#abby deserved better
femc-supremacy · 2 months
uggggGGGHHHHH I forgot how mad the happiest season makes me
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I’m really curious how you would draw the Five Missing Children.
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Technically I’ve drawn them! Only the movie versions though, sometime I’ll do the game ones too!
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alexalblondo · 1 year
Ready to be hurt again* 🙏
*rewatching Sleepy Hollow
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yuis-art · 1 year
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More Sketches of Dina and Ellie as Anakin and Padme </3
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I wish Abbie and Tyler had broken up. They were kind of cute early on in the series but Tyler took a really nasty turn and ended up being forgiven without having to work for it. Easily one of the stalest side ships in Choices.
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sufferingbooknerd · 2 months
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Glad to see the teaser showed us that season 2 is going to be nice to my girls! 😃
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klonnieshippersclub · 11 months
Bonnie, The Bennett’s, Black Witches and The Magical Negro Trope & Mammy Trope - TVD META
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Bonnie and the Bennett’s have very rich lore. It’s not glorified by the fandom unless it’s by Bonnie fans themselves. That’s the way it’s always been, no one paying any mind or deeper thought to Bonnie/and the Bennett’s outside of her fans. This isn't a new thing but I want to highlight this once again because I don’t think fans understand there is more than one negative trope rooted in Bonnie, the Bennett’s and black witches only.
Before we get into anything heavy let’s have some key-terms here: Let’s define a magical negro trope: where a black character appears in a plot solely to help a white character and then vanishes. Now what a mammy is: a black woman engaged to take care of white children or as a servant to a white family.
Everything in the series can be tied back to a Bennett witch. Let’s list a few things the immortality spell, immortals, the other side, the cure, supernatural hunters, creating rings to preserve life, the Gilbert device but only a Bennett witch can enchant it, prison worlds, the traveler's curse, vampires, hybrids etc…You name it without the Bennett’s creation there would be nothing. You would think because of this the Bennett’s would be respected in the narrative and by fans. Wrong. Some of these women aren’t even given actual names. Everyone can have a Bennett witch at their disposal but they won’t be respected either. Bennett blood is essential to certain spells. A loophole.
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Let’s talk about Ayana. The Mikaelson’s were only able to become vampires because Esther stole Ayana’s spell. It is forgotten that Esther/Mikael begged Ayana to perform the spell first. The Mikaelson’s as humans trusted Ayana. Rebekah was in shock that a necklace from Ayana burned her. While Ayana remained unnamed this time while the story was told. Rebekah was talking about Ayana. Ayana was known as a healer and given Esther’s praises they were close. The series doesn’t show us why Ayana should value the Mikaelson’s but we do understand why Esther, her husband and children valued her. That infamous necklace that Rebekah loved belonged to Ayana. We don’t know about Ayana’s life outside of being a healer. We don’t know her marital status, how many children she could’ve possibly had and anything tied to her after the plot has used her up. One would think with how close Ayana was to the Mikaelson’s, they’d have some respect or acknowledge Bonnie but that never happens.
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We see this in how Emily was enslaved to Katherine. Julie may have labeled Emily a handmaiden but we knew what that meant. Emily only had one request from Damon that he watch and protect the Bennett line which he never did. The black witches never ask much of anyone in the plot or ever given the chance too. Yet when a request is made no one ever meets said request for them. This form of slavery repeats again through Lucy. She claimed Katherine saved her life therefore she is indebted to her for however long she needs. Sheila has her hand in aiding the Gemini Coven, Beatrice helped with the Sirens.
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There are other witches that are black who serve a purpose to aid in many and leave such as: Gloria, The Martin’s, Bree, Aja and her coven just to name a few. Friends of the main characters or enemies but quickly there and dropped. Originally due to all witches appearing Black fans believed they were all Bennett’s. Julie has no answer for why all witches that is until they weren’t. Remember witches were servants of nature. The Mikaelson’s popularity, Gemini Coven and other witches. Fills the space that Black witches were once in. Notice a pattern here?
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Qetsiyah’s plot line should’ve centered on how she created immortality, the cure, and the other side. But Qetsiyah’s existence revolves around demanding and enforcing continuous revenge on Silas and Amara. Tying her into another repeated love triangle in the franchise. May I add that she and Bonnie are the only women to have been betrayed by a partner and criticized for their reactions. There’s nothing wrong when a man wants and craves power but Qetsiyah is considered the worst of them all. Here’s an amazing video that details Qetsiyah’s writing too. Please review.
