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basicallyanotherwitchesthing · 11 months ago
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Joseph A. Pelletier, A.A. - God Speaks at Garabandal - Assumption - 1970
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buriedyou · 4 months ago
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previously found at: argaent, lunite, queenwolf, etc.
This characterization of Allison is unique to canon material. She DID die after being impaled by an oni’s katana in season three and remained clinically dead for the next hour. However, she was then revived and RESURRECTED. She remained in the hospital for six days as she recuperated. For the next ten weeks, she struggled to fit back into ordinary life alongside her friends and family. Despite their joy at the prospect of her second chance at life, Allison felt unhappy and out of place. She frequently suffered headaches and strange hallucinations different from the ones she experienced after her first death in the ice baths. Under the impression that these feelings and hallucinations were fueled by her brush with death, ALLISON LEFT BEACON HILLS with her father and began learning how to run a business, which would later help her to spearhead her own trade separate from her family’s hunting business. After a year of travel and research, Allison parted ways with her father and settled in New Orleans, Louisiana, where she reconnected with her estranged great aunt, Adelaide Argent. With her aunt’s help, Allison discovered the truth about who she was and why she did not fit in again following her death. Upon her resurrection, Allison’s subtle body and true soul were reawakened and the hallucinations she had been experiencing were from her past lives. HER ORIGINAL LIFE, SHE WILL DISCOVER, WAS THAT OF THE MOON GODDESS, SELENE. Allison will struggle with this revelation as her memories slowly return to her over time.
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OUTER BODY FULL NAME: Allison Marcheline Argent NICKNAME: Ally, Louloutte SUBTLE BODY EPITAPH(S): Selene, Goddess of the Moon; Diana, Goddess of Hunting and the Moon; Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt; Phoebe the Huntress, Marie-Jeanne Valet; Luna GENDER: Cis-female SPECIES: Titan Goddess HEIGHT: 5’7” WEIGHT: 145 lbs. AGE: 22 years old ( timeless ) BIRTHDAY: February 2 SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, polite French ( most known languages are understood at a conversational level )
HAIR: Dark brown, almost inky. Cut an inch past shoulder - length. Thick and healthy; very soft to the touch. Shiny. EYES: Brown, like chocolate. Almond shape, thick lashes. SKIN TONE: Cool toned, pale. Translucent. Veins easily found in the arms and wrists, though deep grey in color. BODY TYPE: Willowy. Very leggy. Most of her height is in her legs. Slim torso and waist. Her hips are not particularly wide, so she appears almost triangle in body shape with wider shoulders tapered to her waist. She is prone to losing weight rather than gaining it. ACCENT: Slight southern French. VOICE: Very smooth. Her voice is lower in timbre and rich in quality. Most would find her voice soothing, a comfort. It almost hums, a subtle reverb when raised in volume that can be disconcerting to human ears. DOMINANT HAND: Right POSTURE: Impeccable. Her background in gymnastics and dance have instilled in her excellent posture and gait when she walks. She is very graceful, very light on her feet. SCARS: Jagged, ugly, four inch diameter scar on her stomach above her belly button where the oni impaled her. NOTABLE FEATURE(S): Allison is very ethereal in her beauty. There is something to her appearance that immediately gives off the effect of something not of this world, celestial in her features. After her resurrection, she gives off a subtle glimmer that is not perceivable to the human eye. SCENT(S): Jasmine. Spicy, like cinnamon and incense. Something you can’t quite place. Petrichor. Ozone before a storm. Dewdrops on leaves and fresh air. An open field, open sky. Running water freezing, the slippery rocks underneath. Nostalgia.
HOBBIES: Baking and cooking. Allison loves making food! She especially loves sweets; her specialty is her crème brûlée recipe. She also enjoys yoga and meditation, and often attends a variety of workout classes. Her favorites are pilates, spin, and kickboxing. Allison likes antiques and will scour second - hand and thrift stores in her free time. She really loves old records, silverware, and pictures. MENTAL ILLNESSES: Depression, bouts of paranoia and insomnia. History of bulimia nervosa in middle school. When it comes up, peri- and post-partum depression. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: She suffers headaches off and on as she regains more and more of her past life memories. When it comes up, she has difficulty carrying pregnancies to term, which leads to 2 miscarriages. ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good VULNERABILITIES: She can be very prideful and stubborn. Once she’s set her heart on something, it can be difficult to talk her out of her set course. Allison also has a habit of getting into other people’s business, usually as a display of care to whoever she is reaching out. POWERS: Prior to her resurrection, any abilities that she would have as a goddess lie dormant. After her death and revival, her powers are inaccessible until she becomes fully aware of who she is and completes her memory resurgence. Post-resurrection Allison CAN DIE, but with this, she has the ability to manipulate her own mortality (read: she can choose whether or not she wants to stick around longer than a human’s typical lifespan). While she does have force power, it is not at all a strong suit of hers and she prefers it that way, honestly. Another important ability to point out are her existential manifestations, which explains how she leap-frogs through so many lives and variations of herself. This means, simply put, that she has the ability to manifest through different personalities and entire beings (i.e. Selene becoming Artemis, Phoebe, and eventually Allison Argent). Finally, Allison is an expert marksmen and close combat fighter even before she is killed, but her personal resurgence with these divine powers, of course, enhances her abilities and gives her inhuman strength. She is goddess of the hunt, after all. Some more general powers include: divine adaptation, divine energy manipulation, divine presence, divine resurrection, divine territory, divine sense, divine weaponry/artillery, divine healing. The following section lists her abilities specific to interactions with animals and supernatural monsters, which pertain directly to her role as goddess of wild animals and wilderness: divine communication, divine monster manipulation, animal empathy, animal scrying, animal taming, transcendent connection, zoolingualism, animal telepathy, and divine summoning.
