#a message that ur leaving is all we ask for next time :)
2000sfm · 8 months
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due to deactivation :
we  kindly  ask  members  to  please,  message  us  beforehand  if  you  can’t  be  apart  of  the  group  for  any  reason  instead  of  just  deactivating  without  notice.  we  are  never  mad  &  more  than  understanding  if  anyone  has  to  leave  the  group.  as of now, deactivations without notice will no longer be welcomed back.
the following roles & faceclaims are now reopened :
tara knowles from sons of anarchy
rosalie hale from twilight
davika hoorne
mimi keene
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lucy90712 · 3 months
Hey so for Jude Bellingham can you write like Jude cheating on reader, he is very distant with her and she tries to make plans or asks him things like how has ur day been but he either just gives her blunt replies or just completely ignores her. Reader finds out he cheated on her via his phone and she confronts him and she admits it. Then reader leaves him and moves on with someone else (not a footballer just someone random) and Jude regrets what he has done but it is too late. Like pure angst and please make it long! Thank you!
A/n: the timeline on this doesn’t really work but just ignore that
Part 2
Sitting in a restaurant alone waiting for someone to show up is embarrassing. It's even more embarrassing when people know who your boyfriend is and are very clearly judging you and thinking about what might be going on in your personal life. Then the most embarrassing part of it all is having to leave after sitting there for an hour. 
No text no call and no answer. After getting home from the restaurant I stayed up for as long as possible to try and wait for Jude to come home so I could ask him why he didn't show up to the date he planned and invited me on but by 3am he still wasn't home. The next morning he wasn't in bed but he had clearly been home and then left for training but he still hadn't even read the texts I sent him last night. He did post on his Instagram story which explained where he was, he was at a party with all of his friends. I'd love to say that's the first time he's done this but it isn't in fact he's done it countless times in the last few months. 
Valentine's Day
Two hours ago I got ready in a cute dress and did my makeup ready to go out to dinner with Jude. He's been so busy recently so we haven't spent much time together but he promised me we'd spend Valentine's Day together, he got us a reservation at my favourite restaurant and told me to dress up. That's exactly what I did now I'm sat here still waiting for him to get home two hours after when he said he'd be home. 
It hurts to be left just waiting I was looking forward to tonight and getting to spend some time together as I've missed having him around. He made this move to Madrid out to be the best thing for us but ever since things just haven't been the same. He's always busy and when he's not he chooses to spend time with his teammates instead which I understand but at the same time he's neglecting me and our relationship. I tried to bring this up but he shut me down and promised to spend more time with me which is how we ended up with this date but clearly it's not that important to him. 
Close to 3 hours later Jude finally came home and looked at me incredibly confused when he saw me all dressed up. 
"Where are you going?" He asked 
"On a date with you remember you said we would go out for dinner because it's Valentine's Day" I said 
"I'm so sorry baby I completely forgot this week has been crazy I promise I'll make it up to you another day but I'm so tired is a movie night instead ok" he said 
"Yeah its ok" I lied 
As always I woke up to an empty bed and Jude having left for training. Today isn't any normal day though it's my birthday so all my friends are coming over and we are going to go out for lunch together then hopefully Jude and I can do something together this evening even if it's just watching something together on the sofa. When I grabbed my phone from my bedside table I had loads of messages from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday and my social media was filled with edits done by Jude's fans which were all so sweet. The only notable missing thing was a text from Jude but that's ok he might've been running late and forgot. 
I forgot about Jude as soon as my friends arrived as they all spoiled me far too much but I had so much fun with them. It was nice to be distracted from real life and stop worrying about when Jude will be home, if he will remember it's my birthday or if he still cares about me at all. Once I got back home Jude's car was already in the driveway so I smiled and happily made my way inside to see him. I wasn't expecting Vini and Eduardo to be over but there they were sat on the sofa playing video games with Jude. 
"Hey y/n happy birthday" Vini said 
"I didn't realise it was your birthday Jude didn't mention it but happy birthday" Eduardo said 
"Thanks guys" I said 
"Where have you been babe?" Jude asked still not saying happy birthday 
"I was with my friends they took me to lunch" I said 
"That sounds fun" Jude said going right back to his game 
His friends tried to leave saying he should spend time with me but he said it was fine and that I wouldn't mind so they stayed. While they all sat down stairs having more fun than I was I did some work with tears streaming down my face. My own boyfriend doesn't care about my birthday his teammates cared more than he did. 
"Happy anniversary love" I said when I found Jude in the kitchen this morning 
"Happy anniversary" he said 
I tried to give him a kiss but he dodged it and went to start packing his things as he has an away game later today so he's leaving soon. 
"I'm sorry baby I've got to go I'll see you later though" he said as he left leaving me all alone yet again 
Today is a day I always like to forget. Both of my parents died in a car accident two years ago today so it's always an emotional day for me and my siblings, we would like to spend it together to distract ourselves but as I'm in Madrid we can't do that. Instead my friends invited themselves over so that I'd have someone with me which made me feel so much better. They came over early so early that Jude was still here as he hadn't left for training yet. He was doing his own thing as the girls all sat with me and let me get out all my emotions now by telling them memories I have with my parents. 
"You know they'd be so proud of you" one of my friends said 
"I just wish they were here to see all the things me and my siblings have done all thanks to their constant encouragement" I sniffled tears still falling down my face 
"Why are you crying babe?" Jude asked as he walked down the stairs 
"Just thinking about my parents it's the anniversary of their death so I'm just a bit emotional" I said 
"I'm glad the girls are here to make you feel better then I'll see you later ok" he said 
With that he left and my friends all looked at me with an expression I didn't quite understand.
"How long has he been like that?" My best friend asked 
"Like what" I questioned 
"Like you don't matter he didn't even hug you before he left even after you told him why you were upset which he should know anyway dates like this are important for partners to remember" she said 
"I mean it's been a good few months he missed our Valentine's Day dinner he didn't wish me a happy birthday until like 5pm and we didn't do anything on our anniversary" I said finally thinking about how badly he's been treating me
"Girl he doesn't deserve you he's taking you for granted and you don't deserve that" one of the girls said 
"I hate to say this but you need to break up with him clearly he's given up on your relationship and now I might be wrong but wrong but it seems to me like he's found someone else" another said
They were right for months now I've been at the bottom of his priority list and he's nowhere near the Jude I used to know and love. There is no affection there anymore it's like the love we once had is gone. He also has definitely been distant and he's never home so there is a possibility that he could be cheating on me. That's a thought that I'd put in the back of my mind and didn't want to think about but now that someone else that has mentioned it I can't let the thought go. Whether he's cheating or not things definitely aren't how they used to be and I need to get out of this relationship before it's too late. The girls all offered their support and said I can stay with them for as long as I need which gave me the confidence to actually talk to Jude later today. 
When Jude arrived home all the girls left and they wished me good luck which I definitely need as I'm nervous to actually have this conversation even though it needs to be done. Jude went straight to get in the shower so I decided to look at his phone because he told me the password but I have never used it as I trusted him at least until now. It took just seconds of looking for me to find texts between him and this one girl who he had clearly been seeing for months now. He kept saying he would break up with me but the time wasn't right yet and that he wasn't in love with me anymore which hurt to see. I wanted to cry but I held back my tears and instead just sent myself screenshots of everything and then deleted the evidence so he wouldn't know that I knew. 
After his shower Jude took ages to come back downstairs but when he finally did he was looking at his phone and smiling it made me wonder if he was talking to her the girl he'd apparently fallen for. He quickly noticed me staring at him and he just stared back not having a clue what was going on. 
"Jude we need to talk" I said 
"Oh ok is everything alright?" He asked 
"I'm just gong to say it I know what you've been doing and don't lie to me I have screenshots I just want to know when you fell out of love and why you did this instead of just ending things" I said barely holding back tears 
"I don't know it all just happened I'm sorry I should've handled this better I didn't want to hurt you but clearly I haven't done a good job of that" he said 
"Yeah you really have hurt me I should've known when you forgot about our valentines reservations but I was foolish and believed that you were just busy now I know you were with another girl" I said 
"I'm sorry" he said 
"I don't believe you Jude if you were sorry you wouldn't have let this go on for so long it's safe to say we are over I wish you well but please don't try and contact me again I need to just move on" I said 
With that I gathered my things and just left. I left my key, the memories and what felt like half my heart but it had to be done I had to get out of there before I got hurt any more. It's time to move on and start a new life with people around me who truly care about me. 
1 year later 
"Come on amor let's go" Carlos called from downstairs 
"Coming" I said running down the stairs 
"Oh wow you look gorgeous" Carlos said 
"Thank you you look good too" I said 
He kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand so we could head out to the car that was outside to pick us up. Just a few days ago Carlos won the French open so we are going out to celebrate. I met Carlos not long after I broke up with Jude I wasn't even looking to date but I just happened to meet him on a night out with my friends and we just clicked. He understood that I wasn't ready to date properly but he didn't give up on me so when I was ready we went on a date and the rest is history. My plan definitely wasn't to date another athlete in fact I wanted to just have a normal life and date a normal guy but I couldn't just let Carlos go and I'm glad I didn't. We have been together officially for 6 months now and they have been the best 6 months of my life he always treats me right and he makes it known how much he loves me. 
Carlos has a lot of friends in Madrid so he decided to come here and celebrate his win with me and my friends as well as his before he goes back home to be with his family. There wasn't really any time to prepare anything so we are all just meeting at a club in town that isn't just open to the public so there shouldn't be lots of people there. All our friends were already there when we arrived as we got caught in a bit of traffic but they didn't seem to mind our lateness they congratulated Carlos on his win and we all went inside. 
As we walked down the stairs all my friends turned to me at once and I wondered what was going on for a second until I saw what they had seen. Jude was right there along with a few of his teammates. I haven't seen him since our breakup which is somewhat of a miracle seeing as I still live and work in Madrid and he has become part of the city. I knew one day we'd meet again I was just hoping it wouldn't be in a day like today I don't want to be thinking about him or to talk to him while celebrating Carlos as tonight shouldn't be about me or my past relationship. Carlos knows everything that happened so once he saw Jude his hand reached for mine and he gave it a comforting squeeze which made me feel a little bit better. The thing is I don't miss Jude at all I'm so much happier now but what he did still hurts me so seeing him for the first time since is a bit painful. 
"We can go somewhere else if you want" Carlos said 
"No it's ok tonight is your night plus he shouldn't affect my life now that's the past you are my present and future" I said 
"Ok as long as you're sure but you are sticking by my side all night" he said 
Jude's POV
"Is that y/n?" Vini asked 
Him saying that caught my attention so I looked in the same direction as him and there she was with all her friends and a guy by her side. I recognised the guy as Carlos Alcaraz the tennis player who just won the French open and a the guy y/n has been dating for at least the last few months. I found that out when late at night after we lost a big game I stalked her Instagram and saw a photo of them together on her private account that she forgot to remove me from. Since that night I have kept an eye on her Instagram I usually check it at least once a week to see what she's been doing and how happy she is without me. 
Since the night that she broke up with me I regretted making all the dumb choices I made that led to that point. Within days I broke things off with the other girl I was seeing and I have been alone ever since I just can't bring myself to see anyone else because they aren't y/n. It sounds stupid because I'm the one that ruined everything I'm the reason she's with Carlos and not me but she was the one I just didn't realise how much I loved her until she was gone. My mum has always told me not to take things for granted as once they are gone you'll realise their true value and that's exactly what I did with y/n I didn't realise just how important she was to me until I made some stupid decisions and let her go. 
I watched her with Carlos for a while and she seemed genuinely happy which made me realise that she hadn't been that happy with me for a long while before we broke up. It was clear to see that she loved him and I could tell that he loved her too because he looked at her the way I did when we first got together. It hurt to see her so happy with someone else because I know I could've had that but now I won't get to share any moment like that with her ever again. I deserve everything that has come to me I made bad choices and as much as I regret them now it won't change anything. 
I have to let her go because for her to be happy I need to not be in her life as much as that hurts. They say if you love her let her go and that's what I need to do let the one go because as much as she might've been the one for me I'm not the one for her. 
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meowshark12 · 1 month
i know it won't work (rc)(3)
series summary: you're best friends with topper, kelce, and rafe. it has never bothered you to see them with other girls, knowing that they usually only have flings, but, when rafe gets what appears to be a girlfriend, how does this change things?
(not canon)rafe x kook!reader, original characters
chapter 3 summary: the after effects of Topper's party. I'll leave it at that.
warnings: rafe is pissing me off.
2.4k words, basically unedited.
1 2 3
chapter 3: why
Topper's party ends with you, Stella, and Macey walking back over to your house after the vast majority of the crowd had dissipated. All who remained there ended up crashing somewhere in the great unknown of Topper's parent's estate.
You wake up in your bed next to a snoring Macey and an already awake Stella, who greets you with a soft smile and your water bottle. You sit up.
"Thanks," you whisper, careful to not wake Macey. You take a few sips of your water, not realizing how thirsty you actually were. "what time is it?" you ask.
"only 8" Stella responds, which prompts you to lay back down (dramatically) and open your phone.
You are met with 11 messages from Topper from last night.
yoooooo wya??
sent 1:28am
yn. are you here
sent 1:31am
did you fr go home?
sent 1:32am
omfg I see ur light on.
sent 1:32am
you actual pos
sent 1:32am
kelce and rafe are asking where you guys went
sent 1:36am
they say they're coming over
sent 1:37am
I told them not to. why did you leave?
sent 1:41am
what's wrong.
sent 1:45am
pls respond.
sent 1:46am
ok gn then. dont be mad.
sent 2:19am
You sigh. Stella shoots a questioning look your way before you show her your phone and she understands.
Macey stirs, though it is much too early yet for her to arise. She hums in her sleep, probably to tell you guys to be quiet.
"what do I even say to all this?" you ask, nobody answers, but you didn't really need an answer. You knew that you would explain to Topper that you and the girls just needed a girls night, but you also knew that he wouldn't buy it for a second.
You respond to Topper, and ask if he would want to meet you at the club for lunch, somewhat disregarding his messages but knowing he would force you into talking about last night somehow. Topper may not be the brightest, but he is much more in tune with emotions than someone might think. He says yes to lunch, and you turn your phone off, satisfied with the way you bought yourself a few more hours.
You think about the best way to approach the subject with Topper. Because 'hey me and the girls don't like that beautiful girl that you and the boys hangout with and we want you all to ourselves because it works better that way' doesn't seem like the right thing to say. Topper texts you again, asking if you could do coffee and bagels instead. You take a minute to respond though you know you'll say yes anyway. You were hungry and did need a hangover-curing coffee, as did your girls, you were sure.
You reply a nonchalant 'sure' to Topper before telling Stella your plans and that you'll bring her and Macey back their faves. Topper offered to drive, so you begin your walk to his house.
As you open the fence and walk through, you see Rafe's truck pulling out of the driveway with Amber in the passenger seat. You have to stifle a reaction, but you did not expect to see Rafe and Amber interact ever again. Rafe was usually a one-night kind of guy, not a one-night and drive you home the morning after kind of guy.
