#a new traveling companion: starter
a-crookedtouch-a · 11 months
@chosenbythecrystal Almost. He'd almost felt pity for his newest sibling. Foisted upon him because his bunk was the only that remained with an unoccupied space. Astarion made certain and under clear terms he would not cede his rightful place on the top bunk. Cluttered as it was with his scant personal effects.
The boy still had hope. He wore it in his eyes, crimson as they were now. If he’d been feeling generous he might have told him to write down the original color. They all forgot it eventually as Cazador would chip away at Noctis bit by bit. Just like all the rest. He wondered how long before that hope flickered and fade. Snuffed out under the hopelessness of their situation.
“You’re new here, aren’t you? And already you’ve met our illustrious Godey.” The taskmaster all of them were given to the care of. When they disobeyed. Showed any sliver of will or disrespect. “The name’s Astarion. Your new brother if you’d like.” He motioned to the empty bottom bunk. "And that is where you'll sleep. When you are not in the kennels that is."
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apalestar · 6 months
@galefcrce plotted starter.
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An eventful evening not for the soiree or clandestine deals Astarion had in store. No, tonight his palace played host to a friend of old. Admittedly, he and Gale had not ended off on the best of terms. A lover scorned and all. Already a small entourage of Baldur's Gate richest and finest had gathered. The palace had never been more livelier.
And many of Cazador's old clients and connections were all too eager to latch onto another influential person. The infamous moniker attached to his name: Hero of the Gate. Who could resist not coming to his social events? And how foolish Duke Ravengard had been to give him a noble's title! It made him respectable even if the eyes of those who knew him when he was but his slave.
This was the crux of why he even considered extending his lover of old an invitation. Gale wanted something from him; a deal. Something of import for him in exchange for magical tomes the late bastard Szarr kept in his collections. All were property of Lord Ancunín now, of course.
The musicians played a classical tune meant for partnered dancing. The wine and hors d'oeuvres flowed from the kitchens. A perfect evening for playing nobility's game.
Astarion's chamberlain, a slight thing of a woman, approached him. One of the few mortal servants in the household. Every vampire needed at least one for appearances. "My Lord, your guest of honor has arrived." She spoke quietly only once he signaled for her to do so.
"Splendid. The highlight of my evening barring any assassinations. Those always make for an entertaining affair." Astarion dismissed her. He weaved himself in and out of the crowd dodging conversations with a polite, well-practiced smile. His roguish tendencies hadn't diminished since the fall of the cult.
"Gale of Waterdeep." He greeted with the same fervor any good patriar would of an old friend; even one as estranged as him. "So pleased I am to—" A pause. "—see you. I'd fear you'd be half dead before you came to chat."
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klayr-de-gall · 2 months
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Day 2 - Pokemon
Save place.
The Universe: It's basically Canon Genshin, but with Pokemon. Diluc still went away for a while and runs the Winery now, while Kaeya es captain of the knights. (Please ignore the way to modern clothing)
Who belongs to who?
Arcani - He got it after Diluc left, because Kaeya missed him so much. It's named after Diluc Chien-Pao - Where the fuck did you get that, boy?? - or: Kaeya found it frozen solid on Dragonspine when he was younger and nursed it back to health. Empoleon - Gives great hugs Emolga - Small but string - it reminds him of Klee. Espurr - it just followed him home, so he kept it. (Everyone thinks Kaeya only has 5 Pokemon, but he has a sealed Pokeball that was given to him by his father, with a legendary Pokemon in it that was handed down through generations. Kaeya has never let it out)
Alola-Vulnona - Diluc encountered a Alola-Vulpix while he traveled in Snezhnaya and they became travel companions. Its evolution was triggered when Diluc was in great danger, and he owes it his life. Fiaro - The first Pokemon Diluc ever caught. Galloppa - Useful companion Turnopto - Starter Sengo - They stare at each other angrily a lot Litten - It caught itself by playing with a Pokeball - get owned, idiot
It's finally time for AU-Gust! I am so excited to do this Prompt-List this year! I'm looking forward to a month of new art! Let's go
You can always join in with all kind of fanwork and fandom! Make sure to use the #AU-August2024 Tag, so I can find you!
As always, all entries for this week (Day 1 till Day 4) can be found on my Patreon already!
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byemambo · 2 months
4Minutes EP. 1 - My Takeaways
So after finagling with my VPN options, I managed to watch 4Minutes episode 1 shortly after episode 4 of This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans released. Given that I haven't read a singular novel/source material for any of the series I end up consuming: my analyses are not anything more than just pastime fun and pondering thoughts.
Title Sequence
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When I first saw the title sequence along with the score: I immediately thought of WestWorld (which I haven't seen the show myself because I'm not great with intense themes surrounding it but my professor showed us the title sequence and I immediately fell in love with it). The score is dynamic and although the title sequence itself doesn't give too much away besides showcasing the two main characters in fragments, it sets the tone for how I'll be viewing the series moving forward: intense, dark tones, small pockets of joyous moments within the storyline (but won't be the main focus of the story itself), and following the lives of morally gray characters.
Camera Angles (Bird's Eye View)
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For starters, I noticed a repetition in using a bird's eye view angle to introduce us to new environments and exposition. Whether it be Tyme's introduction after suffering out a possible fatal injury, Great's apartment away from home (which his family members allude to his absence majority of the time in visiting the home), Korn being transported to the "department" that earns the family company most of their revenue, to Tonkla's place of stay (is it Korn's place as well, who knows at this point in the story). However, the scene that stood out the most to me is the right image in the third row of Great descending from his apartment level down a spiral staircase rather than taking the elevator as usual, which hinted at Great's spiral of wrapping his mind around his experiences with sporadic short term time travel and why time is warping the way it is. What I find interesting and continue to ponder during this point of the exposition: why is Great experiencing these symptoms and when? Did he start experiencing them out of the blue, or did he suffer some sort of freak accident or injury prior to the hit (and almost potential run)? Even during the family dinner scene, Great's father even emphasized him having to clean up after his son's "messes," so him experiencing the consequences of past accidents is possible.
I also appreciate the usage of the bird's eye view to emphasize the size of the characters within the space/environment they occupy. That in some instances, they're a small part of the entire whole within the context that they reside in. Tyme running away from the killer who injured him and left him for dead, Great occupying his apartment alone, his only companion that is briefly introduced to the story is Title (which rip for him not getting that calculator for the exam), Great also occupying the elevator to reach the bottom level of his apartment building (which makes me wonder if there's a correlation between the physical levels he occupies and the levels of consciousness he has awareness of, maybe even having its own spin on Inception's take on dream levels now that I referred back to the series's trailer). Korn taking a boat ride to the company's place of organized crime/gambling that seems isolated from the rest of the world where the story takes place, Tonkla's lack of fulfillment and feelings of loneliness after Korn leaves the apartment to attend family dinner (which a lot of us are speculating a cheating or romantic betrayal story arc). The director and cinematographer does an amazing job with utilizing the space through framing and placing each character within the composition, which is intentional and pushes a continuation of how a certain environment shapes the interactions between characters within the environment.
The Number 4 and Time
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We know how significant the number 4 will be throughout the entire series, but my question right now is how the gift (since I don't think it's a power that the holder can control willingly) works and its parameters. From the first time leap: Great's car clock read 12:39 just before entering the tunnel and meeting his doom. However, after hitting the woman and attempting a hit and run, it had been four minutes since the incident occurred, latching onto Great and forcing him back four minutes to redefine his fate and making different decisions.
