#so if the paragraph spacing is off please someone let me know before it gets reblogged like that 😭
devastatedloyallute ¡ 3 months
Chapter 8 of Bigger Than The Whole Sky -A Guitarspear fic
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Chapter Sum: Lute and Abel return home after visiting Adam at the Hazbin Hotel. Abel has many questions.
Read on AO3!
Lute and Abel had followed Emily back through the portal to Heaven she had created. When they returned home, they waved Emily off as she ran to hopefully not get into trouble with her sister. Heading inside and closing the door, Lute looked down at Abel.
 “Are you going to explain to me how it is that you convinced Emily to make you into a stowaway?” Lute asked, her hand on her hip. 
Abel covered his hands and looked at the floor ashamed, “I had asked her before she left yesterday to come to the daycare to pick me up…and she told the nanny that she was setting up a surprise, and because she’s one of the seraphim no one questioned her.” He rubbed his arm as a way to comfort himself before he looked up at her with pleading eyes, “I’m sorry, mama.”
Lute calmly sighed and knelt in front of him, “You could have gotten hurt. I thought you were safe up here, but you weren’t.” She brushed his hair from his cheeks, “Everything turned out okay, but what if it hadn’t? I don’t know what I’d do with myself if something had happened to you.”
“I’m sorry for making you worry. I just wanted to see dad,” Abel said quietly before he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face against her.
Lute pulled him in before standing and ruffling his hair, “Okay, now how about we make something to eat and then it’s bedtime.”
“Bedtime? But it’s still light out!” Abel whined.
“Yes, but you need some form of punishment for that stunt you pulled, young man,” Lute said sternly. Abel gave her a small pout but nodded.
While they sat at the kitchen table eating their chicken nuggets, Abel had to bring up a few of his itching questions, “Hey mama? I’ve been thinking…If Hell is where bad people go, why did dad end up down there? What did he do that was so bad?”
Lute felt goosebumps begin to cover her body.
“Also what’s an exorcist? Why did Charlie have to rebuild her hotel? What happened to the other one?”
Lute could feel her skin growing paler, and her breathing froze. ‘Shit. I don’t think I can lie my way out of this one…’ 
“Mama? Are you okay?”
Lute swallowed hard, “I- Abel, you aren’t ready to learn about those things. They’re grown up matters. How do you even know about these things in the first place?”
“But I’m not going to be a grown up…Why can’t you just tell me? Dad’s gonna make it home, so just please tell me why he’s down there!” Abel pleaded. “I overheard you talking about it when I was hiding! It’ll be okay. I can handle it, mama.”
Lute’s words got caught in her throat. ‘I can’t tell him. But I can’t keep avoiding these questions…What do I do?’  She took a sip from her drink, her mouth feeling very dry. 
“Finish your dinner, then we can talk about it,” she said coldly, devolving to her stoic nature as a mental defense mechanism.
Abel quickly devoured his nuggets and put his plate into the sink. He patiently waited for Lute to finish hers, swinging his legs from the chair happily.
Lute finished her food and also put her dish away. She hesitantly motioned to the couch and Abel went there quickly. Lute took in a deep breath and sat beside him. 
“Okay…Let’s start with the easiest question and work our way up to the harder ones,” Lute began. Abel watched her intently. “What happened to the old hotel and why did they have to rebuild it. Simple, the old one got destroyed.”
“But how did it get destroyed?”
Lute hesitated only for a moment, “They got attacked. Moving on.”
Abel reacted shocked, as if he were watching a movie, waiting for what was next.
“An exorcist is…” Lute drew in a shaky breath, trying to find the best way to explain, “Exorcists are the people who go down to Hell and eradicate the bad souls down there.”
Abel covered his mouth in surprise, “But I thought dad said that there was a curse that did that once a year?”
“You can think of them as that, they play the same role. They’re an important part of Hell, in a way. They keep the population under control, or it can get crowded quickly.”
“Are they actual people?”
“They are,” Lute replied.
“If they kill people, doesn’t that make them bad?”
“I suppose it could. But it’s their job.”
Abel scrunched his face in disgust, “That’s a mean job.”
“Maybe so, but they have to do it. If Hell is too overcrowded, then it just breeds more chaos and destruction. So it has to be done.”
“But then how come more people aren’t trying to get into Miss Charlie’s hotel? So that they can work on getting out of Hell?”
“Many of them probably don’t want to come here. They would rather stay down there to continue to do the things that got them sent there in the first place. Not everyone wants to better themselves.”
Abel paused for a long time. “Okay, that makes sense…They wouldn’t be able to do those bad things here.”
“Exactly, so why would they want to be here?” Lute remarked rhetorically.
Abel looked at her sadly, “So then…The questions about dad are the hardest to answer?”
Lute felt a strong chill run through her entire body,  “Abel…I really don’t think you’re ready. We should wait until he’s back with us.” She was in too deep to back out now, whatever happened next was going to, but it would be best if he were here before testing the extent of this poor child’s optimism.
Abel shook his head, “Just tell me already, mama!”
She felt as though her back was against the wall. She inhaled sharply and spoke slowly, “Your dad…Your dad and I…We are exorcists. The commanders. We lead the others into Hell to control the population there.” Lute braced herself for argument, but nothing came. No outburst of yelling or crying. She just saw Abel’s face silently begin to swell with tears as he processed what she had told him. His bottom lip began trembling.
Lute wanted to console him, but when she reached out to touch him he flinched away from her. He could barely see through his tears, “How could you do that? You say it’s just a job, but dad’s down there. And he’s there because he killed people? Are you going to keep going down there and hurting people? What if dad gets hurt before he can come back?”
“No! No, we aren't going to continue the exterminations…At least not until he’s back here and safe.”
“So when he’s back, you’ll keep doing them? And does that mean you are the ones who attacked Miss Charlie’s hotel?!” Abel cried in disbelief.
“I- I don’t know, okay? It’s complicated,” She raked her nails through her hair. “We’re just the ones who do the dirty work, someone else was telling us to,” Lute confessed, her resolve and composure collapsing.
Abel jumped off the couch defiantly, no longer listening to her. His face burned gold from anger, “And that’s why you got so mad at me when I would talk about forgiving the mistakes people made…you didn’t really think those people are worthy of forgiveness, or that they can change.” Abel waved his arms out, “But now that dad is down there, you suddenly change your mind?”
Lute rose to her feet but was speechless. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to find something to say. 
Abel glared at her through his tears. “You know what? Maybe you should be down there with him!” He screamed to her as he ran past her and down the hallway to his room.
Lute collapsed to the floor and could feel her heart shatter as his door slammed shut. Left in her guilt, she reflected on his words. She felt no anger, only a pestering emptiness. ‘We didn’t believe it to be possible. Just more of their silly excuses to avoid being killed...We didn’t know.’
 She sat on the floor lost for words. The sweetest kid she had ever met quite literally told her to go to Hell. He had rightfully called her beliefs into question, and she didn’t have a defense. She wasn’t sure what she believed in anymore.
Abel ran over to his window and opened it. He formed his hands into fists and began to flap his wings as hard as he could. As he pulled himself onto the window sill and leapt down from it, he achieved his first flight. He only hovered a couple feet above the ground, but he wasn’t looking to celebrate. He flew off quickly in the direction of the promenade, looking for the farthest place he could think of to go.
When Lute had regained her strength, she went to Abel’s room. She knocked on his door but got no answer. 
She frowned and pleaded softly, “Please, let me in, Abel.”  She opened the door quietly, thinking that he had maybe cried himself to sleep. Upon realizing the window was open and he was nowhere in the room, she froze. 
Running outside she took off into the sky, hoping to see more of the area and find him quickly. 
‘He can’t have gone too far. It’s Heaven, so he’s safe. But still...’ 
She checked the daycare first, hoping it would be the first and last place she’d have to check. Elle did an extensive head count but he wasn’t there. 
She went to Emily, thinking that maybe he went to her. He wasn’t with her either. 
Emily reassured her that she was positive Abel was okay, it is Heaven after all. Lute tried her best to coherently tell her what had happened before he left. Emily frowned, “Well, it’s understandable why he’s so upset…I think it might be best to let him cool off.” 
Lute searched all over the promenade, on the verge of a panic attack. The ice cream shop, the zoo, the many shops along the street. But Abel wasn’t anywhere.
‘Where could he be?! Wait-‘ She pulled out her phone and quickly tried to contact Adam. ‘Please. Please let this work.’
A few hours after Lute, Emily, and Abel had made their departure from the hotel, Adam and Angel sat talking to each other while Husk tended the bar, as usual.
“So, your kid. He's real young to be in Heaven…Do I wanna know how that happened?” Angel asked as he nursed from his martini glass.
Adam frowned before taking a sip of his drink, “Well to make an old story short, his brother killed him.”
Angel’s eyes went wide, “Oh right, this was like early early history. Was it like, outta jealousy or anger?”
“Nah, just…unsupervised kids. Playing a game that went too far,” Adam mindlessly swirled around the liquid in the glass. “It was my fault, I wasn’t paying enough attention.”
Husk rolled his eyes and scoffed, “What? You feel bad ‘cause your kid died? Oh, boo hoo.”
Adam gave him a scowl and went back to his drink, “Of fucking course I do. It was an accident that should have been avoided…But I couldn’t do anything about it. I used to push the blame onto my ex, but she was right. I should have been watching them.”
“Heh, good. Have a taste of your own medicine,” Husk remarked.
“The fuck’s that supposed to mean, Feathers?” 
“It means, you should know how it makes others feel when their own kids die in front of them,” Husk snarled at him.
Angel’s eyes flicked between the two of them and slowly stood, beginning to back away. “Imma just stay outta this one. Maybe I’ll go get Charlie,” he mumbled under his breath.
Adam stared back at Husk blankly. His eyes widened after a moment, “Oh shit. I don’t think I realized that was a possibility. I mean, makes sense but fuck…Wait, is that why you hate me so much?”
“Among other reasons,” Husk narrowed his eyes. He cleaned up Angel’s empty glass and ran a rag over the condensation puddle left on the counter. Husk sighed as he looked back at Adam, “I won’t forgive you, you know. Charlie may believe you can have a change of heart, and maybe you can, maybe you did. But you won’t get my forgiveness. Not after what you’ve done.”
Adam downed what remained of his drink, setting the glass down in front of Husk. He watched as a bead of water ran down the glass, “Yeah, I get it. I wouldn’t either.” After some painful seconds of silence that dragged on he solemnly asked, “Did I kill one of your kids in the past?” 
“You yourself? No. The exorcists, who were under your leadership? Yeah,” Husk answered sharply.
Adam lowered his eyes to the floor, “Shit, my bad…I mean- I’m sorry. How long ago was this?”
“I watched my own daughter get slaughtered in front of me. Will be coming on 10 years this upcoming extermination. I couldn’t do anything but helplessly watch as she cried out for me to help her,” Husk said as he absentmindedly took care of Adam’s glass and wiped the bar again. “And the boss just made me stand there and watch,” he snarled to himself
Adam turned to look at him, “Boss? You mean Freakshow? So all that time you spent holding a grudge at me, for something that guy did?”
“He ain’t the one who causes the exterminations, jackass. Not like back then we knew we could fight them anyway,” Husk replied.
Adam was hesitant for a moment. While it’s true he led the exterminations each year, but they weren’t originally his idea. “What if she’s in Heaven now and just no one knew about it?”
Husk gave him a disapproving, skeptical eyebrow raise. 
Adam shrugged, “Hey, ya never know? Could be? That snake guy is there now, so guess anything’s possible. Who knows, he might not have actually been the first, maybe they’ve just been keeping ‘em secret. Like they might have an entire district restricted to just people from here.”
Husk blinked at him, “…You believe in that now? Whatever happened to that “redemption is nonsense” spiel?”
“Hey man, look. I want to get home just as much as you don’t want me here,” Adam waved his hand up with a smirk. Husk rolled his eyes in response.
Charlie came speed walking into the area, “Okay you two, this needs to stop. You need to get along or so help me.”
“Nothing’s happenin’, Princess,” Husk replied calmly.
“It’s- It’s not? Angel said a fight was about to break out,” Charlie asked confusedly.
Angel shrugged, also confused, “Well it seemed like it was gonna get there.”
“We’re alright. I’ve voiced my complaints, and now it’s over with and off my chest,” Husk said plainly.
Adam glanced between Husk and Charlie, “Uh, yeah. Yeah, we're good.”
Suddenly Adam’s phone began to ring, startling everyone. He pulled his phone from his pocket, “It’s Lute…” 
He looked at the others before raising a finger to excuse himself, stepping away to answer. “Hey what’s up, babe. You miss me already?” He said with a playful tone.
“I can’t find Abel.” She sounded scared. He’d never heard her full on scared before, aside from those last few moments when he was dying. 
“Abel, he was asking so many questions and I didn’t know what to do I-”
“Woah hold on, breathe. Back the fuck up, what about Abel?”
He heard her take a deep breath to steady herself. “Abel started asking about exorcists and asking what got you sent to Hell. One thing led to another and now he knows we’re the ones who kill sinners and attacked the hotel. He ran away and now I can’t find him anywhere.”
Adam gritted his teeth, “Oh. Oh that’ll do it…Shattered his worldview. Welp…Guess we couldn’t keep it from him forever…A-Anyway- Did you check the daycare?”
“Of fucking course I checked the fucking daycare! That was the first fucking place I looked. Emily hasn’t seen him either. I have looked everywhere I can think of -and it’s getting late and I am freaking the fuck out.”
“Hey it’ll be alright, it’s Heaven-”
“Yes, I get it, it’s Heaven he’ll be fine. I know. But where is he? Where could he have fucking gone?!” She said while grinding her teeth. ‘Why is everyone reminding me that?!’
Adam held the phone away from his head as she yelled. “Yeesh, sorry. Um, what about the park? The one that’s like a garden. He always liked nature and stuff, maybe there?”
“Thank you. What if he isn’t there, what then?” Lute’s voice strained.
“Relax, babe. He’ll turn up.”
“How are you being so calm?!”
“It’s not like I can do anything from down here? It’ll be alright, trust me, he’s probably there.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Uh, I’m his dad? That’s how,” Adam said with a snort. He heard her aggravated sigh and spoke softly, “Let me know when you find him though.”
“I will.” Lute’s tone had calmed slightly. 
As the call ended, Adam sat back down at the bar, “Ugh, could ya pour me a shot? Somethin’ strong would be great.”
Husk gave him a raised brow, “Whiskey?”
“Sure, whatever works,” Adam rubbed his forehead. Husk poured him his shot and handed it over.
“What was that about?” Angel asked.
Adam shot back his drink, making a face as he swallowed, “Eeugh- that was fucking gross.” He shook off the taste and turned to answer Angel, “Guess Abel found out about the exterminations and our role in ‘em. He got real upset and ran off. Lute’s out lookin’ for him.”
“He didn’t know??” Both Charlie and Angel gasped.
Adam scratched at his hairline, “Yeahh…That kids too smart for his own good…We had tried to beat around tellin’ him but guess that could only go so far…”
Abel had found his way to the garden in the park. He had been there before during a supervised trip with other kids from the daycare. It had started to get dark and the garden was being illuminated by the lanterns from a walkway. 
He sat at the edge of the pond and started angrily throwing pebbles into the water one at a time. He sniffled and wiped his tears on his shoulder, “Stupid, stupid…”
He heard the rustling of grass behind him. He tucked his knees to his chest making himself appear smaller.
“Hello there…Little boy? Are you alright?” The voice asked nervously. Abel peeked over his shoulder. That wasn’t the voice he had expected to hear. “May I sssit with you?”
Abel gave the man a small nod and turned back to continue tossing pebbles into the water.
“Why are you crying? What’ss wrong?”
“I’m mad. And…sad,” Abel choked out.
“Oh, how come you’re alone?”
“Because. I ran away from home. My parents lied to me about something really important and I don’t think I can trust them anymore…” Abel wiped his running nose, “And now I don’t know what to do.”
Sir Pentious looked down at him sadly, “Oh my. I bet they’re very worried about you.”
“I don’t think so…Who are you anyway?”
“My name’s Sir Pentious, and you are?” He asked with a smile.
“I’m Abel,” he pulled up chunks of grass and threw them into the water, now out of rocks. “How come you’re out here all alone?”
“Oh well, the eldest ssseraphim only permitted me to go out after everyone had gone back to their homes…She doesn’t really want people to sssee me, I guess.”
Abel looked up at him, “Why not? That doesn’t seem very fair.”
Pentious shrugged unknowingly. They sit quietly watching the water ripples in the pond.
Abel buried his face in his knees, “I miss my dad…and I miss mama…But they’re bad. Really bad.”
“Why do you think they’re ssso bad? They’re here in Heaven, are they not?”
Abel shook his head, “Nu-uh, my dad’s down in Hell. He used to be up here, but he’s not anymore. He killed people.”
“Oh. Well, you know. When I was alive, I’m sssure I must have killed a number of people with the great machines I created,” Pentious awkwardly mentioned.
Abel looked at him shocked, “Then, how come you’re in Heaven? Killing people is really bad.”
“I was in Hell until only months ago, then I ssshowed up here.”
Abel looked at him confused, “You were? So how come you’re up here now?” 
Pentious shrugged, “I’m not really sssure, but I believe it may have to do with my time at this lovely hotel I had been ssstaying in.” He began to tear up, “Oh, how I miss the friends I made there.” 
Abel blinked at him a few times, “Wait! Do you mean Miss Charlie’s hotel??” 
“Why yes! How do you know about that?” 
Abel looked away, “That’s where my dad is right now…”
“Oh…” After a pause, Pentious set a hand on his shoulder, “Well then, I’m positive he’ll make it back some day.”
“How can you be sure?”
Pentious smiled at him, “A little sssorry can go a long way. If he can accept his faults and ssstrives to be better, all it takes to ssstart is sssorry.”
Abel looked at his feet tearfully, “Maybe…Maybe I should go home, tell mama I’m sorry for leaving…and for the mean things I said to her…But I’m scared.”
