#✫ About (Pyrrha(Canon)) ✫
rubyfunkey · 2 months
Your half-Maiden Pyrrha AU is neat and your art is very soft and squeezable. Hope everyone gets really good hugs.
So anyway... aside from Cinder and Pyrrha's definitely toxic-yuri dreams/visions/premonitions/delusions, did either of them have a moment where such thoughts weren't toxic?
I'm not talking more wholesome thoughts, but definitely ones that just has them question their own sanity and intentions even more. More then if they dreamt of killing/getting killed by the other.
For Pyrrha, eventually she has to come to terms with the fact that she gets a thrill out of fighting Cinder (more so because she enjoys fighting someone who's actually on her level instead of being eager to avenge Jaune or whatever other excuse she's running on). I think she feels that same excitement during the fall of Beacon but it was easier to write that off as her just doing what any good huntress would do.
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Cinder is a little frantic over the fact that she cant stop imagining Pyrrha killing her. Whenever they face-off she plays heavy defense, maybe even tries to flee the first time they see each other after the fall. She might bounce-back eventually because she's also batshit but for now Pyrrha haunts her
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nonasbirthday · 7 months
Do we think it was definitely G1deon who pushed Wake out of the airlock or do we think it could have been Pyrrha?
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dazadoop · 1 year
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Reblog to scare a rwby fan
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Saw a post about Rhys being insane for going after Illyrians who worked with Amarantha while he also worked for Amarantha which reminded me very strongly of a bit that I've been casually working on in my notes app because I have Amarantha’s Takeover Rule Brainrot
Loosely connected with my ficverse and featuring entirely OCs but -
The Illyrian had his hands up. He was speaking - the same word over and over -
"Sanctuary. Sanctuary. Sanctuary. Sanctuary."
Martialis kept his hand raised in stay, but did not lower his short sword. "Who are you? Identify yourself at once!"
"Azeneth of Ironcrest," said the Illyrian. His long hair was a tangled nest of black, a few braided pieces around his pallid, terrified face. He was young, Pyrrha realized with a start - no older than she was, if even that. "Sanctuary. I mean you no harm."
"Liar," someone spat, to her left.
Azeneth's eyes widened; his head whipped to the sound, so Pyrrha got a close look at his eyes - the pupils large as saucers, the whites stark, tears pricking at the corners.
"Its the truth! Please - they'll kill me if I don't fight - the High Lord has gone completely mad -"
"And how do we know you were not sent here to spy on us?" asked Martialis calmly.
Azeneth looked pleadingly at the captain. "They will kill me," he repeated. His fear was genuine; he reeked with it. The green siphoning stone on his chest shone ominously as his emotions flared.
"How did you manage to escape?" Martialis continued.
Azeneth wet his lips. His wings twitched and there was a shift, a series of clanging sounds, as the soldiers behind him lifted their spears and poised to throw. At once, he raised his hands higher, demonstrating his surrender.
"The general is missing," said Azeneth. "We believe that he has been killed - and my unit commander raised this concern with the wrong person - he was executed, and while they were all distracted, I ran."
"And the wards? How did you pass through unscathed?"
"There is a hole on the southeastern segment of the city wall," Azeneth confessed at once. "It hasn't been repaired yet, and its high, so only someone with wings can break through. We know all the weaknesses in the wards - I came through that point, and the others will be coming through after me. They are planning to send a small force to the main gate as a distraction while the Illyrians break through the weak spot. Then the rest of the army will follow."
The south wall - the school, Celestine, was there. Pyrrha's blood ran cold, and it was clear that she wasn't the only one. Martialis's expression was grave, and he ordered, "Tell Keeper Darnic to warn his counterparts, and send a message to Otho and the general."
There was a flurry of movement as one of the priestesses broke free from the group and rushed off. Pyrrha did not dare take her eyes from the Illyrian, who was noticeably trembling.
"Thank you for your information," said Martialis. "For your contributions, a quick death."
Azeneth let out a whimper, but before the captain could attack, Lucretia raised her voice.
"You do not dare spill innocent blood in the Mother's sacred hall!"
Martialis spared the old priestess a glare of indignation. "He's an Illyrian spy," he said, as if she were too stupid to have figured it out. "Illyrians are trained to kill from the womb. We cannot let him live."
