#about bringing a fucking kid over here to stay for every single day off I have
yani-senpai · 9 months
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2tcs · 2 months
Day 2 Meeting a new family member and Wire
“My brother has moved to Gotham and I intend to visit them tonight as Robin.” Damian announced as everyone began to eat dinner.
“You have. A brother?” Tim haltingly asked as he looked at Damian.
“Tt. That is what I said. I advise not attempting to contact him unless he invites you into his home.”
“Damian. Why didn’t you tell me you had a brother?” Bruce asked.
“It was irrelevant. Danyal is older than me and had been deemed a failure by the time Mother and Grandfather decided to make me. I had been under the impression that he had been disposed of. In a way, I suppose he was, seeing as he was placed in the hands of some scientists who worked for the league.”
“But he’s back. Do you know what he wants?” Tim asked as Bruce disassociated.
“He would not go into detail but it seems that the scientists who raised him have found a purer and more radioactive Lazarus water. It is why I am meeting him tonight so he can turn over the more sensitive information without the league hearing about it.”
“Damian.” Bruce started before rethinking what he was going to say. “I would like to come with. He may be your brother but he is also an unknown.”
“I am aware Father. That is why I am telling you now. You cannot come with me but I will stay in contact and keep the com channel open throughout the entire exchange.”
“I would still prefer”
“Father. You will not come with. Danyal has expressly forbade you from meeting him.”
“That makes this even more suspicious! If not me then at least bring Dick with you.”
“Richard is in Bloodhaven and will not be able to get here in a timely manner. I am going alone.” Damian said before standing up and walking off.
“Give it a rest B. He’s on a mission and I have a feeling he’ll go alone no mater what you say. If anything we could try to tail him but I have a feeling he’ll be on the lookout for that.”
“Akhi. You have fortified this place well.” Damian complimented as he walked into the office of the warehouse where Danny had made his base. It had been years since Danny had looked into the child that was meant to replace him after he failed one too many missions for Grandfather's liking. But to see that his little brother had managed to escape the league made Danny’s core hum happily.
“Thank you, Dams. But we aren’t here for pleasantries.” Danny said as he walked over to the single desk in the room and pulled a thick file out of one of the drawers. “In here is a brief rundown of the Fenton's research as well as a law that has recently passed that is in violation of”
Before Danny could finish talking there was a loud crash and a string of expletives.
“What the fuck! Who puts two wire traps mere inches from each other!” The voice shouted before the sound of a body hitting the floor. A few moments later the voice started yelling again as they fell into another trap.
“A friend of yours Dams?” Danny asked while he watched the door.
“A member of our family. Unfortunately. I had told Father not to come and I was hoping the fact that it was in Crime Allie would discourage Drake. I had not counted on Father getting Todd involved.” Damian sighed before walking over to the folder.
“As long as he does not wake up the littles I could care less. Perhaps we should help him out?” Danny asked. Not noticing Damian’s head snapping up to stare at him.
“Littles? You did not inform me of anyone else.”
“Hm. Long story short? You are an uncle to two little ones.”
“ALL RIGHT! WHO SET UP ALL THOSE… Demon brat. I should have known.” Red Hood said as he barged into the office. Causing twin crys to echo from a door on the opposite side of the main door. “Are those?”
“Yes, and your entrance has just woken up my kids. Dams? I have also left a number in the folder if you need to contact me. I will be off now.” Danny said as he began to walk towards the door the cries were coming from.
“There is a family brunch every Wednesday at ten in the morning. I request you to be there so that I can meet the new members of our family. Father would also like to meet you.” Damian said while ignoring Jason’s stuttering.
“I will think about it. Until next time Dams.” Danny replied before disappearing through the door.
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dreaming-medium · 11 months
Stray Kids Kinktober Day 5
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Stray Kids Kinktober Masterlist
Cockwarming - Felix
Word Count: 5.7k
Summary: End of the quarter reports are due and somehow one of the calculations got messed up; it’s nothing you can’t do by hand. And luckily you have a preppy secretary who will stop at nothing to make sure you’re relaxed.
“Felix, can you bring in my incoming forms, please?” you say into the intercom on your desk. 
“Right away, ma’am.” His deep voice answers you immediately through the speaker. 
Leaning back in your large office chair, you cross one leg over the other and look out of the floor to ceiling windows that line the wall behind your desk. 
Your arms cross over your chest and your bottom lip pulls between your teeth in deep thought. 
Various different items on your to-do list for the day fly through your mind as you stare out over the Seoul skyline.
Partnership approvals, tax forms, time sheets.  
Being the CFO for a large cooperation like this one was never easy. There was never a single day in the office that you weren’t busy. When you think about it, you can’t even remember the last time you took a vacation day.
Once you get this high in the corporate ladder, it’s supposed to get easier, that’s what you thought. It’s what you were told your entire life. But, now that you’re here, you see that it’s the exact opposite.
Every single day is filled to the brim with meetings, phone calls, and business lunches. It’s all chock full of fake smiles and forced laughter. 
You worked your ass off to get to where you were now, and nothing was ever going to change that. Sleep be damned..
A gentle knock sounded through the room.
“Come in,” you call out, turning your chair to face the door.
The door opens and Felix walks in with a large stack of papers in his hands. His crisp white dress shirt is tucked into his navy blue dress pants, a matching tie around his neck. A pair of thick black glasses sat perched on his nose, face framed by long, perfectly kempt, blond hair.
“Your inbox, ma’am,” he says warmly, walking closer to your desk.
“Thank you, Felix.” You motion down to the empty desk in front of you. “You can just place them anywhere.”
He nods and gently places them on an empty spot on the wood.
“Do I have any more meetings for the day?” you ask him, flipping through the papers.
“No, ma’am.”
You run one hand through your hair tiredly. “Good, good.” A beat. “What time is my first meeting tomorrow?”
Felix reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He taps on the screen a few times before speaking up. “Ten o’clock.”
“Really? That’s the best news I’ve gotten all day.” 
“Your 8:30 was rescheduled to the afternoon.”
“Now that makes sense.”
Your eyes tiredly flick over to the time on your desktop. “Jesus, Felix. Weren’t you supposed to leave an hour ago?” 
He shifts his weight on his feet. “Yes, but I don’t leave until you do.”
“I told you that you don’t need to do that.”
“It’s just in case you need me, you know?” A soft blush covers his cheeks, but you pay no mind to it.
“You’re putting these hours on your timesheet, right?”
“Good.” You sigh again. “Tomorrow is the day, isn’t it?”
“If you’re referring to the quarterly rebalance, then yes, it is.”
At the end of every quarter, you were in charge of verifying each analyst’s calculations and reading their predictions for the next one before presenting them to the board of directors. 
Every single time you end up staying at the office until the wee hours of the morning.  
Last quarter, you didn’t leave the office until two in the morning. And, like every quarter, Felix stayed with you.
“Well, then,” You put the forms back down on your desk and push your chair away to stand up. “I’m not going to bother with these tonight when I’ll be here until sunrise on Saturday.”
“Should I have your car brought around?”
“If you could, please.”
“Right away, ma’am.”
Felix briskly leaves the room and you roll your head around your sore neck.
“Fuck quarterly rebalances.”
Your hand runs over your face for the millionth time in the last four hours. The numbers are starting to blend together at this point. 
The analyses started coming in around 11 AM and since then you just haven’t stopped. 
Line chart after line chart, spreadsheet after spreadsheet, everything looks the same now. 
You’ve been hung up on one single data set. There’s a random spike in it for no reason at all. Why is there a spike in this calculation? 
You cannot move on to the rest of the data until you get over this spike. 
Blindly, you reach over to the phone on your desk and press the intercom button. “Felix,” you say after the beep.
“Yes, ma’am?”
“Can you please patch me through to Seo Changbin? There’s no way this spike is correct.”
The sound of typing on a keyboard echoes over the line. 
“Seo Changbin clocked out three hours ago, ma’am. Would you like me to ring his personal phone?”
“Three hours?” you ask incredulously and look down at the time. “Holy shit.” you murmur under your breath.
8:00 PM. It’s 8:00 PM.
“Ma’am?” Felix grabs your attention after a second of waiting. 
You throw your glasses down onto the desk and pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration. A headache has been resting behind your eyes all day. 
“No,” you say after a few moments. “No, that won’t be necessary. I’ll just run the numbers myself.”
“Is there anything else I can help you with for now, ma’am?”
You look around the room, the sun is setting over the skyline. A sigh leaves your chest. 
It’s hard to believe you were working for nine straight hours on this. When was the last time you looked up? 
“Have you eaten yet, Felix?” you ask, keeping your eyes outside. 
“No, ma’am.”
“Order whatever you want, make it double. Put it on the corporate card.”
Felix’s deep laugh comes through the intercom. “Right away, ma’am.”
“Thank you, Felix.” 
“My pleasure, ma’am.”
Two plus two is four, right? Yes, of course it is. Two plus two has always been four. They wouldn’t just change that suddenly, right?
But you’re so delirious that you still punch it in your calculator. 
“Two plus two...” When the calculator says four, you stare at it. “To be honest, I was expecting something else with how tonight is going.”
Laughing at your own joke, you continue to re-input the numbers into the spreadsheet on your desktop. 
A knock at your door pulls your attention.
“Come in!” you call out without looking up. 
The door clicks open. “Delivery!” Felix’s cheery voice calls into your office.
You look up at your secretary with weary eyes. His mouth pulls into a sympathetic smile. 
“That bad, huh?”
“You have no idea.” you groan and lean back in your chair. Your muscles scream from the movement and you grunt. “I just verified two plus two on the calculator.”
“Still four?”
“I think it’s time for a break, then.”
Peeking at the clock, it says it’s around 9:00 PM now. 
With an apologetic smile, you look up at Felix. His white collared shirt is undone at the top, no tie around his neck. A plain pair of tight black slacks hugging his legs. He’s looking at you with nothing but pity in his eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Felix,” you say while taking the takeout container from him. He just laughs.
“Don’t apologize, it’s all part of the job.” He shifts in place for a moment and turns and looks at the door. 
“Where’s your food?”
“Oh, at my desk.”
“Why don’t you bring it in here? I’d love the company. Wayne can only do so much for my sanity.” You point at the house plant on your windowsill.
A little nametag on the front of the pot says ‘Wayne’ in cursive. 
Felix’s eyes widen and his cheeks turn a bit pink. “Oh! Yeah! I’ll um… I’ll go grab it and be right back.”
You follow his lithe body as he rushes out of your office with one eyebrow raised.
True, this was the first time you invited him to eat in your office with you. But it’s not like you ever had the opportunity to do so.
Typically, you ate in your office by yourself while still working. Truth be told, you had no idea when Felix’s lunch break was. He was always available when you needed him. Did he work through his lunch too?
Your secretary re-enters your office slightly out of breath. 
“By the way,” he pants. “I had forgotten to order us drinks, so I got this out of the vending machine for you.”
He comes up to your desk holding out your favorite drink.
“Ugh, what would I do without you?” You smile and take the drink. “Pull a chair closer, you can eat on my desk too. It’ll get all over you if you try to balance it like that on your lap.”
Eagerly, he places his food on your desk and scoots forward. The redness in his cheeks deepened. 
Soft lo-fi music is coming through your computer and filling the silence in the air. You crack open the takeout container and dig in. 
It’s a stir fry. And stir fry has never looked this good in your life.
“This is so good,” you basically moan after taking your first bite. 
“O-Oh, yeah? I’m glad you like it,” Felix stutters back and takes his own bite. 
“It’s definitely much needed after today.” You whine and look back at your desktop. 
“What’s going on with the numbers?”
“Based on what Changbin gave me, it says our internal earnings spiked massively this quarter. And yes, while this is great, it’s extremely abnormal. If this is true, I need to verify it before I can present it; otherwise, I’ll look like a fool.” 
Felix listens intently to your explanation. “I don’t think you could ever look like a fool, ma’am.”
“Thank you, Felix.” You smile at him. He grins back and suddenly it’s like the sun is back up. His pearly white teeth shine in the office light.
“You have such a pretty smile,” you compliment him. “I don’t think I ever told you that.”
Felix squirms in his seat and looks down bashfully. The blush spreads all over his face. One of his hands comes up and rubs the back of his neck. 
“Ah, thank you, ma’am. I appreciate that.”
Chuckling softly, you turn back to your calculations. 
The gentle, twinkling sounds of lo-fi beats do nothing to help calm the swirling confusion in your head. 
Minutes pass and you’re staring at the same algorithm. 
Your shoulders are slowly coming towards your ears with all the tension in your body. When you lean forward to use your keyboard, a burning pain runs through your back. 
“Fuck.” Your hand flies up to grab where your shoulder meets your neck to massage it and roll your head around. 
“Everything alright?” Felix asks. 
“Yeah, I just get so stiff sitting at my desk while I work on the end of quarter stuff. Feels like my shoulders are on fire.”
No amount of massaging your own shoulders seems to be working, though. 
Felix looks down at his food for a moment, then back up to you. His eyes shift away from you nervously. 
“Before this job, I had gone to massage school for a few months. Would you like me to see if I can work those kinks out?”
Normally, you would say no. It would be so wildly inappropriate to have your secretary massage your shoulders while you work. Imagine if someone decided to walk in?
But now? When no one else is here and there’s no end in sight with these analyses?
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” you ask, unsure. 
He seems to perk up a bit. “Not at all!”
Another moment passes while you weigh it in your mind, your lip pulls between your teeth before looking at him a bit sheepishly. “If you don’t mind…”
Felix is up on his feet, food immediately forgotten. It almost startles you how fast he’s up and around the back of your chair.
You had shucked off your blazer a few hours ago. Just your button up on, the top few buttons undone and sleeves rolled up to your elbows. 
Felix stands behind you for a moment, his hands hovering over your shoulders. “Do you have any lotion?”
“Yes, actually.” Reaching down into your desk drawer, you pulled out an herbal lotion that your one friend had gotten you as a gift. 
“‘Stress Relief’, huh?” Felix teases when you set it on the desk.
“A friend thought it would make a great gag gift with everything going on,” you laugh to yourself and stare back at your computer. “She didn’t realize how appropriate it was.”
Once more, Felix moves his hands around your back, his lithe fingers sweeping your hair off the back of your neck. Instead of keeping it down, you lean forward and grab a long pencil out of the cup and twirl it around your hair to then pin it up.
It’s a trick you learned back in college.
Felix watches behind you silently, his breath hitches slightly when he sees your hair settle all pinned up. Strands fall out of the bundle and frame your face and neck a bit.
It’s the most perfect messy hairstyle he’s ever seen. 
Felix’s jaw clenches and he gulps, pulling himself together.
“Do you mind if I, ah– lower the back of your shirt a bit?” 
“Yeah, here.” You’re already back in word mode; after looking at the sheer number of raw data littering the spreadsheet on your desktop, you were no longer focused on your secretary. 
You unbutton more of the buttons and let your shirt slide off your shoulders a bit. Your cleavage was still covered– mostly. 
Felix’s brain whites out for a split second and he has to physically force his brain to reboot. There’s a slight twitch in his pants at the sight of your naked shoulders. You’re always in those high-collared shirts, blazers, sweaters, so ungodly professional.
But your clothes are always so skin tight. Or you’ll wear a blouse like this one and a tiny little pencil skirt. 
Felix leans down and pumps some lotion on his hands, rubbing it together to warm it up before setting his hands on your wonderfully smooth skin. It takes every fiber of his being not to let out a moan at the feeling. 
His breathing picks up as he digs his thumbs into your muscles. 
Immediately, you groan at the feeling. “God, that already feels so good, Felix.”
His name, you said his name, moaning nonetheless. 
He can only make a noise of acknowledgement while he continues to work out the high strung muscles in your neck and shoulders.
Meanwhile, your brain is completely focused on your calculations. It’s so much easier to focus on everything when it doesn’t feel like your back is on fire.
Felix’s hands are absolutely magical. Everywhere he rubs loosens up underneath his strong, yet gentle, grip. He kneads right at the base of your neck and every knot slowly releases.
Small moans slip past your lips without realizing it.
And just because you don’t realize you’re moaning does not mean that your secretary hasn’t. Every single sound that comes out of your mouth goes straight to his dick. His slacks have tightened significantly, a tent pitching higher and higher each second.
He scolds himself internally. He knows he needs to pull it together, you’re his boss. You sign his paychecks. But fuck, knowing that you’re making those noises because of just his fingers is messing with his brain, he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to.
Felix runs over a particularly tight knot and you jump with a yelp.
“Sorry! Sorry!” he apologizes profusely, keeping his hands on your shoulders.
“It’s okay,” you soothe his worry. “God, I already feel better. It felt like someone was stabbing flaming daggers into my shoulders.”
Your voice sounds somewhere else. Even though Felix has been your secretary for almost two years now, you’ve never spoken this casually with him. You were always professional, always so put together. 
The work in front of you has you so consumed that you don’t realize how much your tongue is slipping.
It’s been like this the entire night. You’re too distracted to care. 
“I can’t believe you chose to pursue this instead of continuing with massage school.” you continue.
“Well, I had originally gotten this job to pay for massage school. Then, when I got this position, I realized it paid more than being a masseuse ever would.”
You move your head around your shoulders, “Still.” you write down a string of numbers, click around on your keyboard, punch a formula into the calculator, then write something else down. “God, your fingers are fucking magical.”
Hearing you curse sent a lightning bolt down his back and Felix’s head is shot into the clouds. And you were complimenting him! 
“I can’t imagine what else those fingers can do.” 
Now he knows he’s dreaming. Did you really just say that? Did he hallucinate it? His fingers pause on your muscles.
