#a meme i made for me and katie
singsweetmelodies · 3 months
landoscar 🤭
OOOOHH!!!! thank you SO much for asking, dear anon - i am practically bouncing up and down with glee in my excitement to answer this one. landoscar: doesn't make sense, compels me. oh my god. it compels me SO MUCH.
and it's the weirdest thing, because like... they shouldn't work together? it shouldn't work. even six months ago, i was still saying "pffft, lando and oscar? as if." they are just such completely different people, and initially so very painfully awkward with each other, that i didn't think it'd ever get to a point where they made sense to me as a ship.
and yet here we are. and do you know why we're here? oscar "heart eyes" piastri, that's why. the way oscar looks at lando... oh my fucking god. and if you add to that the lore that oscar has been following lando's career for YEARS on social media (liking all his posts, mentioning him on twitter randomly, generally acting like he's got a massive fanboy crush) then it suddenly becomes so incredibly compelling to me. like. WOW. somehow oscar's calm perfectly balances out lando's craziness and weirdness? it doesn't seem like it should work, but it does. and yeah: they have taken over my brain more than a little lately.
(f1 ships categorisation meme)
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goingxmissing · 11 months
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Great way to make me feel ancient on a Monday morning, LJ 💀😂
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etherealstar-writes · 4 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: fifteen
part one here
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ nahhh that's it i'm quitting this job tillies my baes you guys hiring? 🙏
willybum Y/N NO
stephy of course! 🥰
the REAL karate kid NAHHH
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ NO YOU GUYS ARE NOT
meado what did you guys do this time
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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stairway it was nothing!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ NOTHING?!
willybum did you just make a meme of me ....
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ i've made memes of all of you BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT RN i hate you all except lotte i love you you're the only lioness i'll support
tom holland's twin while i really appreciate that pls don't leave me with these idiots 🥺🙏
meado waittt i wasn't part of all this why hate meee
earpsy yeah i wasn't there either why do we gotta suffer tho
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ MARY you not being there was what caused this torture and suffering in the first place 😭😭
keira i'm so out of the loop rn
willybum it wasn't even that badddd
stairway yeahh you're being kinda dramatic
tom holland's twin yeah it was a nasty bump ngl y'all knocked out her braincells
elton i mean to be fair she kinda didn't have many braincells to begin with anyway ....
the REAL karate kid
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kyra charli and i are coming to get ya rn from these losers we're on our way
willybum this is unacceptable
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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the REAL karate kid
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come at me you colonisers
tom holland's twin NAHH NOT COLONISERS 😭😭
stairway WE WILL
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cha cha imma bring in the big guns
cha cha added brick wall, ford, lani and sammy the skippa
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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cha cha um that photo .... anyway macca cait lani protect y/n at all costs
brick wall
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aye aye
lani on it!
ford okay!
sammy the skippa um what is happening rn
stephy all you need to know is that we gotta protect y/n from the lionesses
sammy the skippa
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neev we got our own big guns lucy millie mary rach need ya rn
earpsy here!
brightness yes.
daily i was summoned
rusty metal yeah?
the REAL karate kid WHAT?!
brick wall since always?
stephy yeah katie's an honorary aussie
meado katie?!
mccard yeah i am
rusty metal ona?
ona well ..... i'm afraid to tell you that we spaniards have formed an alliance with the aussies
willybum what is this blasphemy
tom holland's twin wait isn't spain also a coloniser tho ....
stairway oh yeahhh that's hypocritical of you
ona shhhhhhh
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cha cha well y/n is successfully ours
samma the skippa
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what are you all gonna do? drown us in your cup of teas?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ DAMN yall got violated haha
the REAL karate kid
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neev i cannot believe this just happened 😔😭
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
next part here
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READ: @alex-silli-art-corner
tw: suicide, abuse
I'll start this callout by saying that most evidence has been deleted long ago. There is no way to recover most of it, but if I have found any more, I'll add them to this post later. My friendship with him/how it ended.
It started in March of 2024.
Alex had been a member of a discord server, and had a tumblr account where he answered asks as Katy Kat. (Keep this in mind, as sometimes he will be shown as Katy Kat rather than Alex) He then asked for a vent channel to be created in the discord, where he would post frequently about how he was going to kill himself. (this is important later)
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He started to DM me about him killing himself, so I started to support him. He would then message me about normal stuff, with him telling me he was suicidal every now and then. I talked with him, because every time I didn't talk to him, he would say i'm ignoring him on purpose.
Around that time, someone else in the server was banned for drawing CP of him and Alex. (both him and Alex were minors at the time.) Everyone in the server told Alex that this person was not a good influence on him, but he ignored us.
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As it turns out, he did not cut off this person, (the name that's in blue) and kept being in a relationship with them.
This would continue for a long time. Alex would tell me he would kill himself, I would try to talk him out of it, and he would be fine the next day.
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He said he had epilepsy, but those claims are unconfirmed as he has watched the Um Jammer Lammy cutscenes multiple times, which have flashing lights most of the time. If I remember correctly, he would use this to guilt us even more, with us not even being allowed to send any gifs. That would be understandable, if he didn't refuse to turn on Discord's accessibility feature that pauses gifs.
In his Katy Kat ask blog, he drew a lot of gore of Katy Kat. Some of these are deleted, but you can still find some on his account of Katy missing an eye, with bruises and bandages on her. I am not okay with gore, but I kept talking to him because he was suicidal.
All of my friends cut him off though, except for a stray few who I assume didn't know what he did.
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When I cut him off:
About a month ago if I can remember, one of my friends showed me screenshots of Alex saying that one of his suicide attempts was a lie. He had apparently made a joke about him killing himself, and the two people there were telling him it wasn't funny and to not say that. This screenshot was taken a while back, and I didn't see the convo back then. Seeing this, I decided to cut off Alex entirely, because I couldn't trust if what anything he said was true. On top of that, I looked back at everything he'd done, and decided that I wasn't going to talk to him, ever again. He kept trying to contact me.
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I noticed how guilt trippy all of his messages were. In fact, most of the time, he was guilt tripping all of us.
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This is his last tumblr message to me before I blocked him.
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He kept trying to contact me on other websites, such as Reddit.
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I had sent him a message telling him he was in the wrong, and that we would never be friends again. This message was deleted, as he threatened to share it with one of my closest friends.
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As for the IP address thing, I had posted this meme to Reddit and Tumblr using a fake copypasta that was a lot of information. It's a meme about leaking someones info, but all of this isn't real. It's taken from a copypasta website. In fact, it's this one.
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Alex interpreted this as me posting his IP address publically, something I would never do, (yet as you read, it's something he would do to someone else.)
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I did not, and will not post someone's IP address publicly. Yet he thought I posted his, even though it isn't hard to look at your own address, and compare it to this meme.
What caused me to make this post.
This happened just today. I was sent an ask clearly written by Alex containing my personal information to me.
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Alex. If you're reading this, which I know you are. This wasn't okay. You're putting my life in danger. You're putting other's lives in danger. You're putting my family's life in danger. Why would I want to be friends with a guilt tripper?
Why would I want to be friends with someone who leaks other's information?
Why would I want to be friends with someone who draws gore of my favorite characters?
Why would I want to be friends with a liar?
None of this is okay. You were, and still are, the worst thing that's happened to me.
You don't deserve happiness.
I ask anyone who's been affected by him, to please speak up. Don't sit there in silence like you have all this time. I know he's done awful things to you. Please, if you can, tell me what he's done to you. Nobody should have to go through what he's put me through, and I'm sure that he's done something similar to you.
Sorry for being a bit rude to him in this post, but I don't care.
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gartenofbanny · 5 months
Overture is the first official episode for Hazbin Hotel, and after nearly four years of waiting, somehow, this episode is very bad. I'm not going to provide a summary of the episode but instead I'm going to provide what I liked and what I didn't like. So let's get started.
The animation for this episode is pretty good. While it isn't really as smooth as Helluva's and has some noticeable errors, it's still well animated for the most part.
Adam's part if the song is honestly a fucking bop and thankfully the genre is different from most Helluva songs.
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Lute is my favorite character in this episode. She's a cold, stern Exorcist who hates demons. I have no clue why she isn't the leader, but Adam is considering how seriously she takes being an Exorcist and how professional she is for the most part.
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This little bit with Niffty having stage fright is pretty funny.
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And that's it for the positives now onto the negatives.
One of the things I really hate about this episode is that it reveals WAY too much so early on. In this episode, it's revealed that Adam and the other Exorcists like killing Demons essentially doing it for sport, rendering Charlie's redemption useless, Exorcists are able to fucking die, and Adam has moved his schedule from another year to 6 months for the next Cleanse.
I honestly expected the first episode to show Charlie trying to redeem demons, a twist like that would've worked if it was like halfway through the season.
