#a.c.e7 imagine
pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Florist - Byeongkwan
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(Admin: Mitzy)
You hesitantly step up to the empty counter glancing around puzzledly looking for your boyfriend, Byeongkwan, who is also the florist at the local flower shop. He usually rushes to the front as soon as the bells above the door sound. You lean against the counter figuring he’s busy in the back of the shop.
“Sorry, we just got an order of artificial flowers,” he says pushing his hair away from his face you hum nodding your head, “do you have an order to pick up?” He asks leaning against the counter.
“Yes,” you trail off, “my friend asked me to pick up her wedding bouquet,” you roll your lips together, he nods stepping back toward the back of the shop.
“Here you go,” Byeongkwan says handing you the bouquet of roses, “I hope your Jihyo’s wedding goes well,” he says with a small laugh you hum nodding your head.
“Thank you,” you say brightly, “I’m really happy for her,” you say with a small sigh reaching into your bag to take out your wallet and pay for the flowers, “I won’t lie, though, I’m jealous,” you say with a laugh handing him the money for the flowers.
“Why?” He asks leaning further against the counter.
“Her boyfriend actually proposed to her,” you tease, “Yuchan asked me if you had proposed yet,” you admit he lets out a heavy sigh dropping his head, “I’m just teasing you,” you say softly running your hand through his hair.
“I figured we should wait until we got out of college, neither of us has rich parents like Yuchan,” Byeongkwan says with a small laugh, you return his laugh, “you should get going, I’ll see you later tonight,” he says gesturing towards the door you hum.
“Bye, I love you,” you call waving before turning away from him, he mirrors your words softly.
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dnghn-relocated · 7 years
Hello 😊, I hope you are OK. Can I request 95/126+Jun+zombie apocalipse (or something like that)? '0'. Thank you ❤
95 | “You’re cute when you’re all worried.”126 | “You nap, I’ll stay awake.”
Train to Busan!au; revamp of baseball boy (Jun) and team manager/cheerleader (you) a.k.a the ‘ending’ i wanted for them
words: 1,349genre: angst, gore warning
The pressure engulfing your hand from the squeeze of Jun’s grasp would have made you scream in agony if you weren’t so grateful he was holding on as tight as he was. Each stride of your legs to keep up with his pace had your lungs burning and the tears streaking your vision did nothing to aide in your dash from the train yard. However, the only thing keeping you going besides the hand holding you in a death grip was the man doing it, broken bat in hand and legs pumping as he led the both of you into the streets of Busan.
For a moment it seemed he was going to pause, let the pair of you take a breath but the mass of growling that followed you only sent him spurring further. It felt impossible that those things were sprinting at you almost as quickly as Jun was guiding you along. No matter the turns you made or the objects you shoved in their path, they pursued you in a way akin to a dog tracking its prey.
“This way,” Jun called out desperately.
His shoulder slammed into the bar of a nearby door, shoving the metal open before he swung you inside ahead of him. The second his body passed the barrier he turned and forced it shut, momentarily using his body as a blockade as a variation of thuds rang from the other side.
With your chest heaving, you took a moment to look around you, noting the poorly lit staircase leading up to another door before you turned back to Jun with a petrified look. There were no words needed to be said to know that you were both trapped in the stairwell, assuming that there were more of those things upstairs.
“It’s okay,” he said, but the look in his eyes betrayed him. His forehead was coated in sweat, hair sticking to his temples and body looking completely worn as he braced himself against the dwindling thuds to the door.
The minimal knowledge that you had of those things was the only reason you were still alive, but the second you stepped into their line of sight once again, it was over. As much as you wished to mull over why they had such a loss in memory after a prey was out of sight, your mind was too busy trying–and failing–to calm itself down.
For a few minutes, the pair of you remained in a breathy silence as the ramming of bodies against the door faded and Jun let himself slide to the floor. His head hung between his arms as he propped them up on his knees, forehead running over his bicep to wipe the sweat away while his mind became preoccupied. From the way his lips moved in silent words, you could tell he was analyzing any possible way to get out of your current situation but the more he mumbled the easier it was to view his frustration.
“You’re cute when you’re all worried.” Although it may have been poorly timed, the break of tension your words provided was enough to pause his onslaught of irritation, a half hearted smile forming at the edge of his lips.
“I don’t think cute is going to get us very far,” he commented but there was no malice in his tone. “But we do need to move. I don’t think it’s safe to stay here with those things right outside.”
Your head bobbed in agreement and you took a heavy breath as Jun pulled himself up and mindlessly brushed down his pants. His fingers drummed along the handle of the bat, his free hand rising to rest on your shoulder where he squeezed in a reassurance that brought your eyes to meet his. “Let’s go.”
