#aaravos: heres my backstory
mothlover69 · 2 months
Aaravos was just a toxic villain i thought was hot but unfortunately it turns out his motivations were the one thing that makes me weak and oooough i need him
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coconut530 · 2 months
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Sulk in the sea of your sadness, starlight
textless/bg under cut
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#The Dragon Prince#6#Well hello beautiful followers I am not dead#I was just away and busy for a month#But now I’m back home#And I am dying over TDP#I’ve been into that show since it launched… watched ATLA for the first time in 2018 so I knew who Aaron was#And I have been continually impressed by it#Every season gets better and better and better it’s amazing#My favorite characters are Callum Janai Amaya Terry Ruthari Zubeia Soren and of course Aaravos… and now Leola#I found out the season came out the day it did#I was just like “hm lemme check the tag” and then saw so many new screenshots and the countdown acct saying “23 hrs for S7”#Then I went and watched the trailer that I was 2 weeks late to and was just BLOWN AWAY#But I was not home then so I had to wait a couple days#Then when I got home I IMMEDATELY turned it on#This season was stunning#Animation is so much better like the microexpressions and scenery and all that just omggggg#All the callbacks and development for the characters were done so well… Soren Viren conflict broke meeeeeeeeeee#And worldbuilding crazy like the Starscraper wowwwwwwwww#But yeah I immediately looked for Aaravos scraps and when I got to episode 9 it just broke me on so many levels… Rayla’s parents Runaan hgn#And Aaravos’ backstory got me crying in the club Leola didn’t deserve any of that#Her stimming and Aaravos’ expert parenting the representation in this show continues to be the most meaningful in the business#So yes I had to draw something for him#I know his colors technically muted after he lost her but let me have saturated colors I love them#So yeah I’m back… also got a fun surprise for tomorrow so stay tuned here!!
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httyddragonfox · 2 months
Dragon Prince season 6 surprises
I just finished the season today! I was so right about what tone it would have. Of course there were things I never expected, really shocked me out of the water there.
1: Rayllum reforges! I wanted it, I could guess it might happen seeing as they were on a journey alone again, but it still was a pleasant surprise. Hopefully they don't split up again, ...(also, please have nothing break them apart!)
2: Only some of the three parents get revived. I didn't expect one of the stones to be swapped out. Dang it Aaravos! Why can't anything go swimmingly for these two.
3: Callum taking the decoy with him! Callum is usually so aware when he gets controlled, the fact it happened without his knowledge. I thought Aaravos would want what was at the Star scraper, but then again he has all the star power he needs.
4: Viren surviving...and then Dying. I was surprised when he was alive, then again the homunculous wasn't around in the trailers and Claudia was covered in blood, but I thought she killed it out of frustration or something. How would she have found out about the "Blood of child" thing? So of course I didn't see him go back to Katolis, interact with Soren again, and explain his backstory. I figured we'd learn it, but he wouldn't be around...as weird as that logic is. Then Viren sacrificed himself to save everyone as his final act of redemption. Seeing him alive was already a shock, I didn't expect to see him die...for real.
5: Callum purging the darkness from himself. I knew Callum was going to be tested of some sort, but I thought that was how he was going to get the crown. I honestly thought the darkness within him would come back to him in a more dramatic way. Maybe it still will, they did hint that any more darkness will corrupt him entirely, and the next season is called 'Dark.' It was sweet that the light that saved him was Rayla, and allowed them to get back together.
6: Finding out what the key is for. I honestly thought we'd find out in season 7, or that the key would release him. Then again it was around when Aaravos wasn't imprisoned, and it's his key... who knew it was for a magic book this whole time. That better be some special book.
7:Using the Moon nexus again: Here I thought Lujanne thought it shouldn't be used. She grew lenient in two years. Also I didn't think we'd be seeing her and Allan.
8: KATOLLIS IS DESTROYED! That never happened in any of my theories! Dang, Aaravos doesn't play around. Speaking of...
9: Aaravos hates Sol Regum. I knew he got rid of Adititi, but that was probably just to cause Chaos. I didn't know it was personal with the Sun dragon. Also, such a surprise Sol Regum had a mate...which he killed.
Now the big one...
10: AARAVOS HAD A DAUGHTER NAMED LEOLA AND SHE WAS THE UNICORN THAT GIFTED HUMANITY WITH MAGIC!!! I had insights...but never the full picture. The short stories made it seem like he didn't like the other startouch elves, that he disagreed with them. I figured, "He must like Humanity much more than them." Second short story, there was a fallen star, given his name, I thought it was him. I thought they banished him for some reason. The opening of the first episode, I'm thinking maybe he was just banished. The merciful one shows up and says "We are all stardust held together by love for an instant." That makes me think somebody died. I learned in season 5 about Leola and her 'last wish.' Maybe he was crying over her death and how unjust it was. Never....did I put together that she was his daughter. I never saw Aaravos as a dad, seeing how cruel he can be to people and how silly he acts at times. Also I didn't think the Startouch elves had families. That was a real wringer for me, but the real heartwrencher...
