#about Mar'i
punnifullife · 1 month
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sorry i haven't posted in awhile! work started back up. here's some old sketches from June.
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stormikitty · 9 months
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So I added to my WIP list again...
The current title is what I'm calling the team until I think of something better that they'd choose.
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disorganizedkitten · 10 months
Also while ur at it if u have any specific damian hc u wanna share 👀
This is so niche but aside from the kind of popular hc that Damian hates Tim bc he doesn't know how to show affection/awe/respect without murder being involved, which I do love, my secondary hc is just a rewrite of his titans team.
I looked at the canon one. And then I said 'mm screw you, no thanks'.
So in my head, Damian's Titans team has Superboy (Jon), Abuse (Colin), Princess Marvel (Darla), Jae and Irey West, Soulfire (Mari'ander), Lian Harper, and when I can swing it for an au Athantasia, as well. Spiritually Nobody/Maya Ducard is also there but in practice I don't feel comfortable writing her. :( I don't know enough about Maps to use her anywhere but if I did I'd shove her in somehow. Maybe as their Oracle Equivalent.
No one else uses this line up but in my heart they're there. I love them all to death. It's the team he deserves.
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starsmuserainbow · 3 months
Sorry for, like, some days I think? of absence on my end. I was kinda focused on getting something ready bc I'm feeling the beachy/summery vibes.
Good news is I got it done though, so find some pictures here!
Starting through my list of muses from the back this time, because I don't wanna always have Star at the top.
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Akari would of course for obvious reasons not actually go into the water, so she doesn't really wear a swimsuit either. Alternatively, of course, if she does go into the water -
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this is what her outfit would be. Duh.
The rest of them below the cut because length and being multiple pictures!
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Next Pyrrha! Now that I look at it again the pose feels a bit weird, but, meh. This is definitely what she's wearing for beachy things, and if she's not in the water she'd have a somewhat see-through yellow/golden "towel" wrapped around her hips too.
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Did you expect anything different than her normal self from Sheshe?
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Having found this glowy beach some time during her young years,
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Mar'i still has it as a favourite spot years later.
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Not that she's any willing to put on anything other than her uniform, but if you somehow manage to convice her, something alike this would be what Lightning would wear for beachy summery stuff. Don't expect her to go into the water though.
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Alluring as ever, of course.
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Mia is always up for some summer fun!
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Not really all that comfortable with wearing bikins, it would still be Cat's choice for when invited to like the beach or something, it just is nicer to wear for her than a one-piece-swimsuit. Still doesn't mean she'll feel all that comfortable, much less enough so to have a picture taken.
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Having been invited to a beachy day with the Titans, and Starfire of course insisted he'd wear something appropriate instead of his armor too. Moonshot is about as passive as always, but he sat down and watches them do their stuff. (Don't ask me where Robin and Cy are, I had notyetbymeedited BB and Raven models available and not the other two) Also, I tried to add a distance blur thingie here myself, the game does have an option for it but I didn't manage to make it start at where Moonshot is so uh, had to do it myself.
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Colorful and fun for Starlight, of course! (I maybe should have removed the shoes on that right side picture oops)
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He's just as insecure and uncertain as always. Absolutely wears something to cover himself a little over the actual beach/water-wear which'd be only some swim-pants.
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Nothing to say here really. She wouldn't hesitate lying on the beach without that dress, either.
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And Star of course! Nothing I really have to add here.