This episode, for some reason, has two plotlines when it would've been better if it just stuck with Charlie meeting the Exorcist one. We spent some minutes of this episode with Vaggie trying to make a TV commercial for the Hotel, however we never get to see the commercial itself, so what was the point?
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Secondly, why would Vaggie and Charlie ask Alastor to make a television commercial for them? His entire thing is radios. It's like having a powerlifter do a track video. They're both completely different skill sets with their own benefits.
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Also, if Alastor really does hate televisions THAT much, then why was he entertained when Katie and Charlie fought in the pilot by watching Televison?
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I'm honestly unsure whether or not the pilot for Hazbin Hotel is canon. Adam states that it has been a week since the cleanse, Vaggie states that they recruited Alastor for the hotel last week, and the pilot takes place some time after the Cleanse. While the Helluva Boss pilot isn't canon anymore, it's up in the air whether or not the Hazbin Pilot is.
This fucking cat is still confusing. It literally just appeared in this episode with no explanation of how it was made or came to be or what it even does.
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Adam, as a character, is one of the most irritating I've ever seen. He embodies those "If this was written by Vivziepop" memes, his singing voice is top notch, but as a character, he doesn't act any different from the demons he's supposed to kill. So it makes me question what's even the difference between Angels and Demons.
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Last but not least, Adam says that there won't be a Demon left alive to kill another Exorcist.
And right off the bat does Adam know that killing every Demon in Hell is literally impossible? As long as humans die, Sinners are going to keep existing. Unless if Heaven decides to make everyone into angels, which is highly unlikely. And Lute says herself that Charlie and her family are exempt from the yearly cleansing, so they're not truly getting rid of every possible threat in Hell.
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Overall, I'd give this episode a 5/10. It's a very rough start, especially since Vivziepop and her writers had nearly 4 years to write this out, but it's just very messy.
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tam-cam-drama · 1 month
Who Is Tam Cam? Theories I’ve seen:
(reblog or comment with more info)
@myfairkatiecat. She’s running a huge conspiracy. Tam cam is probably not her tho, because they posted earlier that TC has more followers than their main, and we all know how many followers Katie has. (Over 700)
@permanently-stressed. She’s also running a conspiracy. There’s been some proof that it’s her.
@sasharcyreal. There’s been a lot of proof that it’s her. So much that it’s sus. Common belief is that she DMed TC some of her art.
@keefe--sencen. Someone saw a tam cam post on their blog that was soon deleted. Tam Cam then released a post saying that they accidentally commented on the wrong blog. Probably not, since they’ve gotten a clue.
@kale-of-the-forbidden-cities. They were very involved the wiityispb meme, and @wiityispb-official is run by the same person as tam cam.
@thefinaljediknight. She’s been lurking this entire time, and made a popular tam cam post. She also did receive a clue, so that makes her more unlikely.
@lilliesandlight. She’s also been lurking.
@sparklenarniawizard (another lurker) has provided screenshots proving it’s not her.
someone else
@aspenaspenaspenaspenaspen evidence below unless she has another email account
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12. @alaydabug2 i don’t have it screenshotted, but @another-tam-cam-detective asked her if she was, and she responded with a screenshot of her blog (with no side blogs)
13. @iggydancebreak was on hiatus when tam cam started.
Extra clues: per my imposter’s pinned post, whoever TC is probably moots with @swans-chirping-in-the-distance.
if you want to offer proof one way or another, send it to me in an ask, or, if you want to be totally anonymous, I’m working with my impostor, @tam-can-drama, and you can DM them proof.
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Can you please explain tam cam?? 😭😭🫶
Uhh, so, I'm one of tam cam's parents and what happened was basically:
@sasharcyreal (maddie) posted a kotlc book snippet with tam being his iconic self
i made a The Office joke about looking into cameras from that
She makes a post about Tam looking into the camera throughout the series
@myfairkatiecat joins us in brainstorming scenes in which tam is there staring, is the first to propose omniscient tam cam (? I can't remember if it was her or @swans-chirping-in-the-distance)
Maddie draws the meme
Katie and I spam post memes about the different tam camnable momments
Someone makes an accounts to collect the memes
everyone goes crazy trying to find out who it is (I am the first one to be accused, by both Katie and Aspen @aspenaspenaspenaspenaspen)
Katie figures out who it is and strikes a deal with tam cam (no one knows exactly how she's involved tho)
there are multiple adjancents accounts (@tam-cam-detective @another-tam-cam-detective @tam-cam-drama @tam-can-drama @tam-cam-stories)
Four fan pages start appearing, one for Aspen, one for Katie, one for Maddie, one for me
( @debutofanisafanpage I love you by the way )
And yeah, you're all set
Oh, and there is a series of clues going around via ask boxes
We're two clues in and the last clue will be a clue to their identity
NOW you're all caught up
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kayleighjennifer · 1 year
Caught (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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⚠️smut implied⚠️
Today was the day, you’re travelling to Australia for the second World cup match. Everyone was pumping and excited. Music was blasting through the bus while you sat in the back, chatting with your girlfriend. Alexia was, of course, sad that she’d miss playing internationally again but being able to watch you play lifted her mood.
“Aww what are you smiling at?” Katie McCabe, your twin sister asks you as she slides next to you. The girls didn’t know about your relationship. Even thought Alexia was the reason for your transfer from Arsenal, leaving your friends and twin sister behind, you decided to keep it private.
Some were guessing that you’re in a relationship but you shrugged everyone off. You feel bad lying to your family but you know how they’d react. Katie didn’t exactly dislike Alexia, but the fact how good the balon d’or winner is, made Katie jealous.
You put your phone away and just shrug. “Just saw a meme about Rue and you, you know”. Katie and you were completely opposites. You were a ray of sunshine, nice to everyone, never loosing your temper and only having clean tackles somehow. Katie on the other hand could seem a wee bit arrogant to strangers and of course short tempered.
“Are you sure, or are you chatting with the girl you laid a few days ago”. Katie smirks as she watch you blush. “Uh what?” It was no secret that you were sleeping with someone, your neck was often decorated with hickeys and you’d sweat the concealer off during training but you thought you did a pretty decent job.
“Don’t act all innocent now. You weren’t exactly quiet and she definitely left some marks. Not gonna lie, I always thought you’d be a top but you know those bruises on your legs and hips say something different”. By now you were nearly red like a tomato. “I’m sorry”.
Besides both of you, Katie was the outgoing and confident one and you the quiet one, often watching from far and only being loud around people you feel comfortable with. “Don’t say sorry, you deserve some fun, but try not to get HIV or something with how many people you sleep with”. Katie’s comment make you choke out.
She finally leaves you alone and you quickly tell your girlfriend about the situation, who seems very amused about the situation. You play some music to focus on the important game but one message from La Reina leaves you completely aroused and flustered. “Katie will have some more marks to talk about tomorrow. She’ll see how you let me do everything to do and how much of a dirty slut you are for me<3”
Ruesha sees the way you’re looking at your phone and nudges Katie. “Look at the way your little baby twin looks at her phone. She’s definitely sexting with someone”. Katie looks over to you and sees your grin. “Yep, we gotta find out with whom. She still thinks that we think, that she’s just sleeping around. Do you think it’s someone from Barcelona?” Ruesha looks at Katie and nods.
“Probably, but we’ll find out soon. I have a plan”
When you finally step out onto the pitch, you don’t feel nervous. You feel ready to win the first match and haven’t been more motivated in your whole life before. It might be because of the love of your life who’s watching you from the family stands. You wanted to make not only her proud, but also yourself.
You start warming up with the others, enjoying the weather and the phenomenal atmosphere. You’ve never played in front of that many people internationally. During water break, you search for Alexia’s hazel eyes. The world seems to stay still when you lock eyes with her. You don’t notice how Katie and Rue exchange knowing looks, but are not able to find the person, who’s making your heart jump every time you feel her presence.
“Attention, you’re drooling”. Rue smirks next to you, making you blush. “shut up, I’m not”.
You make your way into the locker room, starting to get a bit nervous. Katie hugs you and tries to calm you down. After prep talk and changing into the right tricot you’re standing in the tunnel.
You try to loosen up a little bit and secure your ponytail for the thousand time. “We’ll smash it”. Katie smirks.
The first 20 minutes were intense. Hard tackles from both sides and no goals. You feel everyone getting frustrated but you somehow remind calm.
It was in the 34th minutes when Katie beautifully passes you the ball and you’re one vs one with the Australian goalkeeper. You were sure that you would get the ball in, but the goalkeeper had other plans, sliding into your left ankle.
She lands on top of you, knocking the wind out of your body. Thankfully nothing serious happened, besides Ireland getting a penalty. In your past year with Barcelona you’ve become one of the best penalty takers so you took the one as well.
You feel all eyes on you but only focus on the ball and the goal. You lock eyes with the goalkeeper, breath in and out and shoot the ball into the right corner. The Australian goalkeeper doesn’t have a single chance against your shot.