This also happens when Great pays the woman a visit at the hospital the next day: spending four minutes between speaking with the nurse at the desk and attempting to leave the premise after running into Tyme and desiring no confrontation. Once his phone clock reads 13:14, we are transported four minutes back to speaking with the nurse again, this time Great peeking at Tyme's visitation with the patient in room 1 and still running into Tyme regardless. Rather than walking away, Great helps Tyme with his papers, which makes me wonder just how much of these occurrences are solely coincidental and which are repeating itself for Great to revert down a predestined path for the appropriate events to happen in sequence. If Great hadn't left the woman to die out from her injuries or slow down the time taken to aid her injuries, he would not cross paths with Tyme. Even after visiting the woman and attempting to leave the hospital without saying anything to Tyme, time leaps backwards and establishes a second chance for the first meeting to occur. I wonder until the next episode is released: is Great only acting out based on what he's been taught and has known for majority of his life and being met with another chance to act according to his own volition? Is this a matter of nature vs nurture? Is he going to realize that he's being given chances to make different decisions that he will be better off living with than if he were to act based on what he's always known despite not 100% aligning with them?
Family Dinner (Introduction to the Dynamics)
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Great doesn't strike me to be someone who thinks like an inherent nepo baby (at least that's what I got from Korn's character introduction as well). Between the two brothers, Korn appeases his father's wishes that involve the state of the family company's successes and endeavors, whereas Great despises them, seemingly living a more "detached" life (while still having access to things like his luxury car) of going to university and focusing on graduating. Again, with the director's intentionality when framing the characters within the environment, we get another rendition of rich family, empty homelife that we all know and love. Even Great establishing the disconnect even further by physically sitting in opposition to his father by being on the opposite end of the dining table, he not only refuses to become one with the family by bowing down to the head of the household, he desires to be viewed as an equal to his own father and cause a rift between the family members.
Despite being unified by sharing the same color grading, we can see how Tyme's home environment is much more inviting, much more lively, much more loved. We can see this through not only his relationship with his grandmother, we can see this through how the home is decorated and cared for, and see how Tyme's priority in life is to become a surgeon and take care of his grandmother by repaying for all she has done for him for what seems like majority of his life. I'm curious to see how the relationship between Great and Tyme play out after being introduced to their temperaments: both having their own expressions of stubbornness, Great being more outward and Tyme being more subdued. However, both characters have shown their sillier sides that's dependent on the closeness of their relationship around those individuals, so I wonder how long it'll take before both characters take down their walls around one another.
Miscellaneous Thoughts
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I absolutely adore Den already. I feel the stark contrast between Pol in KinnPorsche and Den in 4 Minutes, which makes me so excited to see what Job will bring to the story as a more relevant supporting character that we couldn't get enough of in KinnPorsche. His smile is gorgeous and just from the kabedon alone in the image below already lets me know that his character is about to be a hoot, and I'm ready for it. The look on Tyme's face is sending me, which makes me wonder where Tyme stands in terms of romantic experience as he's a focused medical professional with a clear goal that may stray him away from other priorities in life like his social needs.
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But how much I adore Tyme's relationship with his grandmother. Nothing is more wholesome to me than a family man, but specifically for their elders. The contrast between Tyme's relationship with his family versus Great's will be an interesting juxtaposition for both characters to teach and learn from one another's upbringing that carried into their adult lives. We still don't know their backstories so early on in the series, but I can only speculate that Korn's mother is either deceased or no contact with the remaining family, which may put a strain on how Great and his mother fit within the family's dynamic, since wealth and status seem to be key players influencing the direction of the story. One main character having inherent access to wealth and status that can save him from all sorts of struggle and difficulty, whereas the other main character coming from a humble upbringing that places a lot of strain on his desire to earn a living well off enough to take care of him and his family. We will definitely see how these core values will create friction or shape the characters' outlook on life and the world in which they occupy.
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icycoldninja · 4 months
Could you write a Sephiroth x GN!Yandere reader?
Ooh, a yandere reader fic! I've wanted to write one of these for ages! Thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
Together forever (Sephiroth x GN!Yandere!Reader)
You'd become obsessed with Sephiroth the moment you laid eyes on him. His long, shimmering, silver hair, paired with his lovely, delicate face and those glittering neon green eyes captivated you. Everything about him was pure perfection--as if he were designed just to snatch your attention and hold it, even after he left the room.
You couldn't stop thinking about this gorgeous angel, your mind was constantly fixated on him. The way he moved, the way he spoke, the sound of his voice, all of it was so addictive.
You didn't realize it at first, but your obsession soon evolved into something much more than a mental preoccupation. You started stalking the man, following him around wherever he went, no matter how far away he traveled. You were willing to give up everything for him, forsake your friends, family, fortune, and even your home, if only you could make that man yours.
Sephiroth was well aware you were stalking him, but he never thought much about it because you were just a lowly mortal--you couldn't touch a blessed, all-powerful Chosen One such as himself. Therefore, he let you continue with your creepy behavior, not bothered by it in the slightest.
Not showing concern towards your acts had to be the worst mistake Sephiroth could have ever made, because in doing so, he allowed you an opportunity to break into his hideout one night and ambush him while his back was turned. The normally alert ex-SOLDIER would have usually sensed an intruder, but since he didn't take his not-so-secret admirer seriously, he let his guard down.
Once he found himself with a knife pressed against his throat, Sephiroth, being the arrogant, prideful man he is, still thought of your actions as weak and pathetic. He was so sure he could disarm and decapitate you with ease, but he was quickly proven wrong. For starters, you were way stronger than you looked--it seemed that your obsession with him resulted in you working out and gaining quite a lot of muscle. Not only that, but you had clearly been taking martial arts and weapon weilding lessons, as the way you held your knife was nothing short of expert.
"What do you think you are doing?" He demanded, struggling, for the first time in his life, to escape your grip.
"Hush my darling," You cooed, running your fingers across his smooth, supple skin that felt oh-so-lovely under your fingertips. "Don't be afraid. I'm here now--now we can be together, forever."
Sephiroth squirmed in your hold, seething with rage. He knew you were crazy, but to think you'd have the audacity to hold him at knifepoint to mumble some nonsense about being together!? As if! He'd like to think he could do better than you.
Deep down, however, there was a little spark of excitement that resonated throughout Sephiroth's core, waking up the cold, numb heart that had lumbered in his chest for so long. To be controlled and dominated like this was an entirely new experience for him, and perhaps, if you played your cards right, it would become something he could enjoy, especially if you meant what you said.
A small smile appeared on his face as you lightly dragged your blade across his throat, barely grazing the skin with the metal.
"Together forever?" He repeated, green eyes glinting with mischief. "Can you really keep that promise?"
Giddiness spreading through your body at the possibility of your dreams becoming reality, you placed a hand on Sephiroth's angelic face and turned his head so he was facing you.
"Yes, I swear it with my life," You told him. "And my knife." You noticed the smile on Sephiroth's face looked softer and warmer than his usual evil smirk. It seemed the prospect of having a constant companion was appealing to him in ways beyond carnal needs.
"I promise," You repeated, turning him so he faced you and throwing your arms around his shoulders. "I promise we will be together forever."
Slowly, tenatively, fearfully, Sephiroth's arms came up andaround you, reciprocating your hug.
"That...is all I need."
