#about: Caromont Allard
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years ago
First Day of My Life
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 1: Foster ]
[ Content Warnings: Cheesy Romantic Shit lmao || Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard ]
[ with musical accompaniment! it’s what drove this prompt, to be honest ]
[ its fuckin long, i’m not sorry lol ]
Caromont flipped through cards, time and time again. No matter how hard he tried, he could never perform a reading for himself. He tried - he truly did. Where was his future going to go, once he made it to Dravania? What shoes was he destined to fill? Perhaps greatness wasn’t meant for him - and instead, he would teach another greatness. He wanted more than the monotony he was given, something that could strike a match in his eyes. As he drew nearer to the Colonies, he flipped another card - not expecting it to do much at all, he wasn’t prepared for his head to fall forward and slam into the table in front of him.
“Master Allard!” Some stray students happened to be in the room with him, running over to check on the man. Perfectly fine, he was, they found him dead asleep against the table… but only for a solid five minutes before his head flung back up, an exaggerated gasp to follow. They startled at his sudden awakening, taking steps back away from him. He rubbed his forehead. “Ughh… ow.” There was something different about him, after that, the students noticed. There were still heavy bags under his eyes… and yet, they had never looked brighter. He had always been tired, weary, worn out from his responsibilities; and now he looked like he could crack an honest smile for once. “Master Allard? Are you alright?” “Hm?” He addressed the students in some sort of delirium, tilting his head in thought. “Oh! Yes, I am. I appreciate the concern - simply an unprepared reading. Nothing to worry about.” They left him to that.
What he saw was nothing short of a miracle - to him, of course. A reading of his own! Finally! Even better - while he was destined for no greatness, he was given a taste of what freedom felt like. The first adventurer to make their way in, that’s where it lied. What it was, he knew not. All he knew was that he wanted it. He wanted whatever this adventurer would grant him, wanted something *new*, and *different*.
Caromont sat with his head against the library window, far up so that the colony of Sharlayan was visible to his eyes… yet he stared at the sky, watching the clouds as he flipped idly through more cards. Bored, as if he’d get a new result the more he did so. He let out a heavy sigh, lids closing just for the briefest of moments - maybe he could pretend he was having a vision, maybe people would leave him alone for his inattentiveness. It wasn’t like he wanted any of this responsibility to begin with. When his shoulder was pat on to remind him to pay attention again, he opened his eyes and looked down at the ants of his kin. His eyes skimmed to the side, where several students seemed to be dragging along a worn down man. His eyes narrowed, trying to see better what was going on. No. That was not just any man - that was the first adventurer, since he arrived here; not a student, not a fellow academic; an honest-to-gods *adventurer*. He jumped from his seat, eyes lit up like Starlight; he scooped up his cards, snatched up his bag and *sprinted*. He skipped down stairs two at a time, perhaps even falling down a few. He skid around the corner of the entrance of the library, waving down the students that were about to carry the man away.
“Master Allard! Oh, thank heavens! This man needs healing before he’s sent on his way--” “Do not worry! I will take good care of him, do not fear. Be on your way, it will not do to be late for your classes.” “Of course. Thank you.” Then he was left alone with this almost near dying man against his shoulder. By their tone, one would have expected said man to be unconscious; no, he seemed only confused. “If you are okay to move more, I would like to go elsewhere for your healing.” “Yeah… ‘course. Thank ya’, friend.” His voice was soft, it commanded no respect… though it seemed to give none, as well.
As he had brought him to his own home, the adventurer only laughed. “Shouldn’t y’buy me dinner, first?” Still, he was thankful for a place to lay down… even if it *was* the floor. Caromont let out a loud snort, kneeling beside him with another laugh as he thought more on the words. “Mm - perhaps I could *make* you dinner, instead.” The adventurer blinked at the response, stunned for a moment - mostly from the stitching he could feel as his wounds were healed. Then, he laughed. He laughed so hard he had to place a hand over his stomach. “Ooch, gods, that hurts.” Caromont smiled. “It will be sore for a bit, so please, make yourself at home. I am not here often, to be honest. Ah- your name. I do not believe I got it.” “Maximiloix - you?” “Caromont.” He had to mouth the man’s name several times to get the pronunciation correct. “My, that is a mouthful.” “Ain’t it?” He laughed again.
Maximiloix had been here a week now - doing nothing more than waiting for Caromont to get done with work. He always sat patiently by the entrance of the library, offering stories to the students interested in hearing them. The bell struck twice - and it was just a matter of time for the usually composed scholar to come sliding around the corner. He always seemed a little too excited to leave… at the same time, it’s not like he could blame him. He, himself, would sit in the same spot for hours waiting for him without a care to the time that crawled by slowly. Caromont offered him books to pass the time, but he only laughed in response. Still, he took them, tried to make heads or tails of what he was reading - as it was from Caromont’s private collection, meaning it was nothing but technical jargon regarding magic… something he wasn’t all that good at to begin with. Unfortunately for him, Caromont’s eye for detail always caught him - or was it that knack for knowing the future? He could never say - never tell, either; nor did he feel a need to ask. Every man had their secrets and he wasn’t without his own. “Take it the books are a little much?” “Ah… that easy to tell, huh? I’m not mucha magic person, t’be honest. History, though.” “Is that right?” He could see those violet eyes light up, every word that was spoken to him was held onto as if his life depended on it. “I could have sworn…” His eyes turned to the ground, lifting a hand to his chin as he tried to sort out his thoughts. “Ah - I see. Not yet.” “Not yet?” “No, no! Do not mind me! I will see if I can find any books to your liking, and you must regale me of what you have learned! My time is spent too much on my readings, and not enough in other skills.” “Ever thought o’ takin’ a break?” “A… break?” “...Y’know. Relax? Not work? Do other things?” Caromont stared at him for an uncomfortably long amount of time - even more so, since they were walking. When no one around him was expecting it, he laughed. It was the best joke of his lifetime, even if it was meant to be serious. He scared some other passerbys, unfortunately. Caromont wasn’t known to laugh - let alone *that* loud.
“Oh, Maxie, I thought you were serious for a moment.” That earned him a raised eyebrow. He sighed. “Unfortunately, taking breaks is not as easy as it is said. My work is incredibly important to the Colonies--” “Let someone else do it.” “Huh?” “Yer not a god. No one’s meant t’work fer so long an’ *not* get tired. Yer exhausted. If no one else can see it, I sure as hells can.” The corner of Maximiloix’s mouth curled into a sly smile, followed by poking under Caromont’s eye. “Yer gettin’ wrinkles here.” “Maxie, I am sixty-seven… of course I have wrinkles!” “I dunno if y’ve seen me, but I’ve got picture perfect skin--” “Like hells! You have more wrinkles than I do and you are younger than me!” He laughed.
“Mm. What’cha makin’? Smells good.” “Does it?” Maximiloix wandered into the kitchen, staring over Caromont’s shoulder like a curious child. He had just pulled a loaf of bread out of the oven, letting it sit to cool; smacking his roommate’s hand away from it. “Ah-ah! Not yet! You are going to burn yourself like that. This is a snack until dinner, which you have to tell me what you want.” “I ain’t picky.” “You say that! I need to know what to grab from the markets.” “Hm… how ‘bout I gather ingredients? Shouldn’t take too long.” “Are you… sure?”
Maximiloix offered a mock salute. “It’ll be no skin off m’back. Then you can make whatever y’want from ‘em.” “If that is the case… well, you get yourself ready and I will have some bread ready for you.” That would have been a casual statement… if it didn’t look like Caromont was plotting something. There was a shine in them, like someone waiting for a prank to follow through. Maximiloix slowly backed away, watching him. He was all too familiar with that look, and he wasn’t liking it. Still, he left to pack and empty a few bags. When he returned, Caromont held a plate out to him… with no plate of his own. “Plannin’ on poisonin’ me?” “Oh, no, not at all. This is for me to take to work with me this week - but I had a feeling you might enjoy this one.” “...Okay, I don’t like that look yer given’ me. What’s up with it.” “Nothing! Nothing! I swear to you, nothing it *wrong* with it. It is made as intended.” Maximiloix twisted up his mouth and nose, but relented. Caromont likely wouldn’t have let him leave if he denied to eat it.
He took a bite of it - those bright lights in Caromont’s eyes shining. “Hm. Yer right. Not bad.” “...What.” “I mean. It ain’t the *best* tastin’ thing in the world, but I’m pretty sure I could live off this.” Caromont looked at him. Stunned. Absolutely, positively, *astounded*. “Do you even *have* taste buds? Thaliak, you must have an iron gut!” Maximiloix laughed. “I take it it was s’posed to be worse? Can’t really have *taste* livin’ in th’Brumes. Just gotta get what y’can get.” “I have *literally* tasted nothing worse than this recipe - and yet it is a staple here.” “Yeah? Might have t’get that from ya’. Could make it a staple while travelin’.”
