#abt; ikevamp
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when i tell you that these two follow me everywhere and that i don't stop getting charles lately....... i absolutely mean it 👁 👄 👁
i think ive gotten both of their standard 5☆'s and now even their joint one off the wedding gacha...... given that they've been paired together in like 2 events now in an almost throuple/poly situation..... is ikevamp tryna tell me smth?
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Man. How did I forget that an entire subplot of Dazai's main story was just. Trying to trap him into having a single conversation with MC like a normal person I'm so akhdjgfkljshgskjd
I just love watching her, Arthur, and Isaac deadass plot with glee to get one over on Dazai it's killing me, this is some Hamlet level shit (no Charles do not stand behind the curtain to kill Dazai coming in the window!!! yamero!!!!!)
Also because I felt personally attacked (/j) when Isaac said this:
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I love you Isaac but pls have mercy on creatives we only have one brain cell and we're trying s o hard oTL
Although, and I'll leave it under the cut since I'm back on my Comte-posting, but the way Comte talks about Dazai fascinates me. Also just as fair warning, I do broach a lot of the topics that come up in Dazai rt so trigger warnings for self-harm, suicide, CPTSD and PTSD, trauma, etc. I don't go too too in-depth, but they are there.
Comte: "Dazai is quite skilled at concealing what he's really feeling, even from himself, perhaps."
The way he instantly remarks on how Dazai is not only working to conceal what he feels from others, but also from himself. Tbh I think that's enormously perceptive, because at first glance most people tend to think Dazai is lazy, troublesome, flippant, or erratic (and sometimes, a combination of all of these).
I love that he sees to the core of who Dazai is and what he's feeling; fear. Dazai is afraid of hurting someone again, but I also think on some level he's made it an ontological problem; he's afraid of himself. He thinks his very existence is a negative entity, something that exists only to hurt and/or estrange other people, something wrong/different. I'd argue that's why he's so adamant about mood-making and keeping to himself. If you never express how you truly feel or live true to yourself, on some level you can't entirely reach others. Because fundamentally, being close to other people does require some level of lowered defenses and sharing. Ergo, never dwell too long or give too much of yourself away, never make a mark on anyone--good or bad.
As a side note, Theo calls him "a half-strewn dandelion puff" and I agree that's rather blunt, but on some level Theo operates on a level of utility. His entire operating precept is that life and work must serve a discrete purpose. And Dazai, in choosing to opt out of living with meaning/intent out of fear, makes this description entirely consistent with Theo's perspective of the world. Though his phrasing is harsh and perhaps one-dimensional, I do find it interesting that he comes to a similar conclusion as Comte as to what Dazai is doing.
Comte talks about it with such clarity and calm, he really does feel so parental in this moment. He's not necessarily minimizing the reality of how Dazai is experiencing the world, but he also clearly doesn't agree with Dazai's self-perception. Perhaps most striking to me is how Comte seems to understand that the only threat Dazai poses is to himself...Sometimes it feels like, in the case of conditions like mental illness/depression/etc. people are so eager to assume ill will of a person. This is only exponentially compounded if they prove to have striking intelligence and strategic capacity, the same way Dazai does. I guess I can't help but appreciate that Comte knows the difference between strong and scared, and even how the lines between the two can and often do blur (perhaps best exemplified in his relationships with Jeanne and Dazai).
(Side note: I forgot which event it was but, one time when Dazai was homesick for cherry blossom watching, Comte had the entire house filled with flowers to cheer him up [insert ugly sobbing]).
For someone so enigmatic, evasive, and distant, Comte still notices instantly that Dazai is much, much happier with MC. I suppose it makes me wonder if Comte knew all along that Dazai's real wish was to be accepted and loved as he was, but kept quiet out of respect for his privacy. I would offer too that sometimes people need to realize these things on their own for the information to have value.
