#ab aeterno
fist-of-vengeance · 3 months
richard's weird little high pitched laugh in ab aeterno after ilana asks him what to do next. reblog if you agree
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girlinthefireplace16 · 2 months
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Lost Rewatch - 6x09 Ab Aeterno
“You want to know a secret Jack? Something I've known a long, long time. You're dead. Literally, we're all dead. Every single one of us. And this, all this, it's not what you think it is. We're not on an island, we never were. We're in hell.”
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walkwithursus · 1 year
LOST: Richard in prison [6x09-Ab Aeterno]
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memorylcst · 1 year
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          Wedding Mom or Wedding Chrom when though?
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longbg · 2 years
Ab aeterno ad infinitum
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#Ab aeterno ad infinitum free
Given the seemingly constant coverage of recent mass shootings, I can see why the general idea might be stuck in anyone’s mind.
#Ab aeterno ad infinitum free
You mentioned to Islander that the themes of the album are Charles Whitman and free will. Valena was kind enough to answer some questions for me about all of this: However, lately (I cannot recall when it started) I have been a victim of many unusual and irrational thoughts.” In his suicide note, he said, “I am supposed to be an average reasonable and intelligent young man. But in the end, in his own suicide note, Whitman requested an autopsy be performed, and the examination revealed a brain tumor that may or may not have had a profound effect on his actions. By most measures, he was intelligent, reasonably well-liked, and successful throughout most of his life. In spite of growing up with a very abusive father, Whitman was not the “weird loner” you so often hear about in these cases. You can read the short course over at the font of all human knowledge, but Whitman remains a bit of an oddity for a couple of reasons: By the end of the day, he’d shot 49 people and caused 16 deaths before he was killed by police. It’s easy to think that American mass shootings is a modern phenomenon, given the seeming increase in the frequency and the heated debate about gun control that arises each time, but in 1966, Whitman, a skilled marksman trained in the Marines, killed his mother and wife before entering a clock tower on the campus of the University of Austin at Texas and opening fire on the people below. Whitman is still relevant, though, because for lack of a better description, he was a very “successful” mass shooter. That’s an interesting choice, and if that name doesn’t immediately ring a bell, it might be because Charles Whitman died 50 years ago. What kind of direction would Valena take this time? My first introduction to the album was a one-sentence description that Islander passed on to me from Valena, stating that, “It’s a concept album about free will inspired by the story of Charles Whitman.” So you can imagine my delight when I learned that Oskoreien would be putting out a second album, All Too Human, hot on the heels on that split. (Read my babble about it here.) I, for one, was very pleased to hear Oskoreien again, and was pleasantly surprised to listen to Valena try his hand at a decidedly more electronic sound than what he’d given us on his black-metal-meets-acoustic full-length. Oskoreien contributed two songs to a split with Botanist. It was not even two months ago that we got to reacquaint ourselves with Oskoreien - the excellent but long-quiet black metal project of Jay Valena. (We are very fortunate to welcome back our friend Justin Collins (who spends most of his writing time over at Metal Bandcamp) with this guest review of the new album by Oskoreien, accompanied by a very interesting short interview of Oskoreien’s creator, as well as Justin’s equally interesting thoughts about the album’s subject matter.)
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diremoone · 9 months
the sea that lay beyond the stars
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[ To those that know the tale of the Primordial One, know this: ]
“Our Heaven, who’s will shaped the earth on that which we stand, shall be the only and true One. Blasphemy shall be anything other than these words. These stories have been long forgotten, but I shall aid in writing them once more from the unwritten pages that Celestia cast to oblivion for none to know. But come the time when Our Heaven returns to the land they created, humankind shall know the truth and image the Sovereigns held dear, truth shall know pure glory, and glory shall bathe Heaven in its love.”
