#a pity date is a pity date...
cadcnce-archived · 2 years
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@hallowleylines sent: "Come on slow poke! It's bad enough you didn't take me seriously, but you could at least show some urgency!" A cheeky huff from the wolf, waiting for the Liberi to keep up the pace. He's far too chill like normal, though suppose that's on her expecting him to act any differently today than he would any other. She's the one who paid though so it's easy to see why she might feel frustrated. "The shows already going to start soon!" She won't lie, dancing at a club WAS a fresh breath of air compared to what she was use to, but it was time for the late night show she had booked already! Time was hard to track when you're having fun and when she finally noticed? Booked it, Zephyr in tow. No way she's about to miss this because she clubbed to hard! She had to make sure to stay sober for this and everything! Bounding through the streets, trying to maintain a power walk and not ruin the delicacy of her dress and hair. It was a rarity to be tidied up like this and didn't want to ruin it! It's only a block away but they're a minute late as is! Jogging in heels? Yeah she is and seemingly not fallen flat on her ass yet! Impressive! Every second wasted is an LMD lost right now! Of course though, like all good shows there is definitely a buffer period before they actually start doing anything. Really it was the principal of the matter (but still no need for the actual rush). In seat service, provided a menu and meals they'd brink straight to you. She does advise against another GRILLARILLA incident and ordering what he's certain he can consume, but nothing more is said on it. So long as he's not splurging then she's fine with footing the bill. You can think of it as a pity date still, but it was definitely still a decent time yeah. She definitely didn't half-ass it with these tickets, the chairs quite comfortable and…. reclining? Heated? Not front row but at perfect viewing level? Nice. Lights slowly dimming, it was going to be a musical and improv play taking place. Not that Zephyr was told exactly about that, since it was a little corny, but it should be fun throughout regardless! And entertained she is throughout! They weren't the best actors you could ask for, but they certainly were no slouches. Spur of the moment humor and even interacting with the audience occasionally. This place was known for it's improv and yet it comes to her as a surprise. A spotlight shines down as one scene comes to a close and transitions into the next before slowly and surely hovering over… Zephyr. Oh. Oh dear, this is either going to end really great or a hot flaming mess. Yet she finds herself morbidly curious in how he'll choose to end this. It'll at least be entertaining if nothing else. A nudge from the Lupo, giving a soft nod. "You were made for the lime-light, right? Go do your thing! I'll support your shenanigans this time around!"
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"You seem to be forgetting which of the two of us actually needs to walk and get from point A to point B." The Raven is enjoying her impatience, of course. Just as he had enjoyed the greater part of this 'date' if you could call it that. He wouldn't ascribe too much to anything. His persona of flippant disregard was at a bizarre odds with the Lupo's playfulness and free spirited nature. There's a phrase that comes to mind. From some silly web thing or other.
Ah, he'll probably remember it later. The preoccupation of dancing and showing off different steps and moves for the bushy tailed woman was still shifting gears. Zephyr hadn't expected the tail to be as much trouble as it was on the dance floor. This could be attributed to how often he tried to get behind her with little avail. The trouble didn't keep him from enjoying himself. Far from it. Quite a few snickers were had as they learned that particular boundary.
He almost wished they could keep dancing. But Provence had other ideas. And respect where it was deserved, she was set on following the plan. Zephyr could have spent all night in that first club.
Flits and jumps. Though most of the time was spent stepping along beside her. Lots of athletic ability was put on display between them. Maybe it wasn't fair to do so when Provence was in heels? They looked quite the odd pair. Between the purple dress and billowing tail alongside the do-no-good Raven with his glittering suit and slacks (that cut of green on the shirt underneath paired so well though) glittering far more than they had right to. Fortunately, Provence still sparkled the brightest.
As for who looked more ridiculous...
Perhaps it's too soon (even if they're late) that they arrive. Zephyr was happy to arrive first (as if he could be beaten), holding open the door so they could enter. Still, not the place he expected... Improv and Musical? A little corny? (He saw the signs out front) Surely Provence didn't actually think Zephyr would appraise her choices as such.
