#abt how he can spell and read perfectly
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month ago
not me writing rm flashbacks crying and throwing up over babyjk my love my life ( he’s so funny and so sad )
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uhohwhathaveidone · 2 years ago
hii !! im guessing ur open for requests?? if so ..I saw a tiktok abt harry coming late in potion class one day and complained how dracos cologne stank the whole room, I was wondering if you can make the same however with sebastian as draco and (fem or gn)reader as harry I've read ur amortentia fic but I wanted to see this as a fanfiction :)) thank you ^^
I SAW THAT TOO like way to go Harry, you played yourself.
Caramel (S.S)
How do you say caramel? I'm actually dyslexic, so I don't have the slightest clue if the way I'm spelling it matches how I pronounce it, but my mother and I often make fun of each other for it. Seh says care a mel. Pretty sure that's how I'm spelling it in this too, but I say Car mel. Just a little snippet about me, I suppose. Anyway, these two have such an obvious pinning for each other, Ominis just enjoys it. Enoy <3
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      “As I said before, I don’t think it’s wise to taste the potions you make, especially when you’re adding ingredients like stings to the mix!” You said, walking beside Garreth as you made your way to the potion’s classroom. The Gryffindor shook his head, smiling. “And I told you, it’s perfectly safe! It’ll taste just like the candy, honest.” You shook your head, sighing. “But if that was the case, wouldn’t it already be a product?” “Not necessarily! It’s entirely possible that they never thought of it.” “It’s even more possible that they tried the exact same thing you’re trying and found that it wouldn’t work.” You argued lightly, stepping into the classroom. You stopped partly inside, frowning as your nose burned, the scent of caramel filling your senses. You looked over to Garreth, pouting playfully as you narrowed your gaze. “Are you eating caramel candy, Garreth? Without sharing?” You asked, watching as the Weasley looked at you, confused. “No, why?”
      You bit your lip, looking around the room for the source of the scent. “I smell caramel, I figured you had some.” You said, slowly walking around, finding the scent follow you. You turned to Sebastian, who spoke with Ominis with a concerned face, eyes widening when you began to make your way over. “Sebastian, you usually carry caramel candy, do you have any on you?” You asked, leaning up against the potion table, smiling. Sebastian checked his pockets quickly, shaking his head as he furrowed his brows, freckled cheeks tinted with a light shade of pink. “Nothing on me, why?” You let out a frustrated sigh as you turned your head to Ominis. “Do you smell caramel? The room is thick with it.” Ominis smiled as he shook his head, shrugging his shoulders. You frowned, sniffing the air once more, a new scent mixing with the salted caramel. “Also smells like…a fire was just set? Garreth, have you already blown up a potion?”
      Garreth shook his head, hands raised to show that he hadn’t touched the cauldron yet. You sighed, grabbing Ominis and leading him over to his own potion table. “Ominis, do you know why the room smells an awful lot like Sebastian? Did he find a spell or something that just amplifies it?” You asked, frowning as the smile on Ominis’ lips grew. “No idea, perhaps you should ask him?” Ominis stated, quirking a brow. You quickly shook your head, sniffling as the smell only grew. “Ask him? What do you want me to do, walk up to him and go Hey Sebastian! Do you know why the classroom smells like you?” Ominis chuckled, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t ask like that; you already said it smelled like him.” You bit your lip, looking around the room. Sebastian avoided your gaze as he listened to Garreth, who had taken to telling Sebastian all about his candy potion.
      Sighing, you took a seat at your cauldron, shaking your head as you watched Professor Sharp as he sat at his desk, bubbling cauldron of his own sat before him. You peer over at Ominis, tapping his arm. He turned to you, the shadow of a smile still dancing on his lips. “Do you know what Sharp has in that cauldron?” You asked, taking another glance over at the professor. Ominis shrugged, biting back a smile as he forced a frown. “No idea, but I’m sure he’ll explain it when he starts the class.” You sighed, taking your book out and examining that chapter that you had left off on.
      A few moments later Sharp clapped his hands together, signaling the start of class. “You might notice a change in atmosphere today, if you haven’t already.” He started, glancing around the room. You narrowed your eyes as he continued. “Today, we are not making any potions. Rather, you are not allowed to learn how to make this potion, due to the dangers that surround it.” You frowned, glancing over to Garreth as he watched, starry-eyed as he looked over at the cauldron. You shook your head, turning back to Sharp as he continued to speak. “What I have at my desk is a love potion called Amortentia, one of the most powerful of its kind.” You felt your heart sink, trying to remember the passage you had read that talked about said potion. “This potion works even without being consumed, it's vapor filling your sense,” he glanced over at you, “allowing you to smell what attracts you the most.” You felt your cheeks flare up, eyes wide as you choked on air, silently suffering as you watched Ominis chuckle. Garreth smirked as he looked over at you, glancing over at Sebastian, who’s eyes widened as well, the tint of pink that had finally left his face coming back full force.
      Sharp continued the lesson, secretly enjoying the looks of horror that painted his students faces as they realized what they were smelling. “When consumed, the drinker becomes obsessed with the person, surpassing love completely.” He frowned, looking over his cauldron as he chose his next words. “If a child is conceived while under the influence of this potion, they will be unable to feel love or affection, leaving the child with a lack of compassion for anyone and anything.” He finished; his eyes dark. You frowned, who would trick someone into such a thing with a love potion? You shook your head, putting your book back into your bag, cheeks still warm as Sharp ended that class. You bid Ominis farewell as you quickly left the classroom, avoiding any and all eye contact.
      Sebastian walked over to Ominis, poking him in the side. “You knew, didn’t you?” He hissed, referring to their conversation before you arrived. Sebastian had walked into the room, immediately smelling you. He had walked to Ominis, asking if you had arrived before him, to which Ominis shook his head. That was when he began to smile, telling Sebastian that you weren’t in the classroom. “If they’re not here yet, why does the room smell like them?” Ominis shrugged, the smirk that tugged at his lips growing. “I’m not sure what you mean, Sebastian. No one else has mentioned it.” Ominis teased, crossing his arms. That was when you walked in, talking with Garreth before stopping and looking around confused. Sebastian didn’t want you to know that he had thought you were already there, based off what the classroom smelled like, and felt his cheeks heat up as he avoided your gaze.
      He had no choice but to meet your eyes when you walked up to him, his heart pounding as you leaned against the table next to him. You smiled sweetly at him, asking if he had any caramel candy.  A weird request to most, but you had often told him that he smelled like caramel, causing him to carry around the small treats in case you had a craving for its salty sweetness. He had quickly checked his pockets, frowning when he realized he didn’t bring any with him, shaking his head as he watched you deflate slightly. He watched with wide eyes as you turned to Ominis, asking if he smelt the caramel that filled the room, who shook his head as his smile grew wider. “The air is thick with it.” You said, frowning as you looked around. As if his heart could beat any faster, it did just that, Sebastian’s thoughts racing. He was experiencing the same thing, only it was your scent that was thick in the air. Confusion settled on his face as he watched you frown once again, mentioning that it began to smell like a fireplace as well. His face grew warmer, unsure if he should speak up, knowing that one night, you had told him that he had smelled like cinders and salted caramel, and now you were smelling it again.
      You had taken Ominis away, and Sebastian watched as you began whispering to Ominis, catching your eye for a split second. Sebastian had no choice but to listen to Garreth as he spoke about his new potion idea, not really paying him any mind as his words went in through one ear and out the other. He zoned out in that moment, thoughts continuing to roam as he tried to figure out the meaning behind what he was experiencing. It was only when Sharp began class that he had to quiet the thoughts and pay attention, glancing at the cauldron that sat on the professor’s desk.
      “Who’s to say that I knew?” Ominis said, bringing Sebastian back from his thoughts. He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “You were smiling as soon as I mentioned that the room smelled like Y/n!” “Did I? I must not have noticed.” “Don’t be cheeky, Ominis! Why didn’t you say something?” Ominis shrugged, smirking as he grabbed his belongings. “I found it rather fun, listening to you as you basically confessed that you had feelings for Y/n.” He began. “Imagine my amusement when they came in with Garreth, basically telling everyone about the caramel smell, the same smell you carry everywhere you go.” Sebastian scoffed; face hot as he shook his head. Ominis was right, however, being told by each of you that you had feelings for each other without even knowing it; oblivious to the other’s feelings. Sebastian breathed heavily, thoughts racing yet again as he tried to figure out what to do next.
      “You’re rather daft, you know that?” Ominis said, shaking his head as he began to walk out of the classroom. Sebastian quickly followed, frowning. “And what’s that supposed to mean, Sir Know-it-All?” He grumbled, sending a small glare at Ominis. He shrugged, nodding his head down the hall. “It means that you both fancy each other, so go talk to them! I won’t stand here and listen to you whine about not having the guts to ask them out on a date.” Sebastian groaned, silently cursing Ominis as he took a deep breath. “Fine, but if this goes sour, it’s on you.” “Can’t see it being on anyone else.”
      Sebastian wandered the halls, searching for you among the students. He cursed himself for taking too much time at the classroom, having seen you leaving as soon as you were dismissed. Imagine, you admitting that you were attracted to him, without knowing it, and him admitting that he was attracted to you. Surely Ominis had told you that Sebastian could smell you, you had talked for quite a while before class started. He shook his head, stressed as he continued to walk around. In an instant, you collided with him, yelping as you dropped you bag as watched as the books and parchment spilled from inside it. “Y/n! I’m sorry, I was preoccupied!” Sebastian exclaimed, helping you gather your items. You chuckled nervously, a small smile on your lips. “It’s fine, honest! I was a little distracted myself.” The two of you stood there for a moment in silence, unable to meet each other’s gaze.
      “So-“ You cut Sebastian off. “Well, you were there. Now you know, I suppose.” You blurted out, cheeks red as you looked at your feet. Sebastian nodded slightly, smiling as he scratched the back of his head. “Yeah. Caramel.” He breathed, chuckling. You huffed as you crossed your arms, frowning. “Are you here to tease me about it?” You asked, biting the inside of your cheek. Sebastian’s eyes widened as he shook his head frantically, placing a hand on your shoulder as he smiled. “No! I mean, well, did Ominis tell you?” “Tell me what?” “I could smell you in the room, even though you weren’t there!” You felt your chest swell as your heart beat faster, a small smile tugging at your lips. “So, we…smelled each other?” “That’s a weird way to say it, but I suppose so.” Sebastian responded, running a hand through his chocolate locks. You bit your lip, unsure what to do next. Sebastian took a breath, looking up at the grand ceiling above as he mustered up the guts that Ominis said he lacked. “Would you want to go to Hogsmeade? With me, of course. Like a-““Of course. A date to Hogsmeade sounds wonderful.” “Great, I wouldn’t know what to do if you had refused.”
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potionmotion · 7 months ago
Oc lore ramble bc I’ve been talking with my friend a bunch abt our ocs lately while we’ve been questing so long text under the cut if anyone wants to read!
Fallon my main balance wiz has such a fun foil with her best friend my besties main wiz William when it comes to their attitudes on magic
bc Fallon comes from Marleybone and was adopted by two dog parents in a society largely unconcerned with magic and is much more geared towards science, she instantly sticks out like a sore thumb amongst her peers with her inherent magical abilities- so magic becomes this wondrous trait for her that is largely exclusive to her growing up bc most of her other animal peers do not posses this ability making her special yet seperate from everyone else while also alienating her forcing her to find pride and solace in her magic abilities, magic was always fun and fantastical for her before enrolling in ravenwood
Meanwhile William, my friends oc, is a refugee from dragonspyer, who comes from a military family which of course is not uncommon in dragonspyer before the events of the dragon titans awakening, William grows up in an incredibly militant society with a much stricter teaching when it came to magical education which tends to suck all the fun and mysticism out of learning spells despite being very young when his family had to flee to wizard city following the destruction of their world, his older brother being a powerful and high ranking prodigy meant William always has taken magic very seriously it has first and foremost been a weapon of destruction for killing, a thought process reinforced by everything around him till he gets to ravenwood
This is why the two of them come together so perfectly, William learns slowly to let loose a little bit and have fun with the magic he’s learned to fear meanwhile after they defeat malestaire it’s the first time fallon has the very real realization that magic is not just fun, it can be violent and dangerous and she starts to fully take what’s going on more seriously allowing both their magic to grow stronger, together
Idk! :P it’s just fun seeing how far these two have developed after making them on a whim one summer afternoon with my best friend the summer before my junior year of high school back in 2016 :))
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ramu-ego · 2 years ago
godgodgodgod your last perv!hc with chirigiri, the way he's "one of the girls" is SO TRUEE I would never thought abt, so glad i read that, and reo? GOSH he is so pathetic I love it same to the rest of the hc. Also you mentioning abt the line between bullying and babying rin,, so real of you for that🙏🙏
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-snake in the grass Chigiri who willingly "betrays" his gender to get chummy with the girl friends. Gets your friends to faun over him as that "harmless gay" friend trope when in reality the perv is jerking off under the covers at sleepovers and busy using your stuff so he can get even closer to you. Thinking he's so slick and smart for the ruse. Just to be busted by you and then hazing the hell out of him lest you out him for being a perv to all his nearly acquired lady friends. Yummy yummy blackmail with the prettiest of boys ♡
god and Rin. Dearest little Itoshi brother- Closeted little perv who likes to blame his problem on others. So you gotta spell it out to him that it's his problem when you're reading off his porn history and search history filled with shit like "How do I make her fall in love with me?" and he's so embarrassed, angry and turned on he just goes mute with too much feelings 🥰
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DNI :: minors, blank blogs + m!Reader blogs
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 3 years ago
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a merlin, lotr and marauders era hp matchup/ship request? Thank you! My pronouns are she/her and I’m bisexual.
