#abel reblogs
distantskiessystem · 7 months
Hello, welcome to the Distant Skies! Where the universe is vast and endless! Please read through my about me, if you dont mind! ♡
Basic info-
Name: Asher
Age: 24
Pronouns: he/him, bun/bunny
Art tag: #ashers art
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Interests and fixations(♡ = hyperfixation, ☆ = interest)-
☆Identity V
♡Ethel Cain
☆Fae and fairies
☆Horror aesthetics
☆Watership Down
♡Cult Of The Lamb
♡Cannibalistic metaphors
☆Dandy's World(Roblox)
☆Gravity Falls
◇Common DNI criteria (Proship, racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, etc.)
◇If you are weird and/or hateful towards certain communities, such as the furry community for example. I know every community has it's own problematic group of people, but if you go around harassing entire communities or people for things they haven't done then you are weird.
◇You support and/or use AI art. Pretty self explanatory, AI art steals from real artists.
◇You discriminate against cluster B's and/or systems. This includes fakeclaiming or going by the "all BPD's/NPD's are problematic/abusive" mindset. It's ableist, it's disgusting.
◇You're a zionist.
I, Asher, am the host of the Distant Skies System. I frequent on this blog the most! But the others will also use this blog occasionally. We are a OSDD-1b system.
I have BPD, au-adhd, anxiety, and depression. I will reblog posts about these things and i may vent sometimes.
I'm bunny/rabbit/hare therian! It's all a bit fuzzy in which i find myself connected with more, and it tends to fluctuate.
I tend to age regress/pet regress as a coping mechanism but sometimes it's voluntary. I may reblog things related to age/pet regression(SFW).
My OC account: @asherscoffin
You can find Abel's blog here @abelsongbird
You can find Misha's blog here @vampirteeth
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Ableist things autistic people may internalise about ourselves…
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ekkoh · 1 year
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-heidi priebe
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genuinebluff · 1 year
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Are you a bad person? Tired of giving boring apologies? Provide the public with a genuine-seeming apology for reprehensible, potentially criminal, wrong-doings! Apologize in the form of a quirky song with help from the Genuine Ukelele! Remember, you can't be wrong if it's in a song. Holding people accountable is impossible when you're distracted by the soothing sounds of the Genuine Ukelele.
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v1model · 1 year
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me when i see an abelist online (i am a cainist)
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
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Thank you SO MUCH. Very helpful! I am having a very good sensory experience rn. (lie)
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mewos-laptop · 3 months
Had a convo w/ a friend abt the way Basil gets demonized in the Fandom and figured it wld work as a post ssssooooo here you goooooo
(Sarcastic intent for all of this, it's long as shit so I'm putting this here so ppl don't take it the wrong way)
"Oh wow, this character has canonically been abandoned and neglected in some way for their entire life, and act very rashly, impulsively, and obsessively because of it !!! I wonder if maybe these are symptoms of underlying trauma and a personality disorder. Ohhhh that couldn't be !!!! It's clearly just bc they're and annoying little bitchy abuser manipulator who just wants to date Sunny for his own gain and doesn't care abt his friends 😁😁😁😁 I am not perpetuating any prevalent and harmful stereotypes about BPD, an already stigmatized and demonized disorder which systematically makes it nearly impossible for health professionals to believe you in anything you say, which causes even more trauma for the person suffering from BPD. I'm so glad that I know this character SSSSOOOOOOO WELL and I am now going to post my hot takes abt them and their BPD symptoms all over Tiktok to make teenagers without personality disorders agree w/ me more, and therefore make them ostracize and demonize real people with BPD !!!! I am such a good person for this, and do not need to face any consequences to my abelist actions !!!!"
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devastatedloyallute · 3 months
Chapter 8 of Bigger Than The Whole Sky -A Guitarspear fic
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Chapter Sum: Lute and Abel return home after visiting Adam at the Hazbin Hotel. Abel has many questions.
Read on AO3!
Lute and Abel had followed Emily back through the portal to Heaven she had created. When they returned home, they waved Emily off as she ran to hopefully not get into trouble with her sister. Heading inside and closing the door, Lute looked down at Abel.
 “Are you going to explain to me how it is that you convinced Emily to make you into a stowaway?” Lute asked, her hand on her hip. 
Abel covered his hands and looked at the floor ashamed, “I had asked her before she left yesterday to come to the daycare to pick me up…and she told the nanny that she was setting up a surprise, and because she’s one of the seraphim no one questioned her.” He rubbed his arm as a way to comfort himself before he looked up at her with pleading eyes, “I’m sorry, mama.”
Lute calmly sighed and knelt in front of him, “You could have gotten hurt. I thought you were safe up here, but you weren’t.” She brushed his hair from his cheeks, “Everything turned out okay, but what if it hadn’t? I don’t know what I’d do with myself if something had happened to you.”
“I’m sorry for making you worry. I just wanted to see dad,” Abel said quietly before he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face against her.
Lute pulled him in before standing and ruffling his hair, “Okay, now how about we make something to eat and then it’s bedtime.”
“Bedtime? But it’s still light out!” Abel whined.
“Yes, but you need some form of punishment for that stunt you pulled, young man,” Lute said sternly. Abel gave her a small pout but nodded.
While they sat at the kitchen table eating their chicken nuggets, Abel had to bring up a few of his itching questions, “Hey mama? I’ve been thinking…If Hell is where bad people go, why did dad end up down there? What did he do that was so bad?”
Lute felt goosebumps begin to cover her body.
“Also what’s an exorcist? Why did Charlie have to rebuild her hotel? What happened to the other one?”
Lute could feel her skin growing paler, and her breathing froze. ‘Shit. I don’t think I can lie my way out of this one…’ 
“Mama? Are you okay?”
Lute swallowed hard, “I- Abel, you aren’t ready to learn about those things. They’re grown up matters. How do you even know about these things in the first place?”
“But I’m not going to be a grown up…Why can’t you just tell me? Dad’s gonna make it home, so just please tell me why he’s down there!” Abel pleaded. “I overheard you talking about it when I was hiding! It’ll be okay. I can handle it, mama.”
Lute’s words got caught in her throat. ‘I can’t tell him. But I can’t keep avoiding these questions…What do I do?’  She took a sip from her drink, her mouth feeling very dry. 
“Finish your dinner, then we can talk about it,” she said coldly, devolving to her stoic nature as a mental defense mechanism.
Abel quickly devoured his nuggets and put his plate into the sink. He patiently waited for Lute to finish hers, swinging his legs from the chair happily.
Lute finished her food and also put her dish away. She hesitantly motioned to the couch and Abel went there quickly. Lute took in a deep breath and sat beside him. 
“Okay…Let’s start with the easiest question and work our way up to the harder ones,” Lute began. Abel watched her intently. “What happened to the old hotel and why did they have to rebuild it. Simple, the old one got destroyed.”
“But how did it get destroyed?”
Lute hesitated only for a moment, “They got attacked. Moving on.”
Abel reacted shocked, as if he were watching a movie, waiting for what was next.
“An exorcist is…” Lute drew in a shaky breath, trying to find the best way to explain, “Exorcists are the people who go down to Hell and eradicate the bad souls down there.”
Abel covered his mouth in surprise, “But I thought dad said that there was a curse that did that once a year?”
“You can think of them as that, they play the same role. They’re an important part of Hell, in a way. They keep the population under control, or it can get crowded quickly.”
“Are they actual people?”
“They are,” Lute replied.
“If they kill people, doesn’t that make them bad?”
“I suppose it could. But it’s their job.”
Abel scrunched his face in disgust, “That’s a mean job.”
“Maybe so, but they have to do it. If Hell is too overcrowded, then it just breeds more chaos and destruction. So it has to be done.”
“But then how come more people aren’t trying to get into Miss Charlie’s hotel? So that they can work on getting out of Hell?”
“Many of them probably don’t want to come here. They would rather stay down there to continue to do the things that got them sent there in the first place. Not everyone wants to better themselves.”