They both read on the couch - comfortable silence between them as Caromont laid across Maximiloix’s lap. This was nice. The thought of this lasting forever made Caromont’s heart ache for it. He would do anything for it to. “Are you getting hungry?” Caromont spoke softly, afraid to ruin the silence. “Yeah, I could eat.” Maximiloix smiled down at him, watching as he stood up to stretch. “Mm. I have to go to the markets, it should be quick - so do not let me interrupt you.” Before he left, he leaned over to kiss his cheek - thinking nothing of the action. Not until he stood back up. He covered his mouth and nose, eyes widened in shock and embarrassment - so much so, that he could do nothing but turn on his heel and leave Maximiloix touching the cheek he was kissed on with a dumb smile on his face.
He thought that he would calm down by the time he returned, but those thoughts were thrown out the window when he stood in front of his door… hesitating on even going home. Deep breath in… deep breath out. He stepped in… nothing. Maximiloix must’ve been in the bedroom, passed out or something. He let out a sigh of relief, then turned to his kitchen to place everything on the counters. When he turned back around - what to find but the man he had been crushing on for moons now. What to find but that man rushing for him, grabbing onto his shoulders to return that chaste kiss a hundred fold; hands moving up to hold the sides of his head. Caromont could only stand startled, a deer in headlights, even when Maximiloix pulled away - another bright smile on his face. Though that expression turned to embarrassment when Caromont seemingly broke on the spot. “Ah.. too mu--” All he could think to do in response was to return the treatment, near tackling the poor man to the ground, laughing against his lips. So far, this was the best day of his life. “Gods, Caro, I love ya’.” Those words had him pressed tears against his neck, he had waited so long for someone to *mean it*. “I love you too, gods, do I.”
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thevoilinauttheory · 6 years ago
(I'll just do my main few lol)
Maximiloix: "He was never alone."
Caromont: "What a beautiful mind."
Danny: "The anger took ahold."
Mayve: "She dreamed of peace."
Amosis: "And only one survived."
Lothaire: "Family were always first."
Collective Response: "We are home bound."
Bonus - Lili!: "Someone had his back."
Tagged by: @ren-roelanberry thank you!
Tagging: uhhh.... not really sure who's done this but @shangomango if he's still alive on here, @ahlis-xiv, @home-halone, @cadrenebula !
Four word story prompt
The premise is simple, friends. Using only four words, write the happiest story you can think of. It can be IC or OOC. Past, present, future. The world is your oyster, on this.
Here’s mine:
“Then They Grew Trees.”
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years ago
After School
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 22: Fluster ]
[ Content Warnings: cheesy romance so sweet it might give you cavities, the barest implication of sexual themes towards the end (wouldn’t call it nsfw though) ]
[ Maximiloix learning magic, something something title lol - Earth - Water - Fire - Lightning - Wind - Ice ]
Their path to the next stop was a long one - from one end of the Shroud to the other, eventually making it to the ever chillier Coerthas area. It was as Caromont wanted - the winter moons were setting in, and the snow was making its return. The cold had never bothered him, it was one of the things he was thankful for… considering that winters were the worst here. Caromont, too, wasn’t as affected by it - though he always underestimated just how cold it got.
“Maxieee…” It was cute to hear such a stoic man whine, then watching him hold together his robes to keep out the wind. “It’s yer fault fer not thinkin’ ‘bout it ‘gain!” He barked out a laugh as he stopped off to the side of the road to dig in their bags for a thicker coat. “Good thing *I* do. C’mon, c’mere.” He wrapped the coat around his husband, leaning down to kiss his forehead. The bags got thrown back onto his back before they continued on again, though the trek didn’t stop Caromont from trying to tuck himself against Maximiloix for more warmth. Their hike took them north, where the winds howled over the cliffs, using canyons as their flute. They stopped at the edge of one, sitting down to enjoy the scenery and time company, overlooking the horizon of white.
“So what’s this one, ice?” “Wind. Ice will be in Western Coerthas - just a bit away from Falcon’s Nest.” “So what’s wind ‘bout?” “Wind is used for a great many things - usually for harming opponents with biting or cutting gales. Much like these ones. However… I use it to calm. It is gentle and soft, it can bring peace as much as it can blood, if not more so. Many people associate wind with something like a breeze, with good memories or feelings. For those in hysterics, I have found wind to be the element they react the most positively to. I feel as if many should turn to using wind like that, considering that it is a basic conjury spell - and conjurers are to help and heal others.” “I see…”
“Would you like to attempt using a spell for more than just its power? Perhaps we could attempt to combine elements in a safe manner. There is no threat of danger here, it would be perfect for practice.” “Yeah, that’d be nice.” He watched him twist the second to last crystal into his lance - finally studying just how the crystals shone. In and out, breathing with life, some brighter than others; they called to him in an unknown language, a need to be held and loved. Maybe that was just the work done by Caromont, begging to be put to proper use. He stared at it with the same awe he gave his husband. “Yer doin’ somethin’ t’it, aren’t ya’?” “Hm?” “It… has this feelin’. S’more than jus’ crystals, ain’t it?” “Ooo - you got keen! Yes… just a little help from me. A tiny sliver of aether to keep them sustained.” “...I don’t think that’s it.” “No? What do you believe it is, then?” “...” He thought for a moment, staring at those stones. Each one held some meaning, some wonderful feeling he never wanted to let go of; reminders of how much he was loved, how much he laughed, how free he was. “Memories.” “You know me too well.” Caromont smiled softly, running his fingers over and around the elements with his own fondness. “So that you may never forget, that you will always have a means to remember when you feel you may lose yourself.”
“How could I ever ferget?” “How could you, indeed! I will be miffed if you do!” He laughed, passing the lance back to its owner. Maximiloix knew better - he saw something, though he was never comfortable sharing his visions. What a curse that must have been, to see things and not be able to warn others of them, to be forced to watch and see what happens. He never asked Caromont about them, what it was he saw exactly, never pressured him to share; at first he didn’t care to know, but now he wished to simply out of want to be a support. He smiled at him, that was all he *could* do… but it let him know that he was there, if he did want to speak of it.
“Right, so…” Maximiloix stood up, brushing the snow from his pants. “What’re y’gonna teach me?” “Something warm.” Caromont stood with him, taking his free hand in his. His touch was so gentle, the schoolchild crush fluttered in his heart again, only causing him to smile even more. “Focus on what Coerthas feels like in the spring and autumn… slightly warm, gentle breeze. Guide the fire carefully, slowly, into the winds around you; just enough to feel the warmth in your skin and nothing more. It is all about control.” Maximiloix started his focus… only to end it soon after, looking down at Caromont with a dorky grin.
“Oh, dear, what are you planning now…?” Caromont laughed, watching him tuck his lance back into its place on his back to take both of his hands. His catalyst was still upon his body, making the spell easier to cast; his eyes closed again and in the feeling of being close to his love was the warmth easy to bring forth. It wasn’t quite how Caromont had told him to envision it, no; he took to those memories placed in his weapon and turned them into magic. How could he describe such a feeling? It was soft, it was comfortable, warm, it brought a hearth to his home - it was so deeply filled with a love he never imagined was possible. “Maxie?” He could barely hear his voice, the breeze that whistled past his ears as he focused on those feelings and nearly drowned in them. It was the thumb under his eye that brought him back, wiping away at tears that had flowed just as easily as the smile that followed. “Why are you crying, is something wrong?” He shook his head in response. “S’perfect.” “Well… so is your spell, it seems.” Caromont looked to the grass which had shown itself under the melting snow, just as green and bright as he knew it to be in any other moon. “Flowing with life too, taking every element and making it your own… I knew you were a special one~.” Maximiloix snorted, waving one of his hands dismissively, turning his head away to avoid the red on his face from being stared at. “Ain’t that special.” “Special and beautiful~, look at those brilliant eyes.” Caromont reached up to force him to face him, and he stuttered over his words for a response - he couldn’t find one.
