#prompt 24
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kybercrystals94 · 10 months ago
Sounds Like Him
Read on Ao3 here!
Angstpril 2024 | Day 24 | Prompt 24: Ghost of You
Rated: G | Words: 435 | Summary: Wrecker and Crosshair talk about their lost brother. | Character Focus: Wrecker, Crosshair 
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Wrecker groggily wakes to the sound of sure fingers typing. “Go to sleep, Tech,” he grumbles, turning over in the pull down bunk to face the wall. 
The typing stops abruptly. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.” Crosshair’s voice. Not Tech’s. Never Tech’s. 
Tech is dead. 
Wrecker rolls to his back, stares at the bunk above him. “Sorry,” he says. 
Crosshair makes a scoffing noise. “What for? I woke you up.”
“I thought you were Tech for a second,” Wrecker says. “It just sounded…like he was here. The way you were typing. Haven’t heard typing like that since before.”
Crosshair is quiet for a few moments, and Wrecker isn’t sure he’s going to answer, and then, “Hunter types like a newborn blurrg’s first steps.” 
Wrecker barks out a surprised laugh, turning his head to look at his brother. Crosshair smirks back at him. 
“I missed you, Cross,” Wrecker says. “A whole lot.” He isn’t sure why he’s suddenly feeling sentimental, but the words need to be said. 
He misses Tech. Every day. 
But he also missed Crosshair. 
Every day.  
Crosshair blinks at him, smile dropping. He glances away. “I missed you too.” 
Wrecker sits up, ducking his head so he doesn’t hit it on the upper bunk. He leans forward, propping his elbows on his knees. “Did Omega ever tell you about Tech winning a pod race?”
A half shrug and a nod. “A little. No details, but I got the gist of it.” 
“You should’ve seen him,” Wrecker says, becoming animated. “He was the craziest racer there.” 
Crosshair chuckles. “You sound surprised.” 
“Nah,” Wrecker says. “Just proud of him.” 
His little brother hums. “I would’ve liked to see that,” Crosshair mumbles, looking down at the data pad gone idle in his lap. He pecks one finger at the screen, igniting it to life, but he doesn’t do anything else with it. “There’s a lot of things I should’ve been here for.”
Wrecker swallows, but only lets his silence agree. 
“Maybe,” Crosshair continues once the quiet between them has settled, “you can tell me what happened…with the pod race.”
Wrecker grins so big it hurts. Until this moment, he hadn’t realized how badly he’d wanted to share this story with Crosshair. All the details, even the ones he and Tech and Omega had carefully left out when reporting to Hunter and Echo. 
“Well,” Wrecker says, swinging his legs over the side of the bunk. “I’ll have to start at the beginning.” 
Crosshair rolls his eyes good-naturedly. “Well, that’s obvious,” he snarks. 
And kriff, if he doesn’t sound just like Tech when he says it. 
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@the-little-moment @just-here-with-my-thoughts, less than a week left of Angstpril! But that also means less than a week until the end of the Bad Batch 😭 I'm not ready!!
And I'm posting this story before the second to last episode airs just in case it ruins me emotionally....eeeeeep!
✨Let me know if you'd like to be added to my tag list!✨
Tag List: @followthepurrgil @isthereanechoinhere96 @amorfista @mooncommlink @arctrooper69 @nagyanna424 @proteatook @ezras-left-thumb @merkitty49
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chocoblep · 5 months ago
#24: Asking a Friend
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Prompt: Bar
It had been a busy night. The bar had been packed the entire time, and if he was being honest, he was ready to go home. When one worked behind a bar enough, one came to see certain things quite a lot: People in groups, chatting away with each other about serious things or nothing at all. Couples, having intimate moments and fights. People alone, talking to strangers, hooking up with others, or drowning their sorrows with booze.  There were always drive-bys, those who came for a single drink only to scurry off to a dark corner or ringside spot. Sometimes he saw people he knew and called friend, and sometimes he met kind new faces.
But none of the people here right at present, for all his friendly, flirtatious facade, were the people he wanted to see right now. As he finished his shift and wiped down the counter, his mind raced; he needed to start planning his treasure hunt, and he needed to put some thought into his proposal, and he’d talked to everyone that was involved except for one person. He left the tavern behind, taking the aetheryte to the place where he knew he’d likely find the last person on his list.
As he walked into Nightingale House, he paused to look around. He was a frequent visitor here, and it was not unexpected that he’d find his way here alone, even if these days he typically came for a friendly spar with Shev. When he found Aeluan, he was in the kitchen with Shev, having a quiet conversation as they ate. He knocked on the door frame, and both of them turned to look at him.
“Hey, guys!”
“Starlight, what’re ya doin’ here?” Shev asked, looking a little concerned. “Everythin’ all righ’?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, everything’s fine,” Kismet said, fixing Shev with a tired smile. “Just got off my shift. I needed to talk to Aeluan, so I figured I would stop by before going home.” he looked to Aeluan, who looked a little confused as he shoveled curry into his mouth. “Can I borrow you for a moment? I promise I won’t be long.”
“Hmm? Sure!” Aeluan replied. He slid out from behind the kitchen counter, and then came toward Kismet. Halfway there he stopped, though, turning to point a finger at Shev. “Leave my curry alone, Shev! I’ll know if you touched it!”
“On m’ honor, Blue,” Shev said solemnly.
Kismet snorted, and when Aeluan reached him he led him downstairs and out the front door, only speaking once the door had closed behind them. He’d thought about what he was going to say all night, and now that he was here, his heart thumped a warning in his chest. What if Aeluan said no to either of his questions? What if he didn’t approve? Well, there was only one way to find out if this was going to work.
“All right, well, as his best friend, I wanted to get your thoughts and your blessing. I plan to propose to Shev. And… regardless of whether you give your blessing, I was hoping you might be willing to do a favor for me regarding a gift I’ve gotten him. A rather large seafaring gift.”
(( Aeluan belongs to the lovely @valdiis! ))
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years ago
Congratulations on reaching 4000!! I read your TG Drabbles and absolutely fell in love with your writing so I was wondering if I could get prompt 24 + Urie 💕💕 fem! Ghoul reader x quinx member Urie!! Thank you :)
# tags: scenario; kinda enemies/lovers and current relationship; light romance; drama; angst; ghoul!reader & quinx!kuki; crying, vomit and blood mention; dead body; kinda ooc!kuki (but not much); suggestive
includes: female reader ft. kuki urie {tokyo ghoul}
author’s note: hi! thank you very much for this request! i really like kuki and i am really happy that i can write about him! love u
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24. “I’m a monster! Can’t you see it?!”