Corny implies shame, and there was only drippings left in the Liberi's body on the most humble of days. So on a night such as this- pretty awful and horrifying things could be asked of the man without worry of rejection. The question is what kind of fallout comes of making such requests. Those that facilitate chaos attract it. A certain Raven could get ideas.
Unfortunately, for the show they'd be seated. Conversation had over whispers could go any way, but he's restricted in the physicality of his shenaniganery. And the menu too, apparently!
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"You're gonna hold that over my head? Like it's something I should be ashamed of? Ha! As if Jester and I didn't absolutely kill that night like two absolute kings. Well, king and queen technically but same difference, right? That was a prime example of perfect adaptation." A beat. "Kings that were unjustly executed at the end of the metaphor."
There's a wriggle of his face, perusal of the menu as the chair is properly adjusted. Maybe a little more leisurely than necessary though he passes a smirk over to the Lupo.
"Nice of you to worry about me of course. But don't worry, I'll take care of myself tonight so you can enjoy the show. Fuss free." Which seemed to be what the woman was inclined to do as if the Liberi was a problematic child. She did that with everyone though. A controlled sort of disarray orbiting the Catastrophe Messenger much like the storms she chased. Pft.
But it was time for the show, bringing with it memories. As most things tended to do. The stage was a far cry from the smaller cigarette-smoke ridden clubs back in Ursus. But the similar parts were at play. Upscale tables. Actors on the stage. The difference was that instead of slipping between the tables he was sipping at his drink. Able to smile and laugh along without keeping his wits about him for being caught.
...it's really funny. The show, that is. Some nods here and there, more commentary between the two as the scenes move and progress. Applause. Appreciation. It's nice to see this, but also a little frustrating. There's that feeling where in another life it could have been up on the stage. Performing for crowds and getting the affection of the audience. A path where he didn't incur the debts and suffer the tragedy of reality.
Well. No reason to-- eh?
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"Oh shit. The spotlight's on me." It's not fear. It's not surprise. Provence can recognize it if only by the widening grin on Zephyr's face. This is an awakening. "It is absolutely my time to shine. And with your blessing nonetheless? As if I needed your permission-" Whatever promises he made might as well be forfeit now. Taking one last swig of his drink a hand is up in the air, beckoning the clapping of hands from those gathered as he rises from his seat and approaches the stage. You'd think he was a plant with how naturally he moved.
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"Hello hello and oh man, good evening, everyone! How are you all enjoying the show? Having as much fun as me?" ...he's not giving time for the actual actors to stage him or prompt him. In moments he was taking control away, and hyping up the crowd. There's a wink to Provence.
The fools have no idea what is about to be unleashed.
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naarlar · 3 months
I don’t get akeshu / shuake at all.
Like I get it from a typical “fandom loves the enemies to lovers trope” perspective but in all honesty I don’t get the insane brainrot the persona 5 fandom has for this ship.
Like do I think Joker cares for Akechi? Yes.
Do I think he was genuinely conflicted/tempted by Maruki’s ultimatum? Yes.
Do I think they have a genuine relationship and see a lot of themselves in each other and actually somewhat understand each other? Yes.
That being said, I really don’t see how anyone can look past the fact that Akechi tried to kill Joker. And okie fine enemies to lovers, fandom’s favorite ship aside, I don’t see how Joker can actually want a full on relationship (like romantic) with this dude when Futaba, Sojiro, and Haru are like right there?
This may just be me but I reallllllllly wouldn’t be friends with someone who is friends (hell forget even in a romantic relationship) with someone who horribly hurt me.
And I don’t think Joker loves Akechi more than Futaba, Sojiro, or Haru. Especially Sojiro and Futaba. Those two are like his family, and Akechi is responsible for their suffering.
Like… it’s kind of one or the other. Joker can’t be friends/dating Akechi without horribly betraying Futaba, Sojiro, and Haru. That’s just how I see it (but I’m open to hearing other perspectives!)