You had heard your fair share of Rafe's escapades in your group's conversations, but nobody in the group ever seemed phased to hear about anyone else's hookup stories.
Though, there was the one time that you shared a story that the boys, and especially Rafe, were not fond of.
You had just turned 17, and had all begun the night drinking your beverages of choice and hanging out in Kelce's room, if you could even call it that. Kelce's parents only had one kid, and they let him have free reign of their finished basement. So, as you all sprawled on the various couches and chairs there was conversation flowing aimlessly throughout the group.
Though, you started out talking to the girls (who prompted you) about your recent endeavors with a boy named John, the boys begun listening after they realized the topic of conversation. You were never entirely open with the boys about your personal life, so they were completely intrigued with the conversation.
You paused partway through your long story before realizing that the three nosy boys on the other side of the room had stopped their conversation to listen to you. You laughed, saying a quick "stop listening!" before rolling your eyes and turning back to the girls. When you saw that the boys had no intention of stopping their listening, you turned back to them and didn't speak.
"Oh come on, yn, we never get to hear about this stuff!" Kelce begins, raising his eyebrows and giving you a look to try to persuade you to continue.
"Yeah, yn, you know all about our lives, how come we rarely get to know about yours?" Topper chimes in, agreeing with Kelce's sentiment. Rafe is quiet, not sure if he wants to hear what you are going to say, but his gaze on you is intent, almost silently willing you to continue talking.
"Ugh. Okay. Well..." you begin, without really knowing how to continue. All you had really told the girls was that you had hooked up with John Townsend, the boy whose parents were the sole contributors of the Kildare Yacht Club. But, the boys hadn't been listening to who, all they heard was that you had hooked up with someone.
"Go on..." Macey says, hoping her prompting will elicit a reaction out of you.
"We've just hooked up a few times. It's not that big of a deal." You spit out finally, waiting to see what your friends will say.
"A few times?!?" Stella nearly yells. "I thought it was only the one time at his house?" She finishes, waiting for you to say something. Before you can, Macey interrupts.
"His house?!? I thought it was only at the..." she starts before glancing at the boys, "...you know where I thought it was." she finished meekly. The boys erupt in a series of "what"s and "no way"s, turning to you for an explanation.
You laugh and cover your face with your hands, your cheeks turning a shade of red that you didn't even know existed before now. The boys are all slack jawed and waiting for you to talk.
"Oh what? Like you all haven't had your fair share of hookups??" You start, "why is this so crazy?"
"because its YOU, yn. You've never told us about this stuff before, even when we ask!" Topper says, still bewildered. You look between the boys. Rafe seemingly deep in thought, Kelce wide eyed, and Topper's mouth still hanging open.
You begin to defend yourself before you are cut off by Rafe asking "Who is this guy?" and that's when you realize that they hadn't been listening the whole time. Topper and Kelce hum to show that they also want to know. You look over at Stella and Macey, both of whom are making faces at you to show that maybe you shouldn't tell the boys who this mystery man is that you've hooked up with more than one time.
"Ummmmmmm..." you start, not intending to share with them.
"Fine. If you don't want to share, we'll just got through your phone and find out ourselves." Topper says, lunging toward your phone with an open hand.
You protest, holding it out of reach. Some semblance of a fight ensues, the girls trying to keep them away and the boys pushing through (to the best of their ability without trampling a bunch of 17 year old girls) to get to your phone.
"FINE!" you finally shout, stopping the fight. "If you really want to know that bad... it was John Townsend." You finish.
Rafe is the first to speak. "What?" He says plainly.
"Did you really not hear me?" you say.
"no, I think I heard you. I just- what??" he finally answers.
You look at the rest of the group, the girls looking relieved but worried, and the other boys looking somewhat the same as Rafe.
"What's the problem with John?" you ask innocently.
"What's the problem? Yn what's NOT the problem?" Kelce begins before Topper finishes his sentence.
"Yeah, yn, that guy is bad news. His parents might be hot shit in Kildare, but he's a weirdo. Especially for younger girls, like you." Topper says, not intending to hurt you with his words, but they do sting a little.
Rafe is still silent, and you look to him to say something. He avoids your gaze, waiting for the other boys to be done.
"I think they just mean that you should be careful, yn" Stella begins, trying to fix the tension in the room.
"No, Stel, we mean that she shouldn't be so stupid to fuck around with a dirty loser like that guy." Rafe finally speaks up, and his words hurt you the most. "I mean really, yn. Be serious right now."
You're on the verge of tears, not expecting to be belittled in front of your only friends.
"Alright that's enough dumbass." Macey says. "She's allowed to do whatever she wants and doesn't need approval from anyone, especially not you idiots."
You give her a small smile. You're not sure why Rafe's words affected you that much. You all are silent for a moment before conversation restarts. You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, hoping to get your bearings back.
Stella and Macey follow not long after you, and soon you are all on the bathroom floor. They begin explaining to you that the boys were just being stupid and protective like they always were, and that it just got out of hand. You agreed, and soon everything was back to normal. But, you had always thought about that moment before beginning to share something with your friends from that moment on.
Overall, the relationships of your friends were private from your friend group. In a way, all of your most important relationships were with each other. So why would you want that to change? Nobody ever really had serious relationships anyway, and you all liked it that way. At least you thought you all liked it that way.
Soon after you see Rafe and Amber leave, Topper comes out of the house and sees you leaning against the passenger door of his Jeep.
He gives you a small smile before unlocking his car. You open the passenger door and get in.
Topper climbs into the driver's seat right after you. "Coffee first or bagels?" he asks, avoiding the obvious awkwardness between the two of you.
"Bagels, probably? I'm gonna get coffee for the girls too, don't want it to melt," you reply easily, since conversation with Topper has always come naturally for you. Topper nods, turning up the music that was playing and rolling down the windows.
The drive to get bagels was short, short enough that neither of the two of you had tried to initiate conversation, but long enough that the awkwardness began to brew. After getting bagels, you buckled yourself in and felt the rumble of the engine, but Topper didn't shift the car to begin driving.
You knew that leaving early normally wouldn't have been a big deal for other people. Especially since you lived right next door, it makes sense to sleep in your own bed after a party instead of cramming into one person's house. But, the six of you always stayed, and if you didn't, you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.
"So," Topper begins, "what's up with you?" he says, not necessarily intending to blame you for leaving early, but maybe he knew it was your idea to leave.
"What do you mean?" you challenge, hoping he will give you some information before you explain yourself.
"I don't know, it's just weird that you guys left yesterday," he says, pausing to take in your reaction. You nod with him, understanding why he would be upset about it. "Why did you leave without telling us? I mean, we know you live right there, but that's just never happened before. We were kinda worried... Rafe suggested showing up to your house and then Kelce wanted to go with him, but I figured we should just leave you guys be." At the mention of Rafe, your ears perk up. Why had he of all people suggested going over? Wasn't he preoccupied with Amber?
"Yeah, I know we should've told you we left," you say honestly, feeling bad that you left him high and dry. "Honestly," you begin, and Topper is now staring at you, "we were just not exactly feeling it, it was kind of a weird vibe outside with you guys... and Amber... and I don't know, we just figured we would go back to mine kinda early," you pause, seeing Topper's gaze soften. "I'm really sorry though, Top. You know I didn't mean to leave you like that. We aren't mad at you, the vibe was just off and we felt weird still being there." you finish.
"Okay... well if that's really it, and you're not mad, then we are all good. We just don't want to mess around with a mad yn, or a mad Macey, for that matter." You laugh, glad to have been able to dance around the point enough to satisfy Topper's craving for an answer from you.
The two of you finish your coffee run and come back to your house to a wide awake Stella and Macey awaiting your arrival.
"Finally!" Macey says dramatically, as if she hadn't woken up ten minutes prior.
"I think she means 'thank you'" Stella explains while helping you with their drinks.
"You're welcome," you respond, and Topper trails in behind you. After the two of you made up, you figured you might as well invite him in for breakfast.
After the four of you eat together, a notification from your group chat lights up your phone.
ward not home. druthers today at 12?
Kelce has already responded 'yes' and the four of you are in agreement as well. Today was going to be a day on the boat. You were hopeful that this would be able to mend the crack slowly forming in the group of the six of you.
But, your hopes were soon crushed when you arrived to the Druthers and see Rafe and Amber awaiting your arrival.
You look at the girls, and they're already looking at you. You sigh, shrug, and hope that you all can make the best out of the day ahead of you.
🏷️list: @flvredcas @rafesno1bae @kiiyomei @silkylovey @girlwedontcare @sunny1616 @asterizee @pillowprincess4him @patychieffi @rafeslittleangel @anightlikethisss @drewsdirtyslut @mattyskies @theyluvmesblog @gothamgirl2024 @ujws5 @kmhbygss @kaiparkerwifes
a/n: hope you all keep enjoying! sorry for huge delay in posting. ill be back hopefully for a while!
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cheolhub · 1 year
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summary. mingyu forgets about the date you’ve had planned and he wants to show you he’s sorry in a rather unconventional way.
wc. 1.8k
warning. unprotected sex, couch sex, dumbification, lots of apologizing, big d!ck!gyu (ofc), kinda angsty but it’s all resolved, creampie — MINORS DNI 18+
note. this idea was sent by my beloved 🌵 anon… like…. literal months ago lol— it was a drabble at first, then it got a bit too long, so enjoy it xx [not proofread, kinda shitty]
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contrary to belief, kim mingyu does have a few faults. he can be a bit clumsy and he’ll accidentally eat your leftovers every time he’s over, but the biggest fault of them all is… he can be a bit forgetful.
so when mingyu accidentally double books hanging out with wonwoo on the same night as your date, you find yourself dolled up and waiting around your apartment for him, unaware of his whereabouts. you hadn’t seen him much due to your conflicting schedules and you’d been looking forward to the date all week long.
you wait and wait— 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour. you text him a few times, but you don’t get a response and you figure he’s at work, asleep, or doing something else. whatever the case may be, he definitely forgot.
mingyu doesn’t realize this until he’s checking his phone for the first time of the hectic game night and he sees a string of text messages from you.
from you 6:33 
i can’t wait to see u!! :,)
from you 7:07
hi babyyy, text me when you’re here and i’ll come down
from you 7:39
gyu are you still coming?
if you wanna reschedule, we can… just text me back and let me know?
from you 8:02
i checked ur location to make sure u weren’t dead and i saw you were at woo’s
i’m just gonna assume ur with him, which is fine :) pls just let me know next time.
shit shit shit.
regardless of what you say, it’s not fine— he can practically hear your dejected voice through the text and the smiley face doesn’t do shit to mask it. 
he’s quick to tell wonwoo and make his way to your place, insides churning at the thought of you feeling stood up. he would never, in a million years, ever want to hurt you in any way.
he doesn’t text he’s here, he doesn’t knock, he just takes the spare key hidden under your placemat and lets himself in. 
you’re curled up on the couch in your date outfit watching some random show before you jolt at the sound of your door being unlocked. when mingyu walks in, panic on his face, you deflate a bit, internally thanking the universe that it was just him and not some intruder.
you try to put a smile on as if he isn’t the last person you wanted to see at the moment, but mingyu sees through it. 
“hi, gyu.” you say curtly. “hope you had fun at wonwoo’s tonight.”
the subtle shade proves you’re upset, even if you had said it unconsciously. his lips turn down in a frown and he walks around the couch so he’s posted right in front of you.
“Y/N, you have to believe me— i’m so sorry. i got the days—“
you cut him off with a sigh, “gyu, seriously. it’s fine. it’s not that big of a deal. we can just do something the next time you’re free.” 
he doesn’t even know when next time will be given his rather strenuous schedule and you know that, yet those words come out of your mouth anyway. he huffs softly and takes a seat next to you, intertwining your hands into his.
“baby, please,” he whispers. “you know i would never stand you up on purpose. i lost my mind and got the days mixed up– please let me make it up to you.”
you shrug, avoiding eye contact. you want to stay mad, but the way he’s looking at you… the way he’s holding your hands… it’s making it impossible not to melt into a helpless puddle. “how?” you ask meekly.
he doesn’t say anything, letting go of your hands in favor of cupping your cheek and pulling you in. his soft lips meet yours and you practically forget why you’re angry to begin with. his tongue quickly finds its way into your mouth and your soft moan eases his nerves a bit. 
he pulls back, leaving you warm and fuzzy and a bit needy for more of him. he finally takes you in when his eyes open. you’re still in a pretty little outfit– presumably, one you’d picked out for your date– and it makes him groan a little bit. 
“you look so pretty, baby. you wore this all for me?”
you nod your head slowly. “i was really excited to show you…”
he frowns, “i know, i’m sorry… i’m so, so sorry,” he mumbles and you don’t say anymore, simply nodding your head at his apology. his lips are on yours again, rougher this time. it’s like he’s trying to prove just how sorry he is with every passing second. 
and when he breaks the kiss again, you whine. “gyu…”
“wanna take this off. can i?” he asks, referring to your dress and you just nod again. 
his hands find the hem, pulling it up and over your head, leaving you in your even prettier set. the black lace adorns your body and mingyu feels his pants tighten at the mere sight. 
he’s breathless when the pet name falls from his lips, “baby…”
he’s so glad you didn’t change, but he feels like such an idiot for fucking up this bad. he wishes he checked his phone earlier, he wishes he remembered your date was tonight, he wishes he could’ve taken you out in your gorgeous dress and brought you back home to see the even more gorgeous set underneath. 
but he’ll make up for it. he’ll spend all the time in the world doing so if he needs to.
he stands to his feet pulling his shorts off and revealing his aching cock. you bite your lip and slide down so your back and head are comfortably on the cushion of your couch, eyes trained on his huge length.
he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties, rolling them down your legs and leaving your now-wet cunt bare. 
“so beautiful… so fuckin’ beautiful angel, can… can i keep going?”
you whimper and wordlessly nod again, brain unable to give him a verbal response. he grunts, joining you back on the couch by getting in between your legs. 
“tell me when…” he whispers, aligning himself with your hole before pressing his fat cock into you. “fuck, so tight…”
the burning stretch of your walls opening to take him makes your head spin a bit. no matter how many times he fucks you, it always hurts.
at first, at least, because now he’s balls deep in your pulsing cunt and all you can feel is blinding pleasure. the burn and stretch have subsided and your brain has turned to complete and utter mush. 
you clench around him tightly and he has to ask, “are you good, baby?”
you dumbly nod– it’s all you can do– but mingyu can’t help but feel more anxiety fill his body. you’ve barely said any words to him and it makes him worry that you won’t forgive him. 
you moan when his cock leaves just for it to suddenly fill you back up with a single, sharp thrust. this is how it starts before he’s moving faster and faster. 
words still fail to leave your mouth, just cute gasps and clipped moans, but mingyu can’t seem to stop breathy apologies from leaving his own. “‘m sorry… you know that right, angel? ‘m so sorry.”
and your eyes just roll back, ignoring his apologies as you’re all consumed by his massive cock fucking in and out of you. mindless babbles escape your lips and it’s not till then does mingyu realize how brainless you’ve become. 
it makes his heart clench. you’ve never gotten like this for him before and he knows it’s a result of being left to your own devices for far too long. he knows he hasn’t been there for you, knows you haven’t been able to cum properly in god knows how long and it hurts him. it hurts him so fucking bad.
and, to be transparent, he’s missed you more than you know.
his hand finds your abdomen, pressing down so he can feel himself thrusting into you. in doing so, his thumb reaches your clit and this seems to bring some life to you. “gyu!” you cry. “feels s’good!”
he lets out an elated chuckle at the sound of your voice, “yeah? it feels good, angel?”
and it’s almost like you read his mind with your next words. “s-so good, m-missed you.” 
a guttural groan erupts in his throat and he starts to fuck you harder– to fuck you deeper– and the thumb on your clit moves quicker, effectively stimulating the swollen bud. “me too– fuck, missed you so much. missed fucking this pretty pussy so much, baby, you don’t even know.”
your face pinches together in pleasure and you clamp his dick harder at the affirmation. “i-i’m–” you let out a gaspy whine and mingyu knows exactly what it means.
