#a lot of kickstarter pushing the project internally
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#kickstarter have denied me#because apperently you cant launch something until your last project is completely fufilled#heres the thing#i dont have any in progress projects#(at least on that account)#and ive seen so many people run things back to back as well#so unless theyve flagged infernal heritage across 2 different account because theyre completely seperate things idk#ive replied being like#....#if you look at ay my profile the 2 created projects ate clearly finished#one was the lil stationary one which didnt quote meet funding#and the other finisbed fufillment a year and a half ago?#Kickstarter what do you mean i have unfufilled campaigns#if they reply and it is in fact theyve flagged infernal heritage somehow ill be a bit >:(#cos thats realistically got a few months on it still#as things get compiled and produced#part of me wpuld be tempted to look into using backerkit instead? but it just doesnt have the same platform and im probably going to rely#a lot of kickstarter pushing the project internally
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Historically Queer Project Update - we'll be back!
Hello friends,
Unfortunately we are in a situation where we have to cancel this project and restart it in a few weeks, however, by doing this, we will put the entire project in a better place to succeed.
Accidentally, I flipped the shipping for international & domestic shipping on two of the items -- the La Maupin pin & the single pin -- which means that people in the US were being massively overcharged for single pin shipment, and people outside the US were being massively undercharged.
I figured this out literally an hour after we launched, but by that point of course a lot of you had backed for these items, and I couldn't fix it. I immediately opened a ticket with Kickstarter asking if it could be fixed or if I'd have to cancel the Kickstarter and recreate it -- and it's been six days with absolutely zero response.
Rather than allowing things to drag on and just hoping it'll all come out okay or that Kickstarter would be able to fix it, we decided to cancel this iteration of the project & recreate it with corrected information.
We have decided to remove shipping charges from the Kickstarter portion of things entirely, so that we can implement true weight-based shipping charges with BackerKit. This means that you will pledge for less up front and instead pay for shipping during the BackerKit stage. Also, since our stretch goals don't need to account for the unknown mix of domestic and international shipping costs, we can actually have more accurate costs at this stage of the project. In addition, we got better bundle pricing from our pin manufacturer.
You will see the goal on the new Kickstarter and all of the stretch goals drop dramatically, and I hope this will help us make sure that we can reach all of those stretch goals!
Since we have to cancel, my partners nudged me to NOT try to push to relaunch as fast as we can, and instead to wait until after Sukkot. Every year, all of NerdyKeppie takes the entirety of Sukkot off so that we can rest between Pride and the holiday season, and if I were running a Kickstarter, I would absolutely not be resting! So I'm listening.
We plan to re-launch on October 10th, 2023 and will post the new project's URL as soon as Kickstarter approves it. I put the revised project in for approval ten minutes ago and hope to see it approved in the next 3-5 days.
Thank you again for all of your support.
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Are printed/photocopied zines still a thing in fandom? If so, where can they be found? Searching brings up a lot of political and arty stuff, but nothing particularly fandom related. I'm probably looking in the wrong places though :')
I don't buy the new ones because they come out every ten seconds and I have neither money nor energy to keep up with them.
The current culture is heavily doujinshi-influenced with a lot of focus on art (though not exclusively). Groups seem to be sending their projects off to China for cheap, high-quality printing that's very glossy and professional-looking.
Most of these get kickstarted or otherwise fundraised and print however many they get pre-orders for. Once that initial push is done, the group dissolves and all that's left are whatever twitter accounts they didn't delete. There isn't much of a culture of zine publishers who maintain a consistent name across projects, at least from what I've seen. There's no culture of reprints or selling the same zine at multiple cons over time. You're either in at the beginning or you're out of luck.
I mostly hear about them from mega-wank over creeps getting people's addresses and real names or someone running off with all of the zine's money.
I suppose most of them advertise on twitter and do internal discussions on a discord, but I'm not really hooked into that world.
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This is both a helpful review and more importantly excellent an very helpful feedback, exactly what we wanted when sending out playtest copies!
As the lead writer for the rulebook personally, I can put a lot of this towards improving the rulebook.
>wish there was an index
Your wish is granted, I will be adding an index section before the full release.
>more safety tools
Between the time we sent @theresattrpgforthat this playtest copy and the time of the review being posted, we actually did add a small section about how certain aspects of the game, including but not limited to the secrecy element, is not an excuse to make other players uncomfortable, and advising that any player who does this on purpose be removed from the table, but compared to your write up about safety tools, kinds of horror the GM could spring on the players and their characters, etc., I am thinking you’re right we probably should expand that section based on this advice. That will be another project to be completed before full release, a section based around what to go into in a Session 0, what a Session 0 is for anyone who might not know, and maybe we could even write out one of those checklists to hand out to players where they check off their tolorance levels for various gruesome and disturbing topics.
>guidance for what the player characters should be
your wish will also be granted here. There are a couple of example characters in the rulebook as-is, but only one for a regular guy and one for a monster, and that regular guy is an FBI agent..
We said no cops because we don’t want our game to be ‘the cop/copaganda game where cops have to step outside the law to do what has to be done to protect our society from criminals’ and wanted local police to serve as a hazard in most Eureka stories like they often are in creature features, where the main characters have evidence that something horrible is killing people, but the cops don’t believe them and/or really care, and are more likely to just try to arrest the heroes and cover it up if it makes them look really bad.
As for FBI agents, we do advise playing them in a more fictionalized X-Files style, operating largely without support and often even butting heads with local law enforcement, but that could be made more clear as well.
We also meant for there to be more example character sheets, but that just kinda kept getting pushed to the backburner when there were other things to do, as we felt like it was less important than some other sections in the book. Well, apparently it was pretty important, so we’ll make sure there are more in there before release as well.
We are also planning to let kickstarter backers who pay a certain amount submit their own player characters to serve as example player characters in the core rulebook, complete with art and everything, but having our own pre-written examples will help guide those backers in what to go on.
>PvP conflict
Actually, I’d say that the potential for PvP conflict in Eureka is something we kind of do want to an extent, and if the PCs turn on each other and the result is that only one of them makes it out alive, that’s a feature not a bug, we just advise not making a character that would prevent the story from even getting started. However, it’s on us to make this overtly clear in the rulebook of the game, so that is another thing we will be addressing in the post-playtest edits.
In one of our own internal Eureka campaigns using CoC adventure modules, the main threat took a back seat for a while as, just after everything hit the fan, the party realized all at once that there was only one regular normal person on the whole team, literally everyone else was man-eating monsters, and in the world of Eureka, man-eating monsters are not friends with other man-eating monsters. They tend to see each other as a threat to their own highly edible normal friends.
I don’t think that the GM even said a word for the next 45 minutes, it was all PCs as the various monsters in the party each went back and forth trying to determine if the others were a threat to them and their normal friend while assuring the normal guy that they, personally, weren’t going to hurt him. And the one normal guy has to figure out if these people are being freaking serious.
It actually resolved completely peacefully and amicably, but if it didn’t, that would’ve been a perfectly acceptable and just as memorable of a scene, even if it could have ultimately resulted in the party failing to overcome the other, unrelated exestential horror.
This is a kind of scene that Eureka is supposed to have, and we will adding more guidelines and information to make that more clear in post-playtest edits.
Thank you for this excellent review and criticis, not only are you getting the Eureka name out there, but this feedback will really serve to improve the system for players by the time of proper release.
Mint Reviews: Eureka Investigative Urban Fantasy, by @anim-ttrpgs
The following is a review for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, a game currently in playtesting, set to be put up onto Kickstarter later this year. I received the playtest copy of the game in exchange for this review.
Eureka is a game about solving mysteries in an urban fantasy setting. It's meant to be dangerous and constantly keeping you guessing. The copy that I reviewed is a playtest copy, which is important to keep in mind for two reasons. One, because I was reviewing it before it's been subjected to proper layout, and addition of art. Two, because there may be changes to the game that alter the play experience that I would be expecting from this initial read-through. I certainly expect the authors to change or include new things before releasing the final version.
The mechanics of Eureka centre on rolling 2d6 and adding a modifier somewhere between -3 and +3. Your result will be one of three options: a Full Success, a Partial Success, or a Failure. Characters are made up of composite parts: you will have traits that give your character modifiers or special abilities, as well as two different health tracks, an Investigation Points Track, character morale/composure, and a list of gear.
Some of the central mechanics outside of the graded success of action roles involve Character Truths and the Investigation Track. Character Truths are personality quirks that tell you something core to your investigator, and reward role-play that is true to the character even if strategically it's a bad option.
As your characters look for clues, they will collect Investigation points every time they uncover a clue or fail a roll. Once they fill their Investigation track, they get something called a Eureka - a resource that gives the player the chance to tilt the narrative in their favour.
Damage in this game is layered: your characters have Superficial HP, and Penetrative HP. These tracks work interdependently of each-other, with Superficial HP bleeding into Penetrative HP if it fills up first. If you are familiar with the bashing damage and lethal damage of World of Darkness games, this system should be very familiar.
