#a trailer for a fic that doesn't exist?
kathastrophen · 2 years
SPLIT - an origin story
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fire-and-swan · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dimension 20 (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Riz Gukgak, The Bad Kids (Dimension 20) Additional Tags: Fantasy High Sophomore Year Spoilers (Dimension 20), mostly for that very last scene, Stream of Consciousness, Unreliable Narrator Summary:
Riz doesn’t remember much of Junior Year. This is what he does remember.
Riz doesn't remember much of Junior Year. He remembers the light. He remembers saying that name. He remembers something warring with him in an instant, something reaching through his shadow to grab him by the throat and pull him under and away. He remembers It. He doesn't remember much after that.
He remembers fragments of moments. He remembers spending time with his friends. Laughing, talking. He knows that it wasn't him. He knows that the imitation was perfect. He remembers realising that It had been watching him for days, weeks, months. Ever since he had gotten that tattoo, It had been following him. It had been paying attention, and It is a very good actor.
He remembers his friends suggesting going on an adventure. He knows they wanted to fix things, but he doesn’t remember what they wanted to fix. He remembers them suggesting researching, and later suggesting travelling. He remembers telling them that they had nothing to worry about. That nothing had happened yet, he'd been watching, and until it did, how could they even be sure that their research lined up with what they were facing? He remembers, in his few moments of clarity, trying to guide them down the right track. Because he wanted It gone, but It didn't want to leave. Not yet. Not until It had gotten what It came here for. He had no idea what It wanted. He still has no idea what It wanted. If anyone else knows, they won't say. But he knows, he knew, that he'd do whatever it took to stop It from getting exactly that.
He remembers the moment of betrayal. He remembers the fall. The moment of grief, of betrayal, of realising that someone they had been calling 'friend' had been working for the enemy. He remembers their words. He remembers the pain he felt. He remembers their grief and betrayal and pain. But all second-hand. All as It fed on the pain It was causing. He doesn't remember the moment they realised he wasn't him. He doesn't know what gave It away. He doesn't know how long it took. He doesn’t know for sure that they ever figured it out. He hopes they did. He hopes they know that he wasn’t doing things willingly, that he wasn’t doing things at all. But all he knows is that they realised it was connected to this plane through him. And he can't decide if that's a blessing, or a curse.
He remembers moments of clarity. He remembers trying to convince his friends that he was him, not It. He remembers telling them to do whatever it takes to stop It. He remembers telling them to save themselves, to save the world. Even if it meant killing him, to stop It. He remembers their expressions when he suggested that. But he doesn't remember their reply.
He remembers waking up. He remembers the cut of the ropes. He remembers the smell of wax and arcane in the air. He remembers the fading echoes of chanting. He remembers the musty taste of the gag in his mouth. He remembers the stiffness of his shoulders. He remembers trying to convince them that it had worked. That It was gone. He remembers the looks that they didn't think he caught. He remembers weeks of looks. He remembers being trailed. He remembers letting them trail him.
He remembers the loss of trust. The loss of their trust in him. The loss of his trust in himself.
He remembers fragments. He knows what it felt like for a few scattered moments between being pulled under, and being pulled out. It feels like he aged years. But he knows it was months. He knows it was less than a year. He doesn't trust his sense of time anymore. He can't. He's lost too much of it. He trusts the watch his dad gave him. He trusts the calendar on his crystal. He knows he checks both far too frequently. But he can't help it. He can't trust his own sense of time, and he has to trust something.
He remembers before. And he remembers after. He doesn't remember the time in-between. But he can see it, in the changes. He can see it, in the relaxed stability between Kristen and Tracker. He can see it in the length of Fabian's hair, and the colour of Adaine's. He can hear it in the two new albums Fig and Gorgug have released. Which for once he knows none of the songs from. He can feel it in the way they all move around him. They don't trust him anymore. They don't trust that he is still the person they knew. But that's the only thing he can trust about himself. He's grown a little. He's gained and lost muscle mass in odd places. His room and office are both messes that he doesn't know how to navigate. 
But he knows himself. He is still Riz Gukgak. Some days that is all he can be sure of. He wishes that they could be sure of that too.
He remembers what they were all like, before. And he watches them together. Talking, laughing. They don't do any of that around him anymore. They fake it, and they fake it well. But he knew them, once. And he remembers. He watches from the shadows, hidden and safe, knowing that were he to emerge their relaxed joy would fix into something forced. He watches them pass. He lets them go. And he remembers.
He knows who he was. He knows who he is. And he knows- He knows he is no longer one of the Bad Kids. But he remembers. 
And as they approach, unaware of where he hides, Riz Gukgak (licensed investigator, ex-member of the AV club, CI of the Lower Planar Reconnaissance Task Force, mid-level rogue) adjusts his bag and runs.
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Crash and Burn 5
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My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Tony Stark
Summary: a powerful man comes crashing into your life. Literally.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You sit on the back porch, reading a book as you avoid the dingy tabacco laden walls inside. After claiming a couple slices of pizza, you quickly evacuated, your mom latched onto your guest like gum beneath a diner table. You're happy enough to be alone.
You just want it all done with. You want to be done with him.
Your mom just needs to do one thing. Get the trailer and be done with the man overdosing on his own ego. She's never been on to let things go, especially nothing like this.
The screen door opens and closes. You stay as you are.
“Your chariot awaits, princess,” Tony declares as he approaches. You look up as he stands behind you.
“What do you mean?” You close the book and stand, not liking how his pant leg touches your arm. You face him as his mouth slants, the silver in his goatee catching the dimming sunlight.
“Me. Gonna take you for another ride.” He rests his hand on the wooden railing as you stand on the step below.
“No,” you say bluntly. “I have work tomorrow so I need to go get ready for bed.”
“What’s the matter? If you don’t like pepperoni, you could’ve said something,” he tilts his head. "I thought you had extensive experience with meat... workong in a deli and all."
“Really? You know this isn’t about the pizza,” you sneer.
“I know what it’s about as well as you.” He steps closer and looks down at you. “It’s this.”
He swirls his finger between you.
You narrow your eyes and grimace. “This... what?”
“Sexual tension. It’s like a noose, isn’t it? I’m close to gagging.”
You glare back at him, “you really believe every woman on earth wants you?”
“I know it so let's stop fucking around just get to the fucking.” He winks.
You laugh. A snort then a scoff then a guffaw. “Wow, what a line. Look you can buy us pizza and replace what you owe us but I'm nor impressed. You city people think we're all just a bunch of trailer trash and maybe we are, doesn't mean we wanna be like you.”
“Oh, but you definitely want me,” he intones.
You sigh, “I want to go to my room and never see you again.”
“I like that. The hard-to-get thing always gets me going.” He gets closer and you lean away.
“The hard to stand thing doesn't do it for me,” you retort. “Thanks for doing the bare minimum but I'm over it. Either we get what you destroyed or you go back and laugh at your little mistake with your rich buddies.”
“You're sounding bitter, sweetheart. Why don't you let me give you some sugar?” He reaches for you and you dodge his hand.
“Please, quit that. I told you, I am not into it.”
“You aren't? Well your mom sure is. Yeah, we made quite the deal. She's going to get her trailer and an empty nest.” He puts his hands out in nonchalance, “what can I say? I'm a great negotiator.”
“Well, I mean you're not going anywhere here. Working at a deli and for what? I told her, you don't gotta be stuck here. Eating off her table, living under her roof. You're an adult.” He crosses his arms and smirks.
Yep, that sounds like your mom. She's reminded you a billion times how you've burdened her with your existence, just as your grandmother does to her. And he plucked on that string until he hit a harmony.
“What did you do?” You ask.
“You make it sound like I did something wrong. Sweetheart, I'm doing you a favour. I'm getting you out of this pit. A girl like you, you can't hope for better because I'll tell you something, there's nothing out there better than Tony Stark.”
He preens in victory. You squint and clap the book against your leg.
“Come on, everyone should see New York at least once,” he tries to tap your nose and you evade him, but not entirely. Instead, he hits your chest and you feel a sudden constriction across it.
Your ripped up by your chest as metal expands and twists around your torso. You shriek as you fly upwards, encased in a cocoon the blocks out the wind. The propulsion of the suit has you disoriented and rattling.
You hear a whir and look over to see the marquee red and gold of the iconic Iron Man. Tony grabs you, your gauntlet caught against his like a magnet, and he zooms off onto sky, dragging you with him. You cry out as you can do nothing but flail.
“Relax, sweetheart,” he voice comes through the speakers built into the helmet, “you don't wanna pass out in this thing. Trust me.”
“What the hellllllll!” You holler.
“Just wait till you see that New York skyline,” he chortles.
Your disbelief paralyses you. How can he do this? Well, you can't stop him. He's been enabled his whole life and you've just become another pawn to his games.
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bonny-kookoo · 7 months
𝐄𝖝𝖊𝖈𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖗 | Teaser
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When second chances are wasted, there's only one thing left to do.
Tags/Warnings: Dystopian AU, Werewolf AU, Alpha!Jungkook, Omega!Reader, Angst, Some fluff, romance but he's a bit weird about it pls let him cook he's awkward okay, Violence, crime and.. bad stuff.
-> Masterlist
There is no taglist for this fic.
A/N: oh look another werewolf fic oops. BTW if you do not like any of the tags or the trailer doesnt vibe with you, don't read the story. I literally have tons of other content for you instead. Thanks.
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“Do you think that people can change?”
No. Jungkook does not believe that people have the ability to shed their dark desires once they've shown their ugly faces to the world. Once someone has lost control over themselves and their inner demons even just once, it’s over. A wolf's inner beast set free won’t be tamed again, by anyone. There is no coming back from that- and a crime committed has to be punished, especially when there’s not even any effort put into areas trying to redeem one’s self. second chances should always be valued highly if given-
Because everyone has to face judgement for their actions, and if those second chances are wasted, he is the man who will execute the fitting punishment.
Jungkook doesn't believe in second chances.
A man who’s laid his hand on his wife will never truly change his mind and put the shackles onto himself after the line has been crossed. A cheating spouse will not suddenly become loyal as a dog again just because they realize the hurt they’ve caused. A murderer can’t give back the life they’ve taken even if they desperately want to. A young wolf lost to a frenzy can’t gain back their sanity with the snap of a finger.
He is part of the new world’s law.
Violence is the punishment put on people who can’t seem to keep themselves in check even after second chances. Violence is the final answer to the worst of the worst, the people who will never change.
Violence is the thing that changes people- from being alive to no longer being a threat to anyone ever again.
To Jungkook, these people are like maggots, infesting the cities and homes of families who just want to exist and live. Jungkook is the pest control, he removes those insects, cleans out the infestations.
Saves potential victims.
“I didn’t do anything!” the man slurs a little, alcohol in his veins causing him to visibly struggle with his bodily functions, even if he wants to desperately be sober in this moment. You’re sitting in the corner still, watching, well aware not to interfere with a man sent by the people in charge of the wolf’s law to carry out the final judgement.
“Evasion. Armed robbery, twice. Domestic abuse, twice. Attempted kidnap of a child while intoxicated.” Jungkook lists, having memorized what this person is being accused of- or rather yet, has already been judged for in the past. “You’ve shown that you do not aim to change.” He says, not even looking at you once. Instead, he just walks closer, like a predator, staring down his prey. “And now, keeping an omega hostage? Not exactly the actions of a man innocent.”
“I-“ the man tries, but he doesn’t get far with his words. “-There’s- nothing happened- Tell him! Nothing happened, right-?” He asks you, who’s staring him down.
Jungkook looks at you as well now, awaiting your answer.
You’ve got a life in your hands.
Your lips part, but you can’t speak- when suddenly, the man moves again, lifts his hand as he steps towards you, ready to intimidate you into answering if needed- but Jungkook is faster, having seen enough. Even if nothing happened- yet- surely if he was to leave, you’d be another body found. “Where- where are you taking me?” the man begs to know, unable to really go against the hand that holds the back of his head by the hair, fingers tightly dug into the locks to have a secure hold on him as he drags him into a corner or the small, run down house.
In this moment, Jungkook looks like a different person to you. There’s no trace of the man who just wants to help others. The hands that force this stranger to his knees aren’t the same that helped you stand earlier that day, hold gentle and without any intention to hurt. Those eyes are dark as coal, like two black voids swallowing any reflection whole.
“I'll take you straight to hell, where you belong.” Jungkook simply answers the man, before he lets go-
And takes out his gun, to fire the first shot of many.