Abel paused for a long time. “Okay, that makes sense…They wouldn’t be able to do those bad things here.”
“Exactly, so why would they want to be here?” Lute remarked rhetorically.
Abel looked at her sadly, “So then…The questions about dad are the hardest to answer?”
Lute felt a strong chill run through her entire body,  “Abel…I really don’t think you’re ready. We should wait until he’s back with us.” She was in too deep to back out now, whatever happened next was going to, but it would be best if he were here before testing the extent of this poor child’s optimism.
Abel shook his head, “Just tell me already, mama!”
She felt as though her back was against the wall. She inhaled sharply and spoke slowly, “Your dad…Your dad and I…We are exorcists. The commanders. We lead the others into Hell to control the population there.” Lute braced herself for argument, but nothing came. No outburst of yelling or crying. She just saw Abel’s face silently begin to swell with tears as he processed what she had told him. His bottom lip began trembling.
Lute wanted to console him, but when she reached out to touch him he flinched away from her. He could barely see through his tears, “How could you do that? You say it’s just a job, but dad’s down there. And he’s there because he killed people? Are you going to keep going down there and hurting people? What if dad gets hurt before he can come back?”
“No! No, we aren't going to continue the exterminations…At least not until he’s back here and safe.”
“So when he’s back, you’ll keep doing them? And does that mean you are the ones who attacked Miss Charlie’s hotel?!” Abel cried in disbelief.
“I- I don’t know, okay? It’s complicated,” She raked her nails through her hair. “We’re just the ones who do the dirty work, someone else was telling us to,” Lute confessed, her resolve and composure collapsing.
Abel jumped off the couch defiantly, no longer listening to her. His face burned gold from anger, “And that’s why you got so mad at me when I would talk about forgiving the mistakes people made…you didn’t really think those people are worthy of forgiveness, or that they can change.” Abel waved his arms out, “But now that dad is down there, you suddenly change your mind?”
Lute rose to her feet but was speechless. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to find something to say. 
Abel glared at her through his tears. “You know what? Maybe you should be down there with him!” He screamed to her as he ran past her and down the hallway to his room.
Lute collapsed to the floor and could feel her heart shatter as his door slammed shut. Left in her guilt, she reflected on his words. She felt no anger, only a pestering emptiness. ‘We didn’t believe it to be possible. Just more of their silly excuses to avoid being killed...We didn’t know.’
 She sat on the floor lost for words. The sweetest kid she had ever met quite literally told her to go to Hell. He had rightfully called her beliefs into question, and she didn’t have a defense. She wasn’t sure what she believed in anymore.
Abel ran over to his window and opened it. He formed his hands into fists and began to flap his wings as hard as he could. As he pulled himself onto the window sill and leapt down from it, he achieved his first flight. He only hovered a couple feet above the ground, but he wasn’t looking to celebrate. He flew off quickly in the direction of the promenade, looking for the farthest place he could think of to go.
When Lute had regained her strength, she went to Abel’s room. She knocked on his door but got no answer. 
She frowned and pleaded softly, “Please, let me in, Abel.”  She opened the door quietly, thinking that he had maybe cried himself to sleep. Upon realizing the window was open and he was nowhere in the room, she froze. 
Running outside she took off into the sky, hoping to see more of the area and find him quickly. 
‘He can’t have gone too far. It’s Heaven, so he’s safe. But still...’ 
She checked the daycare first, hoping it would be the first and last place she’d have to check. Elle did an extensive head count but he wasn’t there. 
She went to Emily, thinking that maybe he went to her. He wasn’t with her either. 
Emily reassured her that she was positive Abel was okay, it is Heaven after all. Lute tried her best to coherently tell her what had happened before he left. Emily frowned, “Well, it’s understandable why he’s so upset…I think it might be best to let him cool off.” 
Lute searched all over the promenade, on the verge of a panic attack. The ice cream shop, the zoo, the many shops along the street. But Abel wasn’t anywhere.
‘Where could he be?! Wait-‘ She pulled out her phone and quickly tried to contact Adam. ‘Please. Please let this work.’
A few hours after Lute, Emily, and Abel had made their departure from the hotel, Adam and Angel sat talking to each other while Husk tended the bar, as usual.
“So, your kid. He's real young to be in Heaven…Do I wanna know how that happened?” Angel asked as he nursed from his martini glass.
Adam frowned before taking a sip of his drink, “Well to make an old story short, his brother killed him.”
Angel’s eyes went wide, “Oh right, this was like early early history. Was it like, outta jealousy or anger?”
“Nah, just…unsupervised kids. Playing a game that went too far,” Adam mindlessly swirled around the liquid in the glass. “It was my fault, I wasn’t paying enough attention.”
Husk rolled his eyes and scoffed, “What? You feel bad ‘cause your kid died? Oh, boo hoo.”
Adam gave him a scowl and went back to his drink, “Of fucking course I do. It was an accident that should have been avoided…But I couldn’t do anything about it. I used to push the blame onto my ex, but she was right. I should have been watching them.”
“Heh, good. Have a taste of your own medicine,” Husk remarked.
“The fuck’s that supposed to mean, Feathers?” 
“It means, you should know how it makes others feel when their own kids die in front of them,” Husk snarled at him.
Angel’s eyes flicked between the two of them and slowly stood, beginning to back away. “Imma just stay outta this one. Maybe I’ll go get Charlie,” he mumbled under his breath.
Adam stared back at Husk blankly. His eyes widened after a moment, “Oh shit. I don’t think I realized that was a possibility. I mean, makes sense but fuck…Wait, is that why you hate me so much?”
“Among other reasons,” Husk narrowed his eyes. He cleaned up Angel’s empty glass and ran a rag over the condensation puddle left on the counter. Husk sighed as he looked back at Adam, “I won’t forgive you, you know. Charlie may believe you can have a change of heart, and maybe you can, maybe you did. But you won’t get my forgiveness. Not after what you’ve done.”
Adam downed what remained of his drink, setting the glass down in front of Husk. He watched as a bead of water ran down the glass, “Yeah, I get it. I wouldn’t either.” After some painful seconds of silence that dragged on he solemnly asked, “Did I kill one of your kids in the past?” 
“You yourself? No. The exorcists, who were under your leadership? Yeah,” Husk answered sharply.
Adam lowered his eyes to the floor, “Shit, my bad…I mean- I’m sorry. How long ago was this?”
“I watched my own daughter get slaughtered in front of me. Will be coming on 10 years this upcoming extermination. I couldn’t do anything but helplessly watch as she cried out for me to help her,” Husk said as he absentmindedly took care of Adam’s glass and wiped the bar again. “And the boss just made me stand there and watch,” he snarled to himself
Adam turned to look at him, “Boss? You mean Freakshow? So all that time you spent holding a grudge at me, for something that guy did?”
“He ain’t the one who causes the exterminations, jackass. Not like back then we knew we could fight them anyway,” Husk replied.
Adam was hesitant for a moment. While it’s true he led the exterminations each year, but they weren’t originally his idea. “What if she’s in Heaven now and just no one knew about it?”
Husk gave him a disapproving, skeptical eyebrow raise. 
Adam shrugged, “Hey, ya never know? Could be? That snake guy is there now, so guess anything’s possible. Who knows, he might not have actually been the first, maybe they’ve just been keeping ‘em secret. Like they might have an entire district restricted to just people from here.”
Husk blinked at him, “…You believe in that now? Whatever happened to that “redemption is nonsense” spiel?”
“Hey man, look. I want to get home just as much as you don’t want me here,” Adam waved his hand up with a smirk. Husk rolled his eyes in response.
Charlie came speed walking into the area, “Okay you two, this needs to stop. You need to get along or so help me.”
“Nothing’s happenin’, Princess,” Husk replied calmly.
“It’s- It’s not? Angel said a fight was about to break out,” Charlie asked confusedly.
