Hi again! So I keep seeing Dragon Age stuff on my dash after following you lol and I was wondering if you’d really recommend playing it? And if so where does one start? I know there are a few different games.
hey friend! :) (hahah yep I used to be just a Dragon Age blog. I also used to exclusively write for DA! then Connor happened....then Arthur happened....so I decided to just not hold back with all my interests :p)
I totally recommend Dragon Age to any gamer, particularly if you’re into fantasy and especially if you’re into story driven narratives! Dragon Age Origins was the first installment in the series, and it came out in 2009. So going back to it now it can be a bit dated in terms of graphics and game play, but the story is still incredibly fresh, as are the characters. I’ll admit, 15 year old me was intrigued when she heard about the games via game informer magazine that you could romance certain characters on your team. So I picked it up and while I didn’t enjoy it at first, I eventually fell in love and it became my favorite game. It’s still one of my favorites too!
I recommend playing origins, and then Dragon Age 2 before finishing with Inquisition. But I know many who have played the games out of order and enjoyed them anyway! they’re their own stories for the most part with a few threads and cameos that connect them. (with some characters as well that appear through all the games.) if you want the best graphics and something that’s more accessible I recommend starting with Inquisition, but otherwise all the games are great in their own ways.
I love the lore, I feel it’s pretty unique, but I love the characters most of all, and the ability to make your own protagonist and be whoever you want to be!
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newtscarf · 9 years
That's really strange, but I can't say that'd be the first time YTD got screwy cause it messes up my video quality too sometimes. Did you try downloading it at the highest settings like the 1080 px or in a different format like mp4? I heard sometimes that works better, I hope it sorts itself out for you
omg yes it’s a bit better but still I couldn’t obtain the best quality ç___ç please if you know someone who can give me a link with a very good quality trailer, let me know. I want to cry for not having it when I need it the most. 
Anyway, you’re soooo sweet, thank you so much!
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watsonswaltz-blog · 9 years
First impressions, eh? I first thought, holy crap she lives far away! And she's literally the sweetest???? I can't believe I'm making a friend across the world! Oh annnnd she likes 1D, and Doctor Who, and Sherlock, oh yeah I like this girl :))
Aww baee you’re my #1, as always! You’re incredibly amazing and I miss you a lot!! Hope you’re doing well in college :)
tell me what your first impression of me is
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burningupasun · 9 years
Hopefully to help you get back into the writing mood: what made you want to write this fic? What's your favorite part/scene/line you've written so far? Are there any playlists/songs you think go well with the story? I hope this helps, I totally get what you mean when you mentioned in the tags that talking about it helps. Sending good writing vibes at you ~*~* :)
Awww, thank you, you’re so sweet!
What made you write this fic? Lmao I actually remember this. I was reading a lot of Alone-era fics at the time and was like “hey, how come nobody has ever written a fic where Daryl catches up to the car” and jennifercarolyn said something like how she demanded a hundred chapters at 5k words each, and then I wrote the first chapter in a mad rush in one night, haha.
What’s your favorite part/scene/line you’ve written so far? Oh that’s a toughie. It’s kind of a tie between the scene where Daryl is cradling an unconscious Beth in his arms and talks to her until she wakes back up, or the scene in the barn where they have their first kiss. But I’m really fond of that scene in the first chapter, where he tells her about how he gave up needing people when his brother didn’t help him as a kid, and how he was wrong and he needed her. Still gives me feels.
Are there any playlists/songs you think go well with the story? YES! I actually made a playlist for them. You can reblog it on tumblr HERE, and find it on 8tracks HERE.
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fuckyeahgreyhenson · 10 years
Ahhh I love that this blog exists! I got to meet Grey when BoM came to Louisville, KY and he was soooo sweet. I was kinda nervous to approach him, but when he came out the stagedoor he smiled and came right up to me all "Hey there!" I hope he stays on the tour and comes back, I'd love to see him again!
I'm glad you like the blog! and what a sweet story, I hope you do get get to see him again :)
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abbyimaginary replied to your post: My red dead fic pairs good with country music but...
Have you listened to Heavenly Day by Patty Griffin? I’ve had that song on loop since hearing it on Haunting of Hill House and it gives me Charlotte/Arthur/romance-y Red Dead vibes ♡
well, I just pulled it up @abbyimaginary and I LOVE IT
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abbyimaginary replied to your post “Should I update OIL next (DBH fic) or TSS (Red Dead)”
*insert tulio & miguel gif* “Both? Both. Both. Both is good.” (I love them both so much, I’m excited for the sadder parts in OIL, but I’m so thirsty for more Arlotte)
@abbyimaginary hmmmm I might go were the wind takes me! <3
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*just finished reading the new chapter of OIL* YESSSSSS SHAKES! YES!!!! The fact that Connor would someday exist long after Sophie has been on my mind since chapter 1. I was waiting for that to drop, what his reaction would be, how Sophie would feel, just all of it omg. I am definitely someone who is ready for some angsty sadness, because it’s real. It’s the truth of it all. That’s a thing that’s been there since jump street and everyone’s gotta face it. (1/2)
He’s immortal and she’s not. (I have lowkey vibes from when I was obsessed with vampires as a kid only this time there’s no way to “transform” Sophie into an Android, tbh I personally don’t think she’d want to be????) I feel like that Charlie Day meme where he’s looking crazily at the conspiracy board. Anywho! Fantastic chapter! Can’t wait for the next one! (2/2)
AHHHH THANK YOU! yeah this chapter has been a long time coming. Firstly because I always knew connor would take sophie to Jericho one day, and of course this was a conversation that had to happen. just the nature of the beast. been hinted so far, but it had to happen head on.I think this has been the thing on the back of people’s minds, that Connor can live on long after sophie, and it’s so nice to be able to tackle this. 