11: They showed a child dying on screen! They showed how scared she was, they showed the love they had for each other, how heartbroken he was, how horrifying the death was! They didn't shy away at all. Darn you creators! Why do have to make me cry!
Much more intense a season, more mature themes, more blood, more death! What's the next season going to be like?!
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inamindfarfaraway · 3 months
I think one of the differences between Callum from Viren and Claudia that's prevented him falling like her is his much greater self-awareness. He's always understood that the "squeeze it out of them" side of dark magic intrinsically has immoral implications and felt very guilty every time he's done dark magic. He knows that it's questionable at best, no matter how much rationalizes it. In his dream sequence, he can picture himself as a dark mage; he acknowledges his own capacity for evil, debates it and rejects it. But Viren literally died and came back before finally self-reflecting. And Claudia, as with her footsteps on the beach in his comatose dream, is going even further than him.
I need to vent about her, to be honest. It's really kind of impressive how good at cognitive biases she is. She wholeheartedly believes in the "no choice" rhetoric justifying her actions that Callum refutes from his inner darkness. We do see her feel guilty ("I've done things I never imagined I’d be able to do”), but never channel those moral/emotional reservations in a constructive way that helps her mature. This separates her and Terry too. Terry has his "I have to commit murder to save you, it's the only option" moment, and then afterward he grieves and processes it and talks to someone and ultimately reaches a degree of acceptance where he decides not to suppress his emotions. Claudia hasn't done any of that about anything! She might have taken some steps with Terry during the time skip regarding what Aaravos told her to do to revive her father, but I doubt it given her continued decline in sanity. She's here to do dark magic with animal parts and deny fundamental truths about herself, and she's all out of animal parts, so she's gonna go and harvest more. In a totally ethical manner!
There is a whole short story dedicated to her taking a good, long look at her literal reflection; realizing "Wow, I look like shit. My dark path has taken a massive toll on my body and spirit"; contemplating the tragic backstory, difficult choices and complicated emotions that have motivated that dark path; and then instead of having any kind of epiphany, she just does more dark magic to superficially fix her appearance and give herself a prettier picture to look at. Girl. GIRL. The symbolism is right there! Can you stop doing dark magic and hating people and just sit with yourself for five minutes?
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artsyjesseblue · 2 months
Thoughts on TDP S6 Yay! Only a few days until The Dragon Prince season 6, so I'm here to throw my own bird's-eye-view speculations about what we'll get. If you want to read further, the rest is under the cut. Those who'd rather skip, I understand.
Based on how the show evolved so far, I see very few, to perhaps no innocent characters (I'd dare say Zym is the immaculate one, King Ezran coming in close, correct me if I'm wrong). Everyone else has flaws, to various degrees; some are heading straight towards darkness, some are striving for redemption, and others are walking a tight rope between darkness and light. There is one character who, so far, has been portrayed as the darkest, most tainted of all. You guessed it. His name is in the subtitle. The antagonist of the story. Aaravos. The fallen star. Yet the S6 teaser, the trailer, and the little hints dropped by the creators seem to challenge this point of view. Also, BYOT (bring your own tissues)? Well, yes, I'm pretty sure we'll cry for other characters too (I already have some in my mind), but my gut feeling is telling me that the story will also make us shed some big tears for Aaravos.
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There is something very deep about his motivations, and I think S6 will finally pull the veil away. I can't speculate much about his backstory, other than what I've gathered so far from the show and from reading a couple of short stories on the tdp website. He seems to have an affection for humans (despite being manipulative with them) and he despises the way his fellow Startouched elves arrogantly regard humanity. Perhaps, once upon a time, he experienced a deep bond with a human? And it was taken away? (by his own "cruel" kin, "blinded by their own incandescent light"?) Or perhaps he simply lost someone dear in a war or some celestial accident - elf, dragon or human, I can't say - and his Startouched family didn't offer much support? Or maybe, he pursued a grand project with noble intentions, just like Viren, but his way of going about it was flawed? Whatever the case, something deeply broke his heart, so (maybe as revenge?) for the next thousand years or so, as described in the lore, he secretly orchestrated major historical crisis in the world, which were then uncovered and he was imprisoned. In the past, I've analyzed characters from other fandoms , through the lens of the madness arc, and Aaravos seems to tick all the boxes for such a profile. Dragged down by grief and mental breakdown, I think he descended into a dark place (hence, the darkened star on his chest - and that is why I believe the crying Aaravos scenes from the trailer are actually flashbacks, because his star is still brightly lit). And speaking of madness arcs, Claudia seems to take a sharp turn in that direction as well. "Claudia. Claudia, I am here", says Aaravos with his deep, mysterious voice. Misery loves company? So far we've bathed into the morally gray lake of characters that, one by one, conquered our hearts with their adventures, love stories, heartbreaking losses and breakups, but we have yet to see the true face of Aaravos. I believe S6 will flip the script on us, challenging our assumptions, through some major reveals about the mysterious elf. After all, it is the… "Mystery of Aaravos".