Your own words must have sunken into your brain; your entire body goes rigid and you gasp, one hand flying over your mouth. Your heart drops to your stomach.
“Oh my god, Felix.” you say quietly, your tone is horrified. “Felix, I am so sorry, please. Oh, god.”
You can’t even turn around to look at him. It’s like ice water was injected to your veins. How could you have said that? He’s going to report you to HR! Who wouldn’t? You quite literally just harassed him in the workplace.
“I have no idea why I said that.” you sputter.
Say goodbye to everything you worked for. You threw it out the window by accidentally letting your tongue slip while he massaged your bare shoulders.
While you were apologizing profusely, you didn't feel him lean down until you heard his baritone voice was right next to your ear.
“I could show you.”
Like a zipper, pleasure shoots right up your spine. It makes you sit up straighter in your desk chair. Your mouth is suddenly so dry.
“W-What?” you stutter out, still looking down at your desk.
Felix is so close behind you that you can smell his cologne wrapping around your nose. It’s so fresh. It has a cotton-like musky smell to it. You’ve always caught whiffs of it when he came breezing through your office.
So many times you’ve found yourself leaning into the smell, and now here you have it so close to you.
“I could show you what these fingers can do, ma’am.” he purrs in your ear. Goosebumps raise all along the back of your neck, the hairs stand on end and a shiver creeps up on you.
His warm, slippery hands slide from your shoulders down your bare arms to grip them for a second before sliding back up. Felix reapers the motion a few times, letting his hot breath fan over your exposed skin.
“But,” the gravel of his voice makes your insides flutter. “You need to finish these calculations, ma’am.”
You hum in response, allowing your eyes to flutter closed and you lean back into his touch.
Felix chuckles under his breath. “I have an idea.”
Oh, it was a sinful fucking idea. Did he really think you were going to get any work done like this?
Felix had sat down on your desk chair, the tent in his pants so painfully obvious. At the same time, you can’t deny the wetness in your panties. It was getting worse and worse during that massage.
It’s only natural. 
He grabs your hips and pulls your body towards him, his face level with your lower stomach. He looks directly up at you, his fingers curling into the fabric of your pencil skirt.
Those deep brown eyes staring up at you with a lustful haze covering them. Every freckle was highlighted on his face due to the blush covering his skin.
You bring one of your hands up to his face and softly caress his cheek, letting your fingertips dance over his skin. Felix leans into your touch; he turns his head and presses a kiss to your palm.
“This is crazy,” you whisper down to him.
“The secretary sleeping with the boss is not a new concept, ma’am.”
You roll your eyes. “Yes, but it’s usually the other way around.”
One of your knees comes up and rests on the chair right in front of his crotch. Felix bites his lip and his eyes squint shut for a moment.
His hips stutter, you can tell he’s trying not to roll them to rub against your bare skin.
Your head cocks to the side and you smirk. “Come on then, I need you to be fully hard if I’m going to sit on your cock.”
One of the deepest moans you’ve ever heard pulls from deep within his chest. Felix’s head tilts back and his grip on your hips tightens. In a fluid motion, he gyrates his hips and you feel his cock press right against your leg.
A devious smile crosses your face, you move your hand down to grip his face tightly to bring his clouded gaze back to you. 
“Come on then, Felix. You can do better than that.”
He whines and closes his eyes again, his hips stuttering and moving faster, harder. He parts his lips to begin panting. Each breath is hot and heavy, you can barely hear your music over it. The heat from his exhales goes right through your shirt.
Further and further, he descends into a subspace.
“Good boy,” you praise and it goes straight to his head. 
Felix gulps and moves his hands around to grip your ass a bit.
In a quick movement, you rip your leg away from his hips.
Felix cries out and his eyes fly open to look at you with astonishment.
“Did I say you could touch me like that?” you hiss down at him. 
“No, ma’am.”
Your head cocks to the side and you stare for a few seconds. “I need to get back to work already. Take your cock out.”
His eyes widen and he hesitates, not used to hearing such filth tumble from your lips. You tighten your grip on his face.
“I’m waiting, Felix.”
He’s then fumbling with his pants trying to fulfill your wishes. He’s practically scrambling. Why isn’t the zipper fucking working? Come on, come on.
Meanwhile, you drop his face and pull your skirt up around your waist, revealing your black lace thong. While still fumbling with his own pants, Felix moans, staring at the beautiful sight in front of him. It sounds like it’s punched out of him.
Teasingly, you hook your thumbs around the elastic band and drag it down your legs slowly.
Another whine comes out from Felix’s throat. His tongue practically falls out of his mouth at the sight of your pussy, acting like a starved dog.
“Please,” he pants, not able to tear his eyes away from it. “Just a taste. Just one. Please, ma’am, please.”
Smirking, you lightly slap his cheek twice. “You get three licks, honey.”
He can’t get his mouth on you fast enough. Felix wraps his lips around your glistening folds and runs his tongue up through your juices, collecting whatever he could on his tongue. 
You both moan at the same time at the sensation.
“One…” you moan out. 
Another lick pulls another moan. “Two!”
After the third lick, he swirls his tongue around your clit, making your knees feel weak. “Fuck! Three!”
You roughly grab his hair and yank his mouth away from you. His cheeks are flushed and his eyes half lidded. It looks like you took a puppy away from its bowl.
His full lips glisten with your arousal. 
“Sit back on the chair, hands to yourself.”
Felix reluctantly leans back in your chair, his cock at full mast and dripping with precum. His head is flushed red. He is painfully hard.
He rests both of his hands on the arm rests of the chair and keeps his lustful eyes on you.
A smirk pulls at your lips as you kick your panties off, heels staying on. 
You turn around and grab Felix’s cock tightly. His hands tighten around the armrests with a gasp.
“Remember what I said, Felix. No touching.”
“Yes,” he pants.
“Say it, then.” you demand, hovering your pussy over his cock. You both can feel the heat of each other radiating off. 
“No touchinggg—!” While he was talking you dropped down onto his length. 
Both of you moan out loud, your head kicks back at the delicious stretch. God, it’s been too fucking long since you’ve gotten laid. This job takes everything from you.
You roll your hips a few times, getting adjusted. With each movement, Felix lets out a noise: a whine, a grunt, a moan, a whimper, everything in between. He’s singing a chorus of pleasure in your ear. 
“We have to get a little closer to the desk, Felix.”
It takes every ounce of strength, but your voice comes out even and Felix clocks that it’s your professional voice. You feel his cock twitch inside you.
Slowly, he rolls the chair towards the desk and you immediately return to your work. You snap back to it so fast it makes Felix whimper again.
Your heat is wrapped around him in the fucking best way. There’s no way he’s alive right now. For months he’s touched himself thinking about what you looked like underneath all those professional clothes.
You’re always so uptight, what if you just let loose for once? What would it be like? 
Your pussy clenched down on him and Felix whines, throwing his head back. Oh, this was going to be torture.
Just until you finish verifying the calculation, that’s what you said. As soon as you verify the numbers, then you would let him have you.
“You just need to behave.” You told him.
How is he supposed to behave when you’re so fucking tight and wet around him? He can feel each breath you take. 
Besides the fact that you’re surrounding his cock, your naked thighs are right there on top of his. He wants to grab them so hard it’ll leave his fingerprints in your skin, maybe it’ll bruise in the shape of his handprint.
Felix can’t help his hips bucking at the thought.
You clench again and moan. “Felix,” you warn.
“Sorry, what?”
“Sorry, ma’am!” 
Oh, you love that. You absolutely throb around him. Huh.
The soft hairs on the back of your neck tickle against his nose, he can still smell the lotion that he rubbed into your shoulders. 
Felix is grabbing the armrests so tight his knuckles are turning white. His nails dig into the leather painfully.
He licks his lips nervously and he gets another taste of your arousal that was still on his skin. It makes his eyes roll back. 
You adjust on his lap. The movement of your heat around him makes his head spin. The drag of your hot, soaking wet walls over his length is the most consuming feeling he’s ever felt. 
“Fuck,” he murmurs under his breath. 
“Stop moving.”
A small sheen of sweat breaks out on his forehead.
Why no touching? Why couldn’t he snake his hand around and up your blouse? He could cup your tit and pinch and pull your nipples until you’re clenching around him so tight that he could scream. He could lick all the way up your neck and pull your earlobe into his mouth while he listens to you panting his name.
Why can’t he touch you? God, he just wants to touch you.
Here he was, living out his wildest wet dream, and he couldn't feel your soft, supple skin underneath his fingers.
Why can’t he turn your head and consume your lips with his own? Shove his tongue down your throat and suck on yours like it’s a piece of candy.
He should’ve taken his pants off. This way he would’ve been able to feel your juices drip down and soak his thighs. You’re so fucking wet he thinks he might die. 
Felix’s eyes travel to the desk. He could absolutely bend you over the top. He could pull your hair and make you scream. He could make you forget all about–
“Aha!” When you scream, he jumps in surprise. His hips buck up and your pussy clenches around him. You both moan.
“Did you get it?” he pants out. His voice sounds so much weaker than he wanted it to; he sounds like he just ran two miles.
“Yes! He used net earnings instead of gross in one formula! Oh I am going to kill him.”
Thank the fucking lord. You figured it out. You did it, can he please please please–
Felix must’ve started thrusting up into you before he could even register the movements. His mind is so cloudly with lust that he can barely think straight.
“Easy, Felix.” you whine out through moans. He can just tell you didn’t want him to stop either. “Let me just finalize the chart and then–”
Felix cries out and then slumps his head forward to rest between your shoulder blades. “Ma’am, please, I’ve been so good for you, haven’t I? Haven’t I been such a good boy for you, ma’am?”
You hum and roll your hips ever so slightly. Just this slight amount of movement drives Felix insane. He whimpers loudly and his legs begin to shake underneath you.
“You have been a good boy, Felix. Why don’t I give you a reward?”
“Why don’t you let those pretty little hands roam until I’m done?”
“Thank you!” he cries out with a hoarse voice.
Immediately, his hands fly to your thighs and he grips the flesh tightly. His nails dig into your skin and you cry out under your breath, your walls clamping down on him tightly.
“Can I use my mouth, ma’am? Please please please please–”
“Yesss…” you hissed at him.
Felix attaches his lips to your neck and begins to suck on the soft skin while his hands wander up your body.
One hand goes right under your shirt and pulls your bra down. Those magic fingers pinch your nipple.
Every reaction your body has envelopes him in the most amazing way. He can feel everything your body likes. He can feel how you like when he rubs around your nipple rather than pinching it. He can feel how much you love when he uses his thumb to play with your tit while his mouth bites at your neck and hit other hand teases your soaking wet folds.
“Felix…” you warn. It’s all empty, though. Your typing has completely stopped, work has been forgotten.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good, ma’am.” He moans when you tighten. “Let me make you feel good, ma’am. Let me be such a good secretary.”
With the gentlest of touches, Felix plays with your clit. Just with that soft touch, your body spasms around him.
“I can make your body sing, ma’am. Let me be of service to you.”
Another gentle pinch of your nipple. It’s going straight to his head how he can feel how much you’re fighting him.
“Don’t you want to cum around my cock, ma’am?”
You break. “Please.” you whine out.
It’s enough for him. 
Both of his arms tighten around your body, his feet plant firmly on the floor and he begins fucking up into you like his fucking life depends on it. 
He turns into something of a fucking animal with how he’s rutting his cock into your sopping wet heat. He thrusts so hard and so fast, you think he might go through you.
His teeth bare for a moment from the exertion, but he bites down where your shoulder meets your neck.
Your head throws back onto his shoulder. Felix grabs your entire tit to anchor his hold, his thumb brushing over the nipple over and over, each one sends a ripple of pleasure through you.
His other hand rubs harder at your clit, you clamp even tighter over him. Both of you grunt and groan. There is no silence in your office; is the music even playing anymore?
You turn your head to look at him. “Kiss me, Felix.”
He captures your lips without a second thought. It all feels so fucking deliciously good. He sucks on your tongue just like he always wanted to. 
Your mouths glide over one another sloppily, spit getting everywhere on your mouths.
With each thrust, each flick, each rub, your orgasm gets closer and closer. 
Felix shifts his hips a bit and hits your g-spot so hard you cry out into his mouth, he swallows the noise.
“You’re so fucking tight, ma’am. I can feel you clenching so hard. You’re close, aren’t you?”
All you’re able to do is nod. He’s stimulating you so much that you can’t find your voice. 
“Fuck!” he cries out, “Fuck fuck, give it to me, please. Please cum for me, ma’am.” His voice is so low, it's so hoarse from arousal.
A particularly hard thrust launches you over the edge, your orgasm seizes every inch of your body. Felix keeps going, fucking you right through your orgasm.
Deep, guttural moans come from his chest as your body begins to shake in overstimulation. His thrusts grow sloppy and uncoordinated as he gets closer to his own peak.
“Cumming, cumming, cumming!” he shouts and bites your neck again.
Felix spills within you, his hips sputter and he continues to talk through it. 
“So good, fuck, thank you, thank you. So fucking good, fuck, oh my god.”
The room begins to settle, both of your pants becoming softer than the music. Felix holds you close to his chest still, not letting you go.
Your eyes flicker to your desktop.
“... I’m only halfway done. Your cock isn’t going anywhere.”
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marichild · 1 month
satosugu fics i entreat everyone to read
these are just some of the amazing fics I’ve read! I highly recommend every single one to my fellow satosugu lovers. you won’t regret it, I promise.
Carry Me Home by @valleykey [58.4k, completed, T]
The boy shifts on his feet. “The year is two thousand and eighteen? Common Era?” Slowly, smile still plastic on his face, Suguru faces Satoru. This fucking dumbass. “Satoru,” he says, dangerous edge to his voice, “what did you do?” Satoru makes some bastardization of a sound, half between a laugh and a cough.  “...Whoops?”  “I,” Suguru grits, pinching two fingers together, “am this close to mass murder.” He’s joking.  Probably.  ///OR: Shortly before Geto would have massacred a village, he and Gojo are thrust eleven years forward into a would-have-been future that Geto is conspicuously absent from.
愛のある場所; river of light (that brings me to you) by @yuzudetergent [66.8k, completed, T]
A lesson in love is a lesson in swimming. Except for Suguru, it's getting dropped into the deep end with the tide licking at his neck, no kickboard or life preserver keeping him afloat. (Or: This is how Satoru finds the ocean.)
achilles, only the dead stay seventeen forever by getou_suguru (dheiress) [7.9k, ongoing, T]
He looks like a little kid, insouciant and irreverent, smiling at you like that. This is how you want to remember him. “Winter snow melts into Spring, of course!” You open your mouth to laugh and laugh and laugh and— His breath tastes, inexplicably, like spun sugar and honey on your tongue.  (Gojou Satoru is not a God, not yet. But He will be and you think (you know) that you will be  the first to kneel in worship and offer Him your blood, your flesh. Build Him a temple inside the circle of your arms until He sinks inside your ribcage, there to dwell safe and sound and beating just for you.)  ((Pay attention, now. This is a story about how a boy—the Hallowed one, the enlightenment of all, the one who rose high above others, the one and only—fell.))
Always an Angel (Never a God) by 0atmlk [44.6k, ongoing, M]
"The first time I saw the sunset here, I wanted to send you a picture."  Suguru looked at him, surprised. "Why didn't you?"  "Because I knew you’d been here before on your own, it was probably something you'd seen plenty of times." Satoru paused. "But I almost did. Opened it and everything to send to you. Then I saw the date of the last message you sent. We were pushing year three. So I didn't." . . .  Suguru finds Satoru at fifteen. Satoru finds him at twenty-eight.
I’m Sorry: In Various Translations by @koifishscribbles [45.9k, ongoing, M]
The coffee in Satoru’s stomach curdles. He feels the weight of every one if those eight years roll through his entire body like an earthquake. All the missed sleep clings to his eyes, and the unsent texts threaten to erupt from his mouth. Getou Suguru. It is not that his stitches unravel. Those took years to craft, cinched with vitriol, and won’t be undone in a single moment. It’s his very being that unspools onto the dirty linoleum floor. He wants Suguru to pick him up and untangle the length of him. His fingers once again becoming familiar as they expertly craft him into something new, better.  —— Gojo Satoru has not seen his ex, Getou Suguru, since college. Until he shows up one day teaching in the classroom across the hall from him.
an anthology of bad ideas by ilovegetosuguru [9.5k, completed, gen]
Gojo panics and asks a very attractive stranger to be his fake boyfriend for a wedding.  Here’s the problem — there’s no wedding.  (Fake Dating AU)
april pink by @valleykey [3k, completed, gen]
“Dude,” Satoru says, first thing off the train, glasses sliding down, wide eyes peering over the rim, “you have, like, flowers. In your lungs.” “Oh really,” Suguru says, dry, “I hadn't noticed.”
Puppet On A String by @killjoyproductions [6.8k, completed, E]
“Huh,” he muses. “Are you… saving yourself for marriage?”  “Nope.”  “Are you asexual?”  Satoru shakes his head. “I’m not asexual, just a virgin.”
Autonomic Breath by finalproject [10.9k, completed, E]
She turns to Satoru and asks, "When did you know?"