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redeyerhaenyra · 1 year
perv neighbor basil smut im begging u
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Perv!Neighbour Basil finds your camgirl account
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Summary: Basil is your neighbour, and after having formed a parasocial relationship with you, he finds your camgirl account. Things get.. a little out of hand.
Warnings: Oh man this one is filthy- Stalking, Parasocial relationships, m masturbation, cum tribute, professional sex work, cumming untouched, jealously, crying, like alot of crying, sextoy use, f reader
Notes: Myself and @ominoose have been bouncing this headcanon around in the dms for a bit and I finally have the opportunity to write it! I hope you like it baby tysm for requesting xx I really got carried away like this is SO LONG my goodness- This can be read as a part 2 to this fic but can also be enjoyed standalone x
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Basil has been watching you for a while
You're his neighbour, you moved in to the flat opposite him a couple months ago, and the only verbal interaction you'd had with him was a polite introduction through his letterbox when he wouldn't open the door
You hadn't seen him at all, physically. He'd seen you though.
Oh had he seen you
His heart swelled every morning and evening he'd watch you leave and come home from work, nights out, trips to the shop, ect
His relationship to you, practically non-existent as it were, at least from your perspective, was... complicated
Half of Basil understood you two were already dating, loyal to one another. The other half of him understood that that was a fantasy, and he often found himself caught between the two realities
Poor Basil so desperately wants the untruth to become the truth. He wants to kiss you, profess his love, have it be your hand tugging him off instead of his own every night
But since the... accident, he wouldn't dare let you see him. You'd never accept him- no one would. He was a monster
Poor baby, so insecure 😔
Eventually, jerking off whilst peering at you through the letterbox whenever you enter or exit your home isn't enough. He needs to see you, properly. Stare at your beautiful face and take in all it's contours and shapes without having to have you do the same to him
And so.. he goes online.
He knows your name- you'd told him when you'd tried to be a nice neighbour and say hi, and so with a little sleuthing, he finds your Instagram
Basil spends hours pouring through your every photo, getting wildly jealous and crying (yes he cries poor baby) when he sees photos with other men, and roughly pulling on his cock until its red and raw, having cum so many times over his thighs and chest.
He becomes even more obsessed, his need to see you covered in his cum in some way or another becomes an vital as eating and drinking
He starts printing out your photos and cumming on them- considers laminating them so he can wipe them clean and go all over again
But then what about keeping them covered? Forever staining you with his seed? He can't pick
One day, when he's going about his ritual of jerking it to your insta, he finds a new link in your bio;
"18+ site! Adult only content! Click here❤️"
That perks his interest
Sure he's not stranger to porn, or camgirls, what with all the time he spends alone watching porn, but you? He'd never have assumed.
Basil's heart races, and his dick twitches beneath his sweats
Tentatively, he clicks on the link
Your website looks professional, all properly set up
The first thing he sees is a trailer video- and oh boy
He literally cannot stop the sudden, untouched orgasm flooding through him when he sees the sneak peak you've put together of your content
He's so loud moaning and whining, tears well up again in his eyes becuase he's so sensitive but he needs more
This teaser video of you playing with your nipples and rubbing your tiny pussy through your panties isn't enough
And so, Basil goes to your subscription page. Immediately gets the highest sub deal, he doesn't care if he can't afford it. He needs you so much he'd bankrupt himself if he had to
The benefits of this subscription are many; He gets access to your work DM, he gets two video calls with you a week, and he gets to request some content from you.
Basil couldn't not be happier, he even forgts about his facial insecurity when a few minutes later he sees a message from you pop up on his notifs;
"Hi baby! Thankyou so so much for becoming one of my top donors! It really does mean the world x"
He forces himself to respond, anxiety creeping up his shoulder;
"Yeah np love your work."
Jesus he didn't mean to come off so dickish
You quell his feelings of worry with a smiley emoji, and ask him "So, what's with the username? "Lightningface"?"
He gulps. "I just like lightning is all."
"It is such a pretty phenomenon."
Pretty.. you'd called it pretty. The thing that had maimed him, his deformity... might you have called that pretty too?
"Soooo you're due to request some content from me! What would you like?"
And honestly, Basil isn't sure
Anything you'd give him, he'd take
"I don't mind."
"Are you sure? It is your request that you've paid me for, you can ask for whatever you like!"
Basil really thinks for a moment. A real head scratcher.
"Can you say my name?"
Basil doesn't realise how possessive he sounds
"Sure can!"
"Can it be my irl name?"
"Of course! What is it?"
The man holds his breath as he responds; "Basil. Like the herb."
"Omg!!! That's such a cute name!"
He giggles to himself, you're so fucking adorable he loves you so much
You tell him you'll make his request into a segment during your next livestream
He's jealous, he doesn't want you performing for anyone else.. but like I said, he'll take what he can get
Most of the time until his segment of your livestream he spends crying and jerking off in a strange cycle.
You're his, you shouldn't be showing off.. he feels like you've betrayed him. But at the same time you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
Poor Basil is so conflicted
Finally, however, his request segment begins
You smile sweetly at the camera, and wave
"So, next up, I have a request from one of my top donors, he has such a cute name! Said he didn't mind what I did so I think i'm gonna surprise him~"
You reach to the side, pulling forth a clear silicone dildo
It's big. Basil gulps, could you take it? What if it hurt you?
You place it beneath you on your bed and slowly tease it between your folds, having already discarded all your clothes at this point
Basil chokes, his worn out cock stirring to life again
And then.. oh then..
You moan out his name, slowly sinking yourself onto the sextoy
Basil moans with you, and figures you must have an expensive microphone because the sounds coming from the screen are all but blasphemous
He loses himself to the rhythmic squelching of your cunt and your moans of his names
He cums so quickly, and there's so much of it, all over his chest
Poor baby whimpers, trying desperately to coax his poor dick back to life, not wanting to have finished so quickly
He wanted to last longer for you..
Luckily you finish not too long after him, he wants to swallow all of your sounds with his mouth
He's never seen such perfection
Glistening with sweat and panting, satisfied, you address the camera for the final time that night;
"I hope you enjoyed Basil, again thankyou so much for donating, I love you all so much, goodnight!"
You end the stream, Basil is plunged back into the dark loneliness of his flat
He sits for a few moments, taking in what just happened..
He soon finds himself looking at wedding rings online
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hellfirecvnt · 3 months
Hard to Get
Prewar!Cooper Howard x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: ****This is a COMPLETE fic. This post is LONG!! Unprotected sex, oral, lying, slight fluff ending, Idk what else.
Summary: It's been a new experience being cast in the lead of the latest Hollywood movie. What's even more nerve-wracking is your far-more-famous-than-you co-star. After you can't seem to sell the chemistry between you to the director, you're pushed to spend more quality time with your cohort.
Notes: Barb doesn't exist. Cooper has never been married. I know she's the "bad guy" but I love and support Barb just bc she's a beautiful woman. Thank you.
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"Quiet on the set!" A stout, demanding man's voice cuts through the dull rumble of idle conversation across the set of the movie you're starring in. It's your first lead role in a Hollywood blockbuster. You're nearly a month into filming, much more comfortable than you were in those early days. The veteran actors used to give you the hardest time. Some in jest, others in spite or envy. That's just showbiz.
Not a day goes by that nearly every man on the set makes at least two inappropriate remarks to a woman co-star or doe-eyed extra. Nearly, because one man, the other lead, has yet to make your stomach churn with unsafe discomfort. Cooper Howard. He's a world-renowned actor, known best for his westerns, but just as popular in other genres. Of course, he did ask you out for drinks in your first two weeks on set. He said it was to get to know each other, seeing as the two of you will be spending so much time together while filming, but your 10-foot-high walls wouldn't waver. You turned him down. Since then, he's been nothing but a gentleman.
The movie you're making is about a burnt-out detective on his last case. Cooper plays Detective John Silvers and you play the villainous minx, Monae Lark. The plot is that Monae will give John the run around of his life, accumulating mutual respect for each other's skills and eventually, accumulating romantic tension. The only issue with that storyline is... You are seemingly terrible at faking chemistry. SO much so, in fact, that they canceled all your scenes for the day and sent you back to your trailer. You are horrified as you step through the door, having held a perfectly calm face until then.
"Whoa, what's wrong with you?" Your agent, a short, frail, older woman with silver hair and a smoker's voice perks up on your couch when she sees your distressed face. Her name is Verna, and she's represented you throughout your entire career.
"They've canceled my scenes for today..." You slump in the seat nearest to you.
"What? Why?"
"Apparently, Cooper Howard and I don't have any chemistry." You make a mocking gesture with your hands. "The director is pissed."
"Well, duh. That's people's livelihoods we're wasting with every reshoot." Her bluntness hits you like a kick in the gut. "How do you two not have chemistry? You've been spending time together, right?"
"Of course! We read lines for almost two hours every day!"
"No, honey. That's working. Do you two spend time together? Like, get dinner and get to know each other?" The nonchalant nature of your agent's question perplexes you.
"Well, no," you admit.
"So you've just been coming in here and greeting him like a fuckin' grocery clerk before barking prewritten lines at him for a few hours?"
"I- Well... Yeah. He asked to get drinks back when filming first started, but I didn't want to look like the woman who got one big break and started fucking any man in Hollywood I could get my hands on!" The desperation in your voice is becoming more and more apparent.
"Relax, babe. The PR training we're gonna put you through to promote this film is gonna kill you if you can't have a little dinner and survive a few baseless rumors. I'm about to call his agent right now." The silver-haired woman reaches for the mint telephone and dials a number into the rotary.
"He still has scenes to shoot today, he's gonna be busy-" Your sentence is cut off when Verna holds a finger up, signaling you to give her a moment of silence. As she chats away on the phone, talking as if she's known the guy for years, you step over to the window of your trailer. Hesitantly, you peek outside, and there he is. Your intimidatingly famous and peculiarly handsome co-star.
"Fabulous! Talk soon, darling," your agent chimes from across the trailer. Just then, you see a man in a suit approach Cooper and tell him something. Context clues tell you all you need to know about their conversation. He's merely alerting his client of a scheduled meeting with his horrifically embarrassed cohort. You nearly squeeze your eyes shut to avoid the humiliation of any sigh or eye-roll he expresses in response, but that's not the case. You can hear him through the thin walls of your tin sanctuary.
"Tonight? Perfect. Send her something nice from me." He gives his agent a friendly pat on the back, sending him off. You can't help but notice Cooper's lingering smile, a new pep in his step. You can't help but chuckle at the display, it's monumentally relieving.
Filming wraps up for the day and even though your workday was cut short, you remained on set for various screen tests and voice-over work. A sudden knock on your trailer door causes you to jump. You pull your robe over your silk slip dress and open the door to an intern holding a luxurious flower arrangement in a crystal vase. Coincidentally, your favorite flowers.
"Oh! Thank you." You take the gift with a smile and the young man announces that it's from Cooper Howard, though you'd already gathered that much. "I'll be sure to thank him properly, then." You smile as the intern nods and takes off to his next task. You can't help but grin as you proudly place your new bouquet front and center on the counter. The large studio lights finally cut on and you step onto the large, open floor. It's much busier and louder now that the director has left.
"Glad to hear you changed your mind," a smooth, deep voice captures your attention. You turn to see Cooper approaching you, adjusting the buttons of his sleeves.
"You must forgive my ignorance, Mr. Howard. I'm a Broadway girl. I didn't realize how different our worlds are until I got here," you laugh. "Being seen out with a costar on that side of the circuit will get you dubbed something tasteless if you're not careful."
"Ah, well. Seems like the tabloids should spend less time worrying about what women do with their free time. I promise not to give them anything to talk about." He smiles a bright, friendly smile, winking.
"I appreciate that," you say, walking beside him as you head toward the exit. If you were leaving the theatre with your co-star in this way, all eyes would be prying into you with jealousy and hoping for the opportunity to knock you off your pedestal once and for all.
"You do have to do me one little favor though." He stops walking as if his request will be heavy. A lump grows in your chest as you assume this is it, this is where he proves he's just like the others.
"You've gotta knock that 'Mr. Howard' shit out," he chuckles. "Cooper." He extends a hand as if to redo your meeting all those weeks ago.
"Y/N," you grin, shaking his hand firmly. He repeats you as if your name tastes sweet on his tongue. With that, the two of you make your way to his car. He opens the door for you and you can't help but chuckle at his chivalrous actions. Cooper takes you to the nicest restaurant in town. Pricey, even for your recently fattened wallet.
"So, what should I know about classy, mysterious Y/N?" The refined, older man grins at you from across the fine wood table.
"Classy and mysterious? You give me far too much credit." You make a dismissive motion with your hand. "I'm an open book once you get to know me."