Your blood-stained long T-shirt, tears on your cheeks flushed with heat, a few strands of hair on the dirty floor, and the fear in your eyes seemed to the young Inspector an image that was downright terrifying, even nightmarish; however, not because of your appearance and the look of the room you both were in, but because of how scared and sad you were at that time. How much your eyes shone with self-loathing and how damned deep down you wanted to disappear and never be born.
“I’m a monster! Can’t you see it?!”
Of course he knew you were a ghoul. The walking grotesque, his enemy, the walking death, humanity’s greatest failure. A abominable monster.
He knew and watched you for months, studying your whole body and your behavior – he believed that he would eventually find a magical solution that would restore your humanity. He has kept you as a secret for a long time from the rest of his co-workers, from his command and from his own family. Although he knew every day that you could attack him, he bravely endured your outbursts of aggression and murderous desire, insatiable anger.
He was there when you vomited trying to eat a tomato and cheese sandwich, he was there when you cried into his shoulder, begging him to kill you, and he was there when you felt too human, wishing he would love you and stay with you for ever. He was in your worst and nastiest moments, but he was also next to you when you smiled slightly as you laid the last wild draw four card on the table and shouted a loud, almost carefree ‘Uno!’. He was always there and will always be.
It was hard for him to bear the sight of your hands in the dark liquid, your torn clothes and the traces of murder that were right under his feet. You killed an innocent woman who got a promotion in the family business two days ago. You killed a person who probably had a family who loved her, children who had to be kissed before bed, or even a dog who was eagerly waiting for her to put some of his favorite food in his bowl. You ate half of her firm, sweet flesh with tears in your eyes, and when Kuki caught you in the act, you nearly ripped out your own windpipe to relieve your own suffering. If there’s one thing you hated, it was definitely being a ghoul.
The silence between you two was interrupted only by your painful crying and the sound of cars driving down the street a few floors below. You looked alternately at the dead headless woman and at the man you loved, once again begging him to finally kill you. Of course, he didn’t do it that night, nor when you begged him to do the same three days later, clutching his shirt in a tight grip; behind you lay the lower limb of some five years old child.
It was hard for both of you to live with the thought that you loved a human and he loved a being he should have killed the first time he discovered your true colors. But he couldn’t do that. He just couldn’t.
You were both weak and pathetic.
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midcinmancave · 3 months ago
Story Prompts:  “You didn’t do anything wrong.”, “No, I’m not okay.”
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Story Title:  The Price of Royalty (part 3 of 3)
Summary: Robert is missing... the Princess is in despair. Complete Story Source on FB
Fictober24 Submission #14 Fandom:  Midnight Cinderella Featuring:  Robert Branche, The Princess Warnings:  Angst, Past physical violence Ratings/Genre:  General Audience, Drama Writer: Robert Branche
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promptsbytaurie · 1 year ago
prompt #24
“Maybe one day I’ll grow up.”
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perfectpaperbluebirds · 1 year ago
Sicktember #24
Prompt: “Did you just sneeze?”
Fandom/OCs: Grey’s Anatomy (Meredith and Derek)
Words: 710
Sicknario inspo: Doctor with hay fever from this post
Author’s comments/background: I’ve only written Grey’s Anatomy once before for a fic exchange event (read it here) but it’s a fandom I’ve been in for a long time and always intended to write for. Not sure how great the characterization is here since admittedly it’s been a minute since I’ve revisited these lovlies, but I think it works. This is set in the first few seasons when Meredith is still an intern and super angsty and pining after Derek from afar, AKA the best part of the series IMO. This is also the only allergy fic this year. Allergies aren’t usually my thing, but I try to squeeze at least one in every Sicktember. 
In Meredith's opinion, spring was the most horrible time of the year. Everyone pretends to be happy about the flowers and the birds and the love in the air in spring, and fake happiness is Meredith's worst nightmare, but it's not just the fake happiness. She was also cursed with the world's worst spring allergies, and she spent most of every spring wanting to claw her eyes out from the itching or else worried her nose was going to fall off from all the sneezing. Allergy medications didn't work, except to make her tired enough to fall asleep standing up, and she would choose being sneezy over being near-comatose in the OR any day. She could keep the sneezing under control when she needed to, at least usually. 
One morning though, while doing rounds with the rest of the interns, her nose betrayed her. She was the presenting intern for one of Dr. Shepherd's patients, and it was an interesting case that she was excited about. The minute she walked into the patient's room, though, she knew she was in trouble. The smell coming from the two massive bouquets of flowers beside the bed almost knocked her over, and she cleared her throat to ward off a coughing fit, making an unattractive hacking noise. Cristina elbowed her none-too gently, giving her a "get it together" look. 
Meredith did her best to get it together, but she was fighting a losing battle from the start, since all the flowering plants outside had nearly done her in before she'd even arrived. She started off in a clear voice, presenting the case and all the research she'd done, but the itch in her sinuses grew nigh unbearable in moments. Derek saved her by asking the interns a question just as she was about to lose control, and while Cristina was showing off her knowledge, Meredith turned to the corner of the room to let out a stifled sneeze. It was quiet, thankfully, and she hoped no one noticed. Yet when she turned back around, Derek was looking right at her. 
"Did you just sneeze?" he asked with a half smile. 
"Nope. Just clearing my throat. Sorry." She felt Cristina's eyes boring into her, which Meredith pointedly ignored as she continued to present, trying not to breathe in the smell of the flowers. It was a lost cause though, and out of nowhere she sneezed, harsh and wet and totally unhidable, all over the chart in her hands. 
"Bless you!" exclaimed the patient. "Oh dear, are you getting a cold, dear? Or–oh no, are the flowers bothering you?"
"I'm fine," Meredith managed, though her eyes were streaming and her nose wasn't far behind. "I'm not sick, don't worry about me. So as I was saying…."
She pushed through the rest of her presentation through sheer force of will, but her fate was sealed, and she crushed another sneeze into her shoulder as she finished. 