“gonna cum?” he finishes your broken sentence. 
you nod eagerly, eyebrows knit together as you feel the formed knot in your tummy get tighter and tighter. “gyu–”
he shushes, thrusts growing erratic. his voice is hot and breathy and you can tell, just by the sound of it, he’s just as close as you are. “just cum for me, baby– need you to let go ‘n cum all over my cock. you can do it.” 
you cry, body going taut as you cream all over him, pussy trapping him between your pulsing, velvet walls. mindlessly, you babble out some words that he can barely make out, but the second he hears those three words– i love you, said in your cute, pitchy voice– his worries wash away. 
he’s overcome by love and the feeling of you gripping him for dear life and the only thing he can do is press his hips flush against yours and fill you up the way he knows you need. his cum paints your walls, fulfilling the craving you didn’t even know you had. 
“god,” he moans, panting out, cock still twitching between your spasming walls. “please forgive me, angel. i promise i’ll be better ‘n make more time for you”
part of your mind finds its way back to you after a few seconds and you can’t help but giggle at his words. “i forgave you after you kissed me, babe.”
he smiles, large hands caressing your body, “really?”
you hum, hazy eyes taking him in, “mmh, you’re really hard to be mad at, you know that, right?”
“good ‘cus i don’t like when you’re mad at me.”
“well, then don’t do stupid things.”
he whines, “baby, you know that’s impossible for me, stupidity is practically in my dna.”
you giggle at the joke. “i know… but… i won’t be so nice to you next time you decided to hang out with wonwoo instead of taking me out.”
“you can be as mean to me as you want, baby, but i swear, i’ll never stand you up ever again.”
“good.” you smile back at him. “now… maybe you can prove how sorry you are again? in my bed this time?”
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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cinnanmonn · 3 months
Pt.3 Yan! Farmer x Perv Reader
I literally forgot how to use Tumblr lmao
I don't feel like making NSFW so you get fluff
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Part 2 👆 Can some1 reteach me how to do the text that links you to a diff post I forgot how.
After all those events, You and Isagani spent more time with each other. Slowly, he began to become more comfortable around you.
It felt, peaceful. For the whole week you had left, you spent it pretty regularly. You and him became quite close and touchy too. What is your relationship with him anyways?
You act like lovers yet talk like aquaintances. (My phone is literally telling me it's spelled aqua instances like wtf)
But you were comfortable with that. Once your grandparents returned, it was already time for you to say goodbye. You had prepared beforehand to return home.
Isagani seemed extremely saddened by this. So you decided to keep contact and give him your number when you have a chance.
As you were checking all your stuff and making sure everything is there, Isagani knocks at your door.
Once you open it, he embraces you in a big tight hug. "Please don't go...." He says in a saddened tone. You hug him back, rubbing your face against his chest.
"Perfect timing. I'll give you my number so we can keep contact and meet sometime, m'kay?" You say as you pull away from him, reaching for his head and patting him.
It comforted him somehow, as he nuzzles your hand. It's like your going to war or something, the way he clings unto you.
He stares at you before mumbling.
"What are we....?" He says as he looks down flustered. You give him a smile.
At those words,his eyes brighten up and he gives you a thousandddd kisses. Your grandparents call for you because your ride is already there, so you quickly ask for his phone and type your digits.
You give him a little kiss on the cheek before leaving the farm.
Once you were on the ride, you decided to get some sleep for a while. 1 hour then passes once you wake up.
You check your phone for the time and see a text message from an anonymous number. It must be Isagani.
"Hey! I really really miss you. When can we meet again? It's me, ur fav farmer 😁"
Why does he type so cute? Everything is so cute about him. I love him.
"awww how sweet, but I think it's gonna be next Tuesday since my friends made plans..."
What? You'd pick your friends over him? Do you not love him?
"oh...that's ok....I need to work in the fields anyway :~("
Ahhh I feel so baddd. But I really hope he understands, after all my friends have been planning this since summer started.
"I promise I'll make it up to you !!!"
"how exactly??"
"hmm, I'll do what you want next time ?"
Oh. That'd be.....AMAZING. You'll do it? Really? No matter how dirty? Even if it hurts him? He's so in.
"okay! Deal <3"
"love u"
"I love you too."
That made you smile. It felt nice reminiscing all the moments you spent together. Even if it was just a mere 3 weeks, you were actually so glad this happened. He's just, so perfect. Body and mind.
I love him.
You slowly felt drowsy as you slept the whole ride. Once you had awoken, you were already at your destination. Now you just need to call a transportation to go back to your home.
You checked your phone again to find that Isagani sent a photo. Of him touching his nipples, squeezing them as milk cascades down his chest.
Woah, what a sight.
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If this gets 500 likes I will be making a delectable and refined part 5 just for you guys bc ik this 1 isn't the best lol
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yuquinzel · 1 year
[ 8:37 pm ] — miya atsumu.
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the clock reads 8:37 pm, exactly 14 seconds to 38 and atsumu is painfully aware of each long, dragging and excruciatingly endless second because it's been exactly 4 hours, 19 minutes and 12 seconds since you left on him read.
he's currently laid on his bed, in his dimly lit room where the only source of illumination is the faint fluorescent glow of his mobile screen.
he's frowning, brows furrowed at the dull ‘seen 4hrs ago’ in anticipation because at any second now he'll see the ‘typing...’ indication and he doesn't wanna be late to reply.
atsumu is a fast and an energetic texter. he sends you at least 14 cat videos with the “ur the third one” message immediately after each. or he sends you those ‘ask your friend which hour of the day you are’ followed by a “you. blue hour” hopefully awaiting your reply because he needs to know if you think he's the golden hour or not.
y/n 🛐: you're definitely the golden hour then lol
the better twin: damn. didn't expect that.
he actually did. hoped for it in fact. he thinks about it for the next week.
you're not the type to leave people on seen for more than 5 minutes. at least not him. you reply as quick as you can with the same energy as him and have a habit of liking his rather funny texts from time to time.
so he's more confused than upset right now, thinking of all possible reasons you could've read his messages but were unable to reply. he hasn't seen you since last friday when you told him about a week long road trip with your family. his frown only deepens when the clock hits 8:40 and there's no sign of a reply from you.
he's beginning to type a quick “are u good?” when his screen flashes with a call. your contact name. the phone rings in atsumu's hand but his fingers are frozen.
you're calling him.
you don't like phone calls.
atsumu clears his throat because he doesn't want you to hear him squeal with excitement, but he's giggling and kicking his feet, running a hand over his heart and rubbing his eyes to make sure it really is you. he lets the phone ring for a mere seconds before picking it up, “oh hey” he hopes it's as casual as he thinks.
the moment he hears you speak from the other side, atsumu knows he has lost, “ATSUMU! I'm so sorry for leaving you on read. i was in the car and battery fucking died before i could reply and i lost my charger!” you're chasing after your own words, each cut by the next one.
“oh, nah that's fine. so ya found yer charger?” he groans internally at his words, but truthfully he doesn't know what to say.
of course you didn't willingly leave him on read. of course you're calling him now because you don't want him to think otherwise. of course your words are rushed, you've always been that way.
“oh, right yeah. i got home and charged it as soon as I could” you laugh with a newfound sense of relief.
atsumu blinks, “yer home already? weren'tcha coming this sunday??” he asks.
“ohh, no, we decided to come back earlier”
and the voice call ends, leaving you confused.
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it's 9:29 pm and there's a knocking at your door, hastened and impatient, the way you know someone always knocks.
“’tsumu? wait, why are you here at this hour?” you ask, wide eyes set on the setter in front of you panting like he ran a marathon.
“ya said you were back and ya must be tired so i gotcha ice cream—” he breathes out, gesturing to the bag in his hand, “—gee, coulda told me you were comin’ back today, when'd ya get here anyway? how was the trip? did ya take pictures?—”
“atsumu” you say softly, and he pauses, “breathe ”
atsumu lives about 45 minutes away, 15 if he takes the car but as he's panting right now, you know he's ran all the way here. and if he stopped by the convenience store down the street and still get here in time, you're sure he needs at least a minute to breathe.
he smiles one of his boyish, princely smiles, “also got that movie ya wanted ta watch”
“i thought you'd have watched it already?”
“wanted ta watch it with you” he's giggling with excitement you know he's trying to hide.
“okay” you laugh, grabbing his hand to pull him inside.
“okay” he repeats.
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© yuquinzel2023 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
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princesachicana · 1 year
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 pt.2
a/n: it's finally here!! how long has it been?! first things first i want to say thank you to everyone who's been rooting for this fic!! I honestly hit a huge writers block and had no motivation to write!! but all the sweet messages from people saying they enjoyed my work has made me so happy!!! SO ONCE AGAIN THANK U AND I HOPE U ENJOY!! I tried my EXTRA HARDEST SO I HOPE THIS GIVES U THE CLOSURE YALL WANTED I LOVE YOU SM! ALSO THIS IS NOT PROOF READ SO PLEASE EXCUSE ANY MISTAKES!! I JUST WANTED TO FINALLY POST FOR U GUYS!!
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It took a lot out of you not to stay in bed the next morning. The softness of your bed wrapped around your body gives you some sort of comfort. But of course, staying in bed would only make you feel worse. At least if you got up it would be easier to fake happiness. To no surprise, your phone was flooded with missed calls and texts from both Steven and Belly. Of course, you only responded to belly telling her that you'll explain your reasoning for ditching your "date" with Steven later.
Why did Steven even bother leaving you so many texts last night? If you were such a bother to him? Annoying. That's what he thinks you are. And what if you never heard those disgusting things he said about you? and went on the date with him? Would he just continue to lead you on?
Steven: waiting for you by the pool.
Steven: ur late
Steven: u look pretty even though i can't even see you. pls im starving
Steven: is belly holding you hostage?
Steven: it's been 18 minutes cmon.
Steven: the guys are going to laugh at me for being stood up I'm getting nervous.
Steven: did something happen are you okay?
Steven: belly is worried as well lmk.
You laughed at the messages blinking back angry tears that threatened to fall. Gosh! he was so fake. You could only imagine how relieved he must have been to not hang out with you.
Belly: have funnnn
Belly: no funny business!!
Belly: wait where did you go?!
Belly: Steven keeps pacing back and forth waiting for u
Belly: what’s going on?
Belly: just let us know ur okay
Belly: y/n ??!?!??
Y/n: hey, something came up last night sorry I had you worried. can u come over?
Belly arrived 20 minutes later. You spent the time together watching reruns of your favorite Disney show. “Do you want to talk about it?” Belly asked after a while, noticing something was bothering you.
“I overheard the guys talking about me last night.” You fiddled with the throw blanket that was on your lap. “At first it was just them teasing Steven about our date or whatever.” You took a deep breath upset that you felt like crying. “But Steven only agreed to hang out with me…” You paused blinking back tears. Belly moved closer immediately pulling you into a hug. “He only agreed to hang out with me…so I could stop annoying him! I honestly don’t know what I did wrong?” You pulled away from belly’s arms wiping your tears that had fallen.
“Maybe I was too forward? but I just wanted to see if he felt the same way…it was dumb.” You shrugged. Belly shook her head “Nope my brother is a fucking idiot!” she stood up taking your hand in hers and pulling you up. “I won’t let you mope around all day because of him!” You sighed “I don’t even have a choice do I?” Belly laughed shaking her head. “What do you say we go to the boardwalk? Taylor’s coming in today too” she smirked.
“And maybe someone would be happy to see you I don’t know” she whispered with a grin. “What are you talking about?” You questioned. “Well you know Xavier..the one that works the lemonade stand?” You nodded your head yes. “Well, he totally has the hots for you.” You cringed at her word choice. “He does not!” You laughed. “Oh, he does! you were too busy ogling my brother last summer you didn’t notice him ogling you.” she poked your side teasingly.
“Now let’s go!”
“Stay still before I poke your eye out” Taylor groans finishing up your eyeliner. You were now at the Fisher’s beach house getting ready to go down to the boardwalk. You laugh pulling away “I think that’s enough…if you make my eyeliner any thicker I’d cry!” Taylor playfully pushes your head away. “Sorryyyyy i want to make Xavier fall to his knees when he sees you!” You frown when she brings that name up. Sure, Xavier was a nice guy…and he was cute…but he wasn’t Steven.
You’d always imagined Steven being your first everything. First kiss, first date, first time. It was something you’d dreamt of all this time.
“Yeah…im going to get a snack before we head out do y’all want anything?” You ask heading towards the door. Both girls gave you a sympathetic smile shaking their heads no.
As you reached the kitchen you stopped in your tracks. Steven turned from looking into the fridge. You made eye contact for about 5 seconds before you beelined for the cabinets. “Hey,” Steven broke the silence as you pulled out a granola bar. You felt the warmth of his stare and turned finding him now leaning against the counter. “Hey…” you whispered looking anywhere but his face. “So you gonna tell me what happened last night?” Steven crossed his arms around his chest.
“Just didn’t feel up for it anymore ..” You shrugged nonchalantly. “That’s it?” Steven scoffed. “Yeah…that’s it” you whispered about to walk away. “What’s going on? I’m like so confused right now.” Steven gently gripped your arm. “Nothing just forget it…it’s not like you wanted to go anyways.” you rolled your eyes. “And what makes you think that?” He muttered eyes scouring your face for the truth. “Um, I don’t know let’s see …you quite literally ignored me this entire week!” You responded sarcastically.
“I didn’t mean to. I had a lot of shit on my mind alright?” Steven uttered softly. It almost felt genuine. The words he spoke just last night almost became liquid. “Yeah like what?” You whispered eventually looking into his eyes. “You can tell me..” You spoke gently stepping into him closer. No matter how much he’s hurt you. Steven would always make you melt. “Nothing let’s just forget about it…he pulled away opening up the fridge once again.”
It was like a switch was flipped. How he went right back to that cold shoulder he had been giving you all week. “You're a fucking asshole” You spewed, already ready to walk out of the kitchen. “Where are you going?” He abruptly spoke again. “The boardwalk…you know? so I won’t annoy you here.” With that, you left a confused and remorseful Steven behind.