Personality: I originally come off as quiet, and aloof. It can seem standoffish but I don’t mean it too I just don’t trust very easily and am uncomfortable with strangers/new environments. I am my best when I am by myself or with my closest friends. With my closest friends I’m quite open, fun and talkative especially when talking abt things that interest me. Im quite the good listener as well when it comes to my more extroverted friends. Im also introverted, imaginative, creative, individualistic, reserved, structured and picky in my own way, all sprinkled with a little bit of sarcastic humor.
Hobbies: Digital Art is probably my biggest hobby. If I could I would spend all day at home with my trusty tablet and stylus drawing with an audiobook of my favorite novel/tv show running in the background. Apart from art I absolutely love working out. I kickbox and weight lift most days of the week. Lastly I love playing video games, spending time at comic book stores, the movies and coffee shops.
Interests: I work in the digital media arts and love creative coding, interaction design, and computer graphics. I think my favorite thing is that combination between the artistic and the technological.
Love language: this one is definitely acts of service.
Thank you!
oh hello again, i remember you from last time! because you got a hobbit matchup back then, for the lotr matchup i definitely am going to specifically use lotr characters, so hopefully you'll enjoy this one too! (it is a good sign you came back, isnt it?) btw sorry i couldn’t work your digital art into this well, all of the worlds kind of dont have tech? but you can imagine that its digital
for merlin,
I ship you with
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- Guinevere is as sweet as they come, but that does not mean that she’s not totally fierce too. It was easy for you to fall for her, just as it was easy for her to fall for you. 
- She adores watching you work on your art, especially when you give it to her after. She has a whole drawer in her desk just for all the pages you draw onto. When you work, she’ll read a book, though she most often won’t read and instead stare at you over the rim of it. She’s not very subtle, either, so even if you’re concentrated you can basically feel her eyes burn into your hands. 
- She always blushes when you do something for her, though you do it often. She’s used to doing the work around the castle, so when you suddenly pick up the things she’s supposed to carry or take the books from her hand or sweep when she’s busy otherwise, she doesn’t quite know how to react apart from thanking you and smiling so deeply her dimples show. You think it’s the moments she’s the most beautiful. 
for harry potter, 
I ship you with
Remus Lupin!
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- Remus is as out of this world as you are. He matches you perfectly, your sarcasm meeting his halfway out of your mouth, your quiet exterior but chaotic mind the same his is. With him, you can share anything and everything and not fear misunderstanding. 
- The first time he saw you working out, he dropped the things he was holding and had to try three times to make a spell work that would put his broken ink bottle back together and the spilled black ink back inside it. After that, he watches you whenever he can. He doesn’t join in, even if you ask him to, he’ll just deny it, and he’ll always have some parchment or book in front of him, but both of you know that that’s a ruse and nothing else so that he can stare at you train. 
- You absolutely turn every conversation into a sarcasm competition, and every snide remark that you can think of he’s also thinking of, and then it’s “who can say this faster and win”. Sometimes you team up and throw so many sarcastic comments at your friends for doing something stupid that James will end up screaming and dragging Sirius and Peter out of the room while you’ll turn to look at Remus and the two of you will double over with laughter. 
for lotr, 
I ship you with
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- Haldir is quiet, he thinks before he says or does anything. As an elf, he has the time to. Unlike you, this doesn’t change when he gets to know someone better. He’s always like that, but you don’t mind - you can sit for hours in silence with him, especially outside. While you draw, he’ll braid your hair or read a book or work on some paper or just sit and enjoy the time to think. 
- It’s different though, very different, when you work out with him. While you focus on the body itself, he, as most elves, uses bow and sword, and he’s as talented as none other with both of them. But he lets you walk him through your routine once, and he does the same for you. The both of you rather stick to your own things, but you do gladly practise together. He’ll use an old sword for training as you do your best to sweep his feet from under him or get his face, and when you lift him up, he shoots at trees and later on, orcs. 
- He’s not as used to physical closeness, so he won’t be the guy who necessarily cuddles up to you, but when you ask him to hug you or kiss you, he always will. And when you do something for him, especially when you take out an enemy that was his to fight, he gets the deepest, most genuine smile on his face and always catches you in his arms, pulling you close to him and placing a kiss on your head. Or, well, not in battle, but once you’re both safe and sound again. 
can’t tell if you’ll like your results, so if you don’t, gladly come back for another round! 
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meltwonu · 4 years ago
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 𝟙𝟛]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, breeding kink, sir!kink, pet play(kitten), v small amt of anal play, dirty talk!!! HAPPY FRIDAY THE 𝟙𝟛TH! 😗💕 Here we are with ch 13 on Friday the 13th, I didn't even realize it but man my ✨brain✨just planned that out so perfectly LOL 💕 I just wanna apologize for any grammatic/spelling errors in this one and it’s a bit shorter... I tried to proofread this all day but I'm also watching unus annus’s livestream at the same time and my peabrain cannot multitask but I TRIED!! let it be known 😩😭 Anyway, I hope ya’ll have a great weekend, stay hydrated and safe! Enjoy~! 🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - ?
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alphagyu97: oh fuck oh fuck
alphagyu97 has donated $100
hoshi_tiger_xx: oh??? Cute lil kitten ears????
A moan floats past your lips as you sit in Seungcheol’s lap; his cock already snug inside of you before you’d even turned the camera on. “Ah, ye--yeah, we thought we’d, mmh, try--try something n-new…”
Seungcheol smirks although neither you nor the camera catch it as he holds you still. Much like before, he’d started working you up before you got on camera and this time he’d asked you to sink down onto his cock and wait patiently until it was time to begin; neither of you saying a word or moving an inch as he peppered kisses along your shoulders and neck.  “Why don’t you show them your cute ‘lil tail, kitten? It’s getting squished between our bodies...”
universe_WZ: yes yes yes
tangerine_kwan: show us your cute tail princess
therealchan99: thank u for the pics btw i scream abt them every 30 minutes
therealchan99 has donated $50
You reach a shaky hand behind your back for the fluffy material as you show it off to the camera to the best of your ability; making sure to not move it around too much or else you knew you’d cum too soon. “I, ah, it’s--it’s keeping me s-so full…” He makes you answer a few more comments as you sit on his cock; blunt nails digging into the skin of your waist when he feels you trying to get him to move.
artist8hao: so so so pretty baby
kitty_junjun: cute little kitty
kitty_junjun: should come and play sometime ;)
xcaliburDK has donated $75
The way Seungcheol has you in his lap is a little uncomfortable for you and he quickly takes notice of the way you start to squirm more and more with each comment or question you reply to. “Kitten, it looks like you hit your donation minimum already. Should we start?” He coos.
You can only nod in return as you squint your eyes to check the laptop screen to see how you were doing. “Ngh, p-please… I--I’m so f-full I can’t wait any l-longer…” Whining, you clench around his cock and the toy as he chuckles lightly behind you. He’d purposely asked if the two of you could sit further back on the bed and further from the camera and laptop and you’d raised an eyebrow but agreed.
“Sorry, the angle’s not going to be very good for this but you’ll understand why.” Seungcheol comments.
The laptop screen is full of questioning comments and donations that beg Seungcheol to hurry up and fuck you.
His grip on your waist tightens a little before he’s slowly lifting you off of his cock and you let out a disappointed noise when he’s completely pulled out. “Nooo~ I w-want--”
“Ah, ah, I know what you want, kitten. But you need to get on your hands and knees for me. Facing the camera.”
Oooh, that’s why he wanted space.
You nod frantically as you easily get comfortable on your hands and knees in front of the camera and laptop; fluffy tail resting against your spine as the bell on your collar jingles.
alphagyu97: oh god please breed her
angelhan: yes god please
Seungcheol kneels behind you; already easing his cock back into your tight pussy as you mewl straight into the camera. “Our cute little kitten is already squeezing my cock so tight…”
You feel his fingertips on your skin before he’s reaching for the fluffy tail and he gives it a small tug as you whine and whimper in return.
“No, no pl--please, sir, I’ll cum if, ah, you p-play with my--my tail!”
Your eyes clamp shut just as Seungcheol starts to play with the anal plug; tugging on it and moving it slightly in order to get you to squirm a little more before he gives you want you wanted. He smirks at your back as he hears the sound of donations and comments flooding the screen in rapid succession.
“Oh? But they seem to like when I play with you like this.” You clench around Seungcheol and the toy, small cries on your lips when your sensitive body already wants to give in to the pleasure. “So fuckin’ pretty with your cute tail and ears and your pretty ‘lil collar on.”
chwenon: shes gonna cum so fast lol
gentleman_josh95: i kno, u can already tell she wants to
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $50
xcaliburDK has donated $50
sleepy_wonu: look at her cute fuckin face while she tries to not cum haha
Seungcheol draws his hips back slightly before slowly thrusting into you from behind; fingertips still playing with the tail as he moves it around in tandem with his slow thrusts. “Oh kitten, you’re so fuckin’ wet for me, baby~” You can only moan back in response as you resist the urge to meet his slow movements with your own, much quicker ones.
“Ah, s-sir, please…”
tangerine_kwan: so cute when she's whiningggg
angelhan: dont give into her so easily~ make her work for it ;)
kitty_junjun: aww but shes so cute like this
Your fingertips dig into the bed sheets and you peel your eyes open as you attempt to read off the comments flying across the screen. “Mmh, ‘m so full… and sir won’t s-stop playing, ah, with my--my tail…” You can see Seungcheol’s form behind you on the screen, hips slowly moving as he plays with the tail.
You slowly find yourself moving with him and meeting his thrusts; chasing your pleasure as Seungcheol seemingly takes his time.
“Ngh, s-sir, can I c-cum?”
Seungcheol grins at your back, suddenly picking up the pace as he finally leaves the anal plug alone. “I don’t know, can you? Why don’t you ask them?” You blink your hazy eyes at the camera before flitting towards the comments section of your camshow.
“P-please tell s-sir to, mmh, let m-me cum…” You beg; unintentionally sending the comments section and donations into a flurry of yes’s and no’s.
artist8hao: let her cum but dont let it be the only time
alphagyu97: aww princess dont forget he still needs to breed your cute lil cunt
universe_WZ: she can cum but she still needs to be a good girl and let sir get what he wants
“Mmh, of--of course I, ah, w-want sir to b-breed my pussy… I, hah, want his--his cum i-inside of m-me…” You start working your hips back as you meet Seungcheol’s pace that speeds up at your words and the two of you fall into a rhythm as he works to get you off first. His hands grip your waist as he angles his thrusts to tap your g-spot and you mewl and whine in response; careful to not accidentally call Seungcheol’s name in the midst of the moment.
“Fuh--fuck, sir, ‘m g-gonna cum… please…”
“Cum whenever you want, kitten.”
You nod shakily; head falling forward as you let yourself get lost in the pleasure.
Your eyes flutter shut as various thoughts flood your mind. The main one being how seamlessly Seungcheol fit into your camshows and how much easier it was to film with him than you ever anticipated. The two of you easily forgot that the camera was even rolling most of the time, whether it was live or pre-recorded for your channel and now that he was always with you, it was hard to imagine filming without him.
“Ah, kitten, your cute ‘lil cunt is, ah, sucking me in deeper… You must really want my cum, huh?”
His words bring you out of your thoughts as you bite your lip. “Mmhmm, I w-want sir to c-cum, hah,  inside my p-pussy and b-breed me… wanna be, ngh, filled with your---your cum…”
“Why don’t we cum together then, hmm? Bet you wanna feel my cock throbbing in your cute ‘lil cunt, huh, kitten?”
The warmth blooms inside of you as you nod; cheeks hot as you peer straight into the camera. You readjust slightly, the bell on your collar tinkling as the set of cat ears on your head slip slightly. “Y-yes, sir… Please cum w-with me…”
Seungcheol doubles his pace and you quickly feel one of his hands leaving your body as he wraps his hand around the fluffy tail again. He starts to move it around again, slightly tugging on it as you cry out. “Ah, s-sir!”
chwenon has donated $75
angelhan has donated $50
universe_WZ has donated $100
artist8hao has donated $75
“Fuh--fuck, sir, please! P-please breed me, please, ah, c-cum inside m-my little cunt and--and fill m-me up with your c-cum!”
Tears blur your vision as you’re quickly thrown over the edge and into an orgasm; ears ringing when your entire body goes rigid. Seungcheol finds it harder and harder to thrust into you as your walls flutter around his cock and he soon finds himself cumming with you too; cock throbbing as he unloads all of him cum inside you. “Oh, fuck, kitten…” He moans; eyes rolling to the back of his head as he lets the pleasure wash over himself as well.