“N- Now yer jus’ teasin’, stop it - thought I was here fer lessons.” He huffed. “So cute~!” Caromont brought his hands down his neck and back up into his hair, ruffling it with a bit of warm wind from himself - yet despite the gentle heat, it made him shiver. His fingertips were cool compared to the magic, dipping down his spine and drawing them back up. Maximiloix bit down on his lip, turning his eyes away from the ones that bore into his soul - they knew his every thought and every action, he had never felt so naked and vulnerable before meeting him. “Caro… now ain’t th’time fer that.” “And why is that?” He didn’t have the words, he couldn’t say no - not that he wanted to, anyways. He was just trying to get away from the embarrassment that filled his cheeks. “Outside.” “That never stopped you before!” Caromont laughed. “No, you are just too flustered to know what to do with it all - did I overwhelm you?” “Fl- Flust-- overwhelm? N- No, I-- mmn.” He huffed out of his nose in annoyance, folding his arms over his chest to turn his head the other way. “Aww… you are so adorable when you pout~. Okay, okay. I will stop.” He stood on his toes to give him a kiss before drawing his hands away from his head… not without yanking on the strands first, of course, knowing exactly what that would elicit from him. A deep, low and loud moan crawled out of his throat on accident; and he threw his hands up over his mouth and stared at his husband with disbelief that he would do such a thing. “C- Caro!”
His misfortune was only laughed at, leaving the poor man cold to return to the cliffside - only to be caught by the collar and dragged back for smothering kisses and touches. The warmth and breeze in his fingers that drew goosebumps out of both of them, graces of magic between them in some soft secret whispered to them. “Like hells yer doin’ that n’gettin’ ‘way with it.”
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years ago
A Sky Full of Stars
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 6: Avatar ]
[ Content Warnings: None! More cheesy romance :3c ]
It was difficult to look away from him, everything about him was so heavenly - and he didn’t even know it. Maximiloix leaned against the podium at the front of their one-classroom school, built by their own hands, staring at his husband as he helped students with their work; much like a love-stricken teenager. When Caromont stood from the side of one of their students’ desks, he turned to look at him with a smile before moving on to the next child with their hand raised - it had been ten years already, and he was still as in love with him as he was when he met him; which was clear in the unintentional dumb smile he had on his face. His hearing returned slowly, the drowned out sounds of his name coming into view, breaking him from his daydreaming.
“Mister Voilinaut?” The name had been repeated several times in an attempt to get his attention, when he finally registered that someone was addressing him, he quickly snapped his head over to see that one of their adult students was standing there with their work in their hands. “Ah… sorry ‘bout that, what’s up?” When they were in need of a softer kind of learning, they came to him - something about him assuaged their anxieties of schooling, many of their older pupils were embarrassed about having to learn things as basic as reading; but even *he* didn’t learn how to read until he was well into his twenties. While Caromont wasn’t unapproachable, those with life under their belts found him somewhat intimidating - perhaps it was because they knew he was from Sharlayan, someone much more learned and experienced than the rest of them.
“Finished my work, could ya’ look it over?” “Aye, no worries - y’wantin’ a rest, ‘r somethin’ more t’do?” “I think M’doin’ well enough t’try a harder book.” “Yeah? The next level up’s gonna be on the far back shelf on the right.” He was met with a smile, a small thanks, then watched as they made their way to the back to pick out a new book to read. He turned his eyes down to the small stack of papers, flipping through the exercises and reading them over - there was something fulfilling about seeing someone learn properly from them, from *him*. He never thought himself a teacher, but here he was, grading papers.
“You look so cute when you’re focused~” Another moment, and he hadn’t even realized Caromont had snuck up behind him - he really needed to work on his perception skills. “Swivin’-! Halone’s frozen teats, scared th’faith right outta me, Caro. Y’tryin’ t’put me in an early grave?” Caromont laughed, placing his hand on Maximiloix’s shoulder, leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Oh, if there is one thing that is not going to fail anytime soon, it is your heart. I know that from experience~.” Maximiloix flustered, waving his hand dismissively - though the redness of his face only put him in the same gene pool as a tomato when arms were wrapped around his waist. “Only a quarter of a bell left, and there’s no escaping!” “...Not that I’d want ta’ anyways.” Caromont laughed again, letting his arms slip away to go help another student in need of it. 
Then it was right back to daydreaming for Maximiloix. His kin had seen this man as a paragon of the stars, and perhaps he was, in the way he read and spoke to them; but that meant nothing to either of them. To Maximiloix, though, he was the embodiment of both the moon and stars - he made sure he knew that too. With hair the color of the harvest moon, eyes like the stars that made up the third gates to the heavens. That he took comfort in the darkness too, the space around them when they were alone - he grew more comfortable with himself because of it. His voice was the awe someone would see in a starshower; his skin was much like the color of the spackles against the canvas he painted a deep blue, artwork that only the gods could create. The absolute epitome of the beautiful nature of the night, with a smile of moonlight.
He was caught staring again.
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years ago
Our Own House
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 3: Scale ]
[ Content Warnings: Implied sexual conduct, non-descriptive partial nudity? lol ]
He had been here for almost a year now, it was more than heaven to him - there couldn’t have been a better life for him. But he could feel his feet itch, the need to wander and travel; but he didn’t want to leave his new love behind. When he walked out from the bedroom, he watched him cook, silently judging how to bring it up. He let out a soft sigh, meandering up behind him to wrap his arms around his waist, leaning down to press a kiss to his neck. “Mornin’.” “Still tired?” Caromont laughed at him, paying no mind to the restriction given to him, only leaning his head into his for a brief moment. “Mm.” Maximiloix huffed against his skin. “I gotta leave soon.” “...” He relaxed his arms, setting down the knife in his hand to stare at the counter blankly. “Will you visit?” “‘Course I will. Offer’s still there, though.” He shook his head in response. “I-... As much as I would like to, I… have to stay here.” “Then I’ll send ya’ letters everyday. But… I ain’t leavin’ today, just soon.” “Then I will make the most of it.” He pushed the cutting board further away from the edge of the counter, spinning on heels to bring Maximiloix down for a kiss, smiling brightly. “I am officially sick for the day.” He forced him to walk backwards, still holding onto the sides of his head, back the way he came - slamming the bedroom door shut with his foot.
“Looks, uhm.” Caromont folded his arms over his chest, hanging his head in thought. “I suppose it will have to work.” “C’mon! It ain’t like I had any blueprints… not that I’d know what t’do with ‘em, if I had ‘em.” Maximiloix clapped his hands against his pants, staring up at the work he finished. A poorly assembled pile of wood that one could barely call a building, tucked away in the lower levels of the Brume. “We can fix it up later.” “...Might have to be sooner than that, honestly. I can only see this falling.” “...Are y’*really* seein’ it fall?” “...” “Ugh… y’get to help me this time - I ain’t liftin’ that much on m’own again! Gonna throw out my back.” Caromont lifted an eyebrow, looking over his husband. “Maxie, you are built like a brute - you are able to do *far* more than I.” He smiled wryly. “Plus it gets you to keep your shirt off.” “Oh, piss off. I’m gonna put it on just for that.” “No fair!” He laughed, rolling up the sleeves of his robes. “Fine, fine - I will do what I can.”
“Let me see them again…” “Caro- I…” Maximiloix sucked in a breath, feeling his body pressed between the wall and his husband; hands grasping at his shirt. “What better way to celebrate our new home?” He smiled at him, planting kisses over his cheek and down to his neck; his fingers tangled themselves in his hair - yanking back on the strands to make more room for himself at his throat, only eliciting a loud moan from him. Caromont watched as the blackness took over his love’s hands and arms, up the sides of his face. He was enamored with them the first he saw them, how such inky scales reflected rainbows around the room in the firelight; the claws that gave away just how much he was trying to hold on, and the horns that twisted from his hair that gave away just how much he was failing to do so. He ran a hand over each cluster, feeling the small bumps as he thumbed over them, pressing a pleased grumble to his skin.
“Mm… you know that is not what I am talking about.” The other hand found its way up Maximiloix’s shirt, palming over each dip of his muscles, rounding his body to drag nails down his back - trying to get more from him. He was always so resistant to the idea, but Caromont only ever wanted to see him this way whenever the chance came to be. Taboo, it was - especially considering how strong their faiths were. That darkness, however, there was comfort in it, and he only wished to take advantage of its warmth. When he could feel the wings try to spread from his husband’s back, he caressed and coerced them to stretch further out. His fingertips danced across the cartilage, over the bones; he pressed himself into his body more, resting his head against his neck when those wings closed in around him.
“Happy now?” Maximiloix grumbled, turning his eyes away. His embarrassment to them showed clearly in his expression and blush. “Mm. Very. I want you like this whenever you can~.” “Mnh.” The disapproval in his voice was clear. “...M’gonna get caught. I… don’t wanna be like this.” “It must be the Sharlayan in me.” Caromont laughed. “I find you beautiful.” He lifted his head, standing on his toes to give him a kiss. “Then… allow me to have this beauty tonight, and you can hide yourself away for as long as you wish to.” “Y’d be the only one t’think that.” “Maybe I like it like that. How special that feels.” He pulled off Maximiloix’s shirt completely, keeping his hands busy over his body. “I’d have this with no other. This love, this home, this heart.”
