#c: mad dreamer
ffsg0jo · 2 months
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�� his golden spear ��
character: dreamer!gojo × fem!reader (reader is poc/south asian coded but barely any mentions of physical features except nipples)
warnings: jjk × asoiaf , self-harm , madness , reader is from house martell , does NOT follow asoif canon everything is very vague/only minor references/not in timeline order , mentions of eye-gouging , mentions of death , ooc gojo , mentions of whores , reader has brown nipples urm i can't think of anything else , lowkey insta-love ish , some parts are disjointed on purpose , they dont know that hes a dreamer btw they just think hes batshit crazy , NO SPOILERS !!
w/c: 3.4k ish
a/n: this was written while i was sleep deprived and delirious, so read it with a handful of salt. it's been plaguing my mind, though, and i had to write it. it's also a lot longer than initially anticipated, so i hope you all enjoy it <33 all credits go to @sweetmelodygraphics for the dividers !!
fics4gaza :: jjk masterlist
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Satoru was losing his mind. He's been having visions for the entirety of his life, vivid visions about the past, present, and future. At first, he thought nothing of them, being young and playing them off as his wild imagination or whimsical dreams. But when some were proven to ring true, fear struck through his heart.
His own mother's passing an example of it. 
He could barely make sense of some, and others were so clear-cut they felt like memories. But regardless, the sense of impending doom never left his body. The visions, as of late, had only been getting worse, distorting his sight.
It was strange. Sometimes, he'd go weeks without dreaming only to be suffocated by an onslaught of nonsensical dreams, seeing them whilst he was awake too, rendered unable to distinguish reality from his debilitating hallucinations. His head constantly throbbed and ached, and he's wracked with crippling nausea more often than not. 
Overwhelmed and overstimulated, Satoru feels like plucking his hairs out one by one. He doesn't know what to do with himself, his body on autopilot, dissociating when it gets too much for him. 
In writing down his visions, Satoru thought he could begin to make sense of them, maybe try and figure out patterns, but they only served to confuse him more. Hurt his head more, and suddenly, he found himself subconsciously scribbling images into the air, without a quill or parchment in his hand. Others around him started to whisper of his condition. Targaryen madness, they’d say, sending him pitiful glances.
He so desperately wanted answers and respite, starting and ending his days in tears, but his madness overtook him.
His visions, dreams, whatever the hell they blurred into real life, and he felt like he was losing his grip on reality. He saw his hands dissolving before his very eyes. It's true what they say about Targaryens. When one is born, a coin is tossed, and the whole world holds its breath. Greatness or insanity. 
Insanity ran through his dragon blood. 
He sees the decapitated heads of the three-headed dragon, meticulously being sewed back on with a golden spear and red thread. He saw his dragon, Vermithor, grazing on sheep in fields, burning bright orange. A snake, wrapping around his arm and squeezing him tight. He will see a hand reaching towards him, a shiny ring adorning each finger, a soft laugh reverberating through his ears.  
The laughter echoed in his head ever since. He heard it almost all day and night now. A brief respite only when he clamped his head tight between his hands.
His ears are permanently scratched and raw. 
The world strangely seemed to take a golden hue, and he felt like all the colours blur into one, and he could no longer tell them apart. He became breathless when his usually white hair turned red, his brilliant cerulean eyes, gold. The red bleeding through the gold, into orange, dripping down his skin.
He was trying to gouge his eyes out. He brought the valyrian steel dagger up to his face, and just as he was about to cut the stupid things out, the Lord Commander sworn to his father, disarmed him, tackling him to the ground. Satoru kicked and screamed and sobbed. He wanted the visions to end, he wished to see no longer. 
The small scar on the apple of his left cheek serves as a sorry reminder.
In attempts to subdue the noise ringing in his head and the visions blurring his sight (as well as any further attempts of Satoru harming himself), the blackest of black materials was tied tight around his head. With his ears sufficiently muffled, and his eyes bathed in darkness, he felt like he could breathe. 
It helped. He felt somewhat calm for the first time in years. 
Despite the cloth tied around his eyes, Satoru could still strangely see. Whilst it wasn’t as clear as before, he could still make out figures and shapes, and if someone was standing close enough, their faces. His good friend Lord Suguru had tried the cloth and was completely blinded, so it was odd that Satoru could see through it. Still, with his vision limited, he felt safe from his own mind, and it wasn’t the strangest thing about Satoru at all. Not by a thousand miles.
On occasion, his visions would come back, pain shooting through his spine, and nothing in the world could stop them. Definitely not the flimsy cloth tied around his head. In those times, he had to be restrained and constantly watched by guards, lest he pour scalding molten lead into his eyes and ears.
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The Mad Heir is what they called him. A laughable name you thought when you first heard of the proposal that was brought to you and your father. You felt insulted. 
Satoru of House Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, Heir to The Iron Throne. 
The Mad Heir to The Iron Throne. 
How dare they offer you, a ruling Princess and Heir in your own right, a mad Prince. Marriages were rarely happy, oft filled with malcontent. The sanest of men mistreated their lady wives and what of mad men? You could hold your own, of that you were sure, but you did not want to go into a marriage fearing your life. You truly did want love to blossom in your union at some point, regardless of what seed sowed it. 
But if an alliance was to be forged, to unite the Seven Kingdoms, and strengthen your house, then you were to meet in a little more than a moons time. You had little choice, your father pleaded and was adamant that you met the Prince at the very least. Begrudgingly, you accepted. 
Packed and ready to set off, you mentally prepared for the long journey via ship. Maybe you'd get to see a dragon or two, you reconciled, forever curious about the wonderful beasts.
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A marriage. That was exactly what Satoru needed. Another problem to add to his heaping pile of problematic problems. He did not understand why he had to get married. He was young, only one and twenty. He hadn't even had the opportunity to sample the whores of Flea Bottom yet. 
Not that he had any interest in whores to be completely transparent. Between his debilitating madness and constant training, lessons, and attending small court, Satoru barely had time to breathe. 
With his father's refusal to take another wife after his own mother passed came the incessant shoving of Satoru to marry his own.
He knew he was being stubborn; he knew realistically that if he did not breed, then the Targaryen line would end with him. If he had at least one or two children, if he was to pass before his time (which was looking very likely), then at least they'd inherit the throne. 
But Satoru was adamant that the Targaryen line would not end. He'd seen it in a vision, clear as day. A girl with long white hair and blue eyes that mirrored his own, sitting peacefully in flames with three dragons circling her. 
He consulted every single history book he had access to, and whilst they mentioned Targaryens being resistant to fire, there was no mention of a girl with three newly hatched dragons bathing in flames. To have one hatchling is considered a blessing many Targaryens are not fortunate to have, but to have hatched three? Almost impossible. With the lack of documentation, Satoru figured it must have been the future he saw. 
Though there was something in his gut telling him to meet with the Princess he was to wed. And whilst he was plagued with madness, Satoru wholeheartedly trusted his intuition. He knew there'd be something to gain from the meeting, but he didn't know what just yet. Maybe an answer to his dreams? Unlikely, but tugging in his gut wouldn’t cease.
In less than half a moons time, he was to meet his potential future wife and Queen. And for once, he wished he'd receive a clear vision of what his future was to be.