"And how easy of a feat is that, exactly?" He intentionally tilts his chin up, looking down at you through his eyelashes. You're taken aback by the effect it has on you. Unwilling to be an easily swooned newbie on the scene, you regain control of your train of thought.
"Not at all." You smile wickedly. "I hope you're patient."
"Of course I am, I've hardly noticed it's taken 20 minutes for our wine to get here." The two of you share a quiet laugh in the dimly lit restaurant.
"What about you, Cooper Howard? What should I know about you that the tabloids haven't already covered?"
"I'm an open book, no effort necessary." He shrugs. You burst into a hard-to-stifle laugh.
"I hardly believe that. What do you do in your free time?" You ask, staring off small.
"I drink inside a big, empty home and I reminisce." He sighs.
"What on Earth are you on about?"
"Before I was The Cooper Howard, I was just a man with a farm in the middle of sunshine and fresh air: nowhere."
"I never would've guessed," you shrug, taking in the new information. The waiter continuously fills your glasses and you take small sips as you listen.
"What about you, Broadway? What were your early days like?"
"I've been training and performing since I can remember. But I know I used to love drawing when I was a kid. I still do it sometimes, when I have time."
"Are you any good?" He asks bluntly.
"I'll have you know I was better than kids three and four grades above me in the arts program," you brag unseriously.
"You'll have to draw me something someday."
"I'd love to," you grin. The two of you continue talking, sharing funny stories from your childhoods and early days in your careers. After a while, this man whose status and essence alone used to intimidate you somehow feels like a peer.
"What brings a star of the stage over here to the film industry?" Cooper asks smoothly.
"They sought me out, actually. Must've been my look or the way I sound like honey with a transatlantic accent," you wink. Cooper chuckles, enchanted by you. He reaches a sly hand across the table and watches you notice it. You glance at his awaiting palm, but you don't meet his touch. He raises an eyebrow as he slowly closes his hand, drawing his arm back in.
"This place is nice, but-"
"I'm not going to your place, Mr. Howard."
"I was going to say we should order another bottle of this wine." He laughs, drawing you in with his brilliant smile.
"Forgive me, Cooper. One of these days I'll let my guard down," you jest. The evening rolls on smoothly. Your table is a quiet haven of laughter and camaraderie. For the first time in your career, onstage or in front of the camera, you feel a genuine sense of friendship with your co-star. When you performed Chicago as Roxy Hart, your male cohorts made the air thick with discomfort, while the women did everything in their power to drag you down. It's not their fault, of course. The industry forced them to be that way.
As the hours pass like minutes, the night comes to an end. Cooper pays the bill and tips the waiter a generous amount, not unnoticed by you. He walks you to the car, opening the door for you to slip inside.
"And they say 'Chivalry is dead,'" you wink as Cooper closes the door. In the few seconds it takes for him to round the vehicle and open the driver's door, he lowers his guard. Truly taken aback by your suave nature compared to the nervous mess he's known you as. It must be the wine, though neither of you is drunk.
Undecided whether or not he's met his match, Cooper finally opens his door and takes his position in the driver's seat. He seems almost nervous, not moving as gracefully or speaking as cool as he's known for.
"Just right around this corner, here," you say, pointing to the turn that leads to the road you live on. Cooper can't help but steal curious glances at the enigma next to him. What was meant to be a business dinner/ PR move has turned into a challenge to him, and doesn't every cowboy love a challenge? Of course, he had no plans of overstepping any of your many firm boundaries, but he planned to melt you the same way he melts for you right now.
You arrive at your home and he unfastens his buckle as well, leaving the car on. You glance at him, assessing his intentions. He's quick to notice your ocular pat-down and volunteers to put your mind at ease.
"I'm walking you to your door, sweetheart."
"That's very kind of you, Cooper. Thank you," you smirk, entertained by his ability to read you so keenly. He escorts you safely to the large oak door of your humble, yet still high-end abode. The two of you stand in silence for a moment until you speak. "If you try to come inside, I'll have to sic my very large dog on you."
"A very large dog?" Cooper asks, feigning mild fear.
"She doesn't like men," you smile warmly, bantering playfully.
"Maybe one day, she can try warming up to me."
"Until then, Cooper Howard," you nod, disappearing inside your house. He's nearly shocked, but mostly he's giddy.
What a woman, he internally monologues. His walk back to the car packs that same pep as when he found out about their dinner in the first place. Maybe even more.
After just a couple weeks of running lines together and the occasional after-work bar hop, your days on set become a comfortable routine, rather than a journey into the lion's den. You can't help but feel like you have Cooper to thank for that. The scenes between you two are now known to make the interns blush.
"Action!" The director's firm voice slices through the air. You and Cooper are positioned at opposite sides of the "room," a set made to look like Detective Silvers's office. It's dark, and a dim street lamp's glow reaches through the barely opened blinds. You run a delicate finger along the windowpane before speaking your first line.
"You've impressed me, Detective Silvers. That's not an easy feat." You take two steps to the left, placing your foot perfectly on your mark.
"You're not so easy to fool, Ms. Lark. Not like they said, anyway." The tone in Cooper's voice when he plays this character sends a wave of involuntary goosebumps down your flesh.
"You can call me Monae, honey. Don't we know each other well enough by now?" You strut gracefully across the room, leaning teasingly over his desk, where he sits. "They always say I'm a fool, because I play it so well, don't I?" Slowly, Cooper straightens up in his seat, bringing his face closer to yours as you drape across the desk.
"You keep a hell of a poker face, darling," he whispers. Something in his eyes tells you it's Cooper speaking, not Detective Silvers.
"Cut! That's a wrap!" The director dismisses the crew. Everyone's shoulders relax in unison. It's undoubtedly been smooth sailing ever since you and Cooper started spending more time together.
"Hey, Y/N," Cooper calls out to you as you head back to wardrobe. You turn and meet his gaze with a smile. "You're not busy tonight, are you?"
"Of course not. I'm waiting for my coworker to tell me what our plans are," you chuckle.
"Coworker? Ice cold. We're friends." His grin is diabolically attractive. You thank the stars above for the layers and layers of makeup concealing the darkening blush on your cheeks.
"Of course we're friends, Cooper. What are we getting into tonight?" You ask with an excited grin.
"There's a new lounge opening downtown. I know the owner pretty well. And not to brag or anything, but it's a pretty nice place to get a table on opening night." He smiles, holding his arms out as if he's waiting for a yes or no from you.
"Your friend's club is opening?"
"Well, don't make it sound too exciting now," his sarcastic tone draws a laugh from your lips.
"I'm pulling your leg, Cooper. I'd love to go." The two of you split off to get out of costume and makeup. Once you're back in your own attire, you begin to feel a sense of panic.
"You gotta stop making that face, babe. You're gonna get a worry line." Verna appears in the common area of your dressing room.
"Verna, what do you know about the new lounge opening downtown?" You turn to her with narrow eyes.
"It's a pretty big deal. Bonnie Lewis was complaining about not getting a table until next weekend," Verna laughs. You begin to wonder what kind of strings Cooper had to pull or if his story about knowing the owner was true. Not that you think him a liar, it just seemed like banter at the time.
"I need to go home." You snatch your keys from the hook next to the trailer door and bolt to your car. Verna stands in confusion, hair blowing in the breeze of your speedy exit.
"No, no, no!" You groan as you tear through your closet. Nothing seems to fit the idea you've made up in your head of what a woman should wear to something like this. You can't decide which would be more horrifying, being overdressed or underdressed. You start thinking up excuses to give Cooper why you can't come out tonight when suddenly, there's a knock at the door.
"Delivery for a Ms. Y/L/N?" The bright-eyed delivery girl hands you a large, flatter box. You thank her and nod goodbye, taking the package inside to your room. You scan the outside for any indication of what it could be or who it's from. You get fan mail all the time, so it's nothing new.
You take a blade to the taped seams and uncover a note atop a few layers of tissue paper.
"For tonight, if you want. -C.H."
You furrow your brow as you reread the note a few more times. Curiously, you place the note aside and reach for the tissue paper, unfolding it to reveal a stunning mass of glistening fabric. With widened eyes, you reach into the box and lift the garment to see it's a long, crystal-stoned dress with a high slit up the side. It reminds you of something your character, Monae Lark, would wear. It's gorgeous and looks like it costs as much as your Hollywood home.
You hold the dress up to your body in the mirror next to your bed and it's perfect. You certainly didn't own anything of this caliber until now. You get dressed and ready, hoping your finest jewelry does the dress its due justice. For just a moment, you stare at yourself in the mirror. You take in this heavenly view, you can hardly believe it's you staring back at all.
A ring of the doorbell snaps you from your thoughts and you make your way to the door. Standing on the other side is Cooper. The moment his eyes meet yours, his face becomes illuminated with a big, marveling smile. He glances at you, up and down, taking in the way the dress drapes over you like water down a stream.
"You look magnificent," he speaks in awe.
"Thank you for the dress, Cooper. It's beautiful." Your eyes sparkle as you thank him for your gift.
"You're discrediting yourself. It just looked like a sparkly piece of fabric before I saw it like-" he places his hands daringly on your hips. "This." You gasp at his invasive action, taken aback by his boldness.
"Shall we get going, then?" You smirk, undeniably excited by his touch. He leads you to the car and opens the door for you like a gentleman. His chivalrous displays only make you yearn more and more. He's always like that, even on set. He prioritizes your comfort, especially in the sex scenes, which you've been reshooting a lot lately.
Cooper escorts you inside the lounge. They don't even check the list, everyone knows who you two are. Eyes and camera flashes all focus on you as any and every media outlet tries to get their hands on the latest spot to be seen in downtown Hollywood. You feel glamorous on his arm as he leads you to the table. Cocktails are promptly ordered and arrive at your table in impressive time.
You take in your foreign surroundings. It all looks so high above you, yet you're here. It's humbling. The ceilings are tall and dark while the rest of the room is dimly lit. A band plays smooth music to a crowd busy with multiple conversations. You're both sat in a large booth with seating that wraps all the way around. The low light bouncing off the crystals on your dress draws any and all attention to your table. To you. To Cooper sitting with you.
The night is fun and exciting, you nearly lose track of your drinks, but as always, you manage to remain only slightly buzzed. Careful not to sully your own name with drunken hijinks. And while you're not drunk per se, you are feeling much bolder than usual. You can't seem to pry your eyes off of your arm candy. Cooper is quick to notice, playing into your flirtatious behavior.
"Do I have something on my face?" He chuckles, brushing his hand against his cheek, tracing his jawline. You know right then that you've been caught gawking and your face turns bright red, hidden thankfully under the dim lighting.
"No, Cooper. I just happen to like what I'm looking at, is all." You bite your lip, surprised by your own words. You even think you can see him blushing.
"If I'm being honest, I really like what I'm lookin' at as well." His eyes burn into yours.
"Everyone's looking at us," you whisper, drawing closer and closer to him in the round booth.
"Let them watch," he mumbles, closing the gap between you two and drawing you into a passionate kiss. Your heart begins to race as his hands roughly grip onto you, pulling you closer to him in the booth. "Can we get out of here, darlin'?"
"Take me home, Cooper," you sigh as your eyes travel back and forth between his eyes and his lips. You don't know if it's the drinks or the rush of being the main attraction in this swanky club, but it's taking you over and you have no objections.
"Whatever you say," Cooper says with a sly smile, extending a hand to you to guide you out of the booth. The walk to the door seems endless, as you find yourself ravenous to get him alone again. It's no secret for either of you that tensions have only been growing ever since your first dinner together. He clings to you, not so much possessively, but protectively. Almost as if he doesn't keep you latched to his side as you make your exit, you might fall away and break like the delicate crystals adorning your flowing dress.
The brisk night air coats your flesh in a cloak of goosebumps. Anticipation accelerates your pulse to an unknowable pace. When you reach his car, you pull his collar to your chest, cueing him to pin your hips against his vehicle and kiss you deeply, ignoring the paparazzi flash. But only for a second, as the second blazing flash snaps you back into reality and you hastily make your way into the car, giggling. Cooper shoots a knowing look at the flashing cameras, smirking with pride as he struts to the driver-side door.
When he gets inside the car, you're both laughing at the prying cameras. A part of you feels worried about how the tabloids will make you look, and Cooper can see that fear on your face. He furrows his brow.
"Hey, you know it's all..." He trails off, staring at you intently. You can nearly see his gears turning behind his eyes.
"Are you okay?" You ask, confused by his mid-sentence shutdown.
