#aaron hotchner x niece!reader
uranometrias · 5 months
✮ꜜ : ❛ you're still a traitor : criminal minds x fem! reader [ pt. 1 ]
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pairing: aaron hotchner x bau! reader (unrequited) | spencer reid x bau! reader | s7 team x bau! reader (platonic)
summary: being in love with your boss was hard. especially when there were so many factors surrounding you that made the possibility of being with him, out of the question. for starters, there was your age gap, and hotch was a stickler with baggage that he couldn't quite disclose to you. hotch was a fantasy, always out of your grasp, that is until emily dies. in the four months that followed emily's death at the hands of ian doyle, you found yourself living a life that you'd only ever dreamed about. hotch was careful, but the proof was right in front of your face as he went out of his way to care for you while you grieved. how stupid of you not to realize something was horribly wrong. but now emily was back, and hotch was back from reassignment in pakistan, and you were all on trial, and absolutely nothing makes sense except for the bitter understanding that you were a pawn in a game that in so few words was "way bigger than you." but at least you had spence.
content warnings: this is literally a barrel of angst. reader breaks the skin of her palms with her nails. mentions of slight! anxiety. follows the plot of "it takes a village" aka the iconic "this is calm, and it's doctor" episode. flashbacks x present day! spencer has been crushing on reader for as long as she's been crushing on hotch. hotch is NOT romantically interested in reader. slight! hotchniss vibes (but that's up to your interpretation. jj x reader angst! reader does not react to emily's return well. mentions of unit transfer / bureau resignation. spencer confesses to reader... open ending making room for a part 2! heartbreak, drinking, crying. best friend! penelope garcia + derek morgan. reader has a sister & niece.
read part two right here.
Your leg shakes violently as you sat just outside the court room, hands balled into tight fists as your nails press deep into the callousing skin of your palms. You couldn't say you were nervous, as far as the previous case was concerned you'd done everything you could to save Declan. You'd take whatever suspension they'd throw your way without batting an eye. You didn't regret the part you played, no, you just regretted the team that you were apart of.
It had been a crazy seven months. You remembered when things turned left, back when Emily started acting weird. She was shorter, snappier, she had less patience with any of you. Long gone were the days of wasting your time with jokes and innuendos. She had a lot on her mind, a lot none of you were privy to, and you remembered how you'd stretched yourself. You'd all tried so hard to show her you were there, to let her know that you could be trusted.
Your face contorts into a scowl, it had become your new resting face in the last few weeks. God, you hated how stupid and naive you'd been back then. Now that everything was out in the open, it was almost too obvious where the deception began. What was the point of taking care of people who had no trouble treating you like some disposable pawn piece to be moved to fit their whims. Damn. You were crying again, you'd been doing that a whole lot too lately.
You scrub furiously at your face, and you hate your teammates a little bit more. JJ had gone first, face devoid of any timidity or uncertainty. Long gone were the days of Jennifer Jareau the Liaison, she was a profiler now, one of you. When she'd come back, you'd been ecstatic. The unit hadn't been the same since she was transferred, you'd missed her so gravely. But now, now the sight of her just reminded you of the secret you'd been holding on the tip of your tongue.
Hotch wasn't the only one who had known about Emily.
You feel a hand moving to rest on the top of your thigh, and you flinch violently. You sniffle audibly, eyes moving to rest on Penelope, your God-given solace. Your best friend. She, Derek, and Spencer were the only ones who wholeheartedly understood what you felt. But even still, Hotch hadn't used their feelings to make them blind, the way he had done with you. He'd played you like a goddamn fiddle, and you'd let him. Because you were weak, stupid, grieving, and in love.
Hotch had never been in the cards for you, not that you weren't beautiful, gorgeous, an amazing agent. You had the stamp of approval of both Agents Gideon and Rossi. Erin Strauss had been (by your request) rejecting every request of transfer any other unit had tried to offer. You were an asset to the bureau, and a major part of this team. You'd been around since the beginning. You'd witnessed doe-eyed Spencer Reid join at age 23, full of facts and anxiety.
You'd seen Derek blossom and break out of his play-boy persona, and become someone that other branches of the law fought to have. You'd been around for so long, you'd witnessed so much, and Hotch knew that. Which you suppose is what you allowed yourself to believe was the reason he'd never shown signs of reciprocating your feelings. He was respecting your future, leaving your options open. But those were the delusional musings of a girl in love with someone she can't have. Hotch wasn't into you, and you knew that.
So why, why, why did you let him convince you of the opposite? For even one measly second? And, yes, of course in the grand scheme of things you understood why he did what he did. But it didn't make it hurt less. In fact knowing his duty to Emily outweighed his duty to anything else just made this whole ordeal feel more like a slap to your face. Penelope gives your thigh a reassuring squeeze, and you're pulled from your running mind. You blink, registering her worry.
"Are you alright?" she asks, and it's the first time anyone's asked you that since the first day. You know they were giving you space to cope, which only seemed to reaffirm your feelings of betrayal and loneliness. "We'll get out of this, alright? And we'll-we'll be able to be a complete family again." she proceeds, and serves you right for believing someone understood what was going on. They'd all misunderstood you. They thought your behavior was fear of the team being dismantled. Some profilers you were surrounded by.
"I'm fine, Garcia." you say, and you can't bite the snippiness if you wanted to. "I just want to get this over with, and get the hell out of here." you add, and you're standing up, Penelope's hand dropping limply as you move your seat. You find a more isolated corner, plopping back into the uncomfortable seat, as the legs squeak slightly. Your leg is back to shaking, only now you've taken to chomping on your bottom lip. You don't imagine Penelope's hurt expression, you know without a doubt that you'll cave. And you can't.
Not this time.
Your phone chirps in your pocket, and you jump once more. Your jumpiness was a new attribute triggered by the amount of sleep you hadn't been getting. Pulling it out you see that it's a call from your big sister, and you curse under your breath. You were supposed to be watching your niece so your sister could pick up an extra shift. None of you had really expected for things to go this far.
"Hey..." you wince, because you can hear the heaviness of your feelings ladled over your words.
"Hey, are you alright? I got a call from Spence." and you're surprised. You look up, searching for the brunette anywhere in the vicinity, and find that he hasn't shown up yet. It's a bit of a shock, especially for someone as punctual as Reid. You did however spot JJ still meandering about, and she's not looking tense at all. Despite your anger towards her, you couldn't deny that she'd quickly fallen into the role of a profiler. It fit her almost like a glove.
"Spencer called you?" you ask, and you hear the tension in your sister's sigh. You imagine that she must be exhausted. Your sister did a lot, and managing a blossoming family was hard. Your niece was five, and she had a new addition to the family on the way. Which was why it was so important for you to be there on the days she needed you to watch your niece.
"Yes, he said something about..." your sister lowers her voice. "Emily." she questions, and you find your head nodding despite the fact she can't see you. "Are you alright?" she asks again, and this time she emphasizes how important it is for her to hear directly from your mouth the state of your wellbeing. Your sister seemed to always see right through you, it was a wonder she wasn't the one in the FBI.
"I'm-" you trail off before you can lie. "I'm sure if they could they'd disband the unit." you whisper, and you look up just as Derek is exiting the court room, Penelope looking terrified as she takes his place. Derek scans the room before he spots you, and his eyes soften. JJ approaches him and the two seem to chat animatedly. Still they look so serious, there was no room for smiles and banter today.
It's not long though before they're looking at you again, and you know that they know. Your self isolation wasn't something you were exactly being subtle about. You immediately look away, focusing in on what your sister was saying. "Bad decisions or not, they're no good without your unit." she says, and pride still manages to swell up inside of you. "You guys do good work. You work because you're together, everyone plays their role." she proceeds, and it's then you shatter.
Play your role. What role exactly did you play? Hotch was the stoic leader that somehow seemed to play the role of pseudo-father so well for every member of the team, with the exception of Rossi and Derek. Derek, was the shoe-in for promotion. The older brother who teased you relentlessly, but would fight til his last breath to protect you, and he always did. JJ, the pretty girl. The one who everyone on the team at some point had been attracted to. But more than that, she was resilient, a subtle glue that kept your unit running.
You quickly slot through everyone else's roles in your head, and huff. What were you except the odd-woman out. The dummy with a crush on your unit chief, and too much knowledge for your own good. You supposed that was why Hotch had to distract you with exaggerated gestures. If you got out of your feelings and really thought about it, you knew that if anyone on the team was going to see through the smoke, and uncover the truth about Emily, it would be you.
So he had to handicap you. What better way than by hanging the possibility of a romance in your face. Still, it was cruel. Just more proof that this was not the family you made them out to be. "Yeah, I'm not so sure." you reply, and you can hear how disgruntled you sound. It smacks you like a ton of bricks, and it's then you truly realize just how hurt you were by everything. Your sister sighs deeply, and it makes you second guess yourself. Were you being irrational? Unfair?
"I know what Hotch did." she begins, "And it was awful to play with your feelings like that." she expresses, and you feel validated. "And nobody's expecting you to just welcome Emily back with open arms after months and months of thinking that she was dead. You were deceived, and I want you to feel however you want, okay?" she says, and you don't respond, mostly because it feels rhetorical. "Just don't do anything rash without thinking it through alright?"
You don't know what she means by that so your eyes roll. "I think we're well past that, if they find us guilty I could lose my job." you remind her, and she chuckles. You don't find it funny, you can't. Your love for the job outweighed a lot of things, so it had been a no-brainer to help Derek seek out Ian Doyle. You wanted his head spinning on a pike, and you weren't planning to take no for an answer.
two weeks prior.
You were sitting across from Derek, steaming mug of coffee in your head that was more french vanilla creamer than anything else. You held the staged photograph of Declan and Louise. Derek's holding an identical photo, a heady sigh escaping him as you both rack your brains for some sort of bullseye. Something that would point you right in the direction of Declan. "Okay, Emily needed to get Declan a new identity." Penelope says as she walks into the office. She sits in the chair right beside you, arm full of stress balls and files. "So she must have used someone that she trusted." she proceeds.
"Alright, well that's a short list, but it's probably not even written down." is Derek's tired reply.
"Even if it was, she's been so many places, with so many different points of contact. " you speak up, and you take a sip from your coffee, praying it kicks in and wakes you up a bit. "It's not gonna be super easy to track and narrow them all down." you say, and you realize your mistake just as Penelope is placing a file in your hands.
"Oh, tell me about it. Two columns, domestic and imports." she says as she passes the other to Derek, who's looking at you with an amused smile stretched across his face. Serves you both right for underestimating the genius of Penelope Garcia. "I accept your apology, cutie." she says, leaning into you as you grin, smacking your lips in a kiss.
"Hey." JJ's at the door of the office, all three of you turning to look her way as she beams brightly. "Have you guys seen, Spence?" she questions, and you remember how you'd offered to bring him a coffee as a respite from the garbage water they served in the bullpen. He'd shut you down politely asking to reschedule as he was going to be spending his day at the Firing Range. You understood the need, he wanted to protect himself, and the team. He had to get better.
"He's at the firing range." you and Penelope speak in unison, making eye contact, as hers narrow. You knew instantly she would have questions about why you of all people knew Spencer's whereabouts.
"Again?" JJ questions as you shrug your shoulders, her eyes flitting towards you.
"Ever since Prentiss died, he..." Penelope speaks your thoughts.
"Right." JJ nods her head. "Uh... did you guys just get a new case?" she questions, hands clasping together in front of her.
"It's just an old one." Derek answers.
"Do you want some fresh eyes?" she asks, and it's painfully clear that she's still figuring out how to feel more like the team again.
"Not just yet." Derek denies, and he's polite, but you knew why he was being this way. You were all for keeping anything related to Doyle under wraps until you were further along.
"Ok. Um, well let me know." she hums, and then she looks back at you. "Y/N, can I..." your eyebrows raise as she trails off. "Can we talk? It'll only take a second." she hopes, and you look to Derek and Penelope for a moment.
"We won't do anything big without you." Derek promises, and you nod, closing the file, and handing it off, before you stand to your feet. You follow JJ out of the office, and down the hallway, stopping just before you reach the heart of the bullpen. You look to her expectantly, a bit confused, but not on edge. You had missed JJ, and in the two months she'd been back, it'd been pretty hard to get some real time with her. You'd hoped a break in the case would help to change that.
"Everything okay, Jaige?" you ask, and you witness how she exhales in relief right in front of you.
"God, it is now." she says, and your eyebrows jump up. She seems to understand the confusion on your face as she lets out a chuckle, dispelling more of her own tension. "You've been calling me Agent Jareau since I got back... not JJ and definitely not Jaige." she explains, as it seems to register for you. "I guess I was just a little worried I'd done something to make you mad at me." she admits, and she's clearly sheepish.
"Oh." you chuckle yourself, and you reach out to hold her shoulder. "No, you've done nothing wrong." you promise. "I've just been a bit in my head these last few weeks, but I'm really glad you're back." JJ beams at your words, and all the remaining tension in her posture dissipates instantly.
present day.
"Hey, everything alright?" you look up, pulled from your thoughts at the presence of Spencer Reid. He's holding a medium cup of a steaming liquid that you can only assume is coffee, and you find yourself smiling despite yourself. "I remember you asked me a few weeks ago about coffee." he holds it out, and you're quick to press your phone to your shoulder, neck craning slightly as you take it.
"Thanks, Spence." you mumble, and you can practically hear your sister's smirk from the other line. "Could you just give me one second, I'm talking to my sister?" you question, and Spencer nods his head, eyes widening in understanding. You smile politely, and he beams back at you, pretty eyes seemingly brightening before he's making his way over to Derek who's smirking like the nuisance he is.
"Hey." you mumble once he's gone, and your sister is snickering. For some odd reason she'd been dropping hints that maybe the guy on the team you should be setting your sights on was Spencer. To your defense, it wasn't like he wasn't attractive. You'd be an idiot to deny his boyish charm and good looks, but after he'd sat you down and admitted he had a crush on JJ, back during his second year, you'd sort of blocked any potential attraction towards him out of your head.
Now he was just Spence.
"Hey, I should go. I just wanted to check in, Spence made me aware of everything so I've got everything figured out on this end." she promises you, and you nod once more despite yourself. "Just think about what I said, alright? It'd be a shame for you to leave behind such a good job." she finishes, and you don't know how to respond to that, so you don't. "Call me later?" she questions, though you know she's telling you more than asking.
"I will." you reply, and she sounds pleased as she exhales.
"I'll talk to you soon." and then the phone is clicking. You adjust your grip on your coffee, using your free hand to grab your phone, and place it down on your lap. The coffee smelled good, it was from that cute shoppe that sold different pastries and always smelled like cinnamon. You'd been there with Spencer and Penelope a handful of times, and they always made your coffee exactly how you liked it. Still, Spencer had never ordered for you so you await a mishap.
The first sip warms you up instantly, and you're knocked flat on your ass by how on point the drink was. Your eyes snap upwards, looking across the lobby towards Spencer, who's awkwardly sitting in a seat, Derek beside him. JJ was gone now, but you figured she was probably with Hotch and Emily, the three of them had been attached at the hip since the team was "back together". You're certain them being gone was what led you to standing to your feet.
You walk towards Derek and Spencer quietly, slipping into a seat next to Spencer as Derek leaned up against the wall. "I didn't know that you knew my coffee order." you whisper, and Spencer turns to look at you. He offers a half smile, you were certain you'd be passing a lot of those back and forth until the court proceedings were done with.
"Of course I do." he shrugs his shoulders. "I pay attention when you talk." he promises, and you wonder why he had to like JJ, and why you had to like Hotch. On paper, and off paper Spencer Reid was the perfect candidate for boyfriend, plus he never pretended to be into you to keep you from finding out the truth. You both fall into silence, there's not much else to say, but you let his words repeat in your head. I pay attention when you talk. It makes your stomach twist.
"You alright over there, pretty girl?" Derek's voice barely reaches over a whispered volume. It seemed you all were feeling the dreary aftershocks of an ordeal like the one you'd found yourselves in. You look up at Derek tiredly, and you don't understand why he's asking you this, not until you feel the scalding heat of hot coffee singing your skin. Two sets of worried eyes are drawn to your cup, it's squished in your palm, brown liquid streaming everywhere.
"Shit." you hiss, and the cup falls to the floor, you're quick to clutch your burnt hand. God, you were really torn up over this.
"I'll get this cleaned up." Derek promises, and he looks at Spencer as if he was communicating something he didn't want you privy to. Spencer falters, only for a second before he's reaching out for your forearm, and guiding you to your feet. You trail after him, walking down the long corridor, listening out for the telltale sign that Penelope was done, and they'd be calling you next. On your route you pass JJ who looks concerned as she looks between the two of you.
"Spence, Y/N?" she says, and you avert your gaze, you're not sure if you're more angry or embarrassed.
"Sh-she spilled some coffee." Spencer explains, but he doesn't stop walking. "Shouldn't be more than a first degree burn, if she soaks her hand for five minutes, everything should be fine." he is passive as he speaks, eyes never quite meeting hers as he continues to lead you.
"Let me take her." JJ offers, and both you and Spencer are quick to offer denials. She looks hurt but masks it quickly. "It's not like you can go into the girl's bathroom with her, right?" she says and it's then you both realize you've got no other choice. He looks to you, trying to gauge how you'd feel about it, and you sigh. Maybe this was for the best, you could finally get things off your chest with JJ. It was only fair. He seems to clock the instant you've decided, and concedes.
"I'll be right out here." he promises, and you nod slowly. He looks like he wants to say more, but he doesn't get the chance to.
"Spence." JJ says his name a bit more sternly, and he resists the urge to cut his eyes in her direction. He ignores her long enough to take in your ailed hand, he saw the way the skin began to redden and swell. He seems cross as he passes you off to JJ, and you feel a bit silly being fussed over for something as minute as a coffee burn. JJ's earnest in the way she takes you to the nearest women's restroom. You hiss the second the cold water comes in contact with your skin.