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Stares followed you as you walked through the courtyard of the Royal Court, having finally, after a month of travelling, reached King’s Landing. Some curious, others leering, you did not have the energy to pay them any more mind. To be frank, you were exhausted, not faring too well with weeks at sea. You wanted to soak in a warm bath and sleep in a real bed. If you hadn’t been so tired, you might’ve met their stares with a glare.
You knew why they were so ‘fascinated’ by you. You did not look like the noblewomen they were used to seeing. The burnt orange chiffon that covered your body was almost see-through, and if one was to look, really pay attention, they could see the brown of your nipples. A generous amount of your cleavage was on show, half covered by the red material draped around one side of your body and tucked into your arm.  
A golden necklace, studded with amber stones, adorned your neck, with matching earrings, and a gold headband fixed just on top of your hairline. Your hair was free and unbound, unlike the ladies of court around you, who had their hair twisted into intricate braids.
Your mother, the Princess of Dorne, and your father were both bathed in similar colours, albeit a little more conservatively. Together, you were a blazing sight, embodying your house motto; unbowed, unbent, unbroken.
Your Royal convoy was met by the King and his Lords, who bowed and kissed your mother’s hand and warmly greeted your father. You bowed to the King, politely thanking him for his hospitality, and he responded to your words with a warm, familiar smile.
His son, the Prince, was nowhere to be seen. And although many might have been offended, you paid it no mind. As the Heir to Dorne, you knew very well just how busy his schedule could be. And in truth, you were nervous, wanting to stall your meeting as much as possible.
The maids led you to your room and had preemptively set up a warm bath for you to soak in, and you graciously thanked them. Your own personal maids took the liberty to add milk and honey to the warm water. Thanking them all once again, you dismissed them, wanting to bathe in peace.
You do not know how long you spent in the bath, lost in your thoughts. The water was now less than lukewarm, and your fingers had pruned up.
Whilst your body had been soothed and relaxed, your mind was far from. You had heard whispers about the Prince’s striking beauty, the magnificent blue of his eyes. Yet you still feared, usually the pretty ones had the worst personalities and egos in your experience. You had tried to ask the maids, but all they said was that ‘it would be the most agreeable match, your grace’.  
The fact that no one was willing to tell you about your potential husband to be worried you.
All you knew was that he was mad and devastatingly handsome.
Sighing, you got out of your bath and dried off, calling your maids to help you get dressed. Once again, you donned light and airy chiffon, this time opting for a simple, short sleeved red dress and a burnt orange scarf draped over your left side and tucked into your waist with a golden band. The scarf was embroidered with gold outlines of the sun, matching your house sigil. A golden snake bracelet was wrapped around your forearm, but you decided to forgo the rest of your jewellery besides your rings. You wanted to explore the castle and feared too much jewellery would make unnecessary noise.  
There were still quite a couple of hours till you were meant to dine with the Targaryens, so you quietly slipped out of your rooms and set out to explore your potential future home.
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Nerves were worming throughout Satoru’s body, unsettling him deeply; he could hardly focus on the book in front of him. He had another dream last night, a golden spear barrelling straight through his heart. Except there was no pain or blood, he felt entirely at peace, and his heart had beaten even stronger.
Satoru had wrenched off his blindfold off, desperately searching through the archives. He tried to find out what the golden spear could mean or potentially represent. Initially, he thought it would mean there would be a good hunting season perhaps, and in another text, it made mention of how a spear could symbolise courage and achievement. Still, there was something in his gut telling him that it couldn’t possibly be it.
Maybe he’d die having won some great war? That wouldn’t make too much sense given that the Seven Kingdoms were at the height of their prosperity, and if his betrothal was to go well, that would only serve to further that. Every single possible conclusion he came to, his body was telling him he was wrong.
His palms dug into his eyes as he roughly exhaled, cursing under his breath. The doors to the library opened, and he knew a servant had probably found him to tell him he was to go back to the training he was skipping.
“I’ll be right there, just give me a moment.” He said, his breath coming out in quick pants, palms digging into his eyes further.
The pain brought him great comfort.
Instead of hearing the doors close, he hears light footsteps coming closer towards him. Gently, soft hands grasp at his wrists, slowly pulling them away from his eyes.
Satoru is shocked stiff, wondering which servant had the audacity to touch him in such way.
His eyes open, and the first thing he sees is a golden snake wrapped around a forearm. A jolt goes through his body, every single hair on his body stands, and his vision bleeds red.
A snake, the arm, Satoru’s vision from months ago finds him once more. He’s rendered breathless at the sensation, gasping for air. The hands move from his wrists to cup his face.
His hearing is muffled, and his eyes struggle to find focus. His stomach bubbles with excitement and trepidation. There’s a soft voice lulling him back to reality, a familiar voice that he can not quite place. Fingers stroke his cheek, the cold rings bringing great ease, and eventually, it pulls him out of his own head.
“Just breathe,” the voice tells him, fingers gently closing his lids and returning to stroke his cheeks. Satoru’s breath somewhat evens out as he focuses on breathing. Once he’s settled, he squeezes his eyes shut and gains the courage to open them one more.
You’re beautiful, is his first thought. Breathtaking. An explosion of red and gold, a beautiful sunset orange.
You look like the answer to all his prayers.
“-you okay?”
Satoru snaps out of his thoughts and realises you’re talking to him. He wordlessly nods, his eyes moving away from your figure in embarrassment. Your hands fall from his face, and Satoru misses their warmth already. The incessant tugging in his gut had died down to a gentle pull, and Satoru knew, with certainty, he found what he was looking for.
“I apologise for touching you so brazenly, my Prince.” You said, thinking that the man in front of you was probably uncomfortable by your touch. You figured out who he was as you stepped into the library, after all, how many white-haired and blue-eyed people were there, casually walking around the Keep.
You knew you probably shouldn’t have touched him, but he looked like he was having a panicked episode. His breath came out quick and ragged, eyes blown wide and teary. You remembered how your parents would hold your face to ground you and guide you to breathing normally again, helping you calm down.
Satoru slowly turns back to you and takes you in once more. It’s better than the first time he laid eyes on you. His soul feels at peace, his body wanting to cave in on yours. He doesn’t even realise it, but the ringing in his ears had finally quietened down.
He notices the rings on your hands and instinctively moves to grab them.
“A spear?” He questions, somewhat frantic. You let him take hold of your hand, wanting him to feel at ease in your presence and quickly recognising this was the supposed madness everyone spoke about.
“Our sigil,” you explained gently, as he moved his face closer to your hand in disbelief. “Of House Martell. A sun, with a golden spear through it.”
“A golden spear,” Satoru repeated, a breathless laugh escaping his lips. “How could I have been so stupid, of course it’s your sigil!”
The Prince’s erratic behaviour was more than a little alarming, but for some reason, you were not worried or in fear. You let him process whatever he needed to process, seeing the cogs turning in his brain.
His eyes also visibly cleared up, and his face looked much more relaxed. The Prince really was strikingly handsome. You felt drawn to him, fighting the urge to hold his hand properly, fingers itching to trace his little scar and stroke his supple cheeks once more.
“I apologise, Princess,” he says, calmed after minutes of just staring and fiddling with your ring. “It is unbecoming of a Prince to treat you in such a way.”
Still, he made no move to release your hand; you found that you did not mind, liking the roughened touch of his fingers on yours.
He looks up at you with those gorgeous eyes, and you realise if they were the last thing you saw, you would die a satisfied and happy woman. You shake your head at him, as if telling him not to worry about it. If anything, you should be apologising to him.