The setting is very interesting and flexible, which means that if your group is very interested in urban fantasy, but you don't want to learn all of the big systems out there, Eureka is an option that only requires you to learn one system.
The game is designed to elevate suspense; the GM and the players are encouraged to keep secrets from each-other, and combat is often lethal.
The Woo Roll: a mechanic in gun combat that gives your characters some interesting moments when shooting a gun: after all, bullets don't just hit people, they also hit leaking pipes, fire extinguishers, innocent bystanders....
This game has a lot of rules (which is not necessarily a bad thing). There are three chapters dedicated to different kinds of combat and 2-3 chapters that need to be read to understand how characters work. As a result, however, I wish there was an index, to make finding pieces of information easier.
I wish there were more safety tools available in this game. I'm in the camp of preferring safety tools regardless of table or genre, but especially in horror games and games with suspense, there are elements of Eureka that could very easily trouble players who don't know what they've signed up for. The game encourages players to keep secrets from each-other, and prompts the GM to surprise the players with the kinds of horror that could be just around the corner. This isn't to say that a horror game shouldn't have some kind of surprise involved, but having a detailed Session 0 to talk about what is or is not on the table for everyone involved, as well as a method to signal that something in game is crossing Lines, would go so far here.
There are recommendations about what the characters should avoid playing (cops, FBI agents, etc.), but I found very little guidance about what kinds of characters should consider. I'd have loved to see some pre-generated suggestions for reasons as to why the characters are working together, especially because players are asked to create characters that want to work together, not characters that are ready to fight each-other given the opportunity.
Other Notes:
This is not Powered by the Apocalypse, and I think it's important to recognize that if you're thinking about buying Eureka. The rolls take inspiration from many PbtA games in that you roll 2d6 and get a staggered success, but the game is not designed for generative play. PbtA games ask you to play to find out what happens, but Eureka is designed to run pre-written modules, where the clues are thought of beforehand and the answers have already been determined. I read the dice rules and thought this game was PbtA, but once I saw the detail to which the authors explained how to use skills and handle combat, I felt like this game was actually closer to something like Chronicles of Darkness.
This game requires a lot of preparation, especially for the GM. If you are running this game, you will need to co-ordinate the character creation for each player separately, as the game recommends that the players not know what is going on inside other character sheets. It also requires you to convert the NPCs and villains from other adventures into Eureka's stats, because NPCs in this game roll just like PCs do.
This game lives on secrets. There are fantastical options in this game but the author recommends that the GM keeps much of the magical elements secret from the players. If there is a monstrous character, they are expected to keep that secret even from other players at the table - at least until a dramatically appropriate moment.
For me, I don't think I am the target audience for Eureka. There is a lot of guidance in this book for specific situations and expected problems at the table, which might be helpful for GMs that prefer planning to improv or for GMs that are unsure about how to adjudicate certain questions at the table. However, I feel like the 2d6 mechanic feels so close to PbtA for me that I think I would have a hard time separating my play patterns cultivated from PbtA play in order to run this game the way I would run a game like Chronicles of Darkness.
I understand why pvp conflict in a horror game might not be what the party wants, especially if the entire group needs to be on the same page to defeat a larger horror, but if the characters are discovering as they play that one of them is using very different talents and skills, the response to react with distrust or hostility is a very likely event - and the lack of moves to play through interesting character conflicts would make resolving those reactions very tricky for me.
If you are interested in games that encourage secret keeping and hidden agendas, and if you like games with a bit of crunch and freedom to character creation, Eureka might be worth checking out. If you prefer Powered-by-the-Apocalypse style games that focus on generative play, I recommend looking at something a little different.
#fantasy#eureka#review#feedback#tabletop games#indie ttrpgs#mint reviews#mystery#eureka: investigative urban fantasy
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Hi, I saw ur comment on the AI post while combing thru the notes. I’ve been seeing a lot of gorgeous architectural images come up in my feed and I’m discovering a lot of it is done with AI. I remain on the fence abt whether it’s cool or not, or whether to use it, bc im uneducated on what the ramifications could be. Do u think if we didn’t live in a capitalistic shitworld where artists didn’t have sell their creativity and their labor to live, that AI would still hinder or push out human creative expression? Is it’s shittiness inherent or is it just bad under these circumstances?
This is actually a really good question, and a very worthwhile chain of thought. While I endeavor to be thoughtful it's all too easy for my frothy-self to descend to loom smashing, so this is an angle worth considering. My opinion on things is heavily colored by my upbringing. It may sound pretentious, but for various reasons, I consider 'artist' as one of my cultural designations. For those who have taken sociology 101, I consider it one of my inherent status' rather than an ascribed status. Call it what you want, but for me, it's in my bones.
My problems with AI artwork are slightly hysterical at points as a result, but let's start with the most sensible note that you bring forth; the fact that we are within the system we are.
Our current form of capitalism is based around an eternal cancerous expansion of profit, and if one follows certain industries, (in my case, the games industry) one can easily see the problems with always trying to grow bigger in a finite world. Companies firing whole development teams right before shipping so that they don't have to pay them for actually completing the project, and other such acts of corporate autocannibalism are the signs of an animal that is nearing the cliff edge and begun choosing which of its own internal organs it can claw out in order to make itself lighter.
Art has always been at war with money. Making art requires money, but the people that control money tend not to understand art. This is obviously a gross tribalistic simplification, but the point is that the two need each other, can achieve great things in concert... and absolutely hate each other.
In a perfect money world, art and artists would be eliminated entirely. I speak with proof behind this: look at the NFT bubble from earlier this year. This was an attempt to boil artwork down to a stock price. Numbers to be traded and nothing more. The art attached to NFT's was crude, designed as such to carry the message of "the artwork doesn't matter. Only the money that makes it up."
So. When we look at AI, it becomes clear: a machine that can spit out art perfectly to order with no involvement from those annoying artists who demand respect, freedom, and worst of all, pay? This is a wet dream for the money. Under the current system of corporate function, AI art is one of the single most dangerous tools yet created. It stands against artwork, it stands against labor and negotiation in all forms, and it stands against the idea that art is worth anything more than cash.
But that wasn't your question. Do I, personally, consider AI art valuable if viewed without the context of the war of art vs money?
Me personally? No. This is where I will appeal to emotion so hard it will make anyone versed in debate weep enough to fill an overly-salty swimming pool.
In my view of things, Art is the result of every stimulus we recieve. Everything. Every single thing any of our senses receives goes into a huge bubbling rendering vat, and then we use that bubbling material to sculpt new works to portray our experiences and view of the world.
As such, I don't think it's worth using AI art as a jumping off point. Yes, it can provide some gummy material that can kickstart creative impulses, but to anyone that strapped for ideas, I would beg that they instead experience more things.
Hideo Kojima has spoken about his philosophy that an artist must always be adding new things to their rendering vat of experience, and I agree with him. no matter who you are, you haven't seen everything. Even within the purviews you obsess over. I love video games dearly, and even I have not played every single one. There will always be something new within the things you love, wether those things are sci-fi novels or urban architecture or tax filing systems. There is always something new to learn and see, and the pursuit of knowledge, of fresh experiences, of new people and new conversations about new topics, will, if you are an artist, spark something within you. And I think that shows what I think is another danger that AI art poses to artists: complacency.
Life begins at the end of our comfort zone. Artists must by nature be curious about the world and her people if they are to dream up stories within and without her boundaries. If an artist is able to punch in familiar keywords and receive a computer-made blob of associated goo made from stolen, unaccredited, scraped work, that artist has robbed themselves of the chance to examine themselves and the world around them.
Also, that's really the big issue. This shit comes from somewhere. The AI needs to be fed existing images in order to know what an image looks like, and there is no possible way for that to be done in a way that does not denigrate the work or the artists who make it. Even if that work is a cell-phone photo of a stack of pancakes, it is wrong for the machine to silently harvest it, and due to the other issues, I struggle to find any arrangement I am happy with even with consent and transparency.
So overall, while I think the technology is very impressive, and I can't blame people for getting excited about it, within my worldview, I am forced to be a curmudgeon. My view of art, the world, and humanity requires that I thank the programmers for their work, shake their hands on their success, marvel at the power of the technology, and then push the server cabinet off the edge of the building. It is a danger to human identity and the development of such.
Loom-smashers ahoy.
Thank you for your question! I absolutely love writing essays about things I'm impassioned about, and this was a blast.
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I was unaware that Cyberpunk 2077 had been in development hell. I got the impression that they are just spending a lot of time polishing it and that Witcher and GoG revenue allow them to do this. Can you elaborate on the situation?
Any game with a development cycle of over four years has almost certainly spent a significant amount of that time in development hell. Cyberpunk is no exception. Most might not realize this, but Cyberpunk 2077 (May 2012) was announced about six months before Star Citizen (October 2012). It’s been in development for over eight years by now, twice as long as the Witcher 3. Cyberpunk was announced a year and a half before the PS4 launched and will likely hit store shelves around when the PS5 launches, meaning that they came close to skipping an entire console generation.