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seecarrun · 1 month
This was, no exaggeration, the longest Indigo League meeting that ever happened in the history of the universe, and Misty was in hell.
League season was upon them, which meant for the week preceding the day the new trainers all got their starters, each region’s league staff would get together and discuss changes for the new season, new rules, new members, etc. etc. etc.
Traditionally, referees or gym leaders or elites would give some manner of presentation or training, usually on safety or carbon emissions or something else so mind numbingly boring, Misty couldn’t help but tune it out and disassociate, and this year was no different.
All she wanted was to be at the gym getting things ready. But noooo, Lance had asked Koga to train them on blood borne pathogens, so she was stuck here listening to him drone on and on about first aid and proper blood cleanup methods instead.
Such a good use of her time.
Thankfully, her RotomPhone vibrated on the table in front of her, and she picked it up, eager for the distraction.
‘Wish u were here!!’ Ash wrote into the group chat of all his League staff former traveling companions from around the world, accompanied by a picture of him surrounded by all the members of the Alola League, who appeared to be having a fun cookout on the beach, all of them with plates full of big, fluffy pancakes and sipping on fancy glasses full of fruity drinks with little umbrellas.
That was how they were having their pre-league inservice?!?
‘🖕’ she sent back. Ash immediately laughed at the message in reply.
‘Our champion would never. 😔’ Cilan wrote, which was almost immediately followed by a picture from Iris of her giving him a noogie across the table while Cilan laughed.
‘I TRIED!’ she wrote back. ‘I was told we had to ““take things seriously”” 🙄! Not all of us can party it up in Alola like a little kid!!’
Clement loved the picture but offered not much else, probably too busy in his own meeting to chime in. Misty remembered from over the weekend that he was the one in Kalos that had to present today. He had been stressed about getting his slideshow on energy efficiency done and they had all passed on their condolences. They’d all been there.
“For real tho, i wish u guys were here.” Ash texted, and Misty absolutely agreed; she wished she was there too, and not just for the pancakes and sunshine.
Absentmindedly, she clicked on the picture Ash had sent, zooming in on his cute, grinning face. The Alola Sun always did look great on that boy.
Man, if she were in Alola, she would be spending time with Ash and all his old classmates, resting, relaxing, and having fun. Maybe they could go mantine surfing again! And then she and Ash could walk along the beach together at sunset again, and watch fireworks together in the moonlight again…
Only maybe this time, their hands would brush oh so gently while they walked, and she would look him in his deep brown eyes, and they would lean in closer together and—
Misty’s head shot up at the sound of her name, only to be met with the entire room of Kanto and Johto League employees staring right back. She flushed, clearing her throat. “I’m sorry, what was that?” she asked.
“I believe,” came Lance’s commanding, yet amused voice from—oh no—right behind her, “Koga wanted your expert opinion on CPR, in case of water-related accidents. That is, if you aren’t too…” he looked down at her phone and smirked, “busy?”
Blushing wildly now, she clicked off the phone, screen still full of Ash’s dumb, adorable face, and flipped it upside down for good measure. “O-of course,” she stuttered, jumping up and making her way to the front of the room to join a not-so-amused Koga.
As she shuffled to the front of the room, she caught Lance slipping his own phone out of his pocket and tapping away, the smallest hint of a grin on his face.
Ugh, Lance was such a gossip…
She was certain there was no way this was going to end well for her.
In Alola, Ash felt a little vibration in his pocket. He took out his RotomPhone and unlocked the screen, a message from Lance in the Champion group chat greeting him…
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myobsessionsspace · 2 months
Pre Release of Travel Show Thoughts
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This might be a bit all over the place 🙈
Just some random thoughts after talking with my friends.
Remember when Hope on the Street came out and it was on Amazon Prime. I think many of us were thinking that was the end of the set shows, programs etc that were gonna appear on Disney+ from BTS.
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We’ve had a number of shows from the group since Chapter 2
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I kinda forgot about their Disney deal when the talks of Jikook’s travel show started to become real. My friends and I started guessing if it would be on Weverse only, like Jimin’s Production Diary or on YouTube like Suchwita & Jin’s The Drunken Truth. We were hoping and praying it wouldn’t just be one Bangtan Episode or on a South Korean nft platform like the HYYH series Begins ≠ Youth.
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To be honest we hoped for a Jikook YouTube Channel (still dreaming for one🥲), where after service they could come back and carry on with more adventures and content, but we would have settled for Prime too.
I say all of this to say, how come it’s on Disney+ again after the switch up with the last HYBE show Hope on the Street being on Prime?
It makes me wonder about the start of the show’s planning. Like Jungkook said in Suchwita it was kinda spontaneous and following a years old conversation between Jimin & Jungkook. Them seizing the opportunity of the both of them being together in New York, after Jimin went to support Jungkook’s solo debut performance.
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I wonder about if Jikook knew if their application for companion enlistment had been approved yet. Many have covered in detail the program and the kinda 1 in 100 chance of getting approved for it. BTS already have done many unique things and why should their military service be any different, all members aiming to at one point in time be serving at the same time and have all completed their service to not have to worry about it again?
There’s only one other group I know of before BTS
**see comments for extra info**
Anyway back to the the point 😅. As all the members wanted to enlist and return as one unit in 2025 and with Jimin being in his last year of eligibility due to age criteria, if they hadn’t have been approved Jikook wouldn’t have been certain of being together for their 18 month military service.
It makes me wonder about their plans. If they wanted to create as many memories as they could in as many places as they could together just in case they weren’t going to be able to enlist together.
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If they wanted to take the moments in between the end of FACE promotions, the little gap at the start of SEVEN promotions and the gap in between the rest of GOLDEN’s recordings, MUSE’ recording and also squeezing some more travel at the end of GOLDEN promotions, Jungkook’s Japan promotions and the Usher remix video Jungkook had to do straight after Japan.
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It feels to me like Jikook knew that regardless of if they did enlist together, they wouldn’t have been able to travel as a duo for a long time as if we can take Jim as an example, the members will most likely be going straight into OT7 work mode once they complete their service in 2025.
It feels to me like if Jikook hadn’t have gotten their companion enlistment approved, the travelogue was a was to permanently keep record of the many memories they wanted to make.
That with everything on Jungkook’s plate it wouldn’t be feasible for one GCF Tokyo style video like before.
For starters their travels were on a much larger scale than their 2017 trip to Tokyo.
Not just one hotel in one destination, walking around the city, visiting some shops restaurants and Disney but multiple countries, multiple hotels, villas, camping, kayaking, yachting, skiing, indoor adventures, restaurants etc
They are way more globally recognisable than in 2017 where there were still some sightings but not as many as if it was 2023.
Jungkook and Jimin literally had to squeeze these moments in between hectic schedules tight time constraints.
It makes sense that they would utilise their company to help with areas to visit to help with descretion, with bookings, as they’d have to book out whole villas, hotel floors, activity locations etc. it makes sense that because they’d need security.
Unlike Tokyo 2017,
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dropped off by their fathers and Jimin’s brother
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No security detail with them at airport
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Sightings around Tokyo
which was a gift to Jimin from Jungkook, where Jungkook planned everything, paid for everything, filmed everything and edited and uploaded GCFT, this time round it was for both of them. Not for one to have to shoulder the planning, payments, filming and editing.
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How would they coordinate everything in the midst of recordings, rehearsals and flying around the world for international promotions?
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ding ding ding
Their company and staff are still a company, whose main directive is to make money, beginning and end of it all.