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fritoley · 21 days
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x09 - Stardust
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“I called her my ‘unicorn’”
Okay why the FUCK are we starting with a villain backstory that I already know is gonna end horribly because he’s talking about his daughter in past tense
*mentally preparing*
*dEEp sigh*
*grabs tissues* Okay here we go
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“Her name was Leola”
ALSO leola’s last wish? The starr???
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Woah runaan what happened to you—
It’s like ttm when the other moonshadow elves were in their phantom forms attacking rayla
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Oh wait why aren’t tiadrin and lain like that—
Ooh maybe cuz runaan and the other elves had unfinished business maybe rayla’s parents were at peace when they died
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That is a BIG BOOK what—
I wonder what that book is and where it is now
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“There is proof. A witness… Anak Arao”
Are you telling me that a little child got arrested for breaking the flow of the universe because a fuckass dragon saw her FLOATING R O C K S in front of a human—
wait if leola gave PRIMAL magic to humans (cuz dark magic didn't exist at the time) is that why callum can do magic???
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“If you so choose, you may die alongside your daughter.”
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“It was rescued? By who?”
Bro she waited so long to say that lol—
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“We love you, Rayla.”
I’m glad she decided to let her parents go
That way they can stay together instead of ripping one of them from death and having them spend the rest of their life without the other
And it’s also like does she choose mom or dad yk this way she doesn’t have to make that choice
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“There’s nothing to fear. Close your eyes.”
OMG STOP this shit is wild
I feel so bad for aaravos this is not okay—
he was such a good father he's a completely different person now
istg the dad's in this show L O V E their daughters ugh
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Oh look the star on his chest is black and upside down now
So he became the “fallen star” because of Leola’s death
Nah that line official kicked off his villain arc that’s for sure
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The cheezy romance in this show is top tier ugh—
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“I’m your daughter.”
Yuhhh tiadrin and lain were together but ethari’s all alone he needs his husband back 😭
Runaan isn’t done with xadia he wasn’t supposed to die I bet that’s why he was that angry phantom thingy
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“He isn’t doing anything for love, he’s doing it for revenge.”
YES TERRY talk her down
Even thought aaravos has EVERY RIGHT to get revenge on those fuckers
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What’s up with the coin why’s callum examining it like that
“Is that…Katolis?”
OOP he found out—
welp time for the brothers to spiral together in to self-deprecation and blame—
Aaravos getting his anime-girl transformation
Omg he’s hERE aaahhhhhhhh
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Why’s he so HUGE now wtf—
He wasn’t that huge in the flashback—
Oooooohhhh my gosh—
Oooooomgggggggggggg the shock factor in this season was C R A Z Y. Aaravos is out and he’s ready to wreak havoc that is def gonna be interesting. I get the feeling Terry’s gonna join Team Zym because he’s not so invested in aaravos’s plans and whatnot and i think he’s gonna wanna try save claudia. Callum is gonna FLIP OUT when he finds out that aaravos is out and he took the candy to the starscraper that’s gonna be bad. And EZRAN TOOO we never see ezran so worked up like we did this season and i’m scared and a little curious to see how he’s gonna be now that katolis is pretty much destroyed. But hey only 3 months until s7 :P
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nightflower-stuff · 16 days
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❣️The Dragon Prince (New OC + Spoilers)✨
• [TDP Spoilers]: Runaan 🌙
- I drew Runaan (My fav. TDP character) in my art style as well. I want to watch the scene of him. This pose of him was inspired by Winx club pose 🤭
{3rd to 4th slides}:
• Aurora (Runaan's fairy guardian & a friend)✨
- Everyone, I search fandom wiki but there's no fairies in Xadia. So I'm the one who made a Xadian Fairy from The Dragon Prince.🧚‍♀️
- Here's his only his fairy guardian & a friend. Meet Aurora. She's the 1st Xadian Fairy of all Xadia. She's born & was created by stars but some other fairies are not here except her, so she doesn't have any names & also them. She raised by Moonshadow Elf named Runaan since he was young boy of Silvergrove.🙌
- I made my OC in fake scene screenshot & she's with Runaan (Season 1 episode 3).
{5th to 6th slide}:
• Aurora & Loreleia with Rayla & Runaan (S6 - S7)⚔️
- She's helps Lujanne & Allen for carry some letters. She saw Rayla & Loreleia grew up with their friends. Callum free Runaan from the coin & The Katolis was attack. And for S7, They can reunited together & those 4 are so angry & they looked up something 🤔.