"Bless you!" exclaimed the patient, the patient's husband, and Dr. Shepherd. The other interns were either snickering behind their hands or looking sympathetic. 
Derek quickly came to her rescue even as she felt another sneeze building. "Thank you, Dr. Grey. She explained what we're going to do very well, but do you have any questions for me?"
As the patient and her husband began to interrogate the neurosurgeon, Meredith accepted the inevitable and turned away to sneeze twice more into her elbow. The patient turned to look at her once more.
"God bless you again! Are you quite sure you're alright, dear?"
"I'm really fine," Meredith sniffled. She forced herself to smile at the ridiculousness of the situation. "And anyway, I think we're supposed to be asking you that."
Her breath began to hitch into another sneeze, and this time Derek turned to her with an amused look. "Why don't you excuse yourself and go blow your nose, Dr. Grey. I think we've got it from here. But come back when you're ready and we'll go over the case again, away from the flowers."
Red-faced, Meredith did as she was told. Yes, she thought to herself as she washed her face in the bathroom down the hall, she really really hated spring.
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lire-casander · 2 years ago
#24 letting out their anger in front of them
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letting out their anger in front of them original prompt list here
Tough days are bound to happen in his line of work. Carlos knows that. TK knows that. Everyone and their brother know that.
Knowing something doesn't mean Carlos is ready for those days when they roll together in a row.
His hands are shaking from exhaustion when he makes his third attempt at slotting the key into the lock of their loft. To any outsider, it may look like he's drunkenly trying to open his door. It couldn't be farther from the truth.
The truth is that he's so ready to give up he's about to kick the door open.
Just when he's seriously thinking about stomping all over the wood, the lock clicks open and the door slides to the side, revealing an equally tired-looking TK.
"Long shift?" his fiancé asks, mostly rhetorically, as he steps aside to allow Carlos to enter their home.
"The longest," Carlos replies. He drops his bag on the floor and has barely taken three steps into the living room when TK speaks again.
"Want to talk about it?"
And, somehow, that's the last straw for Carlos. That's all it takes — a sliver of kindness after a horrible day — for him to snap.
He turns around and faces TK, his hands still shaking, though this time it's due to anger. "Do I want to talk about it?" he questions through gritted teeth. "Do I want to talk about the three casualties at a car crash that could be alive if a drunk driver hadn't taken her car? Do I want to talk about the woman who can't report her abusive husband because she'd have nowhere to go? Or do I want to talk about the little girl murdered by her father simply because he was mad at his ex-wife?" Within each question, Carlos’ voice rises higher, until it's almost an anguished shriek that hangs over their heads like a threat.
Through it all, TK remains silent, enduring Carlos’ words as he cries them, as the pain he feels bubbles up inside of his chest until it bursts and he finds himself collapsing on the floor, knees hitting the ground while tears finally fall down his cheeks. TK rushes to his side, gathering him up in his arms and murmuring soft reassuring words into his ear as he rocks them both.
Later, much later, Carlos will think about how lucky he is to have TK by his side — someone who understands the frustration that builds up whenever there's something he can't fix in the world, someone who knows that his anger isn't directed at anyone but himself. But right now, while he's being held as though he's the most precious thing in the world, Carlos simply lets his pain flow out of his system.
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
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sexilene · 6 months ago
boy nextdoor!jj is so hot hehe him choking me while he fucks me in a matting press AHHHH. want to see him smirking down at me through his floppy blonde hair wet with sweat as he puts his other hand over my mouth so my parents don’t wake up :3
ohmygoodness stop it right now. the way i smiled reading thisss pleaseeee!!! adding this to the kinktober list cuz why not!! #19 (ignore any spelling mistakes sorry lol!)
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anotha little boynextdoor!jj x girlnextdoor!reader thought ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
when your boyfriend does manage to sneak in through the window by climbing on a tree…he usually spends the night. your parents go to sleep fairly early, like soon after dinner early, so that gives you and jj some alone time in the dark without worrying about one of your parents randomly entering your room to check on you. it's happened before and though jj is getting better at running to find a hiding spot, it's is not ideal.
your parents figure you like to fall asleep to the tv you have in your room watching your little movies, and that it’s the movies making the little sounds. while that is true on some nights, this time around both the tv, you and your boyfriend are making sounds.
“jay!” you squeal when he throws your legs over his shoulders, bending down again to press his flushed hard cock deeper into you. “shhh, gotta be quiet, like a little mouse, quiet okay?” he shushes you, your little movie still on in the background, providing a decent amount of light to illuminate his features and yours.
“uh huh…okay” you nod, still a little dazed due to the past two orgasms he gave you by fingering you a little over 20 minutes ago. once he pushes into your puffy pulsing heat, he wraps a strong hand around your throat and starts to squeeze down, causing you to furrow your eyebrows and grip the hand on your neck. jj is practically trapping you there, underneath him getting incessantly plowed by his big dick.
“wanna hold my hand?” he offers you the hand that’s not on your neck, you mewl at his sweetness, he’s still trying to make you feel as loved and safe as possible even if he is fucking you like he hates you.
“here babydoll” he takes your hand in his, the sounds of skin slapping skin faintly bouncing off the walls, not wanting to risk waking the whole neighborhood up with the way he really wants to be pounding into you right now.
your lips are swollen from his kisses, drool threatening to escape the corners of your lips, tear stains on your cheeks glisten due to the lighting, your hair all messy, and still jj thinks you look like the prettiest little thing.
“y’look cute, c’mere” your boyfriend grunts, pulling you up by your neck for another kiss, “harder jayjay, please harder!” you whisper, needy as ever.
“i know babe,” jj chokes you harder and uses his other hand to rub your clit in fast circles, “g’nna cum again!” you squeal out.
“gonna wake up your parents, hold on,” he takes his hand off your neck and covers your mouth to keep you from making any more loud noises, as much as he loves to hear them….
“alright kittie cat no more screamin’ or im gonna have to press your face into the pillow,” he whispers in your ear.
“mph- nmm” your words muffled by his big hand,
“yeaaaah good girl, almost done baby, just keep takin’ it…” he bends your legs back further into a mating press and starts thrusting in again. the position causing his dick to go in deeper and hit the spots that make you melt. that combined with the way both your bodies all sticky with sweat and how he smells all salty and musky, makes you roll your eyes back and then squeeze them shut.