Nobody sets out to build a game with a development cycle that long. Between then and now, here are some of the notable gaming trends that have come and gone:
MMOGs were still in fashion (SWTOR launched six months before Cyberpunk was announced)
MOBAs hadn’t hit their peak yet (League of Legends didn’t hit their peak of 100 million unique monthly players until four years later)
Fortnite and Battle Royale wouldn’t be a thing for another five years
Doublefine had just run their first kickstarter campaign three months before Cyberpunk’s announcement
Hearthstone and online card games wouldn’t be a thing for another two years
It’s no secret that the Witcher 3 (released May 2015) hoovered up practically all of the Cyberpunk devs during their final push to launch, but the fact it’s taken another five years on top of that to get to (near) release is also not a good look for the game’s development process. These signs point to meandering development that had a hard time nailing down what the game was supposed to be about, building a lot of things, and then scrapping them. This also gels with the stories I’ve heard about their internal development process.
Additionally, the game has had announced delays along the way. A delay signals two things - that the delay wasn’t planned, and that the project fell so far short of their expected scheduled progress that the dev team could not make it up by crunching. Cyberpunk delayed not once but twice. If they had initially thought that they needed the additional two months from September to November for their release, they would have delayed the game from April to November, rather than April to September, and then again to November. The fact that there are two delays instead of one (in addition to their eight year dev cycle) means that their leadership thought they could get the needed work done in six months and realized that they were so wrong that they they needed two more on top of that.
Scope is a major concern with a game this size. The game’s multiplayer mode, for example, is one of the features they promised for Cyberpunk 2077, but will not be in the game at launch. They have promised they will patch it in later, which means they had to cut multiplayer from the launch scope in order to make their release date. Overall, all of these signs point to a troubled development process - starting with the abnormally long development cycle, and then factoring in other signs like delays and scope changes in addition to CDPR’s baseline crunch culture. So yeah, I feel very comfortable saying that I believe Cyberpunk 2077 was in development hell for quite some time. I can’t think of a game that took so long to build that wasn’t.
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#development hell#cyberpunk#crunch culture#game delay#scope creep#game production scoping#launch problems#game production cycle
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You don't gotta answer this publicly, but what on earth happened/is happening RE: Dogpiling?
this is long but there’s a lot to cover and i don’t know how much information is pre-known going into this.
basically breadtuber sarah z made a 2 hour fandom postmortem video on homestuck. instead of being a genuine look into what made the comic and the fandom so massive and so relevant for so long, she kind of glosses over all that in the first thirty minutes, then spends the rest of the video discussing homestuck’s two major controversies in the least tactful way imaginable.
the first one she talks about is the hiveswap development hell fiasco, which on paper is an interesting thing to bring up in relation to a lack of content contributing to fandom decline, but sarah’s primary source for all this is a pseudo-anonymous blog run by giovan_h, someone who is notorious for treating dangerous and baseless accusation as fact and for obsessively stalking current and former whatpumpkin staff members to obtain information for said blog. she supposedly tries to bring a balanced argument on what exactly happened in the three year dark period between hiveswap’s supposed release date and when act 1 actually came out by pitting ipgd’s tumblr post (the one that made the odd gentlemen embezzlement claims vis a vis king’s quest) against giovan’s blog (claiming through anonymous and unverified sources that hussie deliberately dicked around and failed to meet a single deadline, then broke contract terms by using the kickstarter money to commission the odd gentlemen to animate act 7 instead of working on hiveswap. there are a lot of other unsavoury claims about hussie and certain other wp members among these blog posts, but that’s the primary relevant gist).
neither account can actually be verified (ipgd’s post claims their information is spotty because they’re talking around a pretty strict settlement nda and giovan’s sources and accounts are deliberately vague and unverifiable to “protect various parties from retaliation from hussie/wp”) but sarah ultimately comes down and says that she’s inclined to take giovan’s blog as more truthful for. reasons. this is obviously bad because within minutes of the video dropping several wp team members reveal sarah never once tried to get in contact with them, which has led to attacks on the team members because a lot of zealous people looking for an excuse to keep being mad at homestuck in the wake of hs^2′s semi-permanent hiatus were emboldened by a video essayist treating the ugliest speculation as hard fact. as of right now, the hiveswap kickstarter has released a statement clarifying the development situation as best they can (from what i’ve read it does point to them legally being unable to point to/discuss certain things) which has had all the impact of dropping a match onto an oil spill. the anti homestuck zealots firmly believe every word of that post to be bullshit and are accusing the wp team of covering for hussie and his super heinous evil crimes (keep in mind we are still not privy to the internal workings of wp because why the fuck would we be) so the wp team in turn are putting these people on blast for this dangerous harassment (it doesn’t need to be said that as a professional being publicly accused of covering up fraud is a very bad thing) and then as a counter counter response the angry fans are now accusing the wp staff of abusing their power to direct mass harassment towards specific individuals (this amounting to people getting into wp members’ private discord servers and publicly posting mean things they have said about giovan et al which imo only serves to bolster the stalking claims) and the whole thing went very ugly very fast.
the second controversy that sarah brings up is everything involved in post canon homestuck (epilogues, pesterquest, hs^2). here she reverts to more of a passively pro-fandom stance, asserting time and time again how horrible and evil the epilogues and everything else were because of how they took the characters and stories everyone knows and loves and warped them into something unrecognisably terrible, that post-canon homestuck was universally reviled. in a very bad and awkward placement of information she then segues into a kind of hand-wavey discussion of the intense backlash towards certain post-canon trans interpretations (of vriska, june, and roxy) in a very I Am A Cis Woman So I’m Not Qualified To Make Any Statements Here Other Than Transphobes Fuck Off <3 But Also This Is Indicative Of A Growing Fandom Resentment way, which honestly begs the question of why she needed to include this at all. another bad thing here is how she super glosses over the “controversies” surrounding “the advocates for june egbert” and “the writer for vriska’s pesterquest route” - she is obviously referring to former creative director kate here (she kind of confirms this on twitter by saying she didn’t want to mention kate by name in order to not stir up further drama which uh... yeah) and the inexcusably terrible chain of events which led to every single out trans woman working on homestuck to resign to protect themselves from further mass harassment and dogpiling from the fandom.
she instead, for some reason decides to focus on how post-canon homestuck has been a total commercial and creative failure, that homestuck^2 basically shouldn’t have even happened after the fandom’s distaste for the epilogues and that it was not only controversial but also was a low quality mess everyone agreed sucked. she then goes on to compare the hs^2 team to the wp hiveswap dev team, and passively applies the same giovan-esque assertions to the internal workings of hs^2, kind of but not really implying the reasons given for the shutting down of hs^2 were bullshit. this is super bad for the fact that the post canon homestuck team is the most openly marginalised group of people working for hs is in an official capacity, and we have seen time and time again what drawing undue, speculative negative attention towards these people has done. again, reminder sarah did not reach out to a single person who worked/is working on homestuck for what is essentially a drama video disguised as a fandom postmortem. the upshot here is that her post-canon section served to embolden yet another wp-hostile section of the fanbase - those who adamantly believe that only the fandom itself can create worthwhile homestuck projects, and that all writers are evil people who want their queer fans dead (only a partial exaggeration) and produce spite projects which are driven by the steadfast belief that their work is inherently superior to official content by virtue of their fan status. among this group were a lot of people who latched onto any accusation against a team member as fuel to push them out of “ruining” such a beloved franchise so sarah’s video serves as proof that all the hs^2 writers were morally corrupt monsters ruining a fandom space that was meant for minors and queer people (this is all very anti/anti-anti carousel of bullshit nonsense that i have no time for) and thus they’re confident to once again tear down the remaining public facing staff members, ignoring how all this crusade has done so far is drive a handful of trans women and people of colour off of official homestuck projects for their own safety.
then she ends the video with a “oh btw this video is proudly sponsored by audible <3″ bit and it’s just. beyond unbelievably awfully stupid that she deliberately reignited this aggression which has caused untold material harm on marginalised people (that happened less than a year ago!!!) just for the sake of quick clicks and ad revenue. she consolidated the most dogshit takes as fact within the general fandom consensus, sided with some of the worst people to engage with homestuck, potentially detonated the last shreds of stability of this independent marginalised media project, and wrapped it all up with a sponsorship from an amazon subsidiary company of all fucking things. this is obviously a case of an incredibly short sighted decision to cash in on a very complicated and unwieldy fandom history but still the potential consequences here are unfathomable.
#extrarabbitsauce#didn't intend on this being public but i saved as draft and now my only choice is to publicly post this. whatever#got called a terf for liking homestuck^2 whatever pigshit this post potentially attracts will be nothing
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FE3H AU that I want to write but don’t know 100% of the lore of the game to accurately depict.
After trying multiple times for a golden ending, Byleth resets one last time with a new plan that could be her last
She remeets Sothis. “How many more tries must we do this? It will never work, we have tried everything! Oh? Well, I have always wondered what would happen in the End.”
Byleth smiled at her father and calls him such for the first time before heading into battle.
Byleth takes the knife for Edelgard but doesn’t rewind time. She dies, the last thing she sees is Eldelgard’s terrified and regretful face. In that moment, her hair turns the light green and the Ashen Demon is no more.
