#a little sketch of fanfiction
allpartofthejob · 1 year
A little something that came to my mind today... I've never written any "prose" in english 😬 not my native language... so please just ignore 😁
Jack has to see Phryne for some further questioning but on his way he is caught in a summer storm. And receives a warm welcome at Wardlow.
Senior DI Jack Robinson was annoyed. Why would his constable have the car checked this evening? Hugh still had to learn a lot... Jack needed to visit Miss Fisher to get some more information about her conversation with Celia Harper. It could not wait. Or so he told himself.
The sky had been draped in clouds all day. Now it was almost black and gusts of wind swept through the streets. Jack sighed and began to head for St Kilda. When he had managed almost half of the route the storm broke loose, rain poured from the clouds like a shower and soon the water dripped from his hat into his collar. It ran down his spine, cold and uncomfortable.
Phryne sat in her parlour and sipped some exquisite whiskey. She pensively looked at the raindrops running down her windows when she suddenly heard the door bell. Mr. Butler answered it and soon the door to the parlour was opened. "It's the Inspector, Miss". "Jack!" Phryne's face lit up. When she saw her dour inspector her smile softened. Jack was soaked from head to toe, his hat, coat, the three piece suit. Had he walked here?? Phryne's smile widened and a cheeky sparkle appeared in the corner of her eyes. "Mr. Butler, I'm afraid we need your help. Would you please provide the inspector with some fresh clothes and dry and press his suit?" "Very well, Miss. Would the auburn dressing gown suffice?" "You read my mind, Mr. Butler" Phryne answered.
When she had lately seen the silk and cashmere dressing gown at Madame Fleury's she could not resist and had just bought it. Imagining how well it would suit a certain detective inspector who might one day wear it.
Jack had felt too weak to protest, but now back in the the parlour he startet to relax. He felt warm and comfortable, wrapped in the softest fabric he had ever touched and set up with a glass of Phryne's best whiskey, Phryne was sitting opposite of him, smiling. He had absolutely forgotten the purpose of his visit...
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eightcure · 4 months
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Some Danny phantom sketches for the void
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lastdivantruther · 10 months
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confessions are difficult
sketches and stuff under the cut:
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Luffy (nonchalant): So, what are you? One of those incubi that are sent to trick me into falling for my darkest fantasies?
Buggy: Pfft. What? No, why?
Luffy (panicking internally): 'oh shit oh fuck'
Buggy (grinning like a smug bastard): WHY?
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yore-donatsu · 1 year
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My contribution about Ramattra with a mouth/tongue/big teeth (largely inspired by the @shadeyenova‘s work - which has also inspired  @zetomeri (their twitter))
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little-frog-writes · 6 months
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The song “Wine and Wheat” by Madds Buckley has been in my head for so long and I feel like it fits well with Mirabelle from “In Stars and Time”. She has her own Change god / Change belief struggle with her sexuality, so I combined the two! Maybe this could fit into a looping Mirabelle story at one point who knows! For the drawing itself, I paralleled it to @orbitalmoonrat ‘s format for Madds Buckley’s song!
As for the colors on Mirabelle, I think her primary color would be red-ish, pink-ish. Her bow needed to be white to match her gloves so I’m gonna change that and her shawl would be more maroon but I don’t have the right color. I do like that in the background I put the aromatic and asexual colors 💚💜
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morningstargirl666 · 4 months
I swear, I intended to get something done for wednesday but it never really works that way (don't come at me y'all). Also, since I'm rewriting tbbw at the mo, it's kinda the only wip I'm working on so most of the edits are focused around the siblings - not the klaroline.
However! Made some changes to one of the scenes where Klaus broods over Caroline and here we are, on this rare occasion, to see some of the changes I've made. Spoilers under the cut:
“You are in such a foul mood today.”
Klaus made a noise that might have been a growl. “If you hadn’t noticed, Esther is still out there no doubt plotting another way to kill me and my family. Not to mention my siblings are still bound together making us more vulnerable than ever. And now-” he ground out, hissing the words through his teeth, “I find out that a white oak of the same line as the tree that made us vampires might be out there somewhere in the world, waiting to be used to kill us.” Klaus glared dangerously at Sam, lip curled as he turned around to stare instead at the fire. “My mood is perfectly appropriate.”