“She’s your mother, I’m sssure she’ll forgive you.”
Abel rested his cheek on his knee, facing Sir Pentious, “Could we maybe stay and hang out just a bit longer? I don’t think I’m ready yet…”
Lute arrived at the park entrance, she scanned over the area tirelessly, “Abel? Abel are you out here?” Her voice was more afraid than angry, though it was present.
She shuffled her way through the park until she came to a clearing.  There at the edge of the pond sat Abel and his newest friend. They were laughing quietly to each other, but Lute couldn’t hear over what. As she stepped closer with her hand over her heavy beating chest, she whispered, “Abel…”
Sir Pentious turned to the sound of her voice, “Oh, hello there.”
Abel turned to look as well, his eyes welling with tears upon seeing Lute. He scrambled to his feet and began running to her, “Mama!” 
He clung himself to her legs tightly, as if someone were trying to pull him away from her. He wailed and sobbed into her repeating, “I’m sorry, mama. I’m sorry.”
Lute looked down at him and rested her hand on his head, at a loss for words, just relieved to have found him. She squinted at Sir Pentious, “Have we met before? You seem vaguely familiar…”
Pentious looked side to side anxiously, “Uh…I don’t believe ssso?”
“Hmm, alright.” She pat Abel’s head lightly, “Okay buddy, say bye to your friend. It is most certainly past your bedtime.”
Abel waved back to him, not letting go of Lute’s leg. “Bye mister Pentious. I hope we can hang out again, maybe when the seraphim stops being so mean to you,” he said softly. Lute gave him a questioning head tilt but brushed it off. Abel took her hand and stared up at her, “Home?”
“Yeah, buddy, home,” she said quietly as they walked out of the park. 
Pentious wiped away the tears forming in the corner of his eyes as he watched the two leave, “Aww, he’s a sssweet kid.”
 Back home, Lute was tucking Abel into bed. She kissed his forehead lightly, but as she pulled away his voice cracked, “Please don’t leave, mama.”
She ran her fingers over his forehead and cheek, “I’m not going to, Abel. I’m here.”
“I’m really sorry for what I said, I didn’t mean it…I was just mad. And sad…S’mad,” he explained with sad eyes as he sat up. “I really do think everyone needs second chances…No matter what they’ve done.”
She gave a knowing nod, “I know, buddy. And I’m sorry for keeping things from you. Me and your dad. I’m sure he’s not feeling great about what happened either. Hey- why don’t we give him a call?”
“Okay! And I can tell him about the new friend I made! He used to be a part of Miss Charlie’s hotel!”
Lute’s expression fell for a second. ‘Oh. Now that makes sense.’ She pulled her phone from her pocket and called Adam’s number and put him on speaker when he answered.
“Hey! You find him yet?”
“Hi dad!”
“Does that answer your question?” Lute chuckled.
“Yeah, hey wait-” Adam hit a button on his phone and turned his camera on, “Hey can ya see me??” He was lying across his bed.
Lute held the phone up, “Yup.” She turned her camera on and handed it to Abel. Abel giggled happily upon seeing his dad through the phone.
“So, I heard you were giving your mama trouble?” Adam poked playfully.
Abel gave a sad pout, “I did…But I told her I was sorry!”
Adam gave him a smile, “That’s a start. I gotta say that too. It wasn’t right to lie to ya, but maybe you can see how it was kinda messy to explain?”
“Yeah…But it’ll be okay. I made a new friend today! He said he had also killed a lot of people, but he’s in Heaven now after staying in Miss Charlie’s hotel, so that means you can too!”
“Oh shit, really? Musta been that snake guy I keep hearing about. That’s cool.”
Lute brought a finger to her lips in thought. ‘Yup, I remember him now. You killed that guy, Adam. Maybe don’t bring that up.’
“Yeah pretty sure I’m the reason he made it up there,” Adam let out a half awkward  laugh.
Lute smashed her hand into her face and frustratingly brushed her hair back, ‘Oh, you fool.’
“Well, at least he’s up here now! He said the seraphim are being kinda mean to him though, not letting him see people…” Abel mentions sadly.
“Ah yeah, that bitch Sera probably. She’s got control issues, and sinners getting redeemed into Heaven isn’t gonna be something she has control over. She’ll get over it. Especially once I’m back. She can’t do shit to stop me, either.”
Abel laughed which then turned into a yawn, “I love you, dad. I’m gonna go to bed now, goodnight.”
“Alright, kiddo get some sleep. Love ya too,” Adam said as Abel passed the phone back to Lute. Lute gave Abel another kiss on the forehead before exiting the room, leaving his door ajar.
Lute propped the phone up against the lamp on her nightstand facing the bed. She changed into a nightgown before laying down facing the phone, “You know, it’s gonna be really strange falling asleep without you here.”
“Pssh, you were doing it before, weren’tcha?”
“Yeah, when you were dead and I didn’t have a choice,” she replied snarkily. 
“You got my hoodie, right? Snuggle with that,”
Lute shifted around and grabbed his hoodie from the other side of the bed, “I do in fact have it. And I was planning to.” She tucked it under her chin and had her arm around it. She took a deep whiff of his hoodie and nuzzled into it. 
Adam watched her blissfully, wishing he could be there, “Wanna stay on until we fall asleep?”
“What, like those couples in long distance relationships?”
“I mean, that is pretty much our situation right now, so…”
Lute peaked at him from behind the fabric of his hoodie, “Sure, we can do that. Makes it feel like you’re right here with me.”
“Yeah,”  he said softly.
Adam watched as her eyes grew heavy and eventually closed. Her breathing slowed and there was the faintest sound of a snore. He looked at her longingly, wishing he could reach out and touch her.
“Somehow I’ll make it home. I promise.”
Thank you for reading 💕 😇
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chiipay ¡ 8 days
Scary dog privilege with Kaiser & Isagi please?
Sorry about the wait. I have a hard time with people around me who keep gaslighting me.┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
KAISER is mad furious right now. He looks like a grumpy puppy and it's scaring the people who are just passing by the bakery shop. You pull your hoodie to hide off your face in there.
KAISER who would just glare at anyone who looks into your way. KAISER who didn't care that you were embarrassed of how he looks like an angry puppy who's going to bite someone.
KAISER who saw the whole situation of you getting stalked by someone earlier- KAISER who doesn't want to worry you that he literally punched your stalker in a fast but quiet motion from behind so you won't notice that you even had a stalker.
KAISER who dragged the stalker unconscious body and left it on some alley as he texted NESS to deal with the stalker instead of him. You on the other hand who had no idea and still just going to the bakery not knowing you got saved by your mischievous partner.
KAISER and you walked out of the bakery shop as you let out a big sigh before facing him-
” what happened? Why are you so grumpy today? Did i do something wrong?”
You look at him worrying if you have done something he didn't like. You are always the kind of partner who apologizes first even if it isn't your fault. KAISER look at you for a sec before pulling your hoodie up and grab the ropes that connects to your hoodie as he pulls it making the space smaller. You barely could see.
” nothing,Schatz. Just...tired.”
” mph-? MHMMHHPPHH!!!”
” are you okay? I'm sorry i wasn't able to come faster-”
” I'm fine- it's just a small slap.”
ISAGI touches your now red cheek. ISAGI who just witnessed KAISER slapped you while everyone is on the field. ISAGI who blurted out a whole paragraph of slurs on KAISER while you tried to drag ISAGI out of the field.
It happened when KAISER slapped you because you did something wrong. You weren't mad though because you admitted it was your fault. It's just ISAGI....
ISAGI who is now blurting every single slur he could create and glaring deadly towards KAISER who gave no damn. You had to drag him out before ISAGI got cancelled because of much slurs he said on CAMERA.
” I'm so sorry- are you sure you're okay? Let me beat the shut out of him- I'm going to curse his whole generation-”
” I'm fine dude- you're gonna get cancelled if you keep slurring at people-”
252 notes ¡ View notes
091400 ¡ 2 months
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PAIRING: han jisung x fem!reader.
CONTAINS: 18+, afab!reader, exhibitionism, voyeurism, perv!jisung, masturbation, inappropriate behavior, ji being a creep in public spaces, starts non-consensual and ends being consensual by both parties.
AUTHORS NOTE: hey! this is a repost of an old work of mine from 2022! i fixed a few mistakes so here it is! let me know what you think :) please read the warnings above this paragraph! you're in charge of your own internet experience <3
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It was almost time for the train to arrive at the station, he checked his phone impatiently, he had some 3Racha business to attend in the big city so he got up from his bed too early for his liking, grumbling his way out of the apartment. He had recently bought some brand new headphones with noise cancellation, so they were perfect for his one hour train ride, hoping the fucking train wasn’t that full that early in the morning.
He was still half asleep when the train arrived, jumped in and took off to go to the second floor of the train. It was empty, thank god, he smiled to himself. It was almost eight stations to his final destination so he relaxed in his selected seat and put some music on.
The train stopped in the first two stations and people got on, Jisung was seated on the window seat, he had one free seat beside him and two in front. People started going up to the second floor and he sighed, goodbye privacy.
You appeared from the stairs, making your way towards the free seats in front of Jisung, making him gulp hard, his hands tightening against the soft fabric of his hoodie.
He thought he had his urges under control, but the way you were sitting with your legs crossed, and your skirt slowly riling up your legs, his sight was glued to your upper thighs.
He felt himself growing hard, and he tried fixing his bulge by slowly moving his legs to make some space but it was not complying at all. He looked at you again but you weren’t paying attention to him, not that he deserved it. You were just looking at your phone, typing at lighting speed, probably texting someone prettier than him and someone who was not staring at your legs and chest right now.
Jisung was deep in thought, thinking how pretty you would look sucking his cock right now, in front of everyone else on the train. You could probably take him all in your mouth (not that he was small, mind you) and make him come fast and hard just as he liked it. Or maybe he could fuck you in front of everyone and make you his, marking every part of your body with his mouth, leaving bite marks and hand imprints on your soft body.
Perhaps he could eat you out on the disgusting train seats, and make you come only with his tongue and fingers, you would scream his name and make everyone look at you two, causing an scene worthy of calling the authorities.
He was leaking, all his thoughts making his brain fuzzy as he felt his thigh getting wet, pulling him away from the best kind of thought he could have in his pathetic life. He subtly looked down at his jeans, the wet spot growing bigger with each second that passed.
He covered the spot with his hand, his gaze back at you again just to see you with your eyes closed and headphones in place. Maybe he could get away with it if you weren’t looking? He quickly scanned his surroundings to see if anyone was sitting near him, but he realized the two seats that were occupied fifteen minutes before in the other side, parallel to his seat row, were now empty.
Jisung breathed deeply, thinking hard about the thing he was about to do, but he couldn’t help himself, he just needed a release soon. It started with his hand slowly rocking on his bulge, looking like he was caressing it, he laughed softly at the thought of that. He felt like a teenager again, rocking his hips up to meet his palm and add more pressure.
He shakily sighed, his hand on top of his jeans not being good enough. Maybe if he could slide them off a little bit, and if you could spread your legs a little more for him, that would be great.
If God was hearing his thoughts, Jisung was grateful as fuck because you uncrossed your legs opening them a little, your white panties making their appearance for him. Your face looked relaxed, your eyes were still closed and your head leaning against the window.
Jisung’s face went red, not doubting this chance, his hand instantly rubbing his bulge on top of the jeans harder.
Quickly, he opened the zip of his pants, as he did his best to slide his boxers a little downwards to free his erection and maintain the jeans in the same place. At this point he couldn’t care less if someone was watching him jerk off to your figure sleeping, but he tried still to be careful, sitting in a way his thigh was covering his cock, so he was hidden between his leg and the window.
He started slow, spitting in his hand silently and grabbing his now very hard cock. He tried his best to not make any kind of sound, slowly jerking himself off, his eyes traveling from your chest to your panties, imagining what he could do to you if you allowed him to touch you.
What he didn’t expect was your eyes opening, looking directly at his cock.
Jisung also didn’t expect your devilish smirk.
He stopped abruptly, his brain hadn’t processed he fact that he got caught with his dick in his hand when you opened your legs further, his eyes instantly going to the wet spot in your panties.
Was Jisung having an hallucination?
“Go on.” Your voice was soft, and he was not stopping now.
You quickly observed your surroundings, Jisung’s eyes wide open while you did it. When you were sure no one was watching you both, you lifted your hips slightly and took your panties off, your underwear in your hand.
Jisung was completely speechless, he couldn’t believe this was happening to him after being the creepiest guy ever, his luck in life ended here. Your smile caught him off guard, because you threw your panties towards him and they fell on top of Jisung’s hand, that was still wrapped around his cock.
“You can use them if you want.” He straight up whimpered at that.
He didn’t waste any time and wrapped the fabric around his cock, and the combination of his leaking cock and some of your fluids made him shiver, jerking off with them.
He was close, you knew that by the way he whimpered with each movement of his hand, getting erratic at the point of making you laugh softly at him.
Jisung’s eyes were rolling back at this point, he only wanted one more thing, but he was afraid to ask you. He kept touching himself with your panties now wet from his leaking cock. But he made sure to look at your eyes, that weren’t looking back at him.
You were staring at his cock.
He felt himself blush at this, how embarrassing of him, getting caught with his dick in hand (hm?) and you encouraging this behavior giving him your underwear. How could you do this to him? Maybe you were a mind reader because the next thing Jisung noticed was your legs spreading further, showing your cunt in all its glory.
Jisung came in your panties at the sight of your pussy with a low moan, spurts of cum ruining the fabric of your underwear. He felt like he was ascending through heaven and being dropped back to earth with a thud as you spoke to him.
“You can keep them, I’ll be going now,” You hummed, grabbing your belongings and fixing your skirt as you gave him one last look, “Lucky for you that you’re cute, don’t you ever do this again.”
091400 Š do not copy / plagiarize / repost or translate my work on any other platforms.
233 notes ¡ View notes
chaithetics ¡ 7 days
Sticky Notes and Explorations
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Pairing: Nathan Bateman x fem (afab) reader (reader has vaginismus) Word count: 4.8K Dividers by @saradika-graphics Warning: 18+ MDNI, smut, Nathan being Nathan-ish lol? Reader has vaginismus some paragraphs about that and mentions of dilators and pelvic physio. There are no other physical descriptions of reader other than afab body parts. Run on sentences, sorry! A/N: This is my first time writing Nathan so bear with me and be kind please, he's making me unwell 😭 brain fog is still bad post-surgery so if it's extra bad I'm sorry! Most of this wasn't proof read... Sorry! Really started to hate it after 2K words and almost deleted it whoops. Thank you to @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction for letting me talk about the Nathan thoughts Comments and reblogs are appreciated and encouraged 🫶 Please validate me.
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Nathan’s brow furrowed and his face shifted into a scowl as he noticed a pale orange sticky note on an empty section of the wall, it was excluded from his mural of notes. It caught his attention,
disgustingly so, just as you knew it would. Physio, back in the afternoon :) was scrawled out in bright pink ink in your handwriting, it was a nauseating combination, he already felt a headache coming on and it had nothing to do with the beer he’d drunk last night. He’d still start another detox today, may as well he thought. 
It perplexed him why you’d gone in the first place and not because he didn’t take your health seriously, he did of course, just in his own unique Nathan way. It was more that Nathan just couldn’t understand why you’d want to leave the compound, he could have any medical practitioner, the best of the best, flown out to his estate to treat you. No waiting rooms with randos or sick people, wait times, bad radio music and ads to uncomfortably sit through. He could have any practitioner flown out and starting treatment or an examination at the snap of his fingers. 
You’d told Nathan several times now that despite how much he loved staying in the isolated compound, it was nice to leave sometimes and well… see people. It wasn’t something he could see the appeal in and it would be another conversation you’d have when you come back. 
Nathan wouldn’t say it but he also felt moodier as you’d elusively left bed without him knowing and he didn’t get a kiss. Well, he did, technically. After seeing your note he sat at his desk and watched the security footage, you’d kissed his forehead before he left which sure, might’ve been a sweet thought but he didn’t count it as you hadn’t woken him up, a real goodbye would’ve been thoughtful he mutters to himself. But you both know, he would’ve grumbled into the pillow if you’d woken him up but he still liked those moments, Nathan was just a brat who liked to act moody no matter what. 
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It’s sprawling acres of luscious greenery below on the helicopter flight back, it always is but it still never ceases to amaze you when you see it. Nathan’s estate was large, the compound was isolated into its own bubble which was annoying at times you couldn’t fault him for choosing somewhere so rich in greens and tall trees to hide away in. 
It’s quiet when you finally go inside, minus the usual programmed notes that fill the air. The glass maze of the compound is filled with natural light, it makes the space feel warmer. When you could imagine it would easily feel unwelcoming and cold to anyone else who could walk these floors. 
Nathan tilts his head as he rounds a corner to stand in front of you as you walk in. 
“How did you sleep?” You take your shoes off as you ask. 
“Fine enough.” He then pinches the bridge of her nose. “You didn’t wake me.” 
It’s a statement but it almost feels like a question, you look away from your shoes to look at him and see his big brown eyes that make you smile and almost a pout on his lips. You offer him a small smile and nod as you walk more into the scientific home. 
 “You know, I can get someone to come here and do the appointments right?” 
“Yes, I know.” You smile softly and let out a small sigh, it’s a conversation you have each week, his lack of awareness is borderline amusing. “But I like her, she’s great.” 
“I don’t know if you realise this…” He tilts his head and waves his hands sarcastically as if he’s going to reveal something life changing. “But I can pay her to come out here, there’s a functioning helicopter, you’re familiar with it.” 
“I don’t know if you realise this,” you chuckle at the bluntness of his words and try to speak with the exact same sarcastic tone as his. “But sometimes, it can be nice to leave the compound…” You bite your lip playfully as you take your coat off. 