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relaxxattack · 2 months
it’s amusing that people will understand right away that “pity” is a metaphorical/alien term for something wayyyy more than just pity (for example. you never see takes about how unhealthy it is for trolls to only date people that they look down on for being pathetic) but nobody wants to see “hate” the same way. hate is always just “hate” and its gross and evil and toxic despite that textually not being the case in comic
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sunshinechay · 8 months
I can’t help but wonder if, despite being in his thirties, this is Alan’s first time falling in love.
He has no idea what to do at any point and is generally acting like a love struck teenager with the added pressure that Jeff is just…so much younger than him. So now not only does he not know what to do, he seems well aware of the fact that way he would try going about it, is VERY different from the way people Jeff’s age would.
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pochaccopipi · 6 months
still thinking about the recent interview that explained eiden's hesitant relationship with romance
poor kid was raised in an orphanage/adoption agency, had very little support from hired caregivers because he acted out too much, never got the same level of attention as the other children in his cohort, watched everyone else get adopted but him (including the younger kids he practically raised himself), regularly hung out at bars as a minor just to meet people and have fun, and finally— finally!— had something nice when he fell in love as a teenager for the first time, only to have that relationship crash and burn (they called it a "bitter first love")? and that's canonically the reason his relationships have all been short-lived thereafter? like... does he just avoid acknowledging any romantic feelings now?? was that the final straw in a string of abandonment issues?
good god this man deserves 20 more boyfriends and charcuterie brunch for life
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie is live-streaming as he walks through the house, complaining about writer’s block because, “ugh, I know what I want to say but -uhhhhg, words are hard, you -“
Eddie stops, takes a few steps back, and looks at something off screen. He then pans the camera around so you can see the confusion on his face and Steve laying on the floor in the living room.
Eddie: Hey babe…what’cha doin? Having some floor time?
Steve: Thinking about how utterly unlovable I am
Eddie immediately is in the living room, phone tossed to the side. From the way his phone landed propped up against the coffee table, you can still see Eddie drop down on top of Steve like, “You’re not unlovable.”
Steve: Really, ‘cause all your fans hate me and my own mother won’t talk to me, and Dustin’s being mean to me for no reason… and my hairdresser canceled on me this week.
Eddie hums along like he’s taking all this in and then picks up his phone like, “Sorry, guys. Gotta go. It’s Loving Steve O’Clock at Casa Munson.”
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anoray · 5 months
Me watching Omega plotting in full on Batch mode this last episode:
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celestialrealms · 1 year
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*emerges with the Barbatos UR, covered in blood*
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livesincerely · 7 months
One of the last things that gets packed⁠—right up there with the wifi router, the stuff for the bathroom, and Jack’s good pillow⁠—is the calendar. Davey carefully peels it from it’s place of honor on the front of the fridge, almost the whole of April carefully x-ed out. 
“The 29th is on Friday,” he notes as he tucks it carefully away, smiling softly. “We should try and do something.”
“Dave, we are up to our ears in fuckin’ boxes,” Jack complains from his spot on the floor, giving an earnest attempt at becoming one with the carpet. “We ain’t gonna get our deposit back if we ain’t outta here before the first.”
“You were out of town on a contract last year and the year before that we both had the flu,” Davey complains. “It’d be nice if we could actually do something to celebrate.”
It’s at this point that Jack realizes he has no idea what the fuck Davey’s talking about.
“Dave,” he says. “What the fuck are you talkin’ about?”
“The 29th,” Davey says, like that alone is enough of an explanation.
“What’s so special about the 29th?” Jack asks.
Davey frowns⁠. And not just his Jack, you dumbass frown, but the full-blown, pinched-mouth, brow-furrowed, Jack, this isn’t funny, stop it frown that makes makes Jack’s heart want to shrivel up and die whenever it’s pointed his way.
So, Jack pivots. Hard.
“I’m kiddin’,” he quickly assures him, pushing himself up on his elbows as his mind races for some kind of solution. “‘Course we can do somethin’. Maybe dinner at that Italian place we saw on the corner? It looked like a nice joint.”
Davey’s expression clears. 
“God, I would kill for some tiramasu,” he says wistfully. 