“h-ha…shit, y’so warm and wet holy fuck i love you so much.” jj grits through his teeth, bringing that hand back down to play with your pulsing clit. you whine into his hand as you cum hardddd on his dick, squeezing him so hard he can barely pull out to thrust in again.
“shhh sh sh, there you go…reaaal yummy huh?” he coos, bringing that hand back up to choke you again, “baby girl likes getting choked huh? dont’cha?”
you try and make a sound but you just can’t with how hard he’s squeezing your neck. “yeeeeaaah she likes it, little pussy gushes on me when i squeeze your throat like…thisss…” he gives a few final hard sloppy thrusts, letting go of your neck to give you a breathing break, sweat dripping down his chest, before he shoots hot strings of cum into your cervix.
he doesn’t pull out to keep all that cum stuffed in you and bends down to give you wet sloppy ‘good job’ kisses, whispering an ‘i love you’ after every kiss.
“think we were pretty quiet this time?” your boyfriend whispers looking into your eyes, and all you can do is give him doe eyes, pout and let out a little “mph!” ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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im-totally-not-an-alien-2 · 7 months ago
"How come there's no multi-war chess?"
Tim looked up at the entity that had been haunting him for the past few weeks now, "What does that even mean?"
"You know how chess is basically a game about two kingdoms going to war with eachother?" The being asked, his white gloves gesturing about lazily, "well wouldn't it make sense for chess competitions to make the players go into the next round with only the pieces that "survived" the last war? It would be more interesting."
Danny smirked as he watched Mr. Drakes mind whirring at all the new strategies and potential. Comforted in the knowledge that Mr. Drake wasn't going to get much paperwork done tonight, let alone have time to work on his project for the competition, Danny let himself vanish from the other boys office.
All he needed to do was keep distracting Tim from the competition and that prize was all Tuckers.
He just prayed Sam didn't find out he was doing this or that he was getting chased around by bats every other night or else she'd kill him the rest of the way
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kybercrystals94 · 1 year ago
By KyberCrystals94
Read here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023 | Day 24 | Prompt 24: “I thought they were with you.”
Rating: G
Words: 673
Summary: **I can’t resist some gentle whump once in awhile. No permanent damage done, just a lesson learned, you know?**
“One job, you had one job, Echo,” the cyborg mutters, eyes scanning another side street. Hunter’s going to kill me.
“Make sure she’s within arm’s reach of you at all times,” Hunter had said.
Echo had rolled his eyes. “I was an ARC trooper, Hunter. I think I can handle watching a little girl.”
It all happened so fast. One minute, Omega was right there at his side, chattering endlessly about everything she saw: the architecture, the culture, the vendors, the sky, the ground, that plant, that pebble…Echo had, admittedly, started to tune her out, focusing his attention on finding a shop that sold a part he needed for the Marauder’s mainframe.
“Omega,” Echo said, “keep an eye out—” he looked down at his sister only to find the place she had occupied at his side empty. He looked to his other side, behind him, around him. His heart rate spiked so fast he felt the vein pulsing in his neck. “Omega? Where are you?” He tried to sound casual, unconcerned. It didn’t work.
Echo is trying not to panic. It won’t do him or Omega any good if he panics. What did they tell her to do if she got separated from the squad? Stay where you are. We’ll find you. But when and where had Omega realized she was lost? Where would she be waiting? Would she be waiting? What if a bounty hunter took her? Or another nefarious individual? The universe is full of them. Echo curses under his breath.
He should comm the others, have them help search. She’s been missing for…five standard minutes? Anything can happen in five minutes. Force, Echo!
The man turns sharply and finds himself face to face with Tech.
Tech is glancing around. “Where is Omega? I thought she was with you.”
“She was,” Echo says, “But she wandered off.”
“You lost her.”
“Don’t just stand there,” Echo says, “help me find her!”
“Have you tried her comm?”
Echo blinks. He kind of forgot about that.
“I take that as a no,” Tech replies primly. He takes out his comm. “Omega, do you copy?”
“Tech! I found the coolest vendor. They sell all sorts of things!” Omega’s excitable voice immediately replies.
“And would Echo agree?” Tech asks.
There is a long pause. “Uhm. I think I lost him.”
“Fortunately for you,” Tech says, “I found him. I will return him to you in short order. Stay where you are.”
“I’m not a lost tooka,” Echo grumbles as he follows Tech through the streets to Omega’s location.
“You certainly looked like one.” The smirk in Tech’s voice is oh-so-painfully obvious. “I’ve never seen you so frantic.”
“I wasn’t frantic.”
“Hmmm. Why didn’t you think of communicating with Omega over comms?”
“I forgot we’d given her one.”
“Because you were in a state of panic which clouds logical thought.”
Echo knows he doesn’t have any right to be annoyed with Tech’s smug assessment of the situation, so he grits his teeth and doesn’t offer a rebuttal. Tech glances over his shoulder, and Echo sees that his brother’s eyes alight with amusement.
“I’m sure we’ve all learned a valuable lesson,” Tech continues, “I don’t see why it would have to be reiterated by Hunter.”
“You’re not going to tell him?” Echo asks.
Tech rolls his eyes. “I could fill several data pads with the things I haven’t told Hunter.”
Echo wishes he could see those metaphorical data pads.
They arrive at Omega’s location, and the girl bounds up to them, grabbing Echo’s hand. “I am so sorry, Echo! I turned around and you were just gone!”
“I could say the same thing about you, kid,” Echo huffs. But he gives her hand a squeeze. “How about we do better about sticking together, huh?”
Omega nods emphatically. “Yes, sir!”
“I think it’s best if I keep an eye on the both of you the remainder of this expedition,” Tech says loftily. “Come along, I still need to find a couple of parts for the hyperdrive…”
Author’s Note: There is no fear quite the same as misplacing a child in your care…and I don’t think even level headed Echo is immune.
Tag List: @isthereanechoinhere96 @followthepurrgil @amorfista
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chocoblep · 1 year ago
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#24: Protecting the Produce
Hinan Akaruta was a man of means. The Koi business was doing well, and the money coming in was enough to keep the business afloat and give both himself and Rhuk their own little nest eggs. He was saving for something he’d not tell anyone about (especially not Rhuk) and though he’d been steadily putting a little bit away at a time, he was concerned that at the rate he was saving, it would be at least a year before he could afford it.