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selinascatnip · 2 years
I mean if I had a penny for every time I shipped a couple made by an orphan adopted by a rich man turned masked vigilant and an alien princess who met their future daughter before they even made her I'd have two pennies which isn't much but it's funny it happened twice
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fightwing · 8 months
“  don’t worry your head,  just go to sleep.  ” / from kory, maybe when dick is freaking out abt mar'i flying 🥺 / @cybervigilante
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" i'm serious, honey. " dick isn't quite pacing YET but he's certainly not relaxing into the sheets of their grand bed like they both should be. it's not like there were many experts on half-human, half-tamaranean babies. in fact, the only child who even fits that demographic he currently knows of is snoring into their baby monitor at this very moment. " should we babyproof everything? can we if it's a flying thing instead of a running around corners thing? " mar'i was LEARNING to fly and still hadn't nailed the landing, but like many other babies she was wildly determined to try. and while dick spent most of his life in the air, it was a very different kind of panic seeing your toddler touching the ceiling. ( . . . maybe dick had some apologies to make to bruce and alfred. ) he turns towards his wife, long fiery red hair splayed around her as she finds much more comfort in their daughter's development than dick was at the moment. he's reminded then that all the parts of mar'i he sees himself in are probably just as foreign to her, and that, JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE, they were in this together. " when did you start flying? "
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noiriviere · 6 months
grandpa bruce wayne. hit post.
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browniesarethebest · 2 years
I’ve read your fic where Mar’i finds her way into the Watchtower about eight billion times and I need more Batfamily and Mar’i content. Please…spare some headcanons. How old were Dick and Kory when they had her? Where do her and her parents live? Does she ever get any siblings (i.e. Jake)? Who’s her favorite uncle?
I’d love to share some headcanons!
Let’s start with some basics for this universe since I need to remember my math for this again. I wanted Bruce to be below 40 so I had to play around a bit.
Bruce was 23 when he adopted 8-year-old Dick Grayson. (I normally have him be 25 but again, I had to play with the math a bit)
Dick and Kory were about 20 years old when they had Mar’i, making them about 23 at the time of AStLUtN.
Dick, Kory, and Mar’i currently live in Bludhaven, though they dedicate plenty of time to Titans Tower and Gotham.
I haven’t really decided about siblings yet. Maybe in the future!
Her favorite uncle is definitely Jason. He'll do voices for each character when he reads to her. He's also the tallest so she likes riding on his shoulders the best (but don't tell Dick that).
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laufire · 7 months
but also. is the batman and harley movie (that I haven't watched yet) officially part of the dcau? because then that's like, the third woman both bruce and dick are linked to romantically/sexually in that 'verse alone... dc's never beating the allegations.
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batfansa · 2 months
Sure, little Mar'i could use her powers to fly around, or she could just let daddy carry her everywhere.
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starsmusedeposit · 2 years
Jars of Fears
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Cat - yellow Mia - light blue Liquor - green Kage - dark blue Lightning - orange Mar'i - purple Sheshe - dark red Pyrrha - bronze/brown
Blank version for your usage below the cut!
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
in like a one person gets one, who would dicks soulmate (platonic or not idk) be? i’ve asked this to several ppl and the answers are usually wally, donna, or jason though i’ve seen some ppl say slade, roy, and bruce.
Anon your ask has literally been haunting me at night. I thought I knew the answer but then you hit me with a Donna!! But between Bruce and Donna, I can't decide so I'll just present a case for both.
Bruce and Dick are soulmates on a cosmological scale. The DC universe ordained them to always find each other because they're quite literally a fated pair.
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Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Issue #23
Bruce: The only regret is that I'm out there alone. It felt good having someone at my back, being part of a team...but no sense wasting time wishing for something I'll never have.
Dick: He's cool, dad...d'you think we'll ever see him when we play Gotham?
The universe literally brings them together no matter the circumstances.
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Convergence Issue #4
"The bond between you and Bruce Wayne echoes in every reality."
I don't think there's any stronger evidence for Dick and Bruce being soulmates than this.
But if that's still not enough I have more-
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The Multiversity: Guidebook
In Bruce's world he lost Dick and in Dick's world he lost Bruce, but still in the end they somehow find each other. In every universe that has Batman, if someone is his partner it's always Dick.
In the medieval ages world-
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Batman: Dark Knight of the Round Table Issue #1
The world of "A Christmas Carol" with Ebenezer Scrooge -
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Batman: Noël
In a world where Bruce is a doctor at Arkham -
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The Batman of Arkham
Dick is always there as his second.