“Hopefully, it won’t come to that,” Jack laughs, relieved. “I’ll call in the morning, see if they take reservations.”
“Perfect,” Davey says, with a beaming smile that makes Jack’s heart lurch for entirely different reasons. “It’s a date.”
“Yeah,” Jack says weakly. “It’s a date.”
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jimmyspades · 3 months
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
Wukong is set up on a blind date. Macaque, instead of spying and sabotage, handles it maturely. Face down on a couch listening to his Heartbreak Playlist. Wukong ruins his own date by paranoidly expecting hoping macaque to pop up and ruin the date
Macky like
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meanwhile, Wukong is sweating and doesn’t even need to sabotage his own date because his frantic/anxious-why-hasn’t-Mac-stormed-in??? energy freaked them out plenty
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nanamis-bigtie · 7 months
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enough with nanami being ino's romance mentor, we need more ino being nanami's wingman
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ryukisgod · 1 year
I’m begging men who pay “dating coaches” to realise women are not the fish, women are the bait, YOU are the fish, and the “dating coaches” are the fishermen.
“Dating gurus” survive on the desperate men who pay them, the way a fisherman survives off the fish he catches. Women are the lures these podcasters/YouTubers etc dangle in front of lonely men in order to get them to sign up for a course and hand over their credit card details
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"I could fix him" No, actually, I couldn't. nor would a bother wasting the effort to try. I can't fix him... but he could.
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
now i'm FASCINATED by the implied dynamic of nagato (the ex-experiment obito sorta mentored on how to rinnegan + the ways of pain - hehe) + sakura (current experiment, obito mentored on how to mokuton + the ways of peace and forgiveness) lol
The comparison came as a surprise to me, but it's actually really important.
Obito has caused a lot of harm in his life. He's hurt a lot of people. He took the philosophy that pain creates more worthy people, inflicted a great deal of pain on innocent kids, and created children who worship pain and suffering. Obito was lucky enough to see the end point of this - that it would end in failure, death, and worst of all a Naruto monologue - and he broke away from it. But Obito is still the person who did those things, so he just decided to do a 180. If suffering doesn't create good people, then maybe the absolute absence of suffering does. If traumatized people create plots for world peace that destroy the world, maybe untraumatized people will create plots for world peace that will save it. It is the same basic philosophy, the same basic idea, the same basic tendency to manipulate people and use them as tools in convoluted schemes. The passing on of ideals, the training in their unique powers, the bestowing of authority while setting himself up as always the greater authority - it's not actually different.
But Obito changes. Turns out that creating a good person will create a person who will ask you to be good - a person who will make you want to be good too. Sakura's life without strife and hurt created a girl who thinks the world ought to be fair, and that she'll be the one to make it fair - and if she has to make you be fair too, then so be it. Obito was un-insane'd, and Sakura herself pushed him to become a better person, and he was finally able to view Sakura as a little girl instead of a tool. But, um, bad news, the old tools are still running around trying to blow up the world, and even if there's no redeeming yourself there's still responsibility. Obito, you might have to deal with that.
Nagato and Konan are the same kind of crazy as Obito, unfortunately, so they completely see his vision and decide that he's right. This little girl WILL be the key to world peace, she is obviously SO qualified to lead a village, let's make world peace HAPPEN with this baby that carries a hope for the future. I think they probably see Yahiko and their younger selves within her, so I think they're a bit more encouraging and supportive of her than they otherwise would be. They also know that 'Madara' with unrestrained access to a small child is a combination that leads to a very traumatized child, so they can be protective of her even against 'Madara'. The idea of them trying to protect her from the person who cares about her the most, because that one person was so shitty to them, made me sad.
But the idea of Konan asking Sakura to call her oneesan was insanely cute so it all evens out in the end. Thanks for the ask!
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deus-ex-mona · 20 days
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mona’s self liner notes for fukutsu no idol!
This song was the first of my new songs to be released. I sang it with many thoughts and feelings about everyone I know and everything I’ve gone through up till now in mind. I really love the MV and my costume too. I did fret about how well the song would be received, but I was really happy to receive many comments about how excited people were for my album♡
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