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the rumblings of gerard argent’s reappearance. PRESENT DAY. in the middle of establishing peaceful ground in the fight between humans and animals, something has shifted. the minds that allison has been changing are suddenly getting cold feet. the friends she has made are questioning her fealty. and all these trembling fissures of pressure seem to lead to a ghost thought as long dead as the moon...
allison is based in new orleans where she has relocated argent international’s main headquarters.
she travels often for work, acting as both the ceo and a contractor herself for her own company.
those outside of the supernatural community may very well be familiar with allison, as she is a public figure. besides running a two-fold company, she also regularly volunteers her time in any way she can, often times working with disaster relief across the united states as well as with victims of abuse and domestic violence. she finds joy in philanthropy when she has the time.
within the supernatural community, she is received in mixed light. hunters and shifters alike are either wary of her, furious with her, or hopeful that the change she is forging will last. she has a very large target on her back.
she is aware of the rumors of gerard’s return, but she has not yet run into him. it’s clear that he is waiting for the opportune moment.
IMPORTANT: interactions runs under the assumption that the supernatural world is not known to the general public. governments across the globe are privy to this knowledge, including the u.nited s.tates, and all have a hand in the politics associated with the community, mostly in very negative ways. essentially, the supernatural world is treated much the same way as area 51, cryptids, missing 411 phenomena, etc etc etc. just silly myths and stories made up by locals and fanatics. with that being said, argent international masquerades as a security employer, in that private and not-so-private individuals and conglomerate entities hire personnel through a.i. for security and protective services. it, of course, is actually a consulting agency with similar services for both human and supernatural beings.  the goal of a.i. is to protect both the human world and spn.
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ck5050 · 11 months ago
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iamalittleufo · 5 months ago
I am confident that what is meant for me, will find me. I am no longer holding onto too tightly to what has already let go of me. -dontjudgemeforsinning
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judahmaccabees · 10 months ago
loosey goosey
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laurenillustrated · 6 months ago
Christopher Robin and friends playing in the autumn leaves 🍁
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My favorite time of the year! 🍂
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perfectfeelings · 3 months ago
You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.
A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh
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te-x-8 · 2 years ago
Un día a la vez...
Llevo dos meses y medio limpio del consumo de alcohol, tres años ya sin fumar marihuana, para esta última realmente no tuve problema en cesar su consumo, solo hizo falta una pandemia global para no volver a ver al dealer, el bueno, el chido o como le denomine a su proveedor predilecto de sustancia.
En cambio el tema del alcohol es punto y aparte, para tener la capacidad de abstenerme fue necesario el pasar cerca de tres meses en una casa de rehabilitación, a diferencia de lo que comúnmente se dice o se cree, la estancia no se mide en meses sino en periodos de 28 días, me faltaron 5 para tener ese tercer periodo completo, cosas de la vida, mi esposa y mi hija me regresaron a casa el 1o de enero de este año, ellas pasaron conmigo y con mis queridos locos, borrachos, drogadictos y enfermos emocionales (que hoy traigo incrustados en el pecho, del lado izquierdo) las fiestas del 24 y 31 de diciembre, las amo, nunca me dejaron solo.
En fin, este blog... o Tumblr... o como le quiera usted llamar (asumo que alguien por ahí extraviado en el océano inmenso que es internet, entre los miles, millones de personas que escriben algo inteligente y dejan huella en él, por alguna extraña circunstancia encontró esta nota dentro de una botella que lancé hace siete años y algunos meses) tuvo como intensión narrar en prosa libre, ligera, sencilla algunos hechos o capítulos, quizás anécdotas de lo que ha sido y fue mi vida como Te Por Ocho o dígase sin resquemor: borrachito.
