#abel day
bestbonnist · 3 months
Volume 22 Extras
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kafkaoftherubble · 11 months
New to your eternity chapter sure was something
Yea! I mean, me investing in Abel Day stocks and reaping returns? Fuck yea! I definitely feel like I won something! And I'm gonna keep winning. I've also invested in the Doll-san stocks!
It actually gave me a Ramble Essay idea, but I'm kinda busy with work and some other things at the moment. The mood for rambling is also a little low right now because...
What do you think though? Liked the chapter? Some of our fellas have begun thinking that Abel might be the reincarnation/rebirth of Hana, ya know! For that MizuHanna continuation. It's mostly the glasses, I think, 'cause I don't think Abel looks like Hana or Parona. But I'm never good at recognizing faces or semblances both in manga and real life anyway, and maybe one of the characters will point out that Abel looks like Hanna again?
What are your thoughts?
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vanillayoteart · 1 year
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counterspelling · 2 years
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Endless TLOU
Last of Us: Left Behind February 14, 2014 The Last of Us HBO: February 26, 2023
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mishacollins · 1 year
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поточний настрій.
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picklesinabottle · 1 year
the writers said "here is a heterosexual explanation" and jake abel said "no thank you" and proceeded to be unhinged about it for years
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koambu · 8 months
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We were born empty and thus long not for home
(whoever recognizes that quote i am giving you ONE MILLION in CASH)
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moonyflesh · 3 months
Oscar Isaac jawline appreciation post !
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kg-clark-inthedark · 2 months
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My gift for @puddtoast for @dishonoredgiftexchange’s 2024 fugue feast. I went with the prompt of Aramis Stilton thinking about lost love in the wake of Luca’s downfall while listening to his last audiograph from Theodanis Abele, and then realizing he’ll be okay when a monarch butterfly lands on the audiograph player.
I’ve been head over heels for this emotional sucker punch of a prompt, so I hope I did it justice!! Also I’m delighted to have finally drawn Stilton for the first time. Thank you for providing such fun and detailed prompts to choose from! (Btw I didn’t know what symbolism you were hoping for - if any - when requesting a monarch, so I ran with what I grew up with, in terms of the whole “carrying souls of the dead” thing. Hope that works for you!)
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mintartem · 3 months
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Adam and his sons (Cain, Abel, Seth). I like the thought of Adam’s first five children to be taller or the same height as him.
Also Cain character sheet for the sake of my sanity.
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bestbonnist · 1 year
Chapter 174
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The big question for this chapter is why AD helped the doll escape. My theory is that he's trying to keep Anton, specifically, away from her, but it's worth noting that a lot of people think he and the doll/32 have some sort of special connection.
I don't think that's very likely. His parents are 4-star or 3-star, not allowed on the fifth level, and there was an eight year time-skip between when the doll was thrown into the garbage shoot (and presumably when 32 died) and when she woke up. AD was about eight years old at the time Andy was born. The Mizuha clones were in a lab on the highest level. Although AD has an uncle—Rabbit—who is a Kaibara employee, it's very unlikely that he was up there without a tag-chip at eight years old. It's possible, I guess?? But it doesn't make much sense.
AD was also looking for the doll on Rabbit's orders the first few times we saw him. He even successfully captured her at one point. But clearly something's changed. Between then and now, the new variable that's been added to the equation is Anton. In Chapter 170.4, AD had Bon in his hands but voluntarily let him go when he saw that Anton was in trouble. Helping the doll might be an attempt to undermine Anton's reign of terror for his own good.
Or, actually? The doll is the one who suggests that AD may have come to warn them, because she wants to believe that she has a past and that there are people out there who care about her. But it might just be that she spared his life and he wanted to repay the favor. He would probably prefer capturing an immortal to capturing someone who's lacking like him.
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Fushi's still doing their best to respect other people's resolve. Maybe not the right call for this specific situation but good on them.