You don't say anything to JJ though, losing your nerve the second the two of you were alone. She looks like she's waiting for you to say something though, eyes brimming with some sort of unease. She was reading you, using her new skills to profile you. You suppose that's exactly what pushes you to finally speak. "We said we'd never profile one another." you remind her crossly, and she's sheepish. "Just because you're doing it in your head doesn't make it any less invasive." you keep your wrist in place, hissing silently.
"If you would just talk to me I wouldn't have to go that far." she counters, and you blink. Fair, but you had every right to keep your distance from her. Just because the rest of the team was still more or less unaware of JJ's role in harboring the secret of Emily, you'd read right through her.
"What's there to talk about exactly?" you ask. "None of us want to be here dealing with this." and you take the route of the naive girl.
"I'm not talking about with the trial... and the senators." she shakes her head, and she's almost pleading as she tries to catch your eyes in the mirror. "I'm talking about Emily." she deadpans. "Everything that happened?" she proceeds. "You've hardly said a word to her since she came back." she doesn't want to come off like she's scolding you, and so she takes in a breath before her tone can become defensive.
"I don't speak to ghosts." and it's a quiet little dig that she hears all the same. It forces a tense silence to wash over the restroom, the only sound slicing through the awkwardness is the water rushing from the spout. JJ clears her throat, blinking a few times as she adjusts your wrist, allowing the water to evenly coat your burn. Only a few more minutes of this and you could make your grand escape.
"That's not fair." she finally voices her thoughts with a deep sigh.
"Isn't it?" you snap. "Seven months we thought she was dead." and you suppose that was a mistake of hers, getting you started. "Pretty lucky that you were off at the Pentagon, right?" you ask sourly. "Or was it lucky that you were in on the whole scam? I mean you were at the funeral, but you didn't have to cry, you didn't have to grieve." you accuse, and JJ's jaw slackens, clearly surprised at your outburst.
"I lost my friend too, okay?" she counters and you scoff.
"Did you?" you argue. "All those nights I called you crying, all those texts, those check ins... how long did you know Emily was still alive?" you demand, and JJ's feeling cornered, and her heart rate is picking up. She knew there'd be mixed feelings about this, but she'd never expected to ever be at odds with you. You, Spencer, and JJ rounded out the younger crowd on the team, it was your job to stick together. "Answer me." you insist, and you sound so crushed as you speak.
"I knew the whole time." she answers, and you nod your head, because of course you already knew.
"Exactly." you sneer. "You're a liar." you hate how angry this whole thing makes you, but you can't deny it. They'd played with your feelings, all of them, and now you were meant to behave like nothing was wrong. "Did you know about Hotch?" you ask, and JJ flinches. She doesn't answer for a while, and the water seems to rush even louder in your ears.
"I told him it wasn't smart." she finally answers. "But we needed to ensure that Emily wasn't at risk, it was harmless... just some flirting to keep you from getting too close to the truth." and JJ is speaking as if this wasn't some major breach of your position as coworkers and alleged friends. "He'd never cross the line." she reminds you, and the reminder that yeah, Hotch would never be with you makes you wince.
"And he didn't." she says this like she knows for certain. "It was flirting, Y/N. it didn't mean anything, we just needed you to..." and she trails off when she sees how destroyed you look at her admission. "Y/N..." she trails off, and you inhale sharply.
"Don't." you exhale, and you snatch your hand from her grasp. The cool air of the bathroom immediately attacks the welts blooming on your hand. You don't have time to pay them any mind.
"We just wanted to protect you... and keep Emily safe in the process. The more of us that knew Emily was alive, the more of a liability we'd be while Doyle was still on the run." she says, and you suppose in the grand scheme you understand. As profilers, as special agents working for the FBI they'd done great work. As your friends, as people you'd considered family for years... they'd betrayed you.
Plain and simple.
"Congratulations, you did exactly what you meant to." you say dully, and you sniffle, though no tears are set to come. Instead you feel more anger blossoming in the pit of your gut. "I hope it was worth it." and it's dramatic, but you deserve the dramatics, sidestepping the blonde and leaving her behind just as Emily is stepping inside. She looks at you wide-eyed, before she sees JJ standing there seemingly frazzled.
"Is everything okay?" she questions, and you don't offer her an answer, instead leaving the restroom as your earlier words ring in your head. I don't talk to ghosts. And you don't, and despite your history you'd never allow yourself to. You find your way back to the seats that led to the courtroom, Derek was gone, the only person still there was Spencer. He stands up as soon as he hears your shoes.
"Where's Derek?" you ask quietly.
"He left with Garcia." he answers quietly. "I guess they're dismissed for now. They're in with Dave now." he explains, and your eyes shift to the door. More than likely you or Spencer would be next.
You sit down, and Spencer follows you, sinking back into his seat as his legs just barely brush against yours. "Are you scared?" you ask, and Spencer's head shakes.
"Are you?" he shoots back, and you look away from the door.
"Not of this." you admit. "But of what comes after." you add and Spencer's pretty brown eyes are swimming with confusion. "Can we really all bounce back from something like this?" you ask, and it's rhetorical, but he answers you all the same.
"We've come back from worse." he reminds you, and that faint smile is worming back onto your face.
"Sure we have." you agree numbly. Spencer's eyes drop to your hand.
"How does it feel?" he asks, and you follow his gaze with a shrug of your shoulders. He doesn't look pleased by this approach, and it makes you sigh.
"Just feels like I ran some water over it." you admit, and Spencer chuckles. "A bit anticlimactic if I'm honest with you, Doctor." and you're partly teasing, mostly because it's so easy.
"You'll need some sort of petroleum jelly... there's some pretty good products that aren't at all carcinogenic like the leading brands." he begins on a tangent, and it makes you smile a bit bigger. "That with some gauze is the perfect remedy for such a mild burn." he proceeds and you look down at it. There's a moment of silence between you, before he's talking again. "Can I ask what happened?" he whispers.
You hum, almost like you're pretending you can't hear him.
"With the coffee? Was it not good? I tried to follow your order exactly." he says and you squeeze your eyes closed.
"It wasn't you or the coffee, Spence." you promise him, and without thinking you reach out, small hand resting on his shoulder. "The coffee was perfect." you insist, and he relaxes, but not enough. "I guess I'm just thrown about all of this." you proceed. "No matter how much I try to remind myself that they did this to protect Emily... that their deception was for a good reason, it just makes me angrier. Why is it that I have to rationalize being angry?" you question.
"I have to reign my feelings in for the sake of the team." you're careful not to grow loud. Spencer's eyebrows are pressed inwardly, head shaking.
"You don't." he denies you quickly. "You shouldn't." he corrects.
"You're right." you agree, and your silent for only a second. "I wish everyone could be like you, Spence." you say, and your words surprise him. He feels this familiar wave of adoration that always seems to swallow him whole whenever he was around you.
"Really?" he knows it might be pathetic, to be hopeful for something like this. The chance to hear what popped in your head whenever you thought of him.
"Yeah." you say firmly, and he tries not to look too eager. "You're so smart." you tell him, and he knows this, but it still feels nice hearing it from you. "And you're always nice to me." you add with a quiet laugh. "And you'd never lie to me would you?" you ask, and in truth, it's not a fair question. Spencer wasn't in the position the others were in.
"What do you mean?" he asks, and he fears it may be the wrong response. You don't even react, at least not that he can tell.
"Nothing." you settle on, head shaking from side to side. "Forget I mentioned it." and he doesn't really want to remind you that his memory quite literally makes that impossible. "I heard that you weren't fighting the suspension." you say conversationally, and he's surprised, mostly because the only person he'd told about that was Derek. Which meant you had been talking about him when he wasn't around.
"I guess I just stand by everything we did." he tells you, and your hand still hurts a bit, but it's definitely a problem for a later version of you.
"Me too. I'm glad we got Doyle, and Declan's safe." you exhale, and despite your anguish towards the team, you meant every word.
"And the team's back together." Spencer himself doesn't sound so convinced. You look over at him at this, your own unconvinced expression slowly cracking through his attempt at a cool facade.
"Is it?" you ask, and Spencer's face softens, a small little frown taking over his otherwise usually content face. He couldn't admit it now, mostly because it didn't feel like the right time, but he paid attention to you. He knew all about your complicated feelings for Hotch "I don't want to be on a team with people who purposely keep me in the dark about things." you ask, and Spencer pauses.
"I'm sure they wouldn't if they had another choice." he offers, and it's not how he feels at all, but it's what you need to hear.
"You don't believe that." you deny, and Spencer can't fight his chuckle. "Or maybe you do, you've always been good at seeing the best in people."
"Oh, do you think so?" it's a bit of a surprise. With your job description it would've made more sense for you to tell him that he saw the worst in people. He felt it was a fair thing to say that he was exceptionally good at his job, but it's then he recognizes what it is you're truly saying, or at least alluding to. It makes his face heat up immediately, cheeks blossoming a rosy red that makes him want to roll his eyes.
"Of course." you promise, and then you're looking at him again. Your face is one of the prettiest he's ever seen, and it's not even subtle. You seem a bit uncertain of your own allure though, which to him is a major shock. "You're like the best person ever." you add, and he expects you to snicker or show some sign that you were joking, but you don't. Bad for him, because his deluded mind full of fantasies starring you would take words like those the wrong way.
"I think you're the best person ever..." he's whispered this, but you hear it all the same, and he's lucky enough to witness the way your entire face morphs. Despite the bleariness in your eyes, you beam brightly. He hates though, that you start to cry. It starts with one tear slipping down your cheek and dripping into your lap. The onslaught comes right after, and before you know it, you're choking on sobs.
"God..." he hears the bitter tang of self-loathing that attaches and weaves itself into your otherwise honey-filled tone. "You're making this so hard, Spencer." you huff, and you scrub at your face harshly. He doesn't understand, but he's too frozen in place to ask you what you mean. Lucky him, you seem to know that you've got explain a bit, so you do. "I'm gonna resign." you say this quietly, sniffling as more tears fall. Spencer feels like he's misheard you.
He wants to have misheard you. He flounders a bit, and he's mentally scolding himself, because he has to hurry the fuck up and say something. "You can't!" and he's scolding himself again for sounding too eager. You jump a bit at the outburst, and he winces right along with you. "We just got everyone back." he reminds you, and you exhale, head nodding in understanding.
"I know." you promise him. "Why do you think this is so hard. You think I want to be the asshole that turns the unit on its head?" you ask. "But I can't stay here and pretend that everything's fine... or act like I don't feel thrown about all of this." you proceed, and of course, Spencer understands, he's upset he was lied too as well.
"I understand." he admits with a sigh, and you let out a quiet noise of relief, almost like you were worried he'd be upset with you. He assumes this is just him being delusional again. You look like you have something sitting on the tip of your tongue, so he stays silent to give you the room to say all that you need to.
"Have you ever had feelings for someone?" you ask. You chuckle at the look he shoots you, "Not just for a second, Spence." you proceed. "I mean like... take your breath away, kind of almost-in-love feelings." you indulge, and Spencer's keen to shut his mouth. Yes, is the loud and resounding answer that rings in his head, because foolishly he'd allows you to captivate him like the siren you were almost three years prior. He'd be a dummy to tell you such now though.
"I-" he blinks harshly, eyes feeling too dry. "I can't say I have." he lies, and he remembers your words from earlier, how you'd praised him for being someone who would never lie to you. You don't seem to notice his deception though, and if you do, you're too in your own head to comment on it.
"Good." you say with a shuddered breath. "They're nothing but a headache, especially when the person doesn't want you back." you exhale the words, and it's like a dagger is being lunged into his chest. How dense could you possibly be with all your super smarts?
"Did something happen with Hotch?" he asks, and now it's your turn to be embarrassed, face pinching up as you choke on a breath. "I don't mean to pry, if it's personal... it's just that-" he trails off, seemingly waiting for you to berate him or tell him to back off. You don't, instead your nose twitches, and you begin to look at your shoes. "Y/N?" he nudges you with his elbow, and it's light.
"No." you finally say, head shaking. "I thought maybe..." you trail off, more embarrassment slicing at you as you cringe. "But it was all a ruse, just a way to keep me from getting too close, and figuring out everything about Emily before they wanted us to know." you say and Spencer's eyebrows furrow.
"They?" he pries, and you look at him like he's silly.
"Hotch and JJ." you answer plainly, and it takes Spencer a second. JJ who he'd went to for comfort for ten weeks? He blinks at you, and you shrug. "So you see... anyone that could take my feelings and use them to manipulate me... are they really worth sticking around for?" you ask, and Spencer doesn't want to validate you in this way. He wants to be selfish, he wants you to stay on the team.
He thinks about how devasted everyone would be. How devasted he would be to walk into the bullpen and find that your desk was empty.
"I don't want you to go..." he admits, and it's quite pitiful, the sadness that soaks the words like gasoline. You find yourself chomping on your lip again, nails pressing into the cuts of your palms, and Spencer's catching your bad habits in real time.
It's a bit invasive, the way his hand surges out, and stops you in your tracks. "Please don't do this." and you're not sure if he's talking about leaving the unit, or if he's referring to the gashes littering your hands. When he holds your palm out flat, and rubs his thumb across the bleeding indentations, you find that you understand quickly.
Every few seconds it's ebbing with more droplets of blood, and he's quick to wipe them away like they offend him. Just as he's moving to say something else, the doors to the courtroom are opening, and Dave Rossi is exiting, his eyes immediately on you and Spencer. You must look foolish, hands intertwined as you stare wide-eyed at the team's senior agent. It's probably why Spencer is dropping your hand as you're snatching it away from his grasp.
You still find that your eyes are quick to appraise one another. He's looking at you, and you're staring back, mouths parted as if you'd been caught. Had you been caught? Had there really been anything to catch? You don't have time to answer, because you're being called next. You frown at Spencer, standing to your feet as he feels his pulse threaten to leap to disrespectful speeds.
"Y/N..." he calls after you, and you stop for a second. Eager eyes fall back on him, and he's trailing off, because the look in your eyes says it all. If you got out of this without being fired, you could imagine a world where quitting the FBI no longer made you sick to your stomach. Silence befalls the space, and he shakes his head after a beat. You look disappointed but not surprised, inhaling deep and audibly as you march towards the court room.
Spencer doesn't know what you're going to say, but he hopes recalling all you'd been through in the last few weeks will be enough to make you stay. At least until he has the courage to ensure that you leaving the team doesn't equate to losing you entirely and completely.
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Falling Into Place
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Word count: 768
Pairning: Aaron Hotchner x Agent!reader
Summary: Y/n, a successful FBI agent and niece of Erin Strauss, seeks a fresh start at the BAU 
As you step into the BAU offices, everything feels different from the fieldwork you're used to. The air hums with intensity, every agent here focused on the darker side of human behavior. Yet, this was what you needed—a change, a new start after your messy divorce. You wanted to dive deep into work, lose yourself in cases, and focus on the life you were building for your daughter.
Your Aunt Erin Strauss had made the transfer smooth, though you insisted on earning your place without her influence. The team was impressive, the dynamic was tight, and you had to admit that working under Agent Aaron Hotchner had you on edge from the start. He had barely spoken to you during introductions, and his piercing gaze seemed to size you up with judgment. Not that it was your first time facing that. People had always underestimated you—maybe it was your chic, model-like appearance, the way you carried yourself, or how people assumed you couldn't possibly be both intelligent and beautiful. But you’d proven them wrong time and time again.
Still, Hotch’s cold demeanor unsettled you. He didn’t know yet that Strauss was your aunt, and you wondered if that would make things better or worse. Either way, you weren’t here to win him over—you were here to do your job.
Just as you were diving into your latest case notes, your phone rang. It was the kindergarten.
"Y/n," the voice on the other end said, "your daughter isn’t feeling well. We think you should come pick her up."
Worry filled your chest instantly. Without hesitation, you gathered your things and headed for Hotch’s office. Knocking on the door, you opened it slightly, peeking in.
"Agent Hotchner, I need to step out briefly," you said, trying to sound calm despite the rush of concern for your little girl. "My daughter is sick, and I need to bring her home."
Hotch barely looked up from his desk. "We have a case. Be back as soon as possible."
His voice was clipped, almost dismissive. You nodded, already halfway out the door.
It didn’t take long to pick up your daughter, her small, feverish body curled up in your arms as you returned to the office. She was too sick for you to leave her at home alone, and with no one nearby to watch her, you had no choice but to bring her back to work. The team would have to understand, and if they didn’t...well, they’d deal with it.
As you carried her into the BAU, the team’s eyes fell on you—specifically on the little girl with the large, tired brown eyes, nestled against your shoulder.
You felt Hotch’s gaze from across the room. He seemed to freeze for a moment, his stern expression flickering as he noticed the child in your arms.
“This is my daughter,” you explained, as you approached the bullpen. “She’s a little under the weather, so she’ll have to stay with me for the day.”
Hotch stood, stepping toward you. His eyes softened slightly as he looked at your daughter, something unexpected crossing his face. For a moment, the usual hardness in his demeanor eased.
"How old is she?" Hotch asked, his voice lower, gentler than you’d ever heard it.
“Four,” you replied, brushing a strand of hair from your daughter’s forehead. “Her name’s Ava.”
He nodded, his eyes lingering on Ava for a beat longer. Then, with a slight hesitation, he said, "You can set her up in my office. She’ll be more comfortable there."
You blinked in surprise. That was...unexpected. Hotch, the man who barely tolerated your presence, offering you his office?
“Thank you,” you managed, feeling warmth in your chest.
The day went on, with Ava lying on the couch in Hotch’s office, occasionally waking up to see you or call out for you. You kept checking in between tasks, and every time you did, Hotch would be close by, watching with a quiet, almost protective stance.
Later, as you sat at your desk, you overheard Rossi muttering to Morgan, “Maybe Hotch isn’t as immune to charm as he likes to think.”
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. Maybe Hotch wasn’t the cold, stoic man he portrayed himself as. Maybe, just maybe, there was a side to him that could change how he saw you—not just as an agent, but as a mother, and maybe more.
For now, though, you focused on what mattered most—getting your daughter healthy and proving your worth to the team. You were smart, determined, and had come too far to let anyone think otherwise. Even Aaron Hotchner.