{7th to 8th slide}:
• Loreleia's born🌙
- Ethari looked at the pregnancy test, that means he wants a more child. His husband was so happy & Rayla doesn't wanna get a sibling. He's finally happy to see his baby daughter. Runaan named her Loreleia. Aurora became nanny to two girls.😁
{Last slide}:
• Aurora & Runaan's backstory🌌
- Runaan for stay on the house because his brother needs his mission with their father. He can't go out when he was too young for a fight that he should be help. His young fairy guardian got upset Runaan. She looked up in the sky. He search on the bookpage & found the word "Northern Lights" & calls "Aurora". She loves her name by he picked his fairy's name✨. She stays with him✨
• Aurora's Bio introduction:
Name: Aurora
Species: Fairy
Gender: Female
Age: Over both Young-ish & Adult-ish
Sexuality: Bisexual & Aro-Ace (She'll be single)
• Relationship:
Runaan (Successor & Friend)
Father of Runaan (Enemy)
Ethari (Friend)
Rayla & Loreleia (Babysit)
Humans (Neutral/Friends)
Dark Mages & Aaravos (Enemies)
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raayllum · 1 year
favorite visual moments from the new season?
Ooh that's a tough one! (Although I do have a lil compilation of some of my favourite symbolic shots from prior seasons here <3 definitely not-conclusive though) But there are some definite favourites!
I loved the consistent wrist-chain-hand clasp thing going on in Finnegrin's Wake (and Viren's dark magic dreams) so much I actually wrote a meta all about it
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I also adored this shot of the broyals with the keyhole from Finnegrin's office - just very creative and I'm always on the lookout for anything to do with keys
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This shot of Rayla lined up with the lamb in the portrait makes me more nervous than it probably should and was another major fave
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Any and all shots up on the Storm Spire surrounded by clouds is a definite win 10/10. I loved the sharp lighting in the scenes with Viren and Kpp'Ar
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Lux Aurea has also always been my favourite location so getting to go into the streets more in depth/detail and with the purple haze to everything? Truly stunning. Special shout out to the actual outside of the Bookery as well
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The scene in the cave with Sol Regem was amazing and water animation has always been my fave kind of animation, so anything with rain in particular this season (Claudia, Terry, and Ezran facing the storms / the various boats sailing) was so much fun / striking visually. The transition of the prison into the moon predictably haunts me as well
I loved how Akiyu told the backstory through images in the water with ink (?) and Scumport's foggy / gray colour palette (+ bonus points discount Charon imagery). Finnegrin's big window in his scumport tower lit the room really well and allowed for some cool shots / gives him a different sort of vibe than a typical dark and gloomy villain's lair and I liked the contrast; he's civil until he's cruel, y'know?
I loved the Aaravos fadeout in Viren's eye and thought that was a really good way to (possibly) close out on his eye motif, but TDP always knocks it out of the park visually in particular in finales. The constant sunset colouring is probably some of the prettiest lighting/skies we've seen thus far though
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But the whole season was so pretty. I really just need to do another full rewatch to appreciate it properly lmao
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viravos-simper · 11 months
Aaravos/the merciful one theory
TDP - Aaravos/The merciful one theory
Part 1
We’ve all been asking ourselves the same daunting question, who are they?
They’ve only been seen twice; in the statue with Aaravos, and a leaked image from s6 ep1. Known by the tital ‘the merciful one’, we know nothing about this seemingly important character, who may be a significant part of Aaravos’s backstory. I have some thoughts in which I am here to share.
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At this point in time, I'm sure everybody has seen a glimpse of these leaked season 6 images floating around the internet; and everyone can't help but wonder what may be happening in this scene. While there are so many thrilling possibilities to what is amidst, I have crumpled together bits and pieces of engaging ideas and intriguing thoughts to form my theory on who this mysterious person might be. A daughter; specifically Aravos's daughter.
Let's start our story here, with this picture:
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In this image, it looks as though Aaravos is pleading with someone. Asking, or perhaps begging them for/to do something. Seeing as though the other person is referred to as 'the merciful one' maybe he's asking them to spare the humans, saving an enter race doomed to be disposed of seems quite merciful.
My reasoning for saying Aaravos's daughter instead of a lover, friend, or possibly another leader, is because of this:
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This post does say 'the' elven leader, and not 'an' meaning it could refer to someone such as Aditi. As well as the fact that this passage only refers to this person with the pronouns she/her, while the merciful one is confirmed non-binary and uses they/them. Still, we do not know who the writing was talking of before this part; meaning if they were speaking of Aaravos, the term 'the elven leader' still stands.
So even with new information that might prove this theory false, it still provides some interesting ideas.
Part 2
My friend (@6coco_nut9 on tiktok) originally thought of some of this, luv ya brah <3
If you look at the pictures at the top of the page, you can see that Aaravos is in fact NOT crying in front of the merciful one, as the silhouette in front of him has long hair and tmo has short hair.
