#about their furry hatred
transgender-catboy · 2 years
why does walter bad want you dead
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Furry ↑
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smoocheys · 8 months
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rr-sheep · 1 year
Do You Ever Just Want To Rip Out SOMEONE'S F*CKING EYE'S??? CUZ I DO
[...I might have uncheeked rage tho]
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ccorinthian · 5 months
If you pay attention to guys hating on stuff then it usually ends up being a lot of the same thing. Is this repressed desire?
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wolfertinger666 · 6 months
not wanting to be a part of the furry community is completely fine but people who are very open about their hatred towards furries (a mostly queer and autistic community) makes me kinda upset. and scared.
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
I'm so jealous of Daniil. Having only played the Haruspex route so far in both game, each time I'm invited to the Bachelor's place I turn green with envy at how he resides at an actual proper house with a real room and a real bed.
A real bed with a whole bedframe. A pillow with an actual pillowcase!! His bed even has sheets!
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He has WINDOWS. His house is in a nice neighbourhood, and his roommate is a very attractive woman. There is actual furniture in his room. Not one hint of fungus growing on the walls or rust!
Can you imagine living there as your lair? Spending the whole game knowing you have a real house with a real bed to go back to at the end of each night? Seeing Eva's face every day before leaving to do quests?
Meanwhile, Artemy is stuck in this dumpster room of an abandoned factory. Cuddling with rats on his makeshift bed, held by nothing but a wooden panel, some boxes and a dream.
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A pillow so yellow it has its own ecosystem where bugs established real estate. Is that even a pillow or is it some random rock Artemy found and chucked in there? Is it a stale loaf of bread?? Why is it hard looking?
But no, you don't even get to keep the rock roach pillow because in P2, they take it away.
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Fuck you Artemy, you had it good for too long. No pillow now because what are you gonna do about it?. Fold your mattress instead to have a resemblance of a faux sense of protection under your most vital organ during the long hours of death rehearsal that you call sleep.
Somehow, they made the bed even more unstable looking. As if that thin panel in the middle could hold Artemy's weight without caving in. Oh, and apparently, I ran out of boxes to use for furniture because the bed and the table have to share custody of the same box.
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We have downgraded into barrels now, as you can see :) No, I don't know what they used to contain inside.
Waking up every day to Sticky's snotty face telling me not to spit in the wind and nagging me about cleaning up the week-old human organs thrown around that are stinking up the place.
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This single wall holds so much mold and fungus that they started crossbreeding and evolved into new, never seen before types of bacteria. Satan's asscrack is more hygienic than whatever biohazard plagues of Egypt this slab of concrete contains.
I live in the gutters. My only neighbours are an illegal gang of minors with a hatred for furries and another illegal gang but of adults this time who sell me bullets way above the market price. A dangerous neighbourhood where you can't have shit because SOMEONE STOLE MY BULL.
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The basement I reside in has no windows, the smell is pungent and fucking vile down here. There isn't even a space for a bathroom.
This is my kitchenette/bathroomette/showerette/cupboardette/surgery tools disinfection stationette/sinkette/watercoolerette/toilette/fridge.
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also my buckets yk.
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One bucket for the makeshift bathroom, another for holding important organs and loose guts during surgery, a third one as a cooking pot for making tasty meat grub soup and the final one for murky water after sweeping the floor.
What do I use to tell them apart? Oh nothing :) I just mix em up every now and then, oppsie daisy.
Oh and the floors are CONSTANTLY wet for some reason. Yeah sticky slipped and almost broke his neck the other day so watch your steps.
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There is also this eerie room with literal garbage and broken furniture right next to the entrance. Don't worry about it, sometimes I hear someone crying and screaming for help when I'm trying to go to sleep but it's just the factory being silly lol.
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Now this? This is where the M A G I C happens. This is where Artemy the Menkhu makes his famous herbal remedies and natural mixtures. This is where the Panacea for the infamous sand plague gets made!
In a rusty empty food can.
Falling into a bucket with shit stains.
Meanwhile, dickovsky has the view of the cathedral and polyhedron just around the corner from where he resides. He has a backyard with a lake, and all I have is a swamp behind my basement. I trudge through the mud each night, collecting weeds and herbs to mix and trade so I and the two orphans who adopted themselves into my life don't go starving.
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Not to mention the gaggles of herb brides loitering outside and giving me a false bad reputation.
That dandy douchbag has a pharmacy, a grocery, and a tailor right next door. The closest establishment to my shrekcore place of resident is a dingy basement bar with shady drinks and no bouncer to check for ID, I saw two kids in there once.
Pov: a qt3.14 surgeon says his dad isn't home and invites you over.
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heartfullofleeches · 20 days
how would rascal be with a reader who isn’t too into the more dominate role? ive always been shy and can never see myself having the upper hand, but i love this little bunny guy sm!! though it feels maybe my choices of persona wouldn’t be his fav 😢😢
would it be like two bottoms in a room? LOL
What Rascal values most in a partner is someone who shows little to no fear in its presence. All they've known from humans is terror and hatred so anyone who feels differently is destined to be his mate in Rascal's eyes. A reader with a more controlling/dominate personality eases worries Rascal himself has over accidently harming his human when he gets too excited around them.
Rascal would be just as happy with a shy darling as he is with creep or any other darling, but it's best if you're verbal with some boundaries you have or bunny man will be all over you twenty-four seven. Something as simple as telling it you need some space will usually get him to sulk in the corner long enough for you to have a couple hours to yourself.
On top of everything, Rascal is more discreet with his aggressive side around a shyer reader. With someone like Creep, Rascal knows they'd probably wouldn't be bothered by what's underneath its mask or if he took the occasional bite out of their neighbors as long as they don't get caught and it's not one of the few creep tolerates. Turning the one person who genuinely cares for them into another who is scared of them is Rascal's biggest fear. They wouldn't know what to do if you hated them too.
"That was a really scary movie, Rascal. Specially that mask the killer wore..."
The rabbit's shoulders slump as his eyes flicker from the film's cover to the faint reflection of itself in the television screen. If you glanced at it from afar, the killer's mask - a recreation of an executioner's hood, it almost looked a bit like...
Rascal's head falls to your lap, its long legs perched over the side of the couch as it tries to make itself small as a cute little bunny one would normally have as a pet. He nudges your hand with his cheek, pressing at it till it rests atop his head right where his left ear connects with his skull - one of his favorite places for you to pet him when he's stressed.
"Oh no, Rascal- That wasn't about you. I like your mask! It's cute!- Just like you..."
Hearing those magic words, Rascal's mood flips like a switch. The rabbit springs up, pulling your legs over its own as they cage you against their furry chest with their massive arms, pleased that your fear of bloodthirsty monsters in masks only applied to ones of fiction.
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ellalalala · 11 months
A semi-long rant about Dottore's implied self-hatred, loneliness and inner struggles
I am, like many others, endlessly fascinated by Dottore, which means that I've been sucking the game dry for any Dottore content I can find; I've watched the dialogue between him and Nahida numerous times, read the "Zandik's Legacy" notes over and over and even the description of the "Wise Doctor's Pinion" from the Pale Flame artifact set. So much has already been said about him, but I'd like to offer my own two cents about an aspect of his character that is often ignored in favor of his villainy: Dottore's inner struggles.
I'll recount everything that I've gathered and tell you of my interpretation of Dottore's character.
To start, one thing that I never see people mention is a line from Nahida's retelling of the Tatarasuna incident. In the very beginning of the cutscene, we see a monster covered in light blue fur (obviously Dottore) who Nahida describes in a very interesting way. She says:
"Once in a while, the monster would take off its fox fur at night, and lament to itself as it gazed at its reflection in the water: "I am a monstrosity, yet they are too foolish to see it. I pity them."
Of course, it's easy to say that this is just a fairy tale Nahida created to preserve Scaramouche's memories and that this could've been made up - which is only half true! We must remember that Nahida has seen Dottore's consciousness. She already knew of the arguments between his Segments when Dottore confronted her to take the Electro and Dendro gnoses. Why do I bring this specific line up, though?
Because this line outright tells us that: 1) Dottore spent sleepless nights in Tatarasuna reflecting on himself; 2) That he, perhaps sincerely, pitied the people of Tatarasuna for not seeing past his facade.
I also think that the use of the word 'lament' is very interesting. To lament means to express sorrow and regret for something. I would think that this implies Dottore feeling remorseful for not just who he was, but what he would do to Tatarasuna. To provide further proof, I think it is important to look at the expression on the furry monster's face (as Nahida portrays it) when it laments to itself:
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(What a cute little thing.)
It looks a bit... upset, doesn't it? Like it is mad at itself as it gazes into the water. This expression, combined with his thoughts and the use of the word 'lament' gives us a clear sign that many ignored: Dottore isn't as shallow of a villain as we thought.
Later in the cutscene, Nahida says:
"But the monster soon found solace when another came to live among the foxes who was not their kin: a kitten, carved from the wood of a white tree, who had been abandoned by the humans."
And in that moment, we see a wide-eyed little monster gazing at the kitten:
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(Feels really silly to use this as an example but you've gotta trust the process)
Here, Dottore found someone like himself. An outcast, a creature that did not quite fit in with the ordinary humans - someone who could understand Dottore's loneliness and ostracization. After getting chased out of his hometown for his blasphemous ideas, after getting expelled from the Akademiya and possibly exiled to Aaru Village for his heretical views - Dottore had finally found someone to whom he could say: "See? They will never accept us. It is you and I against them, for they will never understand us."
What person wouldn't seek companionship, after all?
But things didn't turn out the way Dottore expected them to. Unlike Dottore, Scaramouche didn't need to hide his true identity in order to be accepted by the people of Tatarasuna. Thus, the following happened:
"Furious at this happy resolution, the monster lit a fire on the mountain. The terrified animals panicked as the fire spread..."
... and we know the rest. What matters is this: Dottore was angry and jealous of Scaramouche. Exiled from his hometown, rejected by his peers, insulted and looked down upon just for wanting to destroy the imbalance between Man and God - and along comes a puppet, a creation of the Raiden Shogun, who receives acceptance and guidance from the people of Tatarasuna. Not just that, but the only creature who could share Dottore's loneliness is whisked away from him, proving once again that Dottore will never know what it means to have a true companion.
Thus he tricked Scaramouche into believing that Niwa had betrayed them, had him join the Fatui and later used him as the blueprint for the creation of his Segments. Dottore basically ruined Scaramouche's life out of bitter jealousy.
That should be it about Tatarasuna for now. What I'd like to focus on next is the conversation between Dottore and Nahida in the 3.2 Archon Quest.
There are a few lines that interest me, so I'll go over them one by one.
Dottore uses a lot of big words to sound like he's saying something profound when in reality he's saying nothing at all (a nice callback to his Commedia Dell'arte counterpart), but there is one thing that both he and Nahida place great emphasis on: the fact that Dottore, smart as he is, cannot make peace with himself.