Angel shrugged, also confused, “Well it seemed like it was gonna get there.”
“We’re alright. I’ve voiced my complaints, and now it’s over with and off my chest,” Husk said plainly.
Adam glanced between Husk and Charlie, “Uh, yeah. Yeah, we're good.”
Suddenly Adam’s phone began to ring, startling everyone. He pulled his phone from his pocket, “It’s Lute…” 
He looked at the others before raising a finger to excuse himself, stepping away to answer. “Hey what’s up, babe. You miss me already?” He said with a playful tone.
“I can’t find Abel.” She sounded scared. He’d never heard her full on scared before, aside from those last few moments when he was dying. 
“Abel, he was asking so many questions and I didn’t know what to do I-”
“Woah hold on, breathe. Back the fuck up, what about Abel?”
He heard her take a deep breath to steady herself. “Abel started asking about exorcists and asking what got you sent to Hell. One thing led to another and now he knows we’re the ones who kill sinners and attacked the hotel. He ran away and now I can’t find him anywhere.”
Adam gritted his teeth, “Oh. Oh that’ll do it…Shattered his worldview. Welp…Guess we couldn’t keep it from him forever…A-Anyway- Did you check the daycare?”
“Of fucking course I checked the fucking daycare! That was the first fucking place I looked. Emily hasn’t seen him either. I have looked everywhere I can think of -and it’s getting late and I am freaking the fuck out.”
“Hey it’ll be alright, it’s Heaven-”
“Yes, I get it, it’s Heaven he’ll be fine. I know. But where is he? Where could he have fucking gone?!” She said while grinding her teeth. ‘Why is everyone reminding me that?!’
Adam held the phone away from his head as she yelled. “Yeesh, sorry. Um, what about the park? The one that’s like a garden. He always liked nature and stuff, maybe there?”
“Thank you. What if he isn’t there, what then?” Lute’s voice strained.
“Relax, babe. He’ll turn up.”
“How are you being so calm?!”
“It’s not like I can do anything from down here? It’ll be alright, trust me, he’s probably there.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Uh, I’m his dad? That’s how,” Adam said with a snort. He heard her aggravated sigh and spoke softly, “Let me know when you find him though.”
“I will.” Lute’s tone had calmed slightly. 
As the call ended, Adam sat back down at the bar, “Ugh, could ya pour me a shot? Somethin’ strong would be great.”
Husk gave him a raised brow, “Whiskey?”
“Sure, whatever works,” Adam rubbed his forehead. Husk poured him his shot and handed it over.
“What was that about?” Angel asked.
Adam shot back his drink, making a face as he swallowed, “Eeugh- that was fucking gross.” He shook off the taste and turned to answer Angel, “Guess Abel found out about the exterminations and our role in ‘em. He got real upset and ran off. Lute’s out lookin’ for him.”
“He didn’t know??” Both Charlie and Angel gasped.
Adam scratched at his hairline, “Yeahh…That kids too smart for his own good…We had tried to beat around tellin’ him but guess that could only go so far…”
Abel had found his way to the garden in the park. He had been there before during a supervised trip with other kids from the daycare. It had started to get dark and the garden was being illuminated by the lanterns from a walkway. 
He sat at the edge of the pond and started angrily throwing pebbles into the water one at a time. He sniffled and wiped his tears on his shoulder, “Stupid, stupid…”
He heard the rustling of grass behind him. He tucked his knees to his chest making himself appear smaller.
“Hello there…Little boy? Are you alright?” The voice asked nervously. Abel peeked over his shoulder. That wasn’t the voice he had expected to hear. “May I sssit with you?”
Abel gave the man a small nod and turned back to continue tossing pebbles into the water.
“Why are you crying? What’ss wrong?”
“I’m mad. And…sad,” Abel choked out.
“Oh, how come you’re alone?”
“Because. I ran away from home. My parents lied to me about something really important and I don’t think I can trust them anymore…” Abel wiped his running nose, “And now I don’t know what to do.”
Sir Pentious looked down at him sadly, “Oh my. I bet they’re very worried about you.”
“I don’t think so…Who are you anyway?”
“My name’s Sir Pentious, and you are?” He asked with a smile.
“I’m Abel,” he pulled up chunks of grass and threw them into the water, now out of rocks. “How come you’re out here all alone?”
“Oh well, the eldest ssseraphim only permitted me to go out after everyone had gone back to their homes…She doesn’t really want people to sssee me, I guess.”
Abel looked up at him, “Why not? That doesn’t seem very fair.”
Pentious shrugged unknowingly. They sit quietly watching the water ripples in the pond.
Abel buried his face in his knees, “I miss my dad…and I miss mama…But they’re bad. Really bad.”
“Why do you think they’re ssso bad? They’re here in Heaven, are they not?”
Abel shook his head, “Nu-uh, my dad’s down in Hell. He used to be up here, but he’s not anymore. He killed people.”
“Oh. Well, you know. When I was alive, I’m sssure I must have killed a number of people with the great machines I created,” Pentious awkwardly mentioned.
Abel looked at him shocked, “Then, how come you’re in Heaven? Killing people is really bad.”
“I was in Hell until only months ago, then I ssshowed up here.”
Abel looked at him confused, “You were? So how come you’re up here now?” 
Pentious shrugged, “I’m not really sssure, but I believe it may have to do with my time at this lovely hotel I had been ssstaying in.” He began to tear up, “Oh, how I miss the friends I made there.” 
Abel blinked at him a few times, “Wait! Do you mean Miss Charlie’s hotel??” 
“Why yes! How do you know about that?” 
Abel looked away, “That’s where my dad is right now…”
“Oh…” After a pause, Pentious set a hand on his shoulder, “Well then, I’m positive he’ll make it back some day.”
“How can you be sure?”
Pentious smiled at him, “A little sssorry can go a long way. If he can accept his faults and ssstrives to be better, all it takes to ssstart is sssorry.”
Abel looked at his feet tearfully, “Maybe…Maybe I should go home, tell mama I’m sorry for leaving…and for the mean things I said to her…But I’m scared.”
“She’s your mother, I’m sssure she’ll forgive you.”
Abel rested his cheek on his knee, facing Sir Pentious, “Could we maybe stay and hang out just a bit longer? I don’t think I’m ready yet…”
Lute arrived at the park entrance, she scanned over the area tirelessly, “Abel? Abel are you out here?” Her voice was more afraid than angry, though it was present.
She shuffled her way through the park until she came to a clearing.  There at the edge of the pond sat Abel and his newest friend. They were laughing quietly to each other, but Lute couldn’t hear over what. As she stepped closer with her hand over her heavy beating chest, she whispered, “Abel…”
Sir Pentious turned to the sound of her voice, “Oh, hello there.”
Abel turned to look as well, his eyes welling with tears upon seeing Lute. He scrambled to his feet and began running to her, “Mama!” 
He clung himself to her legs tightly, as if someone were trying to pull him away from her. He wailed and sobbed into her repeating, “I’m sorry, mama. I’m sorry.”
Lute looked down at him and rested her hand on his head, at a loss for words, just relieved to have found him. She squinted at Sir Pentious, “Have we met before? You seem vaguely familiar…”
Pentious looked side to side anxiously, “Uh…I don’t believe ssso?”
“Hmm, alright.” She pat Abel’s head lightly, “Okay buddy, say bye to your friend. It is most certainly past your bedtime.”
Abel waved back to him, not letting go of Lute’s leg. “Bye mister Pentious. I hope we can hang out again, maybe when the seraphim stops being so mean to you,” he said softly. Lute gave him a questioning head tilt but brushed it off. Abel took her hand and stared up at her, “Home?”
“Yeah, buddy, home,” she said quietly as they walked out of the park. 
Pentious wiped away the tears forming in the corner of his eyes as he watched the two leave, “Aww, he’s a sssweet kid.”
 Back home, Lute was tucking Abel into bed. She kissed his forehead lightly, but as she pulled away his voice cracked, “Please don’t leave, mama.”
