#a little part of him is still pissed!!!!!
missmarveledsblog · 3 days
It's fate part two ( Bradley bradshaw x reader)
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summary : bradley can't stay away and well jake soon finds out leading to a blow up game of dogfight football
warning: none its still goofy fun well one fight but other than that it's fluff
previous part
Never had he been sure of anything then fact was he sitting across from his future wife. From the way she laughed to smile , how she animatedly told him of the different kids in her class and how each was a character in their own right . he imagine would she talk like that about their kid albeit he was getting a little ahead  since he hadn’t even asked her on the first date nor did her brother his fellow aviator and well close friend he was even talking to her in the first place .  yet in that moment i wasn’t on his mind , jake wasn’t on his mind as he sat in the cafe on what was the third time he was meeting with the woman he couldn’t get out of his head. 
“ i’ve not let you get a word in have i ?” she chuckled looking up as she took a bite of her brownie . 
“ seriously talk away it amazing to hear about little katie and her overcoming the sandpit but i do wanna know if little zack got his dog cat yet?” he smiled almost dreamily as she laughed  the way her head fell back and the way the sound literally warmed his insides better then any coffee he’s drank so far taking full advantage of his weekend off  not caring to go to the beach  or beat jake in dog tag football like he usually is no bradley is content with sitting in a cafe listening about kids he never even saw . so lost in her not even the buzzing on his own phone snapped this spell she had on him till her own went off . 
“ sorry let me take this” she smiled before bringing it up to her ear. “ hey idiot … yeah i can come and bradley can bring me  .. what he’s here with me know  yeah jake we will be there soon” she rolled her eyes before hanging up . “ my dumb brother wants us to meet him at the beach something about some game” she shrugged as bradley came crashing back to earth. 
“ yeah sure  lets go i’ll follow you” he smiled as took got ready to leave watching as she walked out. “ well i guess i’ll see my parent quicker than i thought i would “ he sighed  leaving a tip on table  before slowly heading to what was going to be his doom . 
From the look on jake seresins face when they arrive on the beach well doom was the right and accurate world to describe the following . 
“ I’ll sit with little seresin ..hey i’m natasha you can call me nat”  phoenix smiled really not wanting to be caught in the crossfire of what was about to come as Mav called the two captains to only be jake and bradley . 
“ i told you she’s off limits chicken “ jake glared getting in position . 
“ i told you it’s fate bagman “ rooster almost copied as the two glared it didn’t matter who was on side no this was between them two and them alone in this game .  the moment javy passed the ball throwing it to bob who ultimately tried to throw it back to jake only for fanboy to intercept and throw it to payback then in turn threw it too rooster .  well with who he was determined to impress stood on side lines rooster ran playing probably the best he had since he ever came across the game . 
“ 1 point to roosters team “ Mav called as y/n cheered making her brother pissed off . 
 Throughout the game both men done whatever in their power knocking each other over diving and dotting  til the scores where tied both panting and glaring at each other as their teammates honestly was happy to call it a tie . 
“ is it usually this … violent” y/n asked nat worried for both men . 
“ well there a more push rate here” nat winced instantly catching her on to what it  was . 
Once she watched as the two began head to head like to bulls charging til it was no longer just pushing and well fist started fly sending the men over pull them apart both men yelling at mav with bruise cheeks and egos and she walked closer. 
“ he’s dating my sister” 
“ it’s not a date …yet she’s an adult asshat” .
“ a girl really grow hell up both of you” mav rolled his eyes as the two began shouting back and forth . 
“ sorry sir may i try  “ she smiled sweetly up all doe eyes and sugarly sweet . 
“ i’m willing to try anything kid knock yourself out “ now what mav didn’t expect was the loud whistle  that shut the boys up or the fast she grab both of the men by the ear . 
“ now y’all gonna talk like adults or am going to show you how we treat misbehaving children  “ she looked between the two sternly as they instantly shut up . 
“ you can’t date rooster , one he’s old as hell and two he’s my friend” jake huffed. 
“ jakey buddy you have slept with  i could easily name five of my friends and another five co workers   another think if i wanna sleep with or date someone i will choose myself i am adult seem more of an adult then you” she crouched. 
“ i said that , i’m not old as hell ” rooster spoke up . 