“Well, now I know you’re sick, really sick and obviously misdiagnosed. You’re seeing the wrong experts.” There’s a tone of slight disgust in his voice, he speaks as if the idea of leaving his scientific oasis shrouded by greenery and water is the most insane and upsetting thing he’s ever heard. You roll your eyes and sit down on the sofa, putting your bag down. 
“What is that?” He points his finger and waves it as he looks at the box peeking out of your bag.  
“They’re uh, dilators.” You say as you look up at him while he stands by you. 
“Why did you buy them? I could’ve made them, let me look.” 
“Not you or anyone in your team is a pelvic physiotherapist or gynaecologist.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, but they also don’t know your vagina like I do.” Nathan rolls his eyes and scoffs, he almost seems insulted, which shouldn’t surprise you but it does.
A dry chuckle escapes you at his words, they’re so crude and blunt. Your eyebrows raise as you look up at him, comfortably sinking more into the soft sofa as his large hands pick up your bag and pull out the box with the dilators in them. 
It was your third time having one of those appointments, but it was something you’d struggled with for many years. You didn’t even realise it was a ‘problem’ for so long. It was somewhat normalised to not even look at a tampon for a few years after your first period, so it wasn’t really something you immediately discovered. Your periods weren’t fun but who had fun periods, right? Only people in pad commercials. 
It took a few years, you were happy to ignore tampons during the first few menstruating years. But after that you opened that first box of tampons, studying the instructions and small educational illustrations on the folded up paper, you’d had no luck. It made you feel weird and gave you a sense of shame you couldn’t speak about so you didn’t. You spent years quietly using pads and almost feeling like you were missing out on something. 
In college, a period had come early and you asked your roommate if she had anything on her, she’d casually given you a tampon and you felt your abdomen become uncomfortable and your pelvic floor apprehensively tighten. You’d moved into that awkward position over the toilet that was supposed to relax you and make it easier but not to your surprise, you’d had no luck. It hurt and felt awful, your body had tensed up more and the more deep breaths you took, the more you seemed to clamp up. 
It wasn’t an issue with the tampon, something you’d tried to tell yourself for years. You felt ashamed and embarrassed in this, the first thought that entered your head was no, it’s something wrong with you. One that persisted for longer than you’d like to admit. 
“This silicone isn’t good enough,” Nathan’s words bring you back to the present and your eyebrows twitch at his words, his eyes are squinted as he reads the box and holds a dilator in his hand, of course he went for the biggest one. 
“But it’s the one with the physio recommended, it was the ‘higher-end’ option-” You say feeling confused and almost frustrated at what was either Nathan being Nathan or another failure of women’s healthcare. 
“Yeah, but your vagina deserves better than silicone that you buy from a doctor’s office-” 
“Physio-” “You just proved my point even more.” His voice drips with arrogance and you sigh leaning into the sofa even more, it might just swallow you in a minute which wouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience. 
“You’re so romantic,” you tease and he nods. “Yeah, yeah I am.” He sits down on the sofa next to you, 
It all kind of surprises you honestly, it still does but he really surprised you at the start. Dating has always made you extremely anxious because vaginismus threw a big spanner in the works. When you were diagnosed after years of silent struggling and worrying, it wasn’t quite the relief you’d imagine a diagnosis would be. It made dating feel more stressful, that something needed to be disclosed and there wasn’t a large time window of appropriate timing. 
Even as an adult, it still felt like something that was difficult to talk about and with each date it had been a scary thing as it felt like it would be a dealbreaker for most people. You had assumed Nathan Bateman would be in that boat, the first impression he left definitely wasn’t a “That’s cool, we’ll take it slow!” vibe. He’d surprised you though, the stigma you’d felt about it for as long as you started to think of it was a problem just didn’t exist with him. 
When you didn’t believe his surprising response he’d reassured you it was an opportunity to explore other things if you wanted and he’d said he could look at a list of options for healthcare you’d never even heard of. Surprisingly there wasn’t any pressure, but you’d eventually made the choice to start with pelvic physiotherapy. That was still scary but it seemed like a good practical first step. A much better and realer step than taking deep breaths or drinking wine like you’d been told by some doctors before. 
Nathan tilts his head, you pinch his nose as you watch his face, like clockwork his nose screws up, scrunching his face. 
“That’s not as cute as you think it is.” He says tilting his head away. 
“I’m serious, I’m honestly surprised you haven’t stabbed me in the back thinking you’d get away with it because of your cute privilege.” He teases you, feigning complete seriousness. 
You chuckle and shake your head slightly. Nathan moves closer to press a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“I’m going to do some work, don’t conspire against me. I’m not in the mood for AI or Caesar and Brutus role playing today, it’s not what my hardware’s going for today.” He says as he gets up, he gives your hand a slight squeeze, he rubs his forehead and leaves the room, casually exiting with “I’ll be good, I promise.” 
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It’s later in the afternoon now, some sunlight is trickling through the gaps in the leaves and branches of the trees outside and it comes through with the open nature of the compound’s design. You’re sitting down listening to an audiobook with your headphones on tapping away at your keyboard as your eyes focus on the screen in front of you, missing Nathan’s entrance. 
He walks in, tapping your shoulder behind you, it startles you and you jump on the couch. You whip your head around to look over your shoulder and give him a glare before taking a deep breath and trying to lower your heart rate. 
The headphones are quickly pulled off of you and he places them down on the coffee table as he makes his way around the sofa to then stand in front of you. He’s holding something in his hand, it’s almost a pale blue, you have no idea what it is. 
“Ready for something cool?” He asks softly with a small smile. “Mmm?” You hum out, looking up at him as you close your laptop screen. 
“This,” he holds the blue thing in his hands in front of you, it has some loose straps at the bottom and it looks to have different ridges and textures on it. “What is it?” 
“Well the perverts call it a grinder, honey,” he says softly but his eyes are burning smugly as he starts to quirk his mouth up into a shit eating grin. 
You feel your eyes widen as you look up from the grinder to Nathan and your cheeks start to heat up. “You’re a pervert…” 
“Tomato, Tomato.” He shrugs. “But sure. I was thinking and looking over some stuff-”
“Yeah, but no matter what you say I still feel like you get your information from medical papers AND Reddit.” You interrupt. 
“Don’t put me down like that, especially when you’re interrupting me.” He pouts mockingly. “But look at it, no penetration, isn’t that fucking perfect?” 
You look at it and feel your cheeks heat up the longer you do. 
“When they say ‘he loved her to the point of invention’, I don’t think this is what they mean…” You shy;y whisper as you look at it, intentionally not meeting his eyes. It’s an odd shape and has different textures and ridges all over it. 
“I like that, that’s very… well, poetic.” He says almost thoughtfully as his beautiful brown eyes focus on you.  
“I didn’t say-” “I know it’s a quote from elsewhere.” He cuts you off smugly and sighs dramatically. He’s still proud of his intelligence and capabilities. He’s a god amongst men after all. 
“Let’s give it a go my little test bunny,” he tilts his head and teases. “That’s not funny.” You say as you finally look up at him and meet his eyes, they quickly become a little bit kinder and less smug. 
Nathan chuckles and sits down, he starts to tug at and adjust his sweatpants as he sits down. He carefully straps the grinder onto his thigh and then turns his attention to you. He smirks and raises his dark eyebrows. 
“Come on, saddle up cowgirl, your uh sexual chariot awaits.” He says smugly and pats his thigh. 
“What?” Your cheeks burn up even more at his words, if someone touched them now they’d think you have a fever. You physically feel your eyes widen in both shock and a feeling of embarrassment at his words. 
You’d grinded on him before, his strong thighs sure. It was something Nathan had no problem with, he loved it when you’d use his body like that for your pleasure. It was something he didn’t just love but also encouraged. It had also always been something much more comfortable and less painful than penetration. 
“It vibrates and we’ve had several conversations about vibrations helping to desensitise and I read-” 
“Did you read it on reddit?” You ask. 
“Don’t deflect.” He sighs and shakes his head. “Only I’m allowed that tactic here.” 
Nathan puts his thumb and index finger on your chin and tilts your face so you’re looking into his pretty puppy dog eyes. He can be annoying at times but they turn you into mush. “We don’t have to.” He whispers and rubs your chin gently. “And if we do… We can go as slow as you want, we can stop whenever you want, stop if it ever gets close to almost hurting or feeling uncomfortable. You’ll uh dictate, call the shots like a sexy little compound dictator.”
“You were saying something so unusually sweet and then that happened.” You chuckle softly. He still has his fingers on your chin, he tilts your head more and then brings his face closer and kisses you. 
Nathan’s lips are soft and pillowy, they perfectly meld against yours in a soft kiss that he slowly deepens. You place your hands on his shoulders as his tongue gently presses into your mouth, heat courses through his body as you open your mouth for him and he feels your tongue. 
His hand moves to the back of your neck, it’s warm and firm. He moans into your mouth and your cheeks heat up, you smile against his lips as you two continue to kiss. You feel Nathan's hands move to the waist of your dress, his fingers run over the soft fabric before they travel further down. 
You groan against his lips and breath in shakily as his fingers reach the hem of the fabric and his hands start to slowly push the material up to around your waist. Nathan gently manoeuvres you to straddle his thigh. 
“I want you to feel good…” He whispers in a low tone, he opens his eyes and blinks slowly, he looks at you and you feel butterflies squirm in your stomach at the look of his chocolate eyes half-lidded from pleasure and need. 
He slips a hand down between your legs and runs his thumb over your vulva, he watches your face before lightly running it through your folds. You let out a soft moan at that and then a louder one as his digit explores more of you externally. He’s watching your face and body as his fingers feel you become wet, you can’t help but let out a string of more moans as his fingers continue to light you up perfectly. Nathan’s in complete awe of how good you look and watching each microexpression to make sure it’s all pleasure and not a single look of pain. 
Blinking slowly, you nod as you rub your hands gently over his shoulders for a moment and nod, you let him fully manoeuvre you onto his thick thigh as he presses the skirt of the dress up more and lowers you down onto the grinder. 
Your brow furrows a little and your cheeks heat up as you can feel the ridges against your folds, you place your hands on his shoulder and chest to help support yourself against him as you lean to the left a little and start to rub slowly. 
A small gasp escapes as you feel pleasure start to build, it doesn’t hurt with it just being external but there’s something about the slight incline designed there and the ridges that made that feel so good. More good than you would’ve thought. 
“How’s that?” He whispers, watching in awe as you start to slowly move.
You gasp and nod, letting out a small moan. “Mm, yeah… It doesn’t-it doesn’t hurt…” 
“Good…” he nods and moans, he leans back on the sofa slightly and looks up at you as you keep moving slowly, getting used to the new toy and how it makes your whole body feel. 
Nathan places one of his large hands onto your hips, he feels your skin and caresses it softly, letting his hand trail down to your hip where he rubs small circles onto you. You can feel your cheeks heating up at this, it’s a different feeling and new. 
“Do you want to try the vibrator now?” He whispers. 
You bite your lip and nod. “Yes… Yes, I really do Nathan…” You whisper breathlessly, feeling your body flutter in anticipation. Your head falls back and you let out a moan as you feel the vibrations start to buzz against your clitoris and folds. It’s not too much pressure, it’s a great level to start at and you’re appreciative of that because it feels amazing, you can feel yourself becoming wetter and the ball of release waiting to unwind now. 
You rock your hips slowly as it buzzes through, you’re testing the waters and lightly scratching his head as you do so. You take a shaky breath as you feel the different textures, the slight raises, ridges and as the vibrations travel through your body and hit your core. 
Nathan lets out a groan at the feeling of your nails against his scalp and closes his eyes. His hands rub your hips gently, guiding you and you press your head against his shoulder, starting to moan slightly as the sensitive nerves come to life with the heat of pleasure. Your forehead burrows into him more as you feel Nathan adjust it to slightly increase the intensity of the vibrations, you let out a whine at the feeling. It tingles deliciously and you bite your lip. 
He’s watching your expressions, making sure it never gets too much. He’s done this for your enjoyment, he wants you to feel good and for this not to put too much pressure or stress on you and possibly cause a pelvic floor flare up. 
Nathan feels your hot breath tickle against his shoulder as you moan and muffle, the feeling of that, of knowing that he’s responsible for this, for giving you this kind of pleasure and getting to bask in it makes his cock throb as he watches you and listens to your musical moans. 
He puts his hand to your cheek and tilts your head away from his shoulder, he loves feeling your moans as well as hearing them but now he needs to feel your lips. He tilts your head closer to meet his mouth and your lips collide in a messy, frenzy kiss. 
Both of you are consumed with pleasure and passion and it shows in the meeting of your lips, your tongues delve into each other's mouths in a frenzied dance. You moan against his mouth as you keep moving against the grinder and it feels so good, you’ve never felt anything like it before and the combination of that with Nathan’s lips is the hottest thing ever. 
He keeps deepening the kiss, Nathan is head over heels and seeks contact however he can get it, he loves having you like this and feeling your tongue against his, your breath mixing into you both panting as one in each other’s embrace. 
It’s the stuff of dreams. His dreams. His wet dreams. 
You both continue to kiss and then Nathan pulls away slightly. “How does it feel, baby?” He whispers and you feel the breath of his words tickle your kiss swollen lips. 
“Good… So good, Nate…” You whisper between moans as you keep rocking your hips. 
“Does it hurt?” He asks in a low gravelly voice as he blinks slowly while watching you, you shake your head in response. 
“Not at all.” 
Nathan nods. “Good.” 
Nathan keeps one hand on your hip as the other hand then reaches down to free himself. He looks up at you with his big brown eyes and grips his length. It’s already aching, it never takes long for him to get worked up. Nathan gives himself a slow pump, you feel a shiver in your spine as your body tingles in anticipation and you watch with bated breath as he does. 
It’s a soft command that you follow, you blink slowly and tilt your head down just over his tip and spit down onto the head of his angry cock. It twitches as you do, he lets out a loud moan, feeling incredibly turned on at both the sight and feeling of that. 
His eyes closed for a moment, his thick, dark lashes fanning against his cheeks as he tilted his head and his groans, squeezing his now lubricated cock with his hand. He starts to pump himself now and you let out a moan watching, you can’t tear your eyes away and it’s an erotic feast for your eyes as you keep grinding against the toy, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to your peak. 
Those charming, big brown eyes open again, they’re half-lidded as he looks at you, watching you. His breathing is slow and heavy as he keeps pumping himself, the sounds coming from you both are filthy and heavy in the air. 
You reach a hand down to lightly tug at his tip just as he likes, Nathan lets out a loud moan at that, bucking his hips a little for more friction with your gentle, soft hands. You moan and bite your lip at his response, you start to pump him as well and he moans watching you, his hand moving to his base and heavy balls as he keeps watching the pretty sight on his lap. 
It doesn’t take long at all for him to get there, his length is throbbing and on the verge of being perfectly milked by your hands and he’s loving the feeling of you on him. On his dick with your hands, on his leg, rubbing yourself to climax. He knows you’re getting close and that’s making him close. 
After a couple of minutes of pumping him, he can’t hold back anymore. He needs release and his cock is already leaking pre come, lubricating him even more by coating all over his length with your spit. He thrusts his hips up and whines out loudly, Nathan pants and cries. “Fuck… baby… Fuck…” He whines as he comes all over your hand and his toned stomach. 
He pants heavily, his face looking flustered and he looks up at you with heavy eyes and you smile, feeling your cheeks burning up. It’s all so hot and his release has just turned you on even more. You know you’re on the verge too and you’re glad because there’s not really any pain so far. 
“I think I’m getting…” You pant out. 
“Close? Not too much?” He asks softly as he has one hand on himself and the other on your hip, gently helping you rock yourself on top of him. 
“Mm, close. It’s good.” You moan and rock your hips more, trying to get a bit more of the ridges near the top to rub against your clitoris, you know that’s what will push you over the edge with these vibrations. 
You keep rocking as the vibrations make you sing with moans and you squeeze his shoulders and look at him with wide eyes before shutting them tightly in pleasure. 
You shake slightly in his lap as your release builds up to the peak and the waves of pleasure crash over you and your body feels hot as you come and release. You cry out and moan as you orgasm on the grinder and his thigh. He stops the vibrations knowing that overstimulation and post-orgasm can make vaginismus hurt more and flare up. You’re still gripping onto his shoulders and you pant, trying to recover your breath. 
He caresses your cheek as you both pant and he presses a gentle kiss to your lips and rubs your back. “Feeling okay? You did so good, you really did baby.” 
You nod and rest your head against his chest as you feel his heart hammer away like a loud drum, you’re not sure who has the higher heart rate as you move off of the grinder and cuddle him. 
It had been a week since the first grinder experiment on the couch, it was later in the evening. You were just getting into bed, having come from a nice long bath to try and help relax your pelvic floor and soothe some of the discomfort you’d had that day. 
“There.” Nathan throws something onto the bed. 
“Hmm? What is it?” You look over at him, not paying much attention to the objects. 
“It’s the better dilators.” He says matter of factly in the most casual way possible. 
You raise your eyebrows, trying to suppress a chuckle but it comes out within seconds. You look at them curiously with a smile. 
“This is more of what I was expecting for your gynaecological experiments than a grinder, but knowing you, I should’ve expected the grinder first.” You say and pick up one of the new dilators. 
“I think they have to go through some kind of review process technically?” You ask looking over at him. 
“You didn’t have that concern for the grinder.” He responds smugly with a devilish grin and you feel your cheeks heat up. “But don’t worry, that’s why it took so long, all those stupid doctors with ill-judged priorities. I had a physio in New York, Stockholm, and three gynaecologists approved it. Good enough for you?” He tilts his chin down and raises his eyebrows. 
“Four would’ve been ideal, but I’ll take it.” You say with a chuckle but still sigh dramatically as you look at the dilators which just makes him shake his head and sit down on the bed. They’re lighter, the material does feel a bit nicer but there wasn’t really anything wrong with the material of the first ones you’d brought. You do notice that they’re a bit smaller which makes you smile, even the smallest in the other pack still felt quite big and had given you anxiety. This feels more reassuring, something you know would’ve been why Nathan made this design choice. 