— Ars
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[ The Introductory is the lore of the Creator. Chapters will not be written in chronological order. Different AUs may be used in different characters chapters ]
w — SAGAU, canon-divergence, cult au, minor impostor au, mild yandere genshin characters, isekai’d reader
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Act I. — Ab Aeterno [From the Eternal]
Act II. — Vive Ut Vivas [Live So That You May Live]
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— more to be added
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taglist: (no longer adding; bold would not tag)
@heresan | @augustinewrites | @edynsyx | @hikaru-sama | @wisteriaeyed | @saikiloldab | @xdrin | @x-moonz-xd | @batsarecute | @orphic-musings | @junephantom21 | @game-savvy | @yvonnetree | @shirayukiuzukaze | @mhaddockk | @sassy-cat-in-town | @thissoulisnotok | @jjovin3221 | @arinazaryadka | @cro0kedme | @zykiro1111 | @littlewonders7 | @misamisamonster | @noblessejjk | @prettyliliy | @tiredvlovely | @masachiii | @monochromeshards | @ayanokomu | @himawari-03 | @vxsire | @forkstabmepls | @thrawns-back-seat-commander | @resident-cryptid | @nervouseaglelover
personal tag: @ikebo-simp
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dividers belong to @/saradika-graphics
header photo found and cropped from Pinterest; art does not belong to me — artist credit here
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fluentisonus · 2 years
"Places do not exist ab aeterno (‘from the beginning of time’), but are created, made, and produced – by individuals, communities, and at the national and global levels. Places depend upon experience, and are thus inhabited spaces where human activity occurs and time is spent. Places can also be seen as paradoxically static and dynamic, as forming and existing only in the present, but also participating in an iterative genealogy in which place gives way to place as present gives way to present."
Darrell J. Rohl, "Place Theory, Genealogy, and the Cultural Biography of Roman Monuments", Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference
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ktempestbradford · 1 year
There is so much to talk about with this article. So much. In this post I want to focus on a specific part of it: the reactions of Lindelof and Cuse to what the writers and actors experienced. Here are several quotes [emphasis mine].
“What can I say? Other than it breaks my heart that that was Harold [Perrineau's] experience,” replied Lindelof, who said he did not recall “ever” saying that. “And I’ll just cede that the events that you’re describing happened 17 years ago, and I don’t know why anybody would make that up about me.”
Lindelof told me he didn’t remember any negative incident with an editor, adding that he seeks out input from collaborators and that he’s “never threatened anyone’s career.” Lindelof also said he had no recollection of anything Hsu Taylor said about events connected to “Ab Aeterno.” He said she was a “great writer who executed at a high level” and he’s “stricken” that she was made to feel the way she felt at that time.
Regarding the other allegations leveled at him and the show, Lindelof said he had no memory of the incidents and comments I related. He told me he was “shocked and appalled and surprised” by the incidents I described to him, and said more than once that he did not think anyone was making anything up. “I just can’t imagine that Carlton would’ve said something like that, or some of those attributions, some of those comments that you [shared]—I’m telling you, I swear, I have no recollection of those specific things. And that’s not me saying that they didn’t happen. I’m just saying that it’s literally baffling my brain—that they did happen and that I bore witness to them or that I said them. To think that they came out of my mouth or the mouths of people that I still consider friends is just not computing.”
I'm not going to quote Cuse's responses here because they all boil down to: "I don't remember doing/saying that" or "Nuh uh, that didn't happen!" which is... certainly a choice.
You're going to see a bunch of people siding with and empathizing with Lindelof and praising him for saying that what happened was wrong, etc., and I will push back every time I see it because of all those instances of him saying he doesn't recall and doesn't remember. I don't think he's lying. I do think it's indicative of an ongoing problem with him as a writer and showrunner and it needs to be called out.
I'm going to tell you a story that explains my point. Also putting it and my conclusions under a cut as this is long. Please do read.
Many years ago I became friends with a white woman writer in the SFF community who lived in NYC during some of the time I did. She knew many of the writers and editors in our community who also lived in NYC or nearby. At the time, the majority of these editors were white and most were men. She became particularly friendly with some of them.
