#a thing to ponder on for later..
mothdotz · 2 years
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I like them a whole lot.
(I am not normal about these guys)
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hatterladz · 6 days
So let's talk Cuphead's kills
Alrighty so spoilers for Inky Mystery, buckle up this is going to be a long one
Okay so I was going to my fav chapters and doing some rereads
And I'm going rabid about Chapter 177: A Broken Cup and it made me also realize some things with Chapter 334: Can't Sleep a Wink
Now to start off with 334 always bugged me, it felt so out of nowhere. I mean, Cup is sleeping around with girls, being Bendy's wingman and before that doing Fanny favors? Sure there was the gangs but it felt sudden that Cup just killed Wink not only that but that murder was much more emotionally involved then his other jobs. Why?
At first I could believe it's his overprotective streak, but now I think it might be something else, because I reread Chapter 177, where he's getting taunted by the Night Terror. And when I read him being taunted I took it all as lies but during my reread...
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How much of Wink's death was really the B-Bros protection? How much of it was for Wilson? Was it really that? Or was it something else?
Much earlier in the story it's mentioned Cuphead laughed at hurting and killing people. But we know he didn't enjoy it, it haunts him. His guilt and regret is mentioned frequently. He even remembers all of his victims.
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So why? Why is there so much emphasis in the Labrynth that Cuphead is not just a killer but a killer who likes his job? When he has this much guilt and regret? When he remembers all of their screams and deaths?
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Because it's how he copes. He was raised as a killer, it's what he's good at and he also knows that, when it comes to the underworld, an easy solution.
The events surrounding this chapter was more then just Cuphead going through a playboy era with his friend Bendy. The house stresses him out, he can't go there now after the events that happened with Holly. So he went to the Candy Shop, except then Fanny hurt and betrayed him. He doesn't have anywhere to go so he's coping in the worst ways possible.
Violence and women. Now this isn't my post where I talk about how using sex is a coping mechanism is a horrible idea, so I'll move on from that. But let's look at that quote again "I've need something to hit for awhile".
He's doing it as a stress relief. He can't figure things out with Fanny, he can't help his friend with his guilt and fears of killing angels, he can't do anything about the deal with Marcus, the ink machine, the fact he's trapped as the "Devil's Dog".
But he can kill Winky. Winky has his goons all over the house. Winky killed Wilson which caused all his friends pain, Winky tried to attack his friends, Winky has answers to his questions, Winky is a problem. So he takes it out on Winky. He wasn't ever intending of letting Winky go easy, and he especially wasn't planning it after his suspicions were true. Why would he mention he works for the Devil otherwise?
Why did he leave Mugman home? Because Mugs would stop him. He didn't want to be stopped. It's why he doesn't tell anyone about it or Darius after. Sure Darius is a target, and I'm sure information was also a target. But that wasn't the only reason.
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But he doesn't want to admit how easy it is for him to kill, the relief it gives. And how guilty he feels afterwards.
Because he doesn't even want to address it's his fault. He did what he had to. He doesn't want to believe what sort of person he is, he doesn't want to remember all the things he's done. He tries to forget. It's not his fault, he was protecting his brother. He was told to by the Devil. He did what he had to. Didn't want to acknowledge the times he had fun tormenting people, to acknowledge how good he is at being a monster [since deep down, that's how he sees himself], and he especially didn't want to acknowledge he killed when he didn't have to. That he took the "easy" way to do things.
He did what he had to. That's what he needs to believe.
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theangrypomeranian · 4 months
I just want my passion back man idk why that's so much to ask for
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pluvio-floret · 22 days
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..Nothing at all?
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Meat Marionette #11?
Thinkin about the rogues in this Au, and like, the difference between their relationship with the bats vs this Au. 
 For example, Selina. I’ll admit I take a bit of inspiration from the 2022 movie and mix it with comic depictions along with the different cartoons, which honestly isn’t too different from each other by too much. Now, I don’t think that Catwoman would flirt with this version of Batman, what with his body being a meat puppet that is visibly not human and off putting. There’s also the fact that she would have been an early-ish rogue of his, at least in order of encounters. Which means that she probably encounters the Bat for the first time while Bruce was still getting used to said gifted body, which in turn was probably terrifying. So there’s still a cat and mouse game happening, but it’s more akin to Selina doing her darn best to avoid the Bat no matter what, because to her it isn’t above trying to kill. It’s like seeing a lion where you figure you’re safe at this distance, until it starts moving and you realize that you are definitely not far enough away. 
 Another rogue that I am thinking of is Harvey and Two-Face (Which DC, give Two-Face a proper name :/ he’s his own dude even if they share a body). Harvey was best friends with Bruce, hell they were practically high-school sweethearts in some cases! And Bruce still visits him in Arkham, canonically still talks and interacts with both his friend and TF. Now if anyone is going to notice the changes to Bruce, it’s going to be Harvey. He’s going to be the first to notice how Bruce’s movements are now dangerous and downright predatory, with too much grace even for a dancer or martial artist. There’s something familiar about that movement, and Harvey isn’t an idiot, TF isn’t one either. They know there’s something wrong with Bruce even if he insists he’s fine. In canon Harvey straight up broke down and cried when he found out Bruce was Batman, so I’m wondering what their reaction to this version of the bat would be…
 There’s also rogues like the Riddler and the Joker who are downright obsessed with Batman, but would they still be with this one? I could see Joker slowly becoming obsessed as the creatures continue to thwart him over and over again, but I’m still rotating Riddler. 