The sound of donations and comments drown out your soft cries and Seungcheol’s deep groans and you’re almost positive that you’d made at least a couple thousand off of tonight’s show.
alphagyu97: holy shit look at her face, fuck
kitty_junjun: is she crying?
hoshi_tiger_xx: damn, shes so drunk on cock shes crying
therealchan99: aww poor kitten~
You let out a stuttered breath as your body starts to relax; soft sniffles following right after. “Ngh… sir…”
Seungcheol smiles softly when he hears the way your voice trembles and he’s gentle to slide his cock from inside your cunt; groaning when his cum immediately drips down onto the sheets from how much he’d cum inside you.
“Ah, kitten, what a waste. How am I supposed to breed your ‘lil cunt if you’re letting my cum spill out of you already?”
You lick your lips and despite the tiredness, a new wave of arousal pours over your body at the thought of Seungcheol cumming inside of you a second time. You shake your hips; foggy eyes staring straight into the camera.
“You’re just going to, ah, cum inside me again… and let e-everyone watch...”
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The next morning, Seungcheol drives you over to the diner to start your first real day at work and you feel downright nervous once the car stops. You’d gotten so used to camming and being alone that this new foray into normalcy was making you think twice, even just momentarily.
“You gonna be okay?” He turns to you, concern obvious on his face when your eyes meet his. “I can always take you straight home or take you back to the roller rink with me if you d--”
“No! No, I wanna do this... I know we made a lot of money off of the show last night but... But I think this’ll be good for me. Both of us working so we can afford rent ‘n stuff!” 
“We should like a married couple.” Seungcheol jokes. 
Your cheeks burn hot at his comment as you bite your lip. “Ehehe~” 
Seungcheol grins at you, hands still on the steering wheel. “Just let me know if you need anything, okay? I always have my phone on me anyway, Namjoon doesn’t really care.” 
The two of you share a laugh as you slowly reach for the door handle. 
“I will, I promise!” 
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“I still do not get why you want to work here.” 
Jun laughs, hands on his hips as he watches you adjust the short dress uniform you’d put on, moments before. 
“It’s just... something to keep me occupied, is all.” Smoothing down your uniform, you do a small spin for Jun who nods back in approval. “And I wanna make friends! Aren’t we friends?” 
Jun’s eyes twinkle with playfulness as he gestures you over to the front of the diner. “Of course we are! Which by the way...” He pauses, looking over the relatively full diner to make sure nobody caught your conversation. “Is... Seungcheol-hyung okay with y’know... You working here and me... Being one of your viewers leaving comments ‘n stuff?” 
A genuine look of concern crosses his features as he waits for you to respond. 
You puff your cheeks as you think, “I think so? I mean he hasn’t...” Memories of Seungcheol saying he’d kick Jun’s ass immediately flood your mind as you laugh nervously. 
“Y-yeah, he didn’t say a word!” 
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After two hours, you decide to take your 15 minute break; waving to Jun before you head towards the employee backroom to grab your phone. 
You check your notifications, surprise on your face when you see Seungcheol’s already messaged you a few times. 
cheollie ✨: have a good day!
cheollie ✨: u okay over there, baby?
cheollie ✨: dont feel pressured to answer asap lol 
You laugh under your breath, typing up a response as you take a seat in the break room.
‘It’s been going okay! I’m taking a short break right now tho!’
Shockingly, Seungcheol response only after a few seconds.
cheollie ✨: oh, thats good! I take it no issues?
‘Nope! my feet kinda hurt tho lol’
He asks you a few more questions; one about Jun keeping his distance, to which you shake your head and laugh. 
cheollie ✨: you never showed me your uniform btw 😏
You let out a noise of realization, fingertips already swiping through your phone to get to your photos as you send him one that you’d taken earlier. 
‘How's it look? 🥺’
It goes quiet for a couple minutes and you half-wonder if Seungcheol got in trouble for having his phone out. 
‘Cheol, u ok?’
cheollie ✨: is it bad I'm already thinking about lifting that cute little skirt up 
cheollie ✨: fucking you nice and hard with your panties just pushed to the side
cheollie ✨: fuck, and making you go back to work with your pussy filled with my cum 
A shiver rolls down your spine at his words; gulping as you check the time for how much you had left before you had to get back out onto the floor. 
‘what if I bend over and someone sees my panties all wet n soaked thru with ur cum...’
cheollie ✨: then they’d know you’re mine. 
cheollie ✨: I mean most of your viewers already know that 
cheollie ✨: but I want everyone to know, yknow?
cheollie ✨: god the way I wanna fuck you on the hood of my car
cheollie ✨: your cute little whines while you try to keep quiet 
You let out a shaky, quiet moan; thighs rubbing together when you notice you only have about three more minutes before your break was up. 
‘Cheol... I have to get back to work 😭 how could you get me horny before I have to get back...’ 
You pout your lips at your phone screen as you wait for his response.
cheollie ✨: 😈 
cheollie ✨: I have an idea 
cheollie ✨: for later 
cheollie ✨: I hope you can wear your uniform home 
cheollie ✨: see u in a few hours baby 
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koolchickskoolfics · 4 years ago
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haikyuu!! masterlist
(m)- mature content *possibly smut but maybe just some spicy bits/references*
(a)- angst *death, shakespeare-style miscommunication, words that made me feel A Bit Too Much, etc.*
bokuto/akaashi “gunmetal blue” (a)
quickly moving up the ranks in my comfort fics,,, it’s just MWAH perfection. lots of sideships which is always fun! bokuto is a,, disaster and akaashi is too but in the opposite direction. *INCOMPLETE*
bokuto/akaashi “in another life” (a)
yeah ik just about everyone has read it but,,, it’s so GOOD,,, so much pain,,,,, contributed to me starting to read the tags more extensively bc i can’t do major character death anymore
kenma/kuroo “the galaxy is endless (i thought we were, too)” (a)
i,,,, did not check the tags until i was invested and i then saw “major character death” staring at me. mocking me. uuuhhhh it’s really good but i did cry a lot. it’s a soulmate au which is fun tho.
oikawa/iwaizumi “to be first, to be best”
It’s About The Yearning. very cute made my heart clench a few times. happy ending!!
suga/daichi “you’d fit my lonely arms so perfectly”
very tender very domestic. good vibes all around. suga calls the wrong number but it’s ok :)
bokuto/akaashi “in color” (pained me to spell colour like that)
i have synesthesia so i fundamentally disagree with a few points made (different colours for things) but this was real cute i want someone to kiss me i want to know what colour love is
oikawa/iwaizumi, daichi/suga, kuroo/kenma, nishinoya/asahi “breaking the rules” (m)
including but not limited to: smut, businessmen, twinkawa, smUt, suga and daichi adopt me challenge, noya certified cutie, and SMUT.
daichi/suga “open tab” (m) (a)
daichi owns a bar, suga is babie, kiyoko is an icon, and kuroo is Definitely Not Gay. this is my favourite haikyuu fic,, it’s a slow burn,,, they’re both idiots,, light angst and heavy sideships
daichi/suga “and the emi goes to”
TEACHER/STUDENT’S PARENT AU ‼️ mooifyourecows daichi is my dream job,, just a very heterosexual gay person who’s a bartender/english teacher who falls in love with a slightly unstable mess 🥰🥰🥰 *INCOMPLETE*
daichi/suga “one more time with feeling” (m)
it’s a series of seven oneshots by the legendary mooifyourecows,,, very lovely. 10/10.
ushijima/tendou “five times ushijima wakatoshi absolutely lost his shit” (a)
i had some trouble finding ushiten that wasn’t ABO for my friend millie. very sweet. a lil angsty but nobody dies so that’s a plus.
kuroo/kenma “scenes from a couch”
very quick read :) domestic kuroken. vv cute.
you know what? just,,, read every single one of mooifyourecows’ fics. please.
oikawa/iwaizumi “the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle” (a)
this one’s really cute omfg it’s the mutual pining but one of them doesn’t realize they’re pining bc That’s How They’ve Always Felt trope,,, the repressed gay thoughts kinda,,, got me tho ;-;
sakusa/atsumu “pas de deux”
my first sakuastu fic!! ppl on tiktok kept mentioning it and so i waited until after i finished season four to read it,,, INCREDIBLE. made my heart clench but i didn’t cry,, im SUCH a sucker for ballet aus and this fic was so GOOD it’s nearly prose and i felt such strong feelings about certain lines??? my friends HAVE received screenshots with me yelling obscenities about this one. oh damn i forgot to describe it: sakusa is a ballerino and atsumu is a volleyball player,,, they meet at the gym and slowly and steadily fall in love. (i like the scenes at osamus restaurant the best)
sakusa/atsumu “the msby black jackals read thirst tweets” (m)
i’ve re-read this one maybe four times since i first read it two/three weeks ago? it’s REALLY GOOD and i quote the thirst tweets themselves at the bestie SO MUCH i’m sure it’s annoying her sksksk but,,, Them!!! the side ships are also 💯 tbh
sakusa/atsumu “clipped to you”
i’m SCREAMING this is so Good????? perhaps i’m a sakuatsu enthusiast. what about it. it’s so sweet and cute and i’m just !!!!!!! also,,,,, sakusa bt21 hairclips agenda asf!!!!!!!! it’s EXACTLY the kind of thing i want to read when i’m just chilling!!! simple and gorgeous and SO SWEET!!! ushijima sexy :)
sakusa/atsumu “just as much”
can you tell i’m on a sakuatsu stint? they’re just so Good?? anyway this fic is my FAVOURITE sakuatsu trope which is simultaneously pining and oblivious atsumu, slightly awkward sakusa, and bokuto screaming abt how much he loves akaashi. AHH!! SO GOOD!!!!
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prudnces · 4 years ago
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( 𝚟𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚊 𝚙𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒 & 𝚌𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 ) + you know 𝘗𝘙𝘜𝘋𝘌𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘝𝘈𝘕 𝘏𝘖𝘓𝘛, the 25 year-old 𝘗𝘙𝘐𝘝𝘈𝘛𝘌 𝘐𝘕𝘝𝘌𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘎𝘈𝘛𝘖𝘙 that has lived in eldstead 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘠𝘌𝘈𝘙𝘚? i heard she has a tendency to be 𝘙𝘌𝘚𝘖𝘜𝘙𝘊𝘌𝘍𝘜𝘓, 𝘐𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘕𝘛𝘐𝘖𝘕𝘈𝘓, 𝘋𝘐𝘚𝘖𝘉𝘌𝘋𝘐𝘌𝘕𝘛 & 𝘚𝘜𝘙𝘓𝘠. the 𝘛𝘈𝘜𝘙𝘜𝘚 has equipped 𝘒𝘌𝘠 in time for the full moon.
HI i’m hero, 22, i lov horror movies and no longer have a shudder subscription :pensive: normally i do these on google docs but i’m lazy and prue is Incredibly New so i’m still trying to get the hang of things
name: prudence van holt  nicknames: prue, p age: 25 gender: cis woman pronouns: she/her d.o.b.: april 23, 1995 zodiac: taurus sexual orientation: homosexual homoromantic mbti: isfj - the protector character inspo: wynonna earp, veronica mars, prudence halliwell (mayb i took the name don’t look @ me) aesthetics: a steaming mug of black coffee, deep green woollen sweaters, golden rings and necklaces adorning her, a camera hanging around her neck, the mist of the morning, a deer grazing in the forest, the heavy thud of boots against old hardwood, a grandfather clock striking the witching hour
triggers: child abandonment, car accident (drunk driving), death
prudence van holt’s birth is a mystery-- all she knows is she was dropped off at the fire station in a town outside of seattle, the only identification a baby blanket with her name on it. 
she ends up being adopted by a couple, the van holts, who always wanted multiple kids but could not after their first, a boy. 
growing up, she’s always been a little shit. she doesn’t mean to be. she just has an insatiable curiosity, sticking her nose in other’s businesses, finding lost things, she had a strange knack for it. it got her into a lot of trouble, children had no business sticking their nose into adults’ things. 
her brother never really liked her-- he always resented the fact their parents brought her home, took her in, when they already had a perfectly fine child needing attention. petty things, except it’s sparked a life long sibling rivalry that runs deep. 
it’s a pretty uneventful childhood, her parents are good people, they provide for her, and support her, despite her troublesome antics. 
she’s always been a lonely child, she’s never had the easiest time making friends, so she’s spent a lot of her time exploring the woods near her home. 
she’s thirteen when she discovers her mother, whom she always has written off as simply eccentric, is more than that-- she’s a witch. and a good one, too. her book club meetings she’s often privvy to walking through is more than that, it’s her coven. 
so of course, prue wants in-- how can she not? it’s a whole new world, working under her mother’s wing, driving a wedge further between herself and her brother. she tells her to be careful, to watch her back, that there’s bad people who want to do bad things with the power they wield. it instills a deeper ideal of trust no one in prudence-- one that sticks with her to this day.
and she’s dedicated to the craft! she takes time to learn the different meanings and uses of herbs, flowers, etc., makes potions, cast spells-- perhaps sometimes for personal gain, but she’s dedicated herself to using them to help others. 
she sort of becomes a private investigator in high school, not on purpose, but a friend tasks her to find out if her boyfriend is cheating on her, so tails him, catches him in the act-- gives him a little hex for good measure. 
