pietroalviti · 2 years
Montecassino, 79 anni fa, 15 febbraio 1944
È il 15 febbraio 1944. Sono le 9:28 del mattino. Il maggiore Bradford Evans, capo della 96esima squadriglia dei “Diavoli Rossi”, sgancia le prime bombe. È l’inizio del più massiccio bombardamento su un unico obbiettivo di tutta la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Le mura secolari dell’Abbazia di Montecassino si sbriciolano in poche ore sotto una pioggia di 600 tonnellate di bombe. È il momento più…
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anonpeggioredelmondo · 5 months
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Abazia di Chiaravalle.
Se a qualcuno interessassero le immagini non sminchiate da tumblr (nella loro originale bruttezza, intendo), si possono trovare qui
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dininimapentrumine · 1 year
Drumul spre culmi - Richard Wurmbrand (Romanian)
“Cînd Ilie a trimis un mesaj regelui Israelului, Abazia, acesta le-a pus întrebări slujitorilor nu despre continutul mesajului ci despre înfătişarea mesagerului. Valoarea declaraţiei depinde de calitatea celui care o face. O predică inspirată de cuvintele: “Vai vouă bogatilor” (Luca 6:24) ţinută de unul care se străduieşte din răsputeri să se îmbogătească, va face o impresie ridicolă. Creştinii…
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sorysblog · 4 years
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~ San Galgano
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queengabel · 5 years
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imcubo · 5 years
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da Camogli a San Fruttuoso
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travelless · 6 years
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42soul · 6 years
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Sant’Antimo by AntonelloBerardi
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iviaggidicolumbus · 3 years
VOGLIO PARLARVI DI UNO DEI LAGHI PIU’ BELLI D’ITALIA , IL LAGO DI CASTEL SAN VINCENZO. OGGI MI TROVO IN MOLISE IN PROVINCIA DI ISERNIA ,A CASTEL SAN VINCENZO,  È UN PAESINO CHE SI ADAGIA SU UN COSTONE DI ROCCIA A 700MT DI ALTEZZA E DALLA SUA POSIZIONE GUARDA IL LAGO DI CASTEL SAN VINCENZO PARTICOLARE  IL SUO COLOR TURCHESE , PER QUESTO FAMOSO  ANCHE COME MALDIVE DEL MOLISE  , IL LAGO DI ORIGINE ARTIFICIALE REALIZZATO NEGLI ANNI 50 PER SCOPI IDROELETTRICI , MA LA BELLEZZA PAESAGGISTICA CHE LO INCORNICIA LO RENDE DEL TUTTO NATURALE , È PERFETTAMENTE BALNEABILE CON SPONDE SABBIOSE  DOVE SI POSSONO NOLEGGIARE PATTINI E CANOE. ANCHE IL BORGO  DI ORIGINE MEDIOEVALE E’ MOLTO SUGGESTIVO, ATTRAVERSANDO TUTTO IL PAESE DA VIA COLLE A VIA  VOLTURNO  TROVERETE EDIFICI ANTICHI BELLISSIMI, CASE CON GRAZIOSI BALCONI, FINESTRELLE COLORATE E SCORCI DELIZIOSI DAL CARATTERE MEDIEVALE.    SI PUO’ PARCHEGGIARE GRATUITAMENTE ALL’INGRESSO DEL PAESE GROSSA DELUSIONE NON CI SONO MOLTI RISTORANTI DA PROVARE  NEL  PAESE , MA A POCHI KM DA QUI NOI NE ABBIAMO TROVATO UNO NIENTE MALE, SOTO TROVERETE IL LINK DELLA NOSTRA RECENSIONE. DA VEDERE ANCHE UNA DELLE PIU’ ANTICHE ABAZIE D’ITALIA QUELLA DI SAN VINCENZO AL VOLTURNO. È UNA STORICA ABBAZIA BENEDETTINA POSTA NEL TERRITORIO DEI COMUNI DI CASTEL SAN VINCENZO E DI ROCCHETTA A VOLTURNO . SE NON SIETE TROPPO STANCHI E AVETE VOGLIA DI AVVENTURA ,A CIRCA 4 KM DAL COMUNE , IN LOCALITA CARTIERA , ATTRAVERSO QUESTO SENTIERO TRA LA VEGETAZIONE POTETE VENIRE A VEDERE ANCHE LA CASCATA DEL VOLTURNO Si trova in Molise in provincia di isernia ,il comune di Catsel San Vincenzo è un paesino che si adagia su un costone di roccia a 700mt di altezza e dalla sua posizione guarda il lago di Castel San Vincenzo , di origine artificiale realizzato negli anni 50 per scopi idroelettrici ,anche se proprio non sembra  con i suoi colori turchesi  è perfettamente balneabile con sponde sabbiose  , il paese merita una sosta anche per la sua antica abazia di San Vincenzo al Volturno, passeggiando per le sue vie troverete edifici antichi bellissimi, case con graziosi balconi, finestrelle colorate e scorci deliziosi dal carattere medievale. Vi consigliamo di percorrere tutta la lunghezza del paese partendo da via Colle e arrivando fino a via Volturno, non perdetevi la duecentesca Fontana Fraterna, eretta in piazza Papa Celestino V  e realizzata recuperando frammenti di iscrizioni e bassorilievi romani; la chiesa romanica di San Francesco, quella di Santa Maria