“And I also apologise for your betrothal to me.” His voice is a lot firmer than before, but still soft and whispery. You go to open your mouth to refute his statement, but he speaks before you can.
“I’m sure you have a lot of questions, so please-“ he gestures to the chair next to him with his free hand, “-sit, and we can discuss matters.”
Before you sit next to him, you grab the hand already on yours with your other and look at him imploringly.
“I know they say that you are mad, my Prince, but you are not broken or incapable of love. In truth, I was a little insulted by your proposal at first, but I truly think I could come to greatly care for you, if not love.”
You had not felt safer with a man alone, as you had with Satoru, besides your own father. It was a strange and indescribable feeling, but you felt as though your souls truly were connected, his presence bringing you ease. You didn’t believe in soulmates or love at first sight. You knew all too well just how cruel the world was, but in Satoru, you found the next closest thing.
Satoru visibly melts at your words. In truth, that’s all he could ask for. He presses a chaste kiss to your conjoined hands and nods.
With a smile on his face, he thinks he could learn to love you too.
He gently guides your hand to sit in the chair next to him, his sturdy thigh comfortably pressed against yours. For the first time in his life, Satoru opens up to someone about his thoughts and feelings with great ease.
In the next couple of hours, you truly get to know the ins and outs of the Heir to the Iron Throne, as he too became familiar with you, the future Princess of Dorne. Before you knew it, it was time for the dinner the King had prepared to welcome his guests.
You and Satoru had shyly walked to the dining hall together, side by side, your hand still in his grasp and resting on his arm.
His blindfold remained forgotten on the desk.
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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Blood and Cheese
Warnings: S2 E1 spoilers, mentions of SA, mentions of gore and blood
So, you are telling me that HBO made b&c an accident. It was supposed to be Aemond. And they made Heleana run while Jaehaerys was being killed and her daughter safe and sound. And Alicent and Maelor wasn't even there. What the hell??!!
They turned one of the best, in fact the only well written part of the book and turned it into this piece of crap
Aemond was never involved. Daemon wanted to kill a child when Luke died because he didn't have the guts to fight Aemond. Aemond might have been the reason the dance of the dragons began but he was never the cause of b&c.
Heleana begged blood and cheese to take her life instead of her children and in the show, she offers her necklace. The entire point of blood and cheese is to show a distraught mother trying to protect her children and being forced to choose which one of her children die. And they made her simply point at her son. Book!Heleana would never. Book!Heleana had to hold the lifeless body of her eldest child that didn't even have his head. She couldn't see his last expressions, was there fear on his young face or was it pain? She would never know until these ruthless killers were found. She would rather lose her life and her sanity than her own children. And in the end, she lost them all. And that is the tragedy of Heleana the Dreamer. That is the tragedy of a mother and a queen.
Jaehaera is sleeping soundly and isn't even harmed while in the books she was a traumatized kid. She was threatened with rape by a man when she was 6 years old. She watched her twin get killed in a helpless position and could do nothing to protect him. That possibly was a driving reason of her suicide.
Maelor was present there at the time of b&c and he wasn't even born in the show. He was two years old; he was a child who saw such a brutal murder. Heleana in her mind made the right decision by offering Maelor instead of the heir to the throne but imagine how much that would have mentally and emotionally scarred him, if it wasn't for his untimely death. He was a victim of 'the greater good'. But it was never him and if he had grown up enough to even form words they would have been of pain and sorrow.
Alicent was in her room having sex with Criston Cole while in the book she had to wait knowing that her daughter and grandchildren would enter any minute and be harmed. She was helpless in those moments, and God knows what went through the mind of this woman who loved her children so much. Her trauma is undermined. She saw her bed maiden killed knowing this might be the fate of her beloved children and it was for Jaehaerys. She had to take care of Jaehaera and Maelor while her own daughter sank into a deep and dark pit of madness. She saw her daughter commit suicide because of this. Do any of us ever stop and wonder if she blamed herself for all this?
Blood and Cheese was one of the most traumatic events in the entire history of Targaryens and I will murder those who say otherwise. Not because I am team green but because I have sympathy. Sympathy for two young children forced to witness such cruelty, sympathy for a child who was inflicted with such early death, sympathy for two helpless mothers who blamed themselves for their children's doom.
And the show destroyed it. HBO destroyed everything, from the cruelty and from the trauma. And those who have never read the book will never know. Never know the cruelty of team black. Blood and cheese wasn't revenge, it wasn't a son for a son. It was pure cruelty and malice. It was the murder of a child who had never done anything wrong, and the show erased it. They never showed what extents team black could go in the name of war and revenge.
And I despise HBO for what they did. Once again, they show that team black can do no wrong, that Daemon Targaryen's actions are justifiable because he did it for his 'family'. But he didn't, like always he did this for the sake of violence, and forever will.
This season is ruined from the beginning. HBO can do nothing to make it better.
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olenvasynyt · 5 months
In ACOWAR during the meeting with Kier when he asks for his people to be free of the mountain, Feyre says “You have every comfort, and it’s still not enough?”
She had every comfort at Tamlin’s manor, and it still wasn’t enough for her…
One thing that really pisses me off about the Court of Nightmares is how SJM writes it so black and white. The entire court, not just Keir, is evil and conniving. There was a part in ACOWAR where he says he is going to let the CoN go to Velaris but he told all of the vendors and business owners to refuse service to not just Keir, but all of the CoN. And this paints the entire court in this black and white lense.
Not a single person in that court is a dreamer like Mor? She was the only fucking one?
I think there can be a little bit of nuance to the situation where a significant portion of the court is just bad because they have been festering in the dark for so long, but guess who's fault is that?? It's the leader's fault, the one who keeps the court up and running, aka the High Lord, aka Rhys.
Rhys says he wants change. That he wants to show the world that he's good. But he continues to keep the Court of Nightmares up and running, he keeps Keir as herald.
"Oh this court is so awful and sadistic," Feyre thinks as she sits on the throne with a crown on her head and with Rhys holding her hand.
And Rhys says "the Court of Nightmares just rules itself" and sure, I guess that's true, but as High Lord, you have the ability to put a stop to that and pull out the bad weeds. But instead, you keep it running to further your agenda and to keep your evil mask on.
Getting mad at Keir for slutshaming your lover and breaking his arm is not enough. Restricting access to Velaris is not enough. Even telling the Court "you guys are bad >:C " is not fucking enough.
Rhys the most powerful High Lord who killed all of the Illyrian war bands who sided with Amarantha after UTM, yet he can't do the same to the CoN?
Rhys and Feyre and the IC label the entire CoN as evil without trying to find the forgotten dreamers, and they continue to keep the court up and running and making the excuse that "it's too hard" despite their power and influence. It means they don't care. Or that Rhys maybe fucking enjoys it.
It also means that SJM (so far) has no idea what she's doing and can't understand the situation she wrote in her own series.
And this brings me to comparing Nesta being locked up, the CoN and its dreamers being locked up, and Feyre being locked up. Is SJM intending this irony and hypocrisy of the IC? I sure hope so because I swear it's the most obvious comparision ever, but it confuses me because a large majority of the ACOTAR fanbase doesn't get it. "Oh well the CoN is evil! They have to keep them contained and Rhys can't do a whole lot as High Lord because the Court rules itself." And the most frustrating argument: "Nesta was addicted to sex and alcohol, she needed to be rehabilitated! It's for her own good!"