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If AD never had a chip embedded to begin with, that means his mom gave birth to him, meaning—by Fushi's logic—that his parents loved each other that much. And it's true, when they have Andy made they do seem pretty lovey-dovey. But having the first child born naturally and the next child created exactly how they like seems to imply that there's something unsatisfying about AD. Something "lacking," as it were. Sorry.
Although AD is literally from both of their DNA, they created Andy to match the two of them. Literally, his eye colors were chosen to look like theirs. From an outsider's perspective, AD must seem like the odd one out.
Despite that, AD and Anton's relationship looks pretty good. Anton used to look up to him, we can tell that much from the way he idolized the pick-up hunters and went off to help them the instant he was old enough. Now he's patronizing AD because he's suddenly so much stronger. So... it's a little bit tumultuous. Nothing big, just something tiny that might blow up later.
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Just want to say, at this point Fushi's friends die all the time. Gugu just said so on the previous page. Tonari died earlier this morning. It's such a common occurrence that everyone thinks it's a little strange that Fushi's protesting. @kafkaoftherubble pointed out (or I pointed it out... I genuinely don't remember) that they probably don't want their friends to see anything they shouldn't as ghosts. So that's... interesting.
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dumb-zombie-girl · 5 months
If you think of different characters and actors/ actresses that I miss let me know and I'll make a part 2 or reblog the post and put it in the tags
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skyloftian-nutcase · 7 days
Outbreak Pt 3 (LU in Healthcare)
(Content warning, this is a plague fic, it will likely hit close to home, and there’s dark humor and character death in this part)
It started off as a whisper, but the whisper became a chatter, a groan, constant and disturbing and growing ever closer.
Cases were on the rise in the city, though the surrounding area seemed unaffected still, for now. City officials were growing concerned, and restrictions were starting to be enacted. People were asked to stay home, if possible. As for the hospital and squads…
Hyrule squinted at his email. "Wait. Didn't... didn't they say we could use alcohol wipes to clean the equipment?"
"Yeah," Mo called from the kitchenette in the station.
"Now it says we can only use bleach wipes."
Mo groaned. "Isn't that like the third policy change this week?"
"I'm still trying to figure out if we're doing a specific isolation truck or not anymore," Aurora mumbled. "Like we just had one truck dedicated to the high risk iso cases, and now we're getting so many calls for it that it's a moot point anyway."
"I think the last email said put plastic over everything for Arfy patients and then wipe everything down that you use," Mo replied.
"Wait, which email?"
Hyrule sighed. This was getting ridiculous. And he was getting just a little nervous. “When in doubt, just bleach everything, I guess.”
Aurora huffed. “Did you see the email about the respirators?”
“Which email?” Mo threw his hands in the air, exasperated. “I’ve got twenty new emails!”
“I suppose that means you’ll actually have to read them now,” Aurora noted with a snort.
“Do you all think it’ll get worse before it gets better?” Dawn asked, wringing her hands worriedly. “The OMD made it sound like that would be the case.”
“Our medical director knows more than I do,” Hyrule shrugged. “If he says it’s going to get worse—”
“No, he didn’t just say that, he said ‘it’s not a matter of if the wave hits us, but when,’” Aurora quoted, standing. “He scared the hell out of Dawn.”
“They’re pretty foreboding words,” Hyrule commented darkly, looking away. It was the main reason he was getting nervous. But he was also steeling himself. If they were in for a fight, he would face it head on.
“Okay, but what does any of this have to do with the email about the respirators?” Mo asked as he scrolled frantically through his email.
“Oh, we’re supposed to wear N95s now,” Aurora answered with a wave of her hand.
Hyrule blinked. “Wait. Aren’t—aren’t we supposed to get fit tested for those?”
“Oh, yeah,” Aurora nodded, rolling her eyes. “Here’s your official fit test: pick a mask that fits.”
“We’re all going to die, aren’t we?” Dawn questioned worriedly, hugging herself.
“Nobody’s died from Arfy yet, I don’t think,” Mo noted. “At least not here.”
“People have died,” Aurora corrected.
“Well, maybe we’ll die, then,” Mo amended.