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bensonsbobblehead · 2 years
Decisions - Aaron hotchner X Wife!reader
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pairings; Aaron Hotchner X Wife!reader
summary; surprise visits with lil baby hotchner (No Jack)
content warnings; fluff and breastfeeding
wc; 0.8k
a/n; I’m doing more one shots now so they are shorter than my older ones but I will still have multi part series in the future just right now One shots are easier for me =}}}
Getting Ava ready to see her dad at work was a lot. It had been the first time since her and Aaron were apart, since he took a few months off for her arrival . You didn’t know who was taking it harder.
Ava had been way more fussy with you. Giving you the Aaron stare that she had perfected by time she was three months. Aside from the fussiness she was fine the moment she heard Aaron’s voice. He was also not doing so good with cases on top of missing Ava and you.
It’s was harder now because he felt he had to fight even harder to solve every case. Knowing that one less person on the street is one less that could hurt his favorite girls. Ava was finally 5 months, not doing much but looking around and giggling.
You had called Gracia to see when they would be done with the case. Finding out it did not end well at all and the team was exhausted. They still had hours of paper work to come back to. So, you decided to surprise your favorite people and favorite guy.
Walking into the bullpen seeing them working hard when Derek noticed you.
“Is that my beautiful and brilliant God-niece ava and her gorgeous mother?” He said coming to take the car seat off your arm, Ava smiling in response to her Godfather.
Soon after that the team gathered around with heart eyes for the small hotchner. Aaron still not out of his office yet to see his daughter was here. By the time she got out of Spencer’s arm she was more fussy than ever. You knew she was probably just hungry, again.
You grabbed her burp towel and walked to Aaron’s office with a soft knock. A faint come in coming from the other side of the door. You walked in to a very focused Aaron he didn’t even noticed you both had walked in.
Ava quickly noticing her father and letting out a small giggle his head snapping toward the door. All his worries fell as he seen the both of you. A huge cheeky smile going over his face as he got up from his desk.
“I’ve missed you both beyond words.” Placing a kiss Ava cheek and one on your lips.
“She’s very very hungry, she keeps staring at me like I’m an unsub.” You smiled sitting on the couch and taking your boob out, Ava latching on easily.
You always felt like it was just the two of you when you breastfed her. It was a special bond honestly and you always got lost in it. Aaron was watching closely as he always did when you fed her.
“Thank you both for coming, I honestly really needed it.” Aaron said getting up to sit next to you on the couch, letting out a sigh of relieve. You smiled at him and placed a kiss on his head.
“You wanna burp her?” Noticing the milk drunk baby under you. Grabbing the burp towel and putting it over his shoulder you handed him ava.
“Hi, my beautiful girl! I’ve missed you.” planting kisses all over her face and then putting her on his shoulder. Living with a profiler meant you picked up a few things. Especially how quiet Aaron was he was usually always rambling about something.
“What’s going on Aar, you’re awfully quiet and you kept the kisses short with Ava”
“Working on your profiling skills I see” he laughed,
“This case just, I don’t know if I should continue this job.”
“Woah, that’s a big decision after one case, are you sure?” It honestly was Aaron had gotten through the worst he had told you half of it. He never wanted to give up on saving the people he could though.
“I … we were being shot at and obviously we are fine but a bullet flew past my head by like an inch. I heard it and I thought I wouldn’t be coming home to you both.” He said all his fears with a tear falling onto Ava’s onesie. The biggest fear after meeting you was never able to grow old with you. Then his Ava came along and the fear grew stronger. Aaron dedicated his life to the bureau and he knew it but he had two other people that he needed to give his life too.
The thought of living life and raising a child without Aaron hunted you a lot. You mostly shoved it down because you didn’t want him to have that same fear. You still found comfort in knowing you both were afraid of his job.
“Aaron, i couldn’t imagine life without but I know how important the BAU is to you. Ava and I will support you through anything.”
That you would, the BAU was his life and you didn’t know how he’d be without out. Taking Ava off his shoulder he asked her.
“You want your dad at home more my pretty girl?” Ava smiling at him as always giving Aaron the confirmation he needed.
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weirdmorefics · 1 year
Can you do a Aaron hotchner young daughter reader who has autism and she starts struggling to control her emotions and she try’s to hit Aaron or jack but he tries to calm her down without triggering her worse
Autistic Daughter Reader x Father!Aaron Hotchner
Patterns and Observations
TW- Meltdowns, Panic Attacks, Sensory overload
Pronouns- She/her
Word Count- 954
Summary- Hotchner just finished a case sadly he was greeted with a nearly emptied fridge and Jessica had just left after watching the kids for three days. Hotch plans to take Jack and the reader to the grocery store but the reader starts to panic about the grocery store.
A/N- Oh my goodness, so sorry for how behind I am on requests. I just had a shop update so I have been very busy printing maybe check it out 👀 This fic would probably be super relatable for my Mom cause I use to slam my head on the floor of Walmart. Good times... not
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Hotch lets out a heavy sigh as he enters his home and sets his briefcase down. Y/N and Jack start running up to him as soon as they hear his signature sigh.
"How about we let your father rest for now he looks like he had a hard time at work." The kid's Aunt Jessica smiled politely.
"Don't worry, I may have had a hard time at work, but I always have time for my favorite people," He smiles and scoops them both into a group hug.
Y/N and Jack giggle and Jess smiles 'Looks like you have it all handled here I should really get going."
"Thank you again for watching them it helps so much," Hotch says as she prepares her stuff to leave.
"Anything for Niece and Nephew," she says pinching their checks as Jack rolls his eyes and Y/N winces. She kisses their heads and says her goodbyes and leaves.
"Now," Hotch clasps his heads together. "What should we have for dinner?"
"Chicken nuggets!" Y/N shouts.
"You always want that," Jack sighs.
Just as Jack and Y/N were about to start a rousing fight about chicken nuggets Hotch interrupted. "Lucky for the both of you we are nearly out of everything and have to go to the store if we want to eat dinner and breakfast."
Jack was instantly excited about leaving the house after being stuck there with his Aunt while his Dad was away. Y/N was not as excited as Jack and by that I mean she was not excited at all.
"Can't we just order food," She asks nervously. Y/N may be young but she knows patterns just like her father. She knows that is five o'clock and that is the time most adults get out of work which means the store will be busy with other adults bringing dinner home. If the store is crowded it will be loud and if it's loud everything else will be loud the lights, the wheels on the cart, the beeping of the registers. I try to physically shake the thoughts out of my head but it doesn't work so I shake my head faster and place my hands over my ears.
Hotch does not hear Y/N's shaking and answers while still looking in the fridge. "Well, we wouldn't have anything to eat for breakfast and you know how moody Jack gets when he is hungry." He chuckles.
Hotch's chuckle ceases when Jack says "I think there is something wrong with Y/N."
Hotch turns around faster than you think would be humanly possible to see Y/N shaking her hand and covering her ears.
"Hey Y/N, would you like to talk about how you are feeling right now?" He says as he slowly walks up to her.
" I think she needs a stim toy," Jack says happy to come up with a solution on his own.
"Great idea Jack why don't you get her one?" Hotch smiles.
Hotch returns his attention to Y/N, " I am going to hold your hands now because you are going to hurt your neck if you keep shaking your head so hard."
She can't seem to focus on his words too stuck in her repeated thoughts. When he takes her hands away from her she starts to try to hit him away. Instead, he takes her into a deep hug due to the fact he learned from Reid that deep pressure can calm autistic children and adults with hypo or hypersensitivity. Y/N's breaths slow after a couple minutes and her heart doesn't feel like it is beating out of her chest anymore.
"People get out of work at five then the store is busy and loud," Y/N states as a fact.
"That's a great observation, sometimes it helps to share your observations so we can make a plan. For example, like I do at my work we make observations about people so we can make a profile. So together let's make a plan to go to the store when it is less busy. What time do you think it's the least busy." Hotch replies in a soothing tone.
"Morning on a weekday everyone is at school or work so quiet and barely anyone is there." She responds flatly like she is reading it straight from a textbook in her mind.
"Great, then we will get take out tonight and shop tomorrow. If you keep up these great observations I might have to watch out for my job." Hotch says adding a joke at the end.
Y/N smiles and laughs, "I might be better at your job than you if I can tell when a grocery store isn't busy and you can't."
"Oh really if you would be so better than me at my job you'd have to be able to beat me in a tickle war and I don't think that has ever happened once." He says mischievously as he reaches his hands out to tickle her.
Y/N goes running to hide behind the couch and Jack enters confused. "What is going on?"
"Jack we must tickle him together or else we will never win!" She raises her hand and declared.
Jack quickly nods his head in agreement and they rush to tickle their dad.
"Hey. Hey. That's cheating," He shouts as they pile on top of him.
His shouts just make them giggle harder and he sighs in defeat, "How about we call it a draw in exchange for McDonald's?"
Jack and Y/N quickly get off him, "To the car!" They shouted in unison.
Hotch gets up shakes his head and far much enthusiastically says "To the car."
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roseandxander · 2 years
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner 
Hurt comfort 
Listen Here, Boy Wonder -  Just a quiet boy not knowing how to feel hotch comforting the reader (male preferably but gender neutral is okay too) whos going through a depressive episode. I just want to be comforted by him right now. m!reader who is a r*p3 victim and the bau gets into the case but Aaron Hotchner has to stand down from the case because he is emotionally involved with the reader. S & M -  The new BAU agent has been very reserved. You rejected the offer to go out with the team on a friday, already promising your friends you’d go out with them. Turns out you all ended up in the same club and Hotch sees a completely different side of you Bath -  You just got off a case and back at the hotel room you keep rethinking it. Luckily Aaron is there to comfort you.
Featuring Jack Hotch explaining to Jack that he has a boyfriend and introducing his boyfriend to him? Nobody on the BAU team believes Jack Hotchner when he says his father’s new girlfriend is rich and famous.
x male reader x Male Pianist reader? Like reader and his twin sister take care of their niece after her parents passed,and the two meet at maybe a parent-teacher conference? x male reader platonic where the reader is like a teenager and hotch help him when he discovered that his father is abusive Hotch and his husband taking care of their new baby? dad!hotch one with him and his husband taking care of the baby at home? Hotch x male reader where reader is a psychologist at an asylum but went to an old abandoned one to check what all needed to be redone to be rebuilt and the team's unsub was actually there? And when the team gets there, they find the reader having a conversation with the unsub and reader has the unsub's weapon behind them. Hotch x Child!reader "I don't wanna leave you, Daddy" by letarasstuff - Hotch's daughter is an introvert. A quiet one. But why does she go even quieter after her mother's death? Unbreakable Bond by letarasstuff - A big age gap between Aaron's children doesn't have to mean that they are unable to form a strong bond Common knowledge? Don’t care! by letarasstuff - Some things are easier to remember than other things, especially for a little genius.
Fluff energetic!reader going on long rants while grumpy old man aaron just sits and listens with a small smile. he lowkey loves being able to be silent for long bits of time. Spencer Reid
X child!reader
“Daddy, I don’t feel so good.” by letarasstuff - The youngest Reid got sick, but the babysitter can’t come. Spencer has no other chance than to bring her into the office (non)hairy situation by letarasstuff - Spencer got a new haircut. His daughter isn’t too happy about it, is she? Misunderstanding or wrong language? by letarasstuff - Out of all sudden Spencer’s daughter is able to speak a different language. Where does she know it from? A Genius’ Baby by letarasstuff - How will Spencer’s daughter’s first meeting with the team exactly go down? Too itchy, too loud, too bright by letarasstuff - How fast is Spencer able to connect the dots when his daughter complaints about the feeling, loudness and brightness of everything? A Child taking care of a Child by letarasstuff - A close friend of Spencer dies. What will happen to her child? Making the Voice quieter by letarasstuff - Spencer finds out about his daughter's eating disorder, he will he react? Education is for Everyone by letarasstuff - How does Spencer react to a crying child in his lecture? Introvert meets Extrovert by letarasstuff - How does life for Spencer look like with an extremely extroverted baby? Hug it out! by letarasstuff - Some days are good, some days are rough with two toddlers. This is a rough day for Spencer. About a shy Fish (or a Coy, pun intended) by letarasstuff - Shy baby Reid meets the team, tooth rotting fluff included 60 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 30 Stairs by letarasstuff - Spencer teaches his daughter that her mental health is as important as her physical health after calming her down from a breakdown. Hypothetically Sick by letarasstuff - Spencer's daughter is trying to hide her cold while studying for her finals. How long will it take for him to find out? What makes you a parent? by letarasstuff - It's the eigtht anniversary since Spencer's daughter went missing. All hope is lost but he still tries to power through the case. Can it bring him the consolation he needs?
A Test of Faith by dingusfreakhxrrigton - to test the BAU, a bold unsub abducts one of their members and sends the team on a wild goose chase. with reckless decisions and personal feelings taking hold, will the team be able to save one of their own or will their faith in each other come crumbling down? Love Is Pain -  You joined the BAU for your first case. You get captured and tortured over the course of 3 days. Can Reid and the BAU save you in time and catch the unsub? Understanding -  You’re nonverbal and you get frustrated trying to communicate with Morgan. Luckily, Spencer’s there to help.
X male!reader
reader is a specialist in mythology and they need help on a case and Spencer is like ''. Oh I know someone '' and the team meet the reader and help them? Spencer x male reader where the reader work at the bau with him and Spencer got a crush on him and one day the reader's kid come and the team met them and Spencer like '' you have a kid? '' and I don't know but I know that he will be such a good dad and a lot of fluff and sweet Spencer x male reader who’s a rather big streamer on Twitch and the team’s reaction to reader + Spencer watching his streams on the plane? Spencer X heavily tattooed reader like i hi ow would the team react to seeing them together? Spencer with a tattooed!reader where when ever Spencer gets anxiousness traces Readers tattoos? SPENCE WITH A SUGAR DADDY  Reid x male reader where the reader is also a giant sci-fi nerd and they both go on these rants about small facts and interesting theories, etc. And they have dates where they build Lego Death Stars, marathon Star Trek or Star Wars, stargaze, go to cosplay events, etc. Spencer x Male reader with a reader that has a dog that absolutely loves Spencer Reid x male reader where reader is just so fucking high after getting a tooth pulled then one day spencer would meet a toddler with treacher collins syndrome whos parents were killed (and obvi the team were investigating the scene) and the toddler would take immediate liking to spence and would refuse to go anywhere without spencer and spencer look liking to the toddler as well. so later spencer would ask his boyfriend if they could adopt the toddler and they would have this lovely small family. M!Reader with aspd (anti-social personality disorder) and although reader doesn't feel strong emotions often, when spencer is in danger from an unsub Reader feels the most rage he's ever had, and he states it to spencer when Spencer's recovering in the hospital. x male reader where the reader has been working at the BAU for at least a year, maybe a little while longer. But! He has 2 full sleeve tattoos, and none of the team knows about it. Because he is always wearing suits or shirts that cover them well. (Also he has other tattoos but the focus of this idea was the sleeves.) And the reader is pretty buff in my mind but doesn’t have to be. high emotional intelligence and it's help on cases but they realize to do so the reader had to put a little bit of themselves like if the case really rough they're more tired single father reader with a daughter and a boyfriend with an IQ of 187. And the boyfriend, with an IQ of 187, is nervous about meeting his boyfriend daughter. Stars -  Reid x autistic male!reader Surveillance -  After a not quite voluntary transfer to the BAU, you have trouble feeling like you fit in. Over the course of many hours running surveillance with your colleague Dr Reid, that might change. And They Were Roommates -  Morgan, Emily, and Hotch surprise Reid with a visit to his apartment. Little do they know, he has a roommate: (y/n). Over cookies and chocolate milk, Spencer realizes with the help of his coworkers that he wants something more from this relationship. 
Derek Morgan
Always up for a challenge by letarasstuff - Derek has to pick his daughter up at school after getting a call that she injured herself at school. Reader has been coming in late the last few days, he's trying to tackle the compulsions but it's proving to be harder than expected. (maybe reader being 30-40mins late as he stands outside his door trying to convince himself its okay that he definitely turned the taps off) Morgan notices somethings wrong and reader tells him about his anxieties?
Emily Prentiss
Lifeline by kj-1130 - could you do emily comforting prentiss!reader after finding out they’re feeling depressed (gn please!)
Rossi Rossi x reader where they are new parents? reader, Rossi, and Gideon founded the BAU but the reader retired and Gideon ran away so Rossi is the only one working there(with the show’s bau members). UNTIL the reader is called back into the BAU(maybe for a case he and Rossi and Gideon weren’t able to solve?) and Rossi and the reader reconnect. I’m thinking that at the least there was chemistry between the two and at most an actual relationship.
Luke Luke x male reader where the reader is his new neighbor and he also have a dog and maybe they go running together and one day they go on a date
Matt kids are adopted and they just adopted 3 month old baby but right after that the reader started showing symptoms of parkinsons disease and is soon diagnosed with it. reader would be physically hurting and frustrated that he cant take care of their children as well as before  and especially the new baby and matt comforts the reader
Bau The happiest people are the most saddest by letarasstuff - The happiest people are the most saddest, this also counts for the BAU’s intern. After all everybody has demons to deal with, but what are hers? BAU X VICTIM MALE READER -  Bau team finding out during a case that Male Reader was a victim. They find out because unsub reveals Reader's Medusa tattoo
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callalillywrites · 2 months
Current WIPs
As promised, these are the bigger universes I'm currently working on building up.
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Sigyn, soulmate to Loki, came to Midgard back in the early 1910s after seeing a vision of Thanos and his master plan. She's the reason the Avengers and other heroes become a thing, branding each of them with a special mark. She's the reason Midgard has the likes of Captain America, the Winter Soldier, Iron Man, and others.
Her crowning glory though are the five goddesses she creates with the help of a few from the Greek Pantheon. This is their story (a rewritten version of the MCU's events from Thor to Infinity War).
Meet the goddesses and their soulmates:
Christine "Chrissy" Stark (Athena) - Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes,
Leila Barton (Artemis) - Sam Wilson,
Becca Barnes (Persephone) - Bruce Banner,
Cat Pierce (Nyx) - Natasha Romanoff,
and Kendra Rumlow (Circe) - Stephen Strange.
