#f1 ships categorisation meme
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
loscar! (another childhood friends to lovers :)
ohhh, excellent one, thanks so much, anon!! i feel like i might be letting you down with my answer, though 🙈 because to me, loscar falls solidly in the makes sense, doesn't compel me category.
this is one of those things that has baffled a lot of my friends. "but you LOVE childhood friends to lovers!!!" they say. and it's true! i do, i really do... it's my bread and butter. and yet when it comes to loscar... *shrugs helplessly* i am just not drawn in?
i think the main issue for me is that i don't really know a lot about logan? and i struggle to ship a pairing if i don't know enough about both sides of it. i could go out of my way to learn more about logan, but i... already have an oscar ship that i love in landoscar. so it's like, why would i? sorry 🙈 but logan is not a driver who i have strong feelings about one way or the other - don't like him, don't hate him - and i don't see that changing anytime soon, i'm afraid.
so while i do see the appeal of loscar, especially as a childhood friends to lovers pairing... it's just one of those that i'm going to pass over for now.
(f1 ships categorisation meme)
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
landoscar 🤭
OOOOHH!!!! thank you SO much for asking, dear anon - i am practically bouncing up and down with glee in my excitement to answer this one. landoscar: doesn't make sense, compels me. oh my god. it compels me SO MUCH.
and it's the weirdest thing, because like... they shouldn't work together? it shouldn't work. even six months ago, i was still saying "pffft, lando and oscar? as if." they are just such completely different people, and initially so very painfully awkward with each other, that i didn't think it'd ever get to a point where they made sense to me as a ship.
and yet here we are. and do you know why we're here? oscar "heart eyes" piastri, that's why. the way oscar looks at lando... oh my fucking god. and if you add to that the lore that oscar has been following lando's career for YEARS on social media (liking all his posts, mentioning him on twitter randomly, generally acting like he's got a massive fanboy crush) then it suddenly becomes so incredibly compelling to me. like. WOW. somehow oscar's calm perfectly balances out lando's craziness and weirdness? it doesn't seem like it should work, but it does. and yeah: they have taken over my brain more than a little lately.
(f1 ships categorisation meme)
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
hi Katie! What is your opinion on Chalex 👁️🫦👁️ (Alex/Charles)
OOOOOHHH!! what a fabulous question - thanks so much, vicsy!! 🫶 so, chalex: makes sense, doesn't compel me.
this is another one of those cases where i can see exactly why people love them - really, i can - but i just can't get my head around them in the same way. in this case, it's probably because i'm a bit possessive and insane about piarles, and i'm like "well, charles belongs with pierre, not alex." (it might still be some kind of a subtle sore spot about the whole red bull demotion thing? my subconscious is bonkers insane about f1 rpf, so i'm like, it should be pierre not alex!!) but yeah! i love them both individually, and i quite enjoy them as a friendship duo, but to me, it just doesn't hit the spot romantically, i'm afraid 🙈
(f1 ships categorisation meme)
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
how would you categorise carlando? 🤔🧐
ohhh, great one. and i will tell you now: one year ago, the answer would've been very different than it is now. but today, i will tell you: makes sense, doesn't compel me.
i think almost everyone can see the appeal of carlando - it's a huge ship with very dedicated fans for a reason. now, i was never a proper carlando girlie, but i definitely enjoyed the odd mclaren video (especially that milk challenge - HYSTERICAL) so i definitely, definitely get the appeal! i even have a couple of fic ideas and semi-written-semi-abandoned WIPs for them.
but - and this is the big but - as i stand before you in 2024, i don't like them so much anymore. the reason for this is quite simple, and two-fold: firstly because i no longer like carlos sainz much at all (in fact i hate his ass, sorry but i do) and secondly because lando/oscar has taken over a significant amount of space in my brain recently. so while, yes, i still see the appeal of carlando, technically... it no longer appeals to me.
(f1 ships categorisation meme)
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
can you categorise chewie & lewierre please? 🤍
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hello again bb 😘 so, i've already answered charles/lewis here, but let's talk about lewierre!!
lewis/pierre: makes sense, doesn't compel me. this is one of those strange ones where i see the potential of the ship, i really do, but it just doesn't click in my brain as a romantic pairing. i see why other people might like it, but it just doesn't quite work for me. i do love them as a platonic duo, though, and i will shout it from the rooftops until i'm hoarse that pierre gasly has a MASSIVE fanboy crush on lewis hamilton. however, to me, it works better if it just stays a fanboy crush and never actually becomes a relationship because pierre belongs with charles xD
(f1 ships categorisation meme)
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
thoughts on fernando/alex?
