#a lot of them are so well designed as well :3
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byfulcrums · 3 days ago
I hate the third movie so much!!!! Like a lot!!!!!!!
Prepare for a rant (under cut bc it got a bit long, sorry!)
First of all, here's a thing I always complain about when talking about HTTYD 3: the designs, and the characterization
The designs as in, the armor, is cool as hell, I'm not complaining about that I love the armor so much. But I hate how they made Toothless a literal puppy. His head is literally a square!!! They changed his personality too, when he's always been more similar to a cat than a dog
There's also the light fury. I have no words for this. The fact that they only made her Like That because they needed her to be "feminine" says enough about her
It was weirdly sexist for a HTTYD movie, considering how well done the female characters are in this series. They only made this character to be Girl Toothless, and being a girl was her only character trait
Besides that, they gave some of Toothless' mannerisms to her! The more cat-like behavior, at some points, for example. Toothless in the first movie was more graceful, stealthy, moved silently, etc. They gave all of his different, elegant ways of moving to her, because they wanted to push the golden retriever agenda on him (that's a joke btw. Like they did do that but "golden retriever agenda" isn't a thing)
Ruffnut was far too stupid too. She would NEVER in rtte
Now; let's move on to why the ending is shit
First of all! Toothless is not an Alpha. He is king, yes, but king of Berk's dragons specifically. When he defeated Drago's Alpha, he did not suddenly gain telepathy powers; the dragons under the Alpha's control went to Toothless when he won, and it was a willing decision. They listen to him, yes, but not every dragon will, because HE'S NOT OF THE SPECIES THAT HAS LITERAL DRAGON MIND CONTROL POWERS
That being said!! If Toothless isn't an Alpha, then why the hell did all the dragons leave when he did? And why did all the dragons in the Hidden World immediately bow down to him? Maybe they recognize his status as King (of Berk), but that doesn't mean he's the king of them
There's also no way all the dragons wanted to leave. Just no way. I know I wouldn't!
Then, there's the Death Song problem
There are multiple cannibalistic dragon species. If they go to the Hidden World with the rest, they will try to eat everyone else, and if they can't do that, they'll starve. These dragons can't just change their entire biology and start eating fish, plants, boars, or whatever thing you have in mind. They have to eat other dragons, or they'll die. Sending them all to the Hidden World means that either they'll eat all the other dragons and eventually they'll be one of the few species left standing (highly unlikely) or they'll just go extinct (most probable)
Along with that, there's the fact that many dragons are extremely territorial. if stuck in the same place for the rest of their lives, there will be fights, and dragons don't have medicine! They can only heal naturally, there's no outside help. So many will die, far more than necessary
Now, I do like the ending of the dragons leaving. In the books
And sure, dragons die every day; no one can stop that (no matter how sad this makes Hiccup), but putting them all in a big cave will result in losses that are WAY bigger than necessary and than what they're used to
Plus, what about the species that can't fly? The Speed Stingers, for example? The mutation in RTTE was a thing that only happened with that one group. Only they would be able to reach the Hidden World
I understand that they were trying to end the sagas the same way the books did, but it doesn't work in the movies! Also, (I haven't read all the books yet, it's a work in progress, so correct me if I'm wrong, but) as far as I know, in the books the dragons were basically slaves to the Vikings. It makes sense that they would want to leave. In the movies, it's not like that. Berk's dragons are friends, not servants! They have no reason to want to leave!
And even then, I'm like 99% sure that in the books Toothless still didn't leave Hiccup. And even then, apparently leaving (or when to leave, most likely) was left to be each dragon's choice, not something a random telepathy powered Toothless told them to do
The villain also sucks. I didn't like his design, but I'm not gonna complain about that
It makes no sense for just one person to wipe out an entire species! And besides, Grimmel wasn't scary, wasn't interesting, wasn't anything at all. He's as bland as the Light Fury
Also also also. Toothless would never leave Hiccup for a girl. I'm not talking about a "bros before hoes" thing (I hate that phrase) I'm talking as in, Toothless would never leave Hiccup. Ever. No matter the circumstances. ES MÁS, he wouldn't have let the Light Fury get close to him after she attacked Hiccup! He would've defended him! That's his friend. HIS FRIEND. He's his best bud, his soulmate!!!!!
God the Toothless characterization pissed me off sm
I'd say Hiccup was pretty spot on in the sense that if Toothless wanted to leave and could leave without, like, dying, he would let him; he'd be sad about it, but he would let him. There's other things I don't like about the way he was written, of course, but that wasn't too bad. WHAT WAS BAD IS THE FACT THAT TOOTHLESS LEAVING WAS EVEN A POSSIBILITY IN THE FIRST PLACE
And, to add something: doesn't the "oh I built a new tail and now he can leave forever because it's like basically his old tail! It's like it was never missing at all!" thing feel a bit ableist? Idk that's just a hunch, I'm not disabled so I can't talk about it, but. Just leaving that there
Still, even without the ableism, it's still shitty. The tailfin would never hold that long. It'd need repairs. Things like that can't be permanent, and I know Hiccup is a great inventor, but he's not a god, come on. He can't do everything
Toothless can fly on his own now, yes, but if the tailfin breaks (which is a thing that can happen, either because of an accident or simply because of time), there's no one to fix it. In a place like that, he'll be stranded. It's dangerous!
Also they made Snotlout, Hiccup's cousin in the books, be attracted to Hiccup's mom. HIS AUNT
The HTTYD universe's ecosystem must've been so damaged when all the dragons dissappeared.