But what really gets my ass is what Comte says right after:
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This is my bread and butter (so is he but that's not the point of this particular TED talk). In the last few years I've done a lot of exploratory work on how trauma is mapped both internally but also visibly on the body. What I think is engaging here is that, while it could be read on a surface level as "body language gives people's true intentions away" I don't think that's quite what he's getting at. Or perhaps better phrased, it's an oversimplification. I don't think it's that body language can't communicate real and important information about people's lives. Rather, that people associate rigid and absolutist interpretations to singular mannerisms, which does a disservice to both parties. Nobody can know a person at a glance; to say that you do reduces the lived reality of the opposite party.
Comte gives simple examples and couches his words for the context of the moment, but I think that first line is incredibly telling. "But the body is remarkably truthful." It makes me think of how, in moments where Comte is overcome with anxiety as a result of traumatic recurrence, he has acute panic attacks (i.e. shortened breath, racing heart, trembling). How Leonardo's lethargy (i.e. napping on the floor everywhere like the hobo he is) belies the reality of his very real exhaustion, the emotional turmoil that comes with a fraught immortal life.
Dazai's endless struggle with dissociation and self-harm, the way he stood in the rain unmoving at the thought of MC returning home to the modern era. Whether to numb himself from the pain of that grief/loneliness, or perhaps more likely the self-immolation of subjecting himself to the re-enactment of the most harrowing moment of his life. To relive that anguish as a reminder; to abstain from making the same mistake ever again. Jeanne's endless bodily tension, struggles with basic self-care (appears to be interoception-based; reduced signalling of the need to eat/rest/etc.), and self-isolation to cope in a world where only the strong survive. Never safe, always alone, always defensive.
I think, for many people in general but especially people who have been through intense PTSD/CPTSD/etc., it can be hard to express these feelings directly. Whether they are forcibly silenced, ridiculed into self-derision/self-concealment, or are overwhelmed by emotions that are difficult to process--each manifests itself in unconventional ways. It means a lot to me when those phenomena are portrayed so sensitively in written works/media, that they're explored with real intention and narrative subtlety to communicate how hard it is for people who are wounded or simply different (or both, as often is the case).
Even more than that, and this is an observation at the end of Dazai's route, is Comte's open belief that life is something to be cherished. Of course, like any other person he has behaviors he won't abide and people he doesn't feel partial to, but by and large he doesn't take life lightly. Perhaps that's why he doesn't expect Dazai to resort to such measures again, in conjunction with the circumstances of his transition. From an outsider perspective, I could see how Comte might assume Dazai no longer wishes for that if he seemed to regret his initial course of action by seeking resurrection. There is also the implication that Dazai is always at war with himself, and therefore might give contradictory impressions; one moment he wants to live, the next he doesn't. This is precisely what led him to ask Charles for help to subdue his own 'cowardice.' (His terms, not mine. [bonks him]) There is a sizeable subset of s-word survivors who, after recovery, feel that their problems were actually solvable despite their despair in the moment.
Of course, that doesn't apply to everyone, but I think there's something to be said of Comte feeling such real affection for the mansion boys that he is stricken to find out what Dazai attempted. And perhaps unsurprisingly, very adamant to keep him from ever pursuing such a course of action again. He's incredibly vulnerable about his horror that he might have inflicted something on Dazai that he never wanted in bringing him back, though Dazai comfortably refutes any lack of agency in the situation.
I guess I feel very compelled by the duality inherent in Comte's glass heart, precisely because of how realistic it feels. His greatest strength is his sensitivity, but it's also his greatest weakness in tandem. His genuine care for Dazai--the unwavering belief that his life is valuable and worthy--ends up being the reason he doesn't anticipate Dazai's rather deeply entrenched self-loathing. And to be honest, I'm a bit inclined to agree; looking back on a third reading Dazai feels way too hard on himself. It feels like the young girl's death was more a catalyst for what Dazai was already feeling, than anything. Dazai wanted so badly to have a reason to despise himself (as he already disliked how different and out of place he naturally felt) and with this, his self-reproach could have a viable, rational explanation. A locus outside of his body by which to rationalize his self-hatred. Accident or not becomes irrelevant; he was involved, and thus he is guilty.