First to say it is Dottore. After asking Nahida for her opinion on his Segments, he says:
"Indeed. It's difficult for humans... to make peace with themselves, not to mention oneself from a different period."
The line still feels out of place. It sounds as if he is musing to himself.
Again, we get a line about his Segments, after Nahida asked him to erase them:
"You were observing me, and that's how you know I've long grown tired of their doubts and endless arguments."
I think it's safe to assume that the arguing is a metaphor for his struggle of self-acceptance. It seems every Segment has something to say to the others, but more on that later.
Nahida uses Dottore's own words against him:
"Like you said, it's difficult to make peace with yourself. Being as smart as you are, have you managed to do that?"
It's important to note that Dottore doesn't answer that question, but even without that, it's obvious to us, the players - of course Dottore hasn't managed to do that.
Whenever Nahida questions the relationship between his Segments, Dottore easily changes the subject. For example:
"Is the relationship between all the versions of you really that bad?"
"I don't think there's any need to dwell on that. The surplus versions of me can be exchanged for a Gnosis. Do you think anyone can offer themselves at a higher price?"
His Segments all argue constantly. When considered that they are replicas of Dottore at different stages of his life, this takes on an entirely new meaning - beyond his facade, Dottore is a man who can barely make out who he is.
Consider this also: in "A Winter Night's Lazzo", Columbina tells him, "You're looking very young today, Doctor."
To which Dottore replies, "You know very well that I do not take that as a compliment."
A piece of dialogue that had been brushed off by many, myself included - until I realized what this might imply. Dottore finds Columbina's comment insulting because he hates who he is. He hates the younger versions of himself because they represent a Dottore who didn't have the knowledge he has at this current stage of his life. They weren't as smart, as knowledgeable. But that's not really the full extent of it, of course.
Dottore was never fully accepted by anyone, this we have established. In the Akademiya, the students called him a 'madman', a 'monster' (as said in the Wise Doctor's Pinion). When we meet him in the 3.1 Archon Quest, he is referred to as 'The Outcast'. He is always being alienated, but could we assume that he just accepted this rejection and decided to embrace the titles people had thrown at him? This is just... very bold speculation, of course. It is impossible to deny that Dottore didn't always naturally stand out due to his heretical views, but I think it's worth considering that he could have just chosen to be the monster people thought of him as. After all, in the confrontation between him and Niwa, Dottore tells Niwa to think of him as a monster and a demon (for a reason that was... meant to be comforting? Not very important right now).
Consider also how different all the Segments sounded when they found out that they were being erased. All of the voices, along with their manner of speech, varied greatly; I interpreted this as proof of the many masks Dottore has worn over the course of his life. Dottore abandoned whatever humanity he had and decided to embrace the mask of a monster, constantly reinventing himself because he isn't secure in his identity - perhaps he doesn't have one at all. He is a scholar, a Harbinger, a researcher - but without those titles, what is left? What is he left with when he sheds those facades? The constant dodging of Nahida's questions about his Segments, the arguments and the worries of said Segments, the introspection in the cutscene about the Tatarasuna incident - indeed, Dottore is a man filled with self-hatred. A lonely outcast who has never known the comfort of kinship. A monster who swallowed his loneliness and dedicated his life to research.
That should be it, I suppose. My brain is fried and if I remember anything that I might have missed, I'll add that info later.
I want to mention one thing: this doesn't mean Dottore is a misunderstood good guy - doesn't take a genius to know that that is not true. Dottore has no regard for human life (which is ironic, considering how he believes humans have great potential and he wants them to be equal with the Gods). He has hurt so many and I'm sure he will continue to do so. He is evil, but it should be noted that he was once just an ordinary human, too. There must be an explanation for why he is the way he is. It's easy to paint him as just a monster because damn he's good at what he does; but I like to think that there is a layer to him that we just haven't fully seen yet. I'm excited to find out more about him when Snezhnaya gets released in like 2 years... ha. If you've read this far, thank you a lot! Curious to know what you guys think. I love Dottore
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anti-anti-vents · 4 months
Guys. GUYS. I think I finally figured it out. I know why antis are against taboo sexual themes in media but not against violence. And it has nothing to do with “normalizing” the actions.
It’s about humanizing the perpetrator.
I think it’s actually a pretty understandable perspective if so, albeit not necessarily a correct one. They’re not worried about humanizing the perpetrators of violence, because it’s already common knowledge the various ways a person can be pushed to violence.
But when it comes to perpetrators of sexual crimes, we have a bigger gap in our common understanding. We want to think that the only reason people would do such a thing is because they’re irredeemably evil. But since fiction is an exercise in empathy, it forces them to acknowledge that even sex pests are humans with their own thoughts, feelings, and motivations. AND THEY HATE THIS!!! They recognize that ability to empathize and they find it dangerous.
And I get it! I really do, I’d say I used to have this mindset even! But at some point you have to realize that having empathy for a person doesn’t excuse their actions, and that in fact without humanizing them and trying to understand them could we ever hope to find the root cause?
I assume most of these people want to believe that violence is the best option, that people could only do, or even think (/write/draw) about doing these things may have something uniquely irredeemable about their character, that it couldn’t possibly happen to anybody with the wrong life circumstances and a series of bad decisions. They don’t want to think a human could end up that evil. They want an “other”.
I understand the anger, I understand the hatred, I really do. But can we PLEASE direct that vitriol at ACTUAL OFFENDERS instead of somebody who might have “romanticized” a sex pest in their ao3 story?!!? Because if in every “callout post” I have to scroll through 3 pages of discord drama only to find out that the only “proof” of this person being a pedo is that they drew diaper furries or whatever, then I might just stop looking at callout posts! If we wanna talk about real danger.
Sorry for the long rant, just felt like a lot of things clicked into place there.
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politemenacephd · 3 months
Arachnophilia: (Part Thirty-one)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
Content/CW: Mig is rutting, resolved sexual tension, web bondage, web knotting, copious sexual fluids, oral sex, pinv sex, tongue play, hormone scenting.
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Mig padded his way through the HQ in a slight daze. He was distracted, so much so that he was continuously bumping into other spiders who fell beneath his enormous abdomen. He’d stop and apologize profusely every time, but nobody ever stopped long enough to receive it.
He watched them all scurry away with hands nervously clasped to his chest. Was he really still that scary to people, even here?
He glanced down at his furry body and his long legs. He was so used to being stuck in the lab with you and Miguel that he’d forgotten how the world really felt about him. You never looked at him with such fear. It was hard, to return back to his old self-loathing like that. He sighed and continued in his search for you.
It was inevitable that his mind would drift again, though. There was too much to parse through. He had half his mind fixated on you, but the other half remained fixated on Miguel.
He couldn’t stop thinking about their conversation.
Were they really cursed? He didn’t want to believe Miguel really put any stake in such supernatural nonsense. They had their differences, yes, but despite Miguel’s claims to the contrary, they were incredibly similar overall. They were scientific men. Maybe they harbored a few sentimental traditions, but overall, they valued cold, methodical facts over anything else.
So why did Miguel look like that when he talked about fate? About loss?
Miguel always looked… haunted, at least to Mig. There was no other way to say it. He embodied a kind of eerie, otherworldly loss, one that was oddly familiar. It was the kind of feeling Mig used to get when he wandered too deep into the woods at dusk.
He remembered it so vividly. It was back before he met you, and was left to fill his empty, lonely days with any kind of distraction. It was the feeling one gets when they pause and look back through the trees after walking aimlessly for hours, when you realize for the first time just how alone you are.
The emptiness, the otherworldly quiet, a place where you could lie down and die never to be seen again.
It would make the hair on his abdomen stand on end. It was the kind of place that made you feel like you weren’t wanted, like you’d gone somewhere never meant to be seen. It was a place where only spirits dwelled, and as a living man he didn’t belong.
In those times he’d always hurry back to his own den as fast as he could, and he would never, ever, look back.
And somehow, he saw that exact eeriness in Miguel. He saw it in his eyes when they narrowed, when the red glow obfuscated any humanizing features.
But Miguel wasn’t the woods. He wasn’t dead. He’d pause, and shake his head, and Mig would see the humanity come back to him. That anger, that jealousy, that love, all those little things Mig understood.
Mig didn’t know what Miguel had seen, but it hung over him, even now. Maybe it always would. Maybe it would come for him too…
Mig let out another sigh as he narrowly avoided bumping into another spider on the way down to the lobby. He was so torn. He was still nervous about trusting Miguel, especially with such important work. That eeriness… It put him on edge. He’d been helpful so far, but after all he’d done, it was hard to put that aside and entrust him with his future.
But he was also too close to Miguel now to distrust him fully, either. They had a connection that perhaps did border on something supernatural. No matter what happened, there was a layer of understanding between them that no one else could ever match. A rivalry, a hatred, and an affection too, one that went beyond normal relationships.
They weren’t family. They weren’t lovers. They weren’t even friends, really. They weren’t even just clones or copies of each other.
They were each other’s strengths and weaknesses. They were each other’s failures. They were each other’s dreams and desires. A two-sided coin, a mirror, a split atom.
Mig slowly padded to a stop in the centre of the lobby, with the warm autumn sun streaming in across his back from the big glass doors at the front. He rustled as the heat permeated his fur. For just a moment, it shook him from his melancholy.
He turned and glanced out at the late afternoon sky, admiring the shimmer of the skyscrapers towering toward the sky and the warm auburn sheet of leaves coating the street. He could see them shifting, dancing, and knew that there must be a cool wind blowing to offset the hot sun.
Mig still hadn’t left the HQ. Never, not once, even in all the months he’d been here. He’d always been far too afraid to see the outside world, to risk scaring any civilians. Miguel had initially forbidden it out of what he assumed was spite, but the more Mig got to know him, the more he understood that it was for their own good.
If even the spiders here were afraid of him, what would civilians think? If they panicked, they could get hurt too.
He told you and everyone else that he was fine with it, but… It did make him a little sad. It was hard to accept that he would never integrate into society properly. It was hard to imagine that life for you. Would you be happy like that?
Mig paused when he suddenly remembered what he was meant to be doing.
Right. Where had you gotten off too?
He’d been absently wandering the HQ for a while now, and he hadn’t bumped into you once. Even if his mind was distracted he’d have surely picked up your scent or your silhouette. He could never forget it.
He turned a wide circle in the lobby, ignoring all the other spiders as they scuttled around him. Last he’d seen on the monitors you’d been down here. Had you moved elsewhere?
He pulled up his little watch to try and call you when something outside the main doors caught his eye.
A group of civilians were gathered on the grounds outside the HQ, forming a sort of semi-circle around one individual. He turned, his head tilted curiously. Was it another touring group? Miguel always complained about something called ‘community outreach’, where civilians were allowed in to see and learn about the HQ, so maybe it was that. Perhaps they were just admiring the decorations.