"Forget about it, I gotta get you somewhere a little more private." He winks, pulling out of the lot and past the ever-flashing journalists. You've fantasized plenty of time about this moment, how it'd play out. It's your current favorite dream to have, no doubt. His hand on your thigh lightly digs his fingers into your flesh, growing more and more desperate the closer you two get to your home in the hills.
You emerge from the car after he parks haphazardly in your driveway. The two of you are apart for mere seconds before he's upon you, locking your lips with his, wrapping the full lengths of his arms around you. You're nearly, quite literally swept off your feet. You lead him to the door and he follows your every step, beguiled. You open the door and spring inside.
"Surely I get to come inside just this once?" Cooper leans in your doorway as the distance between you grows. You stare at him, scanning your eyes up and down teasingly. He looks like he's ready to fall on his knees and beg.
"You're quite the gentleman, Cooper Howard." You shift your weight to your hip.
"My mama didn't raise me to barge into a lady's home uninvited."
"What part of our trip to the door makes you think you're uninvited?" You tilt your head. The conversation seems almost reminiscent of the characters you both play.
"The part where you didn't invite me in," he grins.
"My God, are you a Vampire?" You jest. "Please come inside. Make yourself at home," you say sarcastically. "Do I need to tell you what I expect you to do next?" Your words are rushed, as he speeds toward you once he's received his invite. He wraps you in another firm embrace and plants kisses and light bites along the slope of your neck.
"I think I can take it from here, darlin'." He plants another kiss. "Unless you're feeling like bossing someone around." He winks, allowing his hands to wander freely up and down your body, grasping at your breasts and thighs.
"Keep kissing me," you demand, to your own surprise more than his. He does as he's told, only hesitant for a second to register what you said. You break the kiss momentarily to make another demand. "Take my dress off, carefully." You instruct. Cooper happily obliges, doing exactly as you ask, carefully. Once your dress is carefully placed aside, he takes in the breathtaking sight of you, nearly bare before him, just a room's length away.
Your undergarments suggest you had this plan in mind long before getting in the car this evening. Lace and silk with garters and corsetry. You're unreal, even to a Hollywood Star like Cooper. His mouth hangs agape as he drinks in the image laid out in front of him.
"Well?" He awaits his next instruction.
"Oh, please," you scoff. "Lose the jacket, loosen the tie." He does as he's told, taking your commands and unfastening a few of the top buttons of his shirt. As he draws closer to you, crossing the room from where he'd sat your dress out of harm's way, he rolls his unbuttoned sleeves up his arms. There's something primal and animalistic about him as he towers over you where you lie on the bed.
"Now, you tell me what to do." Your voice is almost shaking as you say this, excited and anxious to shift the power dynamic. Cooper's face spreads into a soft smile. It's almost eerie.
"Come here." He snaps his fingers softly, pointing to the edge of the bed in front of him. You giddily comply, taking your seat with a pretty posture. You're perfectly positioned at his waist. "Belt."
You waste no time, wrapping your hands delicately around the buckle of his belt, unfastening it and moving on to the button and zipper. Cooper's erection strains against his underwear, hard and throbbing against your palm. He sighs at your touch, eyes rolling back in his head as you toy with him through his boxers.
"Touch yourself," he commands with a quiet rumble of a voice. You do as you're told, locking eyes with him as you slip a hand past your panties. You moan under your own knowing hand, pouting your lips in an 'o' shape. Truly putting on a show for someone so deadset on maintaining a "pure" reputation.
"Cooper," you moan his name, earning a surprised smirk from him. He shakes his head in disbelief.
"So careful, so reserved, so... Mysterious," he chuckles, caressing your cheek in his palm as you continue to play with yourself. "I knew you must've had secrets, but my God, you filthy little thing." His words are like sugar and honey as he showers you with praise. "I'm going to make you feel so good, babydoll."
Cooper gently tugs your arm away from your drenched panties and replaces your hand with his own. He carefully pumps his middle finger in and out of you, earning sensual moans from deep in your chest.
"Oh, my God!" You chant to the heavens, riding an indescribable high. Cooper is far more skilled with his hands than you could've anticipated. After a few moments, you realize he was paying attention to the way you touch yourself, and is now attempting to mirror that. And he's doing well. The attention to detail is enough to bring you ecstasy all on its own.
He tugs his undergarments down, freeing his tumescent cock from its restraints, still fingering you all the while. His large size is jarring, but you've never been the type to turn away from a challenge. You take his shaft in your hand and pump up and down as you wrap your lips around his tip. His hand is quick to find the back of your head, carefully working you further and further down his length with each bob of your head.
"Jesus Christ, baby. Look at you," he groans, tugging your hair to make you go faster. You keep at it as long as possible, long after your neck is good and sore. Finally, he takes a sharp inhale and pulls your face away from his waist.
"Lay back on the bed, darlin'. I can't wait for this anymore." Cooper withdraws his hand and slides your panties down your legs, careful to leave the rest of your scandalous outfit in place. You're certain he's going to place himself in front of you and fuck the daylights out of you, but instead, he lowers his head to your dripping cunt and begins licking broad stripes up and down your slit.
You melt into his technique as his tongue explores every corner of you. The knot in your stomach tightens as you arch your back, desperate for more contact. A daring hand makes its way to his pushed-back hair, encouraging him. You can feel his lips curl into a grin against your delicate skin. In your pleasure-induced haze, you begin to wonder how you found yourself in your own bed, getting eaten out by Cooper Howard.
Suddenly, he pulls away. His actions are rushed now, almost desperate as he reaches for his waist, taking the base of his cock in his hand and positioning himself over you. You're anxious but excited. There's a fire in your blood as he slips inside of you. Both of you emit guttural moans, filling the room with the vulgar sounds of huffing breaths and wetness as he thrusts in and out.
"You look so pretty when you're getting fucked," he whispers in your ear before jerking you up from where you lie. He positions you on your hands and knees and you take it upon yourself to arch your back like a cat, dipping as far down as you can. The sight of it is enough to make Cooper faint. You're the prettiest putty he's ever had in his hands. He trails his soft, open palms down your sides, resting his hands on your ass.
Cooper gropes and smacks the supple flesh, earning coos of approval from you with each strike. He basks in your beauty for a while, taking the moment in. He bites down on his index knuckle, looking away from you for a moment. You glance over your shoulder to investigate the sudden hold-up, and he looks preoccupied.
"Cooper," you gain his attention back to you. "Now is a terrible time to have second thoughts..."
"I'm afraid all I'm thinking about right this second is this." Abruptly, you feel him slip back into you. A gasp invades your lungs as you push yourself backward, allowing him deeper inside. His pace is quick and steady, guiding you like an expert to your orgasm. He's at it for so long, your arms threaten to buckle. When he notices the slightest waver in your elbows, he shoves your face into the mattress. Your arms are instantly relieved and he picks up his vigorous pace.
"Oh, god!" Your wails echo off the walls of your large bedroom, stroking his ego with every moan.
"Come on, baby... Cum for me..." He huffs, talking you through the growing knot in your stomach. He withdraws for mere seconds to shift your positions. He plants his feet on the floor and returns you to your back, tossing one of your legs over his shoulder as he picks up where he left off. His thrusts become sloppy, though they still maintain that toe-curling speed.
"Oh, wait!" You cry out, but his hips refuse to relent. He shushes you sweetly, fucking you until your climax renders you breathless. You moan loudly and sensually, it's like music to Cooper's ears. You're well and fucked out as he continues chasing his own high. After only a few more moments of overstimulation, he pulls out and pumps his cock until he finishes on your lace-clad chest. You watch him through fluttering eyelashes as he throws his head back in ecstasy.
"You're... Something else," he huffs between heavy breaths. You create room for him to collapse next to you on the bed and he happily obliges. The two of you, sweaty and breathless, lie in comfortable silence for a short while. "Hey, when do I get to meet your big, dangerous dog? She's awfully quiet."
"I don't have a dog." You state flatly, admitting your lie.
"I had a feeling that threat wasn't so serious."
"Oh, it's plenty serious. It's just not true. You can stay the night if you want," you offer with a smile as you rise from the bed and make your way to the bathroom to shower.
"Stay the night, huh?" He repeats you.
"Yes. I'd like it if you did," you wink, disappearing to clean yourself up before bed. Just as you're about to reach for the handle to turn the water off, you're joined in the shower.
Cooper buries his face in the crook of your neck, holding you close to his naked body from behind. You share a passionate kiss under the warm running water before you step out and let him take over. The two of you sleep in each other's arms, completely naked, bundled in your expensive bedclothes.
In the following days, news breaks of your visit to the lounge with Cooper. The photo of the kiss by the car is plastered on every magazine faster than you can blink. At first, you're terrified of what this could mean for your stage career, should you never get another role in film, but Cooper continuously reassures you. Weeks go by and you can't remember the last time you left the set without him by your side. He makes you feel safe and beautiful. You trust him in ways you didn't think you could trust men in the industry. You don't care if the two of you never label what you have, you're just happy to have it.
It all seems to be a little too perfect until the day the film debuts. You and Cooper are a sight to behold on the red carpet at the premiere. The cameras can't seem to keep their blinding flashes off the two of you. Cooper seems in high spirits, wrapping you in tight hugs and kissing your forehead sweetly. You're a sap for his PDA ways.
The movie receives a standing ovation and you've never felt more pride in your life. For yourself, your co-stars, and the crew. Riding a high so strong it feels like glitter in your blood, you can't wait to get your man back home and show him how proud you really are.
"Cooper, hey!" You call out to him at the exclusive after-party. When he turns to face you, he smiles wide, pulling you in for a kiss while damn near dipping you like a dance partner. "Whoa, I need to call your name more often."
"Screaming it works for me too," he winks, eliciting a red-faced chuckle from you.
"Are you coming back to my place, or do I have to beg?" You ask, staring up at him with large, sparkling eyes.
"Well," he looks at you and then glances around the room, seemingly lost in thought for only a moment once again. "Of course, darlin'."
After arriving at your home and promptly tearing each other's clothes off, you lie leisurely on the bed next to Cooper. All of a sudden, he's sitting up and getting out of your bed. You're hardly aware of what he's doing until you realize he's getting dressed.
"Where are you off to?" You sit up, perplexed by his out-of-character quickness to leave.
"Unfortunately, I'm a busy man after a film premieres." He's staring at his cuffs, fastening the button as he talks to you.
"Of course, of course. It's just... So late."
"You're telling me, honey," he quips, planting a quick kiss on your lips and disappearing out the door. You hear him exit out the front and start up his car, pulling off into the night. You sit in silent shock. Surely that didn't just happen. Cooper Howard didn't just come over, fuck you, and leave after your film premiere after weeks and weeks of an ongoing intensely sexual relationship.
You decide to remain calm, after all, what else can you do? He's not yours to worry about, but worry, you do. You climb out of bed and shower as usual after a night with the beautiful man you thought you trusted until moments ago. What reason did he have to lie to you? To leave? You're a white-hot ball of smoke and fire when you emerge from the bathroom.
A lot of things can be used to describe you, most of them, very good. One thing, for you, stands out. Anger. You're slow to anger in nearly any situation, but when it happens, it happens. You're someone else entirely when you're angry. You get dressed, somewhat casual, somewhat flashy. Something to blend in wherever you may find him because that's where you're going.
After perfecting your hair and makeup- not one to get caught slacking- you slip into your car and make your way to the first few places you can assume he'd be. You check the restaurant where you had your first outing, in case he'd already romanced another co-star on another set. Not there. You check the lounge his friend owns. Not there.
"Hey there, handsome. The owner in?" You ask the bouncer.
"He's in the back, you're welcome to come in, Ms. Y/L/N."
"Thank you, darling. You're my favorite part of this place, you know that?" Your praise causes him to blush slightly and you make your way to the back office.
"Whoa! You can't just waltz in here!" A man wails angrily behind a shabby desk.
"I can. I definitely can. Where is Cooper tonight?" You tilt your head, scanning the man's face for any inconsistencies in his expression.
"Oh, shit! Y/N, we don't really get a lot of customers before we open," the man jokes, hoping to avoid the question. Not because he knows anything, but simply because he's not a snitch. You respect him for it... or not.
"Where is Cooper?" You repeat.
"I don't know. Wouldn't tell ya if I did." The man shrugs shamelessly.
"I'll be seeing you, Vince." You smile warmly and depart. From behind you, you can hear him yelling after you, asking how you know his real name. You're a different person when you're angry, an observant person.
