#a:tla au
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biconickyoshi · 2 years ago
Thought I’d share some of my favorite songs on my playlist for my Zukaang AU, The Avatar and the Fire Prince! I have a lot more songs than just these on there, but these are the ones I feel like are just *chef’s kiss*.
If you haven’t read it, in this AU, Zuko and Iroh discover Aang in the iceberg right after Zuko was burned and banished at age 13 in 96AG, so he and Aang are only one year apart in age. The AU will eventually follow a similar course of events as the canon show, just over the span of 4ish years instead of 1, meaning that Aang will be nearly 16 when Sozin’s Coment arrives in 100AG. The images of Aang and Zuko below represent what they will both look like at that time (pic of Aang is from the Imbalance comic trilogy where he’s around 15-16, pic of Zuko is from S3E21 where he’s 16, likely nearly 17).
19 chapters are currently posted on ao3 (most recent update was 9/15/23), and I’m getting super close to 1k kudos, which is absolutely mind-boggling to me!! I never expected that my fic would get this much love, especially as someone who has never posted a fic before lol. If you’re a reader, thank you so so much for your support! ❤️
Links below are all to YouTube videos since I know not everyone has Spotify :)
muse - MisterWives
light - wave to earth
Clouds - flor
Colours of You - Baby Queen
Glue Song (feat. Clairo) - beabadoobee
like everyone else - zeph (this fits pining Zuko so well)
From The Start - Laufey
More Than The Day Before - Cody Fry
Smitten - Leanna Firestone
Would You Be So Kind - dodie
Body Language - Mint Green
Anyone But You - Particle House, Le June
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the-herdier · 9 months ago
I've got a "Jet lives" AU in my head where Zuko and Iroh stumble across the injured Jet and co. and help as much as they can to safely get him to a healer, because "even if it looks bad, it's best to try anyways". Zuko may or may not lose his composure a little bit because he does want to help, but he doesn't know how. Also, Jet manages to overhear Zuko and Iroh's true names during this time.
Anyways, they are able to get him to a healer in time, but his injuries are severe indeed and he will have to spend a long time bedridden. A concerned Zuko pays him a couple of visits while he's recovering, where it's revealed that Jet now knows his name. Zuko further confesses that he is, in fact, a firebender, and just like that Jet has to come to terms with the fact that while firebenders certainly destroyed his life, it was also firebenders who helped to save it. He's not sure what to think at first, but eventually the pair become friends.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 10 months ago
Procrastinating my writing by instead designing an A:tLA au for Trials of the Six.
Hiel: Waterbender, Southern Water Tribe. Presumed dead during one of the Fire Nation raids due to such excessive resistance that they just stabbed him and left him to die.
Jarsali: Airbender, formerly Eastern Air Temple. Narrowly escaped the genocide and was taken in by Korfel. Earned her tattoos, hides them under long sleeves, gloves, and a headband.
Korfel: Earthbender, formerly of a noble house in Omashu but left due to a rebellious streak. Became a wandering mercenary and adopted Jarsali as his little sister to hide her from the Fire Nation. (they look nothing alike but when questioned they claim to be half-siblings sharing a father)
Aquilar: Waterbender, Northern Water Tribe. Still a privateer helmsman, but on a ship that raids Fire Nation ships because he's absolutely insane.
Raiann: Firebender, Fire Nation Exile. Sullied her family's honor by speaking out publicly against the Air Nomad Genocide. Not particularly interested in going back.
A few years before Sozin's Comet: Korfel runs away from home and uses his skills to become a mercenary for hire.
Air Nomad Genocide: Jarsali escapes the Temple, killing multiple Fire Nation soldiers in the process. Korfel discovers her, injured and grieving, and takes her under his wing.
A few years post-Genocide: Aquilar takes up privateering. Raiann is exiled. Hiel is left for dead, survives (somehow), and realizes he can't go back to his village so he sets off north.
Idk where I'm going with this. Obviously the group comes together eventually, and from there? Dunno. Maybe they help establish the White Lotus. Maybe they assume Aang died (if Jarsali knows Aang was the avatar) and go to seek out the next one. Maybe they just proceed to wreck shit and make Sozin's life miserable trying to track them down.
Considering ToS takes inspiration from A:tla especially in the magic system area, it was interesting to figure out both the bending disciplines and the world locations my ocs would fall into. I considered making Jarsali a lightning bender but because of the timeline I went with it fits more to be an airbender. If I went with the LoK era, she would definitely be a lightning bender because that was a lot more common.
Anyway, just had a brief moment of inspiration and wanted to share :)
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heyhanibee · 2 months ago
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d8tl55c · 11 months ago
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they are dancing.
rendered again a lil different in minecraft /artmap bc i can't use normal art programs lately ig
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were-wolverine · 2 years ago
zuko’s banishment but iroh takes him to piandao (zuko already knows him from sword training & iroh knows him from the white lotus) instead of the Wani
they fake his death, and zuko is raised by piandao. he becomes a master swordsman at a young age (obviously). nobody is looking for him, so he is able to live relatively peacefully working with piandao- until they hear the Avatar is back. zuko, as the blue spirit, goes after him and the gaang to make sure they don’t die and aren’t caught by the fire nation military (breaking him out of pohui, freeing appa, etc.)