At the top of the staircase, Jun handed you what was left of his bat as he pressed his ear to the door, using his hands to brace himself against the cool metal before letting one wander to the handle. His eyes met yours with a sliver of worry but with a wave of his hand you returned the bat and took a position behind him as his hand gripped the handle. You could feel the peak in his breathing with the hand resting on his back, his arm rising as he silently counted before he swung the door open.
In an instant he had the two of you pinned between the wall and door, waiting in bated silence for something to lunge through the opening but the air was still. There wasn’t a single peep, not even a shuffle of mutated feet or the hair-raising inhumane growl that you were sure would haunt you until the day you died. So, with your guard up and a massive amount of hesitance, you pulled yourselves from the wall and peeked around the edge of the door to find a brightly lit and void hallway.
Doors lined either side, some ajar and others closed, but the mess of varying office supplies spoke volumes of what had happened here. However, with the return of Jun’s hand in yours, you quietly left the stairwell and entered the hallway. For a moment it seemed the place was empty, and your grip on Jun’s hand let up until the obnoxious click of the door behind you echoed through the corridor. It didn’t even take a second for a raspy growl to bleed into your ears, pulling your eyes toward an open doorway that one of the dead sprung from.
Instantly Jun’s body squared in front of yours, bat at the ready to swing just as the thing came within arms reach. No sooner and Jun was haphazardly swinging the wood at the creature clawing at him, using the tape wrapped around his forearm to keep its mouth away as he shoved the splintered wood into the thing’s abdomen. Yet, without a single reaction, Jun pursed his lips in anguish and shoved the being away only to raise his bat as it charged him again and instead used the spiked end of the wood and rammed it into the things face. The sheer amount of force from its charge was enough for the wood to break through whatever bone was left and send it lifelessly colliding with the floor.
Jun’s body shook as he stood over it, his eyes unable to look away from the thing that had become his most recent kill. He was lost in what he had done and if it weren’t for the tug of your fingers on the back of his jacket, you were sure he could have spent hours staring at the thing. However, as you tucked your arm around his waist and pulled his arm across your shoulders, he allowed you to guide him away and toward one of the open rooms at the end of the hall.
After glancing inside, you ushered him in and shut the door, watching as he slowly walked toward the window spanning the back of the room. Your feet no sooner followed after him, stopping only a foot behind as you stared out at the burning landscape that was once the city. Every direction your eyes bored out at were only met by plumes of smoke and fire, only the streets showing signs of life in the form of whatever disease those people had gotten.
“You should rest, I’ll stay awake,” Jun said after an elongated silence. His head turned gently toward you, expression worn out and face marked with drying blood that you softly wiped at with the pad of your thumb.
“No,” you said quietly. “Just for now, we’re safe. So we should both try and get some rest.”
“But they could–”
“Jun,” you cut him off sternly. Your arm rose as you cast your hand in a gesture toward the empty room you were in, reminding him of the shut door that was shielding you from view. And although he was apprehensive, lips bobbing with a want to counter you, he nodded.
“We’re safe.”
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rooo · 5 years
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Oh boy...
Idk who took this pic, but thank u so fucking much
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beomgbear · 4 years
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Kim Byeongkwan icons (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
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reflectionssss · 5 years
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omegaxox · 4 years
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♡ jun & donghun you shine brighter than the sun lockscreens ♡
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-requests are open!
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kpoprunsmylifenow · 5 years
Sehyoon x Reader
Summary: Sehyoon gets sick after their Undercover promotions. And now you’ve been tasked to take care of him.
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“Take your medicine.” You said softly as you brushed Sehyoon’s hair away from his eyes. He groaned and tried to roll away. “Hey, come on. Once you take your medicine you can go back to sleep.”
He peeled open his eyes, groaning. You helped him sit up and handed him a glass of water. You made sure that you handed him the correct amount of medicine. He quickly took the medicine, and drunk the rest of his water.
“Are you feeling better?” He nodded his head slightly. “Good. You haven’t had a fever in a couple of hours, and it doesn’t seem like you have one now. Are you hungry?” He nodded again, but wouldn’t allow you to get up. You laughed and played with his hair.
“No get up.” He voiced, this voice thick and gruff. “Stay.” You laid down again. 
“Alright, but only for a few more minutes.”
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k-the-writing-bee · 5 years
See You Soon
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Pairing: Jun (Park Junhee) x Reader
Genre: Fluff
A/N: This has been reuploded from my previous writing account. So if you’ve read this before, surprise!
6:45. He was late. Again. You sat on the leather couch, gripping your second cup of hot tea. He forgot again. Your boyfriend has now stood you up on your last four dates.
The soft and warm coffee shop was now making you angry and embarrassed. You told him you just wanted some tea and to talk with him. Now, you’re sitting in a cafe, with almost every waiter asking if you wanted to order anything.