If you look closely at the silhouette with Aaravos, you will notice some things:
Similar colors in different lighting
Same ear placement
And the gold accent on their clothing next to the hair (which Aaravos has in the same spot)
This leads me to believe that Aaravos is looking at a reflection of himself (this is where Coco's idea comes in); and that maybe Aaravos is having a flashback to this moment:
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He's looking at his reflection in the water when tmo comes into play. This ties into the 'tmo is Aaravos's daughter theory' as maybe he is crying because he is asking for help.
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(For context, this is Aaravos’s voice actor)
Leola is Aaravos’s mother. Change my mind.
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lightwise · 1 year
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Hey there, friend 🌻 You can call me Light or Lightwise ✨ This is my little corner of Tumblr mostly dedicated to Star Wars (especially the Bad Batch, clone boys, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan). I am a photographer and writer in my early thirties who spent her childhood telling stories to herself while riding her bike in circles around her driveway. Little did I know at the time that would be considered fan fiction and that however many years later I would find myself nerding out in the Star Wars fandom and loving every second of it ✨
I write a lot of in-depth analyses and musings, which are tagged with #somelightramblings | #some light ramblings (for a touch of irony, because they are usually anything but light or short :D).
My image edits are tagged with #somelightedits | #some light edits
My fics/writings are tagged with #lightwisewrites | #lightwise writes
My fic recommendations are tagged with #somelightreading
I currently do not take fic requests but you can find my writing (a mix of one-shots and long-form WIPs) on here as well as on AO3.
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated 🤗 and feel free to use my edits for headers or PFPs with credit!
This blog contains both SFW and NSFW content, so minors DNI, 18+ only please and thank you 👀
moon dividers by @djarrex 🩷
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Btw, I talk mainly about Star Wars with an emphasis on my favorite Bad Batch Boys, but I love many other fandoms/shows/books as well and welcome any conversations/sliding into my DMs to discuss them or other random (SFW) topics!
Narnia (my first fantasy love) | Mystery of Aaravos (The Dragon Prince) | Gilmore Girls | Marvelous Mrs. Maisel | A Series of Unfortunate Events | Shadow and Bone | LoTR | TrollHunters | Gravity Falls | Studio Ghibli  | Anything Jane Austen or 18th and 19th century literature | Sound of Music | And whatever you want to talk about! My Asks are always open!
Key:  🤔 = long analysis  📷 = image edits (alone or within analysis posts) 🫣 = Potentially disturbing or triggering content (mental health, implied violence or dying, etc.) 🔥 = NSFW/spicy content
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My Fics
Plan 99 - Short one-shot fic from Tech's perspective. I wanted to show the thoughts that must have been running through his mind as he fell. The love he has for his family. The peace he has in his decision. (from the season finale of TBB season 2)
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Coming soon: Compass and the North Star (long-form fill in the gaps of TBB season 2, focused on Rex and Echo's efforts to free their clone brothers).
Be There - I had to fill in a couple of moments that we didn’t get in S3 E4 - A Different Approach. Hunter and Crosshair's perspectives on trying to find/escaping with Omega and their impending reunion.
🔥 Sharp Edges - (with @spicy-clones) (ALL of the spiciness, minors do NOT read!)
Tumblr link | AO3 link
Coming soon: Pabu Wedding (with @drafthorsemath)
Inspired by other fics:
The Adventures of Gonky the Cat - Slight spoiler, Gonky is a cat in the modern AU fic Roasted, Brewed, & Served with Attitude (see description below), and I decided to write his backstory/fill in some of his adventures. This is a WIP, currently there are no spoilers in it, but eventually there will be some chapters that give spoilers for later in the story (and will be noted as such).
Gemini Eyes - This one shot fits in as a chapter in between chapters 85 and 87 of Roasted, Brewed, & Served with Attitude (see description below). DO NOT read it unless you have made it that far in Mel's work, otherwise you will have pretty significant spoilers. I had a lot of fun working with Mel's versions of each character, and it's always a joy to write Tech's thought processes and mannerisms. 
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Fic Recs
Roasted, Brewed, & Served with Attitude - by MelMorganne99 over on AO3. It's a clever, emotional, modern AU with Crosshair x OC (and one of the best OC characters I've ever read). This fic helped me understand and appreciate the nuances of Crosshair's personality and emotional journey, and has given me endless writing inspiration. And the author is one of the kindest, most engaging people I've ever met online. Please, please, please do yourself a favor and read it. There are 99 chapters but they're on the short side and full of snarky humor and sometimes surprising cameos. This is a full blown fix it fic too, although not always in the ways you might expect!
The Vacation - by @staycalmandhugaclone is one of the best Crosshair fics (and smut fics in general) I've ever read. The writing style haunts me and both Crosshair and the OC are beautifully characterized.
More will be tagged soon!
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Show/Character Analyses & Edits
The Bad Batch
🤔 Know Your Showrunners
🤔 + 📷 Phee and the Bad Batch
🤔 + 📷 Why Mayday is a Mirror of Rex (How Crosshair Predicted His Own Redemption Arc) + an excellent comment addition.