"but people wanted to hurt them!" people want to hurt wolves to, but we don't send them all to an isolated cave because it would destroy the ecosystem.
In fact, "dragon" is just a collective word for multiple species so they really fucked themselves with that one.
In conclusion, the third movie was stupid.
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kkpaaw · 2 days ago
Forbidden Ninja Au Anyone?
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This took me three weeks! Granted i coulda been done 2 weeks ago if I hadn't procrastinated but listen, I work 10 hours everyday for 4 days straight every week when i finally get to be measly 3 day break all I wanna do is relax so sue me!
Their designs are simple yes, but as much as I LOVE detailed designs I actually wanna draw these guys more and I know i wont if their designs were too complex
Also I'm angry at Zane cuz his design is what kept me stuck for a WHILE. Kai's sketch was the hardest at first cuz i didn't have a decent pose in mind but then out of the fucking blue Zane's outfit started giving me complications. I went through like three different outfits with his before landing on this so I'm mad at him rn
This Is definitely gonna become one of my two main aus cuz i have a LOT of thoughts about it!
Initial Post Of Idea
Individuals under the cut! Have fun finding all the similarities between them cuz I made sure there's a TON
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Hey Uncle?
Yes Lloyd?
What happend to the current weilders of the elements of creation? Shouldn't they be here?
...Well Lloyd, that is a story that I will tell you another day. You need not worry about that right now. Just focus on your training.
Awww, but uncle! I wanna know!
You will, when the time is right, you will.
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kdpartworks · 2 days ago
since cloud cloud people are well clouds do you pass through them if you try to touch them
Depends on the Cloud, and his self awareness. Atm there are three type of clouds:
1- Random clouds - like the clouds hanging around Zeus's throne room - aren't that solid and tend to shift, because they are like empty shells. Only exist to feed Zeus's ego. Their features are barely scribbled.
2- Cloud companions - like Cloudysseus or Cloudyseidon, are pretty solid but still fluffy. They can still break down and recompouse, but they have to mainteining their designed form (Like small, or Natural or something different but has to be decided by their creator in advance). They are pretty skilled on playing with their Cloud abilities. They can also speak loudly (their language, but still).
3- Ganymede: he has his own category, because he's not a regular Cloud. He's a mixture of the two types, because although he has a strong personality and a defined appearence he's not very good on Cloud skills. So sometimes, he still shift and he has difficulties on being solid, especially on specific movements that requires a strong coordination (playing an instrument, for example). His voice Isn't audible, only Zeus can hear him. He can't shift in other forma, but he could potentially. If he understands how!
Sorry I wrote a lot.
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project-sekai-facts · 1 day ago
Is there like a lore summary for WD? How does this set connect?
the new wday set seems completely disconnected from the past ones, especially given that they already used shiho and saki as part of the knights collection. these cards lean a lot harder on high fantasy designs and concepts than the knights sets did, which had a more grounded theme (with the exception of wday2 which had dragons and sorcerers. and a gun). i have these two posts explaining some of the worldbuilding in the knights cards. i'm also gonna tag all these posts as #white day au
a few other notes not in any of those posts:
tsukasa's costume is called chivalrous chevalier. chevalier is the french word for knight. based on his card art having him bowing before (presumably) the throne, he's probably very high ranking.
akito's costume is noble paladin. a paladin or palatine is used to refer to a high-ranking heroic knight or a palace official. or the dnd class but that's probably not what's going on here. stems from the 12 paladins in charlemagne's court in medieval romance. definitely some sort of leader
mizuki's costume is called optatio eques. eques if it wasn't obvious is to do with horses, and is latin for horseman or knight (also the latin name for the knight chesspiece). so she's a horseback knight. i mean the others should be as well but they felt the need to specify it here.
len's 2* is called noble squire. squires were lower ranking and were servants to the actual knights, taking care of their armour/gear/horses and accompanying them in battle. sometimes would become an actual knight in future. fun fact, boys usually got the squire role at age 14, which is len's age. also len is probably tsukasa's squire considering he's wxs len here.
we don't know what shiho's class is.
all of them have different colored gem brooches on their collars, possibly related to some sort of class/rank system. aktio has a red gem, mizuki has an emerald green one, and shiho has a yellow-green one like her image color. tsukasa does not have a visible one (presumably under his cape) and len doesn't have one (not a knight).
notably all have a rose as part of their uniform, and also on the flags in akito and mizuki's cards. this will be relevant later. tsukasa's is red with gold accents, akito's is gold, mizuki's is blue, shiho's is the same color as her gem with gold leaves, and len's is also gold but less detailed (again, not a knight). mizuki's is the only one that doesn't appear to be metal. this might also relate to the class/rank system.
toya's costume is called shadow knight. he's a knight. done easy.
rui's costume is called mad sorcerer. again. sorcerer. simple.
kaito's is called wandering gunner. because sure. gun. don't think about it too hard guns are old. not the one in the card mind you. wandering also gives a bit of insight to the role he might play.
miku and saki's cards don't have costumes or names that indicate what they are.
miku is aligned with the imperial soldiers but seems to be a thief. she's got a dagger and is chilling in a trashed building, looking at a market. she possibly or very likely stole her apple from said market.
