#about: anabel
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chaserainbows · 4 months ago
Anabel's kind of a shortie, but she likes to think that she makes up for it with sheer presence.
Other people think that she's grumpy as a way to overcompensate for being short.
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yardsards · 1 year ago
"i'll watch dungeon meshi and be into it a normal amount" ← (guy who was lying to themself) (guy who is restraining themself from reading the manga lest they have a category 5 autism event lasting a month or longer) (guy who has made two separate dnd characters wherein a prominent trait was "complicated relationship with the concept of cooking" in the past)
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oceandiagonale · 1 year ago
been re-reading the whole series once again and i noticed in the comic where gene is talking to lusamine does... does she ever figure out her husband has been living on the Bean Minigame Island this whole time? does GENE know that??? we never get a resolution to this plot point in-game! (i know it's pretty inconsequential to the plot rn but it's just fun to think about)
no, gene never told lusamine about mohn -- ingo is the first faller he's ever told their backstory!! 😳
BUT tbf there's that one cutscene at the end of the game where Mohn shows up at the aether foundation and lusamine + gladion decide to let him go without telling him he's their family, so it takes the dilemma out of gene's hands a bit FKJSDJKF
(text + images from the post so people don't have to go to twitter; post is from november 18 2020):
"okay so like... I legitimately don’t know whether my oc should tell lusamine that mohn’s just... chilling on an island or let her find out the same way as the USUMO postgame scene. It’s one thing to have no control over it in the game, but in my own drawings I have a choice...
seriously is it even right to have generic /tell/ mohn "hey I have information about your past. would you like to know it or live in ignorant bliss? is this why the player character in gen 7 doesn’t have the option to tell her either skjdhfskdjhf"
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fallershipping · 9 months ago
I think it's funny how I see a lot of people associating Looker as a "you are my dad! boogie woogie" type of character. Like he's beloved for serving a sort of paternal figure, like he's not the kind of guy that gets thirst traps made of on the frequent and how sexy he is compared to Volo or Steven. The man is adopted platonically amongst people.
I have drawn Looker in such ways from day 1 that it was never platonic to begin with
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coiledqueen · 6 months ago
"...How long d'you think you can do this Frontier stuff?" Lucy asks, rare wistfulness seeping into her tone as she turns towards her lilac-haired confidant with a curious half-smile. Anabel returns the question with a thoughtful hum, her fingers drumming over the polished oak of the casino bar.
(It's rare for the dutiful Salon Maiden to be out so late, but sometimes--with just enough wheedling--Lucy can convince Anabel to come out for drinks, and the deep, late-night conversations that often accompanied them.)
"...Personally, I could keep this up for a while," Lucy answers herself after a beat of silence, a mischievous grin on her lips as she leans towards her friend for a teasing peck on the cheek. "So quiet. You're not thinking of leaving me, are you...?"
"'Course not. You stop that--" comes Anabel's quick answer, the pragmatic Brain deftly dodging Lucy's kiss with ease before sighing into her drink. "I just...it doesn't hurt to think ahead, you know? We can't keep doing this forever, and when it's done--I think I want to help people. Somehow. Haven't given it much thought, because someone keeps trying to invite me out for parties..."
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Lucy laughs at that, and the sound echoes around the bar. "Guilty..." she says with a coy smirk, raising her hands and backing away slightly. "...You're right. Yeah, doesn't hurt to think ahead--but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the time we have now, right?"
There's another pause, Anabel smiles, and--before Lucy can register a reaction--she leans over to steal her own quick kiss. Damn. The Pike Queen's been bested again...
"No...I suppose it doesn't," the Salon Maiden murmurs as the tension simmers pleasantly, her hair lazily spilling over Lucy's shoulder. "One more drink, and then you want to get out of here? We could always call Noland to come pick us up..."
It was the last night they'd share together before Anabel's disappearance.
The master of Hoenn's Battle Tower disappeared under fantastical circumstances, only to reappear a world away with no memories of her past life. No memories of Lucy, no memories of the Frontier, no anything...and as a member of the International Police, perhaps--in a bizarre, cruel way--Anabel had achieved her wistful goal of helping more people. The world continued to turn.
But, for the members of Hoenn's Frontier, the family that still clung to their Salon Maiden, Anabel's amnesia-induced fate was torture. Upon racing to reunite with her after that reappearance in Alola, all of them were met with a well-meaning (but quizzically blank) look. They were all too late, or was this a doomed outcome from the start?
The Anabel they knew was no more, and nobody outside their circle seemed to care. After sleepless nights spent tossing and turning and screaming into her pillow, Lucy resolved to lock away those memories--that bitterness--deep with the recesses of her freshly-hardened heart. And as the Brains continued to mourn in silence, continued to get stonewalled by Anabel's 'rescuers,' the animosity she felt towards law enforcement only grew within her soul.
Tonight, she's at the casino bar again--its lonely reigning Queen. It's been years (no, eternities) since that fateful evening. Lucy takes up her usual perch at the end of the bar, and two shots are wordlessly slid her way. This somber occasion is already known.