they finally actually meet when the gaang gets close to piandao’s and zuko decides to return home, only for sokka to show up asking to be trained (and getting distracted by the cute boy watching him across the yard as he cleans his blades).
at pohui aang took off zuko’s mask bc he was injured, so when the rest of the gaang goes to piandao’s aang is like “wait i know you!” and zuko’s like “oh shit”
sokka of course has already been crushing on the blue spirit and freaks when he finds out that he’s actually really attractive and cool and nice???
from there zuko reluctantly joins the gaang and teaches aang firebending. the rest pretty much goes the same, but iroh becomes firelord after ozai and redemption arc!azula becomes heir to the throne. also zukka
(btw zhao was the one chasing the gaang instead of zuko, but that doesn’t really change much since he was already following aang anyway)
tl;dr - zuko’s death is faked post-agni kai and he is raised by piandao as a master sword fighter
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arverst-aegnar · 10 months ago
ZK Month Day 17: Reality TV AU
I can only hope that someday the ever-increasing catalogue of "things i want to draw" will grow powerful enough to defeat my absolute disinterest in actually drawing, but until then.
I have a few ZK month ideas i'm working on (slowly, so slowly) apart from the one i've finished, but this idea isn't likely to go anywhere, so i'll share it as-is and hope that someone is inspired enough to draw/write something based off of it ;-). Basically: Zutara "Dancing with the Stars" AU.
Zuko is the professional dancer, following in his mother's footsteps (haha). He's anxious about having a role on such a public platform, what with the scar, but it's something his uncle has been gently encouraging him to do for a while now. Katara meanwhile is a famous athlete. While she's more interested in competing and reaching the top of her field than the fame, she certainly doesn't dislike all the attention, and her press agent thinks that, since she's recently risen in public status thanks to a particular accomplishment, competing on the show can only help keep her in the public eye for longer. Her desire to prove herself and to be a serious contender clashes with Zuko's insecurity and hesitance to Be Seen, but the push and pull between them (countered by an immediate spark of connection) is enough to keep them moving without throwing them off-balance.
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thebisexualwreckoning · 10 months ago
Giving modern au!Azula today which you know makes sense because I’m currently on my way to hunt down my big brother and bring him home (he’s graduating college and I’m on my way to bully him into getting a job nearer to home)
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How successful would Sokka…
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Do you want to submit a potential protector for Ellie? Click here if you do!
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biconickyoshi · 1 year ago
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Zuko ran up to where the figure had fallen, for some reason forgetting who this person could be and the danger he could be in, and pulled them onto their back. He was surprised when he realized that the person he was holding appeared to be a boy, seemingly around the same age as himself. The boy wore robes of yellow and orange and had a completely clean-shaven head, as well as unmistakable blue arrow tattoos all over his body, with the most prominent one making a point on his forehead.
Still astonished, Zuko watched as the boy’s gray eyes fluttered open. Forgetting who this person was and what he was supposed to be doing in this situation, he found himself mesmerized, unable to pull his gaze away.
“I need to ask you something,” the boy said in a weak voice that had not even deepened yet.
“What?” Zuko responded, his mouth acting before his brain could tell him to stop.
“Please… come closer,” the boy said again.
— excerpt from The Avatar and the Fire Prince, Book 1: Air, Chapter 1: The Boy in the Iceberg
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I’m back again with fan art of my own AU 😅 I’m really proud of how the first piece turned out, especially considering I have literally no knowledge of how to draw backgrounds lol (I admittedly got pretty lazy there).
I also decided to combine the full-body pose drawings of the boys that I posted individually a few weeks ago onto one canvas (if you saw that those, you may have noticed Aang has been flipped here; I thought it looked better with them side by side). This is how Zuko and Aang appear at the beginning of the AU, ages 13 and 12 respectively.
As of the time of making this post, my fic now has nearly 1.3k kudos!!! 🎉🎉🎉 To anyone who has commented, left kudos, or read even a little bit of it: thank you so so much for the support ❤️
I’m almost done with B2CH12 (chapter 24 overall), so hopefully that will be posted sometime this weekend :) It's The Deserter, an episode that I've been curious of how to adapt for awhile now considering Aang already has two firebenders traveling with him and thus does not need Jeong Jeong as a teacher. I'm not going to spoil anything, but I hope y'all will like where I decided to go with this chapter and what I changed from canon.
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the-herdier · 2 months ago
A thought:
Firebender!Johnny Cade.
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spamlets · 1 year ago
pebbles but he can waterbend 💖💕
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zukkaart · 2 years ago
If I see ONE MORE divorced Zukka post I will RIOT
Every sad song is about them before they met and every happy song is about them after they met. Idc idc idc
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anarchycox · 2 months ago
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hakoda/Zuko (Avatar), Piandao & Sokka (Avatar) Characters: Hakoda (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Toph Beifong Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Age Difference, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck, Bisexual Hakoda (Avatar), Zuko is Bad at Feelings (Avatar), Oblivious Sokka (Avatar) Summary:
In peak dad behavior, Hakoda asks Zuko why he didn't go to law school then immediately admits that if he was younger he would be bisexual. Unfortunately for Sokka, Zuko is into that. Like... really into it. A rainstorm drives Hakoda right into Zuko's arms, and leads to the most awkward night of Sokka's life.
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the-imperial-nuisance · 9 months ago
Zuko would love Jullus.
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