#abusive rp memes
lizkeen · 1 month
FOLK HORROR sentence and action prompts.
( Send a dialogue tag and/or a # for reverse aka for receiver perform a chosen action on sender. )
Sentence Prompts.
“I cannot be judged by you!”
“I have done nothing but preach.”
“Confess to me.”
"You are not worthy."
“You cannot disobey the shepherd.”
“Show me the light.”
"The devil carved you from his flesh."
"It's not too late to turn to God."
"My soles are burnt from the fire."
“You have sinned and now you must be punished.”
“You are an apostate of hell.”
“When have you strayed from the path?”
“You are no longer worthy of salvation.”
"The sinnermen sent you!"
“Were you born a sinner?”
"You have the devil's eyes."
"No one shall tempt me into darkness."
“Evil has corrupted your thoughts.”
“What wickedness have you done?”
“He won’t hear your prayers!”
“The devil has taken refuge in you.”
“Let me in.”
"You're the devil."
“Salvation is not possible.”
“I am the chosen one.”
“Satan shines his light in the darkest, deepest parts of your mind.”
“She is an innocent child.”
“You will find yourself wandering in the dark.”
“Satan uses sin to reach you.”
“You don’t have to hide from him anymore.”
“The devil knows what you did.”
“We must sacrifice the weak.”
“That is, if they survive the baptism.”
“Fear not, death is not the end, it’s the beginning.”
“Instead, they sent you.”
“Fire will absolve you from your sins.”
“You are an apostle of Satan.”
“He has risen from the sea of flames.”
“I am the one you should worship.”
“They are going to cleanse you.”
“Do you know what worship feels like?”
“You will learn and when you do you won’t turn back.”
“I want you to worship me.”
“I was sent to guide you.”
“Do you see it? The darkness in me?”
Action Prompts.
Send [exorcise] for your muse to try to exorcise mine.
Send [chain] for your muse to chain my muse down a cross.
Send [field] for your muse to chase mine through a field.
Send [pitchfork] for your muse to stab mine with a pitchfork.
Send [kneel] for your muse to force mine to pray.
Send [cross] for your muse to strike my muse down with a cross.
Send [rosary] for your muse to wrap a rosary around my muses’ throat tenderly.
Send [rosary spike] for your muse to threaten to stab mine with their rosary.
Send [drag] for your muse to drag my muse into church.
Send [pray] for your muse to pray with my muse.
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akarii-memes · 1 year
Send "Hey...where did you get that?" For your muse to take notice of a bruise or wound on my muse's body--
Send "You should see the other guy!" For the reverse!
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riintasticresources · 2 years
💔💢😥--- Angsty Lyrical Sentence Starters
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"And how about you just take some blame?"
"You should just forget my name."
"I hope you know what you're doing."
"You give me nothing, but somehow it's always enough."
"And I'm terrified that you could leave me crying."
"Is there a word for bad miracle?"
"But, could we please pretend this won't end?"
"I wish it wasn't true."
"You clearly weren't aware that you made me miserable."
"'Cause I'd never treat me this shitty."
"I didn't cry when you left at first."
"I'd run away and hide with you."
"Everybody says they love me, but I'm still brokenhearted."
"I swear I'm not crying, the sun's just bright."
"Nothing good happens after 2am."
"I can't make it on my own."
"I'm just trying to be happy."
"Tomorrow might be good for something."
"He/She/They hasn't been sober for days."
"Was it something I did? Was it something you said?"
"It's like I'm the one you love to hate."
"No one will love you like I did."
"So, good luck finding something better."
"__, why are you calling me so late?"
"I guess we never really moved on."
"This rejection's got me so low."
"Who was I to make you wait?"
"My bad habits lead to late nights ending alone."
"I was looking for a way out, now I can't escape."
"I don't think I understand it all."
"We all got a dark side, we all try to hide."
"'Cause the truth is we're no different than the others."
"Will you never call again?"
"Will you never say you loved me?"
"I wish I could care less."
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rp-meme-world · 2 years
STAND UP starters
starters for muses not putting up with bullshit anymore. general tw: gaslighting, abuse/mistreatment  heavy vibes from this song (feel free to change ‘you’ to he/she/they etc!!) 
