#a scythe is not a scimitar
dangerphd · 11 months
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partner sent me a photo off someone's mastodon and asked for a lil reaper...so I spent halloween making this guy based on that!
cloak is not sewn on, so Grim can still get nekkid.
shoutout to whoever's lil guy that is in the upper left 💀
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dare-to-dm · 4 months
Top 5 melee weapons
Quarterstaff. I love how unassuming it looks, like a big walking stick. But then you can kick some serious ass with these things!
Glaive. Polearms in general are really slept on in the D&D community.
Warhammer. Love that it gives you both a bludgeoning and piercing option.
Scimitar. Very pretty swords. I also like that they're frequently associated with cavalry.
Scythe. And I'm specifically talking about ridiculously impractical fantasy designed scythes that look like they'd never actually work as a weapon. It's all about looking cool.
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randompolls · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday
Hi, hello. I haven't been active in a while. Truth is that I'm in my exam session, and a lot is happening in real life and I'm overwhelmed. However, @bostoniangirl21 tagged me last week and sharing my love for writing with you guys always puts me in a better mood! So here is a little snippet of Chapter 3 of 'Hymn of the High Seas' that I managed to write while I was still on vacation! Also, @sheirukitriesfandom tagged me to make some ocs with this picrew, and I'm using this post as a combo😆. Thank you guys so much for the tags, they really make my day <3 <3
I'm tagging @sheirukitriesfandom and @bostoniangirl21 back and also @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @dirty-bosmer @thelavenderelf @illumiera for either the wip, the picrew, both or none, whichever you want, of course. 💖💖
“IT’S HER! THE ONE WHO ESCAPED FROM STROS M’QAI! SHE FITS THE DESCRIPTION!” someone shouts, catching Signe’s attention and sending her mind spiraling into madness with fear, desperation and guilt of dragging Rhaim with her into this doom. Several Thalmor surround them, far too many to fight, even as a team. Signe’s letting herself get distracted, feeling almost paralyzed with fear. ‘Not them. I’ve dragged my crew into peril before we even set sail.’ she thinks, but her thought bubble is violently popped by arms capturing her, making her drop her scimitar to the ground. 
“WE’VE CAUGHT THE DISGUSTING WORM!” A Thalmor shouts right by her ear, so hard that it’s now ringing. “You’re ours now, disgusting, filthy Nord! TAKE THE REST OF THEM ALONG! More practice dummies for our torture adepts-” is all he gets to day before his head gets cut off, falling to the ground with a haunting thud, rolling somewhere away. The others have little time to react because blades cleave through them like a reaper's scythe through a field of fragile blossoms, leaving behind a trail of blood and death. Thalmor bodies start falling around them, setting them free, and in the end, a cloaked figure stands with two katanas unseathed and arms open. The cloak is not like the rest of the thieves', signaling that whoever this is, is not with the Guild. Like fine silk, black robes fall on broad shoulders. The figure raises his head, showing a glimpse of fair skin and pale, pink lips.
“They’re looking for you. Why?” he asks, voice deep and an accent that Signe’s never heard before.
“We escaped Stros M’qai.” She says, panting, and the man finally lifts his gaze, piercing grey eyes looking at her from under a fringe of fine ebony hair.
“Wasn’t hearing things after all.” he huffs, the faintest hint of a smile gracing his lips. “Come with me. All of you.” he says swiftly, and starts moving through the crowd.
The crew exchange glances, silent agreements quickly passing by each and every one of them, and Signe starts catching up to their mysterious saviour.
Hmmmm, who could this mysterious saviour be? A new oc that I'm obsessed with, of course! He's Akaviri, and his name is Renjiro. Unfortunately, he's only going to be a secondary character in HOTHS, but he will appear more times throughout the fic!
And for the picrew, I chose to make him!! Look at my boy!
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I have another oc that I made with this picrew, which is Edward!! He will be a crew member, and he's a sad blond blorbo (I have to have at least one sad blond blorbo in each project of mine apparently). Also, the hand that cups his face? It's a certain crewmate :D!
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aikoiya · 4 months
LoZ: New Ingredients - Fauna & Byproducts
I have a lot of ideas for ingredients for future games.
* Will be besides things that are, in some way, from the official Wild series. Or are at the very least are based on something that originated from it.
※ Will be beside things that were planned to be part of the official series at one point, but for whatever reason, were cut.
☆ Will be beside things that existed, are intended to be associated with, or were inspired by things in previous games, but not the Wild Series.
★ Will be beside things that were in some way inspired by other games or shows.
LoZ: New Ingredients - Flora & Fungi
LoZ: New Ingredients - 2nd Tier Ingredients
List of Effects:
*Aerodynamic - Dive Control Up.
Amorous - Aphrodisiac. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (This is mostly for flavor & wouldn't actually do anything in a game setting. Though, it specifically only activates when a sufficient level of dopamine & norepinephrine is found in the body, it can likewise be cured when a sufficient enough supply of oxytocin is introduced into the bloodstream. So, it only takes effect if in the presence of someone you legit are attracted to & are in love with, which is why Link wouldn't be affected. He's Zelda's & it'd only work on him in her presence. It also doesn't work on anyone who hasn't finished puberty. It's also known to increase the possibility of reproduction.)
- Erogenous - Aphrodisiac. Unlike Amorous, Erogenous needs no emotional attraction for it to work. In this way, it's actually much more dangerous. (Would not appear in games beyond the story. Known to increase the possibility of reproduction.)
*Biting - Cold Weather Attack.
*Dark/Warding - Gloom Resistance.
Dawning/Dusky - Twilight Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by Sheikah/Yiga weaponry, Moonlight Scimitars, knives, sickles, & scythes by generating a crepuscular razor, thus dealing twilight damage. Mirror Sheilds are also more effective. Sheikah/Yiga weaponry fused with Silver/Twilight Lizalfos Horns or a Moonstone deal thrice as much damage as normal. Twilight also deals extra damage to undead enemies & Poes, this sets the spirit trapped inside free & results in a Poe Soul. Twilight damage is also noted to be purifying, so defeating Wolfos, Furnix, Bullbos, & Iron Knuckle enemies with Twilight purifies them, thus returning them to their natural state.)
Detox - Helps one fight back against toxins by cutting down on the damage done by said toxins as well as the time until those toxins get out of their system. Can also be used in cooking with Toxic ingredients to negate the Toxic affect. However, it takes a degree of toxicological/botanical/medical knowledge to do so. Also, the higher the toxicity, the higher the Detox effect needs to be in order to counteract it.
Dreamy - Sleep Induction. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (More for story flavor as somnolents just make you sorta sleepy &, thus, won't just knock Link out cold. Actual gameplay uses would only be included when you use Fuse Weapon to attach the item to an arrow or other weapon, which I'm saying concentrates & amplifies the effects, which allows you to knock enemies out cold. Without the Fuse Weapon rune, you'd need to make a concentrated sleep extract to apply to the arrow/weapon tip by hand. By default, Dreamy items don't work against boss or mini-boss enemies. However, if you go to sleep in a bed within an hour of being affected by Dreamy, you'll get bonuses when you wake up.)
- Potent Dreamy - Powerful Sleep Induction. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (Unlike Dreamy, Potent Dreamy will absolutely knock Link the fuck out. It's basically a tranquilizer. Note that only the scent of a Mawkap will wake him up afterwards.)
Eclating/Glaring - Light Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by swords, knives, axes, sickles, & scythes by generating a cutting light thus dealing light damage. Light-based weapons such as the White Sword of the Sky, the Master Sword, the Sword of the Six Sages, the Bow of Light, & other such weapons deal triple damage. However, damage dealt from using a Light Weapon fused with a Light Dragon part or Diamond or Sunstone is quadrupled. Light attacks also deal extra damage to dark enemies. Light damage is noted to be purifying, so defeating Wolfos, Furnix, Bullbos, & Iron Knuckle enemies with Light purifies them, thus returning them to their natural state.)
*Electro - Shock Resistance.
*Enduring - Adds Stamina.
*Energizing - Restores Stamina.
*Fireproof - Fire Resistance.
Fortune - Great Deal. (Briefly increases the amount of rupees you get for selling things.)
*Freezeproof - Freeze Resistance.
☆Gills - Breathe Water.
*Glow - Glow.
*Hasty - Speed Up. (Doesn't work on sand or snow.)
- *Sanddrift - Sand Mobility Up.
- *Snowdrift - Snow Mobility Up.
*Hearty - 1-5 Extra Hearts.
Hydrating - Keep Wet Longer. Once Hydrating reaches level 3, you stay wet twice as long. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (This effect is most useful for Zora. Also pairs swimmingly with Zora weaponry.)
*Icy/Chilly - Heat Resistance.
*Lightningproof - Lightning Resistance.
*Mighty - Attack Up.
Nocturnepid - Can see farther in darkness.
※Puissant - Allows one to jump twice. (Turns out that a Twice Jump cooking effect was cut from the final TotK game. So, you gotta know that I'll be effing with that!)
*Rapid - Swim Speed Up.
Recovery - Allow someone to slowly recover hearts over time. The key here is it's a time-based health recovery rather than just something that gives you a set amount of health & then stops.
Revitalizing - Recovery & Enduring at once. The key here is it's a time-based stamina recovery rather than just something that gives you a set amount of stamina & then stops. Plus, it won't stop when you reach max. (This effect isn't normally natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best hearth magi.)
*Revival - Revives after death with 8 hearts. (Only Fairies & recipes that require Fairies have this effect. Don't worry, no Fairies are harmed during this process. The only thing used is the Fairies' dust.)
Riptide - Water Spear/Blade/Whip Attack Up. (Doubles spear, blade, & whip damage by generating a pressurized stream of water, thus dealing water damage. Zora weaponry does triple. Weapons fused with Silver or Water Lizalfos Horns, Water Lizalfos Tails, Opals, or Pearls do triple as well. But Zora weaponry fused with Silver or Water Lizalfos Horns, Water Lizalfos Tails, Opals, or Pearls do quadruple.)
*Scorching - Heat Weather Attack.
*Sneaky - Stealth Up.
*Spicy - Cold Resistance.
*Sticky - Grip Up.
*Stormy/Charged - Stormy Weather Attack.
*Sunny - Heals Gloom Damage.
Tenebrating - Dark Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by Sheikah/Yiga weaponry, Gloom weaponry, sickles, & scythes by generating a vicious dark force, thus dealing dark or shadow damage. Sheikah/Yiga weaponry fused with Dark Monster parts or Ebony triples the damage dealt.)
*Tough - Defense Up.
Toxic - Inflicts Poison. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (Note that certain Toxic ingredients can be prepared specially to be made edible or to make things like medicines.)
★Vitality - Temporary Stamina Use Reduction.
- Max Vitality - Max Energizing & stamina can be used freely for a certain amount of time.
Windshear - Wind Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by Rito Weapons, swords, knives, axes, sickles, & scythes by generating a cutting wind, thus dealing wind damage. Damage done specifically by Feathered Edges or any other of the abovementioned weapons fused with an Emerald will be tripled. And Feathered Edges fused with an Emerald will be quadrupled.)
Just for clarity's sake, Ealiyah Town is a Gerudo settlement situated in the Gerudo Highlands in Risoka Snowfield. They were founded by Gerudo, who wished to stay with their husbands as men are forbidden from entering Gerudo Town. As such, Ealiyah is inhabited mostly by Gerudo, Hylians & Humans, as well as the occasional Sheikah & a race I recently made up called Lupáns. (For more on Lupos, go to Wolf Link & the Lupán Race.)
Whereas the Gerudo of Gerudo Desert worship the 7 Heroines & it's debated as to whether there was an 8th at all, some even regarding the speculation of there being one as sacrilegious, Ealiyans worship the 7 as well as the 8th definitively, who was actually a man who helped the 7 Heroines save the Gerudo, but was still forbidden from entering Gerudo Town due to being a man. However, the 7 are sometimes regarded with a certain degree of harshness & even hurt, though not open hate, as a result of what is percieved as betrayal & ingratitude.
It's said that the original founders of Ealiyah were Gerudo who were disgusted with the injustice visited upon the Hero & thus broke away from the Gerudo Culture in order to found a settlement where he would be properly exalted.
Anyway, Ealiyans maintain the Statue of the 8th.
Also, Ordon Town is situated where the canonical Faron Grasslands is. Here, the region is referred to as Ordona & Ordon Town's oldest section is situated around the Lake of the Horse God with Ordon Ranch being located in Ibara Butte.
Also, if you wish to know more about this, go to my Extended Beastiary.
Animal Products:
☆Gilded Egg = The egg from either an extremely happy & well-taken-care-of Cucco or a Gilded Cucco. Insanely rare & hard to come by. They're extremely nutritious & delicious, as well as having a richer flavor than your typical Bird Egg & is considered even more of a super food than them too. They are known for the lightly sparkling, pale gold-like sheen of their shells & slightly shimmering yolks. Sought after by the rich as a luxury food & is often an ingredient in gourmet recipes. Much like the Golden Apple, causes an Autocrit. - Reference to the Golden Cucco from TP.
Ostrich Egg = The egg of a Dunerunner Ostrich. About the size of someone's hand & are known to have a mild, buttery flavor. Only really found in the Gerudo Desert.
☆Lon Lon Milk = Milk from Lon Lon Cows. A very special & high-quality cow milk. Said to be a major part of Hyrule's history going back myriennia. The milk tends to be mild, as well as sweeter & creamier than Hateno Cow milk, with slightly vanilla-like undertones.
- ☆Lon Lon Butter = Butter made from the milk from Lon Lon Cows. Lon Lon didn't always make butter, but after the foundation of Hateno, who began to gain traction as a farming & ranching village that sold Goat Butter, Mabe had to pick up its pace or be left behind. Because of this, they've become ranching rivals. The taste tends to be slightly sweeter & the texture creamier than butter made from Hateno Cow milk.
- ☆Lon Lon Cheese = Cheese made from the milk from Lon Lon Cows. Lon Lon didn't always make cheese, but just like how they stepped up their game to keep pace with Hateno's Goat Butter, they did so again when Hateno began to make cheese. Has a tendency to be milder & slightly more tangy than Hateno Cheese.
- ☆Lon Lon Cream Cheese = A Mabe invention meant to one up Hateno.
☆Ordon Milk = A type of goat milk sold in Ordon. Is generally said to taste rich, mild, & somewhat sweet with little to no aftertaste. However, Ordon's also has a pleasantly earthy undertone to it & is richer than that of the typical White Goat. It is also much closer to a human mother's milk in proteins & fats, which makes it a suitable substitute for infants that have been adopted. (It's also apparently got K2, which is believed to direct calcium to bones & teeth. It's also higher in higher in zinc & selenium.)
- ☆Ordon Butter = Butter churned from the milk of Ordon Goats. This butter is unique in that not only is it sweet & tangy with a smooth, creamy texture like all Goat Butter, but is also richer & slightly sweeter with pleasantly earthy undertones. (Appears to retain its high K2 levels.)
- ☆Ordona Cheese = Ordon Cheese is specifically made of pure goat milk. Some people actually prefer Ordona Cheese to Hateno or Lon Lon Cheese which results in the villages having a bit of a rivalry. While goat cheese from the usual White Goat has a mild, earthy, & buttery taste with a slight tartness, Ordona Cheese is unique in that it is richer & slightly sweeter with undertones of earthiness. It also has no soapy aftertaste like other goat cheeses can which tends to be partly why it's so well-liked.
Buffalo Milk??? = Has a higher fat content.
Buffalo Butter = Buffalo Milk has a higher fat content, which evidently results in a butter with a richer & creamier texture as well as flavor. This means that it's easier to churn & yields a higher amount of butter per milk. The primary milk type used in the Faron Region. However, there really are no ranches out that way so it’s very much a local source only.
Buffalo Cheese =
Yak Milk or Bōmïchaa = Milk from Highland Yaks. Called "Bōmïchaa" by the Gerudo.
- Yak Butter or Bōsudrï = Butter made from yak milk in Ealiya. Yak Butter is richer & less sweet than cow butter with floral notes. Called "Bōsudrï" by the Gerudo.
- Ealiyan Cheese or Bōchurkha = Made from Yak Milk. Unlike with Ordon, Mabe, & Hateno, the rivalry between the 4 farming villages is mostly one-sided on Ealiya's part. It's Ordon, Mabe, & Hateno who cares the most. This cheese is said to be delicate with subtle tones of sweetness mixed with wildflowers. Called "Bōchurkha" by the Gerudo.
Sheep Milk or Ghamïchaa = Milk from Bighorn Sheep. Called "Ghamïchaa" by the Gerudo.
- Sheep Butter or Ghasudrï = Butter made from Sheep Milk.
- Sheep Cheese or Ghachurka = Cheese made from Sheep Milk.
Mushroom Milk = Has a slight mushroomy, earthy flavor. Made from Milk Mushrooms. Only found in the Depths.
- Mushroom Butter = Has a slight mushroomy, earthy flavor. Made from Milk Mushrooms. Only found in the Depths.
- Mushroom Cheese = Has a slight mushroomy, earthy flavor. Made from Milk Mushrooms. Only found in the Depths.
Frox Egg = An egg laid by a Frox.
Oasis Honey (Recovery & Detox) = Honey produced by Dune Ants. Has a distinctly different flavor to Courser Bee Honey, having a more fruity aftertaste due to the various Oasis Fruit that said ants eat. Called Wahē Honzu by the Gerudo.
- Sāqmàla Honey (Erogenous 2 & Vitality) = Honey produced by Dune Ants. Though, this honey is specifically made from Prickly Peaches & Stamegranate. Those allowed to farm this honey is regulated & only those with a permit are allowed, but that doesn't stop people from doing it anyway.
Bird Meat:
Cucco Drumstick = The drumstick of a Cucco.
- Cucco Thigh = The thigh of a Cucco.
- Whole Cucco = A whole Cucco.
White Drumstick = The drumstick of a Bright-Crest Duck, Crown-Crested Swan, Rainbow Peacock, or Heron.
- White Thigh = The thigh of a Bright-Crest Duck, Crown-Crested Swan, Rainbow Peacock, or Heron.
- Whole White = A whole Bright-Crest Duck, Crown-Crested Swan, Rainbow Peacock, or Heron.
Squab = The meat of a Common, Red, Blue, Rainbow, Sand, or Golden Sparrow or a Wood, Rainbow, Hotfeather, White, or Accented Pigeon, a Seagull, or Marriage Doves (though, it's illegal to kill Marriage Doves as it's said to curse one to never find love).
Raptor = The meat of an Islander Hawk, Forest or Snowfall Owl, or Wastes Vulture.
Autruche = The meat of an Eldin, Forest, or Dunerunner Ostrich. Considered a red meat as it is very beefy.
Mammal Meat:
Pork = Meat from a Pig or Woodland, Red-Tusked, or War Boar.
Beef = Meat from a Hateno Cow, Tabanthan Ox, or Water Buffalo.
- Prime Beef = Meat from a Hateno Cow, Tabanthan Ox, or a Highland Yak.
- Gourmet Beef = Meat from a Lon Lon Cow.
Venison = Meat from a Mountain Deer. Wild game. Comes from the ancient Hyrulean word venatus meaning "to hunt."
- Prime Venison = The meat from a Grizzlemaw or Honeyvore Bear.