“Hey, look y/n why don’t you go get a lemonade?” Belly suggested with an eyebrow raise. Shit. you were hoping they forgot about that. “Guys I don’t feel up for this..” You pouted looking between both Taylor and Belly. “Noooo go talk to him! you look hot as fuck.” Taylor gently grabbed your face giving you a mini pep talk.
“What if Xavier wants to hang out..I cant just ditch you guys?!?” You were stalling and they knew it. “We’ll be here waiting for you” Belly smiled. “Just try to have fun alright? But hey if you don’t really want to do it …we’ll back off” She narrowed her eyes at Taylor. “No…I’ll go” You laughed giving both of them a hug “Thank you guys.i really appreciate this.” You’d definitely still be moping around in your room about Steven if it wasn’t for Belly and Taylor. They both wished you luck as you headed straight for the lemonade stand.
As soon as he spotted you. The biggest smile spread across his face. “y/n? damn, it’s been so long” Xavier greeted you with a hug. “It’s only been a year!” You playfully ruffled his curly hair that sat atop his head. “That’s way too long…I enjoy seeing pretty girls year-round.” He spoke smoothly, he definitely knew how to talk to girls. “Shut up” You laughed pushing him away with not that much force.
“I have an hour lunch break…you up for arcade games?”
“So…you seeing anyone?” Xavier asked as he ate a scoop of his mint chocolate chip ice cream. You thought about it for a moment. Technically no you weren’t seeing anyone. But you knew you were still hung up on Steven. A day at the boardwalk with Xavier wouldn’t change that. “It’s complicated…I guess” Xavier sighed “I've been there…it’s rough” You nodded you were curious as to what he meant but you didn’t want to be nosey.
“Hey, look they have street fighter..” Xavier smirked. “Want to go a couple of rounds?” You nodded immediately pulling him towards the game. “Mhhm loser buys the winner a funnel cake!” You suggested with a chuckle. “Ouuu im so down y/n” Xavier squeezed your hand that held his quickly striding towards the arcade game.
Just two more steps, Just two more steps and you’d be fine. The rowdy yelling completely threw you off. You stopped in place looking behind you where the voices were coming from. You had no time to move out of the way, no time to prevent this from happening.No time to stop the trio of boys that you knew all too well. Suddenly a body collided with Xavier, the force immediately making your intertwined hands lose. “Dude, what the fuck?” Xavier groaned. It was then that you snapped back into reality. Eyes wide when you noticed Xavier’s ice cream now all over his shirt.
“What’s up? how are we doing?” That voice full of humor made you scoff. Steven stood tall a smile on his face. You hated that it kind of made your heart flutter. “Steven, what is your problem?” You gestured towards Xavier’s now ice cream stained shirt. “He’ll be fine y/n it’ll wash out.” Steven laughed, but once he noticed you didn’t find this funny at all he frowned. “I’m sorry man, I just came over to say what’s up..” You ignored Steven’s apology not believing he meant it. “Hey want me to help you get cleaned up?” You asked Xavier voice full of concern.
“No.I got it…I’ll see y’all later.” Xavier spoke nonchalantly as he walked away. When he was out of eyesight you brushed past steven heading out the door.
“Y/n” Steven immediately followed behind you. His long legs make it easier for him to catch up with you. “You embarrassed me” You stopped outside the arcade, letting him pull you to the side. “Embarrassed? sorry to interrupt your little date” Steven scoffed. “It's not a date we were just hanging out, why do you care?” You groaned running your hands down your face. “Maybe because just yesterday you were supposed to hang out with me?” Steven spoke definitively.
“Oh my god, just earlier you agreed to forget about it,” you said with an eye roll. “It was dumb, stop acting like you care just go home Steven I did you a favor.” He shook his head “What are you talking about right now?” Steven pulled you in closer, one of his hands placed on your waist. The other coming to the side of your face, willing you to look at him.
“I heard you.i heard everything,” you spoke up voice hoarse. Steven’s heart carried pain at the tears that stood brimming in your eyes. The realization was clear when he made the connection. “And you know..who cares what Jeremiah and Conrad think! what hurt the most was you.” You shrieked. You hated that you were crying in front of him. You hated that when he hauled you against his chest you felt secure.
“I'm sorry baby... I'm sorry” Steven sounded voice vulnerable. Leaving kisses atop your head. “Why would you say that?” you sobbed breaking down in front of the boy who caused it. “I didn't mean any of it” Steven brought your face between his hands once again. “But you said it..it still fucking hurts Steven.”
You wiped your face getting prepared to pull away and walk back home.
“Wait, please let me talk to you.” Steven begged. “okay” you replied being prepared to cry all over again. “My head has been all fucked up..and that isn't an excuse I know” Steven looked down as if he couldn't construct the next words. “Please don't shut me out.” you pleaded gently. “I want you...i have all this time.” Steve confessed for the first time.
“—And I didn't want to fuck anything up we've..been so close all our lives if I ever messed that up I would never forgive myself.” It's as if you were dreaming, the boy you loved stood in front of you disclosing his feelings for you. “And what? this whole week of you acting cold towards me, were you trying to avoid your feelings?” Steven bobbed his head “Yes, if I lied to myself it would make lying to everyone else easier because the fucking truth is I want you so bad” You didn't tell him but at that moment you forgave him.
“And you called me the annoying one?” You giggled pushing on his chest gently. “Right now we could have been making out on the beach….but noo you had to be a brooding boy” Steven tickled your side, causing you to squirm in his arms. “Yeah, my fault can I kiss you now? been practically wanting to my whole life.” Steven threw his head back fake pouting setting one hand over his chest. You figured you'd throw his words right back at him. “You're so desperately desperate”
Steven smirked “Yeah for you? I am” Those words welcomed a whole lot of beautiful feelings. At that moment is when Steven bent down bringing his lips down onto your own. As your lips moved together, butterflies erupted in your belly. You smiled against his lips when you both needed a breath. “Hey, by the way, your not off the hook.. I'm still sort of pissed at you.” You declared pointing a finger into his chest.
“Yeah, I figured” He laughed wrapping his arms even tighter around you. “How about I make it up to you this whole week? I'm taking you out on dates…ill even get on my knees if I have to. I'm going to follow you around like a puppy.” Steven rambled on. You laughed out loud covering your mouth with your hands. “Oh, it's funny?” Steven raised an eyebrow suggestively. “Yeah, you're such a loser.” You joked.
Before Steven could respond you tugged him into another kiss. Perhaps everything wasn't one hundred percent fixed. But you and Steven were finally here together. You and Steven were finally in each other's arms that's all that mattered. You’d figure out the rest together.
tags 🤍: @gillybear17 @snowsharkk @tesssastle @conradsupporterr @alyssa-cabrera @eranthisphiny @xoxoloverb @lostaurorax @lanisdreams @alexzluvz @lalaland-notfound @liltimmyst @unsaidjaelineose @buckys2thicc @lilygreennn @t8lzw @medusaslilsister @1-800-stilinski @yazmi710 @j-brielmalfoy @ashcannotwrite @colbysbrocks @exonct07 @multilover19 @mimisparkle12
@littlefreaksatellite @vintagebitc @lexi-2004 @melllinaa @xcallmetaniax @brizzlessizzler @haroldpotterson @livinginaglasspalace @delicatekidpeanut @queenanababy
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kafka-ish · 30 days
part 1
Patrick asks Art if he got the stuff and how much to which Art replies: yea just an 8th tho and Patrick replies Dude wtf
No dude. You never told me your dealer was hot!!!
Don’t bother. Asked if she’d trade head for half. Wouldn’t budge. Strict business or whatever.
Two seconds later: Still. I’d tap that.
Art decides against telling him about the sample he got. Sticks the joint you rolled in his desk drawer. Does weed have an expiration date? he wonders. He drops by Patrick’s who asks how the deal went. If you gave him a discount for it being his first time and all.
“How much’d she charge?” Patrick wonders aloud, comparing prices in his head, secretly hoping his friend got ripped off.
It takes Art awhile to settle on a number. He still doesn’t know the price of weed. “Like fifty?”
“For an eighth?” Patrick laughs at this like okay this chick is insane and Art realizes he said the wrong thing.
“She said it was the good stuff.” Art shrugs, trying to play it off.
“Whatever man, but you need to learn how to negotiate… So we gonna smoke this shit or what?”
Art begins to make appearances more frequently. But he has to be calculated with how he goes about this. Doesn’t want to seem desperate, hooked on fucking weed. How pathetic. He has to pace himself. At first his visits are periodic. Comes by a few times a month for his regular pick up. But he can’t get enough. Sporadic turns into every other week and every other week turns into Friday nights after his games or if not a tournament, practice. He’s at your door with takeout in hand. Something different every time; he keeps you on your feet and you like the surprise. Tacos, Thai, Lo Mien. Indian when he wins his matches.
You don’t smoke with him at first when he asks, though; you have a rule about smoking up with clients.
“Oh,” he says, feeling defeated. Disappointed that’s how you think of him.
“You still want that eighth?” you ask.
“Um, no. Actually I think I’m gonna go.”
“Art,” you say and the sound of your voice calling his name has him frozen in place. His hand is still on the knob for a moment before it drops, falls by his side. He wipes it on his pants, a habit he has. "Don't do this."
"What? Change my mind?"
"You're not trying to peer pressure me, are you?" You wonder if Art's being serious right now. If he's using your methodology of paying tuition and groceries against you. It's your turn to freeze.
"Fine then. Leave. But just so you know I wasn't the one hitting up strangers for weed." You're calm when you say this, only making it harder for Art to reach for the door once more.
Of course, he comes crawling back. Ends up blowing up your phone.
Art: Hey
Art: I'm sorry for what i said the other day. I wasn't thinking. Obviously. It just hurt when u called me a customer. Which i guess i technically am. I dont kno.
Art: I think ur really cool
Art: I guess i just wanted to smoke with someone other than patrick
Art: Did i mention i think ur really cool
You roll your eyes at the thread of messages, how they still come in and your phone can't stop vibrating; you're not finished reading but it keeps pinging. Still, you're smiling. Can't help but read his texts over and over again before responding and you feel a heat on your cheeks when you haven't even lit up.
You text him the same thing when he always texts you after one of his games: My place 9?
"You think I'm cool, huh?" You nudge Art, sitting next to you on the couch. His legs are crossed, facing yours.
Art blushes at the question, the pressure you put him under. Finally musters up the courage to say, “yeah. Really cool.” Then leans in, does that thing that guys do where they grab your jaw, almost caresses it, then brings you in to kiss your lips. It’s soft. Gentle. Thinks he might hurt you if he’s not careful. And he doesn’t linger long but you can taste his chapstick. Mint. You miss him already when his lips leave yours and your tongue sweeps over where flesh once was, itching for another taste.
He sees this. Locks his lips on yours again. Instinct. It's just as quick and sweet as the first one. You feel him grin when his mouth meshes with yours and the sensation of his smile pressing into your cheeks gets you all giddy-like.
“So does that mean you’ll smoke with me?” His smile doesn’t leave when you pull away. And you see his eyebrows are raised while his eyes are blue and bright. A dash of hope shimmers in them and you can see your reflection in them.
“Yeah,” you say, hushed, almost a whisper as if you can’t bring yourself to say it out loud. You’re breaking your rules for him, is what Art’s thinking. And you tell yourself it’s just a one time exception but when he comes over next Friday you find yourself rolling a joint and passing it to him in between kisses.
And now it’s your routine.
He doesn’t need to text you asking for an eighth and you don’t need to tell him what time and place. He just shows up after practice. Of course, you expect him.
“I hope I didn’t get you addicted.”
“Nah.” Art’s lean frame is already hanging on the doorway and he doesn’t come inside immediately when you welcome him in. Instead, he takes you in his arms. They feel stronger each time. Plants a big wet kiss on your lips. And he is addicted. Just not what you think.
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futfemfantasies · 1 year
“You are very welcome to do so” \\ vivianne miedema x reader
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Prompt #26
“I could kiss you right now” “You’re very welcome to do so”
You board the team bus with your headphones on, not wanting to break your focus. Only for that focus to be broken when your favourite Dutch player sits next to you with that toothless smile you’ve grown to love on her face. Viv grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers together, helping calm your nerves you thought you are hiding well. You exhale and sit back into the seat, somewhat relaxing. You go on your phone for a moment when you receive a text in your group chat with your national teammates and best friends Steph and Caitlin.
Calvin’s mum 🐶: I see you over there getting cozy with Vivvy 👀
You: idk what ur talking about…
Foord mustang 🚗: don’t act like there’s nothing going on between you too 😳
You: she’s helping to calm my nerves, that’s all
Calvin’s mum 🐶: what ever floats your boat y/n/n…
You turn around to the two Aussies sitting together and they make kissy faces at you and you roll your eyes. Viv asks you if everything is okay and you tell her that Steph and Caitlin are just being annoying. About 40 minutes later, the bus pulls up to the airport and you all get ready to jet of to France for the last semi final. You sit down in your designated sit on the plane and start getting your book and earphones out when you feel someone sit next to you. You look up and see that it’s once again Viv.
“You just can’t seem get away from me, can you?”
“Maybe I want to be here”
That made you blush slight as Viv got out her things before putting her bag in the overhead compartment. Doing so, it causes her shirt to rise up slightly and you catch a glimpse of the strikers abs. Your cheeks redden as you bury your head in your book as Viv sits down and buckles in.
“Like what you see?” She whispers in your ear and you don’t say anything, just smile slightly.
You feel the plane start to go and you grip the arm rests so tightly, your knuckles begin to turn white. Your eyes close as you feel the plane getting faster and as you start to ascend, you feel a hand intertwine with yours. Viv gives your hand a squeeze and looks at you with that smile you’ve grown to love. You thought Viv would let go of your hand but she didn’t and you are perfectly okay with that. As the plane started to descend, Viv squeezed you’re hand again to help calm your nerves.
The team starts to leave the plane and make their way to the baggage claim area where Viv doesn’t leave your side. As you all wait for the bags, Viv decides to make a bold move and rests her head on your shoulders while her arms are loosely around your waist. You just know your group chat with Steph and Caitlin are going to be bombarded with messages. You see your bag come and Viv lets you go and gets your bag for you. She ends up getting hers as well and wheels them back over to you. You thank her and wait for the rest of the team to get their bags. You sit on your suitcase and pull out your phone to see, as expected, a bunch of messages from Steph and Caitlin.
Foord mustang 🚗: i call bullshit that there’s nothing going on with you two…
Calvin’s mum 🐶: i second that 🙋‍♀️
You: no further comments at this time 🤫
You feel a presence in front of you and see the Dutch beauty. You look up to see her hold your hand out for you. You take it and stand up before getting your bag. You all arrive at the hotel and Jonas tells everyone who their roommate is. To no one’s surprise, you and Viv are roomed together. As you both got into the room, you see one big bed in the middle of the room and you immediately panic.
“We can share right? It’s only for two nights, I’m sure we can manage” Viv says and you nod.
You lie down on one side of the bed and close your eyes at the coldness of the pillow. You feel the bed move and you peak open one eye to see Viv lying next to you, looking at you.
“What are you looking at creeper?”
“Just you” Viv tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear before flicking your eyes and lips. You begin to lean in and just as your lips are millimetres from each other when you both hear multiple bangs on your door.