“The sizes?” You whisper. 
“Yeah, I thought smaller would be more manageable and easier for easing in.” He says casually and then explains the design and material choices as you nod along, touched by the unique gesture. 
“That’s kind of sweet, thank you, you weirdo.” You smile and kiss his cheek. Nathan unusually so, doesn’t say anything but he smiles enjoying the feeling of your soft lips against his. He wouldn’t freely admit it to anyone but it makes it all worth it to him. 
56 notes ¡ View notes
coleszzzworld ¡ 3 months
Baby daddy Eijiro Kirishima (red riot) x fem reader (she/her pronouns.)
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TRIGGER WARNING,~ ✰cussing , like one paragraph of nsfw , kinda of yandere ish?… kiri is a kinda of a douche in this~ ✰POSITIVELY DO NOT READ IF EASILY TRIGGERED. ✰~Enjoy the fall. ✰~🐇♦️🖤
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- ✰“Please…. I don’t wanna be alone…”✰-
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✰-Baby daddy! Kirishima who loves you and your twin boys very much! , he would die for you and his boys , he would burn the whole world down for you and the boys if you guys asked him , he would even stop being a hero , if you and the twins asked!.
✰-Baby daddy! Kirishima was so sad when you broke things off with him , “it’s not working.” You said to him , he’d question him self … what’s not working?! , you broke things off before the twins were born , you thought shared custody was good enough… nope … kiri didn’t move out . He claims it’s good to have a “man” in the house , to raise the boys …. To do all the hard work ……to provide for you.
✰-Baby daddy! Kirishima who will never let you go…no matter what… he’ll never let you go. It’s suffocating. You feel like you can’t breathe…. You guys aren’t married… when you got pregnant, it was after U.A , now you both are in you’re twenty’s … you want to explore your options… have hook ups … just live your life ! … he always says “till death do us apart.” It’s funny cause you guys aren’t married…the only way he’ll let go …. Is if you died . Or he dies …
✰-Baby daddy! Kirishma who buys you the house in the suburbs, with a huge pool in the backyard, and a huge porch, he’ll give you whatever you want , you want those 900$ heels ? … Done! He bought them for you ! , you want a new car? , he’s on his way to the dealership… and don’t get me started on the twins , he’ll buy them whatever they desire! , they want that new basketball hoop? , he’ll do it better!… he’ll get them they’re own basketball court ! … they want that signed jersey from leborn James?… he’ll buy it no matter what the price ! … they want the newest shoes ? , consider it done !! , they now have a whole closet dedicated to they’re new shoes and signed jerseys!.
✰-Baby daddy! Kirishima, who puts the twins in sports , they do basketball, baseball , soccer, football! , he wants them to be “achiever’s“ just like him ! , you tell him they’re to young , I mean they’re only six years old , when he put them in all these sports , but the boys don’t seem to mind ! , they definitely have a favorite sport , it’s basketball, they don’t mind the other activities, but they like basketball the most . Sometimes , bakugo’s daughter comes over to the house and plays basketball with the boys ! .
✰-Baby daddy! Kirishma , who doesn’t like when you go on dates , he’ll invite himself, im not kidding, he full on invites himself , so here you are on a date with a guy you met on tinder , and your baby daddy , kiri staring at the man , cold stone face … the look on his face looked like he wanted to hop over the table and strangle the dude … so you stopped going on dates with people. That and it was embarrassing… how do you explain to someone that your baby daddy is insane and has no sense for boundaries.
✰-Baby daddy! Kirishma who holds your hand , and kisses your check , at your son’s basketball games , he wants to let the whole world know you two are still together… so when the paparazzi rudely interrupts your boys game , he’ll smile and hold your hand as the cameras click … flashing lights every second…. You feel nauseous… you two aren’t together… ‘click.’ …. This isn’t real… ‘click.’ ….. you’ll try to pull away from his hand . He won’t let go. He keeps a tight grip on your hand…’click.’ ….’click.’ …..’click.’ You space out … you just mindlessly smile … then he pulls your face near his …. Kissing your cheek …. ‘Click.’ ‘Click.’‘Click.’‘Click.’‘Click.’…… you can feel your mind go numb. The next day you see , the newspaper in the grocery… the header reading , “worlds best couple!!!!, Y/n L/n & Eijiro Kirishima!” You roll your eyes .
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✰-Baby daddy! Kirishima , who fucks you till you’re crying… he’ll have you in the bed , face down ass up … as he slams into you . Smacking your ass every thrust … you can’t help but moan . “F-fuck you like that baby?…” he stutters out… “fuck You feel so good.” He says as his hips stutter too. You know he’s close .
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A/N - ( sorry yall I was going to add more smut but writers block hit me , then my adhd started to act up lol , but I’ll write a part two to this . And it’ll be smut!!!)
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slutshamethesquirrels ¡ 10 days
I feel deranged reading infatuation
it’s so good it makes me wanna make a YouTuber video essay explaining all the nuances in there which feel so true and authentic to the experience of being ACTUALLY fat. and liking a dude who ISNT.
that part where you wrote that “the girl in your daydreams had lost the weight” is soul crushing. the MC knowing that she only fits in better with boys because she feels like she CANT fit in with girls while she looks the way she does. I’m a 22 year old and I’ve probably had more male BEST friends than I’ve had female friends. yeah i also ended up crushing on most of them because they could be so kind as to look past the unfortunate flaw of the way that i look! (even tho it’s just seriously disordered brain talk there) like word for word bar for bar oh my god I’m looking in a mirror—please someone cover it up before I get upset!!!!!!
I feel like a smaller bodied person would read this and think “wow is this rlly what it’s like being fat” and well yes! I do think about my size, and how much space I’m taking up even in normal scenarios in which it is uncalled for!
it’s a weird feeling i have reading fanfiction and knowing it’s pure, unbridled fantasy; there is a ZERO percent chance jjk boys would ever even glance in my direction in a romantic way but I’m delusional and Suguru geto is hot so i read it anyway but mannnn I read your lovely fic and was pleasantly thrown off by how for once i was visualizing the real fat me in place of the MC and not the me who is skinny and perfect.
it’s beautiful. it’s perfect. i love it, 10/10 stars i would pay you to write more.
especially abt something similar but with Gojo who is well aware of how perfect he really is whewww i just know that shit will hurt so good to read 😫
i definitely wrote from experience here bc i have always been fat and my past like,,, idk 4 flings have been average weight guys so im accumulating all my experiences into this lil fic and im so glad you love it!!
i definitely though am writing this from a less secure place than i am now so just in case im gonna let you in on a little secret:
men do like you. no, they do. its just like like we come up in this environment of asshole kids and even assholier adults who condition us to believe a certain way about ourselves that we feel like they don't but trust me,,, they DO. I date hot men irl but its literally because i woke up one day and decided i was gonna start telling myself i AM hot and i dont have to settle.
i felt s t u p i d at first but i literally had to like mentally beat myself into wearing what i wanted and not having a complex about it. now all i own are crop tops and cute outfits. i get hit on a ton in public. i didn't lose a single solitary pound.
you literally just have to make yourself break out of that mold and its so hard but let me tell you i LOVE you and im so happy you're here 💕
writing this one for the girlies like me has been so therapeutic and more is on the way!! i got some paragraphs in today so!! stay tuned!!
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cattysharkkz ¡ 2 years
edit 11/10/22: Jesus christ you guys really are ruthless huh. Some of you really need to realize the difference between malicious intent and people explaining their reasonings for their beliefs.
Also, the reason we tagged this as "endogenic" is because it's about the topic of endogenics, and if you actually read the post you would know that we wanted to learn more about why endogenics are a valid and very real thing. Not once did we say it was a safe space.
And yes, we realize that some of the things we said were wrong, and we apologize. Again, we have no bad intentions, we just want to help people. We will no longer be responding to anything from this post or anything related to it since not only has it gotten old, but it has created a lot of stress for us too. -Susie
realizing that we're "anti-endo" just because we want to protect people.
this is a very serious disorder that impacts so many people. we no not want people to have this disorder because it stems from abuse and trauma before you even understand who you are or even consider thinking about who you are.
it's okay to not remember the trauma because well, its trauma. and this disorder is designed to make you forget stuff like that. we were lucky enough to remember why this all happened, what caused it, etc. so yes, its okay to not remember what happened.
what's not okay, however, is spreading the idea of "endogenic systems". why? well a few reasons.
lets say someone "identifies" as an endogenic system. what if they don't have a dissociative disorder, but something similar, like psychosis. they think that their delusional attachments are alters, making them believe that they are those people/characters. this becomes a problem, because this can make their condition worse.
now what if they don't have a dissociative disorder or anything of the like? this becomes a huge problem. they start having identity issues, they have no idea who they are, who they will be, who they ever will be, and causing a downward spiral until they just can't take it anymore or get some sort of professional help.
now lets say they do have a dissociative disorder. they don't remember their trauma or even deny that they do. first off, read the 3rd paragraph again. this disability is literally designed to make you forget. but then they start spreading the idea of systems "without trauma" exist, and thus make others hurt themselves in the process (like the last two paragraphs) while meaning well. mot only does this only repeats the process, but now they cannot face their traumas, get professional help, and potentially break down communication and amnesiac barriers and heal as a whole.
this is why so many systems and people are so against the idea of endogenic systems. we do not wish hate or war. we only want to help and protect those that need it.
but if anyone has any information on reasons why endo systems DO exist and DO help people from a RELIABLE SOURCE OF INFORMATION, please send it to me, and i will read it. this will be the only time i will allow my DNI to be broken. /srs
edit: and please, keep a civil and open-minded discussion. we are doing are best to be that way, so we expect you to act the same.
also, the reason we get so defensive over things like this is because we are trauma survivors. unfortunately a lot of people don't act the way they should because we are tired of people getting misconceptions and misinformation baded on something we suffer through daily. being mentally unstable just does that.
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roleplayfinder ¡ 1 year
Space adventures: 3.O
Hello ladies, gents and fellow rpers. After having to take an unexpected but necessary break from the wonderful world of rping I’m ready to dive back into the waters of writing and make some amazing new stories with some new partners. I’ve been in the writing game for over ten years at this point and consider myself to be fairly experienced when it comes to rping. That being said, I do not require you to have decades of writing experience in order to rp with me. In fact all I ask for anyone thinking of reaching out to me is that:
-You write in third person past tense and have decent spelling and grammar. I’m not going to be put off by the occasional bout of typonese, but I’m definitely going to be put off by writing that I cannot read at all or by noticeable mistakes that are left uncorrected.
-You are capable of writing at least three well fleshed out paragraphs per response (this might change depending on what is going on in the rp at the time) with at least seven or more lines. One liners are a very strict no go for me.
-You can respond at least once or more per day. I do not mind what time during the day that response happens as life comes before rp and I do not want you skipping over important things just to get it done.
-You are 18+. I’m in my twenties and not comfortable rping with minors as my role plays contain NSFW themes and other mature content. Your characters are also required to be 18+ as well.
-You are comfortable with rping against (but not necessarily as) alien characters that aren’t technically just humans from other planets.
-You are capable of bringing ideas to the table, love to world build, adore talking about our characters and aren’t afraid to throw in a plot twist every now and then.
-You will let me know if you have any problems with the rp and work through them with me as well as let me know if you need to take a break or might be busy. I will make sure to do the same.
-You are looking for a long term rp. I want this to be something that spans for months, maybe even years. Not just a couple days or weeks.
-You are comfortable with both MxM and FxM romances. I have no preference as to which one we do.
-You have discord.
I also ask for you to please not godmod, control my characters or spam me with hey/are you there/when are you going to reply/etc.
-You are looking for a fast paced/rapid fire/one liner/short term rp. These types of rp’s just do not hold my interest.
-You are not comfortable with rping with non-humanoid looking aliens. That means anything that may have/has fur, scales, fangs, claws, tails, feathers, the ability to walk on walls or climb ceilings, multiple limbs, etc. If you are not comfortable with aliens that may have one or more of the above traits then please do not reach out to me.
-You are not looking for a slow burn romance or you fade to black when it comes to smut. Slow burn romances are a requirement for all of my rp’s and I feel that skipping out on the smut means we miss the chance to write about very important moments occurring between the characters. To put it simply, smut is important to me. Neither romance or smut will take over the main story of course.
-You are looking for someone to play as a female main character. I only play male main characters and cannot be persuaded to do otherwise.
-You cannot reply more than a couple of times a week. I tend to lose interest/motivation if I don’t get a reply at least every other day.
-You don’t have discord. I rp only on discord because I like making servers to keep things organised, other platforms just don’t work for me.
-You are not interested in doing a sci-fi rp. I’m not looking to do anything that isn��t sci-fi so please do not waste my time to message me and ask if I’m interested in other genres.
With that out of the way, let’s get onto the ideas! Down below are the ideas that I’ve been hoping to write with someone. I’m open to brainstorming or mixing them together to create something new. Nothing is set in stone and I’m hoping to keep whatever plot we decide to do/make mostly fluid or free flowing, meaning that the entire course of the story isn’t entirely planned out at the beginning and we let the actions of our characters determine what happens next whilst occasionally planning what they next major plot point of the story is when we decide it’s time to fill our characters lives with even more drama.
First contact:
Whenever someone read a headline that spoke of how it was possible that alien life forms could very well be not that far beyond the few solar systems that the humans had managed to claim for themselves, many scoffed at the notion that there would actually be any sentient aliens out there who’d even want to interact with humans in the first place and continued to believe that such creatures only existed within the realm of fiction rather than reality despite the few clues found by space explorers that suggested otherwise. Little did anybody know, their extraterrestrial neighbours were much closer than they thought and were not keen on the idea of ever welcoming humans into their little corner of the universe. When a human ship is sent crashing through space and the only survivor ends up being found by an alien, the two species must Learn to put aside their differences in order to stop a war that no one can win from happening.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the alien, You will be playing the human survivor that they find.)
Taking over:
The lifespan of a captain could sometimes end up being tragically short. It was the captain who was supposed to be the first to jump into their starfighter and guide their crew to victory whenever their ship was under threat, It was the captain who was expected to always be able to know what decisions were the right ones to make in regards to the welfare of the crew and it was the captain who took an oath upon receiving the keys to their ship to never put their own life before someone else’s even when faced with the most difficult decision of all. When the much loved captain of the alliance ship Maelstrom loses their life after a mission gone wrong their second in command is the one who is chosen to take their place as the new captain despite the angry protests from some of the crew members. Will the new captain be able to follow in the footsteps of the one before them and lead the Maelstrom to success whilst earning the respect of the crew, or will the burden be too much to bear?
The kingdoms conquerer:
The right to wear a crown on one’s head without judgement was a birthright. The right to sit on a throne and command an army was something only blood could give. The right to a kingdom was something only a royal was supposed to have. Many had forgotten that the rights to ruling a kingdom could be earned by fighting until news of the old queen’s death spread through the fodrua quadrant like wildfire, with many fearing what the future would hold for them now that Malgor was under the control of an alien who had been deemed to be nothing but ruthless despite the fact that it was his right hand man who had dealt the final blow to ensure that there was no chance that the old queen would still be reigning by the time the fight was over. Whilst the few surviving members of the old royal family mourned their beloved queen a new king, who had been deemed to be a false king in the eyes of everyone but those who’d helped him, sat on his throne and laid his plans out for his future in front of him with the expectation that fate would not decide anything for him. Little did the new king know, fate had different plans that not even he could control.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the new king’s right hand man. You can be a member of the old queen’s family, a knight, a commoner or someone else entirely.)
The mission:
Seven. Seven alliance ships had disappeared without a trace or been destroyed by unforeseen yet suspicious circumstances. Mining asteroid explosions, ambush attacks, ship failures, all unfortunate yet unpredictable occurrences that were happening far too frequently for anyone to be able to just comfortably sit back and go on with life. With tensions between the alien and human race at an all time high, the alliance itself was desperately trying to find a way to keep the peace without causing a panic. Eventually, a proposal was made. In an all time first since the end of the great alien/human wars, an alien would be chosen and sent to work onboard a human ship. This was considered to be a very large step given many planets were still hostile to one another and the rumours circulating about the missing ships were sparking some strong reactions from both sides but the alliance was desperate….and so was the alien they were planning to send onboard. For them, it was their last and only chance to start a new life and to put a difficult past behind them. Little did anyone know, the appearance of this newcomer was more than just the first step towards changing life as many knew it for the known galaxies.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the new alien crew member who is sent to work aboard an alliance ship with a human captain and crew. You can play as anything from a regular crew member to the captain.)
Life in the known galaxies was harder for some than it was for most. Whilst many people were able to live freely with little rules and regulations as to what they did, others were bound by law to follow a certain way of life. Most accepted their predetermined paths and did their best to stay out of trouble, whilst for others it was just that little bit harder to accept the way things were supposedly meant to be. Especially when things could go downhill very quickly if one happened to be on the wrong side of those laws. Whilst many people frowned upon ship jumping, the act of sneaking onboard a ship and hiding away from its occupants in order to travel, some people felt like it was the only way to reach their destinations when a fresh start to their life was in order. When a stowaway is caught trying to hijack a ship, will mercy be given? Or will they find themselves facing a new threat?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the stowaway. You will be playing the ship’s captain.)
Future defenders:
To anyone who’d graduated from The supernova space and military academy, the feelings were shared between everyone. The promise of freedom and the satisfaction of having managed to not flunk on the final exams that saw them earn a position on the alliance ships themselves was one of the highest achievements a cadet could earn. Now they got to experience the real deal first hand, some getting accepted into the jobs they’d dreamed of since their first year at the academy whilst others were put in a position where there was the chance to move up and an equal risk of being unlucky enough to move down. The one thing everyone enjoyed was the fact that their life was now somewhat less restricting than it had been prior but now was not the time to get slack. Now was the time to show just exactly what it was they’d learned and put it to the test, a now or never situation where everything they did was under the watchful eyes of their captain and superiors. The newest members of the space force were due to be deployed upon the Galactica, one of the most famous ships the galaxy alliance owned and flew, and no one would’ve known it yet but beyond the stars was where it really all began.