Jeralt is heartbroken, and furious because Rhea definitely did something to his kid with that hair, so he agrees in a rage to go back to the monastery. He wants to bury Byleth with where he thinks her mother is buried and fight with Rhea.
The Lords all are affected from Byleth’s death, they asked this person for help and they died for them. Claude is silent, Dimitri prays for her soul to be put to rest, and Edelgard can’t comprehend why a stranger would throw away their life for her. She feels extra guilty since the bandits were her fault and now she killed an innocent. None of them can stop apologizing.
They get to Garreg Mach and the real differences begin here. Jeralt yells and argue with Rhea, but can ultimately do no more than demand Byleth be buried with his wife. He stays for a month for her funear before leaving with his mercenaries.
The third teacher is Jeritza, but he somehow gets stuck with the Blue Lions. Hannerman is with the Black Eagles. Maneula is with the Golden Deer.
That’s when the clock breaks.
The three main lords start seeing and hearing things. They’ll blink and they’ll see a different proffessor in front of them. They’ll hear the song of the goddess from dark corners or the slashing a bone sword going through enemies. They remember timelines that shouldn’t exist in fragments and they are all secretly going insane.
Hubert tries to push Edelgard to continue with their plans, but she was so affected by Byleth’s death that she tells him to hold off. She doesn’t know why, but it pained her so much that one death. Hubert obliges, but TWSITD are restless.
Throughout the story, the respective teachers help each house. Mercedes finds out Jeritza is her brother and them connecting again leads him to branch off from Edelgard’s plans, because he doesn’t want to hurt his sister. Manuela recruits Dorathea with her aspirations to continue opera and even helps Ignatz with his paintings. Hannerman recruits Lysithea and they research over her multiple crests. Edelgard hears about this and joins, coming to realize how much TWSITD are responsible for her pain and not the church.
TWSITD attack even though Edelgard has declared that she would no longer help them and would activly fight against them if they pushed. They are pushed back from the tomb and other holy areas, the the crypt that supposedly held Seiros’ remains was empty, no sword in sight, as they three lords defeats their soldiers.
After that battle, the three lords no see a figure take shape in their rooms. They are mix between Sothis and Byleth, making them look slightly younger than Byleth, so around 17 or 18, and they don’t know who they are, not even their name. The talk to the lords and act like Sothis did in the game. Dimitri thinks its another ghost from the past, projecting the mercenary who died for them, and ignores it. Claude talks to it every once in a while and has pleasent conversations. Edelgard tries to ignore it, but eventually uses it as a therapist whenever she needs to talk to someone.
Remire Village and the attack on Garreg Mach have little to no causalities. Flayn was never kidnapped, so Monica never showed up, and Jeralt wasn’t even there so he never died. The Flame Emperor also never makes an appearance in general.
The following month still left a lot of people feeling dour for reasons they didn’t understand.
Edelgard recieves word from visiting her father that TWSITD are planning one more attack to steal the crest stones. She is crowned emperor and quickly runs back to the academy. She admits to Dimitri and Claude, after the ghost tells her to trust them, that she was being puppetee by TWSITD and that she hasn’t followed them in months, she leaves out the part where she tried to kill them at the beginning of the year, and ask for their help.
They agree and take on the battle in the maseuleum, or however you spell it. TWSITD are there and they fight back. They all notice a figure up on a magnificent throne, she is sitting upright and unmoving and was wearing clothing of the goddess.
“It’s her!” They all say at once as they recognize an older version of the ghost, the greened haired Byleth on the throne, a sword in her lap.
Rhea comes in after the enemies retreat and tells them to leave the area. Edelgard pushes and asks why that woman was on the throne and not buried, and how come her body hadn’t rotted away since she died. Rhea refuses to answer and even threatens them to stay quiet, but still thanks them for protecting what was sacred.
Edelgard thanks the two lords for helping her and she tells them that she will be leaving school early to help dismantle TWSITD.
Following that day for the next five years, the only time they ever see the ghost is when it is asleep and drapped over a chair.
Edelgard declared her empire seperate from the church, cutting all ties off except for trades while still allowing the faith, without declaring war. Rhea is furious about this but Seteth makes sure she doesn’t do anything rash. Edelgard is still looking with the help of her classmates for the remains of the Agarthins, who have been hiding from her.
Claude is leader of the alliance and is setting in place laws that would end discrimination against foreigners and those without crests. He even visits Almyra frequently, though no one is exactly sure who. He never officially said anything against the church, but it isn’t a secret that he isn’t a believer.
Dimitri no longer sees ghosts of any kind and is a fair ruler to his kingdom. He is the only lord that has close connections to the church and even still talks to Rhea. He has good relations with the empire also, so much that the people say he and Edelgard are like siblings.
Hannerman, with the help of one crest stone that Edelgard slipped him after that one attack, learned the secrets to multiple crests. Lysithea and Edelgard are both free, leaving them with no crests which they are fine with, and their lifespans have lengthened. Their hair even turned back its natural color.
As for the ghost, it always appears in the highest ranking chair to fall asleep in the room the lords are in. Edelgard can no longer sit on her throne without feeling rude, so she is never near it. Dimitri has swapped out his throne for another chair, lying and saying he wasn’t worthy for his father’s throne. Claude doesn’t have a throne, just the head of a table, and he never really sat down when he talked. The ghost also shivers frequently, like they are cold. Weirdly, putting a blanket over it seems to work.
Then, on the 1000 year anniversary of the church being built, the ghost vanishes and is no where to be found. All three lords are going to the ball held at Garreg Mach for their reunions and to show that they hold no ill will to the church. When they get there, they all have the feeling like something is wrong, but they can’t place it.
Individually, they all go to the goddess tower, for they make out the image of the awake ghost. When they make it up there, no one but the living are there and they finally realize that they can all see the ghost. They come to the conclusion that this was something that had to do with the corpse in the basement.
The ball is interupted with spears of light start blowing up the world. Fives years without war led to the Argathins seeking power and they are attacking. All three groups, plus some of the church, find and defeat all the Argathins.
This part isn’t expanded on here because there isn’t much to it except its the endgame of the Golden Deer/Silver Snow path and they defeat the big bads while everyone is still alive.
After the battle, they all go back to the church and go look for the corspe. They find it along with Rhea, who fights them to keep them away.
They defeat her and she admits that she tried to raise the goddess back with Byleth, who held her power. The ghost reveals herself to be the fusion of Byleth and Sothis to Rhea and yells her out mom style about how idiotic is was to try to bring her back at the risk of other people.
The ghost explains how she wanted a perfect ending where everyone was alive and no one fought, and they only way to that was her death, which kickstarted Edelgard realizing her mistakes. She asks them to say hi to Jeralt for her, says goodbye to her daughter, and fades away.
This whole AU I really wanted to explore what would happen if Byleth did die and I realized how much that would’ve affect Edelgard. The war might’ve still happened, but Edelgard was pushed forward by how Byleth was treated by Rhea and by TWSITD. I also like imaging a timeline without Byleth where all the lords keep seeing her and can sometimes talk, but she isn’t really there. I just imagine Dimitri’s internally screaming, Edelgard’s seen weirder, and Claude still calls the ghost teach through instinct and just spills the tea of his daily life to her.
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Week 13
I finally completed my internship project! Well, completed it as much as I could considering my team is stopping all coupon drops, email/push notifications, etc due to COVID. Encouraging people to share rides with strangers would not be a good look. It has been interesting to see the business decisions being made at this time, and I am glad my company is being responsible yet again and cognizant of their responsibility to keep people safe.
This week went a lot better, and completing the project and my demo had a lot to do with that. It felt good accomplishing something I have been dreaming about for years since I saw interns presenting their projects a while back. Although I did not get and will not get a chance to demo this to the company and release this product to America now, I am grateful that the deed was done, and done in the midst of all this coronavirus stuff.
What also helped was that I stopped fighting with my nose. If my septum was deviated and I couldn’t breathe through my nose, I did not give myself a headache by forcing myself to breathe through it, I just breathed through my mouth until my nostril opened up. I also took a lot of walks, until I found out that we should be wearing masks every time we go out. I felt crazy walking around with a pink bandana and pajamas, hair not combed, but hey, it is what it is right now. I did not realize I was in walking distance from a view of all over the city! The park I am nearby has 360 degree views of the city: Golden Gate Park, the Golden Gate Bridge, Oakland/East Bay, downtown, Mission Bay, the Castro. If not for COVID, I would not have found out about this. For that I am grateful...