“ and you well goading my brother and hitting him ain’t gonna happen again because idiot or not i kinda love him is that clear “ she  stood as he gulped and nodded. “ now  shake hands and grow up because i will give that man my number and jake can tell you how my mama kept his ass in straight line” she stomped over to Mav. 
“ sorry chicken “ jake grumbled. 
“ sorry bagman” . 
“ like you mean it jesus “ she rolled her eyes . 
“ sorry bradley .. shit maybe if she dates you  be less well that” .
“ sorry jake … dude i might marry you sister today” . 
“ you can take me on a date first bradley brooster radley “ she chuckled gathering her things. 
“ have you ever thought of joining the navy?” Mav asked shocked at the scene before him . 
“Oh and bradley pick me up at 7 “ was all she said before she headed up the beach . 
“ yessss ma’am… my wife is so pretty” he sighed happily . 
“ you aint married her yet” jake chuckled 
“ i’m gonna i’m telling you its’ ….” 
“ Fate “ the all groaned . 
Now as first date would be, he was never a ball of emotions as he was now almost pacing a hole in jake seresins floor as he waiting for her to get ready . 
“ really man i’ll lose my deposit you keep that up “ the blonde huffed eyes on the game that played on his television . 
“ sorry my nerves are gonna dent your income man i’m freaking out and all while in the chicks living room in front of you “. 
“ man where was confidence from earlier look for some weird reason she really likes you so i’m pretty sure even you couldn’t screw this up “
“ yeah thanks for the shiner really what my outfit needed “ he grumbled . 
“  you ready” she called and god she almost knocked him on his ass as he took in the sight of her man she could wear a potato sack and still look like a queen . the white sun dress hit her thighs or the red lips that paired well with her nails like something straight out of his fantasy . 
“ yeah .. yup ..yes.. Lets go “ he sighed ignoring the weird look jake was giving him or the way she was hiding her amusement . 
“ home by midnight” jake called . 
“ i’ll be home whenever i want to” she called back as door shut .
“ jesus he really is gonna be my brother in law” the blonde groaned .
part three
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sulumuns-dootah · 3 days
WHB demons' favorite horror movies
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
A/N: Another long post including all our demon boys :D Also thought I'd change up the look of these all-demon big posts so lmk if you like this one ^^
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You'd expect him to pick some torture-porn, but he actually picks something supernatural
More specifically a movie with vengeful spirits
People hurting each other? meh... Spirits messing with people bc they're pissed? Well, now we're talking
Favorite movie: The Grudge (2004)
Rather than something scary, Sitri like watching something cosy
Doesn't want to spill his tea when a jumpscare gets him
The only time he'll watch something like that is with his partner, so he can hear their heart race
Favorite movie: The Shining (1980)
(We've had Amy just for a little bit so bare with me)
Rebellious boi allert (?)
Pretty boy loves to watch movies about other boys ^^
Favorite movie: Lost boys (1987)
In last year's halloween-themed post I wrote that Leraye doesn't care as long as the movie has thunderstorms in it and I still stand by that
Who has the brain capacity to remember movie names when most of your blood is rushing south?
Please, please, please introduce Paimon to Hereditary!
Still, despite the movie literally having them in it, Pai prefers more of a "girly" horror
Favorite movie: Jennifer's body (2009)
Okay, not really a horror movie fan per se, but a horror musical?
With a lot of good music with funny lyrics?
And the type that Jiyu enjoys singing?
You've got Belial's attention
Favorite musical: Sweeney Todd (2007)
We've got a psychological horror fan on our hands!
Oh, and if the movie has the characters speak in unordinary way?
A local accent or different language has Astaroth interested instantly
Favorite movie: The Vvitch (2015)
Zagan likes the old classics
Or the old movies where the characters don't speak
Sadly, he doesn't speak up for himself when the nobles are arguing what to watch, so he has to watch a lot of movies from the others
Favorite movie: Frankenstein (1931)
As brave as Ppyong thinks he is, he doesn't like horror movies that much
Usually, someone has to be with him for comfort and safety while watching anything remotely scary
Favorite movie: Any of the Scooby Doo movies
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I... don't think Mammon has a preference.
Part of me feels like he doesn't really get the point of watching movies
Like, if you suggest snuggling up and watching something, he'll be all for it, but only bc of the snuggling bit
Favorite movie: Your favorite movie
Is anyone surprised that this gold-digger loves any movie that follows wealthy people?