You leave the lounge and check a few more places with no success. Finally, you drive toward his house. The car is completely silent save for the sound of your angry, shuddered breaths. What it all comes down to is you never expected Cooper to owe you anything, but he was going to call it quits to your face like a man or you'll do it for him. When you pull down the long, private driveway, you're shocked and appalled by what you see.
There's a party going on. A real classy rager, it would seem. Your perfectly lined and lipsticked upper lip is pulled into a disgusted sneer as you exit the vehicle and calmly strut toward the door. You don't bother knocking, who'd hear it? You walk right in the door and resume the endless search for Cooper. You circle like a vulture to a carrion, eyes narrow with anticipation.
"My God, Y/N, is that you?" A familiar voice booms behind you. Sebastian. He plays a part in the movie that just dropped.
"Sebastian, you look stunning in yellow," you gush, latching onto his arm. This outgoing, charismatic behavior is foreign on you, but he's too drunk to notice your near-blind rage.
"Does Cooper know you're here? Come with me, darling." Sebastian guides you to the backdoor down several sets of porch and deck stairs. You can already see Cooper before he sees you. He looks drained.
"Sebastian, is he okay?"
"You ought to know, shouldn't you?" He winks, nudging you with the arm you're clinging to.
"What does that-" your question is cut off.
"Cooper! You won't believe who I've found," Sebastian announces, stepping out of the way to reveal you. Cooper's eyes widen.
"Ohh... Sea Bass, you gotta get out of here..." Cooper whispers, not breaking eye contact with you.
"What? Why? I thought you-"
"Go inside, Sebastian." You intrude, staring tangible daggers into Cooper. Sebastian finally vacates the premises and you wait for Cooper to start talking. The two of you share a long moment of staring before he finally stands from the patio chair.
"Y/N, I can-"
"Explain? You can explain. This is incredibly hurtful and confusing, but thank God you can explain." You hiss. He's taken aback by your venomous tone, but he knows he has it coming. "You don't owe me anything, I get that. But I was so clear that I didn't want to be treated like this." Your words sound heartbroken, but your tone is steady and harsh.
"I would've told you- I wanted to tell you, but your agent-"
"About the party? I don't care about the party, Cooper! I'm talking about all this fucking time we've spent together. You really put on a show for those paps, I remember that. Why go public when we won't even put a name on it?"
"Y/N, are you talking about the PR stunt? By the car? I thought that you..." He motions vaguely with his hands to symbolize his confusion.
"A- A PR stunt?" You repeat, mouth hanging open.
"Wasn't that why you kissed me?" Cooper asks, clearly as confused as you are.
"No, Cooper." You nearly laugh in disbelief. "That's not why. Why did you come to my house and do all that in front of no cameras? Huh? Was that a PR stunt? Did that feel like I knew it was a PR stunt?"
"I hesitated! I was wondering the same when you-"
"Well, thank God you hesitated. Hallelujah, amen, I'm going home. Sorry if I messed up your ruse. I hope I didn't ruin the illusion of nothing." You grit your teeth to stop you from speaking anymore. The walk back up all those steps and past everyone inside feels a thousand miles long. Cooper just stands there, silent, watching you walk away. Your emphasis on your last word holds all the hurt you were trying to hold back.
"What just happened?" Sebastian appears behind you like the busybody he is.
"Exactly what everyone thought: nothing." Your words are meant to sound hateful and angry, but they just sound sad now. You speed out the front door, away from the party and everything it entails. Once you're in the car, tears pour down your face. Your worst fear comes true. Humiliation, heartbreak, hubris. You begin to understand what they mean when they say "too good to be true."
At your agent's request, you're staying at home for now. Minimizing going out unless it's for press. And God, there is so much press. So many large rooms that feel hopelessly cramped as you find yourself shoved into Cooper at every turn. You maintain perfect composure for the cameras, even Verna is impressed as she watches from the sidelines. She's heard your woes time and time again, but even she sympathizes with you this time. You worked so hard to avoid this situation for so long in your career.
"Do you think we could talk later?" He mumbles in your ear with a big, fake smile and you giggle as if he's whispered sweet nothings.
"Fuck you." You reply with a playful faux grin. He sighs, but neither of you let up from the act.
"You really are Monae Lark, huh?" Cooper chuckles nervously.
"Please let me just get through this in peace." Your voice carries hurt. So much so, that he can feel it in his chest when you speak.
"Alright, I'm sorry." It's the last words shared between you two for the entire rest of the evening. You're ice cold, surrounding yourself with walls much, much higher than before. Cooper notices, but no one else, save for Verna and maybe even Sebastian, can tell a difference. Your ability to mask this pain only adds to his endless guilt.
You're being interviewed with another actress, finally tied up in a conversation you want to be in. You're glowing in comparison to your moments next to Cooper. Meanwhile, he and Sebastian sit off to the side, having just finished their interview with the same host.
"I think you should just accept your loss. Maybe you two can rekindle something in ten years," Sebastian shrugs. Cooper looks at him in disbelief of what he's just suggested.
"I don't want to 'rekindle something in ten years,' I want her now. I want her back." He pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger, stressed.
"I thought you weren't putting a label on it," Sebastian chuckles.
"That was before I found out that she had no idea we were doing PR, fucker."
"Oh, calm down. It was a misunderstanding," he looks at Cooper. "So make it understood."
In the days following that event, Cooper tries his hardest to take Sebastian's advice, but you won't let him speak when you answer your house phone and realize it's him. Weeks go by and you demand Verna find a way to schedule you and Cooper at opposing time windows for every press event here on out. You appease the crowd with a lot of "We just missed each other, but I'll see him at home," with a stupid wink. Everything feels so fake. It feels like you're constantly acting now, it's exhausting.
"Look doll, I can't help you out of seeing him at the award show in a few weeks," Verna warns. It's now been a month since you and Cooper last saw each other, longer than that since you've spoken. You're both so busy, your minds haven't had time to ruminate on each other like when you had to see each other all the time. The pain has softened and even the paps stopped asking about where the other one is when you go out.
"It's fine, Verna. But I want you to hire the stylist from my press tour in Italy last year. When I was in Aida."
"On it, boss," she salutes, already holding a phone to her ear.
Verna gets you some face time with the stylist and you discuss what you're looking for in the look. You describe something sparkling and demanding attention, something Monae Lark would wear. As you watch the designer sketch, you realize you've described the dress Cooper gifted you. You're just now piecing together that it was meant to look like your character, it wasn't meant to be a sentimental gesture. You become furious all over again, demanding that the woman scrap that sketch.
"I want it form-fitting, black, silk." You begin listing adjectives that feel right.
"Tulle gloves? Fingerless?" The designer introjects.
"Yes, I love it. Not fingerless. Past the elbow. I want villainess, I want revenge."
"A revenge dress on the red carpet? I love my job." The artist begins sketching like mad and you watch your vision come to life on paper. It's perfect.
"You have two and a half weeks to get me fitted for this dress, is that okay? I'm sorry for the short notice." Your kindness goes a long way with this woman. She ensures you'll see your dress long before the deadline and you do, having a fitting only a few days over one and a half weeks later. The dress is everything you could've hoped for and after the alterations you're dressed to kill.
The night of the award show, your dress is perfectly fitted and your hair is styled intricately to match. A makeup artist finishes off your look and you stand to check yourself in the mirror. You look like your character stepped right out of the screen. A cold, heartless, murderous vixen, scorned too many times.
"Have you decided who you're walking with?" Your agent asks, concerned.
"I can't show up alone?"
"I'm afraid only the men can get away with that one unless you want prying eyes," she shrugs. You opt for calling Sebastian. You don't want to look like you're attempting to make Cooper jealous or hurt his feelings and you know all your actress co-stars already have dates and escorts. He graciously agrees, happy to know his two pals have opted for the high road.
"Well, let's get you on that carpet," Verna escorts you to your limo where Sebastian waits. The ride to the event makes you nauseous with anxiety, but you're not sure why. It's not like this is new to you anymore.
You make a grand entrance, on your co-star's arm, causing you to be bombarded with inaudible questions and blinding camera flashes. Sebastian separates from you for his own photo op. You give them various sultry poses, looking over your shoulder, and placing your hands on your hips. Your face remains stone, emotionless. Your sharp makeup and flat expression make you look like a piece of art. You're melting into your character for the cameras when you hear someone yell that Cooper Howard just walked in.
A decent amount of the cameras that were shoved in your face migrate over to him. Time seems to slow down for one whole minute as the two of you lock eyes. Every emotion neither of you had any time to feel has come rushing back. You reach out to Sebastian for some sort of grounding. Cooper notices that you're on his best friend's arm and he knows it's to show no malice. He sees it for what it is, an olive branch.
"Wow, you really mastered that empty, yearning, hopeless, doomed-love expression!" A man behind a camera shouts at you. You'd thank him, only you weren't trying to make that expression, regardless of how on theme it is for Monae.
"Let's see Cooper and Y/N together again!" Another pap yells, prompting Cooper to join you where you stand against the backdrop. Sebastian reminds you that the show must go on, leaving your side so your ex-fling can replace him. Cooper pulls you into his embrace, keeping his eyes on the audience. After several flashes, they demand to "see the love." You pull Cooper into a tight hug, smooching him on the cheek, leaving a large lipstick mark. He's smart enough to know that while you didn't show up with intentional arm candy, this isn't his real welcome. It's all for the cameras.
Without much thought, Cooper, to keep up the charade, catches you off guard by planting an unsuspecting kiss on your lips. It shouldn't have affected you the way it did, but the moment he pulls away, you two finally get a look at each other. Sebastian and Verna seem to be locked into the slow motion of the moment as well as their eyes bulge out of their heads while they watch your face shift through emotions.
"You're the meanest man I know," you whisper, heartbroken, before running off the red carpet and into the nearest empty area. You do your best to find privacy before you let your tears ruin your makeup.
Back in the carpet, Cooper and Sebastian stare at each other in horror before Sebas finally speaks up.
"Oh, no! A wardrobe malfunction at an event like this is dreadful. I'm glad she was able to catch that," he announces, patting Cooper on the back. That story seems to sell just fine as the cameras move on to the next arriving star.
"What the fuck were you thinking, kid?" Verna appears before Cooper the second he gets inside the building.
"I wasn't! I thought a kiss would shut them up, I was trying to speed this whole thing up for her," he sighs.
"Where did she go?" Sebastian asks the raspy old woman.
"We don't know. She took off so quickly, I couldn't see where she went." The old woman mumbles something angry under her breath and returns to looking for you.
You're in a room not intended to be accessed during this event, but it wasn't locked, so who cares? You find the nearest seat and allow yourself to cry quietly into your gloves.
"What did I do to deserve this? My career is so fucked when this gets out, and what is he?" You rant aloud to no one.
"He's looking for you," Cooper answers your rhetorical question.
"No, he's fine. His career is fine. Everything for him is fine."
"What makes you think that? That I'm fine?" He sounds offended, frustrated.
"Well it was all just an act to you, wasn't it? I fell hard and it was just overtime for you."
"You have no idea what you're talking about," he makes a sharp motion with his hand, angry and precise.
"I thought you felt the same and I'm utterly embarrassed now. I'm so embarrassed, I can only be angry. And I'm so heartbroken, I can only cry. It's unproductive." You pull a compact mirror from your clutch purse and begin fixing your makeup to the best of your ability. "I didn't want to be your on-set floozy."
"I didn't mean to embarrass you, Y/N. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't communicate what that night at the lounge was. I'm sorry I let you invite me inside your house. I swear, I thought you knew what we were doing. I thought the self-preservation thing was a shtick you were just really good at." Cooper takes a few steps closer to you. "I thought it was just fooling around, so I didn't want to get attached, but-"
"But what? Because this is all just kind of hurting my feelings again."
"But I did get attached. I did catch feelings. The night of that party, I was outside spilling my guts to Sebastian because he was the only person who would hear it."
"I'm not done." He puts a hand up. "I miss you. I've been pissed off every single day just because I can't talk to you. The minute I forget about you, it's like the wind blows a different way and I'm reminded of the way your hair catches in the breeze when you're in my car with the windows down."
"I think about you every single day and I'm fucking livid with you for making me wait this long to get to say this to you." He inhales deeply. "I think I- I'm in love with you."
"That's... A little sappy, Cooper."
"Oh, come on." He drops his shoulders, defeated until he hears you start to chuckle.
"I guess I'm in love with you too," you admit.
"You guess?" He raises a brow, feigning offense.
"Would it have hurt this bad if I wasn't?" By now, Cooper's crossed the room. He answers your question by closing the gap between you and locking his lips with yours. It feels like breathing for the first time in months. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. You both missed this.