They don't see the irony of how the IC treats Nesta because Tamlin also did what he did for Feyre's own good. It was to protect her, keep her safe. Not saying it was 100% good and right, but why are we not understanding that what the IC did to Nesta was not 100% good and right either?
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loves-requiem777 · 5 months
My theory about what will happen in Helaena in season 2 🕷️
So we haven’t seen much footage of Helaena compared to the other characters and many have speculated that she won’t be having an active role , but what if her footage is too spoilery?
The thing that we know for sure is b&c and then Jehaerys funeral
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I want to believe the writers made her a dreamer for a reason and that reason is so she can have a more active role bc in the books she doesn’t really do anything, due to her grief turned into madness of course.
In the new trailer we see a footage of Helaena during the riot
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Many believe that it’s right after the funeral but in my opinion it isn’t, the fabric and the pattern of the dress is obviously difficult
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And we also see her in this dress
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And also people say that this is the funeral dress, but the funeral one has more black fabric.
In the leaks it is said that Helaena is pregnant with Maelor, so what if she doesn’t go mad after Jaeherys death but after Maelor’s.
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There is also this scene in the trailer which I don’t know if it’s Alicent or Helaena but it might be during b&c.
Bethany Antonia (who plays Baela) said in and interview that the big difference from the book is that the kids will be more active (I’m so excited for Baela and Rhaena love love love them) I hope applies to Helaena as well!
I want to see her relationship with Aegon (them grieving together or Helaena visiting him after Rooks rest which doesnt happen in the book) with Aemond,Alicent and of course her kids!
If the exclude her from the story im gonna be mad
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acourtofkindness · 3 months
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Thank you for sending in all the stories, here you can find the collection! Some of these are one-shots, some are longer stories, just click your way through them and also check out their other fics!
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A Court of Vice and Victors
by @wishcamper Acosf rewrite where Nesta actually gets help and she and Cassian have a healthier dynamic, plus an Illyrian murder mystery
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Pages Turned
by @climbthemountain2020 A character study on Nesta Archeron, the hardships she's faced through her life, and how they've shaped her as a person.
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Could You Love Me While I Hate Myself
by @witch-and-her-witcher Humans have just been freed from servitude to the fae after years at war on Prythian and times are desperate for Nesta Archeron. With Feyre MIA and Elain a shell of herself, her options are becoming increasingly limited. When one of the young fae warriors, Cassian, who has carved a name for himself on the battlefield proposes to her after recognizing a mating bond between them, Nesta doesn't see any choice but to agree to take him as her husband and move herself and her sister to his home Court and the wilds of Illyria. War brings them together, a bond binds them - but is that enough for two broken people to find love with each other?
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Firm and Fragrant Still the Brambleberries
by @foundress0fnothing When Nesta became a nurse at the start of the war, she could not have predicted a patient as challenging as Lieutenant Cassian Davies, nor he a nurse as captivating as her. As the same war that brought them together threatens to tear them apart, Nesta and Cassian must navigate the complexities of love and duty to find the way back to each other. A WWI historical AU.
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Wreck My Plans, That's My Man
by @c-e-d-dreamer Drummer for the Bat Boys, Cassian has a large following, but sometimes Nesta doesn't appreciate fangirls calling themselves "Cassian's future wife."
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It Looks As Though You're Letting Go
by @Darkcat18 (on ao3) Everyone is born with an arrow on the back of their hand which points to their soulmate at midnight on their eighteenth birthday. After her parents' disastrous marriage and her father's subsequent depression following the death of her mother, Nesta realized a soulmate is nothing more than guaranteed heartache and ruination. On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, she packs up her car and leaves her family and life behind forever. What she doesn't count on, however, is having a soulmate like Cassian, who may be the one to prove to her that a soulmate is what she needs.
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I Guess It's Half Timing (And The Other Half's Luck)
by @moodymelanist Nesta and Cassian have a steamy one-night stand while out celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, but their lives are changed forever once Nesta realizes her period is late. Follow along as Nesta and Cassian navigate preparing to become parents, balancing their other life stresses, and figuring out their feelings for one another!
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Amidst the Madness
by @This_Immortal_Hope (on ao3) Love and war have always followed the same rules: Quick to ignite, slow to extinguish. There aren't many things Cassian has dared to openly want in his 500 years of existence. Not even the position he currently occupies as Lord of Windahaven (far too lofty a spot for nothing more than a well-blodded bastard, if you ask the other Illyrian Lords), but from the second Nesta Archeron stepped foot in his camp, the entire world ebbed into a single truth. She is his. He is hers. Everything else - the war he is meant to lead, the people relying on him, the legacy he should be fighting to protect, cease to exist the second his eyes are caught in roiling silver flames. There is pain in this female, his female. And retribution will be exacted. Rhysand has his war, and now so does Cassian. Whether the two align ... only Nesta can give that order.
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Sweetest Con
by @separatist-apologist Nesta Archeron has been trapped in witness protection for the past five years, hiding a secret no one can ever learn. All she has to do is wait out the criminals back home determined to punish her and her sisters for a lie they told years before. She can handle anything- even the new agent sent to keep her safe.
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The Whole Truth
by @TheTeaQueen (on ao3) A beautifully heartbreaking story about what if Papa Archeron used/sold Nesta back in their village, and the IC learning this truth. It features Rhys and Nesta sibling bonding over their respective SA traumas. And Cassian helping Nesta to heal and feel comfortable with touch again
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The Nesta Variation
by @persegrace (on ao3) A modern AU where Cassian is a military vet and Nesta is a former ballet dancer. They're both dealing with trauma, and meet in AA.
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Ultima Ex Nobis
by @fieldofdaisiies Six years into a global pandemic which was caused by a mass fungal infection that turns hosts into zombie-like creatures and makes the whole of Prythian collapse, the former army general Cassian Cadell is tasked with one very special mission – escorting Nesta Archeron, one of the few immune survivors, across a post-apocalyptic Prythian to a group of people of the name L. Their identity is unknown but they can make an antidote.
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you make my motor run
by @wilde-knight When Nesta and Cassian are set up on a blind date, neither of them can imagine their families feeling whole again. But with sparks flying between them, will they finally be able to imagine the road ahead?
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queenvhagar · 1 month
The way that Helaena had more character the book than the show. Pre-B&C she would sass at Aegon (when they first look for him, they go to her room and she’s all like “he’s not here, you want to check my bed” or something) and the she sits at Aegon’s council and pushes for peace terms and Aegon listens to her advice, even that fits their “women = peaceful anti-war” narrative and she could have been the opposite of Alicent
Istg the show had the skeleton and framework … it’s all there and yet they gave us an inferior version. I’m hoping I eat my words in S3 but why does Mysaria have more screen time than Helaena.
They had something to work with, they could have even woven it with what the dreamer!Helaena but I guess it’s easier to just remove any potential she could have had. I know there’s not much to work with but there were some crumbs. I’m sorry for the ant
Helaena could have had a much more fleshed out character and should have, especially for this show that is apparently so interested in telling women's stories.
Helaena should have had her line of Aegon not being in her bed and how they can search the sheets if they would like. She should have been at the Green council to convince Aegon to take the throne and save their family. She should have been crowned by Alicent and named queen in front of the masses. She should have been shown coming back from riding Dreamfyre as it was her greatest joy in life to fly with her. She should have been shown interacting with her children. She can be autistic, and this means she's more than just the stereotypes! She would feel closer with her dragon than any person, and she would be more comfortable with her children than other adults. She would be odd and peculiar but a likeable and happy person - she is beloved of the smallfolk for a reason!
