A small giggle escaped you as you closed your book and tried to wiggle free, which only caused him to pull you closer with a soft hum. He set down the long empty mug before taking the book from your hands, carefully setting it away for later.
"Perhaps you would be interested in joining me for a bath?"
Your ears picked up on the faint notes of hope, unable to deny that the proposition caused a small surge of joy in you. His gentle touch on your cheek was all the convincing that wasn't needed, already fully committed to helping him unwind in any way possible, pushing away the voice that reminded you that this was just as much selfish indulgence from your side.
"Hmm fine," making a show of seeming disinterested, you kept a detached tone and made sure to look away, "but we'd better get to it now, I don't want to be stumbling around naked when your roommate comes home"
A small kiss upon Alhaitham's jaw followed your statement, admiring how his lips turned up into a subtle smile. There's barely time to process the sly hint in his eyes before you feel the world spinning, finding yourself slung over his shoulder.
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Written for @steddieangstyaugust, day 6 - "Who did this?" Childhood friends Steddie, delayed because I'm still sick and sleeping most of the time, sorry. I will catch up eventually.
When he was eight years old, someone up there sent Steve Harrington a miracle. It was't flashy, shiny or anything, so it took him a while to recognize that it was indeed a miracle. It came in form of a boy about a year older than him, with a mop of wavy dark hair, large brown eyes and even larger smile - Eddie Munson.
Steve was doing well at that time, or so everyone kept telling him. His parents had the money to buy a big house, get him a babysitter when needed, send him to all the activities he wanted - only they were rarely with him. But that was fine. When you have everything that so many others don't, you can hardly complain about something as mundane as feeling lonely.
God, Steve felt lonely.
He was the rich kid, the one with the "nothing is ever good enough" parents, and that rarely won him any friends. They all expected him to organize parties, to get a bouncy castle for the afternoon, to bring a cake whenever they asked, but it felt like they never really wanted him. Steve found the feeling painfully familiar.
It took one gentle rejection of another set of requests and demands, a suggestion that maybe they could just go and check out the fair that was just unpacking nearby, and everyone lost interest in him, called him cheap. Unpacking meant that it wasn't open yet, and that Steve wouldn't pay for the rides. He was just leaving the playground when he heard a high, loud voice call out to him. "Hey, hey you! Yellow t-shirt! Wait!"
Steve stopped and turned around, glaring at the skinny kid rushing to him. "Yellow t-shirt?" he asked, wondering if he should be insulted.
"Well, duh. I don't know your name yet. I'm new here." The boy stopped in front of him with a wide smile plastered on his face. "But now I will. I'm Eddie, I moved in with my uncle a week ago. You are?"
Steve offered him his hand. "Steve. So, uh..."
Eddie laughed and shook his hand. "Hi, Steve. Now, did these sharp ears hear something about a fair?"
Something lifted in Steve's chest, something he never knew weighed so heavily on him. "Sure did!"
His new friend - only friend - beamed at him. "Then lead the way! "
It was after they properly inspected all the attractions that the fair had to offer that Steve noticed a bruise on Eddie's arm. It was pure chance - he and Eddie were swinging on a tree branch and Eddie's sleeve fell back, revealing a nasty bruise. It must have been older, but the size and discoloration were still enough to make Steve concerned.
"Who did this?" he asked, pointing at Eddie's shoulder.
Eddie seemed to freeze mid-swing. He dropped to the ground and pulled the sleeve back. "No one. I fell, I'm clumsy like that." He spoke fast and with that carefree smile, but Steve's gut had a mind of its own.
"Eddie. You don't get bruises like that from falling," he said and despite Eddie's protests, leaned in to examine the injury. He'd seen some like that, on kids whose parents tended to fight a lot, or at least according to his parents, "had a nasty violent streak". He always tried not to stare, but he knew what they meant. "It looks...looks like a punch. Did someone do that to you?"
The smile faltered and Eddie dropped his gaze to the ground. He shuffled around awkwardly on his feet, as if he was deciding whether to run. "Uh...yeah. I mean. It's probably not a secret, it's just that it used to? I mean," he added, noticing the confused look on Steve's face, "my dad tends to get angry a lot when things don't go well. He lost his job, mom left us...so yeah. That's also why I'm here, in a new town, new school...my uncle lives here. I'm staying with him."
"Is he..." wavered Steve, "...is he angry too? Will you be OK?"
If there were any tears in Eddie's eyes, they were gone in an instant. "Wayne? Oh no. He's great. He's a bit scary, but he's so nice. You know, he gave me his own bed. I told him I don't need it, but he didn't care. And he gave me some really cool books! You'll never have to worry about Wayne. Or me. That's a promise."
Steve didn't think Eddie meant to lie. "You'll never have to worry about me" sounded wonderful, but it never worked that way with them. And Steve found himself asking Eddie the same question over and over.
"Who did this?" he asked as Eddie came to the school with his head shaved, gently coaxing an answer from Eddie that his classmates thought cutting his hair would be a great prank. "It'll grow back even thicker, just you wait," he snickered, but Steve could see his restless fingers reaching out for the strands that were no longer there.
"Who did this?" he asked as he was helping Eddie fish out his school supplies from the pool. Eddie just laughed it off, saying he'd pissed of a bunch of seniors by not lying to their girlfriends about cheating.
"Who did this?" he asked as he saw Eddie with a black eye and his locker painted over with the word FAGGOT. Eddie shrugged and slammed the locker shut. "It's not like they're wrong," he whispered to Steve. When Steve turned up at his and Wayne's trailer in the evening, Eddie hugged him tight, as if he thought he'd never see Steve again over that admission. As if.
"Who did this?" he asked as he was picking Eddie up after his roleplaying club, Hellfire, and seeing that someone cut Eddie's tires. Eddie just laughed and explained that apparently dragons and adventures were the work of Satan now.
"Who did this?" he asked in marvel as he saw Eddie's first tattoo. It was so crooked and imperfect, but so much like Eddie. When he admitted it was his own work, Steve asked for one of his own.
"Who did this?" he laughed as he kissed Eddie for the first time and found a small braid hidden in his mane of hair. When Eddie admitted he made that one himself, that he gets restless sometimes, Steve asked to teach him. So he could always braid Eddie's hair for him when they eventually moved away together.
But maybe the answers didn't matter.
The answer to "who did this?" didn't matter to the mob that gathered after Chrissy Cunningham's death. They decided they knew already.
"Who did this?" didn't matter when Steve raced to the hospital with badly injured Eddie in his car, the wound on his head bleeding onto Steve's pristine window.
"Who did this?" lost its importance when Wayne and Steve waited for the dreaded news.
And knowing who did it certainly doesn't help Steve now, as he and Wayne are picking up a headstone for Eddie's final resting place.
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dizzyduck44 · 18 days
Good in a Crisis or just in Crisis?
Right, this may be the hardest of the post I wanted to write post-Monza. In fact I've been trying to think for two weeks how to word this without getting cancelled. I think though by using the events of the last two weekends I can give examples that can support my thoughts.
I'm going to start by being clear, if from my previous posts you think this is going to be an Oscar take down, it's not. Fair warning.
So really this starts with a story Nicole Piastri told in the Red Flag podcast. How when out with Oscar on a bike ride she ended up going over the handle bars of the bike. According to her, Oscar calmly and almost emotionlessly asked if she was ok? They get back home and find that the heart monitor he was wearing registered his heart rate through the roof and he had clearly been worried and panicing. But that was not what came across.
And there was the first lightbulb, Oscar doesn't seem to know how to convey his emotions or react in the way you would expect. There also seemed to be an obliviousness of anything beyond him and his immediate surroundings. (I’m not developing that any further, drawn your own conclusions).
Suddenly the myth of his mental strength, Kimi-esque cool doesn't read the same way. And as my brain can literally make me the foreshadowing, pessimistic prophet of doom at a kids birthday party, my gut feeling was, this won't end well.
Little did I know, I'd have to wait less than two weeks to be proven right.
McLaren arrived in Zandvoort with a Lando determined to make it clear he was going for the World Championship. We know what happened next. Lando takes pole and the win. Oscar finishes 4th. Fast forwarded to a Lando the media fell over itself for and a clearly unhappy Oscar in the media pen.
Thing is, this has been a regular situation this year. Lando has taken 4 poles and stood on the podium 10 out of 16 races. Oscar has been up there 5 times and his maiden win was questionable at best.
And then something seemingly insignificant to McLaren happened. Williams ditches Logan due to poor results. The team seemingly deciding he wasn't good enough and ended his F1 career.
Last weekend in Italy, we discovered how much all this is weighing on Oscar’s mind.
At the end of qualifying, Lando once again is on pole and as Oscar walked to the podium for personal effects he threw his gloves down. Lando had to go to him, he didn't go to congratulate Lando. Oscar was annoyed at missing pole again in his interview. You could see the frustration was simmering.
And then Sunday. Anyone who knows anything about racing knows what was in the best interest of McLaren. Finish lap 1 leading the field, build a gap, control the pace, use DRS to race each other.
No. Lando fully trusting Oscar to do the team thing and made no defence into turn 3 thinking he wouldn’t need to. Oscar, by his own later admission believed it was "his only way to win the race" and went for the lunge.
Was it a brilliant overtake? Yes though there was no defence put up.
Was it necessary? I think the only person who thought so was Oscar.
Did McLaren finish lap 1 first and second and go on to control the race? Nope.
Oscar had not reacted in the way anyone expected him to.
After the race the team and Lando called the move "aggressive", "risky" and "unexpected". Zak even had to concede it nearly resulted in Lando spinning. Oscar meanwhile didn’t seem to see anything wrong with what he had done.
They should have left Monza leading the Constructors Championship. Instead they still trail Red Bull by 8 points.
Ultimately with Max so far down the field it didn't really matter what order they finished 1-2. What mattered was finishing 1-2.
Post-race Oscar seemed annoyed and frustrated he hadn't made this win stick. He has risked so much and come away with slim pickings. The press afterwards didn’t get any better, taking swipes at Lance and refusing to address the question of team orders.
Ultimately we now know from the tyre data Oscar was never going to be able to make a 1 stop work, but Lando might have. The only person who was a safe bet was Lewis, but Mercedes were having their own WTF problems further down the pitlane. However from lap 1, Charles was chasing Oscar and Lando was having to keep up with them trying to salvage McLaren’s strategy.
The root of the problem was created on a sunny day in July, just outside of Budapest. By gifting Oscar the win in Hungary, McLaren have created a double headed monster.
You have Oscar who on reflection sees that having a teammate slow down for you (because you admit you can't catch them up) is a poor way to win a race when a championship isn't on the line. He wants to banish that hanging over his head as quickly as possible. Team orders are not going to help that. Chances are they will result in no real possibility of another win till 2025!
However, on that day your team promised you and they would help Lando to win a championship in exchange for said win.
And where does that leave Oscar. Frustrated. Unhappy and pegged as "mentally strong". What Oscar really needs right now is a Lando/Charles/Max esque rant and brutal critic of himself. You can see its all beginning to get to him.
In Hungary he took himself off the track a couple of times unprovoked. In Spa he went long in his pitbox. In Monza destroying the tyres to try and build a lead and then being too aggressive into the pitbox again. Because he doesn't let emotions out, they are beginning to effect what he could potentially achieve.
So how do we go forward. Firstly, for his sake, lets drop the mentally strong tag. Lando is mentally strong. He went through lockdown alone. He has driven through grief, tonsilitis, and a broken rib (yes really) on top of the nerves he freely admits. If he has a rant in the cockpit or berates himself after the race so be it. It’s better than carrying it round with you like luggage from race to race.
That's what I hope Oscar learns. Emotion in this sport is a good thing. The team is not going to dump you for admitting you fear being labelled as a contested one race winner. He may find they turn round and say we are sorry, in hindsight that wasn't fair for us to do to you. Tell them you want the qualifying stats to be more equal, they will help you improve. Apologise to the team that your actions in turn 3 were selfish, you thought they would work but you admit they cost the team. They will have more respect for you.
Secondly as fans, lets stop bigging up Oscar to a level he isn't at yet. Is he doing brilliantly for a second year driver? Yes, but his inexperience and immaturity is beginning to show. Lets embrace that as perfectly normal.
Oscar is very active on social media. He will have seen all the posts claiming he is better than Lando, he will win a championship before Lando. Yet the stats don't reflect that and I don't think Oscar feels that way right now. But he feels the pressure to be what the fans preach.
Oscar needs at least another year to be fully ready. It may take even more. There is no doubt he is a future world champion, but he’s still developing the arsenal of things he will need to do that. He just wants it’s all now, last week, last August was probably later than he wanted, but how he learns to emote and react to the highs and lows of F1 is going to be crucial.
After-all, his mechanics have only got so many toes between them.
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lancermylove · 9 months
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Chapter 1
➣ Pairing: Demon brothers, Royals, Solomon with fem!Reader. ➣ Warning: None ➣ A/N: Hi hi, or should I say ho ho? Bad joke lol. 🙈 This is my first attempt at an OM chaptered fic, so hopefully, all of you like it. In this fic, you will romance the man of your choice, so similar to the actual game. There will be a romantic and platonic route, or you can romance everyone. 😉 I may or may not include N.SFW content in some chapters. If I do, I will post an SFW and N.SFW chapter for that character so audiences of all ages can read the story. Any support for this fic will be appreciated! 💖 ➣ Word Count:  1,430
➣ Chapters [SFW]: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] ➣ Chapters [N.SFW]: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Completed!
"I know I am asking a lot, but would you please help?"
"If the brothers find out...they will be very upset..."
"I understand, (y/n). But this is the only way to help them. I have arranged everything, so all you have to do is say yes."
Would everything go according to plan? The thought of mishaps ate away at your mind as you stood in the Student Council room with the demon brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos. Clearing his throat, the prince warmly smiled at everyone and sat on his throne at the top of the student council pyramid.
"Good afternoon, everyone. My apologies for calling all of you at such short notice." Diavolo's voice boomed with excitement as he addressed you and the brothers. "But I have exciting news to share. (Y/n) has extended an invitation to the seven of you to celebrate Christmas in her world!"
"Woooah! A Christmas with (y/n) alone!" Levi grinned widely.
"Y'know we're comin' too, so it ain't alone," Mammon shrugged and shook his head.
"Oh, it feels like a dream come true," Asmo exclaimed, clapping his hands together.
"A holiday with (y/n)...this I look forward to." Satan calmly stated, but his smile gave away his hidden excitement.
"This will be fun." Belphie chuckled, and Beel nodded in agreement as he ruffled your hair.
Though you gave a small smile, your body remained tense, and your eyes darted nervously between the brothers. Despite knowing that you had done nothing wrong, your guilty conscience weighed heavily on your heart. Then, you noticed Lucifer's expression. His usual calm demeanor was replaced with a fierce intensity; his eyes were narrowed, and his brows were furrowed. His jaw was tense, and his arms folded tightly across his chest. It was evident that he was not pleased with the situation, and you wondered if he suspected something.
The first brother's crimson orbs stared straight into Diavolo's soul, making the prince uncomfortably shift in his seat. Meanwhile, Barbatos silently observed the situation but kept his eyes on you. You couldn't help but question yourself if you did the right thing. Would it have been better if you had spoken to Lucifer first?
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The vast area was draped in a deep and calming silence, broken only by the occasional sounds of the wind howling through the trees and snow crunching under your feet. As the sun slowly sank below the horizon, it cast long, ribbon-like shadows on the pristine, snow-covered ground, painting the surroundings in a warm orange hue. The cold and crisp air allowed you to see puffs of your breath as you exhaled at the breathtaking sight. The view was so mesmerizing that even the brothers were left speechless as they stood there, transfixed by the beauty of the winter wonderland that the human realm had to offer.
"Our cabin is a short distance from here," Satan said as he studied a map that Barbatos had given him. After a short while of walking through the wooded area, a structure came into view.
A winding cobblestone pathway led to a grand winter cabin covered in a thin layer of snow. The exterior was made of mocha-colored pine wood and was adorned with indicate carvings that added to its charm. The ebony-colored shingles on the roof contrasted beautifully with the light-colored wood, highlighting the structure's unique character. A large chimney protruded from the roof, spewing out thin plumes of white smoke. The second floor had an extensive all-around balcony connecting all the bedrooms from outside. Warm light poured out from the ceiling-height windows on every side of the cabin.
"This is..." Asmo started to say but his voice trailed off.