I’m sure the company are nice enough to the members but how would such time, resources and expenses be written off if Jikook asked on the company to help them with security details, with flight planning, whole hotel floor booking, villa bookings, closing businesses down for the duration they wanted to visit or opening ski resorts up a day early etc.
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Their airport arrival streamed by news outlets
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Management and security accompaniment vs when they were spotted alone in 2017
Fans falling over to picture Jikook, camping out for hours at airports, protective barriers errected at Japanese airport for theirs and fans protection etc
Yes they are millionaires but I’m sure we all know millionaires who earned from the bottom up and are sensible with their money. We all know the members and joke about how they’ll wear expensive watches and clothes but still fight over a rice cooker as a prize or Jungkook take home hotel toiletries or ingredients from run cooking episodes etc
So for the company and staff to help Jikook make this a possibility in the time the had before enlistment how would it make sense financially? How would it benefit everyone? We know Jikook love sharing with army, Jungkook’s lives of 2023 show us, their predebut days of vlogging to now show us, Jungkook’s GCFT shows us. They share.
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So a show, sure, Jikook are used to cameras, the members are able to retain their authenticity through they years since day one of being in front of a camera.
That’s it, I’ll stop cos otherwise I’ll keep on musing forever 😅
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stargazerlily7210 · 9 months
Hello, and welcome to my TED Talk.
In this essay, I will demonstrate why I think Mrs. Flood is Susan Foreman (aka The Doctor's Granddaughter, aka The Unearthly Child, aka The Boss, aka The One Who Waits).
I know, I know. Not exactly the hottest take out there.
But buckle in, cause this goes deep.
Getting this out of the way first: I know this season has been billed as a bit of a fresh start (what with calling it Season 1, and all) and thus people are wary about assuming Mrs. Flood is a returning character. But let's be real. Just look at the 60th anniversary specials. Ya know, the massive 3 parter whose plot has set everything in motion for this next season.
They feature The 14th Doctor (aka The 10th Doctor revamped) with Donna Noble and her family (from the 2000's), Kate Lethbridge-Stewart (from the 2010's) who is both the current leader of UNIT (from Classic Who) and the daughter of The Brigadier: original leader of UNIT (throughout all of Classic Who), The Meep (from a Classic Who comic strip of all things) The Toymaker (Classic Who) and Mel (Classic Who).
And that's just the characters. Never mind the near constant references to both New and Classic Who.
They made it appealing and approachable to new viewers, sure. But they've already proven they're not actually interested in distancing themselves from the show's past.
So why do I think she's Susan, specifically?
Well, for starters, although the age of an actress doesn't really mean much in a 60 yr old time-travel show that's already had (MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT SEEN THE 11TH DOCTOR'S EPISODES!!) a parent-child dynamic where the daughter is not just played by an actress who's noticably older than the parents, but also canonically met the doctor first, despite her parents being the primary companions, (and each of them are played by both adult and child actors). But Anita Dobson is 74. Which would have made her 14/15 when the show started in 1963. Around the same age Susan Foreman is supposed to be/appear.
But again, that doesn't really mean anything in this show. So why else would I think she's Susan? And why do I think this means she's also The Boss mentioned by the Meep, AND The One Who Waits mentioned by The Toymaker?
Well, because I think it all falls into place with some of the big themes they've been pushing in the episodes so far, if she's Susan.
I mean, from what I know of Susan, she was a refugee from Galifrey, with her grandfather, The Doctor. As far as we know, he's her only family. He'd basically been raising her until she caught feelings for a human guy, so The Doctor decided she'd be better off staying on Earth. Effectively abandoning his very traumatized teenage granddaughter in 1960's London. It wasn't malicious, he was trying to do what's best for her. But he still left her there against her will and never came back for her.
So she's an orphaned teenage refugee, raised in a high-tech alien culture, stuck in the 1960's, with her first major crush as her primary confidant and caregiver. Let's be real. She'd have been deemed a mentally unstable minor, and at best institutionalized, at worst dissected/studied, in a heartbeat (or rather, two heartbeats (a surprise tool that'll help us later)).
So here we have a woman who's likely been drugged and tortured ("psychotherapy" in the 1960s, am I right?), gaslit, and desperately isolated for a significant portion of her life. With a massive list of reasons to both deeply resent and have seriously dissociated from The Doctor and the TARDIS.
And now we finally get to the new episodes:
The Meep says that creatures with two hearts are so rare that it can't wait to tell The Boss about The Doctor. So we have The Meep, who just happened to pick Earth to "crash land" on, answering to a nameless Boss who's on the lookout for 2 hearted creatures. Thus, we're looking for someone with both a connection to Earth and intimate knowledge of Timelord biology.
The Toymaker says even he didn't dare face The One Who Waits. Which says a lot, considering the importance and prevalence of people described as Waiting with a capitol W.
(MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE 10TH and 11TH DOCTOR'S EPISODES!!) Off the top of my head, I can think of Jack Harkness aka The Face of Boe who waited billions of years to see The Doctor again. We have Amy Pond aka The Girl Who Waited, and Rory Williams aka The Boy Who Waited. We even have Sara Jane Smith, who's first real conversation with the The Doctor after finding him again had her admitting she'd spent her whole adult life waiting for him to come back. So to be The One Who Waited, above and beyond all others? You'd have to have somehow waited more than the rest. And when you're already talking about Waiting upwards of 5 Billion years, that's tough to do. Unless you're looking at it from The Doctor's perspective. And the Granddaughter he'd abandoned 15 lifetimes ago would absolutely fit that bill.
So we have an individual who is intelligent/knowledgeable enough to be called The Boss by an alien kapable of mind control and space flight, who's searching for creatures with 2 hearts. Who's earned the title of The One Who Waits, above so many other candidates.
And we just so happen to meet a character who's being played by an actress the same age Susan should be.
Speaking of, we can finally look at Mrs. Flood herself. When I first watched the episode, it struck me just how angry she was at seeing the TARDIS. When it's far more normal to see people ignoring the thing. So her reaction is weird, both in general, and for a character the actress herself described as a friendly neighbor lady.
It's only after she's utterly shocked by the TARDIS disappearing in front of her that she starts acting different. As if seeing that unlocked her memories. From there on out, she's a different person who knows exactly what's going on. She even addresses the audience at the end and knows to call it a TARDIS. Which Susan of all people would know, as Susan claimed to have come up with the acronym herself, during her time with the 1st Doctor (whether that's technically canon or not, idk).
It's also worthy to note, that if you look at the houses during the scene where she's complaining about the TARDIS, you'll see that on the outside, her house, while the most extravagantly decorated outside, is noticably stark and empty inside, unlike each of the other houses where you can clearly see decorations through the windows. Not to mention, her door is the only one that looks like the TARDIS. The other doors are either the wrong shade, or style, or both. And her's is the only one that doesn't have stairs going to the second level. I don't know how much of this is just working within the confines of the location, and how much is intentional, or what it would mean, but we see enough wide shots of the house fronts, it seems potentially relevant.
So if Mrs. Flood is, in fact, Susan Foreman, she's exactly the right age, she'd have had more than enough reason to be triggered by the sight of the TARDIS, more than enough intelligence/knowledge to reach Boss status in her search for a rare two-hearted creature and being The Doctor's Granddaughter, could absolutely intimidate The Toymaker, and have more than enough claim to the title of The One Who Waited.