When you both finally rejoin the party, you're inseparable. Nothing in the world can knock the cheesy grins off your faces. Sebastian looks on proudly, standing next to Verna.
"Well, looks like I've lost my date," Sebastian laughs. "Shall we?" He offers Verna his arm and she laughs loudly before accepting.
You and Cooper quickly find yourselves in the position of Hollywood's favorite couple. It not only skyrockets your career, but his as well, seeing as your fan base from the theatre followed you over to film, and eventually, they found and adored Cooper. The next time either of you comes to a misunderstanding, you take Sebastian's advice. Make it understood.
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very-straight-blog · 6 months
People really start to like Aegon after trailer? I'm not really surprise. I falled in love with his character in the book. Good that they try to fix his character.
Yes, the number of Aegon fans has clearly increased after the release of the trailer and, to be honest, I don't know what to think about it.
I fell in love with Aegon after reading the book too, so on the one hand, I'm glad that we'll have more arts/fics, and Tom - a wonderful, talented actor and a wonderful person - will finally receive the recognition and love that he deserves. Plus, it's certainly nice to see that the screenwriters remembered that the Dance of the Dragons is about a war between a brother and sister - Aegon and Rhaenyra. In general - new fans, welcome.
On the other hand, and I think all Aegon girlies will agree with me, being his fan for the last two years has been very difficult. Besides the book, we had eight minutes of his screen time and that's all. If someone started to like Tom too - well, he doesn't run social media and his filmography isn't very big, so we were literally existing without content. There wasn't much fan content either, because Aegon, let me remind you, is the most hated character in HOTD. And of course I have to mention all the harassment that his fans were subjected to. TB fans literally wished me to be r*ped because I love Aegon. So now it's not very pleasant to watch how the same people who shouted "r*pist apologist" talk about what an interesting and deep character Aegon is.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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I need someone to see this and write a full fledged fic for this cause my brain cannot put this idea into any sort of words outside of this outline. Y'all have my permission to take this and run with it.
Stranger things but outside of the obvious supernatural weird shit that already exists werewolves also exist (whether other creatures also exist is up to you), and Wayne Munson is one of the more known werewolves in Hawkins. It doesn't run in the family, Wayne just got bit one fateful night so Eddie is just plain human. But Eddie is considered part of Waynes' very small pack. Wayne himself doesn't play into traditional werewolf roles. He tried to join a pack that already existed, but found the roles and hierarchies tiresome and pointless so he decided to stick to just him and Eddie as pack. Then during the events of season one Steve gets bit by the demogorgon while trying to apologise to Jon. The bite acts almost like lycanthropy, turning him into a weredemogorgan of sorts. So now the party have a problem on their hands of trying to find how to help Steve when he shifts. Steve has taken to isolating himself thinking he's a monster. So Nancy came up with the great idea of Steve spending full moons with Wayne. They don't have to give up his identity if he doesn't want to, and won't he have to worry about hurting Wayne. Steve only agrees if Wayne will have him. It's one of the things everyone knows about the man he doesn't do packs.
Wayne is skeptical when Nacy first came to him with her plan. She can't really disclose a whole lot to him about a potential new pack member only that this new member does not shift into a wolf and if the government found out all hell would break loose. But he sees the desperation and maybe a little guilt in the girls eyes and agrees to help. Imagine his surprise when the next full moon brings this towering creature crammed into the back of chief Hopper's truck looking almost sheepish despite having no face. Eddie was informed of the new comer and nearly ran for the hills when he first laid eyes on him, and he would have if Hopper didn't give him a look that could've killed.
Steve seems happier with this new arrangement since he won't let anyone from the party near him while shifted too scared he'll hurt someone. And since he was turned by something made to be apart of a hive mind being with a pack, even one as small as this one is, during the full moon helps sooth his panicky hindbrain screaming at him to be near his family. As months pass he comes to think of both Munson men as part of his pack, even though they don't know who he is. Wayne is too old and tired to try and take on the role of a traditional alpha so Steve takes the role making sure Wayne is always comfortable and that Eddie is tucked between them so no harm can find him. Eddie hates that if he's not squished between his uncle and this giant creature said creature will come grab him from his room and practically drag him the the makeshift nest in the living room by the scruff. Wayne is no help only huffing a laugh at the miffed Eddie being forced to take part in a puppy pile.
Then as the events of season 2 come around more and of the party get bit (i.e. Max, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin). So the next full moon after the tunnels a pretty pissed Steve with 4 demodogs are added to the trailer, which is getting pretty small to house these rather large guests. Joyce at least looks a little guilty trying to quietly herd them into the trailer apologizing about not having enough time before the full moon to warn the Munsons that the pack was expanding. Eddie was happy thinking these new additions would mean he no longer had to be squished into the living room, but Steve seems to have other ideas. Now instead of being placed in the middle he's made to lay on the edge of the pile laying head to head with Steve acting as an outer wall with steve doing the same for the other exposed part of the pile. Eddie does not know what to make of this. With each passing full moon Steve becomes more more affectionate with Eddie. Making sure he eats and is always within "eye" sight of him. Eddie feels werid playinng the role of some high ranked pack member helping protect what he can only assume are the children of this pack. While also not even being the same species as anyone in said pack, its practically unheard of, but when has Eddie ever been normal.
Things continue on like this and Eddie decides to name his new pack mates given he can't keep calling them things 1-4, and no one has come forward claiming to be these creatures. The names are nerdy and said creatures accept this with as much grace as faceless beings can. And Eddie can admit that since spending more time with them has been pretty cool, although watching Steve act like an absolute mother hen to his wayward pups is pretty funny. Especially when they turn their pent up energy on Wayne giving him some much needed playtime, although when they get too rough with the old man Steve makes sure to growl until they let the old man go and start rough housing among themselves. (Still not sure if they would have their own hivemind between the turned demo creatures or not up to you).
But by the time season 3 comes around thankfully no one else gets bit, but 2 new members are added to the pack in the form of a very excited Robin Buckley and a very sarcastic Erica Sinclar both of which don't want to leave their scoops troop counterparts alone and will not let slip who these creature really are. It may be due to the loss of Hopper that Steve even allows this, but Eddie will not complain since he is now no longer the only human in this pack. He was kinda hoping with Robin being added to the group that his nest protection duties were over. Maybe even a little jealous that he could be replaced so easily. But nope he just now gets the live reaction of Robin and Erica witnessing the Eddie Munson get dragged from his room to the perimeter of the pile and lay head to head with the pack alpha. Robin has the biggest shit eating grin which is making Eddie blush and Steve growl in warning, and the kids are all makeing this garbled huffing almost laughing noise along with Robin and Erica. Wayne is amused and just enjoys the pack that he now finds himself surrounded by. The biggest change after the mall supposedly burnt down due to faulty wiring, outside of his new pack mates, is his new neighbors moving in next door who seem relatively nice but keep to themselves. That and one of the pups seems more snappy towards the others yet Steve doesn't always reprimand them, much to Eddie's confusion.
By the start of the school year Eddie finds himself surrounded by 3 very excitable freshies who are overly familiar with him. All of who keep trying to involve his new neighbor with their escapades, and he watches as every attempt is met with her snapping at them to leave her alone. Then there is the new development of watching a very flustered and strung out Steve Harrington play chauffeur for his newest hellfire members and his angry new neighbor. The former king is always impatiently waiting for them to exit the drama building and ushering them into his car akways making sure to wave to Eddie for some reason. It confuses the poor man how his freshman know the former king and what they told him about Eddie to get him to always wave at him like they actually know each other.
Then the spring break from hell happens and Eddie miraculously wakes up in a private hospital room that is crammed full with the whole party, Hopper and Wayne included. The only person missing is Max who thankfully only suffered a broken arm and leg this time with Vecna fully taken care of. The moment he's awake Steve is on top of him hugging him and berating him all at once. Wayne can't even save Eddie from Steve's wrath because he's also gearing up to give Eddie a talking to as well. In the end the demobat bites have the same affect on Eddie as every other demo bite so far he heals up pretty quickly and on the next full moon debuts his new demobat form. Taking his job as pack security very seriously now that his own brain is yelling at him to protect his packmates that are growing up too fast for both his and Steve's liking.
This obviously ends with Steve and Eddie together as the packs parents. The goverment pay out the nose for leaving the fate of the world in the hands of untrained underage humans and weredemos. The trailer gets upgraded to a house able to hold their ever growing pack. Hopper is able to convince Owens to keep the goverment away from his family. And they live happily ever after or something.
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hydrachea · 3 months
I’ve always loved the dynamic between the ot3 we've had since 1.0 and with firefly joining the party it instantly became an ot4 for me lol so that's fun! Speaking of firefly infantilization, I absolutely agree with what you said and what’s sad is you know damn well that if the person inside SAM was a man people would’ve cared to explore the odd connection & parallels between “him” & blade beyond “dad & daughter 🥺” posting (not to mention the fact that she’s much older than him). And she literally told kafka to “stop playing with her food” in the jepella trailer. They're partners & equals, not a nuclear family 💀
It's the exact same for me! Well, except I started playing in 1.3, but don't worry about it. As soon as Firefly's identity as a Stellaron Hunter was leaked (wow that was a while ago now) I started waiting to see how they'd portray her relationship with the other three, since they all already had a great dynamic - and wow did 2.2 and 2.3 not disappoint. She joined the ot3 now ot4 easily!
Alas, infantilization is just the fandom fate of any short young looking woman with a man she's close to in her life. Over on Genshin's side, Sigewinne still largely gets treated as Wriothesley's daughter even though she literally saw him grow up and clearly acts like an adult. Nevermind that she, just like Firefly, is the much older one of the two. Just because Firefly actively tries to enjoy her short life in as many ways as she can experience instead of brooding 90% of the time like Blade doesn't automatically mean he's older or more mature... He's just depressed.
That said! There are people with very nice takes out there, even if they aren't directly ship. And since I too am very interested in the dynamic between Blade and Firefly, given their respective situations and wishes - have you seen this comic yet? Only part 1 is out and I don't know if the webnovel (fic?) it's based on exists in English, but just that part 1 is so nice.
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lupizora · 10 months
I still can't stop thinking about the M27 teaser trailer. Honestly, when the very first teaser (that had played after the credits of M26) became available online without subs or translation, I thought the new movie might have an amnesia sub-plot. Like something happened that would make Kaito forget everything related to Kaitou KID and Heiji and Conan would have to deal with that along with the rest of the movie's plot. Of course, that idea was shot down from the translation, but I got attached to it for fanfic purposes lol.
So, after seeing the new teaser, that first silly impression is slowly becoming a fully fledged fic (is it HeiKai, HeiShin, HeiKaiShin, idk haven't reached that far yet 😅)
Like yeah, I want the dissonance of KID being aware that Heiji knows Conan is Shinichi, and Heiji not really knowing that Kaito looks like Shinichi (because Kudou never tells him any details that are not important for the task at hand). If anything, Heiji probably heard that's an option from Kazuha because Ran kept complaining to her about all the times KID had disguised as Shinichi before (or given recent manga spoilers, even from Hakuba and his suspicions).
That's why when Heiji unmasks him by cutting through his top hat, KID still slips into his Shinichi disguise (after doing it so many times, I'm convinced he can without a mirror at this point). Not because Heiji will believe it, since Conan is right there, but to buy time.
Heiji, of course, is pissed off about it, and given the whole Kidzuha fiasco, he wants to cut KID in half more than play along.
But KID says that he can't help it if disguising as the people that Heiji loves will keep him safe from his wrath. While Heiji has a crisis over what kind of love does he mean, KID makes his escape (recently stolen sword and all). Heiji throws his sword after KID, like a javelin, and unbeknownst to him, actually hits the handglider. KID drops out of the sky, fate unknown.
Next day, Iori shows up to bring Heiji to Momiji's temporary place (will the plot remain in Hokkaido, dunno) as there is a sensitive matter to discuss. Turns out, they found KID somewhere. While they recognize this person looks like Kudou Shinichi, it's still pretty obvious the clothes he had been wearing was KID's outfit. Heiji manages to convince them to bring Conan along, since the suspicion for KID's real identity will fall on his "cousin" and who's better to dispel these kind of rumors.
What neither of them expects when they are left alone with KID though is that one, he doesn't know who he is; two, he doesn't recognize Conan; but three, he remembers Heiji.
For now, I think the sword has something to do with this temporary amnesia (like holding a part of Kaito's soul or sth) since he feels more like himself whenever he's close to it. I also like actual magic shenanigans in the DetCo universe because it means I can make Akako appear (if the magic is real, she can exist. That's my rule lmao).