He reminds me a lot of that post that was circulating once about how cultish behavior inculcates intelligent people with more devastating pull than one might expect, because intelligent people can more easily and more insistently find ways to desperately rationalize their situation to function in that whirlpool of abuse. Dazai feels like he's in this same such Catch-22, so busy believing he deserves to be scorned (because of how well he hides his perceived abnormalities) that he takes steps to ensure and reinforce it. He wants and needs to see his reality make sense, and if it won't answer his designs he will find a way to make it so.
It fascinates me because Dazai is an incredibly complex example of someone who desires control, but instead of inflicting it with external rapacity, he targets his own internal state. I once heard a Buddhist explain: yes, it is a sign of disturbance to engage with others aggressively and without grace. However, it is also a sign of disturbance when the mind seeks to harm one's own body. Although Dazai's disturbance is not as apparent, it is there. And that's part of what makes him so excruciatingly compelling to me, in a lot of ways he is the manifestation of the Sisyphean suffering of being ill in a quiet way. In enduring and smiling and laughing because you don't want to burden others--or know you're not allowed to--all while you slowly bleed from the inside out.
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cloudcountry · 8 months
fuck this i want to tell will hes beautiful and talented and loved and cherished. kicks comte into a ditch. once i finish up jeans route im running into his arms.
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yakocchi · 2 years
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The Celibate Vampire (Part 2) // Ranking Cards
"No Matter How Many Times..." (Leonardo)
"Hey... You like it when I bully you, don't you? Your body says so, you know. ...Very well; How about I'll tease you to bits tonight?" "You're not being honest. At times like this, when those lips of yours say 'Don't', or 'No'... it's merely to cover up your embarrassment. So... let's give in?" "Haah... No matter how many times I take you, it's not enough... You're a terrifying one; Terrifyingly... adorable."
"I Want You" (Vlad)
"Both my body, and yours... are terribly hot. When our skin presses together like this, I hope that we can truly become one..." "Hey, face me... I want to feel you more deeply— I want you." "Discard your reason, your common sense, your shame— Discard every piece of your 'everyday' self, and lose yourself to me. ...I shall fill you with me."
"When Your Eyes Tear Up Like That..." (Count)
"How about you show me where you like to be touched? (kisses) Here... (kisses)... and here, right? It seems I've hit the mark, hm?" "You are a sensitive one, so... you must already be on the verge of torment, no? Ah, when your eyes tear up like that... (kisses)... That face, it rouses me so." "If you cannot suppress your voice... I shall block it for you... (kisses)... Thus, you may cry out to your heart's desire. And as you do, let me lust for you even more..."
Happy Holidays! been engaged w/ other hobbies for the past... half yr, sorry. maybe ill do a lil smth smth this holiday hmm
a lazy photoset. wouldve been better if i actually had the group card (used the in-game visual here), but im not the type to pay 8.5k yen on a bad event value item set. not saying im better than ppl who did; i am the type of person who paid 4.5k to secure top 100 so i just have brainrot in a diff way
the event itself was mid. the avatars were very cute. the stories were stories that were written. id vent further but i dont want this post to get lengthy lol
(please credit if you post/use these anywhere! ty!)
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duckyfann9871 · 5 months
real footage of me hallucinating my ideal ending to sebastian's route bc ik its probably not gonna happen:
me, to Sebby: what if le'Com turned u into a vampire, and he turned me into a vampire, and we could be sexy vampires who get to live a long time with the other vampires 👉👈 since you want to live now.... what if we live extra long together? uwu
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today i’m thinking abt leonardo ikevamp :33
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ana-thedaydreamer · 2 years
Quick Poll: Which pair would you choose?
