#a process is occuring to me
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dailylagomorphs · 1 year ago
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neolxzr · 7 days ago
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if your rivalry lasts longer than 7 years you are no longer just rivals. you are gay
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somnimagus · 6 months ago
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canary tree
[id in alt text]
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months ago
one of the things that I found particularly interesting in Demigods of Olympus is that it finally gives the best direct comparison we've seen so far between Percy and another character's experiences in terms of academics and particularly ableist discrimination.
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The way Zane describes his experiences and what we see in his POV is that, while he is similarly discriminated against for his "atypical" behavior and blame is placed on him, the only sorts of punishments he receives for this are relatively benign, such as an increase in counseling. (It is also notable that Zane is somewhat autistic-coded, such as having the "incorrect" scripts when speaking with adults and Sam explicitly reminding him to remember to make proper eye contact.) Percy, on the other hand, similarly experiences discrimination for "atypical" behavior, but whereas Zane is treated as "too smart for his own good" and given slaps on the wrist, Percy is automatically labeled as aggressive, destructive, and a trouble-maker based on preconceived assumptions about him and is more severely punished, such as being frequently expelled.
We rarely get this level of direct comparison between Percy's experiences and that of another character, particularly such similar experiences, so looking at the differences is really interesting to gauge what their different experiences with ableist discrimination is like - and how it could potentially tie into intersectionality and other forms of discrimination at play for them.
For instance, Zane's parents are generally heavily implied to be middle-class and/or generally financially secure, versus Percy who grew up poor, so it could be classism in combination with ableist discrimination. Alternatively, it could be intersectionality with racial discrimination, as neurodivergent behavior in people of color is significantly more likely to be punished more severely and labeled as aggressive or disruptive behavior due to racist preconceptions - particularly since we know Percy's experiences with ableist discrimination are also somewhat based on assumptions people make regarding his appearance. Both Zane and Percy are racially ambiguous - Zane's appearance essentially being completely unspecified, but Percy at least having some notable details such as having a deep tan complexion. If not racism, it could also be colorism, which in this context often has similar intersectionality. There's a lot of potential options.
It's just very interesting to me! I love having such a direct point of comparison to examine the experiences of two characters within.
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inkblotdemon · 1 year ago
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uh oh! 💘
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kenobion · 1 year ago
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Andrew Garfield at RSIFF 2023
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spaghetticat3899 · 1 month ago
“You’re so Curly-coded :3”
The internet either wants me dead, violated, or loves me, there is no in-between. Either a compliment or insult depending on how you interpret the character, either way you’re exploding.
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blackcvrds · 22 days ago
yall have NO idea how many posts i have typed and deleted about nanami today like i am truly on my best behaviour i swear to god
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hajihiko · 2 years ago
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you know I had to do it (to em) <- link
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kyouka-supremacy · 14 hours ago
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Hello my love can we please hold hands
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embraceweird · 10 months ago
I need a full day to unpack everything that happened in this ep
I'm so heated from the ping pong treachery
The Porter reveal was so infuriating but so satisfying
Cassandra and Ankarna I love you so much (and the art 😍😍)
Ayda my beloved, your message had me in tears
Kristen and Bucky 😭 my heart can't take it
Riz going absolute beast mode on this mystery
Whatever is up with Kristen 2 and Fabian
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a-memory-a-distant-echo · 3 months ago
ok! so i know that you're not to try to motivate yourself with punishment, however: i cannot argue with the results. also, @failonade asked, and who am i to deny the people in my phone the right to make fun of me?
most of this is under a cut because i cannot imagine it will be interesting to most people, but two or three of you will think it's hilarious.
why am i using a silly wip game to organise my stuff? well. because i am, generally, not much of a writer. when i'm working on things—like, for work, etc—they always end up with a standardised name, and i take notes as needed in either a notebook or a text file entitled 'work', as the vibes suit. this is not especially descriptive, but ctl-f for keywords gets me where i need to be, and it's fine!
unfortunately. this meant that when, for the first time in nearly a decade, i considered writing something, i thought to myself, 'it's fine! just stick it in a file called fic!'
it's worth taking a moment here to tell you that one of the things i enjoy about notepad++ is that it autosaves your tabs. they're not saved saved, but when you open the program again, they're in the same state. unless something went catastrophically wrong at some point. but usually they're in the same state! i mention this only because i have a bad habit, especially with work-related things, of simply closing notepad++ and telling myself that it will preserve things for me, something that works well 99% of the time and completely loses all the information that i'd made note of the remaining 1% of the time.
and so, for a minute, i did fic notes more or less the same way i take notes for work-related things: just an unsaved text file with no real headers or organisation, and nothing to mark the transitions between projects, because i can obviously tell that by keyword.
you may, at this point, have spotted the error that i did not: if one is writing several fics about the same show, there are not, in fact, easy keywords in the text that will tell you which bits were intended with which fic.