I am taking this all as a lesson and trying to accept all of this as the new normal. I’ve got a routine down: wake up around 8, drink 16 oz of water, thank God for waking me and pray for what I want for myself and the world, go for a walk, stretch, eat breakfast, doing my morning hygiene routine, work, eat lunch, chat with my mom, each dinner, watch a ton of youtube, and food shop every two weeks as to not overdue it :). I am grateful for my Econ education because through it, I learned that things like this happen often. Of course this is unique, but a series of unfortunate events lead to recessions. It’s been that way forever. No one can know forsure when it will happen. This is not the first recession and it will not be the last. It is also showing people, like my mentor told me over the phone, “Your money, address, nor occupation matter the most during this time. You have to sit this out and wait like everyone else. It’s not enough anymore to just be like, ‘You don’t have health insurance? Poor you.’ No, everyone suffers when everyone does not have access to this human right.” It’s what I learned in econ: income inequality is horrible for a well functioning society. It does not matter that many make millions and even billions, if the gap is large, everyone will have to pay for those who do not have through taxes or by being victim to crimes somehow. We are only as strong as our most vulnerable people. I am getting much more sleep, eating better, and just focusing on work. I even reached out to people to help kickstart my job search again, just to have a back up. I subscribed to Interview Cake AGAIN (they’re offering a deal by the way! $29 for their $264 course due to a lot of people being without software engineering jobs at this time) , and did not even do one lesson, but, I plan to...maybe. It is just difficult to force myself to learn something I know I will not be using until it is time for me to start interviewing. I did not even learn the computer science topics my bootcamp and interviewers recommended I learn because all the engineers I know told me they never used them in their jobs. Even my bootcamp said I probably would not use them, but since they teach them in Computer Science curriculums and test them in most software engineering interviews, I guess I’ll learn.
I also joined my mentor’s Python book club. Team accountability will ensure that I complete a technical skills book, something I have been trying to do for a while. When I look at my other goals though (completing Interview Cake, reading 12 novels this year, getting converted to a full-time software engineer, and just overall becoming a better software engineer) I am often left wondering how the heck I am going to do it all. I will just need to step up but at the same time listen to my body and do what’s best for my mental health. I hope the same for y’all. I related to this a lot:
Friday I ventured for some grape juice and crackers for communion on Sunday. I was anxious about it because I cannot control other people. I tried a lot of stores and couldn’t not find them. One store I walked into, with my bandana around my face, in my mostly-white neighborhood, the cashier asked, suspicious of me, after I looked around and headed to leave but hesitated because I did not want to touch the handle, “Can I help you?”. I am trying to have as few interactions with people in person as possible, so I did not even entertain my feelings of being profiled. Too protective of my time and self to care.
I finally found my communion materials at the store I initially rejected because I did not want to climb the hill to enter it. It was my first time in the store. I was so paranoid about entering it, because in a store I visited previously a man talked to me WAYYY too closely without a mask, and I was profiled in the one after it. However, in this store, all the things that were hard to find elsewhere were right in my face. I only went in for grape juice and crackers, but when I saw almond milk, black beans, and POPTARTS, and heard some throw back early 2000s hip hop jams playing, I threw my coronavirus concerns out the window a bit. I have never been so relieved to see bread and almond milk!
That’s what this time should be about: appreciating what we have and one another. We complain but at least we have running water, soap, and enough food. Many of us don’t. In fact, MOST people on earth don’t. I thank God I’m blessed with that.
I had a lot of calls with loved ones this week and I am so grateful I have people checking in on me:
my mom
my dad
one of my mentors
one of my pastors
my apprentice friend from NYC (who went back to NYC today)
connection from afrotech
This is a time where I am really seeing who is in my corner supporting me, and it’s people who I figured. I am grateful. Thanks to y’all as well for reading. I feel your support through this and it helps. Be blessed yall.
#clojure#python#c++#san francisco#bay area#Interview Cake#golden gate bridge#poptarts#quarantine#book club#book#read#code#coding#women in tech#tech#technology#black in tech#black women in tech#computer science#computer#ru paul's drag race#denzel washington#training day
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2018 Round-up
In a few words: Awesomeness in a scary world.
Last year’s goals: *Make that trip to Japan happen. Just a case of figuring out the best time to do it. Heck yeah, I did. Went in May and it was great. *Maybe make an effort to actually learn Japanese properly while I’m at it? Heck no, I didn’t. But I managed to bullshit my way through Japan decently enough. *Go to at least one international internet/nerd convention (Comic Con, VidCon, AX, etc?) (probably not E3 again, given that I’m not really a queue for AAA titles kinda guy). Nah. Though I guess the Japan trip was international enough. *Try and get a table going at one of these UK conventions. Tom says there’ll be a Crash Zoom table at the next MCM, but that’s a phrase I’ve heard before… Headed up a Crash Zoom table at both London MCM Expos this year. Aiming to do those (and maybe more?) in 2019 too. Good Stuff: *Going to Japan and living the dream of watching Kamen Rider on a Sunday morning on a Japanese TV. *Managed to complete Crash Zoom: Firing Squad, get involved with two (or is that three) asdfmovie projects, one of which got mad views later on in the year, and started work on that new Kickstarted Crash Zoom season. *Getting to go to some cool expos, conventions, and shindigs with internet friends. *A lot less dental crap to deal with since last year. Bad Stuff: *One of my Nans passed away. *Less work than last year. Mainly my lack of communication skills to blame. *The first few days of the Japan trip being hindered by Dio Brando Rhea. *Everything in politics threatening to make my entrire career null and void. *Still haven’t painted my room yet. Peeps of the Year: *TomSka, for not only giving me work but also making a determined effort to be friends with a horny git like me. *Charlie, who puts up with me the many times I come to crash round Tom’s place. *Jake aka 10,000 Hawks for helping out at the Crash Zoom table and generally being a cool, if freakishly tall, dude. *My fam for pushing me to go for that Japan trip. *Ellen, again, for inviting me to her b’day bash and always being fun to bump into. Stuff of the Year: Games: Wandersong, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, Celeste, Spider-Man, Super Smash Bros. Utlimate, Yakuza Kiwami (it was on PS+) Movies: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Incredibles 2, Infinity War, Batman Ninja Anime: A Place Further Than the Universe, Bloom Into You, Zombie Land Saga, Pop Team Epic, SSSS.Gridman, Slow Start, TV: Hilda, OKKO, Steven Universe, She-Ra Goals for 2018: *Paint my god damn room. *Move closer to London where all the peeps at. Ideally after I’ve accomplished painting my god damn room. *Take another international trip somewhere. Ideally with friends. *Maybe accept the fact no one on Tumblr reads these round-up blogs...
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Did You Love Dream Daddy?
Want a dating sim game with similar character design, numerous dating options with m/f/nb options all in the perfect office AU? Then do I have the game for you!!!!
The Office Type: Add Love To Your Resume is still in Kickstarter, but is so close to its goal and just needs that extra little push to be completed! Here’s a snippet from their Kickstarter page:
“ Welcome to CompCorp! What's that? Your new coworkers are office supplies that came to life? How silly! These are real people who would love to get to know you! As our newest intern, it’s crucial that you get to know your new coworkers. After all, you’re going to be spending a lot of time together!
Play the demo/see more info here: https://www.heavythoughtstudios.com/devblog/“
Here’s their Kickstarter page! Give these awesome game devs a boost!
#video game#game#dating sim#dream daddy#the office type#kickstarter#fun#romance#dating#lgbtq#lgbtqa#lbgt
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Kickstarter panda controller
“ In an update this week, the creators talk about how while the project was a labor of love for three years, that there is now no way they can make their intended December 2022 delivery date.” Considering that’s a year off from now, there must have been some serious problems going on at Panda HQ, but it’s probably the right thing to let down backers now rather than dragging it out for many more months, earning ire along the way. “With all of the issues with global distribution (mainly the worldwide semiconductor shortage) and “ongoing rolling blackouts” at their distribution center, it wasn’t meant to be,” states the report. The Panda project has been canned, and its developers are now in the process of issuing refunds n’ apologies. However, as Destructoid reports, that won’t be the case. It seemed reasonable to assume that, delays notwithstanding, we’d be clicking and clacking those tactile new buttons eventually. Controller canned due to COVID-19īefore the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, production was well underway, thanks in no small part to the Kickstarter raising almost $2,000,000 (!!!) in funding. We’ve set a record in terms of funding raised, but the author feels irresponsible to continue Kickstarter when we can no longer guarantee a December 2022 release. “After a lot of deliberation, we felt it wasn’t right of us to hold onto your funds for an unknown amount of time without being able to guarantee when delivery will be.” Panda Hardware went on to say that “as of today, we’ll be canceling our Kickstarter early with all pledges fully refunded while we pursue outside investment to continue the project internally.Pointlessly adding ‘Pro’ to the name? Selling useless plastic additions separately? They’re after Nintendo’s heart. The kickstarter for the Panda GameCube controller, which immediately broke the required goal earlier this month, has been cancelled. “With the Panda Controller timeline not having a clear end date, we had to figure out what the best next steps are,” the manufacturer noted. There is currently no word as to when if ever the device will be available for purchase. The manufacturer will be refunding all of the pledges received on Kickstarter and pursuing the project internally.