Comte and Vlad
Jin and Clavis
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
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Isaac 😭😭
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corpiote · 2 years
charles route spoiler (not really for anything that happens in it though, just a small piece of info)
pre-relationship charles "taking care of his clients" (sleeping with them) -> jealous, possessive mc
mc kills last client he slept with -> charles finds out
mc begs him not to leave them, promising never to do it again if he doesn't
4th one is talking abt what he thought it was b4 his route ending (tho it doesn't fully aline he could twist it that way)
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astrxealis · 5 months
leon theme i spent my early morning hours working on even tho i have to wake 6 am !!! 🫵🆒✨ (it is 10 minutes to 5 am)
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#actually will sleep soon but :P silly!#i like my theme a lot. i will still fix and add to it FOR REAL THIS TIME I PROMISE I SWEAR so yeah :3 <3#i think the pfp is a bit small. but idk. might make it bigger anyway.#re is So so so scary been going thru re chronologically finally (but like. thru watching. but w/o commentary.#bcs i'm so sorry horror games are the Only games i cannot play myself i get too scared ..... one day i will man up tho. but only for#bloodborne my bbg. hooray. pray for me.) !!!!!#also working on my writing sb :P sm i wna do this summer but it starts with Me taking care of myself which i shall... do more of..... asap.#funnily enough since for a bit now i've gotten back into playing vn/otome games. since i've been nagging my twin to get into some specific#games like Our Life and Touchstarved ahahaha i sucked her back into this hellhole ..... now against my former will i have installed that#love&deepspace game last wednesday morning. wow. and previously i got ikepri but my twin went the Whooole way getting ikepri#and getting back into ikevamp etc SORRY FOR EXPOSING YOU I LOVE YOU lol silly. it's actually so Funny honestly.#also wna get back into writing in general ^_^ will probably share more abt my ocs too!#& generally talk more w moots and friends on diff platforms... i wna manage my time Super well :3 <3 I Will. I Am. hashtag Mindset Matters.#world is crazy rn uh lots to say but all i will say for now is : Don't Forget About Palestine. they are still suffering. please do what you#can to support all the people who need that help and for the media to Still see them and not get totally distracted abt other stuff. !!!!!
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Look, idk what I was expecting.... not sure if it's a 4☆ only or 4☆+ thing but I went for it cause I figured ah why the hell not I never use these on anything but the guys' outfits.. should've cut my losses after that beautiful Napo card bc the other 2 I got were just dupes rip in pieces
Best of luck to anyone aiming for the gacha/s,,,
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Y'all I been doing Dazai route in eng for the collection event and I'm just.
I never want off this tragicomedy this is amazing. Just look at this shit:
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There's so much going on here???? I'm in stitches?????
Dazai if you're going to roll with familial obligation PICK ONE ROLE, what is this madness!!!
MC full on out here UNIRONICALLY looking at Charles and going:
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MC: I could make him worse twirling hair around her finger
What's even more uproarious to me is Dazai like "I must. Protect MC from his vile eboy clutches." And MC is straight up like "Dazai if you won't tap this then I will have my hot girl summer." Can you tell I love her so much for this I'm sobbing. Girl math queen of "I want what's bad for me"
Charles. Trying to whine his way into a hot night and Dazai's abrupt "Haha, no." Just imagining the delivery of that line straight up made me astral project, Dazai is feeling petty and I'm LIVING
"NotMyName-san." Do I even need to say it. MC dragging his ass and I'm wheeze--
Aight but that last screenshot. I swear to God that's where I lost my veritable shit. I think I've just gotten so used to Comte and Leonardo being so literal of like "oh yeah that f**ker can't keep his hands to himself, give me a second to get rid of him" that I just did not see Dazai's roast coming. And not only how iconic and subtle a jab that is, but the ENDLESS implications????????????
"He seems like someone who can't keep his hands out of the picnic basket." Dazai was COOKING. He said "boy's got no patience, he can't pace a relationship properly." [Note: Dazai can't pace a relationship at all, so uh, pot meet kettle--]. He said "man's going to get to third base on the first date and that is GAUCHE." I love this bit because of how much it gives him away. Dazai out here like "I'm just a silly silly goofy no thoughts guy! Hahaha!" And then the second Charles tries to drag MC around like a rag doll, Dazai comes out like "what is this. menace doing with a nice young woman. I say, young man, cease this horny shitfkery at once!" The man who sat in bed with MC naked after a month's worth of knowing her and does not explain (though in fairness he was trying to be helpful [?]). Can you tell I love him. Osamu "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" Dazai.