Here's another interesting but depressing fact: In worlds where Dick Grayson has died as Robin, Bruce Wayne has never taken in another Robin.
This is because on top of the fact that Dick and Bruce as fated to meet, Dick means the entire world for Bruce. Like sometimes Bruce will come across a case with a child involved and the first thing he'll think about is Dick.
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Batman: City of Madness Issue #2
Bruce's mind and life is literally consumed by Dick Grayson on a cosmologically spiritual level.
Donna is Dick's soulmate on a twin-sister spiritual level. Dick and Bruce are two halves of a whole, yin and yang. Dick and Donna though are one person. Their relationship is like taking paint and mixing it together to get something new. Like in those comics where two people look at each other and there's a "zing!" and suddenly it's an instant connection. That's them.
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Titans (2016) Special 1
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Titans (2016) Special 1
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New Titans (1988) Issue #89
Dick and Donna have no secrets. They're like a jigsaw puzzle, their pieces fall right into place.
He's always there for her-
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #38
They're so special and integral to each other that when an evil witch erases Donna from everyone's memories, there is only one focal point for her. One focal person for her throughout the years. Even though he doesn't remember her, Dick literally goes back in time with his future daughter Mar'i to help Donna, his soul-sister-
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The Titans (1999) Issue #25
In every. single. moment of Donna's past Dick appears again and again to comfort her and be her pillar from Robin to civies to Nightwing. In the "Who is Donna Troy" Arc, as the story goes from the origins of Donna to the present, it becomes very clear that Dick is her centerpoint.
They're the definition of soulmates.
She knows him better than anyone else and he knows her. She even had him walk her Donna the aisle for her wedding. He was given that honor because of who they are to each other.
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Tales of the Teen Titans Issue #42
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Tales of the Teen Titans Issue #50
to love like that...
They're made for each other.
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leoruby-draws · 5 days
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Been on a bit of a roll with posting my drawings lately, just getting rid of some backlog. Anyways, here's a funny doodle of the batkids bothering their big brother Nightwing on a date with Starfire. They're so annoying lmao.
Its kinda a sequel to this comic from way back. I say kinda because I meant to put with the comic itself but I was too lazy to do so. But I'm posting it now!
Speaking of that comic, I got an ask asking for a follow-up to it showcasing Dick and Starfire's kids getting some 'revenge' for them. Here's Mar'i (NightStar) and Jake Grayson popping in from the future! (btw I accidentally deleted the ask, feel bad esp considering how long it took to actually do art they wanted.)
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They're all having so much fun! Look at little Jake, I actually wasn't sure if I should put him here since Mar'i is from Kingdom Come and Jake is from The New Order. Two different universes, the ask did ask for both of them so I did so. Also I forgot his eyes were green, aw well.
Speaking of Kingdom Come, I remember reading that in my middle school library along with some other DC/Batman comics. I was already a total weeb and loved manga so I decided to try out western comics too (since I did like the DCAU cartoons). Read them for a few weeks got bored, then picked up Akira and wouldn't read superhero comics again for more than a decade. Just weren't as easy to get into as manga, took some effort to try them again.
Anyways, here's an extra Mar'i as Nightstar:
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I love her outfit, such a wonderful design. And its fun to play around with it too, its fun. But I'll probably take off those wings on her headband, they clutter the design I think. Gosh I love doing her hair its so fun.
Here's an extra Mar'i, with Jake included:
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Would Mar'i be Robin as a kid? Or take on a different kid hero persona? How about Jake? Just played around with some costumes for them. Look at Jake clinging to Mar'i, think she'll be a good big sister?
Played around with Nightstar's outfit some more . Wanted to draw them longer so make it look like actual wings on her, and also like tassels on a performer's costumes.
Well this was fun to do, hope you like all this!
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satoshy12 · 9 months
Cousins Mar'i and Ellie
Danny and Dick Danny x Blackfire Dick x Starfire
Ellie Fenton and Mar'i Grayson
It all started when the two girls mixed up their dads.