But then one of the men moved, and he bristled so hard he nearly turned to stone.
That was you.
He saw just a glimpse of your face, but that was enough. You were hunched awkwardly and struggling to answer questions with the civilians crowding you from all angles. A huddle of men smiling. A huddle of males too close to his mate.
Mig couldn’t help it. He started to growl low in his throat, a sound that began gradually building in both intensity and vibration. It was a scary enough sound to cause more than one spider lingering in the lobby to scurry away.
No, no. Calm down. They can handle themselves, Mig frantically told himself. They’re fine. It’s fine.
He saw another glimpse of your eyes as a man moved closer to you. They were laughing. Looks like they were fans, something most spiders at the HQ had to contend with. It shouldn’t have been a problem… But they were near you. They were breathing your air. Males. Rivals.
His feet began to tap as he saw a glimpse of your face. He wasn’t supposed to go outside. He couldn’t risk putting anyone in danger. But this… This didn’t feel right. It just didn’t.
He squirmed on the spot, getting more and more visibly uncomfortable.
No. No. Just stay. They’ll come back in soon.
Mig began to tap impatiently. He could almost smell their musk from here, the smell of some tiny male encroaching on his territory.
No. No, they weren’t territory. They weren’t property.
Another man laughed and went to touch your waist, and his body tensed so hard it hurt.
Stop. Stop. Get away from them! They’re mine…
You raised a hand and stepped away, trying to excuse yourself. The man moved closer.
Mig snarled out loud.
He bristled, his fur slowly rising to stand on end. A deep, burning heat started to permeate his chest and face. He couldn’t see it, but his eyes were burning a dangerous red. His abdomen rustled like a rattlesnake, and his claws extended. His instincts were in full effect.
You looked uncomfortable. That would not do. That would NEVER do.
With a low hiss he ran forward. He didn’t care about his appearance anymore.
He wanted his mate. NOW.
The civilians were facing away from Mig, so even as he pushed the door aside they didn’t immediately turn. He managed to hear a few snippets of their comments through the pounding, pulsing blood in his ears.
‘We’ve never seen you out before! Are you a new one of those uh, spider people in there?’
‘Aha, uh- yeah, I guess’ you stammered.
‘Wow! Look at you, ain’t that neat.’
‘They’re a verified hero!’
‘Can you show us some web action, little guy?’
‘Ah, no—’
‘Did you make the costume yourself?’
‘Aha, yeah, I uh—’
‘It’s super cute, so small—’
The group shuddered to a halt as a cold, creeping darkness covered the entire group. Nearly five men were all at once obscured by Mig’s shadow, swallowed whole by his mere presence. They felt the hair on their napes stand up, and the crushing weight of fear rooting them to the spot.
Mig huffed like a horse, letting the hot air cover their head. His paws tapped rhythmically in an alien dance. It was otherworldly, yes, but they knew what it was. It was territorial to its core. A pure, primal declaration, that their souls recognized even if their eyes didn’t.
‘Step away.’
After a painfully long pause one of the men decided to turn. His jaw went slack and his eyes bulged, but no sound escaped him. He pulled on his friend's jacket until they, too, were forced to turn, and only then did a sound permeate that painful silence.
All of the civilians fell aside as you turned to see what they were staring at. One of the men tried to pull you with him, as if to protect you from the monster, but Mig was faster.
‘Woah, Mig, hey— AGH!’
Mig bent grasped your neck. He pulled you by the nape until you were buried in the fur of his abdomen, and his little front paws had you tightly clasped. He didn’t even pause to see you: all he saw was red.
‘What the fuck is that?!’ one of the men cried. Mig hissed, visibly dripping venom.
‘Ah- I-It’s okay, this is my um- this is my partner’ you stammered out, though the group didn’t seem to hear it. They were too busy stumbling backward in horror.
‘Oh god—S-Should we call someone?!’ another man cried. You saw them glancing at the HQ as if praying for a different spider to come and trap the presumed beast now holding you close, and instinctively you bristled with both indignation and fear.
‘No, he—he’s fine’ you insisted. You turned and gently patted Mig’s chest, putting on a gentler voice. ‘Miggy, could you let me go, mi amor?’
‘No’ Mig growled. You felt his grip intensify, squeezing your ribs.
‘Guh- Mig! Come on, babe. I’m okay!’
‘You’re mine’ Mig seethed, his fangs briefly flashing down at you as his forelegs dug in. For a moment you were too shocked to speak.
One of the civilian men took a step forward. ‘Hey, ah- s-should we call someone—’
‘MINE’ Mig spat, visibly splattering venom across the floor in front of the men. ‘MINE! MY MATE!’
The man fell backward with a sharp cry. ‘Jesus christ!’
Mig rustled his abdomen as he stared the men down. You felt him dribbling venom onto your shoulders which he then began rubbing into your suit with his forelegs, smearing you with his scent marker. You shivered.
‘Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.’
He repeated each word with a vicious tap of his paws. Every time he tapped his claws extended, clicking on the concrete, and with every tap the men flinched.
‘Mig, would you just- calm, babe, calm! I’m okay!’
‘Mig! I said—gentle, please!’
Your sharp snap and the echoed release of his full name instantly spiked Mig’s instincts, and he softened like a puppy. He sank down to the floor, lowering and lowering until his furry abdominal belly was squished against the concrete. He peered up at you with his big, red eyes, still blurry and glowing with hormone-induced rage, and he panted.
His mate had spoken with authority, and he had to obey.
‘Don’t you ‘arañita’ me, you swine! What the hell was that about?’ you replied sharply. Mig whined, shuffling like a man on his knees.
‘Arañita… Lo siento mucho, mi amor.’ He whispered those sweet words as he nuzzled his face into your belly, swelling at the scent you gave off. His forelegs remained wrapped around your waist, holding firm but not tight.
‘Mi arañita… Mi amor, mi amor…’
You huffed with relief and awkwardly patted his head. ‘Mig, my goodness, you’re just the most sometimes, aren’t you… See? He’s not scary—’
You turned only to realize the civilians you were addressing had long run for their lives. It was just you and Mig in the HQ courtyard now, with a handful of civilians standing off to the side and watching you with morbid curiosity.
You felt that familiar bristle up your spine at the way they were acting. For a moment you almost felt annoyed at Mig for making such a big fuss, but it wasn’t his fault. That annoyance was quickly followed by guilt. He was just trying to take care of you.
‘Oh Mig…’ you sighed. Slowly you turned around and patted his chest, urging him to stand up again. He did as bid. You watched him rise to his full magnificence without ever once losing his grip on your body.
‘Ah… Arañita, I-I couldn’t stand the way they looked at you—’
‘I know. I know. It’s okay.’
‘They were touching you—’
‘I know! And I appreciate—’
‘Esos pendejos—’
‘Mig! I know. I know’ you insisted again, and this time you gently patted his abdomen. You saw the dark, aggressive glow begin to drain from his eyes, and after a few shakes of his head it was nearly all gone. You patted him again to try and draw his gaze down.
‘I know. It’s okay. Just- I’d rather not deal with you ignoring me, okay? I could handle myself. See? I’m fine.’
Mig slowly turned down to look at you, hoping it would soothe his instincts to see you safe against his chest.
But he froze. He finally got a good look at your body without the red mist of rage obscuring his view, and he froze from the tips of his paws to the top of his head.
You were wearing your Halloween costume.
A moth. A cute little moth costume.
While most of you was covered in spandex, you were wearing fluffy tights that got thicker the higher up your thighs they went, with a fluffy grey bodice to match and fake, fragile wings at your back. Your makeup was only half done, but it also helped to seal the effect, with soft grey and white paint around your eyes to make them appear bigger.  
A soft, cute, fluffy moth. A spider’s natural prey, Mig thought, while licking his upper lip. How delicious…
‘Ah… Mig?’ you queried after a few moments of silence. You snapped your fingers in front of his face before following his line of sight, and realizing quite sheepishly what he was staring at.
‘OH! Oh, ah- sorry, goodness. I wanted to surprise you, with my Halloween costume. I thought, since we can’t really do one for you, this would uh… this would be cute. Like a, funny couple's costume’ you quickly stammered, putting on a smile as you bowed in your little fit. Mig just gaped.
It was cute. So cute.
And it was driving Mig MAD.
He was used to being aroused by you. Your scent, your heat, your pretty smile and the cute way you bit your lip when he got too close. He just had to think of you all hot and bothered, embarrassed by how he bulged your cute belly, how he’d squeezed the fat to feel it, and he was lost.
It wasn’t hard for you to arousal him. But this, this was something new.
In that cute little outfit, framed and helpless, he felt something wholly unfamiliar to him. You aroused his prey drive.
He could feel his stomach almost growling, compelling him to act. He wanted to tie you up, he wanted to chase you, he wanted to feel you in his mouth. But that hunger was merging with his arousal. He knew that it was still you, his mate, his love, and in the confusion his desires were merging and melting like lava ready to overflow.
His spider brain wanted to web you up, and so did his loins. His spider brain wanted to taste you, and so did his gently throbbing cock, still just barely concealed behind his abdomen.
He was fighting with the last scrap of his rational mind to stay calm, to stay in control, to not give in and plug you full of eggs—
He grunted at the thought and shook his head. No, no, he couldn’t think about that. Not out here. He couldn’t get rock-hard standing on the damn street.
But he also couldn’t do nothing. All that frustration from not cumming earlier had come back to haunt him. Oh god, he couldn’t stop.
You spoke his name again and leaned up on your tiptoes to slap in his face. Mig growled, and slowly his eyes turned to your face.
‘Mig? Are you…’
Your voice faltered beneath his stare. You knew that look too well.
‘Mi arañita…’
His voice was husky and dark as it slipped from his full lips, perfectly accented and rich with meaning. He took a step forward and watched you fall backward. Perfect.
‘You… Smell, like, them’ he said, punctuating each word with a rolling hiss and a sing-song affect. Another step forward, another step back.
‘Mig, you—’
‘I don’t like that’ he whispered, cutting you off. ‘I don’t like that, arañita.’
You stepped back and this time your back hit a wall, drawing your escape to a halt. You panted softly, feeling your chest heave and your heart thunder, both in your chest and your pants. Mig purred as he cut you off.
‘You should smell like me’ he purred. You felt your loins throb again and visibly bit down a soft whine.
‘Arañita’ he whispered, deliberately rolling the r as hard as he could, ‘I must hunt you now.’
Your eyes widened unintentionally, a sight that was utterly delicious to him. His abdomen rustled with delight, and you could almost taste the smell of rut sweating off of him like dew beneath a summer sun.
In a foolish moment of weakness, you turned and glanced back at the city. You could see the civilians crowding, their morbidly curious eyes peering at this overt display. You felt your heart thundering.
‘Mig? Are you—AGH! MIG WHAT THE- FUCK?!’