She ran her fingers over his forehead and cheek, “I’m not going to, Abel. I’m here.”
“I’m really sorry for what I said, I didn’t mean it…I was just mad. And sad…S’mad,” he explained with sad eyes as he sat up. “I really do think everyone needs second chances…No matter what they’ve done.”
She gave a knowing nod, “I know, buddy. And I’m sorry for keeping things from you. Me and your dad. I’m sure he’s not feeling great about what happened either. Hey- why don’t we give him a call?”
“Okay! And I can tell him about the new friend I made! He used to be a part of Miss Charlie’s hotel!”
Lute’s expression fell for a second. ‘Oh. Now that makes sense.’ She pulled her phone from her pocket and called Adam’s number and put him on speaker when he answered.
“Hey! You find him yet?”
“Hi dad!”
“Does that answer your question?” Lute chuckled.
“Yeah, hey wait-” Adam hit a button on his phone and turned his camera on, “Hey can ya see me??” He was lying across his bed.
Lute held the phone up, “Yup.” She turned her camera on and handed it to Abel. Abel giggled happily upon seeing his dad through the phone.
“So, I heard you were giving your mama trouble?” Adam poked playfully.
Abel gave a sad pout, “I did…But I told her I was sorry!”
Adam gave him a smile, “That’s a start. I gotta say that too. It wasn’t right to lie to ya, but maybe you can see how it was kinda messy to explain?”
“Yeah…But it’ll be okay. I made a new friend today! He said he had also killed a lot of people, but he’s in Heaven now after staying in Miss Charlie’s hotel, so that means you can too!”
“Oh shit, really? Musta been that snake guy I keep hearing about. That’s cool.”
Lute brought a finger to her lips in thought. ‘Yup, I remember him now. You killed that guy, Adam. Maybe don’t bring that up.’
“Yeah pretty sure I’m the reason he made it up there,” Adam let out a half awkward  laugh.
Lute smashed her hand into her face and frustratingly brushed her hair back, ‘Oh, you fool.’
“Well, at least he’s up here now! He said the seraphim are being kinda mean to him though, not letting him see people…” Abel mentions sadly.
“Ah yeah, that bitch Sera probably. She’s got control issues, and sinners getting redeemed into Heaven isn’t gonna be something she has control over. She’ll get over it. Especially once I’m back. She can’t do shit to stop me, either.”
Abel laughed which then turned into a yawn, “I love you, dad. I’m gonna go to bed now, goodnight.”
“Alright, kiddo get some sleep. Love ya too,” Adam said as Abel passed the phone back to Lute. Lute gave Abel another kiss on the forehead before exiting the room, leaving his door ajar.
Lute propped the phone up against the lamp on her nightstand facing the bed. She changed into a nightgown before laying down facing the phone, “You know, it’s gonna be really strange falling asleep without you here.”
“Pssh, you were doing it before, weren’tcha?”
“Yeah, when you were dead and I didn’t have a choice,” she replied snarkily. 
“You got my hoodie, right? Snuggle with that,”
Lute shifted around and grabbed his hoodie from the other side of the bed, “I do in fact have it. And I was planning to.” She tucked it under her chin and had her arm around it. She took a deep whiff of his hoodie and nuzzled into it. 
Adam watched her blissfully, wishing he could be there, “Wanna stay on until we fall asleep?”
“What, like those couples in long distance relationships?”
“I mean, that is pretty much our situation right now, so…”
Lute peaked at him from behind the fabric of his hoodie, “Sure, we can do that. Makes it feel like you’re right here with me.”
“Yeah,”  he said softly.
Adam watched as her eyes grew heavy and eventually closed. Her breathing slowed and there was the faintest sound of a snore. He looked at her longingly, wishing he could reach out and touch her.
“Somehow I’ll make it home. I promise.”
Thank you for reading 💕 😇
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bernard-the-rabbit · 4 months
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On sibilings
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
(inspired by Ganon's Requiem by ROZEN)
The castle cut into the sky, a testament to all that Hyrule had built, a reminder of all it had lost.
Link swallowed, feeling the hair on the back of his neck stand up. This was it. When he had left his village a year ago, when he had waved goodbye to his sister and brother-in-law, he'd only had an inkling of what his journey would entail. When he'd left his village a year ago, he'd been a fisherman, a kid who was going on an adventure with the hopes that he could help rebuild a world that had been destroyed, a child of the Calamity.
He'd grown so much since then. Seen so much since then. Met so many new people, watched the hurts and healings of so many. He'd honed his skill as a fighter, he'd made new family, and...
He'd always known this day would come, but it had always seemed so far away.
All of Hyrule had fallen to the Calamity. Villages and town had been razed to the ground, all the champions had been murdered. Hyrule's greatest warriors had been unable to prevail over the beast, the princess had sacrificed herself just to hold it at bay.
His grandparents had died in the Calamity. His parents had died due to the lack of resources that had come in its wake.
His friend had suffered so much because of it. His new family had lost everything because of it.
"The Champions are with you, Link," his spirit companion said, eyes determined. "We'll defeat him together. You have the sword that seals the darkness, the abilities of the best warriors in Hyrule."
Link nodded, closing his eyes and shutting out the view of the foreboding castle. This was it.
It was time.
Marching ahead, Link opened his eyes, drawing the Master Sword and feeling it hum in his hand, warmth and light surrounding and filling him.
I can do this.
"Where do you think you're going? This field and the city will be covered in guardians."
Link paused, turning back to see the knight who had taught him and guided him since he'd acquired the blade. Abel watched him with a stern demeanor, but the worry in his eyes was evident.
"It's time," Link said solemnly. "The Divine Beasts are free. All that's left is Ganon."
"What was your plan, just going in alone, walking all dramatic while we stand here and watch you with awe?" Lyra asked, crossing her arms and furrowing her brow.
"We're going with you," Abel immediately confirmed.
"Don't even try it," Lyra cut in, walking up to him. "I want that beast's blood on my sword. I want to hear it scream."
"Besides," Abel added as he also approached. "I can guide you to him."
Link looked at them uncertainly. "I don't want you to get hurt."
"That's cute," Lyra quipped, walking beyond him. "I was going to say the same thing. Now let's go kick his ass."
Link turned to watch her go, anxiety eating away at him. He was already scared, he--
A hand settled on his shoulder, warm, heavy, and comforting. He looked back and saw Abel watching him.
"I wasn't there to protect my son," Abel said quietly. "I will not make that mistake again. You fight for all of Hyrule, Link. Let Hyrule fight with you."
Link watched him a moment, his eyes stinging, heart swelling with emotion, throat tightening in response. He couldn't adequately express how terrifying this was, nor how relieved he was at hearing Abel's words. He leapt forward, slamming into the knight's chest and wrapping his arms around him. Abel stood there for a moment, stunned, before gently returning the hug.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
What is Ableism?
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The Autistic Teacher
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 7 months
so much lines for what
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nosensedit · 1 year
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⊹ ִ࣪ এ credits on twitter ִ࣪ ⌁ like or reblog if you save! ♡ ¸. • *
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creepiefarm · 2 years
CW ableism towards systems
I wanted to address this briefly, because lately I've seen far too many MH blogs spreading content that both demonizes and misrepresents OSDDID. I am a singlet, but this post was written with the help of and checked over by systems.
First and foremost please educate yourself, that is the first step and easiest way to avoid spreading blatant ableism. I will be linking some resources for that at the end of this post. Listen to systems when they tell you things are harmful or wrong.
When you see a post about OSDDID, how is it being talked about? Are they speaking positively about the disorder, or are they framing it to be "scary" or "edgy"? If the post does speak positivity about the disorders, how is it worded? How does it refer to system alters, or other parts of the disorder? Does it fall into common stereotypes, (i.e. the "evil alter") or treat it like a quirky character trait?