And then she should've had to choose a son at Blood and Cheese. She should have been racked with guilt forever more and permanently completely changed as a person. She would no longer be able to leave her room, no longer able to ride her dragon, no longer able to look upon her children without feeling shame. And in this isolation, she could have become more in touch with her dreams and found more meaning and coherence in them, but ultimately she would be unable to communicate them with others due to her grief and self-isolation and it would only confirm to others how mad she had become since her son was killed. Helaena's character is the demonstration of how war inflicts tragedy and suffering upon the least deserving/most innocent, and this more accurate depiction of Helaena would better show this.
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nestaarcheronweek · 5 months
♕ Day Seven: Free Day ♕
Killing Amren by @wishcamper
Semper Eadem Part V by @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk
Amidst the Madness Chapter 4 by @unhealthyfanobsession
Wrong Delivery Part 2 by @moodymelanist
Top Shelf Love: Prologue by @c-e-d-dreamer
In Between the Lines by @asnowfern
Birthday Girl Part 2 by @voidcommascreamintothe
sirens in the beat of your heart by @popjunkie42
Glasses by @talkfantasytome
Letting Go While Holding On Part II by @freakingata
Snippet by @venus-celestial
Melodies of Resistance: Nesta’s Healing Journey by @sonics-atelier
And Now She Becomes Death by @kale-theteaqueen
Sympathy for the Devil fanart commissioned by @melphss, drawn by talitasami
Nesta fanart by @thoughtfulshepherdmongerkid
Nesta fanart by @climbthemountain2020
Nesta/Cassian fanart by @positivewitch
Nesta fanart commissioned by @melphss, drawn by paolapieretti.art
Nesta Portrait by @artinelysian
Nesta fanart by @laxibbeb
Nesta & Nyx fanart by @dawneternal
Nesta as High Lady of Dusk fanart by @vivictory-draws
Nesta & Bryce fanart commissioned by @podemechamardek, drawn by @lib-arts
Nesta & Ember fanart by @copypastus
Nesta fanart by @westrangecollectionkoalaposts
Nesta as High Lady of Dusk fanart by @dustjacketdraws
Nesta fanart by channybythesea
Nesta fanart by @lilynox
Moodboard by @lorcandidlucienwill
Who should Nesta’s new partner be? by @theladyofbloodshed
Nesta’s Instagram by @vanserrass
Moodboard by @spore-loser
Moodboard by @princessyuwa
Moodboard by @tamlinfairchild
Moodboard by @bookishwithathought
Swan’s Dance: Nesta Archeron’s Ode to the Divine [Moodboard + Poem] by @sonics-atelier
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⚔︎ Day Seven Round-Up: Free Day ⚔︎
The Fox and the Hound Part 1 (Cassian x Reader) by @readychilledwine
Good Boy (Cassian x Reader) by @littlest-w01f
Unprofessional Duties (Cassian x Reader) by @lady-of-tearshed
In My Civilization You’re the King and the Queen (Nessian) by @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk
Like Mother, Like Daughter (Cassian & Reader Daughter) by @readychilledwine
Amidst the Madness: Chapter 14 (Nessian) by @unhealthyfanobsession
The City of Starlight auction incident (Cassian x Reader) by @daycourtofficial
My Most Idiotic Mate (Cassian x Reader) by @mcuamerica
Bets and Games (Cassian x Reader) by @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden
Crush (Cassian x Reader) by @readychilledwine
The ways you say my name, have me running on and on (Nessian) by @asnowfern
Come Here Sweetheart (Cassian x Reader) by @sarawritestories
Dessert for a King (Cassian x Reader) by @readychilledwine
Falling for a Shooting Star (Cassian x OC) by @thedeviltohisangel
Mating Bond (Cassian x Reader) by @mcuamerica
When the Steam Settles (Cassian x Rhysand) by @shadowqueenjude and @sonics-atelier
Nessian fanart by @rosesncarnations
Nessian as Morticia and Gomez by @/xo.hikka commissioned by @lulufoxlainfawn
Cassian in short shorts by @dawneternal commissioned by @c-e-d-dreamer
Cassian and his daughter by @/_inkye commissioned by @podemechamardek
Barbarian Cassian by @nesta-apologist
Nessian fanart by @artedeabs
Cassian, Lord of Bloodshed by @bookishwithathought
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mailka · 2 months
I'm very sad with how the show treated Helaena honestly because I don't think that making her a dreamer was a bad idea in general. (it's actually maddening how the show doesn't set shit up properly because it makes the plot move the characters and not the other way around like it's supposed to be )
Frankly how I personally would've liked the things to play out (and you need Maelor for that): Helaena as a dreamer knows the things that are going to happen with enough clarity of the event itself but not how or why or where or when, basically just the event in a vacuum.
So she's haunted by the visions of her children's deaths and she tries to avoid it by telling people about it and while they try to accommodate her they don't take her seriously enough (mother's worries and gentle hearts and all that).
But then B&C happens (as close as it was in the books) and she, like in the books, goes mad with grief and fear and her visions about her children's dying become more prominent and she can't forget them. The thing I would make different from the book is that instead of avoiding her children she keeps them close and doesn't let anyone near which makes Aegon to ask Alicent for help because she's pretty much the only one who Helaena trusts with it (Aegon too but he has too much of his own guilt so he avoids her, Aemond too I guess).
So Helaena is drowning in her emotions and paranoia and thinks that Daemon is coming back or will be the one to kill her babies but then the RR happens and Aemond burns Aegon (intentional or not doesn't really matter) and Helaena thinks that Aemond too might try to get to the throne through her children (not because he really would it's more about how Hel is beyond reason at that point and only thinks about her children) and she kinda snaps out of it but kinda gets the tunnel vision about saving her children fueled by her dreams and fears.
And that's what makes her urge Aemond to go to Harrenhall (tho without telling him about his death, only telling that Daemon will be there and they will have a battle and maybe lie about his victory or something) and then urge Daemon to go there as well and battle Aemond.
But then her children are whisked away and Rhaenyra takes KL and maybe Helaena tries to play on Rhaenyra obsession with the prophesy and loses her touch with the reality little by little.
And then obviously it doesn't work and Maelor is dead (something something we do what we do because the dreams are true or the dreams are true because we do what we do) and she jumps from the window.
It's not ideal but I personally would like to see something like that and I thought that's where s2 would go.
Also, her dreamer status might explain her hesitation at riding a dragon because if she sees her own death she might get cautious and try not to risk it and also if she doesn't know when it happens she wouldn't want to leave her children at all and if she sees Jaehaera's deaths she also wouldn't want to fly her away somewhere. It also might explain her panic in a crowd because she sees Maelor's deaths in a crowd so she's very distrustful of it.
