#aaaa they are so cute
etherealyoungk · 1 month
thinking about mingyu who gets so excited telling you about his day. He talks so fast, his lisp becomes prominent that at some point you barely understand some phrases but its okay, you love him. You'll learn his "language". Even if he gets overly excited his hand gestures knock over his cup or his knees hit the coffee table. Sometimes theres just a brightness in his eyes and flush of his cheeks as he yaps that you just stare. He'd pout when you don't respond and you just giggle and kiss him silly cause he's so passionate, so adorable, so precious, and so yours.
🍙 anon this is so cute stop
imagine you’re curled up on the couch, reading a book while sipping on your coffee when mingyu bursts through the door. his face practically glowing with excitement and you can tell he's brimming with stories to tell you.
“gyu, how was your day?”, you ask as he takes a seat next to you.
before you can even take another sip of your coffee, he’s already launching into his tale. “you won’t believe what happened! i was at the—” mingyu begins, his words tumbling out in a rapid-fire. his enthusiasm makes his words merge into a blur of excitement.
as he talks, his hands fly around animatedly, demonstrating every detail of his story. at one point, he’s so engrossed in his explanation that he accidentally knocks your cup of coffee, which spills slightly. you try to keep up with what he is saying, but his enthusiasm is so infectious that you’re too busy watching his bright eyes and adorable, animated expressions, even if you catch only every third word,
“—and then i got this amazing—” he says, waving his hands so energetically that he nearly smacks the lamp next to the couch.
he’s so wrapped up in his excitement that he barely notices the chaos he’s creating. his eyes are sparkling, and his smile is so wide it seems to light up the room. you’re mesmerised by his passion and adorableness, and as you watch him with a soft, loving smile. he’s so cute that it’s almost overwhelming.
you giggle, unable to resist the charm of his energy. he finally pauses and notices you staring at him with an amused smile. “what? why are you looking at me like that?” he asks, pouting slightly.
you lean in, cupping his face gently in your hands. still laughing softly. "because you’re absolutely precious. your excitement is the sweetest thing ever and you're so adorable when you get excited and i love you so much.”
mingyu’s blush deepens, and his pout turns into an almost bashful smile. “really? i just got so caught up in telling you—”
“yes, really", you say, cutting him off. "you’re the cutest thing ever, and i wouldn’t trade these messy, adorable moments for anything.”
he giggles at your words, his eyes sparkling with joy as he looks at you. you lean in and plant a series of quick, silly kisses on his cheeks. “you’re just so precious. i can’t get enough of you.” you say between each kiss. the grin on mingyu's face is infectious as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer into a tight hug as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, getting shy. you just love him so much <3
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1nstantwast3landtr33 · 5 months
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The beautiful bride and the ugly ass groom
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mymarifae · 6 months
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shinonome akito the world
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stardryad · 2 months
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All that Stevie art inspired me so I made this pic into steddie 🤲💐 (trans Stevie my beloved)
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
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Truly the best clown I know.
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starrypawu · 2 months
the stickfigure gijinkas are fighting supervillains holy!!!!!
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some fanart for this fic called "Super Sticks" made by @dynamic-k !! its a superhero au and i have been enjoying it so far! though i did kinda wing it for the designs since im not sure on their outfit details and also their hair- so i mixed it with my designs !!
close ups below:3
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slayersins · 2 months
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putting that old man into situations and outfits and—
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prodigal-san · 15 days
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As promised, more art for my Role Reversal RadioApple AU 💛 Gosh I love this AU so much it’s so fuuuuun ✨
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choochooboss · 1 year
How to smile (feat. Marnie!)
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A silly comic from last July, inspired by Ingo's in game dialogue in Masters EX! Hope you enjoyed it!
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xochimillilili · 14 days
Yeah yeah fucking is so so cool but THE AFTER??? Gods I'm fucking melting and my heart is so soft
There's few things better than having my boy in my arms, completely fucked out and letting out the cutest little puppy whines n babbles, giving me kisses while I cuddle him close
Awww seems you finished real hard didn't you baby? Such a big orgasm for such an adorable little pup, that's my boy, you can rest now honey
Holding his sweet face in my hands, rubbing my thumbs on his cheeks, seeing his dazed out adorable expression, seeing him smiling at me so warmly, clinging onto to me, all sleepy and feeling good
My sweet boy~ I've got you, we can rest in each other's arms and hug for as long as we need. If you need a lil nap just say so honey, me n your plushies will keep you warm.You did so good, I'm so proud of you, I love you with every part of me
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httpiastri · 10 days
stop this rn
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this might actually be my favorite pic ever
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karawerewolf · 1 year
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Please y'all NEED to watch Nimona
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kijeu · 3 months
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favourite bang chan fancams 5 / ∞ [ 210912 inkigayo - thunderous ⋆ ]
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tulchip · 10 months
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luck-of-the-drawings · 5 months
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ANCIENT wip that i finally got around to splashin color onto. NO idea where this colorin style came from n it WONT happen again!! anyway i LOOOVE the general dynamic between arthur n emizel. both are so cool and so awesome and yet SO silly...
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monster-kawoshin · 5 months
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Source: here, here and here
Artist: Snail-kun (snaileatstoast on twitter)
Some info from the og tweet:
Working out how I’ll draw them. Rei is tall. Asuka is fashionable. Shinji is clumsy and often injures himself. Kaworu bonked him real hard on the head one time so he’s got a stupid ass bandaid there now
Republished with permission! Don't repost elsewhere!
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