Whether it be the long-running Super Smash Brothers series from Nintendo or the new Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, the GameCube controller has been a. Panda Hardware chose to cancel the project rather than push back the release date into the indefinite future. Panda releases its new controller on Kickstarter The traditional GameCube controller was released in 2001, yet it is still the most common method for platform fighter players to play their games. Includes: Basic Panda Controller (add-ons available after backing) 1 - 11x17 poster of the Panda Controller Less Estimated delivery Dec 2022 Reward no longer available 5 backers Pledge amount Continue Kickstarter is not a store. READ MORE: ‘Halo Infinite’ review: the best AAA shooter of. So its theoretically a functioning controller just not a comfortable functioning controller. The feasibility of this remains in question. Panda, a modernised GameCube controller, is currently available to back on Kickstarter, and has already annihilated its initial goal. Panda Hardware made no mention of trying to find a manufacturing partner outside of China. We know how excited you all are to get the Panda Controller as soon as possible, but it looks like we can’t guarantee the December, 2022 date anymore and we don’t know what the new date will be yet.” Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. skate Performer Identity Panda Global cancels and refunds the Panda Controller Kickstarter after raising nearly 2 million Im sleepy Sunny needle Fighting. Among other new roadblocks, our main manufacturing partner in China is being affected by ongoing rolling blackouts, slowing their production which was already affected by COVID-related shortages. Announcement tweet: Link to Kickstarter: Press J to jump to the feed. “Since opening the Kickstarter, we’ve been made aware of a few factors outside of our control that when added up have affected our production timeline. “We have some unfortunate news to share today,” Panda Hardware announced. The peripheral had been in development for over three years during which time the manufacturer managed to collect several million dollars on Kickstarter. The manufacturer behind the device, Panda Hardware, made the decision on account of supply concerns. The much anticipated Panda Controller was canceled on December 27, 2021. You Are Reading : Panda Controller Canceled The much anticipated peripheral may never see the light of day.
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Desiigner panda push on floor
Following that connection, Kacy joined the rapper on his Yeezus tour in 2013, shortly after leaving hopes of pursuing her own music career. Kacy had been modeling for American Apparel before being discovered by Italian artist Vanessa Beecroft - a collaborator of Kanye's. The model/singer/songwriter just released her debut album Like A Woman, executive produced by Kanye West. If you've been hearing Kacy Hill's name a lot lately, it's no surprise why. So, when our manager came up to us and told us about Kickstarter, we were leery of it.” Chilli added: “Well, once he expressed to us the freedom that we would have, we were like, ‘Okay, we're all down.’ And you know, the fact that this was another way to involve our fans to be a part of this last chapter with us, we were all in for it.” Then, the record companies are just kind of getting really whack with the 360 deals. And I know for a while, she wanted to do, too. When Chilli and T-Boz were asked why they decided to release a final album, T-Boz said: Timing is everything and the fans really urged us to do this again. In an interview with iHeartRadio, TLC spoke about its project. The 12-track project features T-Boz and Chilli's smooth, silky vocals as well as Left Eye's voice on the project's interlude. The group instantly became an international sensation and everyone wanted to be just like Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins, Rozonda “Chilli” Thomas and Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes. On the TLC Tip and would change the music industry forever. This new colorful, bubbly, swagged-out girl group by the name of TLC released their first album entitled Ooooooohhh. So, the line is, 'Nobody wins when the family feuds.'" 4:44 is definitely a classic album that gifted the game with gems from the grandmaster JAY-Z and we owe him much gratitude for it. Like, new rappers fighting with old rappers, saying all these things. But how, when you have some type of success, to transform that into something bigger." When speaking about another standout song “Family Feud,” Hov explained: "'Family Feud' is about separation within the culture. We all make money, and then we all lose money, as artists especially. In exclusive audio given to iHeartRadio, JAY-Z spoke about each of the songs on his new album.įor example, when the rapper detailed writing one of the most powerful songs on the album ��The Story of OJ,” JAY said: "'The Story of OJ' is really a song about we as a culture, having a plan, how we're gonna push this forward. did one hell of a job bringing things out of Hov that no other producer has ever done in his entire career because we’ve never heard JAY quite like this before. 4:44 was executive produced by the one and only No I.D. On Friday (June 30) at midnight, iHeartRadio premiered the project on all of our Hip Hop and R&B stations and social media has lost complete control ever since. JAY-Z has officially released his 13th studio album, 4:44.
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Oh what a month! The sun is shining, the bees are buzzing, and I’m inside watching Netflix like a chump.
Mothra (1961)
I want to check out more of the classic Kaiju movies and felt like as good a place as any to begin. Some stuff hasn’t aged super well but the miniatures are fun and the humans that anchor the movie really succeeded at being the heart of the movie.
The Bachelorette (Episode 14.01 to 14.04)
You know I’m pleasantly surprised by Becca as the lead. She has a lot of personality and charm and isn’t overly polished/reserved in front of the camera. The fact that we didn’t see any of this last season shows just how bland Arie was. Also I’m hoping she ends up with Blake.
The Toys the Made Us (Episode 2.01 to 2.04)
Great second season. I appreciate that these episodes explore more international influences on the North American toy industry (LEGO, Hello Kitty, etc.) It’s a subtle look at how different cultures approach business, play, and how children factor into it all.
Black Mirror (Episode 3.05 to 3.06)
It really took a while for us to come back to the series (I think consuming bleak television is harder when the world around you is all too similar) but I’ll say that the last episode in this season was fantastic. I really appreciate the exploration of an existing genre like a police procedural with the addition of speculative fiction. I really hope season 4 pushes further into other worlds.
Ultraman (Episode 1.01 to 1.03)
Trying to get a little more Kaiju goodness into the month so I figured I’d try the show out. It’s aged surprisingly well for a monster series with a 1960s tv budget. Though I may just be partial to miniatures.
Nailed It! (Episode 1.01 to 1.05)
Solid family viewing and I admit I didn’t like it the first time I watched it. After watching two episodes alone, I couldn’t get into seeing 3 poor people try to do in an hour what a professional likely completed in three. But in a rewatch with family, I realized it was more about the journey and everyone embracing how crazy it is to try to replicate these super intricate desserts.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Episode 5.19 to 5.22)
We couldn’t bear to finish the season until we knew it was getting picked up again and THANK GOODNESS! That finale was great but it would’ve been way too sad if that was it. This show is too good to not exist and I’m glad NBC could see what a treasure it is.
Riverdale (Episode 2.21 to 2.22)
And so another season concludes! The finale wasn’t quite as dramatic but hot damn was I stoked to discover who the Black Hood really was. Great twist and just as silly as I’d hoped. Oh but even sillier was the board meeting of super-villains that happened at the very end. Ugh this show is too good.
One-Punch Man (Episode 1.01 to 1.04)
This is as far as I’ve read in the manga and it’s been a faithful adaptation so far. The show does a great job of capturing the ennui of the comic and adds another layer of humour through sound/voice acting/animation-based gags.
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin
I have a newfound love of short, concise fantasy! The book is just over 200 pages and covers so much! With that said, this didn’t really connect. The lead character is unlikeable in the first half and then dull in the second. It’s well-written and a super interesting world but it’s just a little too serious for me.
Beauty by Kerascoet & Hubert
(Page 33 of 144)
Just getting started in this reread and hot dang do I love this comic. The artwork is deceptively simple but this is 100% a mature-readers book. A peasant getting the “gift” of the greatest beauty leads to a lot of social commentary on the toxic nature of objectifying and idolizing physical appearance. So good.
Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 2 by Ryōko Kui
This continues to be one of my all time favourite comics. This second volume gets even more creative with each chapter’s “recipe” and its use of monsters and lore are very cool. The character development is strong and there’s a logic to the progress and I really can’t say enough good things about the series.
Remain In Light by Talking Heads (1980)
I was listening to an ep of The Ongoing History of New Music and that lead me down a real rabbit hole. So good! I mean I don’t think I really appreciated how Talking Heads approached their sound or how evergreen it really is.
Shawn Mendes by Shawn Mendes (2018)
What a good good Canadian pop boy.
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (Inti Creates)
This game is better than it ought to be. It was only $10, it was a stretch goal from a Kickstarter project, and it’s clearly a Castlevania knock-off...and it’s a lot of fun! It’s short but offers a lot of replay and the mechanics are simple enough to get the hang of. The boss designs are a little jarring against the gothic setting, but it’s a lot of fun to play.
Fortnite Battle Royale (Epic Games)
I really wanted to like this game but in playing by myself, I would rank better (2nd or 3rd) by hiding than by trying to actually do anything (like engage the other players, try to find weapons, etc.) If that’s what the game’s format rewards then it’s not a game for me.
Dungeons & Dragons Hexcrawl Campaign (Wizards of the Coast)
The party knows they’re about to confront a dragon; they’ve taken a sacred artifact from the temple of dragons AND they’ve been warned. So clearly this leads to an entire session doing everything possible to avoid leaving the dungeon and confronting said dragon. Lesson learned: make the enemy more proactive.
And that’s it! As always, send me any good suggestions you might have for things to read/watch/hear/and play.
Happy Saturday!
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Who’s birthday is it?!! It’s KEITH’S!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEEF, I LOVE YOU
I also wrote a suuuuper sappy fic about that ring ^ down below!!