You opened your phone, hoping to see some missed call. An apology text, but nothing. You tapped on his contact name and dialed his phone number. You put the phone to your ear as you listened to the call ring, and ring, and ring.
“Hey, this is-“
You disconnect from the call before you could leave another voicemail to him. Putting your phone face down on the coffee table, you took your cup of tea and took a big sip. You tried your best to stay strong, but a stray tear fell from your eye, falling down your cheek. You caught it and wiped it away before it dropped off our face. A barista met your eyes and gave you a sympathetic smile. Embarassment taking you over, you quickly looked away and looked up at the ceiling, which was nothing but Edison-style string lights.
You were done.
“I’m sorry, Miss…” You snapped out of your haze and looked up at the barista, who had a smile on her face. “We’re starting to get busy and we don’t have a lot of space left. Do you know if you’re going to order anything?”
You were so embarrassed, you could just crawl in a hole and never come out. “I’m sorry, I’m still waiting-”
“I’m here, I’m here!” an unfamiliar voice ran out behind you. A guy with jet black hair sat next to you on the leather couch, “sorry I’m late, sweetie.” He gave a grin at you before looking at the barista, “I’d love a black coffee, please.” the barista was smiling at the stranger next to you, “Sure, I’ll be right back.”
The barista quickly went back and prepared his drink while you stared at him confused, “What are-”
“I’m sorry, you’re probably so confused, but I couldn’t stand to see you being harassed like that.” He smiled, “My name’s Junhee, but call me Jun.” 
You sighed in relief, “Thank you.” you took another sip of your tea, “I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you.”
The barista came back with your coffee and Jun thanked them, before turning his attention to you. “So, who’s the idiot that’s standing you up right now?”
Over the next hour, you and Jun began talking about everything. You told him that your boyfriend has continued to stand you up at multiple dates and how he never apologized for them. Eventually, things got more light-hearted and you began to learn more about Jun. He was an aspiring singer and was currently in a dance group with four of his friends who were trying to become singers as well. 
A night that was supposed to be an embarrassment, turned out to be one of the best nights you’ve had in a long time. Jun was such a nice guy and made you laugh until tears were falling down your cheeks. He listened intently to you and knew exactly how to comfort you with all that was going on with you and your boyfriend if that’s what you still wanted to call him.
Out of the blue, Jun asked you, “Why are you still dating someone as horrible as him?”
The question caught you off guard which made you gulp your last sip of tea down. Your boyfriend wasn’t kind, compassionate, or caring. Your boyfriend could care less about you sometimes, and the longer he kept doing this, the less good you could see in him.
“You know what Jun? I have no idea why I’m still with him.” You laid back into the leather couch, crossing your arms.
“He doesn’t deserve someone as wonderful as you.”
You looked back at him, a grin slowly growing on his face. The barista came back to the two of you on the couch, an embarrassed smile on her face. “Sorry guys, but we’re closing up.”
You looked down at your watch, 9:30 PM. Your eyes widened, were you reading that correctly? How did the time sprint by so quickly?
“I’m so sorry, we’ll leave now.” You quickly collected your things and threw on your jacket, Jun following you out the door.
Now Jun was standing next to you outside the cafe, smiling at you. The fall day had turned into a chilly night, which made you wrap your scarf tighter around your neck. Your hands were stuffed in your pockets, looking right back at him. You still couldn’t get over how attractive he was, and also how incredibly kind-hearted he is. Jun let out the sweetest chuckle, then spoke. “I’m sorry for the circumstances that made us meet. But I’m so happy I got to meet you.”
“I’m happy tonight turned out so well. Thank you, Jun.”
Jun grinned back at you, “I’d love to do this again sometime soon if you’d like to.”
You contemplated it for a minute. You still had a boyfriend. A boyfriend who stood you up on 4 consecutive dates, and refused to answer his phone all night. He was God knows where with God knows who. And here was Jun, someone who finally made you feel worthy again. Someone who understood you and made you laugh all night tonight. He wasn’t your boyfriend, and it was at that moment you decided that you didn’t need your current boyfriend anymore. You were over, you wanted nothing more to do with that asshole of a boyfriend of yours.
“I’d like that, Jun.”
He smiled ear-to-ear. “I’m so glad, let me give you my number, and we’ll find a day this week.” You quickly exchanged numbers, and you looked back at Jun, who was finishing up your contact in his phone.
“I’ll see you soon then.” He said
“Very soon.” The two of you smiled as you parted ways back to your homes. As you turned the corner to the subway station, you got out your phone, dialing the number of someone you needed to cut ties with. No surprise, your boyfriend’s phone went to voicemail, and this time you left a message.