“Oi lovebirds, we’re going out for a team dinner. Hurry up” You hear the lovely voice of Katie McCabe beam through the door. You yell back that you’re coming and Viv mumbles something you can’t quite hear.
After a spending the hour at dinner giving each other subtle glances and playing footises under the table, you two go back to the room not saying a word and get ready for the next day.
You wake up the next morning with a tight arm around your waist. You slowly unravel yourself and go have a shower before breakfast. Viv wakes up as she hears the bathroom door close and she pouts slightly. She quickly gets herself changed and goes to the balcony, checking her messages. Just as she’s about to reply to Leah, Viv feel hands sneak around her waist.
“Hey stranger, what are you doing out here? It’s chilly”
“Just thinking” Viv replies with a half smile on her face.
“Alright, we’re ditching the girls and going out for breakfast together this morning and you can talk to me about whatever’s going on in that pretty little head of yours okay?” Viv nods and you leave a lasting kiss on her forehead, making Viv swoon on the inside.
After a flirtatious breakfast, you two quickly head back to the hotel to get ready for the game. As usual, you two sit on the bus together and you hold Viv’s hand close to you. She turns to you a gives you a look and you shake your head before leaning it on her shoulder. Viv ends up pulling you close into her and leaves a long kiss on your forehead. Steph and Caitlin see this and decide not to tease you because it looks like something is wrong.
You get to the stadium and Viv stays by your side the entire time. You slip your earphones in and let the world of music take you away. As the team goes to look at the field, you stay behind and when Viv gets no response to the question she asked you, thinking you are next to her, she looked around her and noticed you weren’t there. She asked a few of the girls if they’ve seen you and Katie tells Viv that you stayed back in the locker room. Viv instantly runs back to the room and all the girls gossip about how hopeless you too are.
Viv runs into the locker room, catching herself as she slides around the corner and sees you sitting in your cubby with your knees up to your chest. Viv sits beside you and pulls you on her lap.
“What’s going on? You haven’t been yourself since breakfast”
“I’m just scared. What if I mess it up for everyone? Everyone will hate me” You just broke down in tears and at the same time Viv’s heart was breaking a little bit more. She heard footsteps come around the corner and she quickly shooed them all away so you two could still have alone time.
“You won’t mess it up and you know why? Because you’re you Y/N. No one will hate you if we lose, it’s a team sport. We’re all in this together”
“Thanks Vivvy. How are you not freaking out right now?”
“Because I know I’ve got you up front with me” You sit up slightly and wipe your tears.
“You are going to do so well Y/N/N, I just know it” Viv leaves a long kiss on your forehead and you move off of her lap. You start to do your pre-game traditions when the rest of the girls came in. Thankfully, none of them asked why your face is red but Caitlin and Steph did give you a look and you just nod your head.
Fast forward to the game and you are currently tied at one all and there’s 3 minutes left in extra time. You move around the Lyon back line as you try to find a an open spot and when you do, Lia passes you the ball. You weave through the defenders and sprint with the ball towards goal and when you’re close enough, shoot it to the top bin. You hear the swoosh of the net and the crowd going wild, that’s when you knew it went in. You run to your teammates who dog pile you before getting up quickly. Viv was the last person to congratulate you and she gives you a kiss on your temple. You and the rest of the Arsenal girls manage to hold off Lyon for the extra minutes and you heard the refs whistle, meaning you are through to the Champions League final. You sink on your knees and cry in your hands. You feel two hands hold your wrists and slowly peel your hands off of your face. You look and see Viv with a big smile on her face. She holds your cheeks in her hands and continues to smile wide.
“I could kiss you right now” Viv whispers.
“You are very welcome to do so”
Viv leans forward and gently puts her lips on yours. Fans all around the stadium cheering causes you two to seperate. What you don’t notice is Caitlin and Steph watching on in pride, thankful that you’ve found your person.
After the teams get back to the locker room and shower, you all go back to the bus and to no ones surprise, you and Viv sit together up the back. You lean on Viv and she pulls you into her as your eyes attempt to stay awake. Viv whispers to you to go to sleep as the bus ride will take a little while.
The next time your eyes open is when you feel someone pick you up. Viv whispers that we’re back at the hotel and we’re going up to the room. You nod and fall back to sleep until you feel something comfy underneath you. You groan before opening your eyes and notice Viv not in bed with you. You start making grabby hands and Viv caves and crawls into bed. She wraps her arms around you and your whole body relaxes.
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nicksnosering · 9 months
I Hate Myself For Loving You
~Toxic Chris Sturniolo One Shot~
TW: toxic! chris, marijuana, no aftercare, chris is a dick
This is my first story I've ever posted on tumblr, so pls be nice!
me: hey, you coming over tonight?
read at 9:06pm
It’s been 4 hours since I sent that text, and almost 2 since it was marked as ‘read’. I bit my lip, sighing as the internal debate on whether I should double text or not was practically eating me alive. Grabbing my phone that I’d been trying too hard to ignore off of my nightstand, I swiped it open and decided fuck it.
me: christopher. stop ignoring me.
The response came through almost immediately.
I rolled my eyes, pushing aside my pride as I sent my next message.
me: just come over.
DO NOT ANSWER: i’m busy.
me: doing what, fucking ur other bitches?
DO NOT ANSWER: yeppppp
me: ok 👌🏼
I groan out of frustration, throwing my phone back onto my nightstand. God, he’s infuriating. We’ve been fucking for close to five months now, and every time it seemed like there was any sort of breakthrough, like maybe he actually liked me or cared about me, we went right back to where we started. I press play on the remote, but my mind is spinning far too fast for me to actually focus on the TV.
I’m done. I can’t do this anymore. If he’s going to treat me like an option instead of a priority, he can go fuck himself. I grab my phone off of my nightstand again, hovering over his name before shaking my head and pressing ‘Block Contact’. Just like that, five months down the drain. 
I ignore the aching feeling in my chest, like I’m about to be ripped open from the inside, snuggling further in my sheets and letting the warmth envelop me before slowly drifting off to sleep.
The peacefulness of being unconscious didn’t last long. 
I woke to the sound of my front door being pounded on so hard, the hinges sounded like they were about to fly off. I turn and check the time on my phone blearily, the screen reading 2:13am. I pull the covers off and pad over to the door, rubbing my eye as I unlock it. The door immediately opens, and I look up to find Chris staring at me, eyes slightly red and hair messy. His jaw is clenched and his eyes are narrowed, briefly looking me up and down before brushing past me and walking straight into my living room.
“Get out, Chris,” I say tiredly, vaguely gesturing toward the open door I’m still holding.
“Nah, I’m good,” he responds, falling back onto my couch and kicking his feet up, resting them on the coffee table. His hands go into his hoodie pocket, and I watch as he pulls out a preroll and a lighter.
“I’m serious. Get the fuck out,” I say, slightly more aggressively, ignoring the way my heart squeezes in my chest. I watch as he flicks the lighter and the end of the preroll turns a bright red. He takes a hit, inhaling deeply and looking back up at me.
“So am I,” he breathes out. “You’re not going to block me and expect me not to fucking show up expecting an explanation.”
I shut the door and sit down next to him on the couch, turning to him. His hand immediately goes to wrap around my waist, and I hate myself for the way I want to curl into it. Even with me being as mad as I am, he still looks insanely hot, his sleepy eyes tracing over my figure in my pajamas. He knows I love when he wears that stupid fucking black hoodie. 
I push his hand off of me, scooting a little further away and wrapping my arms around myself.
“You’re such a dick, you know that?” I ask. 
He smirks, throwing an arm around the back of the couch before shrugging. “You love it.”
“No, I fucking don’t,” I growl, watching as he takes another hit. “And open a window or something, Jesus.” He knows how much I hate it when he smokes in my apartment. The smell lingers for a few days and all it does is remind me of him, of how much I can’t stand myself when he leaves after letting him in, again and again.
He leans forward, placing his hand on my thigh and rubbing it softly before blowing the smoke directly in my face. I stare at him, unimpressed, and he chuckles. “Come on, ma. Don’t be upset. I’m here now, aren’t I?”
“Do you really expect me to forgive you for being an asshole just because you’re here now? At 2 in the fucking morning?” I glare at him. Goosebumps emerge on my thigh as his fingers continue to rub small circles into it, and I shiver.
His lips curl upwards as he takes another hit. “Your body sure seems to,” he says cockily, putting out the preroll and wrapping his arms around my waist. My body does betray me this time, and I lean into him as his fingers trace my hipbone. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you tonight,” he whispers lowly.
“Yeah, I’m sure I was the first thing on your mind when you were balls deep in another girl,” I huff. 
He laughs. “Okay, she was first. But you were second.” His hand comes up to my jaw, cupping it softly and forcing me to look at him. “Stop acting like you hate me. We both know how this night is going to end,” he says, leaning in and capturing my lips with his own.
I whine as I try to pull back, but his hand on my jaw stays firm, holding my mouth against his. His other hand slowly slides up my thigh until he finds the waistband of my thong, and his finger hooks underneath before letting it go, resulting in it slapping harshly against my hip. I yelp and pull back, and he chuckles as his fingers rub the red mark softly.
“God, you know how hard it gets me when your cheeks are all flushed like that,” he mumbles, dipping his head down and beginning to suck on the skin directly above my collar bone. I let a small moan slip, and grit my teeth at how little willpower I have when it comes to this man.
“Chris, stop,” I whisper, but it sounds too breathy for my own liking. He pulls off of my neck, admiring the mark his teeth made briefly, before looking back into my eyes.
“You don’t mean that,” he says, grabbing my hips to pull me onto his waist. My thighs rest on either side of his and he grinds up into me, his hard erection rubbing against me through my paper-thin pajama shorts. I groan, letting my head fall onto his shoulder, and his fingers dig in, grinding me against him roughly. A small whimper leaves my mouth, slicing through the silence in the room. I wince, stilling my hips, trying to regain the last semblance of composure I have. 
My heart squeezes in my chest as I look down at him beneath me, my brain flooding with every toxic memory of us together. The time he kicked me out of his car, leaving me stranded on the side of the road after an intense screaming match. The time he called me a fucking bitch in front of his friends, laughing in my face. The time he swore he didn’t go and fuck that girl I hated in my biology class, promising he wouldn’t do that to me. 
That one hurt the most, considering I had to find out from my own sister 2 grades below me. 
But with the bad came the good, such as the mind-blowing orgasms and the way his mouth fit against mine and the way his fingers fit into me just right, crooking and teasing and pumping exactly the way he knew I liked. Like he knew my body better than I did. 
With my jaw set, I place my hands on his chest, steam practically blowing from my nostrils. I hated myself for this, and he knew that, and I knew he knew that. Any attempts I have at stopping this now are futile. My body needs him. 
“Fuck you,” I breathe heavily, rolling my hips against his. My mouth trails to his jaw, his neck, down his chest, and a low moan escapes him as his fingers find their way to the waistband of my shorts, slipping down the front and past my thong to gently rub at my entrance, before plunging two fingers deep inside without any warning. My hips jolt forward, meeting his fingers where they connect to his hand before he starts curling them inward, and… my last shred of self control has completely dissipated. 
I feel his chest rumble with laughter as a few small moans leave my lips. “If you insist,” he whispers, thumb finding my clit and giving it a few lazy circles. My head falls forward onto his chest and I can’t stop myself from biting into his shoulder to quiet my moans.
His other hand tangles its way into my hair, yanking my head back and forcing our gazes to lock.
“You can cum if you want to, but you know I’m getting inside that cunt one way or another.” His thumb speeds up across my clit and I can feel my body shaking, getting close to plummeting over the edge.
My eyes flutter shut, and I’m quickly rewarded with another sharp tug on my scalp. “Look at me,” he commands. And when my eyes meet his, I feel the waves washing over me, convulsing as he speeds up his fingers, mercilessly working me through my orgasm. 
I slump forward into his chest, and he pulls his fingers out quickly, leaving me empty in more ways than one. He wraps his arms around my waist and stands up, carrying me to my bedroom and tossing me onto the bed carelessly.
He pulls his hoodie over his head, tossing it into the corner of my room, and strides back over to the edge of the bed. His stature towers over me, and my mind is swimming with a thousand thoughts, not a single one of them protesting this any longer.
I’ve accepted what this is.
More than that, I’ve given up.
I’m irrevocably in love with him, regardless of his feelings toward me, and I can’t bring myself to care about the hurt it’ll bring. The hurt it has brought. All I can think about in this moment is getting him inside of me, and I try to disregard the niggling feelings in the back of my mind about how I’ll feel after.
There is no after. There’s only now.
My hand shakes slightly with anticipation as I reach up, tugging at his belt buckle and popping it open. I slide his pants and boxers down in one motion, and my legs spread on their own accord as he leans over me, lining himself up.
“I love you.”
It’s nothing I haven’t said before, but each time I do, I hope for a different outcome. Something other than the eye roll he always gives me, huffing and silencing me with a palm over my lips. Each time, I hope the sting is lessened, that he cracks and shows me the soft side of him I know has to be in there.
And if that’s the definition of insanity, then I should’ve been locked up months ago.
He scoffs, pushing inside of me to the hilt in one quick thrust. “I know,” he responds, hand coming up to wrap around my throat and prevent any further confessions from coming out. 
My moans are unstoppable as he pounds into me with brutal thrust after thrust, only caring about working towards his own orgasm. I thrust back against him, rolling my hips to meet his each time he’s fully inside, thinking that maybe… maybe if I’m good, maybe if I’m better than that other bitch he fucked tonight, he won’t run off like he always does.
Maybe he’ll want a round two. Maybe he’ll stick around for another joint. Maybe he’ll cuddle me after.
Maybe he’ll stay.
I push the thoughts aside, trying instead to focus on the intense amount of pleasure coursing through my veins and lighting up every nerve ending in my body. 
His chain rocks back and forth, slapping his chest in time with his thrusts, and I watch as his tongue darts out to lick away a stray bead of sweat trailing down his face.
His grunts are filling the room, mixing with my own to create a beautiful melody I want to record and play on a loop forever. His curls are falling in his eyes and his stomach tenses with each snap forward of his hips, and he consumes all of my senses as my body shakes and writhes beneath him, pleading for him to slow down and begging for more in the same breath.
I whine when he pulls out to just the tip, and his eyes stay glued to mine as he slams back in, causing me to let out a loud gasp. A smirk settles on his lips as he repeats his actions, and I feel my body coming completely undone, succumbing wholly to him.
“Such a good little slut for Daddy, aren’t you?” he muses, panting heavily. He releases his hold on my throat, gripping the back of my calf instead and wrapping it around his waist, moaning at the pleasure the new angle brings. “So needy and wet every time. Like you were made for me.”
And I was. There is no one else.
It’s just him.
I can feel his thrusts getting sloppier, and I watch his eyelids droop as he continues his conquest over me, every muscle tensing before I feel his release inside of me, hot and heavy, marking me as his. Claiming me.
He groans loudly as he works his way through it, not sparing a single drop. I wrap my other leg around him and pull him as close as I can, not wanting to to let him go and be forced to accept it’s over.