"How dare you?" Lucretia's voice, though throaty with age, was still powerful. "The Mother loves each of her children and lifts them when they stumble!"
"We don't have time for sermons!"
"You are right," said Lucretia, lifting her chin. "I am merely reminding you - this is *my* temple. I am the Reverend High, by age and by decree. And if this child claims Sanctuary in the arms of the Mother, then I grant it without hesitatation. Those who would tarnish the Mother's sacred hospitality and compassion have no place here."
Martialis colored with fury and shame flashed across his eyes. Pyrrha understood at once what he must be feeling - not only had Lucretia just threatened to upend their war plans and throw Martialis to the literal wolves at the door, but the old woman had a special talent for enforcing discipline. Serapion slacked off on chores and argued with his parents, but he'd always known better than to sass his grandmother. They all did.
"Disarm him!" The captain snapped the order, but it wasn't directed at anyone in particular and nobody moved at first.
Pyrrha raised her spear and relaxed out of her stance. Her feet carried her - one step, two steps, three steps, four steps - until she was within arms length of the Illyrian.
She held out her hand.
Azeneth began pulling black stone knives from his person - long, curved blades strappedno to his chest, and four daggers strapped to his waist, and another, smaller one in his boot. He dropped them all to the floor one by one, letting them clatter and clang against the tiles. The last thing he removed was the leather strap which held the green stone, and this was the only thing he handed to Pyrrha, placing it gently on her palm.
Her fingers closed around it as she took a step backward. It was warm, and seemed to have a faint heartbeat.
"Search him!" Martialis commanded.
Two male soldiers stepped forward and did so, roughly yanking on his leathers and slapping their hands hard against his body. Azeneth winced, but did not protest.
Azeneth slowly lowered his hands. No one lowered their weapons.
Martialis broke the tension by sheathing his blade, and turning to face the old priestess.
"Where can we keep him?"
Lucretia's mouth pursed and she said, "He is a guest, not a prisoner."
"Be that as it may," said the captain flatly. "We are at war."
Lucretia looked at Pyrrha, who stared back at her blankly. She was still holding the stone out; she realized she was somewhat afraid of it, and then chided herself as she forced her body to stand normally, arms at her sides. Illyrian siphons were powerful, but they were only stones once they'd been removed from their wearers. Azeneth was harmless.
"My grandson could use some help with organizing our medical supply," suggested Lucretia. "Perhaps our guest might be willing to help?"
Azeneth lowered his chin as a few soldiers snickered to see his expression.
Pyrrha said, "Sure. I'll take you to him. This way."
She looked at Azeneth, who eyed her a bit warily, but followed when she walked. She felt every single eye - her peers, the other priestesses - and only paused when she reached Lucretia's position by the doors.
"Keep your eyes open," the old priestess advised.
Pyrrha nodded. That would be wise indeed.
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alphajaye071 · 8 months
I feel like we as a fandom don't talk enough about how Pyrrha Dve is canonically polyamorous
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winepresswrath · 9 months
there is no greater proof that john is tumblr girlie than his approach to conflict resolution but a close second is his decision to rebuild a society where the genders are sword and necromancy. and then making the most sword coded guy in his life a necromancer. pyrrha really took his man. she stole his codependent enabling cuddle buddy and now she's wearing his body. she has his eyes.
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starsmuserainbow · 3 months
Sorry for, like, some days I think? of absence on my end. I was kinda focused on getting something ready bc I'm feeling the beachy/summery vibes.
Good news is I got it done though, so find some pictures here!
Starting through my list of muses from the back this time, because I don't wanna always have Star at the top.
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Akari would of course for obvious reasons not actually go into the water, so she doesn't really wear a swimsuit either. Alternatively, of course, if she does go into the water -
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this is what her outfit would be. Duh.
The rest of them below the cut because length and being multiple pictures!
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Next Pyrrha! Now that I look at it again the pose feels a bit weird, but, meh. This is definitely what she's wearing for beachy things, and if she's not in the water she'd have a somewhat see-through yellow/golden "towel" wrapped around her hips too.
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Did you expect anything different than her normal self from Sheshe?