Changing ways:
As a royal, one could always predict how their life would pan out. A royal didn’t need to worry about working to provide money, food, clothes and a house over their heads given they were almost always born into a family with unfathomable amounts of wealth and servants that catered to their every need. Many people hated the idea that some people got to eat off a golden plate whilst they had to clean it. As a result, royals were not favoured amongst most people that roamed the known galaxies. Both parties scoffed at the idea of a royal ever being put in a position where they had to work. When a new crew member arrives in the form of a prince/princess from one of the most important royal families within the known galaxies, many start to panic that they will be replaced. Can differences be put aside for the greater good of the galaxies? Or will old rivalries surface?
(Important point of notice: you will be playing the prince/princess. I will be playing a crew member or the captain depending on what we come up with.)
Where no one dares go:
Life in the known galaxies was once a peaceful experience. Aliens and humans alike peacefully lived their lives knowing that they were safe and mostly free from criminal encounters under the protection of the planetary leaders that formed the United worlds galactic alliance. Nowadays, such hope that any of those so-called leaders would look up from the desks that they were busy counting their money on was nonexistent. If you weren’t a criminal or someone who knew how to play their cards, life got pretty tough. Criminals ruled the roost with an iron fist, many species had gone back to the old ways of thinking less than highly of one another and most simply believed that perhaps this was the way things were meant to be. As a new threat slowly creeps over the horizon, it’s up to two unlikely heroes to team up and go further than anyone ever has before.
Runaway royalty:
The life of a Royal was simple yet complex at the same time. They were weighed on hand and foot and never had to lift a finger to do anything provided there was a maid or servant nearby willing to do whatever task the royal had for them, yet they were also expected to grow into decent and respectable leaders who could rule a planet fairly without any struggles. Many royals were more than content to follow this regularly repeating path of effortless “destiny” that their ancestors had set them on……All but one it seems. When a prince/princess decides that there is more to life than just having someone else live it for them and leaves the safety of the castle walls and their planet, they find out just exactly how hard life in the known galaxies can be in a place where their status means nothing to those have to do what is necessary to survive in a galaxy that is much crueller than anyone dares to acknowledge.
(Important point of notice: you will be playing the prince/princess. I’ll be playing the character they run into.)
The price for freedom:
The number one rule for any criminal, whether they were a fearsome pirate, a smuggler with a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later or a wannabe thief who had yet to go beyond attempting to steal someone’s sandwiches without anyone noticing, was to never let themselves be put in a position where their freedom was at risk of being taken from them. Freedom was a gift that was not given on a whim to those who’d found themselves on the wrong side of the law with no intention of changing their ways and it was not something that came without a price on the rare occasions that it was offered to someone who had been on the path to a life where such a thing would never be granted. When one of the galaxies most feared criminals is finally captured and the alliance ship they are imprisoned on crashes after being targeted by a unknown organisation that is intent on taking over the universe itself, they are forced to work together with the only surviving crew member under the promise that they will be exempt from the punishment they once faced for their help. Will the promise be kept, or will it be broken in the worst way possible?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the criminal. You will be playing the only surviving crew member of the ship that captured them.)
imagine living the life of one of the most successful people on the run that could exist. Galaxies trembled at your name. You and your crew swam in wealth and the going was good. Mutiny, sadly and sometimes not sadly, exists on its own accord. One person in particular reflected on this as they were forced to their feet. A collar attached to a chain and electromagnetic handcuffs prevented their escape as they stood for all those who cared to glance as they walked by in the market to see. No one wants to have their only life’s purpose be to serve another……only sometimes people don’t get that choice.
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the slave/servant. You’ll be the master/mistress.)
March 18th in the year 6000 was the day that the humans had invaded nexus seven, a planet known for being the home of thousands of species of aliens that came from many different planets. The humans had clearly been planning the invasion for some time as they had come prepared and easily took out nexus seven’s defence forces after decades of war that had seen the humans emerge victorious. No one knows exactly why the humans sought to take nexus seven for their own even after all the years that have passed since that fateful day, many aliens believing this had simply just been the first step to the humans conquering the known galaxies one planet and one solar system at a time despite the fact that the invaders have made little progress in doing so. Attempts by the people of nexus seven to contact their allies on the outer worlds had ended in failure and any hope of someone coming to their rescue had long been lost. Surely there was no one who could save them now….at least that was what they thought.
Long before other planets had even been discovered, and for far longer than anyone could truly remember, there had always been arranged marriages. Arranged marriages, or betrothals as they were more often called, consisted of pairing two people together and making them get married regardless of how they felt about one another in order to secure ties to another land or another planet for what many hoped would be forever. Political marriages benefited everyone but the married pair it always seemed. After all, no one could possibly be happy being married to a complete and utter stranger, could they? How does one who is betrothed build a life of love and prosperity when the one who bears the rings of their union is not the one who also bears their heart?
Last chance:
Criminals, ranging from wannabe thieves to true crime lords, have been around long before anyone had even thought of the idea of building a spaceship and go where no one had ever been before. They’re often cunning, tricky to catch and more often than not are clever at disguising themselves whenever those wanted posters come up. It takes true talent to be on the wrong side of the laws that had been made by those long gone and get away with it. When a criminal that has been giving the alliance a run for their money has finally been captured, they are given a second chance to redeem themselves by having to work alongside the crew of the ship that captured them and even aid them to defend the ship if the need arises. Will this be enough to encourage a change of heart, or will it be the downfall of the crew and the alliance itself?
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the criminal, you will be playing as one of the crew members or even the captain of the ship.)
To those who have made it this far, thank you for reading! If you are interested in rping with me please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email (I do not rp through email but I’m more than happy for it to be where we first introduce ourselves to one another before moving to discord) or discord. Please note that I am in the eastern australian time zone so it might be a while before I respond/accept any requests you send my way due to possibly being asleep or busy depending on what time zone you are in. When you reach out to me please tell me what idea you liked, why you liked it and any ideas you may have. Please also include a little introduction and tell me what your favourite food is so that I know you’ve read the whole ad. My contact information is down below:
My discord: tiberionwars
Can’t wait to rp with anyone interested!
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findroleplay ¡ 11 months
Space adventures: 3.0
Hello ladies, gents and fellow rpers. After having to take an unexpected but necessary break from the wonderful world of rping I’m ready to dive back into the waters of writing and make some amazing new stories with some new partners. I’ve been in the writing game for over ten years at this point and consider myself to be fairly experienced when it comes to rping. That being said, I do not require you to have decades of writing experience in order to rp with me. In fact all I ask for anyone thinking of reaching out to me is that:
-You write in third person past tense and have decent spelling and grammar. I’m not going to be put off by the occasional bout of typonese, but I’m definitely going to be put off by writing that I cannot read at all or noticeable mistakes that are left uncorrected.
-You are capable of writing at least three well fleshed out paragraphs per response (this might change depending on what is going on in the rp at the time) with at least seven or more lines. I want someone who is capable of matching the effort I put into my replies and isn’t afraid to spend time making something chock full of detail or go over the discord word limit when it comes to writing a response. One liners/very small or short paragraphs that lack detail are a very big no go for me.
-You can respond at least once or more per day. I do not mind what time during the day that response happens as life comes before rp and I do not want you skipping over important things just to get it done.
-You are 18+. I’m in my twenties and not comfortable rping with minors as my role plays contain NSFW themes and other mature content. Your characters are also required to be 18+ as well.
-You are comfortable with rping against (but not necessarily as) alien characters that aren’t technically just humans from other planets. I’m not looking to rp as a human main character regardless of what we end up doing so please keep this in mind.
-You are capable of bringing ideas to the table, love to worldbuild, adore talking about our characters and aren’t afraid to throw in a plot twist every now and then.
-You will let me know if you have any problems with the rp and work through them with me as well as let me know if you need to take a break or might be busy. I will make sure to do the same.
-You are looking for a long term rp. I want this to be something that spans for months, maybe even years. Not just a couple days or weeks.
-You are comfortable with both MxM and FxM romances. I have no preference as to which one we do.
-You have discord.
I also ask for you to please not godmod, control my characters or spam me with hey/are you there/when are you going to reply/etc.
-You are looking for a fast paced/rapid fire/one liner/short term rp. These types of rp’s just do not hold my interest. I’m also not looking for anything that isn’t a 1x1 rp (group rp’s are just not my thing) and I do not double.
-You are not comfortable with rping with non-humanoid looking aliens. That means anything that may have/has fur, scales, fangs, claws, tails, feathers, the ability to walk on walls or climb ceilings, multiple limbs, etc. If you are not comfortable with aliens that may have one or more of the above traits then please do not reach out to me.
-You are not looking for a slow burn romance or you fade to black when it comes to smut. Slow burn romances are a requirement for all of my rp’s and I feel that skipping out on the smut means we miss the chance to write about very important moments occurring between the characters. To put it simply, smut is important to me. Neither romance or smut will take over the main story of course.
-You are looking for someone to play as a female main character. I only play male main characters and cannot be persuaded to do otherwise.
-You cannot reply more than a couple of times a week. I tend to lose interest/motivation if I don’t get a reply at least every other day.
-You don’t have discord. I rp only on discord because I like making servers to keep things organised, other platforms just don’t work for me.
-You are not interested in doing a sci-fi rp. I’m not looking to do anything that isn’t sci-fi so please do not waste my time by messaging me and asking if I’m interested in other genres. I am also not currently interested in doing anything that isn’t one of the ideas I have listed.
With that out of the way, let’s get onto the ideas! Down below are the ideas that I’ve been hoping to write with someone. I’m open to brainstorming or mixing them together to create something new. Nothing is set in stone and I’m hoping to keep whatever plot we decide to do/make mostly fluid or free flowing, meaning that the entire course of the story isn’t entirely planned out at the beginning and we let the actions of our characters determine what happens next whilst occasionally planning what they next major plot point of the story is when we decide it’s time to fill our characters lives with even more drama.
Taking over:
The lifespan of a captain could sometimes end up being tragically short. It was the captain who was supposed to be the first to jump into their starfighter and guide their crew to victory whenever their ship was under threat, It was the captain who was expected to always be able to know what decisions were the right ones to make in regards to the welfare of the crew and it was the captain who took an oath upon receiving the keys to their ship to never put their own life before someone else’s even when faced with the most difficult decision of all. When the much loved captain of the alliance ship Maelstrom loses their life after a mission gone wrong their second in command is the one who is chosen to take their place as the new captain despite the angry protests from some of the crew members. Will the new captain be able to follow in the footsteps of the one before them and lead the Maelstrom to success whilst earning the respect of the crew, or will the burden be too much to bear?
New recruit:
Whenever talks about potentially receiving some new crew members came around it wasn’t uncommon for people to get a little bit crazy. Not everyone hated the idea of seeing a new face or two running around given it meant that there could potentially be less tasks for them to do before they got to clock out for the day, but that didn’t mean they were exactly okay with the idea that their job was potentially at risk of being handed to someone else if the captain decided that they were no longer performing at the required standards. Many of the current crew members took great pleasure in reminding any newcomers about their place on the ship and weren’t afraid to use their rank to get away with a little less than friendly behaviour when it came to doing such things to the point where it was often an unspoken rule amongst the other crew mates to not interfere with the “initiation” process lest the wraith be turned upon them instead. When the “initiation” process itself stopped depended on when the captain finally cared enough to intervene. When a new recruit arrives in the form of a previous high ranked person who was stripped of their title for insubordination, chaos of an entirely different kind takes hold.
The mission:
Seven. Seven alliance ships had disappeared without a trace or been destroyed by unforeseen yet suspicious circumstances. Mining asteroid explosions, ambush attacks, ship failures, all unfortunate yet unpredictable occurrences that were happening far too frequently for anyone to be able to just comfortably sit back and go on with life. With tensions between the alien and human race at an all time high, the alliance itself was desperately trying to find a way to keep the peace without causing a panic. Eventually, a proposal was made. In an all time first since the end of the great alien/human wars, an alien would be chosen and sent to work onboard a human ship. This was considered to be a very large step given many planets were still hostile to one another and the rumours circulating about the missing ships were sparking some strong reactions from both sides but the alliance was desperate….and so was the alien they were planning to send onboard. For them, it was their last and only chance to start a new life and to put a difficult past behind them. Little did anyone know, the appearance of this newcomer was more than just the first step towards changing life as many knew it for the known galaxies.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the new alien crew member who is sent to work aboard an alliance ship with a human captain and crew. You can play as anything from a regular crew member to the captain.)
One unit, one goal:
When someone was part of a team, it felt like the people who fought beside them were all that really mattered. They cried on each other’s shoulders. They cheered each other on. They were there for each other through thick and thin. Most of the pilots who served under the galactic alliance were pretty tight knit with one another, meaning the pain of loss was worsened whenever such a tragedy struck. When a member of one of the alliance’s top intergalactic defence force teams loses their life during a search and capture mission that had gone wrong a new pilot is sent in as a replacement. As they struggle to find their place amongst people that seem to have no intention of moving on from their loss, a new threat slowly begins to rise with the intention of causing chaos and destruction on a scale that no one has ever seen before.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the new pilot. you will be playing as a member of the team they’re joining.)
No easy way out: It was very rare for those who believed that their sole purpose in life was to reign terror and destruction upon those who dwelled within the known galaxies to take prisoners, even more so when said prisoner actively tries to fight back against their captors rather than quietly submitting and accepting their fate, and allowing them to live despite the trouble they cause. When a lone spacer is attacked by a captain who leads a crew of fairly notorious criminals that have been seen on more than just a couple of ruined wanted posters they are given one of two options to choose from: serve alongside them as a part of their crew in exchange for being allowed to live, or be left to face the vast depths of space alone in a ship that would soon become their tomb due to the state of disrepair it was in. Will the spacer accept their fate? Or will they take their last stand right there and then?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the captured spacer. You will be playing the captain of the criminals.)
Life in the known galaxies was harder for some than it was for most. Whilst many people were able to live freely with little rules and regulations as to what they did, others were bound by law to follow a certain way of life. Most accepted their predetermined paths and did their best to stay out of trouble, whilst for others it was just that little bit harder to accept the way things were supposedly meant to be. Especially when things could go downhill very quickly if one happened to be on the wrong side of those laws. Whilst many people frowned upon ship jumping, the act of sneaking onboard a ship and hiding away from its occupants in order to travel, some people felt like it was the only way to reach their destinations when a fresh start to their life was in order. When a stowaway is caught trying to hijack a ship, will mercy be given? Or will they find themselves facing a new threat?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the stowaway. You will be playing the ship’s captain.)
imagine living the life of one of the most successful people on the run that could exist. Galaxies trembled at your name. You and your crew swam in wealth and the going was good. Mutiny, sadly and sometimes not sadly, exists on its own accord. One person in particular reflected on this as they were forced to their feet. A collar attached to a chain and electromagnetic handcuffs prevented their escape as they stood for all those who cared to glance as they walked by in the market to see. No one wants to have their only life’s purpose be to serve another……only sometimes people don’t get that choice.
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the slave/servant. You’ll be the master/mistress.)
Across a sea of stars: Although they’d abandoned their less than humble watery origins well before the first spaceship had even been invented, Pirates were believed to be one of the biggest threats that anyone could encounter within the known galaxies. Those who were brave enough to attempt to navigate through the vast starry seas of space without a small fleet rallied behind them would often meet their fate at the hands of the bloodthirsty buccaneers whose lust for wealth and power had completely overtaken their ability to feel remorse for their actions. Any twinges of guilt that did attempt to surface were often easily washed away by consuming vast amounts of alcohol and then drunkenly brawling with other members of the crew during the celebratory dinners that came after a successful day of looting or the claiming of another captain’s ship as their own. When a ship is captured by the most feared pirate of all after accidentally flying into their territory and the crew fearfully plea for their lives, fate decides to take matters into its own hands in a most unexpected way. (Important point of notice: I will be playing the pirate captain. You will be playing as a member of the crew they’ve captured.)
Last chance:
Criminals, ranging from wannabe thieves to true crime lords, have been around long before anyone had even thought of the idea of building a spaceship and go where no one had ever been before. They’re often cunning, tricky to catch and more often than not are clever at disguising themselves whenever those wanted posters come up. It takes true talent to be on the wrong side of the laws that had been made by those long gone and get away with it. When a criminal that has been giving the alliance a run for their money has finally been captured, they are given a second chance to redeem themselves by having to work alongside the crew of the ship that captured them and even aid them to defend the ship if the need arises. Will this be enough to encourage a change of heart, or will it be the downfall of the crew and the alliance itself?
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the criminal, you will be playing as one of the crew members or even the captain of the ship.)
Betrothed: Long before other planets had even been discovered, and for far longer than anyone could truly remember, there had always been arranged marriages. Arranged marriages, or betrothals as they were more often called, consisted of pairing two people together and making them get married regardless of how they felt about one another in order to secure ties to another land or another planet for what many hoped would be forever. Political marriages benefited everyone but the married pair it always seemed. After all, no one could possibly be happy being married to a complete and utter stranger, could they? How does one who is betrothed build a life of love and prosperity when the one who bears the rings of their union is not the one who also bears their heart?
To those who have made it this far, thank you for reading! If you are interested in rping with me please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email (I do not rp through email but I’m more than happy for it to be where we first introduce ourselves to one another before moving to discord) or discord. Please note that I am in the eastern australian time zone so it might be a while before I respond/accept any requests you send my way due to possibly being asleep or busy depending on what time zone you are in. When you reach out to me please tell me what idea you liked, why you liked it and any ideas you may have. Please also include a little introduction and tell me what your favourite food is so that I know you’ve read the whole ad. Anyone who simply sends “hey I saw your ad and was interested!” Or some variation of that without an introduction will be ignored, simply sending me your favourite food will not work either as I use introductions to not only get to know the person I’m writing with a little bit and see if we click but to help break the ice a little bit and get the conversation going. My contact information is down below:
My discord: tiberionwars
Can’t wait to rp with anyone interested!