“So…” Sam took another bite of his apple, slowly raising it to his mouth, eyes on Klaus, who was watching the sketches become devoured by flames, a brooding hand resting under his chin. As Sam chewed, he gestured to the fireplace with the apple core. “It has nothing to do with why you’re burning sketches of one Caroline Forbes?” he asked, perfectly innocent.
“I’m burning them because she means nothing to me,” he ground out through gritted teeth, refusing to turn and deign Sam with a glance. “She was a passing fancy, nothing more.”
Sam titled his head, squinting. “The wolf didn’t seem to think that.”
“My wolf is clearly defective,” Klaus spat, throwing a hand out, abandoning his attempt at a calm, contemplative stance.
“If you say so,” Sam muttered with raised brows, deliberately not looking at Klaus and instead focusing on his phone as he munched on his apple.
Klaus shook his head, glaring into the flames as he watched the sketches burn. Sam’s silence gnawed at him, making him twitch with the urge to explain himself.
It wasn’t long before he did. 
“I knew Esther was planning something, I knew she would betray us and I did nothing because I was distracted by a girl that leapt at the chance to attack my family the second opportunity arose,” he burst out, whirling on Sam. Mouth halfway to his apple, Sam froze, rather wide-eyed. Klaus continued on regardless, his words growing more vicious, poisoned with such vitriol, his lips curled into a snarl. “Kol got daggered because of her! The Salvatores nearly killed you - because of her,” he spat, emphasised with a pointed jab to the floor. Sam lowered his apple, cowered by the wild look in Klaus’ eye. The man in question laughed, a short huff of bitterness, gesturing to Sam angrily, inviting him to prove him wrong. “So please, tell me why I should entertain this infatuation any longer? When it has proved to be dangerous not only to my own sanity but also to the safety of this family.”
Sam didn’t say anything for a long moment, his appetite completely forgotten. Then, slowly, he looked up at Klaus, a certain defiance in his eye.
“She knew about the champagne, Nik,” he said softly. Immediately, the anger, the readiness for a fight - it all drained away, leaving Klaus feeling wrong-footed in the face of Sam’s pointed truths. “Granted, she didn’t know what spell was in the champagne; didn’t know you weren’t linked to your siblings… but she knew you hadn’t drunk it. And she didn’t tell her friends.” Sam smiled sadly, shrugging helplessly. “Maybe it is stupid. Maybe it is a mistake. But if it was me? Personally, I’d want to know why she didn’t betray you as much as you’d like to believe.”
Klaus forced himself to swallow. He quickly looked away, unable to keep looking at the expression on Sam’s face that seemed to see through him entirely, his words resonating loudly inside his mind. Heaving a sigh, Sam stood, throwing the apple core into the nearest wastebasket. He hesitated before leaving the room, gaze softening on Klaus, sympathy in his eyes. 
“Just because your parents didn’t love you, doesn’t mean no one else will,” he said. 
Then Sam left, not allowing him time to respond. Klaus glared at his back, hands clenched so hard his knuckles turned white. 
“Love is a vampire’s greatest weakness,” he ground out, calling after him.
Sam stopped in his tracks, slightly turning his head back towards Klaus. Then he smiled, and with one sentence, shattered a belief Klaus had closely courted for centuries. 
“Good thing you’re not a vampire then, isn’t it?”
And with that parting remark, Sam turned with a smirk and left the room, leaving Klaus wide-eyed, forced to contemplate over what he had said. In the dancing flames of the hearth, the sketches Klaus had thrown into the fire continued to burn, flames licking at their edges and crawling across the lines of charcoal and pencil, leaving nothing but ash behind. He looked down at the last sketch of Caroline he’d drawn: the first moment she stepped into his studio, eyes wide with awe as she craned her head to look up at the paintings hung around on the walls. Fingers reverently skimming over her face, he gently tugged the paper from the pad but didn’t throw it into the flames like the others, placing his sketchbook aside on the mantel almost with half a mind. Then, careful not to damage the soft lines of Caroline’s features, he folded the sketch tentatively in two and slipped it into his back pocket.