Lies That Bind by Anonymous [48.1k, ongoing, E]
“Really now,” Gakuganji snorted, doubtful. “How convenient. Who is this alpha, then?” And of course, Satoru had seen that question coming as soon as his claim of having a mate was halfway out of his mouth, but by that point he was already talking and it was too late to stop. “So nosy.” He wagged his finger in a tut-tut motion in the geezer’s face, watching him turn a horrible shade of angry red. “It’s Geto Suguru, of course.” Satoru's sick and tired of all the higher-ups insisting he needs to find an alpha and settle down just because he's an omega, and the simple lie that Suguru is his mate seems like the easiest way to get some peace and quiet. What could go wrong?
like the tides, never standing still. by antepuer [1.1k, completed, T]
“I fucking hate it sometimes.” Suguru taps the ash off and looks at him. Puppy-dog eyes, has no idea what Satoru refers to, but it would be far from the first time. “What do you mean?” “Being queer.” He finally admits. “It fucking sucks.”
once we have sufficiently tortured one another by irrevenance [4.6k, completed, E]
Suguru’s throat goes dry. “You’re no longer a sorcerer,” he realizes, a hysterical laugh bubbling in his throat in response to the sick joke that has laid itself before him. “And you came to me?” “Yes,” Satoru says pleasantly. “What will you do about it,” and here he lowers both his eyelashes and his tone, a mockery of seduction, “Getou-sama?”
the dream house by irrevenance [6.1k, completed, E]
Suguru adopts two little girls, marries Satoru, and becomes a teacher. It’s not enough.
where shall we go tomorrow? by elivellichor [15k, ongoing, T]
“Who the hell are you, and what the fuck do you want from me?” a raspy voice hisses, breath on the shell of his ear, knocking Suguru out of his daze. Suguru tilts his chin up to better meet his pursuit face to face and goes breathless. Enraged and fiery cerulean eyes stare down at him with a twisted expression. This child is undeniably Gojo Satoru. He can’t imagine any other with a disposition so fiery and confrontational.  Or: an indulgent age-regression fic featuring One (1) Baby Gojo Satoru and One (1) Very Tired Geto Suguru feat. healing <3
Caesura by @cielelyse [85.5k, completed, M]
The first time they meet, Suguru and Satoru do not like each other. Arrogant, cocky, insufferable, they think. Despite the smirks Shoko gives Suguru, or the sighs Yaga gives Satoru, they do not like each other. Until a mission changes that.
it's not gay unless the domains touch by @hollow-lime-green [40.2k, completed, E]
Funny thing is, when you put up walls made of infinity, you don’t expect people to start slipping in. And you certainly don’t expect to start wanting them to. Gojo Satoru never had a chance to get used to people touching him. Suguru gets that, and he’s happy to help. That’s what good friends do, right? Alternatively: Geto Suguru is the most oblivious man alive.
two sorcerers chillin' in a hot tub (five feet apart cause they’re not gay) by @hollow-lime-green
Geto Suguru has almost two decades of practice pretending not to see things that are clearly there, and Gojo Satoru has a well-documented history of being the most socially-stunted motherfucker alive. That’s how they got here. That’s also why neither of them know where the hell they’re going with this.
BONUS! Baby Mine by @seaemberthesecond
There was something just slightly off in every interaction between Gojo-sensei and Fushiguro and once Yuji’d begun to notice it, he couldn’t unsee it. It wasn’t a bad kind of off – at least he didn’t think so – but it was just different from the way either of them acted around everyone else. * Or, Yuji's journey to discovering that Megumi is Gojo's baby boy, featuring: an insane amount of simping, the mundane indignities of being a parent, and a lot of Yuji snooping in places he really shouldn't be.
(aka, that fic I go back to all the time. gojo being megumi’s dad will never not be one of my favorite things ever.) (clearly)
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Today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is Awful First Meeting!
Have a PTA AU xoxo
(521 words.)
Remus is running.
He seems to find himself sprinting to the school a lot, at the moment. Staying later and later to finish his fucking project at work. He's never picked Teddy up late, though. That much he can be proud of.
This bake sale, however?
Remus fails to see why he should give a shit. A bunch of catty parents are going to have plated up tiny Tesco brownies, claiming that they baked them and shooting Remus glares when he walks past with his kid. It's really not that important. He's been avoiding every PTA event for a reason.
Still, Teddy's desperate for him to go to this one and meet his best friend. As much as Remus tries to put his foot down, he's not going to be a shitty dad. He can't say no to that kid, not really.
So here he is, making it to the bake sale just on time. Teddy runs from his teacher and straight over to him, squealing with delight when Remus picks him up and spins him around.
"Hey, Ted! How was school?"
As Teddy chatters on about his day, Remus shifts his weight until his kid is on his hip. He doesn't even notice someone approaching until a voice sounds.
"You must be Remus Lupin?" A man says, and Remus turns his head.
The first thing he thinks is that this man is absolutely gorgeous.
His long black hair falls down to his shoulders in a way that almost makes it indistinguishable from water. Remus has to stop himself from raking his eyes up and down him, landing on meeting his eyes. There's a flash of something in them that unsettles Remus, slightly. Some sense of... irritation?
"Yeah, yeah, that's me," Remus says, setting Teddy down and letting him run over to a group of kids.
"I'm Sirius," He introduces himself, and-
Head of the PTA.
"It's good to finally meet you. Giving the PTA a try?" He asks, and if he thinks Remus can't hear the attempt to mask his sarcasm, then he must think Remus is an idiot.
"Well, Teddy wanted me here, so I got the day off work."
Sirius nods once, slowly, and it does nothing but frustrate Remus.
"So, what did you bring?" Sirius asks casually.
Remus reaches in his bag, trying to grab the brownies he and Teddy has made.
"I've got- they're just... christ, I forgot to bring them. Sorry."
"You can just say you didn't make anything," Sirius says calmly, and his incredulous tone makes Remus want to scream. What the fuck does he know about being a single dad? About working three jobs to make sure your son doesn't notice how they're struggling?
"Maybe I won't come to another PTA event," Remus says sharply, looking Sirius up and down before getting closer to his son.
"Harry!" Teddy calls, as a young boy with wild hair gets closer. Sirius walks over and ruffles the boy's hair before he makes his way over to Teddy, sending a realisation through Remus.
His son's best friend is related to that pompous fucking dad.
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billiethepumpkin · 1 year
Enough: Toshinori Yagi
Kinktober Day 7 (Late)
Warnings: Rated X. This content is intended to be viewed by those ages 18 years and older. If you are a minor, please do not interact with this material.
Contains: Age gap. Sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship. Nervousness. Consent. Body worship. Praise. The L word.
Author's Note: All characters are portrayed to be adults because I am an old fuck. :)
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You were a nurse. 
Your quirk was not very spectacular at all. In fact, you would say it was particularly unremarkable. But you’d been his nurse each and every time that he was in the hospital, and you had recognized him waiting in line at a convenience store. The Hero that the world knew as All Might. But you knew him as Mr. Yagi. 
You’d been the only person in his life to treat him as that: just a normal person. When you were his nurse, you treated him like anyone else you knew. And Toshinori was grateful for that. And sure you were younger. A lot younger. Like, a decade and a half younger. But you were beautiful, smart, and hardworking, and you were the only person he ever knew that got to know Toshinori Yagi, rather than All Might.
Now, though, you’d been on several dates, still in an awkward phase of talking and dating. You hadn’t even spent the night yet. Yagi would take you out in the evening and spoil you rotten. Dinner, dancing, the zoo, the aquarium, museums, local music. He’d bring you gifts, too. It started with flowers. Then as he got to know you, he bought you perfume you liked, books you talked about reading. You truly were spoiled. You’d invite him inside when he dropped you off, and you’d drink a quick cup of tea. You’d have a great conversation. And then he would kiss you sweetly and head home. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to stay over, or to have you stay with him. 
This time was, more or less, like the others. He’d taken you to a wonderful restaurant and let you get whatever you wanted. And then he’d taken you on a walk in the park. You walked for maybe half an hour and then found a bench. You sat, and you talked until the sun was fully set. You didn’t even realize it was dark until he said, “Oh gosh, look what time it is!” while glancing at his phone. “I was having such a good time I didn’t even realize how late it was.”
“It’s okay,” you chirped. “I don’t have anywhere to be.” You smiled sweetly at him, sending him all the love you possibly could in one glance. And Toshinori felt those butterflies in his belly in a way he hadn’t since he was in high school.
“Do you at least want to go inside?” he offered. “My place is just down the block.”
“Sure,” you smiled. 
He held your hand as you walked, leading the way to a small, quiet apartment. It was decorated nicely, but not too extravagantly. You had expected more from his apartment, considering the luxurious dates he’d taken you on, the gifts he’d given you. It was small, quaint. 
But Toshinori had never needed more. He was single, up until recently. He never had any kids. He barely even had time to come home, until he was forced to retire. He only recently started to decorate it, when he was forced to start spending more time at home.
Maybe now that you were in his life, he’d have a reason to have more.
You took off your shoes at the front door, and he invited you to sit on his couch. “Do you want to watch something?” he asked, sitting next to you. 
“Sure,” you nodded. You weren’t sure what to expect out of this visit. It had been maybe two months, probably ten dates, and he hadn’t even hinted at spending the night together. You wanted it to be as good for him as it was for you, but you weren’t exactly sure what the protocol was here. He was a former Pro Hero who landed in your hospital more times than you could count. He spoiled you with luxurious dates and gifts around every turn. You didn’t want to make it seem like you just wanted in his pants. You wanted more than that with him. You wanted a future.
Toshinori turned on a movie and relaxed a little. Slowly and carefully, so as to not pressure you too heavily, he moved closer to you. First by inching toward you on the couch, until the outsides of your legs were touching. Then by putting his arm around you. You welcomed his advances, laying your head on his chest. You weren’t even watching the movie. You couldn’t pay attention with the way the warmth of his chest filled your head with a long list of thoughts, about him, about how sweet and thoughtful he was, how he was once strong enough to lift a building. 
And Toshinori  wasn’t watching either. He couldn’t even remember what he had turned on at this point. He was thinking about how he wanted to be even closer to you, about how much restraint he had to show to avoid making you uncomfortable.
But you were wondering why he was holding back. 
You were letting your thoughts run wild when he took his chance. He gently grabbed your face and pulled your lips to meet his. Toshinori had kissed you countless times before. His kisses were always sweet and kind and loving. But this was different. You could feel it in your bones. Something was different about this kiss, the way it was so sudden, with such force and hunger behind it. 
You met him with equal force, equal love. You held his face gently as you kissed him back. The kiss lasted much longer than usual. He couldn’t make himself detach from your face. You only came up for air when you had to, and Toshinori pulled himself away to scan your face. All he saw was you, your beautiful eyes, your soft lips. You. He swallowed hard, his heart beating just a bit faster as he asked, “Do you want to stay over tonight?”
You blinked a couple of times, and you could feel your cheeks heat at the question. Did that mean what you thought it meant? Of course it did. What else could it mean? Your breath was stuck in your lungs trying to answer. Only when you saw his face start to fall did you say, “Yes.” 
For a second, you and Toshinori just sat there, staring at each other. And then within an instant, his lips were connected once again, this time much more fervently. He was still gentle with you.
He always was. But you could feel the desperation building behind each and every kiss, each and every touch. One of your hands tangled in his hair, the other resting on his chest. Toshinori wanted his hands to be everywhere at once. One of them rested behind your head, the other on your lower back. He pulled you into himself as closely as possible. 
Toshinori had to pull himself away. This was almost too much to take, too much for him to bear all at once. He wanted it so badly, but he wanted to do this right. He stood up and offered you his hand, and he gently led you down the hallway to his bedroom. He shut the door behind you, and you felt him press against you from behind. You closed your eyes as he pulled all your hair to one side, draping it over your shoulder. You felt him press his lips to your neck, just behind your ear. “You are perfect,” he whispered, taking a gentle finger and unzipping your dress. Toshinori planted a trail of kisses down your neck and to your shoulder as he began to push your sleeves over your shoulders. Eventually, your dress fell to the floor, leaving you in just your bra and panties. 
Toshinori held your hand as he walked to the bed. He sat down in front of you and admired your body closely. He couldn’t take in enough of you. “So beautiful,” he uttered before his hands came to rest on your waist. You had long been aroused, from the earliest kiss of the night. You could feel yourself getting needier with every touch. And when he pulled himself closer to you to place kisses on your chest, creating a trail down your belly, it took everything in you to keep your composure, to avoid pouncing on him then and there. You were determined that you would remain graceful through this entire experience. 
When he came to admire you again, you bent over to slide your panties down over your legs, leaving them on the floor as you stepped out of them. You climbed onto Toshinori’s lap, and he was astonished at your touch as you straddled him. He was hard. You could feel it through his pants, the way he needed you so badly. Once you were settled on his lap, you reached around to unhook your bra and toss it to the side. Toshinori was slowly becoming addicted to you. He couldn’t take his eyes off of your body. 
You gently took his head in your hands, your fingers tangling in his hair on the back of his head, and you pulled him into the most passionate kiss you could muster. You fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, slowly getting them unbuttoned and discarding his shirt on the floor. You climbed off of his lap to allow him to unbuckle his belt and take off his pants. And you took him in, too, in all his glory. His body was aged, but still strong. There were scars over his chest and belly, the ones you already knew about from taking care of him for so long. 
When you finally climbed back on top of him, you were needier than ever, your pussy starting to drip and ache with your desire for him. You both took your time running your hands over each others’ body, kissing each other gently, lovingly, passionately. You couldn’t get enough of him. As he kissed fervently over your throat, you moaned out loud. You could feel his dick twitch beneath you, making your pussy twitch, too. “Toshinori,” you sighed. He looked at your face, waiting for those words he had longed for over the past two months. “Take me,” you uttered, looking straight at him.
He nodded, and Toshinori steadied his cock with one hand as you slowly sat down on him, inching closer and closer to taking his dick to the hilt. You moaned and sighed on his lap, both of you squirming and twitching for one another. “God, you feel so good,” he groaned, so quiet it was almost a whisper. Toshinori couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt anything like this at all, let alone a feeling as good as you. You kissed him fervently as he started to thrust upwards into you. You moaned into his mouth, and he pulled away to look at you. “You sound beautiful, honey,” he said. “Feel good for me, baby.” 
You started to rise and fall on his body, slowly riding him as you moaned and sighed for him. Toshinori couldn’t help the way he held your hips so fervently, guiding your movements as you rode him. He looked right at your face as you continued to move for him, your back arching as you squirmed for him. “Toshi,” you moaned. He got high on the sound of your voice as you said his name. Toshinori really was addicted to you. You could have anything you wanted. 
Eventually, though, you started to struggle. You started to lose your grip on reality as you rode faster and faster. It wasn’t quite enough to get you off. You needed him to fuck you, really fuck you. 
“Need more,” you admitted, getting off of his lap and laying on the bed. “Toshi, please fuck me.”
And he obliged.
He hovered over top of you, and he started to push his cock into you again. You could feel him so much deeper from this angle, and he could snap his hips into you harder and harder. You wanted that so badly. “Does that feel good, honey?” he asked, buried inside of you to the hilt. You squirmed once again, arching your back and moaning out loud. You nodded furiously. “Say it for me, baby,” he requested. 
You sighed, “You feel so good inside me, Toshi.”
“That’s my good girl,” he said. Those words made you gasp and moan all on their own. Toshinori was so close to your face you could feel his breath on your cheek. He started to thrust into you a little faster, a little harder. You were so wet at this point you could hear the squelching sound of his cock inside you. Thrust after thrust, his movements became more and more aggressive. You needed more. You were so close to that high you’d been wanting from him for the past several weeks, now feeling like it was years. “Look at me, baby,” he said, grabbing your face, a little rougher than he intended. “I wanna see your face when you come undone for me.”
You looked Toshinori straight in his bright blue eyes, feeling so much love and desire behind them. His grip on your face softened, slowly becoming a caress on your cheek. And right then, looking straight in his eyes, you fell over that edge into paradise. Your pussy contracted around him, now a vice-like grip on his member as you came around him. You moaned and sighed, gripping the sheets to keep yourself grounded here on earth. 
“Ah, shit,” Toshinori said as you came down off your high. He pulled out of you and stroked himself over your body, hot cum dripping onto your lower belly as he groaned for you. 
After a few deep breaths from each of you, he slowly stood up. “Wait here, honey,” he said, walking into the bathroom. He came back with a warm, damp rag, and he slowly and carefully wiped himself off of your stomach. He put the washcloth in the dirty laundry, and he laid back down with you, holding you closely to his chest and pulling the blankets up over both of you. 
You hadn’t said anything yet. You were speechless. You couldn’t believe that any of this even happened. He was spectacular, the most wonderful man you’d ever met, and you were curled up in his arms, wrapped up in his bed. How did you even get here?
Sleepily, Toshinori kissed you on the forehead, and he asked, “You okay?”
“Mhm,” you nodded. 
He took a deep breath. He was about to say something he had meant to say for a long time. Now that you had been this close, he could say it without fear of you running away, without you thinking he was too much. “I love you,” Toshinori uttered, pressing another kiss to the top of your head. 
You took a sharp breath in, and you swallowed and blinked a few times. He loved you? It took a minute to sink in. Toshinori loved you. You wondered how that was possible. You were just… you. You remembered how often he had proved it, never saying it with words. You pressed a sweet kiss to his jawline, your touch lingering on his cheek. “I love you, too, Toshinori,” you answered before falling back onto his chest. He held you close, breathing in your scent and relishing in your touch. But somehow it wasn’t enough. 
He could never get enough of you.
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This work was written by Abigail "Billie" Rothenberger. Please do not copy this work on Tumblr or any other platform.
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a-killer-obsession · 4 months
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Shared Smiles [Heat x Reader]
Despite being forced on board against your will, you find yourself connecting with a commander, and finding solace in your shared traumas.