Maybe he should have taken up something more practical than origami as a hobby.
He’d been contacted by an old employer about a job that would pay well, and he’d agreed to do it after he’d learned that it was short. Rhuk had insisted that he would be fine on his own for a few days with the shop, though he seemed conflicted as to whether he wanted Hinan to do the job or wanted to keep him home. The fact that there was any conflict there at all had warmth blooming in his chest, and when he left for the three day adventure, he pulled Rhuk into a massive hug and told him that he loved him more than life itself. Rhuk, for his part, had laughed and told him he’d only be gone three days, and it wouldn’t even be a dangerous job, but he loved him too.
That was how Hinan found himself helping one of the orange orchard owners in La Noscea install and test defenses and deterrents for his property. It wasn’t glamorous work, or even really fitting for a contracted mercenary, but the owner trusted him to give him honest feedback regarding where his property was most vulnerable, where many of the local contractors had little experience sneaking onto others’ property. Not that Hinan was particularly subtle, but he did a decent job adjusting and moving things as needed while testing.
When he was done, he recommended a few other things and pointed out places in the property’s fencing that needed to be repaired or replaced, and then recommended his brother when the owner asked about building a few custom storage solutions. On his way back home, said brother was on his mind, so he called him on his linkpearl.
“Hinan,” his brother answered, voice full of warmth.
“Aniki,” he began, and then smiled. He’d reached Shirogane, and didn’t have much time before he arrived home, so he walked a little slower so that he didn’t feel like he had to rush the conversation. “I’m on my way home from a job. I was just thinking about you.”
“Oh, were you?” Aeluan asked, sounding a bit surprised. Hinan wished he wouldn’t; that he had cause to doubt that anyone was thinking about him at all made Hinan’s heart hurt a little for him. For a man whose shadow far outstretched his own, he was extremely lonely.
“Yeah,” Hinan said. “And I recommended you for a build job, so you might be getting contacted soon for that.”
“A build job? It’s not making counterfeit cocks again, is it? Because I had to tell that lady she didn’t want to make those out of wood.” His voice was skeptical, wary.
Hinan burst into laughter, stopping his forward progress entirely. It took a moment for him to recover. “No, no! I swear, I didn’t know that’s what that lady wanted! No, this guy owns an orange orchard, and he needs a custom storage solution, and was also thinking about a new table and some chairs for his patio.”
“Oh! Well, that is doable. We’ll see if he gets in touch.” There was a pause, and then Aeluan spoke again. “How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Yeah, Rhuk and I have been kinda busy. You wanna get together for dinner sometime soon?”
“I’d like that.”
“You at Nightingale House right now?” Hinan asked, and then added, “Because if you are, I’ll see you in about two minutes.”
“I’m at the beach house,” Aeluan said.
“Oh. Well, then I’ve gotta let ya go, but let’s get together soon, okay? I’m pretty sure I’m about to be pounced.”
Aeluan laughed. “You might be. Give Rhuk my love. And I love you, Hinan.”
“Love you too, Aelu. I’ll hug him for you.”
When he cut the linkpearl, he was halfway up the steps to the front door, and as he crossed to the hallway where the door to his suite resided, he heard it: The quiet thump of a door closing, the near-silent scuff of bare feet on wood.
“It’s just me,” he called, and Rhuk popped his head around the corner ahead of him with his ears straight up and a grin on his face. Naturally, the rest of him followed, and soon enough he was throwing himself into Hinan’s arms. They stayed there like that for a good ten seconds, before Hinan loosened his grip and leaned down to kiss Rhuk between the ears. “Orange you glad to see me? I missed you.”
“Missed you too,” Rhuk replied, and then rocked on the balls of his feet. “And that was bad! I bet you’re hungry.”
“Oh, am I ever,” Hinan groaned, and they headed into their suite. Rhuk paid special attention to him for the rest of the night, helping him to wind down after his travels, and he let him pamper him. After all, who was he to say no?
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lostalioth · 5 months ago
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☆ hi my loves here we go with a what 3rd or 4th i don’t even know attempt at doing kinktober lmaoo. now as always i can never seem to finish kinktobers which is why i lower how many days i do as well as i pick a variety of characters to write for so i don’t get bored writing all month for the same 3-4. the same as last year i will plan on posting a fic sort of every other day so (sun, tue, thur, sat) which is why it’ll be 18 days and not 31. if you recognize any as repeats in last years kinktober prompt lists, yes i carried some over from past lists that i didn’t get to.
☆ i do not do taglists on any of my fics and kinktober is no expection however you can follow my library acc → @aliothslibrary i reblog all my fics on that account seconds after i post it, and only my fics so if you wanna be notified of my posts for kinktober follow that acc and put notifications on :) you can also search up the tag #lostalioth kinktober for all my past kinktober fics etc.
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day one → body worship + love marks w/ roommate!stucky
day two → dry humping + handcuffs w/ steve harrington 
day three → high sex + bribery w/ eddie munson
day four → bondage + fingering w/ tasm!peter parker
day five → creampie + master kink w/ loki laufeyson
day six → face sitting + thigh biting w/ marc spector
day seven → piercing + cock worship w/ bucky barnes
day eight → pain kink + praise w/ dean winchester
day nine → obsession + belly bulge w/ logan howlett
day ten → overstimulation + hand job w/ sub!miguel o hara
day eleven → semi-public sex + against a wall w/ steven grant
day twelve → dacryphilia + corruption w/ perv!bsf!eddie munson
day thirteen → cock warming + begging w/ steve harrington
day fourteen → free use + primal play w/ logan howlett
day fifteen → lap dance + choking w/ mob!bucky barnes
day sixteen → edging + sir kink w/ steve rogers
day seventeen → caught masturbating + anal w/ sam winchester
day eighteen → double peneration + drunk sex w/ steddie
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☆ hope you enjoy my babes!! please send me feedback, don’t be shy to comment or reblog your reactions to the days as i love seeing how you guys feel about my fics :) thankk you so much for reading and supporting my writing if you do and if you don’t for whatever reason that is perfectly fine as well!!
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midcinmancave · 1 year ago
Story Prompt:  "Is it over? Is it really over?"