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years ago
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 12: Extra Credit ]
[ Content Warnings: implied attempted suicide ]
After a long day, he had thought to get some rest - with the assumption that the betrayers of his trust would arrive at the last minute. He set his books and a ledger down at the nearest dining table, sitting himself down to calculate just how much he needed to replace, both monetary and material wise. He tapped his nails on the table in thought, trying to do the math in his head - but of course all of that shuffling downstairs was making it hard to do anything.
He blinked.
Maximiloix sat up, furrowing his brows as he strained to hear what was going on down there… and it certainly did not sound like Shango helping himself to the knowledge of books. He stood up, quietly making his way to the door of the basement; meticulous steps with heels on, he did just the same as he made his way down. He stopped when he saw the two he was waiting for on the stairs, dragging a corpse up them. His expression went dead - there was no neutrality, but there definitely wasn’t any emotion in those eyes.
“...What are you doing.” “Taking out the godsdamned trash! Bury the damned thing!” “Ah… we were going to lay him to rest for you, with proper rights.” His face did nothing, his eyes only bore holes into them. He looked down at the dead body of his late husband, then back to the two. “...” He closed his eyes, inhaling sharply. “Did I ask you to do such a thing?” “Erm, no, but--” “It needs to be done! You can’t just live in the past trying to raise a man from the dead! It doesn’t matter who he is, it isn’t going to work!” Maximiloix’s eyes turned towards Corvus, then closed again with another contemplative sigh. He took a few steps towards them, still blocking the way up, to get a closer note of what to think. “I… hate to say it, Max, but he’s right. I think it’s time to move forward - give him back so that he can properly rest. We can help you - that’s what we’re here for, or. Uh. What I’m here for.” “...Right. I suppose…” He trailed off, it pained him to think of losing all of this work. But they were right, there was more to focus on - the three new students he picked up, the three old students he was currently tutoring; not to mention… finally resting, himself. “I suppose it is time, yes? Just… allow me some time. Please. And by the Fury, lay him back on solid ground and I will help you carry the casket up.” Crystal smiled at him, thankful that his mind was made up so easily, then laughed. “Yeah, we can do that. C’mon Corvus, back down we go!” “Ugh… I don’t see why we can’t just burn him down here, make it easier on all of us.”
There was a flash of solid anger on Maximiloix’s face, but he tried to breathe it out. “Allow me some time. Please.” “How much time is “some time”, huh? You just going to go behind our backs and do it anyways? Seems like the kinda shite you’d pull.” Corvus rubbed his hands together, his own method of creating magical flames. “Now is better than later, cause later probably won’t even happen, Crystal.” “Do not dare lay a finger on him!” He could feel the heat rising to his face, the blood boiling with anger and fear - his nails dug into the palms of his hands. “Corvus, don’t do it - please, that’s not necessary!” Crystal was trying her best to play mediator, but it always fell short when dealing with these two.
Corvus held his hand over the body, flames threatening to spew and swallow the dead man - and as expected, Maximiloix went charging down the stairs after him. Crystal latched onto the back of his coat to try and stop him, but her grip slipped as he took another step down, causing him to tumble down that last flight of stairs. That didn’t stop him from trying to get back up, but he knew now that no matter what he did, that corpse was going to be swallowed up by flames in mere moments.
“Wait- wait- please.. just allow me some words…” It was the closest to begging they’d ever heard him, that likely anyone had heard him. It pulled enough heartstrings to make Corvus give Maximiloix some space to address his husband. “He’s still getting burned, you know. Say your words and let me know when you’re done so we can get this over with.” “Y- Yes, that is fine…” He crawled over to Caromont’s side, resting beside him on the floor. He placed his hand on his cheek, forcing a small smile. “I hope you can forgive me for everything I have done, Caro… please live the life you were meant to.” He sat up on his knees, taking in another breath. He was ready - as ready as he could ever be. “I knew it! You’re a lying sack o--” Corvus tried to move towards him again, flames in both hands, ready to fight if need be - but he found his collar yanked back on. “Corvus, don’t!”
Crystal could see it, how the body was laid within the geometric patterned circle that made up the deep etchings in the floor and walls. The outside circle bubbled black between umbral aspected crystals embedded into the metal below them, the inside shimmered with white between astral aspected ones; the lines that made up the in between gave off a low green and yellow glow, creating more shapes that liked to that of an arcanist’s tome in the space above them. Maximiloix’s hands welled up with a bright light, pouring all of his own aether into the spell as well.
“He is not yours to burn! He is mine! NOT YOURS, MINE!”
He screeched as his hands slammed down on Caromont’s chest - and it was there that they could see their friend’s hair melt from grey and dark brown to a pure and unnatural white. His sight faded from him, his nails grew into claws, and for the briefest moment, black scales crawled up the sides of his face before fading… just in time for the embedded crystals to release all of their stored aether into a burst of starlight - constellations drawn within the room as if it were the night sky. When the magic and lights faded, Maximiloix fell over, unconscious and barely with breath. “What the hells…” “Max!” Crystal rushed to his side, and without hesitation, attempted to replenish the dangerously extinguished aether with some of her own - to at least keep him alive.
“Damn lightshow, almost kills himself, and the spell didn’t even swivin’ work.” Corvus disregarded Maximiloix to approach Caromont’s body with those same flames, only to pause when he realized that his eyes were opening. He jumped back, startled. “Oh, shite!” Caromont stretched his arms above his head and his legs out, like a cat waking up from a nap - then yawned like one too. “Ugh… feels like I slept for years. Mm?” He sat up slowly, taking in his surroundings. “Oh, my… what did I miss? You all look… well, you look like you could be better! Where am I?” He laughed as if everything were a joke to him. Maximiloix barely gained his consciousness when he heard his husband’s voice again, he tried to sit up, grunting in pain as he blindly pat his hand around on the floor.. “Caro?” “Is that my name?”
Those words… they hurt deeper than anything he could have felt before. He could only gasp out his response between the stabbing in his chest, how his heart was both still and beating in his throat. “Y- Yes, it is… Caromont.” “Caromont… what a wonderful name. What about you?” Maximiloix shook his head, laying himself back down on the floor to pass out properly. “Oh, dear. He doesn’t look that good, what happened?” “I’ll get him to bed, don’t worry. He, ah… he rai--” “He used up too much energy trying to heal you after that nasty fall down the stairs. I guess it knocked the memories right out of ya’.” Corvus shot a glance at Crystal, as if telling her that it probably wasn’t a good idea to mention that the man was just raised from the dead of all things. “Oh? Hm… well! He must’ve done a good job, because I don’t feel a thing!” He laughed again.
“Aside from being absolutely famished, of course.”
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years ago
Junelezen Day 21: Summer
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[ My most ambitious screenshot! A big thanks to @donpom-loredex​, @ever-searching​ and @mathemagiks​ for the help! 😃
This is Lothaire’s entire immediate family! (or rather, all in the immediate home lol). ofc we got Lothaire and his husband, Misha on the right. And Maximiloix and Caromont on the left (Maximiloix refuses to take off his robes, and also does not want to be at the beach - Caromont is trying to get him to lighten up... it’s not working). The two boys at the front are the twins (left to right), Maelloux and Naois. The two girls running are (left to right) Camilla and Viera. And in the very back are (left to right) Iris and Noirvois - they aren’t twins, but they were born so close together that they might as well have been (Iris is older by a few months). ]
[ A blooper under the cut lmao ]
[ So I learned... that miqo children have different bone structures than other children. This is what happened when I tried to move the leg:
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 so... the angle is awful because I didn’t want anyone to see how fucked up Viera’s arm was 😂 ]
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years ago
instead of doing ANYTHING productive... i have instead made meme
please enjoy them. they’re awful and also kind of ic at the same time.
just gonna put these under a cut to contain the mess that is my life/attention span
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years ago
Northern Lights
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 30: Abstracted ]
[ Content Warnings: None that I can think of! ]
[ Last one done! I would’ve done more but I am losing feeling in my hands for some reason so typing is very hard atm “orz ]
Without fail, he was always caught staring.
When Maximiloix had reopened his school after the week-long absence, he did his best to teach with his head above the water. His mind, however, always shut itself down if he remained idle too long. He’d stare at the wall and let the nightmares play in real time, waiting for either his eyes to burn out or for his head to hit the desk - or for his students to snap him back to reality.
He kept his thoughts in check by doing selfless deeds - for selfish reasons. With each new delivery of supplies to the Brume, he’d count another day of freedom from his mind. Gather more wood; gather more clothes; food, make repairs, learn to weave; back to teaching again - he’d teach two, maybe three, classes at once. After that, he’d continue his research, walk the world for a bit, and avoid the thing that always brought him the most dread - sleep.