- Gourmet Venison = The meat from a Tabantha Moose.
Mutton = Meat from a Bighorn Sheep.
Chevon = Meat from a White Goat, Mountain Goat, or Ordon Goat.
- Prime Chevon = Meat from a White Goat.
- Gourmet Chevon = Meat from an Ordon Goat.
Leup = The meat of a Maraudo or Cold-Footed Wolf or Wasteland Coyote.
Vulp = The meat of a Grassland, Snowcoat, or Dusttail Fox.
Gammon = The meat of a Bushy-Tailed Squirrel, Meadow or Snow Rabbit meat, a Wasteland Hare, or a Jackalope.
*Hyrule Bass = (_ _) A green & white bass with a dark green vine-like pattern down its sides. The Sheikah refer to them as Hairaru Basu (ハイラルバス, direct translation). - '.'
☆Skippyjack = (_ _) Small blue & white tuna with orange fins. Has white wave-like swirls down its sides. Is actually a young Nuptuna or Neptuna. It's currently too young to know what it would've grown into. - Reference to Phantom Hourglass.
☆Loovar = (_ _) An enormous dark pink fish with a white underbelly & a green stripe dividing the 2 colors. Its fins are also green. It has pink, swirly patterns just behind its head. An ocean fish. Requires a salvage claw to catch. - Reference to Phantom Hourglass.
☆Greengill = (_ _) A green fish with a large, dark green swirl pattern. Mostly found in Ordona. - Reference to Twilight Princess.
☆Hylian Pike = (_ _) This long, brown-grey fish has a yellow zig-zag pattern along its side. - Reference to Twilight Princess.
Kelcey Smelt = (_ _) Lives in Hebra. In Kelcey Lake specifically.
High-Flying Fish (Aerodynamic) = (_ _) This fish sails up high in the clouds amongst the Sky Islands. Its fins resemble shimmery, translucent wings made up of many tiny, translucent fins. While it cannot fly, it is an excellent glider with a lot of innate control of its gliding patterns. Instead, it can swim in clouds which it uses to its advantage to leap from cloud to cloud. Can only fly freely in the rain. A fish that is best during the summer time, when the delicate, soft texture, & mild flavor is at its most refreshing.
Amative Salmon (Amorous 1) = (_ _) Lives in Hebra. Its Amorous effects aren't as potent as when they're spawning.
☆Nuptuna (Amorous 3) = (_ _) A blue & white tuna with yellow fins. Seeing one is said to be considered good luck for upcoming nuptials. Very hard to catch. The fully grown state of a female Skippyjack. Thought to have been brought over from another world after a hero's return. - Reference to Majora's Mask.
Void Loach (Dark/Warding 3) = (_ _) An eyeless troglobitic fish that lives only in the Depths. Difficult to catch due to the darkness. - Inspired by the IRL Cryptotora thamicola, a.k.a. the Waterfall Climbing Loach.
Abyssal Squid (Dark/Warding) = (_ _) A Squid that lives deep in the dark part of the ocean. It is pitch black in color, which helps it to remain unseen. Makes its home all throughout the ocean on the Hyrule East Coast. The Sheikah refer to them as Shin'en'na Ika (深淵なイカ, direct translation). Referred to as Pali Muhe'e by the residents of Faron.
Twilit Moonfish (Dawning/Dusky) = (_ _) A disc-shaped Faronic ocean fish with silvery scales that shimmer in the moonlight. Only comes out at night. It has a distinctive rich, creamy taste, as well as seven cuts with different textures. The top loin is tender & sweet with a tuna-like texture. The side & lower flesh are too fibrous for Sashimi, but is still great for cooking & other types of Sushi. The lower loin has a robust flavor similar to Endura Tuna/Nuptuna/Neptuna or Herofish/Legendfish with more oil than the top loin & has a fat content that can be higher than Amative or Hearty Salmon. This provides you with a lot of options for how to cook it. The Sheikah use it to make delicious Sushi sets. - An opah.
Statictail (Electro) = (_ _) A variety of green & silver fish with a bright yellow bolt going from eye to tail. It's dorsal fin & tail are also yellow. It is divided in half by the stripe down the center with greenish scales taking up the top half & silver scales taking up its underbelly. Can be found in the Akkala & northern Necluda Seas. The Sheikah refer to them as Seiteki Buri (静的ブリ, direct translation). - A yellowtail.
Endura Tuna (Enduring) = (_ _) A tuna with a pair of orange racing stripes down its back. Lives in the Necluda Sea. The Sheikah refer to them as Taeru Maguro (耐えるマグロ, Enduring Tuna). Faronites have named it Ahonui Ahi.
Lavascale Tilapia (Fireproof) = (_ _) Can be found swimming in lava or magma, but requires the use of a specially made fishing rod to obtain. Has a slightly sweet flavor after you get past all that heat. Grants Fireproof when cooked. Due to living in lava, it has no eyes & instead navigates via echolocation.
Frigid Cod (Freezeproof) = (_ _) Lives in the Necluda Sea, in & around the Lanayru Bay. Has a slight sweetness to it.
☆Hylian Loach (Gills 3) = (_ _) An extremely rare & difficult to catch fish. It appears to be similar to a bowfin with lustrous golden scales & ornate, black swirl patterns down the length of its body. Due to its rarity & difficult to catch nature, the Hylian Loach is usually revered as a legendary fish. Its scales are said to aid in holding one's breath & reducing the pressure that one experiences when diving. Was once used in the making of Zora Armor before the Great Flood. Often found in hard to reach, isolated places. - Reference to several Zelda games.
Deepgill Pike (Gills) = (_ _) This fish has 5 Gills. Cooking grants the Gills effect. Only found in the ocean. The Sheikah refer to them as Era no Fukai Sanma (えらの深い秋刀魚, direct translation). Called Ho'i Piha Pahu in Faron.
Marine Trench Perch (Gills) = (_ _) This fish's meat is velvety rich, making it great as Sushi. Lives in the Necluda Sea. The Sheikah refer to them as Kaikōmutsu (海溝むつ). Residents of Faron call it Meaola'hoo Kau.
Deep Lurefish (Glow) = (_ _) A terrifying fish that lives in the Depths & the deepest part of the ocean. Truly a nightmarish creature. Delicious though as its meat is soft & sweet & can be prepared similarly to how Hearty or Amative Salmon are &, as such, can be pan-fried, baked, grilled, steamed, barbecued, or enjoyed as chunks in curries & soups. Its lure, which it uses to draw in prey before devouring them with its horrifying, massive teeth, grants the Glow effect when cooked. The Sheikah refer to them as Shinkai Ankō (深海アンコウ, direct translation). Faronites call it Kai Hohonu Lawai'al'a. - If other, smaller fish come too close, it will devour them whole one at a time. As in, in game.
Iridescent Berata (Glow 2) = (_ _) Considered the most beautiful fish in Hyrule, coming in many different patterns of vivid colors. They actually look like this due to their scales reflecting the light. In reality, they are black as the void, so at night, they appear thusly & are impossible to catch then. As such, since most fish are either color-blind or can only see in 1-2 colors, the Berata are actually extremely well camouflaged. However, during the Berata's spawning season they begin to glow in the dark using bioluminescent stripes & spots, especially on their fins, to draw in potential mates through dance. This results in them being vulnerable during that time. A fully-grown specimen features all 7 colors of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, & purple. When it hatches, it's entirely red, but as it matures it gains additional colors until it has the color purple; at which point, it is fully grown & at peak flavor. However, after a certain amount of time having gained that purple color, they begin to slowly bleach in color from fins to heart before eventually dying once they've turned completely white. The more white they are, the more tough their meat will become, so it's preferable to find one as close to that sweet spot in age as possible. Actually very aggressive with barbed quills in their fins despite their beauty. The quills aren't toxic, but they hurt like a son of a bitch. They are found in the Faron Sea & are extremely difficult to find, let alone catch. Also called Mosaic or Stained-Glass Berata due to the various different vivid patterns that they come in. They are referred to as Nijiiro no Berata (虹色のベラタ, Iridescent Wrasse-Betta) by the Sheikah. Though, Faronites call it Ānuenue 'Akikilolo. - Has the colored patterning of a Fairy Wrasse, but the fins of a Betta Fish & a body shape similar to a Koi.
Tigerstripe Mackerel (Hasty) = (_ _) This fish's top half displays a pattern much like that of the Jungle Tigers in Faron. Often migrates between the Faronic & Necludic oceans. A prized Sashimi ingredient. Considered a delicacy. Is actually flavorful on its own & doesn't need any special preparation to enhance its flavor. Thought to be one of the most flavorful fish in Hyrule alongside Hearty/Amative Salmon & the Endura Tuna; however, it is often overlooked in favor of more popular options. Possibly due to how oily the meat is, as a result, it has a strong flavor to it. Incredibly versatile, it's great whether served raw, cured, grilled, fried, roasted, or poached. But is especially delicious smoked. The Sheikah refer to them as Torajimamoyō no Saba (虎縞模様のサバ, direct translation). The residents of Faron refer to it as Kika'hālu'a Ono.
Sandskimmer (Sanddrift) = (_ _) Lives in flowing sand in the Gerudo Desert. Due to living in sand, it has no eyes & instead navigates via echolocation. Requires a Sandfish Trap to catch. The Gerudo refer to them as Gàl'xïtïr. - Reference to My Time At Sandrock.
Sand Tuna (Sanddrift) = (_ _) A sandy-colored tuna that makes its home in the flowing sand in the Gerudo Desert. Due to living in sand, it has no eyes & instead navigates via echolocation. Requires a Sandfish Trap to catch. The Gerudo refer to them as Gàl'tana.
☆Ordon Catfish (Hearty) = (_ _) A long, green fish with question mark-esque swirly lines along its sides. Only found in Ordona. Has a mild, sweet & slightly earthy flavor as well as a firm & flaky texture, which makes it a great fish for those who generally aren't a fan of strong-tasting fish. Many compare it to the taste of Lavascale Tilapia if less spicy. Best for grilling, frying, or baking. The Sheikah call them Toaru Namazu (トアルナマズ) or Ōdon Namazu (オードンナマズ), while the Gerudo call them Ōradona Gàtïmatsya & Faronites refer to them as Olihanu O'opu'pākē. - A reference to Twilight Princess.
Hearty Sea Bream (Hearty & Amorous) = (_ _) These fish can only be found in Lover's Pond atop Tuft or in Heartbreak Pond atop Ebon, which are saltwater ponds. They adapted from sea bream after somehow finding their way up to Tuft & Ebon Mountain. The favored fish of Karina, Goddess of Love & Passion. The Sheikah have several names for this fish; they refer to them as Koibito Tai (恋人鯛, Sweetheart Sea Bream) or Kokoro no Komotta Tai (心のこもった鯛, Heartfelt Sea Bream) or Koikito Baradai (恋人薔薇鯛, Sweetheart Rose Sea Bream) or Kokoro no Komotta Momoirodai (心のこもった桃色鯛, Heartfelt Peach-Colored Sea Bream) or Koibito Nadeshikodai (恋人鯛撫子鯛, Sweetheart Dianthus Sea Bream). However, Faronites refer to it as Ke Aloha Mū. - Inspired by IRL sea bream which was dedicated to Aphrodite, goddess of love, because it was broadly considered to be the most attractive & flavorful fish. Think Sea Bream of Love from Fantasy Life.
Knoutfish (Hydrating) = (_ _) A long, eel-like fish with an insane dorsal fin, scary teeth, & no eyes due to living in flowing sand. While sweet to taste, its flesh is watery & gelatinous & it's texture is considered unpleasant. As such, it requires a specific preparation to be palatable. This process involves heating it so that it releases it's juices, which can be used to cook. Is seen as a pest. Requires a Sandfish Trap to catch. Called Gàl'bàtacha by the Gerudo & Kaulai'a by Faronites. - Inspired by the IRL lancetfish.
Herofish (Mighty 2) = (_ _) This fish has a sword-like nose, which it uses to protect its school. This fish is meaty & is often compared to steak due to being more robust than other fish. Lives all along the Hyrule east coast. The Sheikah refer to them as Eiyū-Mekajiki (英雄メカジキ, Hero Swordfish). On the other hand, Faron natives call it 'Ōlohe Wiwo A'uku.
- Legendfish (Mighty 3) = (_ _) This green & gold fish has a sword-like nose, which it uses to protect its school. This fish is meaty & is often compared to steak due to being more robust than other fish. Much like the Staminoka Bass, the Legendfish is just a Herofish that's made it to a certain age. The attack up it gives is greater than that of a Herofish & lasts twice as long. Can be found anywhere off the east coast of Hyrule. The Sheikah refer to them as Densetsu-Mekajiki (伝説メカジキ, Legend Swordfish). However, the residents of Faron have named it Kaao A'uku.
Swiftfin Trout (Rapid 2) = (_ _) A Zora's Domain only fish. The fastest known freshwater fish. The Sheikah refer to them as Hayai-Hire Masu (速い鰭マス, Fast-Fin Trout).
Faronic Sailfish (Rapid 3) = (_ _) The fastest fish in Hyrule. Period. When cooked, it grants an even bigger boost to Swim Speed than the Swiftfin Trout. Lives in the Faron Sea near Lurelin. The Sheikah refer to them as Faronikku Bashoukajiku (ファロニックバショウカジキ, direct translation). However, residents of Faron refer to it as Fahanawiwo'ole A'u Lepe.
Fleetstream Eel (Rapid 2) = (_ _) Fastest river eel known. It's streamlined build & it's muscus-like secretions are thought to be how it's able to swim so fast. Tends to live in rivers around Lanayru & Necluda. The Sheikah refer to them as Kantai Nagare no Unagi (艦隊流れの鰻, Fleet-Flowing Eel).
Swiftcurrent Dolphinfish (Rapid 2) = (_ _) An ocean fish with a powerful tail. Lives mostly around the Faron-Necludic Sea. Best when fried. The Sheikah refer to them as Hayai-Nagare Shīra (速い流れシイラ). Though, Faron residents call it Māmā-Kahe Mahi-Mahi. - Mahi-Mahi.
☆Reekfish (Revitalizing) = (_ _) Used to be found in the Tanagar River before the river dried. Extinct or critically endangered. Is said to have stunk to high heaven, but was also considered highly nutritious & good for combating colds. If it still lives, then it could possibly be found in the Hyrule Castle moat. - Reference to Twilight Princess.
☆Neptuna (Riptide 2) = (_ _) A deep, dark purple tuna with a white underbelly & a yellow stripe dividing the 2. It also has teal swirl patterns down its sides. Despite being a tuna, it actually has a swordfish-like protrusion from its face. Its eyes seem to always be set in an angry glare. A Legendary Fish; extremely hard to catch & even if you do manage to, you need a boat & salvage crane to lift it onto the boat. Mostly found off the coast of Akkala. The fully grown state of a male Skippyjack. - Reference to Phantom Hourglass.
Tidal King (Riptide 3 & Hydrating) = (_ _) Enormous, mythical fish that resemble massive eels said to be harbingers of earthquakes & tsunamis that live out in the deep ocean. A Legendary Fish that is very, very hard to find, let alone catch. You cannot catch it by hand as it is far too large & requires a salvage crane. Its flavor is strong in a way that many might consider off-putting. However, it has a cod-like sweetness & is overall very delicious. The biggest issue is its texture, which has been noted to be egg white-like. As such, much like the Knoutfish of the Gerudo Desert, it's best to render the fats & use that to flavor dishes rather than eat the meat itself. Another way to cook it is by boiling it or frying it up with butter which toughens the meat up, thus giving it a firmer texture. However, the best part to cook is the fish's heart, which is said to be earthshakingly delicious. The heart has 3 sections to it, each with a slightly different texture. After rinsing it in hot water, the part with the lightest coloring is said to taste similar to cow intestines, while the darkest colored one tastes like Cucco heart. However, chefs should beware as it's thought that eating a Tidal King will curse those who partake, so it's a definite trade-off. The sort that you'll have to decide if it's worth it. The Sheikah refer to them as Kairyū no Tsukai (海竜の使い, Messenger of the Sea Dragon). Meanwhile, Faronites call them Akua Ko Kai'e'e to mean “Spirit of the Climbing Sea.” - An oarfish.
Sandacuda (Scorching) = (_ _) Due to living in sand, it has no eyes & instead navigates via echolocation. Requires a Sandfish Trap to catch. The Gerudo refer to them as Gárokuda. - Reference to My Time At Sandrock.
Steam Coelacanth (Scorching) = (_ _) Lives in the deep ocean, near volcanic vents. Has remained largely unchanged for millions of years. Faronites call them Māhu Konohana.
Volcanic Angelfish (Scorching) = (_ _) A bright orange angelfish with purple or indigo stripes. Lives in magma & near volcanic vents in the ocean, often swimming between the 2. While it has eyes, due to only partially living in lava, it has very poor eyesight & primarily navigates its surroundings via echolocation. Also called Cherubimfish. The name given to it by the residents of Faron is Pāhoe Kīkākapu. - Inspired by the Flame Angelfish IRL.
Hideaway Halibut (Sneaky) = (_ _) Lives in the Necluda Sea. Known for its camouflage ability where it lays flat on the seafloor. Has a slight sweetness to it. The Sheikah refer to them as Kakurega Ohyō (隠れ家オヒョウ, direct translation). Residents of Faron refer to it as Pe'e Aku Hemolepaki'i.
Vicegrip Octopus (Sticky) = (_ _) This octopus' suction cups are strong enough to pull a carriage. This is due to the secretions that they produce which can be harvested & used to make a high-quality, water-resistant glue. Referred to as Fuku Tako (副タコ, Vice Octopus) by the Sheikah & is a key ingredient in Takoyaki. Faron residents call it Loa'a He'e.
Boltfang Eel (Stormy/Charged) = (_ _) A green eel with yellow accents & glowing, yellow racing stripes down its sides. Produces electricity which it uses to hunt, though it makes it easy to spot as well. Good thing it's a fast swimmer. It's best you be careful & not go for them directly. A smart fisher would use a rod or a net. Lives in the rivers around the Faron Jungle. The Sheikah refer to them as Boruto-Kiba no Unagi (ボルト牙の鰻, direct translation). Faronites call it Uilia'pāpā Puhi.
Solarscale Bream (Sunny) = (Sparus solarus) A brightly colored bream with shiny orange scales that reflect the sun. It lives on the Sky Islands & heals Gloom.
Lynelfish (Toxic 3) = (_ _) A vibrantly colored fish with quilled fins that resemble the mane of a Lynel. It produces a paralytic poison from its quills that can last for days & cause extreme pain, sweating, & respiratory distress. Attaching a quill to an arrow will paralyze an enemy for a good long while. Known as the deadliest fish in Hyrule. Not even killer whales fuck with these bastards. Their natural predators are Euryhaline Zora, Hylians, Ovelians (humans with regular ears), Coastal Rito, & Oxen Sharks. Their meat is actually delectable & very versatile, taking seasoning very well. However, that can't be caught normally. They require spearfishing. Though, despite how deadly their poison is, they're actually not as difficult to prepare as you'd think. The Sheikah refer to them as Rainerukasago (ライネルカサゴ, direct translation). However Faron residents generally refer to it as Laionela'pihi. - Note: Lionfish IRL are actually extremely invasive & are very bad for reefs. They will eat anything they can kill, including fish much bigger than them. As a result, it's actually very encouraged to eat them.