3 notes ¡ View notes
bitacrytic ¡ 2 years
Nine, too many
They were nine of them so far.
Painfully, Tem was keeping count. He didn’t know where the idea had come from, but he’d tracked down the very first story to an account that had only three stories. One of them was the origin of Tem’s problems. Because it was the first story that featured Tem as... as a homewrecker. The first one mentioned Tem sleeping with Vegas behind Pete’s back.
Then another one sprung up. And then another. And another. And now, there were nine fucking stories with the same premise. More often than not, Tem wasn’t even a part of the main story. He was just featured as the background character who showed up for three paragraphs to cause tension for the main couple.
He really wouldn’t have cared if the second and third stories didn’t coincide with Tankhun’s disappearing act. Every time Tem showed up to the main mansion, Tankhun was missing. Anxious, Tem was forced to wonder if the stories were getting to Tankhun, or worse, if Tankhun had somehow heard the real story of what had happened between Tem, Time and Tay.
Thanks to Porsche’s info, Tem knew Tankhun was on the premises. As he arrived, he made his way down to Tankhun’s wing. If Tankhun could just get one moment, he’d explain that-
Tem yelped as someone yanked him off the main corridor and into curved dead-end. Before Tem could react, a hand covered his mouth.
“It’s just me,” Time said, smiling at Tem.
Heart pounding in his chest, Tem gently pushed Time’s hand away. “What are you doing?” 
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Time said, as a slight frown slowly creeped into his handsome features.
“I...” Tem’s tongue tied in his mouth as he searched for what to say. “I was just...”
The words died when Time got closer, placing his hands on either side of Tem’s head. Tem couldn’t breathe. He could barely think beyond the alluring scent of Time’s cologne, and his beguiling smile. 
Blocking Time was easy, but now that he was looking into Time’s beautiful eyes, Tem didn’t know how to think.
“It’s been a while,” Time said, his hand resting heavily on Tem’s waist. “I’ve missed you.”
“We...” Tem breathed. “We can’t do this.”
“Do what?” Time asked, his thumb slipping beneath the hem of Tem’s shirt.
“Stop,” Tem said, putting his hand on Time’s chest and pushing him away.
“What’s gotten into you?” he said, walking back into Tem’s space.
Worried that he’d be trapped and tempted if he didn’t leave, Tem dodged Time and hopped out of the hidden curve. 
“You’ve changed,” Time said, walking out as well, as Tem backed away from him.
“I don’t want this anymore. I deserve better, and frankly, so does Phi-Tay.”
“Excuse me?” Time asked, walking closer, ignoring the fact that they were now out in the open.
“Please stay where you are.”
“Do you think you’re better than me now, just because you’re hanging out with Theerapanyaukuls?”
“This is not about that.”
“You knew what you were signing up for when we got together.”
“And I’m signing out now. Please let me go.”
Hurt and unsure, Time’s eyes dropped to the ground. “I don’t understand why.”
Tem could believe that. Time was handsome and smart and rich. He’d probably never been told “no” a day in his life. Hell, Tay was an awesome catch and he still let Time do him like that. If Tem wasn’t on the verge of a mental breakdown, he may have felt a little bit special to be able to turn Time down.
“I’m going to go now,” he said.
When Time didn’t respond, Tem fled. He didn’t think too much of it. Didn’t even resume his search for Tankhun because his head was all over the place. Instead, he just ran right into the street and got into the first cab that he could find.
Read Another
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findyourrp ¡ 11 months
Space adventures: 3.0
💫Hello ladies, gents and fellow rpers. After having to take an unexpected but necessary break from the wonderful world of rping I’m ready to dive back into the waters of writing and make some amazing new stories with some new partners. I’ve been in the writing game for over ten years at this point and consider myself to be fairly experienced when it comes to rping. That being said, I do not require you to have decades of writing experience in order to rp with me. In fact all I ask for anyone thinking of reaching out to me is that:
-You write in third person past tense and have decent spelling and grammar. I’m not going to be put off by the occasional bout of typonese, but I’m definitely going to be put off by writing that I cannot read at all or noticeable mistakes that are left uncorrected.
-You are capable of writing at least three well fleshed out paragraphs per response (this might change depending on what is going on in the rp at the time) with at least seven or more lines. I want someone who is capable of matching the effort I put into my replies and isn’t afraid to spend time making something chock full of detail or go over the discord word limit when it comes to writing a response. One liners/very small or short paragraphs that lack detail are a very big no go for me.
-You can respond at least once or more per day. I do not mind what time during the day that response happens as life comes before rp and I do not want you skipping over important things just to get it done.
-You are 18+. I’m in my twenties and not comfortable rping with minors as my role plays contain NSFW themes and other mature content. Your characters are also required to be 18+ as well.
-You are comfortable with rping against (but not necessarily as) alien characters that aren’t technically just humans from other planets. I’m not looking to rp as a human main character regardless of what we end up doing so please keep this in mind.
-You are capable of bringing ideas to the table, love to worldbuild, adore talking about our characters and aren’t afraid to throw in a plot twist every now and then.
-You will let me know if you have any problems with the rp and work through them with me as well as let me know if you need to take a break or might be busy. I will make sure to do the same.
-You are looking for a long term rp. I want this to be something that spans for months, maybe even years. Not just a couple days or weeks.
-You are comfortable with both MxM and FxM romances. I have no preference as to which one we do.
-You have discord.
I also ask for you to please not godmod, control my characters or spam me with hey/are you there/when are you going to reply/etc.
-You are looking for a fast paced/rapid fire/one liner/short term rp. These types of rp’s just do not hold my interest. I’m also not looking for anything that isn’t a 1x1 rp (group rp’s are just not my thing) and I do not double.
-You are not comfortable with rping with non-humanoid looking aliens. That means anything that may have/has fur, scales, fangs, claws, tails, feathers, the ability to walk on walls or climb ceilings, multiple limbs, etc. If you are not comfortable with aliens that may have one or more of the above traits then please do not reach out to me.
-You are not looking for a slow burn romance or you fade to black when it comes to smut. Slow burn romances are a requirement for all of my rp’s and I feel that skipping out on the smut means we miss the chance to write about very important moments occurring between the characters. To put it simply, smut is important to me. Neither romance or smut will take over the main story of course.
-You are looking for someone to play as a female main character. I only play male main characters and cannot be persuaded to do otherwise.
-You cannot reply more than a couple of times a week. I tend to lose interest/motivation if I don’t get a reply at least every other day.
-You don’t have discord. I rp only on discord because I like making servers to keep things organised, other platforms just don’t work for me.
-You are not interested in doing a sci-fi rp. I’m not looking to do anything that isn’t sci-fi so please do not waste my time by messaging me and asking if I’m interested in other genres. I am also not currently interested in doing anything that isn’t one of the ideas I have listed.
With that out of the way, let’s get onto the ideas! Down below are the ideas that I’ve been hoping to write with someone. I’m open to brainstorming or mixing them together to create something new. Nothing is set in stone and I’m hoping to keep whatever plot we decide to do/make mostly fluid or free flowing, meaning that the entire course of the story isn’t entirely planned out at the beginning and we let the actions of our characters determine what happens next whilst occasionally planning what they next major plot point of the story is when we decide it’s time to fill our characters lives with even more drama.
Taking over:
The lifespan of a captain could sometimes end up being tragically short. It was the captain who was supposed to be the first to jump into their starfighter and guide their crew to victory whenever their ship was under threat, It was the captain who was expected to always be able to know what decisions were the right ones to make in regards to the welfare of the crew and it was the captain who took an oath upon receiving the keys to their ship to never put their own life before someone else’s even when faced with the most difficult decision of all. When the much loved captain of the alliance ship Maelstrom loses their life after a mission gone wrong their second in command is the one who is chosen to take their place as the new captain despite the angry protests from some of the crew members. Will the new captain be able to follow in the footsteps of the one before them and lead the Maelstrom to success whilst earning the respect of the crew, or will the burden be too much to bear?
New recruit:
Whenever talks about potentially receiving some new crew members came around it wasn’t uncommon for people to get a little bit crazy. Not everyone hated the idea of seeing a new face or two running around given it meant that there could potentially be less tasks for them to do before they got to clock out for the day, but that didn’t mean they were exactly okay with the idea that their job was potentially at risk of being handed to someone else if the captain decided that they were no longer performing at the required standards. Many of the current crew members took great pleasure in reminding any newcomers about their place on the ship and weren’t afraid to use their rank to get away with a little less than friendly behaviour when it came to doing such things to the point where it was often an unspoken rule amongst the other crew mates to not interfere with the “initiation” process lest the wraith be turned upon them instead. When the “initiation” process itself stopped depended on when the captain finally cared enough to intervene. When a new recruit arrives in the form of a previous high ranked person who was stripped of their title for insubordination, chaos of an entirely different kind takes hold.
The mission:
Seven. Seven alliance ships had disappeared without a trace or been destroyed by unforeseen yet suspicious circumstances. Mining asteroid explosions, ambush attacks, ship failures, all unfortunate yet unpredictable occurrences that were happening far too frequently for anyone to be able to just comfortably sit back and go on with life. With tensions between the alien and human race at an all time high, the alliance itself was desperately trying to find a way to keep the peace without causing a panic. Eventually, a proposal was made. In an all time first since the end of the great alien/human wars, an alien would be chosen and sent to work onboard a human ship. This was considered to be a very large step given many planets were still hostile to one another and the rumours circulating about the missing ships were sparking some strong reactions from both sides but the alliance was desperate….and so was the alien they were planning to send onboard. For them, it was their last and only chance to start a new life and to put a difficult past behind them. Little did anyone know, the appearance of this newcomer was more than just the first step towards changing life as many knew it for the known galaxies.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the new alien crew member who is sent to work aboard an alliance ship with a human captain and crew. You can play as anything from a regular crew member to the captain.)
One unit, one goal:
When someone was part of a team, it felt like the people who fought beside them were all that really mattered. They cried on each other’s shoulders. They cheered each other on. They were there for each other through thick and thin. Most of the pilots who served under the galactic alliance were pretty tight knit with one another, meaning the pain of loss was worsened whenever such a tragedy struck. When a member of one of the alliance’s top intergalactic defence force teams loses their life during a search and capture mission that had gone wrong a new pilot is sent in as a replacement. As they struggle to find their place amongst people that seem to have no intention of moving on from their loss, a new threat slowly begins to rise with the intention of causing chaos and destruction on a scale that no one has ever seen before.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the new pilot. you will be playing as a member of the team they’re joining.)
No easy way out: It was very rare for those who believed that their sole purpose in life was to reign terror and destruction upon those who dwelled within the known galaxies to take prisoners, even more so when said prisoner actively tries to fight back against their captors rather than quietly submitting and accepting their fate, and allowing them to live despite the trouble they cause. When a lone spacer is attacked by a captain who leads a crew of fairly notorious criminals that have been seen on more than just a couple of ruined wanted posters they are given one of two options to choose from: serve alongside them as a part of their crew in exchange for being allowed to live, or be left to face the vast depths of space alone in a ship that would soon become their tomb due to the state of disrepair it was in. Will the spacer accept their fate? Or will they take their last stand right there and then?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the captured spacer. You will be playing the captain of the criminals.)
Life in the known galaxies was harder for some than it was for most. Whilst many people were able to live freely with little rules and regulations as to what they did, others were bound by law to follow a certain way of life. Most accepted their predetermined paths and did their best to stay out of trouble, whilst for others it was just that little bit harder to accept the way things were supposedly meant to be. Especially when things could go downhill very quickly if one happened to be on the wrong side of those laws. Whilst many people frowned upon ship jumping, the act of sneaking onboard a ship and hiding away from its occupants in order to travel, some people felt like it was the only way to reach their destinations when a fresh start to their life was in order. When a stowaway is caught trying to hijack a ship, will mercy be given? Or will they find themselves facing a new threat?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the stowaway. You will be playing the ship’s captain.)
imagine living the life of one of the most successful people on the run that could exist. Galaxies trembled at your name. You and your crew swam in wealth and the going was good. Mutiny, sadly and sometimes not sadly, exists on its own accord. One person in particular reflected on this as they were forced to their feet. A collar attached to a chain and electromagnetic handcuffs prevented their escape as they stood for all those who cared to glance as they walked by in the market to see. No one wants to have their only life’s purpose be to serve another……only sometimes people don’t get that choice.
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the slave/servant. You’ll be the master/mistress.)
Across a sea of stars: Although they’d abandoned their less than humble watery origins well before the first spaceship had even been invented, Pirates were believed to be one of the biggest threats that anyone could encounter within the known galaxies. Those who were brave enough to attempt to navigate through the vast starry seas of space without a small fleet rallied behind them would often meet their fate at the hands of the bloodthirsty buccaneers whose lust for wealth and power had completely overtaken their ability to feel remorse for their actions. Any twinges of guilt that did attempt to surface were often easily washed away by consuming vast amounts of alcohol and then drunkenly brawling with other members of the crew during the celebratory dinners that came after a successful day of looting or the claiming of another captain’s ship as their own. When a ship is captured by the most feared pirate of all after accidentally flying into their territory and the crew fearfully plea for their lives, fate decides to take matters into its own hands in a most unexpected way. (Important point of notice: I will be playing the pirate captain. You will be playing as a member of the crew they’ve captured.)
Last chance:
Criminals, ranging from wannabe thieves to true crime lords, have been around long before anyone had even thought of the idea of building a spaceship and go where no one had ever been before. They’re often cunning, tricky to catch and more often than not are clever at disguising themselves whenever those wanted posters come up. It takes true talent to be on the wrong side of the laws that had been made by those long gone and get away with it. When a criminal that has been giving the alliance a run for their money has finally been captured, they are given a second chance to redeem themselves by having to work alongside the crew of the ship that captured them and even aid them to defend the ship if the need arises. Will this be enough to encourage a change of heart, or will it be the downfall of the crew and the alliance itself?
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the criminal, you will be playing as one of the crew members or even the captain of the ship.)
Betrothed: Long before other planets had even been discovered, and for far longer than anyone could truly remember, there had always been arranged marriages. Arranged marriages, or betrothals as they were more often called, consisted of pairing two people together and making them get married regardless of how they felt about one another in order to secure ties to another land or another planet for what many hoped would be forever. Political marriages benefited everyone but the married pair it always seemed. After all, no one could possibly be happy being married to a complete and utter stranger, could they? How does one who is betrothed build a life of love and prosperity when the one who bears the rings of their union is not the one who also bears their heart?
To those who have made it this far, thank you for reading! If you are interested in rping with me please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email (I do not rp through email but I’m more than happy for it to be where we first introduce ourselves to one another before moving to discord) or discord. Please note that I am in the eastern australian time zone so it might be a while before I respond/accept any requests you send my way due to possibly being asleep or busy depending on what time zone you are in. When you reach out to me please tell me what idea you liked, why you liked it and any ideas you may have. Please also include a little introduction and tell me what your favourite food is so that I know you’ve read the whole ad. Anyone who simply sends “hey I saw your ad and was interested!” Or some variation of that without an introduction will be ignored, simply sending me your favourite food will not work either as I use introductions to not only get to know the person I’m writing with a little bit and see if we click but to help break the ice a little bit and get the conversation going. My contact information is down below:
My discord: tiberionwars
Can’t wait to rp with anyone interested!
0 notes
celestrahl ¡ 1 year
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#CELESTRAHL — an independent, mutuals only and selective multimuse roleplaying blog featuring characters from various video games!
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CURRENT PRIMARY MUSES: Tae Suzuya (FFVII OC), Nero (DMC), Noel Kreiss (FFXIII-2), Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (FFXV), Luis Serra (RE4R)
CURRENT SECONDARY & TERTIARY MUSES: Violet Celeste (FF OC), Élise de la Serre (ACU), Evie Frye (ACS), V (DMC), Oerba Dia Vanille (FFXIII), Serah Farron (FFXIII-2), Dion Lesage (FFXVI), Jote (FFXVI), Aqua (KH), Xion (KH), Sherry Birkin (RE6)
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Written & loved by Faye, 30, she/her, CET timezone. Beta Editor only! This blog is 18+ only, minors dni!
Currently low/sporadic activity. FFVII Reno blog: @blitzrod Graphic Comm Blog: @rysingdawn
Mobile Rules can be found below the cut! ⬇
★ First off, don’t be an ass. Godmodding, infomodding, metagaming, whatever else these things are called, have no place here. Don’t kill my muses. Don’t kill any of their friends/family/allies right in front of them without discussing it first. Character ≠ Writer, I’m not my muses and if my muses are in any way mean to your muse/s doesn’t mean I’m being mean towards you. If you have criticism, please remain respectful and constructive when sending it in. Anon hate will be deleted/blocked.
★ I’m strictly interacting with mutuals only. If you followed me and I didn’t follow back I either do not know anything about your character’s fandom, find your blog lacking information and/or simply cannot see us interact. I’m also trying to keep my dash a comfortable space for myself so please don’t take it personally if I don’t follow back. But if I do follow you, I’m interested in writing with you – and I will assume the same if it’s the other way around.
★ I’m selective, or rather, my muses are – and sometimes certain muses are louder than others, and some might even take over for a bit. Please don’t get discouraged or disappointed if you see me replying to certain threads with certain muses only, or only to threads in certain genres.
★ I generally prefer writing threads over meme responses, and I love plotting. Winging it is cool too, but expect me to ask questions so I can make sure I got the setting and other things right. Either way, I normally tend to write semi-paragraph, paragraph and multi-paragraph things with the rare occasional one-liner.
★ I encourage you to turn my ask responses into threads! I always put character asks into a new post anyway, so feel free to reblog that and add your reply! No need to ask beforehand!
★ Please do not apply any fancanons to my muses, no matter how popular or widely accepted they are.