You squeaked as Mig grasped you by the nape and began dragging you back to the HQ like prey. He was scuttling like an animal, legs lowered and abdomen shaking, his body close enough to the ground that your feet dragged and pulled on the floor as he took you away.
You watched those same civilians ogling in horror, clearly confused by this display. They must have assumed they were watching a noble member of the spider society wrestle some other-worldly monster.
Little did they know they were unintentionally watching the first half of a very messy mating ritual. You flushed at the thought.
Mig pulled you back through the lobby entrance and continued to pull all the way across the marble floor, all while the other spiders looked on. If any of them got close he shot them the most murderous of looks, with eyes so red that his dilated pupil was eclipsed by the glow, and that sent all of them running.
No one was going to help you. Not that you particularly wanted them too…
You felt his breath as he huffed against your nape, his enormous teeth sunk deep into the thick skin. His venom was thankfully numbing the worst of the pain, but not entirely. There was a dull, sharp, pleasurable sting where he’d bitten into your hide, and a tingling where his venom was messing with your senses.
He was panting like a madman, huffing like he’d run a marathon.
He was rutting, frustrated, and now overwhelmed with the coalescing heat of his instincts as a spider and his desires as a man. His prey drive snapped at his arousal, his need to impregnate curled around his hunger like a snake. Did he want to eat you? Did he want to fuck you? It was perhaps one, the other, and both at the same time.
He would devour you whole, that much was for sure.
He’d make sure you smelled like him. He’d make sure you were scented.
Mig dragged you through the lobby and into one of the empty closets you sometimes used for messing around in secret, though this time he wasn’t trying to be discreet. He made everyone very aware of his intentions.
He ripped the door open with his back paws and dragged your grunting, squirming body inside, and then made sure to web the closet door shut behind you. There was no getting out.
 ‘Mig! You—MM!’
His lips collided with yours, aggressively smothering your mouth with enough force to pry it open. His tongue slipped inside and began eagerly licking at your own tongue, massaging your gums and teeth as if driven by some ancient, primitive desire to milk venom from your non-existent fangs.
You groaned and grabbed at his hair, drawing him deeper. You could taste the slightly bitter sting of his venom on his tongue, mixed with the faint lingering taste of the empanada you got him earlier.
With a low groan he fell to the floor, pinning you to the ground with his human arms while his paws tapped with excitement. His moans vibrated from his lips to yours, leaving you tingling and hot, and soon you were both wet with saliva.
‘Mig—mm, mm—Mig, you—’
Mig tried to focus on the kiss, but his instincts were taking over. He couldn’t stand it. He was physically shaking by the time he broke the kiss, and he could hold it back no longer. While you were still panting for air he grabbed your body and turned you onto your belly.
‘Mine’ he hissed, ‘mine.’
‘Mm—O-Okay, damn it, just— be careful’ you squeaked, assuming quite rightly that he just wanted to rut out his frustrations in the closet. ‘I don’t want to get caught aga—’
Your voice was again silenced by the feel of something sticky and tepid coating your skin over the suit. You shivered.
Mig didn’t respond. He was busy straining silky web against your back, strands so thick that you couldn’t hope to free yourself. All you could do was feel his weight at your spine, the hot huff of breath and the desperate, animal need permeating in his bristled fur. Your own frantic breath kept hitting your face in bursts as you panted against the concrete floor.
Only once satisfied did Miguel pull back, but you weren’t free. Not yet. He hoisted your body until you were hung in the air, legs spread and arms bound to your back, now suspended by a thick web that covered the entire room from bottom to top.
You were the perfect height. The perfect height for him.
You watched Mig approach as your chest heaved, fixated on his burning red eyes. His expression dripped with depraved hunger.
‘M-Mig’ you whimpered, your own arousal slipping out. You were panting hard and leaking harder, your clit throbbing painfully as you strained against the webbing. You couldn’t help it; you loved the webs, loved his strength and the stench of his arousal.
Mig didn’t respond. He purred low in his throat and rustled as he approached, letting you admire his tense and rippling musculature. The way his shoulders rolled and popped, so broad they eclipsed your entire form, his rough abs heaving as he breathed.
He stopped about an inch from your body and paused for a painfully long time. You could feel his forelegs probing at the faux fur on your thighs, feeling about for what he craved so badly. Every time you shifted, his breathing got faster.
‘My prey’ he hissed.
His hunger swelled as he huffed at your neck. He could smell your pulse beating rapidly beneath the skin, the sweet smell of pumping blood that he could reach with just a single snap of his jaws. It made his mouth water.
But beneath it… Beneath it, he could smell slick. He smelled that your blood was hot, that your skin was beading with sweat like dew on grass. Every instinct in his body pulsed.
He lowered himself as you squirmed, his head sliding down, down, with his nose lightly brushing your chest and belly, until it stopped right at the little nook of your pussy. He panted so hard that you could feel the heat through your suit.
‘Mmm! Mig—’
He breathed in hard and let his tongue loll out. Heavy drool coated your suit, leaving a warm, wet print in the shape of a heart right where your clit was. You felt the sensitive little bud throb and tingle. He breathed in again and repeated the licking motion, smearing over that heart until both his spit and your slick had created one notable, blurry patch of moisture.
‘Arañita… h-hah… qué rico.’
He rolled the ‘r’ so hard his tongue clicked, his voice heavy and gruff. Without waiting for a response he violently tore a hole into the crotch of your costume.
‘Mig! Ah- g-god damn it, that—’
Your momentary complaint as he destroyed your hard work was drowned out by a guttural moan. Mig buried his lips into the crook of your pussy lips and began to lick, hungrily sucking and sliding his hot, wet tongue over every fold.
It was all he could do to satisfy his urges. His hunger for you, his prey drive, his need to breed with you, his instincts as a male spider, he could do nothing but lap at your essence until full.
And you could do nothing but let him. You strained in the web as his tongue sent involuntary spasms up through your body, but every twitch caused the web to twang and snap you back into place. It was as tight as if his own hands were holding you in place, rendering you helpless to his ravenous tongue.
But god, you couldn’t fight it even if you tried. The wetness, the warmth, the intelligent curling of muscle as he flicked his tongue at your clit, and the tender sucking of his lips, it was unbearable. You lulled in the web and groaned, much to Mig’s delight.
Every so often his teeth flexed, allowing his fangs to brush the soft, velvety flesh, but he’d draw himself back right at the last second. He couldn’t hurt you, but he was just so hungry. So frustrated.
He allowed his mouth to cover your entire pussy in one hungry movement, groaning as he sucked.
Predictably, you didn’t last long. Not like this.
With a violent groan your back arched and you orgasmed on his tongue, your body shaking in its entirety as the pleasure of your climax gripped and twisted you like a doll. Mig tasted every second of it. He even snuck his tongue up into your cunt to get a taste of the sweet, flowing slick, and you could do nothing but whine as he lapped that warm appendage at your flesh.
‘F-Fuck, Mig… hah… ah… f-fuck…’
Mig rose back up and wiped his jaw, smearing the glistening wetness across the skin with one hand while he fondled his abdomen with the other.
You watched with wide, slightly dazed eyes as he helped the slit in his abdomen widen. He used two fingers to stroke the tip of his phallus, as if gently and manually easing it out. You’d only seen him touch himself a few times, and for a moment you were almost confused why he’d do so now. He seemed too animalistically hazed to want to jerk off in front of you.
But as he worked you quickly realized the reason for the sudden shift. He was utterly engorged, his plush cock swollen to the point it looked even larger than usual, and he had to help it out. With each throbbing inch that emerged you squeaked.
The second it stood to full erection he moved towards you. Your legs were already spread, your costume torn and dripping with that sweet slither of moist flesh on display. All he had to do was bend his spider legs and adjust his height to slip in.
You panted hard, watching him sink down.
‘M-Mig… ah… y-yeah…’
Your arousal permeated the air, drawing him towards you like a moth to flame. His abdomen rustled, and his cock visibly pulsed a little bead of pre-cum. He was breathing in your scent.
‘T-That’s it… c-come on…’
You squirmed in the web as he mounted you, shifting down between your legs. He steadied himself with both human hands on your thighs and two of his spider legs raised to the walls on either side of the closet, with his claws extended to anchor his body.
He purred against your face, letting you scent yourself on his breath, and with a soft hiss he moved in. You felt that familiar plush cock nudging your cunt, smearing itself with your slick. It circled a few times, testing, teasing, and then slowly began to inch itself upward.
As always, your breath caught.
You were visibly winded as he pushed his member inside, followed by the rest of his unusual shaft. You felt your muscle memory kicking in as your cunt stretched and quivered to accommodate his size. There was a growing pressure as the warm phallus slid up and eased you open, with just a twinge of an ache where your body teetered on the edge of being pushed too far, but Mig walked that line well.
‘Shh, shh, arañita… Mi arañita… gently now, just relax. Feel it. Feel me inside you. Let it slide up—that’s it, that’s it—’
He crooned so sweetly as he split you open.
‘Mi arañita… You’re so cute when you wince like that. That’s it, open up for me. Just a little more…’
Mig bottomed out with a soft grunt, and there he stayed, soaking inside you. He let you shift and clench until you were comfortable, with his lips in your hair and his calloused fingers petting your thighs in a soothing manner.
‘Good. Good, good arañita. Mi tesoro, mi amor, eres tan buena/o para mi.’
With a soft purr, he began to throb. He didn’t move his hips or his abdomen, but his cock began to pulse inside you regardless. You felt each pulse like a heartbeat, rising from his body and right up to the tip of your cervix. Every single one made you groan.
Mig watched with unblinking focus. He watched you squirm, watched you pant and groan and curl your toes. His breathing got heavier, to the point that it steamed between his fangs.
With a soft hiss he grasped your hips and held you steady. Then, and only then, did he begin to buck.
He moved slowly at first, letting his plush cock slide out to the tip before inching it back in. Part of him wanted to relish the wet squelch, the cute way your legs involuntarily kicked as the smooth veins stroked over your internal g-spot, but he very quickly grew agitated with his own teasing.
Mig hissed again. After just two or three slow pumps to help you adjust, he pushed in deep, and before you could even release a grunt of shock at the abrupt penetration he’d started rapidly pumping back and forth.
This time, he didn’t want to thrust. He didn’t want to slide in and out. He kept as much of his cock buried in your cunt as he feasibly could, right up to where the muscle grew tight and ached a little where he pressed it, and he committed to small, sharp, rapid squishing.
All you could see was his warm, furry abdomen right between your legs, and the slight bulge of his cock moving quickly inside you. It was so damn tight. The thickness, the warmth, the veins pulsing on your inner muscle, and the sight of that monstrous spider body rubbing up against you so eagerly…
The sight made you slightly faint.
‘A-Ah… M-Mig, ah—’
You groaned as his abdominal fur pushed your lips apart, allowing his firm skin to start stimulating your swollen clit while he moved. Your eyes rolled and you spasmed in the web, but Mig didn’t slow his pace.