A couple of years into our relationship we were at ReaderCon together. One day at the hotel bar I was sitting with this woman (we'll call her Karen for the purposes of this story) and two other BIPOC male authors who had both published multiple books at this point and were people that Karen felt were impressive and important. During the conversation someone (probably me?) brought up the online conversations/debates/fights currently happening about representation in the SFF genre and the way certain editors were part of the problem. I want to say this was even before RaceFail happened.
Karen revealed that she'd been talking to important people like Gordon van Gelder about the things I'd been saying online and how, well... the things I was saying were just crazy. Crazy things! I was acting so crazy.
I don't remember the exact phrasing, but I remember the repeated categorizing of me/my words as Crazy.
I also don't remember exactly what I said in response. I do remember how I felt in my body at that moment. I was suddenly flooded with, I think, adrenaline or something and I wanted to run away because otherwise I was going to start throwing things. I couldn't believe this person, who claimed to be my friend, was saying this to me.
I also remember that I felt trapped because I was in a booth and the two other writers were on either side of me so I couldn't just get up and leave. It turned out I didn't need to do that. Because immediately both of them were like: Hold up. Hold the EFF up.
They both pointed out to Karen that the things I brought up in those online discussions were real issues that did need addressing and that I wasn't crazy and the only reason she thought so was because I was a Black woman and when white people or even people perceived as being white said the same thigs I did, people in the community listened, so what the heck was even wrong with her.
I just sat there, pretty quiet, still trying to calm myself down while this all happened and also felt so very grateful for how these two guys (also friends) stood up for me without hesitating, without equivocating, without giving Karen an inch to continue to talk about me in such a way. I don't even know how that conversation ended or if I even talked to Karen again at the con. I did decide right then that I was going to pull back from our friendship because of it.
A year or so later I ended up having to have a conversation with Karen because of some nonsense she pulled at WisCon. In that conversation I mentioned the discussion we had at ReaderCon and how that truly affected my view of her, a person who was supposedly my friend and who constantly tried to say she was an ally to BIPOC. And that's when she said: What discussion?
At first I wasn't sure if she was feigning ignorance or not. The more we talked, the more I realized she wasn't. She didn't remember the incident. And in that talk I realized why: It didn't have that big of an impact on her.
Even with her being essentially told off by the other two, for her, having conversations where she casually parroted some white, male editor's racist and misogynistic view of me was of little note because she and the other people she spent a majority of time with were doing it all the time. It was just a Tuesday for her. And so after ReaderCon when she continually asked if I wanted to hang out or go on writing dates, she did so as if she had not said some absolutely egregious stuff to me weeks before. Again, to her: a Tuesday.
Having had more experience in life with certain kinds of racists, sexists, ableists, and bigots in general, I can say that this phenomenon was not specific to Karen. It is endemic with a certain kind of person who is devoted to the status quo/dominant paradigm.
So when Lindelof says that he doesn't remember doing and saying these things, he's probably not lying. Because for him, it was business as usual, a Tuesday. Normalized on a number of levels. He was a fish in water and the water was composed of racist, sexist a-holes doing whatever they wanted because no one above them put a stop to it. And that is a problem even 20ish years later.
That Lindelof had to be told he did these things and that he, in all this time, has not reflected on them, not realized on his own that what he did was terrible, apologized, and worked his butt off to not only ensure the shows he runs do not have this atmosphere but to also throw every bit of work that he can to those writers (not necessarily on his shows, but others) is proof that it continues to be a problem. And that he has a lot of work to do to atone for all these things he can't remember--starting by doing a real deep dive into why he can't.
Cuse can't be saved. I suggest we introduce him to a nice oubliette.
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jo-harrington · 1 year
As Above, So Below - Series Masterlist
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Van Helsing - Kas!Eddie/Fem!OC - Soulmates
This story is told from 2nd Person POV (you/your)
Minors DNI - This fic is for 18+ readers only.