Now more specifically there is a post going around that made me feel there was a need to make this post. The post states you can't headcanon Tim or other characters in MH as being systems
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[Image ID: Screenshot of a tumblr post that says: “okay fellas, welcome, you’re here- and before you start spreading around false stuff, here’s a few good reminders! 1. None of the characters from Marble Hornets Youtube Series have DID. Masky and Hoodie are not evil leittle creatures that live inside Tim and Brian!” end ID]
This extremely poor wording implies that, if Tim or Brian have DID, that would make Masky and Hoody evil creatures that live in their brains. Basically stating that alters are "evil", and also dehumanizing them in the process. [There are of course nonhuman alters who should be respected just as much as human alters, but that is not what op is doing by calling them "creatures."] Masky or Hoody being alters would not make them evil, there is no such thing as an "evil alter". This is one of the most widespread ableist beliefs about systems, and something that is so easy to spot.
OP received many comments on why this is gross and harmful, but chose to leave it up. They responded with an "apology" that addressed none of the issues with their statement, was very condescending and basically showed they have no idea what they're talking about.
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[Image ID: screenshot of a tumblr post that says: “okay, lads. fellas. regarding my previous post, since a few people found it offensive (?) that I said none of the characters in MH have specifically DID disorder. I understand that people have their own headcanons and this is totally fine! I will not bash someone for healthily using such a hc to create a sense of comfort!
On that note, there are a select few people that I've seen in the past that romanticizes such a disorder- or make it very black n' white (aka Masky is this awful alter). Along with this, Tim canonically has psychosis, or something along the lines of this. In simple terms, romanticizing DID disorder (or any disorder)? not the best! Using such a headcanon as a sense of comfort/in a healthy fashion? totally fine! thank yew and have a good day” end ID]
If you are not well educated on a topic you do not have to speak on it. In cases like this, where I think op probably intended to help, they have instead spread gross ableism to hundreds of people. If someone is creating content that is gross and fetishizes the disorder, call them out on it. But if you have spent any good amount of time in this fandom you know most system headcanons are made by systems. It's a very weird thing to start a post for "new fans" with an ableist point about an issue you have only seen "a select few people do in the past." 
[As a side note, psychosis is not a disorder, it is a symptom. And if we are going with “in canon” Tim was diagnosed with Schizophrenia.]
There is nothing inherently "romanticizing" or "unhealthy" about headcanoning any character as a system. This would not be said about headcanoning a character with depression or anxiety, and I really need you guys to sit and think about why that is. OSDDID and psychotic disorders (also mentioned by op) are notoriously demonized. And spreading posts like this without thinking absolutely adds to that.
It's so important to be able to recognize things like this for how harmful they are. It does not matter if op had other points you agreed with, or if they had good intentions. This is ableism, it's wrong, and it's hurting people.
System headcanons are good, and it's wonderful that so many systems see healthy rep in MH for their disorder. This is not and has never been the issue. Here are some links a system friend gave me that you can educate yourself with. Systems are of course, welcome to add any additional thoughts, thank you for reading.
Common myths and perceptions | Alters | C-PTSD & DID | DID vs OSDD | How to help a friend with OSDDID | youtube channel
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Hazbin Hotel Theory: Lucifer & Adam Share Grandkids (Thanks To Cain) And Alastor Is Half-Angel...
[Note: reading this post is optional...this is for Mature Audience Readers Only...DO NOT read this until ya watched all of the episodes of Season 1 of Hazbin Hotel, that goes from the Pilot, Episode 1 To Episode 8. there will be some spoilers that will be discussed in this, I will try not to talk about all of them, but the theory is thanks to Charlie's Adorkable Apple Goober of a Dad, and yes that is the nickname I came up with for him...I'm The Embodiment Of Weirdness. XD........also I had been having a bit trouble logging back in, I had to change my password, which I was having a bit trouble at first but it seems okay now, a few days ago in my last post, I notice a bit too later that I forgot to put a word and I want to go back to fix it, but I was not really able to....it didn't help that the internet connection kept going off and on and one of the reasons I had to log-off before, was because the connection kept going off and on and it was just making me really mad and well not really happy, even trying to make a new password for this was making me a little unhappy but I'm glad it is back to normal and hopefully it stays that way. also please do NOT reblog this without my permission. this post will also talk about some thoughts and feelings as well, so it will get a bit off topic as well.]
okay if some watched all of the episodes, they know the fight between Lucifer and Adam that happen in it, and Lucifer possibly trying to get Adam's goat by saying he did "snu-snu" (and if ya watched Futurama, you know what it means.)
better than him, with both Adam's First Wife (Lilith) and Second Wife (Eve)...
I don't know if Adorkable Apple Goober was just joking about Eve or if he was serious, I mean we do know that there is the whole who is Cain's Bio-Dad in our universe, which yeah Adam is still technically his Dad, even if not biologically related, but sometimes your real parent, and yeah in our universe, Adam was no different from the one from the show but at the same time he might of matured over time but still made mistakes as a adoptive father to Cain.
and yeah, I believe that both Cain and Abel were in the wrong, and if Abel wasn't so full of possibly vainglory and saw that his brother was sinking deeper and deeper into a dark place, which half of the reason could be because of the bad parenting of both Adam and Eve.
it could be possible as soon as Seth came long, they tried to do better and not make the same bad parenting mistakes.
and yeah, I'm a descendant of both Seth & Cain, I know I wrote down the numbers before when we had found out about it before...I can try to look for it later...
at least when their few generation later descendants ended up meeting and marrying, it wasn't too close to the tree...
but that still makes those two both Grunkle-Grandpas.
and yeah even though I can believe that Adam and Eve did exist, I believe it is possible there were OTHER humans besides them, and in theory there could of been different Adams and Eves in different garden sectors, but they could of went by different names.
Lilith was technically the First-Eve, and Eve herself was the Second-Eve.
Charlie's Adorkable Apple Goober of a Dad, made me laugh when he misspoke when telling Adam that he was going to "frag him"...of course the word wasn't "frag" but you know, the other word.
you know that rhythms with the word "duck"...
also the likely of what Lucifer from the show on what he was implying he did with Eve is true, that would possibly make him even more of being a suspect of being Cain's Dad, which would also make Cain the Older Half-Brother of Charlie...
plus if you look closely at Charlie's Full name, "Charlie Morningstar"
it spells out "Cain", like even if it wasn't on purpose but still...
here what happens when I bold some of the letters.
Charlie Morningstar, and when you take parts of those bold letters out, they spell out "Cain" and yes I'm just that weird to find that.
I mean Steven Quartz Universe has "Sans" hidden in there, can anyone truly blame some fans of both Steven Universe and Undertale as well as Deltarune, for thinking that Sans The Skeleton is the future self of Steven, even if it is his human half, and for all we know that rock that it suppose to be Sans's pet rock, is just his gem half turned to stone and it will need to be in that healing water that has the power from White, Yellow, Blue and Pink Diamond.
also if it does turn out that Charlie's Adorkable Apple Goober Dad, is in fact Cain's biological dad (making Adam both the Step-Dad and Adoptive-Dad)....I think if when I do re-watch the episode where Adam and Lucifer are fighting, I might be weird and chant out either in my head or in a soft way...
"Peepaw Fight, Peepaw Fight, Peepaw Fight!!!"
well, I still think the whole situation Cain is like a Jerry Springer type of Comedy...
Archangel Samael is but one of the suspects of being the Dad.
well whoever the Bio-Dad is, they still wouldn't be the boss of me.
I still think that Earth Angels should put up a protective barrier around the Earth, to protect her from the Toxic-Masculine energy that has been plaguing our Mother World for centuries.
and yes, if it were possible I would do a Omnigeddon if I lost my fluffy baby that is my second cat...
like I said before, the whole thoughts of starting "Omnigeddon" came to mind if anything went wrong, one of which may also have to do if my fluffy baby wasn't taken to the vet on time or if anything went wrong while they were at the vet...