It was so painful… so *utterly* painful. He watched as his once dead husband lived life as he should have - free and happy. He shouldn’t have felt this much pain, really, there was no sense to it - why did it hurt so much for Caromont to not remember? If his spell was to end in his own death, why would it matter? It didn’t end in his death, however. That was the pain. He was alive to see and witness just how alone he had made himself. He watched Caromont happily chat away with their grandsons, helping Misha in the kitchen as he usually did when they visited. His laugh was a song he wished others could hear, his violet eyes were so bright whenever he did - while he could not see him now, as he once did, he could watch the waves of aether dance with their owner. They were just as beautiful as the body; bright and bold; gentle, too. He saw the waves turn towards him. He didn’t have to see his face to know that he was being smiled at.
He was caught staring.
They were alone, for once. Standing beside the fireplace - he wasn’t even certain why they were here, specifically. All he knew was that Caromont was staring at him… just as he would for him. There was a part of his husband that many didn’t get to see, the one he was looking at right now. The excitement, bouncing and full of energy, turning to a contemplative elegant look. Even the waves of his aether were now just lulls of tides against a shore, no longer crashing about, but seemed to move with the intention of hypnotising him. It was working. He didn’t even dare to move when he saw Caromont’s hand raise towards his face - he simply froze still, stiff, when his palm laid against his cheek; his thumb gently caressed under his eye. He wanted to speak, to move away, to ask what he thought he was doing… but it was rare that he *ever* got a moment like this with him. Something quiet and safe. “I like seeing you look at me like this.” “What… do you mean?” “Don’t think I don’t notice when you drift away from the star for a little bit! Always so lost in your thoughts, and always staring at me.” Maximiloix pursed his lips, turning his eyes away to avoid seeing how he was being watched. “...I like it. When I turn my head and you’re right there. It feels nice to have all of your attention like that.” “Mm.” He let a huff out from his nose, trying to hide his embarrassment to no avail. When he turned his eyes back, he only found Caromont staring at him still - where he usually would have floundered and try to back away; he only found himself captivated again. For a moment, he lost himself again; not to his thoughts, but to the brilliant colors in front of him.
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years ago
Winter Sound
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 24: Illustrious ]
[ Content Warnings: None! ]
[  [ Maximiloix learning magic, something something title lol - Earth - Water - Fire - Lightning - Wind - Ice ]
They had camped out in the snow, huddled together in their small tent for warmth; all in the comfortable glow of each others’ company. Neither of them were early risers, and so they stayed curled up until the day had reached its warmest part. Or, as warm as winter could get. Then it was shaking out the shivering cold as they packed up their belongings to continue on their journey. Caromont had led them back through a passage to the Western Highlands, to avoid getting comfortable with the city before finishing Maximiloix’s training - though trudging through the deep snow to the northernmost part of the highlands proved difficult, even hazardous. Maximiloix was fairly used to it, and he gave what lessons of his own he could give to survive the harsh climate; this was typical of the winters of Coerthas, and nothing he hadn’t faced with less before. Of course, it was the trek into the Slate Mountains that gave them the most hardships - having barely been prepared for a journey up the steep slopes and rocky climbs (Caromont faced incessant nagging for that one).
It took them another two days to make it to their next destination, but once they were there, it was a sight to see. The skies were clear and free of clouds, offering a pristine view of the snow-draped fields of Coerthas; the sun glittering off of the ice in a rainbow of colors. All they had to do was turn their heads upwards to see the islands of the Sea of Clouds and the wondrous beauty of unknown flora growing upon the emerald grass. “Gods, ain’t this somethin’ else…” “I do not think I could have asked for a better vista than this, it is beautiful up here… if it were not so *swiving* cold, it would be perfect.” Maximiloix snorted - the temperature still bothered him little, though he was beginning to believe it was more than just growing acclimated to it - Caromont rarely cursed, being composed most of the time, though that was how he knew it was *truly* cold out.
“C’mere.” Maximiloix sat himself down on a sturdy rock, then reached his arms out for him; to which Caromont took without hesitation, curled up in a blanket and tucking himself against his husband for more warmth. “Tell me ‘bout th’ice while y’warm up.” “Ice is an Umbral aspected element, making it the closest to the dark element you can get… they tie hand in hand. Though… I have noticed that it ties closely to the light as well, and I believe it is the best balance between the two.” He lifted a finger. “I suppose I should start with… everyone has an innate affinity for certain elements, one more than others. It bolsters the potency of the spells of that element, as well as making it far easier to use with less. You would not think it, but my body has a natural affinity for the wind element - thus, if I *had* to cast a spell without a catalyst, I would attempt keeping my spells to wind-aspected. My body would be able to handle the strain easier and keep me from using too much aether at once, I would drain less for more.” “Mm… what’s that s’posed t’mean fer learnin’?” “Well… you have an affinity for ice.” “Do I?” “Let us start with the fact that you are hardly bothered nor inconvenienced by the cold temperatures - now, most with an affinity for ice would feel it still, but find it bearable. Maybe not *this* much, however. Which brings me to the next point: what you are.”
“...” Maximiloix let a huff out from his nose, pursing his lips and furrowing his brows - he was never a fan of the topic. The fact that it was being brought up so casually made him uncomfortable, to say the least. “A shield from the cold and ice in the form of scales - the fact that you are susceptible to the heat and fire solidifies that you are not Dravanian of origin, as dragon scales are resistant to them.” “Thanks, I guess.” He rolled his eyes. “If ice is a balance between light and dark, it would only make sense that you have an affinity for it. The dark of your scales, and the light of your blessing.” “So instead o’ bein’ heretic, M’full on blasphemous, is what yer sayin’?” Caromont laughed. “I suppose so! That does not mean anything bad, I assure you. Simply that you are different in your own way - it is not what the being is, but how they are; and you are far from a bad person.” “Y’never know!” “Maxie, we have been together for seven years now, and married for one! I think I would know, hm? *Especially* me.” Maximiloix rolled his eyes again, then huffed out a small laugh. “Fine, fine. Guess I gotta believe ya’. So… there’s more t’th’lesson, yeah?”
“Oh! Yes, there is. Ice is used in thaumaturgy to lean the caster’s aether towards an Umbral aspect, allowing them to recover while they are in a passive state - when charged towards an Astral aspect, it can cause just as much destruction as fire can. It shouldn’t be underestimated simply because it is typically used for the recovery of energy.” He pulled himself away from the warmth of his husband’s body, standing up to stretch out, then meandered over to the near completed lance to finish the job with one last crystal. “So. Let us practice.” Maximiloix nodded firmly, doing just the same - he stretched as he stood, then found himself at Caromont’s side to take the lance from him. He smoothed his hand over each one, now imbued with a myriad of colors and emotions, tiny memories stored within his weapon. He smiled at the thought of them. “This time, I *will* let you use your all.” “Heh?” “I wish if I was correct in your affinity, if it truly is as strong as I believe it to be.” “Then I certainly ain’t usin’ it on ya’ this time!” “Oh, hells no. I am not that ignorant nor foolhardy, you will make a target of that rock there, some distance away. Now, stance yourself as if you were to use a fire or lightning spell.” He did as he was told, positioning himself to draw the aether from the crystal itself - then focused from there. What was it that he was supposed to focus on? Destruction was the only thing that came to mind, since his spell was aimed for a target rather than his husband. He focused on that point as if it *were* a person, how the skin would feel, how the ice would cut and burn and blind.
He could feel the chill running through him, it froze his blood in its tracks, choked his breath as it found its way into his lance - as deadly as it should have been, it felt *free*. It felt so free and wild, tamable by only his hands; power was but an understatement. This feeling had nothing on power and force, it was so much *more*. He could feel the cold wind whip his hair about, give frost to the edges of his skin, crawling over the scales that formed on his face. Then there was the pulse, the fabric of his being drawn out by the thread; how the cold made a home in the dark, the air about him thickened with it, stifling the light of the sun. His foot shifted slightly back, bracing himself for the magic that he was about to expel. With a push of his lance, and a hand gripping towards the dark sky above, was that spell released - crushing and shattering the rock in just a blink. Once the ice and darkness had shrunk in on itself, did it implode instead - where there was once the suffocating dark, it was now a brilliant and violent light that blinded them. The force of such a spell - even if it was a distance away - pushed him back, sliding across the slickened pile of snow until he lost his footing completely. He let out a yelp as he found himself tumbling down the rocky slope with his only reflex to cast another spell about him - one that focused on his protection. Ice shattered too easily, and so he was left with the cushion of the perfect mingle between light and dark; it covered him, cradled him, kept him safe until he came to a stop a few yalms down from where he was originally.