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ladyseastar · 2 months
something I didn't think I'd say but imma say it anyway... helaena being a dreamer is so fucking dumb, especially with how the show played all of it out.
book! helaena was a happy person, she loved riding dreamfyre. the smallfolk adored her. she loved her children, and was prepared to die for them during b&c. she only gets depressed and descends into madness after jaehaerys dies, and that's what makes her useless in the war, not some mumbo jumbo prophecy.
show! helaena is bland af. she's constantly shown as this mumbling dragon dreamer who barely socialises with anyone. she hardly seems to care about her son being dead because "it's all part of the story" and "I'm just playing my part" apparently she even doesn't like being a dragon rider and seldom rides dreamfyre, plus the smallfolk seem to hate her now too.
wasn't the whole point of being a dragon dreamer trying to prevent the disaster that happens!? like daenys the dreamer who saved her family, so why isn't helaena doing anything!? why didn't she save her son if she knows what's going to happen!? why didn't she warn aegon that he would be burnt by aemond!? i just don't get it...
i wish they never made her a dreamer, because then at least she could've had a personality or something.
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fuckyesnessian · 5 months
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Creator Highlight #6 - @c-e-d-dreamer
Welcome back to Nessian Creator Highlights!! We want to take a moment to recognize the amazing individuals in our fandom who kindly use up so much of their freetime and creative energy to share their work with us!
You've likely seen @c-e-d-dreamer floating around the nessian tags, either for her wonderful art commissions, her incredible fics, or her willingness to roll out the welcome mat for new nessians! Her generous spirit and friendly disposition makes the nessian tag a safe and supportive space for all new folks looking for a soft landing!
Besides being so wonderfully kind, @c-e-d-dreamer is also an impossibly talented fic writer. If you're looking for nessian angst, look no further- and if you're looking for hockey Nessian, she is absolutely your expert!
Check out some of our favorites below:
Top Shelf Love: After an embarrassing first meeting at her youngest sister’s engagement party, Nesta swears that she’ll never think about hockey hotshot Cassian Valdarez ever again. But then he’s moving to her city, refusing to get out of her bookstore, and seemingly determined to get under her skin. When Cassian gets traded to the Seattle Kraken, it feels like his whole life changes. The last thing he expects is Nesta Archeron, his sister-in-law’s sister and the only person he knows when he moves across the country. Unfortunately for him, the only thing Nesta wants is for Cassian Valdarez to get out of her bookstore. He’s determined to change her mind. Aka: the most self-indulgent hockey AU you’ll ever read
But I'm Only Looking At You: Cassian has been in love with Nesta Archeron for years and hopes to one day ask for her hand. But when Cassian learns that Nesta is set to marry the Viscount Tomas Mandray, he’s ready and willing to do anything to stop it, including doing something very very stupid. Aka a Regency AU inspired by Taylor Swift’s Speak Now
Wonderland: And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad What if Nesta rejected the mating bond without understanding the consequences? What if Cassian was driven to madness by the rejected bond?
Check out the rest of her masterlist HERE
Want to nominate someone? Fill out the form HERE
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huramuna · 3 months
my thoughts on helaena's reaction to b&c. spoilers ahead!
she's probably terrified internally because she's seen this before.
but is it a dream? is it even real? is she stuck in her own head? when will she wake up?
the only thing she feels is keep jaehaera safe. to run run run and she runs to where she knows her mother will be. where she had seen she would be.
and when helaena realizes that its not a dream and it was real, thats when the fracture will start, her mind begins to tear apart at the seams and i think her 'madness' era is where she feels she can't distinguish between reality and a dream anymore. she will succumb to her dreams.
calling jaehaerys 'the boy' i think is another mechanism of her dreaming. i'd wager she's seen everyone's deaths, even her own, but she doesn't see them as people she knows-- more so, abstract faceless visages.
at first i was skeptical but i looked back onto the helaena we know in the show. this is the helaena who covered her ears when vaemond got his head cut off. she didnt scream or cry. the only time we see her shed tears is in a far-away glassy look at aegon's coronation, overshadowed by the epiphany of meleys and rhaenys' appearance. she knew.
tl;dr i loved how helaena was written here and phia's amazing execution of it.
don't take my word as gospel because i am a very biased helaena fan and am most certainly looking into things more deeply than what we know. but this is my interpretation of it for our tragic dreamer.
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ellaa-writes · 6 months
Star Crossed Lovers
author notes: I am so beyond happy for this series. I'm such a huge fan of Elliot Knight and don't understand the blatant hate and disrespect he gets. He's such a lover boy and I hope I can portray it right. Anyways, this is in The Beast Within world. So happy to finally be expanding it. Simon's series here. Part 1 obviously. Enjoy!
cw: a/b/o dynamics. mature themes. violence, death and misogyny ideas ahead. each chapter will have its own warnings. this one is very tame as most of them will be for Kyle's series. Not proof read or edited.
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The bond between the sun and the moon was profound, birthing generations of celestial descendants. The brilliance of the sun overshadowed the moon's gentle glow, yet their offspring celebrated each radiant dawn. However, as the sun's light waned, fear of the moon's darkness gripped their progeny. Nights became a time of retreat, as the moon's illumination sparked unease.
Despite the moon's efforts to illuminate the night, its light was met with disdain. Over time, bitterness consumed the moon, turning its love to envy. In a fit of jealousy, the moon cursed its children with lust and greed. Heartbroken, the sun countered with blessings of fertility and love upon their offspring.
The discord between the sun and the moon poisoned the world, bringing forth plagues and sorrow. Mothers wept for stillborn children, while sickness ravaged the fertile Omega population and drove strong Alphas to madness. Chaos reigned as violence spread, leaving scars upon the earth and its inhabitants, a testament to the anguish of celestial lovers.
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Being born into a breeding farm, you never knew anything other than the inside of this facility. These boring white walls were home, sadly but truthfully. Your whole existence not of your choice, to keep the population flowing and the Alpha's happy.
You never knew love, being ripped from your mother soon as you were born, not even a suckle at her teet. Caged like an animal, tested and expirmented on. Trained to be submissive, receiving. On how to please an Alpha and bare his seed. It was a miserable life indeed. You dreamt of the unknown beyond these walls, the vast world surrounding you. Of somehow growing wings and taking flight like a bird at night. Soaring across the land and away from the confinement within these walls.
That's how you ended up here, tied down with a cage over your head. It was punishment, for being a dreamer, and for also biting the arm of an Alpha that touched you a little too long. It was suppose to be humiliating and you guess it was. Unable to move, put into the optimum breeding postion. To remind you of your worth, of your only purpose. To breed.
Your lucky you are still in training, unproven to be the perfect specimen. You had anger problems, your file stated. Violet outbursts, emotions too high. It's why they pump you fully of hormones, hoping that it'll tone you down. Your arms went numb hours ago, your back strained in the uncomfortable postion. The dull ache of your muscles etching themselves in. This isn't your first time here and probably won't be your last. It was so quiet you'd believe to be alone but the occasional murmur of voices letting you know they are always watching.
You could hear the low whispers, how they talk with such vemon. All you need to a rough fuck from a top Alpha, someone to put you in your place. Others say that maybe this life wasn't meant for you, to put you down quick and without a fuss.
Settling in for the night, you knew you'd be here for a while. Closing your eyes and clearing your mind. Getting lost in your imagination, slipping into the void of your own reality. The first sounds of shouting and gunfire so far away that you don't hear. Either that or you so deep into your mind that you can't hear the screaming.
Red light illuminates around you, casting the small room into a dark hue. The sound of alarms startles you to the surface. The sound of pounding feet marching into battle. The cries and whimpers of the wounded. This can't be real, you must still be dreaming. This must be what a nightmare is, something you never experienced. Bullet fire opens up close near you, the sound of the sharp metal bouncing off the steel walls, echoing around you.
