#a tag for moosh
kitweewoos · 4 months
smutty prompt idea ✨️ bucktommy + somno (if ur alright with writing that kink)
in the dark of the night
Tommy brings up somnophilia to try, and Buck is more than willing to give Tommy what he wants.
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard
Additional Tags:
Established Relationship
Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Consensual Non-Consent
Consensual Somnophilia
Bottom Tommy Kinard
Top Evan "Buck" Buckley
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thornswoggled · 1 month
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i think there is a convo to be had about how chises dragon curse - for all of its confusing mechanics - functions less as a plot point and more of a physical manifestation of the character growth chise has yet to undertake, and an unwillingness to reckon with the person she is past the roles she serves in the lives of others
chise takes this curse on when she returns to the auction house, and location is everything here. at its core, this curse is anger, hatred, fear, pain, and a deep desire to return to comfort - destructive emotions that rip apart all it touches. when chise breaks down at the sight of the frightened dragon for sale, elias tells her that those are not her emotions, that she shouldnt let them overtake her - but they are her emotions, that dragon is her, and there was never a possibility that she wouldnt follow it on its flight over london. seeing as things have "worked out" for her til now, chise hasnt yet reckoned with the gravity of what it meant to sell her life away. she hasnt reckoned with the hatred and anger and pain that she still harbors - unfortunately, moving to a quaint little english cottage does not undo a lifetime of neglect. her attempts to fix those around her, philomela being a prime example, will only get her so far. eventually she will have to look within, and i dont think shes done more than dip her toes in. "this is my past, these sad things happened to me, now things are better" is not the end of her self-reflection. now that we know the past she carries with her, what does all of that mean for her? what kind of person is she? who will she become?
im thinking too about this recurring theme of "atavism." its a key feature in tambs dragons, who are able to evolve at will to suit their needs, and yori also mentions it when noting chises appearance. atavism is the reoccurrence of dormant or ancestral traits, and you could make the argument that its also functioning metaphorically here. evolving to suit the world around you, past burdens and trauma reemerging when its unexpected or inconvenient... my thoughts on this are loose right now
theres this concept that we've been getting, too, that chises dragon curse is something temporary. arc 1 left us with the idea that her two curses must remain in balance, in perpetuity, for her to survive. but theres this new interpretation of it being something that serves her for now, but she might shed it once it fulfills its purpose
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continuing with the idea of the dragon curse as a sort of... idk, ptsd metaphor, what are these two examples from ch 98 implying? that her negative emotions will serve her when it comes time? that this sort of baggage cant be exorcised away? framing the dragon curse as temporary broaches the possibility of chise one day being cured of it, but what does that mean? and should she be?
(of course, the 'future chise' we see in ch 1 doesnt have a visible left hand, but is that meant to be a literal glimpse into the future, anyway? theres also a dragon made of vines behind her in that panel, didya notice it?)
i mentioned the auction house at the beginning because i feel that if chise sheds the dragon curse, it will be in much the same way she attained it. chise has been told that she is free, she is loved, she has told her "mother" that shes moving on with her life. but all of this is just the beginning - and lets be real, i dont think elias is putting her into therapy. joseph is the only character i can think of who is truly, earnestly pushing chise toward the difficult self-reflection she needs. im excited to see what he says when she taps into her "cursed fury"
this is why im so excited that we are being told explicitly, time and again, that things are about to go really bad for chise. tamb is such a masterwork of character writing, it is so incredibly emotionally intelligent and gives so much grace and patience to its characters. i have no doubt that chises character arc is going to go in such a spectacular direction
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night-triumphantt · 6 months
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Do I,,, post this at nearly 11 pm,,, I think yes I’m too excited anyway have kiyazan cuddle hours (which are always) @cashweasel I was good and kept it after the last time I showed u lolll it was really harD bc LOOK AT THEM
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gay-mooshrooms · 1 year
I fear to stain your clothes with blood/Stain them. I don't care
Chapter 1
Maybe Wilbur didn't love going to camp.