I would go Feral Earth Angel if Abel ever got a certain idea if he tried that "offering" with my fluffy baby...
I would probably try to either give him the cold hands to face punishment or grab him by the ear....or slap him repeatedly on the face really fast, like how Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo was slap by Tenchi's Grandfather's Wife...
I get that animals play different roles, some do end up as food and some clothes, while some are animal companions that we end up forming a strong and emotional bond with, and we wish they could live a very long time and be with us forever.
I basically broke when my first cat was slowly leaving us, and I believe I know now what may have caused it....it might of been the same thing that almost took my second cat, and we were lucky to catch it on time and she was able to get surgery to help her.
and not everyone has to agree, but I still think Abel shouldn't be around Fluffy-Babies...even ones that are in the afterlife.
he shall not touch the fluff of healing bliss...so says The Eveningstar Earth Angel Princess...
yeah that nickname "Eveningstar Princess" is still weird, and it really doesn't have to do with Lucifer, I mean yeah there is that whole being a descendant of a few royal families, and I'm still gonna view being a descendant of King Solomon as a blessing and not a curse, it means I wont have to take that throne, even though I'm one of King David's descendants as well...but anyway the whole "Eveningstar" once again doesn't really have to do with Lucifer, who is suppose to be the "Morningstar"...
and we still have to be confused and amused by Charlie's Dad, when he throws the whole he did the "snu-snu" with Eve...
but yeah, like I pointed out before...the reason I got the whole "Eveningstar" idea, has to do with the weird stuff that went on when my Mom was going to have me, because apparently she never got Morning Sickness, nope...and like I may have pointed out a few times when talking about the weirdness that is what went on with my Mom when she was pregnant with me...
she NEVER got Morning Sickness, she only got sick during the Evening.........so yeah, she only got Evening Sickness.
I have no idea how many Moms went through that weirdness, never getting Morning Sickness, but only getting that way during the Evening....which we are calling The Evening Sickness.
and yeah, for all we know Lucifer and Adam from Hazbin Hotel, could share Grandkids through Cain, and well a bit of Seth too...
you know since Seth would still be Adam's Biological Son, and Cain while being Adam's Adoptive Son (and Technically Step-Son...)
and well if it is slightly like how it is in our universe, when both Grunkle-Grandpa Seth & Cain's respective descendants by a few generations end up meeting and marrying, of course that would cause the bloodlines to mix, and well thankfully it wouldn't be too close to the tree, I mean yes Gran-Gran Eve is still both Seth and Cain's Mom, but if they had two different Dads but had descendants that ended up meeting and marrying each other many generations later, than the possible problems of you know, that normally happens...will not be a problem in many few generations later, cause of the different bloodlines would have them be very less closely related.
I still rather be called "purple blood" rather than "blue blood" even if the whole blue blood thing does have to do with royal blood, but I still like purple blood better, because it means I don't just have royal ancestors, I know I went most of my life not knowing I'm technically a Princess....well same thing when not knowing about being a Earth Angel....and there is that whole Nephilim thing...
also thanks to Alastor, and well also a certain scene that Vaggie was in...
I have another theory, that I believe that Alastor might be a descendant of Nephilim....possibly, though I don't mind if that theory ends up being debunked and the idea that he is a descendant of Nephilim, ends up in a Fanon Timeline instead.
and yeah, part of the title for this, is also the theory about Alastor being Half-Angel....the "X" on Alastor's forehead that appears might not really have to do with Sinners, at least not fully.
Vaggie's "X" is visible, even when she's wearing a Eye-Patch.
the reason Alastor's "X" that appears on his forehead, isn't visible all the time and only so when he uses only half of his full power or goes all out, might have to do with the genetics of not just his soul but also his bloodline from when he was human and living in the human world.
in theory, if one who is human were the living in the human world but have a soul that was half angelic even being a descendant of Nephilim...
if they were to die in the living world and end up in ya know, Heck.
the "X" that shows the spot of their injury they got when they died in the human world, will not be visible all the time like Vaggie's...
this is possibly because Vaggie, could of been a Heavenborn and the year that she had supposedly died in the human world, was just the year she started to live in Pentagram City and when she first met Charlie...
and yeah, some fans can view Charlie as being Half-Angel, she does have her Demon form, but who's to say that she's can't also tap into a Angelic form, possibly merging two together like her Dad seemingly did with his own form when fighting Adam.
we still don't know if Charlie's Dad was being serious or if he was joking about having certain relations Eve.
even though it was funny how he was teasing Adam, it does make myself question if it will turn out that Charlie's Dad is in fact Cain's Biological Father.
it be kind of both funny, interesting and freaky if that turn out to be canon....but the chances of that might be very small.
but it might not stop some fans from using the concept in the Fanon Timelines, where it might not be Canon but we can still blame the Adorkable Apple Goober for the weird idea. XD
and yes, I'm still gonna call Charlie's Dad that.
I'm also still going to call Ozzie x Fizz, by the couple nickname "Adorkable Sweet Potatoes"
and well besides the weird nicknames for those three...
if it did turn out that both Lucifer and Adam, did share Grandkids...even if it is by only half of humanity...
picture the look on their faces when they realize they share Grandkids...of course in Charlie's delight, she might view it as her being technically a "Auntie Charlie"...
and yeah, even if it is only half of most humans that are descendants of Cain, would be well you know in a way, in fictional universe in possibly just in the Fanon Timeline as it might not end up being Canon in the Canon Timeline of the show...
would be the nieces and nephews of Princess Charlie Morningstar, even the ones that do end up being Earth Angels.
we will have to wait for the theory about Cain being Lucifer's son and Charlie's Older Half-Brother, to be proven true or not true at all to which it ends up being debunked.
I don't mind if it does get debunked, and once again it's Charlie's Adorkable Apple Goober of a Dad who is partly at fault for that theory about both him and Adam sharing Grandkids....even if it is like a lot of Greats in there and many generations later.
also ya know how a fan ended up accidentally predicting Deltarune Chapter 2...? ya know, with Kris and the Pie...which I still think there was more to that than just Kris eating all the pie, and I still think they might of broken into the Library first and open a dark fountain in the computer room, before they went back home and ate all the pie...
but yeah, what I'm getting at....is I think that the Fan Audio series, that is called "Arackniss" (same name as Angel's Older Brother)
that is by AxelGear...and yeah, that fan audio series is for mature audience only...
so yeah, I think that it could be possible that fan series may or may have not may have predicated Canon events, even if some of those events are still slightly different from what happens from that audio series...but when you remember what happens with Arackniss and have watched what happens to well Sir Pentious...
you might be all like how I am feeling and thinking right now...
that the Arackniss Audio Series by AxelGear, had somehow accidentally predicted canon that had not yet happen but did happen in Hazbin Hotel Season 1.
not everyone has to take it too seriously, but remembering what happen some audio episodes back in that Arackniss Audio Series, and seeing what goes down in the first season of Hazbin Hotel.
can anyone truly blame me, to be weird enough to think that just maybe AxelGear may have accidentally predicted canon future events without knowing it.
well there was some other stuff that has to do with Deltarune that had some fans accidentally predicting future events even if they were still slightly different, but when you see a Deltarune AU predict future canon in chapter 2, of course you are going to being both freaked out and all happy that it is canon.
one of them being that the Darkners do turn into items when they end up going to the Light World, but they go back to normal when they go back to the Dark World....and if they go to a Dark World that isn't their own, they will turn to stone.
also I need to say this, because Lucifer the one from Hazbin Hotel I mean...had misspoke what he was trying to say, that he was going to beat Adam up, but it came out in well...ya know...
well I can't help but wonder if one should ship those two...and if so, what would their ship name be...?