He told himself he would burn it later. He didn’t.
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snirtsnirkarts · 3 months
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Right so, this is my guy uh… Hold on I forgot his name. Ishbak Macroprososup, you can see why I forgot the name(plus the fact that it’s been almost like a full year since I last touched him. I forgot him like heaven did. I will explain that.) Used to go by Iskbak back in the day when the name was more common, but present day goes by Mac. Mac I had decided, was there all throughout history, just not memorable enough for Crowley or Aziraphale to care.
So Mac actually has a complicated history as a messenger, or a vessel. Except he doesn’t know that. To call upon the vessel, you call his name, Choncha. They just never told him for not only security reasons, because he possesses information from both heaven and hell, and was previously the communicator for both lands.
Mac was also a messenger for people as well, or just a vessel of good will or bad. Sent as different animals that would look more biblical angel like, but processes a power if you don’t look at him long enough, you wouldn’t notice this thing is not entirely one animal.
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Some of my animal examples of him and a little colored in doodle to show his old coloring. There are little things he did to try and fit in, like dying his hair blond to look less demon like and more angelic, but he’s stopped since.
So that was his life before the war between heaven and hell. Which I made the fuck up but is mentioned in the show(I believe) but never mentioned when it took place. So again, made it the fuck up. I also never specify when it takes place. Uh, because idk I dont wanna decide that. Sure season three or something will clear this up. Again, don’t actually care that much.
Anyways, during the war, Mac’s wings got cut, giving him no access to heaven, but having not fallen, he wasn’t given access to hell either. He doesn’t know anything about elevators or stairwells or whatever have you. He really doesn’t know much of anything, since he is just a vessel without knowing it.
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I had decided Crowley was there to sweep the lands when both parties retired or whatever have you. But finding Mac being abandoned, he hoped heaven would come back for him and spares his life. But on the other hand, heaven either forgot about him or thought he’d been a demon(do to the mud covered wings looking black).
So, Mac was left to roam the earth. He was found by a human while there. Who I don’t think I ever actually named, but is important and is based on my best friend.
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So this human actually taught Mac basically how to live life. But of course, humans die. But while dying, our human promised to come back just for Mac. And without knowing it, had called upon the vessel to carry their memories until they got back. And now our human is reincarnated at random unassigned times. Although is cursed to always die soon after remembering Mac and their previous life. So when Mac found them, it was just a ticking time bomb. Mac eventually would feel awful for doing it and hides from his counterpart, not wanting them to have a shortened life. Unfortunately, their human is pulled to them and will always find him eventually.
Now eventually, I never decided the timeline on Crowley finding Mac, I think it was Aziraphale and Crowley find him together because they both now recall him over the years and shit, or a significant moment they had. Like Aziraphale and Mac had been drafted to war together, but faked their deaths with their platoon who all also died. Mac and Crowley, well, Crowley was there when Mac was stranded, and they had been in a few events together. So the two are like, “Um, it’s kinda dangerous to have an unattended…” They are not sure if Mac is an angel or a demon, and neither is Mac. He already has multiple sets of mismatched wings, it wouldn’t help solve it, and Mac wouldn’t pull out his wings anyways.
But Mac is definitely there when Aziraphale returns to heaven. Because Aziraphale looks into him and finds out he is Choncha. And since he is a vessel, Aziraphale can actually use him to get back to earth, see Crowley, and eat foods and such. Yknow, sin and shit. But it does have an effect on Mac’s psychic. As he keeps losing time and even his form is beginning to reflect Aziraphale’s liking. Dressing more like him and all. But, Aziraphale not being down there doesn’t know this.
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Some doodles and dabbles of the inbetween stuff of that. And finally we bring in another person. My sibling’s self insert who I’m pretty sure I made up for the most part. Other than the design. They designed this character. Their name is Mastema, or it may be a temporary and because I forgot their actual one. Don’t remember and if I asked I don’t think he’d remember either.
I’ll talk about them next post because I have a little comic and limited photos I can add.