❝ you don’t think i’m worth your time. is that it? ❞
❝ so what if i’m not? ❞
❝ so what if i am? ❞
❝ i should’ve walked away sooner. ❞
❝ you broke me just to prove you could save me. ❞
❝ in the end, you only made me stronger. ❞
❝ don’t talk to me like that. ❞
❝ don’t treat me like that. ❞
❝ you bring out the worst in me. ❞
❝ i’m not doing this anymore. you’re not doing this anymore. ❞
❝ do you enjoy this? seeing me like this? ❞
❝ swallow your fucking pride. ❞
❝ you made me feel like i was nothing. not anymore. ❞
❝ things never change with you. ❞
❝ you’ve done nothing but hurt me. ❞
❝ what goes around, comes around. ❞
❝ why couldn’t you just let me in? ❞
❝ don’t you dare turn this around on me. ❞
❝ you don’t love me. you love the thought of me. ❞
❝ i don’t think i loved you. i loved the thought of you. ❞
❝ you do this every time. ❞
❝ i can take care of myself, thank you. ❞
❝ i wish i knew then what i know now. ❞
❝ you can go now. ❞
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musinghotline · 1 year
cw: drug abuse, eating disorders, general heavy/dark themes.
"We got a winner!"
"Wanna waste some time?"
"When are you coming home?"
"You just wait for me, alright?"
"I'll come today."
"I told you I would make it."
"You don't have to make anything, my sweet."
"In the end, it's all nice."
"Someone like you can really make things alright for me."
"You mean you fucked it up!"
"You promised me everything was gonna be okay, remember?"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Soon, millions of people will see me and they'll all like me."
"It's a reason to get up in the morning."
"Why should I? I'm alone."
"They don't need me."
"Now when I get the sun, I smile."
"You holding out alright?"
"There's nothing out there!"
"I always thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen."
"Other people have told me that before, and it was meaningless."
"How can you know more about medicine than a doctor?"
"Believe me, I know."
"It's alright. Don't worry, you're in a hospital."
"She'll be sent for, she'll come."
"Oh, jesus christ... I need a doctor, man..."
"I can't take it, man, my arm, MY FUCKING ARM!"
"Can you hear me? Can you see me?"
"I don't expect he'll live out the week."
"There's my three meals, Mr. Smartypants."
"California, Florida, whatever. Either way, your pale ass is getting tan."
"You on uppers?"
"I'm sort of a distributor... For a big importer."
"Does he give you pills?"
"I just wanted to be on the show!"
"What kind of business?"
"Everything's all mixed up, confused..."
"I'm thinking thin."
"This... drives... most... people... crazy."
"Ya got a rotten attitude."
"Good afternoon, although I'm not sure how good it is."
"This is our only chance to make it big."
"Shit, this motherfucker's starting to look a little seedy, man."
"You smug fuck!"
"I'm somebody now."
"You make me feel like a person. Like I'm me... and I'm beautiful."
"You are beautiful."
"You are my dream."
"I'm walkin' across the stage."
"Getting the money's not the problem."
"I don't know what I'm going to have to do to get it."
"I put myself through fucking hell for you!"
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alabonshay · 3 months
2. How often do they talk to their parents and/or other family?
18. What noise do they find the most irritating?
Send in a question for a headcanon about my muse
Shorter answer first:
Evergreen cannot stand grating mechanical noises. This may include: a gear that is out of alignment or a hinge that needs grease. It instills genuine anxiety in her if she cannot immediately fix it. Her engineering sense tells her something is wrong, yet leaping into action may be impossible or inappropriate. This feeling of minor helplessness makes her broil with rage.
She also cannot stand high-pitched noises. As much as she enjoys power sources like steam and electricity, both have potential for absolutely ear-splitting sounds. She once made her own ear coverings out of furs so she wouldn’t lose her mind in the workshop.
Unfortunately, her early fascination with heavy machinery and crossbows has left her with a mild case of tinnitus. She can usually ignore it. The house itself is rarely silent.
Longer answer:
As a dendie matriarch, Evergreen has outlived every member of her original family. She never met her mother. Instead, her elder sister and a few other relatives would come visit her during the appropriate hours. She misses them, even if they didn’t seem to understand her.
As for her daughters … let’s say her very ‘hands-off’ approach to parenting has not stoked the unconditional love she thinks she deserves!
The expectation is for a matriarch to have a large family, which brings her a sense of happiness. After a century of trying, the Duchess considers this life underwhelming and not aligned with her values.