"Pretty? Amazin'? Incredible?" Mammon finished his younger brother's sentence as he removed his sunglasses and looked around.
"Can we go inside? It's cold." Belphie mumbled through chattering teeth. He liked the view, but the low temperatures were too much for him. Without wasting time, the brothers rushed inside, competing to see who could get to the door first, but Lucifer remained motionless. His eyes were fixed on the ground, and he appeared to be deep in contemplation. Even as you approached him, the Avatar of Pride didn't move or respond to you calling his name.
Why was there a stack of letters on Diavolo's desk? Every letter that came to Diavolo for official matters passed through Lucifer, so why wasn't he aware of these letters? He didn't have permission to go through the letter and viewing them without the prince's permission went against Lucifer's principles. But a nagging feeling in his mind forced him to reach for an open envelope.
"Lucifer?" You called his name out, concerned, and gently shook his arm to bring him back to the present. Snapping out of his thoughts, the tall demon looked at you but remained silent. His crimson eyes bore into your own as if trying to draw a conclusion to his theory. Were you also involved in this?
"What? Do I have something on my face?" You innocently asked, trying to break the tension in the air, but didn't wait for his answer and began pulling his arm toward the cabin. "It's freezing! We need to get inside."
He didn't withdraw his arm from your grasp, but you felt his muscles tighten under your touch. The warmth of the cabin enveloped both of you as you stepped inside. A sweet aroma of cinnamon and vanilla tickled your nose, and the sound of fire crackling filled your ears. The interior of the cabin was a modern, luxurious space with high-tech appliances and contemporary furnishings. The fully stocked kitchen was a chef's dream, equipped with everything you could possibly need to whip up a feast, while the living space had plush sofas and soft blankets to snuggle up in. Your lips curled up as the cozy atmosphere momentarily melted away any stress or worries.
Asmo strolled around the living room, admiring the tasteful décor of the cabin, while Satan investigated the second floor. The scent of vanilla and cinnamon made Beel hungrier than he was, so he eagerly searched the refrigerator for something to munch on. Belphie curled up on the sofa, hugging a faux fur pillow to his chest, gazing at the dancing flames in the large stone fireplace. Levi and Mammon stood by the windows, mesmerized by the view of the mountains in the distance, slowly fading into the darkness as the sun was setting beyond the horizon.
"So, there are only six rooms in the cabin...two downstairs and four upstairs," Satan announced while walking down the spiral wood staircase. Instantly, the volume inside the cozy cabin increased tenfold as the brothers argued about who would get to stay alone or with you. Your gaze immediately moved to Lucifer to find him lost in thoughts again. What was he thinking about? Did something happen?
"Lucifer, you want to say something before they start destroying the cabin?" You whispered, shaking his arm. The demon sighed heavily and glanced at his brothers but remained silent for a while as one thought repeated on a loop in his mind. His brothers acted like normal demons, so what was the problem?
"Beel and Belphie, I assume you wish to stay together," Lucifer broke his silence and spoke sternly. "(Y/n) and I shall stay individually, which leaves three rooms. Mammon, you shall stay alone due to your habit of borrowing items. Satan, I assume you wish to stay alone, leaving Levi and Asmo to share a room."
Without waiting for his brother's reaction, Lucifer briskly made his way up the stairs, his shoes thudding against the wooden steps. A knot formed in your stomach at the thought of Lucifer knowing what you did and being upset with you. Should you talk to him or wait? You sighed quietly and began to ascend the stairs, taking in the grandeur of the staircase and the ornate details along the walls. Your mind was still preoccupied with Lucifer's behavior, but you tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on choosing a bedroom that suited your taste.
"What's with Lucifer and (y/n)? Did somethin' happen between 'em?" Mammon asked in a low voice, not wanting his older brother to hear they were talking about him.
"Maybe they got into an argument," Asmo said, sitting next to Belphie and gently stroking his younger brother's head. Satan turned his back to his brothers and stared out the window overlooking the forest. This vacation was too conveniently placed, and the Avatar of Wrath knew there was more to this than meets the eye.
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➣ Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
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cwpiqwon · 11 months
just a call- ahn yujin
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summary- the 3 times y/n waited for yujin's call and the 1 time she called her.
warnings- angst, yujin being the worst gf ever, cheating, swearing, yujin gets slapped, screaming, not edited.
author's note- if you see any spelling errors, no you don't.
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the first time
y/n had never had to worry about her girlfriend's loyalty towards her. ahn yujin never gave her any reason to worry. she was everything you'd desire in a partner.
she always made sure to kiss y/n's cheek before going to work, she helped with the cooking and cleaning, she arranged dates for them and most importantly, she always called y/n everyday during her free time.
no matter how much workload she had or how stressed she was, yujin would always find time to call y/n. and no matter what she was doing, y/n would push everything aside to attend yujin's call.
they'd talk about the most mundane things, from how their day went to who did what at yujin's workplace today. the things they talked about never mattered, it was the other's presence that mattered for them.
and so, when one evening yujin didn't call, y/n couldn't help bet feel worried. she knew there was nothing to be worried about but the break in their daily routine really unsettled the girl.
that night when yujin returned, y/n couldn't help but voice the issue that had been weighing her down the whole evening.
"You didn't call today." the girl's small voice and sad pout made yujin's heart shatter. she quickly took her girlfriend's hands in hers and pressed a loving kiss to her cheek.
"I'm sorry love, the workload was crazy today. I had wanted to call you during my break but then an important client came in and we had to cut our break short."
y/n couldn't help but let out a giggle as the older girl basically rapped from how fast she was speaking. she pulled yujin down by her tie and placed a light kiss on her lips before rushing off to the kitchen.
the second time
y/n let out a sigh as she glanced at her phone's screen for what seemed to be the nth time. it was currently 10:30 pm and yujin's side of the bed was still empty.
yujin hadn't called her the whole evening and hadn't even replied to her texts. y/n chewed on her bottom lip as worry clouded her brain and panic filled her body to the brim.
she had called yujin's coworkers earlier and according to them, yujin had already left with another colleague. although this should have been enough to ring sirens in the girl's head, she ignored it.
y/n trusted her yujin. she was her first love and there was no way yujin would ever do something to purposely hurt her. yujin loves her.
before y/n could worry anymore, the sound of the front door opening filled her ears. she got up and rushed to check on her girlfriend just to see the girl she loved, holding hands with her colleague.
this made the girl's heart squeeze a little but she just chalked it up as worry. she forced herself to not overreact and walked up to the duo.
when yujin saw her girlfriend walking up to her, she pulled away her hand from the other girl's grasp in a hurry.
she pulled away from the girl and shrugged her coat off before looking at her girlfriend who was starting up at her.
"y/n, I'm so sorry my love! I totally forgot to tell you that I'd be going out with gaeul today. I was just so busy and..."
yujin knew the excuse was overused and so did y/n yet she still accepted it with a smile, welcoming the girl home and asking 'gaeul' if she'd like to join them for dinner.
"ah no need for that, gaeul and I already had dinner at the restaurant near office. how about you go get ready for bed while I go see her off"
y/n just nodded with a small smile before she walked off to clean dining table which was still filled with food she had prepared for both of them to eat together.
"I'll just eat in the morning I guess, I wasn't even that hungry anyways..."
that was just one of the many lies she'd have to tell herself to keep their strained relationship from breaking.
the third time
the room was filled with people yet y/n felt lonely. some people were dancing, some were drinking while some were just awkwardly standing around, hoping for the event to end.
y/n was one of them. she felt like a stranger in her own house. felt like an outsider at her own birthday party. all because the one person she truly wanted to spend her day with, was still not home.
as time progressed, the party died down and people started leaving after wishing the birthday girl a good night. bit y/n couldn't focus on any of that.
she kept gazing at the front door. waiting, wishing that yujin would walk inside with her arms wide open for the birthday girl.
yujin had left in the morning, just like every other day. there was no "goodmorning hug" or "I'm off to work now" kiss. no happy birthday and no I love you either.
this left the girl to think that maybe her girlfriend had some kind of surprise planned for her and this nonchalance was just a ploy to fool her and get a reaction out of her. alas, it was all just wishful thinking.
it was 12:00 now and everyone had already left. the red solo cups and the tears running down the girl's cheeks being the only remainder of the party.
as the girl sat there sobbing to herself, the front door finally opened. the girl she had been waiting for all night finally came in.
yujin reeked of alcohol, her tie was loose, hair messy and there was a stagger in her steps. just as y/n was about to ask her where she was, yujin spoke up.
"why's this place so dirty? did you throw a party behind my back? you could've atleast tried to clean up before I arrived!"
instead of answering any questions, y/n just got up and walked off to their shared bedroom, ready to cry herself to sleep.
before she could get inside however, yujin grabbed her wrist and forced the girl to face her.
"I'm not done talking to you. answer me when I ask you something!"
a loud slap could be heard as y/n's hand met with yujin's cheek. she pulled her hand away from the girl and rubbed to sore flesh that was now red.
"since you want to know so bad, i'll tell you. yes I did throw a party. you want to know the occasion? it was my fucking birthday party! but you should've already known that right? it's okay though, you probably forgot, since you were so busy getting drunk with someone else!"
y/n was sure they'd be getting noise complaints from their neighbors tomorrow from all the shouting that took place but she couldn't bring herself to care. not when yujin looked so unbothered.
"You know what yujin, I think we should just end this relationship. whatever we had, it's clear that we lost it. let's not drag it on any further"
yujin's eyes which were once heavy from the alcohol in her system turned wide and frantic as she tried her best to convince the girl to stay.
"baby no, you don't mean that. it's just your anger talking. you love me, you'll never leave me. just give me another chance please. I'm so sorry. I am such an idiot, I can't believe I forgot. I was about to surprise you for your birthday but we had a company dinner today and I forgot to call to inform you! I swear it'll never happen again baby please. you don't want to do this either. I know you don't. you're just angry right now."
yujin was sobbing at this point. she whole body shaking as sobs after sobs left her pretty lips. y/n knew if she let this go once, it'll drag her down forever, but yujin's tears had always been her weakness.
and so y/n forgave yujin once again. completely ignoring the red flags that this situation raised, just like she ignored the scent of someone else's perfume on yujin's clothes and the bruises on her neck.
yujin couldn't help but be thankful for the fact that her girlfriend was such an emotional fool.
the one time y/n called yujin
the walls of the mall felt like they were closing in on y/n. she felt as if her heart had shattered into tiny pieces and left a cavity where it once sat.
her vision blurred with tears as her gaze remained fixed on the sight before her. she had came to shop for yujin's birthday gift.
just when she thought she found the perfect gift to mend her relationship with yujin, the universe decided to gift her with the view of her girlfriend with another girl. the same girl she introduced as her colleague. kim gaeul.
yujin's arm was looped around the girl's waist as she gazed at the girl with loving eyes. the last straw for y/n was when yujin bent down to place a kiss on the girl's lips.
y/n whipped her phone out, her face void of any emotions and her heart filled with pain. she called the girl that was responsible for all her pain and watched as yujin's phone rang.
she saw how yujin rolled her eyes when she saw her called id on her screen and how she picked up after a few rings, all while gaeul clinged to her arm.
"y/n, how many times do I have to tell you to not call me during work hours? is it too hard for you to understand a simple instruction? are you really that dumb?"
"turn around"
as yujin turned around, a curse left her lips. she saw the girl she played with, the girl she once loved, the girl who she once saw a future with, staring back at her.
her eyes were red and tears were running down her cheeks, yujin knew this was a lost battle and there was no point trying to convince her to stay anymore.
"fine, guess you caught me. you just made it easier for me babe, now run along, I've got things to do"
y/n couldn't believe her ears, the girl who once promised her the world, the girl who once held her heart, was the same girl who was the reason for all her pain.
she knew there was nothing left. no love to fight for, no reason to stay, no chance at getting what they once had back.
so she just turned and walked away. to some, it may look like she ran away like a coward instead of addressing the issue. but in reality, y/n faced her biggest fear of letting yujin go that day and won over it.
cause at the end of the day, having the last word isn't what matters, it's the satisfaction of having defeated your biggest fears that matters.
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
OP Rarepair Week
Day Seven Future / Free Day
Sora was rather annoyed. Her son was avoiding talking about his prospects in the world and she could see there was something rather painful about it though what she didn't know. So she sent Mihawk to talk about it with him. When Mihawk returned not long after he simply said Sanji had not wished to talk about it and seemed rather downtrodden about the thought.
“I want grandchildren.” Sora bemoaned to him.
“You do realize that my title is a death wish?” Mihawk asked her.
“Convince Zoro to fake your death and make him work for it.” Sora waved off. “Grandchildren, think of it! Little ones Sanji could bring to visit or we could go to!” She exclaimed as she lounged on the chaise in their tent on Karai Bari before setting off on the hunt.
“Love, I don't think he's thinking about any of that right now. He's rather solemn about the topic and more focused on finding Black Beard.” Mihawk said as he sat on the floor in front of her and laid his head on her stomach allowing her fingers to card through his hair.
“I guess he's more mature than he was.” Sora sighed.
“Although Nico Robin did tell me he is still rather unobservant to people's affection, both through being oblivious and his own actions. He did manage to work his way into Trafalgar’s good graces.” Mihawk hummed as he enjoyed her fingers combing his hair.
“You think something might happen there?” Sora asked with interest.
“I believe he's waiting to see if he's alive. According to the news the Heart Pirates were fighting Black Beard and his fleet and haven't been heard from in some days. This might be a rescue mission and not just revenge.” Mihawk sighed.
“Oh, well. If we succeed I think there should be a wedding.” Sora said.
“I would love to hear you tell that to our son and his might be paramour.” Mihawk chuckled, letting his head weigh heavier on her stomach as her nails started to slide on his scalp.
“I will, and you know I will.” Sora sighed.
“Can't wait.” Mihawk hummed again, he grew more tired at the treatment.
“Mm, is there a way for men to have children?” Sora asked herself, she looked like she was trying to remember something.
“Emporio Ivankov has the horm horm fruit, adoption, I'm sure there's a couple other ways. But as far as I'm aware not necessarily in the traditional way without other steps being taken.” Mihawk murmured. When the fingers stopped Mihawk looked at her and her confused face. “Pirate.” He mumbled.
“You look like you need a nap. Come on dear.” Sora smiled at him. Mihawk nodded and helped her stand and go to bed.
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yrthr · 1 year
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gunwook masterlist / zb1 masterlist ; wc 0.76k
➛ genre / trope ; shy cofident ➛ warnings ; cursing , mentions of food
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“ no. “
“ no. “
yuqi shook your arm back and forth using her whiny baby voice while you gave her a judgemental yet unimpressed look.
she pouted , letting out a small puff of frustration as she laid her head on your shoulder.
“ i’m not that mean , plus i’m waiting for him to make the first move. “
“ yeah by the time he does we’d might as well marry each other and have kids. “
you looked down at her , “ i’m down. “
the bell rung. the end of recess.
yuqi chuckled sitting back up straight and putting both of her hands on your shoulders , giving you her best serious face that she could muster up.
although that just made her look like an angry cat.
“ my dear child , i might separate from you once again to enter the gates of hell which you may know as chemistry. i trust thou will know what to do when the time comes. “
yuqi gave your shoulder a firm hard pat before picking up her things and leaving your classroom with a ‘ cya ‘
“ … what the fuck yuqi. “
after she left it got you thinking… should you carry out this elaborate yet stupid plan.
both you and yuqi were aware that the class president , and seat-mate , gunwook had a massive crush on you.
to be fair , he wasn’t very good at hiding it.
it started from casual talk when you became seat-mates then texting , passing notes and cute doodles during class , copying his homework , him borrowing your items , you borrowing his jacket to sleep on. [ he tried to discourage you from this activity but he couldn’t help but take this chance to admire your features as you slept. ]
overtime you noticed the small little details such as him blushing whenever you accidentally brushed fingers or the frequent glances he’d give you.
this was confirmed when another one of your friends , gyuvin , asked gunwook in which he went on a full tangent on his small [ big ] crush on you.
you easily fell for the class president too , just that you were way better that hiding it.
after weighing the pros and cons you decided to go through with the plan , after-all the worse thing that could happen is embarrassing yourself and having to drop out of school to not show your face in school again.
plan recap : ask who is crush is , he wouldn’t say who it is , you reveal it , confess and he confesses and boom. easy.
you took a deep breath mentally preparing yourself for the incoming events. which just on queue , the wooden doors slid open revealing the man himself.