☆Venin Pufferfish (Toxic 2) = (_ _) A fish able to puff up like a spiky balloon as a defense mechanism. Can only be caught safely by fishing. You try to catch it directly, it'll either sting you on land or literally explode in the water. Dead ones are useful as underwater bombs. Extremely difficult to prepare. Their liver is said to be the tastiest part of the fish, however it's also the most poisonous. Like, extremely poisonous. BE WARNED! They live mostly in the Necludic Sea, often venturing into the Lanayru Bay. The Sheikah refer to them as Doku-Fugu (毒フグ, Poison Puffer). Faronites call it Mea 'Awa O'opu Hue. - A semi reference to the exploding pufferfish enemies from Kirby 64 & the Water Bombs from Twilight Princess.
Stratusail Fish (Windshear) = (_ _) A sailfish with wing-like fins, a large sail, & a long, pointed nose that it uses to defend itself. It sails through the clouds around the Sky Islands.
Reptile Meat:
Serpe = The meat of a Treetop Boa, which lives in the Faron Jungle. The Sheikah refer to them as Kozue Boahebi Niku (梢ボアヘビ肉, Treetop Boa Snake Meat). Any Critter referred to as a snake also counts.
Rangpar = The meat of a large reptile, such as from an Gopongan Alligator or Faron Crocodile. A white meat that has a texture like a mix between fish & poultry with a slightly Cucco-like flavor.
Shark Fin (Mighty) = A fin from an Oxen Shark or Kōbra Shark. The Oxen Sharks swim all along the Faron-Necludic Coast & the Kōbra Sharks live in the Gerudo Desert, in flowing & quicksand. Both are strictly regulated. As such, their populations are sustainable enough to be eaten if a person only catches one. Coastal residents will often catch one or two & have little parties where the featured ingredient is shark as they use as much of the animal as possible. Every shark you kill gives 4 of these. The Sheikah refer to Oxen Shark Fins as Oushi Fukahire (牡牛フカヒレ, direct translation). Residents of Faron refer to it as Kauo Niuhi'hulu. However, the Gerudo refer to Kōbra Shark Fins as Kōbra Samàq’jru. - Note: Finning is illegal even in Hyrule & the law is enforced strictly. Please also note that Shark Fin doesn't actually have any flavor. The reason its fins are used is so that no part of the shark is wasted.
- Shark Meat (Mighty) = Meat from an Oxen Shark or Kōbra Shark. Oxen Sharks swim all along the Faron-Necludic coast & Kōbra Sharks live in the Gerudo Desert, in flowing or quicksand. Both are strictly regulated. As such, their populations are sustainable enough to be eaten if a person only catches one. Coastal residents will often catch one or two & have little parties where the featured ingredient is shark as they use as much of the animal as possible. Every shark you kill gives 2 of these. The Sheikah refer to the Oxen Sharks as Oushi Same no Niku (牡牛サメの肉, direct translation). Residents of Lurelin refer to it as Kauo Niuhi'pipi. Though the Gerudo refer to the Kōbra Shark Meat as Kōbra Samàq’gïdo. - Note: Finning is illegal even in Hyrule & the law is enforced strictly.
- Shark Bones (Mighty) = Bones from an Oxen Shark or Kōbra Shark. These Oxen Sharks swim all along the Faron-Necludic coast & Kōbra Sharks live in the Gerudo Desert, in flowing or quicksand. Both are strictly regulated. As such, their populations are sustainable enough to be eaten if a person only catches one. Coastal residents will often catch one or two & have little parties where the featured ingredient is shark as they use as much of the animal as possible. Every shark you kill gives 3 of these. The Sheikah refer to them as Oushi Same no Hone (牡牛サメの骨, direct translation). Residents of Lurelin refer to it as Kauo Niuhi'iwi. Though, the Gerudo refer to Kōbra Shark Bones as Kōbra Samàq’ābezàmen. - Note: Finning is illegal even in Hyrule & the law is enforced strictly.
Koholint Shrimp = (_ _) A type of shrimp that can be found living around the Koholina Archipelago. The Sheikah refer to them as Shitchi Zarigani (湿地ザリガニ, direct translation). Called Ahiahi 'Ōpae by the Faron natives.
Wetland Crawdad = (_ _) A type of shrimp native to the Lanayru Wetlands. It is used quite a bit in Gopongan cooking.
Frostclaw Lobster (Biting) = (_ _) Lives on the shores of the Necluda Sea, specifically, Lanayru Bay. Has claws that generate severe cold. The Sheikah refer to them as Shimo-Tsume Isēbi (霜爪いせえび, direct translation).
Eventide Seadragon (Fireproof) = (_ _) A ruby-red variety of seahorse. Lives in the Faron Sea near volcanic vents around the Koholina Archipelago, specifically near Eventide Island. Lurelinites have named it Ahi'lupe Kai Mo'o.
Aquaskin Frog (Gills 3) = (Rana _) A very rare, euryhaline frog that has mastered the means of filtering oxygen from water. Was once used to make Sheikah-style fukumen face masks for Zora Armor, but the practice was lost when the Zora first rose from the water to take to the skies. The practice has recently been refounded. The Sheikah refer to them as Mizu-Hada Gaeru (水肌ガエル, Water-Skin Frog). - Inspired by the Crab-Eating Frog (Rana cancrivora).
Chthonic Clam (Gills & Amorous) = (_ _) A type of clam that can only be found in the Depths in Chthonolimns (underground lakes). When collecting them, you have a chance to also get a Black Pearl, but it's extremely rare. Black Pearls give more Shadow Damage than Onyx.
Illuminolm (Glow) = (_ _) Shiny, black salamanders with bioluminescent blue markings. The cave-dwelling cousin of the Bolt Axlotl. These creepy-cute little buggers are like eyeless snakes with legs & fins framing their head.
Hearty Roe (Hearty) = (_ _) Fish eggs lain by either Hearty Salmon, Hearty Sea Bream, Amative Salmon, & oddly Endura Tuna. Used often in Sheikah cooking, but is also regularly served at high-class parties as simple hors d'oeuvres (though the Sheikah tend to see that as a waste). You have a chance of getting them whenever you catch one of the above-mentioned fish. The Sheikah refer to them as Kokoro no Ko (心の子, Heart Roe). Though, Faronites call them Puuwai Kowaū.
Bolt Axolotl (Lightningproof) = (_ _) A freshwater-dwelling salamander that is immune to electricity.
Lanayru Serpent (Rapid) = (_ _) A water snake that lives in it's, but mostly the Lanayru Wetlands & Zora's Domain. Its scales are dark blue, so they camouflage well at night, so it's easy to get scared by one. However, while their fangs are sharp & will hurt, they aren't venomous. However, it's still possible for them to rip a vital artery if they get lucky, so don't underestimate them just because they don't have venom. The Sheikah refer to them as Ranēru Kawa no Hebi (ラネール川の蛇, Lanayru River Serpent).
Abalone (Recovery) = (_ _) These mollusks live inside a shell that features a magnificently iridescent mother of pearl interior. Really only found along the Faron Coast.
Black Abalone (_ & Recovery) = (_ _) These mollusks live inside a shell that features a magnificently iridescent, but dark & alluring mother of pearl interior. Extremely rare & only found on the beaches of the Koholina Archipelago.
Backsplash Crab (Riptide) = (_ _) These bright blue crabs have vividly colored shells with a swirling, T-shaped pattern. Though typically docile, they are also very grudgemental & vengeful. Only found on the Koholina Archipelago. - From Wind Waker.
Emberclaw Lobster (Scorching) = (_ _) Lives on the shores of the Necluda Sea, specifically around Akkala. Its claws are white-hot & seems to have napalm for blood. Meaning that they'll explode if you accidentally step on one too close to lava. It won't kill you due to the explosions being relatively tiny, but it'll hurt like an SOB regardless. The Sheikah refer to them as Hibana-Tsume no Isēbi (火花爪いせえび, direct translation).
Staticlaw Lobster (Stormy/Charged) = (_ _) Lives on the shores of the Faron Sea, specifically around Lurelin. Much like the Boltfang Eel, this lobster's claws produce electricity, though in this case, it conducts it in its claws. The Sheikah refer to them as Seiteki-Tsume Isēbi (静的爪いせえび, direct translation). On the other hand, Faronites call it Kū'oko'a'niho Ula.
Faronic Oyster (Tough & Amorous) = (_ _) A type of mussel that lives in the Faron Sea. When collecting them, you have a chance to also get a Pearl, but it's very rare. Pearls give stronger water magic than Opals. Faronites call them Hanawiwo'ole Kio.
Desert Viper (Toxic) = (_ _) A venomous snake that lives in the Gerudo Desert. Their venom can be used to make medicines or alcohols. Gerudo refer to them as Geràsht'è Àspa.
Sand Cobra (Toxic 2) = (_ _) A very venomous snake that lives in the Gerudo Desert. The hood is the symbol of the Gerudo. Their venom can be used to make strong medicines or alcohols. Gerudo refer to them as Geru'kōbra.
- Royal Cobra (Toxic 3) = (_ _) An extremely venomous snake that lives in the Gerudo Desert. Heavily associated with Gerudo Royalty. The pattern on the back of the hood is different depending on whether it is male or female. Gerudo Kings by blood get the mark on the hood of males tattooed onto their body. The same is said of Gerudo Queens by birth getting a tattoo of the female Royal Cobra's hood. Their venom can be used to make very potent (& dangerous) medicine or alcohol. Male Royal Cobras are referred to as kings & the females as queens. The Gerudo call these Màlàki Kōbra. - Based on the King Cobra.
Adder Frog (Toxic 3 & Dreamy 2) = (_ _) Lives in the Faron Jungle. Actually, pretty damn delicious when prepared right. Secrets a toxic oil through its skin. This toxin has a deeply somnolent effect that, if you fall asleep without some kind of cure, will actually paralyze your lungs & kill you. Is very brightly colored with bright purple hind legs & front fingers, an aqua main body with large black splotches that have thin, sky-blue outlines that are generally hard to see from a distance & purple lining the eyelids. This acts as a signal that it is extremely toxic. If you plan to catch it, best you either wear gloves or use a Bug Net. The residents of Faron call them Mo'opetena Poloka.
Barbed Urchin (Toxic 3) = (_ _) A very dangerous sea creature with barbed quills. Just getting stung by one is deadly enough. If you can't even get the quill out fast enough to draw out the poison, you're as good as dead. Found in the Faron & lower Necluda Seas. They have a unique, distinct, intense sea sort of flavor commonly described as salty-sweet with a creamy or buttery consistency & a briny texture. Can only be grabbed if you're wearing Diving Gloves, which are one of a number of upgrades for the Zora Armor along with an Aquaskin Fukumen. Sheikah refer to them as Toge Uni (とげウニ, Spiny Sea Urchin). Faronites call them Kukū Wana.
Sandpincer Crab (Windshear) = (Gelasimus harenapinciare) These crabs are native to the Gerudo Desert, but only really show up during the winter months. Mostly sandy-colored, but with bright green pincers & legs. The Gerudo refer to them as Ger’kàràt. - From A Link Between Worlds.
Here's what I think the Aquaskin Frog would look like:
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☆Faron Grasshopper = (_ _) Extinct. Evolved into the Restless Cricket. - ' Reference to Skyward Sword.
☆Starry Firefly = (_ _) Native to the Sky Islands. While they still exist as is, some managed to learn to survive on the ground & evolved into Sunset Fireflies, Deep Fireflies, & Lightningstrike Bugs. - 'These insects are among the rarest in the skies & can only be found in dark places.' Reference to Skyward Sword.
☆Woodland Rhino Beetle = (_ _) Extinct. Evolved into the Rugged Rhino Beetle, Bladed Rhino Beetle, & Energetic Rhino Beetle. - 'A slow forest bug that is easy to catch. Roll into trees to knock it down.' & 'Collectors often polish the hard carapaces of these beetles to make them tougher. It's the strongest of all the insects.' Reference to Skyward Sword.
☆Lanayru Ant = (_ _) Extinct. Evolved into the Dune Ant. The Gerudo referred to it as the Laniru Namla. - 'It's said these ants store water deep in their nests, allowing them to thrive even in the intense heat of the desert.' Reference to Skyward Sword.
☆Gerudo Dragonfly = (_ _) Extinct. Evolved into the Quick Darner & Sterlingwing Dragonfly (before it too became extinct). Died out before the Gerudo first came to Hyrule. - 'These stunning insects have compound eyes more beautiful than Rupees & wings as transparent as glass.' Reference to Skyward Sword.
☆Joy Butterfly = (_ _) Said to bring good luck. Are known to gather near treasure. Necklaces are often made in their image & worn as good luck charms. Closely related to Blessed Butterflies. The Sheikah refer to them as Tanoshi-Ge Chō (楽しげ蝶, Joyful Butterfly). However, Faronites have coined them Hau'oli Pulelehua, while the Gerudo call them Vàttawn'è Tïsa.
☆Eldin Roller = (_ _) A blue Beetle known for rolling dung. Native to Eldin. Called Orudin Kusomusha (オルディン糞虫, Eldin Dungbeetle) by the Sheikah. - 'These small-bodied bugs roll a big ball of… something. The way they busily roll stuff back to their nest is quite adorable.' Reference to Skyward Sword.
☆Jànnú Scarab = (_ _) A type of beetle considered a sacred insect to the Gerudo. The Gerudo call them Jànnú Skarabï.
☆Dune Ant = (_ _) Descendant of the extinct Lanayru Ant. These ants live in the desert in oases, they tend to eat fruit & flowers & produce honey. If you catch one, it's possible that you'll also get some Oasis Honey. The Gerudo refer to them as Gel'shïr Nàmla. - A reference to the Lanayru Ant in Skyward Sword.
☆Sky Stag Beetle (Aerodynamic) = (_ _) A light blue stag beetle with gold markings. Lives only on the Sky Islands. - 'These bugs are really popular with the children of Skyloft. Their pincers pack a lot of crunch, so watch your fingers!' Reference to Skyward Sword.
Frostscythe Mantis (Biting) = (_ _) A Mantis well-adapted to the cold & having claws that produce sub-zero temperatures that freeze their targets instantly, it preys on Cold Darners & Winterwing Butterflies. Lives on Mount Lanayru, in Hebra, & on Gerudo Highlands. The Sheikah refer to them as Shimo-Kama Kamakiri (霜鎌カマキリ, Frost-Sickle Praying Mantis), while the Highland Gerudo refer to them as Fïze'tàrrba Lauso.
*Courser Bee (Energizing/Enduring) = (_ _) Lives in hives where they make Courser Honey. Just 1 doesn't give as much Stamina as Courser Honey, but the more bees you use in a potion, the more Stamina is recovered beyond what you'd expect as the effects are compounded. Effectively making a potion that is worth more than the sum of its parts. Is sort of used as an easy early-game potion item. Using 6 with a monster part even gives the Enduring effect. The Sheikah refer to them as Ganbari Bachi (ガンバリバチ, Let's Do It Bee).
☆Gilded Beetle (Fortune) = (_ _) Extremely rare & hard to catch. Native to Hyrule Field, specifically Faron-side. Has a luminous, metallic-looking exoskeleton that resembles gold with platinum markings & Rupee-like eyes. Can be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of Rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. Referred to as Kinmekki no Kabuto (金メッキのカブト, Gold-Plated Helmet) by the Sheikah. Though, Faron residents refer to them as Kula Pu'u.- Reference to the Gold Beetle in Twilight Princess.
- ☆Highroller Pillbug (Fortune) = (_ _) Extremely rare & hard to catch. Native to Kakariko Gorge. Has a luminous, metallic-looking exoskeleton that resembles gold & Rupee-like eyes. Can be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of Rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. The Sheikah refer to them as Kujira Dangomushi (鯨ダンゴムシ, Whale Pillbug). - Reference to the Gold Pillbug in Twilight Princess. It's name is a reference to the fact that highrollers are sometimes called whales.
- ☆Aurelian Ant (Fortune) = (_ _) Extremely rare & hard to catch. Native to Kakariko Village. Has a luminous, metallic-looking exoskeleton that resembles gold & Rupee-like eyes, the males having shimmering, glass-like wings. Can be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. The Sheikah refer to them as Orerian Ari (オーレリアン蟻, direct translation). - Reference to the Gold Ant in Twilight Princess.
- ☆Treasurehopper (Fortune) = (_ _) Extremely rare & hard to catch. Native to Hyrule Field, specifically near the Eldin Province. Has a luminous, metallic-looking exoskeleton that resembles gold & emerald, glittering, glass-like wings, & Rupee-like eyes. Can be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. Referred to as Takaramono-Hoppā Batta (宝物ホッパーバッタ, Treasure-Hopper Cricket) by the Sheikah. - Reference to the Gold Grasshopper in Twilight Princess.
- ☆Goldenrod Plasmid (Fortune) = (_ _) Extremely rare & hard to catch. Native to the area around the Bridge of Eldin. Has a luminous, metallic-looking exoskeleton that resembles gold & Rupee-like eyes. Appears to have delicate, gold leaves sprouting from its body. Can be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of Rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. Referred to as Akinokirinsō Nanafushi (アキノキリンソウナナフシ, Goldenrod Stickbug) by the Sheikah. - Reference to the Gold Phasmid in Twilight Princess.
- ☆Gemscythe Mantis (Fortune) = (_ _) Extremely rare & hard to catch. Native to the area around Lake Hylia. Has a luminous, metallic-looking exoskeleton that resembles gold with jade abdomens, platinum markings, sparkling wings, scythes made of what appears to be diamond, & Rupee-like eyes. Can be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of Rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. Faronites call them Pōhakumae'pahikākiwi Ūhinipule. - Reference to the Gold Dragonfly in Twilight Princess.
- ☆Sterlingwing Dragonfly (Fortune) = (_ _) Extinct. Had originally evolved from Gerudo Dragonflies that had migrated north from the desert. Was extremely rare & hard to catch. Used to live around today's Tanagar Canyon back when it was still a river. Died out when it dried up. Had a luminous, metallic-looking exoskeleton that resembled gold, glittering, glass-like wings with platinum markings, & Rupee-like eyes. Could be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of Rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. - Reference to the Gold Dragonfly in Twilight Princess.
- ☆Halcyon Butterfly (Fortune) = (_ _) Extremely rare & hard to catch. Native to West Hyrule Field. Has a luminous, metallic-looking exoskeleton that resembles gold, shimmering, stained glass wings that come in a variety of patterns with platinum markings, & Rupee-like eyes. Also called Shimmerwing or Mosaic Butterflies. Can be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of Rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. - Reference to the Gold Butterfly in Twilight Princess.
- ☆Gilded Stag Beetle (Fortune) = (_ _) Extremely rare & hard to catch. Native to North Hyrule Field. Has a luminous, metallic-looking exoskeleton that resembles gold with platinum markings, sparkling wings, horns like diamonds, & Rupee-like eyes. Can be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of Rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. - Reference to the Gold Stag Beetle in Twilight Princess.
- ☆Gemlit Ladybug (Fortune) = (_ _) Extremely rare & hard to catch. Native to South Hyrule Field near Ordona. Has a luminous, metallic-looking exoskeleton that resembles rose gold, spots that bring to mind white or black pearls depending on the sex, glittering, glass-like wings, & Rupee-like eyes. Can be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of Rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. Referred to as Ā’pōhakumae Ponumomi by Lurelinites. - Reference to the Gold Ladybug in Twilight Princess.