Summary: In order to undo a centuries-long curse, you travel to Hawkins to defeat a great evil and close the gates to Hell once and for all. Unfortunately, you uncover many unsettling secrets including some about your lost love, Eddie Munson.
Warnings (in no particular order): Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Smut (Specifics Tagged in Chapters), Major and Minor Character Deaths, Violence, Gore, Body Horror, Blood, Manipulation, Transformation, Corruption, Religious Elements, Criticism of Religion, Biblical and Other Literary and Pop Culture References
This story is going to be EXTREMELY HEAVY to write, so I will not be putting out a posting schedule. Chapters will get posted as they are completed.
OC is of European/Italian-American descent on her father's side and her mother's side can be left up to interpretation. She is loosely Roman Catholic and you will see why I say loosely if you read. I will not be giving her a name, or any major physical descriptors if I can help it but her cultural identity is integral to this story.
Note: You do not need to have seen Van Helsing (2004) to understand the premise of this fic. You should, however, read the prequels.
Prequels: Heaven - Hell - Purgatory
Hymns of Heaven: A series of "additions" to the prequel timeline based on cryptid and monster requests. April 1984 Mothman - April 1984 Immortal Snail - May 1984 Splinter Cat - May 1984 Sully - June 1984 Chupacabra - July 1984 Will-o'-the-Wisp - August 1984 Manticore - August 1984 Frogman - September 1984 Fresno Nightcrawler - September 1984 Thunderbird/Horned Serpent - October 1984 The Kraken - Halloween 1984 Werewolf - December 1984 Freddy Kreuger - December 1984 The Guardians - Christmas Eve 1984 Loch Ness Monster - January 1985 Manananggal - April 1985 Oneiroi - Unknown in the UD Inner Monster - Unknown in the UD Nachzehrer
Related Blurbs: Limbo - Genesis
Gratia. - Charitas. - Solamen.
Prequel Playlist
Chapters: Prologue - Annunciation 1 - Illumination 2 - Descendió a los Infiernos 3 - Crucible 4 - Malum Malus 5 - Via Domus 6 - Revelation 7 - Exodus 8 - Miserere Mei 9 - Deus in Absentia 10 - Atonement 11 - Amor Vicit Omnia Epilogue - Ab Aeterno
Series Playlist
Reader's Guide to AASB - A collection of references and Easter eggs that are made in the story.
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Series Art All series art is commissioned by me from various fandom artists. Some art depicts the Knight (artwork varies from original character design to self insert art). If you want to keep the illusion of a faceless Knight, please do not look at the artwork noted with (*).
*Knight Character Design Sheet - by @floredaqueen *
*Eddie and the Knight on their First Date - by @boltedfruit *
*Eddie and the Knight and the Fresno Nightcrawler - by @doomcheese*
*November 5, 1984 - At the Trailer - by @boltedfruit * (TW: Blood)
Hell Eddie - V2 feat. Knight's Intervention - by @lilithapril (TW: Blood/Gore)
Purgatory Eddie - by @dance-on-the-bones (TW: Blood)
Kas!Eddie - by @nightonblogmountain
*AASB Sketch Sheet - by @toomanyacorns* (TW: Blood)
Via Domus - Eddie and the Demobats - by @hearsegrrl
*AASB Sketch Sheet 2 - by @toomanyacorns * (TW: Blood)
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The Gospel According to Mary Victoria - AASB as told from Mary Victoria’s perspective and a deep dive into her journey.
Book 1 - Book 2 - Book 3
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This fic will not be for the faint of heart. Please check the above warnings and ask yourself if you are in the correct headspace to proceed. I am happy to answer any questions via PM or Ask.
Tag List: There will be no tag list for As Above, So Below.
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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Lost 6.09 | Ab Aeterno
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femalethink · 7 months
Colonialism is a form of vampirism that empowers and bloats the self-image of the colonizing empire by draining the life energies of the colonized people; just enough blood is left to allow the colonial subject to perform a day’s work for the objective empire. And these drained energies are not only of the present and future, but of the past, of memory itself: the continuity of identity of a people, and of each individual who is colonized.