Maybe he would whine, and complain, and annoy the crap out of Phil and Techno on the 3-hour car ride.
That did not mean he hated it. 
Sure it was far from the most enjoyable experience in the world. 
But sue him, the kids gave him some small shred of hope for humanity that he was oh so desperately lacking. 
It also helped that Tommy adored Camp Essempi. He had practically grown up there, been tagging along every summer since he was 7 after Phil bought the place. 
So now Wilbur found himself in his dad's grey van, listening to The Artic Monkeys at a very unhealthy volume, while he could see Techno gesturing in the seat in front of him. 
If he had to guess, Tech was probably monologuing about some new book he read or what he was planning for the campers or something.
Wilbur didn't really care. 
Tommy was directly next to him, and his head was now resting on his shoulder, where it had been slowly creeping toward for the past hour, in spite of him claiming, "Fuck you Wil! I'm not tired at all bitch!"
They really needed to work on his swearing problem.
But that was for another day. 
Right now Wilbur had to worry about how to stay sane with 2 more hours left on this car trip.
He debated trying to read a book he brought but considering the last time he'd tried reading a book in the car they'd had to pull over so he could throw up, he decided not to risk it. 
Listen to Techno rant? Wilbur thinks he'd rather take the vomit at that point.
He eventually just decides to take the easy way out. 
Turning his music down slightly, he lays his head on top of Tommy's, stretching the blanket he'd been hogging across them both, and letting his eyes shut. 
By the time he woke up, they were only 30 minutes away from camp, and Tommy was still dead to the world. 
Techno had fallen asleep at this point too, his head lolling so his long hair fell over the edge of the car seat.
How he lived with it that long Wilbur would never know. 
He removed one of his earbuds and was met with the soft sound of Here Comes the Sun drifting from the radio, Phil humming along quietly. 
A few seconds later, his dad looked up and saw him awake. 
"Oh Wil!" Phil said, smiling, "Didn't see that you were up. We stopped at McDonald's about 15 minutes ago and got some fries for you, figured you'd be hungry."
Wilbur immediately brightened and maybe grabby hands at his father. 
"Gimme food," he said, with all the eloquence of a toddler. 
Phil chuckled and handed over the brown paper bag. 
"Save some for Tommy, you know he'll be starving when he wakes up, and who knows what that will entail."
Wilbur nodded solemnly, suddenly reminded of the last long car trip they'd taken. 
A few minutes into starting on the fries, he felt Tommy stir beside him. 
"Ugh, do I smell food?" Tommy asked, his voice slightly hoarse. 
"Always hungry never satisfied," said Wilbur, which was not entirely inaccurate. Tommy ate like a fiend. 
"Ey!" Tommy blurted out, his head immediately shooting up and his hands raising. "Just cus you're as small as a twig doesn't mean I have to be. Plus I heard Niki's running some of the sports stuff and I am NOT doing that on an empty stomach."
Wilbur had to give him that, Niki, one of his old camp friends and now first-year counselor, was one of the nicest people he'd ever met, but also incredibly badass. 
She'd been one of Techno's favorite campers, and he, in turn, had been her favorite counselor, which meant she was an expert in most combat-based camp stuff. 
She terrified Wilbur and Tommy alike. 
Techno too, but he would only admit that to her.
"Fine fine gremlin child take your food," huffed Wilbur, handing over the bag.
Tommy grinned evilly up at him and began shoveling the food into his mouth like an animal, a raccoon perhaps. Or maybe a possum. 
Wilbur couldn't help but grimace and turn his attention back towards his older brother and father, who, now that Techno had woken up too, were discussing camp setup. 
"Listen, Phil," one of Techno's quirks, he almost never called Phil dad. "We have more campers this year, we're gonna need to buy some more stuff."
Phil shook his head, "It'll be fine Tech. And if not, we'll go out and get stuff. And anyway, it's not so much supplies I'm worried about but space. I think we'll have to raid some of the unused cabins for cots. The last thing I wanna do is force kids to sleep on the floor, "said Phil, chuckling. 