CW: wounds, off-screen amputation, loss of limb, comfort, trauma, mentions of mutilation, fingering, p in v sex, afab reader
WC: ~6k
Masterlist || AO3
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The chains holding you creaked slightly as you swung back and forth, blood running down over your face and dripping to the floor below you as you hung upside down. Your ankles were bound together in metal cuffs, your hands tied to your torso with chains, and your body bare save for your panties and the many fresh wounds that littered your body. Two Supernovas of the Worst Generation stood in front of you, Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid and his first mate, Massacre Soldier Killer. The captain pressed his boot against your face again, letting back off and making your body swing, the ankle cuffs digging into your skin at the added pressure the movement created.
“Last chance,” the redheaded captain gloated, kneeling and grabbing a handful of your hair to force you to look at him. You could barely keep eye contact, not out of fear but, because you'd been upside down for so long that you were nearly unconscious. “I don't usually give out mercies like this, but your skills are useful to me, and my girls enjoyed your company before you fucked up”
Said fuck up was simply rejecting the large man of his sexual advances. You'd met some of his crew, a couple of girls named Hip, Hop, Quincy, Emma and Dive, at a bar nearby. You'd seen a lot on your travels as a for-hire mercenary, but female pirates were not common on the Grandline. They'd made you laugh, a rarity for you, and hadn't judged your unusual mask that hid your mouth and the end of your nose. Of course they hadn't, they were used to a first mate who covered the entirety of his face in white and blue stripes. They didn't even ask questions about it, which was a breath of fresh air for you, only commenting on how cool the sculpting that decorated it was - a relief of a open lion's jaw, with large, sharp teeth and a lolling tongue, trimmed by a nose and cheeks curled mid roar. The whole mask gave you the appearance of having a lion's snout, and along with the clawed gloves you wore during combat, was the guiding force for the moniker the marines had given you: ‘The Lioness, [Y/N]’.
Now, had your rejection perhaps been a little harsh? Maybe, by normal standards. A large, attractive man with such infamy as him was probably not rejected often, let alone with such sass. You knew you had a knack for being too brutally truthful, never filtering your words or pulling your verbal punches. It'd gotten you in trouble on more than one occasion, but you were a talented fighter, fast and agile, you didn't usually get caught in situations like this. When the Massacre Soldier snuck up on you in the alley outside though, you found you were no match for him, he had such a high bounty for a reason.
“How bout it little kitty?” Kid purred in faux sweetness, bringing you back to reality, blinking as you fought the pull of unconsciousness. “You can join my crew, or you can stay here and get tortured till you die. This is the last time I'll ask”
Did you want to be a pirate? No, you liked running solo, you liked having the freedom to go wherever you wanted and take whatever jobs were convenient. Having your life dictated by someone else was the last thing you wanted, and being around the same people every day would make it hard to avoid forming attachments. You had sworn to never get close to others again, after your last relationship resulted in the unforgivable reason you wore the mask. Making friends you'd never see again in bars was one thing, but you weren't looking for long term relationships, platonic or not. On the other hand, you liked being alive. You would not let a man be your death, not after everything you'd been through.
“Fine,” you spat. The single word was a struggle to push out, your head felt like it was in a vice and the rest of your body was going numb as a new droplet of blood rolled down your face and caught in your eyelashes.
“Wise choice,” the first mate noted from behind his unreadable mask. “One of our commanders is gonna love that pretty little smile of yours”
“Bite me,” you spat back, voice laced with venom.
“Tell the girls to clean her up and get her settled,” Kid addressed the first mate as he used his devil fruit to release your bindings, dropping you to the hard floor unceremoniously. He threw your mask at you, bouncing with an audible clunk off your already sore head, and you grabbed it greedily. Killer watched you with empathy as you desperately covered your mouth back up, he knew that feeling well and felt like an asshole for knowing what you hid underneath. You shot daggers up at him as the mask was settled in its rightful place, the room brightening for a moment as the door opened for the captain to leave before returning to its barely lit state.
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As the months passed, you found yourself feeling surprisingly comfortable amongst the Kid Pirates. It'd taken you a while to heal and stop being so jumpy, but it came as no surprise to learn you were not the only crew member who had been hired via torture after pissing the short-fused captain off, and they all thought it was hilarious in retrospect. You hoped one day you'd find it funny too, but for now you still had aches from where new scars pulled taut on your skin as you moved. You found yourself at home among the other girls, and learned that Kid protected them with fierce loyalty. You had expected to have to reject more advances from him, but as it turned out, he treated the girls on his crew like sisters, and after months of getting past the violent way you were brought on the ship, you found yourself able to laugh in his presence. You never expected to enjoy the life of a pirate, but in truth it was nice to not have to fight for everything and take care of yourself, it was soothing to know someone had your back if you got into trouble. The girls had been diligent in tending to your wounds and nursing you back to health, and you'd gotten to know them well over the last few months. At first you thought about running every chance you got, but now you felt a pang of guilt whenever you thought of leaving the women you'd come to call friends, and ultimately pushed away the idea of leaving all together.
Much like the first mate though, you never removed your mask in front of the others. They'd allowed you to put up a curtain around your cot so you could sleep without it in privacy, you ate your meals in solitude sitting on the figurehead skull of the ship, and thankfully the showers were built as separate cubicles with doors. Nobody asked why you wore the mask, they respected your privacy the same way they respected Killer's, to ask what lay underneath would be a disrespect against both of you. As for the two that had seen, Kid and Killer kept your secret, even from the other commanders. Their word was gospel, so nobody pried, and it helped to make you feel safe here. You hadn't gone this long without someone asking about what the mask hid for months, the only questions you ever got from the crew were in regard to the mask itself. How was it made? Why a lion? Where did you get it? Is it annoying to wear? Curiosities that you couldn't fault, but always asked in a respectful manner.
This evening, like many other evenings, you found yourself drinking with the crew. It was a crew of around thirty, and although there were a few members held higher than the rest - the captain, first mate, and four commanders - it was clear the whole crew were friends, and there was no divide when they drank. You found yourself sitting next to Heat, a quiet, tall man with an almost grey skin tone, thick blue hair that fell in waves, and an almost perpetually sad expression. He was sweet, and easy to be around, and you often found yourself seeking his company. He didn't pry about your past as long as you didn't ask about his, and he was okay with a comfortable silence, making him one of your favourite people to spend time with, along with his best friend Wire, another commander who was similar in personality, though a lot more stoic, an a significant amount taller. Heat looked tough, but on a more personal level seemed far too soft to be a pirate. He didn't have a devil fruit, but he could breathe fire, and his long thorn-like tattoos fascinated you. He was an interesting man, someone you could see yourself opening up to in the past, if you hadn't sworn to close your heart from all men after the betrayal you experienced with the last one.
For obvious reasons, you didn't actually drink around the others, you just took part in the conversations. Unlike the Massacre Soldier, who could thread a straw through the holes in his mask, your mask was one solid form, the only holes being a mesh for ventilation hidden under the top row of sharp teeth, and the holes in the lion's nose where there the anatomy dictated, again so you could actually breathe. You enjoyed the company none-the-less though, and you'd never been one for drinking before the mask anyway so it was no loss. You didn't like the way alcohol made you feel, you preferred to keep your wits about you. That was another thing you enjoyed about Heat, he was your comrade in sober arms, also preferring not to drink. Apparently last time he got drunk he accidentally set fire to a bar, so he chose to stay sober for everyone's safety.
You laughed wholeheartedly as Quincy fell victim to a well planned truth or dare, admitting she'd had a raunchy sex dream about another crewmate, Bubblegum, the crew erupting in laughter as the two of them flushed bright red. The laughter died down and it was Quincy's turn to ask a question to the next victim, and your breath caught as you thought she was going to pick you, only to move one more over and pick Heat. You let out a sigh of relief.
“Truth or dare Heatie!” She coughed out, trying to quickly divert the crew's attention.
“Truth,” he replied calmly.
“Okay, mmmm,” she pressed a index finger to her mouth as she thought, “tell us who you have a crush on!”
A few of the crew went “ooooooh” as Heat turned bright red, and Kid sat up, his attention piqued.
“Look how red he is!” Kid barked, “there's definitely someone!”
“Tell us! Tell us!” Someone called out.
“It's… it's…[y/n]” he finally stuttered out, finally breaking, curling in on himself and trying to hide his flushed face from you. Your own face went pink at the admission, you hadn't expected it at all and there were butterflies in your chest. Heat quickly picked the next victim to move the attention, and you quietly excused yourself from the gathering.
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“I didn't mean to offend you,” Heat said softly as he approached where you sat on the figurehead skull, facing the ocean. You quickly wiped your tears and sniffed, replacing your mask which you'd removed to keep it dry from your crying. “Were you crying? [Y/n] I'm so sorry, please forget I said anything, it's just a dumb game”
“It's not that, Heat,” you sniffed, “it just… brought up some not very nice memories is all. It's not your fault”
“Oh, well I'm sorry anyway,” he shifted awkwardly on his feet, “do you want to talk about it?”
“The last man I was with was not kind,” you tried to explain, “he… decided I was no longer worth the trouble, and he did this,” you pointed at the mask.
“Can I… see?” He asked shyly.
You looked out to the ocean, thinking hard about whether you were ready for that, ready to let someone past that heavily guarded wall. If anyone would understand, it was him. In truth, you didn't want to carry this burden alone anymore, and you knew he was more than willing to carry it with you. You looked around the deck for spying eyes, and seeing no other life you gave him a small nod and patted the figurehead next to you, inviting him to come sit. He climbed up and sat beside you, cross legged and patient. You sighed nervously as you unlatched the mask with shaky hands, turning to him anxiously.
“Oh,” he said softly.
Staring back at him, stretching from the corners of your mouth to the apex of your jaw, were the jagged scars of a Glasgow smile, just like his own. His heart stung when he saw it, he knew the pain you'd been through, physical and emotional, and the way you no doubt feel every time you look in the mirror. You turned away from him again, replacing the mask and looking back out to the ocean.
“Did you kill him?” He asked, shuffling a little closer so your shoulders touched, staring out to the sea with you.
“Yes,” you replied flatly.
“Good,” he huffed. “How long ago did it happen, if you don't mind me asking”
“Three years,” you idly picked at the cuticles on your fingers.
“The dysphoria will pass, in time,” he assured you, then pointed at his own scars, “rival gang, eight years ago. I wore a scarf over the scars for five years before I finally got comfortable with my own reflection. It'll pass, and nobody here will judge you when it finally does”
You nodded quietly and rested your head on his shoulder, and the two of you sat in comfortable silence till you started to fall asleep and decided to head to bed.
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“MOVE, GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Heat shouted at the other crewmates that had crowded around your fallen form.
In a blink of an eye, everything had gone so very wrong. The crew had been raiding a marine base, rampaging through it as they always did, cutting down marines left and right. Nobody could have known the building you were fighting next to was structurally unsound, closed off from use years ago, scheduled to be demolished before it could collapse on someone's head. One small shake of the ground from a nearby explosion and the whole outer wall crumbled, burying you in heavy cement faster than you had a chance to register what was happening. The crew had been quick to dig you out, working together to move the large slab of concrete that was crushing you. Heat took in your seemingly lifeless body with baited breath, the limbs on your right side twisted in unnatural positions, deep purple bruises already forming on any skin that was visible, blood running from your nose and ears.
Your body moved just a little, and suddenly you were screaming. Awaking in absolute agony, everything was on fire, you could barely think through the pain. Only one coherent word escaped you, a shrill, desperate scream of his name, before the world went black again. Thankful that you were unconscious again so you didn't have to feel your injuries, Heat carefully lifted you, holding you close to his chest as he carried you back to the ship, tears silently rolling down his cheeks and neck as he tried his best to keep it together for you, to get you somewhere safe and start the long, hard process of healing.
For five days you slept in the infirmary of the Victoria Punk, and for those five days Heat never left your side, sleeping in an old metal chair next to you, his head against your arm and your good hand held gently in his, praying to whatever god that would listen that you'd wake up. His back ached from sleeping upright, he had deep, dark bags under his eyes, and he smelt as bad as he looked, still covered in the grime and blood from the battle, refusing to leave your side for long enough to shower. You needed him here, he needed to be here when you woke up, because you had to wake up, and he fought tooth and nail against anyone who dared to try and drag him away.
When you finally awoke, you did so with a small whimper, unable to remember what had happened, or understand why half your limbs weren't reacting the way you wanted them to. Heat had been asleep next to you, but was quickly at attention, standing over you and making sure you knew he was here before you had time to question whether you were all alone.
“Shh, don't try to move,” he said softly, stopping you from sitting up too fast with a firm but gentle hand against your chest, “you got hurt real bad, but you're safe now, you're gonna be okay”
Your hand flew to your mouth, feeling for your mask, looking up at him with wide shocked eyes when you found it was missing.
“Shh, shh, it's okay,” he took your hand back in his and removed it from your face, “only the doc saw, nobody else except Kid and Killer have come in here, and they said they'd already seen”
Your breathing calmed down again as you accepted his assurances, squeezing his hand and trying to sit up again. You wanted, no, needed to know how bad the damage was, you needed to see for yourself. You felt heavy, no doubt from painkillers, but you could still tell something was very wrong, your right arm and leg still not responsive. Heat saw your efforts and sighed, he knew there was no keeping you from it any longer.
“I'm gonna help you sit up okay?” He slid his arm around your shoulders and held the other against your chest, “But I need you to not panic. Your injuries were life threatening, Emma did everything in her power but she couldn't save everything”
You tried your best to stay calm but you couldn't help but start to hyperventilate as he sat you up and pulled the blanket that covered you aside, finally seeing the damage for yourself. Your right arm was in a cast, from your armpit to your hand, set in a bend. Your pinky and ring finger were missing, only stubs of them remained. You were wearing nothing but your underwear, your entire torso wrapped in bandages, healing graze marks and yellowing bruises peeking out from wherever the wrapping didn't cover. But the worst of the injuries was your right leg. Or rather, lack thereof, because from your mid thigh down was just empty space where your leg should have been, a bandage wrapped tightly around the short nub that remained.
Heat held you tight to his chest as you took in the damage and started to sob, your tears soaking into his corset shirt and rehydrating some of the blood and dirt on his chest. You weren't sure how long you cried for, at some point he climbed up on the bed and sat behind you, rocking you back and forth and cooing reassurances in your ear until you were able to settle your breathing and your sobs turned to teary-eyed hiccups.
“It's gonna be okay,” Heat assured, his arms around your torso as he pressed a kiss to your dirty hair, “Kid is already working on a prosthetic for you, Emma said the amount she was able to save is plenty to learn to walk again with one, it's gonna be okay, I'm gonna be here the whole time”
You nodded as you let yourself rest back against him, the weight of your emotional burden too much to bare alone anymore, letting him support your exhausted body and keep you afloat.
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A few days had passed and Emma, as the ship's doctor, had cleared you to leave the infirmary. You couldn't walk given you would need two working arms for crutches, and with your dominant arm out of action you struggled at even the most basic tasks, so Heat insisted you stay with him. He'd pulled a spare mattress from the henchmen's quarters and was sleeping on the floor with it, leaving the entire queen size bed for you. As a commander he had his own room and a small humble bathroom, nothing compared to the grand rooms Kid and Killer had, but it was private and it was comfortable, and it kept you from embarrassing yourself in the middle of the night whenever you needed to go to the bathroom. He'd even rearranged his room for you, and made Kid install metal railings, all you needed to do was hop a few supported steps to make it to the toilet. If you had to travel any further he didn't hesitate to carry you, he didn't even need to be asked, all you had to do was look at him and he was moving.
The first thing you needed after leaving the infirmary was a good wash. Emma had done her best with Heat's assistance to sponge bath what they could to keep your wounds clean of the blood and debris you'd been covered in when Heat had carried you in, but you really needed a soak to wipe away the thick layer of grime. You couldn't wash yourself though, you needed to keep your casted arm out of the water, which meant a shower was out of the question - not that you'd be able to stand in one - and with only one hand there was no way you were washing your hair on your own. Even with the one working arm, your chest and side were still aching from the deep bruising you'd received as a result of being crushed, you were lucky you hadn't broken any ribs, but every movement hurt badly.
Emma had offered to wash you, but you'd surprised yourself and Heat by asking him instead. Somehow you felt more comfortable with the idea of him seeing you naked. Not that you had anything against Emma, you just felt safest with Heat. He'd carried you wordlessly to his room, wrapped in the infirmary blanket, and sat you on the closed toilet seat in his bathroom while he ran the water. Emma had given you the all clear to remove your bandages, though the one on your amputated leg would need to be replaced afterwards, so you worked on removing them while you waited. When the water was ready he helped you to your… foot… and held you steady while you used your good arm to manoeuvre your underwear past your hips, letting it fall to the floor at your ankles and leaving you entirely naked in front of him except for your cast.
He lifted you gently and lowered you into the water, your good arm around his neck for support. Using the old bandages he fashioned a sort of sling hanging from the curtain railing to keep your other arm out of the water, so you wouldn't have to worry about holding it up yourself the whole time. He was so careful and methodical as he washed you, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks the whole time, unable to look you in the eye for shame of how much he enjoyed seeing your naked body, how much he enjoyed touching you, when such horrible circumstances had led to this.
He avoided your genitals, letting you wash them yourself, and you sighed as his strong fingers worked shampoo into your scalp, washing away thick layers of grime that a sponge bath couldn't touch. It was quiet and intimate, the only words shared being him asking consent and you granting it as he worked on the different parts of your body, wiping away the blood and dirt. You whimpered as the cloth ran over your stump, burying your face in his chest for moral support as he diligently cleaned the old blood from it, the conditioner in your hair transfering to his skin.