Your teammates storm to you, tightly hugging you. You wink at Alexia and use your tricot to swipe away the sweat, teasing her a little bit.
Much to your dismay, there are many goal chances for your side but no one wants to get in.
It’s half time break, which is spent by prep and tactical talks in the changing rooms and a little bit of joking. Ireland has the most ball possession which makes you feel secure.
The second half isn’t any different, your goal being the only one this game. You feel incredibly proud, being able to represent your country like this. All the self doubt from the last years suddenly vanishing, all the pain feeling worth it. You party a bit with the girls, thanking the fans for travelling all the way to Australia and doing a quickly post match interview.
You can’t wait to see your girlfriend. You haven’t been able to have sex with Alexia for two days, wanting to be 100% fit for the game. Sex with Alexia was intense and always leaves you trembling.
Just as you were walking into the changing room, your media manager stops you and lets you know, that you have to attend the press conference in twenty minutes. You groan in annoyance but don’t have any chance to say no.
“Gotta attend the press conference, you don’t have to wait for me. I’ll take the bus back to the hotel”. Alexia and you have planned to drive back to the hotel together and celebrate. “No worries, I’ll wait for you cariño. You did amazing, but the next time don’t tease that much;)”. Her message makes you blush. This was your first real relationship, so you mainly let Alexia take the lead and never tease but in the past weeks you’ve become even more comfortable and sassy. “Huh? What are you on about? But I hope you enjoyed the game”
By now all the other girls are in the changing room but you don’t seem to notice them, being completely concentrated on the conversation with the spanish midfielder. “I really did cariño. Can’t wait to show you how much. You will arrive before me, I want you waiting in the baby blue lace set in the bed. You deserve to be celebrated”. You feel all wobbly and happy.
Katie of course sees it and snatches your phone away from you. “Katie! What are you doing? Give me my phone back” You quickly panick and Katie smirks, reading the messages you exchanged. Thankfully Alexia has the sunset with you kissing as her profile picture so you’re not able to see the face. “Oho, Y/N is getting laid guys, in her baby blue lace bra by someone who’s called Corazón. Wait is that even a name?” You blush and hide your face in your hands.
“Corazón means heart in Spanish”. Olivia laughs and Emma just shakes her hand and takes your phone from Katie’s hand and gives it back to you. You quietly thank her and pack your things, escaping to the press conference. “We can just cuddle up and watch some criminal minds if you’re not in the mood” Alexa grows worried that you haven’t answered her yet.
“I’m sorry, Katie snatched my phone and read the messages out loud. Thankfully no one saw that it was you, but it was so embarrassing. I’m up for both<3” You answer her during the press conference, happily smiling.
“I’m sorry for embarrassing you in front of your teammates cariño, it wasn’t my intention” Your smile grows wider and you quickly answer. “It’s not your fault. It’s only your fault that I’m very turned on by now and still gotta answer stupid questions instead of being under you”. A reporter’s voice gets your attention. “Why are you smiling at your phone? Is there someone special in your life at the moment?”. These kinds of questions were your least favourite and the others usually knows it.
“My country just won with my goal, so I guess I can smile without having to have a relationship”. You answer shortly and take big sips of your water. Your phone lights up with one of alexia’s texts. “You look so hot when you’re annoyed love”. You bite your lip to contain your smile.
After long 30 minutes, you’re finally free to go and see Alexia in the parking lot. You hug each other for a solid moment, just enjoying each others presence. “You did so great amore”. Alexia says with the heavy accent you love.
You snuggle up to her and smile adoringly at her. “Thank you, did it just for you”. Alexia gives you a kiss into your nose making you giggle. “Oh yeah? Well then get inside so that we can celebrate properly”. You nod and make your way inside the car.
You spend the drive to the hotel talking about the game and the teasing from your teammates. “I’ll drop you off at the hotel. I need to pick something up. And remember what I’ve told you.” Alexia reminds you and you nod, giving her along goodbye kiss.
You were very excited as you make your way upstairs, getting inside your hotel room where you quickly take a shower and change into the lingerie set, Alexia loves so much. You slightly curl your hair and put on some natural makeup.
You were lost in your thoughts about what might happen, so that you don’t notice Alexia arriving. Only when she leaves light kisses on your neck. “God, you’re so beautiful. So perfect. Just for me”. You nod at her, moaning quietly.
You loved the way Alexia made you feel and you love it even more to show it. “I have a present for you. Close your eyes cariño” She says lovingly and you do as you’re told. You feel something cold hit your neck and her hands are lingering on your neck. She turns you around so that you’re facing her. You feel the weight of a necklace on your neck and Alexia presses a kiss on, what you guess, the pendant. “Can I open my eyes” You ask excited, making Alexia laugh.
“Mhm, look at you beautiful”. You blush and turn to the mirror. “Wow, Alexia it’s so beautiful. Thank you so much”. It’s a golden necklace, with a heart pendant. It’s decorated with tiny diamonds and if you look closely, you see that there’s ‘Alexia+Y/N’ engraved. “Open it”.
The Spaniard looks at you excited and you open it. There is the first picture of you two ever took with Nala and on the other side it’s the day and time engraved where you got together.
You feel a tear leaving your face but you don’t care at all. “It’s so pretty. Thank you honestly so much. I have never seen something this beautiful before.” Alexia smiles happily and hugs you from behind.
“Glad that you like it amore”. Alexia suddenly starts to suck on your favourite spot under your ear, definitely leaving a hickey.
You cling onto Alexia’s arms, her action sending shivers down your body. “Mhm, you like it?” You feel the smirk and just nod.
Alexia continues the assault on your body, leaving marks everywhere and telling you every time how pretty you are. You’ve moved to the bed and Alexia lost her clothes on the way to the bed too.
“Alexia please”. You look at her with your puppy eyes, sounding very needy. “What? Should I touch your drenched pussy?” She knows the answer but still wants to hear it from you. “Yes please.” You shakily breathe out. “Your wish is my command”.
With out anymore teasing, Alexia works on your clit, making you a moaning mess. You’re nearly reaching your climax when there’s suddenly a knock on the door. “How’s that?” Alexia asks annoyed and you just shrug, pushing Alexia back onto you.
“I don’t care, the person can come back later”. You start to make out with Alexia again and she starts fingering you. The both of you are so lost in your own world that you don’t notice your sister unlocking the door with the spare keycard you gave her.
“Are you fucking serious Y/N?”. Alexia and you quickly part away as you look at your sister in shook and ashamed that she caught you fucking your Barcelona captain.
“Omg Katie! Have you ever heard something about privacy?” You quickly give Alexia one of your over sized hoodies and put one on yourself.
“You weren’t answering the door but for real Y/N, you and la reina?” You stand next to Alexia, trying to comfort her, or yourself. “Yes and I love her so just shut up alright?” Your voice sounds annoyed.
“For how long?” She asks and this time Alexia answers. “two years. I’m sorry that we never told you but we never found the right time”. You nod in agreement.
“So you’re not just fucking my sister. You’re loving her back right?” Alexia quickly nods. “I love her more than I’ve loved anyone else”. You blush and look down at Alexia.
“Well, I’ll let it go this time because you look good in an Ireland hoodie. But I don’t want to see you guys fuck ever again, alright?” Both of you quickly nod.
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this-is-fox-speaking · 10 months
FANTOCCIO FACTS POST (from screenshots i found in my own interests server)
- His name is italian for puppet, but he pronounces it incorrectly and insists it’s the correct way to say his name if anyone else points it out and says he’s wrong.
- He’s not from Italy, obviously. Goes to show. But Ash imagines he knows a bit of italian. (“Not enough Italian to say his name right.” - Katie.)
- Fantoccio has a pet shark named Sharkspeare! Mentioned in the song at the line “‘Cause Sharkspeare’s looking mean!”
- Fantoccio has to make all his own props, set pieces, clothes, etc in the theatre.
- Would never smoke, and would hate being around it/people who’re doing it actively.
- Fantoccio was made by Ash as a fan OC for the game, and this (as far as I’m aware) is what got them hired onto the game, cause Katie loved their ideas so much.
- Fantoccio is not very good with kids.
- Fantoccio’s favorite food is churros. This came from the fact Ash once had a dream about him infodumping about them cause he loved them so much, so they made it canon.
- Don’t worry, he can indeed taste things normally. No traditional taste buds, but some, nonetheless. Same goes for touch!
- Fantoccio is canonically autistic, having many traits of himself heavily projected from Ash, themself.
- When asked what his meltdown triggers could be, Ash thought that some might be: too much touching, being without his hat, or one of his props breaking.
- Fantoccio likes wearing dresses! Wears them if he feels like it or if the role calls for it, during a play.
- Ash thinks he’d ADORE snow.
- Fantoccio would 100% love spicy italian from subway.
- Fantoccio plays violin!
- Fantoccio would chant “I’m sleeping” when struggling to fall asleep, like his own version of counting sheep.