Dazai out here like "I just know he's going to ask too much of her, and that could have grievous implications when it comes to being a vampire." As much as it might be a throwaway line, I gotta say I see that amongst his concerns. And tbh I think he means it both in the sense of bloodlust but also in the sense that Charles is a bit wayward with his self-control (not entirely Charles' fault). Dazai out here like "I know this little shit ain't got an ounce of foresight, and I hate this for my best girl." No beef to Charles, but the man lives in the present (in some ways by circumstance) and I can see how he might not be able to have MC's best interests for the future in mind (he's got a lot of healing to do).
Man can you tell I just can't get over the way Dazai flamed him. It's giving:
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Also for the record no shade to Charles as an LI, I just think it's hilarious how jealous Dazai is and how that makes him uncharacteristically choose so much violence khafjlsjkshgdfjh
I gotta say if there's one thing that gets my ass so bad when it comes to Comte and Dazai it's how they're so like. "Peace and love on planet earth~"
Charles/Vlad: hi
Comte and Dazai:
Comte and Dazai:
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lukkabloom · 8 months
Fun Facts abt the residents according to Ikevamp Radio (ヴァンなま) Part 1
Found a playlist of Ikevamp Radio that occurred multiple years ago so I decided to collect my findings about the residents in a list. I haven't seen anyone translate it or talk abt it so I decided to do it for a bit of fun. Anyways, here are episodes 1-3!!
Some quick things to note before:
Vincent/Aramaki Yoshihiko (Makki) is the MC, Sebas/Morishima Shuta (Morishi) is a guest (but he’s in every episode he might as well be the 2nd MC). They also have other people as guests in some episodes (other ikevamp VAs or others related to the game itself)
Episodes 1 & 2 occur before Ikevamp’s release
most of my findings are from a segment from the livestream where the residents (mainly Vincent and Sebas) talk to each other & ask each other questions about the lives while they spend some bonding time in the thermae. The segment's called "I love yu" which is a pun on "I love you" and yu (湯) which means "hot water" or "bath"
There are also other segments where the VAs draw based on a designated theme & the viewers vote on the best art (van Gogh's drawing section), and another one where the VAs read the summary of the game in their in-character voices (but the VAs interrupt and make it funnier & less romantic) called "Ikemen Vampire, a guidance for you" (I won't talk abt these sections much tho)
ALSO!! This is not a translation of the whole livestream, just bits and pieces of it. I don't have the time and energy to do that
Episode 1: feat. Leonardo's VA Tsuda Kenjiro
Question: Which historical figure/genius do you respect the most?
Napoleon: Oda Nobunaga
Mozart: Johann Sebastian Bach
Leonardo: Michelangelo (which I thought was interesting since real-life Leo and Michelangelo had some beef w each other)
Morishima (Sebas’s VA): Newton (bc of the apple & theory of universal gravitation), Edison
Tsuda (Leonardo’s VA): van Gogh
Aramaki (Vincent’s VA): Liu Bei, Zhao Yun (I think that's who he was talking abt? I'm not familiar much w/Chinese figures' names in jp---they're read differently in Eng)
The other VAs joke that Aramaki’s similar to Napo in the sense that they both admire soldiers/military commanders
Question: Favorite part of a woman’s body? (This sounds so wrong in both jp & eng)
Napoleon: from the neck to the shoulder, he's prob talking abt the shoulders to the neckline or vice versa(首から肩まで)
Mozart: voice (so he can understand what his partner’s thinking & feeling)
Leonardo: thighs (bc it’s soft & he likes lap pillows)
Tsuda said Leo’s a bit of a pampered/attention-seeking child (甘えん坊), and not an ore-sama (which he thought Leo would be), an unexpectedly cute reason considering how reliable Leo looks
Vincent gets a bit sad when he’s bathing alone
Leo can sing a song that he’s only heard once (as expected of a genius)
Sebas can be seen hanging the sheets outside from Vincent’s room
Leo’s unsatisfied that there’s only men in the mansion (this was before MC stumbled to the mansion)
Vincent doesn’t want women in the mansion bc he wouldn’t know how to act in front of them
Sebas thinks Leo is an expert in handling women, Leo is confused when he became one
Leo’s weak against Vincent’s pleas/suggestions (honestly who isn’t??)