Finally finished, he discarded the cloth and held you close while he knelt next to the tub, and you couldn't help but cry more at the awful state of your body. He didn't question your need to cry, he just held you while you got it all out till you took a deep breath and pushed yourself away from him, nodding that you were ready to move on. He rinsed the conditioner from your hair and drained the tub, wrapping you in a soft towel as he picked you back up and carried you to the bed. He held you in his lap as he dried you with an extra towel, patting dry your hair and wiping the dewdrops from your limbs. He held you firm to his chest, your arm around his neck, your head tucked under his chin as you listened to his rhythmic breathing. It was enough to lull you to sleep, so he carefully slipped an old baggy t-shirt over you, trying his best to not wake you, and tucked you into his bed, leaving you to rest.
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It'd been close to six weeks since the accident. Your arm cast had been removed a week ago, so you were now able to get around on your own using crutches, though the distance you could go before tiring was limited. Kid had built you a beautiful prosthetic leg, even going so far as adding a lion's clawed paw for the foot to match your mask, and Emma had given the go ahead for you to try using it in a few more days. For now, your stump remained covered in a compression sock, to promote healing and make sure it was ready for the prosthetic to be fitted. Kid had become an unlikely ally in this battle, having lost a limb himself he understood how you were feeling, and had helped you through more than one dark episode while you mourned the loss of your leg.
Mostly though, it was Heat that was there for you. You were still staying in his room, even though you assured him you could manage on your own. He insisted you would be more comfortable here, and try as you might he refused to share the large bed with you to at least alleviate a little of your guilt, telling you over and over that he was more than comfortable on his mattress, even though it was clear to everyone that his back was hurting and his eyes had heavy bags. You could hear him toss and turn at night, his quality of sleep significantly diminished because of his chivalrous sacrifice, but he'd give up anything to make you even slightly more comfortable. You had to admit though, having the privacy to sleep without your mask without fear of peeping toms was a luxury in itself. You didn't wear the mask in the bedroom, more than comfortable without it in front of Heat. He still helped you bathe, but it'd become significantly less awkward, now a time for conversation and laughter. You no longer had a cast to keep dry, and you really didn't need help anymore other than getting in and out of the tub, but neither of you had said anything about it, so he happily continued to help you, and you graciously accepted the help and his company. Subconsciously, neither of you wanted to let go of that time alone together, and you secretly enjoyed the feel of his hands wandering over your body, and the way he silently scanned your curves, a quiet hunger in his eyes that never left no matter how many times he saw you naked.
On this night, the ship was on route to a winter island, the long reaching weather system already chilling the air significantly as Heat helped you into bed. He stole a chaste kiss on the top of your hair, as he often did these days, before excusing himself to his mattress on the floor.
Hours passed, and he woke as he often did, sighing to himself and twisting his torso to crack his sore back. He strolled in his sweatpants to the bathroom to get a glass of water, thankful that his natural abilities kept him well heated, so he didn't feel the chill of the snowy weather outside. You, however, were not a fire breather, and were very much feeling the cold. You were shivering in your sleep, hunched in on yourself to try and conserve any heat from escaping but failing miserably. He felt a pang of guilt at your shaking form, and opened a cupboard to get you another blanket, only to discover you were already using the extra one. What was he to do? His own blanket was barely anything, more of a thin fabric to cover him for comfort than for warmth, it wouldn't make any difference to put it over you. Should he go find you another blanket? Where from? Maybe he could wake Wire and see if he had a spare? Everyone else on the ship felt the cold the same as you though, they were no doubt all using their blankets.
Stressed that you would fall ill, he pulled at his hair, trying to find a solution, till a small whimper escaped you and the solution was abundantly clear. He lifted the blankets and slid in beside you, wrapping himself around your body, covering as much of your icy frame as he could with his hot skin. Your shivering quickly stopped, and a small smile formed on your face as you settled into a deeper sleep. He let go a sigh of relief and shuffled till he was comfortable, laying so close that his head was on the same pillow as yours. It felt like a violation of your personal space, but he couldn't bare to watch you shiver anymore, and he felt butterflies at being able to hold you so close in what was really his bed, even if it mostly smelt like you these days, not that he had complaints.
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You were so warm when you woke up, wrapped in what felt like an army of hot water bottles, your skin sticky with sweat but you were too comfy to care. It took you an embarrassing long time to realise you weren't alone, a soft breath rustling your hair gently in a rhythmic pattern that matched the movement of the warm form next to you. Your eyes traced the thorn like tattoos that ran up and down the arm that was draped over you, a thick, muscular thigh trapped between yours, a pillow of pale blue hair intermingled with your own. You had wrapped yourself around him like a koala on a tree, seeking out his warmth in the night and clinging to it so it couldn't escape. You tilted your head up, your face now millimetres from his, inspecting fondly the scars on his face that matched your own. The dark eyeliner he liked to wear under his eyes was smudged, always too lazy to remove it before he slept, and his chin was covered in a fine layer of blue stubble. You blushed at how handsome he was, and how close said handsome face was to yours, his strong arms wrapped around you like he was just as unwilling to let go as you were.
His eyes fluttered open, his dark irises immediately focusing on you and his pupils blown wide in surprise as he realised the position he was in. He tried to pull away, an apology on the tip of his tongue, but you pulled him back to you, pressing your lips to his on instinct, in a desperate plea for him to stay. For a moment he didn't move, frozen in fear that this wasn't real, that you hadn't really kissed him, till he finally accepted the reality and kissed you back. His kiss was tender, full of devotion and longing, and you made a small moan as his tongue ran over your bottom lip and his hand wove into your hair. You opened your lips for him and his tongue dove inside, rutting against yours with his own quiet moan as you held him tight, pulling lightly on his hair to wordlessly beg for more.
He rolled you on to your back, pressing his thigh further up between your legs, and you whimpered into his mouth as you tried to roll your hips to rub against him, desperate for friction but unable to get it with your stupid useless stump. Understanding your frustration he ran his hand quickly down your front, threading it under the waistband of your pyjamas and your panties to slide between your wet folds. He pressed a thumb to your clit, circling it as his index finger toyed with your entrance, before sliding in and pumping you with slow, shallow movements that made you cry out. You hadn't realised how badly you needed him, how much you needed him inside you, filling you and sharing your breaths. He pulled away from the kiss and you could see your own feelings reflected in his eyes, all that longing and need and love. Love you didn't think was possible for you to even feel again, but it was there, without a doubt, and you knew he felt it too.
He watched your face carefully as he slid a second finger inside you, then a third, his pace quickening as your walls fluttered around his digits, his clothed erection rutting against the thigh of your good leg in his own desperate need for friction. He wanted to he inside you so badly, he wanted to feel your hot wet walls take him in and see your face contort as you came on his cock, the thought alone was almost enough to make him cum as he groaned and kissed you with fervour. He swallowed your moans as you clamped down on his fingers, your back arching off the bed as you came hard, shuddering underneath him.
As soon as your high had settled, you were sitting up and trying your best to claw away at his pants. You wanted him inside you so fucking bad, you'd already cum once but you ached with need. He pushed down his pants, his cock springing to attention, red and swollen with equal need, precum leaking from the tip. You eyed him hungrily, he was thick and longer than average, a set of three piercings running up the underside, you wanted to know how they would feel inside you. He helped you pull off your own clothes before settling between your legs, his tip prodding at your entrance but not yet inside, much to your frustration.
“Are you sure?” He asked nervously. You pulled him down by his neck and kissed him, forcing your tongue in his mouth before biting his bottom lip, pulling a groan from him.
“Please, Heat,” you begged, “I need you inside me, please”
He returned his lips to yours as he slid inside you, stretching you out, till the need to breathe was too much and you broke the kiss to pant, holding his shoulders tight as he sheathed himself inside you. You let out a stuttered moan, your breathing haggard as you rolled your hips to try and get him to move. He pumped you deep and agonisingly slow, just enjoying the pull of your walls on his length, till you wrapped your good leg around him and pressed your heel against his ass, moaning and clawing at his back as his pace finally picked up. He buried his face in your shoulder as he fucked you hard and fast, holding the headboard above you for support while his other hand held your hip tight, his fingers leaving bruises in your skin. You cried out a flurry of curses, mixed with his name and a string of yes yes yes as he groaned and panted in your ear, whispering sweet nothings and praising you for how well you were taking him.
His movements became erratic as you started to tighten around him again, your fingernails sinking into the skin on his back as you screamed his name and came hard, clamping around his cock and pulling him forcefully with you. His thrusts stuttered and stilled as he unloaded inside you, his hot thick load dripping out of you for lack of space as he shook and groaned. He collapsed to your side, pulling you with him, his softening cock still buried inside you as he held you to his chest. You draped your leg over his hip, kissing him softly, slowly, your tongues pressing together with more careful and tender movements, no longer driven by the carnal need for him to be inside you. You were full and content, comfortable despite his cock still buried in you, you felt like you could stay connected like this forever. He made you feel safe, and beautiful, despite your scars and mutilated body, as he pressed loving kisses over your Glasgow smile, and you returned the favour with kisses traced along his.
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badasmuse · 9 months
“Homewrecker Pt.3”
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Bada Lee x Reader
Warnings: 18+ (MDNI), language, lowercase intended, angst, fluff- yeah
Summary: bada hires a babysitter.. but you own a daycare, why does she need one?
you and bada have now been together for about seven months now. you finally opened your own daycare and you have never loved anything more (besides bada and chae of course.)
your life has been great recently, except for the fact that bada has hired another babysitter.
it’s not that you were insecure about it. you know that saying how you get them is how you lose them, but that’s not the problem. the problem is why is she paying for a babysitter when her girlfriend owns a daycare? this was an argument you had a few times a week.
“y/n why are you so upset about this?” bada asks, taking off her makeup from the day.
“bada do you understand how dumb it is to pay a random to watch your kid when you have a girlfriend that owns a daycare? you don’t even have to pay me and chae loves me. she’s comfortable with me. why the fuck would you bring a stranger around her?” you say with a ‘the fuck’ look on your face.
“it sounds like you’re scared i’m gonna do to you what i did to howl.” she says.
“im not worried about that. i know no bitch will fuck you as well as i do. you’re too scared to look at other girls. why would i be scared?”
“i fell for you because you were sweet not cause you fuck me good.” she mumbles.
“doesn’t matter. like i said, you’re too scared to look at other girls. females approach you and you hide being me. i don’t think you’re gonna do anything i just think you’re dumb for wasting money. you could be putting that shit in chae’s college fund!” you say frustrated.
“don’t you get tired of having this argument every night?” bada asks.
“don’t you?” you reply. “if you’re tired of it then fire the bitch. put chae in my daycare.”
okay the babysitter isn’t a bitch she’s actually really nice but you’re pissed so anything is gonna come out of your mouth at this point.
“goodnight y/n.” bada says changing and laying in bed.
you look at her in disbelief and grab your pillow and a blanket before walking downstairs to the couch.
this goes on for another week. you started staying at your daycare longer than you needed to which pissed bada off.
it was day six of you staying till nine in the daycare when bada snapped.
“we’re closed!” you called out, doing some cleaning. you could’ve sworn you locked that door.
“is this what you do? sit here and clean to avoid having to see me at home?” bada says, leaning against the door.
ah right, she has the spare key.
“bada i’m busy.” you say putting the toys in new areas.
she sits on the couch, “chae is with her grandmother. i have time.”
“every talk is an argument bada. why would i want to come home to that?” you say angrily.
“because you argue with me! you start every single argument we have. over absolutely nothing!”
“because you’re still paying for a babysitter when you have me!”
“y/n i understand your frustration but there’s a reason i-“ you cut her off, slamming the toy box against the wall.
“what reason? what could possibly be valid enough to waste money like that?” you raise your voice.
bada doesn’t respond. she bites her lip before nodding her head and leaving.
you decided to stay the night in the daycare after that.
after about a week of spending the night in the daycare, you went home. you and bada need to have a talk. you sigh walking into the house when you hear sniffling.
“and i’m not sure what to do. we’ve just been arguing.” you hear your girlfriend say. “she hasn’t been home all week i just…”
“maybe you should break up with her. you’re sitting here crying over someone that doesn’t care about you.” you hear the babysitter say. you walk closer and see them sitting on the couch. you want to interrupt but something tells you not to.
the babysitter, you don’t really care about her name, leans closer to bada, wiping her tears. “you’re very pretty, you shouldn’t be crying over her.” she whispers before leaning in attempting to kiss the crying woman.
you step out but bada backs up. “woah,” she sniffles, “i might be crying over my girlfriend but i’m still very much with her and in love with her. i mean the whole point in me hiring you was cause i didn’t want chae spoiling the proposal. i love my girlfriend.”
“proposal?” you say out loud, cringing after you’re caught.
“baby…” bada says quietly.
you hold your hand up, “you need to leave.” you say to the person sitting on the couch.
“whatever. i could’ve treated her better.” she says standing and grabbing her stuff.
as she walked out of the house, you pushed her before slamming the door in her face. not knowing (or caring) if she fell.
“y/n.” bada sniffles.
“you were.. gonna propose to me?” you question.
“well yeah. chae… chae can’t hold water. remember when she spoiled your birthday necklace? it was convenient having the babysitter cause she can get all the energy out and by the time you get home she’s sleep or she forgot all about it.”
you feel tears hit your eyes, “bada.. fuck i’m the worst girlfriend ever.” you pull her into a hug.
“you’re not the worst ever. but you kinda suck.” bada says making you guys fall to the couch then cuddling into your chest.
“i’m so sorry.” you whisper into her hair. “i love you so much. i promise i’ll spend forever making it up to you.” your hand rubs her back.
“mhm.” she mumbles. she closes her eyes enjoying the feeling.
then chae runs down the stairs. “mommy!! oh.. hi y/n!! did mommy propose to you already?” she asks climbing on bada’s back after noticing the tears in your eyes.
bada groans, “see what i mean?”
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Taglist (open! comment to be added!): @waveartistry @sun-nyy @yngtort @elliesblkgirlfriend @jennamc75 @m0r0s1111 @seungxstar @badasbebe @lil-elliesgf @currentfications
a/n: this is gonna have like 2-3 parts😭love y’all
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resident-gay-bitch · 3 months
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Steddie ficlets (under 3k words) are below the cut; angst, fluff + smut
All works can be found on AO3 as well.
Works (over 3k words):
Find Here You can find all my other Steddie works on that post, as it was too cluttered to add them all on the same one :)
Ficlets (under 3k words):
Nightmares After one of his nightmares, Steve calls Eddie as he can't reach Robin, Eddie confesses he has nightmares of his own, and they find comfort in eachother - angst + fluff
Seven Minuets The party plays seven minuets in heaven and when Steve and Eddie get shoved into the little bathroom together, Eddie begins to question everything, primarily regarding his sexuality - fluff + kinda suggestive themes?
Axl Harrington Steve is doing his best as a single dad, trying to help his trans teen learn how to bind, and trans Eddie steps in to help them out - fluff! with little speckles of single dad angst
Accidentally Kissed Drunk and lonely, Steve thinks he finds Nancy in a quiet room and puts the moves on her, only after feeling up her shirt, does he realise it's actually Eddie he's making out with, and he realises he kinda liked it - dumb angst and happy ending fluff + suggestive themes
Love Sick Eddie and Steve first meet as little kids in the doctors office, playing together in the waiting room they make their Ken and G.I.Joe dolls kiss. They then remember each other years later, trading confessions and chain smoking their anxieties away - primarly fluff with a bit of an angsty ending
Bet On You Rockstar Eddie comes back to Hawkins for his high school ten year reunion and gets roped into attending one of Robins charity events, and he finally sees Steve after 10 years apart, and he thinks he might have just scored himself a hot date - fluff
Red Light Steve pulls up beside a metal head at a red light, and the idiot starts singing to him - fluff
If I Was A Worm Steve asks Eddie if he'd love him if he were a worm, and Steve should have expected Eddie would give him an answer far from normal, but it only makes him fall harder in love - fluff
Marry Me? Eddie proposes to Steve on a whim one night by giving Steve one of his rings - flufff!!!
Not Quite Puppy Dog Love (Steve's POV) Steve doesn't know what to do when the demon version of Eddie in the upside down swoops and carries Steve off to his nest, but he can't help but find him kind of cute as he coos like a pigeon and crawls around like a puppy to bring Steve his treasures - fluffy with some mild angsty themes
Not Quite Puppy Dog Love (Eddie's POV) Kas Eddie doesn't remember much about his past life, but he does remember the golden haired boy swinging that bat when the humans enter his relm, and his heart fucking soars at the sight of the one occupying his dreams every night - flufffff with some sad moments
Cropped Out Eddie loses his mind at the sight of Steve in a crop top and totally embarrasses himself about it - silly
That's A Promise Eddie wakes up in the hospital to find Steve there, holding his hand, promising he'll do everything he can to protect Eddie from now on - angsty fluff
Bullshit Eddie has a bad day whilst healing post Upside Down, and Steve tries his best to stay calm and help, but he only has so much strength - angst (@mugloversonly wrote a little hopeful ending to this with the perfect resolution I think, read their continuation here)
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loomiseater · 3 months
You sure?
warnings: smut ofc!, virginity loss, p in v, and dom reader.
Criticism is appreciated! I would love to know how I can improve on my writing.
Peter Parker x fem!reader
request page
Written: June 9th, 2024
Published: June 10th, 2024
Summary: Peter wants to lose his virginity.
wc: 630
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Y/n, are you sure we should be doing this? I don’t wanna get in any trouble with your dad..” Peter said nervously. “My dad won’t be back until 2 days..relax” you said sitting on his lap. Peter was a virgin so he was losing his virginity to you; but he was scared which is understandable.
“How do you feel?” I said in his ear. “So fucking good” he said leaning his head back. “Y/n- please” Peter said stuttering. “What baby?” You say as you seductively kiss and suck on his neck. “I wanna feel you!” He groaned, bringing you in for a long kiss.