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clegfly · 4 months
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Finally finished sketching these two losers. They look horrendous just like I like them
(Psssst @lynxontumble I know you wanted these… here you go)
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nebbychan · 5 months
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Sir Daniel Fortesque, back from the dead once again!
What started as a practice sketch quickly blew up into a full blown poster for the story, and I can’t complain over the chain of thought that led me to this decision. Then the thought process had me thinking about recreating one of MediEvil II’s posters, if not just making one for myself. Plus, this gave me an excuse to work on full-backgrounds again!
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little-fan-stories · 2 months
Only seen 3 times but...officially my new comfort movie
I really have a thing for the morrally grey chaotic found families
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Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go watch it on loop intil i know it all by heart
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amethyst-halo · 3 months
the most interesting fun fact abt myself that i keep forgetting and then remembering randomly is that my cousin married a youtuber with [checks notes] almost 2 million subscribers
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
hey guys! had a nap so I'm back to update u guys properly. I'm going to try to summarize the post I made a bit better, as well as posting the picture I shared with the previews (as little as it is)
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*TWPT extra image. Translation: ”Come back soon! - Lan Sizhui”
As always, check out my masterpost in order to get more content! ❤
So onto what I mentioned earlier today, I'm delaying Ch 27 of Ghost of Mine by at least one more week due to life continuing to throw shit my way. However I'm sharing some previews on ao3 (they will be removed when I upload 27, just like the aftercare ficlet). A longer explanation will be under the cut!
This is in addition to stuff that is still happening from my previous life update.
as you guys know the past tenants aren't really paying their dues, so I've been waiting on that & I got a large charge from an insurance company I wasn't expecting on top of that. Then I got a second charge from the same company, in the same month, for the usual amount. So we lost as much as 900+ dollars this month. As you can probably expect, that is a lot of money to lose at once unless you are reasonably wealthy and comfortable.
We only just today got our check for next month- early, which is great because we were worried that we would have to stretch things until the 3rd with no new groceries other than what my mom might be able to throw our way. Before we got the check as well my cats decided they absolutely did not like the food I got them- My cats aren't picky when they're hungry, so this was a bizarre and unexpected thing and I couldn't spare the money to buy a new bag of food (my mom helped us by buying a new bag of their previous food and essentially doing a trade with us, so she has the food they don't like) Just, in general a lot of stress is happening at the same time.
Onto GOM: I was writing recently (I can't remember the exact day, it was probably up to two weeks ago) as I did rewrite the entire beginning of Ch 27 and planned to cut out a lot more, which is why it's taking me much longer than expected to complete this chapter- it's my first show of proper investigation and intrigue that is a bit dangerous for the present time and not just, you know, only revealing information- I really want this chapter to be good and not rushed through like my initial first pass. It was a short-lived lapse in my stress when I wrote the first fourth of the rewrite, and I've hit a spot in the chapter that's difficult when my mind is so distracted by the stress.
SO, as to make up for this lack of update (again) I'm gonna give you guys three exclusive previews, one for the beginning of Ghost of Mine Ch 27 (just the first bit, not everything I've written so far bc its still prone to change and I want to give u guys the best version), the beginning of Rose Hips and Flushed Fingertips - The Story of Mo Xuanyu (GOM extra), and the beginning of The Wild Plum Tree (JC & LXC's story - GOM extra) so I hope you enjoy these exclusive previews, as they are all directly connected with the story and are canon to the GOM universe.
TLDR; struggling still, this is another delay. will check back in in about a week- I'm going to show you guys some exclusive previews for GOM related content that isn't yet released to make up for it right now! GOM CH 27, RH&FF (Ch.1/Part1), and TWPT (Ch.1).
PLEASE, KEEP IN MIND: the previews are still very prone to change. RH&FF/TWPT especially, since I am always struggling on how I write JC to make him feel canon to me (and he doesn't here, in my opinion, just bc I haven't described him well enough there) so just keep that in mind when you read!
So I hope you guys enjoy the previews and come back next Sunday!