🤔 + 📷 There is Something to be Said for Freedom (Crosshair in The Tipping Point)
🤔 + 📷 Fennec season 3 TBB Predictions
🤔 They Don't Know
🤔 + 📷 Project Necromancer
🤔 + 📷 Tech and Crosshair Parallels
📷 Hunter and Wrecker
📷 Omega Smiling at Crosshair
📷 Separate / Together
🤔 Thoughts on Crosshair's Hand Tremor
🤔 + 📷 Crosshair's Choice
🤔 There is No "We"
🤔 Crosshair Sighs
📷 Recognition
🤔 + 📷 Omega Is Not Okay
📷 Get Up Here
📷 Return to The Outpost - Images Part 1 | Part 2
🤔 + 📷 Full Circle - The Return to The Outpost
📷 Crosshair Portraits
🤔 + 📷 I Am Many Things But I Am Not Your Enemy (Ventress)
🤔 I Never Gave Up On You (Parallels between Luke and Omega)
🤔 + 📷 Hidden Monsters (TBB and the monsters they face)
🤔 + 📷 They Call Themselves The Bad Batch
🤔 + 📷 Remain Calm. Cooperate. And You Might Survive. (Analysis of Emerie Karr) + excellent comment addition
Star Wars (general)
📷 Huyang and Tech
🤔 The Force - Part 1 and Part 2
🤔 + 📷 Project Necromancer
📷 Life and Death (Ahsoka series ep 5 + Tales of the Jedi ep 1)
📷 They Reflect Each Other (Ahsoka and Anakin as master and padawan, Ahsoka series ep 5)
🫣 + 🤔 Ahsoka’s Choice (Ahsoka series ep 5)
🤔 The Face of War (Ahsoka series ep 5)
📷 Red and Blue (Ahsoka series ep 5)
📷 Anakin’s Clone Wars Robes (Ahsoka series ep 5)
Ahsoka’s Direction (Ahsoka series ep 5)
The Protector (Satine, Bo, & Din as rulers of Mandalore) + excellent comment additions
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Episode Reactions
Ahsoka Series: Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4
The Bad Batch (Season 3): Episodes 1-3 | Episode 4 | Episode 6 | Episode 7
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Hunter and Obi-Wan: Similarities
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About Me/Tag Games
15 Questions
TBB Asks Game 1
TBB Asks Game 2
TBB Asks Game 3
TBB Asks Game 4
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ok so i typed out an ask. and then hit a button. but i can't remember if the button was "ask" or "close", so i'm sending it again but if you've gotten two asks from me, welp. 😂 for the shipping ask game: tell me about lamb/braden if nobody else has asked for it yet, or dev/niall if they have
Oh ho HO, my dude, you have no idea what you signed yourself up for. Blanket warning because Lamb inherently makes everything spicy.
What made you ship it?
These two have an insane amount of sexual tension. If I'm not laughing at the Shepard POV in Reno, I'm analyzing every interaction between Lamb and Braden in that chapter.
"There's no such thing as a 'real' vampire" / "I assure you I'm real"
Lamb is just begging to be fucked here. Their arguments make me want to tear my hair out and write a 20k backstory with half of it being graphic vampire-bite-filled smut. (I'm having COTTA 2024 thoughts now xD) I want to over-analyze everything they say to each other and every feeling they have about each other. I want to intimately craft every detail of the relationship they have from Lamb's Turning to where they're at in Wayward Son. AURGH, I'm So Normal about them.
Lamb's absolute DISTASTE and DISGUST for Braden and Braden absolutely DETERMINED to push EVERY SINGLE ONE OF LAMB'S BUTTONS. Yes, please, I will take more of it, thank you.
Does the fact that I somehow got this ship rolling also add to why I'm fucking obsessed with them? Definitely. Is it a bit narcissistic? Maybe. Do I deserve it? Most assuredly. Will I shut up about it? Probably not. Does this mean I still pull the face Viren makes in Infantis Sanguine when he finds out he and Aaravos have a child together when I remember that others ship lambden? Yep. Will I shut up about lambden in general? Never.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
They are toxic as FUCK
They're vampires
They both have the potential to be EXTREMELY bratty
Em and Kal's pornbot prank involved lambden
The vampire biting potential. Lamb teasing Braden relentlessly about the pasteurizing, and degrading him in bed whenever Braden drinks from him (because you know he does and doesn't let anyone from the Next Blood know about it).
Braden's fucked up face with a gaping hole in his cheek still being kissable
Lamb the vampire king
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I mean, the ship is a rarepair, so. I think the ship itself isn't very popular to begin with 🤣 There are only five fics tagged "Braden/Lamb" on AO3, and two of them are mine.
Send me a ship!
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addrianastarflower · 1 year
My dragon prince friends,
I swear I'm working on Startouched, chapter 5 just isn't quite done yet
but for now at least, he's a little snippet to tide yall over!