And if she turned out to be a future Big Bad, she would have the trauma, reasoning, skillset, and intelligence to truly challenge The Doctor and force him to deal with the repercussions of his habit of never stopping or looking back at his actions or mistakes.
We've never seen if Susan can regenerate as far as I'm aware, but we know she's a Timelord and significantly younger than The Doctor. So if she can, the actress has already suggested that Mrs. Flood will go through quite a transformation throughout future episodes. We might be seeing the birth of a new antagonist for a new generation of the show.
Honorable Mention: I feel like The Boss is right up there with The Doctor and The Master. And RTD would absolutely make The Boss a bada** boss babe.
Phew. That was a whole essay. If you've made it this far, congrats!! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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intoxfolklorex · 3 months
open to muses 25+ (could be any kind of connection but males only for anything that is or would likely go romantic. please read my rules and her bio before replying. please do not like my starters. post apocalypse au.)
Twenty years since the world had ended and though it was pretty much all Primrose knew, it had been hell. Her parents gone by the end of week one and she had been on her own, a small child just trying to make it. Locked away in one of the schools until ten years later when she'd met them, and they'd been travelling companions ever since. They'd never been safe, probably never would be again and that was why she was always on edge. But she trusted them, the only person she trusted. The only person who called her Prim or family.
Even when they'd found this place. A group of settlers who seemed to have everything the old world had. They'd welcomed the pair in and even given them a place to stay, a hot shower, clean clothes. All things that she had definitely missed. "I'm just saying this feels off," She found herself saying to her companion as she adjusted the new shirt. It felt so good against her skin, it was the little luxuries nowadays. "Why did they just let us in? Are they going to kill us in our sleep?"
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scolipede-fan · 4 months
I’m Rudolph, a 30 year old Pokémon trainer and breeder from Unova.
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I take care of and foster plenty of Pokémon, and I own Luckwood Farms.
I’m totally open to questions and such, just send me an ask! Don’t be afraid to talk to me, either. I’m always open to new friends. I don’t do battling as much anymore, but if you ever want to give it a try with me, let me know!
- Trevanant / Dogwood : Starter & Partner
- Scolipede / Vienna : Partner & Battle Pokémon
- Dratini / Gaia : Traveling Companion
- Larvesta / Hercules : Traveling Companion
- Corviknight / Mercury : Traveling Companion & Battle Pokémon
- Sizzlipede / Caesar : Traveling Companion & Battle Pokémon
- Jolteon / Millie : Farm Watch
- Luxio : Farm Watch
Hi!!!! This is a pokemon irl/unreality blog for my OC. Dont be afraid to block if that makes u uncomfortable!!!!!!
Although Rudolph is an adult, the person who runs this account is a minor. Rudolph is open to shipping as long as your account’s owner is also a minor while their character is an adult (this is just for my own comfort)
- Rudolph is bisexual & doesnt really have any preference
Dont be afraid to ask me (the admin) ooc questions as well, im totally up to answering them!!!!
Here’s Rudolph’s full ref image:
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a-crookedtouch-a · 11 months
@championsofthegate The fire was ablaze; the doing of someone over than he. Dusk had settled over the horizon, and the venturing party had not yet returned. He’d feigned some false malady to remain behind. Not in any particular mood to be traipsing across Faerûn’s countryside. Was a bit of rest and respite too much for a vampire to ask?
However, boredom took hold. Pestered him like an itch. The scant amount of books he owned were all read, but he wanted more. The thought took hold, and the chance however slight would not leave him. Who among his traveling companions sequestered books? Hoarded them like fine gems. The resident wizard.
Astarion had not seen him wherever he was. The perfect opportunity to pursue his selections and hope the man was not dull in taste. He sat down as casually as he pleased. Fingers tapped along their spines one by one. All magical nonsense that he could see. Not a work of fiction among them. He’d been halfway through his exploration when he heard the soft footfalls. Shit.
He had been caught. His smile was pleasant on his face. So sweet. It worked on his targets before. A play at innocence. “There you are! I was just about to go looking for you. Your collection is rather drab. Don’t you read anything else other than—” He pulled one of the tomes free and made a show of squinting at the cover. “—Silverhand’s Theory on Enchantments?”
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apalestar · 4 months
@chaoticbard for a plotted modern verse starter.
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For once Astarion found himself off the roster for tonight’s entertainment. He didn’t need to dress in his attire prepared specifically for him to dance on the pole. To show himself off for the crowd. No, the master, Cazador wanted him on the floor serving drinks.
The nightclub portion of the complex to hold a musical accompaniment for the guests. Tickets paid in advance. The stage accounted for. The establishment brimming with idiots soon to be parted from their coin on the casino machines and expensive menu items. The Palace cantered to an upper middle class and above clientele. Cazador didn’t suffer the uncouth. Except the illicit murders committed behind closed doors, but the guests were unaware about those.
Astarion sauntered across the floor from table to table. Serving the orders and presenting himself with a smile. Tomorrow he would be back on the menu as it were. Expected to provide the ‘nightly service’ in his chambers.
He noticed her on the stage. The Dragonborn meant to serve as the opening act to the more popular band advertised. She was a rare sight even somewhere as metropolitan as Baldur’s Gate. Her musical number faded into the background. Astarion’s attention drawn elsewhere. He was always watching the spawn.
His shift passed off to another. One of the mortal sycophants that worshiped the ground Cazador stepped on. Behind all the throbbing bass of the music and the roar of the gambling crowd lie a tucked away hallway. Here housed the spawn who served as courtesans in the Palace. Their rooms sectioned off not for their benefit for the purpose of serving others with their bodies.
Each door with a keypad off to the side. Only by interacting with it did the door open. Astarion took residence near the end of the long hallway. All the noise from the casino and club muted here. Barely audible.
He hoped for a rather quiet evening to trance. Perhaps indulge in one of his vices.
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berryblooo · 1 year
How Kaeya and Kokomi's mysterious pasts can come back to haunt them
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Cross-posting from HoYoLab. If you enjoyed this post, please give me a like there!
Disclaimer: Spoilers for the 3.8 flagship event, Secret Summer Paradise.
Just An Ordinary Human
In an exchange between Klee and Kokomi, the young girl asks her new friend a funny question.
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To which Kokomi has a perfectly reasonable answer.
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So that sets the record straight, right? Kokomi is nothing but a normal human. Nothing special about her!
Not quite!
Foreshadowing is defined as "an indication of what is to come" in works of literature and media. Foreshadowing doesn't have to be a positive assertion to a plot line coming up later - it can also pose a question that will be addressed down the road.
Klee pointing at Kokomi's mermaid-like design elements and asking her if she's a fish isn't meant to make the player ask this same question literally. What it is meant to do is have us question, "Is Kokomi just an ordinary human?" She may not be a fish or mermaid, but there are other forces at play from Enkanomiya, her ancestral home, that we can look into.
Just A Calvary Captain
The characters in Genshin Impact aren't always upfront about who they are or their origins. A prime example of this is the Traveler themselves - they are not forthcoming to Paimon, their closest traveling companion, about how and why they came to Teyvat, their origins, and the powers they have.
This means we can't always take what a character says at face value. The uncertainty and subsequent questioning is meant to heighten suspicion and excitement for later reveals.
One such character who has had much of this foreshadowing about their origins and motivations is Kaeya Alberich, who conveniently also happened to be featured in this event. As one of the four starter characters, we've known about Kaeya's mysterious foreshadowing since the beginning of the game. This is in reference to his origins in Khaenri'ah and Mona's voiceline, About Kaeya.