"It would be good for them, " Wilbur chimed in, "Builds character."
Phil laughed. 
"C'mon Wil, let's not give them scoliosis too early on in the summer."
"As I just stated, character building."
"Wilbur I swear to god."
The last 20 minutes of the drive were spent bickering about random topics or singing along to Hamilton.
The latter was, of course, Wilbur's request. 
But Tommy joined in too. 
The sudden sound of crunching gravel alerted Wilbur to their imminent arrival at Essempi, a sound that bore equal parts joy and pain in his mind. 
It was at this point Tommy began bouncing off the walls, it was honestly a miracle he's lasted this long.
Usually about 2 hours in they had to stop for 15 minutes and just putter around a gas station.
Fortunately, Tommy had stayed up late last night with Wilbur, going over rules and his luggage over and over again to make sure he didn't forget anything. 
But once rested, Tommy's energy made a full recovery, and as soon as they had gotten their luggage out of the car he was full-on sprinting towards their cabin. 
Wilbur however, did not not follow so eagerly. 
Unlike Tommy, car trips didn't make him stir crazy, but rather tired, lethargic, and dead on his feet.
So, grumbling, he hoisted his backpack over his shoulders and grabbed his duffle, before trudging down the path behind his little brother. 
It didn't take long for his dad and Techno to catch up, his older brother giving him a small pat on his shoulder before moving past. 
Phil on the other hand, fell into stride alongside Wilbur and started humming Dear Theodosia, one of his favorites. 
"How are you feeling Wil?"
The words startled him, he hadn't exactly been expecting conversation. 
"Uh, fine?" he said, with a slight question in his tone. 
"I mean, a bit tired but nothing horrible."
Phil nodded, "OK. Just let us know if you need anything."
Wilbur couldn't help the small sigh that escaped him. 
He understood that his dad meant well. That he genuinely cared and wanted to help. But this was not what Wilbur needed. 
He never did well at the whole talking about your feelings thing. That was definitely Phil's department, and something he always encouraged in his kids. But somehow Wilbur never got the hand of that particular skill.
He didn't think any of them did really.
But he didn't say this, or anything remotely similar. 
Instead, he just nodded and said softly, "Alright, thanks dad."
Phil smiled, laid a hand on Wilbur's shoulder, gave a small squeeze, and then he was gone. 
Wilbur paused for a second, looking around at the slowly darkening sky, where the first glimpses of stars were visible.
He glanced at the trees, shaking in the slight breeze that was making him glad he wore a hoodie.
And finally, he looked back down the path, where beams of warm light could now be seen.
Wilbur took a deep inhale, readjusted his bag, and continued walking.
It was gonna be a long couple of months.
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mooshkat · 1 year
kinktober day 5: collaring
TK hasn't been able to stop touching his neck all day. He's wearing two necklaces now; his 252 pendant tucked under his shirt as it always is, with his new wedding ring hooked onto it as well for work, but the new necklace is on a silver chain short enough that it can't be hidden as easily. Part of him thinks his husband chose it for exactly that reason.
He fidgets with the small o-ring and the letter C charm hanging in the middle of it. TK loved, loved, wearing his collar at home, so Carlos brought up the idea of a day collar.
Carlos knew TK better than himself most days, so TK let him pick one out and give it to him as a surprise once it arrived in the mail. It was small and easy to mistake as something else, but only Carlos had the key for the small locking clasp on the back.
Should there be an emergency, the chain was dainty enough to break if it was pulled on hard enough.
"Dude, can you please stop playing with your jewelry and help me stock this," Nancy gripes at him, startling him out of his thoughts. She leans in to take a closer look at the necklace, the pack of gauze forgotten in her hands. 
TK moves his hand for her to see, giving her a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Nance. Carlos got it as a gift for me and I'm still getting used to wearing another necklace."
She rolls her eyes, but she's smiling in the way she does when she finds him and Carlos almost sickeningly adorable. "Mhm, it's very pretty. Now come on, these cabinets aren't going to restock themselves."