Regardless of the time, they had to do the ritual tonight. “I’ve never done one of these myself,” his father explained as he drew intricate patterns on the stone floor of the ritual room in moon opal dust, “you’re my first and only child. But I’ve set up my fair share in my time.” Aaravos glanced up at him, “You know why we’re using moon opal dust?” “Because the moon is the second arcanum I wish to learn and it’s the medium between the sky and the sun which would allow me easier access to it?” Callum answered hesitantly, he wasn’t completely sure of the answer as they hadn’t gone very in depth on the theory behind ritual creation. “Close, what you’re missing is that this moon opal dust will also be doused in salt water. The moon and the sea are your either side mediums between the sky. Technically so is the earth but we don’t have any proper ingredients here to do that. We’re lucky at all that I had a few moon opals in storage, I was tempted to use them for a different ritual about a decade ago,” his father explained as he laid down the last line and pulled out a thin vial of water from within his cloak, sprinkling the circle with it.
And if you'd care to read the whole fic, it's very lore heavy with Startouched elf backstory! But don't worry, we'll get back to Rayla & everyone else soon enough! Story picks up at the end of S3 and continues from there.
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sp1c3m0nst3r · 1 year
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🍵 👉Commission me! 👈 🍵
I've done it. I was supposedly writing whatever's going on about these two. But watching The Dragon Prince again, my brain decided to have explosive and massive diarrhea and vomit rainbows that even I couldn't catch up.
wip process below cut and a little backstory
wip process:
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inspired by wavesheep's The Silmarillion artwork. Found it on Pinterest ofc it is and then and there, brain vomit and diarrhea
My oc here is the "Elarion" but also a revered saint in the human's religion. Now, I don't want to follow up certain religions from the real world here out of respect, I do it the same way any fictional world does; there's "god", the "angels" and "devils" and lastly, the "prophets" and "saints". In Tolkien's work: Eru Illuvatar, Valar and lastly Maiar.
oc here is the "Maiar" by human's standard. Aaravos would be too if his plans didn't end him up in a mirror. But since it happen... well, he's Melkor now and Sauron occasionally. oc had to keep her people safe but has an appointment in samarra. humanity were grateful of her deeds and anointed her as a "saint"
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lady-gravity-129 · 2 months
Various TDP Season 6 thoughts under the cut/things I believe will come back in Season 7
Be careful it's kinda a long one
First things first. RAYLLUM! WHEN I TELL YOU THAT I WAS DEFINITELY SHEDDING A FEW TEARS DURING EPISODES 3 AND 6. Like, I'm not too interested in ships and romance but Rayllum has me in a death grip I swear.
I just want to point out that a couple writers have stated that they know whether Rayla is able to kill Callum if the time comes. I would also like to note that there was not a moment where she had to consider that this season. She just said she would when he asked her in episode 3. Now that they're back together...something tells me she won't be able to do it. Either that or we're in for a very gut wrenching scene in season 7.
Speaking of that, I think Kosmo said to Callum that if he performs dark magic again, it'll definitely consume/corrupt him. Don't remember the exact sentence but I've seen people talking about it so I know I didn't make it up. Anyways, I genuinely feel like they wouldn't bring that up unless it's going to have some sort of payoff in season 7 (which I'm 90% sure is titled after dark magic? correct me if I'm wrong) coupled with the previous paragraph here. Oh god if we thought season 6 was gonna put these two through the wringer we haven't seen *anything* yet
Alright enough about Rayllum (even though I love it)
Kinda disappointed that the Janaya wedding happened at a point in the story where everyone in the cast conveniently wasn't all together to celebrate the occasion. But still, an LGBT wedding in a show rated TV-Y7 is absolutely HUGE in my opinion. Not really sure what other words I can say, it was great.
Next is how they handled Viren. Honestly, I'm kinda ok with it. I said on Twitter that a redemption arc could work with him if written correctly. How he was written was...well enough. While he didn't directly apologize to really anyone (aside from Claudia I think and then Soren on paper that he burned. I've watched this season twice now but I'm running on an hour of sleep so forgive me for not remembering everything lol), he still acknowledged that he doesn't even deserve to be forgiven and understands that everything he's done was nothing short of awful.
Holy fudge this season really convinced me how great of a character Claudia is. She's such a tragic character who's experienced loss and trauma and just needs the chance to acknowledge everything she's been through and properly heal from it. However, one thing I've noticed is that whenever Viren dies, Aaravos is right there guiding her away from the path of healing from her trauma. First is after Season 3 when he tells her there's a way to bring Viren back. Then, presumably I think, in between season 5 and 6 when he somehow tells her how to complete the resurrection spell. THEN there's the end of season 6 where she's realizing that her father is gone for good and what does he do?? He basically goes "lol yeah here's my backstory so you'll want to free me even more oh whats this i can even give you the spell needed to free me". Y'all someone please get her away from Aaravos so she can process everything.