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Savannah "Savvy" Metcalf, the granddaughter of Mike "Viper" Metcalf, has taken over the family businesses from her parents alongside her adopted brother, Curtis Everett. Between the two of them, they keep themselves plenty busy between running the day-to-day of Cupid's Arrow as well as their day jobs. Savvy is a lawyer working for Barber, McCoy, and Kaffee (and matchmaker to those around her) while Curtis enjoys his shifts as a lead EMT in town.
Those working for her family include the likes of Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Jake Jensen, Colin Shea, and others that will crop up over time.
While Curtis will find himself falling hard for Steve's sister, Savvy finds herself inextricably connected to one Frank Adler and his adorable niece, Mary. She'll do everything in her power to keep them in Cupid's Arrow when his mother comes suing for custody of Mary.
Think something along the lines of a incredibly soft Mafia story with a matchmaking cupid (cough * Savvy * cough) at the heart of the series.
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Isabelle "Izzy" Hotchner is excited to be back in D.C. where she can be closer to her dear older brother, Aaron. It's been her lifetime dream to be closer to her family after being away for medical school and residency. She's also eager to take over her witch/white lighter duties, playing guardian to the witches within the BAU and extended family.
The only thorn in her side is the flirty cop she thought she left behind in Chicago. Nope, he had the nerve to work his way into the BAU in the form of one Derek Morgan.
This series will follow the series somewhat closely with some changes as necessary in terms of timelines and whatnot.
More stories are sure to crop up alongside these as time goes on including X Reader stories. This will be more apparent as I work through these stories alongside others that don't fit prompts for some upcoming writing events that I hope to complete in September and October.
I hope you'll come to love these ladies and these stories as much as I do.
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rae-is-typing · 5 years
Masterlist- Criminal Minds
Agent Jareau 
Description: You’re walking home in the rain at night and you’re being followed. Someone notices and helps you out.
Pairings: Jennifer Jareau x Teen!Reader
Warnings: being followed, swearing
Word Count: ~900
Read it on AO3
The Opposite of Baby Fever
Description: You and your daughter visit the bau after a tough case (headcanons)
Pairings: Teen!mom!reader x bau
Warnings: babies ig
Word count: ~600
read it on ao3
Uncle!Hotch (A series)
Description: Your uncle has to pick you up early from school. A case the BAU is working on lands you in a tough situation.
Pairings: BAU team x Teen!Reader, Uncle!Hotch x Niece!Reader
Warnings: non consensual groping, fighting, guns, hostage situation, reader shoots someone for self defense, swearing, canon typical violence
Word Count: 3.6k
Read it on AO3
Abandonment Issues
Description: You come home to your Uncle Aaron passed curfew. 
Pairings: Uncle!hotch x niece!reader
Warnings: therapy is needed for these folks
Word count: ~700
Read it on AO3
Description: you cram for exams
Pairings: uncle!hotch x teen!niece!reader
Warnings: burnout, overworking
Word count: ~700
Read it on ao3
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14buddy22 · 2 years
Match Made in Heaven
Aaron Hotchner x single mom!reader
Part 8!
WC: 2954
a/n: I've started writing the next part and I'm just not ready for that one to be the finale... So we have 2 more parts left!
Series Masterlist // Masterlist
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You were in your simple, yet beautiful wedding dress. Today was happening, yours and Aaron’s wedding. You’d only been engaged a month, but, why wait? You both had kids, jobs, and barely had time. You both had wanted this, and getting married at the place where you two had met and got engaged just seemed right. You had your brother and his girlfriend, along with your parents and Aaron had his team and Jess, in Florida. 
Your parents only had met Aaron a handful of times, but they loved him ever since. Your father talked about law with Aaron and your brother, your mom was showing him how to cook family recipes. Your parents also loved Jack, they treated him as if he was their own biological grandson.
It was a hectic day. While your wedding day was completely crazy with Michael, this was even more hectic, you had to get yourself ready AND 3 children. Garcia and JJ were helping you and the kids get ready while Rossi, Morgan, and Spencer were helping Aaron and Jack get ready. 
“Joey, Tyler, Gracie. You all look great.”
You kissed each kid and the photographer had taken pictures of you and the kids. You had finished your little bit of makeup and you turned around to look at your kids. 
“Okay, remember, you three are going to walk down the aisle to Aaron, I’ll be right behind you, okay?” They all nodded and lined up in front of you. 
Your father walked you down the aisle for yours and Michal’s wedding but for yours and Aaron’s wedding, you had asked your brother to walk you down the aisle. He was your rock, your best friend, he was there for you when you’d break down in the middle of the night missing Michael. You loved your dad, however, Dominick lived less than a mile away from you, you were thankful for him, you owe him a lot, maybe you’d just keep popping out nieces and nephews for him, there was a special place in his heart for your kids, he was on this earth to be a father and uncle, you swore by it. 
Your kids lined up in front of you and Dominick came and linked his arm with you. 
“Alright little ones, it’s time to go. Go walk down the aisle to Dad alright?” They nodded and they hugged Dominick. The kids started walking down the aisle and everyone was watching them.
Aaron knelt down and called your little girl's name. He absolutely melted when he saw her. It was something he would remember until the day he died. You wanted to do a first look with him and her, something they would eventually do on their wedding day, but seeing his reaction, when she walked down the aisle, you were happy that you got to see it. It was something that was a foreshadowing moment to Gracie’s wedding 20 years or so down the road. 
Your little girl ran to him and he picked her up. Your heart melted to see the way he interacted with each of your children. He kissed her cheek. 
“Gracie, you look beautiful. Boys, you look very handsome.” 
All three boys hugged Aaron and said, “Thanks Dad.” 
Dominick said, “You ready to go lil sis?”
“Yeah, I am, big bro.”
“You look beautiful by the way. I’m happy for you.”
He kissed the side of your forehead and you smiled. You were very lucky to have such an amazing brother. You were thankful your parents had you and your brother a year apart. You couldn’t imagine your life without him. 
You and your brother started walking down the aisle and everyone was looking at you. You were happy, you were excited, Aaron took one look at you and his smile got even wider. Your brother shook Aaron’s hand and then picked Grace up and pulled the three boys over next to him on the seats.
Aaron grabbed your hand and he whispered, “Wow.”
Aaron looked great, while he dressed every day in a suit, which was hot, it was even hotter when you knew he was wearing it for you, not to catch killers. “You look good yourself.”
You and him both blushed. Why were you blushing so much for a man who has seen every inch of you, knows your secrets, knows what you’ve been through, your best friend? Maybe it was because you two were getting married and everything was catching up with each other. You two loved your spouses deeply, but now you two are moving on. Each of you had fallen in love with high school sweethearts but on multiple occasions you had found yourselves saying that you’ve never loved anyone more.
You took one look at the kids and they all smiled with Dominick. The officiant did his spiel. You kept looking at Aaron. You both were so in love. Anyone from the outside looking in could see that. Your kids loved Aaron, Jack loved you. You two were a perfect family coming together today. It was a big day for the Hotchners and your clan. 
“I understand you two wanted to do your own vows?”
Aaron and you smiled and nodded. 
“Aaron, you may begin.” 
Aaron took out a piece of paper and he unfolded it. 
“I first came to Florida for the first time since Haley died. As soon as we got to the beach, my son was off playing with two boys playing football in the water. I had many doubts as a father, but seeing my son, smiling and happy, I had maybe done something right. But then I felt a little hand on my thigh. I was confused, until I saw a little girl. Then you came along, all frantically I might add.”
The crowd chuckled and you punched Aaron in the shoulder. You rolled his eyes and then Aaron chuckled and smiled. 
“You called Grace’s name and immediately started apologizing about how your daughter got away while you were checking on your two sons, all while apologizing that I was probably on a nice quiet vacation away from my kid and with my wife. But, you must’ve not noticed that bag of toys my son had brought to the beach, I don’t think my wife and I would’ve brought that with us. But anyways, you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. You sat on the blanket and we really hit it off. It was a good time. I met your children and you met Jack. Finding out it was your husband’s favorite beach and you were a single mom, I was in love with you right then and there. It was something about you, maybe fate. I don’t know, but I just knew I was going to marry you. Y/n, you make me a better man. A better father. Every doubt I’ve ever had, you changed that. I promise to love you until my last breath. I promise to take care of you, to take care of our children, I will protect you and then with my life. I promise you the world, Y/n. Because, without you, Jack and I wouldn’t be half as happy as we are now. You’re a great mother to my son. Maybe someday we’ll have a kid running around, but for now, it’s going to be me, you, Joey, Tyler, Jack, and Gracie. And I, for one, am okay with that. As long as I have you by myside. ”
You had wiped your tears. You were praying your makeup wasn’t ruined. Aaron was a great man, you wish he didn’t doubt himself as much as he did, but with time it’ll get better.
“Well, I don’t know if mine are any better, but here it goes. Aaron, I love you. After Michael passed, I promised myself I would never love anyone else, but boy was I wrong. I had so much guilt for falling in love with you. Guilt for my children who I thought they would hate me for trying to replace their dad, but instead they accepted you. I knew you were something special when Grace climbed on your blanket for the first time, but I didn’t fall in love with you then. I fell in love with you when our kids had our first play date. The kids had gotten along so well and when you had offered to feed Grace, it really was it for me. Everytime I saw you, I fell in love with you more and more. Every conversation you’ve had with my children, that alone made me fall in love with you. In the times I did think about loving someone other than Michael after his death, I prayed that whoever I did end up with loved my children just as much as I do. And Michael answered my prayers, because I am ending up with someone who loves my three just as much as their own. You’re my best friend, you’re my person, you’re my shoulder to cry on when I miss my husband, you’re the one I want to call if something ever happened. Thank you for being my rock, Aaron Hotchner. I can’t wait to start the rest of our lives together.”
The officiant smiled and said, “With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hotchner. You may now kiss the bride.”
You looked at Aaron and he grabbed you and kissed you. He turned to dip you and everyone started cheering louder. 
That night, you couldn’t keep your eyes off Aaron. The kids were having fun hanging out with each other. Eventually the night had ended with the evening on the dancefloor. The DJ called you and Aaron for your first dance. Aaron claimed he was never a dancer, but with a few glasses of whiskey, he would let loose, and he was with his family, he wasn’t at a bar. He was with you and all your children. He couldn’t be happier. 
The DJ started playing your song. This was the song that you two always slow danced in the kitchen at 2am when you both couldn’t sleep. This song was playing and Aaron pulled you closely to his body. You felt shivers run down your spine when he kissed you, then kissed your neck.
To the wedding guests, it looked just like a normal dance, but there were so many emotions. You two were married, married and had 4 children together. Both single parents had fallen in love. What was about to happen would shock everyone, but in a good way. You weren’t sure if Aaron would go through with it, but then you watched him signal to the DJ. 
The DJ started playing a remix and Aaron took off his suit jacket and everyone all stood around the dance floor. You and Aaron put on sunglasses and started doing a dance that you coerced Aaron into doing. He kept saying that he would never do it, that it wasn’t him. Who were you kidding? Before you met him, it wasn’t him. But he learned to adjust. Being with you met doing these dances and just being carefree all the time. It looked good on Aaron. 
Garcia grabbed Derek’s arm and said, “Derek! What is going on? Is this really our unit chief?”
“Yes Baby Girl. That’s our unit chief. Doing a dance that he and Y/n have created and practiced.”
It got to a part in the mix where all 4 of the kids put on sunglasses and joined in with Aaron. The kids were all laughing. You all were one big family, at least by law you were. You had been a family before that. Doing this was something you’d all look back on and remember for the rest of your lives. 
After the dance, everyone clapped and Aaron said, “Y/n and I also wanted to do just a short dance with our children. So, a little father/daughter dance for Gracie and I and then a mother sons dance for Joey, Tyler, and Jack.”
Everyone watched Aaron pick Gracie up and danced with her to the song, “Butterfly Kisses.” 
Then you did a dance with your three sons. You chose to dance to “You’ll Be in My Heart.” It was a tearjerker for you, but one that was a good choice to dance to with your sons. Aaron held Gracie in his arms and watched you dance with Jack. He couldn’t thank Haley and Michael enough for putting you and your three kids in his and Jack’s life. He needed that. 
After everyone’s dances, all the wedding guests joined in on the dance floor and you found Aaron. You kissed him and you two danced it out until you couldn’t dance any more. Everyone had started leaving and you were thanking everyone with Aaron. Gracie had fallen asleep in Aaron’s arms and the boys were sitting on the chairs. Your mom and Dad walked up to you and hugged you. 
Your mom said, “I am so proud of you. Also, Aaron is such an amazing man. You have very good taste. He’s very good with Jack and your children.”
“Thanks Mom.”
Your dad shook Aaron’s hand and said, “Congrats Aaron. You’re a great father to my three grandbabies. Well, I should say 4. Jack’s my grandson too.” 
You smiled at your Dad and Aaron hugged him. Maybe it was the whiskey talking but for Aaron, that was some closure in his mind. Your family accepted him. You know Haley’s father has resentment towards Aaron, so this coming from your mom and dad sure did make him emotional, but happy.
Dominick had walked over and said, “Amanda and I are going to take the kids back to the house, the three boys are falling asleep.”
Aaron moved Grace’s hair out of her face and said, “Gracie’s asleep, so just try not to wake her.”
Dominick took Gracie and said, “I got it. Don’t worry, Uncle Sonny’s got everything handled.”
You smiled at your brother and hugged him. 
“Thank you for being the best big brother ever. I love you. Now please hurry up and marry Amanda so I can stop having children and I can become an Aunt!”
Your brother rolled his eyes and said, “I love you, congratulations!” 
He walked with Amanda to grab the boys and they had left. Aaron and you cleaned up the last bit and you looked at him. You know, this tent, dance floor idea was a great find. Nice job.”
You walked over to him and held up a bottle of whiskey. 
“You know, I still have to finish my beer and you might as well finish this bottle of whiskey. We can go sit on the beach? I hear that the ocean waves are very calming?”
Aaron looked at you and reached out for your hand. You grabbed him and pulled him towards the beach. You sat on a bench and looked at Aaron. Even in the moonlight this man was gorgeous and he was yours. You were in love with him. The guilt had moved on from falling in love with Aaron. There had been multiple signs that you swore Michael sent to you from Heaven. 
You leaned into Aaron and he took a sip of the whiskey. You both were a little tipsy but it didn’t matter because you were so happy. So what if you had a headache in the morning? You and Aaron were making memories, good ones. According to law, you were beginning your life together. 
Aaron pulled you in close and you two took a selfie together. You posted and said, “No matter what, I’ll always be stuck with you.”
You two started making out, forgetting about the alcohol in your hands and putting them on the table next to you. He pulled you into his arms and kissed your head. You undid his shirt and let his shirt fall onto the beach. 
“Falling in love with you was the best thing to happen to me, Mrs. Hotchner.”
“Falling in love with you was the best thing to happen to me, Mr. Hotchner. Raising our 4 kids, maybe one in the future. Everything seems just right. I couldn’t be happier. I love you so much. Thank you for being my best friend. Now my husband. That single mom a year ago wouldn’t be a very good single mom today. I was always doubting myself but you, a single dad and a job that puts the weight of the world on his shoulders when he shouldn’tcame along and changed my world for the better. Us being together is the right thing. I can admit that without feeling guilty. I guess we were a match made by Michael and Haley. A match made in Heaven.” 
“You know, this might be the whiskey talking, but uh, I want you to adopt Jack.”
Your heart immediately swelled at the thought of legally becoming Jack’s mom. Aaron was done with the process of adopting Joey, Tyler, Grace. You were even happier that he felt comfortable to have you become Jack’s legal guardian.
“I would love that Aaron.”
You pulled Aaron up and grabbed his hand. You two started walking along the shoreline and he kissed you every now and then. You were living a great life. What started out in tragedy for both of you led you to this, being married to each other and raising 4 kids. Two loving people who would go to hell and back for each other, who went through hell and back. That's what it was supposed to be. 
Next Part
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writteninthegarden · 3 years
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
18+ Minors, please DNI
A/N: Trying out writing in first person, which I know can be hit or miss with fics. When I’m writing I just default to first person and edit it later. Needed a lighthearted timeout from reality, so I pulled out this WIP.
Summary: Aaron and the BAU are put on a mandated leave after the higher ups were less than pleased with the Doyle takedown. So, Reader, Aaron, and Jack head to Pennsylvania for a few days to meet and stay with Reader’s older sister, Whitney. Whitney sits Aaron down alone for a little talk. Late that night, Aaron and Reader try to discretely get it on…without waking up the whole house.
Word Count: 3,700
Warnings/Contents: NSFW (likely safe until the spicy ending), grossing Jack out with PDA, big sister has a talk with Aaron, Reader and Aaron stealthily have sex
My sister Whitney called me the next day while I was still at Aaron’s place.  We were just kind of lounging around after making breakfast so I snuck into Aaron’s home office to talk to her.
“So the kids and I miss you, sis.  What are the chances you might get some time off to visit?”
“You know I could probably swing that. My probationary period with the new department is up. When were you thinking?”
“Maybe later this month? You should totally bring your mysterious DILF boyfriend too.”
“Whitney!  Don’t say things like that.  Oh, my god.  But he has Jack and travels a lot for work often with no notice.”
“Jack is of course welcome too.  Max has bunk beds he’d love to share.  Little sister, do I need to ask your boyfriend for you?  Give him the phone.  Come on.”
“Absolutely not.  I’ll mention it, okay?  I just can’t promise anything.”
“That’s all I ask. Say, what did you say his last name is?”
“I didn’t.  You won’t find him on social media, Whit.”
“That’s totally not at all why I asked, but if it were…I suppose good to know.”
“Sure.  Listen, I should go, but I’ll request some time off and ask Aaron too.”
“Great, text me when you know more.  Love you!”
“Love you too!  Bye.”
“Sorry guys, that was my sister calling.”
“Don’t be sorry for talking to your family, sweetie.”
“Yeah, don’t be sorry, sweeeeeetie!”  Jack repeated back, cracking himself up per usual. I tried to hide my smirk. Aaron had mentioned that he didn’t want to encourage Jack to mimic.