And now for the fluff :’)
Keith wakes to see a star outside of his window. It’s a brilliant blue, dazzling and bright, and he’s immediately reminded of the mesmerizing color of Lance’s eyes, like the deep sea. He rolls over and flings an arm out, expecting to come into contact with an entanglement of limbs and exposed wires, but all he grasps is air. Confused and still half asleep, he cracks open a dark violet eye and releases a wounded huff when he realizes that the other half of the bed is empty, its occupant long gone. His heart makes a strange leap up into his throat but he shakes it off, pushing the paranoid thoughts away before they can nag at him. Lance probably left to get a system checkup. He does that, sometimes, in the early morning before all the hustle and bustle of the day’s plans crowd in.
Rest is under the cut!!
With a yawn Keith rubs his eyes and pulls himself into a sitting position, taking a moment to stretch his muscles and kickstart his brain into working for the day. It’s still way too early, but Lance’s absence weighs heavy on his shoulders, so he knows for a fact he won’t be able to go back to sleep without him. Just as he’s about to drag himself out of bed and into the bathroom, the door to the room opens, sliding across the panel with a soft hiss of air. And lo and behold, there is Lance, dazzling ocean eyes lighting up the darkness like a beacon. They have a tendency to do that, sometimes. Keith raises an eyebrow at the tray of food in Lance’s hands as the AI makes a pouting face, crossing the space between them in a few lengthy strides. “You’re not supposed to be awake yet,” Lance whines, nudging Keith with his hip to get him to scoot over. Once he does Lance takes a seat next to him, being careful of the teetering glass of orange juice. Keith shrugs half-heartedly and releases another yawn. “You weren’t in bed, so I woke up.” The look Lance gives him has butterflies erupting in his stomach, and he hurriedly diverts his attention to the extremely appetizing breakfast on the tray. “So, uh. What’s that?” Lance promptly hands him the meal, a cheerful grin on his face. “Hunk spent all morning whipping this up, so you’d better enjoy it!” The black-haired teen blinks, his mind still fuzzy from sleep. “...It’s for me?” Lance chuckles, his eyes glowing brighter as he does. “Uh, yeah.” Furrowing his eyebrows, Keith inspects the meal of hash browns, eggs, bacon, and french toast with strawberries and whipped cream laid out for him. “What’s the occasion?” He mumbles, somewhat lost. Lance makes a weird noise in the back of his throat, drawing back in surprise. “You mean you don’t know?” Keith stares at him, dumbfounded. Should he? Is it “breakfast in bed for your boyfriend” day? “Oh, man,” Lance laughs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He shakes his head amusedly, the wires poking out of the back of his neck bending slightly as he does. “I can’t believe—alright. You know what? I’ll let you figure it out.” Keith decides it’s too early in the morning to argue with him, so he shrugs and sets to eating, practically inhaling everything on the tray. Hunk really is the best cook around, no doubt about that. In between bites he feeds Lance some of his breakfast, who happily munches bacon out of his hand and teasingly nips his fingers. Keith laughs and elbows him in the side as revenge, and the rest of their meal is spent joking around and stealing sticky kisses before sharing the glass of orange juice. “Okay!” Lance cries out once they finish, the plates squeaky clean. “Get dressed, we’ve got a lot to do today!” So Keith, with a begrudging groan, hauls himself out of bed and throws on some jeans before his boyfriend drags him out of the room and down to the workshop, where Katy is diligently doing weapon checks, her hair tied back in a messy braid. “Morning, Katy!” “Hey, Katy.” The short girl puts her tools down and hops off her stool, coming over to sweep Keith up in an embrace. “Whoa, hey!” Keith laughs as she finally sets him down and ruffles his hair, being mindful of the stains on her fingers. “Geez, Lance, you really let him dress like that?” She crosses her arms, giving the robot an unimpressed look. “Hey, hey! He can wear whatever he wants, I’m not going to hassle him about his fashion sense.” Lance holds his hands up in defense. Keith gives himself a once-over and frowns. “What, what’s wrong with my clothes?” Katy snorts, trying to hide a grin. “Who wears ripped jeans nowadays? That’s such a 21st century thing.” “Since when are you the expert on fashion?” He huffs, feeling an embarrassed pink settle on his cheeks. “Katy, bad! Katy, no!” Lance whines, gently smacking her shoulder. She has the decency to look outraged at this. “No badmouthing Keith! Not today!” “Alright, alright, I’m sorry,” she giggles, backing away from Lance’s light pats. “Anyway, I have to get back to work, but uh—yeah. I’ll see you...later.” Lance nods and takes Keith’s hand, nearly dragging him out the door. Before he turns the corner he catches the light-haired girl’s curious gaze. “You gonna do it?” She mouths, pointing to her hand. Immediately a red flush spreads across Lance’s cheekbones and paints his ears, and he swallows. “Later,” he mouths back before giving a parting wave and disappearing from view. Katy shakes her head fondly and turns back to her work, cracking her knuckles in preparation.
“Lance—slow down!” The tugging on his arm stops abruptly as Lance evens his pace, shooting a sheepish look over his shoulder at the Red Paladin. “Sorry, babe.” “Where are we even going? And—“ He looks around, noticing how deserted the ship seems to be. “Where is everybody? Where’s Hunk and Shiro?” Lance waves his hand dismissively. “Hunk’s gonna be in the kitchen all day, and Shiro is...uh. Training with Allura,” he supplies, smiling disarmingly. He is rewarded with a very uninterested look, an expression of suspicion written all over Keith’s face. “Lance—“ “Just! Go along with me on this one today, alright?” He begs, biting his lip. Oh, no. Keith is always weak for that quirk of his. He gives in with a sigh, “Alright, but can you at least tell me—“ “Sweet! Thanks, Dais!” Lance squeals happily, leaning over to smooch his cheek. Keith doesn’t even get time to respond as Lance suddenly drags him off again, and he decides he might as well stop fighting, since he’s already lost the battle a hundred times over.
They are sitting in the lounge as afternoon dips into twilight, drenched in sweat and other alien liquids. Keith chugs a water packet in seconds, tossing his head back with a groan. “Well,” Lance grins at him, looking not nearly as winded or sweaty. The perks of having an cooling system, Keith supposes. Damn those useful internal fans. “How’s your day been so far, Keith?” Keith opens his mouth to spew a list of complaints but finds himself stopping. Lance had decided to take him on multiple trips to different planets, visiting all of their old haunts from the simulator, and it was even more amazing to witness them in person instead of through a fake projection. The whole entire time Lance had lead him along, beaming as bright as a star and showering him in compliments like flower petals. Despite the fact that they’d had to make a run for it from several angry villagers, a space monster and an erupting (and deadly) geyser, it had actually been a really fun day. “...Good,” he finally answers, thoughtful. “I didn’t think I’d ever get to see those planets outside of the simulator. I didn’t even know they existed for real.” Lance hums, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. “Of course they do. I had to gather my data from somewhere, didn’t I? Worldbuilding based off of actual fact is my specialty!” He moves from his place leaning against the counter and crouches in front of Keith, tilting his head to the side. Oh, Keith loves it when he does that. “But it was only “good”, huh? Not great or fantastic or “absolutely amazing, Lance”!” Keith rolls his eyes. “Oh, quit it. You know that’s what I meant—“ “How about I make your day even better?” When Keith has fully processed what’s going on, Lance is crouched down on one knee with a velvety black box, revealing a shimmering silver ring inside with an AI cube as the stone. And before he knows it that ring is being slid onto his finger. Keith barely manages to find his voice, and even then it comes out as a very timid squeak. “...Lance?” “It’s not a wedding ring,” Lance says quickly, detecting the surprise in his expression. “O—“ Keith swallows and tries again, the butterflies from that morning completely turning his stomach and heart into mush. “Okay?” Lance takes a deep breath, a nervous pink blush dusting his cheekbones. “So um.” He starts, coughing. “Keith. We’ve...been through a lot together. And—and I just wanted you to know how much I treasure you and how much you mean to me. This goes way beyond my core programming, I—because of you, I’ve been able to find myself. Not as just some copy of Lance, but as...as a person that I can be proud of. We’ve made so many memories together, memories that are ours—and even now I’m beyond shocked that you chose me,” he speaks, starting to tear up. “I’m not human. I never will be. But—but you make me human...you give me all of these! These feelings and emotions and just, just everything, down to my circuits, down to the depths of my core processors, I...I love you. With all of my “heart”...my entire being loves you!” Keith chokes on a happy sob and covers his mouth, smiling so wide he’s sure the whole entire universe can see it. “This, is, uh,” Lance stutters, laughing, “it’s a promise ring, I had to do some research into them and what they mean, but uh—yeah. It’s my promise to you. I promise to always love you. I promise to always be here for you and protect you and help you when you fall, and tell you when you’re wrong and kiss you when you’re sad—all those things!” “Lance,” Keith hiccups, his shoulders shaking. “It doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to,” he continues quickly, looking a little panicked. “You don’t even have to wear it. But...if you want. If you want! It can be a sort of...promise for our future. Someday...” Lance takes a deep breath and meets his eyes, the ferocity and emotion in them nearly overwhelming. “I want to marry you someday, Keith.” “Oh,” Keith exhales, beaming. ““Oh”? That’s all you have to say?” Lance chuckles, and Keith does too, and soon enough they’re both giggling like idiots. “Um,” Keith brushes a lock of hair behind his ear, chewing on his lip. “Lance, I...um...I’m...” He shakes his head frustratingly. “Dammit! Just, just come here!” And he pulls Lance’s collar up until he can kiss him fully on the mouth, conveying everything he wants to say through that simple action. Lance melts into it more than willingly, letting out a pleased hum against his lips. That familiar purring sound rumbles in the back of his throat, and Keith can feel how wide he’s smiling through their kiss, and knows that Lance can probably feel his equally as wide grin. Their teeth clack and bump a few times, their noses nudging against each other, far from a perfect kiss—but it means everything to Keith, who is beyond astounded that such a person exists and was made solely for him and even wants to marry him someday. Marry him! When they finally pull away, breathless and grinning dopily like fools, Keith locks his arms around Lance’s neck and embraces him tightly, hiding his joyful tears as he buries his nose into the crook of the AI’s neck. Lance holds him just as tightly, making soothing motions with his hands over his shoulderblades, and for that moment they are content. Lance catches movement out of the corner of his eye and looks down below, where Katy and Hunk are staring up at him from the ship’s main hallway, gazes expectant. Lance holds back a laugh and gives them a thumbs up through the glass, to which they respond by cheering and hooting loudly. “Hell yes!” Katy shouts, pumping a fist. “Oh god finally,” Hunk sighs happily. “I was beginning to wonder if he’d ever do it.” “Yeah well, imagine how long it’ll take him to actually propose,” the girl responds, snorting. “What are you two doing standing there?” The duo turn around and are met with the confused expressions of Allura, Shiro and Coran. “Aww guys, you missed it! Lance totally just gave Keith the promise ring!” Hunk gushes. “What?! No way!” Allura gasps, her eyes wide. “Yeah, we thought he was too chicken to do it too,” Katy smirks, amusement lacing her tone. “Oh, good. It’s about time,” Shiro sighs, shaking his head fondly. Coran chuckles from next to him. Allura pauses in her joyful squealing with Hunk, a thoughtful look settling on her features. “But, wait, did Lance not say that right after he did that he would take Keith into the dining hall?” Hunk and Katy gape, and silence reigns in the air for several moments, until— “Shit! We’re gonna be late! Move it, team!”