it becomes a thing, people need something found? they go to her. think their partner is fooling around? they go to her. and she delivers, all with a little touch of magic. eventually, she wants to go deeper, take on more serious cases, but alas she’s only a teenager. 
sike! that doesn’t stop her. and as much as she hates cops, she has an in at the department through her father, so soon she’s not so legally trying to solve murders. 
and that’s all fine and dandy, until just a month shy of her eighteenth birthday, and two months before she graduates from high school, her parents get into a car accident coming home from a meeting one night. a drunk driver swerves into their side of the road, hitting them head on. neither survive. 
it’s that that has her change her mind about college, why go to college when she already knows what she wants to do? life is fleeting, and she’s hurting, so she graduates, and moves to eldstead, a town an hour and half away from her own home. it’s not a big change, but enough for her to have a fresh start. 
she knows something is different about the storm when it hits, that it brought about something... destructive. and she’s inclined to get to the bottom of all of it. it’s in her nature-- she has to snoop. 
she runs her own private investigation that used to serve eldstead and the surrounding area, but now it’s simply eldstead. she makes her own hours, and works alone, because she prefers it that way. 
she’s really closed off-- she prefers to be alone, because of the shit she’s seen, and the people in her life, she just expects to be let down. 
when you first meet her, there’s a chance she’s just going to brush you off. she’s not exactly the friendliest person out there? 
will she be an asshole for the sake of being an asshole? no. absolutely not. but she is unflinchingly honest about her observations, and that doesn’t always go over well. 
very much a ‘do the thing first, ask for forgiveness later type of person’-- doesn’t have a lot of regard for rules that aren’t her own. (*dw voice* that sign can’t stop me bc i can’t read!)
if u do manage to be friends with her, she’s got ur mf back she’s unflinchingly loyal and if you break her trust, you’re pretty much dead to her lol 
she has a black cat (wow a witch with a black cat...... groundbreaking) named inkblot (creative, rly), nicknamed inky like the pacman ghost
surprisingly high alcohol tolerance, loves 2 go for a beer or a whiskey at the end of a long day 
lives in cableknit sweaters-- this is the pnw i mean a bitch be cold 
doesn’t really date? she came out when she was 16, and there’s been a couple relationships, but they never really pan out-- it’s always because of her. she doesn’t know how to open up 
swears a lot 
has a pretty good understanding of basic hand to hand combat just in case perps get a little rowdy, took boxing classes for abt 4 years? 
probably an elderly person when it comes to social media, kinda likes to keep a low profile but she also posts a shit ton of pictures of her cat 
INCREDIBLY good at finding lost things-- keys, phones, dogs, u name it she just knows-- and she doesnt know if its the intuition that comes from being a witch or just herself 
prob should join a coven, but shes a lone wolf awoo
prob barks at men idk 
lives off of black coffee, doesn’t rly sleep 
has multiple ear piercings and a couple tattoos but she usually keeps them hidden 
informant - she gets information from them for her cases, they got a p good grasp 
someone she’s solved a case for - p self explanatory, now they’re friendly enough, or perhaps she couldn’t stand them and did it for the money 
someone who wants to be her friend but she’s weary - tbh shes weary of everybody 
coven adjacent - another witch, maybe theyre trying to get her to band together with them 
drinking buddy - they meet at the bar and shoot the shit 
opposites attract - friend who is nothing like them! but still hangs around! 
someone she feels like she has 2 protect - for whatever reason, even tho they can prob take care of themselves, prue is super fkn protective of them 
a genuine friend - yeah she just needs one idk she’s doing her best 
ex (f/nb) - someone she dated for a little bit but they broke up because of prue’s inability to open tf up 
fwb (f/nb) - ? maybe we all got needs, and she’s not looking for a relationship
attraction (f/nb) - there’s tension and neither know why! 
rival - to paraphrase a tumblr post what is a rival if not a crush you’re unhappy abt 
pure of heart, dumb of ass and lesbian - i just love this trope 
sibling like - someone who she genuinely sees as a younger/older sibling... goes to them for shit... protects them
frenemies - theyre not rly friends but they dont entirely hate each other either? 
tbh anything 
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years ago
London By Night, Chapter Six
Brunch, girls’ days out, lads’ days in, and sometimes the best therapy comes from four people who are your friends but also whom you work for (at least in lieu of actual therapy, and during a brunch with weak mimosas.) 
Also Chrissie takes on Y/N’s mum in a wonderful yet polite way while Rico Nasty’s ‘Smack A Bitch’ plays essentially. She’s a fuckin’ rock star in her own right in this chapter (who does not smack anyone, but like...the Tension is there lmao.) 
tw for misgendering, weight talk (...look we’re just not. gonna talk abt what of my own issues w/my mum I’m working out here. It’s just. happening and I’m rolling w/it.), casual transphobia and microaggressions from Y/N’s mum. Pretty frank descriptions and discussion of emotional abuse and fear of physical abuse. This one is...heavy. Take care in reading, y’all. Have a mug of something warm maybe (or cold? it’s summer and I’m melting constantly, have something comforting let’s say.) It exhausted me mentally and emotionally to write, so...yeah. Take it slow reading it if needed, or avoid if it’s too heavy. 
We are eventually going to get to some lightness again in this fic, I promise!
also I can’t decide how I wanna spell John’s nickname, so I just winged it and decided on one spelling at random here lol. 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“This is the emergency?” you scoffed, staring at the dishes and plates piled high with breakfast foods on the coffee table in Brian’s sitting room.
“Yeah,” Roger grinned. “We’ve got this lovely brunch, and two more place settings that are empty, and well, now here you both are!” 
“Did you do this just to get her off our backs and into a hotel?” you asked.
“Well, that and I wanted breakfast,” Roger replied. “So I called up Brian and Chrissie, and we got to work; John brought toast-” 
John nodded, a piece of it in his mouth while he reached for a scone. 
“And now here we are! And after a night of dealing with her, you need something like this.” 
“Wasn’t all dealing with her,” Freddie grinned, and you gave him a light jab in the ribs. “Was dealing with someone else too.” 
“Is that what you’re calling it now?” you teased. “Are you going to ‘deal with me’ later, since the flat will be ours alone again?” 
“Down, you two,” Brian laughed. 
“Or you’ll get the hose?” 
“He’ll do it,” Roger said far too seriously, and you wondered exactly what story hid behind that comment. 
But there was no time to ask, as a sudden loud knock on the door startled you all. 
“Who on earth?” Brian muttered, and tried to lean from his seat to look out the front window. “That’s a cab leaving. Who else would be coming here by cab?” 
Your hands shook slightly as it dawned on you, and you set down the plate you’d started to fill with food. 
“Oh fucking hell,” Roger spat, looking through the spyhole of the front door. “Guess who?” 
You carefully but quickly moved from your seat near John, and started for the back door. 
“No, Y/N,” Freddie called, scrambling up to retrieve you. “Be calm. It’s going to be alright.” 
The knocking was more insistent now, just as loud as before. 
“She’ll wear her knuckles through the damned door,” Roger muttered. “Ridiculous.” 
“I’m calm, you said. “Perfectly calm. It’s just that she’s here, and she shouldn’t be because we just left her at the hotel, and how did she even fucking find us-” 
“I love you, but this is the exact opposite of calm,” Freddie cut you off as you babbled. “We’ll get you out of here. Now, she might see us out the back door somehow, so Brian, which upstairs window would you suggest is easy enough for us to climb out of?” 
“What?” Brian frowned. “None of them, because you can’t climb out my fucking windows and go running across the roof?” 
“Now Brian, we’ve talked about refusing new ideas without even trying them and how detrimental that can be-” 
“Yeah, in regards to like...new food in new places while on tour,” Brian interrupted. “Not about you clambering about the rooftop via my windows!” 
“Necessity demands it, Brian!” 
“Even if it did, the back door is still the only option!” Brian sighed, clearly exasperated. “Is she that bad?” 
Roger nodded, eyes wide open as he walked back to the table, snagged a full champagne flute of mimosa, and drained it. . 
“Well, I can’t just leave her out there!” Brian protested, heading for the door. 
“What is all this racket?” Chrissie asked as she ran from downstairs to the door. “All of you that sloshed already you can’t answer the door? There’s barely any champagne in the mimosas...” 
“Chrissie no!” Whether Roger was bemoaning her opening the door or the lack of extra champagne in the mimosas you weren’t sure, but it didn’t matter if it was just one or both, as your mother waltzed in as if she owned the place. 
“Y/N! You left me no phone number to reach you at, and I have a question about the hotel, an important one!” 
“Yes?” you asked, hoping it was actually important.
“Well, I need to know if the hotel serves breakfast, because I am hungry, but you both left in such a hurry! So I had the concierge help me get the same cab you both used, and then I told him I was meant to have gone with you, and that nice gentleman drove me here! But look at all this! Is this the ‘tour emergency’ you were called to solve?” 
“We’re discussing that issue over brunch,” Brian said quickly. 
“They are,” Chrissie immediately backed him, and you wanted to hug her. “So, you’re Y/N’s mother? I’ve been able to hear from upstairs, Y/N has told the boys so much about you!” 
“All good?” your mother asked, a hint of ice in her voice. 
But Chrissie was a natural, or at least wasn’t about to be talked down to in her own home. “Of course! You know, since you mentioned breakfast; I was going to meet Brian’s mum in about an hour for an early lunch. But you could surely come with us; we could even leave early, do some shopping, if you’ve any favorite shops you’d like to stop at.” 
“I’ve never been here before,” your mother said in a voice that rudely insinuated Chrissie should somehow have magically known that.
“Even better!” Chrissie caught your eye and gave a near-imperceptible nod of assurance. “In fact, why not make it a girls’ trip, since the boys have taken over the space here for work? Rog, John? Why not call up your mums, see if they’d like to have a girls’ day out!” 
Roger and John obediently stood and went to the phone, but you couldn’t relax yet. All this was doing was exposing her to more people, surely-
“I’ll call Mary,” Freddie’s voice interrupted your on-the-verge-of-derailing train of thought. “She’d love to join you all, I’m sure.” 
“The more the merrier,” Chrissie said warmly, but you tried to flash him a look that read ‘no’ regardless. Adding in more people couldn’t be the solution. 
Freddie only shook his head at you, and went to wait his turn for the phone, while Chrissie pulled your mother into the kitchen for a cup of tea. 
“You okay?” Brian asked softly as he sat back in his seat. 
“Do you have a sinkhole in the garden I could jump into?” 
“We’ve not had the sinkhole put in yet, sorry,” he smiled sweetly. “I really think this will be better than you must be imagining. Maybe this will help her loosen up, get her off of your back for a bit.” 
“You’re all very kind to me, and to her,” you said. “But she’s not that easily handled. She never has been, and eventually everyone hits their breaking point with her.” 
“Then we’ll just hope that she’s on her way home before any of us reach that point,” Brian said. “Don’t stress more over it, you’ll only do yourself in.” 
“Okay,” you mumbled, and dropped your head into your hands as you went back to your seat. 
“Have a scone, breathe. You’ll be fine, everything will be.” 
You broke off a piece of the scone he handed you and jammed it into your mouth. It was good, but you knew you’d only start to feel better and safe once she was out of the house. 
“They all said yes!” Freddie chirped as he came back in and sat down beside you. “Oh, you look like you’re about to cry. Please don’t, it’s really going to be alright.” 
“That’s what I said,” Brian replied, distracted by something as he leaned back in his seat to look into the kitchen. “I think I get what you’re talking about with her now. How she is, all that.” 
“How so?” Freddie asked.
“Well, Chrissie is shooting me her ‘christ almighty come save me’ look, and that’s only used in desperate times, so-” 
You interrupted him with a frustrated groan, and shoved another bit of scone in your mouth to hold off the tears. 
“I’ll go in and help her out, give her a break for a moment,” Brian said. “Probably good I get to know your mum too, if I’m going to help deal with her, right?” 
“Flawed thinking,” Roger warned as he came back into the room and dropped into the nearest seat (John’s, as it happened.) “I fell for it too, last night. But go on, join us in our misery.” 
Brian rolled his eyes and started towards the kitchen, John popping back in and taking his chair as soon as he was up. 
“So...you know the rest of this brunch is you telling us all about her, right? We can’t talk about anything else now.” 
You sighed. “What all do you want to know?” 
“Everything! Has she always been like this? If so, do you know why? And if you don’t know, why don’t you? Did you do something to her, did someone else? Did-” 
“Deacy,” Roger said. “One at a time; he’s already a mess! And let’s at least wait until she leaves.” 
“And what are we to talk about in the meantime?” John scoffed.
“Saw a squirrel fighting a bird for a bit of biscuit on someone’s lawn this morning,” Roger said. “How about that?” 
John thought for a moment, then nodded. “Who won?” 
Before Roger could reply, your mother swooped back in, Brian and Chrissie right behind her. 
“So, Y/N, I am being treated to a girls’ day out!” she squealed happily. 
Brian rolled his eyes, and shot you a sympathetic look.
“Now, I just wanted to address...” she continued. “I mean, well. It’s for girls, and you...technically...I mean you are, or were, but you are and aren’t and um. I don’t want you to feel bad that you aren’t coming with, you know, but...I mean, if we were designating it by what’s in our pants, it might be different, and-” 
You had never witnessed a shared group look of terror, but it was a hell of a thing to see as it enveloped everyone, as it dawned on them what she was trying to say. 