- He would NEVER say the Earth is flat.
- He’d be the “How do you do that” of that one keysmash meme, if paired with Barnaby.
- Ash once said that Fantoccio is like Duck from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared.
- When doing a personality type test (and actually answering truthfully instead of in character) for Fantoccio, he ended up with ENTJ-T, Commander. Fanto would answer untruthfully on some questions, like if he ever gets insecure (“PFFFT NO THE ANSWERS NO”).
- He can go uwu in the bbu lore, but he’ll hate it. (“THIS IS STUPID!!!”)
- Fantoccio would apparently be a “mac and cheese FIEND.”
- He’d hate pranks (specifically a hand zapper in this case), because they’re unexpected. (“NEVER DO THAT AGAIN”)
- This also means he’d never troll anyone, cause he feels above that.
- Fanto would HATE hearing people crack their knuckles, like Ash does.
- Fantoccio loves to carve wood. Specifically only by hand, that’s how much he loves it! He carved the two giant wooden hands used in his battle, but his favorite thing to carve is ducks.
- Fantoccio is very intent on ONLY eating the few foods he knows he likes.
- If he were an ice cream, he’d be coffee flavor! Which is ironic, because Ash has also said that it’d probably be terrible to give Fantoccio caffeine.
- Fantoccio would LOVE chicken nuggets.
- Hates pizza, though. Too greasy and messy.
- Would enjoy having an ipad “a little too much. He would be super confused at first but once he learns how to use it DO NOT TAKE IT AWAY”. (kinda like Peridot from Steven Universe)
- He would like spruce wood in Minecraft, but also acacia “just to look at.”
- Ash adores pirates, so so does Fantoccio!
- He has no nose, so no sneezes!
- Appreciates detail as much as Barnaby does.
- Fanto would love birds!
- Fanto is not capable of curse words. Sad.
- Fantoccio would COLLAPSE trying to lift someone without his powers.
- He stims by patting his face and spinning around. Fidgets with his hands in concepts for his standing idle animations, because he’s uncomfortable with standing and prefers floating.
- He’d favor Murder Mystery!
- His wood is alive and can grow like a real boy! (if you’ve seen my post being reblogged around, lol)
- He lives in the lost city of magic, which is abandoned and overrun my magical zombies who used to be magic users, now with a terrible curse. So he lives mainly in his theatre. He’s not trapped, anymore, like his old story!
- Fantoccio’s powers are based around telekinesis and teleportation. It’s how he moves his body around!
- He used to have a plush toy rabbit he carried around, when he was younger, seemingly. It’s unclear where that went, when he got older.
- Fantoccio’s been locked up in this city for 15 years, since he was 8. Completely isolated (save for those zombies, I suppose)! When Billie comes along, though, he’s so excited to have something new to play with!
- Fanto’s song is inspired by Weird Al. Like 90% of this game is, of course /lh. He was also inspired by the pied piper!
- He’d dislike the idea of seafood. (“He’d be like “Why would anyone want to eat a fish?!” And cover Sharkspeare’s nonexistent ears like “Don’t listen to them!””)
- The red feather in his hat is also used as a pen!
- Fantoccio is a being of pure magic, having an entire magic gem be his whole life source. This means he can use magic endlessly without getting tired (I believe)!
- Fantoccio is 23, he/him, and pansexual.
- His face is made using magic. It disappears when/if he’s magic-less.
- Fantoccio can absolutely feel pain.
- When it comes to nature, Ash said he’d kinda be like Rarity from MLP:FiM, but certain kinds of nature he’d still really love. He’d really dislike walking through the wild or camping in general, but loves things like snow or flower fields. Just depends!
- Fantoccio would main Bowser in Mario Kart.
-In terms of favorite Halloween treats, Fantoccio would like anything chewy and fruity (no chocolate)!
- Canonically wears eyeliner.
- Magic sparks from his fingertips when he’s very excited!
- If Fantoccio was an animal, Ash says he’d be a cat.
- No traditional gross human stuff inside him like others, just wood and sap. “Whatever trees do.”
- His original concept by Ash was him having a purple phantom head, being a ghost in a puppet’s body. This was changed by Katie, I believe.
(feel free to add on if I missed anything! i’ll edit this post if i randomly remember something)
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belphiesgirlfriend · 11 months
Obey me! Brothers music taste headcanons
more like ramblings than headcanons tbh but i had this stuck in my head and needed to get it out, also feel free to send requests for diff headcanons!
Cw’s: none!
Little bit satirical (i over exaggerate sometimes cuz it’s funny) but pretty in character overall i thinkk
• You know this motherfucker listens to classical music and classical music only cuz he’s boring
• Okay but jokes aside i see him listening to like 30’s 40’s 50’s music especially the love songs.
• Like straight up fallout 4 soundtrack music, he’d listen to it while doing paperwork or unwinding
• He’d definitely be really prideful (no duh) about his taste in music, he’d feel all fancy and refined when he tells people
• Type of dude to be like “modern music simply can’t compare to the classics…” shut up grandpa we get it u know bach’s zodiac sign, penis size, and mothers maiden name
• Wants to be different so bad, he’d strictly listen to music from his vintage record player or some shit cause it’s the “most authentic” way to listen, fr acts like a manic pixie dream girl (he’d hit me upside the head if he heard me say that sorry luci🫶)
• r&b and spanish music
•but i feel like he’d like 2000s party music from all the clubbing and casinos
• def a weekend listener and like 90’s rap
• but also like i wouldn’t be surprised if he listened to some 90s rock too
• he’d listen 2 sublime or nirvana or local h (i’m projecting on the last one)
• but anyways he’d be a #1 rihanna fan he’d blast her music in his room but then deny liking her💀make it make sense!!
• also he knows her best album is loud CAUSE HE HAS TASTE!!
• also tyler the creator i get the vibe he’d love him
• kali uchis fan too
•ALSO i feel like he had a phase where he listened to juice wrld and was like “these cheating lying females….” after he got his heart broken by a witch YOU CANG TELL ME IM WRONG😭😭 it’s okay though cause he’s embarrassed by it now
• oh childish gambino too duh forgot about him
• this one’s gonna be real fucking short IM SORRYYY
• he listens to anime openings and game soundtracks strictly
• that’s literally all i can think of dude
• he’d be like “i don’t have time for normie music…”
• his room is literally that old caramelldansen meme from 2019/2020
• this one was harder for me to pinpoint
• first instinct would be classical music but it’s canon he likes ska music too so 🤷‍♀️
• i really do feel like he’d listen to all types of music, like a true jack of all traits, if he likes it he likes it so his playlist is allllll over the place
• for some reason i get a vibe he’d really like 80s music in particular though
• the song that pops into my head is who can it be now? by men at work idk why
• maybe even older music i feel like he’d like sam cooke
• OH both him and belphie would like mazzy star and fiona apple idk why but they would
• okay crucify me for this one but…mitski I JUSG FEEL LIKE HE WOULD
• but i also see him loving lady gaga a lot cuz he has taste
•omg he’d listen to old katy perry too
•but yea also probably lil nas x he’d have a celeb crush on him
• oh tyler the creator too with his gay ass, him and mammon both love him, they def have done a duet to see u again
• he’d be a barb probably defend nicki too😭
• and as much as it pains me to say it, he’d fucking listen to ayesha erotica and be like “this is so good!!!”, hed post a devilgram story with one of her songs and then get cancelled on twitter
• “I made a severe and continuous lapse of judgement…” and then did the same thing a week later
• type of guy when you ask him what music he listens to he goes “idk i don’t really listen to music”
• he legitimately looks up “hype playlist” on youtube to work out and that’s the extent of it
• really can’t see him being a big music guy
• if u invited him to a concert or something he’d go though for food
•he’d give you a piggy back ride so u can see better
• tbh if u were to put on music he would not care much no matter how good/bad it is
• you could walk in on him working out and literally listening 2 cbat or some shit
• HE LITERALLY IS CBAT GUY😭 he’d be like “i always use this song when i’m working out..