No one should recognize this process better than women; for the female sex has functioned as a colony of organized patriarchal power for several thousand years now. Our brains have been emptied out of all memory of our own cultural history, and the colonizing power systematically denies such a history ever existed. The colonizing power mocks our attempts to rediscover and celebrate our ancient matriarchies as realities. In the past women have had to accept this enforced female amnesia as “normal”; and many contemporary women continue to believe the female sex has existed always and ab aeterno as an auxiliary to the male-dominated world order. But we continue to dig in the ruins, seeking the energy of memory; believing that the reconstruction of women’s ancient history has a revolutionary potential equal to that of any political movement today.
—Monica Sjöö & Barbara Mor, "The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth."
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spnsummergen · 2 months
Supernatural Summergen: Week 1 Roundup!
Hi all! In case you missed any the first time around, here's a roundup of the first week of Summergen! At the end of each week, we'll post another roundup so no one misses out on any goodies. :D
Thank you to all the creators and readers who makes Summergen possible!
1. Ab Aeterno for iamianweareme
Summary: Time is never on your side (unless you know what it wants.)
Rating: Not Rated (Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings) Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Rowena MacLeod Words: 1642 Tags: Season/Series 03, Season/Series 10, Episode: s10e19 The Werther Project, Time Travel, Case Fic, Dreams, Astral Projection, Spells & Enchantments, Witchcraft, Curses, Cure for the Mark of Cain, Witches, Angels, Demon Deals, Brotherly Affection, Immortality, Non-Linear Narrative, New Jersey, Parallel Universes, Blood Magic
2. Home is What You Make It for shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod
Summary: Feeling the need to make the bunker more of a home for himself and Sam, Dean creates a place just for them.
Rating: Not Rated (Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings) Characters: Dean, Sam Words: 2242 Tags: Oblivious Sam Winchester, Files, Organizing, Clever Dean Winchester, Cooking, Home improvements, the bunker, Man Cave, Alcohol, movies
3. Welcome to Canada for sakarrie
Summary: Sam and Dean follow the lead of an old friend of Bobby's into the Canadian wilderness of Golden Ears Park where three hunters have been found ripped to shreds their throats bitten out, while possible bear attacks, the local park ranger and part-time hunter Roger Marsh doesn't think so. The brothers help him investigate an incident that quickly turns out to be very much their kind of problem.
Rating: E (Explicit, Graphic Depictions of Violence) Characters: Sam, Dean Words: 2409 Tags: Case Fic, Canon Compliant, Hunt Gone Wrong, Wilderness Survival, Hurt Sam Winchester, Hurt Dean Winchester, Protective Dean Winchester, Protective Sam Winchester, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Protective Winchesters, Demonic Possession
4. Too Close for Comfort for yoann
Summary: Sam and Dean switch bodies. Bickering, brotherly banter and bad choices ensue…
Rating: T Characters: Sam, Dean, Rowena Words: 3493 Tags: humor, bodyswap
5. Ink for dizzojay
Summary: Rusalka has been killed, but something bad still happens to Dean, and Sam has to pay the consequences.
Rating: G Characters: Dean, Sam Words: 2800 Medium: pastels (piece includes fic AND art!) Tags: Rusalka (Water Spirit), Whump, Hurt Sam Winchester, Possessed Dean Winchester
6. Meeting Your Heroes for brightly_lit
Summary: A hunter gets some unexpected help from the legendary Winchesters.
Rating: G Characters: Sam, Dean, OMC Words: 1563 Tags: Hunters & Hunting, Poltergeists, Humor, Silly, Awkwardness
7. A Perfect Way to Die for canon_is_relative
Summary: Sam's been fighting in the demon wars for as long as he can remember. He doesn't like war and he doesn't like fighting, even though he's the best at it ever since Dean got possessed and joined the other side. The humans are losing this war. He's only seventeen, but he figures it's only a matter of time before he dies, too. He just needs to see Dean -- the real Dean, his brother -- one last time before the end.