so i again, cleverly, thought, well, the solution to this is to use more text files, obviously. simply make one for every project.
an interesting thing about living in the future is the way that everything's so connected. people move seamlessly between locations and devices and you never even notice it happening, because everything is so connected. is my friend on the train while we're talking? on her sofa? at work? quite possibly all three, and on my end, this is entirely unnoticeable.
however, i am, it turns out, also a people! but do you know what is not connected? that's right. text files, especially if you are the sort of person who simply does not believe in saving text files, and believes in your heart that if the contents disappear, it's a sign that you should just let it go.
at this point, some people might stop and think, 'are all these text files really necessary? maybe there's a better way!'
that's quitter talk, tho. what i thought was 'yeah, i mean, i'll just add bits in my notes app or in my private discord server and then paste them into the text files later!'
which is a thing you can do. but at some point you find out that discord only likes to scroll back so far, and also that your notes app has a character limit, after which it tells you to get the fuck into the docs.
which you do, because what other choice is there?
a skilled observer, someone who's good at math and counting, may at this point notice that there are now four locations involved in this process. a skilled observer, or simply someone who is smarter than i am, which is a very low bar, might think, wow, that's kind of a lot of locations you've got there, buddy! sure would be a shame if things got all nonsensically jumbled together!
i, on the other hand. i found out about ellipsus, and i thought, oh, i'm just going to try this, i'll just throw a couple things in there and see how it goes. and so i did.
here is what i did not do: stop writing in the text files. or in the notes app. or in discord. i also did not transfer everything from the text files to ellipsus, or anywhere else. i also did not transfer everything from gdocs to…anywhere.
unfortunately, at some point in the past week, i've realised that at this point, i have a truly horrifying number of versions of some files. they're not labelled or even saved, in many instances. i keep finding things that i thought i'd fully deleted, or things that i have three versions of, and they're all within a couple hundred words of each other, but the most recent scenes have nothing at all in common.
which is to say that currently, my notepad++ tab bar looks like this.
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if there's a .txt in the name, it means that it was, at some point, saved. when? well. that's not my business. i am now down to twenty-two open files. some of them have literally tens of thousands of words; some of them have work-style notes about medical appointments and bills and random phone numbers; some of them have notes about fics my friends are writing; some of them have as many as two or three sentences with absolutely no further context.
one of them contains, in total, the words 'not actually dead'. that's it, that's the file. 'not actually dead'. the period is outside the quotes because it is not in the fucking file. what did i mean by that. why did i feel that it needed its own file. what the fuck does this mean. we may never know! there's certainly not gonna be any insight from this corner!
another uninteresting fact about me is that i am, in many regards, sort of a minimalist. there are three open tabs on my phone. i have never accessed ao3 except in an incognito window. my search history is empty. i feel like having a dozen tabs open is a lot of tabs. (not you, text files, you're perfect.)
however, right now, i have seven tabs open (normal! fine!), and then…i have. this.
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i am sitting here, three in the morning, waiting for a storm to (please please please) roll through, picking at a fic that i'm writing and also sieving through all these goddamned files (yes, the ones in notes and gdocs, too) and consolidating.
questions you may have, at this point, because they're certainly questions that i have:
is this productive? i don't know.
will this fix me? almost certainly not.
is this a good use of my time? i honestly could not tell you; never before have i been in this position, and i don't quite know what to do with it.
will this make it slightly less likely that i have to spend between three minutes and three hours skimming files and looking for the one thing that i want to work on? possibly. hopefully. perhaps. god i hope so.
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mudzdale · 5 months ago
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i don't know if it's strictly a result of overcorrecting after critical test screenings, but one of my favorite things to notice in lilo and stitch is the model they use for jumba when they want him to appear extra friendly or comical. the jump to from the small eyes and threatening silhouette to enormous eyes and big-headed body plan is so funny to me.
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one of the best parts is when they transition him from friendly-model to villain-model in one shot! it's very cleverly executed, and i love to watch for it
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echoland · 29 days ago
I genuinely think MDR work is producing psychobiofeedback data that'll be used to subconsciously make prospective employees more effective and subservient... and it doesnt rly matter if its woe dread frolic malice sorry because the employees are the neural networks themselves. woe/dread/frolic/malice is the targeted output. the numbers they are categorizing is the training part - they are numbers previously seen slightly changed that have yielded something close to the target output. They're basically neural networks updating weights for other neural networks in which case that might be themselves. i.e. they are providing (refining) better models of fear. the reason "scary numbers will start to make sense after a while" is that it's previously refined data that is closer to desired output i.e. ones that have already yielded a response & they've probably worked on
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lavender-temult · 2 months ago
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cweatures. for the soul :3
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galacticlamps · 8 months ago
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(or 1993 & 1973, depending how you look at it)
one day I'll look at charles' coat and not see lockwood's jacket. not today tho.
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