“Ughh… ow…” “Maxie!” He could hear Caromont call for him, but his head was still spinning not only from the fall, but the excess of aether he had spent on one spell. He blinked as he tried to look up. “Caro?” “Oh, thank the gods, you are alright; hold on, I will be down in a moment!” Caromont clamored down the mountain side as quickly as he could without slipping up himself, jumping over and across jagged rocks until he reached the bed of snow Maximiloix had flopped down into. The sun was shining again, it reflected oil-stained rainbows off of his scales, and he stared at the sky as if *it* would be his salvation. “Gods! I was glad I had time to prepare, ‘else you would have flung me off the mountain with you! Are you okay?” Caromont knelt down beside him, checking over him for any injuries, and thankful to find none. “Maybe I should be careful of what I ask of you next time, hm?” Laughter bubbled out of Maximiloix’s throat, that same child-like glee as he had when he cast his first spell. “Did ya’ see that! Holy shite! I’d do it ‘gain if I could move!” He continued to laugh, but his body truly would not move no matter how hard he tried. “Love, I don’t think that’s a good idea, regardless of whether or not you could move.” Caromont laughed as well, plopping himself down beside his husband. “That *was* impressive, however. But maybe we should keep the impressiveness to a minimum from now on - I made the mistake of underestimating your all.”
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years ago
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 17 - Destruct ]
[ Content Warnings: purposeful destruction of someone else’s structure / of cultural or protective structure ]
[ Maximiloix learning magic, something something title lol - Earth - Water - Fire - Lightning - Wind - Ice ]
After their run-in with the Sahagin, both Maximiloix and Caromont decided that it was best to take a rest in Limsa’s inn for a few days. Those few days were spent on the expensive, frivolous, purchase of - to the major insistence of Caromont - getting tattoos for Maximiloix. He had said that the design should make it easier for him to cast magic safely; which covered him from the chest down in odd shapes and patterns he had only seen occasionally in their travels. Sore was an understatement, having to come back every day to get it finished, having to wait for the red and swollen skin to rest before continuing on with even more. It felt like it had already been a moon, and he wasn’t all that certain how in the hells they could afford this, which he had thought pointless.
When their travels finally took them back to Thanalan, Caromont took the lead again, following the signs and path towards the southern portion of the area; that was when he realized the boon of having such designs etched on his skin - the heat irritated the still healing flesh, but every now and then, he’d mess around with a spell that seemed to cool down the blood rushing in his body. He always hated the heat, anyways. He sat down on a rock for a break when they about made it across the gap which separated the dust from the sand. “Why couldn’t we have gotten th’damned things done *after* all of this?” “Because then I would be spending thousands on new weapons for you. I tried to get your lance repaired, but this was the best they could do. Thankfully, they carved the slots for crystals for me, so hopefully no cracks on that front. So… I can spend thousands on something once, or I could do that several times.” Maximiloix let out a heavy sigh. “I sure hope it does help, ‘cause I’m boiling under all this mess.” He had donned longer sleeved shirts and more protection from the sun, at the cost of hotter temperatures. “How far away?” “Not far, you will start to feel it soon.”
And soon it was; it was only a few yalms before the heat filled his lungs - the thick aether surrounding the area, the only difference, however, was that he could feel that fire dispersing under the shapes of those tattoos. It was a different kind of heat - while still annoying - it was more of a warmth that had spread across his body. Before he could ask, Caromont answered. “It will help you control the aether around you better, so that you do not pull the same stunt you did in La Noscea. I will not have you dying on me so soon after marrying!” He laughed. “Huh. Well, rest ‘ssured, I ain’t goin’ anywhere anytime soon.” It was a bit easier this time, while the Amaal’jaa occupied the area, the space they needed to practice spells was fairly empty and devoid of the beastmen. Maximiloix found another place to sit and rest as he tried to cool himself off. Caromont began his lesson then. “Fire is an Umbral aspected element, usually used for harm - to cause as much destruction as possible as quickly as possible. When using magic to defend yourself, you may find yourself using mostly fire magicks. This time, we are keeping the magic *small*, Maxie. No pushing yourself. You are still recovering.” “Alright, alright… so what am I castin’?” “I want you to aim with the intent to burn that cactus over there.” “Sounds easy ‘nough.” Maximiloix took back his lance after Caromont had finished putting the fire aspected crystal into the slot created for it. The wood around the edges started to blacken from the heat, but did no more than scorching the abused weapon. He wasn’t entirely certain how to stance himself, it felt as if the element refused to show itself unless he was physically prepared for it - in which, he wasn’t. It was too damned hot.
“Like this.” Caromont came over to adjust where his arms and legs should be placed, gave him a small kiss, then backed away again. “When casting from a thaumaturgy spell, it is best to draw directly from the crystal itself. Positioning yourself like this will make that far easier.” Maximiloix nodded - yeah, that felt right. He closed his eyes and held his free hand out over the small crystal, pulling out the burning fire from his veins and ink into his palm - which he thrust out in front of him when he felt his hand singeing under it. The cactus stood no chance against even his smallest fireball - in fact, it exploded before it caught flame, having boiled the water within the plant until the pressure could not be held. Thankfully, Caromont had seen the outcome before it happened, casting a shield to protect them both from the needles which rained down on them. “Perfect! Now… do that *without* trying to take out an eye.” “Hey! It ain’t like I was tryin’ t’do it on purpose!” He huffed in response, turning his head to look around more - and the grin that grew on his face didn’t make Caromont comfortable in the slightest. “Maxie… what are you doing.” “Tryin’ somethin’ out.” “Do not even dare!” “It won’t be bad, promise.” “You are going to be the death of both of us if you get any closer to that camp.” “I ain’t gettin’ *that* close.” “And do not break anything!” “Can’t promise that.” “Oh, gods.”
Maximiloix held that same stance as he had before, having near perfected after once - including the spell he was about to cast. It was as Caromont expected, his husband was going big or dying trying. He drew as much aether as he could from his lance, feeling the heat escape his skin, leaving him cold - even underneath the layers of thick leathers. It had gathered so much into his hand, that even his wrist burned under the fires of the spell. His foot shifted backwards to steady himself when he pushed both the aether from his hand *and* weapon at the same time… with the much anticipated expectation of the Amaal’jaa watchtower some distance away suddenly finding itself in flames. After another shift in his position, he had pushed out a consecutive spell, causing the base to burst, wood and bones splintering as the creators of it scrambled to get away from the collapsing structure. Maximiloix only started laughing at the destruction. “Did y’see that!” “Unfortunately. And now they have seen us, you idiot.” “Ah… shite.” “How many times are we going to have to run because of you?” “All of the times?” Caromont let out a heavy sigh, now forcing his husband along for the run, no matter how exhausted - that was his punishment for now, at least until they got to a safe area where he could be scolded properly without the risk of them being cut down.
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years ago
My Body
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 15: Thunderous ]
[ Content Warnings: None that I can think of! ]
[ Maximiloix learning magic, something something title lol - Earth - Water - Fire - Lightning - Wind - Ice ]
They were on their way back towards Ishgard, after finally getting properly married, after finally getting done traveling. Maximiloix would have preferred another traditional Ishgardian wedding, but he had his memories of the first - and the wanderer’s and adventurer’s marriage seemed to fit best for them.That’s what they were, after all. Caromont had them stop before continuing on to Coerthas, having remembered something. “Actually, Maxie… why do we not go back?” “Go… back? Aren’t we doin’ that right now?” Caromont laughed. “I meant to La Noscea - it will take us a little while longer to get back to Ishgard, but that is fine by me. I wished to arrive during the winter moons, anyhow.” “Really? Erm. If y’say so. Yeah, let’s start headin’ back.” Maximiloix laughed as well. After so long of walking at his age, one would think his feet and legs would scream for a break, but he only seemed all too happy to be dragged about all over the world. “So what’s got yer mind that y’wanna go all the way back?” “I want to teach you how to use magic.” “Oh, okay-- wait, what? Teach me t’use magic?” “Mhm, I think it is about time! You cannot hold a weapon for too long, and this will give you the upperhand you need in a fight. I have a feeling you might need it in the future.” There was always something about the way Caromont smiled - despite the stiff way of speaking - he had this mischievous cat-like grin, which always meant he already knew that he’d be needing it in the future. “...When’d y’find time fer this readin’!” Caromont laughed. “When you were asleep.”