Many of her own daughters have caught on that the Duchess did not want them. This may be true, especially for the illegitimate ones that were dumped at her doorstep. The Alabonsés have since paid the coldness forward. While some have fled by marriage or to the convent, the rest linger in the other end of the estate until dinner.
Most meals are the bare minimum of conversation. All other exchanges are complaints, crass remarks, or purely practical matters. Before the Duchess had gotten too old, they used to go on a hunting holiday together. That was the only time conversation seemed pleasant for everyone, and they spoke with the Duchess regularly.
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fallenangel-sephy · 4 months
Oh, I have heard of this “Ghetsis” figure. He seems to be some kind of villain that abuses his son while thinking he is even remotely comparable to me.
I would defeat him easily. I may be a villain to most people, but I at least have sympathy. My father abused me as well.
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mintymemesandrpshop · 7 months
'What would you Do?' inspired topics meme For starters or drabbles, feel free to include or make up NPCs if needed! Take care, some of these can be dark/upsetting, as they are real conflicts, and are meant to be uncomfortable and challenging. They can be played by the muses, or by NPCs in simply in the same venue/space as them.
💼 A person is discriminated by a hiring manager/boss 🍇A restaurant/business refuses service to a homeless person 🍼 A parent experiences burnout/postpartum depression 📸 A creep is sneaking pictures/peeking without consent 👠A person is criticized in public for prostitution, onlyfans, etc. (slutshaming) 💦 A person is crying in public 🏳️‍🌈 Someone is harassed for being LGBTQIA+ 🎀 A parent is criticized in public, or is harping on their child 💤 Someone has fallen asleep in public 🧸 A child is being bullied by their peers 💵 Person dealing with addiction 🛒 Someone is fatshamed in public, or their food purchases are questioned 🪢 Divorced parents trash-talking their ex in front of their child 🍺A person is intoxicated in public, and needs to be 'cut off.' 🍻A person is intoxicated while babysitting/with their children ⚽ Discrimination in sports 🎈 Nobody shows up to a person's birthday party 🩼 A person is rejected/discriminated against for ableist reasons 🪧 A child is wearing a sign/shirt, or other form of punishment 💔 Waiter or staff member flirts with someone's s/o 🚗 A driver is stranded and needs help changing a tire/a tow/stuck in a ditch/etc. 💊 A person is about to be drugged without their consent/urged by peer pressure to take some 📋 Staff or Waiter are having troubles concentrating 💍 A Spouse is criticized for her dress choice by family/their partner 🧤 A Parent can't afford a toy or nice meal for their child 🗣️ Partner/Child/Family Member verbally abuses someone in public 🥖 Grocery store employee is bagging carelessly, at risk of breaking/contaminating food 🕶️ Attempted kidnapper is goading someone 🐕‍🦺 A service animal is being questioned, and possibly distracted from their job 💅🏼 Person is trying something new, and gender nonconforming ❓ Stranger by their lonesome asks for help/reccomendations 🗑️ A brazen litterbug is lose on the streets 📱Person completely ignoring their company/parents/family/friends/etc. while on the phone 🎉Children wreaking havoc in a store 🩳 College students are hazing/partying 🧷 Brand new parents are criticized for having a baby in public (breastfeeding, baby crying, etc.) 💋 Parents/Peers disapprove of a new couple 🧶 Caregiver or child/elderly abusive to each other
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raichoose · 2 years
Starter Sentences: OPAL
Starter Sentences from Jack Stauber's OPAL. Feel free to change pronouns, etc. as necessary when you send to others.
"There she is!"
"That's my girl!"
"Go on! You can do it!"
"What do we always say?"
"Don't mind the house across the street, [NAME]."
"It's not where your attention ought to be, [NAME]."
"[NAME]? Is that you? Come here, I need you to bring me my cigarettes."
"You know, it's evil to help people who don't need help, [NAME]."
"You're far more interested in me than anything you got going on."
"I'm popular here; they all sing to me."
"Idea salesmen ... They want my soul, [NAME]. They fight over me like dogs."
"I need that smoke, [NAME]! What the hell is taking you?!"
"Won't you tell me? Why does it sound so easy to breathe on TV?"
"It sounds so easy ... "
"You smell weird."
"Why aren't you saying anything?"