“ hey ! you didn’t go to the cafeteria today soo i got you a small snack. “
gunwook pulled out a egg and mayo sandwich , offering it to you.
you smiled thanking him placing the sandwich on your desk.
“ also i have to ask you something. “
“ yeah ? “
“ do you have a crush ? “
you saw his eyes slightly widen and the way his shoulders tensed up a bit. a small blush coated his puffy cheeks and he started fiddling with his fingers.
‘ he’s more shy than i’d thought he’d be ‘ you thought , fighting the urge to giggle.
“ yeah , its you. “
gunwook looked at you with a sudden surge of confidence , he maintained eye contact his body now leaned back onto the chair with his arms crossed. [ although the blush still remains on his face ]
that.. did not go according to plan.
“ wait wait do you not feel the same way ? oh shit i’m so sorry ! gyuvin told me to just say it whenever the day comes but like oh my god why did i listen to the guy ?! “
“ no ! i… do feel the same way it’s just , wow , i didn’t expect you to be so straightforward. “
his face instantly relaxed as he let out a few embarrassed yet amused chuckles.
“ so… you like me too ? “ he asked all smily and giggly seemingly unable to revert back to a resting face.
“ was it not obvious ? actually yours was way obvious. “
“ no it wasn’t , i hid it well. “
“ oh please the whole school probably knew “
the playful banter continued and underneath the tables his hands reached for yours , intertwining them in a perfect fit.
divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
©️ yrthr 2023
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whydon-twego · 1 year
Arthur hates his job. He hates the extra hours he has to put in every day and he hates that he hardly has any time to see his friends but, above all, he hates working for his father, but a strange sense of honor prevents him from resigning as if by doing so he could say he has failed. He is lonely and feels powerless but one day, almost as if by a miracle, he meets Merlin. Merlin is a few years younger than him, a university senior, and works full-time in a cafeteria that pays him less than he deserves but turns a blind eye if he has to leave early to take an exam. They became inseparable in less than twenty-four hours and got together in less than a week (a miracle, according to all their friends) Arthur does not talk about the problems he has at work at first because he does not want to burden the initial conversations and then he does not talk about them because he does not want to worry Merlin. He complains occasionally about his father but tries not to show how much it is weighing on him. Despite everything Merlin makes him realize that he should just quit, find another firm or at least take a leave of absence from work and really think about what he wants to do.
Arthur, for the first time, really thinks about it. Months go by and Arthur continues to be indecisive, Merlin doesn't pressure him in any way and just supports him, and Arthur is almost convinced that it's okay to go on like this, at least until his father gives him a further two-hour lecture on how inadequate he is, how the firm is not going well because of mistakes Arthur has made (he hasn't made any mistakes) and, to Arthur's horror, Uther brings up Merlin saying that it's definitely that boy's fault that Arthur isn't giving it his all. Arthur decided at that moment that he would resign at the end of the week. He wants to talk to Merlin, he wants to celebrate with Merlin, and so he sends him a message if they can meet. Merlin replies that he is at home and can drop by whenever he wants, Arthur reads the message and thinks there is something strange in the tone of the conversation.
He realizes what it is the moment Merlin opens the door for him and his eyes are red with tears. "They reduced my working hours," he says as he runs his hands through his hair and starts explaining how he doesn't have time to find another job on the spur of the moment, how he can't even think about having to find a second one but that he can't ask his mother for money because she doesn't have any, but the rent is too expensive, the bills don't pay themselves and he has absolutely no idea what to do with the university because his lecturer is an ass. "Come live with me" Arthur says this without even realizing it, he knows it's early, he knows they haven't been together for even a year, but he has no second thoughts. It's what he wants. Merlin looks at him as if he has gone mad and is about to say something but Arthur raises a hand and nips any protest in the bud. "You won't have to pay rent, you won't have to pay bills. If it makes you feel better you can buy your own groceries, but fewer hours at work means you can study more and take your time, I think that's the best solution for everyone." Merlin grabs him and takes him into the bedroom. Arthur has nothing to complain about. Arthur sucks it up and continues to work for his father. He doesn't quit his job because he knows he won't find another one as lucrative and Merlin deserves the world. More months pass and it is almost time for Merlin to graduate and Arthur is happy to see Merlin's dream come true. Unlike him, his father continues to be manic in his demands and Arthur is increasingly tired. And it is with a sense of horror that Arthur, having finished another tirade from his father, is told by Gwen that Merlin has gone to find him on his lunch break and chatted with Gwen about how Arthur is doing at work.
Back home Arthur also receives a lecture from his boyfriend.
"You stupid clotpole, damned dollophead, how could you do this to yourself?" And Merlin spends the rest of the evening telling him what an idiot Arthur is, repeating how much he loves him, throwing blows to the back of his head and later hugging him without letting go. Arthur is a little doubtful about what is going on but when he is hugged he hugs back, putting his head in the crook of Merlin's neck and feeling strangely safe. On the day of Merlin's graduation, Merlin forces Arthur to resign. They can live in a much smaller house, they can live off their savings until Merlin gets a job, but most importantly, Arthur can get a part-time job and go back to university to study what he really wanted to do. Now Merlin will be in charge of him.
Merlin and Arthur get married the day after Arthur's graduation
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Hello, I’m Sarah, and I use to run the account @/thatjewishzionistscout, but due to some terrible pregnancy hormones and stupid decisions, I locked myself out forever,
So this is my new account! - post all about my previous account.
So let’s do this again shall we?
Shalom, my name is Sarah, I’m 22, I’m a mother, a college student, a native New Yorker, and ethnically Jewish.
I stand with Israel, against the Israeli government, I stand with Palestinian civilians, against Hamas.
Former messianic ethnic Jew, link to previous post here.
I don’t support any messianic movement, especially stuff such as JVP, they just keep harming people. My family is still Messianic’s, and I haven’t told them I left, but they have kinda picked up on it. I either don’t interact or auto-block hate towards me and my family due to my messianicness.
Holocaust/Shoah studies major getting a minor in psychology. My grandparents were survivors and they have since passed away, so I don’t feel comfortable sharing their stories without their permission.
I have dealt with self harm (cutting) and eating disorders (bulimia), so please if those are very triggering topics for you, please be weary. I do also make some post about it.
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I follow the Jewish definition of Zionism, which is the belief that Jews are indigenous to the land, and deserve to live there.
I do not follow the goyish definition of Zionism, by that way of supporting Bibi, or the IDF, or West Bank settlers.
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My stances
I believe in all Israeli and Palestinian Territories promised through the 1994 Olso accords, neither group should have the right to settle in either territory.
I do not believe most Palestinians are indigenous to Israel. I do believe they have the right to live there simply because I believe anyone has the right to live wherever they wish.
Both the current Israeli government and Palestinian governments should be cleared out, and replaced with better leaders.
This is war is not a genocide, it is a tragic war, but not a genocide. It is also not the biggest or most devastating conflict going on right now, and I believe media refuses to focus on our conflicts.
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Rules for blog and Goys
For my blog:
- No goyspaining allowed.
- If you don’t agree with what I’m saying and you’re a follower, no need to cause anything, just quietly unfollow.
- Disagreement is allowed, but that doesn’t mean I owe you debate.
- If you have any hate, just send asks or anons, I don’t have time for that shit on my posts.
For Goy:
- Everyone is welcomed on this blog, no matter on Jewish or not, but if you’re not Jewish please don’t weigh in or inner jewblr community issues.
- You are also allowed to ask questions, but in good nature. I will delete questions I find to be antagonistic.
Example: *posts about the hostages, the war, or the Israeli government*-goyim allowed to comment, *posts about messianicness, Jewish Zionism and anti-Zionism*-goyim not allowed to comment.
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- Dni lists don’t work, unless you truly can’t deal with me.
- I suffer from dysgraphia which is a spelling disorder, so if I spell something wrong, that doesn’t take away from my points.
- Not a supporter of the IDF most of the time, mostly because it’s physically impossible to be a “moral army.”
- Anti-Communist, no I will not debate on that.
- Due to growing up a messy with my grandparents being the last “real jews” in my family, I don’t know everything, so if I make any mistakes please politely correct me.
- Everyone is welcomed here, but don’t expect me to agree to everything. But I’m welcome to everyone.
- Trying to be less active to work on my mental health.
- I don’t speak Hebrew, so if you send me any asks or anons in Hebrew, they will be translated by my friend @queenwille (if they’re okay with it.)
- If you want my fandom blog, you have to be a mutual and send me and ask!
- (Friendly) nosey anons
- I would gladly knee both Netanyhau and Sinywar in the balls.
Fuck Hamas and Am Yisrael Chai!
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“This is me if you even care…”
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bird-slayer-brainrot · 7 months
Soldier On, Come Down - Chpt. 3. - - Ineffable Husbands WW2 au human!Crowley angel!Aziraphale angst multi-chapter
I would like to apologise for not writing sooner. If things went according to plan, which, they rarely do, I shall like to compose a note to you each day. Nothing grim, of course. I would fill pages of sonnets for you on the most mundane things.
For instance, today I was completing a task and I stopped for a moment two miles north of the camp to watch the sun set. My first thought was of how beautiful it was. My second thought was of you. I confess, I think of the night you told me you loved me often, and how the next morning you stirred beside me. I thought how there was no sky to match the beauty of the blue in your eyes in the early morning sun.
I wish you had seen it, angel. It brings me comfort to know you may now be looking at the same sky as me, and in the miles and miles between us, we are still connected underneath the sky.
I hope that you think of me too
A.J. Crowley
It has been too long since I last heard from you. Longer since I saw you or held you in my arms. Do not believe for a second that the time has made me forget your touch. Or your face. Or your scent. You are as clear in my mind as they day we met. I do not believe I could forget you if I tried.
I will not go into detail about the front, as I have limited time and space to tell you everything I wish to say. And, I do not think you would like it. So instead I should tell you now that I am well, angel.
Please write me. I love you. I ache for you.
A.J. Crowley
I am sure by now that you have heard news of what is happening on the front. I made quick to write you this, trading duties with the Staff Sergeant for pen and paper. I hope this letter finds you even if you do not reply. I do not expect anything of you, angel, and I suspect there is a good reason you cannot return my letters. Nonetheless, I write to you because I want to. Because I love you. I love you.
I hope you are well. We hear news of England in pieces. I will not begin to lecture you on your safety because I do not believe you would find it funny, but I do hope you are staying safe. Are safe.
I have hesitated writing this because I did not want to fill you with empty promises. But we have been apart for too long and the weight of not giving you a promise to hold on to weighs to heavy on me. This war will end, sooner or later, and I will come back to you, angel. I will come back to you.
Your Crowley
Angels were. as a rule, quite adept at sensing positive intentions. Crowley had sent Aziraphale a note asking him to meet for dinner at the pub they regularly patronized that evening. When he entered in, slightly out of breath from the walk, he could tell almost immediately that something was off.
Anathema and Crowley were engaged in what seemed to be a heated debate. Aziraphale decided to wait near the bar, hoping he hadn't been spotted yet. But as he sat down, Anathema appeared beside him.
"Hello Aziraphale." she said politely. Aziraphale noticed that her cheeks were flushed.
"Anathema, hello." Aziraphale tried to say cheerfully. Anathema just nodded in response, which was unlike her. Then, she spun on her wall and walked out of the bar.
Crowley was still seated at the table. Aziraphale took a seat hesitantly, not quite sure if he was welcome to. Crowley looked up at him then, tiredly. He didn't say anything, but smiled slightly at Aziraphale. Aziraphale knew Crowley would talk about what happened in his own time, so he didn't say anything.
Short update this week but i've been swamped with uni and getting over a bad cold so i haven't been writing as much. i will likely write another half chapter to post sometimes this week but i'll see. thank you for reading <3 i promise this is going somewhere
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safarigirlsp · 6 months
🌭🍔🥑 for the fic asks! Love ya!!
This was such a fun couple days thanks to you @babbushka ! We need to keep this up! It’s beyond wonderful to have you back! 💗💗💗
🍔What's a headcanon that hasn't made it into a published fic yet?
Ok this is the most fun question! We should just have a weird and random HC day lol!
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Flip loves vintage advertising. Those old sporting calendars you used to see in hardware stores and sporting goods stores that have nostalgic paintings or action scenes from the old west with cowboys and gunfighters and hunters and mountain men. They're his primary decor in his cabin. Walking through that heavy wooden door, you could just as well be stepping back one hundred years, especially since it's far enough from town that no lights shine at night and there are no sounds other than those made by the forest and wildlife.
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Flip loves dive bars. He can take you out dancing or wine and dine you somewhere swanky, and he does often. But there's something about the gritty familiarity of a dive bar - the neon lights, the bad taxidermy, the sticky floor, the smell of greasy food, whiskey, and smoke, Johnny Cash playing on the jukebox - that really gets him riled up and hot under the collar.
Friday nights after he gets off, he asks you to meet up with him and the guys for some greasy food and a beer. Work weighs heavily on his shoulders and he takes it seriously. His usual approach to stress is to sweat it out with a vigorous workout. Weights, running, or punching a heavy bag are best. A vigorous fuck works too. He tries to get his heart racing with one method in the morning and the other in the evening. But he takes Friday nights to unwind in more traditional ways, out someplace with friends and his girl. In a dive bar, he can be boisterous and crude, laugh loud and tell raunchy jokes with Ron, make you sit on his thigh and shamelessly grab your ass, kiss your neck and growl absolute filth in your ear. For his money, it beats the hell out of going someplace he actually has to behave and act civilized.
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Challenging you to a game of pool is a favorite go-to. He usually throws the game just to watch you gloat. And more importantly, to watch you bend over the pool table and stretch out prettily to make a shot. It makes his blood run hot, makes him hard in his jeans, when he looks down your shirt or eyes your ass like a dirty old man. He loves that you're all his to eye all he wants. You know this, of course, and naturally play it up a little extra for his enjoyment. When you draw attention from other men in the bar, you know that too, but it's just so much fun to see Flip puff out his chest a little and glare at your fan club. Once or maybe twice according to Flip's count, this has culminated in a bar fight with you icing his bruised knuckles and kissing his bloody lip late into the night. But you should see the other guys. According to a more accurate and unbiased count - yours - this happens almost annually. It's a nice treat to look forward to once a year or so. And the fireworks he gives you afterwards are a helluva lot better than the Fourth of July.
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🌭Do you have any writing rituals to help 'get in the zone'?
I really like watching movies with the vibes I’m going for while I’m writing or having them play in the background. I've currently exhausted my Victorian watchlist while I've been working on my current fic. I also like to read similar things too but that's obviously more time consuming. I recently discovered a fun series you might like with campy Victorian antics by Evie Dunmore.
When I'm a little stuck or need to picture something better, something physical helps my brain function a little. Lifting weights works for me and although I truly hate cardio, it helps to get my thoughts churning. Probably because I'm so bored and miserable, but I'll take what I can get xD.
Then there's always good ol' maladaptive daydreaming.
Omg all the edits that have been coming around the last couple years have really helped keep me rabid. Especially during these content dry spells when there's no new movies on the horizon to look forward to.
I love making aestheics/moodboards for myself and I have a ton that have never seen the light of day because they're just for me or to scratch an itch. It's extra fun because it satisfies both an artsy urge and helps stay in the zone for fics. But sometimes they also derail me with a new idea and I deviate to write a fic for the moodboard xD
These are some of my favorites that don't go with a posted fic. I may have a problem!
This is my recent desktop backgrounds:
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🥑What are you currently working on?
I have one big fic that I'm currently focused on. Which is really the biggest challenge for me, just staying focused on any one thing OMG. But I'm right at the finish line for this one, then I have to chose which idea to focus primarily on next. I'm trying really hard to get some bigger projects done just because they have a chance of potentially being serious writing. And frankly because the engagement is down here, but if that changes, I'm more than happy to change with it and get rabid again. Even these HCs today are such a fun little burst of creativity!
Wargrave Hall
Victorian haunted house and occult story with romance of course. I have about 1/3 of this posted now publicly but its gotten too big to update my fic post now, which really pisses me off actually xD. I'm very near the end and it's just under 100k now, so it will probably finish somewhere around 110K and then I'll post it all. I'm having a lot of fun with it and it's much better than I thought it'd be when I started it. In my humble, biased opinion anyway.