Kaeya Alberich? He's a Pavo Ocellus. Destined for greatness and grandeur... and to hide ugly realities behind a layer of charm and elegance. He believes he has made a clean break with his past, but one day fate will catch up with him. When it does, he will have a major decision to make.
This led to fans speculating that he is Khaenri'an royalty, a lost prince because of his dad's line "You are our last hope" though we eventually found out in the 2.8 Hidden Strife event that the Alberich clan were more like retainers to King Irmin.
"Remember always that it was the Alberich Clan, who did not have royal blood, who stepped in as regents when the strength of the one-eyed king Irmin failed. Though we could not restore Khaenri'ah to life, we of the Alberich Clan should lead lives as those who blaze like fire, rather than those who wallow in the embers."
And despite fan theories speculating that Kaeya may betray Mondstadt due to his allegiance with Khaenri'ah, the game seems to point toward the opposite. If the remnants of Khaeri'ah are the Abyss Order, led by the Abyss Princess/Prince, then Kaeya is likely to side with his immediate home and family.
We see yet another hint of this in the ongoing event in his exchange with Collei.
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Her hesitance is echoing that of the players' who wonder if Kaeya is a double agent working against Mondstadt's interests. But Kaeya's response foreshadows his choice in that prophesized choice he will have to make, mentioned by Mona.
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We already know from Kaeya's character stories that he will drink and mingle with Treasure Hoarders to get intel for the Knights of Favonius, and it's hinted in Part 9, Crash Course, of the Archon Quest Prologue: Act I - The Outlander Who Caught The Wind that he can speak the Abyssal language to communicate with Abyss Mages.
This, and his exchange with Zosimos after the performance of his play, teases his possible double agent status.
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The implication here is that Kaeya is putting up a front and acting out a part in our interactions with him. However, as has already been established, it seems less and less likely that Kaeya would betray his friends and home. Rather, he may be able to leverage his status as inheritor of the Khaeri'an royalty to put up a resistance to the Abyss Order alongside the Traveler. He gets to reclaim his homeland, while the Traveler can get their twin back.
Sleeping Dragon
Kokomi, much like Kaeya, is a descendant and heir of an ancient fallen kingdom, Enkanomiya. But is she a double agent? Is Enkanomiya foreshadowed to come back, like Khaenri'ah?
Not quite.
While Khaenri'ah was defined by being a godless nation ruled by human might alone, Enkanomiya has ties to before the creation of Teyvat as we know it and the Primordial One.
Before the Primordial One arrived to what would become Teyvat, it was ruled by the Seven Sovereigns, or dragons-lords. We've met one of the sovereigns, Apep, in Sumeru. Another of the seven dragon-lords was the Dragon of Water, who perished in its fight against the Primordial One.
Before it became known as Enkanomiya, the realm was called Byakuyakoku and was terrorized by Dragonheirs of the Depths or the creatures now called Bathysmal Vishaps. You're likely familiar with them.
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Their name was changed once the people learned that the Dragonheirs feared light and could drive them away with their lanterns and artificial sun. From there they studied and experimented on the Vishaps and found that they are not only intelligent, but can communicate with each other and evolve.
It is in these experimental records that we learn of a prophecy.
Prophecy holds that the Dragon Sovereign of Water will be born in a human form. We must not let this thing happen in Enkanomiya.
The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol 4
Following the fading of the Seven Sovereigns' power, a new generation of Sovereigns is presently being born. But now that the Bathysmal Vishaps have evolved in this manner, they have lost their purity. As such, the Dragon of Water will no longer be born from among their ranks. Prophecy holds that the new Dragon of Water will definitely descend in the form of a human.
Bolteater Bathysmal Vishap Hatchling description
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This is where the theory that Kokomi is the prophesized Dragon of Water reborn stems from.
It does not matter that she says she is "just an ordinary human" because the prophecy states that the sovereign will be reborn as a human.
Her constellation also points to this.
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The Latin name, Dracaena Somnolenta, translates to "sleeping dragon". Seems pretty straightforward.
What does it mean for Kokomi, Enkanomiya, and the story if she is indeed revealed to be the Dragon of Water? Will it have a resurgence like Khaenri'ah?
I don't believe so. The descendants of Enkanomiya now occupy Watatsumi Island in Inazuma. They no longer worship their dead god, Orobashi, who was slain by the Raiden Shogun, but live a somewhat independent existence on their island.
According to their local legends, Enkanomiya attempts to absorb the spirit of Watatsumi, which slowly bleaches and erodes the island's soil, turning it into an uninhabitable desert. This is why the Sangonomiya Shrine conducts the Watatsumi Mitama Omatsuri ritual that purifies the waters and soil. If this fails, the phenomena could disturb the Vishaps that lurk deep in the depths below.
If, for whatever reason, these rituals fail and the ancient Vishaps invade the surface, who better to stop them, even command them, than the reborn Dragon of Water?
The power of water is its ability to take any shape...
It's no coincidence that Kaeya and Kokomi are two of the characters featured in Secret Summer Paradise. Not only are they both heirs of fallen nations, but the event itself touches on the theme of hidden/secret identities.
This is exemplified by the main NPC, Idyia.
While she first appears as "just a normal human" we learn in Act III - Dreams and First Encounters! that her human appearance hides her true form, that of an Oceanid.
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Idyia's reveal reflects what fans expect for Kaeya and Kokomi.
She is exiled from her homeland, Fontaine. While the nation still exists, it can be said that it is not the same as when the former Hydro Archon, Lord Amrita, ruled and thus has fallen in that sense. Idyia now resides in a foreign nation and hides her true origins and form.
The extra connection between Idyia and Kokomi is the affinity for the Hydro element, which is associated with transformation, illusions, and dreams.
In Conclusion
What can we take away from all this?
The characters aren't always reliable narrators. They can lie to us, just like the Traveler can withhold information.
Things are not always as they seem, so believe only that which your eyes show you... these themes will undoubtedly be expanded upon in Fontaine, the nation of Justice and the courtroom.
Heads may roll.
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mythaura-blog · 11 months
Development Update - October 2023
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Hi folks, Miyazaki here! We've got two exciting gameplay features to share in this month's update: the addition of Character Classes and actual screenshots of Wild Area exploration gameplay, which we are so excited to announce will be live for players to explore on January 1, 2024!
Read on to learn more about these key Mythaura gameplay elements as well as the Quarter 2 (2023) Ko-fi Rewards results and a Class-specific Companion vote for Bronze Ko-fi Sponsors and above.
Explore Demo: Sneak Peek
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On January 1, 2024, we will deploy a key Mythaura gameplay feature for your exploration: a playable Wild Area, where you will lead a team of three Beasts through procedurally-generated Wild Area levels. In the Fledgling Forest you will encounter and fight Monsters—if you're lucky, you might even spot a Radiant Monster during your travels!
We'll have some more information to share about this Wild Area release in the November dev update.
These images are all WIP screenshots of actual in-game play being developed, not renderings. Final lighting effects, assets, and UI might change between now and the January 1, 2024 launch.
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Beast Creator
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The Beast Creator will have not only a visual overhaul, but will also introduce the Beast size mechanic. A Beast's size will directly impact its Health and Speed stats, so it's worth exploring that as you build your team!
You will also be able to choose a Beast's secondary element prior to their entry into the Wild Area. Its first element will always be the one that is inherent to its species.