Anabel's voice echoes in her head. Damn her, over there in Alola without a thought of the lives she's left behind, while Lucy's forced to cling to this solemn little ritual.
We can't keep doing this forever...
With a sniff, Lucy downs her shot with a practiced wince. And then, as always, she raises Anabel's shot skyward--a toast to a memory--before downing that, too.
I miss you. So much.
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 2 months ago
Okay so I've actually started writing the daycare au where the season 1 archive staff work a daycare and all the fear avatars (Peter, the Michaels, Jarod, Jane, etc) are all kids (I might make Micheal Shelley a teen or smth- I haven't decided yet.) From this post
But it's occurred to me that I have no idea how to write kids.
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st7arlights-side · 1 year ago
new tma and tmagp fans i luv u so much!! welcome!!! only rules are to be as kind & accepting as possible! keep an open mind; the tma fandom is historically home to a diverse array of folks and it does well to listen and be open to learning <3 luv u all!!
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thebookofthings · 1 year ago
So... since The Magnus Archives is being brought back from the dead I thought I'd share this piece of gold:
"Also i'm not fond of Annabelle Cane...
Orchestrated everything and killed the samoan himbo smh"
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pocket-vvardvark · 3 months ago
🙌✏️💎 for Alethia ! :3
🙌 How many siblings does your OC have?
Alethia has 4 sisters! Going from oldest to youngest: Anitra(30), Asta(28), Angelica(27), and Anabelle(19)! Lots of A’s, haha. Anitra is travelling Galen as a dragonknight, Asta is helping their father in Lillandril, Angelica is wandering Rivenspire as an alchemist/translator for the mages guild and working with House Ravenwatch while Alethia is away, and Anabelle is still at home in Solitude helping her Mother at the temple of Mara. Anitra isn't very talkative, and is sort of like her mother except even more protective. She helps Alethia out in combat training a lot. Asta babies Alethia a lot because of her health, and often takes care of her funds lol, bc girly buys way too many things AND properties lmao. Angelica likes hanging out and teaching Alethia new languages. Anabelle enjoys sparring with Alethia, but dreads going over Mara’s scriptures lol.
✏️ How often do you draw/write about your OC?
Hehe, quite a bit! I love drawing and talking about Alethia! She's in my mind often 😁
💎Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
This is such an interesting question, because I head-canon that the vestige can't really die. I actually don't think she's going to hide her immortality. She's a helpful person, and will do anything in her power to aid others. So, maybe she'll stick around the temple of Mara and take over her Mother’s position as head priestess and continue to study restoration! 
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chaserainbows · 1 month ago
From Anabel's perspective, having special abilities means that you're likely to spend the rest of your life in constant danger and attract the unwanted attention of people who don't have your best interests in mind. Because of that, she thinks that not having any powers is arguably better in the long run, but that's partially motivated by the fact that her special ability is a double-edged sword.
Mindy honestly just thinks that her ghostly powers are pretty awesome.
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celestedoesarttm · 7 months ago
Favorite art medium and why?? Go!
OOH good question!! Um I’m not sure if i have a favorite medium overall, but currently I’m really partial to ink pens/inks/watercolors (no shush it’s not multiple mediums if you group them together in a category!!!)
I like how natural and soft they can look, and sketching with an ink pen is stupid fun. My mom gave me a glass pen that she didn’t use last year and I have been GLUED to it, I like how it forces you to commit to something and you have to work with your mistakes.
Watercolors are very lovely for coloring ink sketches, especially since the ink I use is VERY water soluble, so you have to choose shades that would go well with the ink when (and it is when and not if) the blue/red/black starts bleeding into it.
(It’s very ironic that I’m answering this ask right now, as I just sat down to watercolor and immediately lost my beautiful beautiful long-suffering watercolor palette 😭 shock! Horror!)
Anyways thanks for sending in an ask!!! I love asks so much you have no idea :D as a treat you get an entire sketchbook page of ink/watercolor!
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robyn-runestone · 1 year ago
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My favourite nightmarish ladies :)
(Click/tap for better image quality)
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pexelukive · 2 years ago
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comfort character
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fallershipping · 1 year ago
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bonus: (anabel speaking to looker)
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god i love this reading i hope this is the correct translation
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salon-maiden-anabel · 1 year ago
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We're having a normal one over in the Tucker Fistfight Simulator server . Anyways
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oveliagirlhaditright · 1 year ago
Back to an earlier point about Buffy Season 7 having way too many Potential Slayers, tbh, last night I learned that there was a Colleen and Caridad who also became full-fledged Slayers and survived the battle of the Hellmouth.
And in reading the "Chosen" novelization, I remembered the Potential "Shannon," and in Googling her, I guess she survived, as well.
I feel like when people are talking about the Potentials who survived season 7 as full Slayers, we always talk about Kennedy, Vi, Rona, and Chao-Ahn (but I think even Chao-Ahn is sometimes forgotten about), but I've never seen anyone mention Caridad, Colleen, or Shannon.
There are also some unnamed ones who made it, too:
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