“She asked if I can swing a trip to see her and the kids maybe next month some time.”
“That would be great. I remember you said it’s been a while since you’ve seen her.”
“She also asked if you guys would come, but I reminded her how work can be.” I sat down on the middle couch cushion since Jack had claimed my end seat.
“Babe, I do get vacation time you know.” He raised his eyebrows as he said it.
“You mean they haven’t opted you out of that by now?  You never get to use it so I just didn’t want to tie up some of the only time you get away.”
“You’re not tying anything up.  Please if anything you might be the push I need to actually take time away.  Even I’ll admit I’m terrible at that. Besides, we’d love to meet Whitney and your niece and nephew.  Right, Jack?”
“Are they babies or big kids?”
“My nephew Max is 5 and he just got bunk beds in his room if you’d like to stay with him, Jack.  We can also set up a bed in another space though if you like that idea better.”
“Do I have to choose now?”
“No, not at all, honey. Think it over.  We can do a video call with them too if you’d like to say hi before we get down there.”
“Sounds like we’re off to Pennsylvania! Our first trip, guys” Aaron added enthusiastically.
“We can take my car there.”
“Can I drive?”  Aaron looked so hopeful.
“No.”  He pouted at that.  “Okay, maybe Hotchner.”
Remarkably, just a week later we were packing for our trip. I let Aaron drive my car. I think he feels restless being the passenger, so I didn’t mind. We had about a four and a half hour drive to my sister’s house. Jack fell asleep when we were a little over an hour in.
“So honestly I still can’t believe you were able to swing the time off. How did that really happen?”
“Truthfully, babe I wasn’t completely sure either until yesterday. To make a long story short, the bosses did not all approve of my team’s approach to take down the unsub who attacked Emily. We’re all going to be fine, but were notified yesterday that we are on a paid leave. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you yesterday. They dragged it out and didn’t notify me until after 5pm. Then, by the book, I had to formally notify everyone on the team individually which took some time.”
“It’s okay, hun. I was running around to finish packing. I’m glad you’re telling me now.” I patted his forearm. “How did the team take the news?”
“Eh, better than when Emily came back to help us catch the bastard. Morgan was upset that I had them all sit down with me for a grief counseling meeting. Reid also took it pretty hard.”
“Oh, crap…I didn’t realize you met with them for grief counseling. Yeah, I probably wouldn’t have been thrilled either, but that’s weird for everyone in retrospect, including you.”
“Yeah. I’d rather they’re angry at me than Emily.”
“I’m sorry if this isn’t a good time to go away. I feel kind of selfish pulling you away just to come meet my sister.”
“What? Sweetheart, there will always be something going on that makes it not the perfect time. I’m looking forward to this trip and meeting your sister. Jack’s excited. I hadn’t thought about it, but this is likely the first trip I’ve taken him somewhere more than an overnight. He’s been on some trips with Haley and Jessica, but I rarely could go or stay the whole time.”
“Wow. This is the first time the Hotchner men take a vacation?”
“I think so” he said with a chuckle. “So if anything you should feel accomplished for making that happen.” He smirked to himself. “Oh, how about this? This is the first time I packed a suitcase and did not bring a single suit.”
“What?” I brought my hand up to his forehead. “You must have a fever or something!” He moved my hand from his forehead and held it, resting his arm on the center console. He looked over at me with a smile so big that I then became the one with a fever.
“You promise you’re not bummed we’re not going to a tropical umbrella garnishing your drink destination?”
“Do I look like someone who would order that type of drink? Y/N, I promise. It’s travel that isn’t for work and I have you and the nap king here.”
“Thank you, Aar. It means a lot that we can do this.”
When we arrived I showed Aaron where he should park and then I helped Jack pack up his tablet and word search book he brought for the car ride.
“I’ll come back to grab the suitcases. I just need to find my-”
I handed Aaron his phone. He must’ve been nervous because he otherwise has his phone glued to him.
“Thanks, babe” he replied as he took it from me and slid it in his jeans pocket.
“Ahem” I jokingly said as I stepped closer to him.
He got the blatant hint and leaned over to give me a quick G rated peck on the lips.
“Ewww” Jack inserted as he shielded his eyes. Clearly he was reaching the age where things like this were gross.
Aaron liked to egg him on sometimes. “Sorry, buddy” he said as he covered Jack’s eyes with his hand. Then he leaned in for another and slightly longer kiss. He ended it by kissing my cheek a few times and audibly making sounds like, “muah.” Then he moved his hand from Jack’s eyes and ruffled his hair.
“Daddy! I could still hear you kissing!”
“One day you’ll understand, bud” Aaron said with a smirk as he held out his hand for Jack to take.
Jack hoisted his backpack on his other shoulder and took Aaron’s hand. “Not me! No way!”
As we approached the front door to my sister’s house Jack’s focus shifted. “Can I ring the bell? Please?”
“Go for it, Jack. Just press it one time, okay? They have a dog who gets really excited when someone is at the door. She’s a friendly dog though, don’t worry. She loves kisses too.”
“Arghh” Jack groaned.
Jack had barely rang the bell when the door opened and I saw my sister.
“Hi! Come on in, you guys! I’m so excited you’re here!”
I’d warned Aaron that Whitney was high energy, but I’m sure this confirmed it.
“Whitney, this is Aaron, my boyfriend, and his son, Jack. Guys, this is my big sister Whitney.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Whitney. Y/N has told us great things and fun stories from your adventures. Thank you so much for having us.”
“Of course. I was just delighted when Y/N said you all could come visit. Which reminds me, thank you Aaron because I’m sure you helped convince my little sis. Here, let me show you where you can put your bags. Y/N, I know you did not travel this light. Can I help with the other bags?”
“No, but thank you” Aaron jumped in. “I’ll run down and grab them.”
For a brief moment, Aaron had his back to us, which was when Whitney decided to silently mouth “he’s so hot!” and gave me a thumbs up. I gave her my signature sibling glare in reply.
“Say, if you guys want we can go hang out by the pool. Max is swimming with a friend. Zoe is begrudgingly keeping an eye on them until I come back.”
“Where is your four legged fur baby?”
“Out for a run with Danny. That’s new for both of them, but he thought it might calm her down a little.”
“Gotcha. I was just telling Jack about her as we walked up.”
I had taken Jack and Max with me to the store and bribed them with the promise of picking out the ice cream we’d buy.  
What I didn’t realize was with my niece at dance practice that left Aaron alone to be interrogated by Whitney most likely.
Back at the house
“Aaron, do you mind if we sit down and chat?”
“Not at all.  Let’s have the chat.”
“Hmm, you expected this?” Whitney sat down in the patio chair across from Aaron.
“I thought it might come up. I’m the oldest child too.  Fire away.”
“Okay…I’ll start with an easy one then. Do you have many siblings?”
“Just one younger brother, Sean.”
“Are you two close?”
“Unfortunately, no. We’ve grown apart as adults.” Aaron looked at Whitney, but his gaze revealed his mind was somewhere distant.
“That’s a shame.  I’m assuming you know Y/N and I are very close.”
“Yes, I can tell from the way she talks about you, the kids, and growing up.” He smiled and did his best to not let it appear forced.
“So I know her very well and can tell of course she loves you…possibly loves your son more at times, but you two are neck and neck. I’d be a bad big sis if I didn’t vet you.”
Aaron chuckled.  “Yes, she’s been absolutely amazing with Jack and he adores her too.  To be completely candid, the number of terrible things that happened over the past year felt at times like a bad horror movie that never seemed to end.  I know it was not easy for Y/N to navigate any of that, especially as you’re newly dating someone and trying to figure out where you stand in it all.  I’m incredibly lucky to have her in my life.”
“Do you understand that now? Are you done breaking up with her when you’re leaving town?” She folded her arms across her chest.
“Yes.  Whitney, I love your sister very much.”
“I believe you. I’m still going to shoot it straight with you” she said as she leaned back, relaxing the slightest bit.
“Of course.”
“Aaron, I can’t even imagine the hell you’ve been through and I want you to know I understand that was all out of your control.  What’s in your control is what you decide to put my sister through in the midst of all that. She is committed to you and Jack and we both know she’s all in.  She has shown you she’s willing to ride out the craziest of times with you.  You need to either let her in completely or cut her loose.  It’s not fair to let her go through it all only to be frozen out afterwards.”
“You’re absolutely right.”
“She’s so in love with you that she’s instantly drawn back whenever you’re back in her orbit. She’s a great partner and deserves to get back that same level of support. She could be happy with someone else, but she doesn’t seem to want to be if you’re not there. I don’t mean that to sound like an ultimatum.”
“It doesn’t.  I’m far from perfect and Y/N knows that I can be incredibly dumb when it comes to dating.  Now I know what it’s like to worry that I’ve lost her.  I don’t want to feel that again.”
“And you don’t want her to feel that again either?”
“No, I don’t. I’ve hurt her. In the moment I thought I was doing what was best, but now in hindsight I see the damage I caused.”
“Good. This is helpful for me to hear your input. I won’t lie to you, Aaron. From the sound of it, I thought you were just another asshole playing games. I’m realizing I may have been wrong. Usually I hate being wrong, but this time obviously is a little different.”
“I can respect that initial impression. No one likes being wrong, but here’s hoping I can continue to prove that first impression wrong.” Aaron raised his glass of iced tea as a toast.
“Cheers” Whitney replied as she brought her glass to meet his. “Can I ask you one more thing and then I’ll stop the interrogation?”
“Go right ahead.”
“Please tell me what she’s like at work. I’ve waited years to get stories, but no luck!”
Aaron smirked and lightly laughed.  “She’s a force to be reckoned with I imagine. Sadly, our teams typically don’t overlap so we haven’t worked a case together.”
“Darn. Can you find a white-collar criminal who also is a serial killer so we can make that happen? Kidding of course. I think they just pulled in the driveway.  When my sister asks, feel free to keep her guessing what we talked about. Can’t keep it going too long or she’ll get worked up, but definitely have some fun with it.”
They both laughed as they walked outside to help with the groceries.
 After dinner I got Aaron alone for a few minutes out on the patio while the kids played a racing game on Max’s X-Box.  He sat down and pulled me into his lap, planting a kiss on my cheek as we settled in.
“Aaron, I’m so sorry if you got stuck with ‘the talk’ earlier. I didn’t realize you were in the danger zone until we were in the store and pieced it together.”
He chuckled.  “It was fine, babe.  Don’t even worry for a second.  Whitney is a great big sister to you.”
“Do I want to know what she asked you?”
“No, probably not.  It could get awkward if you knew she reminded me you’re waiting until marriage to have sex.”
“You’re messing with me, aren’t you?”
“Sorry, you just set me up perfectly.”  He grinned at me and if his dimpled smile wasn’t so cute he’d be in trouble.
“That’s great.  Keep it up, Hotchner” I lowered my voice to a whisper right by his ear “and you’ll be the one waiting until…a long time to have sex.”
“Were you going to say I’d be waiting until marriage?”
“I was, but then I caught myself to try and avoid this awkwardness.”
“Why is it awkward?”
“I don’t know.  I guess because you’ve already done the marriage thing so it didn’t really make sense.”
“Are you hoping you’ll do the marriage thing some day?”
“Then it’s not awkward.  Baby, you don’t have to pretend you have no interest in things like getting married just because I’ve done it before.”
“I’d be open to it, you know. If I met the right person that is of course” he said as he raised his eyebrows.  He leaned over to kiss me, but kept it a PG kiss knowing we could have an audience.
“Of course.  We can’t marry you off to just anyone.  Rossi would never have such a thing.”
He laughed at that.  “That’s funny and likely very true.  I love you, baby.”  He squeezed me to pull me in closer.
“I love you too, handsome…even though baby is not your pet name to use.”
“Ah, but that’s part of why I love you…because you’ll share it with me.”
“And what if I refuse?”
Just then I felt a light smack on my ass.  “That’s what.”
“I’m afraid I’ll have to keep refusing in that case” I whispered.
“Suite yourself.” He moved in for another kiss, but I intercepted him and tapped my index finger against his lips.
“Hey, did Whitney go over the sleeping arrangements with you?”
“No, but Jack seems on board to stay with Max.”
“Oh, I meant for where she’d like you to sleep.  I’m sorry, but she’s just kind of old fashioned.”
“Ah, she didn’t, but that’s not a problem” he said, ever the gentleman. “Just show me where to go.”
“I definitely will. You’ll just have to be extremely quiet.”
“What do you mean? Is everyone trying to sleep already?”
I couldn’t contain the smile that spread across my face.
“Are you screwing with me now?”
“Turnabout is fair play, baby.”
Later that night I climbed in bed next to Aaron who seemed to be engrossed in something on his phone.
“Work stuff or are you stuck on a candy crush level?”
“I’m just forwarding emails to Dave.  Sorry, babe. That should be the extent of it. Ironically enough, the person who seemed all too delighted to inform me of the mandated leave now wants our help.”
“Aaron, it’s okay. You said Dave has covered for you before, so I’m sure he knows the drill, but if keeping an eye, a limited eye, on your email helps you to feel more comfortable with being away I’m fine with that.”
“You mean that?”
“Yes.  How else will I ease you into being okay with taking time off more down the line?”
“So your approach to getting me to turn work off on vacation is being cool about me not turning work off on vacation…”
“Exactly.  That and offering you other engaging activities…” Let’s just say I could tell that got his attention.
“Sorry.  I know this isn’t the time or place.  Just ignore it.”
“I mean…we could if we’re extremely quiet and careful.  Also, sorry but I don’t want to ignore it.”  I ran my hand down his t-shirt covered chest and continued down beneath the comforter to palm his erection.
He tried to shift me beneath him, but I stopped him.
“Absolutely not.”  I whispered softly.  He gave me such a confused look.  “The mattress is way too squeaky.  Get up and stand by the foot of the bed.”
“Okay.  Wait, does that door lock?”
“No, but that’s why I moved my suitcase in front of it.”
“Crafty woman.”
“Take your shirt off. You don’t have to wear that to bed.”
“Hmm, bossy.  I figured I’d sleep in clothes in case I need to get up for the bathroom and be out in the hall.”
“Makes sense, but right now I need you naked.”  I untied his sweatpants and slid them down his legs.  “Okay, the floor won’t creak over here.  You’ll have to take me from behind.”
“No.  Come here.”  He whispered before pulling me into him to kiss me.  “You’re getting awfully demanding.  Now I’m going to fuck you and I’ll keep it quiet…but I’m doing it my way. I’m going to lift you up.  Don’t squeal when I do.”
I nodded and wrapped my legs around his waist when he lifted me up.
“That’s my good girl. You can stay quiet, right?  Are you ready?”
I nodded again and crashed my lips down on his.  My hands ran all through his hair, desperate to grasp on to something.  I knew we’d have to be quick so I figured some motivation couldn’t hurt.
“Aaron, I love you so much.” I whispered right in his ear.  “Fuck me hard with that big cock.  It’s all I thought about all night.”
That definitely helped. I didn’t expect him to be able to hold me up, but he did.  The whole thing was so damn hot too.  He came pretty fast and this was one of the few times I wished we had a condom just for the easier clean up.  We made it work with tissues and I made a mental note to covertly dump that trash can tomorrow.
After he cleaned up, Aaron pulled his sweatpants back on.  He searched around the room for his t-shirt until he saw me in it sitting on the bed.
“I should’ve known.”
“Oh, did you need this? I told you that you don’t have to overdress for bed.”
He started to climb on the bed and move towards me.  He moved his forefinger over his lips to remind me to be quiet.  I guess he knew me well enough to know I could be jumpy and startle.
He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me down alongside him to cuddle.
“So I have no shirt on and you only have my shirt on.  I’m just going to have to keep you close tonight.”
“I can live with that.” I turned in his arms so I could see his face and also so I could cuddle into his warm chest.  “I feel like a high schooler who just snuck her boyfriend in her room.  You know, I kind of wish I knew you then.”
“No you don’t.  I was such a punk.”
“Aaron Hotchner the rule breaker.  Who would’ve thought?”
“I know.  Let’s get some sleep before we break any other rules tonight.”
~Next part to follow~
Taglist: @itsmytimetoodream @rousethemouse
118 notes · View notes
uncpanda · 3 years
The Ties that Bind: Meeting Joel
AN: A little flashback to before reader met Aaron when she and Joel were very much in love and she didn’t know he was horrible. This story takes place in season 1 right before the season finale! 
AN2 : Huge SHOUT OUT to the following people who helped brainstorm and edit this chapter @hotforhotchner11 @originalsoulduck @hotchinkevlar
Warnings: None that I can think of other than JOEL. 
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
Aaron watches as Spencer storms past him further into the precinct. The kid’s brow is furrowed and he’s scowling. He exchanges glances with the rest of the team: Derek is smiling, JJ is staring in concern, Elle is oblivious, and when he looks at Gideon the man holds up his hands and says, “Not it.” 
Hotch sighs and follows Spencer into the conference room. He’d granted the kid a few hours off to go have dinner with his sister while the team had packed up files and ordered in. Spencer very rarely took breaks and more than once he’d fallen asleep at his desk in the office. 
He closes the door to the conference room and takes in Spencer’s attitude. His arms are crossed and he’s visibly pouting. He’s gone from a twenty-three year old man with four PHD’s to a child in a matter of hours. 
“What’s going on Reid?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” 
“You just stormed through a police precinct like a child being sent to their room without dinner. I’m not giving you a choice.” 
Spencer spins in his seat to look at him, “My sister brought her boyfriend to dinner. It was supposed to be just me and her, and she brought her boyfriend.” 
“Hasn’t she been with the guy for over a year? I’ve heard you complain about him before.” 
“They got together right after I left for the FBI. So they’ve been together for about two years but I’ve always managed to dodge seeing him or meeting him face to face. Last year for Christmas, he’d gone home to New Zealand, and the year before that she came out to Virginia for the holidays.
“It’s been months since I’ve seen her, and it was supposed to be just the two of us, but she brought him. And of course he made the entire conversation about himself! He’s a surgeon and he has a superiority complex and he’s horrible. Truly horrible.” By the time he finishes his rant, he’s panting. 