As Mar'i followed Danny and Ellie followed Dick, only later did they notice they mixed up the kids as Danny flew around to find Ellie as he got the call. Mar'i liked it; her new uncle can fly like her. She is sure he was her uncle, as his wife looked like her mom. As both family meets, well Danny and Dick did go along pretty well, the children too. Just as the wives met, it was funny.
Starfire is super happy, as she noticed the mom of little Ellie is her sister! Komand'r.
Blackfire can't believe that is how Star finds out about it; she will never leave her alone!!
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starsmuserainbow · 4 months
There they were. Alive, younger than she had ever seen them, so happy and blithe, and such a great team in battle - if it weren’t for certain features and their uniforms, Mar’i might even have doubted if it truly were the people who she knew. But there was enough similarity, and maybe a feeling deep down too, to tell her that they were the Titans she already knew, even if different. The young girl walked closer to the fight scene, ignoring the shouts of a few people that ran past her into the opposite direction and tried to warn her. No one was un-afraid enough to try to pull her along, which was good, since she could simply approach further like that.
Soon enough, she could watch from the front row, and ‘ooh’ed and ‘aah’ed to the attacks that happened so close to her. She could even hear their shouts to one another, too, and was startled when something dark appeared beside her and shielded her from a part of rubble. That definitely would have hurt. “You shouldn’t be here,” a voice followed the energy, and Raven landed beside her, to which Mar’i looked up with wide eyes. “Where are your parents?” “You’re Raven!” Mar’i exclaimed in response and hugged Raven (as far as she could reach, so more like hugged her legs), until a little bit of the black energy parted them again. “It is dangerous here. You need to leave.” A bit of rubble came towards them, and Raven blocked it elegantly. “Have you lost your parents?” “Not anymore!” To that, Raven looked around, expecting to see a couple - the little girl’s parents - nearby, but outside of the fighting team and their enemy, no one was here, and Raven turned to the girl again. “Where are they?” “There!” Mar’i pointed upwards to the fighting Titans, and Raven looked over for just a moment before focusing back on the situation at hand. “I don’t have time for this. You have to leave. Now.” Mar’i didn’t even react, she just kept looking up to the fight, and Raven sighed. Her magic connected with a few pieces of rubble and one destroyed car now, and built a sort-of shell around the girl. “Fine. If you won’t leave, stay in there, that should protect you.” With that, and after watching her for a moment longer as if to make sure she really stayed inside, Raven took to the air again to join her friends.
When the fight moved away, well. Mar’i did obey Raven’s order, but probably not in the way that the Titan would have liked. Instead, Mar’i followed the fight with the shell still around her, carrying it with herself through the air to stay close and watch. The team didn’t take note of her again though, not before the enemy soon was defeated, and they landed. She cheered loudly even as the fighting was done, and that was what brought the team’s attention back to the floating girl in the protection-shell. “Seems like you’re not the average kid,” Raven noted as Mar’i landed beside them and the dark energy opened the makeshift shell again. “I’m not! I’m Nightstar!” “Nightstar? I don’t think that name’s in our database.” “Are you a hero?” To Robin asking the latter, and him and Starfire joining the Titans standing around the girl, Mar’i rushed into the air and grabbed both of them into a hug. “Mommy! Daddy! I’m here! It worked!” Both Starfire and Robin blushed heavily now, turning away from one another once the hug was released (though still ‘sneakily’ glancing over to one another) and BB and Cyborg chuckled. “’Mommy?’ ‘Daddy?’ Did you guys forget to tell us something?” “Do your math, Cy, obviously this can’t be true,” Robin answered once he had caught himself a little. “It indeed cannot, we have not done the act of reproduction before!” Starfire added, making Robin more flustered again. “It is true! I’m not lying! You just aren’t there yet!” “What are you talking about, Nightstar? They’re right, you can’t possibly be their child, according to any laws of biology.” “Not yet, but I am!” “Let’s continue this at the Tower. You can do a scan of her, and we’ll know more.” “Will you accompany us, Nightstar?” “Yes mommy!”