But that's pretty much what I have of this idea.
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konako · 3 days
an alternate universe of an alternate universe? what the fuck is going on in the rlh, bless you and screw canon material ;)
WHAT THE FUCK IS WDC:BB? (it's complicated)
Hohooh, this will be fun. Let me try to explain how this happened in the simplest of ways, without being put in virtual jail. As it's truly this:
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It all started back in 2021. When we were still young, naive and pure....
The Ruby Lucas Appreciation life was seeing a resurgence thanks to some maniacs out there somewhere. Gifsets were flowing, asks were coming in, ideas were brewing.
The domino pieces were being placed...
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Anon sends me a message about a trope they like. I agree. I imagine Red Queen in that trope. Kat (@lovecanbesostrange) sees the vision.
A writing demon takes over Kat's body. She writes a fic.
Safe Cage is born.
Unrelated to that (somehow)
Anon sends me a message to share a fun fact about a college football team with an interesting name. I reply with a silly idea for a story. As you can see in the replies under the post, Kat and I went mad again.
The Ruby Lucas Harem Server is created.
RRCAU is born.
It doesn't stop there...
RRCAU is developed over three years of collaboration and compatible unhinged behaviour. The story grows, we uncover the backstory, the supporting characters, the dynamics, the many different developments... It's a complete story.
But see. Kat has been cursed with a fantastic, fruitful imagination...
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We had a habit of taking stories and imagining "What-Ifs" to some scenarios (because we struggle with definite decisions when it comes to plot, and we like to experiment! who doesn't?). It was fun to think of what could have been different and how that change would affect the larger story.
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Soon enough, Kat had a thought: What if, instead of changing an event in the later parts of the story, we changed it in the very beginning?
What if Ruby's miserable up-bringing in a trailer park with a passively neglectful mother... was WORSE?
What If: Ruby was raised in troubling poverty by a physically, verbally and mentally abusive, constantly intoxicated mother?
Worse!RRCAU is born.
Still not connected to that (Palpatine has returned)
Anon sends me a message about Regina wanting people to kneel. I reply with a joke about Ruby being eager to kneel, so they work as a couple.
Kat sees that. She adds to that. She chooses violence. And she writes about it.
DRK AU is born.
These three AUs lived together in harmony. (Ruby disagrees. She keeps getting fucked over).
Until a 4am thought attacked.
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Narrator: she did think mean things.
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We.... thouroughly fucked Red over this time. Meticulously. We thought nothing of it. Torturing Red was routine. It was for fun! A 4am angsty brain fart!
But then the scary thing happened: it started to make sense.
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There was no coming back from there. The story took over. We had no power over it. It had power over us.
WDC combined the three big stories that contributed the least with the rent in our heads:
Worse (Worse!RRCAU) brought the world without magic and the usual translations that came with it. Along with the setting, it brought the feeling of Red's early life and how it shaped her to be accostumed to abuse. Dark (DRK AU) brought the torture, the body mods, the calculated disfiguration of Red and the need for a domestic life that would attempt to heal it. Cage (Safe Cage) brought the most important: Corrupted Red Snow. Red as Snow's weapon. The manipulation, the abuse, the years and years of conditioning, lying, training, until Red was no longer a person, but a monster to serve Snow's needs. Originally, it also brought Regina, as the opposition to Snow's force, and the person that stepped in at the right time to rescue Red.
It was clear. It was obvious. It was meant to exist.
Art was made.
And something that's important to note: in WDC, Red is kind of the bad guy. She's Snow's Bodyguard, Guard Dog, Pet. She has no agency, and she does whatever Snow orders her to do.
Including severely hurting Belle.
The way that Red hurt Belle is critical to WDC. (Don't worry, I won't go there). It's a major part of Red's story, and a defining moment in Belle's development. The trauma was even responsible for the unearthing of a new ship: Kansas Beauty. A relationship that began in, of all places, a mental health facility.
It was a fascinating story. A vessel to some dark, dark thoughts. It was to be kept in a secret alley, to never see the light of day (much like WDC!RED—). I failed at that one job, but... whatever. Anyway!!
We explored other stories, parallel to that. We have the range. (While confined to the Red Snow spectrum...) We thought of different things...
Then. Kat thought more thoughts.
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And I indulged her with a list of possibilities to fit that desire. Among which there was:
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Kat had even more thoughts.
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This change took us to a similar place, with a similar brain wave. (It happens often)
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And.... yeah..... This had some... unforseen consequences.....
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This is where we are.
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maybe one day, we'll trade places
since ao3 is still under attack i thought maybe i'd share the first ~600 words of a fic i started back in march and i've been working on in fits and starts ever since. i have no idea when i'll finish it but this is possibly the closest i'll ever get to writing something in s4 canon so... enjoy!
The sky looks the same. That's the first thing that comes to mind when Eddie opens his eyes and the world comes into focus once more. It's dark and hazy; ripples of lightning crack across his vision, rolling thunder echoing after every one.
It's still the Upside-Down. At least, that's what it seems like.
Eddie starts to sit up, expecting unbelievable pain to shoot throughout his body the moment he moves, but it never comes. He grabs at his clothing, finding the holes that the demobats tore through the fabric to get to him - to his flesh and organs - but he finds no wounds. No blood.
Nothing makes any sense. Eddie thought there couldn't possibly be a way for life to make even less sense than it did a few days ago when Chrissy levitated up to his ceiling and cracked like a glowstick in front of his very eyes, but maybe he was wrong.
Or maybe this isn't life anymore. Maybe it's death.
Eddie swallows hard as he draws in a deep breath. His lungs still work, as far as he can tell. He presses his hand against his chest and feels his heartbeat racing. How can he be alive and dead at the same time?
If he's here - wherever here is - then where's everyone else? He looks around and finds nothing but a wasteland. There's no trace of his trailer, no trace of Hawkins at all. It's all gone.
Did they win? Did the others defeat Vecna? Is Eddie stuck in some sort of purgatory as penance for not doing enough when he was alive? For running away when—
He shuts his eyes and draws his knees to his chest, holding them tightly as he shakes. He tried to do the right thing. He tried to help, he tried to make things right, he tried. If he couldn't bring Chrissy back, the least he could do was sacrifice himself so that the others had a fucking chance.
But maybe it wasn't enough. Maybe they're all stuck in the same sort of place he is. If they are, all Eddie can do is hope they're not alone.
When Eddie finally deigns to lift his head, to open his eyes again and look around once more, he sees a shape in the distance. He squints, unable to make it out from so far away. He pulls himself up from the ground and glances around as though there might be someone watching him from afar.
But there's nowhere for anyone to hide. If there were anyone around, Eddie would see them. He's alone and he knows it.
With a slow breath, Eddie starts walking towards the shape in the distance. For a while, it doesn't seem like it's getting any closer. He walks and walks, expecting for something to change. Something to happen.
Time passes, or at least he thinks it does. Does time even exist in this place? If this is purgatory then wouldn't it be everlasting? He checks his watch but the electronic face is blank, only adding to his frustration and leading him to rip it from his wrist and toss it aside.
Eddie stops short after his watch hits the ground. It clatters and then vanishes before his eyes, only to reappear on his wrist a moment later.
"Okay," he says aloud, hardly even noticing the crack in his voice as he twists his arm around. The watch remains right where it was before he took it off, and Eddie chalks it up to more Upside-Down fuckery he wasn't aware of before.
It doesn't settle the part of himself that keeps wondering am I dead, but Eddie's fairly certain that there's little that could at this point. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter. He doesn't see a way out of here.
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sarnai4 · 3 months
This isn't a trailer because I don't have the ideas figured out yet, but here is what I'm thinking. I want to write a fic where the ATLA crew is in the modern world and in school together. So, it's one of those K-12 types of schools. The bending still exists in this au. Here's how I'm imagining the characters.
Aang: He's well-liked and easily the most popular kid his age. He will sometimes pull good-natured pranks on the stuffy teachers. He hates tests and it doesn't help that he doesn't study much for them either, but Katara helps him come up with strategies so that he doesn't just flunk out. He lives with some adopted siblings who are also airbenders.
Katara: She's an honor roll student who is even more 100% than her grades sorta a teacher's pet. No one picks on her for this, though, because they still know that it's not wise. She's the student other students go to when they have a problem since she's always trying to help. She's a tutor for most courses. She and Sokka live with Gran Gran.
Sokka: He's the class clown, but he's also an amazing student. No one sees it coming, but he's probably got the best grades out of everyone. He just also messes around a lot and goofs off with Aang. So, the teachers don't know whether to love or hate him. He's got a part-time job to help out so that he can be the man of the house. He still starts off a bit controlled by what he thinks typical roles for men are, but Suki will get that out of him.
Toph: She's an alright student. The teachers like her since she seems nice enough. Her parents also gave a big donation which helps but she's got a totally different persona outside the school. Only her friends are this side. She and some other rebellious people regularly make things difficult for the shady police chief.
Zuko: He's a good student who's often grouped together with the popular/tough students. He isn't actually mean, but it's difficult for him to really bond with the others at first since he's awkward around nice people. So, he is normally around his sister which makes students assume he's going to be mean too. His home life is rough, but things get better for him after he finally befriends the Gaang.
Suki: She's a pretty good student, but she does better with tests and presentations than papers. She is the captain of most sports teams. She is not letting anyone get picked on around her and couldn't care less if she doesn't have bending. She also runs a self-defense/martial arts club.
Azula: She's a great student and the classic mean girl. She knows she can get away with anything and makes the most of that. She has completely dominated the principal and her dad's the mayor, so she believes she's above just about every law in town.
Ty Lee: She's not a great student, but she's popular. She's one of the cheerleaders and has probably dated almost every guy her age and older in the classes. She doesn't want to be in the mean group, but she's known Azula since she was little and is too scared to really stop her from hurting people.
Mai: She's a good student who the teachers like. Other students aren't sure if she's in the mean group or not. She's normally around Azula, but it's mostly because that's where Zuko and Ty Lee are. She can be a bit harsh with some students if she feels like they deserve it.
Jet: He's an alright student and the bad boy. He started his group to stop bullies, but they've sorta become the problem now. He hangs around Zuko some and views him as a friend (however reluctant).
Haru: He's a decent student and a quiet person in school. This makes him an easy target for some bullies, but he also secretly stands up for weaker kids.
Teo: He's a pretty good student who does a lot with robotics. He's got heart and doesn't let fear of people (Azula) get the better of him.
Bumi: He's the PE teacher who almost kills the kids every single day makes it a bit of a challenge. Some students (Aang) love him and others (probably Sokka) hate his class.
Iroh: He's the owner of a cafe (that only offers tea because there is no coffee allowed in his shop). This is where all the kids gather to get some snacks and advice. He's the group uncle for them all even before Zuko's their friend.
Long Feng: He's the principal who enjoys exercising his power (except this doesn't exist over Azula).
Ozai: He's mayor of the town and an awful person just like his regular counterpart. He feels entitled, has as much love as his stone heart can muster for Azula, and hates both his son and brother with a passion that burns worse than his fire.
Hakoda: He is a skipper in the navy. After the murder of Kya, he leaves to try to make the world a safer place.
Zhao: He's a corrupt police chief who cracks down on minor infractions and will get paid off for the serious crimes. In other words, he likes abusing his power.
Gyatso: He's the ethics teacher and Aang's adopted dad.
Gran Gran: She takes care of Katara and Sokka and becomes the group grandma. She has a shop where she sells various items for clothing and other trinkets, but the sales have been going down.
Mechanist: He teaches robotics.
Pakku: He's the (chauvinist) history teacher.
Earth King (Kuei): He's the highly incompetent guidance counselor.
Joo Dee: She's the nurse who is under Long Feng's thumb.
Jeong Jeong: He's the disgruntled philosophy teacher who might just discourage more people than he inspires.
I don't know who teaches math or English classes. I suppose any of the Fire sages could.
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raylin-creates · 1 year
What Tears of the Kingdom Means for the Timeline
(The timeline I made as reference for my major LU+First Hero fanfiction project, I mean, but a lot of it, most of it, applies to canon as well)
Surprisingly TotK actuality fits pretty well with the larger Zelda timeline I put together for my Toss Another Stone AU.
I know a lot of fans headcanon Sky as the first king of Hyrule, and I've read some amazing fics where that's the case, but seeing how Skyloft functions and Sky's personality I just couldn't see that happening. So I had Sky and Sun co-founding the surface settlement and the kingdom being established from that settlement generations later and Sky being posthumously named the first king when the monarchy is established.