"You're - You're not [NAME]. What are you doing in my house?! Get out! Get out of this house! Get out!"
"Hey! Just gonna walk by without saying hello?"
"They're going to be kicking themselves."
"Glad I don't have your ankles, though."
"I often find myself at my wit's end in here."
"That's just part of my journey, you know?"
"You could spare me a little time, you know. You act like I'm a complete stranger."
"Why do people look at me, like the way you probably are right now?"
"They turned me down; now I live my nightmare."
"Gotta be seen by someone out there."
"Now I sit here in reflection chamber, fixing myself so that all can savor -"
"I'm on the brink of visual epiphany!"
"Life is a costume away; oh, life's a wardrobe change!"
"So I can shift, create a rift, with beauty and with grin."
"God is in my skin!"
"Now I sit here in reflection chamber, crafting the world its next new savior."
"I don't really see why we always have to talk about these sorts of things."
"It puts things into perspective for you, I'm sure."
"Hey! Where are you going?!"
"You know how this makes me feel!"
"Who's that? [NAME]?"
"You being a person today, huh?"
"Goodness exists. If I wait, [NAME], and I sit still, it will arrive."
"You should be more considerate, honestly. But I forgive you."
"I forgive every single one of you every night. It's a virtuous cycle."
"How did this get so bad?"
"I feel terrible for all the things ... I feel terrible."
"You and I don't live, [NAME]. We survive."
"Mama needs a little girl to land on ... "
"Mama needs a little girl to fall in her arms ... "
"Mama needs a mama's girl to take good care ... "
"Mama needs a baby girl to hold her hair ... "
"Our adversaries are in denial. They don't know the wrong they do. And they never repent how I want them to."
"And you ... You're just like me. You're just as powerless as I am, [NAME]."
"We see you, [NAME]; your troubles are miles away."
"We see you, [NAME], and in our eyes you'll stay."
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cfkara · 2 years
“Hey, kid, let me introduce myself. I was a friend of your dad's when he had no one else.” “I'll put the party in your life boy you know I can.” “Have you ever wanted to feel like superman?” “Don't listen to momma, hell I ain't the devil.” “I can fix your problems, always got your back.” “All the people in your circle, man, they're pissing me off. Say you're broken and you're soulless and it's all my fault.” “So tell me, old friend, is it such a sin?” “All I did was make you happy, so to hell with them.” “It's been a hell of a ride, kid, don't you agree?” “Rock bottom ain't as bad when you're rocking with me.” “By the way my name is (___).” TRUCK BED
“I woke up on the wrong side of the truck bed this morning.” “Damn she got some nerve, way she kicked me to the curb.” “Guess you can say I got what I deserve.” “Yeah she meant business this time.” ”I can’t believe my bloodshot eyes.” “Still got one heck of a buzz.” “I can’t believe I gotta be at work at nine.” “Oh I guess if this really is goodbye.” “At least I took my boots off this time.” THE MOCKINGBIRD and THE CROW
“I grew up in a little town named after another.” “I know it sounds cliche, but it's how I was raised.” “And I got my first guitar from a pawn shop off of poplar.” “I'm a mockingbird.” “I've always been a mockingbird but. Now I'm a mockingbird with a microphone.” “I've come a long long way, but one thing hasn't changed.”? “Do this, do that, that shirt, this hat.” “Don't forget to smile.” “Don't say, those words, put down your finger.” “Well fuck that, and fuck you 'cause. . . (___).” “The way I sing may not be pretty.” “May not be music to your ear, but when these wings roll through your city my last name is all you hear.” “And I refuse to be another mockingbird with a microphone.” “I'll fly the line I choose to brother, even if that makes me the crow.” “Well do that, do this, unclench your fist.” “You're too loud, you're too proud it won't work.” “Now I'm a mockingbird and I'm the crow.” WAIT IN THE TRUCK
“I got turned around in some little town I'd never been to before.” “Working my way through a middle-of-June midnight thunderstorm.” “There was something in the headlights, it stopped me on a dime.” “Well, she was scared to death, so I said "Climb in", and in she climbed.” “Well, she was bruised and broke from head to toe with a tear in her blood-stained shirt.” “She didn't tell the whole truth but she didn't have to, I knew what had happened to her.” “I didn't load her down with questions, that girl had been through enough.” “I just threw it in drive, looked in those eyes and I asked her where he was.” “I don't know if he's an angel 'cause angels don't do what he did.” “He was hellbent to find the man behind all the whiskey scars I hid.” “I never thought my day of justice would come from a judge under a seat.” “But I knew right then I'd never get hit again when he said to me.” “Wait in the truck. . . Just wait in the truck.” “Well I knocked and knocked and no one came, so I kicked in his double-wide door.” “I let the hammer drop before he got to that twelve he was reaching for.” “I didn't try to hide my pistol, I didn't even try to run.” “I just sat on the porch, smoking one of his cigarettes and waited for the cops to come.” “Have mercy on me.” “It's been (___) months and she still comes to see me from time to time.” “It was worth the price, to see a brighter side of the girl I picked up that night.” “And I might be here forever.” “It ain't paradise that's true.” “But it's whole hell of a lot better than the place I sent him to.”