• emo fucker
• i feel like he’d like emo/ 90s rock ( but more “rockish” than mammons 90’s rock)
• but he’d also love any more relaxing music with softer vocals
• they have the combination of 90s rock but also more soothing calming vocals, theyd literally b perfect
• and for that reason his favorite albums r koi no yokan and saturday night wrist, also their self titled,
• would call mammon a poser for his music taste “nirvana isn’t even *real* rock idiot🙄”
• but nah, also like i said in satans fiona apple and mazzy star fan
• he’d suck so bad though he’d go on twitter and be like, “if you like deftones ur a poser” (while being their number 1 fan, fucking brat) then turn off his phone and take a nap for the funny
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brandogenius · 4 months
hiii babe! could you write something about like famous rockstar reader says in an interview that Naomi is her celebrity crush and like what would happen after?
ofc!! i love this omf
BLURB - naomi x reader - celebrity crush
Tumblr media
- i feel like reader definitely says it on accident. something where they were just babbling away and didn’t realise until it was said and goes like “oH-“ clearly embarrassed and a blushing. i imaging it might be a live interview with an audience and everyone’s like freaking out
- people in said audience would post it to twt and it would go viral. fans are freaking out over it. you really share a fanbase with muna from you opening for munas tour so you’re familiar and friends with muna as it is. people hearing you say naomi is your celebrity crush has everyone theorising, talking about the times you were caught on munas tour vlogs, hanging out in the back of the shot with naomi
- naomi obviously hears about this and honestly the only thought i can imagine they feel is the 👀 emoji. they think you’re attractive but hearing your say they are your celebrity crush has them twirling their hair and kicking their feet fr
- naomi contenplating on whether or not to slide into your dms. funny or serious? sliding in with a meme or not? it has them stressing about it to the point they are screaming into the pillow with katie rubbing their back and jo trying to scroll through their meme folder trying to find a meme that fits the situation for naomi to send to you
- i can see naomi biting the bullet and sending a 👀 😏 with a meme at like idk 4 am not expecting you to reply / be awake so they have time to freak out but the minute they see the ‘seen’ not even 5 seconds after posting has them screaming and being prepared to yeet themselves out the window
- all three crowded around their phone at 4:30am watching you type and stop typing, type and stop typing until you stop typing and end up leaving naomi on read
- “bummer. major L on your part” “jo i swear to fuck”
- naomi prepared for defeat giving up, coming up with an excuse if you end up not replying within the next day. but really you just fell asleep on your phone 😭
- naomi falling asleep from nerves ? if that’s even a thing. so anxious and worried if they just destroyed their friendship with you from two simple emojis they end up waking up like shit. hair tossed. phone charger embedded into their cheek you know that type of sleep.
- waking up to their phone with 4 new messages from you. sent like 2 hours ago, naomi’s like “oh shit ok here we go ok we got this-“ to click on the messages seeing you ramble in their dms like “sorry if i made you uncomfortable-“ and naomi is just texting back like “no- you didn’t? i’m surprised. your celebrity crush is me? outta all people”
- you replying instantly which gives naomi a heart attack smh. you’re like “yeah- you’re just really cool and honestly you’ve been my crush for a pretty long time “ and naomi is totally not freaking out absolutely not. no no. totally not running into the kitchen where katie is at the table reading something in her phone and jo is making some toast.
- naomi reading the message over and over trying to form a thought but nothings there just a bunch of screaming like spongebob in the office
- “how about i take you out for dinner tonight?” and pressed send and it’s that tiktok / vine of the person pressing send and running away screaming. expecting you to either decline or leave naomi on read
- you respond though like “as long as we get ice cream then hell yeah” and naomi is stood in the kitchen like “holy shit”
- “alright owe up, gimme that $20. told you it’d happen” “you two did not place bets” “we absolutely did”
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theroundbartable · 2 years
Celebrities I think would go well with one of the tumblr vibes:
Neil Gaiman, obviously. He's our cryptid.
Fight me on this, but Ryan Reynolds is deadpool in the flesh and deadpool has like, created this site or smth.
Tom Felton. Honestly, does he have a blog here called drarryking? I bet he's here already in hiding.
David Tennant. But like....on accident. He wouldn't understand shit on this side. He's already living a pseud and would take a new one specially for tumblr and post totally normal stuff and like... Visit this side once a month, cause he get's like 5 reblogs out of it. Then he sends a cat meme which goes off and he'd be totally lost. He would also, unironically, text neil Gaiman for the next season of good omens in the ask box and get a "wait and see" answer out of it.
Colin Morgan. I just think it would be funny, if he were here, not even with a pseud or posting anything at all. He'd have like no Interactions, he'd just be here on an empty blog to see what's going on and is silently surprised that the merlin fandom is still alive. He wouldn't even do it often. Just like... Once a year on accident, when he suddenly remembers that he has a blog here. On the Chance that he interacts, he's instantly blocked, cause we think he's a bot.
Taika Waititi. The poor chaos of this man. He's a creator. He'd post memes and updates of his works and still somehow end up among the average tumblr user ratio.
Mary Shelly. If she were alive. Or maybe that doesn't matter in her case.
Alice Oseman. But that doesn't count. She rose from the tumblr grave and made herself known to the outside world. She was born here and here she will live. The outside get's to see what she accomplished, but we are her roots and the grovel that shaped her.
These are all the people that I know. I'm bad with names and mostly watch cartoons. Lel.
People who I think shouldn't/ wouldn't be on this side:
Anthony Head. I want him here though, lol.
Bradley James. Yes, i'm going through the merlin cast first. And Bradley is cool and all. But he doesn't have the vibe.
Angel Coulby. I dunno. I think she's above this hellsite. She'd be falling from grace and I simply cannot imagine it.
Katie McGrath. Albeit a close one.
Michael Sheen. He's chaotic enough. But I can't imagine it. Maybe i'm reading too much Aziraphael in his character. But he's the chaos on a good website, while David is the good on the hellsite.
Elliot Page. I dunno. I think he would go to a cooler website, like instagram or i dunno. Even facebook. He'd be welcome here, and I think he might visit from time to time. But I don't think he'd have a blog of their own.
Daniel Radcliff. No?
jensen Ackles. I don't think tumblr could handle him
Misha collins. He's here. Kinda. In spirit. But he can't quite reach us. He's the ghost that haunts us. He can't have a blog.
#this is a Personal headcanon. You can disagree or agree with all of these and I won't be offended. This is meant as a joke.
# some of these people might already be here. Reality overrules my headcanons.
#i realise I mostly know male actors. But Not knowing things is my right as a person.
#please add your own ideas, or disprove mine. This could be fun :)
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singsweetmelodies · 8 months
Hello Katie 👋🏼👋🏼 :D
For the 50 romance prompts ask meme, I'll like to request for 44: soulmate AU: timers <3
but if possible... with a twist...? (you don't have to include a twist if it's too difficult to work it in!)
The twist being, for whatever reason, their countdown timers for each of them to the time they meet their soulmates doesn't match, so they think "we're not each other's soulmates. that's cool. (no it's not)" but it turns out that they're each other soulmates anyways. or they choose to be with each other in spite of not being each other's soulmates. idk. *nervous laughter*
hiiii charlotte 🥰 first off, i am SO sorry for the incredible delay with this answer!! i saw this prompt and i absolutely LOVED IT (and the twist!! 🙏 *chef's kiss*) but unfortunately i got struck with a horrible case of writer's block/work deadlines, and just couldn't get to it at all.
until yesterday: i decided to just open my inbox and see what came to me. no thinking, just following the vibe of a prompt and writing. and uh. this happened... not only did it get ridiculously long (oops?) but it also somehow became a mini "investigate montreal" fic?? so in that vein, i'm tagging @1016week and submitting a belated entry for Day 6 "Montreal"... ❤️
i love this one. hope you love it too!! 👀⌚
Charles' soulmate timer stops when he is seven years old, and he meets the boy with the bluest eyes he's ever seen.
He's been vibrating with excitement all weekend - not just because it's a karting cup, but because his soulmate timer has been ticking down to this day for months now. Well, not just months, not really. It's actually been his whole life, but Charles doesn't remember all of that. He only remembers the past few months, when the little numbers had been getting smaller and smaller, until there were only ten days left and Charles gasped when he realised that the day would fall on the same day as the Bridgestone Cup.
"Of course the girl I marry is going to like racing, too," he'd told Maman and Papa, confidingly. Not a lot about soulmates made much sense to him, but this did.
His Maman had tried to smile, and Charles had hugged her tight to let her know it was going to be okay. He would find his soulmate, and then everyone would be smiling, because that's what people do when you meet your soulmate.
(Later that night, when Charles had been too excited to sleep and he'd gone to the bathroom quickly, Charles had heard his parents having an argument in their room. The door was closed, so their voices were muffled, but Charles could still make out his Maman saying "I just don't think it's a good sign, to meet your soulmate so young!" But Papa had countered, "Many people do, and they have beautiful stories. You have to trust that our Charles will meet his perfect match tomorrow." And then there had been an icky noise, like kissing, and Charles had flushed the loo quickly and ran back to his room.)
Now, with the beautiful blue eyed boy standing in front of him, Charles thinks of Papa's words again. Our Charles will meet his perfect match tomorrow.
Charles thought it would be a girl who really liked karting, but this is even better. This is a boy who wins at karting, because he's holding a trophy in both hands and grinning like he couldn't be happier.
Of course Charles' perfect match would be someone who wins at karting. It's only right, because Charles also wins at karting.
Charles clears his throat. "Hi," he says shyly, and the blue-eyed boy jumps.
"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," he says apologetically, and then he laughs. He has a nice laugh, Charles thinks - like he knows how to have fun. "You are a bit short," the blue-eyed boy adds, and hey.