When he’s finished, he drops down onto me for a moment, and I take my opportunity to brush my fingers through his hair, placing a gentle kiss to the top of his head. We lay like that for a while, but it’s far too short for my liking when he peels himself away and stands up.
My eyes follow as he goes over to where he threw his hoodie, pulling it back over his head before grabbing his boxers and doing the same.
All I can do is watch helplessly, begging with my eyes for him to stay. To get back into bed and hold me, kiss my shoulder and whisper that it’s always been me too.
He chuckles as he buckles his belt, situating it on his hips before looking back at me. “That was probably one of our best ones yet.”
“Yeah,” I respond emptily. I sit up and wrap the blanket around myself, feeling far too exposed now, both physically and emotionally.
“Alright, ma. See you later,” he says, messing with his hair absentmindedly before deciding its okay, and I watch as he grips the handle of my bedroom door, swinging it open.
“Chris?” I ask.
He looks taken aback for a moment, but regains his composure quickly as he chuckles and rolls his eyes. “I’m good.”
And with that, he’s gone, and I feel my heart shatter a little bit more as I’m left alone, sticky and sweaty and naked, with nothing but the smell of weed lingering in my apartment to keep me company.
PT 2
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sh4wty18 · 3 months
heyyyyy i was wondering if you could make a johnnie angst fic where he forgets your bday🫶🏼
you forgot my birthday.
pairing: johnnie guilbert x reader
summary: same as request with some bestie!jake moments
cw: angst, hurt no comfort, language
word count: 1.2k + edited
12:00 am. A text from Jake immediately lights up your screen:
jakey: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!!! i hope you have the best day ever! im so glad ur dating my bsf so WE could become bsfs!! ilysm go slay queen 💅
You smile and type out a response:
y/n: THANK U SO MUCH JAKE I <3 U!!!!! 
You put your phone on do not disturb for the night and roll over in bed, Johnnie hadn’t texted you for your birthday yet, but that was to be expected. He was a slow texter as it is, but he was usually busy streaming or playing music at this time anyway. There was still plenty of time for him to reach out.
10:36 am. You wake up and immediately check your texts. You’d received birthday messages from Carrington, Tara, your friends from home, been tagged in hundreds of posts on tiktok and instagram, even Matt texted you (and you’d only met him once!). But nothing from Johnnie. That’s okay. He was probably still asleep. Nothing to be worried about. 
1:48 pm. Nothing. What the fuck? All you wanted for your birthday was to spend a quiet day with your boyfriend. Unlike the other friends you’d made since moving to LA, you were less likely to choose partying over spending quality time with your loved ones. Not that there was anything wrong with partying, you just happened to be more reserved. Johnnie was more quiet and anxious as well, it was something that drew you to him in the first place. You always had someone to ditch social events with. You’d figured by this point he would have texted or called and wished you a happy birthday, then you’d hang out, watch a couple movies, order food in, birthday sex– the whole nine. But no. He'd said not a single word. You tried not to bring up your birthday often in the weeks leading up to it, so as to not annoy anyone, but you know for sure you’d mentioned your birth date at least twice since you’d been dating. He had zero excuse not to know. All the other important people in your life seemed to remember, so where was he?
5:24 pm. Nothing. 
7:58 pm. Nothing. You decide to call Jake and see if he has any insight into the situation. He picks up on the second ring.
“What’s up, birthday girl?” He asks sweetly. 
“Johnnie still hasn’t told me happy birthday. I think he forgot,” you say. Speaking the words out loud suddenly makes the situation feel way more real, and you feel a familiar lump forming in your throat.
“There’s no way. He couldn’t have. He’s been out all day, I haven’t really seen him. I think he’s doing a shoot for his next music video or something. So maybe he’ll text you when he’s done? I’m sorry, y/n, I wish I could help. If you need to be with someone, you know I’m always here.”
“Thanks, Jake, you’re a great friend. Love you.”
“Love you too, I’ll text you when he gets back.”
“Thanks. And Jake… don’t remind him when he gets back. It won’t be real unless he does it himself.” 
10:15 pm. Nothing. 
12:00 am. You type out a text to Johnnie:
y/n: you forgot my birthday
johnnie <3: It’s literally next month isn’t it?
johnnie <3: Y/n…plz tell me its next month 
y/n: i think i know my own birthday
johnnie <3: No no no no no
johnnie <3: Y/n im so sorry
johnnie <3: I know how u wanted to spend all day together on your birthday. I'm such an idiot. I promise it was an honest mistake. I really thought it was next month.
You don’t answer. At 12:43 am, you hear a knock at your door. He was the last person you wanted to see right now, but you knew he wouldn’t leave until you answered, so you reluctantly opened the door.
“Johnnie, I don’t want to see you–”
“Y/n, please. Please listen to me. I’m so so so sorry. I was busy with music video stuff and I spaced. I wasn’t on my phone all day so I swear, I didn’t see anyone’s birthday posts or anything until after you texted. You can ask Jake and Carrington, they were texting me all day and I never answered.”
“I believe you, Johnnie. And I get being busy, but… it’s just like… how do you forget your own girlfriend’s birthday? Do you know how embarrassing it is? To have all my friends, fans, and even acquaintances wish me a happy birthday, but the one person I really want to hear from doesn’t? It sucks. I felt like shit all day.” 
“I know. And being busy isn’t an excuse. There isn’t an excuse. I don’t know what else to say other than I’m so fucking sorry. If I could take it all back I would. I love you so much, y/n. I- I’m so fucking sorry,” Johnnie pleads, and his eyes start to well. 
You start to tear up as well, but you don’t want him to see you cry, don’t want to make him feel worse. You’re not angry with him, and you obviously still love him, you’re just sad. You can tell he means what he’s saying, it was definitely an honest mistake, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re hurt, and embarrassed, and had the worst birthday ever. 
“I know you are. And I love you, too. I just… I think I need some space for tonight. I’m sorry, Johnnie,” you say.
“Don’t apologize, baby. I’ll call you in the morning. I love you.” He gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and turns to leave. 
You close the door behind him and sink to the floor. You pull your knees to your chest and bury your face in them, finally letting out your soft sobs after holding back tears all day. You pull your phone out of your back pocket and tap the call button under Jake’s name. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks immediately, knowing you’d never call this late unless there was an emergency.
“I need you,” you say, choking on your words between tears. 
“I’m coming over.” He hangs up.
Fifteen minutes later, he’s at your apartment. You’re sitting on the couch together, with you leaning your head against his shoulder and crying softly as he rubs your back.
“I saw Johnnie on my way out… he didn’t look so hot. I’m assuming this is about him?”
You sniffle, “He forgot. I can’t believe he really forgot. Sorry I'm crying, this is so stupid, I’m just… really fucking sad about it. I know he didn’t mean to, and he’s super sorry and stuff but–”
“Y/n, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. Your emotions are completely valid. He’s your boyfriend, of course you’re gonna be upset that he forgot your birthday! It doesn’t mean he’s a bad person, we still love Johnnie! But… he made a mistake and unfortunately it made you sad.” 
“I knew you’d understand,” you give him a weak smile, and he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you into a tight side hug, resting his head on top of yours. 
“Of course. I’m here for you, y/n. Always.”
first hurt/no comfort fic in the books! (i'm sad)
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hqbaby · 1 year
eight — sorry, my bad
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fuck ur instincts — suna x reader & atsumu x reader
you and suna are just fooling around—so why does he care so much when you start falling in love with someone else?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.3k content. swearing, sexual conversations, short sex scene with vaginal penetration
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“Ouch,” Hinata says, stopping behind Atsumu. “Man, that must hurt.”
The blond looks over his shoulder, shirt in hand. “What’re ya talkin’ ‘bout?”
They’re in the locker room, getting showered and dressed after a day of long and gruesome training. It wouldn’t have been so bad if Bokuto hadn’t shown up late and drunk, causing his team to lose the scrimmage and pissing Sakusa off. There was a bit of a squabble after that, but they managed to get it together in time for the next match.
“He’s talkin’ ‘bout yer back,” Aran snickers. “Rough night?”
Atsumu squints, trying to understand what they mean by that. Then it hits him. “Oh,” he says, eyes growing wide. “That.”
Yaku comes up behind him to see what the other boys are talking about. “Holy shit! Y/N did that?”
A few lockers over, Suna freezes at the sound of your name.
“Hey!” Oikawa’s piercing voice cuts through everyone's chatter as he marches his way over to the other setter. “Quit talking about my best friend with these jerks.”
“I’m not!” Atsumu throws his hands up innocently. “Blame Hinata. He’s the one that pointed it out.”
The other boy pulls a face as Oikawa turns to look at him with a fire in his eyes. “I was just worried about Atsumu!” he insists, backing away slightly. “I mean, come on. Look at what she did to him!”
Your best friend scowls but looks at Atsumu anyway. He stops in his tracks when he sees it—sees them, all his previous anger washed away. Oh fuck, he thinks. The poor guy.
“Atsumu, I am so so so so so so sorry,” he says, ignoring the freaked out look the other boy has on his face at Oikawa’s sudden change in demeanor. “She’s a demon, I’m telling you. Satan’s spawn. I’ve been telling her mother since we were twelve that her real daughter must’ve been kidnapped and replaced by a monster because…”
Suna sees the marks on Atsumu’s back. Clearly yours. He knows because he’s been blessed with the same ones on several occasions and teased by his teammates about them to no end. Of course they never knew they were yours. No one knew.
He looks straight ahead at the open locker in front of him, quietly putting on his shirt and taking his bag out.
This shouldn’t bother him. It doesn’t, he tells himself. It really doesn’t. You’ve slept with other guys before, he knows that. You’re allowed to. It’s not like he can stop you. It doesn’t matter, none of it does, not when you come back to him at the end of the day. Not when he gets to hold you long after those other guys are gone. Not when you always choose him.
He slams his locker shut and pops his earbuds in, waving at the boys who say goodbye to him as he leaves.
That’s probably why you were busy last night. Why you didn’t read his message as soon as he sent it, like you usually do. Why you texted him back with a slew of apologies at 1 AM. It was all because, last night, you chose Atsumu instead of him.
Of course you did.
He feels pathetic. What did he expect was going to happen when you started seeing one of his best friends? Atsumu doesn’t hide you the way he does. He deserves more from you than Suna ever will.
He pulls his phone out and shoots a text. 
Fuck, he really hates himself right now.
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You perk up at the sound of Kaori’s voice, smiling as she approaches you on the bench. “Explain what?” you ask sweetly. “Love your hair today, by the way.”
She narrows her eyes at you. “Yeah, yeah. Cut the crap.” She gestures at the three marks on your neck, there are two small ones that you would've gotten away with if not for the giant one beside them. “What are those?”
You keep smiling. “Curling iron, curling iron, allergic reaction,” you say, pointing at each one as you assign their causes. “Sucks to be me, I know.”
“Kaori, I love you.”
She groans. “What happened to ‘no marks’?”
“Well, this was the first time with this guy,” you say sheepishly. “Didn’t exactly tell him the rules.”
“First time?” Kaori raises a brow. “Was it…”
“Oh fuck!” she exclaims. “Okay! What the fuck? And you didn’t tell us?”
“I’m telling you now, aren’t I?”
Yukie comes up to the two of you, drawn into the conversation by your screaming. “What is it?” she asks. “What’s going on?”
“She slept with Atsumu!”
“What? And you didn’t tell us?”
You pout and put your face in your hands. “Oh my god, could you be any louder?” you say. There are a few other girls in the room, but it’s not like they don’t know about you and Atsumu at this point. And you know more about their sex lives than you probably should anyway, so it all evens out. But still.
“Dude,” Kaori says, kneeling down in front of you and forcing you to look at her. She opens her hands in front of her and makes her palms face each other, holding them an inch apart. “Tell me when to stop,” she tells you, slowly moving her hands away from one another. She pauses when they’re four inches apart. “Bigger?”
You nod, feeling your face heat up as she continues moving her hands. She stops again. You wince. “Bigger.” With wide eyes, she increases the distance between her hands until you say, “Stop.”
“No way.”
“Yes way.”
Yukie gapes, staring at just how far apart your other friend’s hands are. “What the fuck.”
Kaori drops her hands and bows down in front of you, Yukie following suit. “You’re my new god, Y/N,” she says. “Fucking beast, I’m telling you.”
You roll your eyes and grab their arms. “Get up,” you say as the two of them resist you. “I’ll make you do laps if you don’t. I’m serious.” They know you're (probably) not serious but they get up anyway, sitting down on the bench beside you. Sometimes, you’re happy to be captain. Power is one hell of a drug.
“Was he good?” Yukie asks. “Like on a scale of one to ten.”
“You’re lying.”
“I don’t know!” you throw your hands up in defeat. “He’s just… nice. And, I don’t know, I think I’m starting to like him a little.”
“No way! You have a crush on the guy you fucked?” Kaori asks sarcastically. “It’s like that’s totally never happened before!”
You frown. “Rin doesn’t count.”
“Oh, baby,” she says, smirking, “he always counts.”
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Suna throws his head back, hips thrusting uncontrollably as he feels his orgasm creep up on him. His breath is ragged as his whole body starts to tense up. He can feel it, he’s so close.
“Fuck! I’m right there!”
“Come for me, Rin!”
“Feel so good, so good. I’m coming! Fuck! Y/N!”
He cum spills out into the condom as his whole body freezes. His eyes shift down to the girl beneath him who looks up with an awkward smile on her face. He’s such an asshole.
“It’s Ayame,” she says meekly as he slips out of her. She sits up with her legs pulled to her chest.
He takes the condom off and knots it before tossing it into the trash. He stays on the edge of the bed, back turned to the girl. “Right. Ayame,” he murmurs, “sorry.”
“It’s alright,” she tells him and he knows she probably means it. She’s one of those girls who would do anything for him. It’s why he texted her in the first place. He knew she’d say yes to whatever he asked for. “It’s Y/N L/N, right? I mean, she’s really pretty. Everyone wants her.”
A dry chuckle. “They do, don’t they?” he says quietly. He glances back at the girl and shrugs. “Sorry,” he says again. “My bad.”
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notes. this was honestly one of my favorite chapters to write in the whole series 😩 like we have some atsumu and reader silliness with their friends AND suna angst??? all the things i love writing <3
if you haven’t seen the results of the poll from last chapter, you can find them here!! totally not what i expected but ykw i’m not complaining
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princemick · 8 months
GOOD EVENING (for european standard time) EVERYONE AND WELCOME TO!!
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the results of the f1blr survey (if you dont care about the graphic or the most mentioned blogs here's a direct link to the form results!
if u want to leave now all I wanna do is to encourage you to take 10 minutes of ur time rn to send a kind lil message to ur fav blogs to keep the vibes going n I hope ur day is wonderful! <3
now for the most mentioned blogs which also counts as a short blog rec post according to the 73 people who answered this form!
(for clarity, I choose to remove myself from all these replies because I think it's incredibly biased and so not relevant or interesting to mention myself)
@penaltyboxboxbox with give or take 23 mentions!
@storm3326 with give or take 13 mentions!
@ilikecarsandlike4people with give or take 13 mentions!
