#accidental sustainability
xanderisrotting · 1 month
For the past year and a half, my friend and I have been using the same 2 plastic lined gift bags back and forth. I give him a gift in the bag, then later he gives me another gift in the same bag. It’s a fun gesture between us, and I just realized how accidentally sustainable it is
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Computational design on the Biorock Pavilion:
Excerpt from Dezeen article:
The Biorock Pavilion is a concept for an amphitheatre-like event space that could be grown underwater. The form of the building is based on that of a seashell, as well as mathematical forms.
The basis of the pavilion would be a skeletal structure comprised of a network of very thin steel rods, which would be immersed in a solution of minerals.
It would be grown by electrodeposition of minerals
An electric current would then be run through the steel skeleton, allowing the remainder of the pavilion to be 'grown' as the minerals calcify atop the base structure.
"It takes those minerals out of the seawater and produces a structure similar to reinforced concrete," stated Pawlyn. "This uses an absolute minimum of material to grow a whole building."
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agroecology · 7 months
I'm curious as to how well known these services are outside of ag communities.
The food distribution thing may or may not be less well-known because it is typically done through a government service or non-profit, but not always! And it is a service lots of small farm owners are doing.
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matineemonsters · 9 days
The cat is maybe still a little insecure about our new place and has now decided that she sleeps under the covers in between us, instead of over and off to the side 🥺
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moonch1ld413 · 9 months
the most difficult thing about being a lesbian piano player is learning how to use the pedals with doc martens on
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ophthalmotropy · 2 months
I'm very glad I got fully obsessed with Roman history because if I didn't have something to keep me going that is purely intellectual I would be 100% picking up a vice or something.
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imflyingfish · 2 months
I want to play minecraft <- instead has played 5 hours of the sims 4 and has something important to do tomorrow
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louderfade · 10 months
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from Is deep brain stimulation a treatment option for anorexia nervosa?
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1ouis · 4 months
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the-lady-general · 1 year
Bold of Enterprise to assume I'd be normal about what Trip and Zho'Kaan had on that random moon.
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akkivee · 2 years
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the-casbah-way · 1 year
i should set up a fundraiser that exists purely so i can buy myself lots of food i need to put some meat on these bones lads
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lavenoon · 2 years
Alright alright you win, I'm starting to wind down. Have this snippet of dialogue ;P
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Thinking intensely about how Eclipse having a soulmate to look after would mellow him a bit, slightly less explosions anyone?
Yesss victory! I'm on my way to get the groceries dealt with, then there will be no winding down from my side for a bit <3
AND HEHEHEHE Eclipse just so concerned about his new favorite assistant, he's just slightly more inclined to predict and calculate before jumping into explosive experiments!! He's a softie and I love him so much 🥺💜
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absentmoon · 1 year
its very late but i promised myself if i couldn't make the paper due date and needed a day on it i could make dinner & prepare my presentation instead
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the context of the original alistair rose scene is that it’s presumably a wild rose bush that is found remarkably persistent and beautiful in the midst of all the darkness and horror of the blight
the context of the new rose scene in my fic is that it’s a rose in a garden that’s been tended to, cared for, that survival is not contingent on sticking it out alone but in being supported and loved
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edenorisshitposting · 2 years
So, for the ask game: 5, 14 and 15 maybe?
5. Anything you haven’t drawn yet but want to?
Another comic.. About a young girl who who meets a large, kind, wolf. The story has a beginning and and end, but I haven't figured out the middle yet. But when I do HEHEHE.... It's gonna be sad.
14. How has your art changed over the years?
Oh boy, it changed a LOT. I went from drawing nearly exclusively edgy anime boys in middle and high school, to completely ditching anime but still drawing characters all the time, to actually drawing environments more than people.
My style changed a lot too. I think today I draw in a much more graphic, illustrative style. Kind of european comics inspired. Compared to my old thinking of "it's only good if it looks like the art on magic the gathering cards" (which it never did). I often just use one (two if I'm filling fancy!) additional colour, rather than fully colouring every artwork. Truth is, many of my illustrations don't actually need colour! There's so much more WHITE (or blank paper) on my art now, and I use it in much smarter ways. It actually adds to the composition now, rather than just be space I didn't bother filling out.
If you fancy a trip down memory lane, scroll all the way down on my instagram, or my art blog down to my pre uni days. it's different.
15. Biggest artist pet peeve?
You're adding too many details with your white gel pen, and it's making things look shiny that aren't supposed to be. You're buying art supplies with cute packaging that are garbage in quality (looking at you Himi Jelly Guache!). The same white girl with vacant expression on a blank background does not evoke as deep of a meaning as you think it does. You say your nude photographs don't come from a place of sexualising your subject, yet you photograph exclusively young skinny women (r/analog....). Shirts don't fold in between boobs like that. You're adding too many labels to your political cartoon. I can tell the person is being used as bait, because they're hanging from the end of a hook. No need to write "bait" on them in addition.
I'm gonna stop here before I make this post a mile long...
Ask thing
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