#a low bar but...
philtatosbuck · 1 year
the idea that katherine would make a good mikaelson is kind of laughable because she is so genuinely fundamentally against. like 90% of what the mikaelsons stand for.
they’re all backstabbers so she has that going for her but at the end of the day they will pull through for each other while katherine has never been loyal to anyone for more than like 45 minutes on a good day
this one is especially for if she’s a mikaelson via elijah but she will not risk her life for klaus or rebekah for a damn second nor would she stand around and let elijah do it and the idea that elijah’s going to Let Her stop him from helping his siblings if they need it is laughable
she’s a habitual liar??? paired with elijah, who is also a fucking liar, there’s just nothing there to build on lmfao their relationship would have crashed and burned if they had actually gotten together if we’re being fr about it. elijah at his core is about family (and also fucked up) and katherine is about herself (and also fucked up)
and i’m not saying any of this is a fault on katherine’s part that’s just how she is and i don’t see how anyone can convince themselves that her being with elijah, and therefore regularly in klaus’ life, would make her any less flighty or sneaky at all. do you REALLY think her being with someone she knows would pick klaus over her would have katherine relaxed or “more herself” (whatever idea of kat y’all tend to have) enough to the point where she and elijah could actually. be happy??? 
the funniest part about it all is that if katherine were to “become a mikaelson” she would be better off with literally any other sibling besides elijah
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centrally-unplanned · 1 month
55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing. 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year. 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.
My new calling card/mantra: You cannot policy tweak your way around this
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dangerousyako · 2 years
actually my favourite part of glass onion was that even when all the lights were off, you could still see what was happening, which is good for a movie
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padmestrilogy · 22 days
love how jedi in the acolyte all think about attachment differently…when jecki says that sol shouldn’t keep holos of his former padawans and sol counters that memories help you grow. they feel like a real religion with their differing interpretations! and that’s what it’s all about, truly.
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jellifishiez · 3 months
I've decided I'm gonna do the thing.
If I get:
250 notes: I'll clean my room
500 notes: I'll ask my mom to cut my hair again
1000 notes:I'll ask to dye my hair again (pink)
5000 notes: I'll ask for a psychiatrist and therapy
good luck, no due date, no note limit per person
update: yall are doing great, I guess I'll set new goalposts
10,000 notes: I'll ask my mom to stop commenting on my ocd and diet
25,000: I'll finally get the full help I need, start accommodating myself fully
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identitty-dickruption · 11 months
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thebestestbat · 11 months
i do think that writers should be aware of the dark topics they're writing about; to me this means that e.g. if you're writing about an abusive relationship, you should know that it is abusive. i don't mean that you need to have a big and important point to make about abuse (especially not a necessarily moralistic one where e.g. the abuser "gets what's coming to them") in order to write it. just like that you should know what you're writing about. otherwise you get batman comics.
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livingfandomly · 5 months
“I seldom cahoot”
Hades is actually King shit. I don’t care what anyone else says. The fact that he immediately offered sanctuary to Percy, Sally and Grover? Yes, he had ulterior motives but they weren’t at the cost of anyone and he made them clear AND he really doesn’t give a shit about his family drama. He really is just an introvert who doesn’t want to be disturbed. He just wants to be bisexual and spend time with his wife. Love it for him.
Side note: the fact that readers know that he put his kids in the casino to protect them just makes it that much better!
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poormansmuse · 2 years
So....Vol. 2 huh
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medusas-vengeance · 1 month
Yesterday I was watching a podcast and the topic of saunas came up. This man said that a man was talking to him and other men about how much he hates his wife. But he doesn't want to divorce her because she does his laundry. And then men will complain about how women initiate majority of divorces. Yes, sir, that's because you're the only one benefiting from the marriage. Getting a divorce wouldn't benefit you.
Not too long ago I saw a man post a video on TikTok about how he knew his girlfriend was the one when he invited her over to his dirty apartment and she immediately started cleaning his apartment.
And why are women doing chores whilst sick, pregnant or taking care of a newborn??? HOLY SHT
It's more expensive for him to hire a maid, a cook, prostitute etc when he can get a woman to do it for free. Men have been exploiting women's labour for eons. Men don't even recognize the labour women are doing for them. Which is why it's invisible labour. They belittle it and view it as something that is expected of a woman and is easy to do yet won't do it themselves. But as a woman, don't you dare have preferences. Don't you dare ask for a tall, financially secure man or romantic loving relationship etc.
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smile-files · 23 days
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here are all of my new bfdi gjinkas, fully done! well, not "fully" fully. these are just colored sketches... i just wanted to get my ideas down, so you folks can see them, and so i can use them in later art! yay!
also, yeah, the proportions are inconsistent, and i pretty quickly forgot to put the squiggle under the team name. but whatever! hope you like them anyway :)
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garnet-xx-rose · 4 months
I love watching Phantom where the Raoul is giving it his all and is trying his best to be a good boyfriend and yet Christine is still visually conflicted on choosing him or the literal murderer that lives underground.
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petit-papillion · 4 months
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Tomorrow, Oliver Bearman and Charles Leclerc will be the youngest pairing ever to line up for the Scuderia Ferrari and the first to be made up of graduates of Ferrari Driver Academy (FDA).
📸 Scuderia Ferrari
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mooreaux · 15 days
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THANK YOU. finally, right??
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I've been mulling this over a lot, as I consider what it means going forward trying to connect with leftist goyim and collaborate on shared causes.
I have two standards, now.
1) Is this person reliable as a leftist for whatever cause I'm concerned about?
2) Is this person actually safe for me as a Jew, and are they reliable as an ally to Jews?
Call this the 07/10 test: where were they on October 7th, and how did they react in the immediate moment? The aftermath?
Some of you, I don't trust. I don't. You might be right about other stuff, useful to organize with, and even have profound insights on other issues. But a lot of you have breathed in the antisemitism of your culture since birth and you don't give a damn about understanding it or changing how you interact with us.
In the same way that one might fairly ask themselves where that nice hometown boy they went to high school was on Jan. 6th, Jews will always have to ask where any particular given leftist was and what they were saying on Oct. 7th.
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sitruuna-art · 5 months
AHHHHH I LOVE THE WAY YOU DRAW DOGDAY SO MUCH!!!! by any chance may we get some player and catnap content? :3
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you save a weird-lookin' cat ONE time and suddenly it thinks you are an angel sent by god or something, smh
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