Cautiously Hotch says, “It sounds like you’re jealous.” 
“Because I am. It’s always been me and her. She’s dated, but the last serious boyfriend she had. . . he tried to take her away from me. He wanted to get married right out of high school and his parents wanted to finish raising me so they could have kids of their own. And I remember them laying the plan out to my sister, and I remember thinking, they’re going to take me away from her.” 
Hotch moved into the seat across from Spencer. He didn’t know a ton about Reid’s family life, but from the different snippets he’d gotten, he knew enough that his sister had basically raised him, and she kicked Mark White’s ass for messing with her baby brother.
“I’m guessing she didn’t take that well.” 
Finally, Spencer smiles, “She laughed. Like bent over, gasping for air laughter. And when she was done she stood up and said they were done, grabbed me by the hand and led me out of the house. Luckily we only had two weeks left of school and were able to avoid him for the most part. We left for California two days after graduation.” 
He reached forward and placed a hand on Spencer’s shoulder, “From everything you’ve told me about your sister, she’s never going to leave you behind Spencer. She’s proven that again and again. It sounds to me like she’s just been living her life.” 
Spencer let out a sigh and kind of leaned into the touch, “Yeah, but I can’t spend the rest of my life dealing with Joel the Jack Ass. And if they got married and had kids, then I’d have to. I’d love nieces and nephews one day, but I’d prefer they be with a guy I can actually stand, who isn’t so self involved, and who doesn’t act like he's God's gift to mankind.” 
Araron couldn’t help but smile, “That’s got to be her choice, Spencer.” 
“Yeah, I know.” 
“She loves you.” 
“Yeah. . . I know.” 
“She’ll always be there for you.” 
Spencer’s head cocks to the side, “Are you channeling her right now? Is she speaking through you?” 
A rare smile takes over Aaron’s face, “No. It’s just an older sibling thing.” Spencer smiles and finally relaxes.
“The Dummy’s Guide to Magic?” You stare at the book in Joel’s hands, before crawling into bed.
He sighs, “You said your brother is coming for Christmas, and I want to have something to talk to him about, because today’s conversation didn’t go so well..” 
Joel had been in a foul mood since dinner. He’d really expected Spencer to jump at the idea of an older brother figure and Spencer hadn’t jumped. He’d come to a screeching halt and tried to go into reverse and now  Joel's feelings were hurt. 
You press a kiss to his bare chest, “Spencer can talk about anything, including orthopedic surgery. He’s just resistant to change. I swear the kid knows everything about everything, but I really appreciate you trying to make an effort.” 
“Well. . . I love you. And I’d like it if your brother didn’t hate me.  He really knew his stuff about different procedures and all of that. It was impressive.” 
You roll your eyes. Bringing Joel hadn’t been part of the original plan. When you’d gotten the call from Spencer about being in town and grabbing dinner, you hadn’t hesitated. Then Joel had assumed he’d be coming too and you hadn’t had the heart to tell him he wasn’t invited. So, you had shown up with your boyfriend of nearly two years and prayed the two men in your life would get along. Spencer had been less than thrilled. Your baby brother had scowled through the entire thing. You had reassured him countless times that Spencer didn’t do well with change, but he just wouldn’t believe you. You had to give him something. 
“Well, if all else fails you could always talk about JJ.” 
He closes the book and looks at you with a raised brow, “JJ?” 
“The press liaison for the team. I’ve seen her on TV and she’s super pretty. She has that typical girl next door look going on. Blonde hair, pretty eyes, super sweet, and Spencer is head over heels in love with her. Forty minutes of the hour-long conversation we had last week were spent talking about how pretty her hair is, how great her laugh is, how she’s the only person in the world who calls him Spence. I don’t even know the woman, but from the way he talks about her and describes her, I’m convinced she’s Wonder Woman.” 
“Does that mean you only got twenty minutes to talk about me? Because that doesn’t seem fair.” 
You stare at him for a second and then ask, “How do you walk into a room?” 
“I’m not following.” 
“With an ego that big, how do you walk into a room? Do you have the doors widened or . . . ?” 
Your voice is filled with teasing and Joel laughs before tossing the book to the side, tackling you, and kissing you. 
When he pulls back his breath fans your face, “I love you sweetheart, you know that?” 
Your arms wrap around his shoulders, “Yes. You say it all the time.”
“Only because I mean it and feel it all the time.” 
You stretch your neck and kiss him, “Love you too, Joel. And don’t worry about Spencer. He’ll come around.” But even as you say the words, you don’t believe them. 
271 notes · View notes
bonniebird · 2 years
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This is a list of current requests I have pending: 
This list will be updated as / when fics are queued.
Requests are currently closed
Requesting information here
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1. “Are you wearing my (Hoodie)?”
 Allison Argent x Male!Reader
- Requested by: @ab1nsur​
- Notes: Smut
2 . “Hey! My best friend is in Slytherin.”
Hermione Granger x Male!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
3 . "I think I’m starting to bring out the rebel in you."
Aegon Targaryen x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
4. "I trust he has heard of your sizable dowry."
Aegon Targaryen x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
5. "I won't disturb you. I just need to spy on them out of your window."
Alicent Hightower x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
6. "If anyone asks where I am, I've left the country!"
Rhaenyra Targaryen x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
7. "It is only the queen's eye that matters today."
Alicent Hightower x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes: queen alicent with a serving lady
8. "I’ve never been an inspiration before… I don’t like this much responsibility."
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
9."Lord (Character) has directed me to take her in for charity."
Alicent Hightower x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
10. "Why settle for a Duke when you can have a Prince?"
Daemon Targaryen  x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
11.  "Would I rather be feared or loved? Umm… easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me."
Aegon Targaryen x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes: Aegon says prompt after reader asks him because she is trying to prove Aemond wrong
12. “You're a vampire! I knew it!”
Kol Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ @thatweirdoleigh​
- Notes:
13. “ What will this alliance cost me?”
Lucien Castle x Witch!Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:  Frenimes to lovers
14. “Can I tell you a secret?”
Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
15. “I'm a night owl.”
Lydia Martin x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon​
- Notes:
16. “I'm looking for a roommate.”
Bonnie Bennett x Male!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
17. “Every night. The same dream.”
Malia Tate x Male!Druid!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
18. "Can…Can I help you? Why are you staring at me?"
Emmett Cullen x Female Human!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
19.  "Fine. Make me your villain"
Madison Montgomery x Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
20. "I will always protect you"
Speedy x Villian!reader  
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:  Reader became a lackey for Damian Darkh.  In the middle of a big fight Reader risks the mission and thier life to save Speedy.
x Reader
- Requested by:​
- Notes:
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Full Requests:
1. John agrees to help Dean find you after you’re taken by vampires during a hunt
Dean Winchester x Reader
- Requested by: @ellobruv
- Notes:
2. Lucifer and Mazikeen work together to set you up with Chloe Decker
Chloe Decker x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
3. Finally meeting your penpal Ambrose after you house arrest is up (Part 3)
Ambrose Spellman x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​
- Notes:
4 . You and Bill work together to keep each other safe in the Hogwarts battle
Bill Weasley x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes: Kingsley‘s niece
5 . Hotch begins to panic when you’re late for work
Aaron Hotchner  x Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
6 . Aemond finds himself in competition for his crushes attention when his cousin from Essos arrives at Kingslanding
Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes: Jodie Cormer and Viserys dany's brother for the face claims
7. Alicent Hightower arranges for you, the daughter of Rhaenyra’s closest ally to wed Aemond Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes: Jodie Comer for face claim
8. Confessing your feelings to your childhood friend
Tyler Lockwood x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
9. Lydia Branwell realises she’s fallen for her betrothed’s sister.
Lydia Branwell x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
10. The Mikaelsons discover your secret relationship with Freya Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson x Salvatore sister! Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
11. Being reunited with Rebekah after you were turned into a vampire and separated for a thousand years
Rebekah Mikaelson x fem!reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes: (Childhood friends)
12. Your younger brother, Lance Sweets, discovers your relationship with Cam and accidentally tells everyone.
Camille Saroyan x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
13. Your childhood friend, Derek, investigates you when he starts to become suspicious about your secretive behaviour after you join the BAU and start spending time with Emily Prentiss 
Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
14. Confessing to your childhood best friend that you’ve fallen in love with him.
Tyler Lockwood x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
Rhaenyra Targaryen x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes: smut, fight make up sex
16. Scott and Stiles get sick of watching Derek pine over you 
 Derek x Stilinski!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
17. When you struggle with the dark side Rey helps pull you back from it.
Rey Skywalker x GN!Sibling Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
18. Oswald becomes fascinated by your kindness
Oswald Cobblepot x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
19. Finding out that Alex was called after you were attacked by a patient because he’s still your emergency contact.
Alex Karev x Fem! Reader
- Requested by:​
- Notes: Based on the episode where Mer gets attacked by a patient but it’s the reader instead and maybe not as severe. Maybe change it to where Alex wasn’t at work and they called him because he was her emergency contact? 
20. Your adoptive father Falcone sends your secret lover,  Victor Zsasz, after you when you’re framed by one of his enemies 
Victor Zsasz x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon​
- Notes:
21. Befirending Billy Hargrove after he stands up for you
Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes: she is kind of seen as 'strange' cuz she dresses exclusively vintage 1940s/50s. So sometimes she gets made fun of/harassed for dressing in 'hand me downs' being a 'grandma' and just stupid insults.
22. Laurel takes care of you after you’re injured
Laurel Lance x Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
23. Your sister, Kate Bishops, worries about you when you seriously injure yourself defending her during a mission
Kate x Sibling!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
24. Revealing the crush you have on Victor Zsasz when Oswald doses you with truth serum
Victor Zsasz x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
25. Team flash are horrified when you reveal just how involved you are with Hunter Zoloman
Hunter Zoloman x Fem!Reader
- Requested by:​ Anon
- Notes:
. Trying to save Milton from being a ripper
Milton Greasley x Hybrid!Reader
- Requested by:​ @darkangel70
- Notes:
x Reader
- Requested by:​
- Notes:
66 notes · View notes
shmaptainwrites · 3 years
Hello! Would it be possible to request a story where reader or OC is like the cool auntie, and she's more excited/nervous to introduce Hotch to her nieces & nephews (than the grown ups lol) at a family party because they're super inquisitive kids. It'd be fun to see how Hotch would interact with them haha. :)
For sure honey! Sorry this took so long but I hope you like it!
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader
Warnings: alcohol
Single For Life
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“You know you could have just a little bit of faith in me,” Aaron teased as you pulled up to your parents house in the suburbs. “I’ve done this a few times, I’m sure I won’t make a complete fool of myself in front of your parents,”
“That’s actually not what I’m worried about,” you chuckled nervously.
“It’s not? Y-Your siblings then?” he tried to hit the nail on the head, but missed again.
“Nope. My nieces and nephews,” you looked over at him. “I don’t know, I’ve kind of always been the cool aunt and I rarely bring people home to meet my family so I just-,”
“Don’t want them to think you’re lame for having a boyfriend?”
“Yeah kind of,” you laughed.
“Well, I may just have a few tricks up my sleeve so try not to worry about it too much,” he patted your shoulder and leaned in to give you a quick peck before getting out of the car.
When you first stepped into the house there was the first wave of greetings, as usual, from all the adults, and after a little bit of small talk and chit chat over wine they called the kids down to come say hello.
Once it was made known that you were in the house, a thunderous patter of footsteps came from the stairwell and you and Aaron decided to go meet them there.
“Auntie (N/N)! We missed you!” one of your nieces said while giving you a giant hug.
“Awe! I missed you guys too!” you grinned giving each one of them a hug and a kiss before one of them eyed Aaron curiously.
“Who’s your friend auntie?” he asked, motioning with his eyes towards Aaron.
“Um, he’s actually the reason we’re having dinner all together tonight,” you reached for Aaron’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. “I wanted you all to meet my boyfriend, his name’s Aaron and he’s really excited to meet you all,”
He gave them a wave before the youngest of the group, no older than six, said,
“Isn’t he too old to be your boyfriend?”
And before you and Aaron had enough time to be shocked your eldest nephew added,
“Yeah, what happened to single for life, whoohoo!” he mimicked exactly what you had said last year at a similar family dinner, even with the stupid hang gestures and everything. To be fair you were slightly tipsy and going through a break up.
“Oh really?” Aaron chuckled and crossed his arms. “Tell me what else has auntie (N/N) said?” he smiled, looking down at the kids and digging up dirt on you at the same time.
“She also said that all boys suck and that she’s never going to trust a man again,”
“Oh and remember that time she said that some guy named Hotch-,”
“Okay! That’s enough,” you quickly shut their mouths and laughed nervously now more directed towards your boyfriend.
“So you’re an FBI agent?” one of your nephews asked Aaron and he nodded.
“Do you have any cool stories you can tell us?”
“Loads of them,” he winked. “Why don’t we all go to the living room and I can tell you guys about the time I crashed a car to catch a bad guy,”
The kids were glued to him after that moment and honestly you realized instead of being worried that Aaron would make you seem lame that he would steal your thunder.
“So how does it feel?” your brother asked you with a chuckle, standing next to you as you watched Aaron play some games they’d never heard of with him.
“How does it feel to, what?”
“To be so helplessly in love that you don’t even care that you’re not the cool auntie anymore, your boyfriend is,”
“Oh shut up,” you punched his arm and he didn’t even flinch, only let out a small laugh.
“It’s nice isn’t it though?”
Your lips flicked up into a smile and you nodded.
“Yeah, it is,”
Later that night after dinner was well over and you had said your goodbyes, you and Aaron got back into the car and started the drive back home.
“I think that went well,” Aaron smiled. “What about you? Did it go like you wanted it to,”
“Yes,” you nodded. “Better even, you’re a hit with the kids,”
“Hope I didn’t step on your moment too much though,”
“Nah, it doesn’t matter,” you shrugged, moving your hand to meet his on the gearshift. “They loved you, that’s all that matters,”
“And what about you?” he teased and you rolled your eyes.
“I love you too,”
“Good cause I love you,”
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marvelcriminalhoe · 3 years
Stumbling West
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
Chapter 23
Inside the Prison Walls
i.e. Season 10 Episodes 16 & 17
TW: Talks of pregnancy (not reader), typical criminal minds case talk, talks of injuries (reader gets busted lip), Prison riot
AN: I like the little bit of protective Morgan we get in this chapter. I'm super excited for the next one though, it will be from one of my fav episodes (Hint: Jack Garrett will be making an appearance!) Hope you enjoy this one until then :)
word count: 2,725
Series Masterlist
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You’re walking with Morgan and Kate to the round table, Kate telling you both about how her morning has gone, having to take her niece to see Derek’s girlfriend about her pierced belly button. You are so grateful Charlotte is 13 months, not 13 years. You can’t imagine what you would do, let alone Aaron. You pray you don’t have to find out.
“There’s not really a manual for this kind of thing, right?” Kate asks you both.
“I don’t know,” Derek speaks up beside you, “I’m pretty sure there’s millions of books out there on raising a girl.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes amusingly, Kate stoping in front of him, “That’s true, but I think she’s just rebelling against a conversation we had the other night.” She looks at you to back her up, already knowing what said conversation was about.
You nod at her as Derek looks back and forth, not catching on, “It doesn’t take a profiler to figure out why Meg would decide to pierce her... bellybutton.” She puts both of her hands on her stomach.
“No.” Derek says shocked “Seriously?”
You both laugh at him as Kate nods her head.
“Ok, so that’s why you’ve got this little glow thing going on. And all this time I thought it was just me making you blush.”
“Oh it’s that too.” You joke with him, winking at Kate as you make your way past Garcia, who was sneaking up behind her. You walk into the conference room smiling at Aaron as you hear Penelope squeal outside the door, dragging Kate in seconds later and announcing to the room the wonderful news. Everyone takes turns congratulating her, you and Aaron doing it for a second time, before it’s back to business.
Aaron got a call from a former Lobbyist on the Hill, turned, prison warden in east Texas. He’s had two guards murdered in 3 months, both stabbed in the neck and a sock stuffed in their mouths. Aaron quickly dismissed everyone to the jet after giving the initial information.
“The uniform itself could be a target.” Derek piped up next to you on the plane. Aaron is across from you by Kate, JJ standing by Derek’s chair, Rossi and Reid on the couch. “Kill a guard, any guard, it doesn’t matter which one.”
“What about the sock in the mouth?” You question.
“It could be some kind of warning to keep quiet, you know, like, put a sock in it.” Rossi theorizes.
JJ gives hers next, “It could have also just been a gag to literally keep the victims quiet.”
“Well, either way, we’re probably looking at multiple unsubs.” Aaron tells everyone, “This would be very difficult to pull off alone.”
“Multiple unsubs in a prison, sounds like a gang.” Kate raises her brows.
The team continues to go over all the prison records and inmates histories throughout the plane ride. Once you land, you move to the SUV’s, heading straight to the prison. Getting out of the car, you see a man exit the visitors entrance in a suit, greeting Aaron, with a guard by his side. Aaron introduces everyone before following the warden back inside. Everyone puts their weapons and ammo in the gun lockers next to the entrance door, then walking through the security checkpoint. You hate not having your weapon on you, knowing if something happens, you will have to rely on hand to hand.
The team follows behind the warden, you’re beside Aaron in the back.
“I’m sorry there’s no cell signal inside the walls.” The warden apologizes, “We had to jam it.”
“You got inmates smuggling phones in?” Morgan questions.
“Yeah, it’s been a problem.”
You share a raised brow with Aaron, both of you thinking the same thing.
Not the only problem you seem to be having.
“What about WiFi?” JJ asks.
The warden nods at her, “We got you set up as close to the router as possible, but it’s still glitchy. It drives me nuts.”
The team splits up, getting to work. You and Morgan go to the crime scene, escorted by the head guard.
“The locks not picked, so they either stole a key from a guard or took one off the victim.” You inform Morgan, looking at the door.
“But how did they get him all the way back here?” Morgan questions out loud.
You shrug, “They either waited or lured him here somehow.”
“Look at this shelf,” he points to the second one on the wall, “It’s pretty high. It had to take at least two attackers to get him up here.”