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Annees Folles
Roaring Twenties adventure story with a love triangle and plenty of romance and treasure hunting. This is hovering around 150k now and has never been published, although I've sent it to my friends here who have shown interest. I'd be happy to send it to anyone who's consistently supported my insanity. It's definitely my favorite thing I've written so far and has everything I love. After I finish the Victorian fic, my goal is to get this one finished too so I have two big quality fics in the bank, then start a new project. I'm probably 7/10 done with this one, so it will be a big one when completed.
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I might be obsessed with the aesthetic...
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poisonedfate · 7 months
58 merthur for he prompt thing if you'd like to
hello!!! ii got a little carried away with this one, so it ended up being about 1.1k words (oops). you can read it on ao3 or under the cut.
prompt: “I’d die for you. Of course, I’d haunt you in the afterlife but really, it’s the thought that counts.”
send me prompts!
The ache in his shoulder was still there, as was Arthur's unreadable, if not slightly concerning looks. There were only fading scratches now visible on his arm, so really, the ache was nothing to worry about, but that only gave him more time to wonder about Arthur's looks. 
Merlin would often ignore them, the looks directed only at him - he either did not want to know, did not want to answer the questions that followed, or Arthur would tell him anyway - no point in losing sleep over it. But the looks did not seem to lessen, if anything it was the opposite, and the other had made no clear attempts at making his thoughts known. Arthur's eyes followed him around, weighing on him until he had finally had enough:
"Those worry lines are going to be permanently etched into your skin if you keep looking at me like that," he spoke, turning around quickly, now facing Arthur who was sitting at the table, staring. 
"I think I'll be fine," Arthur quickly muttered in response, scoffing and looking away. 
If anyone were to ask, Merlin would absolutely blame Arthur in every way possible for making him believe he could move quicker than necessary, just to escape the prince's gaze, resulting in a sharp breath and a moment of halted movement. And, really, it should've been fine but Arthur was being obnoxious, so of course he noticed. 
"Alright, Merlin, I've had enough," the prince said, voice already closer behind him than Merlin had expected. Was he actually about to blame Merlin for getting hurt? He better not. Merlin gave an unimpressed look in response.
"You know I'd actually prefer it if you could be in one piece whilst doing your job."
"I am in one piece!" he immediately retorted, only for Arthur to poke him in the shoulder. Not strongly enough to hurt him, just enough to make his point.
"Please, I know you can be dramatic sometimes, but this a new low even for you," Merlin continued, earning a glare from Arthur, "this is nothing."
"Why hasn't it healed yet?"
"Contrary to popular belief, I don't actually have all the answers," another glare from Arthur. The prince stayed quiet for a moment, staring at his shoulder like there was something interesting there - not that Merlin would know, he was pretty sure it was just a shoulder. 
"You need to stop doing that," Arthur spoke again, a seriousness lacing his tone now.
"Doing what?" Merlin tilted his head, brows furrowed. 
"Putting yourself in harm's way on my accord."
"I'm quite certain it was the sword that came at me not the other way around. Besides, you were the one who had to help me get out of that one, maybe you should think about your own tendencies of jumping into danger," he smiled.
"I'm a knight!" Arthur's eyes widened like they usually did when Merlin said something to offend him.
"Ah, well that explains it," he replied, trying to lighten the mood, though it did not seem to work, so he continued, "Arthur, you know I’d die for you. Of course, I’d haunt you in the afterlife, but really, it’s the thought that counts. You're not getting rid of me that easily." 
"I don't need-"
"Oh, will you get over yourself? You might have the power to make me shine your armour and make your bed, but you don't get to tell me who to live or die for," he sighed, tone slightly mocking. 
It might've, however, backfired on him slightly, a glint appearing in Arthur's eyes, something he has come to recognise as an idea on the prince's part. 
"You give me a job and I'll follow you anyway," Merlin interrupted, unimpressed. Arthur raised an eyebrow at that, though they both knew it was true, even without Merlin saying it. 
"Just tell me I'm really brave and let's move on from this, hm?" he had decided to go the full-mockery route since the frown on the other's face was only barely beginning to fade. 
Arthur sighed, a gentleness creeping into his features, as he reached for Merlin's arm, the one that didn't hurt, dragging the palm of his hand across it, stopping once he reached Merlin's own hand, lingering, hooking his pointer finger with Merlin's for only a second before letting go. 
He could only stare at the other, not sure how to respond. It wasn't unusual for Arthur to seek out soft touches, especially when there was something bothering him, but that didn't mean Merlin had figured out how to react. Usually, when the other made the first move, he would just go with whatever Arthur wanted, though that typically meant waiting around to see how he would continue. 
More often than not, he'd stay there for a while, close to Merlin, quiet, changing the topic once the thoughts in his head had stopped running, turning away from him. Arthur hadn't made any attempts to move now, however, and Merlin didn't like it. He didn't like that he couldn't read Arthur, that he was doing something Merlin couldn't predict. 
"Arthur," he kept his voice low, careful.
The prince lifted his eyes, taking a step towards him and placing his hands on either side of Merlin's jaw, leaning in closer. 
"Just be careful, will you? Otherwise, I won't be around for you to haunt, having to stress over you would've sent me to my doom already," his tone was earnest, a hint of annoyance somewhere in there too. 
"I will only try to die for you when strictly necessary, you have my word," he put his hand on one of Arthur's arms, giving it a barely-there squeeze, smiling. 
The prince rolled his eyes, moving the arm Merlin wasn't holding away so he could point at him. 
"Yeah, yeah," he grabbed at Arthur's hand, lowering it, "your wish is my command."
It was his turn to lean in now, though at this point they were only a couple of breaths away from each other, so there was not a lot of room left for dramatics. 
"Yes, sire, when the time comes I will let you die, otherwise they'll throw me in the dungeons for trying to protect you and...killing you anyways?" he mocked, causing Arthur to grab at him, holding him by the arm, pulling. 
They were dangerously close to each other now, completely still. Merlin could hear the exact moments of Arthur's inhales and exhales, his breath heavy, could see the other's eyes lower to his lips and then up again. 
And, well, at least Arthur had finally figured out a way to stop Merlin from talking back. 
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fandomtherapy44 · 11 months
Klaus x reader
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Marshall the younger sister of Hayley Marshall. Side note I love Hayley one of my favorite characters. Basically Y/n will be pregnant instead of Hayley and I will be changing some things up but then that it should stay pretty close to the series. I hope you enjoy the story! Also, if you like I have a Castiel x reader
Paring: Klaus x reader
Word count: 1,286
Warnings: Some language, Typical the Originals violence, Spoilers for season one of The Originals, Pregnancy
I got the divder from
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Chapter 3: Tangled up in the blue
(POV: Y/n)
I walked in the room Hayley was in and she was sitting in the middle reading something. “Hey Halys, what are you reading?” “Oh N/n nothing nothing um how is my niece slash nephew this morning?” She said trying to ignore what she was just caught in. “They are doing well. They are so tiny right now that I barely notice them sometimes, but they remind me with sickness every morning.” I said smiling at them and rubbing my stomach. “Right, I'm sorry you have to go through that.” She said, trying to comfort me. We go downstairs and we can hear Rebekah and Klaus talk and also hear them mention me. 
“The werewolves would like to know what the plan is.” I said standing next to the doorway. They both look at us and Klaus's stare seems to linger. “Well, that depends what plan you mean, love-- my plan for global domination, or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world?” Klaus remarked and in response Rebakah threw a pencil with super speed and he kind of deserved it. “The plan to rescue Elijah. You know, the good brother? The one who is now in the possession of your mortal enemy after you stabbed him in the back?” Hayley said, stepping in the room. And I didn’t love the good brother thing. “In the front, if we're being specific.” He said smirking with a little bit of the devil. “You two said that you would get him back. So, is there a plan, or what?” It’s nice to see my sister care more about than me. Maybe with Elijah or someone else she could find her own happiness. 
“Oh, Hayley I'm sure they got this so what is the plan?”  “Thank you, Y/n, at least someone believes in me, well, firstly, Marcel is not my mortal enemy-- he's, my friend. Albeit one who is unaware that I'm trying to sabotage his hold over the supernatural community of the French Quarter, but a friend, nonetheless. And secondly, I daggered Elijah in order to gain Marcel's trust. If I had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty teenage witch, I certainly would have weighed my options a bit differently. And thirdly-- -- Sister, please.” “And thirdly, the plan, as you have demanded, is for Niklaus to simply ask Marcel for Elijah back.” Okay so maybe he doesn’t have a plan. “That's... that's not the whole plan, is it?” Hayley said with a little disbelief. “Please! Klaus may be a miserable excuse for a sibling, but there is none more diabolical.” Rebakah said I think complementing him. "And that's only the Plan A, love! There's always a Plan B.” I'm a little scared to ask but I do. “And what's Plan B?” “War.“ Oh shit.
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Rebakah and Klaus leave I guess to put their plan in motion. While Hayley and I are left by ourselves again. She goes to read her nothing again and I go to the library to research child well everything. I am shifting through the books when I come across one where it tells how big the baby is each trimester and according to the fruit sizes for pregnant women my son or daughter is the size of a watermelon seed. It is so strange how something so small right now is that I care more about it than I ever thought I would. 
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It was later in the night and Klaus was back getting ready for the gala. It was involving their huge amazing egoistic plan. “If you're debating between the bowtie or tie, I would choose the tie. It's more of this decade.” I said, smirking against the door. “Ah love, is that a jab at me and I thought I was the funny one.” I walked more into the room.
“Yeah, well if I'm going to be a mom I should properly work on my jokes. And you should work on your dad jokes too.” “Please I am Klaus Mikaelson. I do not do “dad jokes”.” “Oh, come on, humor me, give me one shitty joke.” “Ok only if you stop jabbing at my age.” “Deal.” “Why was Cinderella so bad at soccer?” “OK that's a start, why?” “She kept running away from the ball.” “Wow that was a shitty dad joke if I ever heard one.” “Well, you asked, love.” He said in his British voice that always made my heart beat quicker than it should. “Um well I will leave you to your plan.”
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Hayley and I were walking by the pool, and we heard some branches snap, and we looked up and saw two wolves looking at us. I leaned over to Hayley and whispered, “You see them too?” “Yeah” “Oh thank God.” We are both so enthralled by the wolves that we didn't sense Sabine behind us. “You're not supposed to be out here.” “Gah! Holy shit don’t sneak up on a pregnant werewolf!” I said catching my breath. “Ha ha sorry was not my intention.” Hayley was already ready to integrate her.
“Who are you?” “Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Sabine. We met. I'm one of Sophie's friends.” “You're one of the witches.” I said. “Sophie just asked me to come keep you two company while everyone's out. You know, it's drawn to you. The child you're carrying is part vampire, part werewolf. You and Klaus made something special.” She gestured to the wolves behind us. “Thanks I know, I wish I knew what it was.”
“You know, I can do something about that, if you want. I mean, find out if it's a boy or girl.” “I thought you couldn't do witchy stuff around here.” Hayley said with confusion. “It's not magic, just an old trick my grandmother taught me. Come on. You have to be a little curious.” Sabine said to me, holding at her hand for me to take it.
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I am currently on the laptop researching what the hell I heard tonight, and I hear a knock on the door. It was Klaus. “I thought you might like to know; Elijah is returning to us.” “Really that’s great you should go tell Hayley it would make her feel a lot more easy.” “She hardly knows him, and yet she misses him. What is it about my brother that always inspires such instant admiration?” “I think it’s that he was kind to her even though she is not the one who is carrying the baby.” He looked like he was thinking about my words, and I continued. “You know Klaus you have kindness too.” Shocked were his emotions. “That night that we um spent together I wasn’t that drunk I wanted to, and part of the reason was that I saw you.” He looks like he was deep in thought and went to walk out. “Also!  I learned something today. I think it's a girl.” As he left, I saw a smile on his face. And I am left to translate whatever Sabine said tonight.
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I'm lying on my back and Sabine is holding a pendant over my stomach. “I think it's a girl.” A girl? A baby girl I am so filled with joy right now. “No... wait.” “Wait what? Please tell us she's not having a mini-Klaus.” “Hayley! I will be happy with any gender Sabine, so lay on the news.” The necklace starts to glow, and Sabine drops it. All of a sudden, her eyes roll back in her head, and she begins to chant in a low voice. “Hoc est infantima malom. Nos omnia perditu el eam."
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 Hey everyone, thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I know they are pretty short but that’s because Hayley is only in a couple scenes sadly, per ep in the first half of season but I tried to add more for Y/n, so it is a little bit different then the show. I guess the writers were waiting to bring in her wolf pack storyline then just being pregnant so she can actually do something. If you like Supernatural, I also have a Castiel x reader. See yall next time.
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middleearthpixie · 8 months
Something in the Night ~ Chapter Five
A/N: I'd like to apologize for the delay in updates, but not only has the semester started up again, but I am also knee-deep in writing my thesis in the hopes of being able to graduate this spring. So, until that's done, updates are probably going to be a bit on the sporadic side. Thank you so much for your patience! 💜
Summary: Following the Battle of the Five Armies, a seriously wounded Thorin Oakenshield returns to Erebor to recuperate and eventually ascend the throne as king. With the deaths of Azog the Defiler and his son, Bolg, Thorin no longer has to worry about the bounty the Defiler placed on his head and can instead concentrate on restoring Erebor to its former glory. 
Nina Carren of Esgaroth has one goal—to make Thorin Oakenshield pay for unleashing Smaug the dragon unto her home—where he destroyed the town and killed her family. The Defiler might be gone, but his bounty remains very much in place, and she fully intends to collect on it. 
Finally, the opportunity shows itself for her to do just that, only to have it go horribly awry. Wounded and now at his mercy, neither Nina nor Thorin stopped to think what might happen, should things not go quite according to plan…
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x ofc Nina Carren
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.1k
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @fizzyxcustard @xxbyimm @lathalea @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @msjava1972 @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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After they finished eating, Thorin looked over at Dwalin. “A word, if you don’t mind?”
Dwalin looked as if he very much minded, but still followed Thorin to the far side of the room, where they would be out of earshot of Elrond, Lindir, and Nina. “What is it?”
“I might ask you the same thing,” Thorin replied, folding his arms as he leveled a long look at Dwalin. He'd served as Thorin’s right hand for as long as Thorin could remember, and he held Dwalin’s opinion in high regard. So, if something troubled him where Nina was concerned, he wanted to know it and why. “You’d rather she not accompany us?”
Dwalin glanced over his shoulder at the table, where the three were deep in conversation, then looked back. “I would rather that, yes,” he said with a nod. “I don’t trust her.”
“Nor do I, simply because we know nothing about her. But, there are two of us and one of her and I think the numbers are in our favor.”
“They are, or they should be,” Dwalin replied, his voice lower than usual and a nod accompanied his words, “but she is no typical girl. We saw that for ourselves last eve, didn’t we?”
“We did. And she came to our aid.”
“Thorin, just because she fought off Orcs doesn’t make her automatically trustworthy or on our side. Ye know this.”
“I do. And I’m not suggesting she is. But, she had no cause to step between that arrow and me, so that weighs in her favor.” Thorin glanced over at Nina. In the light of dawn, it was a wonder he hadn’t noticed she was a girl instead of a boy. She was small, and compact, but her hair alone should’ve given her away, as it was a bushy mess of coppery curls that spilled halfway down her back. 
“Just take care. Ye don’t know her, don’t know why she stepped in the path of that arrow.”
He nodded. He understood that, of course. And he was just as curious as Dwalin as to why she’d done as she had.
“You’re right, I don’t know. Nor am I foolish enough to think if I ask, she will tell me the truth. But, she is only a girl. She would be no match for you and I together.”
Dwalin didn’t look all too convinced even as he nodded. “I suppose.”
“She won’t be. So, worry not. We will keep a close eye on her, and make certain she does not put a foot wrong.” He slapped a hand against Dwalin’s back. “So, let’s gather up what we need to take back to Erebor with us and think about being on our way. We have a bit of a journey ahead of us.”
Dwalin rolled his eyes. “Just a bit. Remember how long it took the last time we left here to go to to Erebor?”
“Ah, but this time around, we will not be being pursued by anyone—hopefully—and if Thranduíl is alerted ahead of time that we will be arriving, we shouldn’t have the same trouble we did the last time.”
“No, instead he’s dealing with the fact that yer nephew wishes to marry the captain of his guard.”
Thorin grinned at that. “Well, we will cross that bridge when we reach it. As of right now, Kíli remains in Erebor, Tauriel in Mirkwood and Thrandy isn’t at all aware of their plans.”