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lizkeen · 4 months
DARK "ROMANCE" ( JUST DARK ) SENTENCE STARTERS that are mostly associated with dark romance.
Are you afraid? You should be.
Run, (nickname.)
You've got no idea how long I've wanted this.
I said, do you understand?
Nobody touches what's mine.
Don't close your eyes, look at me.
Answer me or I'll make you beg for it.
You're mine.
Dare defy me again and I'll break your wrist.
Now, where we're we?
Maybe you're lucky and the next bullet is two turns away, not one.
Are your feet scarred from running yet?
How about we play a game?
Once you get to this point, you’ll find yourself some breadcrumbs.
Did you miss me, (nickname)?
I want you to run and hide, and when I find you.... dot, dot, dot.
You're so messed up, aren't you?
Try me.
I want to crawl into your skin.
I'm not sharing when it comes to you.
Look at me!
Pick. Heads or tails.
You want to be free but you also want to be mine.
Nobody takes you from me.
If I see you with him again, I'll kill both of you.
I told you to look at me.
Lay eyes on him again and I'll rip his throat out.
I could make you beg for it.
I can make you scream with just the flick of my wrist.
You dare defy me?
Speak up.
I can be controlling at times, yes.
I can't hear you, little thing.
I want to hear you scream, not whimper.
Are you afraid? You should be.
You're stalling. I don't like my things stalling.
How long can you run until your legs give in?
Do I need to make you?
Where do you think you're going?
Had you rather I carve my name into your chest?
I want to hear you scream.
Try it again, you can do that better.
Be a good little girl.
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apocalypta-secundus · 2 years
Disturbed - Divisive Roleplay Meme
You won't listen to me.
You won't speak to me.
Stop judging me.
You're just another monster.
You just can't seem to fill that whole in your heart.
Hatred will never go away.
Don't listen to me.
Don't speak to me.
What are you fulfilling?
Hey You
Have you had enough of it?
Are you angered enough?
Are you losing your mind?
Inner peace isn't easy to find.
Are you strong enough to stop jumping in?
Hey you, walking away, you've got the wrong kind of mindset and it's helping no one.
That shit keeps rotting your mind.
Can you feel the effect of it?
Have you woken up?
Do you still deny?
Are you gonna comply?
This world is so full of it, madness is easy to find.
Is it bad enough?
You know you can't let go.
You're never gonna stop me.
I'm the nightmare you've been dreaming of.
Let me show you what I'm made of.
This is just the beginning.
Let me tell you something, there's no where left for you to hide.
You won't see me coming.
I can end your life with not a sound.
Hear me now.
I've fulfilled my vow.
There's no escape.
I am unstoppable.
This judgment can't be undone.
Vengeance is coming.
Believe it now, you won't survive.
Don't bother running.
It's over this time.
You're going to pay now for all that you've taken.
Bad Man
Is it ever enough?
Will you ever find a new obsession?
You can never return.
You're never gonna find redemption now.
Oh, innocents always have to die by your hand.
No, I will never understand.
They're all victims.
Need to settle a score.
There's no way that you can be forgiven now.
Love to Hate
I hear voices screaming for the ones they want to die.
I feel my heart rate speeding in anticipation
I think all of us have taken things a bit too far.
Everybody just loves to hate
You'll finally know you're right
When there's no one left to fight.
Why do we love to hate?
I can see a battle raging that we're never gonna win
I keep hope alive, but tell me, where do we begin?