"Hey," Charles protests. "I'm tall for my age. I'm seven."
"Well, I'm nine," the blue-eyed boy says, like that's the most impressive age in the world.
It is a bit impressive, but not very, because Lorenzo is much older than that. Still, it is a little scary - Charles is only seven. What if this blue-eyed boy doesn't like him because he's only seven? Older kids can be mean like that.
No, he is your perfect match, Charles reminds himself. This blue-eyed boy won't be mean to him, because that's not how perfect matches work.
Charles takes a deep breath, then he sticks out his hand. "I'm Charles," he says.
The blue-eyed boy takes his hand, and it feels... weird. A little bit like when you get shocked by static electricity.
Charles giggles, unable to stop himself, and the blue-eyed boy smiles, as though he likes that.
"Hello, Charles. I'm Pierre," he says, squeezing Charles' hand. His eyes widen a moment later. "Oh! You've met your soulmate?!"
Charles doesn't understand what he means. "Well, yeah," he says. "It's y-"
And then he notices it.
Pierre's soulmate timer, right there on his wrist, right above where Charles is gripping his hand - it's still ticking.
Now, Charles doesn't know a lot about soulmates yet, but he knows that that's not good. Not good at all.
"I, um," Charles stammers, and then he does the one thing Maman and Papa said you should never do to your soulmate. Charles lies.
"I met so many new people today. I don't remember who it was."
Pierre's face falls. "Oh," he says, and he sounds unbearably sad for Charles. "But..." He chews his lip, shaking his head with a deep frown.
Then, mid-shake, Pierre's expression changes to one of determination. "I will help you find them," he says, with the kind of confidence Charles can only dream of when he's not on the racetrack.
He tugs on Charles' hand - which he still hasn't let go of - and Charles is helpless to do anything but follow.
They don't find Charles' soulmate anywhere, of course, and then Charles has to go win his race - but Pierre makes him promise that they will find each other at the next French karting event, and Charles will tell him all about his soulmate.
Charles promises, even though the idea makes his stomach feel all funny. I shouldn't be lying to my soulmate, he thinks, guiltily.
But Pierre's soulmate timer didn't stop ticking, and... that's not how soulmates are supposed to work.
The moment he's in the car with his father after the race, heading back home, Charles asks him about it.
Papa is quiet for a long moment, then: "Are you sure there wasn't someone behind Pierre, Charles?" he asks, in his careful, kind way. "Someone who's timer stopped at the same time as yours?"
Charles thinks about it for a moment, but even the idea of that feels - wrong, somehow. Like going into a corner and knowing you braked too hard, and you're going to flip the kart.
He shakes his head decisively. "No," he says. "It's Pierre."
He hears rather than sees his father blow out a soft sigh. Charles catches his eye in the rearview mirror, feeling confused and a little shaky inside.
When Papa sighs like that, it's never good news - it's usually something about sponsorship, which is a word Charles is already coming to dread.
It doesn't make sense how this could be about sponsorship, though. It probably isn't.
Charles waits for his father to gather his thoughts, like he needs to do sometimes to make sure he says exactly what he means. (It's something Maman keeps telling him he should try doing as well, but he's not so good at that yet.)
"You know how even the greatest racing drivers make mistakes sometimes?" Papa asks.
Charles frowns, but he nods. "Yes?"
"Sometimes the universe is like that, too. Sometimes the universe makes a mistake, and stops the timers too soon," Papa explains.
Charles frowns. He hasn't heard about that before, but he guesses it makes sense. It's true what Papa said - not even Senna was a perfect driver who never made mistakes. It makes sense that the universe is the same.
"But this doesn't mean you don't have a soulmate, okay, Charles?" Papa says before Charles can spend too much time thinking about the whole thing. His voice is firmer than Charles was expecting, and he reaches up to tilt the rearview mirror to see Charles better.
"It doesn't mean you don't have a soulmate," he repeats, like he doesn't want Charles to ever doubt that. "It just means it's going to be a little harder to find them."
Charles frowns, and he can't help but be a little annoyed. Isn't the whole point of soulmate timers to make it easier to find your perfect match?
It's just his luck that his soulmate timer doesn't work properly.
"I understand," Charles says, though, because he can tell it's important to his father.
Papa nods, but he keeps watching Charles in the rearview mirror for the rest of the drive, like he sometimes does after a race where Charles crashed the kart badly and he needs to keep making sure that Charles is fine.
Of course Charles is fine. He doesn't think this is comparable to a bad race at all! It's a little annoying, yes, but it's not that bad. It's just a bit of extra work, isn't it?
Charles shrugs his shoulders, glancing quickly down at the stopped soulmate timer at his wrist.
Whatever. Racing is more important than soulmates, anyway.
Almost twenty years later, Charles still says that to himself almost every day, even if he doesn't believe it with nearly the same careless seven-year-old confidence anymore: racing is more important than soulmates.
It is, because it has to be.
The thing is this: his father's explanation to Charles' seven-year-old self had been true - if a little oversimplified, and painted with an overt layer of kindness.
The truth Charles knows now is that there are two reasons, two categories, for people whose timers stop when the other person's keeps running.
One is, like Papa had said all those years ago, a simple case of mistaken timing - cases where the universe or fate or whatever controls it all stopped one person's timer a little too soon, or the other's a little too late.
It's harder to find each other in those cases, but it's still quite possible.
And then there's the second category. The unrequiteds. People whose timers stopped at the right time - when they met the person who would be their perfect match - except that they are not that person's perfect match in return. It only goes one way.
It's rare, but it happens sometimes. No system is perfect, after all - not even a system of soulmates.
For years and years, Charles tried to convince himself that he fell into the first category. His soulmate timer simply stopped too early, by some cosmic accident - but it's okay, Charles insists to everyone who asks and to himself as well, because what it's done is given Charles more time to focus on his racing instead. He's not constantly glancing down at his wrist and wondering when his timer is going to stop ticking - he can just get on with the racing.
He'll find his soulmate eventually, but on his own terms. There's nothing bad about that, surely.
Charles believes that. Really he does.
Except, if it's true and Charles falls into the first category - the mistaken timing category - then it would mean Pierre isn't his soulmate.
Pierre, who kept the promise he'd made to a seven-year-old who wasn't even his soulmate (because, yes, he had found Charles at the very next French karting cup, and he'd asked to meet Charles' soulmate - and when Charles had to admit that he still hadn't found them, Pierre had hugged him and told him not to give up and that he would find his soulmate someday. Pierre had held Charles' hand and explained that his parents almost didn't find each other, but they did. So it might take Charles some time, but that was okay, because it had taken Pierre's parents some time too, but now they were happier than ever. He'd been so convincing, firm but kind and absolutely sure of himself, and he'd made Charles believe it. He also made Charles smile, genuinely and truly, when he promised he'd stick by Charles' side no matter what anyone else said or whispered about his stopped soulmate timer.)
Pierre, who kept that promise about sticking with Charles, too. Pierre who never stopped being kind, and loyal, and the best friend Charles could ask for, whether he was seven or thirteen or nineteen or twenty-six.
Honestly, how was Charles supposed to not fall hopelessly in love with him?
He tried to deny it. For years and years, Charles tried to deny it - I will find my soulmate someday and it will all make sense, he'd tried to convince himself - but the thing was, what made more sense than Pierre being his soulmate?
It was roundabout the time of Pierre's first win (when Charles was standing under the podium in Monza with an aching back but a heart soaring with joy for his best friend despite the disaster of his own race) that Charles resigned himself to the truth: Pierre is his soulmate.
He has to be. Isn't a soulmate meant to be your perfect match; the person who understands you better than anyone and makes you happier than any other person in the world?
There's nobody else who could make Charles as happy as Pierre does. Nobody, nobody. There's no point in even trying to deny it anymore.
Pierre is his soulmate. But he is not Pierre's.
And that's okay. It's okay.
It has to be.
It isn't okay, not really, but that's true of a lot of things in Charles' life, and he's learned how to deal with them. He can deal with this, too.
On the whole, Charles thinks he does a pretty good job of dealing with it. He gets to be Pierre's best friend, after all - isn't that just a different kind of soulmate? True, Charles might want more, but it isn't like he has nothing. He has Pierre, and he will have Pierre for the rest of their lives.
Not in the way he wants, but - at least he will have Pierre.
The one thing he tries never to think about is Pierre's actual soulmate. Because Pierre has one, he knows, and he will meet them at some point.
Charles doesn't know how the hell he's supposed to look at some soulmate of Pierre's, and smile at her, and not be hopelessly, heartbreakingly jealous.
(He will do it, though. He will learn to smile at Pierre's soulmate - for Pierre's sake. He'll do it for Pierre.)
But that's a bridge he will cross when they get there. He doesn't have to worry about it yet (or at least, that's what Charles keeps telling himself even as the months tick by, and he knows there aren't year figures left on Pierre's soulmate timer anymore. Just months now, and then... weeks.)