Hyrule laughed while Aurora swatted his partner. Well… at least they’d die fighting. But he really hoped it wouldn’t get to that point.
While the rescue squads struggled to keep up with policies and slapped shoddy safety regulations into place, the hospital clamped down even further. Visitor policies had officially been revoked as of today, and it made all the providers somewhat uneasy.
In some aspects, it was helpful. In others, it made things that much harder.
Arfy patients were medical patients. Which meant the medical floor and ICU was quickly filling up while other parts of the hospital either maintained their quota or decreased as people stayed home. More and more, Four found himself floating to his friend’s ICU, and he felt fairly out of his depths about it. The one good thing was that he got to spend time with Dot. But as cases rose, so did the stress, the worry, and the heartache.
The ICU felt less like a unit where critically ill people got better and more like a place to go to die.
Four and Dot had the same patient assignment for four days in a row. It was the same assignment because nothing had changed with the patients. Intubated, sedated, paralyzed, some proned. The amount of sedation required to keep their patients under was far more than Four was used to, and it was insane how little it would take for their oxygen saturation to drop. Any semblance of activity in the body increased oxygen demand, and the instant oxygen demand increased, no amount of intervention from the ventilator seemed to help. ECMO was a word Four had hardly heard in his trauma ICU, but he heard it on a near daily basis now, being considered at rounds, being initiated with someone else’s patient.
Four was exhausted. His face was breaking out from wearing a respirator for twelve hours at a time. His feet and knees and hips hurt from standing in isolation rooms for three to four hours at a time trying to cluster all his care. And now, with the visitor restriction enacted…
Visitors were hit or miss, particularly in Four’s world. Trauma precipitated drama, and while family could be infinitely helpful and supportive, he’d also seen things go awry, had to deescalate fights or call security. In some aspects, he was thankful there were no visitors while all of this was happening; he was tired of having to explain that yes, you have to wear this gown and gloves and mask, no you can’t kiss your loved one while they’re intubated and sedated with a contagious disease… but still. He couldn’t imagine how hard it was on the family - the patients were sedated to the point that they shouldn’t be aware of anything, but the family had to agonize over the matter at home.
He didn’t like it. He understand the logic. But he didn’t like it.
And so here he sat, holding a patient’s hand while they withdrew care. Here he sat, being the only witness to someone’s last breaths while their family mourned from afar.
Four watched the heart rate steadily drop. He watched the oxygen saturation plummet. He muted the red alarms as the monitor screamed that his patient was dying, that something should be done, like an accusation and call to arms when Four knew this particular fight was over.
He wasn’t a particularly religious person, but he said a prayer for the patient and the family either way. He found himself praying a lot these days, honestly.
While the visitor policy took its toll inside the frame of work, the restrictions both inside and outside the hospital were causing further stress on everyone. Warriors had basically banned Wind from seeing him, opting to stay with Time and Malon instead, leaving the kid in the apartment. He brought food deliveries to the door, asked if Wind needed anything, but he always did so when Wind wasn’t awake - the teenager had swore up and down that if anybody got Arfy he’d take care of them, and Warriors was terrified of that promise as it was basically a threat. Time agreed that Wind didn’t need to get involved, much to the teenager’s chagrin, and Wind found himself already struggling from the loneliness and the frustration of trying to study for classes online when nobody knew what they were doing or how long this would last.
Meanwhile, Wild sat in his room, fingers aimlessly tracing over each other, the smell of bleach so fresh in his nose from scrubbing everything relentlessly for hours on end that he might as well have inhaled a bottle of it. His chest hurt. Not to mention that new disinfectant they were told to use made him cough a lot.
And he worried. Because… it had been a few days since he’d seen his father. Legend had given him updates through his sister (and made Wild swear not to tell anyone about her), and it had sounded like he was improving as expected. But now, he… the rest of the family…
It felt like a blessing and a curse. It was a guarantee that Wild couldn’t run into his mother or sister by accident, but it was also a situation that his mind screamed that he address.
He couldn’t just… he couldn’t just leave his father isolated and alone recovering in the hospital in the midst of an outbreak. He couldn’t.