“Where are you taking me now?” Keith laughs as he’s dragged along once again, mouth slightly swollen and several marks decorating his neck, courtesy of Lance. The Blue Paladin looks equally as ravished but thoroughly pleased, dark brown hair ruffled and wires sticking up haphazardly. “That wasn’t the only surprise of the day, Dais,” he teases, the code in his eyes practically dancing. “Okay, I’ll bite. What is it?” Lance finally halts in front of the huge double doors to the dining hall, a mischievous smirk tugging at his lips. He pulls Keith forward until he’s standing right next to him at the door, and the raven can practically see the excitement radiating off of the other boy. Lance clears his throat and calls out, “Our prince has arrived!” The doors swing open and Keith is immediately greeted with a face full of streamers, balloons and confetti, and a loud chorus of, “Happy birthday, Keith!” He stands there in total shock for several moments, barely taking in the sight of all of his friends and the members of the Resistance decked out in party clothes and holding an enormous cake (baked by Hunk, no doubt). Laughter and cheerful faces surround him on all sides, and it takes everything he has not to simultaneously burst into tears, totally overwhelmed by emotion and the love he has for these people. “You really are dense,” Lance laughs. “You seriously didn’t realize it was your own birthday?” “I...I didn’t even...” Keith starts, totally in shock. He hadn’t even put any thought into it, thinking that nobody remembered. But Lance has always known, and he’d gone and put this whole thing together, all for him. Lance beams and takes his hand, pulling him into a slow waltz, humming an ever so familiar tune. Keith smiles, wide and watery, for tears are building up in the corners of his eyes. Katy claps for them, and Hunk wipes away his own tears along with a nearly hysterical Coran. Allura nods in approval, catching Shiro’s eye, who grins shyly before glancing away. The rest of the Resistance all erupt into chatter, preparing the huge feast for the evening, and gathering up all of the gifts for Keith to be opened later. Lance and Keith sway across the floor, totally in their own world. Lance opens his mouth to sing, the melody sweet and beautiful, and Keith can’t help but start crying again. “Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I’m half crazy, all for the love of you. It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage... But you’ll look sweet upon the seat Of a bicycle made for two!” Lance leans in and presses a kiss to Keith’s forehead, and the two of them admire the gleam of his promise ring. “Happy birthday, Keith.”
AIN’T THAT THE SAPPIEST SHIT YOU’VE EVER READ?? HUH????? And yes this is totally gonna become canon in the AU. Fite me.
Aaaa thank you for joining me in this flufftastic adventure, I want to get the next chapter of AWZO uploaded soon too so :0
Please be sure to give a reblog!! I’d really appreciate it :’) I spent a lot of time on this whoops
Happy happy birthday to my favorite edgy emo kiddo
#Klance#Voltron#Lance Mcclain#Keith Kogane#VLD#Katie Holt#Hunk#Shiro#Takashi Shirogane#Allura#Coran#Pidge Gunderson#Sim AU#Shima's AUs#AI!Lance#Shima's shitty fanfiction#HAPPY BIRF KEEF I LOVE YOU SO M CUH#AND SO DOES LANCE#Shima writes#My writing#Long post#Writing that was so much fun it's so sweet I'm dyin a lil bit#Shima arts#shima-draws#ANYWAY YEAH PLEASE. Give a reblog I'd appreciate it I worked way too hard on this whoopsies
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Collect payments from customers app development, deduct commissions & send payments to service providers split payments between vendors, partners, and software development service providers to automate with easy split 24×7 payouts easy integration with quick activation insightful web development dashboard.
Importance of proper payments system evaluation
We’ve already blanketed this charge engine inside the payment system integration, as an app developers insanely effective and effortlessly included solution when growing a market app development, a number of is going at the homepage and design it’s the primary aspect that flutter development traffic. It needs to be person-pleasant, time and cost-effective, professional searching, and dependable sufficient to control dozens of transactions on an everyday basis.
Stripe connect
Stripe connect is a payment gateway for authorizing transactions of e-businesses software developers, online retails, and unique forms of marketplaces it approaches lots of private data like credit score card numbers non-public data charge history, etc and data-pushed studies let in concluding that stripe connect is a super shape to control bills for your flutter development project, specifically in relation to market app developers. Stripe connect is efficiently utilized by several eCommerce A-listers, like Lyft, Shopify, WooCommerce, Kickstarter, etc. Depending on their useful peculiarities, these types of answers have unique app development functions of the usage of Stripe.
Stripe connect pricing
Pricing alternatives are two-fold: constant rate for the included solution or custom web designers plan to be had for groups with big charge extent or precise enterprise app development models this charge is equal for all cards, together with Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Discover, JCB, Apple Pay, etc.
1. Instant payouts help you to get right entry to the finances in a blink of an eye fixed the usage of an eligible debit card, proper from the dashboard and calls for 1% more charge.
2. International bills extra could be app developers implemented if foreign money conversion takes place.
3. A custom web designers plan consists of personalized optimization, emergency help for important troubles, and a committed help supervisor aimed to deal with your worries and offer technical help.
Account types has stripe to offer
You want to create this account for every person that gets or sends cash for your web development market and these bills are normally created whilst a person’s symptoms are up in your flutter developers platform in the form of bills, you create impact and outline who’s for chargebacks, person help, etc.
3 kinds of accounts and their use cases
1. Standard is known as a 0traditional stripe account, without delay through its owner. It’s primarily desired through folks who need to apply with direct prices and don’t want complete management over customers’ app development experience. Customers who runs a standard account can effortlessly log in to the software development dashboard, control bills on their own, and join this account to different structures, or disconnect it out of your market.
2. An express stripe account gives holders with getting right of entry to a minimum 2-paged dashboard that lets in handling customers’ non-public statistics and payouts to their bank besides, this feature stripe deal with account onboarding, management, and identity verification and ensures you giant manage over clients’ experience.
3. A custom stripe account gives you the market owner to accumulate any statistics and you want to be absolutely chargeable for all interactions with a person custom account holders in our specific case, express stripe account is the high-quality instance for this manual.
Test stripe payments
This manual is targeted at the market app development, developed with React Native let’s discover a way to use stripe connect for C&C bills easily and correctly through mobile app developers for the first step that’s required to begin handling bills is to create a registration page, in which clients could be capable of insert their credit score card details for the first step that’s required to begin handling bills is to create a registration page, in which clients could be capable of insert their credit score card details.
We’ll use Tipsi-Stripe library works flawlessly with React Native Stripe empowers you to create a Secret Token for a credit score card through the API a token is an identity number, you want for strolling Stripe operations, first of all, you must install the API key, given through Stripe.
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