saki has a spear, so we know she's some sort of warrior/knight. she also is with the imperial soldiers, based on costume design (she has no visible emblem). that said her costume has a lot more brown than any of the others, most notably her shoes and jacket don't match with toya/kaito/miku. no leather either. imo this could possibly point to 1. her being a lower ranking member 2. her having recently joined, or defected and keeping parts from her old outfit, like rui or 3. she styled it how she wanted
as mentioned in one of the linked posts, rui defected. his outfit is based on the knight of white outfits and has their emblem on it still. he also has a red gem on his collar, so he was probably at the same rank as akito (or part of his team, however you interpret those brooches). all the imperial soldiers have red gems somewhere as an accessory, but the design and placement is very specific.
toya has a rose brooch and this is why i told you to remember that. it's completely gold like akito's (the design is slightly different as has no leaves but theyre modeled differently so i'll let it slide), suggesting there was a connection there and maybe toya defected like rui did.
toya also has a dragon and is the only imperial soldier seen with one. this could point to him being the founder and/or leader since their emblem is a dragon.
again suggesting past connection between akito and toya, the dragon is referred to as toya's aibou by the artist's. akito got replaced.
while not confirmed, it's possible that the other members of mmj are part of minori & airi's faction. the windows in minori's card have a three leafed clover as part of the design.
minori and airi are probably part of different ranks given the differences in costume design.
kanade's costume is called fleeting light knight attire and mafuyu's is called abyss knight attire. now this is interesting bc this implies a light side/dark side thing, but as mentioned in one of the linked posts, they are very clearly a part of the same faction, sharing some costume design elements, as well as a four-point star emblem, red gem on their collar, and red gem accessories. this is where things get interesting.
hear me out. so kanade's costume has a similar color palette to the original knights of white set and has the heart design from tsukasa/mizuki's costumes. mafuyu's costume is a darkened version of that color palette (think back to rui's costume being a darkened knights of white one) and also incorporates some leather-looking items, like her cape.
given the set being called "what awaits after the battle" my assumption is that this set, or at least kanade and mafuyu's cards, are set before the wday 1&2 sets, at the start of the war. ik a lot of people assume it's afterwards but the phrasing works for beforehand if put in the context of thinking about the future after the newly started war. and also for the following reasons.
kanade and mafuyu are very clearly part of the same faction. however, kanade's costume bears resemblance to the knights of white ones, while mafuyu's bears resemblance to imperial soldiers.
mafuyu's costume follows the same rules as rui's, being a darkened version of kanade's. given design elements in rui's costume, it's very obvious the intent of him being a defector to the imperial knights side from the knights of white side. the same logic can apply to mafuyu in that case.
we can assume that over time, the light side changed their emblem from a four-pointed to eight-pointed star and adopted the rose thing. aside from that they kept virtually the same color scheme and patterns, and the jewel brooches, on their knight uniforms.
we can also assume that over time, the dark side developed further and adopted their own dress code, keeping the black leather from mafuyu's costume, and her red jewel accessories (see: toya/saki/kaito's earrings and miku's pin).
i don't know what this says for where minori, airi, and ichika fall on the timeline. also rip niigo or something
speaking of ichika, i already mentioned in the linked posts that she's from an entirely unique faction. her costume design doesn't match anyone elses, and she has a unique emblem design that looks like a heart combined with a tear drop. her costume name is illuminated courtyard knight attire which tells us nothing and they fucked the schedule this year and had to do a new theme so who knows if we're even gonna get more knights cards next year.
uh yeah that's all. emu and meiko's costume from the newest wday set have a heart emblem that's kinda similar to the knights of white one but it's different enough that i'd call it a coincidence. the theme doesn't really fit into the knights AU. oh yeah also in the new set the leoni characters have matching star emblems and the wxs characters have matching heart emblems. once again not part of knights au sorry. neither is the power of regret set sorry. i mean you can do what you want tho.
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jellyfishline · 3 days ago
Maybe for some people having a "designated worry time" works to protect their mental health, but it definitely doesn't work for me. The alternative that does work for me, as a frequent and chronic worrier (and is also an alternative to a 24/7 self care bubble) goes like this:
1. Limit exposure to news stories. I do not need to be given real time updates on every single thing that happens. Half the time a story is no longer relevant by the time it reaches me anyway, and it isn’t always something actionable (more on this later.) I am not going to let myself get fatigued when that's what fascism wants. I let myself fully disconnect from political thoughts, fears, and current events to do Other Things and it is invaluable for preserving my mental state--and I don't encourage myself to ruminate on feelings of guilt about doing so. Preserving joy is desperately important in difficult times, and there is no shame in doing so.
2. I don't engage with anything that makes me feel hopeless. Posts, blogs, people, conversation topics. Hopelessness and despair are to be avoided at all costs.
2.a. If I encounter something that makes me feel hopeless, I challenge the thought. So that executive order is horrifying--that doesn't mean it's enforceable, that it won't be overturned in court, that it won't be overturned by a future administration, etc. So a public figure said something terrifying--well, there are a lot of other public figures speaking out about how wrong and dangerous and inappropriate it was. Just because someone says they are going to do something awful does not mean they will succeed at doing it. Actions of resistance are everywhere, even if you can't always see them. Any horrible thing that hasn't happened yet is only one of a number of possible futures, not an inevitable prophecy of misery to come. Fascism wants you to feel like their ideals and actions are inevitable, but nothing is inevitable here.
3. I made a pact in November that for the next four years I would only actively engage with news stories that contain:
A. Something actionable I can actually do about it
B. Something positive that is being done about it
Honestly? It's served me extremely well as a rule of thumb. I try not to, in particular, reblog or spread anything that doesn't fall into at least one of those two categories, and in general conversation I always try to end things on at least one of those two notes.