All you can do is lay in this unnatural postion, like a juicy mango ripe for the picking. You can hear the voices, unknown to you. Shouting out commands and orders, responses and copy that's. The door to your room shaking under the thunderous pounding.
The metal screaming has whoever was on the other side tried to penetrate. Finally weakening, the door flung from its hinges, now laying off to the side. The dark room filled the shouting voices and beams of light, words you couldn't understand.
It must have been a hell of a sight. A fresh untouched Omega, beant over and bound, begging to be fucked. If they weren't trained for this, and pumped full of suppressants, one of them would have went in for the bite. Lowering his weapon Kyle lead the charge. Barking out commands as he slung the gun across his back. Unsheathing the knife on his thigh, cooing at the poor whimpering thing in front of him.
He never understood it, the need for dominance. Might be genetic after all, born a Beta male. He slipped his knife under the binds, watching as it sliced through them with ease. Letting her know he's not here to harm her, none of them are. Easing his hand on her lower back, slicing through the rest of the binds. Pulling her into a kneeling postion with himself to the side of her.
"It's all going to be alright love." hoping his words eased her. One of his men handing him a fleece blanket, he wrapped it around the shaking thing. "Do ya think ya can stand?" he asked. Finally turned her around to get a proper look at her, she still had the bag over her head. The damn thing was padlocked on, he called out to one of his men. "Anyone know how to pick a lock?" a small lanky Beta approached. Hands up in a nuturel positions, showing that he was no harm to the frightened Omega.
"Get dis thing off of her. Make it quick" he held you in place has the other male Beta began working of the lock. You flinched with every movement, whimpering out in fear. Trying to understand what was happening, was this still apart of the nightmare? The lock clicked and sprang open. The smaller Beta wretching it off you as Kyle ripped the hood from your head.
Sucking in a deep breath of air, feeling your lungs fill and burn. Your senses flooded with the smell of the men around you. All Betas to your surprise.
"Easy, easy their." Kyle tried pulling you to your feet. But after hours of being bound tight, your muscles relented and cried out in pain. Causing you to cling to him and hiss, you won't be able to use your limbs for a while. Kyle didn't hesitate lifting you up by your knees, bracing his other arm across your back. Carrying you past the other man and out the door. You were thankful for the blanket, the warmth helping to keep you calm.
"Close ya eyes." it was a command and you didn't dare disobey. Snapping them shut and burying your face into his chest. "It's all gonna be alright." you hope he was telling the truth, you had no other choice but to believe his words. He carried you past the destruction and towards the safety of outside. Trucks lined the block, stations and tents set up along the roads. Kyle looked out and saw his Captain carrying two young Omega girls, no older the six.
He was is disbelief and disgust, these poor Omega girls, locked up like cattle. This was only the third raid, after being tipped off of the inhumane practices. The shocking bombshell articles plastered all over the papers and morning new stations. The only good thing coming out of this mess was the cure.
He carried you to one of the medic tents, setting you on an empty bed. Female and male medics shuffling around trying to treat all they could. Two female Beta medics came to your aid, immediately checking you vitals. Kyle stepped off to the side, to give them space and to return to the mission. You reacted out of panic and fear, lunging forward and gripping onto his arm. Your nails digging in deep, drawing blood. "Please!" you croaked out. Eyes wide and pleading, filling with worry and tears.
He didn't know what to do, looking at the medics for support. The lead medic pushing him onto the bed next to you, "Keep her calm" she ordered out as she flashed a light in your eyes. Your breathing eased and your grip loosened.
He didn't leave your side the whole time, staying with you as the medication they gave you started to take affect. Consuming your body with sleep, closing your eyes one last time that night.
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He stared at himself in the mirror, his nostrils flaring with each breath. He's been doing this for so long, has been all over the world and seen the many cruel ways of his kind. But this, this hit him hard.
His mind kept wandering back to you, but it's just all part of the job right. Right?
"Fuck" he spat out, pushing off of the vanity as he finally left the bathroom. Making his way down the hall to the kitchen, it was too early in the morning. Most still sleeping and the few awake else wear. He opened the fridge, his stomach doing flips making the idea of food unmanageable. He needed some air, opting for a run outside instead.
Allowing the crisp morning air hit his face, the burn in his lungs and the ache in the legs. He loved the feeling of freedom. Opening field, just loving life. Nothing but a good run to clear his plauged mind. Turning back around to head towards the compound, he noticed a familiar shape resting up against a tree. Captain Price.
"What's up?" he asked out of breath, using the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face. "I know it's your day off but theres a problem." Kyle knew the look in his Captains eyes. He wouldn't be asking if he didn't think Kyle could handle it. "Go on." he instructed. "It's about the Omega you brought out last night. She's been unconsolable, unresponsive. She in a lot of stress, keeps asking for the Beta that rescued her." Kyle's heart dropped, he didn't bother to finish listening to what Price had to say. Walking off towards the direction of the parking lot, he'll deal with his Captain later.
All he could focus on was getting to you.
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My fav solos this year
(please send anons or something, I'm down with bronchitis in 30°C weather :()
Avery Altobelli, Epic - "Heavenly Bodies" (Rudy Abreu)
Madisyn Amos, Elite Dance Pro - "A New Life" (Mandy Korpinen & Elizabeth Petrin)
Ellie Anbarden, P21 - "Somebody Help Me" (Madi Hicks)
Hallee Anderson, Larkin - "So This Is Love" (Kenzie Symanietz)
Harper Anderson, Concept Pavielle - "Paint It Black" (Brady Farrar)
Kennedy Anderson, VDA - "Come On Dreamer" (?)
Lilly Anderson, Larkin - "Cell Block Tango" (Michele Larkin)
Belle Marie Arauz, DT Miami - "How To Feel" (Ruby Castro)
Brielle Arias, Studio X - "Black And Gold" (Lia Dominique)
Finley Ashfield, Larkin - "Fools Who Dream" (Chelsea Jennings)
Melina Biltz, Rock - "Madness" (Crystal Huang)
Sofia Cuevas, Pave - "Locomotion" (?)
Kinley Cunningham, TheCREW - "Come Together" (Mollee Gray)
Aaliyah Dixon, Summit - "Take Me Oya" (Jay Jay Dixonbey)
Kensington Dressing, Evolve - "From The Ashes" (Chelsea Sebes)
Aria Du, Yoko's - "Je M'arreterai" (Megan Ellis)
Hope Edwards, OCPAA - "Winner Takes All"
Brinley Evans, Southern Strutt - "Silent Night" (?)
Gracyn French, P21 - "Chemtrails Over The Country Club" (Molly Long)
Kourtney Gampol, OCPAA - "Steam Heat" (Rachel Miller)
Regan Gerena, P21 - "That's Life" (Molly Long)
Lily Hackney, WFDC - "I Love You" (Gianna Adianez)
Sloane Hall, Southern Strutt - "Watch Me" (Leah Evans)
Lainey Hess, WFDC - "Between These Hands" (Gianna Adianez)
Reagan Hess, WFDC - "Twilight" (Gianna Adianez)
Izzy Howard, WDP - "Over It, Scene" (Maria Konrad)
Annsley Huff, Southern Strutt - "The Swan" (Shelby Barnes)
Desa Jankes, WFDC - "Find You" (Jessica Disalvo)
Eva Jimmerson, Renner - "A Mischievous Waltz" (Jordan Pelliteri)
Tayah Klimcuk, Pave - "Slow Me Down" (Courtney Schwartz)
Lily Knopps (Club) - "Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend" (Ashley Moffitt)
Mya Lanigan, Evolve - "Breakin' Dishes" (Lauren Herb)
Esme Lee, OCPAA - "Bring On The Men" (?)