I took his dick out of his sweats as he started breathing heavily. As I grabbed his dick jerking it up and down slowly and he was hard as a brick.
You pulled his shirt off and pulled his sweats all the way off. You push him back so he’s flat on his back. Peter’s breathing gets harder as you hover over his aching cock.
“Shit!- just let me feel it already” he said angrily pulling you all the way down on his dick as he let out a loud moan. “Fuckkkkkk” he said as his eyes rolled back. You adjusted yourself before bouncing on his dick.
“Y/n you feel so good bouncing on my cock” he said chocking a little. “Yea? You like me bouncing my tight pussy on you?” You said kissing his lips as he nodded. “Such a good boy, doing so good” you say as you started bouncing even harder.
“Come here” he said lowly. You lean down to kiss him as he grabbed your ass and started bouncing you himself. He was not letting up, it literally felt like he was trying to destroy my pussy. “PETER!” You moaned and he started to thrust upwards and you could feel his dick twitch inside of you letting you know he was about to cum.
“You wanna cum in my mouth or my pussy?”You ask him. “I wanna cum in your pussy, breed you until you have all my kids!” He said thrusting even faster. “I’m gonna cum!” You yell as you both came together.
Peter was shaking and you were still horny so you laid my hands flat on his chest and started bouncing as he laid there with his eyes closed and his mouth open.
“Ughh-fuck you feel amazing” he moaned. “I wanna cum all over your dick daddy” you said pouting. “I know baby, keep bouncing like that and you’ll cum in no time” he said in his Brooklyn accent. He soon flipped us over and you were on his back with your legs plopped on his shoulders. He held your legs wide open and started pounding into you to the point where your vision was going blurry.
“Oh my gosh, Peter!” You shouted.
“You look so sexy like this. Screaming with my dick inside of you” he said leaning down into your ear. This was somehow turning you on even more. His Brooklyn accent was sexy.
“I want you to carry every single last one of my fucking children” he said groaning. When he said that, that’s when you lost control of yourself. “I’m cumming I’m cumming I’m cummingggg!” You yelled out squirting with a mix of cum on dick as he also came inside of you.
“Holy shit!” He said looking down at your pussy and the mess you made. “Sorry” you said, starting to feel a little nervous. You were in the moment and didn’t think about the aftermath. “No stay right there..I like it” he said getting his phone to take a picture.
“There now I’ll have a picture to jerk off to and a memory to never forget” Peter said smirking as you started giggling.
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🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼 im loving the dynamics you're writing here and i am politely asking for more
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 chris thinks buck is his dad!!!!!! i love them so much
HI! THANK YOU!!!!! <3 <3 <3
45 for 🔼 :
He brings a sort of light to any conversation he’s a part of. A brightness, even when it’s clear he’s been wading through a lot of dark lately, in the aftermath of his injury. Shannon doesn’t know how much of a believer she is in fate or destiny or whatever. Some things seem so unfair if that’s all true. Like her mother’s long and repeated fight with cancer, only to lose. But there seems to be something fortuitous about Buck being a coworker by happenstance - Eddie has explained that he almost chose another station - that turned out to be someone important in his life, their son’s life, and now somehow hers, too. Like he’s been woven into things. Whatever tapestry exists of their lives. And with that strange thought in mind, she finds herself persistently wanting to spend more time around him. Even if all she has are those physio appointments. 
The last thing, and it cannot be understated in terms of importance, is Eddie. The change between her and Eddie. They’re not perfect. It’s not some magical one-eighty where their problems are gone and they’re expert communicators. Not at all. They’re still in the limbo of an on-pause divorce, figuring out coparenting, carrying a fuck ton of baggage and trust issues when it comes to each other. That’s not going away any time soon. But it’s alleviating. It’s moving in a direction that feels constructive. Which is more than she can say about anything since she got pregnant with Christopher.
After the night they told Chris about the baby, she came over one school day while Eddie was off work and talked. Given their history, Shannon was sort of scared they’d end up in bed. Thankfully, it didn’t happen. Eddie didn’t make a single advance. Although, maybe Eddie isn’t attracted to her like this. Who knows? Regardless, they ended up having a productive conversation. 
It came down to two very simple matters. Shannon, and having an identity outside of wife, mother, and caretaker to a dying mother. Eddie, and feeling secure in his role in the new shape their family was about to take. 
“I don’t want to only see my kid every other weekend, Shannon,” he had said. “I know the baby will need you more than me, but I can’t do that.”
And it’s so entirely different from the man who enlisted and left and said it was for the best, that she doesn’t know what to do about it. He’s still hung up on being a provider, she thinks. But not in exactly the same way. His time being a single parent to Christopher has changed him. A lot. 
So they’re moving forward. They’re trying. To be friends and co-parents before people who are divorcing each other. They’re talking about Shannon coming to stay with him for a while after the baby is born, so they can both be hands on during those early days. Hence her spending more time there now, just for Chris. So far, despite some residual awkwardness, it’s going okay. 
Take today, for example. Today, Shannon has woken up at Eddie’s, while he is at work.
45 for 🚨:
Yeah, Eddie is with him on that. 
“I think her timing was great,” Buck says. “Maddie’s daughter is going to have two fantastic parents. Twice more than some people get.”
That causes a wave of silence.
Eddie squeezes his hand. As much for comfort as for a reminder of their plan. Just get through the evening. Then they can go home to Christopher, who is also lucky enough to have two fantastic parents, despite losing one. And all will be right again. 
“Well, yes,” Phillip says after a moment. “It’s… It’s wonderful to see you with a partner who makes you happy, Maddie.”
Eddie narrows his eyes. Not that Buck’s tight grimace this evening is any indication of the relative happiness of their own relationship, but once again, they’re commenting on her life while overlooking his entirely.
“Yes,” Margaret agrees. “Especially after how everything ended with Doug.”
Buck stiffens. 
“Mom,” Maddie scolds. “We really don’t need to talk about him.”
How things ended? Eddie’s brain spins. Wait… The way they’re talking about it just doesn’t make sense. Eddie feels a pit forming in his stomach. He looks at Buck, a question in his eyes. The sad, resigned look on Buck’s face says it all. 
Is that why they’re ignoring him? Because of how Doug died? Because… Because Buck killed him, defending Maddie?
Not when you’ve had to wait this long.
Oh fuck. 
Eddie knew they hadn’t been supportive during the trial… But do they blame him?
“Well, I’m sorry, Maddie. It’s only that we haven’t seen you since,” Margaret defends herself. “So it still comes to mind.”
“Can we switch topics?” Maddie begs. “To literally anything else?”
For the first time that evening, since asking about his name, the Buckleys focus on Eddie. 
“Edmundo, you’re a firefighter too, right?” Phillip asks.
“Eddie,” Eddie corrects. “And, yes. Started at the station about a year before Buck.”
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casanovawrites · 11 months
random sentence prompts  ━ from various tv shows, part 3
if you’ve got something good, that just means someone wants to take it, right?
i am not gonna watch that happen again.
i like rules. they bring order to the chaos.
you’re my favorite person in the world, but you’re acting weird.
i don’t want to be anyone’s hero. i just want to be safe and boring and happy.
we did so many bad things. it’s all burnt in my brain.
i know that i am flawed, but i am trying to be better.
if you think i’m a killer, prove it.
i’m, like, perpetually single.
no one in the world had more reasons not to believe in me, but you still did.
everyone expects me to have it all together, but i just don’t.
i don’t care what other people think about me. your opinion is the only one that mattered.
if you’re always a disappointment, then it’s impossible to disappoint.
i got so wrapped up in my own dreams and feelings. i took what we had for granted.
what we are to each other is so much more complicated than any stupid wife or husband or girlfriend. 
it’s too much for me, you needing me.
i want us to go back. back before the mistakes, the lies. back to when we were unstoppable. 
i guess all the time i feel like i’m kind of trapped because i can’t describe how i’m feeling.
you deserve better than me.
everyone keeps saying the only thing that will make this better is time and maybe space.
i didn’t want you to leave last night. 
got to clear the skies for some blue skies, right?
i just don’t want to get hurt again.
everything’s still unresolved, you know?
nobody deserves romance more than you. 
i don't know when i'm going to get over this. but i want to be beside you when that day comes.
is it cold in here, or is it just me?
i’ll get blamed if something bad happens to you.
i’ve got one rule for you. dance with me.
why is this so hard?
can we keep having dramatic yet memorable dates?
if you tell me right now that you’ll never forgive me until the end of time, i’ll leave you alone.
i’m not the problem. you are.
you two are weird in all the same ways. 
forget other people’s definitions. be who you want to be.
if i love you now, imagine how much i’ll love the person you become?
i just don’t see it adding up to happiness for any of us.
i kind of felt like you were running away from me.
i’m not a stranger. i’m just strange. 
every time i do something to be happy, someone gets hurt. 
all year, i’ve tried to do the right thing, but what do i get in return?
you strike me as a queen without her crown.
we’ll always find our way back to each other. 
what’s the point of fighting so hard to stay alive if we’re just going to die alone?
you know there’s a chance. that’s what you can’t square. that’s what hurts.
things went bad for you, things went bad for me.
it’s not that i’m like you. it’s that i love you.
i’m losing my fucking mind, and i’m terrified. 
you knocked me off balance in a good way.
he knew what to do. he always did. and he was a fucking asshole about it.
you should get the hell away from me. i’m poison. i ruin people.
you sound like a bad romantic comedy.
i think we can make long distance work.
you’re not a victim. you’re a killer.
i know kids lie to their parents about stuff,  but you don’t do that. it’s not you. 
you can come back from this. i know you can. you have to. 
people die, they become a threat.
you’re either the cat or the mouse.
when you go down, i hope i’m there to see it.
we’ve always needed each other. that’s what our entire relationship’s been about.
i’m not evil. i just did an evil thing, one i deeply regret.
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xxcherrycherixx · 10 months
I know i like to talk about cupid and blondie just fucking every second but i legit just also want them to just do normal couple shit man, like cuddling on the sofa or treating the other to their favourite home cooked meal.
Kissing each others cheeks and foreheads sweetly, holding hands everywhere. Constantly telling their respective friends about how much they love their gf.
They go to the fair and try to win each other prizes! Theres an archery game and blondie keeps telling cupid she can totally win it, cupid misses miserably. Blondie has a turn and wins immediately explaining her skills with “sometimes i get bored when you’re not home so i shoot your bow in the house” cupid just stares gobsmacked unsure wether to tell her girlfriend off or kiss her right there. (She absolutely breaks that bow when she gets home just incase blondie has accidentally hit herself with one of the arrows)
Cupid eventually starts bringing blondie through the portal and to other worlds, they never stay for long and cupid makes sure they’re very careful to not get caught but they get to go on wonderful dates.
Blondie starts bringing cupid with her on field work days, cupid takes it very serious and helps as best she can (although she does sneak kisses in now and then which distracts blondie)
They live in a little cottage, near a forest so blondie can explore (occasionally cupid gets dragged along with her, she still isn’t a big fan of the woods though) they have multiple spare bedrooms and when people ask why they have so many empty bedrooms they just give each other a look and make an excuse about how the place just came like that and they didn’t really mind the extra space.
Those spare rooms quickly become kids rooms (and a cub room, blondie brings home a baby bear one day and cupid just sighs in acceptance of the fact that she’s now also a mother to a bear. She of course loves that little one just as much as their other kids though)
None of the children are cupid’s biologically, she states that shes not comfortable with the idea of birth so Instead they’re all either a mix of blondie’s genes and a donors genes or they’re adopted.
Cupid’s family happily take in blondie and the kids as family, but they always give cupid sad looks when blondie and the kids aren’t around. Nonetheless blondie gets invited to join their parties and get togethers as cupid’s plus one, Aphrodite likes the blonde girl very much and tells her to call her auntie too, she often invites the girl to join her and her friends for drinks claiming blondie is great at sharing gossip.
As the fairytale worlds society changes, Blondies family comes around to accepting the relationship. especially when blondie introduces their first child, a girl with golden curls. All the remaining walls drop and blondies mother scoops her daughter up in a tearful hug proud of her for becoming a mother too and apologises for not being there to support her through the pregnancy. Blondie’s mother makes sure to be there for every single one afterwards and it makes blondie so happy.
But not everything is “just right” in a relationship. ( hey guys trigger warnings here for like um lots of shit about death and suicide 😬 whoops it got angsty)
Theres a lingering dark cloud that hangs over cupid and blondie’s relationship. Cupid doesn’t bring it up but she knows and hates whats to come, Its a horrible realisation that strikes her not long after they start dating, its the reason her family gives her pitying looks, its the reason she refuses to have biological kids of her own even though she wants to. She notices her wife change, and she changes herself physically to match, but its never real.
Blondie is aging and she isn’t.
She confides in briar one afternoon, the girl was meant to sleep 100 years and outlive her friends and family, and while she wont have to do that anymore, she still had to live with knowing it was going to happen. Briar tries to comfort her, but fails. She tells cupid to tell blondie, but she refuses to.
Two years into their marriage blondie becomes pregnant with their first child. When their daughter turns one years old cupid visits her family alone and cries. She cries and screams about the future, how quickly one will turn to ten and ten will turn to her first child being lowered into a grave. Her father holds her silently, knowing that nothing he says can comfort her.
Cupid continues for the next decade trying to keep her fears at bay, and then blondie gets a call about a loss in the family. An older relative who had taken their own life not long after the death of their spouse.
Another horrifying realisation hits cupid. She doesn’t confide in anyone about this one.
one day Aphrodite finally lets it slip to blondie that cupid will outlive her and their entire family.
Blondie struggles with learning this, she had known her wife was immortal and very much older than her, but having it finally hit her that her wife will outlive her by thousands upon thousands of years with most likely many lovers after to replace her hurts. Knowing cupid and their family will be her forever, but she and their family will not be cupid’s forever, absolutely tears her heart to shreds.
One day she breaks and tells cupid, her wife tells her that she will in fact “be her forever”, that there will be no one else after her. Blondie accepts it as a lie to comfort her, but one day she realises what cupid really meant. she feels sick and terrified of her wife’s intentions, but she feels even more sick at the relief it gives her to know that she wont just be a short fling the other woman will one day forget.
They don’t speak on it again and they definitely dont tell cupid’s family of her future intentions, they continue to live happy and in love, but every now and then they think about the shared grave that awaits them.
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lovebillyhargrove · 11 months
Wake me up when July is around
Chapter 13/?
Steve might not fully realise it, but the vacation, forced on him by his parents, isn't actually that bad.
At first he doesn't expect anything good to come out of the whole idea, cursing it on the morning of December 27th when he's being dragged out of his warm bed, made to pack and subjected to a 9-hour drive, only to arrive at their lake house, lost in winter wilderness, in complete darkness. The house is warm though - apparently, dad called the guy who keeps an eye on their estate during the year and told him they'd be coming, asked to turn the heating on. The way leading up to the house has been cleared of snow, and when the lights are turned on, and Steve together with his father start a fire in the fireplace while mom is warming up some food to eat, it makes Steve feel .. like a kid again. In a good way. Like there's something new ahead of him, different surroundings, new experiences. It makes excitement bubble in his chest. Of course, he'd never admit it, "I'm suffering" and "Why?" and "I'd rather have stayed home" written all over his face.
He even catches a moment alone with mom to hiss at her
"If dad is going to start lecturing me, I swear I'll take the car and drive back alone!"
"No-one wants to lecture you, Steve, we just want to spend some time together, as family."
Mom has probably discussed it with his father and specifically asked him not to nag cause, that's true, parents do not say a single word about uhm .. certain issues. All of them have more important stuff to tackle now, like bringing warm blankets from the car to the house and making beds, and generally making sure the house is liveable enough for this and for the following eleven nights.
When morning comes and the bright sun shines in his window, the air and the smells are so different from what he's used to waking up to back in Hawkins, Steve again doesn't hate the idea. He's stretching his body, long and slow, and falls back asleep.
Maybe mom's right. A change of scenery might do him good.
The place where their house is located, is beautiful. Steve knows it well, he's spent some time here almost every summer since he was little. However, now when he's visiting Lake Michigan’s beaches and trails in winter, he sees them in a whole new light.
They spend their days driving around the nearby towns. Turns out, it's not a bad way at all to start a winter’s day in the South Haven area with a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate from a local cafe and then head down to South Beach to see the frozen lighthouse and lakeshore. If it's a sunny day, it's dazzling and Steve has to put his Ray-bans on.
On New Year Day the whole family set off fireworks near the lake and drink champagne by the fireplace, watching TV.
During their time here Steve goes snow hiking and cross-country skiing on quiet trails, sometimes together with both mom and dad, sometimes only with dad. When Mr. Harrington has to go to Indianapolis for two days in the middle of their vacation - which makes mom unhappy, Steve can see it - they go hiking just with mom.
Normally Steve would whine about having to spend so much time with parents fucking hiking, but he right now he feels like he needs it.
When dad comes back, he takes Steve snowmobiling and downhill skiing. The speed and the risk get Steve's heart pumping, though mom worries too much about them doing it cause it's all "too extreme and dangerous."
They also get to see most breathtaking sunsets, and spend the dark evenings burning wood in the fireplace, watching movies and eating popcorn, mom has brought a lot of video tapes along, and although Steve has to watch some classics like "It's a wonderful life", the usual one around Christmas and New Year, he is also pleasantly surprised to see both of "Indiana Jones" movies among the tapes, "Never say never", "The outsiders", "Footloose" as well as "The Terminator" and many more, even "Gremlins."
Wow, mom has come prepared. Who knew his parents actually watched stuff like that.