But what if visiting him made things so much worse? What if it stressed his father’s recovering heart? What if it triggered more traumatic memories for Wild? He was terrified of getting anywhere near the man while he was awake, but his heart screamed that he go to him.
Wild refused to be a coward. And he refused to be heartless, despite how anxious this entire situation made him, despite how his mind screamed he keep away. So that night, when he got on to work, he took a delivery to the cardiovascular ICU and paused in front of a doorway, looking hopefully for a familiar nurse.
“Link? Wild?”
Jumping, Wild turned around to see the nurse in question, watching him scrutinously. She smiled (or at least, he assumed she did, based on how her eye crinkled above her mask) in recognition. “I thought it was you. You here to see your dad?”
Wild swallowed and nodded.
“Good, because the drama I’ve been trying to avoid has been driving me insane,” Legend’s sister said lightheartedly, but despite the casualness of her tone, the words sank into Wild’s stomach like a stone.
“Drama?” He questioned quietly.
“Nothing like… bad, I suppose, but still,” the nurse explained. “I’d be in there taking care of him and overhear him talking to his wife and he’d mention that he swore he saw you. I’m not entirely sure she’s convinced. She seems hopeful, though. But I figured it was best not to bring it up myself since I, ah, don’t know what’s going on.”
Wild felt his blood freeze. His father remembered? And he’d told his mother?
Great. This was… this was just great.
“Go see him,” Legend’s sister prompted gently. “I can tell he loves you very much and just wants to know you’re ok.”
Wild’s eyes unexpectedly burned with tears in an instant, and he was grateful he was wearing a mask to hide his expression. He nodded, hesitantly making his way towards the room.
It all seemed so normal, seeing his father sitting in a recliner looking at his phone. Wild wasn’t even entirely sure he’d recovered memories of his father like that, but somehow it seemed familiar. Abel hadn’t noticed him yet, engrossed in whatever he was looking at, brow slightly furrowed. That expression drew memories, a familiar scrutiny that he would often give Wild himself or his sister, a quiet concern and sternness that made Wild want to stiffen up and simultaneously run to him.
Damn it all, he’d missed him.
Wild swallowed his fears and stepped forward, hoping that this wouldn’t be a disaster. He knocked on the door, initially so quietly that his father didn’t hear him over the chatter of the news on the television. He knocked again.
His father looked up. Stared a moment. Went a shade paler.
Wild hastily stepped forward. “W-wait, don’t get worked up—”
His father stood, seeming mostly steady on his feet, and tried to walk to him, heedless of the cords and oxygen tubing attached, and Wild hastily met him part of the way before he ripped everything out of the wall. Abel immediately pulled him to his chest in the tightest hug Wild had ever felt, and…
And Link sank into the embrace, crying.
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bestbonnist · 11 months
What's with all the bird women
What IS with all the bird women. Unknown.
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The second bird teacher has paws, not talons, which I think is kinda interesting. She's more like a gryphon. Except a gryphon would have talons up front and paws in the back, so maybe not.
I can't imagine a practical reason for having all the teachers be birds, but analytically, you could say it's to show that they're like parrots. They mindlessly repeat what they've been told and teach students to do the same.
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Yeah... what we can infer is already pretty bad. I mean, right now it looks like his parents sent him to get fixed by Kaibara when they found out he was lacking, and they're taking him back now that he has a tag chip? What the fuck. Well, there'll be more to be terrified about next week. Look forward to it.
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elsaqueenofstress · 1 year
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hasan minhaj, homecoming king / sing street (2016 + 2022) / little women (2019) / @/feefal_ on twitter / ferris bueller's day off (1986) / beef (2023) / the banshees of inisherin (2022) / jackie kay, "got you" / beth ann fennelly, "two sisters, one thinner, one better dressed" / michael torres, "my brother is asking for stamps" / the king of staten island (2020) / maggie stiefvater, the dream thieves / chelsea martin, "mcdonalds is impossible" / jonathan goldstein, ladies and gentlemen, the Bible!
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