- ☆Shimmering Mayfly (Fortune) = (_ _) Extremely rare & hard to catch. Native to the Gerudo Desert. Has a luminous, metallic-looking exoskeleton that resembles gold, shimmering, glass-like wings, & Rupee-like eyes. Can be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of Rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. The Gerudo refer to them as Shim'teron. - Reference to the Gold Mayfly in Twilight Princess.
- ☆Glimmershell Snail (Fortune) = (_ _) Extremely rare & hard to catch. Native to the Forest of Time near the Great Plateau. Has a luminous, metallic-looking shell that resembles abalone shell with silvery swirls & Rupee-like eyes. Can be either sold to collectors for large amounts of money or made into a fortune-increasing potion that briefly increases the amount of Rupees you get for selling things for a certain amount of time. The Sheikah call them Kirameku Sazae (きらめくサザエ, Shimmering Turban Shell). Lurelin natives instead call them Hulali'pup Kamaloli. - Reference to the Gold Snail in Twilight Princess.
- Gilded Weaver Spider (Fortune) = (_ _) These canyon-dwelling spiders weave cocoons of golden thread, which the Gerudo use to make some of the absolute finest threads & silks. They refer to them as Nebdhi’úl Yànlinasïr Xabàten.
Diving Beetle (Gills) = (_ _) These beetles have oar or flipper-like feet that allow them to swim. As a result, they are typically found in water. Lives all throughout Lanayru, but are most commonly found in the Lanayru Wetlands & Zora's Domain. Can also, occasionally, be found in Necluda & Faron, but only in the rain. The Sheikah refer to them as Gengorō (ゲンゴロウ, direct translation). On the other hand, Lurelinites call them Kini'ea Puʻu. - Inspired by IRL Diving Beetles.
Diving Spider (Gills/Rapid) = (_ _) These spiders use their webs to create helmets that protect their heads from water. This allows them to swim underwater for a time in order to catch prey. The Sheikah refer to them as Sensuigumo (潜水クモ, direct translation). - Inspired by IRL Diving Bell Spiders.
Everlost Silkworm (Glow) = (Antheraea fantasmalunae) Native to both the Gerudo & Necluda regions. A small, white caterpillar that grows cocoons which the Sheikah & Gerudo then use to make thread & silk. However, during fall, their threads become silver, which is used to make some of the absolute finest silks & threads. Extremely expensive. They are known to nest in Càrïtàn Bean bushes & Dreamdrop trees. They eventually grow into Everlost Moths. The Sheikah refer to them as Eien-Ushinatta Kaiko (永遠失った蚕, direct translation), while the Gerudo refer to them as Ohïm'dad Shïrkéturre. - A reference to glowworms & silkworms.
- Everlost Moth (Glow & Dawning/Dusky) = (Antheraea fantasmalunae) A moth with cyan wings that emit a lovely glow in the dark. These moths are said to guide the way to the afterlife & are known to be found near graves, in graveyards & cemeteries, & near the Bargainers Statues in the Depths. Heavily associated with the moon & the Sheikah, these moths bear a symbol uncannily similar to that of the Mind's Eye on their wings, but in white. Their lower wings form a loop that is said to carry the souls of the dead. You can often see them migrating from the Surface to the Depths at the end of fall after the final major lunar bookend phase before returning to the Surface in spring. Also called Moonlight Moths due to their moon-like glow. The Sheikah refer to them as Eien-Ushinatta Ga (永遠失った蛾, direct translation), while the Gerudo refer to them as Ohïm'dab Sāsha. - Inspired by IRL Spanish Luna Moths as well as the Japanese beliefs of butterflies & the Kura'in Butterflies from Ace Attorney 6: Spirit of Justice which denotes that they guide souls to the afterlife. Meanwhile, the name is inspired by the book of the same name.
☆Prismatic Firefly (Glow) = (_ _) A descendant of the Forest Firefly. Shines in a fantastic array of colors. Found living in very old Necluda forests or the Great Hyrule Forest. Often used in the creation of Pictoboxes to produce colored pictures. Referred to as Niji Hotaru (虹ホタル, Rainbow Firefly) or Sanryōwai-Jō Hotaru (三稜顡状ホタル, direct translation) by the Sheikah. Faronites refer to them as Ōnohi Pu'u Ahi. - A reference to the Forest Firefly from Wind Waker.
Quick Darner (Hasty 3) = (_ _) A dragonfly with dusty purple wings & yellow tips descended from the extinct Gerudo Dragonfly. Quickest insect in Hyrule. Its wings built to be the most aerodynamic of them all & can often be seen zipping around the desert & skimming over dunes. Lives in the Gerudo Desert where they are referred to as Sarï'alyae. - A reference to the Gerudo Dragonfly in Skyward Sword.
Swiftwing Butterfly (Hasty 2) = (_ _) While not as quick as the Quick Darner, this is the fastest butterfly known to Hyland. Is frequently found in Hyrule Fields & Hyrule Ridge.
Aquawing Butterfly (Rapid) = (_ _) This butterfly's wings are covered in a hydrophobic coating, which allows it to briefly skim along the surface of the water. Naturally resides around ponds that have Fleet-Lotuses, Wave Saffron, & Starry Rosemary, which they draw nectar from. Can be found all over Lanayru & a little bit in Necluda, but is most commonly found in the Lanayru Wetlands & Zora's Domain. Much like the Diving Beetle, will also come out in Necluda & Faron, but only during the rain. The Sheikah refer to them as Mizu-Tsubasa Chō (水翼蝶, Water-Wing Butterfly). Lurelinites have named them Wai'ēheu Pulelehua.
☆Blessed Butterfly (Recovery) = (_ _) A butterfly with beautiful blue wings & white swirl-like markings. Heavily associated with Hylia & are thought to guide the hero to important things. The Sheikah refer to them as Ten ni Megumareta Chō (天に恵まれた蝶, Heaven-Blessed Butterfly). However, Faronites call them Pōmaikai Pulelehua, while the Gerudo refer to them as Vàttawn'è Oten or Vàttawn'è Shô'si. - 'These insects are commonly found in every province. In rare cases, you can find them flying in strange locations.' Reference to Skyward Sword.
☆Sand Cicada (Sanddrift) = (_ _) Native to the Gerudo Desert. The Gerudo call them Gel'tetï. - From Skyward Sword.
Emberscythe Mantis (Scorching) = (_ _) Its claws burn white hot which instantly cooks its prey from the inside out. Lives in Eldin & preys on Summerwing Butterflies & Warm Darners. However, it's favorite is the Smotherwing Butterfly, which is inconvenient considering that they are immune to the Emberscythe's burning claws. Scholars theorize that the Smotherwing Butterfly adapted to be immune to flames specifically to protect itself from the Emberscythe Mantis' claws. The Sheikah call them Nokoribi-Kama Kamakiri (残り火鎌カマキリ, Ember-Sickle Praying Mantis).
Firesting Scorpion (Scorching & Toxic) = (_ _) Lives only in the Gerudo Desert. Preys on the various desert insects using the toxins in its stinger that increases the internal temperature of its prey, causing them to essentially cook from the inside. Grants increased attack in hot weather. Its toxins are considered a venom, so its perfectly find to consume so long as there are no open wounds inside the eater's mouth or along the esophagus. The Gerudo refer to them as Fa'ser Selqet.
Petalscythe Mantis (Sneaky) = (_ _) Its lovely color allows it to blend in with its surroundings by looking like the petals of various flowers in order to catch prey with its sharp, scythe-like claws. When out foraging for flowers, you might end up also getting a Petalscythe Mantis by accident. The Sheikah refer to them as Hanabira-Kama Kamakiri (花弁鎌カマキリ, Petal-Sickle Praying Mantis). - Inspired by the IRL Orchid Mantis.
☆Volcanic Ladybug (Spicy) = (_ _) A ladybug with black, boxy markings. Resistant to heat. Lives only in Eldin. The Sheikah refer to them as Kazan-Sei no Tentōchū (火山性のてんとう虫, direct translation). - 'A volcano-dwelling insect often spotted in groups. It moves little & is easy to catch.' & 'They say these bugs get their deep-red hue from the ores they eat. They are slow moving & tend to stay in one place.' Reference to Skyward Sword.
☆Walltula (Sticky & Toxic) = (_ _) Feeds on the bodily fluids of others. The Sheikah refer to them as Sutaruwōru (スタルウォール). Though Faronites have coined them Kolopi'i Nananana. - Reference to Skyward Sword.
Lightningstrike Bug (Stormy/Charged) = (_ _) Lives in the Faron Jungle. A firefly that shines green. If too many gather around during a lightning storm, they will create a circuit that generates a charge that can fry nearby creatures. Be cautious when approaching! The Sheikah refer to them as Rakurai Hotaru (落雷ホタル, Lightning Strike Firefly). Residents of Lurelin refer to them as Huila Nalo ʻUiʻuiki. - Yes, this is a reference to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Statiscythe Mantis (Stormy/Charged) = (_ _) Lives in Faron where it feasts on Restless Crickets & other insects. Its claws conduct electricity, which much like the Emberscythe Mantis, cooks its prey from the inside out with the added bonus of it paralyzing them long enough to get the job done. Also very much enjoys Electric Darners & Thunderwing Butterflies. While they are more resistant to its electricity, they aren't immune. The Sheikah call them Seiteki-Kama Kamakiri (静的鎌カマキリ, Static-Sickle Praying Mantis). However, Lurelinites call them Kūʻokoʻapahi'kākiwi ʻŪhinipule.
☆Deku Hornet (Toxic & Recovery) = (_ _) A bright yellow hornet with purple wingtips & black markings on its abdomen. Very aggressive. Its larvae are fantastic for fishing bait. Lives in Faron & Ordona. Its venom can be used to make strong medicines if you know how. The Sheikah call them Deku Suzumebachi (デク雀蜂, direct translation). On the other hand, Faron natives call them Tiki Hope'ō. - 'The venom of these insects can be heated to infuse a potent medicine. Just be careful not to get attacked by an angry swarm!' Reference to Skyward Sword.
☆Skyloft Mantis (Windshear) = (_ _) Native to the Sky Islands. Some managed to make their way down to the Surface & evolved into the Emberscythe Mantis, Frostscythe Mantis, & Staticscythe Mantis. - 'These bugs catch prey with their sharp jaws. They are often seen up above the clouds.' Reference to Skyward Sword.
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Monster Meat:
Important Note: I have an hc that there are 2 kinds of monsters. Ones that are essentially the corpses of dead monsters reanimated by evil magic & ones that are actual living monsters. The ones that disappear when killed are the reanimated ones while the ones that aren't leave physical bodies. The reason that the monster parts in the game aren't good to eat is due to being from half-decayed bodies & are corrupted & puppeted by evil magic.
Gleeok Meat = Comes from a non-reanimated Gleeok.
Froxling or Grangirino = The meat of a Little Frox. Only found in the Depths.
- Granfibio = The meat of a Frox. Only found in the Depths.
- Obsidian Granfibio = The meat of an Obsidian Frox. Considered to be the underground's equivalent to prime meat. Only found in the Depths.
- Blue-White Granfibio = The meat of a Blue-White Frox. Essentially gourmet meat in the underground. Only found in the Depths.
Dark Clump (Dark/Warding) = A dark, pulsing mass of black magic. Often created when a spirit holds such a strong resentment or grudge that it manifests into a Poe. Needs a special preparation method to be able to consume safely without resulting in corruption. It takes a gifted Hearth Mage to be able to do so while retaining the effect. - The Sheikah refer to them as Yami no Katamari (闇の塊, Mass of Darkness).
Also, by cooking enough dishes, maybe you can expand the number of ingredients you can use from 5 to 6 &, eventually, 7-10.
And, another thing I'd add. Cooking in bulk.
LoZ Wild Masterlist
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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Round 3 is here, and so is the Losers' Bracket
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The Losers' Bracket will run first, then the Winners' Bracket. The state of the Losers' Bracket is such that only results from it will be required before we can start its next round, so that means once the final poll of the Winners' Bracket is up, the Losers' Bracket will run again using the results from its previous round, without waiting for the polls in the Winners' Bracket to conclude.
Round 3 Matchups
Nikol's Variable Backpack vs. Fiora's Face Nemesis
Meyneth's Monado vs. BLADE's Ares 90
A's Monado vs. Malos' Monado
The Mechonis' Sword vs. Shulk's Monado REX+
Shulk's Monado (general) vs. Glimmer's Wildfire Kithara
Mikhail's Infinity Fans vs. Riki's Fish Biter
Sena's Comet Mallet vs. Brighid's Whip Swords
Melia's Feet vs. Mio's Moonblades
Matthew's Ouroboros Knuckles vs. Segiri's Ferronis
Riki's Monapon vs. Fiora's War Standard
Zeke's Purple Lightning Dreamsmasher vs. Mythra's Siren
Shulk's Monado I vs. Mumkhar's Metalface
Melia's World Ender vs. N's Sword of the End
Shulk's Monado II vs. Nia' Catalyst Scimitar
Taion's Mondo vs. Riki's Hunter Biter
Lora's Battle Braid vs. Noah's Lucky Seven
Losers' Bracket, Round 1 Matchups
Dunban's Quitter vs. Zanza's Monado
Elma's Dual Swords vs. Muimui's Sword of Legendariness
Lao's Prog Ares vs. BLADE's US0220 Urban ST
The Colony 9 Defense Force's Mobile Artillery vs. Corvin's Halteclere
Ethel's Ferronis vs. Reyn's Daedalus
Shulk's Monado Dogma vs. Fiora's War Blades
BLADE's Formula vs. Fiora's Hunting Knives
BLADE's Lailah Queen vs. Dunban's Chosen One
Minoth's Gun Knives vs. Dolmes' Spiked Hammer
The Ardanian Millitary's Ether Net vs. Alexandria's Exponential Edge
Eunie's Gunrod vs. Xord's Mech Hammer
Pneuma's Third Aegis Sword vs. Praxis' Lance
Melia's Empress Staff vs. Egil's Yaldabaoth
T-Elos' Scythe vs. X's Scythe
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mikus-coining-blog · 2 years
Names and Pronouns request~! (long post!)
Weapon Themed Names:
Magnum, Caliber, Shooter, Gunner, Hunter, Trigger, Pistol, Arrow, Bowie, Remington, Archer, Chimalli, Ammo, Boomer, Bomb, Pow, Swordia, Blade, Spear, Dagger, Stabber, Sniper, Katana, Axe, Grenade, Javelin, Star, Pernach, Falchion, Rapier, Saber, Bill, Fork, Pike, Sovnya, Spetum, Scythe, Hammer, Daikyu, Skane, Musket, Ram, Cannon, Mortar, Trebuchet, Cog, Mail, Chain, Claw, Brass, Katar, Cutlass, Scimitar, Talwar, Claymore, Bilbo, Bolo, Sickle, Pick, Mattock, Labrys, Ono, Club, Sai, Sledge, Scepter, Dory, Glaive, Dart, Harpoon, Pipe, Vel, Boomerang, Wallace, Flintlock, Whipper, Bullwhip, Knout, Urumi, Lasso, Buckler, Parma, Scuta, Bayonet, Revolver, Browning, Rast, Roth, Pieper, Steyr, Flammen, Colt, Nagant, Ruby, Lewis, Maxim, Mills, Saint, Machete, Webley, Lee, Speed, Marlin, Martini, Madsen, Vickers, Hales, Jam, Torpedo, Hay, Morriss, Livens, Sauterelle, Beholla, Frommer, Smith, Peabody, Savage, Winchester, Hotchkiss, Tank, Barbed, Bayard, Krupp, Beretta, Perino, Guntō, Nambu, Arisaka, Trench, Carl, Chauchat, Gatling, Auto, Semi, Viven, Newton, Puteaux, Nail, Stiletto, Buckle, Thompson, Perosa, Cei, Thornycroft, Caldwell, Darne, DeKnight, Sia, and Dayton
Weapon Themed Pronouns:
REQ BY: @de-rune!
Hope this helps! I spent a week collecting names and pronouns for this! Teehee!!
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types of weapons the hunters would use pt. 2
this time, the draw sword guild, definitely not my favorites :)
goto ryuji:
his sword is really cool, actually. a very nice ruby red. i think he would have a long sword and short sword (kind of like the daisho, a matched pair of japanese swords). otherwise, he would just use his hands. or his teeth. i think he just doesn't really care too much about how it's done, as long as it gets done
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sugimoto reiji:
it's not stated in the manhwa what class he is, so i head canon him as an assassin because i think there's only one or two that are canon. so, i think he would have a dagger for short-range kills, and kunai and shuriken for long-range kills (slightly inspired by genji from overwatch's kunai and shuriken setup - the green even matches his usual suit...)
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tanaka kenzo:
his fists suit him as a tank-esque fighter. if not that, then brass knuckles (slightly inspired by seo seongun from lookism... beloved...) also i just think he likes to get hands on with things, if him during the jeju arc gives us any clue what his fighting style is like
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tawata kanae:
i think a two-sided spear or scimitar would be cool. she also has double blades as it is, so i think she just likes working with two instead of one. higher level of efficiency and all
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as i was adding photos... i realized... what this was inspired by... lmao
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yeah. that fits her for sure
fujishima tatsumi:
i think he would use things more for looks rather than efficiency, so anything cool or unique... a scythe seems up his alley. something like ruby's scythe (especially because it also works as a gun - and i think the engineering mind i've head canoned for him would love to fiddle with that and make it abysmally powerful)
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ishida mari:
i headcanon him as a ranger because i think there's literally only taegyu otherwise. so he would use a compact bow as his main weapon (inspired by the chiron form of the coronacht bow), but he also uses a rapier. he strikes me as a rich kid that studied abroad in london and learned fencing (i know it's really specific but those are just the vibes i get)
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shimizu akari:
she has her giant golden battle axe. i also think she would know boxing, so she has short-ranged hand-to-hand combat down
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kumamoto atsushi:
he doesn't really need a weapon, since he has a strange fighting style, and i headcanon he transforms like yoonho. but... something blunt, like a mace or a club. maybe nunchucks? or something similar to the playful cloud weapon from jujutsu kaizen?
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hamada kei:
they're an ice type mage, so they have a varied attack pattern, but i think they would like a bowstaff or a baton (inspired by nami's clima tact from one piece. it even has the bonus of controlling the weather through temperature - which kei can... sorta do, lmao). something to easily knock-out any monsters that get near them so they can run before they throw up. really, it's more of a back up weapon, since they would take anything out before it got too close to them (inspired by this video!)
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izawa ippei:
the actual canon assassin. well, i headcanon he likes collecting all sorts of weapons and learning how to use them, but his go-to would be something slightly ranged, like a spear (inspired by maki's from jujutsu kaizen) or a scythe (i think something simple like the one from soul eater would suit him best)
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hoshino minoru:
i also headcanon him as an assassin (i mean, look at that raid outfit - you can't tell me that's not built perfectly for stealth and a better range of motion!), but more short-ranged and borderline fighter style. i think he has a sickle for quick chain kills, and an old dagger for sneak kills. (sickle is directly inspired by percy jackson and chronos' sickle, but i don't think we ever got to see it in a movie, but something along these lines would fit well. dagger is more of the hunting/gutting knife from the hannibal nbc series)
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well... that about wraps it up! i tried to get more visuals from media this time instead of just googling the weapon type from the internet. there are some pretty cool weapon designs already out there, unique ones that always catch my eye. i just like weapons a lot lmao
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00virtuezero · 11 months
Saturday : Nov. 11 Misc .