When dealing with current events, your choice is not between "bury your head completely in the sand" or "worry yourself into a panic attack." There are a lot of strategies you can employ to keep yourself informed without letting yourself catastrophize.
And also? If putting yourself into a self-care bubble and disconnecting from current events entirely, indefinitely, is what you need to do because the alternative is an actual mental breakdown? Then you can put yourself into a self care bubble. If it's a choice between "staying informed" and "staying alive," please stay alive. Your life is so much more important than keeping on top of current events.
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Not an invitation to cocoon yourself in a self-care bubble for four years, but a reminder to the 24/7 worriers that you can literally write "To Do on Monday: Worry about ________" on a post-it note and stop worrying about it for one day while you recharge.
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anchorandrope · 1 day ago
Hiya! Do you think 28 is a Larry number or just a Louis number? I feel like cuz Louis is the one who has it tattooed and a brand named after it then maybe it’s a Louis number but idk. Harry has made subtle references to it through the timing of his music but it’s definitely more associated with Louis nowadays. Just curious on your thoughts!
i think it's a larry number, but i also think louis made it very much his own over time because if that number symbolizes something related to harry (like whatever it symbolizes for them and also personally for louis - i.e his relationship, sexuality, etc; stuff that he's proud of but a lot of people told him otherwise yk "wonder what they'd think if they could see us now") it's something i think he took from 2015 onwards with everything that happened as a symbol of resistance/love/self-identity at a certain point.
what i mean is that the 28 was consolidated as a "louis' thing" in 2015 because until that year it was something, i'd say... quite fully larry (especially after 28/09/2013 - which is debunked) but it was something that even many antis said was "ours" (larries) and had nothing to do with louis. but when he got it tattooed in 2015, exactly 3 years after getting the ship and compass tattoo with harry, that started to became his own thing.
i think the 28 must mean something about them to each other but that must be a couple of things, and im also quite inclined to think that the "section 28" (01/02/1991-18/11/2003) plays a part in the significance as well. for me 28 clothing is further evidence of it. louis has always been known in the fandom for communicating through his clothing - to give clear messages on many topics not just sexuality, and that he has named his clothing brand designed by him "28" is very symbolic. not only because of the trajectory of that number in the fandom and his life - but also because its a unisex clothing brand whose isologotype is a "white rose of york" (symbol of yorkshire... his home... again "home" and "28" hand in hand). besides... "official programme" really? seems to be a mockery of "clause in official governmental act". and while we're at it, pride is a 28.
the posts and tags show why we think 28 is a larry number. i think it's a harry thing too because come on...why else would he put 28 boops in sunflower vol6, por example? 😅
what i mean is that i understand why people are inclined to think in recent years that it's a "louis only" thing, as he was much more obvious than harry in terms of his references (ahem... a tattoo is no small thing hahshs) but i see his winks quite present. also i think the number started out as something they both created, so if it's something they wear proudly to this day - surely it must still be meaningful to both as a couple in some respect. maybe not necessarily a romantic-couple-thing, but as gay-men-going-through-a-situation-where-they-suffer-from-homophobia-together, you know?
i think louis as he had and has a very tough closeting situation (i mean he is the one who usually goes out to deny it, he has the bbg and had the beards for a long time, etc) he took it as something very much his own because he just knew it was something obvious. he knew that we fans were going to relate it easily with something larry/lgbt because from the first moment it meant that. i always believed (and i believe) that he uses it so much because it is one of those little things that he can use without anyone "noticing"... no one except us. that's why he uses it so much and for so many things. he links so many things with that number, it helps him to explain stuff because that's what it's for. his old playlist, for example, we started to analyse it strongly because it was called "28 songs". place where that number is, place where we fans put our eye very carefully and with a lgbt lens.
i think at this point i would go as far as to say that is his own pride symbol, because that's what i see when i hear him using it that much and talking about it. it's very him and i love that!
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ametunns · 2 days ago
THIS CONCEPT IS SO FAMILIAR WITH THE CAGE. And this idea can't leaving me-
Below I'll discuss the character Keeper in the BATDR; some guesses about the role of this new character in the Cage. Enjoy reading!
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# The Keepers. In the BATDR >>>
ofc in the ink world this versions of the Keepers are works because -
a giant gear in the spine is not bad for balance when picked up a weight stuff in forward;
the third hand is nice for supporting a thing or a person (not just for correcting its back lol/j);
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ability to flying is actually about movement, way to make a painful high-speed strike by massive left hand / catching by right hand. Рerhaps "crawling" on appendages rather than legs makes it easier to walk around the ruins of the studio. And once again - they can fly.
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Despite the fact that they have yellow inside, which indicates the presence of a soul, they do not react to the Signal Towers. I can only suggest that Wilson created "Yellow ink", and inside Keeper are not "Golden ink". Otherwise the Golden ink would have provided a link to Demon power, and metal octopus would have been against Wilson sooner or later.
...I personally think that it is easier to get the lost one's soul with the help of saws, and then start changing the soul in order to place it inside something. Like make a "soul semblance" - "Yellow ink" as I called it; get fairly similar minds, which is ideal for Keeper.
In case he's design looks silly, slowly moved, pretty blind because of the game mechanic-
but if you take them as those who can:
performs certain tasks,
move through space almost without interference,
catch the intruder,
conduct an experiment,
or even performing small construction work (for example, conducting power grids through a train tunnel)-
Within the framework of the lore of the world, these creatures, as they are, have done a lot.