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Summary:  Byron hears a scream in the middle of a stormy night. Complete Story Source
Fictober Submission #12 Fandom:  Midnight Cinderella Featuring:  Byron Wagner, Albert Burckhardt, Nico Meier, The Princess Warnings:  A bad storm Rating/Genre:  General Audience, Romance Writer:  Byron Wagner's Admin
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sturnioz · 5 months ago
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fratboy!chris takes shy!reader to a haunted house at a carnival where she ends up in his arms for more reasons that one.
you weren't a brave person.
you could barely even watch a scary movie without shivering in fear, so why did chris think it was a good idea to drag you to a haunted house? the carnival was pretty, you admit to that, and the smell of popcorn made your mouth water, but the haunted houses that loomed before you ominously made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
it was the scare actors that loitered outside that made it worse for you too; clad in ripped costumes and scarily accurate makeup, their sinister grins and contact eyes making your stomach churn. they stalked the crowd, creeping up behind people to hear their screams of terror.
you feel a knot tighten in your chest, a mix of dread and embarrassment as you cling to your friend's arm, desperately hiding your face in her shoulder as you near closer and closer towards the house.
but then, much to your dismay, nate swoops in and hoists her over his shoulder, laughing as he dashed into the haunted house with her giggling through screams. you stand frozen outside the entrance, your heart pounding in your ears as you help up the queue.
there's no way you're going in there. no way. not a chance.
"move, kid," chris's voice slices through your thoughts, his hand gripping your bicep as he pulls you into the dark abyss of the haunted house before you could even protest.
as the door slams shut behind you, darkness envelopes you immediately, and you can hear every little sound around you — the shuffling of feet, the low growls echoing in the shadows. you instinctively press yourself against chris' side, gripping his sweatshirt like a lifeline.
"get off me... actin' like a fuckin'—" he grumbles under his breath, but you can barely register his words as you're far too busy wishing you could disappear, your pulse quickening with every creak of the floorboards and every sinister whisper that seems to swirl around you.
with each hesitant step deeper into the haunted house, your anxiety spikes, the flickering lights above your heads casting eerie shadows that dance on the walls, and you can feel the presence of scare actors lurking just out of sight, ready to pounce.
you fight the urge to scream, your mind racing with thoughts of escape, but you grip chris tighter, shoving your face into his arm to block out the terrifying sights around you.
"it's not even scary, kid. it's pathetic," chris says disinterestedly, his tone dripping with disdain, clearly unfazed by everything. "just bein' all dramatic 'n shit.. you crybaby."
"i'm not even crying," you shoot back to defend yourself, a pout forming on your lips as you peek out from behind his arm to glare at him weakly. "and it is sca—"
before you can finish, someone leaps out of the shadows with a high=pitched shriek, black hair covering their face and warms outstretched towards you, sending a jolt of pure fear coursing through you.
you scream, throwing yourself against chris' chest, burying your face into his sweater as you cling to his waist, refusing to let go.
you can feel him snort, and it only makes your cheeks grow warm with embarrassment. "ah... don't worry, kid. m'gonna keep you alll safe," his voice drips with condescension, and you hate how much it bothers you when he pats the top of your head mockingly.
he continues to walk forward, awkwardly shuffling with you still clinging tightly, determined not to let go or even glance at where you're going. every sound—every scream from the actors—makes you jump and whine, and you can't help but feel they're doing an excellent fucking job at their terrifying roles.
yet, you refuse to spare them a look as chris twists and turns through the dim hallways, ignoring the sounds of his frustrated grunts every time you press yourself against him at the sound of approaching footsteps.
"kid, you gotta stop movin'," he whispers in your ear, but you barely listen, desperate to get out and leave the haunted house as you jump again when another sudden noise startles you,, accidentally rubbing up against him. "shit. you doin' this on purpose or somethin'? you tryin' to piss me off? makin' me fuckin; hard in haunted house — jesus."
"i hate it in here," you whine pathetically, your voice trembling, completely oblivious to how your constant jumping and the way you cling to him is clearly affecting him. "i wanna go. i wanna leave."
"don't be a baby," chris scoffs, watching as you bury your face deeper into his chest. he clicks his tongue against his teeth, shaking his head in disbelief. "this is stupid. you're not even lookin' at them; you're just hidin', and you're still scared?"
when you don't reply, chris scoffs again, rolling his eyes. despite his irritation, he awkwardly shuffles forward again, using one arm to wrap around your shoulders as he navigates through the twisting hallways, the sounds of horrors beginning to fade away.
suddenly, you hear him push open a door, and you stumble slightly as he guides you inside, still clinging to him for dear life. "a'ight, let go of me, kid s'just me 'n you in here."
hesitant, you remain pressed against him, but gradually loosen your grip and take a step back, eyebrows furrowing as you glance around the room, realising you're in a staff room of some sort — dimly lit and cluttered with props.
"are we.. supposed to be in here?"
"obviously not," chris scoffs, his tone dripping with sarcasm. he then tilts his head to the side, his eyes narrowing as a smirk slowly spreads across his lips. "y'know... you're really livin' up to your nickname, bun... all scared 'n shit, makin' me look after you."
the teasing in his voice makes your face grow hot, a mix of embarrassment and frustration bubbling inside you. you glare at him, but the effect is lost as you feel the adrenaline still coursing through your veins.
"i don't like scary stuff," you admit, your tone a little pathetic, which only makes you frown.
"didn't think it was that bad," chris drawls, taking a step closer, almost corning you against the wall which makes a flutter of nerves tickle your belly. "though, i think you rubbin' against me was on purpose, bun.. you tryin' to start somethin'?"
"what?" you blink, mouth open and closing repeatedly. "n-no, i just.. i was scared!"
"uh-huh," chris nods slowly, his smirk widening as he fully corners you against the wall, his hands resting on your hips, making your breath hitch. "you uh, you sure about that? 'cos it felt like you wanted somethin' from me."
the proximity is overwhelming, and you can feel the heat radiating off of him. your heart races rapidly against your chest, "i..."
chris leans in slightly, his breath brushing across your face, sending a shiver down your spine. "you what?"
you swallow hard, trying to form a coherent response, but all you can think about is how close he is, how his hands feel on your hips. "i just... i didn't mean.."