Rating: G Characters: Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle, Ash, Claire Novak, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Kevin Tran, Bobby Singer, Rufus Turner, John Winchester, Dean Winchester Words: 2569 Tags: War, Child Soldiers, Demons, Demon Dean Winchester, Weapons, Brotherly Love, Brother Feels, Brotherhood, Comrades in Arms, Found Family, Possession, Exorcisms
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aphfanficwriters · 7 months
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Writing Prompt: “Scars”
Old Scars, Future Hearts by Delgumo (America/Russia) Old and new wounds plague Ivan. Alfred wants to save him.
Ab aeterno by mossy_man (Prussia/Russia, America/Russia) Gilbert comes back. Now, today, forever.
I Forgive You by veetyuh (England/Sealand, Ireland/Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland/Scotland) Peter visits Connor's flat in Belfast after a spat with Arthur. Connor is as spectacular a comfort as Peter is inconsolable.
1001 Ways To Die — Chapter 8: For those Sleepless Nights and Haunting Memories by NashTea (Fishandnear) (Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) After getting inspired from watching too much Hong Kong movies about the triads, Wang Jia Long finally accepted the offer to help the police with a particularly tricky case, dragging Hao Jing along to help him stand afoot in the organisation. However, they are soon bested by a human.
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memorylcst · 1 year
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          Wedding dad!! Wedding dad!!
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ikanin · 4 months
Adding on to my Draconic AU sort of idea I had earlier (my last post)
First off, generations:
ab aeterno (From the Eternal)- True dragons born of divinity includes beings like Life, Death, Dream, Nightmare, and Ink. These few are frequently seen in depictions of the divine and are seen as immortal beings who may do as they please.
ab Antiquo (From the Ancient)- who are the first generation of man made drakes or divinely cursed. Includes people like Fresh, Geno, Error, Core, Sans, Fell, Swap, and XGaster.
ab Incunabulis (From the Cradle)- the newest generation of drakes. These beings mostly make up drakes who were born as drakes rather than made drakes. Carrying over some blood from “ab Antiquo” (most parents will remain probably unnamed) quite a few were never even human to begin with. Those who were born human might be Killer and Horror. While those who were born Drakes might be Dust, Cross, Ccino, etc
Draco naledi- The genus for the drakes who retain their humanoid figure. This includes those who can shapeshift into other forms but their base forms retain human like qualities. This genus while seeming tall when compared to those of a normal human stature, they are seen as the little guys to much of the other Drake genuses.
However what Draco Naledi lacks in firepower and nature born affinities they are more likely to make up for with the sheer amounts of Determination (DT) or Mana (MP) they store in their bodies. Making them able to out endure a large portion of non divine drakes.
Draco duopinnati- A genus for the species of drakes which typically retain only two wings and no frontal limbs, more commonly referred to as wyverns. Their affinities rely more specifical on fire or lightning, they are typically associated with the name Wyverns
Draco torquensvermis- A ground bound genus who typically lack external limbs or are long and winding with one set of forelimbs. These variants typically burrow themselves deep within the ground, their bodies never seeming to finish growing until their untimely demise or if their nutrients are in low supply. Despite this they do not grow an unreasonable amount, typically gaining an inch or two in length per year if met with the right conditions. These creatures are usually referred to as Wyrms, having an affinity for metal or even earth based magicks if born lucky enough. Though they most commonly rely on pure physical strength.
Draco troglodyte- A genus more commonly referred to as Knuckers. This variant more closely resembles Eastern Dragons in build, this genus is specifically known to have features from other animals. Like “fur”, more angular ears, hooves, etc. However they remain on the smaller side, with tinier wings of which cannot lift them off the ground. They have a more diverse variety of magicks than the other genuses. Healing magicks, blue magick, etc
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electronicartisanfury · 4 months
At 1980 - Ab Aeterno
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