You turn towards the guard, “What’s the deal with the shoddy surveillance? This is a big hallway. No cameras?”
“Ask our corporate office. Maybe you’ll have better luck than I do.” He answers you.
“What do you mean by that?” Derek asks him, coming to stand by you. The guard looks back and forth between you, Making Derek drop his voice a bit, “It’s okay. You can level with us.”
“I requested cameras, dozens of times.” The guard tells you, “but I got shut down because upgrades cost money.” The guard says a few more words, his frustration rising, before he gets called away through his walkie.
You and Morgan stand in the hallway, watching some of the guards at the other end. “You know,” Morgan addresses you, “There’s one other possibility we need to consider. What if a guard is actually involved?”
“It just means we’ve got to be carful who we can trust.” You share a look with him, thinking along the same line.
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“Maybe this has nothing to do with gang related activity.” Aaron says after Morgan tells him how the inmate interviews have been going.
You’re in the small room given to you, sat by Reid, watching him read through all the files. “The one thing they all have in common is no love for Hightower or Rivers.” You state.
“This could be personal.” Morgan guesses.
Reid speaks, not looking up from the file in his hands, “Maybe someone had a beef with those two.”
“We need to complete our profiles.” Aaron says, “The answers in there.” He looks over to Reid and the stack of inmate files he has left, “How much time do you need?”
“Uh…” The genius stops reading to think, “126 minutes, approximately.”
“Well, hurry.” Aaron tells him, making you cover up a laugh with your hand.
Okay Aaron.
Morgan nods at you, “We should go finish those interviews.”
“I’ll join you in a minute.” Aaron informs you both as you go to meet up with JJ, Rossi, and Kate.
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You furrow your eyebrows, trying to think, “If they were paying off bets, what could they be betting on?”
“Some kind of regular poker game, maybe?” JJ speculates.
“Sports, maybe a fight.” Derek supplies.
Reid’s eyes goes wide, “What if it’s some sort of sanctioned violence right here at the prison?” He concludes.
“You mean like a fight club?” You ask him.
Kate shrugs, “I’ve heard of that happening in prisons.”
“Maybe it was their own sadistic version of that, using inmates.” Reid continues his train of thought.
Aaron thinks over his words, “That could explain why Devon was fighting.” He looks out the window to the hall as some of the guards pass, looking back at the team as they leave. “Our presence here is forcing the issue.”
The team shared a few more ideas before going back to individual work. Aaron grabs your hand briefly as you pass him, squeezing it twice. This is something you both have started doing on cases, not wanting to out your relationship to locals who don’t need to know about it, but still waiting that security. You whisper a small ‘be safe’ to him, squeezing his fingers back. Things just got a lot more complicated, not being able to trust the guards.
A few hours later, you and Morgan are interviewing one of them, Tom, in the visiting area. Morgan slides a picture of the missing inmate, Devon White, across the table, asking if he recognized him.
“He looks familiar.”
“You took him to the infirmary 4 different times.” You state.
Tom nods a bit, stuttering, “Yeah-yeah, Devon. I remember him.”
“Do you remember anything about his transfer?” Morgan questions him.
Tom shakes his head, “How about the infirmary visits?” you inquire, sensing by his body language that he is holding something back.
“Nope, uh, nothing.”
You and Morgan share a look with raised brows, both noticing his odd behavior, fidgeting in his seat, the nervousness practically rolling off of him in waves. “You ok?” Morgan looks back at him, “Would you like some water?”
“Yeah. Yeah, sure.”
Morgan gets up, walking to the water behind him and picking up a disposable cup, “You know Tom. Well, It’s just— it’s a little odd.” Morgan walks back over, pouring some water into the cup and setting it in-front of Tom, “Devon lived on your cell block.”
You watch as Tom drinks all of the water, Morgan sitting down next to you again, “And you saw him at least five times a week. But all you got is, ‘yeah, he looks familiar’?”
Tom sets the cup back down, folding his hands and shrugging, “There’s a lot go guys on D-block.” He points to the water pitcher, “You mind?” Grabbing it and filling his cup back up.
“Ok, look, I’m just going to cut to the chase here, because you seem like a man who is scared and carrying a burden.” You tell him, tired of the obvious staggering display he is putting up, “Maybe it’s just stress, I don’t know, but it seems like you’re hiding something, and it’s eating you up.”
You see him dissolve and start to crumble, Morgan speaking up next, “Is there something you want to tell us, Tom? Something, maybe, about cell number 34.”
Tom freezes at that, before looking down, sighing, and then looking back up at you, “You gotta keep my daughter safe. Please.”
You and Morgan share another look, a bad feeling churning in your stomach as Tom continues. “Shivers and his guys, they’re like their own little gang.”
“What did they do to Devon?” You ask him.
He recalls the memory of what happened, “They told me if I talked, they’d hurt my daughter.”
“How did all of this get started?” Morgan questions.
Tom sighs, “They’d round up a few inmates. Misfits. None of them affiliated. They’d pick the quite ones cause they knew they’d be weak.”
You are in the middle of listening to Tom recall everything, when the sound of keys rattling behind you catches your attention. You and Morgan turn around, jumping up when you see inmates unlocking the door. You try to keep your breathing under control and Derek steps in front of you. They make their way inside, rushing the three of you. Tom grabs his baton, while you quickly grab the water pot, smashing it on one of the guys heads, Derek throws some punches at the guy in front of him. Another one makes his way over, you go to toss a punch, only to be overpowered by the much bigger man. He harshly pushes you over the table, making you fall to the ground with a grunt.
All three of you quickly get taken down, another man grabbing you, putting a shiv to your neck, Derek yelling at them, surrendering, “Okay! Okay.”
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Aaron and Rossi are interviewing one of the inmates from a different block when the Warden comes in, interrupting them urgently, “Excuse me, agents. A personal body alarm was activated in A-block. But we can’t seem to get access.”
Rossi turns to Aaron, “A-block. That’s where she and Morgan are.”
Aaron stands up, following the Warden out. Aaron keeps his face calm, even if his heart dropped to his stomach. You always seem to always be in the middle of these situations, granted not by choice.
Rossi and him are almost at a full run, down the hallway, and Aaron is trying to keep his mind from wandering too far into the dark. Derek is with you, and he knows, Derek would protect you with his life if he needed to.
This is the part where being your boss, is dreadful, because he split the two of you up. He went with Rossi while You went with Morgan because it’s more ‘professional’ that way. Being in the field with you can be seen as a distraction if something went wrong, but he can’t help but think it might clear up the distraction of always worrying about you, if you were paired together. He’s practically made up his mind that after this, he’s never letting you out of his sight again.
I swear to god I’m going to start bubble wrapping her and taping her to my side.
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You're taken down the hallway, hands cuffed behind your back. The inmate thats holding you has his arm around your shoulders, keeping you disgustingly close to him. He leans closer to you, “You smell good.”
You roll your eyes, getting even more pissed off. You abruptly turn around, kicking him in the balls before going for his knees, making him fall to the ground in pain.
The leader of the riot yells out, “Get that bitch under control!” Another inmate grabbing you, and pulling you away from continuing to kick the man on the ground.
“Just let her go, man.” Morgan pleads with him, the shiv still to his neck.
They take you into the cafeteria, throwing Morgan onto the floor. You’re about to be taken somewhere else by one of the men, Morgan about to be beaten to a pulp, when another inmate walks into the room, “What the hell is going on in here?”
The inmates start yelling at one another. “These is Feds, you idiots!” Watson, the one who walked into the chaos filled cafeteria, gestures to you and Derek, “Anything happens to them, we all end up on death row.”
Derek gets up off the ground, “Listen to him, man, he’s right.”
“Shut up!” The leader screams. But Derek keeps going, “Nothing good can come from hurting us. If you let us go, it can help some of you.”
“Look,” You tell them, “We know about Shavers. We have enough to bring this whole place down.”
“With your help,” Derek continues to try and plead with them, “Shavers, all of them. Maybe even the entire citadel corrections company.”
Tom falls to the ground, his wounds more significant then yours and Derek’s due to actually being stabbed with the shiv in his gut. One of the inmates starts kicking him repeatedly, you and Derek begging them to stop. A shot rings through the air, breaking the high window on the wall and piercing the inmate. Swat soon storms through the room, ordering everyone down to the ground, the team following in after them. You lean down to check on Tom, calling for medics.
Aaron and Reid head to you, checking you over for any wounds, besides the busted lip you are sporting, and get the cuffs off your wrists. Aaron’s touch is firm as he leads you out, shielding you with his body, letting Rossi handle everything. He doesn't stop until you are all the way outside the prison. He pulls you into his chest once you feel the small breeze and fresh air, mumbling soft words into your ears, one hand soothing your back up and down, while his other holds your head, fingers tangling in your hair. He kisses your hair line after every couple words, and you finally release the breath you've been holding since this whole thing started.
Morgan comes outside a little while later, heading straight to you. Aaron kisses your temple one last time, him and Derek sharing a silent look and nod, before going back inside to help Rossi.
“You ready to get the hell out of here?” Morgan looks you over.
You give a dry chuckle, “Am I ever.”
Neither wanting to go back inside that prison, you both wait for the rest of the team by the SUV’s, heading to the jet once their done, everyone waning to get back home. Aaron staying by your side the whole way.
tag list: @bakugouswh0r3 @averyhotchner @rousethemouse @malindacath @buckyswintersoldiermask @floweringashore
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
I Promise to Never Let You Go
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings!: kissing, crying(happy tears), fluff, wedding, Jack being the cutest best man, but literally all fluff. In the flashbacks though. There are mentions of kidnapping, arguing, kissing, but mostly fluff in those too
Description: Yours and Aaron's wedding :)
A/n: I was in the mood to write something fluffy, so I figured why not go with a wedding. I absolutely love writing soft Hotch.
*italics are flashbacks*
Your heart beat out of your chest. 
Your gown fluttered around your feet as you moved forward to wait for him.
You stood hesitantly before the door, you knew he would look amazing. You knew he would be standing there wearing that soft smile.
You pushed open the door and walked to him. He heard you coming and when you reached him you tapped his shoulder. He began turning slowly, and his breath hitched when he looked at you.
A tear filled his eye as he stared at awe at your floor length dress that fit you perfectly. He looked from the soft fabric of your viel to the uncomfortable heels he knew you would ditch the first chance you got.
He looked at your engagement ring, holding your hand in his. His eyes shifted to your lips, the sparkling pink gloss that adorned them. And then finally he looked deep into your eyes.
"You, you are breathtaking." He breathed. His voice was softer than you had ever heard it before. You smiled at him.
"And you, Mr. Hotchner, are so wonderfully handsome." He blushed at your words, he always did when you complimented him. He leaned towards you, pressing his forehead against your own.
"Are you ready for this?" He asked, as he cupped your face, rubbing his thumb soothingly against your cheek. You placed your hand on his, and smiled. You were more than ready.
"So ready." He leaned in and pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose.
"See you out there." He whispered, pulling away.
First kiss
"Thanks for the ride, Hotch." He looked over at you, smiling softly.
"Of course Y/l/n. Anytime." The car filled with awkward silence as you two sat there. But your eye contact never broke. It didn't even waver. You felt yourself leaning in slightly, but he turned away.
"Goodnight Y/l/n." His voice was hoarse and full of emotion. 
"Um, goodnight Hotch." You unbunckled your seat belt and slid out of the car, shutting the door behind you. 
Why were you filled with such a sense of disappointment? What were you expecting?
He watched you as you walked through your door, and he waited until you turned out the lights.
He should have kissed you. 
But he didn't know how you felt.
He couldn't see you peeking out your window, thinking the same thoughts.
He should have kissed you.
He turned off the car, ran through the yard, stepped on your front porch.
Before he could knock, you turned on the light, and opened the front door.
And he kissed you.
And now that he kissed you, he never wanted to stop.
The guests were waiting, and Aaron stood at the end of the aisle. His son stood next to him, and he glanced up at his dad. 
"Daddy?" Aaron bent down so he could be eye level with his son.
"What's up buddy?" He asked. Smiling at the boys crooked tie in his mini suit.
"Can, can I call Miss Y/n mama now? Cause you guys will be married?" The innocence of his son made Hotch's heart swell.
"Are you sure bud?" He nodded quickly.
"Yeah, mommy will always be mommy. But now I can have a mama too!" He was practically jumping up and down with excitement. 
"Of course Jack. If that's what you want." Hotch smiled before standing back up.
"Thanks daddy!" He wrapped his little arms around Hotch's legs, before standing back in his spot.
Meeting Jack
"Are you sure he will like me?" You asked, nervousness filling your voice. You were meeting Jack for the first time and you were terrified.
"Absolutely. He will love you, I promise." He squeezed your hand as he pulled into his driveway. "Are you ready?"
"I guess." Your voice shook as you stepped out of the car, and walked to Hotch's front door. He unlocked it and walked inside. 
"Hey Jess." He greeted the woman in the kitchen before going off to find his son.
"You must be Y/n!" Jess walks over and introduces herself.
"Yeah, that's me. It's so nice to meet you!" You went to shake her hand, but she quickly brought you into a hug.
"Jack is so excited to meet you." She says, which calms you immensely. 
"Really?" She nodded, and smiled softly at you. You were both quiet for a few moments before she spoke up again. "Thank you." You look at her confused. 
"What for?" You weren't expecting her next words.
"I haven't seen him this happy in a long time. So just, thank you." You smiled and looked down. Before you could say anything else, a little boy, the spitting image of Hotch, stood in the doorway. You looked over and walked towards the boy.
"Hi Jack. I'm Y/n." He squinted at you and looked you up and down. You began to grow nervous as your boyfriend walked up behind his son.
"Jack?" He asked, worried his son was upset.
"Spiderman or Batman?" He asked, still squinting. You held back a smile and a serious look adorned your face.
"Spiderman obviously." You say and Jack is quick to smile.
"Me too! I love Spiderman." Jack walked forward and grabbed your hand, going on and on about all his Spiderman toys as he led you to his toy room. Hotch smiled as he watched you, and his heart was overfilled with joy.
"Don't let her go Aaron." Jess whispers once Jack drags you out of earshot.
He just smiled and shook his head.
"I don't plan on it." And he walks back the hall to join you two.
The music starts and the people grow quiet. 
The doors open slowly, and the flower girl, one of your nieces, begins making her way down the aisle. Behind her is Henry, carrying the rings.
Hotch takes a deep breath before the bridesmaids begin emerging.
Each one wearing a different dress in the same color. Emily, and then Penelope, and then Jj.
The music changes and Hotch's heart stops.
He may have already seen you, but you look even more beautiful as you walk down the aisle. Your father holds on to your arm, whispering how happy for you he is the whole way.
But you can't take your eyes off of Aaron.
This was it.
You reach the end of the aisle, and your dad kisses your cheek gently.
He turned to Aaron.
"If you ever hurt her, I'll kill you." He threatened, an edge of humor in his voice.
"Yes sir. But I promise you, I won't ever hurt her." Was Aaron's response and you fell a little more in love with him.
You turned towards him, and he mouthed an i love you before the priest began speaking.
"We are gathered here today…"
First 'I love you'
His heart was bursting from his chest as he looked at the fear in your eyes. He wanted to look away. Because the fear scared him beyond believe, but he couldn't. Because if he looked away, he would see the gun pointed at your head, and the arm wrapped around your throat.
"Please." You begged. It had been 3 days since your disappearance. 3 long, insufferable days. 
They had finally found you, but this unsub was not giving in that easily.
"Shut up." He growled in your ear and you whimpered as his hold on your throat tightened.
"Just let her go." Aaron tried talking him down. "We don't want to hurt you, we just need you to let her go." He thought he was convincing, he thought he had you in his grasp.
But the unsub surprised everyone by turning his gun on Hotch. He waited a minute and then shot him. He fell back and hit the ground hard.
"No!" Your broken scream ripped through the air as the unsub released you. Derek shot him and you scrambled over to Aaron.
"Aaron, Aaron are you okay? Where is it?" You searched desperately for the wound, but didn't find one. You finally found the point of impact and it was just on his vest. You sighed in relief and your body sagged.
"It hit my vest. It just, knocked the wind out of me." He muttered, breathing heavily on the ground. He slowly stood up and you did as well. Before you could say anything else, he brought you into a bone crushing hug.
"I love you." Your voice wavered as you began sobbing into his chest. Neither of you had said those words yet, but you supposed it was time. He pulled you closer, if that was possible, and stroked your hair soothingly.
"I love you too sweetheart." He murmured. 
"About time!" Morgan yells across the room, and everyone chuckles.
You giggle softly and stare up at the love of your life.
"Well, I guess the secrets out." He says, his voice void of any sternness and a soft smile resting on his face. 
"Yeah." You muttered softly before lifting on your toes and kissing him desperately. 
"I have been told that the couple have prepared their own vows." The priest's voice booms from beside you. 
"Aaron?" Aaron pulls out his paper from his pocket, and stares deep into your eyes. He takes a deep breath before beginning. 
"Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, I love you. It took me a long time to realize and an even longer time to say it. But I do, I really love you. More than I have loved in my life. I remember the first time I had realized. We were on the plane and I was exhausted, refusing to sleep though. You stood up, only being on the team for about 4 months, and you walked to the kitchen. You came back with a cup of tea and you stole my file." People chuckled and you smiled at the memory.
"You told me, 'Hotch, if you don't sleep, I will throw you off this plane.' I thought you were kidding, but you had that look in your eyes, that little sparkle that I have come to love. And I just, I couldn't deny you anything. So I fell asleep and I woke up to all of my files being done.
I got home in time to tuck my son in that night. And, and I have never been more grateful for a person in my life Y/n. That was the moment I fell for you.
I fell faster than I have ever fallen in my life. You complete me. You are the missing piece that I have been looking for. And in this dark dark world we live in, you are the light that leads me through the days. I don't know where I would be, had I not met you.
I hope you know how much I love you. And how much my son loves you."
"I love you more than spiderman!" Jack yells from beside his dad and you let out a watery chuckle at his little outburst.
"More than Spiderman? Wow." Hotch responds as he continues, tears appearing in his eyes.
