audreyyp · 12 days
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audreyyp · 12 days
A Whimsical Display of Light and Dark Curation Statement
For this selection of artwork I have chosen to display there is a similar theme of light and dark within each piece; how the lightness in each artwork interacts and complements the darkness. The curation is also meant to exemplify space and time through the exhibit  as well as the artwork itself. Specifically, the first artwork shown in my exhibit is Quattro by Carole Eisner created in 1987; the artwork displays the fluidity of movement with figures in sort of whimsical positions, the background also shows light being captured in the center of the painting. What made this artwork something I was interested in adding to this specific collection was how well the interaction between the dark and light themes in this particular piece interact. Also, the figures seem to dance between the light and dark sections of the piece exemplifying the fluid nature of day and night. The next artwork is by Chris Rivers called Fragile life #2 which was created in 2024. This piece struck me as the perfect rendition of space especially with the dark colors surrounding the light, as well as the interaction each color has with one another gives a far-away almost otherworldly quality to the piece. Looking closely at the painting it can also be observed that there are small angels within the swirling colors adding to the otherworldly quality this piece displays. Specifically within the curation the painting is almost gravitating towards the moon, the piece is manipulated in order for the light center area to be pulled towards the lightness of the moon, while the darker outer edge of the artwork is stretched towards the darker areas of the night sky. Mark Acetelli’s This Too Shall Pass created in 2024 also fit the theme of light and dark working fluidly together in a piece. I also decided to stretch and warp the piece to the curational space in order for the light displayed in the artwork to almost reach towards the light coming off the moon as well as the darkness stretching towards the darker areas of the sky. The way the painting was morphed also gives the look of fluidity as the edges are stretched to match the flow of the exhibit. Bea Sarrias created Sketch 09 in 2024 and it displays a sort of dark staircase, where light is emerging from one side of the hallway towards the staircase. This painting exemplified a mundane sort of interaction between light and dark as its setting is in what can be assumed to be a house. I placed this piece at the edge of the sand where the water breaks overtop because this sort of changing environment relates to the fluidity and whimsicality of dark and light, the stairs itself also show a great shift as light recedes making where tides shift the perfect curational area. The final piece of art displayed is by Consuelo Child-Villiers called Aurora Borealis with Swan created in 2024. The rendition of the Aurora Borealis is a perfect example of light and dark energies interacting within nature, as well as the lightness of the swan seemingly swimming aimlessly through the darkness. The placement is just as the wave breaks across the sand almost symbolizing the spread of the darker energies towards the lightness of the sand. The swan in the artwork swimming across the canvas gives the look of fluidity specifically through the sort of water like background that displays the Aurora Borealis. The overall selection of these pieces follows that they all represented some type of day and night/light and dark interaction whether it was in a stairwell or through figures dancing, they all spoke towards the theme well. When picking the curatorial space I decided on a more fanciful, not so achievable exhibit in order to continue to embrace the interactions between light and dark that can be seen within nature, but to also give a sort of mystical quality to the exhibit.
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