“Y/N is a part of our uh...call it a lads’ day in,” John interrupted before she could blather any more. “Also, part of tour prep as a member of the road crew.” 
You nodded, fighting off the anxiety attack threatening to break forth. 
“So no need for apologies or worries or anything else,” Roger added. “You’re doing your thing, having your day, and he’s here with us having his, all is well.” 
“I know, but-” your mother started. 
“If you’re worried about the boys keeping busy and entertained,” Chrissie interrupted. “Don’t. They keep each other plenty busy, don’t you all?” 
As you nodded with the rest of the guys, you wished you could thank her now for taking your mother head on like she was. She certainly was under no obligation to do so, but she had, and it was the kindest gift she could have given you, someone she barely knew. 
Your mother opened her mouth yet again, but Brian didn’t let her get a syllable out. 
“You know, we have a cat! Y/N mentioned you like cats. Squeaky is out in the garden, you ought to go meet her.” 
“That is a wonderful idea,” Chrissie agreed, bouncing up on her feet to give him a kiss before gently but steadily taking your mother by the arm and leading her out to the garden. 
As she left, the tension in the room went with her. 
“Right, so the squirrel won,” Roger said. “But back to Deacy’s questions, and I’ll echo one of them as politely as I can: what in the fuck is her problem?” 
You laughed. You couldn’t help it; you’d reached a breaking point with the oddness of it all and how horrendous you feared it might turn the longer your mother was around. “You’re asking me?” 
Roger nodded.
“If I knew, I would have found a way to do something about it by now,” you continued. “Trust me. I’d love to say she would try therapy, or something to work on herself, but she won’t. So we’ll likely never have an answer to that question. And even if we did get one, she’d find a way to make it someone else’s fault. God, I have...years of stories, that rightfully no one wants to hear, of frustration and anger over dealing with her and the hurt I’ve hung onto and-scones! Are my favorite, I just can’t help myself around them.” 
Your mother walked back in just in time for the last sentence, and smirked. “I think they can see that. Y/N has always had a bit of a tummy, but you’re working on it now, right? You always said you wanted to slim down after you started all of-” 
She made a gesture towards her own chest and crotch. “That ‘stuff.’ Be a shame to waste all the hard work those doctors put in for you, all over a few extra cookies you couldn’t say no to. And not to mention the money you paid! My goodness-” 
A car horn honked outside, and Roger darted up to look out the window. “Ah! There’s my mum with the car. Looks like she picked up the rest of the ladies first too! Right on to shopping then, how exciting!” 
You wanted to laugh, because he sounded the exact opposite of excited for shopping, but bless him, he was putting in the work to try. 
“Let’s get moving!” Chrissie had one hand on your mother’s shoulder urging her to the front door, the other taking her purse from Brian as he handed it to her. “Usual rules, boys. No fist fights, no live munitions, no setting the house on fire, no overfeeding the cat! We’ll see you all later!” 
Brian laughed and shook his head as they left, but pulled her close for just a moment to whisper something to her. 
“If you don’t mind, can I ask what you told her?” you asked. “Told her to resist the urge to kill my mum?” 
“No,” Brian said. “Just told her to call if she should need us. Maybe could have tacked that on though.” 
“Chrissie wouldn’t get caught anyway,” Roger said. “She’s a smart woman.” 
“I can’t decide if that’s reassuring or not, Rog,” Brian said with a slight frown. 
“Save you the decision, it is,” Roger replied. “Now. Y/N, you mentioned stories. Let’s hear them. The first ever Queen therapy brunch has officially begun, and we won’t even charge you.” 
You laughed, but shrugged. “Are you guys sure you want to hear all this? You don’t have to let me vent, and it’s probably not healthy to do it this way...” 
“You’re in a safe place, and we’re giving you permission to vent to us,” Brian said. “Go for it.” 
“We’ll need tea,” Freddie fretted. “What’s out here has gone cold, Brian-” 
“I’ve got it,” Brian smiled. “I’ll put some on, you all get started. If you talk loud enough, Y/N, I can hear you from the kitchen.” 
“I...I don’t know where to start,” you hesitated. “No one has ever really let me just...talk about it. I mean, looking back, there were days where she was my hero. She taught me to be kind, to love others, to treat people and animals well and with respect. She would do nice things for me, like make my favorite dinner or buy me a toy.” 
They all nodded, and it was both odd and nice to have people clearly listening and caring. 
“Then other days...she was a nightmare. I was honestly terrified of her. She never laid a hand on me, but she didn’t have to. When she got mad or frustrated or felt I’d done something wrong, and some days mind you, I couldn’t do anything right in her eyes...I’d always fear she would finally hit me. I still do, sometimes. But the yelling was enough. Some days it was just shaming and lecturing. But it always makes me feel lesser. Like I’m not human enough. Or like I’m too much to deal with to be around anyone.” 
Their soft smiles at your opening up had faded, replaced with winces and looks of horror. 
“Y/N...” Freddie said softly. “How long have you been hanging onto all this?” 
“Does it matter?” you shrugged. “She’ll never apologize for any of it. She doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong. Ask her about today, and I guarantee you, she won’t see that she did anything wrong with how she’s acted. This is how it’s always been, and probably always will be whenever she’s around. It’s so...heavy. I’ve been carrying her whenever she needed carrying, in addition to holding myself up, and my back has broken from it so many times already...but it doesn’t ever matter. I get back up, and I keep going forward, because that’s what I’ve always done.” 
“This isn’t right,” John said, an undercurrent of anger in his voice, even as he gently took a cup of tea from Brian, who was playing waiter as he handed them out. “I want to talk to her.” 
“I appreciate that,” you said quickly. “But you wouldn’t be the first. Some of my doctors tried. Stayed up late, due to the time difference, and called her all the way from Europe, while I was over here for all my transitioning things. She played along long enough to placate them, then yelled at me later saying they made her feel like a bad mother.” 
You threw up your hands. “And the worst bit? Today was a relatively tame day for her. Roger knows it, he got the brunt of a bad day with her last night.” 
Roger nodded. “Would you like to know how the rest of our conversation went last night, while you and Freddie were out getting dinner?” 
You winced. “Yes, and no?” 
“Very well,” Roger said. “I was trying to talk to her more about how much you’d enjoyed the Tate, and how happy you were here, how happy you make Freddie, how happy he makes you. Trying to get her to see things from your perspective, to help her worry less, you know?” 
“Thank you,” you said.
“Well, don’t thank me, because it didn’t work,” Roger scoffed, and grabbed another full flute to sip from. “She started going on about ‘what about her, and her feelings, and I could never understand how she feels and we don’t know you well enough to really get it all’ and I-” 
He took another sip. “I admit, I got upset on your behalf. I reminded her that you’re an adult, and you deserve to go out and live your life as you want. She claimed not to disagree with that, but then immediately did by saying she felt you needed her close by, and how could she do that with you out here.” 
“And that’s how you got to talking about your mum and how she parented you, and my mum insulting her,” you said. “Jesus. I’m sorry, Rog.” 
“Don’t be sorry, you’ve done nothing wrong!” Roger replied. “She should be sorry, but like you said...she doesn’t seem the apologizing type.” 
“I’ve never been so glad to have such a variety of scones,” you murmured. 
“Scones and tea will ease the pain,” Freddie joked. “Or at least, give you something to do besides worry about her.” 
“How could you tell?” you asked. 
“Just a feeling,” Freddie said. “And the look on your face. Like you’ve been force-fed rancid food or something. You only do that when you’re worrying yourself into a panic.” 
“I could never play poker,” you sighed, and there was a beat before they burst into laughter. 
“That is...the oddest thing to say after all of this,” John said, shaking his head. “I like it. Good on you for it, you can still laugh. That’s something you have over her, you know.” 
You nodded. “I suppose it is. Not much, but-” 
“No,” Freddie said, and took your hands in his. “Anything you have over her, is something. Is important. Is special. And you have more than you know, because you’re doing all these things she either couldn’t or wouldn’t do. You’re trying to be happy, to live life the way you want. To travel, to take risks, to do what you love doing. But she, to me, seems she will always be stuck mentally just where she is: unhappy with what she didn’t do, but unwilling to make any changes for herself, and putting the blame elsewhere.” 
There were tears at the edges of his eyes, and you sighed shakily. “Don’t you cry, I’ll start then.” 
Brian raised a hand to catch your eye, and you turned to him. “Sorry. Already on that train. My parents weren’t perfect, but...I think I need to take them out to dinner, or something, soon. Have them over for a night or something.” 
Roger and John were in similar straits, eyes red, sniffling quietly. 
You let the tears fall as Freddie pulled you close for a hug, and smiled as you watched him wipe away tears of his own after he let you go. 
“Lord. What a mess I’ve made of us,” you tutted. “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” Brian said. “You’re a part of this weird little family, whether you like it or not.” 
Roger nodded. “Means we care about you, and whatever bullshit is getting you down, and we’re here for you. You’ll have to get used to that before the next tour starts, you know.” 
“I can try,” you said with a soft and shaky laugh. 
“That’s all we ask,” John said. “Also, that you eat some more. God, this is almost too much food.” 
“We can send everyone home with leftovers,” Brian said. “Enough that we might get away with minimal grocery buying before the tour starts. No worries about any extra going to waste while we’re gone, for once.” 
“What a mix,” Freddie laughed. “We’ve got Indian at home, now a full English breakfast...” 
“Home?” John asked, an eyebrow raised. “Rog thought you might be telling me about this soon. Should I take it you’ve decided to stay with Fred?” 
You nodded happily, the tears drying as you settled into it, the new connection and comfort you had with all of them. “I have. Let the tenants in that other flat do whatever they want. I’ve got my home.” 
“With a fridge that might run out of room,” Freddie said with a sigh. 
“We’ll figure it out,” you said. “Or eat bigger meals.” 
“How utterly domestic,” Roger smiled. “Look at you two! But I like seeing it. And so help me, if your mother tries to go back to your flat, I will-” 
The phone rang, and silence fell. 
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pens-swords-stuff · 6 years ago
WAIT WAIT WAIT please PLEASE TELL ME MORE ABOUT VANESSA!!!! do you have like a mood board or anything for her? like----- where can i get a description of what she looks like/read about her bc i just saw the last ask you did and read abt vanessa and i LOVE HER i think i got a crush immediately.................... im fr gonna Sob omg.
OKAY FIRST OF ALL @yeraswifey!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I wasn’t actually sure whether people read these ask games, and Vanessa is one of my newer characters that I’m sometimes concerned about so this?? honestly made my day!! this is one of the nicest things people have said to me and I’M THE ONE GOING TO CRY
So to answer some of your questions… Here’s what she looks like! Her face claim is Kassi Smith. The only other detail I would mention about her looks is that she’s about 5′7″, but she’s always wearing heels so she can look taller.
She does have an aesthetic board on pinterest here. I have to warn you though, it’s a really bad aesthetic board — one of my worst ones. I know exactly what her aesthetic is, but I haven’t managed to find the right search terms for it yet. Her pinterest board is in dire need of reconstruction, and it’ll happen at some point, so everything here is subject to change.
She also has a playlist!
So I’m really sorry in advance, because this post is going to end up long. It’s not very often I get asked to talk about an OC, and I’m going to milk it for all it’s worth. Also, she’s a part of two main WIPs I have right now, and she definitely differs in them so I’m just going to give you a rundown of both if that’s ok!
Of course, if you have any questions about her, definitely let me know! I’ll be happy to answer them.
General Vanessa facts
Here’s a couple personality paragraphs I wrote for her when I first conceptualized her:
Fiercely independent and ultimately self-serving, Vanessa exists on her own terms no matter what anyone else tells her. She breezes in and out of everything as she pleases, often finding a person or a hobby of the month due to her fickle nature. Commitment is an unfamiliar concept to her, and there is very little that she returns to regularly — feeling trapped or obligated is not something she takes to kindly. She’s power-hungry and ambitious, Notoriously shallow and indulgent, Vanessa can often be found partaking in activities that shouldn’t be mentioned in respectable conversations. She’s rather flirtatious, though she’s very careful to not reveal too much or let people in too close. Aside from a few exceptions Vanessa is very guarded, preferring the casual relationships that she’s not expected to maintain. As much as Vanessa pretends to not care, pretends that life right now is exactly what she wants, she wants to care and there’s something missing. After five centuries or so of immortality, she’s far too jaded to become involved in anything temporary — romantic or otherwise.
So that was the very first draft of her personality. She largely hasn’t changed, except I would say that she’s even more confident in herself than before, she’s more capable, and is perfectly content with her fickle lifestyle — in the newer versions of For Queen and Country, she does have a purpose and isn’t just aimlessly wandering like she was originally.
Vanessa is characterized by her utter confidence in herself, her mastery at manipulation, playful-but-deadly personality, and her intense avoidance of commitment.
She’s a very social person who can fit in anywhere, so she has a very wide network of friends and acquaintances, but she is very careful about not revealing too much about herself to people. As a general rule, she’s very independent and dislikes being tied down by anything, including romantic partners or friends. The only person she’s consistently there for and relies on is her adopted brother, Alistair (written by the amazing @decantae). He’s her best friend and confidant, and they make a fantastic team.