my thoughts are "what the fuck briony"
(and if you must know, doesn't make sense, doesn't compel me)
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
Please categorise Strollonso bestie 🤍
ohhhh, great one!! strollonso for me is in the doesn't make sense, compels me category. i mean, come on - fernando alonso and lance stroll? even saying their names together sounds a little bit crazy. it's like, "what are THEY doing as teammates? pfffft." and yet somehow - somehow - it works??? the vibes are absolutely fucked up and very confusing, but i approve wholeheartedly 😉
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
makes sense, compels me! ahhhh, my beloveds 🥹 the only non-piarles f1 rpf that i've actually written and posted multiple fics for. i have such a soft spot for these two (and for the good old days of them actually fighting for wins and championships, too....) i love the way that seb and lewis respect each other, and seem to care about each other in a way that's so genuine and sincere. i love how seb always makes a point of complimenting lewis, and vice versa. i just.... i love how they love 💜 and i miss them SO MUCH
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
What do you think of George/Alex? 🤔
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makes sense, compels me. i love them, your honour!! they're the british counterparts to piarles, pretty much - and piarles is my otp of all otps, so. anything that's similar to that, i will probably enjoy!! there's such a lot to love about galex, too - childhood friends, long history, the whole williams/red bull/mercedes dynamic... it's a very compelling ship, and i like it a lot in theory! in practice, i haven't written it yet - but that's just because i am rather piarles-obsessed and don't have a lot of brain space left for other things. one day, though!!
(f1 ships categorisation meme)
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
good morning, bel, my darling!! well... i did say it might take me ten business days to actually respond to these asks 🙈 this wasn't quite ten days, but still, i'm so sorry for taking this long to get back to you!! i really am the worst at answering my asks, lmao, RIP. but anyways!! with no further ado, now:
piarles: makes sense, compels me. so much so that they are my otp of all otps!! to paraphrase louis tomlinson: for every question why, they are my because ❤️ they have everything i love most in ships: impeccable friends to lovers/idiots in love vibes, a long history with an incredible amount of lore, many suspiciously gay moments... and, of course, they look VERY good together. they just have it all, and they make me absolutely INSANE in the best way possible <3333
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
charles/lewis?? 😏🤭
OOOOHHH!! thank you so much for this one, jully!! 😍 the 2025 ferrari line-up (it still feels a bit insane to be able to say that... ANYWAY!!) makes sense, compels me.
i'll be honest here: even just six months ago, i would've been like "yes it makes sense, but it doesn't really work for me..." charles and lewis are 2 of my 3 favourite drivers, but in my mind, charles belongs with pierre, so i don't really like other charles ships much.
HOWEVER. lately, that stance is... changing, just a little bit? piarles will still be my otp, of course, but i can't deny that the idea of charles and lewis makes me do the discord blurry eyes react in real time. i have read a couple of excellent fics for them lately, which absolutely blew my mind, and just... yeah. we know that charles has a history of having hero-worship crushes on world champion teammates. and charles' praise kink with lewis' habit of praising charles for being such a good driver... i just think it could be ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS. also? they look fucking good together.
what more is there to say? i love them, your honour xx
(f1 ships categorisation meme)
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year ago
Georgierre? Lancierre? Yukierre? Pierreste?
whooo! thanks very much for all the cool ships, my love 😘 let's do this!
georgierre: doesn't make sense, compels me. pierre gasly and george russell? before that clubbing video in 2022, i would've laughed at you if you even suggested it. the idea of those two together just seems so far-fetched, y'know? but after that video... well. them together still doesn't make much sense, but now i think it's confusing and hot. (and i think george and pierre probably think the same thing 😉)
lancierre: this is a tricky one... in most cases, i would classify it as doesn't make sense, doesn't compel me - except when it's written by very specific trusted mutuals (phoebe), in which case it does compel me. the main reason i don't usually go for this ship is because, unfortunately, i don't like lance stroll. at all. however, just sometimes, i do think he would look hot getting bent over by pierre... so, yeah. it's complicated! xD
yukierre: makes sense, doesn't compel me. the thing is... i see the appeal of yukierre. i really, really do. some of the things those two have said and done in alphatauri videos... wow. but - and this is literally just a matter of personal taste - i only like yukierre as a platonic dynamic. i don't even really know why, but romantic yukierre just simply doesn't work for me? i can see why it works for other people, but it just doesn't hit the right spot for me. i absolutely adore them as a platonic duo, though!!
pierresteban: makes sense, doesn't* compel me. there is a little asterisk next to the doesn't because, well... in some very rare but very specific cases, pierresteban does compel me. (i am only a girl, and a girl who loves childhood friends to lovers, at that! so sometimes, the whole childhood friends to enemies to coworkers to ??? of it all does get me going for these two.) but this is the exception, not the rule: in general, i'm team "the only french-speaking pretty boy that should be shipped with pierre is charles." this is especially true on race weekends, when alpine/esteban has pissed me off and i want that man so far away from my baby boy :murderkitty:
so yeah! that's four ship answers - hope you aren't TOO mad at me for them, lmao. ilysm and thanks again for asking <3333
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