you know Sophie has immortal longings in her (lol.) this is something she hasn’t thought about. but more conversations are going to happen about everything. 
anyway I got something special planned next chapter, can’t wait to share!!! :) 
thank you so much for reading
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newtscarf · 9 years
From what I've watched the one on YouTube is HQ? Is that the one not working for you?
yeah, I don’t know why! It’s hq, but I use youtube downloader to downloading it and this messed all up O_O why?? ç___ç
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Finally got a good icon that's actually Mercutio, thanks to abbyimaginary and her awesome icon-making skills. Bless. <3
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watsonswaltz-blog · 10 years
I was tagged by the wonderful Hayley (:
Rule #1: Always post the rules
Rule #2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, then write 10 new ones
Rule #3: Tag up to 10 (or more) people and link them in this post
Rule #4: Tell them you tagged them
Who are you closest to in your family?
We're all pretty close, but I'd say my sister. She has a tumblr so click here to check it out! :)
Is there anything you really want to do?
I really want to go to New York. Or buy books. Or 
Books or movies?
Favourite musical artist?
Either Ellie Goulding or Ed Sheeran. 
Favourite subject in school?
English or theatre.
A road trip around America, or a road trip around Europe?
Can you speak any languages besides your first?
I speak two other languages :)
Favourite actor(ess)?
Probably Benedict Cumberbatch or Emma Stone, although I can never say for sure because it always changes.
Any siblings?
One younger brother and a younger sister. 
One person you can’t live without?
My parents. Literally. I wouldn't exist without them. 
My questions:
Best movie you've seen this year?
Describe your tumblr using nouns only.
Movies or TV Shows?
5 things you couldn't live without? (Things, not people)
Hipster or Mainstream?
Would you ever get a tattoo? What would it be of/Why not?
Define love.
Who are you when you're not on tumblr?
What food could you live on forever?
London or New York?
I tag:
because i have no one else to tag i'll half it. :) send me a link when you're done!
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(for the pairing angsty writing meme thing) I'm thinking Mercutio and Valentine with "Don’t listen to them. Don’t you EVER listen to them."
As was his habit, it was later at night than was decent when Mercutio climbed up into Valentine’s bedroom window. Typically, the younger of the Prince’s nephews would be reeking with drink or a whore’s perfume or both, but tonight he seemed eerily sober and put-together —  if one were to discount the fact that his face looked like it got on the wrong side of a particularly angry meat-grinder. Valentine was on his feet in an instant, but stopped short when Mercutio held up his hand. Now that he was closer, Valentine could see that his brother’s expression, beneath the blood and bruising, was a far cry from what was usual. There was something in it that should not have been in the face of any fifteen-year-old boy, much less one with a disposition as bright as Mercutio’s.
"What happened?" Silence. Mercutio was never silent, and that worried him even more than the state of his face. Lips pursed, Valentine nudged his little brother to sit upon the bed while he fetched water and a cloth with which to clean his face. He was permitted to do so without any of the protests or mocking that would usually accompany such unabashed motherliness, and though it made the job quicker, it did nothing to ease Valentine’s worry. There was a heaviness in the air, and as Valentine wiped the last traces of blood from Mercutio’s upper lip, Mercutio seemed to deflate, to shrink.
"Do you suppose I’m mad?" The question was spoken in a hesitant, hushed tone, and at first Valentine wasn’t sure he’d heard correctly. He realized, slowly, that he had, and he felt his heart leap into his throat. His hands hovered around Mercutio’s face and shoulders, uncertain whether or not his brother would welcome touch.
"Why on God’s earth would you ask such a thing? Has someone told you so?" Once again sullen and quiet, Mercutio shrugged, which Valentine took as a yes. He’d heard rumours, whispers that the Prince’s youngest nephew was somehow wrong in the head, but he hadn’t thought they’d come back to Mercutio; stupidly, he’d never believed his brother would set any store by them, if they did. He sat on the bed so that they were shoulder-to-shoulder, and took Mercutio’s hand in his.
"Don’t listen to them," he said, squeezing his little brother’s cold fingers. "Don’t you ever listen to them. Do you understand me, Mercutio? Pay them no heed; their words are only so much air.”
Mercutio nodded, but there was something resigned in it, something that suggested his words were not believed. Valentine gave his hand one last squeeze and sent him off to bed. In the morning, there would be hell to pay, he’d see to that.
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watsonswaltz-blog · 10 years
20 more followers till my next hundred!
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watsonswaltz-blog · 11 years
Rules: In a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard — they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you. Tag ten friends, including me, so I’ll see your list. Make sure you let your friends know you’ve tagged them.
I was tagged by greasysea
eleanor and park (rainbow rowell)
the hunger games trilogy (suzanne collins)
looking for alaska (john green)
the statistical probability of love at first sight (jennifer e smith)
fangirl (rainbow rowell)
why we broke up (daniel handler and maira kalman)
the divergent trilogy (veronica roth)
the history boys (alan bennett) [this is actually a play from my english class. this book and I go way way way back]
the ottoline series [such a cute book that I used to read when I was younger with my sister, and now it makes me think of her tons!]
struck by lighting (chris colfer) [this is more to the movie than the book actually bc the movie made me cry so hard]
sorry for the late response! I only saw this today!
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