I wouldn't be surprised if Niffty did fan-art and fanfics about Charlie's Dad and Adam...if she wasn't busy with other things during what was going on in that episode.
well it is possible that Charlie's Dad might not only be a Adorkable Apple Goober (I'm still gonna call him that, it fits him too well now and there is no going back from it. XD lol...) but he also might be a bit of a Himbo...
also it could be possible that Charlie might be misinterpreting her Dad, and he might of been going through a very bad depression that has been lasting for 7 years possibly...
being in a very dark place in emotional way, isn't fun.
even if you still can be a little happy by both people and the stuff that makes you feel a little happy, that dark and unhappy feeling is still mixed in there.
and yeah, having a second depression after getting over the first depression not too long ago, is not a fun experience.
and yeah I did end up having depression around 2015 that lasted a few months, the stuff that was going on at home was a nightmare.
my personal space was not being respected, and yeah trying to write a fanfic that had to do with Ninjago, wasn't easy with people that were house-guests kept coming into the room I was in and wouldn't stop...and if I'm making a face, don't give one of them the right to be hurtful about it, because of that I had to go to the bathroom and cry.
seriously, that insensitive jerk couldn't understand the reason I looked like I was giving a dirty look, was because he and everyone else wouldn't stop coming into that room and give me my personal space.
it could be possible that the more your personal space is disrespected like way too many times, the more you might want it a lot more and could be a bit sensitive about it...
I'm not sure if it will be the same for everyone, but even if I can spend time with my fluffy-baby that is my second cat and maybe try to do family stuff with family, like maybe watching a movie together.
I still need a lot of time to myself, I mean maybe only a few can understand that, and for all we know, Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel, was deeply and emotionally hurt, and him being there for Charlie when she needs him, and him wanting to be there for her, might be a type of baby steps of the emotional healing process.
it is possible that Lucifer felt that Charlie didn't want him around, and it also could be possible that he might of been going through a type of bad day type feeling and didn't want to deal with Adam.
it's like when you feel not really good on some days, but we wont know if this is true unless we get it confirmed in the future.
and I can't remember if that second depression I had started around 2016 or 2017, but if it had first started in 2016, that was way too close after I got better from the one I had in 2015, which yeah it felt like the second depression lasted a bit more longer, and I think it might of been around December 2018 when I started to feel a bit more better, I think it was 2018 during that time...and well one of the signs I was getting more better, was how I was laughing when watching Boss Baby...which I think it was the Movie, and the show wasn't on yet, at least I think...
the point is that even if we have family, friends and stuff that can make us feel a little happy, we still end up having some pretty sad and not so great dark feelings.
I know that when that second depression was going on, I think my feelings were, like it felt like...to me it felt like I was in a half numb way, like the feelings were there but it was like half numb, it just seem that way every time I woke up.
and yeah, it might of been much earlier during that time, I wanted to punish the bathroom mirror but didn't, possibly because of both some form of willpower and knowing if I did, it wouldn't exactly be good.
Charlie's Dad, might of been going through a depression that was not only being caused by the Heaven from Hazbin Hotel's Universe, not listening to him, but also from Lilith.
I can agree that in our universe, Lilith was hurt badly, and she only became what she had transformed into, because certain three angels and Adam.
those three angels, might be doing good now, but they did more harm than good to Lilith, and they only ended up playing a part in breaking her emotionally and possibly others that only she herself can possibly know.
even if Adam didn't get his hands dirty, he should of not been such a selfish jerk, and just let her have some space.
it could be possible that if both of them were given space, they could of worked things out, and forcing her in a certain way, that has to do with what those three angels were doing, was a Toxic-Masculine move.
we don't know if Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, went through the same thing, that three angels were send to where she was and tried to get her to go back to Adam, even by threats.
no matter if it is from that universe or this one, that is NOT how love works.
you do not make threats, even what those three angels were doing.
and yeah I may be calling myself Neo-Spiritual now, well unless some might end up messing up the meaning, and hopefully that wont happen...
and yeah I started to believe in a Goddess now too, which happen a few years ago, which might be partly thanks to some books I got...
and I can still believe in God as well, so like believing in both.
and I know that not everyone has to believe the same as me when it comes to that, but of course there was that Toxic-Religious jerk that crossed a line and wouldn't stop throwing those misused words at me, just because I believe in a Goddess now.
well it might of also been about my having still been figuring out what type of Nonbinary that I am...I did thought I was something like a Gyno-Agender for a while...I'm sure there might of been some who were still figuring out what type they are, and not just me...
but yeah, like I had said possibly a whole lot of times before...
even though I did pointed out to that person, that they were hurting my feelings really badly and making me cry, they basically ignored it and kept throwing those words at me.
which I'm still gonna think that those words were being misused.
I know it was either "may god have mercy on you." or "may the lord have mercy on you." either way, how they were using those words ended up hurting my feelings really bad.
they weren't listening when I pointed it out, I wanted them to stop it, but they just kept throwing those words at me.
I had to block them over at the place where it had happen, and one of the things I am still gonna hope, is that I wont run into them here or any other places I go to.
I don't think all people who are religious or not at all, would pull the same stunt that jerk did, maybe only a few, but not all of them.
and yeah I might know the full story about Charlie's Dad Lucifer's depression, but it is possible he couldn't be open about it with his own daughter for the past few years, but might have to open up about what he was going through to her at some point in the future.
he seems fine now, after showing up a bit more for Charlie, but that might not mean he still wont have those not so good feelings pop up every once in a while.
and yeah it could be possible that Charlie's Mom, might have more to her than just seemingly being a good Mom...
we wont know whats truly up with her, until future episodes in maybe around Season 2.
and yeah even if the whole in Hazbin Hotel, Lucifer being Cain's Dad does in fact get debunked, it can still work in the Fanon where it's true...but it's fine when it does turn out it isn't canon.
but most fans or just me, might not let Charlie's Dad live that one down...
we already have some form of suspects about who Cain's biological Dad could be, but it is like a mystery...which some have questioned for who knows how long...
well in this universe that we live in, once again, no matter if it is Lucifer or Samael, they still ain't the boss of me.
and if I was able to, I would still want to give the Lucifer from our universe, the cold hands to face punishment...
because maybe instead of doing all that fighting, they could of tried to fix the balance between the Masculine and Feminine energies, even if the balance is a little more better now...but we still have that Toxic-Masculine flying around, and it is lucky that the Toxic-Feminine isn't as high or as dangerous as the Toxic-Masculine one...
and well that aside, what is shown in episode 1 of the first season, reminds me of some stuff that has to do with Masculine and Feminine.
what we know as "Hell" was possibly not always so, and it was in fact part of the possibly "Earthly Queendom" but because of the dangerous levels of maybe both a Toxic-Masculinity and possibly miasma, her once beautiful place of paradise was corrupted and was at some point, taken over by Lucifer and the Other Embodiment Kings and well Queens, since in Hazbin Hotel, Bee and Bel are Female...
but it might be very unlikely that the same situation we have, will be the same in Hazbin Hotel or even Helluva Boss.
yeah the book "Stones Of The Goddess: Crystals For The Divine Feminine" by Nicholas Pearson, that not only talks about the Divine Feminine and Goddesses, but also has different type of gems...
well it might not be everyone's cup of tea, and it's okay that not everyone takes a interest in it, and if some do, it should only be of their free will and choice that is their own.
some of the chapters that have the different gems in it, has each of them have info like Magickal Uses, Elemental Signature, Astrological Signature, Goddess Archetypes and lastly Formation Process.
and well, I'm trying to use some other forms of magic myself...
well besides the whole using my gem bracelets to protect me from energies that might be harmful to me (of course even when I still wear them to bed, I have to have a dream-catchers for extra protection...) and also using them for sealing charms and limiters because of that freaky stuff that started to happen when I started to use the pendulum a bit too much...
because of the whole freaky thing that happen when I hold a bottle of pop by it's lid and it starts to move like my pendulum, well either that or a pen...and there was that time when the program broke once, because I took one of the gem bracelets off, because it was becoming a bit too snug.
so I had to re-do the whole praying and use the food salt on the gem bracelets and make sure that even when I have one or all of them off for a long period of time, they will still work.
well the spell I found is kind of a work in progress, and I am thankful to the person who made the spell, and even if I'm still having a bit of trouble in getting it to fully work, I'm going to try my best and keep trying...I hope I can try again later tonight, I did try before last night, but I was having some trouble getting to sleep after saying the spell, and I even tried to say it more times...
the spell has to do with traveling to other worlds, and well the info about the spell is that it can be temporary, like I know I did write the info down on paper, and well even the side effects that shows signs ya need to try to go to sleep...which for me, when trying to do the spell again, it was hard for me to get to sleep...
there is a reason I'm trying the spell, but I can talk about it another time.
and well back to the theory about the whole Lucifer and Adam from Hazbin Hotel, possibly sharing Grandchildren...along with the whole Alastor possibly being a descendant of Nephilim.
yeah, it could be possible I'm a descendants of Nephilim as well, which would mean that some humans who are also Earth Angels, are descendants of them as well...