# But what about the previous version of Keeper? Let's check out >>>
This creation is much more complex than would be seen...
Yes, we saw how Boris was turned into Brutal. That the mind can be partially rewritten. The sawing process also has a rewriting process. But-
A hybrid of a living mind and metal structures for the first experiments...it sounds like rewriting biology so that the body doesn't go crazy and start self-destructing because of unperfected souls and the realization of what they has become. And even Wilson can't make a perfect soul if he invited Audrey in the Cycle.
...Aaa-and also can tell about the REAL HUMAN in IT'S CREATION AND BLOOD...but a little later-
Attempts to create Wilson own being is unstable...and that is why we'll can meet them in a Cage!!! :D
# Details in the photos >>>
First thing - is another hoses behind;
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Second - he had 3 hands, and maybe one of them (as possible 4 hand) is free from the lockers; you can also see that the lower hand is thinner and the plate on the outside of the palm glitters;
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Last thing - a familiar detail.
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Nothing more...
but a general similarity to the concept
# His role in the Cage. Theories and thoughts >>>
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It's interesting things...Let's back to the thought that it can be a human. How much it will affect the story? Well-
Role #1 - He's a living proof about experiment of humans.
...the Gent corporation literally drowned people in ink ("Fade of Black");
And there is a temporary antidote to ink in the form of the chemical "iron oxide", which also resembles blood ("The Lost Ones");
It seems that through chemistry and past research, Wilson was able to create colored ink, a way to get back to the real world, and in collaboration with Alice, who lives in half of his house, and with Ink Machine, he was already beginning to think about creating a Keeper. About getting "the first good soul"...Pick out the right clothes, became anyone from Arch Gate Pictures, not just a humble cleaner. But after understood the difficulties (let's say, with blood) and maybe managed to update the methods for creating ink creatures...And my theory "Yellow ink" from Lost Ones.
Due to the details, a human being in the creature is doesn't't look like something unexpected, but it would definitely be intriguing.
Role #2 - If he's able to talk, new information about the corporation. Maybe even about Alan Gray. Maybe gives some hints of how getting away from the Cage idk just a thought-
A human being who was trapped into a monster for someone else's purposes it's pretty similar to Henry...ahem
Role #3 - Abilities of the blood. Perhaps we'll see hints of blood power in Lone Wolf. But in essence - there will definitely be something new...and something more powerful.
...What role will he play for the Henry.. it's unclear:
It's easy to say - this is the enemy who thoughtlessly wants to kill the hero.
It's easy to say - we can have a possible "free it" quest for game necessaries.
Possible to say - two points together 🤝
The last thing what I wanted to say:
‼️ I'm praying LIKE HELL he's not leaked FOR A COUPLE OF SECONDS like it was with all the new BATDR characters. Like Sammy-🥲
thank you for reading! If you have any ideas or thoughts, comments please! I'll be interested ⭐
☕ Have a good time!!
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thunderxleafart · 16 hours ago
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Douglas may be a big lad, but that won't stop Oliver from trying his darndest to sweep him off his feet. ~ Well, at least Douggie appreciates the sentiment! xD (Though he is afraid Oliver's gonna break his back actually trying to pick him up LMAOO) Here's a fluffy lil doodle to close out February! Because even though I still don't have 100% concrete designs for the human AU (except maybe Duck lol), I found the pose and just had to draw these two! x'D They're just the sweetest bois I love them so much!! <3 One of these days I'll start dropping lore for this AU, I've got lots of ideas I'd love to share with y'all!! (Including why Ollie has prosthetic limbs. ;3) But for now, enjoy the sillies! <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Douglas & Oliver (c) TTTE Art (c) Me!! <3
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psilliguykai · 20 hours ago
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Boy why you [all] so white
Anyways! Uhhhh yeah William’s Wanton Weary Wiles designs. Or Something. I debated giving them each their own post but none of them deserve it. I couldn’t figure out how to make it Not A Total Mess lol soooo here we are! Individuals with some more info under the cut.
Ooohhh they gross me out so bad. Both in the /aff way but also in the “oooohh I really don’t like how this turned out” way lmao- but! I finished the lineart before I started disliking it and promised myself I wouldn’t keep waffling on the sketch so they’re. They’re DONE alright they’re DONE [<- still trying to convince himself]
All the colors [especially the skin tones because oof I really. Don’t know how to handle that apparently. I mean like they’re meant to be white but I’m not sure if they should be That white lol ANYWAYS] aren’t too strict and I’ll probably fuck around w them depending on the mood of the post, etc. just a loose guide ig :]
If their designs ever get updated, this post will be updated as well ^^ i was gonna hyperlink the master doc but tumblr is kinda hating me rn and Not Letting Me Do That so uhhh . Look up wwww au in my blog and scroll to the bottom for background I guess [I’m so sorry] 😭😭😭
Ok ok here they are
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- you can tell I take this very seriously /silly
- The shortest/smallest, but arguably the strongest of the trio [just by a little].
- Patterns and striped parts are based on the EIAL cover + the tapeworm.
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- what it says in the ref tbh. Just kinda a normal guy [in appearance anyways] who dresses way too formally and doesn’t get enough sunlight or sleep. :]
- I feel like he’s kind of very fucking ugly but I’ve given up on trying to fix it 😭
- Tallest by a little and best posture by a lot.