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Recibí por correo la notificación del aniversario del blog, no pude destapar una cerveza para festejar porque tenía 9 días internado.
Durante mi estancia en la mencionada casa (tengo que hacer énfasis en esto, no estuve anexado o engranjado, no por pena, discriminación o algún tipo de elitismo, el sitio en que estuve lamiendo heridas no trabaja con los internos como en un anexo o granja aunque si comparte los pilares: el programa de 12 pasos a la usanza de A.A. y N.A.) escribí un diario impulsado por la necesidad de preservar una memorabilia de todo lo que veía y escuchaba, para alguien con una carrera alcohólica de 25 años, de los cuales los últimos 10 fueron de ir metiendo pie al acelerador, había situaciones, temas y emociones que si en el mejor de los casos no eran nuevos, por lo menos verlos desde la abstinencia era como ver la vida de miope con lentes nuevos y recién graduados.
Ahora con dos meses y medio de asbtencionismo, que no sobriedad, recordé este blog y que quizá podría darle ese uso para el que en su momento pensé que sería el indicado, voy a vaciar en él justo mis anécdotas de borracho y de adicto en recuperación no con el fin de que alguien me lea sino con la intención de hacer catarsis, algo que aprendí en mi estancia en rehabilitación: soy un enfermo de mis emociones, ellas alimentan mi adicción, si las hablo aligero la carga que soporto en los hombros y me resulta más fácil andar por la vida.
Solo por hoy.
24 Horas.
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thoughtkick · 23 days ago
I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.
A.A. Milne // Winnie-the-Pooh
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ylge · 30 days ago
In Khun family floor 🟦
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deiaiko · 2 months ago
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Cookie for @jusalilweird and Ceryna
Flustered Khun! Khun with a completely red face buried in his hands while the other person laughs fondly. Bam lifting up Khun, where Bam looks very pleased with himself and Khun is flustered/blushy
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fairmerthefarmer · 5 months ago
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This fall has launched me into Winnie the Pooh nostalgia
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References cause this was more of a semi screenshot redraw
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resqectable · 4 months ago
Some people care too much. I think it’s called love.
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
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perfectquote · 2 months ago
I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.
A.A. Milne // Winnie-the-Pooh
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dabiconcordia · 13 days ago
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“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” ― A.A. Milne
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abbyshands · 1 year ago
🇵🇸 LINKS | before engaging !!! | click before you fic ♡ | m. list | join my tag list!
fix you by coldplay makes me think about ex gf!abby anderson criminally speeding down a highway. it’s raining, it’s freezing, and she shouldn’t be doing this, but she is. you were seconds away from saving what you had with her, but too late, it was over, she didn’t want you. then she went home, approached her door, and she saw you. saw the times she picked you up in her muscular arms, kissed you like you’d fade if she didn’t as she dragged you inside. she saw you on her couch when she got into her living room, sprawled across her lap as you rambled to her. tried to sleep it off in her bed, but she didn’t see you this time, she felt you, cuddled up in her arms as she kissed you to sleep. and then she cried, she bawled, because she had lost you. she had been an idiot, because how could she have let you go? then she left the house, got into her car, and fucking sped. rain falling down all around her, battling to get to you as fast as she could. like someone, someone wiser, who would never let you go, would get to you before she could. and she couldn’t allow it, she wouldn’t. you didn’t open the door at first when you heard her knock. you were numb, exhausted, sick. you couldn’t speak to a soul, not when you were like this. not when you had lost the only person who could make you feel what you did for abby. and who could even be here at this hour? but her knocking is deafening, goddamn incessant, and you can’t ignore it. you get up from bed, walk to the door, and your heart drops. it’s her. and your eyes are red. your heart is frigid, vacant. you can’t feel a thing but the cold, rainy wind on your cheeks as soon as you open the door. and abby’s there. blonde braid soaked, face red. she’s been out here for a while, obviously. but she couldn’t leave, not when you were at stake. “abby?” you’d mumble, and she wouldn’t even answer. she cups your face in her hands, pulls you close, kisses you. and when she pulls back? “baby,” she whispers, and it’s sweet, and it’s endearing, and it’s sorrowful, but it’s home. her kiss says sorry. what she calls you only yells it. and when she pulls you into her arms, embracing you like she’ll never let you go again, because she won’t? she doesn’t need words to explain it. “i promise you i will learn from my mistakes.” because she would never make the same one again.
and just to add in this lyric: “tears stream down your face, when you lose something you cannot replace” abby anderson could never replace what was irreplaceable. you were everything to her. you were perfect. all that she wanted. all that she craved, come hell or high water, no matter what happened. and she’d be damned if she ever let you slip from her fingers again.
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