Me neither
Doesn't matter what genre it is, he's The Rich Person Apologist™
Favorite movie: American psycho (2000)
Eligos doesn't like scary movies, but(!) horror adjacent movies are his thing
Loves all those teenage witch shows and movies like The Craft
Oh, also Scream Queens ^^
Movie nights with Paimon and Eligos >>>>>>
Favorite movie: Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988)
Since Valefor like to know about other people's experiences in bed, why not extend that to the type of media he likes?
Found footage feels right to say that Valefor would enjoy
Also, why do a lot of the found footage movies contain sex scenes? :/
Favorite movie: Ghoul (2015)
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I bet you expected something Lovecraftian, huh?
So did I, but couldn't find any movie in that genre that would scream Levi's name
But you know who fits his aesthetic perfectly? Tim Burton's movies!
It also kinda makes sense since I'd imagine our poor PTSD-having demon would hate anything making him feel on edge
He's had enough of being scared
Favorite movie: Corpse Bride (2005)
Ooh, another psychological horror fan!
I also imagine that all the Hades nobles like theatre/musicals/ballet, so let's look for somethin in the middle...
Favorite movie: Black Swan (2010)
You can imagine how Barbatos reacts to most scary movies, which usually consist of dark scenes shot at night
Not to say he won't watch anything with you, but he will complain about how pale the actors are :/
Favorite movie: Midsommar (2019)
Okay, we can all see this coming
This fucker (affectionate) loves his torture-porn
I mean, most of us have read his H-scene
Favorite movie: Hostel (2005)
Our old/young man loves movies with creepy children since he looks like one of them
Some even give him inspiration for acquiring more souls for himself
Favorite movie: Sinister (2012)
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To capture this idiot's attention, a movie needs to be really interesting to him
Likes his cannibal movies
They, just like to Orias, give him inspo, but this time for recipes
Favorite movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Bael is more grounded with his taste in movies
Still a slasher fan, but more on the realistic side
Imagining him just sitting on a couch/armchair while sipping some tea under a blanket while watching a movie gives me tired single mom vibe idk
Favorite movie: Psycho (1960)
An obvious fan of Werewolf movies since he's one technically too
Kinda hopes that he can learn something about controlling his transformation from them
(I don't really like werewolves alltogether so I found this one on google - I hope it's good)
Favorite movie: Wolf (1994)
Rebelllious boi 2
If there's guns that shoot, Stolas will watch it bc it goes with his tough guy persona
Favorite movie: The Purge (2013)
Given that he'll most likely fall asleep during the movie if he's not watching it with Beel or you in the room
Likes 90's movies in general bc they're more chill and more about the vibes
Favorite Movie: Scream (1996)
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Another torture-porn enjoyer
Surprise surprise?
Yeah, him and Glasya having a movie night is an experience only for the stongest
Favorite movie: Laid to Rest (2009) or The Collector (2009)
Phenix loves any and all movies and they don't need to be scary or anything due to their affliction
Still, I think if they weren't under Asmo's influence, they would enjoy a good succubus/siren movie
Favorite movie: Siren (2016)
Yep, another torture-porn fan, except this time for the opposite reasons
Glasya and Ronove look for fun gore, Danta is looking for hot ways to die
Favorite movie: Audition (1999)
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Okay, not a movie but an anime
What else would you expect from our weeb snoozer?
Favorite anime: Junji Ito Maniac! (2023)
Usually, Beleth loves his mafia type of movies
When it comes to horror, he wants to be laughing hard
Bonus points if he can relate in some sort of sense to the main villain
Favorite movie: Beetlejuice (1988)
Teacher boy loves his horror villains S-M-A-R-T
Like the calculated, composed type
Favorite movie: Silence of the Lambs (2001)
There's nothing scarier to Bathin than being contained to one place without the possibility to escape
It makes him feel claustrophobic no matter how big the place is
Like you could lock him up in a castle full of spacey rooms and he'll be anxious
Favorite movie: Misery (1990)
Since Andre can't see, I don't really think he's enjoy movies
He does, however love the audio stuff
Audioboooks and horror game OSTs are his go-to's during spooky season
Favorite audiobook: Between two Fires
Favorite game OST: Layers of Fear
Since Belphie took Niflheim from him, Agares realised he really loves his vengeful spirit movies
'They took from her so she started taking from them'
or how the quote was in his favorite movie
Favorite movie: The Woman in Black (2012)
With his love for speeches and such, Vassago finds himself ofhen enjoying the religious horrors
Bonus points if there actually are some speech scenes
Favorite movie: Midnight Mass (2021)
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If there's a movie containing the Antichrist, Luci is interested
He kinda also finds it amusing to see humans fumble with their demon names and stories
Favorite movie: The Omen (1976)
It might be a bit childish, but Morax likes movies themed around holidays
Bonus points if there is an adorable character
Favorite movie: Trick 'r Treat (2007)
Buer loves a good mindfuck movie with an unexpected twist
Other psychological horrors are good too, but you know...