- essentially just the outfit from the TNA cover if it was blue lol
- sorryyy no automaton freak :((( big fan of robot Mind designs, but Al is just. Different to me
Mr. Capgras
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- He gets scissors in place of a trident because I thought that could be neat :] when he pulls them out of the halo they get noteably larger and sharper. Tbh it mostly just uses them for normal scissor stuff + violent threats sometimes.
- Patterns depicted here are based on the body paint from the Self-ish album cover. In this ref they’re the hmsw colors, but could technically kinda be anything. They’re super inconsistent, both in canon and also because. Trying to keep up the same patterns every time I draw him would be torture :’]
- Most intimidating/strongest-looking. Middle in height, and worst in posture. Sleep deprived, somewhat empty and bitter but still hopeful and surprisingly optimistic.
- I’d like to think if his socks are ever shown, they’d have the same patterns as his gloves n stuff :3
- This isn’t a design thing at all but I’ll probably be referring to him more as Cotard as I feel it fits best. However, he’s formally known as Mr. Capgras since it would make the official acronym for these three “JAM”, which I think is a neat and completely accidental reference to Jamface :)) completely arbitrary yeahhh but it’s my AU and I’ll include all the obscure references I want in it >:3
- dw about the oversized Cotard’s Solution doodle it’s just there as another ref for how the scissors work lol
Fanart is super duper appreciated but absolutely not needed !! Asks either directly to [<- in this case I’d respond in character{s} depending on the ask] or about these characters/this AU are also always very welcome ^^
William Racheal McSprout Himself will be getting his own post when he’s completed :]
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alien-star88 · 21 hours ago
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🎉🥳Happy birthday to me ! I'm officially 15 !🎉🥳
Im still processing the fact 2024 was 3 months ago. And how I still feel 13 . Fuck im getting old. I know I'm 15 now but in the next 5 years I'll be 20... it's not a long time if you think about it !
I wanna make this post a bit long , just to thank people here , on Tumblr (Before I vanish again to finish my projects and shit) for their support and for the inspiration, and the motivation they have given me these past few months. Why , because I just wanna thank them for the time I've being here on tumblr , a lot of them have nelped me with my anxiety when posting here on Tumblr:
My first moot . When I first joined tumblr , I saw your SMG4 art , and I saw you as , like a celebrity of the Fandom here on Tumblr. You were the first person to send an ask to Demon Puzzles, and that holds a very big and special place to my heart . Thank you .
Your support with my ocs and my au has played a special part for me , giving me motivation to draw. Speaking of drawing ! I was honestly shocked when I saw you draw in FlipaClip , cuz HOW! Your oc , Nicknack has such a unique design , and her lore is very well planned ! I love your artstyle too ! It's very squishy !
Your support has also done a lot! I also saw you as a big part of the Fandom. So I was shocked that you followed me ! Your oc,Ugatha, brought me a lot of comfort at times !
Your reblogs have brought laughs to me , and also awareness with certain things, as well as comfort , knowing not everyone here is rude . And your art has always fascinated me !
I know we haven't talked much , but your support to me has also meant a lot . And I thank you for that ! Your oc is very cute ! Simple , yet expressive!
Imma be Hella honest . When I saw you like posts that didn't involve Demon Puzzles , I lost it (In a good way!) I also saw you as a celebrity in the SMG4 Fandom! RTV was one of the first AUs I saw, here on Tumblr!
Thank you . That's all I'm gonna say . Thank you for a lot . I know I've said it before . And sorry if I tag you a lot , you've inspired me a lot as a young artist .Labyrinth and The Lost Boys will forever be my favorite movies. You will forever be my number 1 favorite artist!
When I saw you loved HTTYD I freaked out ! I loved the movies and the series ! I thought the Fandom was dead completely! But nope , it's not! I'm glad we both freaking love HTTYD . And I thank you for your support as well . Seriously Thank you .
Thank you everyone for everything! Seriously, it means a lot to me . I came to tumblr not expecting my art and au to pop off. Yall are awesome, and im glad i saw you guys here on Tumblr. 👽💙💚
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one-half-guy · 20 hours ago
Thank you for the tag ^-^
Let's see...
1- & 2- Silver & Blaze (Who's which varies a lot, but it's always these two who are on the top)
3- Tails (Fox Boy got the bronze medal, in earlier times he would be THE Favorite... And I still love him a lot, so I'm never letting him out of the podium)
4- Knuckles (My beloved tough guy, guardian of a wonderful island and can climb and glide to explore the level, he rocks)
5- Sonic (A really gold hearted soul, a true inspiration)
6- Cream (She's cute, she's adorable and she's polite and she's so OP EU QUERIA BOTAR ELA NO MEU CAFÉ)
7- Dr. Eggman (This bro moves the stories forwards, amazingly cruel as well as amazingly captivating)
8- Espio (I saw him the first time ever and was love at first sight, he's a ninja chameleon! He's so cool but also so silly)
9- Shadow (Our edgyhog with a turbulent past... But more important... He protec)
10- Infinite (Great aesthetics, great music and my goodness what a pathetic wet overpowered jerk 🥰)
Now a list with spin-off characters, because I can't leave them out, I really love them, but I was unable to decide a placement in a joint list since I would have to leave more out 🥺 (Under the cut because that got really long)
1- Gold the Tenrec (She's soooo cute, has a neat design, intriguing powers and got a very interesting backstory)
2- Clove the Pronghorn (A person who joined Eggman out of despair and now regrets it bitterly? Tell me more!!)