Neither Gods Nor Men Armaments of the Dragons :  List of Weapons used by each Dragonrider and marital warrior of the Green,  Blue, and Black Factions .
The Greens
King Rhaenor Targaryen I “The Red King”  :   Blackfrye -  Valyrian Steel Bastard Sword,  “ Fang”-  A kiliji ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilij#:~:text=Because%20of%20the%20shape%20of,did%20not%20allow%20the%20thrust ) one handed, single edged and curved scimitar blade that was taken as war trophy by Rhaenor when he killed notable Triarchy Commander, used  a optional weapon besides Blackfrye and also for the King’s rare, but at times used Dual Wielding swordmenship. Dagger of Ice and Fire : Valyerian Steel Dagger with a Dragonbone crafted hilt, passed down from Targaryen King to King.
Prince Aemond “One-Eye”, Targaryen, Heir to the Dragon: “Vilgilance”- A Valyerian Longsword that has belonged to House Hightower for centuries, gifted to Prince Aemond for the Dance and to symbolize Aemond being the Targaryen-Hightower Heir,  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messer_(sword) :  Given to from Ser Criston Cole to Prince Aemond,  Messer Sword is native to Stormlands, that was designed to be  single edged sword with knife like hilt,  notable for shearing cuts, and most importantly self defense, 
Staff of the One-Eye/Scythe of the Stranger :  Design wise, the staff Rhaenor gifted is Aemond is Longstaff/Quarter staff made completely from Dragonbone basically given it a major high level durability allowing it with stand blows against armor and also swords or melee weapons as well.  Serving as offensive and defensive staff, allowing Aemond to attack and defend, overwhelming opponents with speed and blunt damage. Do to dragon bone can also potentially break bone or even slightly dent armor.
This also includes two attachable  blades that can be attached two each opposite end of staff, making it Double Bladed Staff.   Can be potentially used as psychological intimidation   given slight oddity and unfamiliarity with two blades attached to opposite ends and along possible attacking opponents on opposite side. 
The Two attachable Blades, can when not put on the staff, be used as Short Swords. Along with being oppotional for one Blade to be attached, thus making a spear and also possible javelin weapon.
Last and optional attached weapon a Single Curved Edged Blade, which would be later dubbed a “ War Scythe”.
Princess Saera “ War Rose” Targaryen :  “ Thorn”-   A Long Sword, made of finest materials found in the Reach, hilt is shape green rose.  “Flare” :  Short Sword and optional melee weapon, has flame shaped helt.   “ Sun Shield” :  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckler  Its size made it poor protection against missile weapons (e.g., arrows) but useful in deflecting the blow of an opponent's weapons, binding his arms, hindering oppotents movements, or punching them. 
The Blues
King Aegon  “ The Blue King” Velayron :  Basilisks Valeryian Steel Sword :https://www.pinterest.com/pin/437482551283112561/ ( Third Century Sparta Sword ). Color of Basiliks : Steel Sword color is Azure and hilt is Silver color, Plommel and Guard are Obsidian Black. Design of Hilt is that of a Sepertine head, with mouth pointed to where the Blade is, pommel is orbed shape with near very a large Fang like blade pointing out it ( Rumored to be an actual Basiliks Fang and can be used melee weapon and stabbing weaponSparta was ancient longsword with a straight and double-edged blade, which is sharpened on both sides to lacerate the opponent effectively. This straight blade tapers to a tip at the very end of the sword, giving it the ability to be effective in a deep piercing motion. To me that also fit’s Symbolism of of Serpents Strike and also Versatility of it as a sword, Valeryian Steel helps as well given it can cut threw almost anything. The Fang at end of Rounded Pommel is intact a actual Basilisk’s fang, taken from a large Basilisk a Velayron ancestor killed and decided to attach its Posion Fang to the Pommel, along with how the sword became known as Basiliks. Of course now a days the Fang isn’t able to produce posion because of age, but it skill can make for effective pierceing weapon.
The Smith’s Hammer :  A one Handed War Hammer that has Silver-Blue Hammer on end and other side perceing Edge on the other in shape of a Shark’s Fin.  Serving a Secondary Weapon and along capable of bashing on enemy armor to break limbs, skulls, and the like.   Rumored to be crafted from the strongest metals that House Velayron could buy.
Laena “ The Valkyrie” Velayron :  “ Shadow Spine”  :  A Silver Longsword with a dragon head shaped sigil, and up pointed guards, designed after the Valeryian Steel Sword “ Dark Sister”.   Short Sword for optional weapon if needed,   Circle Shield for Defense from both Arrows and Melee Weapons.
Prince Viserys “Warhammer” Velayron :  Bastard Sword  with skyblue colored hilt,  One handed Axe-Weapon for Melee Combat,  Long Handed Axe that is wielded with both hands,  inspired by Corly Velayron’s own Long Handed Axe.
The Blacks
Lord Jacerys “ The Unworthy”  Rivers :   Noted for carrying a total of Three different type of Swords on his person, which symbolizing House Strongs Three Swords :   Bastard Sword with a Dark Green colored Hilt,   A Long Sword with a Dark Blue colored hilt, and  a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falchion  Cleaver Sword with a Black hilt, that has a crossguard.
Giving Jacerys different options in combat and keeping his oppotent guessing as he changes styles.  While his half brothers Aegon and Aemond are among the best warriors of the siblings, Jacerys makes up for by willing to trick and confuse his oppotents, along with a brutal and calculated ferocity.
Lady Baela “ The Siren” Velayron-Rivers :   “Venom” : A Dark Colored Long Sword with a Dragon winged shaped Hilt,   “ Silence” :  A Slight Curved Knife for Melee Combat and keep on person as side armament even when not in full armor .  Bow and Arrows for Long Range Combat, especially while on Moondancer, rumored Bow is made from Old Gods wood tree material.
Lord Lucerys “The Unjust” Rivers :   A Longsword, with a crossed guard hilt,    2 Knifes for Melee Combat and sneak attacks,  One Handed Spiked Mace Weapon.
Lord Joffrey “ The Good”  Rivers :  Bastard Sword, Long Sword as secondary weapon,  Knife as optional and side weapon,  Shield painted in all Three Colors of the Swords on House Strong’s Sigil.
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anthurak · 1 year
I think Crescent Rose should be upgraded to have a sword mode, a scythe is great for long range but ineffective in close range.
Yeah, I've had an idea for a while maybe Ruby could separate part of CR's blade to wield as a separate sword. I mean, I dunno about you but a scimitar or falchion feels quite appropriate for Ruby XD
Another idea I've had is that Ruby ends up carrying a short, collapsible blade as a 'sidearm' of sorts. Like remember when Ruby used one of Penny's swords against the Nevermore in Volume 3? Imagine if she KEPT that sword through Volumes 4-6? XD
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thosetrollkids · 1 year
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terresdebrume · 2 years
40-60 minutes intro to DND
Or, as I dubbed it: DND Lite
So today I introduced DND to one of my classes and they wanted to do a try out game. I had no dice, no map, no freaking idea how to explain the rules...but then I remembered I'd watched an interesting video about how to start a DND club at a school (link in reblog) and I figured, fuck it, we want the feeling of DND not the actual game.
So here's what I did:
Step 1:
Give players a character sheet and roll a single set of stats. Make sure nothing is below six, or even 9 if you want to be really sure they won't get stumped.
Give the players the following instructions:
- If you want to use magic, pick Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma for your highest number.
- If you want to use a blunt weapon pick strength.
- If you want to use a stabby weapon, pick dex.
Step 2:
- Give everyone an AC of 10 + Dex mod and HP of 10 + Con mod.
- Ask the weapon users to pick a specific weapon (we had a bow, two scythe, and a scimitar) and tell the magic users they have two spells: Fire and Heal (treat them like cantrips)
- Everything is worth 1d6, no modifier added, everything works like an attack roll (AOE just complicates things)
Step 3:
- They all wake up in a dungeon with only one door and some barrels. Let them look around and come up with ideas, building on things as they go. All DCs are 10.
- There's a big pit and a corridor behind the door. If you're like me, you're thinking 'they'll learn how to jump' but your players turn the barrels into a bridge instead
- At the end of the corridor there's another room with three giant rats. They can try to walk around, come up with a different solution (like a chandelier in the rafters or something) or fight.
Step 4:
Let them come out of the weird dungeon into the light and end however you want.
This gives the feeling of DND (making rp decisions, rolling dice, adding mods) in the most SIMPLE way possible with zero commitment to anything and gets them to play ASAP instead of struggling with character making for an hour.
Step 5 (not yet tested)
Use the same method for your first DND club 1h session, then gradually Build-a-bear your players'characters
I'm thinking we might add races one or two sessions in and write down proficiencies but only using the ability mods and special feats/speeds at first, then use proper weapon rolls, then add classes & special abilities, then proper proficiencies?
Or maybe a different order, we'll see^^
Important !
Let your players know you are simplifying a lot of things. If this version is too much for them, which was the case for two of my players, then the full game may not be for them.
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razorsadness · 11 months
City of wind and glass dressed in frozen lace, of the wide-stone tower that would not burn, of Lake Michigan and the poor who never see the sun drop lines of light across the cold ache of water, of televised faces spitting water on children in a park obliterated of its pigeons. City of pigeons on train platforms where trains say the names of approaching destinations like prophets: you know me as your restless child. I creep through dimensions of snow-scythed wind and ruthless summers looking for my semblance in neighborhoods gentrified into dull disasters of coffee and scones. I have loved you like darkness loves the base of a throat yet songs I could sing for you won’t come. City of Lou Malnati’s and Giordano’s, of segregation and gang wars, of bus drivers who seem to hate me and so I hate them back, the blade of their impatience, the phantom dark beneath their abrasive eyes, until I meet the one who says “good morning” back and it sounds like “I love you” and “I’m sorry” and I needed to hear that this morning because traffic’s slow as a corroded vein and the Red Line changes races halfway through and that feels wrong and beyond explanation like the parking meters eating our tired bodies down to their good bones. At night, Michigan Ave. slips on its suit of lights and tourists while Madison and Central Park roll restless with Shark’s fried fish and barbershops where a boy sits with the buzz of clippers carving something beautiful from the black curls on his head. You’ve been on my mind, City of African music festivals and Bud Billiken parades, City of name changes I refuse to honor. Sears to Willis, the ghost of a Marshall Field’s relief oxidized into obscurity. Here is my face, City. Here is my face and my hands are open for you. Here is the body that has rejected your violence, that has been missed by your bullets, City. Here is the scimitar of my tongue to cut you down to your particulars, in hope to find something in you to love that will love me back.
—Phillip B. Williams (x)
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ: New Ingredient Ideas - Flora & Fungi
I have a lot of ideas for ingredients for future games.
* Will be besides things that are, in some way, from the official Wild series. Or are at the very least are based on something that originated from it.
※ Will be beside things that were planned to be part of the official series at one point, but for whatever reason, were cut.
☆ Will be beside things that existed, are intended to be associated with, or were inspired by things in previous games, but not the Wild Series.
★ Will be beside things that were in some way inspired by other games or shows.
LoZ: New Ingredients - Fauna & Byproducts
LoZ: New Ingredients - 2nd Tier Ingredients
List of Effects:
Aerodynamic - Dive Control Up.
Amorous - Aphrodisiac. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (This is mostly for flavor & wouldn't actually do anything in a game setting. Though, it specifically only activates when a sufficient level of dopamine & norepinephrine is found in the body, it can likewise be cured when a sufficient enough supply of oxytocin is introduced into the bloodstream. So, it only takes effect if in the presence of someone you legit are attracted to & are in love with, which is why Link wouldn't be affected. He's Zelda's & it'd only work on him in her presence. It also doesn't work on anyone who hasn't finished puberty. It's also known to increase the possibility of reproduction.)
- Erogenous - Aphrodisiac. Unlike Amorous, Erogenous needs no emotional attraction for it to work. In this way, it's actually much more dangerous. (Would not appear in games beyond the story. Known to increase the possibility of reproduction.)
*Biting - Cold Weather Attack.
*Dark/Warding - Gloom Resistance.
Dawning/Dusky - Twilight Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by Sheikah/Yiga weaponry, Moonlight Scimitars, knives, sickles, & scythes by generating a crepuscular razor, thus dealing twilight damage. Mirror Sheilds are also more effective. Sheikah/Yiga weaponry fused with Silver/Twilight Lizalfos Horns or a Moonstone deal thrice as much damage as normal. Twilight also deals extra damage to undead enemies & Poes, this sets the spirit trapped inside free & results in a Poe Soul. Twilight damage is also noted to be purifying, so defeating Wolfos, Furnix, Bullbos, & Iron Knuckle enemies with Twilight purifies them, thus returning them to their natural state.)
Detox - Helps one fight back against toxins by cutting down on the damage done by said toxins as well as the time until those toxins get out of their system. Can also be used in cooking with Toxic ingredients to negate the Toxic affect. However, it takes a degree of toxicological/botanical/medical knowledge to do so. Also, the higher the toxicity, the higher the Detox effect needs to be in order to counteract it.
Dreamy - Sleep Induction. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (More for story flavor as somnolents just make you sorta sleepy &, thus, won't just knock Link out cold. Actual gameplay uses would only be included when you use Fuse Weapon to attach the item to an arrow or other weapon, which I'm saying concentrates & amplifies the effects, which allows you to knock enemies out cold. Without the Fuse Weapon rune, you'd need to make a concentrated sleep extract to apply to the arrow/weapon tip by hand. By default, Dreamy items don't work against boss or mini-boss enemies. However, if you go to sleep in a bed within an hour of being affected by Dreamy, you'll get bonuses when you wake up.)
- Potent Dreamy - Powerful Sleep Induction. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (Unlike Dreamy, Potent Dreamy will absolutely knock Link the fuck out. It's basically a tranquilizer. Note that only the scent of a Mawkap will wake him up afterwards.)
Eclating/Glaring - Light Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by swords, knives, axes, sickles, & scythes by generating a cutting light thus dealing light damage. Light-based weapons such as the White Sword of the Sky, the Master Sword, the Sword of the Six Sages, the Bow of Light, & other such weapons deal triple damage. However, damage dealt from using a Light Weapon fused with a Light Dragon part or Diamond or Sunstone is quadrupled. Light attacks also deal extra damage to dark enemies. Light damage is noted to be purifying, so defeating Wolfos, Furnix, Bullbos, & Iron Knuckle enemies with Light purifies them, thus returning them to their natural state.)
*Electro - Shock Resistance.
*Enduring - Adds Stamina.
*Energizing - Restores Stamina.
Fireproof - Fire Resistance.
Fortune - Great Deal. (Briefly increases the amount of rupees you get for selling things.)
Freezeproof - Freeze Resistance.
Gills - Breathe Water.
*Glow - Glow.
*Hasty - Speed Up. (Doesn't work on sand or snow.)
- Sanddrift - Sand Mobility Up.
- Snowdrift - Snow Mobility Up.
*Hearty - 1-5 Extra Hearts.
Hydrating - Keep Wet Longer. Once Hydrating reaches level 3, you stay wet twice as long. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (This effect is most useful for Zora. Also pairs swimmingly with Zora weaponry.)
*Icy/Chilly - Heat Resistance.
Lightningproof - Lightning Resistance.
*Mighty - Attack Up.
Nucturnepid - Can see farther in darkness.
※Puissant - Allows one to jump twice. (Turns out that a Twice Jump cooking effect was cut from the final TotK game. So, you gotta know that I'll be effing with that!)
*Rapid - Swim Speed Up.
Recovery - Allow someone to slowly recover hearts over time.
Revival - Revives after death with 8 hearts. (Only Fairies & recipes that require Fairies have this effect. Don't worry, no Fairies are harmed during this process. The only thing used is the Fairies' dust.)
Riptide - Water Spear/Blade/Whip Attack Up. (Doubles spear, blade, & whip damage by generating a pressurized stream of water, thus dealing water damage. Zora weaponry does triple. Weapons fused with Silver or Water Lizalfos Horns, Water Lizalfos Tails, Opals, or Pearls do triple as well. But Zora weaponry fused with Silver or Water Lizalfos Horns, Water Lizalfos Tails, Opals, or Pearls do quadruple.)
*Scorching - Heat Weather Attack.
*Sneaky - Stealth Up.
*Spicy - Cold Resistance.
*Sticky - Grip Up.
*Stormy/Charged - Stormy Weather Attack.
*Sunny - Heals Gloom Damage.
Tenebrating - Dark Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by Sheikah/Yiga weaponry, Gloom weaponry, sickles, & scythes by generating a vicious dark force, thus dealing dark or shadow damage. Sheikah/Yiga weaponry fused with Dark Monster parts or Ebony triples the damage dealt.)
*Tough - Defense Up.
Toxic - Inflicts Poison. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (Note that certain Toxic ingredients can be prepared specially to be made edible or to make things like medicines.)
Vitality - Temporary Stamina Use Reduction.
- Max Vitality = Max Energizing & stamina can be used freely for a certain amount of time.
Windshear - Wind Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by Rito Weapons, swords, knives, axes, sickles, & scythes by generating a cutting wind, thus dealing wind damage. Damage done specifically by Feathered Edges or any other of the abovementioned weapons fused with an Emerald will be tripled. And Feathered Edges fused with an Emerald will be quadrupled.)
Just for clarity's sake, Ealiyah Town is a Gerudo settlement situated in the Gerudo Highlands in Risoka Snowfield. They were founded by Gerudo, who wished to stay with their husbands as men are forbidden from entering Gerudo Town. As such, Ealiyah is inhabited mostly by Gerudo, Hylians & Humans, as well as the occasional Sheikah & a race I recently made up called Lupáns. (For more on Lupos, go to Wolf Link & the Lupán Race.)
Whereas the Gerudo of Gerudo Desert worship the 7 Heroines & it's debated as to whether there was an 8th at all, some even regarding the speculation of there being one as sacrilegious, Ealiyans worship the 7 as well as the 8th definitively, who was actually a man who helped the 7 Heroines save the Gerudo, but was still forbidden from entering Gerudo Town due to being a man. However, the 7 are sometimes regarded with a certain degree of harshness & even hurt, though not open hate, as a result of what is percieved as betrayal & ingratitude.
It's said that the original founders of Ealiyah were Gerudo who were disgusted with the injustice visited upon the Hero & thus broke away from the Gerudo Culture in order to found a settlement where he would be properly exalted.
Anyway, Ealiyans maintain the Statue of the 8th.
Also, Ordon Town is situated where the canonical Faron Grasslands is. Here, the region is referred to as Ordona & Ordon Town's oldest section is situated around the Lake of the Horse God with Ordon Ranch being located in Ibara Butte.
Basic Spices:
Kakarikōji = A type of mold that grows on Hylian Rice, Shade Rice (Tenebrating), or Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), either as plants or cooked, otherwise, it can also be grown on Mochiko. Normally, only bought in Kakariko or the Faron Region as it takes an understanding of culturing to produce & harvest reliably. This is partly due to the substance needed to inoculate them so that the Kakarikoji can grow. Spelt Kakarikōji (カカリ糀) in Kakariko.