Assunta, quella di Santa Chiara di tipico gusto napoletano. Piazza innamorati è davvero particolare con un grande belvedere che affaccia proprio sul lago. A circa 4 km dal centro storico del borgo si trovano la bellissima Abbazia di San Vincenzo al Volturno e un complesso monastico molto antico. Il Lago di Castel San Vincenzo visitato in una bella giornata di sole vi stupirà con colori accesi assolutamente ammalianti. Le sue acque turchesi sono circondate dal verde intenso del Parco Nazionale e sono il luogo perfetto per fare belle nuotate e rilassarsi. Oltre a quelle già approfondite segnaliamo la Cascata del Volturno e il borgo fantasma di Rocchetta Alta . La cascata, piccola ma molto graziosa, si trova vicino alla strada principale in località Cartiera (ci arriverete percorrendo un breve sentiero sterrato che parte a questa altezza della statale, più o meno dalla parte opposta alla fermata dell’autobus).MOSTRA MENO
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pietroalviti · 1 year
Ceccano, Padre Ermellino Di Mascio è il nuovo rettore della Badia
Succede ad una lunga serie di superiori alcuni dei quali hanno profondamente inciso nella vita non soltanto religiosa di Ceccano. Padre Ermellino sarà coadiuvato da p. Antonio Annecchino, come vice rettore ed economo dalla Badia di S. Maria del Corniano, fondata dallo stesso S. Paolo della Croce nel 1748, dopo aver acquisito un’antica abazia benedettina, quasi in rovina. La Badia di Ceccano è…
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18arte · 9 months
Presepe abbazia monte oliveto maggiore (asciano)
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Dicember 2023
Il presepe del' abazia di monte oliveto maggiore, nel comune di Asciano (Siena) e' da svoprire, molto carino. Foto by samsung a14, dello staff viaggio180 e giratine180.
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elywhites · 7 years
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muscle-mountains · 5 years
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johnny-dynamo · 3 years
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Pulp Fiction by Al Abazia
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nnatalykomova · 2 years
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What is HHC?
Will HHC Make You Fail a Drug Test?
How Does HHC High Feel Like?
HHC is one of the most recently established chemical compounds of the hemp plant. It can either be derived from cannabis sativa, hemp, or marijuana. However, like any other product, HHC from the hemp plant is safer than one from marijuana. Herein is everything you need to know about HHC, including what it is, how long it stays in your system, and what an HHC’ high’ feels like.
HHC is among the latest developments in the cannabis industry. This compound is infused in various products, including gummies, tinctures, capsules, and topicals. You might wish to try either of the products and wonder whether it will get you high. Your suspicions might be right since it is a chemical compound derived from THC. Therefore, it is important to understand its potential health benefits or risks before using HHC. This article highlights more about this compound and its effects.
What is HHC?
Before determining whether HHC can make you high or not, it is important to understand what it is. HHC is the abbreviation of Hexahydrocannabinol. It is a hemp-based cannabinoid similar to Delta 9 THC. Jacob et al. (2019) noted that HHC is derived from THC through hydrogenation, which turns vegetable oil into margarine. HHC from the hemp plant only occurs naturally in significant amounts. Although some vendors suggest that it is an organic compound, obtaining a usable amount requires a lot of chemicals to process. The processing of HHC requires saturation of THC using hydrogen under high pressure using various catalysts such as palladium or nickel. Notably, HHC and THC share various similarities regarding their effects and effectiveness.
Will HHC Make You Fail a Drug Test?
HHC metabolizes into various compounds such as THC-COOH, just like THC. THC-COOH is a primary marker for detecting THC in urine, blood, or saliva samples. Although detecting this compound using a hair drug test is possible, it might not be as reliable as other options. Although some suggest that detecting HHC in a drug test is difficult, the claim is yet to be verified. However, there is limited research on the effect or effectiveness of HHC, unlike THC and CBD.