For Queen and Country is an urban fantasy story about how the existence of supernatural creatures exist, and what happens when the human public finds out.
So in For Queen and Country, Vanessa is a vampire. She was born in Scotland several centuries ago, and was turned when she was about 34-ish to fight in a vampire war at the time. That was where she met Alistair, and when he offered her an out from the life of an immortal soldier, she took it without hesitation and they’ve been together ever since. Additionally, her surname Queen comes from Alistair as well. Although they’re close, Vanessa gets bored really easily, so while Alistair has settled down in London, Vanessa is off doing who-knows-what all over the world. She comes back to visit every 5-200 years or so though, to stay with Alistair for a while.
Her original plot in FQAC was that she was traumatized from falling in love with a human who died from disease during an epidemic. This was the cause of her commitment-phobia, and her preference for casual, physical relationships over close intimate ones. When she meets a lady fae, she would have to learn how to deal with romantic feelings that went deeper than just sexual attraction, and her subplot was mainly her freaking out and being in denial about feelings.
Now that FQAC’s plot is more focused on how Alistair’s relationship with Blake develops (his love interest, and another OC of mine) and how they work together to fight for the rights of the supernatural, her current plot is now a bit different. Here, rather than just vacationing and running away from her problems, Vanessa is actively networking with and investigating vampire societies and other supernatural creature societies all over the world. This might include a lot of shady underground stuff. Her role in the plot is now providing valuable global intel, and being an annoying sister. Although I know in my heart that if Vanessa ever does end up with anyone, it’ll be with a woman, at this point I’m not sure if she’ll have a romantic subplot because I feel like she’s completely content with being single forever.
So Post-Script is another story about Alistair and Blake — this time in a Harry Potter AU where Voldemort succeeded in killing Harry and never died.
In this WIP, Vanessa is Alistair’s adopted sister once again, except this time Alistair is a pureblood from a notable family, while Vanessa is muggleborn. She essentially plays the part of a pureblood extremely well, and if people dare to point it out, she has enough blackmail material on them to ruin them. In this universe, Vanessa is a natural legilimens. Not only is she adept at the spell of delving into someone’s mind, she’s a natural mind reader (who cannot turn it off, mind you). So she knows a lot of dirty secrets.
In Post-Script, Vanessa’s outward job is a socialite who is on the Death Eater’s sdie, but she’s actually a spy actively working against Voldemort. She’s also involved in the criminal underworld of the Wizarding Society. She doesn’t actively do traditional criminal things, but she has a lot of shady contacts, and enough blackmail material and insider knowledge to effectively navigate her way.
So yeah, if I had to sum up Vanessa:
If she had to be summarized in a trope, it would be femme fatale
She doesn’t trust anyone but Alistair, and has considerable leverage with people she suspects might turn against her via information she’s gained in various ways.
She’s easily bored, so to fix that she plays with fire.
She may seem like an out-of-control slut, but reality is she is a slut that is very under control.
She’s confident and knows exactly who she is, and can utilize that to a deadly degree.
She hates commitment and refuses to get into any serious relationships.
Vanessa likes playing with her food, so to speak. She really enjoys messing with people and getting into their heads — especially if it’s an enemy.
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epiphanyksj · 6 years ago
oh god :(((( HHH!!!!!! ok im literally gonna go through this event by event. so I WALKED INTO THE ARENA with my friend to go find my seat and there’s a moment of silence before the beginning of danger’s mv begins playing. and up on the screen is jungkook playing outro: propose, that really pretty dramatic piano part. and let me tell you i literally burst into tears AT THAT MOMENT because it was just so overwhelming to realize that i was actually there and going to see them. and then there was the vcr and they all looked. So Good! i literally said “oh my god” so many times during the concert it was unreal i mean ive told you about this but yeah on to actual performances (read more)
so all this fire starts torching into the air and the stage lights are flashing everywhere with this dramatic music with heavy drums (think mama 2016 fire-esque). ok so im rewatching the vid i took as i write this and im laughing because everyone else is like “TRAADE OFF” and from me you just hear this hysterical “CHOO CHOO” OK thats not the point. i could barely focus in the first performance because i could not believe they were real but like he’s GORGEOUS they were all so gorgeous n i wanna gush about the others too but this is a jk ask. he is So Stable and powerful i dont know how he even does it. so after they finish performing they begin their ments…. when it goes to jk he kinda looks up like “:o its my turn” but then he goes “WASSUP” and he’s so sos ofuckginfg pretty he glows and his eyes and just his face at that point i screamed “I LOVE YOU… (weakly) jungoo….” and then he also said LONG TIME NO SEE he has the cutest voice :(.
when he starts singing in save me… his voice is so beautiful. and i already said it but his dancing is so powerful. n the way he looks at the camera… you feel it in your soul. and his voice is so good in im fine!!!!!! i was not, in fact, fine. the part where he falls to the floor then suddenly looks up is so intense.
but incredibly he looks absolutely ethereal when he stands and sings. this might sound weird but like…. the way his eyes are half closed is so pretty and he looks at peace. even more so when he closes his eyes all the way. ive said it so many times but his eyes literally are so captivating. all of bts look unbelievably good in person. also there’s supposed to be a fanchant In Magic Shop During The Instrumental Break But Nobody Did It but i faithfully went through all the way anyway.
n then. THE GOLDEN DUO VCR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! theyre so cuuuteekjsdhdskjfh :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( like it was just such a happy pure colorful lighthearted vcr!!!!!
ok not to be cheesy but i literally got goosebumps and started tearing up when i heard his voice say “euphoria” in the silence. the pretty guitars start coming in and he’s revealed on the stage. he looks so at home when he sings it and there’s golden light all around him and he’s smiling. but when it’s not the chorus the lights are a blue color and it reminds me of the ocean in the music video. he really puts so much into his singing and just his overall performance. and when he does the high note in euphoria and the golden confetti explodes into the air and shimmers in the lights.
he puts his hand to chest often when he sings like he’s feeling it in his soul. but he also jams out really cutely! he jumped around during run a lot (and yet is ridiculously stable still) and his hair is bouncy! he headbanged a little too :( at the end of run during hoseok’s part he took out his earpiece to listen to us. his part in dna with tae is so iconic!!! rapper jk!!!!!!!!! literally even just the way he sings “DNA”!!!!
he asked us if we were having fun!!!! babie :( (side note tae is SOO cute when he talks in english). also the army bomb ocean was so pretty it was a range of colors from yellow green to purple and it was this amazing gradient.
then. Then. 21st century girls. Came On. but i need to save this gushing about the song itself for the next ask. all of them gather together to jam out in the center of the stage! afterwards jk wanders around! YOU SAY YES OR NO YES OR NO WOOAAAHOHHH
this goes for everyone else too but when he sings in gogo its like the words are just rolling out of his mouth if that makes sense.
but the transition to bst. unreal but im also saving that for the next ask. god and i keep talking about jk’s dancing but seriously him and the entirety of dance line are a serious force to be reckoned with. his voice when he sings his parts is so light and fluttery.
you shouldve heard me during his rap part of boy in luv. i was like “APPAAAAAAA” “EOMMAAAAAA” “PYEONJIIII” “MWONJIII” like i think those technically aren’t his lines but that whole section. and they cut straight to the bridge instead of doing the second verse and jk’s voice there especially combined with jimin and jin. and he holds the high note!!!!!!!
but his rap part in danger. hard fucking core. he’s so talented it’s unbelievable. this man does not hesitate when it comes to bangers or when it comes to headbanging.
airplane pt2. he saunters onto the stage like nobody’s business and sits and kicks back on that damn chair with his sultry ass voice. his falsetto is gorgeous when they do that part before hoseok’s airplane rap and at the end of the song. and i know it’s only part of the studio recording but when he does the “ah ah” part i lose my mind. the way he sits with the other members surrounding him just emanates this air of power and regality but almost in a casual way like “yeah we’re royalty, what about it?”
his outfit during fake love is perfect. all of the outfits are so good i could gush about them all day but alas this is a jk ask. his sleeves are see-through and he has shiny chains going across his chest harness and i’m sure you could find pictures of it but i hadn’t looked at concert pics beforehand so i was in shock at how good the outfits were. it’s like some performing beast is unleashed from jungkook during fake love. he’s absolutely in the zone and i couldn’t take my eyes off him because his presence is so strong especially when he’s in the center. it’s like he moves his body and projects his voice perfectly to the flow and energy of the song. fake love as a whole is so captivatingly intense it’s like you’re under a spell when you watch them perform it.
ok im burning out i can only write so much DSKJHSDF but the truth untold. it’s like he transforms into full angel form at this point. his voice is incredible and his harmonies and pitch and the emotion he puts into it. also everybody say thank you stylists!
he also has such an aura during mic drop. everybody does but it seriously is honestly such a great track live because the energy is dominating and in that moment you really know that they absolutely do own the whole arena and set the stage on fire. ugh! and the strength that he has during the dance break at the end of mic drop!! unreal!
also i can’t imagine genuinely truly hating so what. like i see so many people saying they hate it but you know that when you hear it irl that shit makes you JUMP and they have so much fun on stage especially jk! we like to make fun of him for his shoot dance but seeing him go across the stage enjoying himself so much makes you feel just as much joy as him :( at this point would it really be a performance of so what if he didn’t do it?
at this point i knew that so what was one of the final performances n i was like. What. because it really passed by like a blur it didn’t feel nearly as long as it supposedly took and before i knew it they were performing anpanman so i HAD to cheer up because that song is so cute. and jk is all smiley when they perform it! nose scrunches and all! he actually gets up in a normal way during namjoon’s part. his eyes are all big and sparkly and playful and it feels very boyish!!!
N THEN DURING THE ENDING MENT JOON CALLED JUNGKOOK “MISTER COOL GUY JK” AND JK WAS LIKE “cool guy!” n then like “make some nooooiiiise!!!” n he was smiling doing his cute scrunch and rewatching this like. ive said it 50 times already but he’s seriously so pretty. his eyes are lit up and his expression is bright and there’s a blue light shining on him but his EYESSSSS :((((( he has a slight accent which is rly cute but his pronunciation is also really good and it feels like you just want to hug him really tight even though he’s sweaty but like Would I Complain.
his voice in answer: love myself is so smooth it’s like sitting in a warm patch of sun with a cool breeze looking up at the sky. ok i know i said i was burning out but am i really. rewatching the videos makes me so happy. and his harmonies were so nice. and he was moving side to side really cutely! like one of those figurines you put on the dashboard of your car and they dance side to side! n he’s so full of love. they were all moving their arms side to side and the army bombs were moving along with them i want to cry watching it again it’s so weird thinking that i was actually there it felt like everyone in the audience became one with all the members on stage jk was acting cute and he and all the members were waving to everyone in the audience in the pit and the further away and upper levels of the arena.
for a really long time i’ve never been able to pinpoint the happiest moment or memory of my life everytime ive been asked about it. for lack of a better answer i always left it vague but ever since the concert i can easily say it was the happiest i’d been in a long time and possibly ever and i wouldn’t trade that feeling for anything else in the world
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acrimsonphoenix · 7 years ago
Damn right.
So, this is a lot of fluff and fun. It's kind of building on the backstory I established in my previous two fics "Moving On" and "Pillow Talk", but I'm not really considering this fic here part of that universe - even though you can read it that way, of course. :) Enjoy!
(I really, really tried to keep both Frank and Karen in character despite the fluffiness, hope it worked)
You can also find this fic on AO3. 
Frank noticed it the first time when he was in the shower.
It was around 7 am, he’d just come back from his morning run and the rising sun was streaming in through the blinds of the bathroom window, creating a striped pattern on the tiles and his body.
There it was, on the inner side of his lower left arm, in hasty handwriting that was definitely not his own.
“pick up milk!!!”
Frank almost dropped the bar of soap he was holding and stumbled back. His forearm had been bare for almost 2 and a half years now, the last message he ever received from Maria still burnt into his memories. “Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I miss you so much!” spelled out in her perfectly neat handwriting that he’d watched develop since he’d been a kid, and which had actually made him grin from ear to ear like a fool when he’d recognized it on the piece of paper on which Maria had written down her number when they met that very first time in the park. The ability to talk to her through writing had been invaluable during his deployments and had kept him sane many times.
He brought his arm closer to his face to inspect the writing. It was definitely not Maria’s; it consisted of scrawling, printed letters, whereas Maria’s handwriting had almost been cursive.
Frank carefully ran a thumb over the writing. Just like with Maria’s writing at the time, it didn’t smudge. He scrunched his eyes closed and opened them again, but the writing was still there. Frank wiped his right hand across his face, placed the soap in his left hand back in its tray, and quickly rinsed himself off. Then he turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his middle.
The mirror above the small sink had fogged up and so he wiped it with the palm of his hand, staring at his own reflection for a few seconds before looking back at his arm.
He had no idea what was going on.
Karen cursed for the umpteenth time this morning. It had not been a good start. First, she had difficulty getting out of bed, then, the water in her shower wouldn’t heat up properly but currently worked perfectly for Frank, she discovered a hole in her favorite blouse, and finally, she realized that she’d forgotten to pick up milk for her morning coffee for the third day in a row.