One day, at the end of their holiday, they drive to Saint Joseph, the place that is famous for having some of the largest waves on Lake Michigan. They get to watch the mighty waves crash against the two old St.Joseph lighthouses creating a quaint formation of ice along the pier. It is windy and slippery as fuck, but the views are unusual and kinda cool.
For some reason the image and the sensation of Hargrove crowding him during basketball comes to Steve's mind.
Like those waves, feral and unrelenting. Like Billy has no control over it himself, subduing to the powers of nature that never asks or conforms
Or, Hargrove's still just a regular douchebag. Who does look good, but in a flashy irritating way. Whose attitude is the worst. Who's just the stupidest, and the sooner he fucks off from Hawkins, the better.
During all these days Hargrove's existence doesn't bother Steve at all. He's not on Steve's mind that much. Just one time he has a fuzzy dream featuring Billy's hot lips. Steve doesn't remember the details - his sleep is so deep and untroubled here - but he recalls the overall feeling when he wakes up in the morning, hard and on the verge of coming.
The feeling of want and .. fervour and something forbidden and ..
Steve's always liked girls, alright? This asshole is messing up his game.
He does come though, sleepily humping the bed, relishing the bits of the dream, powerless against primal urges, which he's not gonna fight when he's alone in the room.
Harrington's not even in a relationship anymore. He's free. He can do the fuck he wants.
All in all, Steve's having a great time these holidays. Who would've thought.
He might not realise it, but he thinks a lot during the winter break. It is quiet up here, cold and serene. The nippy fresh air and the whiteness of the untouched snow have cleared his mind, have helped him see certain things differently
Looking at the vast spaces and listening to the silence have made him take a look back.
Okay, he got his heart broken, he did. Steve doesn't deserve it, he tried to be the best boyfriend he could be. He was a good boyfriend. Wanted to give Nancy the world, had so much to offer, to share. To enjoy together.
The only thing that he couldn't help Nancy with was coping with Barb's vanishing. Apparently, Byers who went through a probably similar story with his brother was able to find the way to .. to understand her better? comfort her? say the right words at the right moment? Steve thinks it's unfair, he still hates the freak. He's still not over it, he doesn't know when he will be. If ever.
The pure whiteness shines bright under luminous sun rays, it hurts Steve's eyes, it's blinding him
He reaches for the sunglasses to shield his eyes.
Little by little he understands
He shouldn't have said and done some things. He went too far in his desire to hurt back.
He shouldn't have brought up Byers' family during that fight with him. Byers is a creep and a stalker, but the stuff Steve said about his family and especially his brother was just vile.
Steve's not above admitting his own mistakes.
He shouldn't have listened to Tommy and sprayed Nancy is a slut, black and ugly across the school wall.
Yes, she cheated on him and never explained anything, and it's fucking dishonest and humiliating, but Steve had to keep it private. He shouldn't have made it public, brought it into the open, let the crowd have their cheap fun.
Tommy is right though. The original idea belonged to Hagan, but Steve said yes and went along with it.
He could've said
Nah dude, seems too harsh
But he didn't.
Something is changing inside Steve.
The realisation that maybe everything is for the better is beginning to slowly settle in his heart.
Their relationship was doomed from the start, Steve can see it so clearly now. From that first night they spent together. The first time they made love. Nancy didn't and doesn't even care about it anymore, that night is the night her friend went missing, not their first night -
Her first time with a guy -
to remember, the gentle passion, the sweet tenderness. Steve gets it, but understanding doesn't ease the pain.
That unfortunate night defined their whole relationship, and all that time Steve was just chasing something impossible, something that had already been broken.
He couldn't repair it.
It's also .. you can't make someone love you back. It's either there, or not.
Steve should let himself ache.
And then
It's time to grow up and let go.
On the night when they return to Hawkins from the vacation the whole family immensely enjoyed, Steve's thinking about having to go back to school tomorrow, and among other stuff, a little thing emerges from Steve's memory and sets off a slight concern.
What did Hargrove mean that night when he said that "Steve might have a pretty face but that's not enough..?" What were the exact words .. "Not enough to make him .. not enough to give him any ideas?"
What the fuck was that? Sounded like utter disrespect. Like underestimation. Like Steve's not the most good-looking guy at Hawkins High. Cause he definitely is.
The nerve ! .. Not pretty enough, uh-huh.
You sure about that, California?
Since he's back to Hawkins and his usual life, Steve might get himself something to be busy with.
He's not just a random pretty face.
Steve accepts what seems to be like a challenge.
On the first morning of school after the break, Steve wakes up earlier than usual not to be in a rush.
He turns on the music in his room, 84' hottest hits, and the day starts with
I want to break free
I want to break freeeee
God knows
God knows I want to break free
Steve styles his hair with even more precision than usual. Chooses his clothes more carefully, the colours that bring out the best in his appearance. Probably the forest green sweater that goes so well with the dark brown of his hair and eyes .. or the mustard yellow one .. light coral? one of his pastel polos maybe and a gray cardigan on top?
Hmmm ..
Steve makes his choice in favour of a warm-red sweater, the colour's not too bright, it's deep and exquisite, and it looks terrific on him. Also red will make him stand out.
Honestly, all his clothes look dope, he'll just wear something new every day.
But I have to be sure
When I walk out that door
Oh how I want to be free
Beige pants that hug his ass just right. He looks fucking good.
Let's apply some perfume.
Now he smells divine, too.
Steve winks at his own reflection in the mirror and smiles
Got to make it on my own
So baby can't you see
I've got to break free
His face is even a bit tanned from all the sunshine he was lucky to enjoy at Lake Michigan, and it makes him look even better, rested, fresh.
Mmm yeah. Who's not pretty enough now.
Oh, that's a nice one as well, Steve hasn't heard it in a while
I lose my cool when she steps in the room
And I get so excited just from her perfume
Electric eyes that you can't ignore
And passion burns you like never before
Steve finally unglues himself from the mirror and takes his letterman jacket out of the closet, he should totally take it to the dry cleaners on the way to school.
Nancy didn't like it but he looks too good in the jacket not to wear it.
He's not captain anymore, but he's still in the team and he's kept the number, so the jacket is still relevant.
He'll wear it tomorrow.
And our hearts they beat as one
No more love on the run
Steve gets in the car
Tunes onto the same radio station, turns up the volume to the maximum.
I was in search of a good time
Just running my game
Love was the furthest
Furthest from my mind
He looks great, feels fantastic, got his head straight.
Oohhh that's the new song, he heard it a couple of times in December last year, and hey, it's a catchy one. He likes it.
Taaaaaake ooooon meeeee
Take on me
Steve's singing along, loud, he can, he's alone in the car and no-one's gonna judge him
Taaaaaakeee meeeee oooon
Yeah so, Hargrove.
Back to Hawkins, back to its realities. Everything can actually align quite well with his initial plan. Remember the plan? Cause Steve does, but it's kinda vague now.
What was it even? To make Hargrove a lesser pain in the ass, show him who is who, make him humble? Honestly, so many things have happened since then. It's not the first item on the agenda.
Steve barely remembers the guy's name.
Har-grope? .. Har-drove?
Harr-asshole? Heheehe, that's a funny one
I'll beeee goooone
In a day or twooooo
He knows Hargrove's secret now - but it's not a secret, really. It's not like Billy is gonna beg him not to tell anyone they've kissed.
Might be interesting to see the big bad Billy actually begging. On his knees
Harrington can end up compromising himself, if anything. He still doesn't know how he feels about the whole drunk smoochies incident.
The incident that has occurred twice.
Everything that has happened - not much, nothing meaningful, just drunken moments - should stay between the two of them, that's for sure.
So needless to say
Of odds and ends
I'll be stumbling away
Slowly learning that life is okay
Really like .. why the hell not? Steve can keep Hargrove merely as a way of distraction while he's going through serious stuff.
A little harmless game that gives him adrenaline rush.
It's even .. it's kinda good for him, you know? Keeps him on his toes.
The music is perfect this morning.
I'll be coming for you anyway ..
Taaaaake oooon meeeee
Take on me
Upon arriving at school, Steve can feel it -
Eyes are on him.
He opens the car door wide, music blasting another 1984 charts favourite
She's an easy lover
She'll get a hold on you, believe it
Steve isn't in a hurry to get inside the school. Takes out a white Parliament, smokes lazily, ass on the still warm hood if the beamer
She's like no other
Before you know it you'll be on your knees
Whose car does Steve see slowly rolling into the parking lot
The blue Camaro
She's an easy lover
She'll take your heart but you won't feel it
The driver's door opens and the messy mullet is back in Steve's peripheral vision. New year, same fucking stupid haircut.
There's screaming music coming from Billy's car too, but Steve can't make out what the song is.
Ah, like fuck he cares. The dude's got no style. Not with anything.
Harrington has a feeling that Hargrove's turning his head and staring in his direction
But maybe not
Steve's not gonna check
He can ignore the prick for now
"Steve, my man! How you been?"
"Hey, Harrington, someone told me you quit school? Went to Massachusetts?"
Whaaat kind of gossip is that, jesus
She'll take your heart but you won't feel it
She's like no other
Girls are looking. Guys high five him. Tommy is by his side. They are walking towards the school, him and his pack. Carol is smiling. Nicole is staring like she wants to lick him from head to toe. Katie, the girl he used to date ages ago, looks very much interested again. Roy keeps asking dumb questions.
It's a fucking excellent morning. It's good to be back.
Steve again catches Hargrove out of the corner of his eye, standing near the locker now. Steve laughs at Nicole's joke just a little too loud, and that gets the job done - it gets the other boy's attention, he's definitely watching the King, again
Billy's stare lingers, and Steve smiles at Nicole, flashing his dazzling white, slides a hand through his hair and casually puts it on his hip.
Hargrove can't help himself, it's so obvious.
Wipe the drool, sweetheart
Cause it's dripping
You're making a mess
During the day - shared classes, hallways and lunch break - he sneaks a peek, more often than earlier, and Steve keeps a loose track.
Not pretty enough huh?
Don't look then.
Oh, but you are.
Get fucked, asshole.
Billy's mouth runs dry - that's definitely the cigarette
and his heart skips a beat - no explanation
when he notices Harrington in the parking lot. He hasn't seen him for about two weeks, since Andy's party. The rich boy looks too good on the first day of school. The vacay with mommy and daddy must've been awesome.
It's like he's a different person - the mopey bitch that Harrington was for the most of November and December, is gone, and here is King Steve again, shining in all his royal glory.
He looks even better than in the early fall, no joyless girlfriend hanging on his arm, sucking the life out of him, it definitely makes him sparkle bright like a medieval queen's precious jewellery
Billy shouldn't be staring
It's rude
Hargrove's never rude without a reason.
So he looks the other way.
When later Billy's digging in his locker, three minutes before the first period
He catches the sound of Harrington's laughter - why is the fucker laughing so loud
Too fucking loud, shut up
Billy throws a glance.
Did someone finally get over his broken heart lame crap? Or is that a part of some kind of show?
Hargrove notices how pretty Harrington looks when he smiles so wide, so careless
Outright beautiful.
Hey, it's rude to stare, dammit
Billy finally forces himself to avert his eyes, and they fall on the box
Behind the stacked books
Shit, he almost forgot about someone's - definitely Harrington's - welcome gift that's still lying in his locker.
The fucking dildo.
It's so stupid. He should probably just throw it away.
Yeah, he should. Why the fuck is he still keeping it? Honestly, he kinda forgot about it lying there
Out of the blue
Billy's face feels hot
He's blushing like a fucking virgin, getting caught imagining stuff
Fucking shit
Billy slams the locker shut banging his fist on it, loudly. People are turning their heads in his direction. He just walks to class
Harrington's annoying laughter still ringing in his ears.
Fucking rich mama's golden baby going on vacation and coming back looking like that
Who does he think he is.
Billy liked it more when Steve just ghosted through the school hallways not causing any trouble.
Cause now it's trouble.
What comes next, is two fucking weeks of trying not to look too much. Two weeks of this maddening smell of the sweetest perfume in the gym locker room, during practice and around the whole school.
Billy is grateful for the weekends cause he, at least, doesn't have to smell this damn scent everywhere he goes.
Harrington even plays differently. More graciously
More in control
More like .. fucking baiting Billy.
Like a fucking long-legged gazelle
Hopping around and kicking those legs in front of him
Hargrove's got a feeling a couple of times like he is that big angry clumsy bull coming at Harrington but Steve dances a waltz around him and even takes the ball from Billy, without applying much effort because he gets too distracted for a split second and finds it hard to follow ..
The fuck, the fuck is happening?
Billy jerks off thinking about Harrington almost daily.
No, that's not the right way to put it. He jerks off to Harrington every time he actually slides his hand into his boxers lying under the blanket, or grabs his dick in the shower, all his skin magazines collecting dust under the bed
He recalls how exceptionally delicious Steve looked on that particular day
Fuck, every day now
That wave of his hair, so meticulously styled, Billy wants to put his paws on it, break the wave, tug it, pull it, mess it all up.
Thinks about Steve's smile. His cool. Like he doesn't care. Like he's that catchy tune that's on everyone's mind and everybody is in love with him. Billy sees the way girls are following Steve with their dreamy eyes in school hallways, the endless flirting, and it's .. frustrating?
Somehow, it is.
Billy remembers the kisses. He doesn't want to admit it, but he wishes for .. more?
When the fuck is the next high school party?
Alright, the whole break up and everything and Steve almost sliding into being depressed and shit sucks one big motherfucking hairy ass.
However, he's feeling much better now, and it's time to make amends. He can still be civil about the whole thing. A little bit civil, not too much though.
Jonathan is still a creep who took dubious pictures of them searching for clues .. okay, look, Steve has never been in a situation where someone from his family went missing and, he gets it, it can really screw you up, but like .. my guy, don't stalk people. Steve will die on that hill, he's filled with indignation when he recalls Nancy asking him to buy a new camera for Byers. Fuck no, he's glad he didn't buy shit.
What's more, Byers hit on a girl who was taken. But Steve can actually overlook it - all is fair in love and war, or something like that
Harrington sees the couple at school, they seem happy together. Always looking so serious, but hey, Nancy has never been much of a fun girl, so.
He feels that his ex-girlfriend still owes him an explanation though. Why did she dump him? When did this thing between her and Byers start? Steve needs clarity, once and for all, a clean slate.
The thing is, he's been thinking of inviting Nicole on a date, and uh .. Steve just needs to turn the Wheeler page over and start afresh.
He also wants to say sorry about the "slut" graffiti.
It wasn't his best moment.
Let's take some responsibility, shall we?
When Harrington gets to the Wheelers and rings the bell, Nancy's dad opens the door and says in a bored voice
"She's at her new boyfriend's place."
With the usual undeterred expression on his face.
How insensitive.
It's the realisation though that hits Steve. He's officially not her boyfriend anymore. Everyone knows and all are fine with that.
"Do you happen to know his address?"
Mr. Wheeler looks as if he just wants to get back to his recliner and not have any kind of conversation with literally anyone.
"It's Kerley Road. Last house, right near the woods."
"Thank you, Mr. Wheeler."
The door is slammed in his face.
Wasn't my dream to be your son-in-law, thank you very much.
Steve drives to the Byers. It gets dark so quickly these days, Steve never liked that about winter.
He'll be civil. He'll apologize but he'll also tell Nancy the way she handled the breakup, sucked.
Jesus Christ, Byers lives in a creepy house .. Like it's okay, it's run down, not everyone gets lucky with loaded parents, but the whole atmosphere around this place? Straight out of a horror movie.
Steve knocks on the door
Steve knocks again.
He hears her hesitant voice
"It's Steve. Nancy, listen, I just want to talk for a second."
The door opens, and it's her, but she's holding the door not letting him inside
"Steve, listen to me."
She is pale and looks ..
"Nancy, what .."
"You need to leave."
"Hey, I’m not trying to start anything, okay? I came to apologize."
"I don’t care about that."
Wow, really ??
"You need to leave."
Wait, what .. why is there a bandage on her hand?
"Nancy? What happened to your hand? .. Is that blood? Are you .."
"Nothing. It's nothing, Steve."
Nancy talks quietly and Steve can she that she's scared.
She's so scared.
"It was an accident."
She's lying. Over and over again, it's all fucking lies with her!
"Are you sure? What’s going on?"
Steve peeks inside the house.
Why is she not letting him in?
"Wait a sec. Did he do this to you?"
Is this a .. cult or something? Is this a cult ??
"Nancy, let me in!"
They might be broken up, but .. he still cares for her, alright? The whole situation looks shady as fuck.
Steve pushes the door and his ex-girlfriend out of the way.
"No! No, Steve!"
What on earth .. the place looks messy and creepy as hell, there are .. there are weird lights all over it, like it's still Christmas time, and ..
Oh my god, Byers is standing by the couch looking spooked as fuck, holding .. holding a bat ??
With nails ?? ..
What is ..
What the ..
Well, that is certainly not what Steve expected to see. He just wanted to have a normal conversation.
Nothing looks normal in this house
"You need to get out of here."
Why does she keep telling him to get out ?? .. there's a can of .. gasoline on the floor?
"Whoa. What is all .."
Byers suddenly comes up to Steve, shoving his shoulder. Is he trying to push him out from the house? The goddamn fuck??
"Listen to me. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you, get out of here!" The freak can speak when he wants to.
Not so quick, buddy.
Steve has to find out what's going on, what kind of sick shit is that, has Byers roped Nancy into something .. dangerous?
"What is that smell? Is that... is that gasoline?"
"Steve, get out!" Nancy's raising her voice
The whole situation .. jesus fuck, it's giving him the heebie jeebies. Something is very, very wrong here
"Nancy!? What is going on?"