They returned to the Tower and Mar’i agreed to being tested, to which Cyborg applied a few cables to her and ran a few things. “I don’t know how, but she’s telling the truth. Her genes prove that she’s your and Starfire’s child.” “Did someone try to clone us?” “Hard to tell, there’s no test for that.” “But how else? Look at her, we’d have to – the team doesn’t even exist for that long yet!” “I don’t know!” “Maybe you should stop discussing and ask her instead,” Raven interfered in Cyborg’s and Robin’s discussion, and both turned to look at Mar’i, who looked rather unhappy, slowly growing closer to tears even, at this arguing. “I- I’m sorry…,” she sniffed, understanding the discussion as a sign of her not being wanted here. “I… I just wanted to see you again! And, and uncle Vic said that I-” “Uncle Vic?” Cyborg repeated, surprised. “Ye-yes, that’s you! Cyborg, uncle Vic!” Cyborg and Robin exchanged looks for a moment. “So… if he’s Vic, what am I?” Beast Boy joined in. “Uncle Gar! And Beast Boy! But I, I haven’t seen you in a while!” “How do you know these things?”, Robin brought the focus back to the big question at hand, and Mar’i hesitated for a moment. “Who taught you?” “You did! And mommy! And all your friends, your family!” “You said that I said something. What did I say?” “Well, you - Uncle Vic - said, that I will be a hero! That mommy and daddy would be proud of me! But, but you are angry and don’t believe me and I’m sorry!” He had also said that she should avoid meeting the team or telling too much about the future, but that was the part of his advice that Mar'i preferred to pretend not to have heard. “We are not angry with you, Nightstar,” Starfire stepped forth, and started to remove the wires from Mar’i. “We are merely surprised, and very confused. Your claims are not making sense!” “But you told me of Warp! You did it too!” Now the team exchanged looks again. “Warp? You mean… you’re from the future?” “Mhm!” Mar’i nodded eagerly. “Oh! I should start with that! I forgot!” “If you’re from the future, that means that Robin and Star…” The two blushed again to Beast Boy’s words, and Cyborg nodded. “Of course B, did you expect anything else? We all know that already, don’t we?” “But why did you come to us, Nightstar?” Mar’i looked up to Raven, and thought about it for a moment. “Uh… I… all of you were gone, and uncle Vic said that I can be a hero, and safe.” “Why were we gone? What happened?” “I don’t know!” That was only half the truth - Mar’i didn’t know the details of what the trouble was that was going on, but she knew that they all were gone to never return. They were all gone forever. She didn’t want to talk about that, though, so she preferred to not know. “Okay. So we’re getting a time-travel visit from a child from the future, where apparently we’re all ‘gone’. Well, all except Cy. Doesn’t sound so different from a typical day, right?”
The team left Mar’i for a few moments, surely to discuss what to do. Soon enough, they returned again, and Starfire continued to remove the gadgets for the scans from Mar’i. Once “free”, Mar’i hugged Starfire, who in return smiled, bowed down and placed her hands around Mar’i too, to lift her up. “It is all… very confusing, and much to comprehend. But… we welcome you to our home, and to our time, Nightstar. … Nihkor?” Mar’i looked confused at her for a moment. “Oh!” Before then shaking her head. “No, Nightstar isn’t from my tamaranean name! I’m Mar’i - Mar'i'andr!”
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sreppub · 6 months
Seeing any character (specifically Bruce or Dick) heavily pregnant and cuddling with one of their older children is always so cute!! Or like, pregnant Dick with little Mar'i who constantly asks about the baby and wants to feel them kick and loves to cuddle with her daddy bc he's so comfy and warm!!
I also feel like there's never enough domestic mpreg stuff with timkon, if that's something that floats your boat lmao (sorry that's so vague, I think anything with those two would be cute!!)
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Jason, later, holding baby damian: he fucking Lied.
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