3- Cassia the Pronghorn (A poor deluded kid... Trusting blindly on her sis... Unaware of the complexity of their sotuation)
4- Eclipse the Darkling (Shadow's brother, dude. É o irmão do Shadow, cara, O IRMÃO DO SHEDOU!!)
5- Nicole the Hololynx (How can a computer be so cute? Protect her at all costs!!)
6- Shard the Metal Sonic (A reformed Metal Sonic, that was cool, specially his dynamic with Silver)
7- Tangle the Lemur (Love the energy she had in her introduction)
8- Bunnie Rabbot (A cyborg rabbit, she slays)
9- Cosmo (A cute flower girl, made me cry with her sacrifice)
10- Whisper the Wolf (She uses five wisps and I love the pun in this fact also I love that her weapon looks like an umbrella merged with a rifle)
Now I think it's time to tag hmm... @wonderinc-sonic @disabled-battlekukku @sahsahhh @mitsandnits eu venho aqui humildemente aperrear vocês, if you feel comfortable in participate
Alright everypony, here's my top 10 favorite Sonic characters
Metal Sonic
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fandomandangstlover · 2 days ago
fuck it. fates inverted doodle dump
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eunoia and her killer ver, aurora!! something something knowing that your existence for awhile was just a dream, a fabrication, that you aren't real can sure Fuck Up even a robot.
Eunoia is hiding from Spawn/Spectre!! like, constantly. she's still a dream mostly so she's getting by :3 Spawn does Not like the AI that could fuck around with code. she sneaks in rounds to help for a little while and then fuck Right Off. Nash gets to meet her in her dreams still, though!!
anyways aurora gets a fascination with human hearts because... well, she thinks it's interesting that such a small part of the human body can be so, so crucial. that by some people, it also means love. the one thing keeping fragile bodies alive.
i luv her <3 her moveset isn't fleshed out yet so it ain't here. a lot of these aren't, actually.
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nassh... sleepwalker woke up in Not a dreamsphere and is concerned af. also yes yuri is canon here, have fun with that.
anyways she n' mafioso got beef, ofc, but they're on neutral terms for now. i don't have much for her rn so uh... yeah.
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mafioso's killer design! might make him an entirely new moveset since his survivor ver has, well, a moveset. yes the heart is on purpose. they matching...!!
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and now, ozolog1 from brandonworks!
why is he here? grief, ofc.
yeah ah'm. making him canon. and yeah he's actually from outside of roblox and is. slowly becoming apart of the game. he's coping trust ← failing miserably.
also the brandon npc WILL fuck him up (mentally). this poor man. oh and yes, the rot is based off of his shared account skin :)
no voice yet!! only text bubbles, like old roblox. he get voice privileges when he's here for a little longer. not that he notices, ofc.
explaining how he got here but i need to put a cw for this cuz. y'know. don't look if it's uncomfortable, don't force yourself.
CW: suicide attempt
i think he would kinda... withdraw from the world for a little while after the whole. brandonworks ending. like he stepped away from roblox, from games, and kinda just... laid in bed for awhile. definitely went into a deep depression.
his parents might've tried to help, but i have a feeling ozo might not have told them about brandon's whole situation since, online things so they never understood why he was like this. or what he lost.
practically drowning in grief and guilt.
a perfect target.
so as he held a knife against his throat, having already said goodbyes to his friends, hoping that maybe he'll see Brandon again, he was taken.
he woke up in the forest, and found by "DC."
a missing person case was filed days later.
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forsaken-headcanons · 3 days ago
so, using my main acc for this because i want to show some photos (anon^4 btw, ill still be mainly using the anon feature because i like it more but ill post drawings with my hcs from time to time)
anyways, i like giving characters from things i like animals that i feel like would fit them. so, im gonna do that!
c00lkidd: Chimera, i dont really have a reasoning for this besides.... well i do what i want.
1x1x1x1: ALSO a chimera, this one i have an explanation for. I kinda just thought up, "well wouldnt it be cool if he was a chimera" and then boom, theyve been a chimers to me ever since. plus ive seen them symbolize chaos, which fits both 1x and c00lkidd so.
bluduud: Griffon, counter to c00lkidd, really only mythological creature i could think of that i guess could like be the opposite of a chimera i guess
shedlestky: ....Also a griffon. because. hes an admin. and i see people say that hes a chicken a lot so.... mythical animal thats bird related? Griffon.
twotime: I feel like this is obvious, a Phoenix, because of phoenixes represent rebirth and... twotime....... Plus their phoenix skin but thats based off of what they represent though so first point stands even harder.
mafioso: bunny.
eunoia: bunny.
nasatra: she reminds me of a cat.
elliot: dog, maybe a golden retriever mix? not any full breed though. or a cheeta because of his speed.
chance: hes a cat. no questions asked theyre just a cat. tuxedo cat. or a bunny because he has one.
jason: i... actually dont know...... erm. i want to say a wolf for a, shits and giggles plus b, forest.
john doe: dog. i mean i described him as a dog in one of my earlier asks so. makes sense.
azure: oouuhh i dont know..m. i wanna say cat again but hough.... i want to say maybe like a serpent for it also representing rebirth..... yknowwhat no yeah, go my snake.
dusekkar: deer. thats it.
noob: to be honest i want to say a cat again but also...... no fuck it kitty. this is based off of the fact they have a cat in canon.