Sebas thinks it’s impossible for a woman to stumble upon the mansion (foreshadowing)
Leo thinks that fate will play a trick on them, his mumbling confuses Vincent and Sebas (more foreshadowing)
Episode 2: feat. Jun, singer of Ikevamp theme song "Rouge"
Jun is a repairman who fixes things around the mansion… HE'S ALIVE IN THAT ERA???? (Idk if its canon)
He also sings “Rouge” while he works which means the song exists in the 20th century (again idk how much of this is canon)
Jun also sells milk in the mansion, acting as a different person as the repairman, although Sebas & Vincent are suspicious of him (he literally just enters the bath to sell milk to Vincent and Sebas lol)
Vincent and Sebas talk about MC, she has arrived @ the mansion
Vincent worries abt her since she is surrounded by vampires in an unfamiliar environment, but to Sebas, it looks like MC enjoys her life and is headstrong (aka Vincent is just nice to others, nothing new)
Vincent believes that Sebas is cool and can do anything, to which Sebas indirectly disagrees (he coughs)
Sebas is weak to Vincent’s innocent eyes (just like Leo from the previous episode, again, who isn't?)
Sebas breaks the 4th wall talking abt a popular romance game where you can fall in love w/vampire-turned historical figures
This is literally the beginning of how Sebas goes ooc (becomes weirder) throughout the series (is it even ooc if it’s basically approved by official??)
Sebas says that Theo is overprotective of Vincent, Vincent comments that he’s supposed to be the older one
they also introduce my fav segment (Can you tell me... your name?) where they have listeners vote on quotes they want the VAs to say, and they will say the line w/the listener’s names so it sounds like the VAs are speaking to them. Vincent's & the guest (if there is one) will have legit cool lines (like “(y/n), Don’t let go of me” or “(y/n), you’re the only one in my eyes”) but Sebas always has one funny line as one of his options (ex. “Hey, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?” or “Do you want to fry one more sanma?”) and every single time the weird line gets voted and ITS FUNNY AS HECK
Also in the same segment the viewers will sometimes submit funny names for the VAs (especially Sebas) to say & it adds to the laughs
Ex. for Sebas’s “Hey, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?” some viewers gave names of Anpanman characters (a children’s anime in Japan) so Sebas will literally say things like “Jam-ojisan, hey, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?”
There was also one whose name was Tako (octopus in japanese) so Sebas would say “Tako, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?” so he’s asking the octopus to have a takoyaki party where the octopus will be eaten (the irony as well as the dark underlying meaning behind it is very funny)
Also the way the other people are laughing while Sebas’s VA is trying to keep his cool is so hilarious
It’s predetermined and agreed upon the Ikevamp staff that Sebas (or Morishi) is willing to do/say weird things for the audience
This whole segment is a whole ride in and out of itself
Episode 3: feat. Leonardo’s VA Tsuda Kenjiro once again
Sebas once again breaks the 4th wall by referencing episode 1 of the show
Sebas teaches Leo the basics of manzai (a type of japanese comedy)
Leo says “Vannama” (the name of ikevamp radio) and “tendon” (the food and a manzai phrase)  in a weird accent further proving that he doesn’t understand Japanese (or maybe it's bc the two phrases are too specific idk)
Sebas tells Leo to ignore what he’s saying as he is saying metafictional expressions (メタ発言) basically how he is breaking the 4th wall, and Leo just accepts that as another one of Sebas’s quirks
Vincent comments that Leo’s very manly, Sebas further compliments him saying that Leo is a man amongst men
This episode has one of the funniest (imo) “Can you tell me… your name?” segments ever. Vincent and Leo’s VAs had amazing lines, but Sebas… oh gosh where do I even start. (ok Leo’s VA did say “Ushi (cow), wait for me by the bed,” and “Namamono (raw food), wait for me by the bed” & that was funny too but…)
One of the options for Sebas’s lines (and the one that was ultimately chosen to be said) was “Do you want to fry one more sanma (a type of seasonal fish eaten in fall)?” and the viewers got crazy with this one.