So Rauru and Sonia being the founders of the kingdom of Hyrule fits extremely well and saves me a lot of work with the half baked backstory I was trying to build for the founding of the kingdom. (It was mostly the names. I am shit at naming things. Luckily Rauru and Sonia have names! Unfortunately the original sages still don't.) Making Sonia be Sky and Sun's descendant makes it fit even better, especially with my headcanon of Hylia being the goddess of time and Sonia's time power.
The game didn't confirm my theory about this being the end of the cycle, but it didn't refute it either and we don't know what effects swallowing a secret stone and having that stone destroyed could have so I'm keeping that the same until a new game refutes it.
My Link OC I've been calling Wraith who I based off of the sealing hand in the trailers we now know is Rauru, can no longer be claimed as canon compliant, which I expected but I'm still reluctant to part with him. Though honestly Wraith's backstory that lead to him becoming a spirit hand is actually very similar to Rauru's so other than the exact timeline placement (Wraith sealed Ganondorf a couple centuries after 10k while Rauru's era is clearly long before 10k since we have no sign of Guardians or Sheikah tech even ignoring the 'founding Hyrule' thing) it doesn't affect events too much, which I'm happy with.
There are two main tangles the backstory of TotK throws into my nicely constructed timeline.
The first, which is less of a tangle and more of a missing detail my brain won't stop chewing on: WHERE IS SONIA AND RAURU'S CHILD?? For Zelda to be their descendant they have to have had at least one kid and we don't get even a hint of their existence. It's easy to see how the developers maybe forgot about this detail with all the *gestures in demon king* you know, and it's easy to imagine they exist outside of the limited scope of the handful of memories we see, but it's something to think about. Also who ruled Hyrule after them? Rauru and Sonia are dead or as good as, and Mineru and Zelda, the only known relatives of them, are ALSO unreachable now. The kingdom must have been a mess after. You ever think of how those poor sages had to deal with the fallout?
The second, bigger tangle:
If this really is the original founding of Hyrule as a kingdom, it would take place before every other game except Skyward Sword, but Rauru seals Ganondorf and Zelda has the sages promise their powers will reawaken when the demon king rises again... but what does this mean for every other time Ganon/Ganondorf rose up as the enemy in another game (which is most of them)?
I can think of two explanations at the moment:
One: This is not the original founding of Hyrule.
It is in fact, a refounding of the kingdom after a time when the kingdom fell and the monarchy dissolved. This is not unheard of in the series, for the kingdom to be defeated or destroyed. In the Adult timeline the kingdom is swallowed by the ocean and destroyed entirely and is refounded later in the timeline. In the Fallen timeline (I haven't played the Adventure of Link yet so lmk if any of this is refuted in that game) There's still technically a princess and a castle at least, but the world is overrun by monsters and the people we see are mostly hiding and fending for themselves. The "kingdom" seems to exist in name only and the monarchy is defunct as a governing entity. Rauru and Sonia could have founded a new kingdom of Hyrule after the Fallen timeline, or during any of the large gaps between games.
Two: Ganondorf had not qualified as the true demon king until now to bring those promises into action.
Anyone who's played Skyward Sword to the end knows of The Bringer of Demise: the literal Demon King that put the entire cursed cycle into motion, and Ganondorf's... predecessor? Creator? Regardless, Demise is certainly responsible for why Ganon just keeps coming back in one form or another. And in TotK, when Ganondorf transforms into the "Demon King Ganondorf", he looks A LOT like how Demise appears in SS. I believe that this Ganondorf is closer to being the demonic god of hatred that started all this than any other prior instance of Ganon. He's more powerful, more obsessed, and had more time to let his hated fester. (So much so that that hated manifested as a writhing semi-sentient mass of malice known as Calamity Ganon, but that's a different topic.) He's become the Demon King on a level prior Ganondorfs simply hadn't achieved.
I think the most likely answer is a combination of both.
I think it makes most sense for Sonia and Rauru's era to be taking place prior to the 10k Calamity but after the three timelines either merge or become synonymous (with botw's and therefore totk's canonical timeline placement being "at the end of all of them"), after an unseen event causes the kingdom to completely collapse and they refound it as a new kingdom and reestablishing the royal lineage of Hylia's blood.
This easily fits within the looseness of the canon timeline and avoids contradictions with having Ganondorf sealed by Rauru while another Ganondorf is running around causing havoc in Ocarina of Time.
I Also think that this Ganondorf DID become a being closer to Demise than a mortal man when he took the secret stone (which,remember, amplifies the power already there, which in this case would be his connection to Demise), his appearance, speech, and powers all reflect that.
TotK mostly fits well with my headcanon timeline, the main snag being: if Rauru is sealing Ganondorf underground from near the beginning of the canon timeline all the way to the events of TotK, what does that mean for the games that take place between that period where Ganondorf/Ganon appears? I've concluded that Sonia and Rauru are in fact refounding Hyrule in an era after the other games but still long prior to the 10k Calamity, and that the Ganondorf in TotK became something closer to Demise than any other version of himself.
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ceciliasthings · 1 year
You're one of the only people I know who write for eugene and I had a fic idea in mind 😭 idk why more people don't write for him he's such a cutie pie BUT ANYWAYS.
Eugene x fem!reader who have been dating since like s5 and Eugene finds out reader is pregnant during his savior era (it's his kid btw) from Gabriel. I imagine Gabriel tells him this like when Eugene was yelling at him when he was in the hospital bed. And Eugene gets all antsy and goes to find her once the saviors are able to get out of the sanctuary and he gets all emotional and crap once he sees she's got a bit of a belly bump. Ty <3
•Moments of Calm Before the Storm • (1/2)
Summary: it's only been a few weeks since the terror that negan put you through, you and Eugene still have memories of those horrible days and if for one night you two forgot everything tonight just for a moment....
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It's been three weeks since you saw your friends brutally killed by Negan.It was one of the worst feelings you've ever felt the worst of all was not being able to protect Eugene he was on the other side looking at you with fear you didn't know if he was afraid of you being chosen or of himself being killed,When it was all over you crawled over to where he was hugging him as tight as you could.Things have been weird ever since that happened he's been distant and doesn't want to pick up any weapons anymore,You two were having trouble sleeping every time you closed your eyes you had flashes of Abraham and Glenn Getting beaten up by that bat and you over there next to Eugene not being able to do anything these pictures make tears come to your eyes.
-y/n are you awake?- He puts his hand on your waist over the covers.
- Yes....- you turn to him staring at his face
In all the time you've been together you've never seen him like this,During the day you would focus on the solar panels you would try to talk to him but he would give short answers it worried you but you couldn't force him to talk about it.
- I'm sorry...- He says quietly as he places his hand on your head
- Why are you apologizing? - this snapped you out of your trance you expected him to say anything but "sorry" was the last thing on your mind
- for not protecting you that night...That night when you were with me in the trailer and when we watched the sunset for a whole 35 minutes, It was the best of my life But then the saviors surrounded us and I saw you getting hurt by those guys... I stood there and I couldn't do anything! -He says sobbing he sits on the bed running a hand over his face which is wet with tears.
It gives you a lump in your throat to see your loved one blaming himself like that, your next action is to hug him while he cries you can't help it and shed some tears too.When you managed to calm him down, he was lying on top of you with his head on your chest.
You pat his head, he seems to squeeze you a little tighter you kiss his forehead and then say- Eugene..it wasn't your fault..if I wasn't there who knows what they would have done to you? - your heart stops for a moment thinking about the cruelest possibility that existed for you..- They could have killed you...- As he spoke of this, your eyes filled with tears-If I could go back I'd do it all over again, I'd get in that trailer with you, watch the sunset with you and... I'd get beat up by those suckers with you
As you say that he looks at you with a surprised expression.
- are you serious ? - he asks with wide eyes
- yes dear..i would do it all over again- you say calmly as you caress his face.
He gives a slight smile it was the first time you had seen him smile since that day, and then he brings his face close to yours and kisses you,The feel of his lips touching you was comforting he runs his tongue all over your mouth it seems like he's forgotten what it was like to kiss you..he places his hand gently on your face as he takes your lips, when the two of you break the kiss to breathe you can see that he is flushed,you run your fingers lightly over the stitches you gave him he shudders but soon gets used to it and runs his hand over your wrist.
- does it still hurt? - you look at the stitches attentively.
- A little... - he says softly then he looks at you - but when you touch it it feels like the pain disappears..
You smile and lean down to kiss his spots first you kiss his forehead then his eyebrow and then you kiss the bruise he has on his lip, you give him a peck but then he pulls you away for another kiss with passion..you end up on top of him you get lost in the kiss that when you see you are sitting on his waist..You want him but you're afraid of hurting him you ask him.
- are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt I know you have bruises on your arms and legs
He wraps his hands around your waist you shudder at his touch his hands are warm- i'm sure..god i want you so much..
You smile as you get rid of your pajama bottoms you run your hands lightly through his underwear feeling his bulge he sighs at your touch as you feel his cock get harder, without even waiting you pull it out and position it at your entrance, you hear Eugene's breathing get heavy with it he's looking forward to feel you...You soon start to go down slowly on his member, careful not to be so rough, you let out a moan while doing this..
- God... this feels so good..- Eugene says as he arches his head back now he runs his hands over your thighs- You make me feel so good....
Upon hearing this you go down and up faster, letting him feel all of your insides you place your hands on his chest while you do this the expression he makes is priceless, his eyes are shining his mouth is half open and his face is more like a red band looking like a sunburn, you feel his breathing get heavy because of your hands on his chest.
- oh Eugene...- You arch your head up as you feel his member reach its "happy spot"
You go faster as you feel his member pulsing inside you, you feel that he is close and that it won't last long so you speed up the movements you are getting closer too.
- y/n! I love you so much..- he squeezes your waist while closing his eyes- y/n y/n Y/N!
He screams your name as he comes inside you it makes you reach your point too, you feel him release all his load inside you, when you finish you lie down next to him out of breath and kinda tired,But just thinking about that being the only good memory in three weeks makes you have a goofy smile on your face.
- wow that was good... - you put your head on his chest-I hope I didn't hurt you or open any points in this.
He laughs as he runs a hand through his hair playing with it- you didn't hurt me..in fact I think you did the other way around haha- he kisses you on the forehead,you two cuddle for a long time until you fall asleep Eugene covers you and kisses you on the lips and then settles down to sleep too you two fall asleep in each other's arms.
- Eugene? - you wake up and it's still night but you don't see him by your side, worry soon takes over you.- Eugene?!
After saying that you hear the front door closing and you hear footsteps going to your room when the door opens and he has a serious expression.
- I'm here y/n ..- he lays down on his side and puts his arm around his waist- I went to answer the door ..
- Who was it?- you ask snuggling next to him.
- nobody important I just see that I'm going on a run tomorrow..don't worry I'll be fine..now let's go to sleep it's kinda late..- he says in a calm and reassuring way as he kisses your back.
You just nod your head and close your eyes for the first time the image of Glenn and Abraham being killed no longer appears but happy moments you have with your boyfriend, but who knew that a simple lie could change everything?.
Notes: Sorry if this sucks and if I haven't been very active, unfortunately writing fanfics doesn't get me grades lol but I'll try to be more active here on the blog and for the person who asked for it, sorry for so long and I promise the second part won't take so long :) I hope you like it
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You're not the only ship adrift on this ocean - thank dog!
So Storer threatened us with the trailer but didn't put his money where his mouth was, not explicitly, anyway... As usual.
I want to see a scene with Syd and the C person. I want them to interact, and even though I know they can't coexist in the same territory, I guess that if this meeting happens post-clairmy-closure this spell can be broken:
I really want to know what C has to say about Carmy to someone like Syd, someone who she doesn't know has the relevance Syd has in Carmy's life. And what would Syd respond to that?
I wish Tiff's wedding was the context in which this conversation took place. And I wish that afterward, C had a moment of realization, like sort of suspecting that something is up between her ex and his business partner. C is a narcissist:
So she reads people.
She will be able to tell if something doesn't add up and could draw some conclusions that not even Carmy could, in regards to what he might feel for Syd and what Syd might feel for him.
And we, the viewers, could just sit back and enjoy the moment in which C gives up because this is just a losing battle for her.
She will come to this realization and eventually, maybe could even inform Carmy about it and inadvertently end up playing a role in bringing Syd and Carmy together by opening Carmy's eyes, which would fulfill her own name's prophesy and her catalytic role in the whole plot:
I am aware this is just wishful thinking. It's just that I am currently writing a fic based on this very wish, and I wanted to put this out there in case someone from Camp Storer spies on us, truthers, during this S4 re-writing phase.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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