Feeding the Fire
I keep looking for this one thing.
Looking for something.
Looking for anything.
I'm not taking it anymore.
I'll be breaking down the door.
I've been waiting for this one, yearning for someone.
I stand ready to give you what you need.
We all need a release.
We're all dying to live again.
Don't Tell Me
We know we should turn and walk away.
We can't help but cause more pain.
Here we are once again.
Am I supposed to let you go?
I can't live my life without you.
I can't believe how much this hurts.
How can I let you go?
Take Back Your Life
Don't sit there and watch it fall apart.
There's no one coming to save you.
You've gotta make your stand now.
Time to let go of what used to be now.
Do not let this moment pass you by.
Show the world what you were meant to be now.
Let them hear your voice like never before.
You know it's time, my friend, to start living again.
Part of Me
I never wanted to be like this.
I never wanted to feel anything.
I never asked for anyone to penetrate my heart.
You were the one that made me like this.
I feel defeated.
I've been torn apart.
You were a part of me, you've taken everything
I see the future.
I never wanted to feel hopeless.
I'm terrified of everything.
I walk around feeling lifeless.
I fantasize destroying everything.
Won't Back Down
I didn't want to march into the fray.
I know I'll never make the same mistake again
I won't back down.
I won't back down from this fight
I won't be denied.
I'm somebody who cannot pretend.
I refuse to drown in my shame.
I will never fail to stand my ground again.
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mercurialstorm · 3 months
Look into my eyes
What Lyanna sees in Jean
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| Hope | Love | Passion | Hate | Resentment | Envy | Indifference | Confidence | Insecurity | Greed | Desire | Optimism | Spite | Hostility | Kindness | Warmth | Intelligence | Experience | Trauma | Aggression | Gentleness | Arrogance | Pride | Lust | Cruelty | You’re soft | You’re trusting | You seem honest | You’re humble | You’re cold | You’re closed off | You’re reserved and guarded | You’re unfeeling | You’re remorseless | You’re heartless | You’re inhuman | You’re frightening | You’re frightened | You’re devious | You’re unpredictable | You’re struggling | You’re lost | You’re broken | You’re disheartened | You seem headstrong | You seem difficult | You’re stubborn | I see hope | I see purpose | I see absolute conviction | I see compassion | I see a shining light | I see shattered remains | I see something familiar | I see a friend | I see an enemy | I see a lover | I see thirst for blood | I see malicious intent | I see pity | You’re pitiful | I see darkness | You’re unwavering | You’re pure | You’re noble |
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starslung · 5 months
"I can’t have you flinching every time I shoot a gun in here."
it shouldn't be a surprise shadow noticed despite his attention seemingly being locked on the shooting range targets ahead of him, but finn still flushes, shame roiling in his stomach like bile. it's a small blessing his fur is dark enough to hide it, but he wishes he could suppress the flinches, too. wishes he could hide the tension in his shoulders, the quick, prey-like flick of his ears as shadow loads a new clip, the way his arms gravitate to cross in front of his chest, instinct geared toward self-protection despite there not being an active threat.
he's always worse the day after meeting with his father, always worse when he's lost sleep because he can't get the sound of slamming doors and toppled furniture and broken glasses and i didn't think i raised you to be this goddamn useless out of his mind. a repeating record of not enough, not enough, not enough playing until he finally starts to believe it himself, until he finally welcomes the sharp, familiar sensation of inadequacy like a slap across his face.
but that's not who he's supposed to be here. he's supposed to be better, he's supposed to be above it all. he's supposed to be enough, or at least pretend that he can be. the smile he sends shadow is brittle, thin as winter's first freeze across a pond. he forces his arms down, one hand planted at his hip, feigning nonchalance. "heh, not used to someone actually knowing how to handle one of those, that's all. the usual grunts they've got in here can barely get it loaded."
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mxstball · 11 months
Leaf Info: Public vs Private
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Public Information:
Leaf is one of the Legendary Pallet Trio who helped stop Team Rocket in the Kanto region.
Leaf is a Professor's Aide to Professor Oak. She likely will be the one inheriting his laboratory when he retires.
Leaf isn't studying habitats like Professor Oak. She's studying Legendary Pokémon and their relationship to the world.
[mainverse / main ship] Leaf and Zinnia are dating. Leaf is the only one that can keep Zinnia under control.