Jillian Mahan, OCPAA - "London Bridge" (Hannahlei Cabanilla)
Savannah Manzel, Larkin - "Flowers In May" (Chelsea Jennings)
Scarlett Manzel, Larkin - "What A Feeling" (Chelsea Jennings)
Kennedy Marble, Club - "Mr. Monotony" (Jaycee Wilkins)
Taylor Morrison, DC2 - "My Discarded Men" (Tanya Emmer)
Avery Olsen, OCPAA - "Woman"
Helena Olaerts, Mather - "She Used To Be Mine" (Shannon Mather)
Roxie Onellion, Base - "Amor" (Kelly Inskip)
Addyson Paul, Pave - "The Garden" (Courtney Schwartz)
Emily Polis, VDA - "When I Go" (Jessica Malafronte)
Mila Renae, Studio X - "Voila" (Fiorella Baclit)
Dylan Reuss, OCPAA - "Favorite Crime" (Amy Berokoff)
Lola Rodi, Evolve - "Heavenly Bodies" (Chelsea Sebes)
Amaya Rodriguez, DUC Miami - "3 Breaths" (Chelsea Sebes)
Elsie Sandall, Club - "Beneath The Mask" (Chelsea Jennings)
Emma Santos, Studio X - "Have A Little Faith" (Avery Cardozza)
Berkeley Scifres, P21 - "Cornet Man" (Molly Long)
Tatum Self, Club - "Gorgeous" (Jaycee Wilkins)
Everleigh Soutas, DCDF - "Something New" (Molly Long)
Kayleigh Stoler, Enthusiasm - "Medusa's Curse"
Sailor Stormoen, Larkin - "Bloom" (Chelsea Jennings)
Kiera Sun, WDP - "Mist" (Renee Kester)
Macey Strickland, WFDC - "Heavenly Bodies" (Chelsea Sebes)
Ellary Day Szyndlar, Club - "Over The Rainbow" (Mark Meismer :()
Sylvie Win Szyndlar, Club - "Magic Within Me" (Chantel Aguirre)
Ella Venerio, DUC Miami - "Beneath The Surface" (Chelsea Sebes)
Greta Wagner, Summit - "Me And The Devil" (?)
Tinsley Wallace, Renner - "Broken Wings" (Chelsea Sebes)
Skylar Wong, Woodbury - "Just A Room" (Ricky Ubeda)
Fiona Wu, Yoko's - "Voila" (Erin Lamoyne)
Aliyah Yen, P21 - "Mink, Schmink" (Molly Long)
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nessianweek · 6 days
✷ Day Seven Round-Up: Free Day ✷
Amidst the Madness Chapter 16 by @unhealthyfanobsession
The Fight by @thequeenofnightmares
What’s in a Name by @kale-theteaqueen
And Kisses Are A Better Fate Than Wisdom by @foundress0fnothing
Flying Changes Chapter 6 by @xxvalkyriesxx
leave a kiss but in the cup chapter 1 by @foundress0fnothing
Begged and Borrowed Time Chapter 32 by @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk
Nessian fanart commissioned by @melphss, drawn by @/lumie.art
Nessian fanart by @foreverinelysian
Nessian fanart by @artedeabs
Nessian fanart commissioned by @c-e-d-dreamer & @melphss, drawn by @/lamonyo
Nessian fanart commissioned by @c-e-d-dreamer, drawn by @sassyhobbits
Nessian fanart commissioned by @podemechamardek, drawn by @/pablochmn
Nessian fanart by @dustjacketdraws
Nessian sketch by @meipossum
Nessian moodboard by @littlest-w01f
Nessian dolls by @jmoonjones
Nessian headcanons by @foreverinelysian
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thelittlefirepup · 1 month
Alright, Introduction post.
You can call me L, Firewolf, Little spark, Little Prince, or Firepup/pup. (L and Firewolf for big me and the others for Little me.)
Pronouns: They/xem are default.
*the sound of your ears ringing from silence*/ *the thrum of blood in your veins*?/ *the way nothingness feels tangible-or the awareness of the nothing*/ *the flicker of starlight*/*the hum of electricity*
Pronouns are grouped by type in order of:
Xenopronouns (though you obviously can't use these for me, just wanted to put them out there)
Question marks are for the ones I'm unsure of. Colored ones (emojis are with asterisks*) are my favorite, and pink is for little me while blue is for big me (though big me is fine with and enjoys a combo of all of them). Yes, I know some of them collide with the names I said to call me, and I'm sorry. Luckily, their are multiple options, so you should be able to find a combo you like to use for me.
Gender list:
Main is nonbinary but here are some xenogenders I identify with:
Silencegender, Musicgender, Darkgender, Colorfluid, Dragongender, Stargender/other space genders, Wolfgender, Minecraftgender, Digigender (Codegender), Computergender/electricgender, Artgender, Poetgender, Stufferic (Stuffed animal gender(?), Oneirial, Dream/nightmare(?), Endgender, Starryxic, Butterflygender, Glitch, Lunoric, Fictionkinic?, Rose, Littlefluid
*if one of these was a label made by you, feel free to ask me to credit. I grabbed so many that I lost track of which went with who and who wanted what. Really sorry*
(Once again, question marks are for ones I'm unsure of)
I'm a pronoun/gender collector, so the list will constantly grow and change. If you find this weird or you don't like it, then sorry, but this probably isn't the blog for you.
I also think I may be fictionkin. I'm not 100% sure, but it would explain some things. If I am, my kins are Angel Dust and Roman Sanders. Hope no one is mad that I'm calling myself fictionkin even if I'm not sure. I'm also questioning deitykin.
I'm a regressor. I don't know my age range. If I had to guess, around 3-7, but I'm not sure. I also find it hard to fully regress, which makes finding an age even harder. (I might be just a dreamer, don't know).
But little me will be posting sometimes (flutter is already excited to talk about love's obsession with butterflies). Little me posts will be marked with 💖pink hearts (and maybe butterfly emojis), while big me will mark posts with 💜 purple hearts (like this one). Both will be used if we both work on a post. Ive started marking Otherkin posts with music notes.🎶
I'm hoping to keep this blog safe for littles. So in my posts or in your comments, or any asks, please mark as "not safe for littles" or use ❌️ an x, Or both to be safe, if a post about this blogs topics may not be safe for littles.
I might not post often since this is a side blog for me. My main one, I a.) Didn't feel comfortable putting this stuff as well as my usual posts there b.)didn't want to stretch my blog too thin and c.) The main one is that my other blog uses a username my family and friends know me for and I don't want them finding this stuff. So heads up.
And DNI if homophobic, transphobic, against any of the lgbtq+ including xenogenders, anti otherkin, racist, kink, nsfw, pro ed, sexist, abelist, and any kind of hateful.
You've been warned about what this blog contains, so don't get mad at me if you still choose to look at it. Just DNI and move on.
Otherwise, hope you are excited. Feel free to chat, interact, ask questions. I'm just here for a fun time.
Peace out <3
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