★ Relationships in all forms (romantic, platonic, familial, rivals, you name it) are welcome, however there has to be chemistry and I would like if you asked me beforehand and if we’ve written before. One-sided crushes and unrequited feelings are fine too, just don’t try to force your character on mine and we’re cool. I DO NOT AUTO-SHIP CANON ROMANCES. Please also understand that some of my muses can be difficult to bond with.
★ I will practice mains and in rare cases ship exclusives, but not affiliates or general exclusivity.
★ Duplicates/Variants are, honestly, a bit tricky for me. I’ve had both good and bad experiences with them in the past. Overall I’m trying to be indifferent towards them. I hope you understand that I’m a little hesitant regarding this!
★ I am OC friendly! How could I not be, having my own OCs on this blog? The only point where I draw the line is when it comes to OCs who are children of canon characters.
★ NSFW isn’t very likely to occur here. I will not write smut, should any thread ever go in that direction it will fade to black before anything spicy can happen. I'm not someone to write anything blood & gore related in explicit detail either.
★ Triggers will be tagged as _____ tw and _____ cw so make sure to blacklist yours this way. If you have a rather uncommon/rare trigger that you need tagged, please let me know!
★ Do not take anything from this blog. Be it icons and/or other graphics I’m using in my own posts, headcanons and/or parts of my theme code. I created/wrote/edited these things myself (for some things see credits below) and would very much appreciate it if you could just leave them be. I’ve had quite a few bad experiences with theft in the past, so this is something I feel I have to mention.
★ Lastly, hi! I go by Faye, I’m 30, she/her, from Germany. I’m honestly just a big nerd for video games and I love music, writing, graphic editing, reading and more. I just generally love being creative and am passionate about everything I create. I don’t know what else to tell you here, but if you ever wanna get to know me my IMs are always open, and my Discord is available for mutuals. If you’re reading this, I hope you have a good day!!
CREDITS Lightning Returns Noel Kreiss Raw Icons from @dresspheresFFXIII Oerba Dia Vanille Raw Icons from @dresspheresLightning Returns Oerba Dia Vanille Raw Icons from @dresspheresFFXIII-2 Serah Farron Raw Icons from @dresspheresFFXV Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Raw Icons from @dresspheres
Evie Frye Screencaps taken by Steph
Serah Farron Icon Border made by @ennakros
All other screencaps and graphics were taken & edited by me.
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sukunasun ¡ 2 years
sorry but nanami in ur ivy league bf geto …. please..i want him so bad. im going to think about this until i die
please...save yourself...those little nanami crumbs have all of you in a chokehold...ever since i posted ivy league geto all everyone wants Dr. Kento, N. Ph.D. i didn't think he'd get this much attention it was only a few paragraphs too omg...
and you know what, i bet he'd be so smug about it too...he's sitting comfy somewhere in a leather chair sipping tea knowing he's hot shit. "just call me nanami," he'll say despite having multiple doctorates—even with that too, he'd think it wasn't a big deal, "it's not necessary to have so many qualifications, i just happen to be a man dedicated to research and knowledge...as hesiod said, moderation is best in all things.." humble bragger that he is. wouldn't walk around with a high nose, he doesn't try to win every argument like geto nor does he rub it in people's faces the way gojo does, but he'd definitely correct someone when given the chance. and they can't bring this guy anywhere, gojo takes him out to a club and nanami has brought a book to read. geto can't stop laughing because the stripper asks if she could take a peek at it, batting her eyelashes, pushing her tits up just a little and he's like "sorry, but you're not permitted to, this is for staff only." with the most monotone voice.
he isn't invited to dinner parties either because he ruins trivia night by correcting the game itself. "the great wall of china isn't actually visible from space," he says, and he's always winning these things by 100 points more than anyone else.
and let me just say that he isn't going to be your perfect professor who's so charming and attractive and smart and dreamy, that's what everyone thinks until they actually meet him and learn that nothing gets pass this man, he's so straight-laced he's borderline repressed, "oh can i do anything for extra credit?" they say, trying to be seductive, trying to be sexy and it doesn't phase him. he just thinks they're willing to do more work so he sends them off to do more things, write more essays, take more tests, do more research, do a side project, and they have to say bye to whatever little bit of social life they had left. (but kudos to him because he hates group projects as much as his students, and he won't care about ratemyprofessor reviews because all of them, all of them, are either horny, hateful, or asking for a fight, yuuji leaves the sweetest words of pure joy and gratefulness—'one time he let us play kahoot for a whole hour because he had a hangover and he let me move his slides for him during a talk. i love you nanami sensei! <3' and nanami doesn't even know about it)
yuuji likes him so much and this kid is able to see the good in everyone, which is also why nanami is able to really help him out when he needs to, "you're getting distracted during your explanations, elaborate but don't overdo it, you're meant to bring focus back to your proposed statement." when was the last time someone actually found his critiques and feedback worth something.
and he's awkward okay? he's spent years studying and he always just had a little bit of trouble making friends, like geto and gojo were there because the three of them share the burden of being the smartest, being gifted, gojo's a prodigy and geto's family have a history of being philanthropists, they have been in and out of college before turning twenty and nanami never had the time for a romantic relationship, his only wingmen are the Worst at picking up women, how is he meant to flirt with anyone, and you think he doesn't care? man cares too much! he listens to meet me at our spot on repeat after bad dates because he thinks he's going to be alone forever, spins around his office in the dark as he finishes all that expensive whiskey, and everyone knows that he's been dumped because he stuffs his face full of bread and carbs everytime it happens.
ugh he wants a family so bad, he's so sick of the same old routine and he just wants a break from all of it. can't stand going home to the same old empty apartment, empty bed, empty fridge. he wants a hot meal and a cheery voice greeting him the moment he steps past the threshold, a gorgeous woman who would massage his aching shoulders, let him pick at her insightful brain, and sleep in with him on the weekends. "i became a husband," he replies when asked what he's most proud of and it makes your heart swell, he surprises you like this all the time, he blows your mind because you don't expect it, you wouldn't think he'd adore you the way he does, something so...selfish? just wants you to himself, won't have you visiting his office because he will eat you right up on his desk. it's always the introverted ones, the quiet ones, but nanami is a whole other type of his own. the kind that whispers the dirtiest, filthy things in your ear before he eats you out like he's been craving for it his entire life, hungry and sloppy, his tongue inches deeper and deeper. "i won't fuck you until you've cum three times", he doesn't know when to stop because all he feels is that he should keep going, do a good job, prove to you that he's so capable, that he's more than just his academic accomplishments, he wants to be seen as a man, as a partner.
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yersina ¡ 2 years
tamer au - The End please ^_^
THE END — i’ll make up an ending, or post the ending if i’ve written it (ask me abt my wip(s))
[tamer au part 1]
i meant to write a few sentences or a couple paragraphs at most and instead this came out so uh enjoy i guess?? 🙈
When Yoojin wakes up, woozy and in pain and wishing that he were anywhere other than the hard, gravely ground that he currently feels underneath him, the first thing he sees is white striped fur. 
“Baekho…?” he mutters, confused, and reaches out until his fingers can tangle in the fur. He doesn’t know why he does it, he fully expects Baekho to shake it off like it always does, but instead it crowds back against Yoojin—protectively? His brain still refuses to understand—and lets out a growl.
Yoojin blinks, instantly more awake at the sound of Yoohyun’s voice. “Yoohyun?”
“Hyung!” For a moment, he spots Yoohyun’s face between Baekho’s legs, craned almost upside down in the only space that they can see each other, but in the next moment, Baekho shifts to block his view. “Hyung, you need to call off your monst—creature. Pet. I’ve got a medic here, but it won’t let us pass to reach you.”
The longer Yoojin is awake, the more confused he gets. Baekho wouldn’t do that for him. Gongryongie, he might expect, but not Baekho. His grip on Baekho’s fur tightens when he’s reminded of his dinosaur’s absence, but he smooths it into a pet and gentle push. “Baekho, I need you to move,” he says as calmly as possible. Baekho growls, but begrudgingly shifts to the side when Yoojin pushes at it more insistently. 
Not even a second later, Yoohyun is at his side, hands fluttering in the air around him like he isn’t sure where or if he can touch. “Hyung, you…”
“It looks worse than it is.” Yoojin hopes that that isn’t actually true. It already hurts a lot—he can’t imagine it looking worse.
Between Yoohyun and the medic he’d dragged over, they manage to get Yoojin out of the corner where the dungeon gate had appeared and into an ambulance so he can be taken to the nearest hospital. 
“Baekho.” Yoojin struggles against two medics as he’s packaged into the back of the ambulance. His tiger rumbles threateningly, hackles beginning to rise up. “No, no,” he says, wondering what could possibly have gotten into Baekho between him falling unconscious in the dungeon and waking up outside. “Can you get home? Can you make sure it gets back okay?” he asks one of the Hunters milling around.
“Uh,” is what he gets in response, along with wide eyes. Yoojin gives him up as a lost cause.
“Go home,” he tells Baekho. Hopefully ‘home’ will have Gongryongie, nursing its wounds. And soon, hopefully, Yoojin nursing his own wounds as well. 
Before he can check to see if Baekho follows his orders, Yoohyun drags him into the back of the ambulance and closes the doors. “Rest,” he snaps, pushing Yoojin onto the stretcher, and watches impassively as the EMTs start to hook him up to various machines.
“What happened?” Yoojin asks as something gets attached to his finger, trying to ignore how bereft he feels without Gongryongie or Baekho by his side. “How did I get out of the dungeon?”
Yoohyun furrows his brow. “You don’t remember?”
“I remember the end of the dungeon,” Yoojin offers. At that point, though, he was mostly trying his best to ignore the pain. “Gongryongie was injured, so it couldn’t carry me.” He remembers trying to convince his dinosaur—who could barely support its own weight—that it shouldn’t be trying so hard to drag Yoojin as well as itself. “I was trying to make it to the gate. I don’t remember how I actually got out.”
“I didn’t actually see you until I was called to deal with your tiger.” Yoohyun crosses his arms, tapping a finger in agitation. “Your bird-dinosaur thing flew off before anyone could get to it.” Yoojin breathes a quiet sigh of relief. At least it was strong enough to do that. “Someone mentioned that your tiger carried you out on its back.”
“Baekho did?” Yoojin frowns. “Are you sure?”
“I didn’t see it myself.”
Baekho—would never. 
“You’re sure you didn’t order it to bring you out before you lost consciousness inside?” Yoohyun asks, taking in Yoojin’s confusion. “You can do that, right?”
He can, but he didn’t, and that doesn’t explain why Baekho would stand guard over him after. “I can, but that’s not in its personality,” he explains helplessly. “Baekho isn’t the same as Gongryongie.”
Out of habit, he checks his status window, skimming over most of the information. He vaguely remembers seeing an alert pop up as he was finishing the dungeon, but most of the details were lost on him as he was trying to reach the gate. Most of it is largely the same, with a few stat increases—from leveling up, he’s assuming—but his eyes catch on a particular detail halfway down the window.
[Awakened Han Yoojin has reached Level 10.
Monster Tamer (S) Title Upgrade
Additional Skills
Tame Monster (S): Use of keyword will tame any dungeon creature of S-Rank or lower.
Ride Monster (S): Any tamed creatures can be ridden regardless of creature type.]
Oh. Oh.
“Hey, Yoohyun,” he says weakly, still staring at the change to his title. “Have you reached level ten yet?”
“I’m probably close, but no. You’re in the field more than I am, hyung.” The knot between Yoohyun’s eyebrows tells Yoojin what he thinks of that, but Yoojin can hardly spare a thought beyond the implications of his status window at the moment.
This is a game, he thinks half-hysterically. He literally received a power up at level ten. Is Baekho more obedient because his title got upgraded to S-Rank? Is he going to get another one of these at level twenty? Will the title become SS-Rank?
Yoojin lies back against the stretcher and finally lets his mind go blank, utterly overwhelmed.
What the fuck is happening?
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roleplayfinder ¡ 1 year
Space adventures: 3.0
Hello ladies, gents and fellow rpers. After having to take an unexpected but necessary break from the wonderful world of rping I’m ready to dive back into the waters of writing and make some amazing new stories with some new partners. I’ve been in the writing game for over ten years at this point and consider myself to be fairly experienced when it comes to rping. That being said, I do not require you to have decades of writing experience in order to rp with me. In fact all I ask for anyone thinking of reaching out to me is that:
-You write in third person past tense and have decent spelling and grammar. I’m not going to be put off by the occasional bout of typonese, but I’m definitely going to be put off by writing that I cannot read at all or noticeable mistakes that are left uncorrected.
-You are capable of writing at least three well fleshed out paragraphs per response (this might change depending on what is going on in the rp at the time) with at least seven or more lines. I want someone who is capable of matching the effort I put into my replies and isn’t afraid to spend time making something chock full of detail or go over the discord word limit when it comes to writing a response. One liners/very small or short paragraphs that lack detail are a very big no go for me.
-You can respond at least once or more per day. I do not mind what time during the day that response happens as life comes before rp and I do not want you skipping over important things just to get it done.
-You are 18+. I’m in my twenties and not comfortable rping with minors as my role plays contain NSFW themes and other mature content. Your characters are also required to be 18+ as well.
-You are comfortable with rping against (but not necessarily as) alien characters that aren’t technically just humans from other planets. I’m not looking to rp as a human main character regardless of what we end up doing so please keep this in mind.
-You are capable of bringing ideas to the table, love to worldbuild, adore talking about our characters and aren’t afraid to throw in a plot twist every now and then.
-You will let me know if you have any problems with the rp and work through them with me as well as let me know if you need to take a break or might be busy. I will make sure to do the same.
-You are looking for a long term rp. I want this to be something that spans for months, maybe even years. Not just a couple days or weeks.
-You are comfortable with both MxM and FxM romances. I have no preference as to which one we do.
-You have discord.
I also ask for you to please not godmod, control my characters or spam me with hey/are you there/when are you going to reply/etc.
-You are looking for a fast paced/rapid fire/one liner/short term rp. These types of rp’s just do not hold my interest. I’m also not looking for anything that isn’t a 1x1 rp (group rp’s are just not my thing) and I do not double.
-You are not comfortable with rping with non-humanoid looking aliens. That means anything that may have/has fur, scales, fangs, claws, tails, feathers, the ability to walk on walls or climb ceilings, multiple limbs, etc. If you are not comfortable with aliens that may have one or more of the above traits then please do not reach out to me.
-You are not looking for a slow burn romance or you fade to black when it comes to smut. Slow burn romances are a requirement for all of my rp’s and I feel that skipping out on the smut means we miss the chance to write about very important moments occurring between the characters. To put it simply, smut is important to me. Neither romance or smut will take over the main story of course.
-You are looking for someone to play as a female main character. I only play male main characters and cannot be persuaded to do otherwise.
-You cannot reply more than a couple of times a week. I tend to lose interest/motivation if I don’t get a reply at least every other day.
-You don’t have discord. I rp only on discord because I like making servers to keep things organised, other platforms just don’t work for me.
-You are not interested in doing a sci-fi rp. I’m not looking to do anything that isn’t sci-fi so please do not waste my time by messaging me and asking if I’m interested in other genres. I am also not currently interested in doing anything that isn’t one of the ideas I have listed.
With that out of the way, let’s get onto the ideas! Down below are the ideas that I’ve been hoping to write with someone. I’m open to brainstorming or mixing them together to create something new. Nothing is set in stone and I’m hoping to keep whatever plot we decide to do/make mostly fluid or free flowing, meaning that the entire course of the story isn’t entirely planned out at the beginning and we let the actions of our characters determine what happens next whilst occasionally planning what they next major plot point of the story is when we decide it’s time to fill our characters lives with even more drama.
Taking over:
The lifespan of a captain could sometimes end up being tragically short. It was the captain who was supposed to be the first to jump into their starfighter and guide their crew to victory whenever their ship was under threat, It was the captain who was expected to always be able to know what decisions were the right ones to make in regards to the welfare of the crew and it was the captain who took an oath upon receiving the keys to their ship to never put their own life before someone else’s even when faced with the most difficult decision of all. When the much loved captain of the alliance ship Maelstrom loses their life after a mission gone wrong their second in command is the one who is chosen to take their place as the new captain despite the angry protests from some of the crew members. Will the new captain be able to follow in the footsteps of the one before them and lead the Maelstrom to success whilst earning the respect of the crew, or will the burden be too much to bear?
New recruit:
Whenever talks about potentially receiving some new crew members came around it wasn’t uncommon for people to get a little bit crazy. Not everyone hated the idea of seeing a new face or two running around given it meant that there could potentially be less tasks for them to do before they got to clock out for the day, but that didn’t mean they were exactly okay with the idea that their job was potentially at risk of being handed to someone else if the captain decided that they were no longer performing at the required standards. Many of the current crew members took great pleasure in reminding any newcomers about their place on the ship and weren’t afraid to use their rank to get away with a little less than friendly behaviour when it came to doing such things to the point where it was often an unspoken rule amongst the other crew mates to not interfere with the “initiation” process lest the wraith be turned upon them instead. When the “initiation” process itself stopped depended on when the captain finally cared enough to intervene. When a new recruit arrives in the form of a previous high ranked person who was stripped of their title for insubordination, chaos of an entirely different kind takes hold.
The mission:
Seven. Seven alliance ships had disappeared without a trace or been destroyed by unforeseen yet suspicious circumstances. Mining asteroid explosions, ambush attacks, ship failures, all unfortunate yet unpredictable occurrences that were happening far too frequently for anyone to be able to just comfortably sit back and go on with life. With tensions between the alien and human race at an all time high, the alliance itself was desperately trying to find a way to keep the peace without causing a panic. Eventually, a proposal was made. In an all time first since the end of the great alien/human wars, an alien would be chosen and sent to work onboard a human ship. This was considered to be a very large step given many planets were still hostile to one another and the rumours circulating about the missing ships were sparking some strong reactions from both sides but the alliance was desperate….and so was the alien they were planning to send onboard. For them, it was their last and only chance to start a new life and to put a difficult past behind them. Little did anyone know, the appearance of this newcomer was more than just the first step towards changing life as many knew it for the known galaxies.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the new alien crew member who is sent to work aboard an alliance ship with a human captain and crew. You can play as anything from a regular crew member to the captain.)