Dwalin chuckled. “How are those plans coming?”
Thorin rolled his eyes. “Make no mention of it, please. Dís was driving me mad with trying to come up with a way to convince Kíli he really should marry someone a bit less elvish and a lot more dwarvish. But to do so in such a way as to keep him from figuring out she’s doing so.”
“And how is that going?”
They took their leave of the Great Hall before he answered with a soft sigh. “About as well as you’d imagine. Kíli feels he owes his life to Tauriel and I find it difficult to argue with him. She did save his life with her quick thinking. She’s done so twice. So, Dís is angry with me as well.”
“For you won’t step in and convince him?”
“Exactly. I see no need to convince him of anything. I think he knows his own mind better than any one of us does.”
Dwalin whistled softly as they strolled along the promenade. It was a glorious day in Rivendell, with plenty of sunshine and soft breezes, and it radiated peace and serenity. Thorin remembered it being the same the previous time the Company was in residence, but he couldn’t really appreciate it then, he’d had far too much on his mind with the quest of Erebor underway and the need to be there prior to the last light of Durin’s Day.
And now? Now he was under no time constraints at all. He could linger at Rivendell if he so chose and Elrond had no objections. But at the same time, he just wanted to return to Erebor as quickly as possible. There was so much work to be done, and he wasn’t thrilled with being away for any longer than absolutely necessary.
He sighed softly. “I told Kíli I would have a word with Thranduíl about Tauriel, so I have an ulterior motive for venturing there as well. That Elrond offered us use of the Southeast Passage is merely a happy coincidence.”
Dwalin narrowed his eyes. “I thought you didn't believe in happy coincidences?”
“No, it’s luck I don’t believe in.” Thorin managed a grin. “Now, if you will excuse me, there are few things I need take care of before we go.”
They parted ways then and Thorin sighed as he stepped into his own chambers. They were small, but like most of Rivendell, open air so it gave the illusion of being larger. He leaned back against the door, the slight twinge in his lower stomach stronger than it had been earlier. 
He didn't have to lift his tunic to know what it was. All he had to do was close his eyes and he was transported back to the very moment when Azog the Defiler ran him through with the blade that took the place of his left forearm. 
There were two scars, one above the other, with the top one paining him far more greatly than the other at the moment. Although the wounds had healed several months earlier, the scars still pained him from time to time. More often than not, he’d lurch awake in the middle of the night, sweat pouring from him, his gut burning and cramping, the same cry of pain on his lips that lingered on since the day it happened. 
He tried not to think about that day at Ravenhill, tried not to think about how he’d watched Azog so very calmly run Fíli through, how his son, Bolg, did the same to Kíli. But when he slept, he had no control over what his mind conjured. He could still hear his now gasp of disbelief as he watched, helpless to prevent any of it simply because he was too far away and he’d sent his nephews to their fates.
It was nothing short of a miracle that both boys survived. Nothing short of a miracle that he himself survived. Had it not been for Amara and her expertise and Narnerra’s gifts as well, none of the Durin boys would have lived to tell the tale.
He lifted the bottom of his rough-hewn gray henley and ran a hand over the scars. They were still raised, and mostly pink, and he flinched as his fingertips brushed them. Still sensitive. Amara had told him they might be for some time to come, but he tried not think about it. He tried not to think about that day at all, if he could help it. Why linger in the past? It did no good to look anywhere but forward and now, he just wanted to return home, hopefully with good news for Kíli, and try to put all of it behind him. 
He crossed the room to his rucksack. They both traveled light, borne of a lifetime of moving from place to place and never really having a home. After Smaug sacked Erebor, they’d made something of a home in Ered Luin, but it still wasn’t their true home, and their return to Erebor meant a return to what actually was their true home. Over the last nearly two years, Thorin and his company had been on the move— from the Iron Hills, to the Shire, to Rivendell, to Mirkwood, to Esgaroth and Dale, and finally, to Erebor.
“And when I return, I will not leave again,” he said softly, letting his henley fall back into placed before he pulled the leather ties on the sack to tighten it. “And if Dís wishes to find a way to keep Kíli and Tauriel apart, she is welcome to do it herself.”
He would not try to interfere other than to get Thranduíl to offer his blessing. All he wanted was to see Kíli happy and he knew Tauriel would make his nephew happy. 
And perhaps once that was done, he’d see about finding a wife as well. He’d considered the idea before leaving Erebor, and thought perhaps the time had finally come. He’d long fought the idea of marrying and having a family of his own, but now, he’d begun to wonder if it was time. 
But that would wait until he returned to Erebor and that was still quite the ways off. The journey would take nearly five weeks, and that only if they ran into no trouble. 
Trouble in the form of, say, an orc pack.
Why were they near Rivendell, though? That made no sense to him. The Gundabad orcs were  now leaderless, rudderless, scattered about Middle Earth the way the dwarves had been so many years earlier when Smaug the Terrible sacked Erebor. Their leader, Azog and his heir, Bolg were gone. The filth wiped clean by his blade, and by the blade belonging to a Wood-Elf called Legolas, the son of the Woodland King. 
He sank onto the edge of his bed, the sack forgotten. He owed his life to that same elf and the captain of the Mirkwood guard, for Legolas’ arrival along with Tauriel’s quick thinking and elf magic, saved his life, saved the lives of his nephews. He might not get on with Thranduíl at all, but he owed so much to the other two.
Just as he owed Nina. 
He wondered where she’d come from, where she called home, and most importantly, why had she been where she was. It made no sense, as she was neither elf nor orc, obviously, but of Man. He’d known it the moment he saw her in the Healing Room. She did not bear the pointed ears or height of an elf, although she was every bit as pretty as one. That much, he had noticed. He had little trust in Man, but he certainly could appreciate a pretty woman when he saw her. 
But why was she on the Great East Road? It was widely traveled, but rarely by lone women. It simply wasn’t safe, as the road wound through the Wilderlands and Dunland and Bree—all towns that were home to ruffians, thugs, and all other unseemly walks of life. And Nina did not strike him as the least bit unseemly. 
A gentle knock came at the door and he rose to cross, calling, “Who goes?”
“It’s Kenia, Your Highness.”
He tugged open the door and looked up at the elf. “Is something the matter?”
“No,” she gestured to the room, “may I?”
“Of course.” He stepped back to allow her room to pass, but made certain to keep the door open. Just in case. “What can I do for you?”
“I understand Miss Nina will be accompanying you to Mirkwood.”
He nodded. “It would appear that way, yes. Why?”
“I know I said she would be all right to travel, but I’d be lying if I didn’t add I was a bit concerned. I don’t think the shaft that struck her was morgul, but at the same time, it can sometimes be difficult to tell at first.”
“So, do you think she should remain here?”
“I would love her to do just that.” Kenia offered up a slight smile. “But, I have the feeling she will fight me on it and will bolt as soon as she gets the chance. I obviously cannot force her to remain here, but I am worried.”
“And you think I might be of help?”
“In a way, yes. I think that, should the symptoms strike while you are somewhere between here and Mirkwood, you would need to treat her.”
He shook his head. “I am no healer, Miss Kenia. That would be Óin and he is back in Erebor, working alongside Narnerra.”
“I understand, but you would be able to offer basic aid. If nothing else, it would give you the time you’d need to reach Mirkwood, where Thranduíl’s healers would be able to take over.”
“And how would I do this?”
“I will give you an emergency kit—kingsfoil, water charged by the light of a full moon, valerian root, lavender, and chamomile.”
“And I am to do what with them?”
“I’ve written out instructions, in the Common Speech, so anyone might be able to help. Valerian and chamomile have calming properties, the kingsfoil is an antiseptic, and I’ll include linen bandages for binding as well.”
As she spoke, she held out a small, black velvet bag. “Everything you would need, including the instructions, are in this. Keep it with you at all times. The kingsfoil alone is almost priceless. It is very near a miracle cure for most ailments, including morgul poisoning.”
He nodded. “My nephew spoke of being treated with it when he was struck by an orc’s morgul arrow the last time we ventured to Mirkwood.” 
Kenia’s hazel eyes widened. “Which nephew?”
“Oh, the dark-haired one. We all were convinced he was your son.”
Thorin chuckled. “I have heard that many times over the year. He is my sister-son and Dís and I strongly resemble one another.”
She smiled. “I must confess, the others were a bit disappointed he was not in your company this time.”
“I’ll be certain to let Kíli know he’s been missed.” Thorin cleared his throat. “So, is there anything else I need keep in mind where Miss Carren is concerned?”
“Do you know the symptoms of morgul poisoning?”
“No, but I assume it would be obvious something was wrong. Kíli went gray when he’d been struck with a morgul shaft.”
Kenia nodded slowly. “Gray is definitely one of the signs. But, before that, Miss Carren would complain of fever and muscle fatigue and overall pain, so should she mention any of those, you would need to treat the wounds immediately or as soon as you possibly could.”
“I will keep an eye on her if her health appears to be deteriorating.”
“Perhaps I might speak to His Lordship about accompanying you, just in case.”
He smiled. Elves and dwarves might not have always had the best of relationships, but since the Battle of the Five Armies, the elves of Rivendell had proven to be rather stalwart allies. “I appreciate the thought, Kenia. But, I think we will be fine. Should we run into trouble, we hopefully will be close enough to Mirkwood and their healers.”
“Well, they would be competent enough,” Kenia hedged, looking from him to his rucksack and back, “but…”
“I know. And I will not make you say it aloud,” he told her as he reached for his leather and fur great coat to shrug into. “And I agree, their healers are only competent, but several of the Guard’s captains would fit in here beautifully.”
“Captains of the Guard?” Kenia’s forehead wrinkled along with her nose to let him know what she thought of that notion.
“Trust me.”
“Well, I cannot speak to that, as I’ve no experience working with them. But, if you trust them…”
“It’s not so much I trust any wood elf,” he hedged, shaking his head, “but that I’ve seen for myself what this one particular elf can do.”
“Then if you’d rather I not ask my Lord Elrond, I won’t.”
“I don't think it necessary.”
She smiled. “Very well.”
As she turned to leave, Thorin said, “Kenia?”
She paused. “Aye?”
“Thank you. For everything.”
She gazed at him over her shoulder. “Of course. I’m rather fond of you, you know. I look forward to your visits.”
He bobbed his head. “As do I. But now, it’s time for me to head back to where I belong.”
“Well, safe travels and hopefully we will meet again. Under happy circumstances.”
“You’ll get no argument from me on that.”
She swept from his chambers and with a soft sigh, he moved out to the wide terrace off the back of the room. Rivendell was so very peaceful and he knew that, if he wished, Kenia would be more than happy to have him settle there with her. Theirs was a special relationship, born of a trust he did not share with many. She’d seen him at his worst, had seen him through his worst, and in some ways, he wished he felt for her the way she seemed to feel for him.
But, it hardly mattered one way or another, for she was unwilling to leave Rivendell and he was equally unwilling to leave Erebor now that it was finally theirs once again. Which left them at an impasse of sorts even if theirs had been a passionate, fiery love for one another instead of a deep and treasured friendship. 
He gazed out across the rolling lush lawns of Rivendell, at the waterfall in the distance, the one that spilled into an elegant gold and marble fountain that the Company had played about in during their previous visit. A smile tugged at his lips as he wondered how Elrond felt about having thirteen naked dwarves splashing about in that fountain. 
There was no more time to dwell. Despite Dwalin’s misgivings, Thorin felt no such hesitation at having Nina accompany them. He would, of course, keep a watchful eye upon her as they made their way toward Mirkwood, but until she actually gave them reason to doubt her, he would be grateful for the extra eyes and extra blade. So, with that in mind, he hefted his pack from the floor, slung it over his shoulder, and left his chambers to meet Dwalin and Nina and begin the trek home. 
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chimcess · 1 year
Birdie Shoppe || pjm (XI)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Word Count: 12.1k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the north and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Birdie, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the 123rd Birdie, a young girl who was given her position too early and asked by the goddess herself to fulfil a task none had ever done before- become the Grand Witch of the Foxglove pack. Now a woman, Y/N is revered as the most loved and powerful Birdie of all time, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Warnings: Long-hair Jimin (yes, this is a warning), Strong language, Violence, Mentions of blood, Descriptions of blood, Descriptions of death, Blindness, Talks of abuse, ANGST, PTSD symptoms, Sexism, Misogyny, War talks, Talks of possible death A/N: We’re officially at the beginning of the next act. I have many, many plans for this universe of mine and I’m so happy to share this world with you.
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Opening my eyes, I could feel just how tired my arms were. Every inch of my body was heavy and weighed down by some invisible force. Looking around me, I knew that I was in some sort of medical setting. Surrounded by bodies, I closed my eyes once more and breathed a sigh of relief. 
I was alive. I was free. I made it.
Moans of pain filled the room, but I could not figure out where they were coming from. Everyone else was either quiet or talking in hushed whispers with their loved ones. I opened my eyes again. 
Forcing myself up, I groaned in agony as I did so. My head still had some dull aches. My bones cracked and popped with each movement I made. Glancing around me, I was alone. I could only hope it was due to others being too busy to stay holed up in the medical unit with me and not because far more serious tragedies had been met.
Twisting and turning, I slowly stretched and relaxed the tense muscles in my body. The headache lingered, but it became more bearable as the time went by. The woman beside me woke up a few minutes later. Most of her body was scarred from burns. She had been caught in a fire when she was evacuating her children from the village. 
I had been out for two days. The elves had not come back since their failed attempt at a siege. According to the woman, they had gone to Northorn. It sparked something in my mind, but I could not figure out what.
Testing the waters, I tried to stand and was successful. I was happy with how quickly my body recovered from the drain. It would have taken much longer before. I guessed it had something to do with the power that had been taken from me. I was able to regain it much better now. Looking down at the woman, I frowned.
“Would you like for me to heal you?” I asked.
She shook her head, “It’s a sign of honor to have lived. I will wear them with pride.”
My own scars came to mind, and my frown deepened. I had never thought of them that way. My thoughts then shifted to Shiloh and it almost brought me to my knees. I never got the chance to say goodbye. Pushing my tears away, I told myself that I would give myself time to grieve later.
“Have you seen Alpha Jimin?” I asked her, willing my voice to stay calm.
She smiled at me, the side of her face that was burned far too tight and red to lift with the other. She had a beautiful smile once, and I felt rage like I never had before. I wished I could rip apart the elf that had made this happen to her. 
“He’s here most of the time,” She replied. “The Alpha called upon him this morning for an important meeting. He should be back soon.”
I nodded and made up my mind to go and look for others in the ward. I asked her about Thelma and Yoongi, but she paid little mind to the witches. They had been gone by the time she had come to. Settling on finding my friends first, I began the treacherous task of walking through the bodies.
Many were badly injured, missing limbs, or burned beyond recognition. Some children had gone blind from spells, others were paralyzed and being worked on constantly by the quietus in order to reverse it, and some were so badly injured they were only receiving pain relief until they died. It became too hard to look at and so I stopped. Staring straight ahead, I forced myself from looking down at the cots littered around me.
“I’m happy you’re awake,” Said a voice from behind me.
I turned with great care and found Cadoc standing there.
The shadow surrounding him was gone now, and replaced by gentle white smoke that danced. It was shocking just how different he looked when he was fighting. Now, his skin had life and flushed in the sun, the pale color less like marble, and his eyes were a normal blue color. His hair was still midnight and hung just at his shoulders. It danced in the breeze that surrounded him. He smiled at me.
“Cadoc,” I greeted him, unable to return his enthusiasm. “I’m happy to see you.”
He approached me cautiously and began to look over my body. His hands felt like a gentle breeze in the fall, his fingers as soft as leaves, and I could hardly feel any pressure as he methodically went over me. I was appreciative of the caution, and I belatedly realized that I was unaware of what they thought was best. Maybe I was not free to leave after all.
“You seem fine,” He said, his strange echoing voice all the same. “I would refrain from any and all magic use unless necessary.”
I nodded obediently.
“Thank you again,” I managed a small grin. “I appreciate you coming to my aid in the field.”
He nodded at me, “You saved my life. I thought it was only fair.”
Nodding, I turned away.
“Before you leave,” He called out. I turned back around. “Sam would like to see you. I think she’s quite fond of you.”
This time, I smiled.
“After I see my loved ones, I’ll be sure to make some time for her.”
Cadoc chuckled, “Goodluck. My sister is not known for her patience. My condolences to your family over the loss.”