They had made it back to La Noscea, a trip that took far too long to complete, and found their way near and into kobold territory. Maximiloix was afraid they’d get attacked, knowing that the kobolds didn’t take kindly to anyone not of their kin walking on their land; yet Caromont stopped to negotiate some terms with them, traded over a few objects, and somehow won their hearts in a bell’s time. And off they were further in, until Maximiloix could feel the aether getting thicker, and that was where Caromont stopped. “Now! Lesson one!” He smiled brightly. “Feel the air around you?” “Hard not ta, I’ll admit.” “That is a high level of concentrated aether from crystals in the area - this area leans towards the earth aspect, so that’s where we are starting. Earth is an astral element, typically used by conjurers and budding mages… which is why I thought it would be a perfect start for you. Oh, but you do not have a catalyst yet…”
He thought for a moment, then nodded, digging a small crystal from his bag - with the same orange and yellow tint as the air and rocks around them. “Hand me your lance, real quick. We will make a focus for you out of this.” Maximiloix tilted his head as he turned his weapon over to his husband, watching the man try and carve out some of the wood to beat the crystal into. Was that really all there was to it? Before he could ask that question, it was answered as Caromont drew his hand over the embedded crystal, slightly repairing the wood around the crystal until it was taut in its place. “There, that should work. Here, what you are going to do… is focus all your energy into your weapon. Never try to practice magic without a catalyst! You could seriously hurt not only yourself, but the world around you.” “Mkay…” He held tight to his lance, closing his eyes to attempt focusing - but he wasn’t sure on what. “So, uh… what next.”
“Channel all of the energy you can, imagine your blood and breath are entering that weapon… make it an extension of your body; and then focus… is your intent to heal or to harm? Earth magicks are typically used for combat, so I want you to focus on an intent to harm that wall there. When you are ready to cast, push that energy from your weapon out. Expel it, you do not need that energy anymore.” While Maximiloix was easily distracted - he found Caromont’s lessons to be easy to follow, though he supposed that was why he made such a great teacher. He inhaled sharply, letting out a soft sigh as he breathed life into his lance; feeling the aether in his veins connect with his weapon - with that crystal, specifically. When he felt it full of lifeblood, he expelled it - he pushed his lance forward, along with one of his hands, watching as a large stone manifested itself into the air and flung itself into the wall, causing it to crack some.
“Oh, that was just perfect, Maxie!” There was something about doing that… it all felt so natural. Casting a spell was easier than he thought it would be. Was that it? He repeated the same motions, shoving another rock towards an unsuspecting tree, almost felling it with the strength behind it. “...Can y’turn it inta something else?” “Hm?” “Like… use another spell, conjure up somethin’ different.” “If you focus on it, yes. In fact, every aspect has the potential to both harm and heal, it simply takes a lot more practice to perfect larger spells - and ones in which an aspect is not typically attuned to. Such as using Earth to heal.” “Mm. I wanna try something.” “Ah… Maxie, I must warn, do not push yourself so soon into learning…”
“I’ll be fiiiine.” He waved a hand dismissively at him, then started focusing on another spell - one that glowed beneath his feet. He could feel his hair stand on edge with the energy he was pouring into that extension of him; he could hear the splintering of the wood around that crystal as it packed in more aether than it could handle. The hand which did not hold tight to his hand was turned upright, palm to the sky and held out from his body. He pushed his limits, pushed his weapon’s limits, and when he felt the thing brimming with power, he expelled it by slamming the butt of the spear into the ground. The earth beneath their feet, spreading from a small circle in which Maximiloix stood, crumbled and cracked - then in one resounding BOOM did the earth split deep until steam and heat escaped through the fissures.
“Good gods, Maxie!” Caromont exclaimed as he tried to jump back from the spell, near missing his robes getting caught in the aftermath. “What in the absolute hells!” He didn’t think him near ready enough to cast a spell of that caliber on his third time using magic, but he watched in some form of awe as his husband jumped about laughing. “This is what y’do? It feels so exhilaratin’! Why in th’hells did I not think t’pick this up before!” Maximiloix laughed again. “Did y’hear how loud that was! N’th’earth just split up like an earthquake!” “Well… that is the intent of a Quake spell, but…” Caromont shook his head. That was far more powerful than a normal Quake spell, but he didn’t feel like it needed to be brought up just yet. “Nevermind… we should. Ah. Get out of here before the kobolds show - I did not think that you would cause so much damage on your first try!”
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years ago
Day 22: Deity
[ So. A very long time ago, both @ever-searching​​ and @mathemagiks​​ did an “OC Primal” challenge/meme - that I, for so very long, wished to do but had zero motivation to do. (You can find them both here and here, respectively! I suggest reading, they’re very great!)
So... I decided to do that for the prompt! ]
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Primal Name: Myrrdyn
Trial Name: The False Heavens (Location: Unknown; Weather: Starry Night)
Quest Overview: In an attempt to save Maximiloix and your lives from the hands of fate, Caromont has called upon the powers of Myrddyn, a god of magic and prophecy. While successful, your mediator friend has found himself consumed by the primal and unable to break free. Stop him, before the very heavens crash upon the world beneath your stage of stars.
Battle Music:
Phase 1 - Night and Day - Amadeus Indetzki Interlude - True Love’s Last Kiss - (Eternal Eclipse) Thomas-Adam Habuda Phase 2 - Full Orbit Soundtrack - Sky: Children of the Light
The music softens through the phases. Phase 1 and Interlude’s tracks will repeat; once Phase 2′s track ends, the rest of the battle will be played out in silence.
Appearance: As Caromont draws massive amounts of aether into his body, his eyes and hair fade to white - the once kind eyes have now turned dead and indifferent. A veil of stars and constellations adorn him much like a crown, his nails painted of swirling universes. The planets surround him, command of them at his fingertips; a halo of moons and a celestial gown. Both dazzling and dark, the hands of time and fate are weaved by his hands.
Start of Battle Quote: “The future is mine, and mine alone. Only I can give fate what it desires.”
Battle Overview: The battle against Myrddyn is split into two phases and an interlude, and flips the entire system of mechanics on its head - creating a whole new level of difficult.
[ The rest will be under the cut, due to length. ]
Phase 1
In Phase 1, Myrrdyn introduces the party to the basics of his battle; his first move being a tank-buster - [Starlight] - which targets the main tank with five stacks of the [Tragic Fate] debuff.
This debuff will reduce magical defense significantly, and wears away one stack at a time over the course of ten seconds. The lower the stack count, the more damage that will be received - and tanks must switch before the next [Starlight] attack. [Starlight] will be cast again after the ability [Myriad of Stars], an unavoidable party-wide attack, has been cast. During this first phase, Myrrdyn’s abilities will switch between [Laws of the Moon], and [Laws of the Sun]. 
[Laws of the Moon] targets both Healers with “stack” markers - players must act unpredictably and not stack with the two healers, and instead have the healers spread as far from the party as they can get. [Laws of the Moon] acts like a “spread” mechanic, but will instantly KO everyone inside of the stack markers should there be more than one inside of them.
[Laws of the Sun] targets two DPS with “spread” markers, and again, players must act unpredictably and instead act as if these markers are two “stack” markers instead. [Laws of the Sun] acts much like the ability “Akh Morn” and players must stay stacked until the ability ends after four strikes. There must be four players total in each marker, any more or any less will KO everyone in those markers.
Laws of the Moon Speech Notification: “I am your moon and stars.” Laws of the Sun Speech Notification: “You are my sun and sky.” Phase 1 Party Wipe Quote: “The future is mine, and mine alone.”
Myrddyn: “What... power is this?” Maximiloix: “Wait! Do not hurt him!”
The interlude, the party has worn down Myrddyn enough to drop Caromont’s body, making him vulnerable to attacks. Before they have a chance, Maximiloix steps in to shield him from damage. The interlude is both a DPS and Healing check - the DPS must focus on breaking Maximiloix’s shield before the “Burst” gauge reaches zero. During this, [Myriad of Stars] breaks through the shield every two seconds to cause its group-wide damage.
Once the shield is broken, Myrddyn breaks free again - swallowing the stage with darkness, now lit only by stars. The barriers of the stage are broken, and it is now possible to fall off the edges.
Interlude Party Wipe Quote: “You believe you could challenge fate?”
Phase 2
Myrddyn: “Do not resist the fates I have assigned you, for I can read your every move.”
All abilities afterwards are played out in random, unless otherwise specified; making it difficult to tell what he might cast next. 
Phase 2 taps into Myrddyn’s prophecy abilities further - and the party must act recklessly.
He starts the phase off with [Myrddyn’s Enclosure] and targets one tank and one healer - which encases both in an attackable cocoon of night-sky; each casting [Weight of the Heavens]. If the cocoons break before the cast timer is up, the player inside will be instantly KO’d. Otherwise, the players only receive 25% of their current health in damage. Players can be healed through the cocoons by other players, but cannot do any actions of their own.