There's nothing better than a lore drop that makes you wanna rewatch the movie from beginning and look for the subtle hints
Favorite movie: Orphan (2009)
The last member of our gore aficionados
The only struggle for Marbas is to not criticize some anatomy errors of the sfx team
Favorite movie: Terrifier (2016)
It's rare for this babey dragon to watch horrors, but if he's with someone, he will
Once he's watched one already, he's less scared and will watch it again alone
Any movie where he can relate to a character is an instant hyperfixation until another movie comes around
Favorite movie: The Boy (2016)
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rosedpetal · 13 hours
Behave is SOOO hot! I can’t help but imagine giving Bucky a taste of his own medicine. Let’s see how he reacts when he’s suddenly too aware of the men thirsting over his wife and maybe a little bratty twist that while his wife doesn’t entertain them, she also doesn’t stop them, bonus if she keeps Bucky at a distance. then bam, he snaps. Filthy jealous/possessive smut. I’m sorry imma see my way out ur work short circuited my brain 😭
girly, he'd be PISSED
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Part I | Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Wife!Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: smut.
Minors, do not interact.
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To say you were enjoying your little power trip was an understatement.
Dressed in a long gown, with your hair up in the most beautiful bun Bucky's ever seen, a few locks loose to frame your face, and your makeup done by a professional, you were a vision to behold.
Unfortunately, it wasn't for his eyes only.
Being the wife of an Avenger meant dealing with people and fancy events. Most of the time, Bucky accepted the attention with grace, and then moved on with his life.
But on some very rare occurrences, his fans and the press also turned their attention to you.
It wasn't that Bucky wasn't proud of the gorgeous woman by his side — he gave you one of those freaking Darry engagement rings that could only be bought once by person, and married you only half a year later. 'I don't wanna give you any more time that could make you change your mind', were his exact words to you. He was insane about you. You were the love of his life, and he overcame so much to make sure he would be worthy of your love.
He worshipped the ground you walked on. And he wasn't afraid to tell you that.
But just like a man born in his time, Bucky was extremely possessive of his wife.
And he couldn't stand the two photographers flashing their cameras at you and asking you to 'turn around', 'blow a kiss' or 'smile'.
Bucky's mood was changing quickly, as he analyzed every micro expression on their faces as they took pictures of you. Your face, your dress, your fucking curves.
And you were gracefully accepting every little praise, your smile a little too bright for Bucky's liking.
While he tried to detain his thoughts to going for that dark place, were he would bash these assholes' heads on the concrete until they were beyond recognition, he couldn't help but wonder what had triggered such a reckless behavior from you.
Did he do something that riled you up during this week? He remembers unloading the dishwasher the moment you asked for it. Sometimes he forgets his shoes in the middle of the living room, but it surely couldn't be it.
His eyes darkened in realization when he finally figured you out. Letting these men fawn over you like you were a free woman... That was payback.
Bucky was very aware of your territorial nature when it came to him. For fucks sake, you let the whole world know when you were pissed at another woman for eye fucking him just by the way your eyebrows furrowed and your lips pressed in a thin line, — which once Thor made the mistake of pointing to, and the mean mug you gave the Asgardian still haunted his dreams to this day.
So, Bucky teased you for it. It was okay, right? It was just light banter. You couldn't be possibly punishing him for such a petty reason right the fuck now?
His mind took a quick turn to all the life choices he made that had lead to this exact moment. You giggling and tossing your hair while other men undressed you with their eyes.
It doesn't matter that they were simply doing their jobs. He could see how long they were taking to photograph you when... Well, Bucky was the famous one.
The moment one of the photographers' hands went for you, Bucky instantly reacted, putting himself between you and the fucking moron that seemed to conveniently forget that you were a married woman and your husband was right there.