Leaf has full badge certification in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, and Paldea.
Leaf is NOT an Alola Battle Legend. She chose not to go to Alola.
Leaf has a completed Pokédex for every region. Yes, including Paldea.
Leaf considers both Red and Blue as her brothers.
Protected (Semi-Public) Information:
Leaf is the head of a group chat that's centered around Protagonists and rivals. It's called the Starter Squad. She co-leads it with Hilda.
Professor Oak is her adoptive grandfather, but Red's mother is her adoptive mother.
Red beat Leaf to catching Mewtwo. She tried battling him to get Mewtwo back, but he defeated her. She then disappeared for 2 years.
Leaf helped with recon to dismantle Team Rocket during the Goldenrod Tower Incident.
Leaf's current Mewtwo isn't from this world. It was formerly Rainbow Rocket Giovanni's before Lacey killed him.
Leaf has a strange psychic link with Mewtwo. They can communicate using thoughts alone, sense what each other's feelings from far away, and more. No one, not even they, know exactly how or why. This is the case with both Elysium's Mewtwo in the Hall of Origin and her own Mewtwo.
Leaf is a master of disguise! She can disguise herself as almost anyone and everyone.
Leaf has beaten Red once atop Mt. Silver! It came down to Pikachu vs Partner Eeevee.
[mainverse/ main ship] Leaf is willing to get out of the way of Zinnia if Zinnia truly decides to choose Naresa (RK Shiny Celebi) over her.
Leaf randomly sneaks out of the house to venture into the wilderness. It's impossible to find her when she does this.
Leaf travels to Ultra Space extremely often during her studies. She's even caught every Legendary Pokémon and met many versions of important people during her travels there.
Leaf is fluent in sign language. She learned it so Red could have a buddy to communicate with if he uses it.
Leaf is allergic to chocolate, but she LOVES the taste.
Leaf is lactose intolerant.
Private Information:
Leaf is the daughter of Team Rocket Admin Archer. Both Archer and Leaf's mother are dead.
Leaf was a part of an experiment with Mewtwo for her early childhood. She only escaped because Mewtwo went rogue. She was also abused there.
Leaf's obsession with Team Rocket is because she finally wanted to look her father in the face and tell him how wrong he was for what he's done to her. He passed away of cancer before she could do so.
Leaf was travelling between Johto and Sinnoh for the two years that she disappeared. She disguised herself the entire time under an alias so no one can find her, only appearing to silently challenge the gym leaders.
Leaf attempted suicide when her father passed away. Red's Charizard saved her life and helped her turn it around.
Leaf's original Pokédex is hidden deep within Red's room. 151 see. 150 caught. She was the first (and possibly only) dex holder to see and catch Mew.
Leaf has a network of wild areas that serve as campfires that connects through every major point of Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh. If she leaves unprompted, she's in one of those campfires.
Leaf was offered a job at Interpol, but she declined.
Leaf had a deep crush on Blue before her disappearance. She also had a crush on Red, too. She will take both of those to her grave before she tells EITHER of them.
Leaf has a travel partner in Ultra Space. It's a Solgaleo named Amaterasu. She's not its trainer, but they're good enough friends for Amaterasu to actively help Leaf in all of her Ultra Space travels.
Leaf has met another version of herself in Ultra Space and had a brief relationship with her at some point. Though, strangely, that other version of her calls herself Blue....
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demonic-ninja-cat · 2 months
Calling all potential Mad Dogs!
Are you lookin' for a Rise Of The TMNT server that's for adults only, no sexual content allowed, and accepting of OCs and AU versions of your favorite Turtles? If so, you've come to the right place!
Our server takes place after the Movie, though things are flexible, and we have a non-server-canon Casual RP section and AU/Crossover Section! We also have plenty of OOC channels to discuss our favorite Turtle Boys, share pictures and memes, and make Turtle-loving friends!
We do have a Character Claiming system, but if your favorite is taken, worry not! We allow "AU" versions of the Rise Turtles and other popular characters! You can be the version of the character from your favorite fanfic, or one of your own creations!
Our server is a friendly place, welcoming to queer people, neurodivergent people, POC, and anyone who isn't a creep, abuser, and/or bigot! We also have Pluralkit and Tupperbox for both your System and RPing needs!
If all of this sounds good, then come on in and have fun!!
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