Then comes another [Starlight] tank buster, following after is [Gift of Prophecy] which applies a buff to Myrddyn, which then switches the effects of the [Tragic Fate] debuff, as well as [Laws of the Moon], and [Laws of the Sun], while it is active. [Tragic Fate] now deals more damage the higher the stacks, [Laws of the Moon] now becomes a proper “stack” mechanic, and [Laws of the Sun] now becomes a proper “spread” mechanic. Players must watch to see if this buff is applied or not before acting. After [Gift of Prophecy] is casted, he will cast another [Starlight].
At 75%, he will add [Orbit] to his attack list. This is a knockback spell, simple. Though if a player remains on the field two seconds after [Orbit] has cast, they will be KO’d instantly by the actual spell itself - players must jump off of the ledges to dodge the spell before it hits (but only after the knockback, however, they may be knocked off the edge by it safely). 
Orbit Speech Notification: “I will turn your skies upside-down.”
At 50%, he will add [Turn of the Earth] to his attack list. This spell targets two random players with beacons of light, giving them the “Night” or “Day” debuff - all other players receive either a “Dawn” or “Dusk” debuff. One “Dawn” player must stack with the “Night” player, and one “Dusk” player must stack with the “Day” player. All other players must spread out to avoid doubling up damages. If no one is stacked on either the “Night” or “Day” players, they will be KO’d instantly. If the wrong players stack with the “Night” or “Day” players (i.e. a “Dawn” player stacks with “Day”, or a “Dusk” player stacks with “Night”), all players involved will have 40% of their total HP done in damage. Myrrdyn will only use [Turn of the Earth] twice per battle, and will stop using it before then if his HP reaches 40%. 
At 25%, he will use [Celestial Call] to bring down four “Heaven’s Pillar”s. Each pillar will start casting [Fates Weaving], an ability that will heal Myrddyn 5% of his total HP with each cast. Destroying these pillars will cause them to burst, dealing massive group-wide damage; each must be defeated sparingly - either taking down the boss with heavy DPS, or planning on taking them out slowly while healing in between.
At 10%, Myrrdyn will turn desperate and add [Wild Fates] to his attack pool. [Wild Fates] will not only bring the Limit Break bar down to zero, but start dealing heavy continuous damage to the main and/or off tanks. This damage can only be reduced if the tanks turn off their stances and allow a DPS or Healer to take aggro in their stead.
If Myrddyn enrages, he will continuously cast [Myriad of Stars] in one second increments, as well as be buffed with [Prophetic Dreams]; a buff that increases magical damage done, and reduces damage taken significantly.
Enrage Speech Notification: “It is useless, useless, useless! I will NOT allow you to change MY fate! I control it, only I!” Phase Two Party Wipe: “It was useless to attempt changing your fate... but at least... you tried your best.”
Upon Defeat: “How...? I... I can... see everything... can I not?”
With the primal expelled from him, Caromont falls unconsious - his appearance returning to normal. Anyone can change their fate, and you did today.
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years ago
Day 15: Love
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[ you all were expecting just one weren’t you? yeah? well, suck it! I did all of ‘em! left to right: Lothaire & Misha, Raymond & Hope, Solaire & Ashe, Orpheux & Sabeloux & Mylia, Quinn & Torillian, Valere & Family, Berenger & Luciel, Maximiloix & Caromont.
Under the cut will be fuller and easier to see pictures of each one. (technically the one of Quinn & Torillian shouldn’t count, because Quinn is like... quarter Elezen, and Torillian is my spouse’s character 😂) This is what I could think of when I saw the prompt “Love” - I was trying to figure out which one to do, but... I couldn’t think of the best one... so I did all of them. All of their dynamics are amazing. ]
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“We should’ve had our wedding at dawn, it’s beautiful here.” “If we were morning people back then, then maybe.”
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“Ray, I don’t think adopting all the kids at the orphanage is a good idea.” “But- c’mon! They need homes too!” “We should probably get our own home situated first...”
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“The view here really never gets old.” “I think this is one of my favorite spots, too.”
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“(Back off.)” “(She’s my wife, you twat.)” “Are you two alright back there?”
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“Welcome home.” “Quinn, I haven’t been gone that long.”
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“Watch out, she’s coming for you~” “I wanna play with dad!” “It’s my turn!” “...you’re both going to get hurt doing that.”
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“So that one’s...” “The Balance, I haven’t... gotten that far, myself.” “Well, you will one day- and it’s beautiful.”
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“Caro, I do not think this is the best place for this.” “Nonsense. Any place with you is perfect for me.”
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years ago
Junelezen Day 5: Fancy Clothes
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I wouldn't try to throw myself away If you asked me, I'd say To be careful my love At death we'll leave the same If you want me to stay Don't keep me waiting for it
They say it fades if you let it Love was made to forget it I carved your name across my eyelids You pray for rain, I pray for blindness
I see us dancing by ourselves We do it better with No one around, yeah Just you in my imagination, yeah In my imagination, oh, oh
If you still want me, please forgive me The crown of love has fallen from me If you still want me, please forgive me Because your hands are not upon me
I can do so many things So many things, so many things You know if you just use your imagination, oh, oh Just use your imagination, oh, oh I really love you
The pains of love, and they keep blowin' In my heart, there's flowers growin' On the grave of our old love Since you gave me a straight answer
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years ago
The One Moment
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 25: Silver Lining ]
[ Content Warnings: mentions of loss of livelihood due to revenge ]
“It may not look it, but there *is* a bright side to this, Maxie.” “Bright side?! That damned witch almost killed thirty people! Some children! Not t’mention burning down our entire *livelihood*! Gods, what kind o’bright side’re y’even lookin’ at! Hells…” Maximiloix ran his fingers up through his hair as his back hit the nearest wall to keep himself steady, closing his eyes as he tried to calm himself down. Despite the energy dying down, and the excitement wearing off, his voice dripped with a violent anger. “Can’t wait t’show up at *her* doorstep n’burnin’ th’place down.” “Maxie, please… aggressive revenge isn’t the answer to this - *passive* aggressive revenge is.” Caromont laughed, “the bright side to it, also gives us that satisfaction. We get to rebuild it, a new school - maybe with a little helping hands from our students. Create a space that they can study and learn better in. And. Then she can see that she cannot break our spirits by destroying everything we enjoy, that we still thrive regardless - and will continue to thrive, even if she tries again.”
“...I s’pose if anyone could be positive ‘bout this, it’s ya’.” Maximiloix let out a soft sigh, turning his head to head count his students, who were all conversing with each other about what happened; the younger children huddled together on the ground, trying to comprehend the severity of it. This would stay in their heads forever, he knew it, and he had a feeling it would come back to bite them in the form of lack of attendance. He couldn’t blame them if they didn’t show up again, worried that they might be the next victims again. “...I jus’ can’t believe Cassandra would go that far t’get back at me; I wish she kept her beef with me *towards* me, not t’bring everyone ‘round me down. Coulda jus’ hired a damned assassin ‘r somethin’ t’jus’ off me.” “Remember Maxie, bright side.” “Right, right… I guess… rebuildin’ wouldn’t be a bad idea… won’t gotta worry ‘bout that leak. ‘R th’draft durin’ winter.” “Rickety door, broken window, shoddy desks -” he laughed “- we tried our best, first time, but we have grown since then - so. Let me talk to everyone.”
Caromont turned to the students, letting the concern show on his face as he saw what Maximiloix did. Worried adults, traumatized children - asking them to help felt so wrong, but they were going to need it if they wanted to continue teaching. He took a breath to prepare himself for rejection, and approached them. “Hey…” Their attention was on him immediately, no matter how soft-spoken he had become in the moment. “I am so glad all of you are safe, with no injuries too. I cannot blame you, if you do not wish to return for fear of your safety. It feels terrible of me to ask this of you, but we still intend to rebuild the school and continue our lessons… but we will need all of the help we can get. And… perhaps build a better school, one that is more sturdy… and less falling apart - and a safe space for all of you.”
He was met with silence as they all thought about it, neither of their teachers would purposely put them in harm's way - and even took to almost sacrificing themselves for their safety. One of the children spoke first, surprisingly. “M’Da’s a carpenter… can he help too?” Caromont stared at the child for a moment, then gave them the brightest smile. “Of course! All of the help we can get will be much appreciated - and perhaps all of our experts can teach us some valuable skills too.” “My Mam can cook!” “I can sew, if need be.” “I’ve at least got strength going for me, I can haul lumber or stone.” “My family can help with the logging!”
So many of them volunteered after that - to help, to make certain that they could hold onto their futures with a tight grip; and with the promise that it will be a space for all of them as well, a personal flair to it to make it more like home. It was definitely a lot more than they could have hoped for.
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