@yesloulou with give or take 12 mentions!
@argentinagp with give or take 9 mentions!
@userhamilton and @arturleclerc who both got give or take 7 mentions!
@argentinagp with give or take 18 mentions!
and then there were a lot of different people mentioned most of which about 2/3 times so here's all of those:
@queerbenched @alpinelogy @livetogether--diealone @formulaonedirection
there were...lets say the most answers came form this category, most of the people mentioned were in there 2 times so here's a bunch of blogs that were all mentioned around 5-3 times!
@officialmood @bejwled @toastandvegemite @yekoc @effervescentdragon @hourcat @hungriestheidi @veryspecificfantasies
@vegasgrandprix with give or take 7 mentions!
@karlmarxverstappen with give or take 6 mentions!
@raceweek and @race-weekwith give or take 4 mentions I think but I wouldn't be surprised if people forgot the dah so here they are together <3
and lastly, here are some replies to the share with the class question that I personally really liked!
"I love F1 even if it’s “boring”! Watching cars go 300km and hour is always fun even if the winner is always the same . For me, there’s always been Seb winning, and then Lewis winning and now Max, so it’s fun! Plus there’s always so much tea and all drivers are hilarious and I’m so fond of them! And the history is so cool!!!! And I count all the wdc champions before sleeping instead of sheeps! All I need are ferrari bedsheets, and I’m done I’m 22 how did I get to this point?"
"I've been so thankful for the support f1blr has extended to me, and it's a fandom I really feel at home in, so I'm so happy to get a chance to shout out some of the wonderful and talented people in this fandom with me! Such a fantastic idea."
"I am legit so grateful we have so many creative and brilliant people in f1blr, it makes my enjoyment of the sport I've loved for so many years that much better"
"i’ve only been on f1blr since the summer but i’ve felt soooo welcomed and made so many nice friends <333 love u guys"
"I’m so bad at remembering names but all of you have made my first year on f1blr a lovely experience!"
"Keep doing what you love! Stay safe, enjoy life, and be happy. I love you all!!! 🫶🏻"
"Looking forward to spending the '24 season with this amazing community!!"
and so so many more kind responses! thank you to everyone who participated it was really nice to see this and watch us come together for a lil pls do keep spreading the love and send out some asks to your fav blogs!!
and thats all for now, goodnight and until next time!
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1610 miles morales x black fem reader(?) hobie brown x black fem reader!
part 1: https://rb.gy/bfwe9
warnings : cussin, use of n word, rebound(?)
the next morning u woke up alone, to a note on your nightstand that contained : “i had a late night mission wish i could’ve stayed longer. i seen your ig story, tryna pop out with me already pretty?” you pick up the note and smile as you read it then dropped your face in your hands you remembered the events of last night. sighing as you open your phone to 1 new text message from “hobie 🎸” 10 new text messages from “my boy 👦🏽.” 20 new instagram dms from “miles morales”. 3 new text messages from “gwen” 35 new instagram dms from “margo kess.” 20 new story reactions from instagram. you audibly groan at all the replies but what did u really expect, one day u were in the happiest rls and the next you flicking up w a new nigga. before reading all the messages you went to the bathroom, looking in the mirror at how tired you looked. your eyes rimmed with red from all the tears when hobie was asleep. even though he hurt u, your feelings didn’t just go away in a night. you took a long shower to digress, once u got out u finally checked your phone. through the sea of apologies, “can we talk”, and margo bein confused asfc the only message that matter to you right now was “pav’s throwin a party @ 9, wanna go?” kicking your feet when u flopped onto the bed you replied “yea, pick me up .” it was only 1pm, so u had the whole day. you called margo to come over and when she did you asked her about the party. “hobie invited me a to a party tonight” you said like it was nothing as u we’re getting in the car on your way to the mall. “WHATTT?? wait is it pav’s party?? cause if it is yk miles AND gwen gon be dere.” you rolled your eyes at their names “they can be there idgaf, i’m going to dance on my man and have a good time. i don’t know nun bout that.” margo wheezed and got out, as you both were shopping for outfits amongst other things you needed. when you got from the mall it was 6:30 giving u 2 hrs nd 30 minutes to get ready. margo decided to get ready at your place so you told hobie that she would take u and u guys would just meet there. after you got ready u n margo took a pic, posting it on ur ig story “pregaming w my fav 👯‍♀️” was the caption and miles slid up almost instantly “what party? pavitrs?” you laughed at how desperate he sounded leaving him on read. when you got there margo ditched u for her man, leaving you to roam the halls under blasting music and harsh color changing lights. you and margo had smoked a blunt before you came so you were a lil buzzed. as you scoured the house for a familiar face you were met the one you wanted to see the most, you strolled up the hobie looking up at him. “hey, why u wallsittin?” you quipped at him before joining him on the wall, he sipped whatever concoction was in his red cup and laughed, lowly and raspy. “was waiting for u” he glanced over his shoulder down at you and your stomach did flips u couldn’t even do. you pull out your phone and take a picture of y’all two captioning it “🫶🏽🫂.” and again miles slid up on sum more bs.
“wtf (name)?” you showed hobie the text and he huffed. after you put your phone back into your pocket you grabbed hobies hand “dance with me baeee” he didn’t say anything back but just followed you to wherever everyone else was dancing. miles irking ass mustve been looking for u cause you saw him out the corner of eye so you just turned the other direction and continued swaying w the fine nigga behind u.
“(name) won’t fucking respond, gwen doesn’t mean anything to me. she was upset ab-about her dad! and i was tryna be there for her. i don’t love her i love (name) with everything in me. i would never hurt her. and hobie really? his big lanky ass is built like a deep breath. he stay plotting on my relationship.” miles said out loud to his empty car trying to convince no one but himself. he scrambled his mind for an excuse but it always came to one thing. “shit, how i do that to her. why would i do that to her.” he opened his phone to 5 new messages from gwen. he didn’t read any of them just replied “it’s over, i don’t love u. and i don’t wanna see u again.” he went on instagram to pass time, clicking on your store first he saw hobie, ‘this nigga again ima beat the fuck out of his wide neck ass.’ he thought while getting out of the car and walking into the party. he talked with ganke and 42 miles before seeing u, and him. y’all made eye contact before he saw you turn around. ‘this nigga MUSTTTT wanna get fucked up, why he all up on my girl??’ he said under his breath as he walked up to the pair, “i need to talk to u.” you and hobie stopped dancing and faced miles, hobie looked him up and down and put his arm around your shoulder while miles acted like hobie wasn’t even there. “we have nothing to talk about.” the bluntness in your voice made miles eyes lower. “please baby l-“ “don’t call me that.” “please. let me explain” miles put his hand on your arm with pleading eyes, the same eyes he gave you when you first met, when you first kissed. he saw your face soften and he let go of your arm. hobie saw your face change too, as he turned around and you were about to follow him hobie grabbed your hand with a ‘are u sure?’ look, you smiled at him and he let go allowing u to catch up with miles.
he lead you to a secluded room and closed the door. when you turned on the lights the look on his face made you sympathize with him, his eyes big and lips pressed into a thin line. you decided to speak up first, “you really hurt me. ian done nothing but be good to u. why would u do that?” you say trying not to let your voice betray you. he snaps his head up at you hanging on to every word moving closer to you to make damn sure he didn’t miss a single syllable. “i love- i loved you miles. why didn’t u just be straight up and say u didn’t wanna be with me anymore.” you say refusing to look at him, especially in the eye. knowing if you did your mind would betray you. “i don’t know. i love you not her. i promise. remember our first anniversary? i told you i would never hurt you. but i did, i fucked up a good thing and im so sorry. you gave me a piece of your heart and i wasn’t careful with it like i should’ve been. like i will be. i need you princess, my pretty pretty princess. please.” he said grabbing your chin so you could look at him, he almost sounded sympathetic..?
could he mean it? could he be sorry? your eyes softened as you looked into his own. you didn’t want to fall into his trap that was his gaze again, but you couldn’t help it. you never could, “i can’t trust you miles. i didn’t give you a piece of my heart, i gave you the whole thing. and i guess she did too, but you can’t hold two hearts in one hand.” u say breaking your face away from his hand, you were not going to let miles see you vulnerable again, he doesn’t say anything. “i think i need to distance myself. you don’t love me, and i refuse to put myself in the position to get humiliated again.” you say pushing past him to open the door as he stood there humiliated. his eyes filled with tears and he left the party, not wanting to see anyone. you walked back to the main room your throat burning as you held your tears in. you spotted hobie and said to him quietly “can we go?” he only took your hand and led you outside through all of the people. as you got in hobies car you texted margo, “hobies taking me home, text me later.” she didn’t reply probably because she was dancing or doing whatever w her bf “what happened?” he glanced at you over his shoulder as he drove to your house. “miles tried to apologize or whateva.” you said softly trying not to cry. hobie’s heart skipped a beat, he had feelings for you and if you went back to the same boy who messed up such a perfect thing, he was gon blow the top off this bitch. “yea? whatchu say back?” he say rubbing your thigh trying to play it off but it was really eating him up inside. “i told him i couldn’t be with someone i didn’t trust.” you say to him looking at him as his face relaxes and he lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. “that’s good, you deserve so much better. you deserve everything.” he whispered the last bit but you heard it all too clear. you widen your eyes before turning your head out the window. “are you hungry? we could go get something to eat whatever u want.” “i think i just want you to go home with me.” you said turning your head to look back at him, u could hear the grin in his voice,
“okay pretty. let’s go home”
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endofradio · 2 months
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NOTES: at this point me writing this fic is just my attempt at keeping the abigail/dan stevens tumblr fandom alive. hopefully cuckoo brings back the dan stevens stans. also keep ur eyes peeled for the 4th and 5th chapters… they’re gonna be a bit… 🫣 especially the 5th one.
SUMMARY: sylvie and sammy spend some time at the bar lounge conversing and getting to know each other, and things only get more awkward and tense between her and frank. joey then reveals some concerning information told to her by abigail. frank decides to take matters into his own hands, and… well, that doesn’t end up going the way he had planned.
TAGS: @creelmalfoylaufeyson69 @atcarpenter @blackwolfstabs @tommyshelbysangel @reclaimedbythesea @witchy-weve-monbebe @maggotssmichael @xashleyo03x @evildarliing @maggotmommys
if you’d like to be added to my taglist, shoot me a message on here or send an ask to my inbox. :)
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“What happened?”
Sylvie sat on a barstool next to Sammy, trying to keep her distance from Frank, who was nursing another glass of whiskey. “Don’t worry about it.” She muttered. “Just… had to talk about something.”
Dean was now sitting in an armchair, drinking from a whole bottle of liquor, a joint in his other hand. “It’s too fuckin’ quiet in here.” He complained. “Play some music on the radio or somethin’…”
Peter walked over to the radio that was sitting on the bar counter and turned it on, adjusting some of the dials. Soon, “Young Americans,” a Bowie tune Sylvie particularly enjoyed, started playing. That perked her up a bit.
“You sure?” Sammy asked, tapping her polished nails against her glass of whiskey.
Sylvie nodded. “Yeah. Like I said, don’t worry about it.”
Sammy shrugged. “Fair enough. Anyways, what’s your name again? Ava, right? I mean, that’s probably not your real name, but we can’t use our real names here, anyway.”
Sylvie hesitated a little before answering. “Uh… yeah. Call me Ava.”
“You must feel really confused about why you’re here.” Sammy then remarked with a small chuckle. “I mean, you ended up joining in on this whole… thing… a bit later.”
Sylvie slowly nodded. “Yeah… I’d say ‘confused’ is probably an understatement. What exactly is this all about, anyway? Why are we all here at this specific place?”
Sammy sighed, taking a sip of whiskey. “To put it simply… we have to babysit a kid.”
Frank, who had clearly been overhearing their conversation, let out a scoff. “Babysitting? That’s a light way to put it. A euphemism for ‘kidnapping.’”
Sylvie turned to shoot a glare at Frank, before looking back at Sammy. “Kidnapping?” She repeated, her eyes narrowing. “Are you telling me we’re holding a child hostage?”
Sammy shrugged. “Pretty much.” She answered. “Look, it’ll be good money. Think we’ll all end up getting, like, millions of dollars as our little reward. What’s wrong with free money?”
Sylvie raised an eyebrow. “Can’t I just leave? I don’t want to be part of this… this is fucking wrong.”
“Joey wasn’t happy either, but there’s no turning back now. Don’t need Lambert kicking our asses, either.” Sammy took another sip of whiskey, her voice as nonchalant as ever.
“Who’s Lambert?” Sylvie carefully asked. She was only growing more confused by the second.
“Our boss, I guess,” Sammy answered. “He was the one who wanted us for this whole mission. Since you were brought here, that must’ve meant you were wanted, too.” She raised an eyebrow. “Though, you don’t exactly strike me as the criminal type. Hm, why would Lambert want you here…?”
Frank let out an annoyed sigh and picked up his glass of whiskey, moving to sit next to Sylvie. His gaze darted between the two women, finally landing on Sammy with a bit of a smart-ass look on his face. “Ooh, trust me. She’s not as innocent as she looks…”
“Why’d you say that?” Sammy curiously asked, raising an eyebrow.
Frank shrugged, his smirk remaining. “I can pick people apart rather easily.” He casually answered. “Joey’s a junkie, little miss Ava over here’s far from being perfect, too. Ya think Joey’s got a talent for reading people? Well, so do I.”
Sylvie could feel her chest start to tighten again. Frank always had a talent for making a situation quite uncomfortable very quickly.
“Comes with being a cop. I’m not fuckin’ stupid.” Frank continued, taking another sip of whiskey.
Sammy rolled her eyes, unfazed by Frank’s tough-guy demeanor. “Whatever you say.” She muttered, before looking over in Peter’s direction. While Sammy and Peter were having their conversation, Frank turned his attention back to Sylvie.
“You better not be a pain in my ass while we’re both here.” He muttered, finishing the rest of his glass of whiskey. He lazily tapped his fingers against the glass, eyeballing it carefully.
Sylvie raised an eyebrow. “That’s a lot of talk coming from the very person who enjoys trying to piss me off.”
Frank quietly chuckled at Sylvie’s words. “Yeah, yeah, I know…” he murmured before his voice took on a more serious tone. “I’m just taking my job here very seriously. I don’t need anyone getting in my way, including you.”
Sylvie was about to speak when Joey soon appeared, taking a seat at the bar lounge next to Frank.
“How’s the kid?” Frank asked, not even bothering to look at Joey. He kept his gaze fixated on the empty glass in front of him.
“She’s fine,” Joey answered, but something in her voice conveyed a sense of concern. “Look, I don’t need to know who the girl’s father is, but do you know?”
Sylvie narrowed her eyes at Joey’s question. What was so important about the kid’s father?
“No, why?” Frank answered, still not meeting Joey’s gaze.
“She just implied that her father might be a particularly violent man.”
Frank took off his glasses, letting out a sigh as he rubbed the bridge of his nose before putting them back on. An annoyed smile formed on his face. “Wow. She implied that, did she? Of course, she fuckin’ implied that. She’s scared. She wants to rattle you.”