Charles isn't thinking about it. He's put it out of his mind completely - which is easy enough to do, thankfully, given everything that's been happening on-track this season.
That's probably why he accepts Pierre's invitation to dinner in Montreal without thinking twice about it. (Even if he had realised, though, Charles doesn't think he would have been able to say no, either. He would give Pierre everything, if he only asked.)
So they go to dinner in Montreal, and it's perfect, and wonderful, and laughter-filled, and all in all exactly what Charles needed to distract himself from the fact that he has yet another engine penalty, and the sinking feeling that the championship is beginning to slip out of his reach.
Pierre seems to realise it, because he's in even finer form than usual - teasing Charles and tickling his ribs playfully and making him laugh at every possible opportunity.
Even on the drive back to the hotel: they stop at a red light, and Pierre steals Charles' cap, and Charles is giggling and filming it while Pierre is giggling back, and he's pretty sure neither of them are thinking about it at all, until-
Until Pierre's face changes from laughter to something almost ashen. "Charles," he says, and for all the years Charles has known him, he's never once heard Pierre's voice like that. "My soulmate timer just stopped."
For a few seconds, the words don't even register in Charles' mind.
Then they do, and Charles can feel his heart drop. "What?" he breathes.
His hands shake, and he doesn't even register the fact that the light has gone green as he glances all around them, craning his neck to see if there's anyone behind the white Ferrari, or around to the side.
Just a few minutes ago, their car had been surrounded by fans on all sides, all jostling to try and get pictures of them. But now, somehow, they're all alone in the Montreal night.
(The irony of it all is not lost on him - is this how Pierre felt all those years ago, when he was trying to look for Charles' soulmate at a karting cup, but not finding anybody it could be?)
"Are you sure it stopped just now? And not earlier?" Charles asks, willing his voice not to shake.
"Yeah," Pierre whispers. He sounds... devastated.
"But," Charles says, and then he has to take a deep breath. "But there's no-one else here, Pierrot."
"I know," Pierre says, somehow even softer.
Charles' fingers clench reflexively around the steering wheel, and he's moving in blank autopilot as he puts the car into gear and starts driving forward again.
He doesn't even realise he's shaking his head until Pierre says softly, "Charles." There's something wounded about it.
Charles stops shaking his head and slams on the brakes instead, jerking the car into something he hopes is a parking space at the side of the road.
"I don't understand," he says, far more calmly than he feels. "You can't - I can't be your soulmate."
Okay, maybe he's not so calm after all. But he doesn't think... he doesn't think anyone would be calm, in this situation.
Pierre makes a sound that could almost be a laugh, except that it sounds too strangled. "Do you know," he says, "that I have spent half my life wondering if the soulmate system got something wrong in my case? Because if you're not my soulmate, then who is? Who could possibly..."
Pierre does laugh this time, shaking his head. "You know, I asked to go out with you tonight for a reason. I knew - I knew it would happen tonight, so I needed to..." He swallows. "I needed to see you, one last time. Before I wouldn't be allowed to love you anymore."
It jolts through Charles then, what Pierre is trying to say. "Pierre," he breathes, and now it's his turn to say his best friend's name in a way he doesn't think he's ever said it before.
But Pierre's not finished yet. "I thought I could have one last night with you," he says. "One last night, before I had to say goodbye to my feelings, and try to love someone else."
My feelings. Try to love someone else.
Charles Leclerc is a lot of things, but an idiot is not one of them. He knows what Pierre is saying. He's...
Pierre loves him too. All along, Pierre has loved him too.
Only, he never had the option of thinking we're soulmates, Charles realised, and his heart twists in his chest.
Because Charles, for all that he accepted his soulbond toward Pierre was unrequited - at least he'd had the option of them being soulmates. Yes, it was in a twisted way, but at least he'd had that.
Pierre didn't. And he still fell in love with Charles.
The thought hits him like a shell-shock, and it's enough that Charles can only sit there for a moment, staring blankly, as Pierre continues talking beside him.
"I meant for tonight to just be a quick dinner together, something fun but normal for us," Pierre is saying, wringing his hands. "But I lost track of time. I always lose time when I'm talking to you, Charlito, I could talk to you forever - but the point is, I forgot to tell you I need to go back. I forgot that I was meant to meet my fucking soulmate tonight, because I was spending time with you, and - "
He takes a deep breath, and then he laughs again, leaning forward to drop his head into his hands. "I felt it happen, you know? I knew exactly when my soulmate timer stopped, because I could feel it, and it's - it was when I put that fucking cap on my head, Charles."
The cap that he's still wearing. Charles' 16 Ferrari cap.
Charles' hands shake as he reaches out to touch it, just the brim. "Your soulmate timer stopped when you put my cap on," he says, because a part of him still can't believe that this is real, that he's not living in some kind of heartbreakingly wonderful dream.
Pierre straightens up so fast that Charles is left with his fingers dangling awkwardly in mid-air. "Yes," he says, suddenly looking wild, "but this doesn't have to change anything, Charlito, I promise. I will still help you find your soulmate, and I will - I'll learn how to live with an unrequited bond, it's -"
"No!" Charles interrupts, half-throwing himself across the car to catch hold of Pierre's hands. "No, no, no, no. No more unrequited bonds, Pierrot."
Pierre starts to shake his head, but then he stops in the middle of the movement. "What do you mean," he asks, very carefully, "no more?"
And suddenly, Charles feels giddy, of all things. "I mean, your timer didn't stop when mine did. So for years, I have thought that we can't be soulmates, or at least that you couldn't be my soulmate. But now your timer stopped when you put on my cap, so -"
"Stop, stop, stop," Pierre says, squeezing Charles' hands tightly. "What do you mean, my timer didn't stop when yours did?"
"Oh," Charles says, and then he winces, the weight of the only real lie he's ever told his best friend (the only real lie he's ever told his soulmate) settling onto his shoulders with uncomfortable heaviness. "Um. Well. Do you remember when we met, and you thought I already met my soulmate?"
"No," Pierre breathes, but it's not the kind of no that says "no I don't remember." This no is more like "no way."
"Yeah," Charles says, and he can't help but look down at his own wrist, where the soulmate timer has been stopped for years and years. "My timer stopped the moment I met you, Pierrot."
Pierre doesn't look like he knows how to finish that sentence, but Charles understands him anyway. "How was I supposed to tell you? I was seven, Pierre, and your timer didn't stop. I thought it was a mistake for years."
"But?" Pierre asks, like he can tell there was a but.
Charles beams at him. "But, I realised that there was nobody else who could be my perfect match. So I thought you were my soulmate after all, but it was unrequited."
"Never," Pierre says with a fierceness Charles doesn't expect. "Charles, never. If I knew... if I thought I had even half a chance, I would have been with you anyway."
Charles tries to laugh, but it comes out all breathless. "No you wouldn't."
"Yes, I would," Pierre argues, and his voice is heartbreakingly sincere. "I don't care. I would have chosen you."
Charles hears a punched-out noise, and it takes him a moment to realise it came from him. The next moment, he's unbuckling his seatbelt and climbing awkwardly over to sit on Pierre's lap.
It's not quite comfortable, because for all its luxury, the white Ferrari does not have a lot of leg space - but Charles doesn't think either of them give a single fuck, in this moment.
"I love you," he tells Pierre, reaching up to cup his cheek. "I've always loved you, but I never would have stood between you and your soulmate."
"Funny," Pierre says, his hands coming up to grip Charles' hips, "because that's exactly what stopped me from kissing you senseless."
"Well," Charles says, and if he grinds down just a little on Pierre's lap, he'll swear to everyone who asks that it was accidental. "It doesn't have to stop us anymore."
"Never again," Pierre agrees, tightening his grip on Charles' hips. "Never."
"So kiss me senseless, please," Charles whispers, and then he adds "soulmate," and that's what does it. Pierre surges up and kisses him, wild and desperate and more than a little clumsy, but without question the best kiss Charles has ever had. His own cap digs into his forehead a little, but Charles can't even bring himself to care about that - they owe too much to this cap now, honestly.
Maybe the universe does know what it's doing after all, Charles thinks. Maybe the universe just wanted to write a good story for them. A story that goes like this:
Charles' soulmate timer stopped when he was seven years old, and he met the boy with the bluest eyes he'd ever seen.
Almost twenty years later, Pierre's soulmate timer stopped in a white Ferrari in Montreal, and Charles finally got to kiss the boy with the bluest eyes he's ever seen, the man who is his best friend and his soulmate.
The odds of it working out this way have to be... a million to one, probably, or maybe even less.
But then again, what are the odds that two boys who met at a French karting cup and became friends with a shared dream would both make it to Formula 1?
Maybe the answer is just that Pierre and Charles have always liked beating the odds.
(50 Romance Prompts Ask Meme) <- not currently taking more prompts, sorry!