I'm not even sure if some do have different blood types that don't need to be RH Negative, but I know that I'm kind of the same type as my Mom...well I'm not 100% sure if she has the "D" in there or not...
I still wish we haven't procrastinated so long to see if my blood type will come out the same for a third time, but hopefully we can finally get around to it this year.
I'm still gonna view myself as a Defective Earth Angel, cause I don't think I work the same way most do, even if not all Earth Angels are the same, but I know I'm a Defective type, and there can be reasons for that, and not just bad past life experiences which I'm glad I don't have fully memories, and it's okay not to have full memories of past lives...not everyone has to believe in past lives or believe it can leave some form of trauma.
okay back to the whole Adam, Lucifer and Alastor theory.
it could be possible that Alastor might be going through some pretty heavy stuff, and my theory about him being a descendant of Nephilim, can be separate from what is going on with him and why he was missing for 7 years according to the episodes that bring it up.
which it being 7 years, also lines up with how long Charlie's Mom hasn't returned her calls...
even if Alastor might say he was going through some kind of vacation, but I think it might be possible he was possibly held hostage by someone who technically is more powerful than him, and who has him as a puppet on strings.
I'm not sure if this theory is true, and it's okay if it gets debunked...
but I suspect Charlie's Mom Lilith might be involved, possibly being the one who is pulling Alastor's strings...she is already suspicious.
I'm not sure if Alastor might be going through PTSD because of his experience that happen for 7 years in the Hazbin Hotel Universe's Timeline, but despite how he behaves and all smiles, and thanks to Rosie, he shows adorkable side to himself...
even though I might not of been always Aroaceflux, but for all I know I could of always been but not know it, I mean I can be Fictoromantic as well, and well with my now ex-boyfriends I had online before, but I have no interest in trying to get a new one...and well I can't help but wonder if I use to be Demiromantic, but I'm not 100% sure.
I think it was before figuring out I'm Aroaceflux, that I don't like it when a guy becomes clingy in a bad way, even if there could be a cute way...but he would need to respect my needing to be left to myself, same as family and friends would.
even if my Mom might not fully get why I don't like being touched at times, and I'm okay with it sometimes...
yeah, your family might think it's funny to touch your foot but you might seem like your enjoying it when it tickles but it doesn't mean you fully do so...plus there is the whole being scared really easy when they surprise hug you from behind...
and yeah as strange as it might be, whenever I'm in the kitchen and a male family member ends up in the kitchen too, my thoughts are "don't touch me." even if it might not of always been that way, but that is just how I am now...
besides that depression in 2015 that I had, and besides getting my foot hurt and it took some time to heal.
I also had that panic attack in the car and ended up hitting my head while inside of the car...and even if I was able to get better control now, it doesn't still mean I wont still worry about what caused me to go into a panic attack in the first place.
and I still might have a bit of Semi-Androphobia, like even if you can have some guys you can trust, either it be friends or family or both.
you still might want to be on guard, because of what you learn about some dangers that can happen or from a bad experience from your childhood that was from something that really happen or one of those warning dreams that just end up causing more harm than good and it traumatized you and even when you forget at first because your mind ends up suppressing the memory, even when you remember it years later and try to talk to your family about it, they will just end up making you doubt it and it being a bad dream...
I can't remember how old I was when that bad experience happen, and if it did happen in real life, then it still wouldn't be okay...
even if it was lucky it was just a kiss, but it was normal for me to find boys gross, just as some boys should find some girls to be gross as well, that is perfectly normal.
but if it was just a warning dream, it was really messed up and the bad experience made me block the memory until I remembered about it later on.
it could be possible one of the reasons I got into that panic attack in 2015, was because of them...the one who made me want to hide in the bathroom to cry, after they couldn't get that they and everyone else was disrespecting my personal space...
and even if I and other fans might not fully get what Alastor is going through, but for all we know, he might end up having a really bad panic attack in the future, I guess it would be a surprise if it was Vox who would have to calm him down and have to get him to calm his breathing and not hurt himself when going through a bad panic attack.
I know I hurt my head on the inside of the car when going through that panic attack in 2015...I remember a bit of it, but I know I didn't like waiting alone in the car, even if we were getting ready to move.
I still don't like being alone outside in the car, even if I still have to go inside some places at times, but other times if I don't feel like going inside, I don't go inside...but not having anyone outside waited with you...chances will be that you might not feel great about it.
and it could be possible that Alastor could have certain triggers that could reveal that he went through a very bad experience, something that he wishes not to talk about or let others know.
not sure if Alastor would have Semi-Gynophobia, but that might not be likely, like he could be fine with other ladies, either it be nonbinary-girls or those who are binary...he could just be scared of only one woman, a woman who possibly forced him against his will into a contract he never wanted and took him 7 years to get away from the said woman that now still technically owns his soul.
it is possible that Alastor while possibly forming a type of bond with Charlie, also sees her a way to get his freedom back.
and there could be different soul contracts, which in theory one of the ways another form of soul contract is form is through a type of kinship or like a bond that doesn't have to do with one or the other having ownership of the other party's soul.
while certain contracts have the whole chains, like what it shows in Hazbin Hotel Season 1...
a mutual soul contract where the bond is different, and it is more of a partnership, rings are involved, of course this is just a fan theory.
the said rings will be energy based just like the chains, and will appear in different colors, depending on those who are involved in it.
the rings will appear on the fingers that is the place you put the wedding ring on, which I guess for some, they could have it on their left hand.
while not really having to do with being married, but it could be a choice for some who go down that type of soul contract to go through the whole getting married along with or later on after they form the partnership of their soul contract...
and I guess it could be seen as a type of soul-tie, maybe...?
plus no matter if it is platonic or romantic, a mutual partnership in the soul contract where rings are formed instead of chains, could be seen as a very big commitment, because it could be similar to a soul-tie, but still possibly different.
one could only know if someone is under a soul contract through partnership where the parties don't own one or the other, but are partners, if one or the other ends up summoning their ring having it appear before those present. I might talk more about this type of soul contract theory another time.
not sure what else to say about the whole possibility of Adam and Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel, sharing Grandchildren...for all we know even if it were true and if it were canon, those two would be clueless.
I just think it is a little amusing, and Adorkable Apple Goober is still at fault for the theory popping into my mind in the first place.
and for all we know, Alastor could still end up being a half-angel, both in his human life and even in his afterlife, and we might find out more about what happen with him for 7 years in Hazbin Hotel Universe, and why he was missing for so long, we might not find out right away but we might in the future.
anyway maybe I will talk about the whole weird ideas and theories about Lucifer and Adam from Hazbin Hotel, maybe another time.
there is a ship drawing I want to hurry up and post up next after this.
not everyone has to agree about the whole theories I talked about in this, even when I got off topic.
Alastor's "X" on his forehead having to do with him being a half-angel in both his human life and even to his death and afterlife, is just a theory, even about him being a descendant of nephilim too is just a theory, and it's okay that some fan theories get debunked and just end up in the Fanon Timeline instead. :)
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