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There are many factors that may determine which Beasts you bring along with you for the narrative questlines or Wild Area exploration, and the newest facet of a Beast's identity lies with its Character Class.
Adventurers throughout Mythaura will find themselves as a Rogue, Healer, Fighter, or Sorcerer.
In-Game Functions
A Beast's Class will provide several narrative in-game functions, including some Class-specific dialogue options with NPCs and additional/unique options for narrative quests.
Class will also determine one of the Beast's Skill Trees, which will be the focus of a future development update. This will grant them abilities that are unique to their Class, with progressively more powerful skills unlocked with investment into that particular skill tree.
Players will get to choose their custom starter Beast's Class, which will grant one piece of starter gear and one Class-specific Companion. Players are able to gain additional pieces of starter gear by doing additional New Game (NG) cycles, where the player will be able to choose their new custom Beast's Class.
A young Beast will not be able to choose a Class; when they age up to an adult, they will be prompted with the option to choose. Beasts contracted via the Recruiter will already have a Class randomly assigned to them.
A Beast's Class can be changed at any time—all Skill Points that were assigned to that Class's Skill Tree will need to be reallocated to either the Beast's new Class or one of its Elemental Skill Trees.
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Featured Class: Healer
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Healers can derive their powers from any Element, but are especially common among Light- and Nature-aligned Beasts, as those Elements innately have healing abilities. Those who heed the calling to become Healers often feel a strong sense of duty to provide medical aid to those in need. This Class provides a robust selection of support-focused Skills, with some supplementary offensive Skills.
Some of the earliest medical schools in Mythaura were founded in the Central Plateau in the wake of the countless generations' worth of Griffin wars—the wounded left in the wake of these battles would overwhelm informal medical providers, and thus a generation of formally-trained Healers were born.
They can be found as folk practitioners or surgeons, herbalists or battlefield medics, snake oil salespeople or scientists. The unifying trait of all Healers is their power to do good with their powerful healing magics—though what they do with that power is up to the individual.
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Starting Equipment: Serpent's Staff
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Winged Serpent iconography is inextricably linked to Healers, as the Serpent's potent Nature-aligned healing abilities were the foundation of one of the earliest schools of medicine in Mythaura.
Healers at the beginning of their journey are often given a Serpent's Staff as a reminder of their highest duty: the care and protection of any Beast in need.
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Companion Concepts
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Along with the Serpent's Staff starting equipment, choosing a Healer for your custom starter Beast will also grant you a Class-unique Companion.
Ko-fi Sponsors of Bronze level or higher will have a say in which companion they would like to see as the starter Companion for the Healer Class. Please vote on this post by Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 11:59pm PST in order for your vote to be considered!
We will have another Class to feature in the November update, and with it a new post to vote on, so be sure to check back next month!
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Ko-fi Q2 (2023) Results
Thanks to all who voted on which Glamour and Companion we're moving forward with for Quater 2 (2023)!) The rattlesnake-dog Companion and Grinning Faces Glamour for adult Quetzals will be this quarter's rewards.
We'll be back with the completed artwork for these two in the November dev update!
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Reminder: Custom Color Contest
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As a reminder: to celebrate the cooperative nature of the color wheel that we're making with you, we're opening a Custom Color Contest. We want to offer the opportunity for you to make a permanent impact on Mythaura's color wheel!
This contest is free to enter, and only has the following parameters:
Only one entry allowed
Fill out Google Form by Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 11:59pm PST
We've included a PSD file for you to use, if you'd like!
The dev team will reach out to the winner on December 1 to begin the color design process. Winner will have until December 22, 2023 to complete their color design.
Winner will also receive 3x copies of the Empemeral Ink that matches their color's base hue (Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, or Violet).
We're so excited to see what you come up with!!
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Mythaura v0.24
Adds size support in breeding and stats
Creates infrastructure for battle ailments
Streamlines pipeline for demo party creation
Creates explore end summary
Adds state persistence between explore encounters
Establishes a hook engine for use to manage buffs and passive effects.
Refactors front end in a major way in prep for demo release.
Adds 3D physics, lighting, and canvas rendering for more performant rendering utilizing webGL
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Thank You!
Thanks for sticking through to the end of the post, we always look forward to sharing our month's work with all of you--thank you for taking the time to read. We'll see you around the Discord!
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izar-tarazed · 9 months
What this is: This blog is mostly dedicated to my Elden Ring OC Izar (and well, her companion Ensha – more about them below). There might also be other content (other games, DnD 5e, writing) unless I’ll feel the need to create specific sideblogs for that (unlikely, I lack the energy).
What I do: I’ll mostly share screenshots, headcanons, storytelling, and writing snippets. (Here's my tag list!) While this is not a pure RP blog I very much enjoy RPing, so feel free to shoot me a prompt/starter whenever you like! (For more information regarding RP, flip through the Stargazer's Cookbook over here!)
Who I am: You can call me Zari. I’m over 30, she/her. Not a native English speaker, so bear with me if I say strange things. Expect occasional ramblings about the glory of freelance life, and know that there is never enough coffee.
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Izar Tarazed, Tarnished Astrologer
Izar barely remembers anything from the time before her awakening in the Lands Between – just her name and what she knew of the stars. However, the stars above the Lands Between are different, their lore mostly lost to her, so she gathers stories and bits of information wherever she can.
Her most treasured possessions are her telescope and her map-making tools.
Whenever she gets the chance, Izar will sit and work on her celestial maps, preferably beneath the golden light of grace, trying to figure out constellations and their possible meanings. Working on her maps also calms her down and helps her focus.
She’s often more driven by her astrological curiosity than by the ambition to become Elden Lord – she’ll confront Rennala mainly because she wants access to the library of Raya Lucaria, and Radahn because she wishes to set the stars back in motion.
Izar relies mostly on her sorceries – the Comet and Night Comet are her favorites – and only starts improving her skills with melee weapons and a shield when Ensha insists on teaching her.
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Izar is a little geek when it comes to astrology and will talk about it with neverending enthusiasm. At a new place, its (potential) view of the night sky is usually the first thing she’ll check.
She values the friendships and alliances she makes, being protective of those she cares about; that might be both her greatest strength and her greatest weakness.
Upon meeting someone for the first time, she'll rather be calm and cautious, but much more confident, cheeky and bubbly once she feels comfortable.
The fact that she doesn’t remember who she was before bothers her more than she lets on.
Izar soon realizes that she isn't as ambitious about taking the Elden Throne as she maybe should be. Her true dream is running the Academy of Raya Lucaria and turning it into a welcoming place where knowledge is not hoarded but shared.
When upset, she can be pretty defiant, sarcastic and snappy.
Sir, That’s My Emotional Support Skeleton
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Izar spares Ensha’s life when he attacks her at the Roundtable Hold. This leads to them being sent out on a mission together to track down Latenna (which, of course, doesn’t go as planned). While they start out deeply suspicious of each other, teaming up only reluctantly, they eventually come to trust each other and, despite some challenges, become close friends. (I’m not entirely sure what Ensha is, but I’m leaning way more into the headcanons of the somehow animated armor/actual skeleton with some kind of relation to the ancient king mentioned in the description of the Royal Remains set, rather than just being some guy with a skull mask.)
Ensha will often travel with Izar, having her back and finding picturesque dungeon walls to lean against and ponder how on earth this careless astrologer can still be alive. (He's exaggerating, of course. Izar can definitely handle herself ... most of the time.)