OH YEAH! Fun fact, I'm pretty sure Rayla and Callum left the Starscraper thinking/assuming that the Pearl was safe with the Celestial Elves. They're gonna see giant Aaravos in Season 7 and just have fifty panic attacks at once.
Gonna edit this with more stuff later.
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armchairaleck · 1 year
WIP update as I might post snippets of some of these and it will be handy to remember what they are..
I am slowly.. very slowly coming to terms with the fact that TDP is probably going in a different direction with certain aspects of lore and world building than I originally thought and that certain burning questions I have may never actually be answered and hey, that’s fine.. I get there’s theme and minute details about historic events might not be that important to the story being told.. ngl I do miss the flashbacks though, I guess Viren’s dream almost counts..
Plus side it leaves a vast amount of writing ideas wide open and lets me indulge in all my weirdest Viren ships so.. yay?
But also meh… historical world building..
Anyway current WIP projects which are all in various levels of unlikely to ever see the light of day:
Gothic AU which I had planned to be a kinda intense wuthering heights style Kpp’Ar/Viren romance while they sorta accidently unleash Aaravos on the world, but it has now turned more into a tale of academic/magical snobbery in a universe where dark magic is largely obsolete and everyone vies for the last scraps of power to curry favour with the king.. thanks season 5.. Viren is a poor wannabe student who can’t afford the fees to study even the theory of magic.. Kpp’Ar is a very rare practising but shouldn’t be practising dark mage… and because of how show Kpp’Ar turned out there is now more power play in the inappropriate age gap relationship, but damn, I still ship them pretty hard so I guess those student/master vibes have to go somewhere..
It swings kinda close to my dark King Atticus IS CANNON KING ATTICUS backstory… which I badly want to squeeze in around the snippets of what we have despite him seeming like such an utterly chill geezer… but whatever… I want total bastard Atticus who will use and abuse his access to dark mages and magic in order to further the political aims of Katolis… who will plot and scheme with Kpp’Ar to create an intricate web of deceit that no one can penetrate, who will take the deep insecurities of everyone he knows and hone them to his advantage, who will pimp out his own son to Viren to tighten their co-dependence and generally fuck them up…
and then I kinda also want his dying spirit to inhabit Viren dybbuk style, so Atticus can be constantly sniping into Viren’s subconscious whenever he tries to bone Harrow… because that’s amusing to me… anyway that’s basically just a long list of stuff I want but obviously won’t get…
Then ahem there’s my Viren/Corvus shipping, that probably shouldn’t be mentioned, is almost certainly completely inappropriate for this fandom, (as if any of the above wasn’t..) I’m keeping quiet on this one as it’s what I currently spend the most time actually writing and might actually get finished.. oh well.. RIP me.
Plus I still have cyber punk AU on the back burner because whenever I start really thinking about it and theorising on how Xadia and the human kingdoms would look with a hard cyber border in the year 1988 and Aaravos secretly pulling all the strings towards his own dubious machinations I come out with something pushing the word count of Dune and I cry.. because really I just want a little bit of Viren and Ibis smut action and this is the only way my brain can think of achieving it..
So the main issue for me here is that all these ideas clock in way over the 10k word mark that I like to limit myself to in the interests of getting something finished.. multi-chapter is not my friend, nor is intensive world/lore building, nor is development of OC’s, or deviously intricate plot.. so why all my ideas now involve quite a lot of those things I don’t know.. it probably means I won’t complete any of them..
Still I do also have a few 5-10k Virrow angst ideas that I might be able to get on with..
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ladyandherbooks · 2 years
So here are my very quick and basic theories for next season:
1) Rayla's top priority will be freeing her family from the coins.
2) She'll reunite with Ethari early on in season 5 and show him the coins. Ethari will use his knowledge of metal craft to find out how to free them from the coins. He might know someone and possibly call in a favour or 2 to make this happen.
3) This person is probably an Earthblood elf, maybe a mage who can undo this spell. Ethari must know some Earthblood elves since they are the ones who supply him with his crystals and gems.
4) The others will focus on Aaravos. Callum might want to help Rayla but I could see him stepping back out of fear of being possessed again. And he wouldn't want that to happen while he was trying to bring Rayla's family back.
5) Alternately Aaravos might get to him again and give him the solution to freeing Rayla's family from the coins. In a very desperate situation I could see Callum accepting his help. If this did happen I think Callum would be controlled by Aaravos again and might be separated from the group at the end of the season.
6) Runaan, Lain and Tiadrin will be freed at the end of 5x08 or at the beginning of 5x09. They will then spend the rest of the final episode trying to get the ribbon off Runaan's arm. However they'll find nothing and Runaan will end up losing it.
7) Aaravos might try to reach out to Karim to manipulate him.
8) Claudia and Terry are going to have some sort of falling out or at the very least a falling out will be hinted at in season 5.
9) We'll finally meet some Tidebound elves and their arch dragon.
10) More Aaravos lore and maybe evenna flashback.
11) Moon family backstory and possible flashbacks.
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