Despite Frank’s reaction, Sylvie was starting to feel worried herself. “No, listen to her.” She said, glancing at Joey. Maybe it was the fact she knew what it was like to have… not-so-great people as parents, but something in Sylvie was making her… wonder.
“Why should I listen to her?” Frank scoffed, rolling his eyes. “She’s a kid. Kids lie.”
“What exactly did she say?” Sylvie asked, looking at Joey carefully.
“She… apologized. She implied that something… not good is going to happen.” Joey explained. “Based on everything she said, her father sounds like he could be a possible threat.”
Then, she looked back at Frank. “That’s why I’m asking you — do you know who her father is? If you used to be a detective, then surely you might have an idea of who he could be.”
Frank sighed again and turned to look at Joey, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Oh my God, you’re gonna be a real pain in my ass, aren’t you? There’s one in every crew.”
“No, sir. I just don’t scare easy, so when I do, I pay attention.”
Joey then rose from her seat, turning around to leave. Once she vanished, Sylvie glanced at Frank. “Why’s the kid’s father so important?” She asked. “Must be quite serious if she wants to know.”
“Well, he’s wealthy as shit. That’s why the kid’s with us right now.”
“So, she’s being held for ransom...” Sylvie quietly observed, mostly to herself. “Still, especially if her father’s dangerous after all, can’t we just… return her to her family? I mean, I feel really bad for her. She’s only a kid.”
Frank scoffed. “$50 million is a lot of fuckin’ money, y’know. You’re here, so you might as well just be as bad as the rest of us.”
Frank paused for a moment, appearing deep in thought. “Y’know what, I think I’ll go talk to the damn kid myself.”
Sylvie felt a tinge of nervousness at Frank’s idea. With the way he was, she didn’t trust him to be around a child at all, especially if he was confronting said child. “Talking” for Frank most likely meant “threatening.”
“You’re not gonna hurt her… right?” Sylvie asked, her tone serious.
Frank shrugged. “I will if I have to. The fuck are you gonna do about it, anyway?”
“Stop you, obviously.”
Frank let out a snide chuckle. “I’d love to see you try. You wouldn’t even kill a fly if you had to.”
He got up from his seat and stormed off in the direction of the girl’s room. Sylvie stayed back for a little bit, but then she decided to go after him, determined to make sure he didn’t lay a finger on her. Even though she didn’t know the girl at all, Sylvie still felt an almost instinctual need to make sure nothing happened to her. She was a child, after all.
As Sylvie followed Frank’s path, she could hear the sound of a door opening, followed by his voice and… screaming. A child screaming.
“You see my face? You see my fuckin’ face? Huh? Are you lyin’ to me?”
“Goddamnit.” Sylvie hissed under her breath. She started to run towards the room, and sure enough, Frank was holding the girl at gunpoint. She looked terrified, and it made Sylvie feel a pang of anger.
“You fuckin’ lyin’ to me? Don’t lie to me. What color are my eyes? What color are my eyes?! It’s a simple fuckin’ question, kid!”
“I didn’t see your face!”
“Well… good! Who the fuck is your father?”
“Put the fucking gun down, right now.”
The girl and Frank both turned around to look at Sylvie and the kid only looked even more terrified.
“He’s gonna hurt me!” She whimpered, clutching onto a blanket for support. “Don’t let him hurt me.”
“What the fuck are you doing?” Frank snapped, shooting Sylvie a sharp glare. “Back the fuck off. This is a private matter.”
Sylvie took a deep, shaky breath. “Just… put the gun down. There’s no need to point it at her.”
Instead, Frank ignored her, looking back at the girl. “I’ll ask it again. Who the fuck is your father?”
The girl’s eyes anxiously darted between Sylvie and Frank but lingered on Sylvie’s face for a couple of seconds longer, almost as though she recognized her. Then, she looked back at Frank.
“Jo… Joey said you didn’t want to know.”
“Well, fuck Joey! I do wanna know!”
Frank turned to face Sylvie again, his eyes narrowing. “What the fuck are you doing? She’s not supposed to see your fuckin’ face!”
“Fuck— I’ll… I’ll go.”
As Sylvie started to hurry away from the bedroom, she froze when she faintly heard the girl mention a particular name — Kristof Lazar. Sylvie had heard that name before, but from where?
Wait a second.
As Sylvie returned to the bar lounge, she suddenly remembered memories from around five years ago. Charlie — the man from her college that she knew. He had mentioned a “Lazar” on numerous occasions and from the information Sylvie had heard, he was a dangerous man. It couldn’t possibly be the same guy… right?
Sylvie took a deep breath and tried to brush it all aside, taking a seat at the bar lounge. Sammy, who had still been chatting with Peter, took notice of her nervous state. She was about to say something until Dean spoke.
“Yo, what’s goin’ on, bagman?”
Frank was heading towards the front door, putting on his leather trench coat. “I’m leaving.”
Joey narrowed her eyes. “What?”
“You heard me. You cut up my share however you want. I’m out.”
Sylvie felt a significant amount of concern. Frank had never been the kind of person to get scared, so whatever it was, something was seriously wrong. He was usually all tough and uncaring, so seeing him suddenly nervous was quite out of character.
Joey rose from her seat, following after Frank. “Whoa, hey. What happened?”
Frank ignored her, continuing to advance towards the door.
“Hey! You can’t just leave without telling us what’s going on.”
Frank turned around, staring at Joey with an uncharacteristic look of what seemed like fear. “What’s going on?” He repeated. “What’s going on is that we are fucked. That little girl is Kristof Lazar’s daughter.”
Rickles let out a “shit,” with Joey looking equally as worried. Meanwhile, Sammy and Peter were confused. Dean, on the other hand, was nonchalant.
“That’s an urban legend, man.” He said, rolling his eyes. “Calm down. Like, that whole thing is completely bogus.”
Frank walked over to Dean, his eyes narrowing. “He’s not a fuckin’ urban legend. He is very fuckin’ real, believe me. Nobody even knows how big his fuckin’ empire is.”
Sylvie took a deep breath. “Yeah… he’s right. I… I think Lazar is real.”
“How do you know?” Sammy carefully asked, her gaze wary.
“I… I know.” Sylvie simply answered. She was going to have to side with Frank on this one, as much as she didn’t want to.
“Is he, like, a crime boss?” Sammy then asked.
“He controls a lot more than just crime,” Rickles answered. “I’ve… heard of some shit.”
Joey sighed. “Is Lambert fucking insane? He just put a death mark on all of us, including himself.”
“What if we just, like, y’know, like, give her back and say sorry?” Sammy suggested.
Frank let out a scoff and walked over to Sammy. “Oh, yeah. ‘Here’s your daughter, Mr. fuckin’ Antichrist. We’re really sorry. Hope she’s not too traumatized. Let’s play a round of golf sometime!’”
Sammy narrowed her eyes at Frank in disgust and annoyance. “Fuck you, Frank.” She murmured.
“Let’s just leave.” Joey then said. “We leave her with some food and make an anonymous phone call, get the fuck out of here.”
Peter nodded in approval, snapping his fingers. “I like that.”
“It’s not like she’s seen our faces.” Joey then added.
Frank let out a bitter scoff as he approached Joey. “Uh, actually, she has, thanks to you.”
Joey narrowed her eyes at Frank. “I was supposed to be the only one in and out of that room, and I wore my mask.”
“Well, I didn’t, so I walk in there to see Angelina Ballerina memorizing my fuckin’ face! Why did you take off her blindfold, Joey?”
“Now we have to kill her.” Peter then said.
“Not a fucking chance.” Joey hissed. “We’re not killing the girl.”
“She saw Frank’s face…”
Sylvie let out a sigh before reluctantly speaking. “Mine, too. She… saw my face, too.”
The room went silent.
“Oh, this is really bad,” Sammy murmured. “What are we supposed to do now?”
Frank shrugged. “We pull this off, pretend we don’t know who her father is, and with the money we’re making from this, we disappear forever. Start a new life. Then, I don’t have to see any of you fucks ever again.”
He paused for a moment before speaking again, trying to come up with a plan. “Everyone, stay alert. Any threat is gonna come from outside, so we set a perimeter and we hold it. Rickles takes first watch in the crow’s nest. Joey, secure the interior. Look for any ways in or out. What is it, like, twenty-two more hours, hmm?”
Frank checked his watch. “Twenty-two hours.”
He went to pick up his bag and left, cursing under his breath.
“What a dick,” Dean muttered as he watched Frank leave.
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heliswife · 18 days
jake x a reader who hates him and avoids him because he reminds them of someone they hate but when they are forced to hang out they realize that they actually have a lot of chemistry…..,,. take ur time btw no rush
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TBIS IS A FIRE IDEA ACTUALLY!!! TY POOKIE!!! those following for pjsk fics sorry but the brainrot is taking over <3 plus writing for other fandoms is a nice break from pjsk :3 this is a non-idol au thing ig 🤭
@onthat611beat hope you like it ♡
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Your ex-friend used to have a massive crush on Jake. She would rant about him all the time, saying stuff such as "we were meant to be!" or "he looked at me, he wants me bad!"
You were sick of it, and by the time you cut contact with her, you didn't want to hear anything about Jake again. You avoided him in the halls and in your classes, memories of that friend coming back whenever you looked at him.
"Y/N! There's this guy I'm sort of interested in, and he wants to have a study group with us and some of his friends!" Your best friend and roommate grinned.
"Who is it?" You asked her, secretly praying it wasn't going to be a repeat of what happened with your ex-friend.
"His name is Riki, look!" Your friend showed you a picture of the guy she liked. He didn't seem bad. And your friend seemed normal enough about him.
"Yeah, he's cute. Sure, I'll go to the study group with you."
The next day, when you walked in the café you guys decided to meet up in, you saw Riki, your bestie, and...
"Y/n, this is Jaeyun. He's in the grade above you, right?"
"Mhm, nice to meet you, y/n. You can call me Jake." He flashed a warm smile at you. It made your stomach churn with how nice he was to you.
Memories of your ex-friend and her toxicity flooded your brain, yet you pulled yourself together and held your hand out. "Nice to meet you, Jake!"
His hand was warm. You were sort of understanding why your ex-friend liked Jake now.
The study group went surprisingly smoothly, with you exchanging numbers with the two boys and leaving with a stomach full of sweets.
You explained to your bestie the situation between you and your ex-friend, how she was in love with Jake and how she was a huge asshole towards you.
"Is that why you looked shocked when you saw him?" She asked.
You nodded. "Was it that obvious? God, I really hope I didn't give him a bad impression of me..."
"Don't worry, y/n, it wasn't that obvious." Your friend said before being interrupted by the ding of your phone. An unknown number.
hey y/n this is jake from the study group i just remembered i had your number lol
"It's Jake. Whenever I think of him, I think of my ex-friend and then I start feeling sick. Should I answer?" Your finger hovered above the message icon.
"Yes, duh? Forget about that shitty girl, that's in the past. It's time to move on and forget about her, y/n."
"Hm.. You're right. I'll respond. I know it's been half a year, but it's hard to get over it." Your fingers rapidly typed and backspace until you found a response you would send to him.
hi jake!! dw abt it, im glad you texted me
"I literally can't do this bestie, what if he hates me? Fuck, that message sounded so cringy." The worst case scenarios flashed in your eyes.
"He doesn't. Read the message he just sent, I don't think anyone who hates you would send that."
do you wanna go get lunch with me tomorrow? i wanna talk to you more, you seem chill 😄 also your friend likes riki right? she makes it obvious
"I DO?" Your best friend gasped. When you agreed, your friend threw her head back, landing on one of the soft pillows of your bed. "It's fine, I'll deal with it later. Back to you, y/n~"
"Oh lord."
"You should go with Jake! He's asking you out on a date!"
"He is?" You reread the message. "Oh shit, he is."
"Y/n l/n, you are a total loser. Your life is so boring, like, you've never been in a relationship? You should go. It'll make your life interesting."
"Geez, you're such a nice friend." You rolled your eyes.
yeah ofc!! where & when?
is noon at the pizza place near the cafe alright with you?
mhm, see u there :)
You turned your phone off and let your brain process what was happening.
The only knowledge you've had of Jake prior to this was from your ex-friend, and she looked at him with rose-colored glasses. You were going on a date with the very person your ex-friend was head over heels for.
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Fast-forward to the next day, you put on an outfit you deemed worthy for an outing and exited the house. You hoped your bestie wouldn't blow up the house.
Once you arrived at the pizza place, you spotted Jake waiting outside, scrolling on his phone.
"Jake!" You called, and his head perked up, smiling wide as he waved to you, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long!"
"Y/n! Don't worry about it, I just got here anyways, let's go in and order, 'kay?" It wasn't even a sort of anymore. You were definitely understanding why your ex-friend was obsessed with Jake.
Your eyes couldn't leave Jake as he ordered a pizza and drinks for you both, and you didn't even process the question he asked you until he pointed out your lack of response.
"Sorry, I just feel... I don't know, out of it? Could be nerves," You awkwardly laughed.
Jake only cocked his head his face painted with a confused expression before giving you a small grin. "I get it, nerves do that to me too. So, um, what do you like to do?"
"I- I like writing?"
"That's cool, do you think you could ever show me one of your stories?" When he noticed your eyes widening, he laughed, "I'm kidding, you don't have to show me if you don't want to."
The pizza came, and you two chatted about anything you could think of. You talked about your friends antics and he talked about his. He even showed you a picture of his cute dog.
"Y/n, if you don't want to answer this, it's fine, but why did you ignore me before you were forced to see me at the café. Did I do anything wrong?"
Shit. Now you were forced to talk about your past with your ex-friend. "I had a friend who used to like you. You were all she would talk about, and it was getting annoying. She was an asshole too. After we stopped being friends, I didn't want to be reminded of her, and you happened to be one of the things that reminded me of her. I feel bad about ignoring you, since you're a great guy."
"Oh, it was *****, yeah? I remember her." Hearing her name made you feel lightheaded. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. If it makes you better, I never liked her much."
"Yup, you want to head back to my dorm? I could show you my lego collection?"
"Sure," You giggled, getting up out of your seat in the booth, Jake following suit. You felt a sense of relief knowing that Jake didn't like your ex-friend.
As you two were walking back, gray clouds started to gather. A few rain droplets fell on your face before the downpour began. You and Jake looked at each other before Jake took your hand and started running to his dorm, dragging you along.
Once you guys made it, you were both soaking wet and panting. "I wasn't expecting it to rain, sorry.."
"It's okay. I really enjoyed your company..."
Silence filled the room. Jake's hand was still holding yours. "Y/n... may I..?"
"Please, Jaeyun."
His lips pressed onto yours, and even if it was for a second, it felt like time stopped. It was just you and him in this little world.
"Tomorrow, I'll take you on a real date, when it isn't raining. We could go wherever, just tell me," Jake told you when the kiss ended.
"Let's hope it isn't raining tomorrow, promise we'll go wherever?"
"I pinky promise, dear." He held out his pinky, and you intertwined it with yours.
This was the start of a new chapter, a chapter without her, and you had someone, who although gave you bad memories from the previous chapter, would be by your side.
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