They go back to stocking the ambulance in peaceful silence, moving easily around each other with a rhythm from years of working together. TK ducks under Nancy's arm as she reaches up for the top shelf of the cabinet, and he freezes as he suddenly feels her fingertips brush the back of his neck as she touches the lock.
"Oh," she breathes in a knowing, teasing voice, "so that's what that is."
TK straightens up and carefully avoids her eyes, feeling the tips of his ears start to burn. "What do you mean?" he asks, trying to play dumb.
Nancy leans around him to check the open door of the ambulance, but there's nobody directly outside that they can see. "I know what you are."
Unable to help himself and blaming her entirely for this train of thought after their movie hangout the weekend before, where Nancy forced them to binge the entire Twilight series, TK blurts out, "Say it. Out loud. Say it."
She catches on quickly and snorts, having to take a second to control herself before she can answer. As seriously as she can, she says, "A sub."
They break down into loud laughter, leaning against each other as they giggle at their own foolishness. TK's cheeks are flushed but he's grinning and has to wipe tears out of his eyes when they quiet down.
"Seriously, is it that obvious what it is?" he asks, his hand reaching up to grasp the o-ring and charm. "Carlos picked it out so I didn't think it would be, but—"
Nancy shakes her head, cutting him off. "No, it's not. I only know what it was because I, um. Saw it myself while looking for one for 'teo." Now it's her turn to blush, and TK is finding out way more about their dynamic than he wants to know.
TK laughs and sits down on the bench seat. "You know, I shouldn't be surprised that it's like that between you two. You can be pretty bossy."
She gasps in mock offense and throws one of the bundles of bandage tape at his head. "And you can be pretty fucking bratty yourself, I'm not surprised at all." She sticks her tongue out at him and moves away as he swats at her.
"What are you two in here giggling about?" Tommy's voice makes them spring apart, snapping back to stocking the ambulance like they were told to do.
TK risks a glance at her and finds their captain staring at them with her hands on her hips, but she looks more amused than annoyed.
"What are we not surprised about?"
Nancy's eyes go wide at getting caught and TK smirks. He can't wait to hear what she comes up with.
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POV me going in to honk the Ganon booba:
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Now that I have your attention, important PSA: the tears of the kingdom collectors edition has leaked and is assumed to be out in the wild, get off the internet right now I suspect leaks and spoilers to come in REAL soon. Two weeks left, folks.
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abimee · 1 year
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tlreally enjoy this tag cause nothing ended up happening so i can only assume ny estinien art dissapointed. but in my defense i didnt say i drew him ugly i said i drew him in a way that estinien fans find ugly (besides moosh) so sorry for false advertising
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berryblu-soda · 1 year
man, i miss guided evolution :((
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was tagged by @mooshkat (thank you friend!!) to list 8 tv shows for my followers to get to know me better!
for someone who repeatedly watches the same shows over and over and hyperfixates on certain fandoms, you’d think this would be easy for me but …. it’s not 😂
1. 9-1-1 2. 9-1-1: Lone Star 3. Young Royals 4. The Mentalist (Patrick Jane my beloved...) 5. Broad City 6. The Good Place 7. Black Mirror 8. Disjointed
I will always be re-watching at least one of these, if not multiple (right now, it's Broad City and 9-1-1 hehe)
anyway, since I just watch the same shows over and over again, I'm excited to see what everyone else watches! @wheelsupin-five (I tried tagging two-cut-lines at first lmao) @paqerings @lilbuddie @the-likesofus @shortsighted-owl @poughkeepsies @alyxmastershipper @leslieknopeinthepit
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Hey hey hey!
Early morning animal fact for you
In nature there are relationships called symbiotic relationships, which have many different forms and examples, but one of my personal favs is the honey badger and the honeyguide.
The honeyguide is a type of small songbird that eats honey and uses its song to lead the honey badger(which also eats honey) to the beehive.
The badger breaks the hive and takes the brunt of the bees while the honeyguide takes a bit of the honeycomb and honey.