"You have five seconds to get out of here."
Nance is holding .. a fucking gun??
She's pointing a gun at him?
"Alright, is this a joke? Stop. Put the gun down."
"I’m doing this for you."
Is she out of her fucking mind? Byers is looking around like prey, and .. and the lights ..they start flickering
"Nancy." It's like Byers is telling her to get ready
"Wait. Is this a... What is this?"
Why is no-one listening to Steve? Answering his questions?
"Nancy!" Byers is gripping the bat tighter
"Three. Two."
His ex-girlfriend wants to shoot him so bad??
What in the fucking hell is happening ??
"Nancy! The lights! It’s here!"
Nancy is finally putting the gun down and looking around
"Wait, what’s here?"
Can somebody maybe answer his question?
"I don't know. I don't see it."
"Hello?? Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going .."
Steve has seen his fair share of horror movies. He's seen vampires, aliens, zombies, monsters ..
On screen.
What happens in the next ten seconds is uh .. life-changing?
Yeah, most definitely.
It changes Steve's vision of the world completely and forever.
Because a real fucking monstrosity crawls its way down from the ceiling and
It's a blur.
Everything is one smudge of a horrifying blur.
The screeching and roaring sounds, coming from the monster, are deafening.
They run, jumping over .. oh my god, a fucking bear trap?
Hide in a room. Steve's shaking all over.
"Jesus! Jesus! What the hell was that? What the hell was that?"
Both Nancy and Jonathan yell at him
"Shut up!"
and then
It's quiet.
Awfully quiet, and when they creak the door open, there's no more monster in the hallway.
The three of them are back in the living room.
Steve's pacing back and forth
"This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy."
Fucking hell. The monster. There was a fucking real monster right here.
Why aren't they running?
"This is crazy! This is crazy! This is crazy!"
"Steve, stop!"
Why are they so calm ??
911. They should definitely call 911, or .. or Hawkins police, or somebody! Please, help ! We need help !!
Steve's grabbing the phone receiver hanging on the wall
Before he dials even two numbers Nancy snatches the phone away from him
"What are you do .. What are you doing? Are you insane?"
Yeah, both of you and everything here is insane!!
"It’s going to come back!" She sounds angry - she's angry at him for interfering with .. whatever's happening?
"So you need to leave, Steve. Right now."
Nancy's voice is made of iron, and Steve thinks - to hell with this shit. If she wants him to leave so bad, he will. He's outta here.
He's too young to die.
He'll drive to the police, tell them what's going on here on Kerley Road.
The lights start flashing again, and Steve turns his back and fucking runs.
The car keys are falling out of his trembling fingers when he's trying to open the door of the beamer. He picks them up from the frozen ground
And sees the house glowing
The screeching is back, and he hears screams and gunshots
Nancy and Byers are gonna die in there.
Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god
Just get in the fucking car, Steve!
Go get help.
Come on, Harrington !! Fucking drive already!
Something - like recklessness ? ..
Is standing in his way, is not letting him run.
Steve's swallowing convulsively, his fingers twitch, grasping the door of the car
They are going to fucking die.
If Steve leaves them there right now, he'll blame himself for the rest of his life.
You can't really live easy with something like that on your conscience
Oh god, please
Oh god
Make him brave
That's it. He's doing it.
Oh god
Shit. Shit !!
Steve rushes back inside the illuminated house
Jonathan is on the floor with the monster looming over him
Nancy is pointlessly firing the gun.
The nail bat. Where .. ?
Steve grabs it from the floor, twirls it and feels blood rushing through his veins
He can hear Nancy yelling
He's fucking terrified and maybe he and they are really all gonna die right now, but to hell with that, at least he'll die .. not a coward
He hits the monster once, twice, the third time
Disgusting squelching sounds fill the room
The creature lets go of Byers and moves in the direction of the hallway.
The trap snaps and there is a metallic noise of a chain being dragged around. Jonathan lights up a Zippo and
"Go to hell, you son of a bitch!"
Hot flames are reaching for the ceiling
The stench of burning flesh is nauseating
The screeching and growling roars become unbearable, it's like their ear-drums are gonna burst right this second
As well as all the light bulbs that are pulsating so intensely, the whole place is about to explode
Everything is like a scene out of the scariest nightmare
Only, it's fucking real
The loud noises finally stop and low grunting faints away in the distance
All three are breathing heavily, trying to see through the smoke
"Do you hear that?" Nancy's whispering
She steps forward to take a closer look, but Byers grabs her arm and yanks her
"Get back!"
He's panting and all of them are coughing
Wait, where is the monster ??
"Where did it go?" Nancy says and Steve echoes
"Where is .. the corpse? Is .. is it still alive?"
Jonathan is shaking his head as if trying to assure himself in the first place.
"No. It has to be dead."
"It has to be." He adds firmer.
However, not firm enough.
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zhongrin · 1 year
Dodhnseidbdbenidis RIN AIIDHDJSOJDBSNS
Ayato can basically fuck off if Baizhu is his competition, I will choose Baizhu over everyone heh 🤸❤️❤️
Your man is very cute indeed mhm, but how about you hide with him in his hidey hidey hole? Yes you aren't dw <3 you're deep in love and it's cute ❤️
Exactly!! And I am sure his caudal fin would be so beautiful frfr, and only you have the honour to touch it. You. His wife. <3
Help Rin my heart omfg;;.. like everyone who knows me knows I am crushing hard on Baizhu, and I will do my best to let him know it too. <3 ofc I will give him all the kisses and reassurance, everytime he needs ❤️
Omfggg the nicknames aaaaaa;; I have two questions then, are you speaking indo and / or chinese and why did you choose a different language for ya nicknames? <33 (pls don't get it the wrong way, it's so interesting!! ❤️)
You're so sweet plsssss;; I love gushing abt our Selfships sm aaaaaa
Omg you both are menaces, perfectly fitting for each other <3 but what I can also imagine is - you calling him "babe" to fluster him and him bringing up a embarrassing childhood story 😭
Rin no. Because I won't ever say "Bai", I would always stay by his side. <3 (but if we somehow come to the point where I say goodbye to him.. yes. Yes. Because it's funny 🤸❤️❤️)
Ikr ikr they need to know when it gets serious frfr
Help he would ofmfhsishehdj - but not that often like the others cuz he knows the other ones make me fluster and blush every. Single. Time. 🤸
HELP SO CUTE, I can also totally imagine Zhongli holding your hand or laying an arm around your back while ya are out <33 ❤️❤️
YOU?? FEEDING ALHAITHAM?? that's so cute ofmfndbjsjsn;; help <33
With one ya have many outdoor dates and with the other ya have many indoor ones, so adorable aaaaaa 💞💞
Now I have a question - do you think your hubby's are jealous or not that much? If they are - do they show it and how?
HALKJDLASJD baizhu is sweeping the competition i see 👀 understandable, that's me @/zhongli
oh yes i'll hide in his hidey hole. actually i'm a vvip in his hidey hole, he doesn't allow anyone else to enter his abode <3
noooo his tail fin ;w; i will smooch it and caress it gently. must be a very pretty golden color that shimmers in the water aaaaaa
everyone in liyue knows baivi atp. they're always expecting one of you nearby the other whenever they spot you in public. "oh dr. baizhu's here? ms. dresvi must be around then." "is that ms. dresvi oh good i wanted dr. baizhu to take a look at this bump on my arm-" lol
dw i got you hehe it's bc me and my s/i is actually indo-chinese! and zhongli is- well- liyue is based on china so there's that heheh hence we tend just to mix up indo and chinese words in our day to day life!
HELP HE WOULD TOTALLY DO THAT HDLSKJFKLSD "hey babe-" "remember that time when we were kids and you were so obsessed with horses-" "LOOK EVERYONE HAS A HORSE GIRL PHASE OK YOU CAN'T BLAME ME but also please shut up i'm so sorry i won't call you babe anymore pumpkin pookie wookie snookers-" *cue us bickering and kaveh watching in the bg with a popcorn*
hsldfjksldjlf please hahahah now i'm picturing a little puppy!dresvi tottering behind baizhu everywhere help-
speaking of do you both have any pets? :D i would say changsheng but i feel like she'll bite me when i say so- CHANGSHENG NO PLEASE I'M SORRY
he. he's totally the type who would put his hand on my back to guide me around yes 😭 i love love love it when ppl do that??? also i can see him offering his arm so i can link our arms together ueueue
he's now accustomed to reading his books while eating bc i spoil him too much hsldfkjsd if i feel like being extra chaotic that day i'd feed him soup lmao
ikr the 2 pairings have such a different but somewhat similar dynamics i love imagining it sm wahhhh
i think they're both pretty secure and doesn't get jealous that much unless something very very sussy happens!! i see them both as more of the protective type? like they'd readily jump in if they sense any danger or something similar! for zhongli - depending on the season and other parties involved, i feel like his slightly more possessive dragon instinct might come into play, but it's not often hehe <3
both of them would be the type who would try to avoid full-blown confrontation so they'd steer us away from the situation... they're both good at mind games and twisting words to deescalate the situation (zhongli) or distress the other party enough so they walk away willingly (al haitham) after all lol
how does baizhu show that he's jealous and does he talk it out with you later on? or does he keep it bottled up inside? what kind of situations irks him the most and how did you handle him? 👀
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metal-bubble · 1 year
Untitled, 2022 (unfinished)
1599 words, written by me lol metal.bubble
PG rated: cursing only, non romantic, astro canon compliant..
Jinjin POV - about MyungBin
Set as they prepared for/filmed for AstroScope concert/movie
Wanted to share bc these feeling were eating me alive. Hope other arohas may understand...
SUMMARY: Jinjin has to find and diffuse an irrationally angry moonbin just days before they're set to do their stargazer: AstroScope concert. why does he feel like this wouldn't br happening if MJ was still here..?
"Fuck this.."
Jinwoo sighed as he shoved a forgotten stage prop back into its place.
Exasperated, he pushed his long fringe out of his eyes and off his forehead. Where the fuck was Bin...
Jinwoo power walked through one dark backstage hallway after another, opening doors, and snooping in dark corners. Where the fuck did that lunatic sneak away to? This venue was only so big, but the leader wasn't picking up any sort of trail.
Moments ago, Jinwoo was rehearsing his solo stage for their first concert without Myungjun. Things were going great. They were practically running ahead of schedule. Jinwoo was so confident in his solo stage rehearsals too. He was riding cloud 9, and didnt have time for Bin to be a fucking buzzkill like this.
Jinwoo hadnt been off the mainstage for 20 seconds before he got a text from one of the stage managers that read:
"Binsan emergency, assistant required in the practice room :("
Shit.. that could mean only one thing: Bin had pushed Sanha too hard. Again... Why the fuck couldnt Bin control his whack-ass behavior? Was it really too much to ask??
Yes. Yes it definitely was. And Jinwoo knew it too. Bin had never had to go this long without his emotional support blanket of their oldest member: Myungjun.
Their eldest member served as a magnet that pulled Bin out of his natural path of introvertedness. Its like Myungjun had some sort of legit spell over the kid. If Myungjun laughed, Bin would laugh. If Myungjun saw Bin starting to clam up or get angry, he somehow always knew exactly how to pull Bin out of it. Jinwoo felt guilty now for relying on the older boy so much when it came to Bin and Bin's emotions.
Myungjun had only been gone a few days before Jinwoo began to notice Bin changing. It started with some mild self isolation. Bin would stay way past the time they were scheduled to leave practice sessions. Saying he just wanted to keep his mind busy. Myungjun was usually the one who forces Bin to come back with them to the dorm. Myungjun just seemed to cast a spell on Bin, and Bin would listen.
The recent sleepless nights had turned into Bin developing an anxiety-driven aggression towards the other members. Practices had started to regularly derail as Bin kept stopping to harass Sanha and Dongmin over every single misstep they made.
Dongmin had been handling it the best. It took an army to actually set off the prince of tranquility's anger. And Dongmin could clearly see that Bins behavior wasnt normal, so he managed to put up with it. But Sanha.. Sanha on the other hand had begun to crack.
At first the maknae had been willing to fix anything Bin pointed out, as he usually respected and trusted anything Bin said to him regarding performances. But Jinwoo watched as confusion and anger began to build in Sanha's eyes with every angry/anoxioustghtdhhth in we vbe hg insult Bin threw at him. Bin had never critiqued Sanha to the point of belittling him so harshly. Jinwoo had deescalated many tense moments as Sanha began to push back at Bin's needless over critiquing and micromanaging.
Unfourtunalty, just a week prior, the two had gotten inches away from an all out fist fight.
Jinwoo had tried talking to Bin. But Bin's anxiety got the best of him.
**Bout a week ago**
"Why did you bring ME out here hyung?? That SHITHEAD is the reason im so angry! We ALL see him fucking up nearly every choreo!! I know im not crazy.. im not just seeing things!! Right?? Tell me you see it too?
"No one said you are crazy. But Bin, you gott-.."
"NO! If i dont FIX all these FUCKUPS before the filming day, we're ALL gonna look like SHIT. You guys are NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH! Especially fucking Sanha. That.. that fucking talentless... Godddd"
Bin punched the hallway wall closest to him and kicked an unlucky, stray chair that happened to be in the hallway at the wrong time. It loudly flew half way down the hall. Bin looked like he was about to hyperventilate.
"Bin.. Bin... Bin look at me! Fuck, please breath and stop insulting Sanha. You are NOT helping anything by bitching like this and getting so angry. Do you understand me??"
"Why are YOU not as angry as i am?
Bin voice started to shake.
Your the LEADER GODDAMMIT.. i.. i-"
Jinwoo could see the breaking point closing in. He had to calm this mother fucker down.. and he hadda do it now.
"Bin.. please. Lets do those breathing practices we used to do, remember? The slow ones?"
Jinwoo grabbed Bins hands in his and held as tightly as he could. Bins hands were shaking too. His emotions were completely out of control.
Bin started to take a massively slow and unstable deep breath.
"Yes Bin, thats right. Push all the air out before breathing in. Come on, get it all out. Close your eyes"
Bin submitted and forced his eyes shut, as tears began to leak from the corners.
"Ok, now lets slowly start to let that air back in. Dont rush it, its not going anywhere. Slowly.. thats good. Ok now keep going till you fill those lungs entirely."
Jinwoo watched Bins chest slowly inflate with mild hitching and shaking.
"Thank you Bin. You're doing so well. Do you wanna keep going?"
Bin took two more shaky deep breaths.
"No. I think im fine now. But..."
Bin opened his eyes and looked down the hall at the chair.
"I think i need to go home for today. I cant go back in there. It'll happen again. I dont know why i cant turn off how horrible i feel and how nervous i am. And... I hate that im doing this. But when the anger comes, its impossible to stop."
Jinwoo pulled Bin into a hug. Bin let out a small sob as he leaned down to bury his face into the leaders shoulder.
"Its ok Bin, you can go home and try to relax. We have many more days to practice."
"Im sorry hyung. Im so sorry."
"Thank you for calming down Bin. I wish i was as good as Myungjun at cheering you up, but im trying my best"
Jinwoo let out a small chuckle.
Bin released their hug and faced the older boy
Jinwoo then realized he said that out loud. Fuck... He definitely had never actually said anything about that theory to Bin before this moment. Mega foot in ass move there.
"Oh... Sorry. I just.. have noticed over the years that Myungjun seems to be able to.. idk, um.. he's just better at.. like..."
Bin looked so legitimately confused.
"Better at what hyung?"
Jinwoo rolled his eyes and shrugged.
"Goddamn, you know! He just tells you to do something and you do it, but its all good things that make you seem happier. Like i never noticed how much he keeps you from isolating urself untill he wasnt here. Or how he seems to be able to instantly reverse you when you get mad or sad. And i feel stupid for never seeing it before. But i mean.. think about it. When did you start to feel so anxious and angry all the time? Cuz it seems like it started after Myungjun left."
"The fuck..?"
Bin paused and looked deep in thought for a moment. Jinwoo saw the lights going on in Bins head. Bins cheeks even began to flush a bit.
"Damn hyung.. ur right! I started to feel really shitty after he left. Goddammit.."
"I mean.. hey - don't get embarrassed, its only something I've thought recently."
"Do you think... Does everyone know??"
"Bin.. no, literally i just thought this and haven't even said it out loud till right now. So no, i dont think everyone thinks that. And besides.. its not like it's a bad thing."
"But hyung.. like.. why? Why am i doing this? Why cant i get it.. why cant i fucking NOT get angry without HIM??"
Jinwoo could sense Bin working himself up again.
"Bin. Its normal to have new and different feelings when someones routine is drastically changed. Not having Myungjun is a big change. We all are having to adjust to him not being here. He is a huge presence."
Jinwoo put his hand on Bin's shoulder.
"Why don't you head home and.. idk.. text him? I think it might make you feel a little better, right?"
Bin flushed harder and looked down.
"Ok hyung... Ur right. I'll.."
Bin let out a heavy sigh.
"... I'll try to text him"
**Back to present**
Jinwoo wondered if Bin followed thru with that now. He'd have to ask whenever he found him.
He continued to run through the venue hallways, looking for Bin.
He had arrived too late to the practice room braul to stop the fight Bin and Sanha had moments ago. Only the stage mamager and backup dancers were left when he slid in. Sanha was taken care of nearby with Minhyuk, but Bin had fled the scene entirely. And now Jinwoo was tasked with finding him.
Aparently, it was the same old same old. Bin flipping out on the younger for not living up to some irrational standard set by Bin's anxiety. And it had escalated to the two throwing water bottles and other objects at each other and any poor soul around them.
He felt sweat on his forehead... Damn. This was entirely too much
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