Life in the known galaxies was harder for some than it was for most. Whilst many people were able to live freely with little rules and regulations as to what they did, others were bound by law to follow a certain way of life. Most accepted their predetermined paths and did their best to stay out of trouble, whilst for others it was just that little bit harder to accept the way things were supposedly meant to be. Especially when things could go downhill very quickly if one happened to be on the wrong side of those laws. Whilst many people frowned upon ship jumping, the act of sneaking onboard a ship and hiding away from its occupants in order to travel, some people felt like it was the only way to reach their destinations when a fresh start to their life was in order. When a stowaway is caught trying to hijack a ship, will mercy be given? Or will they find themselves facing a new threat?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the stowaway. You will be playing the ship’s captain.)
Where no one dares go:
Life in the known galaxies was once a peaceful experience. Aliens and humans alike peacefully lived their lives knowing that they were safe and mostly free from criminal encounters under the protection of the planetary leaders that formed the United worlds galactic alliance. Nowadays, such hope that any of those so-called leaders would look up from the desks that they were busy counting their money on was nonexistent. If you weren’t a criminal or someone who knew how to play their cards, life got pretty tough. Criminals ruled the roost with an iron fist, many species had gone back to the old ways of thinking less than highly of one another and most simply believed that perhaps this was the way things were meant to be. As a new threat slowly creeps over the horizon, it’s up to two unlikely heroes to team up and go further than anyone ever has before.
The price for freedom:
The number one rule for any criminal, whether they were a fearsome pirate, a smuggler with a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later or a wannabe thief who had yet to go beyond attempting to steal someone’s sandwiches without anyone noticing, was to never let themselves be put in a position where their freedom was at risk of being taken from them. Freedom was a gift that was not given on a whim to those who’d found themselves on the wrong side of the law with no intention of changing their ways and it was not something that came without a price on the rare occasions that it was offered to someone who had been on the path to a life where such a thing would never be granted. When one of the galaxies most feared criminals is finally captured and the alliance ship they are imprisoned on crashes after being targeted by a unknown organisation that is intent on taking over the universe itself, they are forced to work together with the only surviving crew member under the promise that they will be exempt from the punishment they once faced for their help. Will the promise be kept, or will it be broken in the worst way possible?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the criminal. You will be playing the only surviving crew member of the ship that captured them.)
imagine living the life of one of the most successful people on the run that could exist. Galaxies trembled at your name. You and your crew swam in wealth and the going was good. Mutiny, sadly and sometimes not sadly, exists on its own accord. One person in particular reflected on this as they were forced to their feet. A collar attached to a chain and electromagnetic handcuffs prevented their escape as they stood for all those who cared to glance as they walked by in the market to see. No one wants to have their only life’s purpose be to serve another……only sometimes people don’t get that choice.
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the slave/servant. You’ll be the master/mistress.)
Last chance:
Criminals, ranging from wannabe thieves to true crime lords, have been around long before anyone had even thought of the idea of building a spaceship and go where no one had ever been before. They’re often cunning, tricky to catch and more often than not are clever at disguising themselves whenever those wanted posters come up. It takes true talent to be on the wrong side of the laws that had been made by those long gone and get away with it. When a criminal that has been giving the alliance a run for their money has finally been captured, they are given a second chance to redeem themselves by having to work alongside the crew of the ship that captured them and even aid them to defend the ship if the need arises. Will this be enough to encourage a change of heart, or will it be the downfall of the crew and the alliance itself?
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the criminal, you will be playing as one of the crew members or even the captain of the ship.)
To those who have made it this far, thank you for reading! If you are interested in rping with me please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email (I do not rp through email but I’m more than happy for it to be where we first introduce ourselves to one another before moving to discord) or discord. Please note that I am in the eastern australian time zone so it might be a while before I respond/accept any requests you send my way due to possibly being asleep or busy depending on what time zone you are in. When you reach out to me please tell me what idea you liked, why you liked it and any ideas you may have. Please also include a little introduction and tell me what your favourite food is so that I know you’ve read the whole ad. Anyone who simply sends “hey I saw your ad and was interested!” Or some variation of that without an introduction will be ignored, simply sending me your favourite food will not work either as I use introductions to not only get to know the person I’m writing with a little bit and see if we click but to help break the ice a little bit and get the conversation going. My contact information is down below:
My discord: tiberionwars
Can’t wait to rp with anyone interested!
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findroleplay ¡ 1 year
Space adventures: 3.0
Hello ladies, gents and fellow rpers. After having to take an unexpected but necessary break from the wonderful world of rping I’m ready to dive back into the waters of writing and make some amazing new stories with some new partners. I’ve been in the writing game for over ten years at this point and consider myself to be fairly experienced when it comes to rping. That being said, I do not require you to have decades of writing experience in order to rp with me. In fact all I ask for anyone thinking of reaching out to me is that:
-You write in third person past tense and have decent spelling and grammar. I’m not going to be put off by the occasional bout of typonese, but I’m definitely going to be put off by writing that I cannot read at all or noticeable mistakes that are left uncorrected.
-You are capable of writing at least three well fleshed out paragraphs per response (this might change depending on what is going on in the rp at the time) with at least seven or more lines. I want someone who is capable of matching the effort I put into my replies and isn’t afraid to spend time making something chock full of detail or go over the discord word limit when it comes to writing a response. One liners/very small or short paragraphs that lack detail are a very big no go for me.
-You can respond at least once or more per day. I do not mind what time during the day that response happens as life comes before rp and I do not want you skipping over important things just to get it done.
-You are 18+. I’m in my twenties and not comfortable rping with minors as my role plays contain NSFW themes and other mature content. Your characters are also required to be 18+ as well.
-You are comfortable with rping against (but not necessarily as) alien characters that aren’t technically just humans from other planets. I’m not looking to rp as a human main character regardless of what we end up doing so please keep this in mind.
-You are capable of bringing ideas to the table, love to worldbuild, adore talking about our characters and aren’t afraid to throw in a plot twist every now and then.
-You will let me know if you have any problems with the rp and work through them with me as well as let me know if you need to take a break or might be busy. I will make sure to do the same.
-You are looking for a long term rp. I want this to be something that spans for months, maybe even years. Not just a couple days or weeks.
-You are comfortable with both MxM and FxM romances. I have no preference as to which one we do.
-You have discord.
I also ask for you to please not godmod, control my characters or spam me with hey/are you there/when are you going to reply/etc.
-You are looking for a fast paced/rapid fire/one liner/short term rp. These types of rp’s just do not hold my interest. I’m also not looking for anything that isn’t a 1x1 rp (group rp’s are just not my thing) and I do not double.
-You are not comfortable with rping with non-humanoid looking aliens. That means anything that may have/has fur, scales, fangs, claws, tails, feathers, the ability to walk on walls or climb ceilings, multiple limbs, etc. If you are not comfortable with aliens that may have one or more of the above traits then please do not reach out to me.
-You are not looking for a slow burn romance or you fade to black when it comes to smut. Slow burn romances are a requirement for all of my rp’s and I feel that skipping out on the smut means we miss the chance to write about very important moments occurring between the characters. To put it simply, smut is important to me. Neither romance or smut will take over the main story of course.
-You are looking for someone to play as a female main character. I only play male main characters and cannot be persuaded to do otherwise.
-You cannot reply more than a couple of times a week. I tend to lose interest/motivation if I don’t get a reply at least every other day.
-You don’t have discord. I rp only on discord because I like making servers to keep things organised, other platforms just don’t work for me.
-You are not interested in doing a sci-fi rp. I’m not looking to do anything that isn’t sci-fi so please do not waste my time to message me and ask if I’m interested in other genres. I am also not currently interested in doing anything that isn’t one of the ideas I have listed.
With that out of the way, let’s get onto the ideas! Down below are the ideas that I’ve been hoping to write with someone. I’m open to brainstorming or mixing them together to create something new. Nothing is set in stone and I’m hoping to keep whatever plot we decide to do/make mostly fluid or free flowing, meaning that the entire course of the story isn’t entirely planned out at the beginning and we let the actions of our characters determine what happens next whilst occasionally planning what they next major plot point of the story is when we decide it’s time to fill our characters lives with even more drama.
First contact:
Whenever someone read a headline that spoke of how it was possible that alien life forms could very well be not that far beyond the few solar systems that the humans had managed to claim for themselves, many scoffed at the notion that there would actually be any sentient aliens out there who’d even want to interact with humans in the first place and continued to believe that such creatures only existed within the realm of fiction rather than reality despite the few clues found by space explorers that suggested otherwise. Little did anybody know, their extraterrestrial neighbours were much closer than they thought and were not keen on the idea of ever welcoming humans into their little corner of the universe. When a human ship is sent crashing through space and the only survivor ends up being found by an alien, the two species must Learn to put aside their differences in order to stop a war that no one can win from happening.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the alien, You will be playing the human survivor that they find.)
Taking over:
The lifespan of a captain could sometimes end up being tragically short. It was the captain who was supposed to be the first to jump into their starfighter and guide their crew to victory whenever their ship was under threat, It was the captain who was expected to always be able to know what decisions were the right ones to make in regards to the welfare of the crew and it was the captain who took an oath upon receiving the keys to their ship to never put their own life before someone else's even when faced with the most difficult decision of all. When the much loved captain of the alliance ship Maelstrom loses their life after a mission gone wrong their second in command is the one who is chosen to take their place as the new captain despite the angry protests from some of the crew members. Will the new captain be able to follow in the footsteps of the one before them and lead the Maelstrom to success whilst earning the respect of the crew, or will the burden be too much to bear?
Left behind:
“All for one and one for all” was a mantra that many crews were familiar with and abided by regardless of who they worked for or what their mission was. Everyone supposedly looked out for each other, was expected to take on even the most dangerous of enemies in order to protect their fellow crew mates no matter the cost of personal issues with one another and knew that their rank meant little in the grand scheme of things when the others decided that “sacrifices” had to be made in order for the others to thrive. Unfortunately for some people, their misfortunes came in the form of a crew who followed a “every man for themselves” approach to life rather than one that focused on the values of unity. When a wounded alliance soldier is left stranded on a previously undiscovered yet inhabited planet after a mission gone wrong they are adamant that it was a mistake and that they will soon be rescued. As time passes and such a thing starts to become less and less of a possibility they are forced to make a difficult decision that will change their life in a way that they never thought it would.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the alliance soldier. You can either be the person who finds them or another member of the crew that was also purposely left behind alongside them.)
New recruit:
Whenever talks about potentially receiving some new crew members came around it wasn’t uncommon for people to get a little bit crazy. Not everyone hated the idea of seeing a new face or two running around given it meant that there could potentially be less tasks for them to do before they got to clock out for the day, but that didn’t mean they were exactly okay with the idea that their job was potentially at risk of being handed to someone else if the captain decided that they were no longer performing at the required standards. Many of the current crew members took great pleasure in reminding any newcomers about their place on the ship and weren’t afraid to use their rank to get away with a little less than friendly behaviour when it came to doing such things to the point where it was often an unspoken rule amongst the other crew mates to not interfere with the “initiation” process lest the wraith be turned upon them instead. When the “initiation” process itself stopped depended on when the captain finally cared enough to intervene. When a new recruit arrives in the form of a previous high ranked person who was stripped of their title for insubordination, chaos of an entirely different kind takes hold.
The mission:
Seven. Seven alliance ships had disappeared without a trace or been destroyed by unforeseen yet suspicious circumstances. Mining asteroid explosions, ambush attacks, ship failures, all unfortunate yet unpredictable occurrences that were happening far too frequently for anyone to be able to just comfortably sit back and go on with life. With tensions between the alien and human race at an all time high, the alliance itself was desperately trying to find a way to keep the peace without causing a panic. Eventually, a proposal was made. In an all time first since the end of the great alien/human wars, an alien would be chosen and sent to work onboard a human ship. This was considered to be a very large step given many planets were still hostile to one another and the rumours circulating about the missing ships were sparking some strong reactions from both sides but the alliance was desperate….and so was the alien they were planning to send onboard. For them, it was their last and only chance to start a new life and to put a difficult past behind them. Little did anyone know, the appearance of this newcomer was more than just the first step towards changing life as many knew it for the known galaxies.
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the new alien crew member who is sent to work aboard an alliance ship with a human captain and crew. You can play as anything from a regular crew member to the captain.)
Life in the known galaxies was harder for some than it was for most. Whilst many people were able to live freely with little rules and regulations as to what they did, others were bound by law to follow a certain way of life. Most accepted their predetermined paths and did their best to stay out of trouble, whilst for others it was just that little bit harder to accept the way things were supposedly meant to be. Especially when things could go downhill very quickly if one happened to be on the wrong side of those laws. Whilst many people frowned upon ship jumping, the act of sneaking onboard a ship and hiding away from its occupants in order to travel, some people felt like it was the only way to reach their destinations when a fresh start to their life was in order. When a stowaway is caught trying to hijack a ship, will mercy be given? Or will they find themselves facing a new threat?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the stowaway. You will be playing the ship’s captain.)
Where no one dares go:
Life in the known galaxies was once a peaceful experience. Aliens and humans alike peacefully lived their lives knowing that they were safe and mostly free from criminal encounters under the protection of the planetary leaders that formed the United worlds galactic alliance. Nowadays, such hope that any of those so-called leaders would look up from the desks that they were busy counting their money on was nonexistent. If you weren’t a criminal or someone who knew how to play their cards, life got pretty tough. Criminals ruled the roost with an iron fist, many species had gone back to the old ways of thinking less than highly of one another and most simply believed that perhaps this was the way things were meant to be. As a new threat slowly creeps over the horizon, it’s up to two unlikely heroes to team up and go further than anyone ever has before.
The price for freedom:
The number one rule for any criminal, whether they were a fearsome pirate, a smuggler with a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later or a wannabe thief who had yet to go beyond attempting to steal someone’s sandwiches without anyone noticing, was to never let themselves be put in a position where their freedom was at risk of being taken from them. Freedom was a gift that was not given on a whim to those who’d found themselves on the wrong side of the law with no intention of changing their ways and it was not something that came without a price on the rare occasions that it was offered to someone who had been on the path to a life where such a thing would never be granted. When one of the galaxies most feared criminals is finally captured and the alliance ship they are imprisoned on crashes after being targeted by a unknown organisation that is intent on taking over the universe itself, they are forced to work together with the only surviving crew member under the promise that they will be exempt from the punishment they once faced for their help. Will the promise be kept, or will it be broken in the worst way possible?
(Important point of notice: I will be playing the criminal. You will be playing the only surviving crew member of the ship that captured them.)
imagine living the life of one of the most successful people on the run that could exist. Galaxies trembled at your name. You and your crew swam in wealth and the going was good. Mutiny, sadly and sometimes not sadly, exists on its own accord. One person in particular reflected on this as they were forced to their feet. A collar attached to a chain and electromagnetic handcuffs prevented their escape as they stood for all those who cared to glance as they walked by in the market to see. No one wants to have their only life’s purpose be to serve another......only sometimes people don’t get that choice.
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the slave/servant. You’ll be the master/mistress.)
March 18th in the year 6000 was the day that the humans had invaded nexus seven, a planet known for being the home of thousands of species of aliens that came from many different planets. The humans had clearly been planning the invasion for some time as they had come prepared and easily took out nexus seven’s defence forces after decades of war that had seen the humans emerge victorious. No one knows exactly why the humans sought to take nexus seven for their own even after all the years that have passed since that fateful day, many aliens believing this had simply just been the first step to the humans conquering the known galaxies one planet and one solar system at a time despite the fact that the invaders have made little progress in doing so. Attempts by the people of nexus seven to contact their allies on the outer worlds had ended in failure and any hope of someone coming to their rescue had long been lost. Surely there was no one who could save them now….at least that was what they thought.
Long before other planets had even been discovered, and for far longer than anyone could truly remember, there had always been arranged marriages. Arranged marriages, or betrothals as they were more often called, consisted of pairing two people together and making them get married regardless of how they felt about one another in order to secure ties to another land or another planet for what many hoped would be forever. Political marriages benefited everyone but the married pair it always seemed. After all, no one could possibly be happy being married to a complete and utter stranger, could they? How does one who is betrothed build a life of love and prosperity when the one who bears the rings of their union is not the one who also bears their heart?
Last chance:
Criminals, ranging from wannabe thieves to true crime lords, have been around long before anyone had even thought of the idea of building a spaceship and go where no one had ever been before. They’re often cunning, tricky to catch and more often than not are clever at disguising themselves whenever those wanted posters come up. It takes true talent to be on the wrong side of the laws that had been made by those long gone and get away with it. When a criminal that has been giving the alliance a run for their money has finally been captured, they are given a second chance to redeem themselves by having to work alongside the crew of the ship that captured them and even aid them to defend the ship if the need arises. Will this be enough to encourage a change of heart, or will it be the downfall of the crew and the alliance itself?
(Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the criminal, you will be playing as one of the crew members or even the captain of the ship.)
To those who have made it this far, thank you for reading! If you are interested in rping with me please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email (I do not rp through email but I’m more than happy for it to be where we first introduce ourselves to one another before moving to discord) or discord. Please note that I am in the eastern australian time zone so it might be a while before I respond/accept any requests you send my way due to possibly being asleep or busy depending on what time zone you are in. When you reach out to me please tell me what idea you liked, why you liked it and any ideas you may have. Please also include a little introduction and tell me what your favourite food is so that I know you’ve read the whole ad. Anyone who simply sends “hey I saw your ad and was interested!” Or some variation of that without an introduction will be ignored, simply sending me your favourite food will not work either as I use introductions to not only get to know the person I’m writing with a little bit and see if we click but to help break the ice a little bit and get the conversation going.
My contact information is down below:
My discord: tiberionwars
Can't wait to rp with anyone interested!
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