He had an almost stern expression as he moved. He had his eyes fixed on you, watching your breathless panting and weak whines as he pulsated inside you. They were determined, firm, but tender too. He cupped the back of your head with one hand as his front legs reared up, giving him easier access to rut.
Mig grunted with each careful pump, the gruff sound forming an erratic rhythm alongside your moans. You were lulled by the familiar sound of wet, lewd squishing and tapping paws.
‘Mm… Mm… Mmm…’
His eyes rolled and he released one single, sweet moan of arousal. His lips parted, and he began to pant.
‘Ah… so, tight… so warm… my eggs will do well in here.’
He picked up the pace and you both moaned in unison. You couldn’t help but indulge his fetish for breeding, especially in this position. The web strained as you squirmed, releasing a noise like squeaking leather. It held firm, holding you in place for his use.
‘Mm… smell so, fertile… you’ll be swollen soon… Swollen with me… with my offspring…’
You felt something warm and furry sliding around your inner thighs, probing intelligently at the skin. You realized pretty quickly that it was his forelegs, but, why?
Through the haze of pleasure you felt the pedipalps in his forelegs sliding down to join his cock. They pressed almost curiously, as if feeling for your entrance, their fur becoming sticky and matted with slick as they felt for their purpose.
It didn’t take long for them to find it.
As the thick appendages found where his shaft had entered you, they rooted themselves into place at the top and bottom of your already penetrated entrance. You could feel the muscles shifting beneath the fur, as if they were readying something.
‘M-Mig’ you panted between moans, ‘w-what are you—’
‘Mating’ he hissed back, cutting you off with an especially sharp thrust. ‘N-Need you, plugged.’
He was getting faster, rougher, his claws digging into your flesh. He pounded into you with ferocious power, sweat flying from his brow as he turned your hip bones numb.
He pumped away erratically until you screamed, his lips drawn back into a hiss.
‘Gh- mm, MM, M—’
He pulsed hard, rutting your body until the web nearly snapped, and then—
He paused. He paused, still utterly buried in your cunt, and then he orgasmed in a way you’d never seen him do before.
He tensed, shuddered, and aggressively pulsed one thick, single flow of cum inside you. Your eyes widened; you felt the pulse like a heartbeat, just like before, as the veins swelled and then released. It was almost painfully tender.
But there was more to come with it. At the same time as he ejaculated, his pedipalps squirted a line of silk that fed up into your cunt alongside his shaft, sealing the semen in place.
He was knotting. He was knotting himself with his webbing, keeping you locked together.
Another shudder, another pulse, another rope of cum.
Another shudder, another pulse, another rope of cum.
Mig let out a deep, contented sigh, and rested his chin on your forehead. There he continued gently rutting, slowly pulsing each spurt of hot seed into the already cramped confines of your pussy, allowing the webbing to stick it in place.
He’d do a little shiver of pleasure every so often, as if he were feeling a micro-orgasm with each pulse and shot, and you jolted in turn as each time his vein would throb and nudge at your g-spot.
He continued this for about ten rounds before finally slumping, his body utterly drained.
He pulled out slowly, ensuring that his webbing was being fed through to seal off each spot he left behind. When he finally slipped the last inch of his cock out you were sealed off completely, left with the heavy, warm weight of his ejaculate package trapped inside you.
‘Mm… T-That’s better’ he murmured dreamily. ‘M-Much better… Ah… A-Arañita…’
Mig shuddered out your nickname with a heady gasp. He could feel his body slowly draining, as if his rut were melting and dripping off of his fur onto the floor. All eight of his legs buckled and trembled at the knee.
‘Mm… Nhggh..’
He collapsed, and with him went your body. He ripped you from the web and held you to his chest as you both panted for air. Mig was drained, and you were totally and completely stuffed. Every inch you moved made you aware of the webbing, thick and sticky and warm, alongside the heavy, sloshing seed he’d squished against your cervix. Whenever your muscles quivered, you felt it move. You whimpered.
‘Ah… Mi tesoro…’ Mig moaned softly and nuzzled your forehead. You sleepily nuzzled him back, the two of you lazily bashing foreheads and noses like two cats in a basket.
Your eyes fluttered open, as did his, and you locked gazes. Mig’s face softened instantly. He slowly smiled, as did you, and you let the same sigh in unison.
‘Ah… I-I’m sorry, arañita’ Mig panted, ‘I… Ah- I went, I really… S-Something, just…’
‘You’re okay’ you replied, speaking in the same breathy tones. ‘You’re okay, Mig. F-Fuck, that was amazing…’
‘I’m, happy to hear that, arañita, but… Dios Mio, I-I’ve never felt it that strongly.’
‘What? N-No, no… I wouldn’t say that’ you said, breathlessly laughing. ‘You’ve gone just as crazy before.’
‘N-No, not… R-Really?’ He opened his eyes and peered down at you. His mouth was still agape, gently panting like an overheated dog.
‘Yeah. Remember the uh… ah, the um- when you smelled that pollen?’ you replied. ‘You came in me like, 100 times? At least? It got everywhere?’
His cheeks turned a soft auburn color at the memory. ‘… Yes. I suppose you’re right’ he murmured. ‘I suppose I have, always been quite… Animalistic.’
A brief silence followed, one that wound on right to the point of creating tension. You could sense something was weighing on his mind in that post-cum moment of clarity, but he shook it aside. Without saying a word he pulled you into a tight cuddle and closed his eyes.
For a while you just cuddled together in that empty closet, allowing your bodies to relax and your hearts to start beating more regularly. The silence was comfortable, for a while at least, until you started to notice something was off. His heart slowed but then began to beat irregularly, as if panicked, and his arms began to tense around you.
You tried to wait it out, feeling that it wasn’t your place to pry, but eventually Mig broke the silence for you.
‘I… I’m sorry’ Mig whispered.
‘For what?’
Mig didn’t respond, and your shoulders slumped. His eyes were narrowed as if in pain.
When all was said and done, now that the fun was over, the dreamy haze of your coupling had left nothing but a plugged mate and a room full of webs.
An animal indeed. His mind began taking him back, reminding him of what he’d done. He’d dragged you in here, in front of everyone. In front of civilians. Surely that would spread throughout the entire city.
A monster… A monster…
The post-cum depression hit hard. He felt the sudden weight of your relationship on his shoulders.
He loved you, dearly, and he wanted you so much it hurt, but… He couldn’t stop thinking about his hesitation at the entrance of the HQ. His hesitation, fuelled by the knowledge that he didn’t belong out there. The way those men had stared at him, the way all those civilians had stared in horror. He’d felt it, even in the depths of his rage.
They weren’t like him.
They didn’t fly into possessive fits of hormonal possessiveness. They didn’t feel a prey drive that got muddled with their sexual frustration. They didn’t think about fertilizing eggs. They didn’t rustle when they walked.
Most of all, though, they could walk beyond the confines of this building. They could go on coffee dates, or to the movies. They could shop for groceries. They could walk in the park. They could sit in a parking lot downing coffee that was far too hot, because they got sidetracked on their finite break between shifts. They could go impulse shopping after seeing a new recipe while idly scrolling their phone, half-naked in bed.
Mig scraped at the last remaining memories he had of being human. The people out there could do all of that, together. But you couldn’t. Not with him.
His world was the woods. His world was hunting, building, drawing water from the spring and heating up coffee over fire. It was idly watching the world go by from the safety of the trees.
His shoulders slumped. His world was rutting. He could make love to you as best he could, he could kiss you and bite you and lick you and watch your body tremble in the throughs of pleasure as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
But in the end, he would also just be mating you. He’d be pinning you down and smothering you in his scent to fulfill some primal, instinctual drive in his brain. He’d be plugging you with webs, knotting you, breeding you.
He loved you, but he’d always be him. He’d always be a spider.
‘I’m sorry, um… Ah, I’m sorry.’ Mig awkwardly shook his abdomen and wiped at his eyes. ‘I feel so dumb, I just—’
‘No, hey, it’s okay. Slowly. You can talk to me’ you whispered, tenderly taking his hand. Mig stiffened.
‘I’m sorry for acting like that’ he said softly. ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… I dragged you, in front of our colleagues, I bit you, and I—’
‘Hey, look, it… It was, spontaneous, yes, but… I mean I had fun’ you said, quickly trying to soothe him. Mig didn’t look soothed though; more than anything, he looked confused.
‘Those, people… They saw—’
‘Yeaaahh, they saw. I know. It’s not… ideal. But it… You know. Whether you gently held my hand in the park or ravaged me like, well, like you just did, they’d look the same’ you said with a shrug.
Again, he went quiet for a painfully long amount of time.
‘… You know, what I am’ Mig said, both a statement and a question. You nodded.
‘You won’t… want for more?’ Mig whispered.
‘Like, what, society?’ you replied, gently shifting deeper into his fur.
‘Yes… I suppose, in a broad sense’ Mig said, his eyes still fixed on the distant wall. ‘Won’t you miss the world as you once knew it? The world you came from? I accept my life now, because I have no choice, but you… You have a choice. You have friends, a-and family, and a place in the city and the world that I can’t… That I can’t, have.’
You watched Miguel as he spoke, but you didn’t even need to mull over your reply. You just snorted. ‘… Come on, Mig. Haven’t I already proven that I can accept that?’
Mig grunted, seemingly surprised by your response. His eyes rolled down to find you staring up at him with a small, slightly goofy smile on your face.
‘I know what you are, Miggy’ you said gently. ‘And I’ve put up a lot of fucking effort to protect it. So don’t turn on me now.’
‘… You have been, usually kind to me, yes’ he murmured slowly. ‘Kind in a way that, I still sometimes don’t understand.’
‘What? What do you mean, don’t understand?’
‘… How could you give up so much for me?’
Silence fell.
‘… Because I love you, dumbass’ you said, your voice wavering even as you tried to sound snarky.
Mig’s lip quivered. For all his bravado when in heat, he was a soft creature at heart, and even now he was so starved for affection that just those four simple words nearly broke his heart.
‘A-Arañita…’ he croaked.
You paused for a moment. ‘Yanno, Miguel asked me that question a while back’ you mused, which immediately made Mig bristle. He sniffed his softness aside, but he couldn’t stop his voice breaking as he spoke again.
‘Did he now… In, what way?’
‘Mhm. This was a while back, way before he apologized, but um… In a broad sense, he just said, why did I pick you? Why would I pick this, this uh… This ‘version’, so to speak, this life.’
Mig felt a shiver of discomfort go up his spine. His gut felt weird, tense and heavy, like he was on the verge of being sick. It wasn’t anything he didn’t already know, not really, and yet any reminder of that time and what Miguel had said about him still made him deeply anxious.
He thought of Miguel barely an inch from his own face, those dead red eyes and the well of emotion behind them. That earnest, pleading look. He felt the pit grow deeper.