I nodded, looking at the grass under my feet. Cordelia… Oh, Wendy would be completely beside herself. I knew I needed to get to them quickly. We should be together right now.
“Was it only Cordelia?” I asked, sniffling.
“She was the only one who died,” He replied. “Your friend is still blind, one was badly injured and still asleep, and another was burned on her leg.”
“Who’s here?” I demanded, looking back up.
I wanted to see them before I left.
“His name is Taejin, I think.”
My eyes closed on their own. I needed to get to Seokjin and make sure he was alright. His mother had to be in hysterics by now. Torn between seeing Taejin and going to comfort his family, my body moved on its own to go back into the tent. A hand on my arm stopped me.
Cadoc was pressed very closely against my body, his strange figure formed around my own, and I had to suppress a shiver. He was ice cold. I felt his lips brush against my ear as he whispered, his body far too close to mine. Within a second, he completely vanished from sight.
“They’re here.”
I turned my head towards his mouth, waiting for him to say more.
He elaborated, “I’m not sure who it is, but there’s someone in this village working with the elves.”
“How do you know that?” My voice was hardly audible, lips unmoving.
“I’ll explain later.”
I nodded. We were not in the best place for this conversation. Pulling away from his embrace, I pulled a face to make my pause look less suspicious. It was not difficult to look heartbroken when all I saw was devastation. What felt like fingers grazed my cheek.
“Meet me in your meadow tonight,” He urged.
I nodded my head once and hoped he understood what it meant. Seemingly satisfied with my answer, the cold chill that surrounded me was gone. Pushing the conversation to the back of my mind, I started walking once more. Whatever the quietus was talking about would have to wait until I was finished with my loved ones. 
I found Taejin a few minutes later after asking anyone who was well enough to guide me to his place. He was still asleep, a large gash on his face that was red and raised, but I was happy that his breathing was normal. I was sure he would wake up and be alright, but the scars from that night would haunt all of us forever. Cordelia’s face came to me again and I shivered. I could only hope that would be our only fall- it was the only one the witches could handle. I looked at him for a few minutes more before turning to leave the medical tent. I had a family who needed me right now and I would have to trust that the team here would be enough for Taejin. 
Stepping into the daylight, I was shocked by the desolation. Everything had been destroyed. Not a single building had been left in-tact and I knew many of the villagers would be unable to fix their homes. They were far too injured. Choking back a sob, I reminded myself of what I needed to do. I could fall apart later, right now my family needs me to be strong. 
Eyes followed me with rapt attention as I passed a small group of villagers. I recognized none of them, but I assumed they knew who I was. I never was able to learn the names of the wolves in the village outside of the ones I had helped through the change. The women were older, rounder, and probably no longer shifted if I had to guess. Looking ahead, I pointedly ignored them. I had no time for local gossip.
“They’re in the Park house,” One of the women called out. Looking at the group once more, I straighten my back. None of them were unkind, in fact, I could only find grief in their eyes. I did not know who they lost, but I hoped they would be able to recover. “It’s the only house left down the main road to your right. Be careful, there’s a lot of debris.”
I nodded, “Thank you.”
“No,” Another woman cried, her eyes as red as her sunburnt face. “Thank you. Alpha Taehyung told us what you did.”
I smiled at the group sadly before walking away. The praise did not feel nice. It should have, but it did nothing to settle my unease. None of this should have happened. I should have said something. I cringed at that thought and stopped walking to pull myself together. Not here. Not now. Later.
The house was easy to find. Surrounded by ashes and uninhabitable houses, the Park home stood as a shining beacon of hope within it all. Of course, the little house was worse for wear. The entire yard had been scorched by the flames that surrounded it, most of the walls burnt and weak, and there was a hole where you could see straight through into the home. I could see Seokjin sitting at a table with Wendy in his lap. They were talking but I was still too far away to hear anything. 
Deciding to use the front door, I frowned at the burnt wood. The house must have been the last one to go up in flames. I knocked and waited. Inside, everything stilled and a singular set of steps echoed. I braced myself for an onslaught of hugs and kisses from everyone, the never ending tears, and having to keep myself in one piece. I was a rock in a river and I would do whatever I needed in order to calm everyone inside.
Callisto answered the door. Her eyes were heavy with bags underneath them and her chocolate hair clipped back messily. Despite her obvious exhaustion, her green eyes lit up as she took me in. Unexpectedly, she threw her arms around my neck and tried out in what sounded like relief.
“Oh, thank Goddess,” She cried, her voice thick with emotion. “My brother will be so happy to see you. Oh, we were so worried.”
Hesitantly, I hugged the young girl back. She was so small and underweight I felt uncomfortable holding her too tightly. I could imagine her bones were just as frail as she was. She was off of me as quickly as she scooped me into her arms, and took my hand in hers as if we had known one another for years. She made my presence known so cheerfully I felt embarrassed. No one had been this excited to see me in my entire life.
“Birdie,” It was Wendy, her eyes wild, who spotted me first. 
I ran to her immediately. The sea witch crumbled in my arms, sobs making her entire body shake as she held onto me for dear life. Her hair had been cut, the blonde strands ending at her shoulders instead of flowing down her back, and I could still feel how dirty they were. She was frail, every bit as shaken as I felt, and seemed frenzied in her attack. I did not know if I should tell her that I had been the one to find Cordelia or not. I thought of her face again, her green eyes with their thousand yard stare, and a flash of red broke through. Her hair had always been ostentatious, frizzled and going every which way with a curtain of bangs that hid a fair amount of her face. That night they were caked in dirt, the orange glowing red under the fire, and stuck to her skin like leather. I shivered and held Wendy tighter. I prayed she had never seen her mentor like that.
“She-she-” She gasped, her pain piercing my heart.
“I know,” I croaked, running my fingers through her hair in an attempt to calm her. “I know, Wendy Bird.”
Looking over her shoulder now, I was pleased to see the rest of the witches huddled around a small fireplace. All of them looked at us now aside from Yoongi. His eyes were unfocused still and I remembered Cadoc telling me he was still blinded. Whispering to Wendy, I slowly removed her vice grip around my neck so I could go to them all. Seokjin was standing beside us and took her from me easily. He patted my head with his large hand and held the broken woman close. She was falling apart right before my eyes and I would not be able to comfort her. I would surely fall apart, too.
I went to Hoji first. Her husband was ill in the medical tent and I was sure she was frazzled. Jin would be too busy mourning the loss of our friend to fuss over his father. Especially since we all knew it was a matter of time before he woke up. Cordelia would never wake up. She was so heavy. I shuddered at the thought.
Heji reached out to me from beside her sister and smiled sadly. They had always looked the same, their faces virtually indistinguishable, but this moment they were the same woman to me. They were haunted, their eyes dull and sorrowful, and there would be no one to keep the other in check. No sarcastic comments followed by a gentle chastising. Right now, they were one woman mourning a shared loss. 
Yoona was at her son’s side and pointed me in Thelma’s direction. Taking a look at Yoongi, he was hurt and sad, but I was not sure what else could be happening inside of his head. His eyes had always been so expressive. I nodded at her and went to the woman beside her. Hyun-Jin was missing from the group and she whispered that he was asleep.
“Thank you,” Thelma whispered fiercely, almost like she was afraid of talking any louder. “You kept him away from the brunt of it all.”
I nodded but said nothing. Thelma did not reach for me like the others. She was never one to rely on others, and I knew how devastated she was. Cordelia was a good friend of hers, one she had known for many years, and she was not there to help her. Thelma had a self-blaming streak. I would talk with her later but for now I was content with letting her feel however she wanted.
I thought of Shiloh again and sighed heavily. I was so angry with myself for not getting a proper goodbye. I missed her so dearly, so acutely, and I could feel the hole in my heart she left with her leaving. I would again have no closure. Unlike Aldara, however, Shiloh and I had fought together fiercely and made our peace in the forest. She was safe and back where she belonged. It gave me little comfort.
“Y/N?” Yoongi called out, raising a hesitant hand.
I was at his side quickly. He looked so much younger right now. I reached out and took his hand in my own.
“I’m here, Yoon.”
Reaching out his other hand, I took it with ease. Another oddity. Yoongi never offered physical affection like this before. Looking at his face I frowned. I guess he had no choice at the moment. I squeezed them comfortingly.
“Are you alright?” His mother asked, squeezing my shoulder. “We were worried but Cadoc said you’d be fine with rest.”
I nodded but spoke for Yoongi’s benefit.
“I’m fine,” I whispered. I understood Thelma’s hesitance to break the silence. It could bring more unknowns and that was a frightening idea. “Physically speaking. I don’t really know outside of that.”
Yoongi’s grip on my hands tightened.
“How are you feeling, Yoon?” I asked him.
He shook his head, “I’m scared.”
I inched closer to him. Our knees touched, both of us kneeling on the floor, and I took one of my hands back. I smoothed down his bed-head and caressed his cheek. He reminded me of the little boy from the meadow who cried when he saw bees. I felt the tears falling from my eyes and surrendered to my pain. I could cry, if only a little bit, right now. Yoongi would always catch my tears.
“Me too,” I admitted, voice so soft I was not sure if anyone heard me.
“Thelma told us about your visions,” I heard Hoji say. “We’re all sorry you had to deal with this alone.”
I shook my head, the force of my guilt rearing its ugly head.
“I saw nothing. I knew something bad was happening, but I was blind and stupid. I should have said something. I should have-”
“We are all responsible,” Thelma interrupted. “I take full responsibility for you keeping your mouth shut. It was my choice to do so because of my own certainty. I should have known better than to assume anything.”
“And we all knew you were lying about Aldara’s book,” Yoona chimed in. “All of us knew you were hiding something, Thelma. If we’re playing the blame game then you can charge us all.”
“But Cordelia,” I choked.
“It’s not your fault,” Wendy cried, her voice small and weak.
Turning to look at her, I knew I was doing a horrible job at keeping everything at bay. My heartache was too much and everything felt like it was closing in on me. I would have to tell Jimin that I lied to him. I’d have to tell him his village was in ruin because of me. I’d have to become a traitor now. Taehyung might as well throw me to the elves because of my mistakes. And yet, I knew they would not. Taehyung would be understanding, his comfort a warm blanket around me. Sol would be happy it led her mate back to her and so things would naturally become alright between us. Jimin adored me, but would he be able to look at me the same way?
“The elves were coming,” Hoji said, her voice frail and hoarse. “They would have attacked regardless of you telling these people anything. It wasn’t like any of you were on good terms. They probably would have attacked you the moment you stepped foot into this place. Lord knows those wolves would have had a fight on their hands.”
I tried to let the words sink in and ease my guilt. It never happened. Having had enough of this pity party, I took a deep breath and readied for my next plan. I had to see Jimin and he was with Taehyung at the palace.
“I’m going to check on the others,” My voice was stronger than I felt. “I came here straight away and I think Jimin will worry if he sees me missing.”
Thelma nodded, “Will you be back?”
“Later,” I assured her.
Callisto had made herself scarce. The human girl was nowhere in sight, but I shrugged it off. She may have known we would need some space. Saying my brief goodbyes, I went out of the front door. The brunette was out here and talking with a young man.
He was huge, towering over the tiny woman, his muscles massive and bulging. He was very tanned, skin reminding me of a bronze medal, that contrasted completely with his light hair. It was a strange mixture of colors ranging from a taupe brown, gentle great, and stark white. Cropped short and slicked back from his face, the man smiled down at Callisto and it stopped me dead in my tracks. His smile was wide, his teeth perfectly straight, and a small dimple appeared on his left cheek. The way his eyes smiled with him made me want to run as fast as I could toward the palace. I was looking at Jimin’s younger brother who looked everything and nothing like him.
Seeming to notice me, the wolf’s attention snapped to me straight away. Callisto, following his gaze, gave me a blinding smile. Outside, her eyes looked more blue than they had before and I belatedly realized they were a strange hazel. The man still seemed weary of me but did not immediately question why I was at his house.
“Birdie?” He called out, his voice deeper and rougher than Jimin’s. His eyes were also lighter, a strange greenish-brown. “What are you doing here?”
I guessed he had little reason to go to the medical ward recently. From the look on Callisto’s face, she was agitated with him and the way he was speaking. I quickly put things together from there. Jimin’s brother had always known about us, even before we had gotten together, but that did not mean anyone else had. Out here things were much more likely to be overheard. I was filled with gratitude at the small gesture even if I thought it was no longer necessary. Taehyung was horrible at keeping his mouth shut and my entire family would think it odd to hide something this important. Jimin himself may want to announce it in order to establish a connection between wolves and witches.
“I needed to see them before going to the palace,” I replied. “You must be Jihyun, then?”
He nodded, a small smile on his face. He was looking me up and down and I felt self conscious. I had yet to see myself in a mirror though I doubted I looked presentable. Callisto slapped his chest this time and hissed at him to stop. I chuckled.
“Jimin spoke about you a lot,” I continued.
Jihyun looked away bashfully. “I’ve heard plenty about you as well.”
“You should be going,” Callisto said, giving her mate a look. “My brother is going to be so happy to see you up and walking around.”
Jihyun laughed at this and I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. Biting my lip, I nodded and started walking again. Callisto again hit the wolf and chastised him for being “such a boy.” I laughed gently and met Jihyun’s melodramatic pout with a grin. 
“I swear,” She groaned. “You’re always so unencumbered by the thought process.”
Jihyun laughed, “Don’t start pulling out the Namjoon insults on me.”
She rolled her eyes, “If you were Namjoon, I’d been far more likely to punch you in the face. Broken hand be damned.”
The two of them faded as I got further away. They were an odd couple. Obviously very much in love, and childish to an extent, but it still brought a smile to my face. At least two of us could find a sense of humor right now. At least they still had each other. I hoped their mother was fine, but I had yet to see her.
A few villagers were beginning to move debris from the roads and put back together a few small buildings. I saw Namjoon amongst the builders and kept walking. I had little to say to the wolf right now and he was busy. Up ahead, Jungkook was throwing things out. It was a rare occurrence to see the omega outside of the palace’s heavily guarded walls, even rarer still away from Sol’s side, but I could imagine they had some distance now that Taehyung was back home. Jungkook no longer needed to shadow and protect Sol anymore. 
I wondered about Hoseok and Hyuna. I trusted Shiloh to heal him, but I had heard nothing about them since I woke up. The witches would have known something, but I was not sure if they would have been thinking of my friends. They were nothing to any of them so the news would be tragic but nothing worth mentioning. 
I climbed the hill to get to the palace with great care. I would have liked to use magic but I was respecting Cadoc’s wishes. No magic unless necessary. It would be for the best. I remembered the conversation the elves were having in the forest and quickened my steps. If they were going to attack Northorn and then four days later come back to Bangtan I needed to know if a siege was already underway. I would use nothing, I decided, my magic would be for fighting purposes only.
Someone spotted me climbing and came to my aid immediately. The young woman shifted, her gray and brown fur looked pretty in the sun, and offered her back to me. The rest of the way up, which would have taken me at least fifteen minutes, was spanned in three. The wolf girl was massive.
She let me down before making her way back down the hill. She had to have been helping the others dealing with the destruction and I felt bad for taking her away from her duties. The girl had not seemed to mind, however, so I decided to let it go. I had far more pressing matters to attend to anyway.
There were a few wolves guarding the outside of the palace. One of them looked at me, but paid little attention once they recognized me. I was able to walk inside without a hitch, the doors to the palace heavy and loud. 
The air still smelled of soot, and I was thrust into a swarm of people running around the palace floors. I had only been here during the night and never saw the help that shuffled through the halls. Now, that help was busy scrubbing walls, cleaning fabrics, and grabbing documents. Wrinkling my nose, I did not expect the level of disgust I felt. These people should be taking care of their homes- not polishing these stone floors.
“Can I help you?” I heard a gentle voice call out to me.
She was a large woman, three heads bigger than me, and built like a bear. Her body was muscular and broad, and I found her short, silky, black hair beautiful. Giving me a small smile, her smile lines and wrinkles revealed her to be older than most in the village. I was happy she had survived the fight. Many of the elderly would not.
“I’m looking for Alpha Jimin,” I replied.
The woman nodded, her face grim and evenly set. I had a feeling I would not be seeing him anytime soon. Figuring I would exhaust all of my options before letting her lead me out, I introduced myself as well as my title. The maid jumped, her fear palpable, and a pang of anger hit me. What had they done to this woman?
“I’m so sorry,” She rushed, her eyes pleading. “I did not know.”