Akkala Cinnamon (Hasty) = (_ _) A spice that grows in Akkala. Great in Whiskey cocktails.
Barricade Cloves (Tough) = (_ _) This Spice can be found growing damn near anywhere, but they grow best in hot, wet regions. The Sheikah refer to them as Tatekomoru Kurōbu (楯籠るクローブ, Shield Cloves).
Charred Pepper (Scorching) = (_ _) These peppercorns grow mostly in Eldin & are shipped out all over Hyrule. They look similar to coal, but are actually peppercorns.
Hoy Mustard Seeds (Spicy) = (_ _) Can be picked up when harvesting Hoy Mustard Greens. Can grow decently well in the hotter parts of the Gerudo Region. The Sheikah refer to them as Yā Karashidane (やあからし種, direct translation).
Gleam Ginger (Sunny - +2💖) = (_ _) An orange-bronze, bumpy root vegetable that gleams in the light when pulled from the ground. Has a bit of a kick to it, yet once you get past that, it has a pleasant flavor. Good in cocktails. Can grow in the desert, but requires special care such as dappled sunlight. The Sheikah refer to them as Hikaru Shōga (光るショウガ, Gleaming Ginger), while the Highland Gerudo call it Letmï Slyvera.
Swamp Celery = (_ _) An herb that grows naturally only in the Lanayru Wetlands around Goponga. While originating from the Lanayru Wetlands specifically, they can grow almost anywhere, so long as they are submerged in fresh water. The Sheikah call them Numachi Serori (沼地セロリ, direct translation). Referred to as Ūpehkwa Kàrfsa in the desert.
Bayou Bellpepper = (_ _) A non-spicy Pepper that grows in the Lanayru Wetlands. While originating from the Lanayru Wetlands specifically, they can grow almost anywhere, so long as they are submerged in fresh water, which makes them available for the Gerudo. The Sheikah call them Baiyū Pīman (バイユーピーマン, direct translation). They are called Wahē Jingàlfil by the Gerudo.
Kakariko Adzuki = (_ _) Used to make sweets in Kakariko. The name originates from the Sheikah Tribe, this is how it's spelled (カカリコ小豆, direct translation). - Just Adzuki.
Saccharinepod = (_ _) A type of speleophytic bean that can be processed into sugar. Only grows in the Depths. - Inspired by Dwarf Fortress.
Cave Wheat = (_ _) A speleophytic grain that's only found in the Depths. - Inspired by Dwarf Fortress.
Swinetwist = (_ _) A speleophytic plant used to make textiles. - Inspired by Dwarf Fortress.
Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding) = (_ _) A sweet potato that likes dark spaces such as caves & wells. Originates from the Surface, but grows well in the Depths too. The Sheikah call them Kage Yama-Imo (影山芋, Shadow Mountain Potato), while the Gerudo refer to it as Jàqàr'grōma.
Static Rhubarb (Electro) = (_ _) Has an extremely tart flavor & is crunchy like celery when raw, but it becomes soft after it's cooked. The sour flavor does also mellow a little when cooked, but is almost always mixed with sugar to counteract the lip-puckering taste. Grows well in Ordona & Necluda.
☆Ordon Pumpkin (Enduring) = (_ _) An Ordon native pumpkin. Is actually a rare, yellow mutation of Fortified Pumpkin that Ordonians have learned to cultivate. Eventually, it might even become a new breed of pumpkin the way the Hateno variant has. Side-note: Fortified Pumpkins are actually an evolution of the pumpkins that Ordonians of the past grew thousands of years ago.
Zonai Cafégranos (Energizing) = (_ _) A bean that the Zonai made into an energizing drink. Restores more Stamina than Stambulbs. The Sheikah call them Zonau Kōfīmame (ゾナウ珈琲豆, direct translation).
Necludic Seaweed (Gills) = (_ _) Can be found growing on the bottom of the sea or, occasionally, washed up on the shores of Necluda beaches & in Lanayru Bay. The Sheikah call them Nekurūdikku Kaisō (ネクルーディック海藻, direct translation).
- Water Cabbage (Gills & Hydrating) = (_ _) A relative of Necludic Seaweed that grows in shallow ponds. Despite being a seaweed, it acts as a type of cabbage or lettuce when used in cooking. While originating from the Neclunayru (Nekurunēru, ネクルネール) region, they can grow almost anywhere, so long as they are submerged in fresh water. The Sheikah call them Mizu Tamana (水玉菜, direct translation). Though, the Gerudo have termed them Wa'krànba. - Inspired by Slime Rancher 2.
Arrōyorice (Sanddrift) = (_ _) A type of grain that grows well in the desert & doesn't need much water. Not technically a member of the rice family, but is similar enough that it's passable as a member of the same family & likewise has a similar non-taste. Actually a type of farrow which is a species of wheat. Still very new to the Gerudo Desert as it seems to be an evolution of Tabantha Wheat that's adapted fully to the desert & they're still figuring out how to grow it well. The Gerudo refer to it as Arrōyo'rāza. - A reference to My Time in Sandrock.
Snowdrift Buckwheat (Snowdrift) = (_ _) A Necluda native grain that is typically grown in fall & winter. However, the Highlands Gerudo also grow them as a rice substitute. The Sheikah call them Yuki Soba (雪そば, direct translation). Meanwhile, the Highlands Gerudo instead refer to them as Fïwa'rāz.
Heartichoke (Hearty) = (_ _) Mostly grows in Faron. It's heart is the most nutritious part of it.
Pricklepad (Hydrating) = (_ _) The leaf of a Prickly Peach Cactus.
Zonai Corn (Mighty) = (_ _) Golden ears of corn that soak in lovely sunlight. They were brought to Hyrule by the Zonai. Grows best in the southern half of Hyrule. The Sheikah refer to them as Zonau Tōmorokoshi (ゾナウトウモロコシ, direct translation).
Chthonic Carrot (Nocturnepid) = (_ _) A Carrot that only grows in caves or the Depths. Thought to improve one's sight in the dark. - Inspired by Stardew Valley.
Leaping Limas (Puissant) = (_ _) Kidney-shaped green beans that are slightly sweet & creamy.
Freshwater Cucumber (Rapid & Hydrating) = (_ _) Just a cucumber that grows in fresh water so long as it's not cold enough to freeze the water. The Sheikah call them Tansui Kyūri (淡水キュウリ, direct translation). However, the Gerudo refer to them as Kaeriwa Fàskhiàr.
Panacea Root (Recovery 3 & Detox) = (_ _) These root vegetables only grow in caves or the Depths. Fantastic for medicine creation. Very hard to find, but worthwhile. - Inspired by Harvest Moon.
Pyre Beans (Scorching) = (_ _) These spicy, red beans are very good for the heart. Grows well in areas such as the Gerudo Desert & Faron.
Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky & Detox) = (_ _) Used to return nutrients to the soil. The Sheikah call them Sheikā Edadaizu (精カ枝大豆, Sheikah Branch Soybean). - Basically soybeans & edamame in one. Used to make Sheikah Shōyu.
Tundra Potato (Spicy) = (_ _) A nice, warming root vegetable. Full of progestinitrone which tends to promote heat conservation & higher body temperature. Grows well in Hebra, Tabantha, Ordona, & the Gerudo Highlands. The Highland Gerudo call them Fïwasht'è Shogog.
Zonai Cocoagranos (Spicy & Amorous) = (_ _) A pod of beans that when prepared correctly, creates a deliciously sweet dessert with an ever so slightly spicy kick. Full of progestinitrone which tends to promote heat conservation & higher body temperature, thus making it perfect for warming up on cold nights. Brought to Hyrule by the Zonai. Said to be the Food of the Gods. The Sheikah refer to them as Zonau Kakaomame (ゾナウカカオ豆, direct translation).
Shade Rice (Tenebrating & Detox 2) = (_ _) This rare Sheikan rice is dark in color & is known for its nutty & earthy taste with just a hint of sweetness & for being a fantastic source of antioxidants. However, it’s difficult to cultivate & has a short growing season, so it’s typically only used for special occasions. Which is why the Sheikah tend to use Hylian Rice more often. - Basically, black rice.
Stoneheart Beet (Tough) = (_ _) Only grows in the Depths. Has a hard, stone-like exterior, but tender insides. - From Slime Rancher.
Càrïtàn Beans (Toxic) = (_ _) Small, brown beans often used to make Gerudo bathing oils. The leaves are often fed to Everlost Silkworms, which are known to nest in them. This makes Càrïtàn Beans extremely valuable. Gerudo refer to them as Càrïtàn Fàva. - Inspired by Castor Beans.
Deadly Mandrake (Toxic) = (_ _) A root vegetable-type ingredient used in magic potions. Specifically in ones geared towards healing. It's said that sometimes Poes get trapped in them & begin to attack people with their piercing screams. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.
Windblade Leek (Windshear) = (_ _) Has a milder, sweeter flavor than onions. Can be used in place of green onions, shallots, ect. The Sheikah call them Kazaha Negi (風刃葱, Wind Blade Long Green Onion). - Can be seen as a reference to Farfetch'd & Sirfetch'd.
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Cavernberries = (_ _) A type of blue, aggregate berry that grows only in caves & the Depths. - Inspired by League of Legends.
Karina Fragria (Amorous) = (_ _) A type of dark, ruby-pink berry in the shape of a heart. Said to have burst forth from the earth at her feet when the Goddess Karina found her first love. Is sweet, but also tart. Grows wild throughout Necluda. Colloquially called Loveberries. - Just an odd-looking strawberry.
Amorous Fig (Amorous) = (_ _) These dusty purple fruits grow best in the Gerudo Desert. The Gerudo heavily associate them with the Gerudo Goddess of Love, Passion, & Marriage, Vah Kàvtrïna. In the desert, they are known as Màtuvàq Lōrē.
Prickly Peach (Erogenous & Hydrating) = (_ _) A pink, round, spike-covered fruit with peach-like flesh inside that grows on a cactus plant. Not a true peach. Native to the Gerudo Desert. The Gerudo call them Sobbawkh. - Inspired by Prickly Peaches from Dragon Quest: Builders 2.
Moonmelon (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2) = (_ _) These melons have evolved from the Hydromelons that were brought over to Kakariko from the Gerudo Desert. Their outside is gray & cratered like the moon, but its flesh is remarkably tender. If you can cut it open at the right ripeness (believed to be on the night of the full moon), the natural sweetness coupled with the exquisite tenderness will be breathtaking. The Sheikah call them Shei'chōryū’uri (精潮流瓜, Moon Gift Melon or Essence Flow Melon). Also called Moonblessed Melon.
Charmberry (Detox 3 & Amorous) = (_ _) Bright amethyst berries that grow in the Lanayru & Faron Regions. Has a lot of antioxidants, which makes them that bright, vivid color. They grow on bushes & the flowers are small & pink. They grow in clusters. Most often made into wine & jelly, but is also often combined with sugar, which results in a nice floral flavor often compared to Sunrise Hibiscus. So, like tart, dark berries. Though, those flavors mellow when cooked or boiled. Great in sorbet, gelatin, & makes for a tangy tisane with notes of citrus. The berries, when made into an infusion, can be used topically in glamor, beauty, & luring spells. However, it's also good for stopping bleeding in the lungs & the leaves make for a fantastic insect repellant. (Also good for clear skin.)
Dreamdrop (Dreamy & Detox) = (_ _) A small, orange ovoid fruit that grows from large evergreen bushes. They have a pleasant flavor like mangoes or a blend of several stone fruit including apricots, plums, cherries, & peaches with floral overtones. Can be found growing wild in the hillsides around Kakariko. When picking the fruit, you also get Dreamdrop Leaves which the Sheikah use to make tea. Not to mention, Everlost Silkworms, who tend to nest in them. (Does not work on boss or mini-boss monsters.) The Sheikah call them Yumeshizuku (夢雫, direct translation) or Yumeosotu (夢落とす, direct translation). - Just a loquat. Name Inspired by Pikmin.
Lurelin Orange (Enduring & Hydrating) = (_ _) A juicy, sweet & tart citrus that fills you with energy. Increases max stamina temporarily when cooked. The Sheikah refer to them as Rururin'orenji (ルルリンオレンジ, direct translation). The Gerudo call them Lurālin'tuqàlï. Lurelinites have coined them Luleleina Alani.
Deya Peach (Energizing & Hydrating) = (_ _) A delicious, tender, pink-fleshed stone fruit that is sweet, flavorful, & slightly tangy with floral & honey undertones that grows in Deya Village. Is sweeter than most peaches, which are typically more on the tangy & acidic side. Pairs well with honey. They are farmed to make Deya Village's famous Deya Moscato. The favored fruit of Karina, Goddess of Love & Passion. The Sheikah call them Adeya Momo (アデヤ桃, Beautiful, Pleasant, or Delightful Peach). Though, Lurelin natives call them Keia Piki.
Din Juniper Berry (Fireproof) = (_ _) An Eldin native berry bush that is flameproof. The berries seem to have a slight piney flavor with a touch of both fruitiness & pepperiness. Also called Firetrail Juniper. Its tree's fibers & wood can be used to make a fireproof fishing rod that can be used to catch magmahaline fish. The Sheikah call them Din Junipā Kinomi (ディンジュニパー木ノ実, direct translation). - Inspired by IRL Juniper.
Nayru Pear (Freezeproof) = (_ _) A western Hyrule native fruit that flourishes in cold climates. Resistant to freezing. It is light green & crisp with buttery flesh. The Highland Gerudo call them Niwarù'shui.
Mountain Furberry (Freezeproof) = (_ _) Only grows on Mount Lanayru. These fruits have velvety flesh & are slightly acidic with undertones of melon & sometimes even banana. - A kiwi.
Shining Starfruit (Glow) = (_ _) A sour, glowing fruit shaped like a star when cut. Referred to as Kagayaite Seika (輝いて星果, Sparkling Starfruit) by the Sheikah, while the Gerudo call them Letraqéda Estàha. Referred to as Hulali Hua Hōkū in Lurelin.
Lantern Fruit (Glow) = (_ _) A type of fruit that only grows in the Depths. A glowing green pear-shaped fruit.
*Satori Cherry (Hasty & Hydrating, but not by much) = (_ _) A sweet little stone fruit popular in Kakariko & favored by Satori the Mountain King. The Sheikah refer to them as Satori Sakuranbo (サトリ桜んぼ, direct translation) or simply Satorinbo (サトリんぼ, direct translation), while the Gerudo call them Sàtrï'satúwt. The residents of Lurelin call them Mālamalama Keli.
Akkala Cinnaberry (Hasty) = (_ _) These woody, brown berries grow from the same trees that the bark used to make Akkala Cinnamon does. Has a uniquely sweet, cinnamony flavor with slight spiciness, & caramel notes. Cooking them gives a sort of cinnamon & honey scent. Also referred to as Malanya Cinnaberries & Malanyaberries for their association with the horse deity, Malanya. - When for want of a Cinnaberry, the best substitute is pairing Akkala Cinnamon with Goldenmerry to create something similar enough.
Lovely Rosehip (Hearty) = (_ _) Has a floral, slightly sweet flavor with a touch of tartness. Is sometimes gathered when harvesting Lovely Roses. The Sheikah refer to them as Utsukushī Barahippu (美しい薔薇ヒップ, Beautiful or Lovely Rosehip). The residents of Lurelin call them Ipo Hua Ka'loke.
Sweetvine Grapes (Hydrating) = (_ _) Bright green grapes native to Deya Village, they are harvested to make Deya's famous Deya Moscato. Has a high alcohol content ideal for winemaking. They have an aroma & flavor similar to that of Deya Peaches, Lurelin Oranges (both the fruit & the blossom), Shock Fruit, & Nayru Pears. While sweet & bright, they are also slightly tart & acidic. The Sheikah refer to them as Amadzuru Budō (甘蔓ブドウ, direct translation). On the other hand, Lurelinites call them Ono Kumu Hua Waina.
Desert Queen (Icy/Chilly) = (_ _) A delicious & immensely sweet desert fruit with a hard, deep purple hull & white flesh inside. The flesh is very flavorsome being sweet & juicy with a refreshing taste reminiscent of bananas or peaches. The Gerudo call them Gera'vàtta. - Just a mangosteen.
Bloodberry Grapes (Icy/Chilly & Hydrating) = (_ _) Dark burgundy grapes native to the Gerudo Desert. They have a sweeter flavor profile than Sweetvine Grapes, tasting more like a mix of Sundelions & sweetened Shock Fruit. They are mostly sweet, as well as bright & refreshing like citruses, with a bit of tartness to them. The Gerudo refer to them as Mu'túwt Grun.
Brushberry (Sanddrift & Hydrating) = (_ _) This remarkably hardy sand dune shrub grows a type of orange-yellow variety of Wildberry that has adapted to the desert climate & now grows wild across the Gerudo Desert. This aggregate berry has a more conical shape than the spherical Wildberry. Has a complex flavor that many describe as being very fruity, as well as tart & tangy, sour, slightly sweet, & succulent with hints of citrus. Came to be when a young Gerudo Vai began to grow them in her garden. Is much less rare than the Desert Queen & is thus more accessible, but also provides less of a cooling effect. The Gerudo call them Ajma'twút. - Inspired by Sandberries from My Time At Sandrock. May possibly be a Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), which are referred to by a variety of names such as sandthorn, sallowthorn, seaberry, as well as miracle berry or holy berry. Described as compact grapes.
Farore Hazelnut (Lightningproof) = (_ _) The tree itself is known to protect those that consume its produce from lightning. Grows wild in Faron, Finra, & Pagos Woods specifically, but not in the Faron Jungle. It's good practice for those traveling to Faron to stock up on these before entering. The Sheikah call them Furoru Hashibamikara (フロルハシバミ堅果, direct translation). Though, Lurelin residents call them Fa'ola Haikelakukui. - Inspired by the IRL hazel tree, which in Norse mythology, hazel is a plant that belonged to Thor the Thunderer & were thought to protect people from his thunderbolts.
Aguacaté (Rapid) = (_ _) A dark green, pear-shaped fruit with tender, creamy flesh & a large pit in the center. Its skin is uneven, yet smooth, almost seeming scaled, which earned it the nickname Gator Pear. Was brought to Hyrule by the Zonai & only grows in Faron. Takes a lot of water to grow. Good thing Faron is known for its storms. The Sheikah call them Waninashi (鰐梨, Alligator Pear), while the Gerudo refer to them as Sōbehxàdu. The residents of Lurelin refer to them as Mo'o Nui Pea. - Just an avocado.
Sàbaar Fruit (Recovery) = (_ _) This fruit grows from a type of cactus that grows best in the Gerudo region & specifically on the Koholina Archipelago (which Eventide is the smallest island of & the closest to Hyrule's shores). Is similar in taste to honey & a good deal sweeter than sugar. However, darker varieties can taste more like maple syrup, while lighter Sàbaar nectars are more subtle. The nectar is made from Sàbaar plant juice, which is also where tequila comes from. Its juice can be used as a replacement for honey if need be. The Gerudo refer to it as Sàbaar Dàkha, while the residents of Koholina call it Meli Hua. - An agave fruit.