To make sure that’d she’d think about picking up some milk on the way home this time, she grabbed a pen and wrote herself a note on the inner side of her left arm. It was an unusual habit to have. Most people used their inner arm to communicate with their soulmate, starting around the age of 12 or 13.
Back then, Karen, too, had excitedly started scribbling countless messages to her soulmate, from “Hello! How are you? I’m your soulmate.” to “Just so you know, I really like the movie ‘Bring it On.’” However, she’d never, not once, gotten a reply. When she researched why that could be, she found a lot of potential reasons, but nothing definite. Some experts said it was because her soulmate wasn’t born yet (which Karen found really gross, she didn’t want to feel like she could be her soulmate’s mother!), some said it was because her soulmate wasn’t ready for a relationship yet (stupid reasoning, in Karen’s opinion; a lot of soulmates that had found each other at a young age didn’t start a relationship right away and still could communicate with each other), and again others said it was because her soulmate had died or because she simply didn’t have one (Karen didn’t know which of those two was worse).
Her dad had comforted her, telling her that she should give it time, that he was sure someone was out there that God had chosen for her, and that there was nothing wrong with her whatsoever. After his death, her new stepfather Jeb had of course said the exact opposite; that it was a sign that she was a sinner, that something was wrong with her, and that it was God’s way of saying that she did not deserve a loving husband, lest she try her best to become a good, God-honoring woman. Her mom just told her not to worry and to trust in God, but Kevin, the hopeless romantic, had always said that it must mean that she was special and that with or without the writing, he knew she would find someone who’d love her truly and forever.
That had been two weeks before his deadly car accident. While he had been writing with his soulmate, the two of them hadn’t met until that point, and to this day, Karen’s heart broke for her brother’s mate who had no idea what happened, except for a completely empty arm since that day.
To avoid getting bullied by the other girls at school for not writing with her soulmate yet (they could be merciless about that), and in hopes that she might still get a reply at some point, Karen had taken to writing random thoughts on her arm – quotes, new cool words she’d learned, things she wanted to look up, and simple reminders. The other girls saw that there was writing on her arm, but didn’t look to closely as it would have been considered rude, and left her alone; and so with time, Karen’s inner arm had been a reflection of whatever was going on in her head.
She hadn’t really used her arm that way since she’d gotten to New York, and she hadn’t received any (literal) word from her soulmate either, so Karen had gradually resigned herself to staying alone.
Until Frank, that was. Before him, there had only been Matt, and for the briefest of moments, Karen had let herself entertain the thought that he might be her mate – the one who hadn’t written to her because he simply couldn’t see what she’d written to him over all those years. But then with time, she’d decided that he couldn’t be her soulmate, given how much he hurt her again and again – and how close he and Elektra were.
But with Frank, she had a different hope. She knew Maria had been his soulmate, and with her gone, Karen thought that maybe, this was somehow also meant to be – her and Frank, both broken, without their soulmates, building a life together that was not the perfect dream soulmates supposedly had, but good. Happy enough.
As a result, Karen didn’t think about it much when she wrote herself a little reminder on her inner arm and yelled a quick goodbye to Frank in the shower, until Ellison spotted it with his usual keen eye when Karen passed him a piece of paper.
“’Pick up milk, huh?’ Sometimes I wish we’d record all those things soulmates really write each other. It’s always about those great romantic poems and exchanges, but let me tell you, at the end of the day, most of it is just ‘Don’t forget to pick up the dry cleaning, dear!’” he said with a chuckle. “Although that might actually be most romantic stuff of all.”
Karen quickly withdrew her hand.
“Uh, this is not … ah,” she stuttered, not really knowing what to say without telling her boss the whole no-soulmate-sob-story.
“No need to be embarrassed.” Ellison winked at her. “You wouldn’t believe the kind of stuff I’ve seen on some people’s arms – accidentally of course – that made me blush from just reading it.”
Karen just gave him a weak laugh.
“Tell Pete that I said hello, and that I still cannot wait to meet him in person,” Ellison said as he finally left.
Frank. She’d completely forgotten what it would look like to him when she had something scribbled on her arm. She decided that she’d wipe the reminder off as soon as she’d left the supermarket tonight.
The writing was gone by the evening.  
Throughout the day as he was fixing up the bathroom in the house he helped renovate, Frank had glanced at the note on his arm, still without a clue as what to make of it.  
Now, on his way to Karen, the note was suddenly gone. He wasn’t sure whether he should be relieved or sad about that, but he was definitely glad that he wouldn’t have to explain to her what that writing meant when he had no idea himself.
A few days later, another note appeared. This time, he saw it the second he woke up in his own apartment.
“ask IT abt word update”
Frank rubbed his sleepy eyes. It was the same handwriting as earlier that week.
The words stayed etched on his skin all through the morning until about 11 am when they were suddenly gone again. During his lunch break, Frank found a spot to himself and did a bit of googling regarding soulmates as he wolfed down his sandwich, but he didn’t find anything relevant. Soulmate experts insisted there was only one match per person, and while there were reports of people having two or more mates, none of them seemed reliable or trustworthy enough to him. But then soulmate science had not been fully explored in the least, and there were still a million questions that even the best experts couldn’t answer.
For a second, Frank contemplated telling Karen about the writings on his arm, but he immediately got scared. He had no idea what was going on, and he didn’t want to cause any issues in their relationship before he even knew what the problem was (if there even was one). Besides, he couldn’t really imagine being with anyone else but Karen at this point, and had no interest whatsoever in tracking down a potential second soulmate.
Karen. What about her? They’d never talked about her soulmate before. He’d mentioned once that Maria had been his, and had even told her a funny story about a time when they’d tried to write the worst cuss-words they knew to each other as teens while she was at her grandparents’ place in a short-sleeved dress. But Karen had never once mentioned her soulmate to him, or any stories of writing with them.
Truth be told, the thought of her soulmate had popped into his head every now and then, but he’d always buried it just as quickly, not really wanting to confront that question. Besides, he’d reasoned that if Karen never brought the topic up herself, and since she clearly wasn’t writing with anyone, she might have lost her soulmate, too. One’s soulmate was once of the most personal topics one could talk about next to sex, but now, he felt like he’d have to ask her.
(Personal or not, he grudgingly had to admit to himself that he’d definitely been avoiding the issue far more than was healthy or reasonable given the seriousness of their relationship, anyway.)
“Can I ask you somethin’? ’s personal,” Frank therefore said as he forked up some spaghetti that evening. He and Karen were having dinner together in her apartment.
Karen threw him a bemused look.
“Of course,” she said with a smile as she took a sip of her water.
“You got a soulmate? We’ve been talking a lot ‘bout Maria but never about yours,” Frank asked, fixing her with a direct stare to hide his nervousness.
Karen’s face fell a little and she lowered her eyes towards her plate as she played with her food.
“You don’t gotta say, but I’s just wonderin’, you know?” Frank added, still bracing himself internally.
Karen shook her head and looked back at him.
“No, no it’s ok,” she said with a smile that felt forced. “I, uh, I don’t have a soulmate.”
Frank set down his fork.
“What?” he asked, confused. “You mean they died or …?”
Karen shook her head once more.
“No, never had one from the beginning. I started to write when I was around 13, but never got an answer. No-one could tell me why. For a minute I thought it might’ve been Matt – because, you know, he wouldn’t have been able to read what I wrote – but by now I’m pretty sure his was Elektra.”
Frank narrowed his eyes. “You mean, you never got a single word?”
“Nope,” Karen said, popping the p, before taking another sip of water. “Don’t worry about it. I spent a lot of time thinking about why me, how, and so on, but by now I’ve come to accept it.”
Frank made a noncommittal noise and picked up his fork again. “‘m sorry. You’d ‘ve deserved it.”
This time, Karen’s smile was genuine.
“Maybe,” she repeated. “But what would that have meant for us?” she asked.
Frank didn’t quite know what to think of what Karen told him. He didn’t think she was lying – she never lied to him – but he also hadn’t heard of a case like hers before. But then, he’d also never heard of a case like his before, either. He asked her a bunch of follow-up questions that Karen patiently answered until she finally asked “Are you trying to get rid of me or something?” with humor in her voice.
“No, ma’am, just curious,” Frank replied before cornering her against the kitchen counter where she was cleaning up the cutting board from dinner. “Not going to get rid of me, either,” he said, half-jokingly, half earnestly before capturing her lips, burying his hand in her hair and pressing his body against hers for a heated kiss.
The next day, he hung back after Curtis’ meet-up. He needed to tell someone about the mysterious writings. Today in the late morning he had noticed another set of words on his arm saying “goodbye party at 2!” which had then disappeared again at around 3 pm.
Curtis listened to Frank’s story impassively as always and had no idea of what was happening either.
“Why don’t you write back?” he asked Frank. “Ask who it is who’s writing to you.”
Frank shook his head.
“No. I’d be betraying Karen,” he said flatly.
“But you don’t even know who it is writing to you. Maybe there was a mix-up or something and you suddenly got paired with someone else’s soulmate and he or she is wondering why their soulmate is no longer replying,” Curtis offered.
Frank huffed and shifted his weight on to one leg.
“Mix-up?” he asked mockingly.
Curtis raised his shoulders. “Don’t know man, it’s not like anyone actually knows how this stuff works,” he replied as he picked up two chairs to put away.
Frank shook his head once more. “’sides, you know you can’t write names until you’ve met,” he countered.
“Normally, yes,” Curtis agreed. “But, this is clearly not a normal situation. Maybe the usual rules don’t apply.”
Later that night, Frank was sitting in his apartment, staring at his lower left arm on the table in front of him. A pen was lying next to it, and Frank was contemplating Curtis’ words. Finally, he angrily slammed the arm on the table.  He felt more and more like he was betraying Karen and he hated it. Things were going extremely well for them at the moment, they were growing closer every day, and he had even been thinking about suggesting that they move in together. Even if he didn’t actually have an active part in receiving those words on his arm, he felt like he was doing Karen wrong. She deserved so much better already, especially if she never had a soulmate herself, and now here he was, receiving the world’s most intimate form of communication from someone else. Someone he didn’t even know. Even if the content of the messages was as un-romantic and un-sexy as possible, communicating via messages on your inner arm as an adult was generally seen as the most personal and intimate you could be, a bit like kissing someone. Frank was no exception to that rule, and so he felt increasingly uncomfortable with the situation.
His bad mood remained for the rest of the week, and got even worse on Saturday evening. He was in his own apartment once again as Karen had to urgently meet a source and planned to write up the entire story afterwards. He was supposed to pick her up the next morning to drive them both to lunch at the Liebermans.
While he was lounging on his sofa in a t-shirt and reading a book, he saw the words appear out of the corner of his eye, letter by letter.
“what did the card say to the stamp?”
Frank cursed. Was this some kind of joke? Fuming, he got up and angrily pulled a hoodie over his body. He really didn’t want to see those letters, and he only hoped that they’d be gone by morning at the latest. He’d already been incredibly lucky that Karen hadn’t seen them so far.
Naturally, the words were still there the next morning, and he had to hide them underneath a long-sleeved shirt when they went for lunch at the Lieberman’s. The thought of the letters on his skin made him edgy; he had the urge to scratch them off, or to cut them off, as long as they’d be gone.
As soon as they entered the house, Leo dragged Karen off to show her the science project she’d been working on. Karen had helped Leo by downloading some scientific journal articles for her using the Bulletin’s account, and now that the project was finished, Karen was of course the first one who had to see it.
Frank tried his best to not let anyone notice his inner turmoil all throughout lunch, and happily agreed to play catch with Zach afterwards to take his mind off things. As they were playing on the front lawn, Leo came out to watch them.
Frank threw a particularly long ball that left Zach scrambling after it.
“Hey, Pete,” Leo called out to him as they were both watching Zach run. “What did the card say to the stamp?” She giggled.
Frank’s head whipped around.
“What’d you say?”
Leo giggled again. “What did the card say to the stamp? It’s a riddle!”
“How do you know that?” Frank asked her agitatedly. At the same time, Zach yelled his name from the distance.
“Gimme a second,” Frank yelled back and turned back to Leo.
“Sweetheart, this is really important, ok? Where do you know this riddle from?” he asked again, trying to keep his voice level.
“From Karen. She had it on her arm when I showed her my project earlier,” Leo replied, clearly confused at his behavior. “It was a code for a meeting she had last night.”
Zach called Frank’s name again, but he didn’t hear him. His eyes darted about wildly as his thoughts raced.
“Wha-?” he was about ask when the football hit him right on the side of his face and everything turned black.
When he came to, he was lying on his back on the front lawn, his head pounding slightly. Karen and the Liebermans were bent over him and looked down at him concernedly.
Karen reached out to cradle his face with her left hand.
“F- Pete, are you alright?” she asked with worry in her voice.
Frank cleared his throat.
“Yeah, all good,” he said gruffly. As he tried to sit up, his eyes snuck to her lower arm next to his face, but it was bare.
“I’m really sorry Frank, I didn’t mean to hit your head.” Zach’s contrite face appeared in his line of vision.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, kiddo,” Frank mumbled.
“Let’s get you inside and an ice-pack for your head,” Sarah said. David and Karen helped hoist Frank up and he leant on Karen as they made their way inside.