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A Very, Very Unfinished Pile of Theory of Everything Headcanons (Ayreon)
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Last semester, my English final was a presentation relating the overall theme of the Forever saga to that of the more popular works of H.G. Wells. Details of that argument aside, the thesis was that Ayreon’s emotional core was the presence of small-scale acts of love juxtaposed against large-scale existential tragedy, balanced in their individual power. That we are messy and self-destructive, and in the grand scheme of things we mean very little in the universe, but we are resilient and alive and human and that has to be worth something.
I really like this aspect of the main story, and it got me a perfect score on that assignment. It had a ten minute time limit and I was fighting for my life to stay under it. While I was downsizing the script, I couldn’t help but think of an earlier idea I had drafted about how The Theory of Everything on its own was a really incredible example of the mad scientist archetype turned completely on its head (it was a science-fiction analysis class). Specifically how that script was almost three times longer than the original H.G. Wells one, that took me a solid twenty minutes to read aloud. 
I literally wrote an hour long lecture about The Theory of Everything. No headcanons. No extra theories. Literally just picking apart its canon plot. 
I think this is why I have so little extra writing for it. The story as its given is airtight and just…fucking incredible. Arjen wrote it with a very clear theme in mind like he did with Transitus, but TToE isn’t missing half of its story because he couldn’t pull in the cash to make a movie out of it. You can feel the intention behind every single character, they feel like real people, it has so many layers to it and it is literally, objectively, the greatest prog album ever made. Fight me. 
But anyways: For lack of better phrasing, there isn’t much to “fix” in that sense. Almost all the headcanons I have for The Source or Transitus boil down to a few things:
I was being self-indulgent with a favorite character and it snowballed into a genuinely informative trait/subplot that informs the main story (a certain hc I have where Henry just fucking shoots Daniel in the back by mistake sometime between Two Worlds and Talk of the Town, turning into this weirdly effective commentary of how Daniel is conditioned to his brother’s shitty behavior and Abby hauling ass to get him out of that headspace)
I am curious about aspects of an album’s worldbuilding and get a little excited while filling in the blanks that were perfectly fine being left alone (doing mental gymnastics trying to build a version of The Source where these five academics, three politicians, two religious figures, one robot and one random spaceman viably know each other)
The rarer option that I am genuinely disappointed by how a part of the story was handled and completely ignore this small part of canon to make the overall story be more effective. Or attempt it, at least (Lavinia’s entire character undermining Transitus’ themes and her contradicting her own motivations, and me, in turn, just writing her character from scratch while keeping with the basic story beats [her seeing ghosts, doing shady shit with Henry, etc.])
But with TToE I’ve felt very little need to do any of these. If I were to really dive into it with intention I think I would start building off of the whole bank robbery plot in Phase III (just a slightly weirdly framed plot point for me), but I haven’t thought about it. It’s not that glaring of an issue and there’s few other places in the story where I think adding anything would make it more effective. 
This isn’t to say that Transitus and The Source are objectively worse in any sense, but they leave a lot more up to interpretation, allowing me to write so many add ons that they become structured and essential to each other’s function. 
It’s fun with those two albums. With TToE I really have to look for cracks to fill and it’s kind of useless. 
Not entirely, though. I’ve got a few hcs, and maybe they’ll warrant dozens of google doc pages of context one day like the other two albums: 
Two central things sparked curiosity. Setting, and how the parent characters came to hate each other that much. Naturally. 
This started four-ish years ago when I was pacing around my parents’ house with TToE on the mind (as it often is), and my brother put on this show called His Dark Materials. I watched the intro to it all of one time and just…knew this was the aesthetic TToE should have.🔗 At least combined with dark academia. It’s an album about physics and ghosts, that seems reasonable enough. 
…funnily enough, as I later found out, His Dark Materials itself has a very dark-academia-esque vibe, and the plot is entirely based upon the intersectionality between science and mysticism and trivial human attempts to make sense of it. 
So. Pretty fitting. 
This really stuck with me, and a handful of the characteristics of the show and books became the basis for the way I picture The Theory of Everything. Mainly the visual aesthetic, like I said, but also the fact that the story starts at a parallel version of Oxford University. I don’t have some giant case study for this like with Transitus/New England. I just think it’d be a cool and vibey setting. Maybe it’s the American in me but there’s something about a thousand-year-old college with a campus made of literal goddamn castles that borders on the fantastic. 