Rainbow Quince (Revitalizing) = (_ _) A mythical, extremely rare & hard to find fruit. Absolutely delicious. Has a crispness & crunch similar to apples, but sweeter & less acidic with a bit of a tang to them. Cooking with one causes an autocrit.
Undertow Mango (Riptide) = (_ _) Grows in Faron & Lanayru, mostly around the Zora's Domain. Dried, unripe specimens are used to make Undertow Amchoor (Riptide). Faronites call them Au'kō'malalo Manako.
Tidal Grapes (Riptide) = (_ _) A type of fruit that grows in the ocean. Technically a member of the buckwheat family. Tastes slightly like seaweed while having the consistency of caviar, but are both salty & sweet with a crisp freshness to them. Goes well with Shōyu & Vinegar. The Zora of the Koholint Domain on the Koholina Archipelago are known to farm them. Also called Tidal Lato. The Sheikah refer to them as Chōseki Umibudō (潮汐海ブドウ, direct translation), while Lurelinites call them Kai'a'pele Hulumanu.
*Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Detox) = (_ _) A mysterious purple stone fruit that is sweet & sour with a hint of tanginess. A staple of Kakariko & beloved by Millie. Restores more ♡ than regular Apples. The Sheikah refer to them as Kakariko Ume (カカリコ梅, direct translation).
Faron Pineapple (Spicy & Hydrating) = (_ _) An orange variety of pineapple with a bit of spice to it. Grows plentifully in the Faron Jungle. Also grows well in oases, but it isn't native. The Sheikah refer to them as Firōne Painappuru (フィローネパイナップル), but they are called Fàrin'romànaas by the Gerudo. The natives of Lurelin refer to them as Fawiwo'ole Paina.
Gleaming Guava (Sunny) = (_ _) A fruit from the Zonai's homeland. Has a unique, sweet, & almost universally pleasant flavor. Seems to taste like a hybrid between a strawberry & a pear. The Zonai's original name for it was "Gema del Cielo" meaning Gem of the Sky. Grows well in Faron. Referred to as Hikaru Kokemono (光るコケモモ, Gleam Cowberry) by the Sheikah. However, they are called Hulali Kuawa by Faronites. - Just a guava.
*Woodheart (Tough) = (_ _) If you break open the hard shell, you'll find that the nut inside has a creamy & slightly sweet taste. Many swear that they're best when toasted. Originally native to warm, temperate areas, they thrive in full sunlight & actually grow best in deep, sandy, loamy soil in places that experience hot, humid summers. Though, they can live in well-drained soil too. Requires a certain degree of soil acidity. Best planted in spring or fall. Fall is best for warmer, southern climates. And their harvest season is also fall, spanning from mid-September through November. If planted in very deep soil, they become very tolerant of droughts after becoming established. Takes 3-7 years to begin producing nuts, but can live to around 800 years old. The seedlings need to be irrigated regularly & in order to get them to a point where they will produce well, they also need at least 8 hours of full sunlight every day & to be watered regularly throughout their growing season. They flourish in Akkala & the coastal areas of Necluda, but will also grow on the Faron East Coast & in the oases of Gerudo. The Sheikah refer to them as Mokushin (木心, wood heart). - Inspired by Phantom Hourglass & Spirit Tracks. Basically a chestnut. (Japanese Maron (マロン) “chestnut.” French Cœur en Chêne “Oak Heart” & Marron “brown or chestnut.” German Marone “chestnut.” Italian Caldarroccia “Rockwarm.” Spanish Castaña “chestnut, sweet chestnut, or chignon” or Corazón de Madera “wooden heart.”)
☆Stamegranate (Vitality & Amorous) = (_ _) A bright, green fruit that grows from the ground. When properly made into a potion or dish, will cause your Stamina Gauge to fall slower for a time. - Reference to the Stamina Fruit from Skyward Sword.
☆Windfall Lime (Windshear & Hydrating) = (_ _) Grows wild on Windfall Island, the capital of the Koholina Archipelago. Referred to as Makani'laulau Puna by Lurelinites.
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☆Ancient Daizy = (_ _) A purple, daisy-like flower that secretes a type of oily substance. Extinct. Despite growing in the desert area, the Gerudo were not in Hyrule at the time of its existence, so they don't have a name for it. - Reference to Skyward Sword's Ancient Flower.
Bitter Bogbean = (_ _) A strong, bitter herb that lives in wet soil & can be used to make ale. Lives all through Lanayru & Faron, but mostly Lanayru. Residents of Kakariko call them Nigai Numachimitsuba (苦い沼地三つ葉, Bitter Swamp Trefoil), but Faronites, who grow them in the ocean, refer to them as Awa Lepohōpāpapa. - Works like hops.
Gerudàn Lotus () = (Nymphaea _) This lotus flower was native to the Gerudo homeland, where it was sacred. Blooms only in oases, making it very rare & very expensive. Though mostly a lovely, vibrant blue, the edges of its petals also turn slightly indigo or purple with a more yellowy color near to the center. Meanwhile, the stamen are also blue & bright orange. When you look down inside, it almost appears to have a ring of yellow-orange around the blue center. - Inspired by the Egyptian Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea).
Desert Tealeaves = (Ephedra _) The Gerudo refer to it as Geràsht Shāsab.
*Brightbloom = (Nelumbo lumenifera) These flowers burst open & light up the area with struck. - Seems to be a type of 1000 Petal Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera).
*Big Brightbloom = (Nelumbo lumenifera grandiflora) These flowers burst open & light up the area with struck. - Seems to be a type of 1000 Petal Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera).
☆Pico Bloom = (_ _) These little, glowing puffballs come in a variety of colors & depending on the color, will give a different result. Said to bring about good fortune. Closely associated with the Picori. - Reference to Minish Cap.
☆Seabreeze Primrose = (_ _) These can typically be found growing on sandy beaches. Its stem is oddly bulbous, but the 2 four-petaled, blue & white flowers that grow out the top are rather pretty. It is noted to smell of the ocean breeze. Faronites have named them Inu'wai Kolokolo Kuahiwi. - Reference to Wind Waker's Sea Flower. The flowers themselves seem to resemble Cape Primroses, but only has four petals like the Evening Primrose.
☆Morning Clareta = (Echinocereus faronica) A large, lovely pink flower that grows in tropical areas, specifically on beaches. Can be boiled, roasted, or made into soups or jams. Referred to as Kakahiaka Panini by Lurelinites. Also called the Faron Rainbow Cactus. - Reference to Wind Waker's Exotic Flower. The cactus itself seems to resemble that of an Arizona Rainbow Hedgehog Cactus. However, there are no hedgehogs in Hyrule to my understanding, so I elected to use the claret-cup name instead.
☆Swinetwist = (_ _) A fibrous speleophytic plant that's used to make textiles. Used to make fabric. - Inspired by Dwarf Fortress.
Jànnúlitza (Aerodynamic) = (Jannulitzia reginae) A beautiful yellow & orange flower that lives in the desert near oases & in the Faron Jungle. Called Jànnú Vúré by the Gerudo, while Lurelin residents refer to them as Iwaowaonahele. - Just a Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae).
Sunrise Hibiscus (Amorous) = (_ _) A lovely pink & yellow flower that grows in Faron. An extremely popular flower for residents of Lurelin. Said to taste like tart, dark berries. Coined Pukana Lā Aloalo by Faronites.
Mother of Millions (Erogenous 3) = (Kalanchoe delagoensis) The flower of a succulent that bears numerous petals in an array of colors. The flower most associated with Saint Dàkhmàra the Bountiful, who is considered a very important figure in the Cult of Vah Sāqmàla, the Gerudàn goddess of Life's Bounty. The Gerudàn name for it being Zīàlfen'è Vàma, which is a direct translation of “Mother of Millions.” - Reference to IRL Mother of Millions succulent.
Frostbite Mint (Biting) = (_ _) A variety of blue, frost retardant mint. Good in cocktails. Called Fïzeyaed'mekyi by the Highland Gerudo.
Cavern Sorrel (Dark/Warding) = (_ _) Commonly wilted into soups & incorporated into pasta dishes to add brightness & acidity. Has a tangy herbaceous flavor. Grows in both caves & the Depths. The Sheikah refer to them as Dōkutsu Kuriiro (洞窟栗色, Cave Sorrel). However, they are called Kahif'sirjiràs by the Highland Gerudo.
*Moonblooming Cereus (Dawning/Dusky) = (Selenicereus lunapetalum or Selenicereus undatus) A silvery-white flower that can be found growing on Voltfruit Cacti at night. Often used to make silvery, metallic dyes. They are also colloquially referred to as Voltbloom Blossoms or Moonflowers. They are pollinated by Everlost Moths, Electric Keese, & even ordinary bats. The Gerudo call them Amàhforréda Forzuhr. However, while they normally bloom at night, all year around, one night a year, an even larger, more beautiful, & more fragrant version of these flowers will bloom one night a year in winter. - Resembles the flowers of the Night-Blooming Cereus Peruvianus & its name inspired by Selenicereus undatus.
*Moon Goddess Cereus (Dawning/Dusky 3) = (Selenicereus lunapetalum grandifloras or Selenicereus undatus grandifloras) A large, silvery-white flower that can be found growing from Voltfruit Cacti at night & almost seems to glow under the light of the full moon. Often used to make silvery, metallic dyes. They are large & fragrant with a subtle scent like that of vanilla orchids, magnolias, & gardenias. As such, products using it are extremely expensive & considered the height of luxury. They are exceedingly rare as they only bloom one night a year during winter beneath the light of the full moon & wilt at dawn. However, they do so en masse in a glorious & dramatic display & are then pollinated by Everlost Moths, Electric Keese, & even ordinary bats, making the scene even more so. The moths use that pollen to produce silver-tinted white, almost pearlescent, silks of exquisite quality for the next month, during which time they make nests for their future eggs. These flowers are known as al'Màh'è Vàllah by the Gerudo, meaning “goddess of the moon.” As such, it has heavy association with the Gerudo Goddess of the Moon, Vàh Amàhrta. - Resembles a mix between flowers of the Night-Blooming Cereus Peruvianus & especially the Queen of the Night Epiphyllum oxypetalum & its name inspired by Selenicereus grandifloras. However, despite this, this one is very specifically not an epiphytic flower, instead being terrestrial.
Dusk Cup (Dusky/Dawning) = (_ _) These little blue speleophytic flowers grow close to the ground. - A reference to Dwarf Fortress.
Skook’s Pipe (Dawning/Dusky & Toxic) = (_ _) Silvery & ghostly white, pipe-shaped plants that sprout up out of the ground. Bland when eaten raw, but when cooked, tastes like asparagus. (Though, one should only eat it in small amounts.) It is so named because when Rito or Sheikah quarreled with each other, upon reaching peace between them, they would pass a sacred pipe between them & smoke together to solidify that peace. Legend says that this is a tradition that was brought about long ago when King Rauru first came to Hyrule to help the people there to find peace. His first success was by helping to end the war between the Rito & Sheikah tribes. Rauru had then hunted an Oxen. Its horn was then taken by a young Rito & Sheikah pair that had become friends. When the feast began, the pair came to Rauru & gifted him a crudely, but lovingly carved pipe. The Zonai then asked that the 2 Chiefs have a smoke with him by passing the pipe between them in a show of cooperation & to solidify the mended bridges. From then on, in Rito Village & Kakariko, this has become customary as a show of no hard feelings between those who had previously been arguing. It is believed that this plant first burst forth from the ground with the roaring of the 3 leaders’ laughter as they reveled all through the night. Their merrymaking having even seemed to wake the very night itself as the stars suddenly shone bright & the moon became full without warning as it joined their jubilation. Only the children really noticed when the fire had gone out as the light of the moon seemed to make it difficult to notice, its beams were so luminous. Now, wherever friends have quarreled, this plant is said to sprout up from the ground when those friends are destined to make up. They require no sunlight to grow &, as such, thrive in dark places. As such, they tend to grow in dark areas such as dense forests, caves, & even the Depths. - Inspired by Ghost Pipes or Monotropa uniflora.
Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy & Detox) = (_ _) Grows from large evergreen bushes alongside Dreamdrops. Used to make tea that has a mild, earthy flavor, being surprisingly sweet, fresh, & slightly bitter. Can be found growing wild up in the mountains surrounding Kakariko. (Does not work on boss or mini-boss monsters.) The Sheikah refer to them as Yume no Ha (夢の薬, Dream Leaves). - Inspired by the name for Loquat in Pikmin.
Calmomile (Dreamy) = (_ _) Good in cocktails. Has gentle notes of apple with a mellow, honey-like sweetness. Is also thought to help new mothers to increase milk production.
Dragonsbane (Potent Dreamy, but only works on draconic entities) = (_ _) A purple & red flower. While this flower has no effect on the races of Hyrule, it's leaves are quite deadly against draconic entities. A high enough dose of the plant is known to put dragons into a deep sleep that they are unable to wake from without a cure. One would think that this would make them a favorite among monster-hunters, but it was always a very rare flower & was thought to have gone extinct. It's said that the Zonai with insomnia or terrible nightmares used to boil miniscule amounts into tea & drink it for dreamless sleep. Also a great flower for dying. - Inspired by the IRL Dragon Flower.
Vital Sage (Enduring) = (_ _) An herb that grows wild around Ordon & sparsely around the Gerudo Highlands. Commonly used to season poultry or meats, infuse butter, or to add flavor to root vegetables. Called Sāqshe'mirmya by the Highland Gerudo.
Stamstalk Stevia (Energizing) = (_ _) 200 times sweeter than Sugar, so can be used in place of it. But remember, a little goes a long way. Good in cocktails. Grows wild in the Gerudo Highlands. The Highland Gerudo refer to them as Quatsaq Pàtra.
Freezia Gardenia (Freezeproof) = (_ _) A cultivar that is entirely immune to freezing temperatures. Its native home is the Gerudo Highlands & the southernmost part of Hebra. Tart & very cranberry-ish, it has a similar flavor profile to jasmine, thus making it good for teas. Are also used for their lovely ice-blue color to make dyes. Called Fïza'gandhraj by the Highland Gerudo. - Inspired by IRL Frostproof Gardenias.
☆Ice Rose (Freezeproof & Amorous) = (_ _) A beautiful rose with delicate, magical, ice-like petals that don't melt. Extremely rare & sought after. The Sheikah refer to them as Kōri no Bara (氷の薔薇, direct translation), while the Highland Gerudo refer to them as Fïze'resya. - Reference to Triforce Heroes.
Wave Saffron (Gills) = (_ _) A rather pretty little, purple crocus spice flower that commonly lives around Lanayru, specifically the Zora's Domain, the Faron East Coast, & the southeastern-most part of the Gerudo Canyon, on the cliffs overlooking the Faron Sea, near Daval Peak. The stigma, which are what's used in cooking, are the color of sangria. The Sheikah refer to them as Nami Bankōka (波番紅花, direct translation). The Gerudo named them Washïr Zaefaran. Lurelinites christened them Nalu Ke Kinemona. - Known to go well with basil, fennel seed, coriander, Akkala Cinnamon, Barricade Cloves, nutmeg, mace, cumin, Goron Spice, Sundelions, Undertow Amchur, cardamom, tarragon, chai spices, & chervil.
Ocean Asparagus (Gills) = (_ _) Not actual asparagus. Salty, crispy, & delicious with a crunchy texture. This succulent lives on seabeds. Is very good when pickled. Often used as a Rock Salt alternative by those living on the Koholina Archipelago. - Just sea asparagus.
Starlight Rosemary (Glow) = (_ _) A rosemary that shines at night. Good in cocktails. It's actually especially suited to hotter climates, including the desert, so residents of such environments tend to use it a lot in cooking. The Sheikah refer to them as Hoshi-Kagayaku Kairu (星輝く海露, Starry Sea Dew).
*Fleet Lotus (Hasty 1) = (Nelumbo _) These lotus flowers grow in ponds all over Hyrule. Is a symbol of deep spirituality as it grows in muddy water, but the flower rises above that, pristine & beautiful. You have a chance of obtaining one when gathering Fleet Lotus Seeds.
*Satohana (Hasty 1 & Amorous) = (_ _) The blossom of a Satori Tree. These pretty pink blossoms are considered a symbol of spring. Also referred to as Satora Blossoms or Satori Blossoms. Thought to be the favored flower of the Satori, which is where the name came from. Due to it being believed that in his previous life, he had obtained enlightenment beneath the one of the now named Satori Mountain, these blooms are thoughts to be blessed by him, which is reinforced by those with the sight, who are able to see the iridescent patterns upon them that are identical to the ones upon the Satori's pelt.
Lovely Rose (Hearty & Amorous) = (_ _) When you try to grow a Muddlebud on the Surface, it instead becomes a pink & magenta Lovely Rose. Its attractive look & alluring scent has quickly made it synonymous with romance. Tastes sweet with mild, subtle, floral undertones with a flavor like spiced Frostbite Mint. The rose actually grows little fruit called Lovely Rosehips that you have a chance of picking up while gardening them. Said to be the favored flower of Karina, the Goddess of Love & Passion. Grows well on Tuft Mountain & Satori Mountain. The Sheikah refer to them as Utsukushī Bara (美しい薔薇, Beautiful or Lovely Rose). Lurelin natives call them Ipo Ka'loke.
Sweetheart Orchid (Hearty & Amorous) = (_ _) A lovely white orchid with a pink-outlined heart-shaped trumpet surrounding the center. Sweetheart Orchid petals taste fresh, light, & crisp if somewhat bland at the start but becomes sweet towards the end. Can be found growing in Ordona & Faron & sparsely in Necluda, but mostly on Tuft Mountain & Ebon Mountain. They are a favored flower for Sheikah weddings. It's considered tradition for Sheikah brides & grooms to wear wedding clothes featuring Sweetheart Orchid patterns as they symbolize happy couples, love, vivifatility (both fertility & virility), sexuality, & abundance. The Sheikah call them Koibito Ran (恋人蘭). Referred to as Ku'uipo 'Okika by Faron natives. - Inspired by the Cupid Arrow Orchid from Gnomeo & Juliet.
Rainfall Pansy (Hydrating) = (_ _) These pansies grow sparingly in the Gerudo Desert & it's said that if you pick one in the day, it'll call storms to you. Used in rituals used to call rain. A very important herb for desert living. Has a pleasing, mild taste reminiscent of baby lettuce with a sweet flavor. So, it's good as filler. The Gerudo call them Watïsue Watā. - Inspired by IRL legends about pansies.
Desert Aloe (Icy/Chilly & Recovery) = (_ _) A medicinal cactus plant. It is very effective as a means of treating burns of all kinds topically. Their flowers are quite a lovely, delicate shade of pink, though. Its oil is also used in the making of Gerudo Hair Oils. The Gerudo call them Geràsht'è Alloeh.
Boltshield Houseleek (Lightningproof) = (_ _) A green succulent with chartreuse tips that glow when lightning strikes nearby, but it never hits the plant itself. When lightning gets close, you can see an aura of green St. Elmo's Fire appear around the succulent. They are crunchy & similar to cucumbers in taste & texture. The leaves can also be juiced to make a drink. Said to be a favored plant of Farosh, who enjoys eating them at times. Grows well in the Gerudo Region & on beaches along the Faron Sea. They are often planted on top of rooves to protect the building from lightning. The Sheikah call them Borutotate Ietanikushokubutsu (ボルト盾家多肉植物, Bolt Shield House Succulent), while the Gerudo call them Tarbàsïkem Sāqshadàb. On the other hand, Faron natives call them Huilapakuia Olamauloa. - In Roman mythology, houseleeks were sacred to Jupiter, & in Norse mythology, to Thor. Both gods were associated with lightning so people reasoned that houseleeks planted on the roof protected the structure against lightning & fire.