You were about to start your message for him when you looked up and your eyes widened. There was your boyfriend, a smile on his face. The smile was not directed at you, but the platinum blonde at his hip. His hand intertwined with hers and he was leaving kisses on her cheek.
Before you knew what you were doing, you stormed up to him, throwing your phone back into your jacket pocket. “Glad to know where you are.” You said to him, and his jaw dropped to see you.
“Hey.” He tried to say as casually as possible. The girl looked back at you, giving you a dirty look.
“Hey?” You said back to him. “I’ve been waiting at the coffee shop for the last 4 hours. And you didn’t show up.”
“I’m sor-“
“Please, save it for someone who cares.” You interrupted him. “Save it for your new girlfriend.”
The blonde’s eyes widened at you. “What does she mean by new girlfriend, babe?” The blonde looked back up at him. All the color had left his face. His eyes widened and jaw dropped, he stared back at you.
“Uh-I.” He stammered between the three of you.
Your train was coming into the station and you looked back at him one last time. “I hope the two of you have a great night.”
You jumped on your train and sped away from your now ex-boyfriend. A feeling of relief washed over you, leaving all your stress, worry, and anxiety over that one man behind.
Three days later, you found yourself on the subway after work, going back to the coffee shop, a little smile on your face as you read your text.
NEW MESSAGE from Junhee:
“I can’t wait to see you soon. :)”
You hadn’t been this excited and nervous for a date in a long time. You and Jun had been in almost constant contact since your night with him at the cafe. He heard all about what happened after the two of you left the cafe, and everything leading up to today.
You got off at your stop and walked the two blocks to the cafe. You suddenly became nervous, what if he wasn’t there? Maybe it was a fear from your previous boyfriend, but it still worried you. The last thing you wanted was to be stood up again.
You walked through the coffee shop and sighed in relief to see a boy with jet black hair and thin wire framed glasses sitting on the same leather couch where he saved you from a huge fit of embarrassment. He had a book out, and he was reading to pass the time before you got to the cafe.
“Hello again.” You smiled at him.
He couldn’t help but smile back at you, “Hello beautiful.”
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Interrupted - Wow
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(Admin: Babyboiii, I love Kim Sehyoon n I think he is a truly soft man, I just wanted to say that before I wrote this request)
“Where are the other members?” You question taking notice that only you and Sehyoon were in the dorm.
"Junhee went to the store and Donghun tagged along with him, I think Byeongkwan is here," Sehyoon trails off looking towards the half-open bedroom door, "he's probably asleep," he concludes, "and Yuchan is promoting with UNB," he says with a small nod that you return.
"It's been a while since we've been alone, here at least," you say with a small laugh leaning further into his side.
Sehyoon leans down to press a chaste kiss to your cheek surprising you. You turn so that you’re facing him, pulling yourself away from his side Sehyoon shoots you a confused glance before breaking into a smile. Sehyoon cups your cheek with one of your hands leaning down to press his lips to yours again, but the kiss wasn’t a chaste short kiss like the previous. Sehyoon moves further into the kiss moving you further back onto the couch.
“Can we do this?” You rush out when Sehyoon pulls back your hand on his chest, Sehyoon nods leaning back down to press his lips to yours again.
His lips effectively make you dismiss your worries of anyone coming in. You wrap one of your arms around his neck pulling him closer losing yourself in the kiss. Sehyoon presses his chest against yours settling his weight further onto your own. You slide one of your hands along Sehyoon's back the other one lacing through his hair.
"Sorry," Byeongkwan's voice calls out loudly making both you and Sehyoon jump, Sehyoon covers his mouth with his hand embarrassed.
"I knew we'd get caught," your say in a hushed voice hitting his shoulder and arm pushing him lightly.
"It was just Byeongkwan," Sehyoon mutters through his hand, "at least it wasn't Junhee," Sehyoon says putting his hand on your thigh with a small smile.
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noris-nebula · 5 years
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[10:42 am]
<these have turned into ideas now not writings i’m sorry babies>
renting bikes in france and slowly taking in the lovely views with byeongkwan? yes pls
Kim Byeongkwan
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wonhobb · 5 years
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rooo · 5 years
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hanbff · 6 years
you were making dinner when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. you smiled, knowing who it was. you turned around to donghun and gave him a proper hug.
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incorrect-ace · 6 years
Jun: *going to Wow's attic* Hey, Yoonie!
Wow: What's up?
Jun: Are you sure you are gettig enough sleep when you are being up here?
Wow: Sometimes when I sneeze, my eyes close for a second.
Jun: *drags Wow down to bed*
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omegaxox · 4 years
ace jun lq icons please ☁️✨ thanks
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♡ a.c.e jun lq icons ♡
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i hope you like these 💓
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hyunjeannies · 5 years
Eid Mubarak loves ❤️
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