While Leo and Zach ran for an ice pack and some water as instructed by their mother, Karen and David helped Frank lower himself on the sofa. He really didn’t need their help, but he knew that neither of the two would take no for an answer.
He tried to find an opportunity to pull up his left sleeve to check if the writing was still there, but it was difficult while the others were still fussing around him. In the end, he just decided to risk it, and pulled up both of his sleeves to make it look less conspicuous.
His arm was empty again.
He was trying to process this information and what Leo had said earlier as Karen carefully pressed an ice-pack to his head that Zach had brought in.
His head was actually much better already, but he gladly took the respite to close his eyes and to bring his thoughts into some form of coherence.
If it was true what Leo said, then it was Karen who’d written to him, probably unknowingly. The scribbles read like small reminders for herself that she’d wiped off as soon as she’d completed them. Except for last night’s which she likely had forgotten about once she got home and got started on her story. She’d told him that she’d stayed up very late to finish it, and barely woke up in time for him to pick her up this morning. If she hadn’t had a chance to shower, Leo would have seen it. Speaking of which, Karen, too, was wearing a long-sleeved shirt today, and he remembered it covering her arms when she got into his van in the morning. Now, however, her sleeves were rolled up. Maybe she had done so in Leo’s room and washed off the riddle right after Leo had noticed it and probably asked her the answer?  
He needed more information. First of all, handwriting. It occurred to him that he’d never actually seen Karen’s handwriting. The two of them communicated primarily via WhatsApp and the like. He might have seen her handwriting in the documents she shared with him before his trial, but back then, he hadn’t actually paid any attention to it. For work, she only had one notebook that he knew of, but he’d never had any reason to look at it. The few files that they both had looked at together in the entire time they knew each other, her few notes on the margins had been in block letters. The majority of her thoughts on the files she’d scribbled into her notebook.
Secondly – could he write back? She’d said that she’d never had a single message from her soulmate. Was that because he was it, and they only recently became matched, for whatever reason?
He suddenly had the incredible urge to leave to be able to check on those two questions. Luckily, it was quite late already, and so it didn’t appear strange when Frank announced that he was fine, really, and that it was time to go. Karen insisted she drive back, though, and when they were in the van, she pressed a loving kiss to the spot on his face where the football had hit him.  The flutter in his chest at the contact just made him more eager to find out.
Back at Karen’s place, Frank noticed Karen’s notebook that was still lying on the kitchen island from the night before. When Karen went into the bedroom to change into something more comfortable, he carefully lifted the cover to peek into it.
The same scrawl like the one on his arm in the last few days.
Frank smirked and his stomach did a little flip. He had no idea what he’d done to deserve such a second chance, but he certainly wasn’t stupid enough not to grasp it with two hands.
A few minutes later, the two of them were settled on opposite ends of the couch, each of them with their own book, their legs intertwined in the middle. As was her usual habit, Karen held her book up with her left hand, while she turned the pages with her right.
Frank continued to pretend to read while he quietly picked up the pen he’d stolen from her desk and started to write on his forearm.
“So, ma’am, what did the card say to the stamp?”
He watched as her eyes suddenly jumped to the letters appearing on her lower arm just below the book she was holding and an incredulous expression spread across her face. Her gaze moved up, registering the pen he was still holding, and meeting his in shock. She dropped her book and brought her right hand in front of her mouth, still holding her left in front of her. Frank sat up, put the book and the pen in his lap and reached for her left hand with his right.
“Thought I was going insane when your scribbles suddenly appeared on my arm last week,” he said with chuckle.
Karen swallowed hard, her face caught between disbelief and happiness.
“But, how’s that even possible?” she asked, staring at her lower arm once more before taking hold of his left and examining it carefully.  
“Beats me, but I sure ain’t protesting,” Frank replied, stroking her hand with his thumb as he watched her.
Karen reached over to take the pen from where it lay in his lap, put it down underneath his words on her arm and drew a little heart.
She let out a short huff when it appeared on Frank’s arm barely a second later.
“This is … Frank – this is impossible,” she breathed as she gently traced the heart on his arm with her index finger.
“Yeah, I know,” Frank said with a small smile. “But this is definitely us.”
Karen’s eyes became moist and she pulled his head in for a fervent kiss. When they broke apart, she rested her head on his collar bone and inspected her arm once more.
Frank pressed a lingering kiss to the top of her head.
“’m sorry you had to wait so long,” he said as he rested his cheek against her hair.
“It’s okay. Better now than never,” Karen replied with a wet laugh. She picked up the pen again and wrote next to the heart on her arm.
“I love you.”
Frank grinned like the sappy idiot in love that he was and found that he didn’t mind it one bit. He took the pen from her and wrote on his arm.
“And I love you, ma’am.”
The next day, Karen was just doing some research on her computer when she saw Frank’s writing appear on her arm.
“You still haven’t told me, what did the card say to the stamp?”  
Karen smiled and grabbed a pen.
“Stick with me, we’ll go places.”
Frank’s reply took only a few seconds.
“Damn right.”
66 notes · View notes
jungnoir · 7 years ago
mini cryptid hunter!bts au bc i was enabled
@clockwork-lullaby this was probably more than you were asking for but it’s happening
the “logical” cryptid hunter. if you watch buzzfeed unsolved just think shane LOL
yoongi just has a really specific fear and it’s of demons
grew up in a really religious church playing the piano as a kid so he always heard about “exorcisms” being done on the church grounds late at night from his friends
yoongi isn’t as dumb but i mean he’s bored on a friday night and his parents are out for their anniversary so he goes and sneaks in with them to the church and the lights are on and he actually encounters a possessed church goer getting cleansed by a few priests but it’s just. like not working?
the person is absolutely livid and seething and speaking in a crackly voice and suddenly the demon notices him and his friends run but yoongi is just stone still
before the demon can try and hurt him it’s exorcised and yoongi is completely mortified and the priests are like “kid omg why are you here you could have DIED” and they tell him to never speak of it to anyone and yoongi’s smart enough to know that what he’s just seen is something way beyond his years
in fact he’s repressed it so much that even when he’s older sometimes he has to remind himself it happened and now hunting demons is just his damn calling
100% carries a dagger or something dipped in holy water and probably knows a bunch of bible verses that’ll make a demon squeal right off the top of his head
when not hunting demons, he’s usually just making fun of namjoon for getting spooked all the time LOL
him and hoseok are like the lethal duo for demons like god forbid you’re a demon and get on their bad side bc u will be finessed tf into a pile of ash
probably naps on the way to haunted sites and the first maknae to rouse him from his sleep is carrying him to their destination
(but never jimin bc jimin is not a heathen like the others ofc)
he’s v smart and reads up on lots of folklore from all around the world so he’s your go to when you wanna figure out what’s been spooking the locals
namjoon says he doesn’t believe in the supernatural but this is usually said in a small, squeaky chant under his breath as he wanders through the cemetery during witching hour with his six dumb ass friends and why did he have to start that casual conversation with hoseok that one time in biology-
has never had a definite brush with the supernatural BUT 9/10 he’s gonna think a floorboard creaking is the hounds of hell coming after him
it’s even worse that he’s clumsy
if jin isn’t holding onto him he’s most likely gonna run and fall when something remotely worrying happens and they aren’t carrying an injured namjoon through another haunted house again, goddamit joon
his favorite subject is aliens and he’s constantly letting the boys know that they are out there and they are avoiding the human race bc the human race is, in fact, super fucking stupid
is also stuck between wanting to get abducted so he can be left alone or wanting the rest of the world to get abducted so he can be left alone
tough choices, really
if shit goes down namjoon is either hiding behind yoongi or hoseok and he only trusts those two to get him out safely
“the rest of you are despicably hopeless” “you trip on dust, namjoon”
the Responsible Adult
also easily spooked as fuck skfjekfi
ngl he’s only slightly more calm than namjoon but that is not,,,, by much
they usually cling to each other to calm each other down (the fucking waves of anxiety rolling off of the both of them is truly just. terrible. they’re both so nervous you can feel it from right at home behind the screen of your phone from which you’re reading this)
jin babbles when he’s scared too, and starts singing old nursery rhymes his mom sang him when he was still scared of the monsters under his bed
but ok. his reflexes are WAY better than namjoon’s bc where namjoon is “scream and run”, jin’s is “punch and run”
dude don’t even know what he saw but he’s already swinging
jin knows ghosts are real because he had an imaginary friend as a child who resembled the old owner of his house pretty spot on
since he figured that out, he can’t sleep in his old room alone any more and will use any excuse in the book to share with his parents when he visits
jin is always carrying snacks for the boys bc cryptid hunting is brutal man,, here’s a protein bar and some holy water
uses a fanny pack to carry said snacks and while yoongi has made every joke in the book abt it, who is the one carrying the antiseptic in a conveniently stored place when said min yoongi gets a cut hm
ok ok hoseok had a somewhat similar experience to yoongi as a kid and is also a great demon hunter
his family taught him about the evil shits as a kid so he’s always been aware of them even if kids always called him dumb for thinking they were real
uniquely enough, his choice of weapon is a bow and arrow (also dipped in holy water but depending on what they hunt, he could use anything speared by his arrow)
he really REALLY loves hunting famous lore tho like one time they actually tried to find bigfoot and he was so excited the whole time he couldn’t sleep. he learned the mating call and everything
(yoongi brought earplugs specifically for this reason)
he used to be easily spooked as a kid but now he’s steeled his nerves, if only to become the best monster hunter he can be
does copious amounts of research with joonie (listen ok they have sleepovers together and just geek out over the possibilities of some cryptid existing somewhere and hoseok gets stars in his eyes imagining what could be. namjoon loves analyzing the logic and sets hoseok on the right path since he tends to get a bit daydreamy when it comes to the famous stuff)
imagine him just freakin slaying a demon in front of the boys and getting a cocky lil smirk on his face
“calm down buffy, your ego is gonna be too big to fit in the van home”
ngl first thing he thinks about when his friends talk abt the supernatural is unicorns and fairies
he’s not v acquainted with the darker stuff
honestly doesn’t know why he’s hanging out with them all but he’s just happy to be here
always asks questions about what the boys know or have experienced. he’s really interested and he gets v empathetic
“no taehyung we can’t watch the poltergeist tonight, you know how uncomfortable it makes namjoon and jin” “we hunt these things daily u know that right”
v interested in magic
anything the boys find that involves magic, jimin is 110% hyper focused on the subject
he does his own lil research in his own time but he can’t help reading creepypastas sometimes
he doesn’t know any better ok!!!
also carries snacks but in a backpack bc he really can’t get behind the fanny pack
jin: they’re convenient
jimin: they’re a fashion abomination is what they are
one time they were hunting a monster that jumped out at taehyung and jimin just fuckin
decked it
like no thought just a right hook to the eye(s)
there were multiple eyes and jimin couldn’t stop whining abt the residue on his hand as they ran back to the van to hide
he’s just having a good time with his friends and didn’t really sign up for the monster bit but that’s okay
so uh
taehyung can talk to the dead
this has actually been a thing he could do since he was a kiddo and similarly to hoseok, he was shunned for it because nobody believed him
he communicates with past relatives or family friends of his often for his family (who also know and find it kind of lovely what he can do) and sometimes passes on things for the dead to their living family
like he’ll order orange tulips sent to the home of a grieving widow bc her recently deceased husband asked him to do him that favor, something her husband had been planning on picking up for her the day he died
or he’ll quietly look after his classmate whose mother died because he was asked to. he’ll share his lunch with her and make sure she eats because her mother just knows she’s not well
when he met hoseok (who is really the heart of this lil group), he just felt so much relief at finally being understood
he’s really a great mediator for ghosts when they encounter them and he’s so helpful at leading them to the afterlife if needed
he’s really not scared of much to be honest. he finds everything so fascinating
sometimes it drains him being kind of a connect between the human and spiritual world but he’s so glad he was born that way, it’s helped him meet so many wonderful people and he loves who he is
and yeh ok taehyung abuses his power like the lil shit he is sometimes
tae: did you wash the dishes
jk: *clearly lying* yeh
tae: the ghost standing next to you begs to differ
jk: ...for the love of god taE NOT AGAIN
ok, like i said,,, dude is an adrenaline junkie
jungkook does not give two flying shits he will deadass fight a headless forest demon in his living room if he has to
jungkook fears no man or god
strongest member so he’s always the one to carry namjoon when he inevitably hurts himself and has to be helped
even tho he’s not easily scared for his own life, he is scared for his family and friends
his worst nightmare is losing any of them to something they hunt
sometimes he’ll line windows and doors in his house with salt discreetly, just enough for it to work and just enough that his mom won’t yell at him for wasting perfectly good salt
is always researching protection spells and things just in case he’ll ever need em, usually consults yoongi for help too
“who do you think would win in a fight between mothman and a wendigo”
genuinely cannot function on an empty stomach and the boys have to stop by convenience stores to buy him like six cups of instant ramen just to satiate him
of course jin has some snacks in his handy fanny pack if needed (and has made painstakingly clear if jungkook mocks said fanny pack that he will be banned from getting snacks from it for the rest of his “measly young life”)
jungkook has some good sense and hasn’t said a word (but he has thought a copious amount, for sure)
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