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Having found this glowy beach some time during her young years,
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Mar'i still has it as a favourite spot years later.
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Not that she's any willing to put on anything other than her uniform, but if you somehow manage to convice her, something alike this would be what Lightning would wear for beachy summery stuff. Don't expect her to go into the water though.
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Alluring as ever, of course.
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Mia is always up for some summer fun!
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Not really all that comfortable with wearing bikins, it would still be Cat's choice for when invited to like the beach or something, it just is nicer to wear for her than a one-piece-swimsuit. Still doesn't mean she'll feel all that comfortable, much less enough so to have a picture taken.
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Having been invited to a beachy day with the Titans, and Starfire of course insisted he'd wear something appropriate instead of his armor too. Moonshot is about as passive as always, but he sat down and watches them do their stuff. (Don't ask me where Robin and Cy are, I had notyetbymeedited BB and Raven models available and not the other two) Also, I tried to add a distance blur thingie here myself, the game does have an option for it but I didn't manage to make it start at where Moonshot is so uh, had to do it myself.
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Colorful and fun for Starlight, of course! (I maybe should have removed the shoes on that right side picture oops)
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He's just as insecure and uncertain as always. Absolutely wears something to cover himself a little over the actual beach/water-wear which'd be only some swim-pants.
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Nothing to say here really. She wouldn't hesitate lying on the beach without that dress, either.
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And Star of course! Nothing I really have to add here.
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asthedeathoflight · 1 year
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Tags via @antisocialanthrophile
This tag is talking about my tags on the Gideon Nav Lesbianism post, in which I was discussing Pyrrha Dve Lesbianism. The relevant bit of these tags is this:
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The part of Harrow the Ninth I'm claiming we all misread is actually the part the you're referencing, and you are referencing what I maintain is a mis-interpretation. Im not claiming Pyrrha asked Gideon to kiss her platonically, I'm claiming she never asked him to kiss her at all.
Now, that quote is a bit grammatically ambiguous, so let's sit down and analyze it for a moment.
Here's what Wake says in one of her Canaan Bubble rants:
I will remember the first time you kissed me—you apologised—you said, I am sorry, destroy me as I am, but I want to kiss you before I am killed, and I said to you why, and you said, because I have only once met someone so utterly willing to burn for what they believed in, and I loved him on sight, and the first time I died I asked of him what I now ask of you
The common interpretation of this line is that Pyrrha asked Wake to kiss her before she killed her, as a callback to having Gideon kiss her before she died. The problem is - I don't think that's actually what Wake is saying.
Grammatically, the common Interpretation claims that all of the action in this sentence happens /before/ Wake and Pyrrha kiss for the first time. Therefore the request Pyrrha has, as the last piece of action, would be immediately before they kiss and it would make sense that it's a request to be kissed.
This made sense to me at first too, but this is the only time in the entire series that anything about Pyrrha and Gideon being together is mentioned. Considering how much the OG Lyctors like to gossip, it feels unlikely that nobody would take a shot at Gideon for having bagged who they seem to think was the hottest woman to ever live.
So what the hell is going on in that quote? Easy. We got the order wrong. When Wake says Pyrrha kissed her, that means she kissed her. Everything else in that paragraph happens after they've kissed.
Wake says "the first time you kissed me" and not "the first time I kissed you," like she would if she initiated it. It seems more like Pyrrha kissed Wake mid battle, which seems more in character for both of them tbh. This also explains why Pyrrha immediately apologizes for it. But of course, this means that no request for kisses was ever exchanged.
So what did Pyrrha ask Wake? Well, Wake specifically mentions being asked for something by Pyrrha in one of the later letters. She says in reference to Gideon "him I'll kill quick /because she asked me to./"
Because that is the cavalier way. They exist to die. They can't ask for mercy, they can only say "make it quick."
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kinaesthetiqueer · 8 months
broke: jnpr doesn't have assigned beds, because it's not plot relevant
woke: jnpr does have assigned beds, but they sit on each others' beds all the time because they're just comfy furniture
bespoke: jnpr doesn't have assigned beds because they just fall asleep whereever they feel like it and none of them care
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mercyisms · 2 years
ALTHOUGH i have been told that pyrrha is french (???) in the Audiobooks, which is basically, basically the same thing as a canonical source turning around and saying ‘gideon the first is french.’ which, you know, is a big win for me and my cursed brain.