From there, you have a decent excuse for The Prodigy to run off to Ireland, where you can choose from one of like 200 different pretty little isolated lighthouses for him to lose his mind in, far enough away for him not to be found as long as he did. Not to mention it lowkey matches with the overt Celtic influence of the music. Or Scotland, if you want some weather symbolism from the North Sea. 
Solid setting, if I say so myself, and it actually influenced the family’s whole situation. Here, The Father (Mike) is a physics professor at Oxford, and The Mother (Cristina) is the director of the Bodleian Library. It’s how and where they meet in 1991 (though the mother is in an attendant position at the time), as shown by the only part of this I have drawn out:
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They hit it off, and marry in 1993. Their first and only child is born two years later and they love him half to death. Everything is more or less nice and normal. 
In 1996, Mike stumbles into “proof,” more or less, of the theory of everything being a singular, solvable equation through his work, practically by accident, and begins focused work on it with enthusiastic support from his wife. Life is going great, Cristina is promoted and the two are balancing things well enough. 
The boy shows little to no social development into his toddler years, but his parents don’t think much of it. His father was similar at his age; they’re not worried. They even go as far to say he’ll turn out just as ambitious and smart as his dad and relatives, coworkers and family friends go along with it, setting insanely high expectations for this literal three year old. Mike keeps working on his theory. 
The boy enters preschool at age four; still no improvement. Just isolates himself and draws indiscernible patterns on everything you put in front of him. His parents finally try to intervene to some degree, hiring private instructors and talking with some other psych/child development people they know through the university, to no avail. Nothing changes. He just stares off into space, doesn’t interact with any of them and supposedly doesn’t pay attention to lessons. He still isn’t speaking. Cristina is finally concerned
Around the same time, Mike makes a significant breakthrough in his work, gaining worldwide attention. He receives massive grants from in and outside of Oxford to continue his work, and quits his teaching job to make more time for the endeavor. Cristina is left as the family’s sole provider. She understands and is in agreement on that decision, that’s not the problem yet. The problem is that Mike is becoming more or less indifferent to their son hits five, not seeing any previously projected greatness he was supposed to have in his father’s footsteps. Cristina, much more conscious of balance in her life and how having kids works, isn’t sure what to make of that. Their relationship starts to strain. 
From there, as Mike keeps working, Cristina takes the kid to all sorts of specialists around England but none of them can pinpoint what’s “wrong” with him. She tries much more actively to connect with him like they’re telling her to (though she still enrolls him in the university’s affiliated primary school program, against their suggestions), bringing him everywhere. Buys him little memory games since that’s all that seems to hold his attention. She’s past any belief of him being some secret genius like his dad, not that her opinion of her husband is super positive at this point anyway. She’s just dead-set on her son having some sense of normal in his life. 
By 2002, Mike has completely secluded himself and works nearly constantly. He has made no progress on his theory since 1999 and the fame garnered from his breakthrough has faded. The family is running out of money and Cristina is exhausted. The boy is ostracized at school and still (almost) totally nonverbal. Her coworkers keep suggesting these weird holistic remedies that she refuses. She knows better than to fall for all that new age, pyramid scheme bullshit. 
The son’s condition, whatever it is, worsens until mom, desperate, puts her foot down in 2008 (or “gives up,” if you wanna put it like that) and drags her husband and son to this private practice in Scotland she was told about by a friend, suspicious but ready to put up with anything at this point. 
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dayeongi · 2 years
Konoha street fashion for a princess in hiding
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(Please don't repost or modify without my consent🙏 💖)
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cerealboxlore · 2 years
My braincell burned today baby girls
Once again, I re-read fanfictions by @wolfsbanesparks and absolutely had to draw this idea that their fic, "Baby Blues", gave me of Harley Quinn and Billy Batson
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I swear I cannot reccomend this fic enough, it gives me so much serotonin and happiness over seeing Billy's and Harley's unexpected friendship blooming together, it's just so gosh darn sweet!!
And the author is even sweeter, holy canoli, give this author more love and snacks please 🙏 they deserve the universe!!!
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