 But y’know who would definitely be obsessed with the batclan?
Scarecrow. The man is obsessed with studying fear, with the effects it has and how to cause it. So the bats, who bring terror wherever they go, with something about them continuously tingling at the back of ones’ more instinctive mind that this is something to fear? He would be utterly enthralled, he’d need to know more, he’d need to know Everything. Especially if his fear toxin doesn’t work right on them. After all, how would a gas effect something without lungs? How can you inject something that doesn’t have blood, that’s not quite alive, not in the way that we as humans understand? How can you cause fear of something that has stared into the Tunnels’ heart and lived? Or something like that lol. 
AU is a combo of my cryptid batfam and @phoenixcatch7 's Possessed Doll au, go check them out, they're amazing
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orb-weaving · 7 days
I have not been so physically unwell about a ship as chronohaul in a long, long time.
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grettysart · 1 year
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Day 2 - Angel
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
When my s/i becomes Chester's fairy he can just like, wish for new braces when he needs them and then maybe his dad can afford yanno. A house 😂😂 or even an apartment!
Hell, he can wish his teeth all better! In fact? Why doesn't Timmy do that???
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calicotisane · 3 months
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It's macro
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politemagic · 5 months
got a new job at the worst time bc how am i supposed to be productive knowing that last night sleep token opened with tndnbtg and closed with EUCLID?? i need three to five business days to process actually
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sylvies-kablooie · 4 months
unrelated to my usual loki blogging or history posting but i finished reading dune yesterday and watched the first part of the film trilogy and i'm so torn
because on one hand, i loved the worldbuilding, i thought the plot and themes were interesting if convoluted and often unpleasant, but i cannot stop myself from thinking about the themes and wanting to know where the story goes next even though i'm scared to learn (and i often didn't enjoy certain plot choices, like the 3 year timeskip or what felt like to me was chani being entirely sidelined)
on the other hand, i read the plots of some of the other novels, of which there is over 20, and frankly i think they sound unenjoyable and also there are so many of them- i know that guy turns into a worm- and how on earth could i ever read them all, what if they stop being good, but by that point i'm too invested in canon as has been known to happen- gestures to still keeping up with the mcu for sylvie alone- do i just. trudge along? through the 20 books?
my current course of action: gonna watch part 2 and maybe read dune messiah to understand part 3 when it rolls around but other than that. i shall try and resist any temptation to be called into the void. (can they cover all of dune messiah in one movie? will it be like 4 hours? so many variables)
and also i'm gonna be hard on the jessica and leto ship. peace n love.
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#So I'm putting all this in tags because I'd prefer it not get out into wider Tumblr. I pondered even posting it but I think some of y'all#are following the drama and/or praying for my family so I figured I'd post an update. Just pretend there are commas and it's all readable.#Got a hearing date today. February 6th. Now I need to get affidavits and medical records. Not much to do in the way of affidavits because#either he made sure no one saw anything or I made sure. (Shame is a heckuva thing.) I really need the medical records from the assault.#Can't get them because I am currently without ID. I am currently without ID because I have had a beginner's permit for ~10 years now and#those have to be renewed in-person every year. Can't get to DMV to get it renewed because... no car. Can't use Uber because you have to#provide your own car seats and where am I going to put three car seats while I'm at the DMV? Can't use bus because... bus lines.#...it's stressful.#Also I'm still not sure about the theology of all this but it's also impossible not to see the Hand of God in freeing me and the boys from#this man so either God will help me work out the theology of it later or I'll ask Him when I get to Heaven.#Practically speaking I will not ever permit him and the boys unsupervised contact again if I can help it because he WILL neglect them#at best and physically hurt them for his own amusement and/or beat them up because of his temper at worst.#...anyway any and all prayers are appreciated.
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bluepallilworld · 8 months
I almost thought about typing "can a skeleton catch a cold" in my research bar
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knightofleo · 2 months
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hatterladz · 1 day
I'm on the chapter where it's the Cupbros v Warners and now I'm also realizing more then just Mugman messing with everyone I think that part zany that was vaguely mentioned about the two of them at some point is EXTREMELY relevant when it comes to Mugs and explains a lot about him early story
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gammarads · 2 days
everybody look away im trying to figure this out....
okay the main thing i need to do is brush my teeth which probably doesn't seem that serious but i really need to hype myself up so it's going to the top of the list.
secondly (i probably won't do this secondly) i need to clean my room. and that doesnt mean just put things away i need to Actually clean it. vacuum and shit. this will be nice for the days (every day 🥲) i feel so horribly tired after minute task and i need to lay down for 2 hours about it ← i've been struggling with this more lately and having a clean space will probably make me feel atleast a Little bit better. not enough to help physically but at least i won't be going out of my mind because my room is a mess kdhskdhjdd
ah okay what else . ermmmmmm
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