There were some legit names but most were for jokes, choosing names going along with the theme of fall foods and creatures (tuna, matsutake, karaage, grasshoppers, etc.)
There was “Akashiya, sanma mouipikki yaku?”(Akashiya, do you want to fry one more sanma?) which was the funniest one. Akashiya Sanma is a very famous Japanese comedian and it’s very genius of the viewer to connect the person with the food. I laughed straight for like 10 min when I first listened to this (I still laugh just remembering it. The double-entendre!!!)
Literally any episode with Tsuda is chaotic (this isn’t the last time where he shows up)
At the end of the episode, Vincent’s VA couldn’t stop laughing and messed up his lines multiple times (I don’t blame him everything is just so funny)
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yakocchi · 1 year
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Ikemen Vampire (w/ Animate) - Digital Archive rambling
mm sorry i have been posting nothing. but the few mobile games ive been playing are very uhhh unimpressive in output. ill try to translate stuff i found mildly amusing tho if that interests y'all but u see today im powered with annoyance. the most empowering emotion when it comes to getting stuff done
so cybird decided to make a “digital archive” on animate for a crisp ~1500 yen. the description was kinda vague (+ i dont have the ikesen one, which i think exists? idk idc) so i was curious. iirc there were “deluxe” preorder vers with acryl stands, while this basic preorder one comes with a sheet of glossy paper. u can purchase the code by itself the day of release, so idk wtf they were thinking. dawg i spent $30 USD to ship this bc i timed my forwarding shipments poorly sigh
a “digital archive” according to whoever set this up is just a lazy online artbook. if you like full body shots this is fine (...doesn’t have all of them), otherwise it’s kinda garbage. ig there’s a niche for it, as ikevam downgraded the quality of the character portraits in-game a yr or so ago, but lol man they couldn’t even provide all of the story CGs. don’t see the point in making the former a secret anymore as all of the main stories are 3+ yrs old and said art is used for public promo anyway i was curious if they’d provide all of Galileo’s emotion portraits (since the smile one hasn’t been seen in HD yet) but they conspicuously left out all the ones we haven’t seen. they don’t even provide shots of jeanne’s uncovered face....... the most important lesson was remembered today. never get emotionally attached to a GaaS
idk if u wanna pay a few bucks to look at legs, feet, and backgrounds they’ve got u covered tho
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natimiles · 8 months
Went to a bookstore recently & when I found books by the residents I just stopped moving for a sec & was really tempted to buy whatever book I can find by them (I did end up buying Conan Doyle's book & another book I was looking for w my gift card) whatever ikevamp is doing to increase my curiosity abt historical figures is working (it also doesn't help that I was a fan of Conan Doyle's works before I discovered ikevamp...)
It's funny how we start to look at them from another point of view, HASIUEHASIUEA. I know they changed lots of things from their real lives to the game, but it's still nice to look at something they did.
I never read Sherlock or any of Arthur's works 🥹 Well, I read 1 poem he wrote about Shakespeare to put it in my facts post... Does that count? HAUISEHASUIHESA. And the only Sherlock thing I watched was Enola Holmes 🥹
But yes, it's funny how they make me want to know more about them and history too! Even though half of them were kinda jerks in real life *stares at Shakespeare running from his family*
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actually i’m not done . thinking abt leonardo ikevamp and how all he yearns for is companionship in his lonely immortal existence but he Refuses to turn you into a vampire because he knows how isolating it is . thinking abt how mc practically begs him to turn her but he doesn’t. and then later when he’s asked about their argument all he says is that he made her cry . with this sad apologetic smile . i need to save him so fucking bad
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