‘I see’ Mig murmured. ‘What, did you say?’
Even if Mig kept an even tone you could tell how anxious he was. You felt his fur bristling, and you could hear his stomach grumbling from how badly the anxiety had stirred it up.
Without looking up you took his hand into your own. As you spoke, with each word, you rubbed over his knuckles.
‘I had a lot of things I wanted to say. That before you I was so lonely, and even if I was allowed into society I didn’t exactly feel a part of it. I didn’t feel wanted in it. The first time I felt a real connection with someone, was the day I went looking for help in the woods, and a giant spider offered to fix my watch for no reason but pure, unwavering kindness.’
Mig purred as he listened.
‘I wanted to say, I feel more at home in that hole in the dirt than I ever did in my empty apartment. I never had someone physically build a sewage system so I could cohabitate with them, I’ve never had someone knit me an entire bedspread to keep me warm. I’ve never had anyone take my hand and dance with me, just on a whim. I’ve never had someone chase off an entire gaggle of men because I looked vaguely uncomfortable.’
Mig let out a small grunt of amusement at the reminder. Bit by bit, his hand began to relax.
‘… I could have said a lot. I could have said you were honest, and kind, and gentle, in a way he wasn’t, in a way nobody else was. I could have said that most of the time, I don’t know why you are so kind to me, why you’d… Why you’d waste so much time on me.’
Mig opened his mouth to reply, instinctively driven to soothe you with reminders of how precious you were to him, but you paused his tirade with a single raised hand.
‘… But, in the end, I just uh… I just said the truth.’ You paused and glanced upward, your eyes twinkling in the dim light.
‘I said you’re hotter than him.’
Mig stared at you with unblinking focus for a few seconds, and then chuckled. It was a deep, husky sound, a gravelly vibration in his throat that echoed as it grew. He closed his eyes and smiled, his shoulders shifting as he laughed.
‘Mmhm. Is it wrong that knowing you told him such a thing brings me great joy?’ he asked between chuckles.
‘Nah. Not at all.’
You turned and nestled right up against Mig’s abdomen, and he cradled you in return. He lowered his human half so he could embrace you fully.
‘If we do achieve this… This, serum, that will allow you to stay with me, I will keep you’ Mig whispered into your ear. ‘I will keep you with me, always and forever. Mi tesoro. My beloved treasure.’
‘That’s what I’m counting on’ you whispered back.
‘I will keep you, always. I will do everything in my power to make you happy, but I will keep you.’
‘I know.’
‘I will keep you’ he whispered earnestly, his voice dripping with need as he nuzzled your neck. ‘I will keep you. I will mate you for life.’
‘You’re so dramatic sometimes, Mig.’
He purred, his lips tilting into a smile. You could feel him vibrating with contentment.  ‘I suppose so’ he murmured back, ‘but I mean every word of it.’
You smiled back at him. ‘Yeah… I know. I know. And I mean every word too. Just you and me, big guy. Just you and me.’
The embrace tightened on both ends, as Miguel squeezed you to his chest and nestled into your neck while you buried your face into his fur.
‘And perhaps, we could… Foster a few teeny, tiny spiderlings?’ he whispered. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his enthusiasm.
‘Mm, perhaps. Very strong perhaps.’
‘Mmm… okay. Perhaps’ he repeated in a gentle murmur. You could feel his abdomen shaking lightly as he purred. ‘I only ever want you to be comfortable, mi arañita. I hope you know that.’
‘I do. I know. I only want you to be happy too, Miggy.’
For a minute you clung to each other, safe in the isolation of that dour little closet, only to be jumpscared by a blaring intercom message.
Lyla’s pre-recorded voice flooded the little room, reminding you of where you were and what you were supposed to be doing.
‘Oh, shit, shit, the party—’
You jolted in Miguel’s arms and glanced down at your ripped costume. You didn’t even need to speak; Miguel instinctively pulled you closer and used his legs to web it shut, stitching the ripped crotch back together with silk.
It was painfully obvious that your crotch had been ripped open, but, what about this wasn’t already painfully obvious?
You leaped to your feet and brushed yourself off once he’d properly stitched you together. ‘Alright, come on. Fun times over, time to get back to work!’
You held out your hands, bidding Mig to get up. He blinked at you in confusion.
‘You, mean the… party?’ he grunted.
‘Yeah! The Halloween party. Come on, Mig will be pissed if he pressured him into hosting it only to flake out of actually being there.’
Your enthusiasm didn’t sway him immediately. He nervously tapped his paws, his eyes darting.
‘I… I-I don’t know, it—’
‘Come on!’ you insisted. ‘I’ll be with you. The whole way.’
Mig paused. He stared down at your outstretched hand as your words echoed in his head.
Just you and me, big guy. Just you and me.
Perhaps it would be a while before he truly believed that you loved him, that this was the life that was right for you. Perhaps it would be months, years, a decade even. Perhaps he’d never truly get over his insecurities. Perhaps, he’d always fear that he was leading you into a dangerous life.
But when you looked at him, with those adoring eyes and that outstretched hand, somehow he found the strength to put those fears aside.
After a few lingering moments of hesitation, he reached out and took your hand.
You couldn’t physically help him up, not with your size difference. It was purely symbolic, and right now, that was all that really mattered. Mig lifted himself with his spider legs while keeping a firm grasp on your hand
‘O-Okay, arañita. Let us… ah… party, I suppose.’ Next part!
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shanieveh · 4 months
REVERSE 03↺: love the player
wriothesley x fem!reader smau
now playing: laufey — above the chinese restaurant
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After cramming so many activities, your mind in a daze and body almost collapsed, it was finally time to go to the after party. This is where the game actually starts, and you hated every bit of it.
Back in the days, he wasn't the center of attention, and these loud houses were quiet secrets only shared for two people. Now he took the center stage, where everyone worshipped his every move.
And you watched.
"And our star player tonight!" Childe drags Wriothesley to the stage where everyone could see him, you just clapped no time to cheer loudly. After all, your voice will be hoarse with no more for the presentation tomorrow.
Before, these events always seemed fun for you, but now, now...
You see them six, popular, untouchable group and know that you will never belong to it. Wait there's only five of them... where is...
"Need some fun, girlie?" The red head from earlier came to you and offered you some sweets.
"I'm having fun, don't worry." You politely took his offer with faked grin, you liked sweets anyways.
After him was a series of people, an obstacle od sweaty and immature highschool teens, where was Kaveh? Oh probably with Alhaitham.
Then there was Scaramouche bullying Childe, and there was Cyno with Dehya chilling.
It only leads back to yourself, all alone.
You then entered the room, the very room where everything started. It was filled with the duke's past trophies and awards, a lot of memories unwind.
Back then he was your suitor, a nobody who who was mediocre at best.
A lot has change, huh. He changed, but you stayed at this moment. Unlike him, you stayed with him.
Promises were made, and he was the first to break them. With the chance of being popular and glorified he left you, but that didn't really stop you did it?
He did say you were the love of his life, about a million damn times.
Until that stupid reverse everything was fine, he was supposed to be yours, after all that he did right, now... now you were the one chasing, you were the one who wanted him back, it was as if the world reversed!
"I'm afraid miss that this is personal property, you can only go past the ground floor." A silky velvet voice was heard from behind.
With that you looked at the source, she was beautiful. She was smart, she was, she was... all that he wanted.
"I'm sorry Miss Clorinde, I was just looking for the bathroom." I excused myself and went to outside.
You left hastily without seeing the look on her eyes, for it was not one of anger or indifference.
It was one of pity.
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"Now why do you look upset in this beautiful night?" Kaveh chimmed it at the sight of your disheveled form. "I thought your wriobaby won the big game today?"
No reply was ushered, just the wind blowing, and the moon at the height of its glory.
"Cyno was right maybe I don't stand a chance against her. I'm just a nobody." You pout at nothing but your own misery. "And everyone thinks nothing of me beyond of him, she's spmething without him and I'm just no one!"
It was not long till the snoppy Charlotte saw you both, perhaps it was your loud exclaim.
"Want me to make an editorial about her so she will have a bad reputation?" That was her ideal of comfort, and in some degree it would work.
"Or better yet we will spread bad rumors about her at school?" Dehya joined in, wanting to cheer you up.
No. Clorinde does not deserve any of those, even if hatred panged your heart, you knew that she deserves none of it. She was always organized, she always knows what to do. She's just... perfect.
"The poor Clorinde, Lottie!" Kaveh reprimanded the journalist with his drunk boyfriend on one shoulder. How chaotic. "For me you should just get over the guy! It would also help your reputation at school! It's that furry's fault!"
You let out the heaviest of sighs, almost at the verge of just giving it all up. Clorinde's wrath just seemed to strong. But... you can't, you just can't let go, not today, not next week, and not even when everything changes.
You would always stay.
And in the fleet of defeat, you see Kaveh's drunk boyfriend finally holding his composure.
"Name, your phone is ringing." He gives it to you.
'WRIO BABY: DO YOU WANT TO COME? .... [see more]'
Scrolling past your previous texts, you finally saw it.
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———————————[ 02 —↺— 04 ]————————————
the whole campus knows about your 3 year crush on the student body president and basketball captain wriothesley. you were fine with his constant ignoring and rejections until something happened, until you stopped, and a reverse took place... now he won't leave you alone.
TAGLIST I (open): @vash-yuu @nayukiyukihira @aethion @whodissbitj @astolary @ayayaaayyiire @randomidk-123 @superdark-soul @sleepy-waffle @kittywagun @ceaether @ichorstainedskin @numwoon44 @eutopiastar @reni502 @fictionalfantasy17 @lucienbarkbark @kyon-cherri @huanator @jqnehr @yourlittlemissworld @zworllyx @unknownlololol @sara-midnight @jaguarthecat @we-wo-we-wo @duhsies @interstellar-equilibrium @ariparri @lolmeowing @aruatsu @k-cris @quacking-simp @vlamouren @semi-orangeapple @tamikahoshiko @imnotgoodwithnamessoidk @portgas459ace @r4yyyyy @vxnuslogy @kazuhasmaid @explosive-wuisa @falors @rirk-ke @shotovhs @aixaingela @ruhaxol @yelleloww @sc1twi @ash4ree
author's note: if you noticed from the spotify playlist, all the songs of the day are the tracks in order. this will grant you special privileges to see what the plot will be in the order of the songs! anyways, no update next week because its finals here in the philippines, gotta focus. love you all!!