I waved away her concerns.
“There’s no crime,” I soothed. She visibly relaxed and I grit my teeth. I would need to discuss this with Taehyung. No one would be made to fear me so long as I had anything to say about it. “Please, I need to see him.”
She nodded, “Of course, Uxor Park.”
“Excuse me?”
Seemingly embarrassed, the woman tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She started walking up the grand staircase and I followed her closely. 
“My apologies,” She spoke once we were at the top. She kept her voice low and I struggled to hear her. “Alpha Jimin has announced to the elders of your bond, but I forgot you have been recovering from battle. Uxor is the word for wife and will be what you are called from this moment forward.”
I frowned, “What’s your name?”
“Sloan, daughter of Ammon.”
I hummed, “Well, Sloan, I have a name and I would prefer to be called by it.”
Sloan looked scandalized. I was unsure of pack etiquette on this level. I had never cared much about it before. Thinking about Jimin, I recalled the nickname he used for me often and asked the maid what it meant.
“It means ‘loved friend,’” She replied, pleasantly. “We use it when talking of our closest loved ones. It’s a platonic nickname.”
The word platonic was distasteful. I had hoped it meant something more. Knowing Jimin would have called any of the copiae amica put a bad taste in my mouth. Seeming to notice my discomfort, Sloan smiled my way.
“It is something the Alpha would take seriously. I’ve never heard him use nicknames for anyone outside of his family, and never amica. He might find other words too intense before a bonding ceremony.”
I cocked an eyebrow at the large woman who chuckled fondly. The tension from earlier seemed to be gone now and I hoped she knew I would never raise my voice to her. I would not put it past Ahn to lay hands on their workers. He was a vile little man.
“He’s a very traditional man,” Sloan continued. “He’s been going about your union in the most courteous way imaginable, and had refused to publicly announce your partnership until you woke up.”
This did please me. It would have been unimaginably difficult this morning if the village had known I stole the heart of their strongest alpha. The group of women seemed kind enough, and his family I had met were going out of their way for my people, yet I still felt anxiety. I had seen how quickly they turned on Taehyung.
“Even knowing how careful he is, I'm surprised the bond has not been complete,” Sloan spoke away without much care if I replied or not. I could imagine she never gossiped with people outside of the maids. “He really is such a gentleman.”
“What are you talking about?” I finally spoke again, entertained by the woman. The young wolves always seemed uptight regarding sex and their rituals, but Sloan’s age made her less self conscious. 
“I know many wolves,” Sloan’s voice dropped even lower now. “Most are dreadful mates. Men are raised to believe they own their wives, but times are changing. Alpha Jimin is one of the best men I know.”
“You know him well?”
“No,” She admitted, “But he’s one of the few wolves who have never laid a hand on me.”
Instantly, I felt a kinship to this woman. While I was never hit, no one had ever even thought of laying a finger to me, I did understand what it felt like to be trapped. Here she was in her prison and she could find little solace in her place in society. I thought of Ahn again and wanted nothing more than to kill him myself. If he was even alive.
“Is the vermin alive?” I sneered, anger getting the best of me. 
“Ahn?” She hissed, her fear palpable. Then just as quickly she relaxed. “No, he’s dead. It is only Chief Kim, Namjoon’s father, and Chief Bo. She has been struggling greatly. She lost a child.”
I felt a great amount of guilt again. That poor woman. I tried picking her face out in my mind, but could not remember who she was. There were three women on the council table, but Ahn never allowed them to speak. He must have been one of those dreadful mates Sloan had been speaking about. I never disliked the man, had never really liked him either, but my loyalties to Taehyung would always sway my bias now. If Chief Kim wanted a problem then I would be sure he knew exactly who he would be up against.
I thought of Namjoon and knew my worries would be unnecessary once things started up again. We had all lost something, and from Namjoon’s apologies I would hope his father would honor his son’s wishes. I would have to thank the alpha for helping me during the fight. 
“Taehyung is a good man,” Sloan was rushed now and I assumed we were approaching the others now. “A very, very good man. Sol is lucky.”
I could not agree with her more. After spending as much time with the boy as I had there was no denying his potential. What he lacked in aggression he made up for in heart. Sure, he was gullible and prone to random outbursts that led to nowhere, but I knew what he had inside of him. The way he fought was only one facet of his life. When I thought of his strength the way he held Sol in his arms came to mind. She was as precious to him as silk, and he made sure to hold her tightly enough to stop her from hurting others.
“However,” Her voice was practically gone from how softly she spoke now. I had to lean into her and tap into the animal within me to make out everything she said. “His sweetness will be used against him in these coming months. Tell me, Birdie, do you believe in him?”
I answered without hesitation, “More than anyone in Lustra.”
“Even more than your Jimin?”
I smiled, “Taehyung will give your people something Jimin never will.”
“And what’s that?”
I looked at her now. I had a feeling I would be in this place more than ever, and I would want to keep her close to me. She was a comfort that I never had. We understood each other. 
“Peace of mind.”
I meant every word. If Jimin had been alpha I was sure this entire village would have been to Northorn by now. The fight would have never ended. Everything would have revolved around war. Jimin would give them strength and hope, but his own desire to end things as quickly as possible would place people in danger. No one would be prepared to do the right thing- wait and plan. I doubted any of the witches would be here either. I would certainly still be in my cottage.
Taehyung was methodical. He always came off as goofy or passive, but I knew better. Those eyes saw everything and information was precious to him. He listened to your every word and took it to heart. He would want to be sure as many people could be helped, that those who can’t help themselves would be hidden, and look at every avenue of support he could. He was able to get around my love’s vital flaw- pride. Taehyung had plenty of it, but he was as humble as they come. I smiled fondly thinking of him. 
I was so happy we had made it through this.
“What happens now?” I asked, a large set of wooden doors coming into view as we turned into a quiet hallway.
“You will meet with the council as a new Oxur,” Sloan began, a professionalism in her voice that had faded as we spoke now back. I could sense her nerves as we got closer to the room. “After that you will begin planning your wedding. Of course, with everything going on that may be postponed or rushed. You and Bo will discuss your options at some point.
“You will live in this palace as things play out. You and Jimin will not be permitted to be alone together without a chaperone present. Again, things might be different with the fallout. Ahn made these rules but Taehyung will likely ignore them. He and the Luna wedded yesterday to establish their bond as quickly as possible. Bo was not happy but understood. Kim just wanted to be sure the Luna was feeling better since being near him once more.”
I nodded, trying to keep up. The strange need for virgins here was odd. I had never met a wolf who had actually waited for their wedding to bond with their mate. Hoseok and Hyuna were inseparable from what I heard. Sol and Taehyung had no choice, but from her reaction to him I was sure they would be on one another the second the were alone. Jimin, however, had kept his distance. I smiled. He was trying to protect my honor, even if I thought the whole process was dripping in misogyny.
“Neither of them are angry about your union,” She continued, speaking quickly. “In fact, Chief Kim was quite pleased. He believes your children will be very strong and that will be vital if this war continues.
“You and Jimin must meet with his family to discuss arrangements after the wedding. Oftentimes, a woman will be asked to become a servant to the family for the first year of marriage in exchange for a lifetime of loyalty. Mi-Jeong will not do that to you. She is a very good, strong woman and will be happy you have made her son happy.
“I will say that she can be a wildcard. Quick tempered and straight to the point. I adore her but she can come off abrasive. It’s why she and your sister-in-law get along so well. You must call them your mater and glos until they say otherwise. Again, I don’t believe they are too concerned with this but it will be helpful in showing respect.”
I struggled to keep up with the rules. Was this what Sol had been taught her entire life? I scoffed. Taehyung could care less about how “lady like” the girl was, and I was sure Jimin cared even less about my own manners. All of this shit was made by some man who wanted to control every aspect of his peoples’ lives. Sloan grinned at me. I doubted she saw the need for these ideals either.
“The most important thing will be your intentions. You will be one of the most important women in the village now, and everyone will have to trust and respect you for this to ever work. I believe many see what you have done for us and will be easily swayed. I cannot promise all will be satisfied, but this war is more important than petty things like this.”
I could only pray Sloan was right. Reaching the door, Sloan gestured for me to be quiet as she knocked. The gentle chatter inside ceased. After announcing my presence, the room exploded. I grinned when I heard Sol’s voice over them all begging to be the one to greet me. 
“I need to apologize,” She stated, already deciding she had won this fight. “Besides, you’ve both had her long enough.”
The door opened with a loud whoosh. The heavy doors seemed to weigh nothing under the Luna’s hands. Sol was glowing, her golden skin plump and dewy, and I saw the sparkle back in her brown eyes. A huge smile on her face, Sol wasted little time running into my body, her arms wrapping around me tightly. I hugged the girl back, my face hot from the attention. Sloan stood beside us and did not utter a word.
I would be fixing that.
“I’m so sorry,” Sol exclaimed, practically shaking in her excitement. She was so happy, so overjoyed that it was difficult to believe a war was happening in Lustra. I wondered just how sheltered she was being in here. “I can’t believe I scratched you.”
I scoffed, “There’s nothing to forgive. That was the least important thing that happened.”
Sol pouted, “I still needed to apologize. You’ve done too much for me to be treated that way.”
I hoped my eyes could convey just how much I understood what she meant. I did not need her apologies, did not want them, and I would never speak of this incident again. I took Taehyung in because I wanted to, and no one would be indebted to me as far as I was concerned. To her I had saved her entire universe. To me I had harbored a fugitive because it was the right thing to do.
“Enough about that,” I waved her off. “I’m here to see Jimin.”
I heard a sharp intake of breath, but shrugged it off. I hadn’t said anything wrong according to our relationship. If Jimin had an issue, then we would talk about it. Until then, I was unbothered by the thoughts of others. 
“I’d like to be excused now.”
Sol was momentarily forgotten as she clung to my side. He was so tired. His voice was rugged and slow and so, so defeated. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair and kiss his nose. I knew that would be too far in this place, but I did untangle myself from Sol to get closer to him.
“After,” The deep, masculine voice was not to be argued with. “It will only take a few moments, Alpha.”
Finally stepping into the room, I felt better with Jimin in sight. His hair was tied back so I could see his wilted expression with full clarity. There would be no hiding from me right now. I wanted to rush to his side and let him know that I was fine. Catching Taehyung’s eyes, I held myself back. This would be quick.
Raising to his feet, Taehyung bowed to me. I bowed back, knowing that we would not hug again. It was disrespectful to do so, and he would want to be sure his mate would be comfortable with that level of familiarity.
Jimin stayed seated but his eyes never left me. This would be difficult for him. The two of us had gone through hell a few days ago, and I had not held him since. A gentle voice called out to me.
“It’s so wonderful to see you alive Birdie,” An elderly woman, who I could only guess was Chief Bo, greeted. “The Council was beginning to worry.”
I gave the woman a small smile.
“I am quite well,” I assured. 
“We are grateful for your service,” The voice from before said.
Turning around, I was greeted by an older man. His hair was going gray and lines had become more pronounced. It took one look to know this was Namjoon’s father. They shared the same mono-lidded eyes, both of them just as serious and stoic as the other, but that was where the similarities ended. I could only imagine how his mother looked and the strength of those genes.
“I don’t believe we have had the pleasure of a formal introduction,” Chief Kim approached and bowed deeply. I returned the gesture. 
“I am Kim Yong-Seok, Namjoon’s father. I’ve served this council since the time of the previous Birdie, and I am honored to have fought alongside you.”
“I am Y/N,” I replied. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chief Kim.”
The man sat down in one of the many chairs in the room. There was a large table in the middle of it all, but no one seemed interested in the papers on it. I stayed standing. I had not noticed Sol’s return to the room and grinned. She was curled in Taehyung’s lap not listening to a word we were saying. I was very jealous and my patience was thinning. Jimin had still not said a word.
“I would like to tell you how much I appreciate you for taking Alpha Taehyung in,” The Chief continued. “My son was not acting rationally, and he had many voices in his ear, but I tried to make him see reason. Ahn was the one who took the letter you sent him. Chief Bo found it in his things yesterday morning.”
My jaw clenched. The man was dead and I would try not to speak ill of him right now. Everyone was mourning and my anger would solve nothing. It still did not sit well with me that either one of these elders lived. They could not shift anymore and would be easy targets for the elves. I had heard little of them before and Namjoon had said everyone was being irrational. Not once had he talked of his father or this Chief Bo. I did not trust these two and I thought back to Cadoc.
We had a spy amongst us.
The conversation the elves had came back to me as well, and I knew I needed to say something. Aldara had said I needed to find Naida, whoever that may be, and hopefully it would lead me to answers. I decided I would need to talk with Cadoc about that later. I glanced at Jimin and bit my lip. Sneaking away may be a challenge.
If Sloan was right then it would not be, but Ahn was the one in charge of these rules. I did not know Kim or Bo well enough to say if they felt similarly. I heard Bo shifting behind me but said nothing. She did not talk very much.
“I understand,” I would keep those thoughts to myself. “All is forgiven. I actually have some things to discuss if that would be alright with you.”
The man nodded.
“I overheard the elves talking when I went to find Jimin’s party out in the woods,” I sighed when I heard Bo’s noise of disapproval. She was uncomfortable with the way I addressed Jimin it seemed. I ignored her. 
“They were speaking in a very old language that I don’t speak fluently. Unfortunately, I could only pick out a few words but I put things together. They mentioned moving to attack Northorn and 4 days after they would come back to Bangtan.”
“Four days after what?” Bo’s voice startled me.
I shrugged, “I can’t say for sure, but it would have to be if they were successful in the siege.”
“So, 4 days after they take Northorn they are coming back?” Taehyung clarified. 
“Again, I can’t say for sure. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Finally, he spoke. “You’re not infallible. Thank you for telling us what you do know.”
“Yes,” Chief Kim nodded his agreement. “We will have to prepare. The attack on Northorn began last night.”
Chief Kim stood, his intimidating figure tall enough to reach the ceiling. He looked past me, obviously to the other Chief, and they had some kind of silent conversation. My eyes stayed on Jimin now. I knew this meeting would be over soon.
“I think it would be best if Oxur Park stayed in her own suite,” I heard Bo say.
I did not like that woman.
“I agree,” Chief Kim replied.
I did not like him either.
“They should be separated until their union,” She continued. “The witch needs to learn proper etiquette before touching the Alpha.”
I hated her.
Jimin looked as impressed as I did. With a deep scowl, Jimin disagreed vehemently. Taehyung took his side as well as Sol. They cited the war and bloodshed. Why waste time with these nonsensical rules when we had lived together for two months? I chose to stay quiet.
Chief Kim finally said his peace, “Separating them is not an option. The Luna is right, they have already lived intimately and I will not break their bonds for the sake of tradition.”
“But they have not completed anything,” Bo argued, sending a hateful look my way.
It was obvious she would be someone to look down on me. I could not understand what I had done to make her dislike me so, but I did not care enough to figure it out. Jimin was mine and nothing would change that. 
“We both know that it is not the only part of the bond,” Chief Kim scolded. “They will sleep separately but we need both of them present for this war. Forcing them apart will be detrimental.”
I was still weary of them both, but I was far more inclined to like Chief Kim. Bo was not satisfied with his answer but chose to keep her mouth shut. With that decided, Chief Kim dismissed us so he would have time to think. Taehyung and Sol stayed behind.
“Alpha Jimin,” I wanted to groan in frustration.
Having just stood up, Jimin was still too far away for my liking. Growing tired of holding back, I walked to his side. He reached out and took my hand. Bo frowned at the contact. 
“Yes, Chief Kim?”
“Come back in an hour. We have much to discuss regarding this revelation.”
He nodded, “Of course.”
Just like that, the two of us were cut off from the remaining conversation. Kim wanted to speak with Taehyung about an upcoming fight, and I was sure this would be better with Jimin here. My own selfishness was jumping for joy at being alone with him again, but I was worried how this short break may affect this war. 
Again, this Naida came to mind. Aldara had said I would have to find her, which meant she was not in Bangtan. I doubted I would find her in Moland either. Everyone knew everyone in the swamp and the name had never come up before. Naida was in the beyond, someplace within Lustra that I had never seen before, and it scared me. 
Jimin led me out of the room, and I was sad to see Sloan had already disappeared. She must have left as soon as Sol came out to greet me. Wrapping an arm around my waist, Jimin pulled me to his side and quickened his pace. I struggled to keep up, but I pushed my worries to the side. For now, I would allow myself to be happy to just be near him. 