"You are incredible Y/n. And I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. You're it for me. I love you, forever. And I promise to never let you go. For as long as I may live." His voice was so full of emotion by the end of his speech that he had to take a moment to calm down before slipping your ring onto your finger.
"Y/n?" The priest asks you next.
You reach behind you and JJ hands you your vows. You open the paper and try to calm your breathing before you start.
"Aaron Christopher Hotchner, I love you. I feel like I haven't said those words enough. I love you more than anything in this world. You are the most incredible person that I know. You do so much for me and for Jack, and you make me complete.
It took me so long to finally break down those walls of yours, but I am so glad that I did. Because now, now I have the most amazing man in the world. Now I get to spend the rest of my life telling you how much I love you.
I still remember the first time we said those words. I don't think I could forget. You scared me so much and I was so worried I would never get this moment with you. 
But we're here, we made it through everything life has thrown at us. And I have no doubt that we will survive everything that life throws at us in the future. I will always be here, I will be here to fill your coffee, to hold you when you need to be held. To put a smile on your face if you need a light. I love you Aaron Hotchner." You stopped and bent down so you were eye level with Jack.
"And Jack, I love you little man. I always will, I promise." He leans forward and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you too mama." Your heart just about stops as you stand back up, tears filling your eyes. You look at Aaron and he is no better.
"I love you Aaron, and I promise to never let you go. For as long as I may live." You finish your vows and hold back a sob. You're just so damn happy with this man in front of you.
You slip his ring on his finger, and his hands grip your own as the priest continues. 
First Fight and Moving in Together
"Okay, what about a blue color?" You asked as you scanned the different paint shades. This was more difficult than you both had anticipated.
"What about grey?" He asked.
"Grey? That's too.. gloomy." You giggled at his furrowed brow.
"Gloomy?" His voice grew softer at your giggling. "Alright fine, how about a soft green." He suggested.
"Okay, now we're talking" you reached over and grabbed a grayish green and held it up for him to see. 
"I like it. It will look great with my couch." He says.
"Your couch? I thought we were keeping my couch?" You two really needed to sort out all the details. He had recently asked you to move in with him, and you were trying to pick out a paint color for the living room. 
"No, we are keeping your side table, not your couch." He muttered. 
"Fine, fine. But we are keeping my shelf right?" He looks bewildered for a moment.
"Where would we put it?" He asks. Honestly this was getting kind of frustrating. 
"I don't know. Okay, what about my chair?" He sighed tiredly. 
"Y/n, there isn't any space for it." You shook your head.
"Aaron, you can't expect me to just get rid of all my stuff." You stated. He heard the frustration in your voice, but continued anyway.
"Why not? The stuff in my place is fine." This probably wasn't the best place to have this conversation.
"Because Aaron, then we would just be living with your stuff. It wouldn't be our place, it would still be your place. Besides, my stuff is important to me. I cannot believe you think I should just get rid of all of it" You were beyond frustrated with the man in front of you.
"Sweetheart-" but you cut him off.
"You know what, it's been a long day, let's just head home." Maybe you were being dramatic, but he can't just expect you to get rid of everything.
The car ride was silent the entire way back to his house. Only when you pulled into the driveway did you realize it wasn't his house at all, it was yours.
"What are we doing here?" You asked.
"Lets go pick out some stuff for the house okay? For our house. I'm sure we can compromise on a few things. Your couch can even go into my office." He was trying really hard and you felt bad for being so stupid and dramatic. 
"I'm sorry. Thank you Aaron." You leaned over the console and kissed him. 
"I'm sorry too sweetheart. I love you." He whispered against your mouth. You pulled back to admire him.
"I love you too."
"Do you, Aaron Hotchner, take Y/n Y/l/n, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for as long as you both shall live?" Aaron squeezed your hands and looked deep into your eyes.
"I do." He spoke softly.
"And do you, Y/n Y/l/n, take Aaron Hotchner to be your lawfully wedded husband, for as long as you both shall live?" 
"I do." A tear slipped down your cheek as your face began to ache from smiling so much.
"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Aaron cupped your cheeks before bringing you in for the best kiss you had ever shared.
He moved his hands down to your waist before picking you up and spinning you. You giggled as he went to set you down but instead slipped his arm under your legs and carried you out of the reception. You laughed as you guests cheered.
"That was a bit of a dramatic exit Mr. Hotchner." You say, teasing him.
"Only the most dramatic for you, Mrs. Hotchner." You smiled at the name.
"I love you." You murmured.
"I love you too sweetheart." And his lips found yours once again.
"Seriously Aaron, where are we going?" You giggled as he dragged you further down the path. He had been increasingly suspicious the last few days. You weren't entirely sure what was going on, but the goofy smile he was wearing right now distracted you from your thoughts.
"My god woman, you are so impatient." He laughed and walked a little further past an opening in the branches. "We're here." He shoved you forward slightly and you gasped at the bueaty of the scene.
The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. But to add to it all, the white ros petals spread across the ground made it that much more beautiful.
"Aaron what is all this?" You asked, spinning around to see him. Your voice caught in your throat and you gasped once again.
He was down on one knee, as he pulled a small box from his pocket.
"Aaron…" your voice was quiet as you stepped towards him. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring with silver swirls surrounding it. 
"Y/n, I love more than words can express. You make me unbelievably happy, and I can't imagine my life without you." You couldn't contain your tears as he continued, taking your hand in his own. "Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and marry me?" His voice was so full of emotion and you nodded.
"Yes, yes of course I will." He stood in front of you and slipped the ring on your finger before bringing you into a desperate kiss.
"I love you so much Aaron." You said once he pulled away. He gently moved a piece of your hair behind your ear before softly kissing you again.
"I love you too. So damn much." He murmured back against your lips.
"It's time for the official first dance of Mr. And Mrs. Hotchner." Rossi announced as everyone cleared the dance floor. You both made your way over and you smiled up at your husband. 
The soft melody of Amazed plays over the speakers as he takes your hand. 
He spins you and brings you close, before settling his hand on your waist and the other holding your hand tightly in his own.
He begins to spin you around the dance floor as he sings the words softly to you.
"I'm so in love with you." You smile at the man in front of you. "I wanna spend the rest of my life, with you by my side, forever and ever." He sings the words in your ear and you rock back and forth. He pulls you impossibly closer and pulls his head back only to lean in and kiss you. 
"Baby. I'm amazed by you." He whispers as the song dies out. Everyone begins clapping as you admire his beautiful face.
"You, you are amazing, my love." Your voice breaks slightly at the emotional situation. 
He smiles one of those breathtaking smiles.
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and Jack. A family." He murmurs into your hair as he pulls you close again.
"Me too." You pause, unsure if this is the right time to tell him. "But, we may have to add someone to that list." You say. He looks confused for a moment before the realization crosses his face. 
"You're…?" He trails off and you nodded, another smile making its way to your face. 
"Honey, thats, thats…" he can't even finish the sentence, he just pulls you in for another kiss.
"God, I'm so in love with you." He says.
"I love you too Aaron." And you continued your dance, even happier than before.
<3 <3 <3
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you all liked it. Also I am starting a tag list. If you would like to be included, just message me and I will add you! Also just let me know who you want to be tagged for.
Hope you all enjoyed!
*Images from Google and ssahotchnerxx, but mood board is mine*
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
*crawls into your ask box from the pile of homework* Hello fellow peep,may I request a-*takes out paper* i can't even read my own hand writing. Oh,nvm. Can I request an Aaron Hotchner x Male Pianist reader? Like reader and his twin sister take care of their niece after her parents passed,and the two meet at maybe a parent-teacher conference?(get if you don't wanna) Have a nice day-is it just me or is the pile getting bigger-
So, I don't know if this is what you were expecting, but I didn't really know how to make these things come up in conversation at a parent teacher conference, especially since all my parent teach conferences are one on one. I hope this is still good!
@mystic-writes I love you, thank you for editing. I don't know what else to say XD
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"So, Mr. [Y/N]..." Miss Calender says, looking over her papers. "I brought you in today because your daughter-"
"Niece," you interrupt. "She's my niece. I don't have any children."
"Yes, sorry. Your niece," Ms. Calendar corrects, "she's been being bullied in class, along with another boy named Jack. They seem to be their only friends."
You nod slowly. "Okay. I can talk to her. Is that all?"
She nods and you stand up. You make your way to the exit, just as someone new walks in. He's tall, handsome, wearing a starched suit and every hair on his head is perfectly in place. You almost slam into him and his hands grab your arms. They're big, and you can feel your face starting to heat up.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," you say, and he nods, not smiling.
"It's okay," he says, taking his hands off your arms and backing up from you, placing his hands behind his back.
"Ah! Mr. Hotchner!" Ms. Calendar exclaims, standing up and walking over to you two. "Mr. [L/N] this is Mr. Hotchner. His son Jack is friends with your niece, Gretchen."
You smile and hold your hand out to Mr. Hotchner, saying, "It's good to meet you!"
He takes your hand and shakes it, his grip is firm as he says, "It's good to meet you too."
You look down at his watch and your eyes go wide. "Oh shoot!! I'm so sorry. I have to go," you say, grabbing your bag and coat into your arms. "It was nice to finally meet you Ms. Calendar! You as well Mr. Hotchner!"
And you run out of the room.
You're playing some light jazz, a small smile on your face as you play your piano in the little bar you work in. You look around the bar and finish your session, plunking out your final notes, closing your eyes as they play out. You smile and close the piano, moving towards the bar. A couple people clap and you smile.
"Hey, Mark," you say, walking up to the bar and flexing your fingers. You can feel them beginning to cramp and you frown at them.
"Hey, [Y/N]. Good work out there today!" he exclaims and you smile at him. "You want your usual?"
You smile and nod, leaning against the bar as you look around, smiling at your twin sister who's currently taking orders. Luckily, there aren't many people tonight.
Well, there weren't.
Suddenly, seven or eight people walk into the bar, some are laughing, most are smiling, but you see one man who isn't smiling. Your eyes widen and you turn back to the bar, hunching your shoulders down and covering your head. You look up when a glass of water is set in front of you, smiling at Mark.
"What's wrong?" he asks with a frown and you shake your head, your smile dropping.
"Nothing. Nothing," you say and Mark glares at you. "Fine. You know the group that just came in? Gretchen goes to school with the serious one's son. And I made a total fool of myself in front of him last I saw him."
Mark smirks and says, teasingly, "You think he's attractive!"
You roll your eyes. "Shut up," you say, slapping his arm. "Of course I do. Have you seen him?" Mark just smirks and grabs a glass. "I mean, he's tall, dark and handsome. What's not to like? And so serious."
"Uh huh," Mark says and he starts filling up a beer.
"And I just… He looks very straight, and he has a son, I mean, he must be married. How could he not be. And-"
Mark coughs and you stop talking, feeling the blood drain from your face as you whisper, "He's behind me, isn't he?" Mark just nods. You sigh before putting on a fake smile and turning around. You see Mr. Hotchner standing behind you, and you say, "Hey… Mr. Hotchner…"
You give a small wave, but the man makes no indication that he heard you. In fact, his face doesn't move at all.
"How are you?" you ask, and you see his lips quirk slightly, but it's so fast you almost miss it.
"I'm fine. Just spending the night out with my team," he says, stoic, and you lean slightly away from him though it only makes him hotter. Stupid hot dad. "What are you doing here?"
"I actually work here…" you trail off, taking a sip of your water. "Which reminds me, I have to get back to work."
You stand up suddenly and speed walk back over to your piano. You open it back up and take a deep breath, close your eyes, and start playing your favourite song to calm you down.
Claire de Lune. You know it's not the best for bars, but it's technically dinner time right now and no one's in. While it isn't the hardest song to play, your aunt used to play it with her husband before they passed. They're what got you into piano when you were a kid and now you play for them. For Gretchen.
Your fingers fly over the keys and you lose yourself in the music, swaying to the notes, losing yourself in the rhythm, your hands cross over one another as you play note after note, chord after chord, stringing together a song that reminds you of the family you once had. Now it's only you, your twin sister, and your niece.
You feel your heart yearning for more, for something to fill all the holes you have, for someone to come along and fix everything.
But, that's not realistic. Most things in life you have to do yourself. You and your sister are going to put Gretchen through school. You're going to raise her. No one else.
As your fingers hit the final notes, you finally open your eyes and you realize you've been crying. You quickly wipe the tears away as people in the bar start to clap. You smile sheepishly and start to play just some low jazz, shaking your head to free yourself from your thoughts.
You feel someone sit down next to you and glancing over you see Mr. Hotchner sitting next to you on your bench.
"That was beautiful," he says softly and you smile.
"Thank you, Mr. Hotchner," you reply, looking over at him for a second to smile, before going back to your piano.
There's a pause before he says, "Call me Aaron."
"Aaron Hotchner?" you ask and you feel a hand on your back in confirmation. "I like it…" you trail off with a small smile.
"I'm not married," he says suddenly, and you look up at him, your head snapping to meet his eyes, your fingers faltering for a moment, before you regain your composure, your cheeks flaring hot.
"You heard that?" you ask, looking away from him, embarrassed. He chuckles in answer and you feel your cheeks get even hotter. "You're not married?"
"I was," he says, "to the love of my life."
"What happened to her?" you ask, looking at him from the corner of your eye.
"She died…" he says quietly. "A couple months ago."
"I'm sorry to hear that," you say and he bumps his shoulder with yours.
"I will always love her, but I also need to move on," he says and you nod in understanding.
You finish your set and look over at him as people in the bar clap. "Have you found someone to do that with?"
You look up at him and see he's smiling slightly. You also notice he has little dimples.
"I hope so…" he says, and you smile shyly. "Will you come to dinner with me?"
"Tonight? It's pretty late…" you say and he shakes his head.
"No, not tonight," he says with a chuckle. He pulls out his wallet and takes out a card, handing it to you.
You laugh as you look at it. "A business card?" you ask incredulously, and Aaron gives you a gleaming smile.
"Would you rather me write it on your arm?" he asks and you laugh.
You look around before saying with a smirk, "I don't have a pen near me. I guess this will do…" You chuckle and grab your phone from the top of the piano and input the number, texting a quick, 'Hey ;)', smiling at Aaron as you send it. You hear something beep in his pocket and he pulls out his own phone, looking at it, before smiling again.
"I'm free tomorrow at 6?" you say, more as a question than a statement, but you smile and turn back to your piano, beginning to play again.
You feel a hand on your back, and Aaron leans in, whispering, "I'll pick you up here."
You smile as he gets up and walks away.
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rae-is-typing · 3 years
May I request #15 and #18 with hotch x teen reader?? Maybe some exam stress, cause it is ap season right now so maybe something where the reader’s overworking themselves studying for the exams??
Again, this was written a long time ago and has just been sitting in my google docs cause I felt guilty for not posting. Sorry for the wait and thank you for the patience.
Description: You ignore your own needs in favor of test-prep
Characters: You. Uncle!Hotch
Warning: School, ignoring physical and mental needs in favor of studying
Word Count: 700 ish
15: “What are you doing up so late?”
18: “Have you eaten today?”
Color-coded note cards litter the floor like snowflakes in the first snow of winter. The packet you’re using as a reference has been since taken apart by section and placed with the corresponding color of note card. Cramps spread through your fingers to your elbow, but you didn’t dare stop for a break. The big final was in two weeks and you didn;t have time to spare. You were in four honors classes at this new school and you maintained a 4.0 GPA all year. And these classes offered college credit paid for by the school district. You weren’t about to pass up on the opportunity for free college credit. All you had to do was ace each one of the finals, and you were that much further with your education.
However, the added pressure of free college credit came with an overwhelming sense of stress. And because of that stress, you went a little crazy with studying. For the past two days, Jessica had taken Jack. She understood the stress you were under and wanted you to succeed as much as everyone else in your life. In your opinion, the weeks leading up to finals were just as stressful as the actual week. The prep was grueling, hours and hours of non-stop studying, chugging day old cold brew and shitty energy drinks full of flavored syrups and sugars, and having study parties with your more studious friends in the same advanced classes as you. It was a constant feeling of pressure to do as much as you can in the limited time you had. Compiling all of the notes you needed for cramming alone took hours. You had a talent of compartmentalizing. You learned that when you were forced to fend for yourself after your father abandoned you and your mother spent more and more time in religious (cult) retreats. Aaron has tried his hardest to get you help, and some of it has worked, but unfortunately, this defense mechanism to stress was going to stay for a while longer. So why not take advantage of that?
Lately, you have managed to ignore your needs completely and focus solely on the material you had in front of you. This night was no different. You had long since abandoned your sense of linear time passage in favor of staring at the imbroglio of information that made your head hurt. You didn’t even realise that your uncle had left for a job until he came back and tried interacting with you.
You were vaguely aware of the door shutting. However, you assumed it was Jack and Jessica, so you didn’t react to it. Instead, you switch from pre-calc to chemistry. It is at times like these you wish you had Spencer’s mind.
Again, you don’t hear the door to your room opening. You don’t hear Aaron calling your name, you don’t feel him shaking your arm, and you don’t notice his other attempts to get your attention. You do, however, notice him take the packet out of your hands. You do a double take, only realizing that he was there after snatching the packet back.
“Hey, Aaron,” You begin, voice hoarse and throat aching. “How’s life?”
“What are you doing up so late, Y/N?” He asks, tilting his head with his lips pressed together in a thin line. He was absolutely profiling you.
“What do you mean?” “It’s almost midnight, you’re usually asleep or in bed by now.” “Huh.” You sit back in your hair, rubbing an eye with the back of your hand. “I guess I lost track of time.” “What time did you start?” He asks, folding his arms over his chest.
“Uh, earlier today. Around seven or something?” He grows more concerned by the second, brows furrowed and arms falling to his sides. “Have you eaten today?”
“Yeah? I don’t know?” Aaron sighs deeply, running a hand over his face. “All right, put this away. I’ll make you some food.”
You make a noise of protest, but he lifts his hand to stop you. “You are going to eat and then get at least nine hours of sleep.” His tone left no room for discussion. You sighed, hoisting yourself up and resigned yourself to food and bed.
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