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Lastly, The Bonnie of it all:
Bonnie’s a loyal, powerful and brave woman. She doesn’t let anything happen to her friends if she can stop it. She cares for them. That kind of loyalty can be beautiful but equally harmful when Bonnie has no regard to her own feelings. She continues to give for everyone and her friends rarely return the favor. Bonnie’s never thanked or rewarded for being there. The friendships stop being equal very early. Her traumas aren’t valuable in the plot. We don’t know what Bonnie’s home looked like. If Bonnie does grieve it isn’t shown on screen. Her family life is limited, while Liz and Alaric aren’t main characters. They have their own plotlines. It is revealed that Abby’s reasonings for abandoning her is for Elena’s benefit. Abby is killed in a coin toss and transitioned. Caroline gets to have a good friend moment while Bonnie isn’t have any feelings towards her mother for abandoning her after. Rudy isn’t seen in the plot longterm and when he appears in season 5 he’s killed in front of Bonnie. She grieves this in silence while grieving her own death that she didn’t make aware to her friends to avoid inconveniencing them. The plot makes it clear if the white counterparts aren’t happy then Bonnie will never either. Elena, Caroline got happier endings while Bonnie’s job was completed. Bonnie never once got to call out how her friends can disregard her, she feeds into them and they grow while sucking the life out of her. In the end, Bonnie went back to Africa. Never any reference to her life from there.
Another thing Bonnie isn’t shown to be feminine. Her best friends go on dates, go to dances, dress up and receive compliments. Caroline or Elena has ever given Bonnie a compliment that aided in her beauty. We don’t know Bonnie’s ambitions or fears. But you are aware when Bonnie wants to save her best friend. Thoughts on Bonnie’s relationships and ships is for the next meta though.
White witches did follow the servitude of others. They were still given the privilege of agency that black witches were never going to have. Witches like Dahlia existed, and although she had one goal she had more personality than others.
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When you have people like the TVD writers that continue to push harmful stereotypes there’s always going to fans who listen and continue to perpetuate those stereotypes. The writers had no value for Black women nor do the fans. They don’t care about how black women or people of color are treated in fiction or the media simply because their favorites get to reap all the benefits. That tweet is just one tip of the iceberg, there’s plenty more from Bonnie’s relationships, and storylines.
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goldenispunk · 5 months
Possibly(?) unpopular 9-1-1 opinion:
The Buck x Abby relationship in s1 feels incredibly forced and downright weird. The 16 year age gap is honestly the least off-putting part.
Buck CARRIES all the scenes they’re in together, I’ve seen more chemistry between two rocks. Abby’s actor was brilliant in AHS, but is downright dull in this show. The first thing I googled when they got together was “when do they break up?”
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I don't understand why people want Press and Abby together. The only thing he has going for him is his body. I personally don't find Press attractive.
What's with people shipping characters they like with characters that are mean to the character they claim to like?
He's said on multiple occasions that she has whale legs. I need people to want better for Abby.
I don't care if he gets character development, I want for him to either get punched in the face by Abby or someone. Maybe get hit by a car.
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relaxxattack · 9 days
head full of zhen and abby psycholonials
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
Every so often, I remember how close to perfection season 1 of Sleepy Hollow was, and then how quickly and utterly the show runners fumbled that bag. I have been upset about TV shows before. I hated the ending of HIMYM, and you ALL know how I feel about Aang and the ending of ATLA, but Sleepy Hollow was a moment that needs to be studied in media literacy and history courses. Other shows have pissed me off, but I have never actually celebrated the ending of a show I once loved like I did with Sleepy.
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150151 · 2 years
*sees a clip of press calling abby fat and making her feel insecure*
the comments: yeah he's mean to her but he likes her, i hope they get together.
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ditzdove · 1 year
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Just a funny sketch of gknd
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dasphinxone · 1 year
I KNEW the folks on Sleepy Hollow treated Nicole like complete and utter shit. Also, I'm kinda saying fuck Tom Mison, as he seemed to be part of the problem. I guess all that chemistry between them during the show interviews was fake as hell
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The wicked can fake nobility, just as the damned can fake innocence. But only the truth will rise from the ashes when we all start to burn. —Victoria Evans
- Paint It All Red (Mindf*ck, #5), S.T. Abby.
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mediamatinees · 9 months
How Did a Movie Called "Happiest Season" Piss Off That Many People?
Time to round out the holidays with part two of my Christmas double feature: Happiest Season!
Content Warning: Happiest Season contains mentions of homophobia and examples of toxic relationships (both romantic and familial). All wrapped up in a Christmas bow. Yay. Viewer discretion is advised. Spoilers for Happiest Season ahead! I didn’t get to watch Happiest Season when it first came out, even though I was really looking forward to watching a movie with Kristen Stewart and Aubrey Plaza…
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