“So,” I whispered, forcing myself to smile, “I’m your wife now?”
His ears reddened.
“It’s just a formality,” He replied, voice suspiciously even. I giggled at his flushed face and calmed easily. We were just us right now and that would have to be enough. I would worry about Cadoc once the sun set. “I had planned on proposing properly once this war was over.”
Slowing down, Jimin opened a door and pulled me inside. It was a dimly lit room with only candle light and a large bed within it. Fresh sheets smelled of cotton and lavender and I was unhappy with how barren it was. Only two pillows and a thin blanket. I was already itching to go back to my cabin and nest in my thick quilts.
Thinking about the cabin made me think about Shiloh. I had never gotten the chance to say goodbye. I knew I should be happy to be with my mate again, but I was so tired of plastering on a face of good health. A flash of white hot anger burst through my chest and I kicked one of the stone walls. 
I kicked the wall again and groaned in my frustration. Everything had fallen apart so quickly. Shiloh holding Hoseok flashed behind my eyes and I kicked the wall again. I didn’t even know how he was doing and I would never see my precious little owl again. Another kick. Yoongi was blind and helpless, Hyun-Jin lost a piece of his childhood, and Taejin could have died. Cordelia did die. I screamed now, tears in my eyes, as I kicked and punched at the wall. 
“Amica,” Jimin grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the bloodied wall.
My hands shook and I fell to my knees and cried.
“Fall apart,” He whispered. “I’ll be here to hold you together.”
And so, for the first time in a long time, I allowed myself to sob.
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 The moon was high in the sky. Sitting in the faceless room, which I now knew as my own, I stared out the lone window and waited for a sign of Cadoc. It should not be too much longer before I get out of here. The walls were suffocating without Jimin around to hold me. 
He had stayed for the entire hour and held me. I cried until I could no longer produce tears and then I wailed. I told everything then. I told him about my visions before everything had hit, how I had kept things from him out of fear for his safety, and all of the ways I had gone out of my way to keep everyone in the dark. I stuttered my way through the way I fought off the elf, how much it had hurt to kill myself, and the way Aldara looked like an angel.
He held me tightly when I told him about Taehyung and I fighting our way through the elves to get to Sol, how she had bitten and swung at me like a stranger, and just how tiny she was. I felt him flinch when we talked about finding Yoongi and he cried with me when I got to dragging Cordelia’s body from the dead.
“She was so heavy,” I wailed, rocking back and forth in his arms. “So, so heavy.”
He did not want to leave me, but he had duties to attend to. He offered to send someone up to sit with me but I declined the offer. I did not want anyone but him to step foot in this room. This would be my new nest and it was mine to decide what to do with and who to allow. I would make an exception to Taehyung or my witches, but that would be all. I doubted they would ever come here to find me, not when I was so desperate to get away from this castle.
Finally, I caught sight of a shadowy figure running through the village. Without waiting for a signal or call sign, I shifted. My bird flew around easily and made no noise as it glided through the dark palace. I had to shift back once I reached the main door. I knew it would be impossible to open without alerting someone to my disappearance, so I needed to find another way. The window in my room did not open, but hopefully one of these would. After checking a few, I found that one was completely missing from its spot. They must have been repairing it.
Taking advantage of the opening, I shifted and took off to the forest. It was dead silent tonight and I hoped my friends were safe. Patto would be fine but Delinah could have been injured or killed in the elven rampage. Elves ate deer. I did not want to ponder on the thought any further. 
Cadoc was waiting for me in my meadow. The cottage was still destroyed but otherwise had seemed completely untouched. Sniffing the air I was sure that no one else had been around here for days. The others must have thought me dead and left the cottage alone once they thought it was useless. Magic and spells were of no use to them, especially my silly little grimoires filled with potions and strange teleports.
“It’s been left alone,” Cadoc shouted once he saw me coming. 
I shifted once I was close enough to the ground. The clothing spell had been a wonderful thing to know how to do lately. Cadoc was dressed in dark clothes now and blended into the trees. That weird translucent quality he had the first time we met was back. I hoped we were safe enough but kept up my guard just in case. I fondled the iron ring I was wearing.
“What do you know?” I asked.
“Not much,” He admitted. “Samayna is suspicious of the female chief, but I believe that is too easy a target. Lorcan is untrusting of humans, but his own bias is affecting his judgment. Both of them are going to our queen living deep in Moland to discuss their theories.”
I pursed my lips.
“What evidence is there that anyone was involved?”
“They came in through the cave systems. No elven army could have gone through them that quietly without knowing where to go. How were no wolves able to pick up on them? It’s too strange for us to ignore the possibilities.”
I hated to agree with him but I was odd. The cave was echoey and loud. There were few things that could be quiet enough to invade without someone hearing something. The wolves would have been ready for a cave ambush if they made a single sound, but they did not. You would have to know where to go in order to take advantage of that vantage point.
“You believe me,” Cadoc always sounded so surprised about my trust. 
“You make good points,” I replied. “I just don’t understand why someone would use elves against their own people.”
“The same reason the elves turn on their own: Power.”
Elves were disgusting creatures. Aldara had always said a quietus kills for vengeance while an elf kills for glory. Their kind believed in mass genocide and hated what they called “halflings” and “hybrids.” Their country of Etelin were the first to attack during the Century War where they stole the land of Korika from the wolves and foxes living there. Lustra had never fallen but those who once ruled these lands had diminished. Quietus were amongst these populations and a few groups had become highly aggressive towards anyone who was not an elemental.
Those were the ones Aldara killed. She always reminded me that there were good people, good quietus, but it was so hard to imagine as a child. Everything was black and white then, but looking at Cadoc I knew she was right. 
“What did your ancestor show you?” He asked. “The little witch boy said you would have seen her in the spirit world.”
I frowned, “She told me to find someone called Naida.”
I had no idea who this could be, but Cadoc’s expression told me that I should. 
“And she said you specifically?”
I nodded wearily. Cadoc began to pace and mumble to himself. In the dark on the significance of this name, I grew annoyed. I wished he would get over himself and talk to me. I stayed quiet in fear I would say something rude and tried to be patient.
“You’re going to have to go to the Ozryn Mountains,” He finally said. “Finding Naida is impossible without Khione. She’s in the Mountains near Idris and you may be able to convince her to take you to Naida if you tell her of the situation here in Bangtan.”
I scoffed, “What are you talking about? Who are these people?”
“Khione is an elemental who bends. She is Naida’s closest and oldest friend and will be easier to find.”
I sighed in frustration. I did not like being out of the loop and after the day I had my patience has run dry. I wanted to get back to Foxglove and sneak into Jimin’s house for the night. Bo be damned, I needed to see him. Especially if I would have to leave soon. The thought made me want to cry.
“I don’t know who any of these people are!” I shouted. “Talk to me, Cadoc. I’m lost and you’re saying I need to leave Bangtan to go and find some elemental.”
The quietus needed to pause his pacing to stare at me. I was missing something important, but it was hard to explain how little I knew about the world outside of the forest. I found the politics of Northorn boring and talks of war made me uncomfortable. I knew, however, that these women were not in positions of power within the statehoods. The only woman that came to mind was Queen Elizabeth of Northorn.
“You are too young to remember the age of the dragons,” Cadoc said and I realized he thought I was much older than I was. I wondered if I looked like Heidi or Griselda enough to have him confused. “Naida is the mother of them all. She was the first dragon that ever lived and her children are the ancestors of Khione’s people.”
“There’s no Naida living in Alcona,” I interjected, confused.
“Naida is a water dragon,” He replied. “Khione is an elemental who cannot shift as her bloodline was diluted by air elemental blood.”
Dragon shifters, as far as I knew, were fire elementals that lived in the Alcona Islands. Aldara had said during the Century War they had been enslaved and used as weapons of war once the elves learned how to force them to their will. Water and air were far more difficult to control, and we had always assumed they were the only dragons to survive the war. I had never known of these water tribes within Ozryn. It reminded me of the rumors of hybrids living deep in the mountains after the first Quietus Invasion.
“The people of Alcona are familiar with her,” Cadoc continued. “Queen Affra is her godchild but they do not see one another often. Naida mourns the death of her kin and holds a mean grudge against Etelin for what they have done to Lustra.”
I was doubtful I would be able to find this dragon woman. I had hardly stepped foot out of the forest and the further away I had gone was Moland. I had no maps or points of reference to guide me along the journey. Then there was the very real chance I was not allowed to go. Jimin would fight tooth and nail to keep me in Bangtan, and I would need to find a way around him. Cadoc seemed to be following my train of thought.
“Samayna will have the maps you will need for the journey. She may even offer to go with you.”
“No,” I shook my head. “If I’m not here then I want to be sure all of the strongest fighters are. I will go off on my own and write when I can.”
“I can speak with King Hadeon. He can offer up his consort-”
“No,” I emphasize my point once more. “I will do this alone. I can only choose my own fate. If I die then that will be so, no need to pull anybody away from Foxglove.”
Cadoc seemed upset by my resolve but moved on. I would not budge from this. Another reason I could be denied would be lack of hands and I would be sure mine would be the only ones gone. Cogs turning, I was sure I could convince Kim and Bo to allow me passage so long as I promised to return with help no matter what. I could use the excuse of sending for help from Viridi Gramine, but I knew Taehyung would see through the lie. He was another factor I would need to consider.
“You’re braver than you look,” He finally settled on.
“I don’t feel that way,” I replied.
Ignoring the comment, Cadoc continued.
“You will need to get to Clarcton first. There you can find lodging. The elves are still at the northern tip of Northorn to avoid Briar Glen Beach. Keld resides there and he will alert Affra.
“Pack for the cold, buy some clothes, and try to find a guide to the mountains. No one will give you passage, but you might be able to get some help finding your way. Once you’re in the mountains stay south and find the narrow passageway to Idris.”
“How will I know I’m going the right way?”
“Dwarf caves are all over the place. You would be able to hear them during the day. Do not walk at night. You will die. If you’re lucky, someone will be curious and ask why you’re there. Tell them you are looking for Khione. It’s alright to say it’s elves- dwarves hate them more than we do.
“If not, keep going until you see a light in the distance. That is Khione’s tower where the guiding light shines for travelers. At this point you will probably believe you’re going to die, and you will cry in relief. Ozryn is tumultuous even during this time of year. We are lucky they attacked in summer instead of winter or your journey would be impossible.”
This plan was forming itself already. Tonight I would gather grimoires from inside of the cellar and ask Cadoc to take them back with me. For the next two days I would study harder than I ever had in my life in order to prepare for a fight. I would have to pick two or three books to bring along with me that would be my own companions. I would have to get started soon if I had any hope of sorting through my things before sunrise.
“Stand out here,” I told Cadoc. “I need to gather a few things.”
“Heidi would have better information,” He said. “I remember her well from the war. The little girl with her would be okay, too.”
I walked inside and opened the cellar. I would bring along a few of my knives and craft a new one. Thelma’s order for iron had been made and there were two iron scones in my room I could melt down. My magic was fickle and I would have no room for mistakes. 
I took three feathers I found in Shiloh’s nest on my way out.
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I found his home easily. Even with the bungalow in disarray and heavily damaged, I could see the care people had took in trying to hold it together temporarily. I did not think it would withstand much of anything, but I could hope it would be enough for Jimin to be safe. Other copiae were in the palace as their homes were too damaged. Bo did not want us in the same place so Jimin had to stay out here.
I went to the bedroom window I had flown to all of those months ago. A lot has changed since then. Jimin was at his desk again, quill in hand and hair tied up. I loved the way the candles lit his face. 
Cadoc took my things to my room for me. After picking out five of Heidi’s books, one of Griselda’s, and two more of Aldara’s journals, the two of us came back to the village. His powers made gliding soundlessly easy. My bird would never have been able to make that work. Along with the books, I also took spare trousers, my jewelry box, and my quilts. This room would be mine for a few days and I would make it look as such. I hoped it would bring Jimin comfort in my absence. I knocked on the glass.
Jimin looked at me and stood up. He pointed to the front door and I walked around the small house. The door was already open and Jimin’s arms outstretched for me. 
“You were gone when I came to check on you,” He said.
I walked into his chest, kicking the door closed behind me, and wrapped myself around him. His warmth was nice and I breathed him in. I would be away from him for so long…
“I snuck away,” I grinned. “I wanted to get some of my things. Hopefully Bo won’t be too upset with me.”
Jimin chuckled, “Ignore her. She’s hurting and trying to distract herself with other feelings.”
“Like hate?” I rested my chin on his chest and looked up at him. “Disgust? Disdain?”
He kissed my forehead. 
He sniffed my hair and stiffened.
“You weren’t alone on your outing.”
I shook my head, “No. Cadoc wanted to meet with me regarding some… issues they were having.”
“Can we talk about it?”
I nodded and forced myself out of his arms. I would never be able to focus on anything like this. I yawned but waved off his grooming. Jimin, like everyone else in my life, treated me like a glass house in a tornado. Normally, I appreciated his pampering but we needed to have a serious talk and it would make me lose my train of thought.
“They believe there’s a whistleblower,” I started, sitting down on his sofa. “Using caves was weird and they’re talking with their Queen about it now.”
“Taehyung and I were talking about that possibility as well,” He mused, looking over at me. “That’s not all, is it?”
I shook my head. I knew this was the part of the night I would have to stay quiet about for now, but I might be able to say some of it. Planting a seed and seeing where it goes never hurt anybody.
“I might have to do something in the next few days,” I looked at my hands. “It won’t be fun, or easy, but you need to trust me, okay?”
“You need to give trust to get it.”
Looking at him, I was sad to see the defeat in his eyes. Keeping things from him had made this situation so much worse than they should have been. Even if he never admits it, even if we never acknowledged this fact right now, I knew him. He was hurt by me keeping quiet and not trusting him enough to defend the both of us. All this time I was keeping him safe without ever thinking about the fact that he wanted to make sure I was okay, too. Taking a deep breath, I decided to just get it out and deal with it right here and now.
“I need to find someone,” I whispered uselessly. There was no one else around. “When I saw Aldara she said I needed to find Naida, a water dragon. Cadoc said that her people would send help as soon as they heard me out.”
“Absolutely not!” He shouted, standing from the sofa.
“I told you that it won’t be easy,” I reached out for him.
Brushing off my affection, Jimin rubbed his ace roughly. He was panicking already. I stayed seated and tried to soften the blow, but came up empty-handed. Nothing would make this easier. 
“Not easy? You’re expecting me to be fine with you going on a suicide mission!”
I frowned, “Do you not trust me enough to take care of myself?”
He groaned in frustration. 
“Of course you can take care of yourself, but I can’t live with the thought of never seeing you again. They live in the mountains, Y/N! The mountains! You have no idea where you’re going. How can I accept that?”
He was right. If he had come to me with this proposal I would be just as hysterical. I feared for myself, it was the reason I wanted to go alone, but the fear for me was hard to understand. It felt wrong to bring someone else with me, though it would help to ease Jimin’s mind. My friends’ minds as well.
“What if someone came along with me?” I asked. 
Pausing his pacing, he started to consider. He was still uncomfortable, that I could see plainly, but some of the tension was gone. I sorted through a list of names but felt uncomfortable with any of them tagging along. None of my witches were allowed to die in those mountains and I only knew wolves who were important. 
“Not you,” I quickly added. “Your people need you right now.”
“Then who?” He asked, his voice far more resigned. 
“There’s a wolf in the palace. Her name is Sloan and I’m fond of her. She can come with me.”
All at once, Jimin was at ease. I smiled. I knew little about that woman, and had no intentions of dragging her through the mountains with me, but if she eased all of his worries she would be formidable. I was bitter about her mistreatment once more. Pity Ahn had died so easily.
“I can live with that.”
We laid in his bed for the rest of the night, talking and caressing one another. I had missed a lot during my slumber and I was happy to get the rundown. With Sloan’s word from earlier I felt less insecure about our snail’s pace. Jimin truly believed he was honoring me this way and I would let him have this. If he would let me leave then I would wait for marriage. I fell asleep as the sun came up and smiled when I thought of Bo finding my room empty.
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A/N: Don’t be mad at me!
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Taglist:  @greezenini @adventures-in-bookland @kthstrawberryshortcake-main​ @zae007live @jimin-neverout @nikkiordonez12 @canarystwin​ @yamekomz @chimthicc @michiiedreamer​
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© chimcess, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission 
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