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revvywevvy · 2 years
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*l. leans in. presses a lil kissy on the cheek.*
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astro-b-o-y-d · 1 year
One of those ‘non-x fans; pick something that happens in the show’ but it’s about Color Show and the options are 'pick which of these writing choices pissed you off the most’
#Hayley Speaks#The poor racism allegory with the White Fang and making the white cat girl the mouthpiece for it?#(Yes I know Monty is a man of color who was trying to write about his own experiences. But he still dropped the ball on it.)#Could it be the ableism surrounding the man who's half-prosthetics and the implications they tried to push about him becoming-#-less human as a result of losing another limb?#Could it be the ableism about the previous pushed further by making the robotic girl human and pushing this as a good thing-#-because now she's no longer robotic and burdened by...I don't know; not being flesh?#I didn't watch that season I just fucking hated what they did with Penny?#Could it be that they killed her once; brought her back and then did all that; and THEN KILLED HER AGAIN???#Could it be the hypocritical lessons on trust and how apparently the main characters are allowed to keep secrets-#-but it's BAD when everyone else does?#Even if that secret is literally 'hey the big bad cannot be killed' which would be VERY IMPORTANT to tell the guy they're working alongside-#-because his WHOLE PLAN hinges on the knowledge that she CAN BE KILLED???#Could it be everything with Pyrrha??#Could it be that in the recent season they had the main character kill herself from depression and the narrative frames this as a good thing#Like 'Oh you've been grieving about the choices you've been making and are extremely depressed-'#'But actually you're perfect the way you are and don't need to change anything about yourself?'#...Oh yeah the whole 'the main characters never learn anything because the narrative frames ALL their choices as the right ones.' thing.#That's annoying too#Could it be the mistreatment of the LGBTQ+ staff on the show that came to light; only for the remaining staff to canonize-#-a wlw ship they'd been teasing for TEN YEARS#And then started pushing merch for them less than an hour after the episode dropped??#Could it be that I can't even say the name of the show here because the fans are rabid to even the most MILD of criticism about it??#Dear God I hate this show
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thornsnfeathers · 2 years
pet peeve of mine for any qrow "theories" for v9/10 is that people think he'll just go "welp, i guess they are all dead. that sure is a bummer! let's go tell tai that his kids are dead and i have no idea what happened" like he wouldn't dive directly into the tundra to find if there's any trace of the kids in there
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starsmusedeposit · 1 year
For Pyrrha, if you were to have dinner with one person, dead or alive, fictional or nonfictional, who would it be and why?
[[Thank you for sending one!]]
Thinking about it for just a moment, Pyrrha then had a decision rather quickly.
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"I think it would be nice to be able to talk to Amber, to get to know her. Perhaps I could learn more about the powers of the Fall Maiden, or about her state... it might also help with the merging of our Auras." A thing which, honestly, sounded very terrifying, with how the procedure had never ever been done before and no one could tell what was to come. It was... a big cloud of uncertainty, but Pyrrha knew she had to do it. So hypothetically being able to talk to Amber during a dinner, was definitely the choice she would currently make.
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starsmuserainbow · 11 months
“aren’t you too old to be trick or treating?” for Pyrrah ♥
[[Thank you for sending! :D]]
Honestly, she had been sure about her plans until Weiss asked it. Trick-or-treating was a child's tradition, sure, but it was a nice way to both take a walk, enjoy the colder atmosphere of the festivity, watch the children enjoy the celebration and have a chance to wear the costume she had worked on for a while. "It does feel like it's more of a thing for children." Now that she thought about it, would going trick-or-treating mean that she would get candy (which, wasn't the point for her of doing this) that otherwise another kid would be getting?
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"Oh... it might be better to not do it." Now looking back to Weiss, Pyrrha added: "Does no one of your team work on costumes for Halloween, though? The costumes have to be used for something, right?"
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 5 months
cannot stop thinking about Pyrrha Dve being transmasc and transfem and a secret third thing all at the same time. canonically.
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