"didn't mean to what?" he presses again, voice low and teasing, smirk never wavering. "didn't mean to get scared? or didn't mean to get me hard?"
you can't help but squirm under his gaze, "both?"
chirs hums at that, his hands sliding down to your ass, his teeth biting down on your shoulder as his hips grind against yours, letting you feel the hard bulge straining against his jeans, and a whimper escapes your throat as you squirm again under his grip.
his hands move again, slipping underneath your skirt to cup your pussy, and he gives you a mocking smile as his fingers press against the damp patch on your panties. "really?"
you don't respond to that, not even sure how to come up with one to explain your sudden arousal as he slowly pushes the fabric to the side and sliding two fingers deep inside your pussy, causing you to cry out at the intrusion, immediately covering your mouth to muffle your noises.
"nah, don't worry about that..." chris purrs, pumping his fingers in and out of your spongy walls, curling his fingers and rubbing against the sweet spot with each stroke. "we're in a haunted house, bun... scream."
your hips buck against his hand, gummy walls clenching around his fingers, letting out a choked sob when he adds a third, stretching you out.
"thaaats it," chris nods, licking at his lips as his thumb finds your clit, rubbing firm circles. "make all the noises f'me. wanna hear you." chris other hand unbuckles his belt, freeing his cock and removing his fingers from your cunt to rub the tip through your soaked folds, coating himself in your arousal. "deep breath, bun. remember?"
you nod repeatedly, sucking in a deep breath as chris eases himself into your pussy, burying himself to the hilt with one deep thrust. your nails dig into his shoulders as chris' head drops down to yours, teeth grazing your skin as he pulls almost all the way out before driving back in, setting a pace as he pounds into you.
the wall rattles behind you, props cluttering to the ground in a mess, but you don't pay it any mind as you moan loudly in his ears, tears of pleasure prickling at the corners of your eyes as your mind reels.
"please, chris," you whimper out his name, not knowing if you're begging for him to slow down or pleading for him to never stop as you grip his shoulders tighter, blubbering as your vision blurs. "please."
chris chuckles in your ears, his hand slipping behind the back of your knee to pull your leg up around his waist, pressing his cock into you deeper, his pelvis rubbing against your clit for extra stimulation.
"s'what i thought, bun," he murmurs quietly, teeth tugging at your earlobe as he drives his cock repeatedly into your pussy. "always a fuckin' mess on my cock."
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kermdoeswriting · 19 days ago
Bruce Wayne's a Foster Parent. Also he avoids death a lot so a dead person can usually tell if a humans meant to have died but didn't.
"Bruce you know I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't have to but-"
Bruce just sighed from his side of the phone, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Nobody ever really expects to get a phone call nearing 3 am but exceptions had to be made when you were a legal foster parent and also a part-time secret super hero. If it wasn't one thing calling for him it was the other.
On the other side of the phone, Bruce heard the caseworker, Roni, chuckle.
"It's just for 3 nights and half of the day after, but I need you to be prepared for something before I can pass them off to you."
Bruce sat upright now on his bed, attentively listening to her words. Usually the kids didn't really come with any pre-warnings from the Caseworker themselves, letting anything about each Foster kid be said inside of their personal files that got sent along with them.
But when she gave out this information it was usually important. The last time Bruce had gotten a warning like this it was for Jason which was ages ago it feels at this point.
"What is it?"
"The kids are-" Her voice trailed off, like as if she was still searching for the right words to say. "They've been through what I can honestly only describe as the equivalent to a meta-kid trafficking lab"
Bruce shifted as he heard the driving continue on the other side of the phone.
"They're very guarded because of what they went through and they might display.. unusual behavior. More unusual then a meta-kids behavior after such a situation would be, but don't let it fool you! The kids are really sweet beyond being afraid."
Bruce frowns at the descriptions before replying to her, mentally trying to prepare himself for the idea of these kids and what they might have went through.
"I'll make a note of it then. Thank you, Roni"
"No, thank you, Bruce. I really appreciate this last minute placement. We'll be by really soon"
He was left with a click as he removed himself off his bed and threw the covers to the side of him. Alfred would want to know that they would have 2 new guests in the manor, at the very least to greet them and have rooms prepared even if they didn't need to have them prepared further then what they already were.
It was less then 5 minutes later that Bruce found himself, with Alfred, greeting the temporary fosters at the front door. Roni looked tiredly at them as she pushed the kids front and center.
Bruce could relate heavily.
"Hello Danny, Ellie. It's nice to meet you both, I'm Bruce Wayne."
Danny just stared at the mans outstretched hand for a second before he turned to look up at him, a pinched look on his face. Ellie matched his expression, although being a bit more subtle about it as she looked over Bruce as a whole.
Eerily, Bruce felt like his very soul was being judge the longer the kids stared at him. He also felt a sense of familiarity with these two kids the longer this continued.
They seemed detached rather than afraid like their caseworker had explained earlier, more so viewing the world as if they were outside of it rather then in it in any way.
Danny was quick to glare at him after another moment, "You're a fruit-loop, aren't you?"
Ellie broke from her own scanning almost immediately when she heard Danny's comment, cackling beside him before shoving him off with her arm. The action made Bruce smile as he took his arm back and placed it by his side.
Alfred also looked amused between the pair of siblings before turning attention to the task at hand again. Bruce just smiled at his pseudo-fathers usual fondness over children, knowing he was being reminded of his own grandchildren.
"This is Alfred. He's going to be the one to show you over to your rooms for the next few nights." Alfred greeted the kids in the same polite way he usually greeted all guests before he leaned down and extended his hands towards their belongings. He didn't grab their belongings just remained leaning over them before questioning the kids if they would like help to take their stuff to their rooms.
Bruce only really saw it faintly and if it were any other moment he might have ignored it as a sleepless hallucination, but for some reason he noticed the change immediately. The twins eyes go from a darker blue to a flashing bright green.
As if alarmed by the sudden movement towards their belongings.
Danny was quick to catch his own staring as well, eyes flashing back to blue for only a second before reverting back to green. Almost as if to give off some kind of warning.
Ellie noticed his staring immediately and shoved Danny again, this time more forceful for his attention before turning to whisper something to him when she had him back.
Bruce felt his skin crawl before turning away to face their caseworker, not really understanding anything they were saying beyond hearing a few words and feeling their eyes look between each other and his back.