However, it is good to know that HHC can get you high, just like THC. However, the high impact will differ from one person to another. Also, according to Bridgeman Barna & Abazia (2017), the high effect might last about two to three hours depending on various factors, including the kind of product you have taken. Other factors include how often you have been using HHC products, how the body process it, and potency levels.
How Does HHC High Feel Like?
HHC is not far different from THC, especially Delta-8, in terms of the effects. HHC has three cannabinoids with a five-carbon side chain that is efficient for the body’s cannabinoid receptors. Many HHC users have noted a change in cognition and headspace, gradual mood increase, and improved productivity. However, neither of the claims has been verified-meaning either of them can fail to occur.
How Long Will HHC Stay in Your System?
It is difficult to determine how long HHC stays in the body system since no human clinical trial is trying to show the same. However, there are speculations since these compounds share chemical structures with delta 9 and delta 8 THC. HHC can stay in the bloodstream for about 2 to 30 days. However, there are a few determiners, including age, individual metabolism, the dosage used, and how long you have been using HHC. Here is an insight into some of the important factors on how long will HHC stay in the body system;
According to Cary (2006), prolonged use of HHC makes it stay in your body longer, like any other drug. The more you use HHC, the more it gets absorbed in the fatty acids and is stored. Releasing HHC from the bloodstream is much easier than from the fatty acids. Prolonged use of HHC gives the body a chance to accumulate the fat cells, becoming difficult to remove them.
Using HHC sparingly, either once or twice a week, will make it much easier for the body to remove it from the systems. Since it clears from the body very fast, you can pass a drug test. People using HHC daily will have to stop using it for at least three weeks to lower the chances of it being detected in a blood or urine test.
The Doses
Like other drugs, how much HHC you take directly impacts the duration it stays in the body systems. Although the liver can only process too much HHC, it cant do it rapidly. Notably, doubling the normal dosage of HHC increases the duration it takes to clear in the system by two to three hours.
The Type of HHC Product
HHC is infused in various products, including tinctures, gummies, capsules, vapes, and topicals. Using HHC edibles slows down the time it takes to clear the body since they must be digested first. However, smoking or vaping HHC takes the least time to clear in the body.
 Using HHC products such as cartridges is the most recommended way since the onset time is shorter and the duration for clearing in the system, especially for those worried about drug tests. The smoke is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs within a few minutes. This also speeds the duration at which the liver works o HHC. This also shortens the duration it takes in the body system.
It might surprise you that your age also contributes to how long it takes in the body. According to Bratic, Ivana & Trifunovic (2010), your metabolism slows down as you age, lowering the processing time for medications and substances.
There are a lot of pending issues regarding the effectiveness, safety, and legality of HHC. Also, there are limited clinical trials to establish its health implications as a new element of the hemp plant. Although most users suggest that it can pass a drug test, unlike THC, the claim is yet to be approved by the FDA. HHC is derived from THC. Therefore, it can show in a drug test, especially if taken irresponsibly. Various factors contribute to the duration HHC stays in your body system and clearing. Some factors include age, body chemistry, potency levels, and purity levels to avoid overdosing unknowingly and exposing your body to contaminants such as heavy metals.
Bratic, I., & Trifunovic, A. (2010). Mitochondrial Energy Metabolism And         Ageing. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics, 1797(6-7), 961-967.
Bridgeman, M. B., & Abazia, D. T. (2017). Medicinal Cannabis: History, Pharmacology,         And Implications For The Acute Care Setting. Pharmacy And         Therapeutics, 42(3), 180.
Cary, P. (2006). The Marijuana Detection Window: Determining The Length Of Time         Cannabinoids Will Remain Detectable In Urine Following Smoking.
Jacob, J., Amalraj, A., Raj, K. J., Divya, C., Kunnumakkara, A. B., & Gopi, S. (2019). A         Novel Bioavailable Hydrogenated Curcuminoids Formulation (Curowhite
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)         Improves Symptoms And Diagnostic Indicators In Rheumatoid Arthritis         Patients-A Randomized, Double Blind And Placebo Controlled Study. Journal Of         Traditional And Complementary Medicine, 9(4), 346-352.
The post WHAT IS AN HHC HIGH LIKE? appeared first on Just Delta .
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tonymartorelli · 7 years
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Discovering Alta Maremma: Il mulino bianco esiste davvero, e anche San Galgano. Credevo fosse un’invenzione dei fotoamatori.
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