007n7: some corvid because of their smarts.
guest 1337: dog, specifically a german shepherd or any common military-used dog breeds.
builderman: i dont know i feel like i want to give him some mythological critter because of being the creator of roblox and stuff but also i think he would just be a raccoon. if he was a mythical creature he wpuld be a dragon though. dunno why just seems right.
noli: parrot
guest 666: goat because they look very... demon-esq and demons are [from what i know] usually represented by goats.
itrapped: fox, because hes a scammer and... you kinda have to be sly for that and foxes are commonly said to be very sly so.
anyways on with those pictures i was gonna send, go my art
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specifically stuff relating to this so, go my c00lkidd because hes one of the only ones who i have pictures of my design of </3 i have 1x all done too but i dont feel like getting out the photos of it... so.... ermmmmm....
Best regards, "anon"^4
I really love your art, 'anon'^4. And I also really love your animal headcanons. Fox ITrapped is real in my heart now.
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neafotia · 2 days ago
Well Miss Saphi, I'll try to be concise because I also really like Pokemon. I have fond memories as well of chasing down light sources with my GBA while enjoying Leaf Green and Emerald.
Now, type means a lot to a gym's identity, so we should get it right. The obvious option would be psychic, given the type as a whole's aesthetic and having Hypno. But, you're not necessarily about your power over the mind, you're about the lovely dolls, plushes, and toys you've brought under your spell.
As such, I would propose fairy to be more fitting. Still fantastical in thematics, so having a witch makes sense, and then many Pokemon featured could be toy themed in some way.
The gym itself would be your witches cottage on the outside. And though the lobby would appear normal, entering the 'spell room' (the gym proper, hidden in the hill the cottage abuts) reveals a loosely woven set of green ribbon paths, which have a bit of slack. It has several parts that need adjusting, like removing sharp angles, undoing the folds, and simplifying any twisting. Each adjustment though comes with a new layer of hypnotic audio gently playing in the gym. This causes more of the gym trainers to stir and face you in a battle. And for a slightly flashy ending, the ribbon pulls taut when they're finished, slowing their approach to you as though the spell is finally finished.
Now, the Pokemon are also important to a gym's identity, but is something that is the most dependent on just who the gym trainers are. The general theming for them though should be around up to 3 options, depending on strength. The first option is their favorite Pokemon of who they were before coming to work for you (for myself, that would be Absol, for reserved and rarely seen). Second, it's Sylveon, the ribbon Pokemon to represent your spell on them. And finally, some Pokemon themed to what they are now (Mine would be Magearna because I'm a clockwork dolly ready to serve). These can be in any order, and don't have to use all of them necessarily. They are the themes those under her spell should use.
The trainers needed to be more generic, but we all know who the gym leader is, so their team can be planned more precisely. Now, what kind of team composition you have is dependent largely on where in the gym lineup you are progression-wise. I personally think you'd be about a mid game gym leader, as there are tougher opponents out there, but none of them are as sweet and gentle as you are. And maybe because there's rumors the earlier ones are actually under her spell, and an oddly out of place fairy type is on their team. However, rematches with gym leaders let them show off their prowess and identity the best, and so I'll be designing for that version of the team.
The opening Pokemon would be Sylveon, the source of your ribbons. The other non-ace Pokemon should be representations of those under her spell. So Mimikyu for puppets, Primarina for the princesses, Magearna for the maids and dollies, and Wigglytuff for the plushies. Finally, the ace Pokemon to represent the spellcaster herself would be Gardevoir. Not only are they the most reminiscent of the green ribbons Miss Saphi prefers using, but they are a pokemon who loves so deeply they defend their trainers with their lives. An argument could be made for Hatterene, the hat witch Pokemon, but I personally feel Gardevoir fits the theme a bit better. And if located in a region/generation that allows it, Mega Gardevoir is also available to use.
And for our final section, we have the purpose the gym and it's leader serves the local community. Though not so present in earlier generations, the gym leaders have become community leaders more and more through the years. As for Miss Saphi, it should be obvious that it is something that relaxes you, frees you from your worries and weariness. So, I propose she runs a calming forest resort. The town is always peaceful, with many residents being those who are frequently under the witches spell by choice. There would be a spa, a lovely boutique selling clothes fit for dollies, and an open-air theater that gently thrums a soothing audio, letting any who come to sit there can relax as they wish without sinking too deep.
Overall, a cozy gym, and definitely a town I'd wish to live in, likely either working for Miss Saphi directly in her gym, or working at the boutique.
The new Pokemon announcements have me yearning. I remember so vividly playing Pokemon Red on my original Gameboy, spending most of the time hunting for a better light to shine on the screen (I am also acutely aware at the mention of my age making certain darlings a little weak~)
I've often wondered what kind of gym I would run. But I was a very different person back then.
Say, what sort of gym would I run, sweet darlings? What type would I main, what Pokemon would feature? What would my puzzle or challenge be? I think I might know that answer (and Sabrina should watch out lest she become a cute little dolly for me), but I would love to hear from you all
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fairly-odd-takes · 25 days ago
Honestly, there’s so much wasted potential in Hazel‘s classmates like I wish there was episodes with them and showing us that they’re not one dimensional 
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whiteboardartstudios · 3 months ago
I SAID I WAS GOING TO DRAW THAT CAR SO HERE WE ARE (I hope you enjoy this is the stupidest thing I've drawn in months /affectionate)
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(I put the image descriptions in the Alt text this time because there's so many images. If it doesn't work please tell me and I'll yeet them in the actual post!!)
happy finale of Wild Life everybody! :D
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