Ensha tends to be more wary of others than Izar is. He's extremely perceptive and quite good at reading people (and finding things). He often encourages Izar toput in t he work to improve her skills, and be more disciplined about her goals. However, he's also surprisingly fine with engaging in all kinds of mischievous shenanigans with her.
Since Ensha doesn’t speak, their communication process is a little rocky at first but improves once Izar gets better (and eventually good) at understanding his sign language. From then on, they'll often have some partially silent banter going on, and are able to communicate subtly if the situation calls for it.
Izar is also able to sense Ensha's emotions to a certain extent (more on that headcanon here).
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trainer-sean · 1 year
DPxDC Prompt: Pokémon Au
pokemon au Dp x Dc
most of the ghost stuff is different, because its now the Fenton's studying The Ghost typing, which, they are now morally correct. due to studying it and have machines processing the Ghost Type Infinity energy, they've had alot of ghost types born from their machines, and alot collect around their home. Danny has developed a Ghost type alignment in his Aura(aura having wave lengths with infinity energy, which affects some traits a person has, like water type alignment are good at swimming and holding their breath) due to his parents studys letting the G.T. infinity energy radiating through the house influencing his aura development while it was developing.
the Fenton are the local professors in town, but mostly pass out Ghost, Dark, Fairy, and Psychic types due to their studys being connected to them.
When they find Danny has a Ghost Type Alignment, with secondary Ice and Psychic, they give him a Dreept they had been previously studying for his starter pokemon.
Jazz has previously been on a journey, with a Teddiursa, she caught psychic types and many pokemon good for Emotional support and therapy due to her developing her like of Psychology during her journey, she made it to 4 gym badges before deciding to head home for studying, splitting up with her traveling companion, Harleen Quinzel, a friend who shared similar likes. However, she would later be kidnapped and tortured by Joker, eventually becoming Harley Quinn, her pokemon have been confiscated, and given to Jazz, to keep them safe.
DC is still a heavy part here.
due to pokemon and pokemon league being a thing, Civilians will help apprehend criminals, due to pokemon training originally being a Crime deterrent. this has also turned away multiple invasions. also, Apocalypse(can't remember jow to spell that name) was destroyed long ago by Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, so no Darkseid. isn't it great when God's actually do their jobs.
starters: Danny with Dreepy, Sam with Bounsweet, Tucker with Togedimaru, and Jazz with Teddiursa.
when Danny goes on his journey at 14, he, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz, head out to travel Unova. Jazz here to mentor and chaperone. they ran into multiple incidents involving poachers and evil teams, and assisted Heroes, like many trainers. The League actually has a meeting every few weeks to talk about some of the notable trainers that helped them, and even watch the League Tournaments as team bonding. Batman is more approachable here, and he and the batfam use suits that have tech that allow them to use attacks, primarily based on the closest pokemon to their animals. regular animals still exist.
Diana actually uses Burst(from the manga, Pokemon ReBurst), which fuses a human and pokemon. She typically does it with a Braviary, but her people also can call upon Ho-oh or Lugia to preform Burst in times of need. Shes still a demi-goddess, this is mostly for situations where she needs a change of tactics or a boost in strength.
the DP team find a old Temple, one that was recently cleaned out and collapsed, when some ghost types were beckoning for help, after clearing the way they found a strange woman who'd look like she was trapped for weeks, she looked half feline pokemon, much like Killer Krok in Gotham.
Barbara Ann Minerva had been obsessed with archeology from a young age, sense she learned of all the pokemon that were artificially made by ancient civilizations and that Fossils could be revived. But while she was interning for a Professor on a exploration if a temple, she and the Professor were backstabbed, the professor killed and she shot through the back, thankfully not through the spine. They had blew up the pathway, Barbara was stuck, her mentor was dead, and she was likely to starve. she returned her pokemon so they wouldn't have to worry of starving, and started crying. her crying angered something. The Temple she was in was the resting place of the Legendary pokemon Cheeralah (chi-rah-lah), an Electric Fighting type, a humanoid and feminine cheetah pokemon, with bandages wrapped around her legs, arms, and chest, and Bronze markings along her body. Some human was whining in her Temple, she was angry, so she cursed Barbara, turning her into what was basically a Human Cheeralah hybrid.
when the Dp Team made it to Barbara, Cheeralah was angry enough that she showed up, along with two Zeraora. A Raid Battle occurred, with much struggle, from all the pokemon one Danny's, Sams, tuckers, Jazzs, Barbara, and the Professors teams, all three legends were caught. and then Danny accidently caught Barbara.
Gotham, the spirit, became a legendary pokemon along time ago, and still has no clue how to assist with everything, she became some variant of Lunala, but a Dark/Ghost type, and she just can't seem to exit the spiritual plan, which is probably the doing of some wizard or something to prevent city spirits that became pokemon from running around causing havoc. She eventually breaks out when Jason was kidnapped. She looks like a darker Lunala with a more pointed tail, she has a form change that makes her look like dawn wing necrozma, but not entirely, it does look like necrozma parts, maybe even make it an artificial form change made by Bruce, similar to the enhancement equipment Jessie and James sometimes use on their pokemon, maybe even a special batmobile that attaches power ranger style with a ride pokemon saddle part for Bruce. Called: Gothmala.
Something Similar to Metropolis, who became a Variant of Solagaleo, a Steel/Fairy type, who just watches from the sidelines as the superfamily protects his city, but his appreciation can be felt by the super family due to their lack of resistance to supernatural power. Maybe make its presence capable of breaking down green kryptonite and its radiation. Maybe Clark, taking a note out of Bruce's book, makes a armor mode for it using some Kryptonian tech. Called: Metgaleo.
Maybe make some of the other city spirits similar to regular pokemon, like like paradox pokemon, like star city(thats green arrows place right?) Is a Decidueye, but it has a pair of crossbow like structures floating beside it instead of being able to make a bow string, due to not being a grass type. Ghost/fighting type.
And in Amity Park, the Fenton's research has caused Amity Park's city spirit to develope into a pokemon, a variant of Hoopa, due to the form change and Desiree's mischief with wishes. A black and green Unbound form. Ghost/Fairy type.
The Fenton's also accidently made a Variant of Type:Null from digital blue prints and such of the usual species, combined with research files on Giratina and the distortion world, and went through the development program used to process and make Porygon, and went through the Transfer machine. Its built like a mildly serpentine Type:null, no hind legs, the head piece being more shaped like a Giratina head piece. Normal/Ghost type, with the primary type being changeable with the disks. Built like a Lindwyrm. The first one is studied by the Fentons and Aether to make sure its Healthy and stable, Danny is even brought over to help calm it due to his compatibility to Ghost types. Name, Type:Ghoul, evolved/unsealed form called Spectvally.
Cheeralah, The War Pokemon. a Legendary Electric and Fighting type. Cheeralah were once worshipped as Gods of protection and purity, but worshipped members began to enjoy fighting and conflict while protecting the innocent. Zeraora are believed to be lesser incarnations born from Cheeralah lust for battle being so great that they forcefully removed it and it became a pokemon.
(-Legendary pokemon(God or mythical types) can turn into human form.
-pokephilia might be a partially accepted thing here? Regular Supernatural species still exist like in regular DC, so maybe. So possible human pokemon hybrids running around, so laws about catching those types of people are probably a thing.
-possible Ultra-space shenanigans with alternate timelines, different dimensions, Pocket Dimensions, separate universes, etc. Aka Crossovers with different franchises.)
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