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
actually why do you think that modern batman comics writers are so bad at compelling 6-8 issue comic arcs? (obvi TT's current nw run is just robbed of any conflict that isn't straight up good guy vs bad guy and is didactic as hell to boot but i haven't really felt grabbed by anything bat-related dc has put out in the last three years). is it an unwillingness to really shake anything up?
a general lack of engaging storytelling is an endemic problem at dc that i think can be partially attributed to a bunch of bad editorial decisions — green arrow for example was only greenlit as a series because williamson was determined to write it amid all his other projects. the pacing and character work suffers as a result. it’s suuuper slow to try and read
taylor is an interesting example though because he’s a terminally online liberal gen xer who seems to write comics like he wants panels to go viral on twitter. there’s no stakes because he’s too centrist to actually put an opinion on paper that might trigger some internal reflection. he tried to call out chuck dixons violent homophobia but thanked him in the same tweet. it’s bad. he should not be in charge of a character like nightwing who’s historically had issues with authority and like….. is defined by his passion. there is a total absence of nuanced interpersonal conflict because like fanon, everyone in comics seems too afraid to have characters be actually wrong about something.
when we read sincerely interesting comics — especially main events like knightfall or murder + fugitive or no man’s land or even utrh — those comics remain interesting because the writers had a perspective and a story to tell. some of those perspectives are bad, mind, but at least there was something there. now, all these writers are online and getting both blind adoration and violent hatred which i think makes them too self conscious to legitimately try. i don’t think it’s a coincidence that the most engaging writing jason todd’s had since 2005 was written by gretchen felker martin in the furry comic, aka someone who has actual things to say.
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fairyhaos · 8 months
seventeen and which mythical beings they are
requested by @mesanthropi ^^ physically held myself back from going on rants for shua's and hao's and jeonghan's pls (iykyk)
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vampire. formidable, mysterious vampire seungcheol from a powerful family name who lives in a huge, ominous castle and somehow manages to make sucking blood look sexy… shakes he's so fine oh my god. honestly vampire!cheol with glowing red eyes and an intimidating presence and the most smug fucking smirk in the world is such a vibe, and he also has the whole “i was born centuries and centuries ago” old hag thing down to an art
siren. specifically a mermaid-type siren that lives in the sea and has a pretty iridescent tail. water-dwelling being jeonghan just makes so much sense to me bc he has their fluidity and their peaceful and their mischief and also??? jeonghan with a shimmery mermaid tail and captivating siren voice???? i'd willingly drown myself for him actually, siren song be damned. he has the silvery voice of a siren and the ethereal looks to be one fr
wood nymph. bambi-eyed wood nymph joshua who communicates with the birds and tends to his forest and has flowers weaved in his hair and stars embedded around his eyes… the nymph!joshua obsession is Real guys and i am definitely a victim of it. curly haired joshua is just sooo wood nymph coded and i can see him as some soft-spoken, pretty being who lives in a birch tree and guides stray travellers when they get lost in his woods
witch junhui with his black cat familiar and his dented cauldron and his cottage in the middle of the forest!! witch junhui with his mini apothecary and his goofy-sounding spells and his eyebrow permanently half-singed bc his enchantments keep backfiring!! witch junhui with his soft spoken words and bright laugh and total kindness to everyone who happens upon his home!! witch junhui is so so dear to me and he really is just. a witchy little dude
shapeshifter. does this idea feed into his furry agenda a bit too much? yeah, it kinda does, but oh my god just imagine tiger shapeshifter hoshi who's part human but can turn into a large, big-fanged and bold-striped tiger at a moment's notice. he really just genuinely gives shapeshifter vibes, and every year he schedules one week where he'll traipse off into the nearest mountains and blow off some steam in his tiger form for seven days
dragon. okay so this is kinda not a humanoid mythical being, but wonwoo is soooo big friendly dragon coded. i can imagine him as a large, red scaly dragon, snoozing atop his massive hoard of gold in a secluded cave in the forest, little wisps of smoke coming out of his nostrils as he snores contentedly. that doesn't mean he can't be scary if he wants to tho, and can burn down any puny humans who try to steal his hoard in the blink of an eye
demigod. part-god woozi is just such a vibe okay, and he rlly does give off a hercules-type feel, where he can do inhuman things and seems almost untouchable in his awesomeness, even though he's right there in front of you. and he has a hatred of the gods and a mild tolerance for humans but at the end of the day, he appreciates and loves both for all that they do. (also in a percy jackson demigod sense, he is totally an apollo's kid and no i don't make the rules) 
fae. y'all know how far my fairy minghao agenda runs by now and like ??? can you blame me ???? the idea of sassy smol hao with fairy wings and a squeaky voice is cute and all, but also i just think he fits the idea of the entire tall, mysterious fae folk really well too. with his pointy fae ears and his shrewd gaze and his ability to say half-truths and riddles and give sage advice about how to live your life all at once, he really is very much a fae-like person. 
some sort of demon. he's so loud and bright and kind that, despite his huge presence and glowing eyes and the horns protruding out of his mess of fluffy hair, you don't even register that he's some dangerous, hellish creature before something happens and he just snaps, the air around him visibly darkening as he tears after the thing that caused him to lose control. he's so sweet and kind but so undeniably dangerous all at once. 
elf. i'm thinking lord of the rings elves, except i haven't actually watched lord of the rings but i have this idea of them being tall and rich and elegant beings, and it makes me think of dokyeom. he's just so pretty, and the elves rely on the natural elements to survive, right? dokyeom is just so sunbeams peeking through forest leaves, so little rabbits bounding through the undergrowth, so hand-whittled arrows and folk songs around a campfire and tall, tall, beautiful elves. 
will o’ the wisp or a sprite. he's endearing and mysterious, and once you gain his favour he's staying glued to ur shoulder for the entirety of your dangerous quest through the magical woods. he's very chatty and also very elusive, constantly flitting around in the air and disappearing in a wink of light before appearing on your nose once again. you can't tell if he's a help or a hindrance, but he's cute and bright and makes the journey a lot better
a smurf. smurfs count as mythical beings okay, and while ive never actually watched any smurf movie thing ever, i think vernon would make an absolutely brilliant smurf. they give off silly goofy weird adorable vibes, and that's basically vernon in a nutshell. also smol vernon with blue skin and lives in a mushroom looking house??? that's kinda cute and actually something that vernon might wanna do irl not gonna lie
nine-tailed fox. he's so mysterious and sexy and kind of dangerous but like. his unbelievable handsomeness kinda outweighs the danger. honestly i don't really have an explanation for this other than that the Vibes r there for some reason and he'd look so cool with those glittery wisps of magic threading through the air around him as his eyes glow a mysterious colour before he launches into a kdrama-esque fight sequence against the latest monster
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request guidelines
reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @hanniehaee @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @zilinxue
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Dog!owner Sukuna, sukugo AU
EDIT feel free to tell me your dog breed amd name suggestions! I'm thinking of making this a bit longer 🤭
Now I'm kinda thinking about Sukuna owning a big, scary looking dog, who doesn't like strangers.
He's bringing Satoru home for the first time, on edge, kind of worried, but Satoru assured him it's fine, he loves puppies. It's a grown ass dog, Sukuna reminded him but fell on dead ears. All dogs are puppies and that's final!
Doesn't calm his nerves one bit, what if his dog bites him? What if he doesn't like him? Satoru is one of a kind, he'll never find someone like him again. But this dog is his baby.
So he opens the door, showing Satoru living room, where his roommate lays on his bed, curious about the new person in his home.
"he's adorable!" Satoru gushes at him and Sukuna calls him over. Training was a challenge, both of them are stubborn, but it paid off. He couldn't wish for a better companion.
Satoru smiles kindly and leans down a bit, holding out his hand "I'm Gojo Satoru. I'm honoured to meet you, Sukuna told me so much about you."
The dog sniffs at his hand and takes a few steps closer, allowing Satoru to gently tickle his chin. He goes down to his knees and grinnes happily.
"What good boy! And so handsome!" The dog starts wagging his tail, as if he understands every word. He sniffs at Satoru's a few times and starts licking his face until he laughs.
Sukuna just stands there, puzzled. "This has never happened before", he mumbles to himself. He tried to introduce some past flings to him, but his dog wasn't a fan (he was fine with Uraume and his family). Not long after he got him, he tried the whole thing for the first time. His buddy looked annoyed and borderline pissed. He even growled once and snapped his- very sharp- baby teeth. They worked on that, but the hatred of his partners stayed, just as his a bit stoic personality.
Sukuna wasn't that bothered, but this wasn't some random hook up. This was Satoru.
His Satoru.
The first and only person to give him a challenge, to entertain him with his witty mouth, to captivate him with his beauty...to clear his skies with his kind heart. The same one he willingly gave to Sukuna, and as unworthy as he is, he will never let it go.
The same person who's rolling on the ground with his dog, both of them having so much fun together. He can't help but smile, letting the relief wash over him in gentle waves.
He makes the dinner and has to remind Satoru more than once to not sneak food under the table. (He worked very hard to stop his dog from begging don't ruin it and NO he's not starving!)
Sukuna cleans the table, Satoru's too busy talking to the dog about just anything and looking absolutely breathtaking. And just as he finished the last plate, he feels two arm around him and a face pressing into his back.
Satoru nuzzles his cheek against him and sighs quietly.
"See? I told you no one can resist me."
Sukuna touches the hands hugging him before he turns around, wrapping his own arms around his beloved.
"Mhh. You charmed me as well, so there's maybe truth to your words" and he kisses him because he can. Because he can't believe how lucky he got.
Their soft kisses turn passionate, hands growing restless. He turns them around, slamming Satoru against the rattling countertop, causing him to groan out loud.
Before he can lift him up, to let Satoru wrap his legs around him, he hears loud barking. His mind is foggy, so the first thing to come to his mind is 'intruder'. Sukuna pulls back ro turn around, to search for a burglar, but his dog squeezes between them, as If to protect Satoru from him.
He looks at his dog and then to his lover. And let his gaze fall on his dog again, puzzled "huh?"
It was Satoru's loud laugh that broke the spell. He petting the dog again, trying to control his volume.
"HAHAH You were so worried about him not liking me, but now he loves me even more than you!" He's kissing the furry head and coos at his, apparently, new best friend.
"I'm fine, Daddy wasn't hurting me! Look!" He slowly makes his way to Sukuna, reaching for his face to kiss him briefly. Apparently he was the dog whisperer, because bis dog calmed down instantly as Satoru approaches him again, ready to cuddle him.
"You're such a sweet little thing, the sweetest even! Trying to protect me from this big teddy bear...I love you so much!"
And Sukuna watches, as a realisation hit him:
He's the third wheel now.
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teojira · 4 months
[ᴍᴏɴꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴡʜᴏ ᴀᴛᴇ ᴀ ꜱᴛᴀʀ]
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ᴛᴇᴏᴊɪʀᴀ (ᴇꜱᴛ 2ᴋ24)
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《Introduction》 +
《! Please read me !》
¤ Hi! My name is Teddy and this blog as it says on the tin, is a multifandom blog! I'm into a wide range of characters and interests, so I'm sure I have something that'll strike your fancy!
¤ This is an 18+ blog. This is to keep me and you safe should you be a minor. Please stay away! I can't police you, but use common sense.