Death Touched was an especially new description, and one that stuck in his head the second he heard it.
Bruce waited until the kids were guided away by Alfred before talking to their caseworker officially and waking her up from her half delirious tired drop-off.
"Hey Roni? Is there any chance we can extend the Fenton kids stay?"
There was something going on here with these kids and he was going to get to the bottom of it. One way or another.
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princessbrunette · 4 months ago
PICTURE YOU ࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃
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♩chappell roan — picture you ♩
pairing: pervy pope, jj, john b x reader
cw: sexual fantasies, the pogues being peeping toms, masturbation.
you are responsible for your own media consumption. welcome to kinktober day five. better late than never!
pope knew was he was doing was wrong. you were his neighbour for christs sake.
at the end of the day, he was but a man— and whilst he had no intention of stooping to full pervert level like this, he had slipped up and bragged to the wrong people, AKA — jj maybank, about how his fine ass neighbour had a certain… routine, every friday night… and would leave her bedroom blinds open for it.
the regret fully kicked in when he opened his front door, seeing the excited expression on his two best friends faces.
“no. i shouldn’t have told you.” is how pope greets them.
“dude it’s fine,” jj reiterates, easily moving past him in the entrance to his house with a clap on the shoulder, an only slightly less enthused john b following closely behind with an awkward but willing smile. “we’re not gonna watch. we’re just gonna… like — happen to glance out the window. while she’s flickin’ the bean.”
“thats — that doesn’t make it any more okay.” pope stresses, following his friends up to his bedroom.
“look, she leaves her blinds open right? isn’t that what you said? have you maybe considered that… possibly, and hear me out on this… she wants to be watched?” john b, usually the voice of reason finds it in himself to convince pope just that little more, wide puppy-like eyes doing most of the convincing. he’s probably the only reason pope hasn’t grabbed them both by the scruff of the neck and hauled them out.
the night goes on, and honestly — the perverted plan is nearly forgotten about until their attention is brought to the window just across from popes, the lamp switching on as you arrived home from work. john b swivels on popes desk chair, nodding his head toward the sight with a whistle.
“oop, shows starting.”
“honey, i’m home.” jj sings out in a high pitched voice, excited for what’s to come.
“you’re so much better than this, john b.” pope deadpans, double taking at jj as he switches off the lights to the bedroom sending them all into darkness. “what the hell?”
“do you wanna get caught creepin’ on your neighbour? no? didn’t think so.”
“you done this before jayj?” there’s a lilt of teasing to the brunettes voice as his blonde counterpart grabs a seat and drags it up beside him, the young adults gathered as they watch your figure dart around the room going about your nightly activities.
the boys curse, ducking down slightly when you suddenly appear at your window, fingers grazing the blinds. they stay deadly still in the dark, barely even breathing as to not draw attention to the fact they’re gathered round to watch you. you look pensive, hesitant, like you’re about to draw the blinds and shut the world out and yet… you don’t. you back away, leaving them open.
“huh.” pope breathes, glancing at his wavy haired friend.
“likes an audience. interesting.” routledge hums, voice deep and breathy.
you begin to undress, and they swear the air in the room gets thicker. peeling your leggings down your legs like they’d been painted onto you for the day creates an audible reaction from your neighbour and his friends, jj even going as far as to stick his knuckle in his mouth.
“god damn.” he garbles, earning a hum of agreement.
“oh you really lucked out here pope. the only neighbour i ever had was a 70 year old woman. trust me when she left her blinds open you look the other way.” john b doesn’t remove his eyes from the scene as he recounts the anecdote, causing pope to screw up his face.
the truth was, pope did have his own fantasies and perversions. he told himself time and time again, he wasn’t watching. he was at his desk first, you left your blinds open. visions of you at the library you worked at, helping him with research in that little mini skirt he saw you wear once. bending over to rummage shelves, sweet fat crescent of your pussy on display through your panties. pope would have no choice but to take you right there on the table behind the bookshelves, the two of you trying to stay quiet as he disappears between your thighs, seeking out that sweet nectar…
when he snaps out of it, you’re already on the bed, in perfect eyeshot of the window. just you, that dim lamp that made your skin seem to glow, an oversized tshirt and some panties.
“you guys don’t feel wrong doing this?” pope speaks in a hushed voice like you might be able to hear.
“how could something so right be so wrong, my friend?” jj pulls out a joint to stick into his mouth, only to have it plucked from his lips and tossed aside by the heyward boy.
“i’m drawing a line.”
“alright, that’s fair.”
“you guys are missing it.” john b hums, entranced by the way you palm at your tits through the top, eyes fluttering shut as your body starts to relax into the bed. “putting on a show for us.”
silence falls upon them finally as they stare, your hands trailing down to lift the hem of your shirt up and over your breasts, massaging the fat and plucking at the nipples.
“oh wow.” pope breathes, jj breaking out into a grin.
“this is some american pie shit right here.”
“grow up.”
“i’m just saying.”
it seems like forever before your hands reach down to your panties, fingers gingerly dusting over the thin fabric of what appears to be baby blue panties with a pink bow at the top centre. jj even swears he can see the gloss of your arousal on your open thighs from where he’s sat. you begin to rub yourself through the material, teasingly and you pull your bottom lip beneath your teeth, sucking in a breath.
“th’atta girl.” john b murmurs, and the air in the room suddenly feels too hot, too stifling. it wasn’t this hot five minutes ago.
“its like i… can’t look away.” pope justifies in just above a whisper, finally perching down to a more comfortable view, watching the way your head tosses side to side, back arching just that little bit as you try and find a better angle. patience leaves you, and you’re pulling the panties off all together.
“would you look at that.” jj marvels, before glancing at his two friends. “y’all mind if i jerk off real quick?”
“what?” pope screws up his face, and john b glances at him.
“yeah, uh. i mind.”
“it can’t wait?” pope adds, shaking his head and jj throws up his hands.
“i thought that’s what we were doing’ here alright my bad!” he dodges john b’s disapproving swat, eyes wide. “oh that’s where you draw the line? y’all are not real freaks.”
“no.” john b shakes his head, pope chiming in with a “thank god.”
but as their attention lands on you once more, your fingers sinking into that glossy hole — they begin to really reconsider their choice.
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