Valiant Gladiolus (Mighty & Amorous) = (_ _) A pretty flower with the colors of the sunrise; yellow at the center, then orange with deep ruby pink around the edges. It symbolizes strong character, moral integrity, honor, & faithfulness, as well as feelings of romance. Has a nondescript flavor, tasting vaguely like lettuce. Heavily associated with heroics & are often placed on the graves of soldiers, guards, or other such heroes. Also often gifted to people that someone considers a hero. It is common for young women to gift young soldiers with this flower to declare their feelings. Also called a Gallant Swordlily. Native to Ordona, Faron, & Necluda. The Sheikah refer to them as Yūkan'na Kenyuri (勇敢な剣百合, Brave Sword-Lily). Lurelin residents call them Koa Pahoalīlia.
Swiftsail Lavender (Rapid & Dreamy) = (_ _) A lovely, indigo hydrophilic herb that's very calming when the consumer is sedentary but imbues with energy when in the water. It has a distinctive taste that's floral with hints of Frostbite Mint & Starlight Rosemary. The flowers tend to be shades of light indigo & seems to have a particular affinity to dairy. Grows best in Lanayru & East Faron. Good in cocktails. Also wonderful in the making of dyes. The Sheikah refer to them as Kasoku-Ho Rabendā (快速帆ラベンダー, Fast-Sea Lavender). However, Faronite call them Māmā'aukai Kai'ina. - Known to pair well with Starlight Rosemary.
Soothing Dittany (Recovery & heals +3♡ initially) = (_ _) A medicinal, white flower found growing wild around Hyrule's fields. It's an essential ingredient in the making of Healing Potions & other medicines, but can also be used to make dishes more nutritious. Heals more ♡s than a Hyrule Herb when cooked & allows you to slowly recover hearts over time.
Bonemend Nettle (Recovery) = (_ _) This herb is well-known for bone repair. Can help new mothers to increase lactation. Tastes like something between spinach & cucumber.
Splint Comfrey (Recovery) = (_ _) This herb is well-known for bone repair. Is also referred to as a blood, bone, & flesh builder.
Emergency Boneset (Recovery) = (_ _) This herb is well-known for bone repair. However, it is often dreaded due to its bitter & nauseating flavor.
Passion Lily (Scorching & Amorous) = (_ _) A sacred flower to the Gerudo as it is said that this was the flower that the first Gerudo came from. The Gerudo refer to them as Fashïna'dàrra. - A reference to the IRL Flame Lily.
Frostbane Blossom (Spicy) = (_ _) A flowering bush with leaves & flowers full of progesterone that, when consumed, aids in body heat regulation in regards to resisting lower temperatures. The flowers are a bright, orange-red & taste like spiced Lurelin Oranges & cranberries. The leaves, however, are more bitter. The bush itself has jagged, brambly limbs, but its leaves are thick, yet soft & felt-like. Can sometimes be obtained when harvesting Wildberries due to growing from the same bush. It grows wild around the Gerudo Highlands & a little bit in the southern parts of the Tabantha Frontier. Eaylians use the plant to keep warm & the flowers to make dye. Called Fïzelaen Forzuhr by the Highland Gerudo.
Hoy Mustard Greens (Spicy) = (_ _) The leaves tend to be very wavy. The smaller ones are more tender while the bigger ones require more cooking. Grows well in hotter regions, though while it can grow in the desert, it grows best in humidity. The Sheikah refer to them as Yā Kurashina (やあからし菜, direct translation). Those who live off the Faron East Coast call them Hoy Lua Makeke or Hoy Lua Sinapi.
Thunder Button (Stormy/Charged) = (_ _) A cute little bulbous yellow & green flower that reacts to electricity. It has a grassy, slightly sour flavor accompanied by a pleasant tingling sensation (almost like eating a handful of Pop Rocks). Found all over Faron. The Sheikah call them Kaminari Parakuresu (雷パラクレス, Thunder Paracress), while the Gerudo refer to them as Hadir'dïzï. However, the residents of Faron call it Hekili Kaiki. - Based on IRL Szechuan Buttons/Buzz Buttons/Electric Daisies.
Goldenmerry (Sunny/Dusky) = (_ _) Tastes spicy with a saffron-like flavor. Symbolizes purity, divinity, & the connection between life & death. Was once a sacred flower to the Zonai & are now used by the Sheikah during Sheikioku. Their petals reflect the light of the sun as it sets. The Zonai referred to them as Felizavilla, while the Sheikah call them Ōgonshokuyōkina (黄金色陽気な, Golden Cheerful). - A marigold.
Bloodstun Quakweed (Toxic 2) = (_ _) A type of plant that grows in Faron. When it enters into the bloodstream it causes paralysis that, if not treated, can even still one's lungs & result in suffocation. One skilled with natural medicines can use it to make a type of anesthesia & skilled Sheikah Dokushei can use it to make a poison that doesn't paralyze the lungs, but does paralyze everything else. Lurelin & Ordon residents often use it for hunting & trapping. Lurelin natives refer to them as Kokolōlō Olaipaka. - It's effectively curare.
Spirit Iris (Toxic) = (_ _) A toxic, but beautiful purple & blue flower. Said to have some connection to the spirit world. Often used to induce sight into the spirit world.
Fatale Belladonna (Toxic 2) = (_ _) A beautiful relative of the Blue Nightshade. The little berries it produces are deadly. However, it can relieve pain & relax muscles if used correctly.
Cuccobane (Toxic & Erogenous) = (_ _) This herb is very toxic, but it can be used to relieve pain. However, it has more side-effects than Fatale Belladonna. Such as hallucinations, severe discomfort, & delirium. Though, in low enough doses, simply causes a type of inebriation & arousal.
Stamstall Kudzu (Vitality) = (_ _) A plant with a pretty purple & pink flower. Is used to make possibly the highest grade of starch in Hyrule. Grows mainly around the mountains of Kakariko, but can also be found infrequently around west Necluda in-general. While the plant itself has a bit of a spinach-like flavor & absorbs other flavors well, the flowers are what's most tasty as it imparts a grape-apple flavor combination to some & strawberry-apple to others. The Sheikah refers to it as Genki-Kyūshi Kuzu (元気休止葛, Energetic Break Kudzu).
Sand Cistanche (Vitality & Amorous 3) = (_ _) This golden-colored plant is a perennial parasitic herb that needs to grow on other plants to survive. It's sweet & salty to the taste & grows in dry areas such as the Gerudo Desert & Canyon, as well as the Ordona Grasslands. It is said to have many beneficial effects in regards to the reproductive system. Things like helping with erectile dysfunction, irregular menstruation, & even infertility. It also has many other health benefits such as boosting immunity, digestion, energy levels, & so on. However, it is also very rare in the wild & is very difficult to farm as its cultivation is a major time investment, its planting cycle is long, & has a slow harvest. Very good for cooking, but rare & very, very expensive. - Inspired by My Time At Sandrock.
☆Windfall Campanula (Windshear) = (_ _) A white, bell-like flower that grows on beaches. Called Makani'hiolo Ohā Wai by the natives of the Faron East Coast. - Reference to Wind Waker's Town Flower. Resembles the White Campanula.
Here's a picture of a few of them that I made:
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Milk Mushroom = (Lactarius profunditatem) A mushroom that can be processed into a milk-like substance, which can be further processed into butter or cheese. Definitely mushroomy & earthy in flavor, but also very creamy as well. Only found in the Depths. - Inspired by IRL Milkcaps.
Motheteer Fungi = (Orphiocordyceps sinensis) Is known by its appearance. Is dark gray to black with red & vibrantly blue markings. - The Zombie-Moth Mushroom.
Karina's Veil Stinkhorn (Amorous & Toxic) = (Phallus amatores) This is a light pink & white, striped Depths mushroom closely related to Phallus impudicus & Phallus indusiatus. Though toxic, it's very edible with the correct preparation. The first step of which is by simply removing the veil. Tastes oddly sweet, like Deya Peach cream with Oasis Honey, which makes it good for flavoring desserts. Its spores are a highly effective aphrodisiac, however the effects only activate when a sufficient level of dopamine & norepinephrine is found in the body. As such, it only activates in the presence of someone that the individual not only finds attractive, but actively likes in a romantic sense. Its effects can be countered by a high enough release of oxytocin in the bloodstream or by avoiding such individuals until it's worked through your system. However, if you don't get enough oxytocin, you could die. The oxytocin flushes the toxin from your body. - *whispers* I'm not gonna lie to ya'll, it's basically just a Sex Pollen McGuffen.
Dreichcap (Dark/Warding) = (Coprinopsis tenebrentia) Grants Gloom Resistance when cooked. Found all over the Depths. - Looks like an Inky Cap, but dark all over.
Noctruffle (Potent Dreamy) = (Mycena altusomnem) A mushroom with a tall, aqua cap with a blue splotch on the tip & yellow stripes at the bottom that gives off a soothing scent. Tastes & smells faintly of Swiftsail Lavender, chamomile, & Courser Honey. Both the scent & meat of the mushroom is potently somnolent in nature & if you're not careful with how much you eat, it could send you into a sleep so deep you never wake up. Only the scent of the Mawkap can counter its effects. The Sheikah refer to them as Nokutoryufu (ノクトリュフ, direct translation) or Konsui Toryufu (昏睡トリュフ, Coma Truffle).
Magma Eyelash (Fireproof) = (Scutellinia pyrotentia) Grants Fire Resistance when cooked. Only found in the Depths. Specifically in the Eldin Depths.
Gilled Brittlestem (Gills & Hydrating) = (Psathyrella aquatica) A relative of the Swallet Brittlestem. Allows to Breathe Underwater temporarily when cooked. Found only in bodies of water. The Sheikah call them Era-Tsuki Moroishimeji (鰓付き脆い占地, direct translation). - Inspired by IRL Gilled Brittlestem.
Faebrella (Glow) = (Mycena dryadalis) These tiny, glowing, aqua mushrooms can be found all over forests where Fairies & Minish dwell. They love these mushrooms as their long, thin stems & wide, but thin caps make for perfect umbrellas or parasols. The Sheikah refer to them as Yōseigasa (妖精傘, Fairy Umbrella) or Yōsei Higasa (妖精日傘, Fairy Parasol). - Inspired by IRL Pixie Parasols.
Swallet Brittlestem (Rapid & Hydrating) = (Psathyrella aquaterra) A relative of the Gilled Brittlestem. Increases Swim Speed when cooked. Only found in the Depths. Specifically in the Lanayru, Akkala, & Necluda Depths.
Langostail (Riptide) = (Hypomyces locustae) These mushrooms often parasitize other mushrooms & can be found when foraging for mushrooms that have a central stripe, gills, & rounded caps. Sometimes referred to as the “Inland Lobster” due to its flavor. - Essentially a lobster mushroom.
Viscid Porcini (Sticky) = (Boletus lentum) A porcini coated in a viscus substance. Grants Slip Resistance. Only found in the Depths.
Suncap (Sunny) = (Amanita terrasolaris) A type of yellow, spotted Amanita that shines brightly in the dark & relative of the Brightcap. The first were said to have grown from the tears of the goddess Hylia, reinforced by the fact that they are proven to be infused with sun magic & give off sunlight. Full of vitamin D. So much so that it takes a special process to prepare them to be safe for consumption. Without said process, one could easily die of radiation poisoning. However, it is delicious. Having a very bright & warm, comforting flavor. Retains a mushroomy taste, but somehow isn't as earthy as other fungi. Too much at once, however, can make you sick. Produces a bright light that helps to fend off the Gloom. Found all over the Depths.
☆Petrishroom (Tough) = (_ _) A fungus that's hard enough to be legally considered a murder weapon. While technically edible/digestible to any race, only Gorons, Mogmas… or Link… could really ever hope to bite into one without losing teeth. Let alone digest it when whole. Anyone else would have to crush it into powder & bake it into bread or something to really be able to appreciate the flavor as when crushed well enough, it loses the gritty texture that you'd expect from something like it. As such, most Gorons prefer to grill them, cleave them into sections, or break them apart into chunks so they can really appreciate the gravely, yet slightly powdery texture & saltpeter-like inner flesh. No matter how you prepare it though, it sits in your gut like your grandma's matzo ball soup… And boy howdy, the passage is quite the ride. Only Gorons seem able to bypass that particular feature. Can be found all over Eldin growing from rocks both in caves & on the Surface. Can also be found all over the Depths, but mostly in the Eldin section as everywhere else, they tend to be pretty spaced out. They have a... unique flavor. Definitely very mushroomy & earthy, with some oaky & woody notes. And the ones that grow around molten rock tend to have a little bit of a sulfurous aftertaste that the Gorons & Mogmas really like. Though not many non-earth-based races enjoy it. Apparently, grilling it directly really brings out the sulfurous & previously hidden coppery, irony flavors while adding on a hint of charcoal to its profile. (Yes, I am talking out my ass, why do you ask?) The Sheikah refer to them as Shōsekidake (硝石ダケ, Salpeter Shroom). - Reference to Oracle of Seasons.
☆Plump Helm (Tough) = A dusky purple mushroom with a cap shaped like a helmet. Can be found in the Depths. - Reference to Dwarf Fortress.
☆Mawkap (Toxic) = A horrendously virose orange mushroom with a yellow top. So putrid is it that it easily acts as a natural smelling salt. Has a downright vile taste & should never be eaten under any circumstances. Will cause violent nausea & vomiting to the point of internal bleeding. Can easily kill you if you don't act quickly enough & it won't be a pleasant death either. On the other hand, a tiny amount acts as a damn good laxative. Not to mention, smelling it is relatively safe if horrid to experience. Breathing in the pollen is the only known cure for Dragonsbane or Noctruffle poisoning. The Sheikah refer to them as Fuhai Shita Bōshi (腐敗した帽子, Putrid Cap) or Kusatta Bōshi (腐った帽子, Rotten Cap). - Inspired by the smelly mushroom used to wake the Shoemaker in Minish Cap.
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I'm trying to think of other ingredients, but want them to be unique & interesting.
These possible ingredients include:
Either way, if anyone has any ideas, please send them my way.
Also, by cooking enough dishes, maybe you can expand the number of ingredients you can use from 5 to 6 &, eventually, 7-10.
Plus, I had a thought about Purah using Zonaite to build something of a Zonaite Keg, (or specifically, Zonaite Keg Rings, so the alcohol can still get the benefit of the barrel's wood) which would use runes to tap into time magic & use a sort of Accellerate spell, which would be sort of like a reverse Recall. This would allow them to speed up the brewing process.
One questchain could be to use a wagon to haul a bunch of kegs to every settlement. Though only after the chaos in the area has been dealt with. As a reward for each load of kegs delivered, Link would get to buy the local booze at a reduced price & upon delivering to all the settlements, he'd be given a free keg for his home (which may prompt the building of a wine cellar of sorts). But, even though the keg speeds up the process, it'd still take a couple days to make the booze.
Good thing you make it in bulk. Which is another thing I'd add. Cooking in bulk.
LoZ Wild Masterlist
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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desnas · 1 year
14, 16, and 19 for Taro for the WOTR asks?
from this ask prompt!
14. What was your OC doing right before being brought into Kenabres on a stretcher?
to be honest i've had to give this a lot of thought. where i'm at in the story right now, i still have yet to uncover areelu's true motives for putting the commander in that situation.
ultimately, i think that taro was camping out in the wilderness south of mendev before she and moyobi were attacked by a wave of demons. it might have been a bit reckless, but taro travelled there to mendev on her own in search of a witch rumored to be able to reverse any curse. i don't really think she knew what she was getting himself into when it came to the worldwound tbh
16. Your OC’s favorite ability / spell?
hands down field of flowers from the azata mythic path :)c i don't actually use it a whole lot in game, mostly because i kind of keep forgetting i have it, but any chance taro has to fill up a demon-infested or boring cobble city space with beautiful flowers, they take it.
gameplay wise, we both favor mounted combat. taro will ride their elk moyobi headfirst into battle and absolutely decimate enemies with their duel-scimitars or their very big scythe!
19. Your OC’s reaction to receiving mythic powers?
they felt pure glee. raw energy and power. i think they experienced a bit of a power trip the first few instances, but as time passes and they become more powerful, i feel as though it's all becoming a bit intimidating to them.
they'd honestly never expected to be put in the position of knight-commander, being that they're a rather whimsical, freedom-seeking individual. but deep down, i think that it both intrigues and terrifies them to think that with their guiding hand they could heal the worldwound.
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The warm up is over, Round 2 is where we really kick off
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As opposed to the measly 14 matches of Round 1, Round 2 will have a much meatier 32 matches. This time, the list of matchups is pretty long, so I'll keep it under the cut. Unfortunately, there has not been any suggestions on how to handle the Hunter Biter and Monapon looking identical, so for now they still use the same graphic.
Nikol's Variable Backpack vs. Dorrick's Friendship Laser
T-Elos's Scythe vs. Fiora's Silverface
Meyneth's Monado vs. Masha's Dazzling Rings
Melia's Empress Staff vs. BLADE's Ares 90
A's Monado vs. Sena's Meteor Smasher
Pneuma's Third Aegis Sword vs. Malos's Monado
Mechonis's Sword vs. Brighid's Hip Dagger
Shulk's Monado REX+ vs. Eunie's Gunrod
Shulk's Monado (collective) vs. BLADE's Bewitched Glaive: Receding Rust
Glimmer's Wildfire Kithara vs. The Ardanian Military's Ether Net
Mikhail's Infinity Fans vs. Pyra's First Aegis Sword
Riki's Fish Biter vs. Minoth's Gun Knives
Jin's Nodachi vs. Sena's Comet Mallet
Brighid's Whip Swords vs. Poppi QTπ's Variable Saber
BLADE's Verus vs. Melia's Feet
BLADE's Lailah Queen vs. Mio's Moonblades
Matthew's Ouroboros Knuckles vs. Shulk's Junk Sword
Segiri's Ferronis vs. BLADE's Formula
KOS-MOS's Double Ether Cannons vs. Riki's Monapon
Fiona's War Standard vs. Shulk's Monado Dogma
Zeke's Purple Lightning Dreamsmasher vs. Noah's Painted Sword
Mythra's Siren vs. Ethel's Ferronis
Shulk's Monado I vs. Mumkhar's Steel Claws
The Colony 9 Defense Force's Mobile Artillery vs. Mumkhar's Metalface
Melia's World Ender vs. Manana's Battle Pot
N's Sword of the End vs. Lao's Prog Ares
Shulk's Monado II vs. Mythra's Second Aegis Sword
Nia's Catalyst Scimitar vs. Elma's Dual Swords
Taion's Mondo vs. Rex's Firelight Swords
Riki's Hunter Biter vs. Chickenheart Dagmara's Master Art Lightsaber
Lora's Battle Braid vs. Ursula's Beary
Noah's Lucky Seven vs. Dunban's Quitter
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