They both help each other out and they both get fed!
Friendship is magical.
i read this to my friend who loved this so you have double the approval for this fact :D
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thebumblecee · 1 year
35 What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted? and 49 What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer? 💙💙💙
Hi Mooshie!!
Trust you to pick the self love ones grumble grumble
Okaaaay, so, what’s my favourite fic I’ve posted. This is hard because some of them are my babies you know?
For example for if I’m going down I’m taking you with me is OUR baby. Writing it was an utter joy (even though we’ve only posted the first few chapters) and getting to share the writing highs and anxieties with someone is so so so nice.
Also a shout out to how do you love? for being the first Tarlos fic and the first fic I wrote in literally years. It’s a little rushed and rusty and I had a covid fever when I wrote it but it kick started my love of writing again.
Well, no, I’ve written multiple multiple fics for other fandoms I just didn’t post them.
What would I say was the best introduction to me as a writer.
Oh, this is hard. You always make me think about myself. 😠
I would have to say either Educating Mateo which I think I’m most known for (if that’s wrong let me know) which is my Tarlteo fic - I hope it show cases my love of trying new things and also not giving a fuck about the haters 😉
When I’m like this you’re the one I want which is my break up era BDSM one because lbr have I ever written anything “normal”? As someone once asked me 😂
(No shade to those that do, of course, so many cakes on this buffet table and I love cake.)
You know those questions you get in interviews that are like how would your friends describe you? That’s this lmao. How would I know?!?
Thaaaaaank you Moosh 💙
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fun little tag game from @mooshkat ! share one line from a wip that could be a spoiler, but on its own is not.
from the baptism fic, which i sadly do not think will be posted before i start my summer job...
Shiv swears she feels a chill run down her spine when she steps into her dad’s old apartment.
Tagging, if you want to-- @karolinanovotney , @quantumdawnia , @anniemurphys , @someonefantastic
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t4tbedehopmar · 1 year
you are doing so well my dear. our Bedehop wedding is closer than ever❤️
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irlzim · 2 years
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gay-mooshrooms · 3 months
hello hello darling!! you remind me of: lord of the rings, minecraft, soft rainbows, cows, skittles, moss, summer vacation, campfires with friends, laughing until your face hurts, early 2000s video game graphics, fruit parfaits, and hearts doodled on paper 💕
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Being reminded of lotr is I think the highest praise I've ever received love I'm gonna be honest. And also just, all of that, is so sweet I-
Thank you so much <333
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mooshkat · 2 years
covered in your blood, it's ritualistic
After finding each other on a Stab subreddit long before TK moved to Texas, he and Carlos finally begin working together to bring the infamous Ghostface to Austin.
explicit | 2.6k words | major warnings: graphic violence, graphic death of an oc, knifeplay, bloodplay, choking, mask kink.
Despite the numerous times they've done this now, there's something so thrilling about seeing someone move around their home without a clue that they're being watched. Acting unapologetically like themselves, unaware of the danger lurking just outside their window.
They've spent days watching their target, tracking him down from the club they spotted him in and following him home. Once they had his address, the rest was easy.
Brandon was an arrogant man with few friends and even fewer that would notice his disappearance when he was gone. He was specially chosen to be their next hit because of how he acted at the bar; hitting on people and barely taking no for an answer when they turned him down, and being far too handsy with TK when they made their move on him that night. Add in the mess with his girlfriend, and, well…
Nobody will miss him when he dies tonight.
TK adjusts his mask, staring at Carlos as he does the same. He grabs the edge of Carlos' Ghostface mask and pulls him in close, bumping their masks together. "Have fun, baby," he whispers as he starts to grin.
"Shouldn't I be telling you that since you get all the real fun?" Carlos mutters. He dials Brandon's number on the burner phone but doesn't press call just yet. "Try not to get shot this time, okay?"
"That was one time," TK hisses back at him, but Carlos just waves him off as he starts the call.
The game begins.
continue reading on ao3 !
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