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thenumberonelistener · 3 months
My Hero Academia playlist (and why the songs are there)
(pls reblog with further suggestions i wanna add stuff to my playlist because I made this playlist 2 years ago)
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Dirty Little Secret (all american rejects) : idk it originally went with my main oc ship because it was with shouto and they needed to hide it from his dad
Bakugo! (KVMIL) : I mean, duh.
Me and My Broken Heart (Rixton) : I gave this to todoroki. I'm not sure why. for some reason I thought it matched the angsty vibe
Hey, Soul Sister (Train) : Dekuchaco. That's all.
Rude (MAGIC!) : This gave me really big Kirishima vibes when I made it and it still does.
All Star (Smash Mouth) : This is my All Might song. thats it.
Starships (nicki Minaj) : Minaaaa <3
Pound The Alarm (nicki minaj) : This gives me so many... Present mic dj vibes
Bang Bang (K'naan) : This is just so cute and I like using it for any ship I'm thinking of.
Boss Bitch (doja cat) : another Mina song. It's probably in here because it used to wake me up.
Hot 'n Cold (Katy Perry) : purely JUST for the icyhot memes.
Va Va Voom (Nicki minaj) : I think i thought this went with mina when i put it in here? i don't know but i like this song. Could go better with midnight though.
Peach Sign (Kenshi Yonezu) : this is one of the theme songs.
You make me feel... (good) (Cobra Starship) : This song is just such a bop?? soOO GOOD? and it was one of my dance team songs at the time. It's just a good, sfw kind of ship song? but can really be used for found family too? I think?
Uraraka (GameboyJones) : OBVIOUSLY I HAVE TASTE
The Red Means I love you (Madds Buckley) : this song was made about Himiko Toga, and i love it
Class 1-A (Rustage) : This seems obvious
A World Alone (Lorde) : i put it in here for my oc, honestly <3
Get Him Back! (olivia Rodrigo) : I have no idea whY, but it reminded me of hitoshi?
Sora ni Utaeba (amazarashi) : it's one of the theme songs
Here with me (d4vd) : made me sad and reminded me a little of the empty oboro-shaped hole in Mic and Aizawa's friend group
Everybody Talks (Neon Trees) : Gives me denki vibes honestly
Good old fashioned loverboy (queen) : ERASERMIC!!!! gay.
Dear Future husband (meghan Trainor) : no idea why it's in here, take your best guess.
Still into you (paramore) : ERASERMIC!
Moves Like Jagger (maroon 5) : Present mic. thats it.
Don't Threaten me with a good time (Panic!) : I think this is in here because of Mic, but I'm not sure.
Sweater Weather (The Neighborhood) : bisexual anthem... it's just the vibe
Airplanes (B.o.B) : the memes, but also because I just like this song. and it fits with the rest of the playlist vibes
The Record player Song (Daisy the Great) : This song was more attributable to one of my ocs, Sairento
Prom Queen (Beach Bunny) : I related this to Sairento but also to Ochako
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abscourse-detective · 19 days
So. List of suspects for @abscourse’s identity. (Will be updated as the investigation progresses)
1) @aspenaspenaspenaspenaspen, for use by @abscourse of Aspen’s yellow heart (here)
2) @alaydabug2, accused by Aspen, for the spelling error of « answer » appearing on @abscourse’s pinned post, apparently often made by @alaydabug2 (here). But apparently Alayda doesn’t speak Spanish, and when @abscourse showed their follower count, it was in Spanish.
3) @myfairkatiecat, accused by @permanently-stressed, cause the pinned post on @abscourse has the same sentence as Katie’s ask box, « ask and I shall answer ». (Here)
4) @sasharcyreal, accused by Alayda in a convo with Katie. (Here), but no further proof.
5) I add @keefe--sencen cause of an “ask” they sent to @permanently-stressed that sounded very weirdly to @abscourse’s pinned post. (Here)
6) Some random person whose only contact with KOTLC is via the meme. They suggested that themselves…(here)
If anyone gets any more clue, don’t hesitate to tag me! I don’t promise the fastest answer, but I’ll be there.
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lwamonstergirls · 1 month
(NEW) Little Witch Academia: Monster Witches List
Yep, that's right, starting fresh with a new list~! In this, I'm going to be listing what kind of monster each witch is in this AU, and this time it will include EVERY WITCH!!! Or at least Every Witch I have a monster for at the moment. Will get back to some just in case I missed a background character, or random professor, or character exclusive to the games or manga. But for now, here is the new list~.
Student Teams
Red Team:
Atsuko "Akko" Kagari - Werecat
Lotte Jansson - Barn Owlman
Sucy Manbavaran - Kraken Cecaelia
Blue Team:
Diana Cavendish - Lamia
Hannah England - Demoness
Barbara Parker - Black Widow Drider
Green Team:
Amanda O'Neill - Peregrine Falcon Harpy
Jasminka Antonenko - Pink Slime Girl
Constanze Amalie Von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger - Cyborg
Violet Team:
Avery - Vampire
Mary - Were-Jackalope
Blair - Dryad
Yellow Team:
Wangari - Wereleopard
Kimberly - Mothman
Joanna - Selkie
Peach Team:
Sarah Bernhardt - Giant Western Dragon Girl
Chloe - Cervitaur
Elfriede - Werewolf
Pale-Green Team:
Sóla - Salamander Girl
Rajani & Rashmi - Naga
Pale-Blue Team:
Shao-Yi - Giant Eastern Dragon Girl
Catarina - Arctic Kitsune
Katie - Weresheep
Light-Green Team:
Dorotea - Alphyn Girl
Irene - Strigoi
Eleanor - Enfield Girl
Light - Aqua Team:
Bianca - Rokurokubi
Aileen - Blue Slime Girl
Hilda - Osprey Harpy
Pale-Lavender Team:
Heather - Orca Mermaid
Rosie - Jellyfish Mermaid
Daisy - Siren
Lavender Team:
Katya - Shedu Girl
Carmen - Electric Eel Mermaid
Maria - Matango
Lime Team:
Gaëlle - Regular/Common Mermaid
Aira - Werecheetah
Isabelle - Griffon Girl
Aqua Team:
Abigail - Chimera Girl
Rachel - Giant Wyrm Girl
Rita - Coatyl/Boitatá/Cockatrice Tribrid
Light-Yellow Team:
Molly McIntyre - Wraith
Elsa - Tiger Mershark
Amelia - Ichthyocentaur
Pale-Yellow Team:
Erika - Peacock Jumping Drider
Bridget - Leafy Seadragon Mermaid
Bice - Giant Wyvern Girl
Pink Team:
Alice - Giant Drake Girl
Eliza - Seahorse Mermaid
Priscilla - Imp
Teal Team:
Verochka - Giant Sea Serpent Girl
Nina - Angelic Monster
Francine - Manticore Girl
Lime-Yellow Team:
Aisha - Buraq Girl
Esther - Eurasian Eagle Owl Harpy/Golden Weretiger Hybrid
Henrietta - Fairy
Orange Team:
Michelle - Wedge-Tailed Eagle Harpy/Frilled Lizardman Hybrid
Li Na - Common Lizardman
Theodora - Weretiger
Purple Team:
Teresa - Deathstalker Scorrow
Julietta - Giant Squid Cecaelia
Alma - Minotaur
Miscellaneous Students
Katherine - Honeypot Ant Girl
Lin Lin - Werepanda
Jeanne - Dullahan
Shiki - Medusa Lamia
Balsa McVinegar - Crow Harpy
Marianne - Sailfish Mermaid
Verde Shidariza - Peacock Harpy
Jiji Delevingne - Dolphin Mermaid
Professor Ursula/Chariot - Centaur
Professor Croix - ShapeShifter
Professor Finnelan - Banshee
Professor Nelson - Golden Eagle Harpy
Professor Lukic - Goblin Mershark
Professor Meme - Cyclops
Professors Abby & Britt - Giant Hydra Women
Shao-Yi's Mother - Giant Eastern Dragon Woman
Professor Matilda - Were-Jackalope
Professor Badcock - Great Horned Owlman
Headmistress Holbrooke - Papillon Fae
As for Professor Pisces, she's basically the same. I could make her a mermaid, but I feel like keeping her as a regular fish that's just sapient would be funnier. Besides, she know has an entire section of the school she can swim around in freely~! Yeah, I'll be getting to that eventually.
Finally, I've gotten this list all done and typed! Not lying, this took me literal days to finish since I couldn't think of monsters for some girls and kept switching species around! Luckily, the people I've asked say this list is good, which at least gives me some hope that I made the right choices for these characters. I'm not gonna lie, I can't wait to make spec evo bios for these girls and go into the culture and worldbuilding for monster/non-human societies~! And I'm gonna remake my old Bios now that there are more characters and I have some new abilities for them~! But for now, hold on tight, because this AU Revamp is just getting started!
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