¤ I will not deal with discourse here, don't like what I write or who I write for? Block me and move on, I don't care.
¤ I am a woman person of color, no hatred towards ANY group is tolerated here. It will end in an IP address block.
¤ My interests fluctuates alot, I have severe adhd and some characters will get special treatment depending on which mood I am in!
¤ I'm always down to chat and make conversation but please remember I'm human and I have a job outside of tumblr, this is just a hobby for me! Please be kind and understanding.
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¤ Every character I will write romantic ideas for must be of age. Any minor will ONLY be platonic. (Exception being the tmnt brothers, they are aged up accordingly.)
¤I write comfort, fluff, angst, pretty much anything tbh.
¤ My own rule of thumb is that if a furry character is sentient, can consent and is of age, and speaks/thinks/acts like a human, it is akin to monster loving. (Harkness scale pretty much). I don't care for your take on it, block me if you disagree!
¤ I will not write nsfw if you are on anon, your age must be somewhere on your blog. I will delete it from my askbox.
¤ A please and a thank you go a long way!
¤ I usually write with she/her pronouns or gender neutral pronouns.
¤ I am not looking for critique, this is all for fun. This is a heavy boundary, I will block if you do this.
¤ NSFW will be tagged accordingly so you can black list, if I forget to tag something, kindly let me know. I am not responsible for your experience beyond that, act accordingly if I write something you don't like.
¤ Please include some details with your requests, such as character and a general idea on what you'd like me to write! Please don't write an essay in my ask box.
¤ Things I will not write: Pregnancy, Underage, harder kinks (Scat/Noncon/vore/piss), Character harming reader physically, Parenthood, character x character.
Not sure if I write something? Just shoot me a text!
¤ Do NOT share my writing anywhere else (Quotev, Ao3, wattpad, Tiktok). A Simple reblog is appreciated here and only on tumblr.
¤ Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! It's nice to know something I wrote was loved!
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And finally what we've all been waiting for, put your hands together for the :
《 Fandoms I write for》
Genshin impact
Honkai Star rail
Monsterverse (platonic only for the Kaijus)
Planet of the apes (remake) (NO nsfw)
My hero academia (Dabi and Tomura only)
Demon slayer
Twisted wonderland
Devil may cry
Apex legends (Revenant only)
Fire emblem three houses
Puss in boots: the last wish (Death only)
Stranger things (Eddie Munson only)
Red dead redemption 2
The Wolf among us (Bigby only)
Five nights at freddys: Security Breach
Sonic (platonic for everyone except Shadow)
DC comics/ DCEU
Horror icons/slashers
Countless other video game characters probably lmao.
Though I write for many fandoms, I'm more comfortable with specific characters so I'll let you know if I'm comfortable enough to write for them!
Don't see a character you're sweet on? No worries, shoot me a text and I'll see if I know anything about them to whip something up for ya!
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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phanzon · 4 months
I can't believe I'm going to write this AU out before my Kirby AU (which has been in the works for 2 years), but @rorydrawsandwrites had to infect my mind with their Puppeteer AU. So here's an AU to add on to theirs: Puppet Sisters AU (1/?) CW: Emotional and psychological abuse, suicidal tendencies, identity death As per usual, it revolves around Gangle having the ability to possess and control other people, which leads to her continuously possessing and emotionally abusing Jax. However, what if the side effects became too much to bear for our favorite rabbit? The constant headaches, the inability to sleep, the disassociation and disgust towards his own body... the overwhelming self hatred and shame... how he's all alone in this digital world as every one points and laughs at his misery... to have no control over his own bod, his own being as another controls his very mind against their will. The sheer mental anguish languishing in his soul for simply existing, for thinking, for simply being himself. What does it even mean to be "Jax"? A made up name for a man he has little memories of being before getting sucked into this digital hellscape. A trickster that everyone hated for his mischievous cruelty and now suffers eternally for their amusement... At this point they don't even see Jax the way they did before... now they only see a smiling corpse being dragged around by ribbons. No, they wouldn't miss him, after all they never fought for him whenever he fled to their rooms and begged for sanctuary. Every night is a struggle to stay sane as a thick fog clouds the mind while voices and memories play out in front of him like twisted puppet shows. In these moments of free time he would spend hours coming up with places to hide, ideas of how to struggle, justifications for giving in little by little. But now... now he simply tries to survive. The anguish of existing overwhelms his senses, tugging at his mind and body. He no longer fears his tormentor, whom he now stays in her room with, rather he fears transforming into a beast, stuck in perpetual torment as he's dragged out like a dog and thrown into the cellar... forgotten as he continuously tears his corrupted flesh apart in the abyss.... He wants to give up, to let go and let the pain go away... but abstraction will never ring relief. He rather give in to the devil he knows rather than the devil he doesn't. When Gangle awoke, she is less than thrilled. The past month her doll hasn't even tried to run or hide from her, instead he keeps lying there in bed, hoping for her to take control. It was deeply satisfying at first, seeing their former tormentor finally having his spirit broken and allowing her to take over without any hassle. But the moment passed and as soon as it did, Gangle realized that there wouldn't be any fun without a struggle. In all honesty she was thinking about taking a break, maybe then she could get some enjoyment out of Jax suffering from the side effects of her games.
However she did not find Jax in her bed, rather he was on the floor on both of his knees, his head bowed to the floor, tears dripping onto the carpet. Gangle couldn't help but smile, "What are you doing on the floor, bunny? Are you asking me to make you my pet?" Jax responded in a hushed, monotone voice. "I want you to make the pain go away...I.... I give up.... you win." Gangle tilted her head in confusion. "Give up? You're giving up now? So then, what was all that the past month?" Jax sat up, holding his arms close to him as his ears drooped and he wept uncontrollably. "Hell... It's hell to keep going on like this... I'm... I'm.... broken... I'm useless without you." Gangle feigned a frown and went over to her doll, kneeling down and stroking the back of his furry head. "Aww, there there bunny... I only broke you because of what you did to me and everyone else." Jax rested his head on Gangle's shoulder. "I... I know I did and i deserved it but-" Gangle interrupted. "and honestly if you're squirming in pain because I'm not possessing you, then maybe I should really cut down my time with you~" Jax looked at her with fright. "WH-WHAT?! N-NO WAIT I-" Before he could continue, Gangle got up and began to walk towards the door. "Anyway I better hurry on to today challenge, I wouldn't want to be late." In that moment, she could hear a thump as Jax dived towards her, grabing their leg in desperation. She dawned a devious smile. "NO! nonononono, don't leave me, don't leave me Gangle I- I need your help!" Gangle couldn't help but giggle. "Awww, so desperate for attention~" Jax closed his eyes and gripped harder. "Please Gangle... I'm dying..." Suddenly Gangle's face turned to confusion. "Dying???" She turned around and kneeled to Jax's height. "What do you mean by that, bunny?" Jax grabbed his head in pain and went into a fetal position. "I... I've been holding myself together for weeks now, but I'm at my limit... I can feel myself slipping... I don't want to abstract, I DON'T WANT TO BE STUCK WITH THIS CONSTANT PAIN!" Gangle recoiled, even after all this time she's never seen Jax so frightened to where he would ask HER for help. "I see... So what do you want me to do about it? In fact, what do I even get out of helping a pathetic, useless scamp like you?" A silence filled the room as Jax burried his head in his knees. He had fought for so long to maintain his pride, his spirit, his integrity. Little by little he was whittled away: his dignity, his humanity, his sanity... all to dust. The old him would have beaten him senseless to what he was going to do... but the old him is gone forever, and now he and all that he was will follow suit. "You can have everything." Gangle blinked a few times before asking him to clarify. "Everything?" Jax turned away in shame. "Everything. My body, my mind, my soul if I even have one... Everything, take it all and let me finally get some sleep... forever. Gangle was taken aback. "You... You're serious about this?!" Jax replied without so much as a hint of humanity left in his voice. "If you don't take me now... you'll lose me to the cellar. I'm already a dead man walking." Gangle had an emotionless expression on her face, coldly calculating, weighing her options. She wanted to see Jax tormented even more, seeing him be carried off screaming and crying could bring a smile to her face... but at the same time she was pretty invested in using his body, a lot of time and effort learning how to control his body would go to waste if he really abstracted. She was skeptical over his claims, but it was best not to risk it. "Very well, I will relieve you of your suffering." Jax cried with joy, his grin thankful at this distorted gesture of mercy. "Th-thank you..."
As Gangle slithered her warm, soft ribbons around the puppet's body, limb by limb, she whispered in his ears. "Now just relax, I will make sure to take care of your body for myself. All your pain, all your fear and all your anxiety won't bother you again. No more sadness, no more anger. Just b l i s s." Jax could feel himself slipping. Normally he would be pleading for his life for Gangle to stop. But after such a grueling fight, he can finally sleep for good. With Gangle stroking his eat, she continued. "Now all that's left is your pretty little neck my dear, then you wont have to worry or be bothered by anything or anyone anymore. Your mind will be put to rest and you'll be in good hands. You've been a very good puppet, bunny~" And with that, Jax gave a final breath before coming under Gangles control. Gangle sighed, she didn't expect Jax to be THAT desperate for her control. However as she made the puppet stand, she could feel something was off. "Hmm? Wait a minute... this feels like-" Her eyes widened as she realized Jax was indeed telling the truth of his abstraction. However, just as soon as she felt it, it slowly trickled away. "Well #$%&, you were telling the truth. I guess you should thank me bunny... Bunny?" Whenever Gangle possessed Jax, she had to put his consciousness somewhere inside the depths of his own mind as to keep him trapped and conscious enough for her to hear his struggles. Except now, his mind truly felt empty, with all traces of him vanishing along with the feelings of abstraction. "Bunny? are you there? Jax? Did.. did you really just leave me your body?" Gangle had underestimated how Jax truly felt in his darkest moments and how true his words of letting go were. But now that he was gone, it felt surreal to control a living body without a mind to suppress and torture. As Gangle mentally observed Jax's mind, she realized many of the areas of the brain that she once had to wrestle Jax for control of were now completely ripe for the taking. "Hmm, I wonder." In an instant, Gangle was able to control Jax's body movements with much more precession and flexibility. No longer did it feel like dragging a corpse around the circus, Gangle felt much lighter and could harness Jax's natural athleticism. "WOAH! I feel so light and nimble! I wonder what else I can do without that bunny boy stopping me?" Observing Jax's mind, there was always one spot that Gangle couldn't seem to get a hold of, no matter how submissive and agreeable Jax was. Gangle closed her eyes and focused as hard as she could. "Come on... come onnn... almost got it... riiiiight... th-ACK!" As Gangle connected to that part of the mind, a shock went right up both Jax's and Gangle's body's, arching the former's back backwards before collapsing. Gangle couldn't keep it together and blacked out beside the empty husk of a body.
To be continued...
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