"Don't you dare touch my wife. Keep running your fucking mouth and taking your fucking pictures and I'll show you why they used to call me Winter Soldier." Bucky's voice was low and lacking any emotion, his vibranium hand wrapped tightly around the dude's wrist.
Bucky's threat wasn't directed at you, but it went straight to your core. You felt all warm and fuzzy inside as he went all alpha mode.
The two guys quickly excused themselves after that, and you let out a light chuckle.
"Thank God, they finally left. I was worried for a second they were gonna blind me with- hey, what are you doing? Bucky, what the fuck?" You whispered as he practically dragged you back to the waiting car, quickly sending a text to Sam to let him know you two were leaving early.
He opened the door for you and you quickly scooped inside, knowing your husband was mad. Bucky sat next to you and told the driver to roll up the partition wall.
"Bucky, talk to me!" You finally snapped, annoyed. "Why are we leaving early?"
"Because-" Bucky turned to you, interrupting himself when he noted how loud he was being, lowering his voice on the next words, and pointing his index finger to your face, eyes boring into yours. "Because you decided to piss me the hell off tonight, and I'm gonna have to teach you how properly a married woman should behave."
Your eyes widened in indignation as you threw your bag in the couch. "Excuse me? How properly I should what? I'm sorry to inform you, honey, but this is the 21st fucking century, not the damn 40s."
Bucky chuckled, humorlessly. The audacity of you. To twirl your hair locks while smiling at other men flirting with you openly, and now pretend he was the bad guy for reprimanding you.
"You're gonna keep your mouth shut until we get home, and if you so much as try to be cute with me, I promise that what I have in store for you is gonna turn ten times worse."
You raised your eyebrow. Maybe you were looking for trouble today, but you sure as hell weren't about to let Bucky undermine you over his bruised ego.
"What are you now, a caveman? Is your masculinity so fragile that you can't stand the fact that I can be lusted after too? When you smirk at me across the room while women are flaunting themselves to you, you think you're the only one entitled to make me feel insecure, as if you're a goddamn prize?"
"No, please, enlighten me on why the hell you think you can joke with your friends about my possessiveness and act exactly the same, then have the guts to belittle me for it!"
"You know what? I was only posing-"
"Goddamnit, will you shut up?" Bucky snapped. "I don't smirk at you across the room to show off and make you jealous, I do it because I thought it was our thing! Some delusional girl will come to me, I'll playfully smile at you because we both joke on how ridiculous they are! I'm not trying to make you insecure, you insane little thing, I think it's cute how you react every time, and how you never direct your anger at me. And by the way, I never tossed or twirled my hair for any woman, or giggled, just to spite you!"
You clenched your fists. No. Even if he was right (which he wasn't), you couldn't just give in and apologize right now. You had reasons to be pissed, you were tired of being teased, as if you were the only one in the relationship that was overly jealous. You knew your words should've been measured, but right now, you couldn't care less. You crossed your arms, voice neutral as you gave him the fatal blow:
"You know what I think, James? I think you're not enough of a man, and what I just did broke your little illusion of power. That's what got your lady panties in a twist."
Bucky's jaw clenched, a flash of anger coursing through his veins. "What the fuck did you just say to me?"
"Are you deaf?"
Two seconds of you staring at him with your coy little act, he was fuming and he practically lunged at you. You squealed and giggled when he pushed you to lay on your back in the leather seat of the limo, breathless and flustered.
"You little minx. You're about to get spanked in the back of a limo like the whore you are." Bucky hissed in your ear, maneuvering you so you were laying on your stomach. He impatiently raised the long skirts of your dress, not even giving you time to prepare for the series of blows he delivered to your poor ass.
Your giggles quickly stopped, and they turned to whimpers.
"C'mon, brat, tell me I'm not a man now." He nibbled your earlobe, pressing his chest against your back. "I dare you. Go ahead, baby. I'm waiting."
Your ass had his fingerprints now, a beautiful shade of red in them. More beautiful than the blush on your cheeks. Your lip was quivering when he was done, finally showing mercy on your rear. You sighed in relief and he gave you a wolfish grin, his hand sliding between your thighs and collecting your arousal, gently spreading it on your folds, his voice low and full of purpose:
"We're just getting started, baby girl."
"This is not fair." You whined, your words dying down when his index and middle finger entered you, opening you up for him. You bit your hand when curled his digits, brushing against your spongy spot.
"What's not fair? Do you want me to stop?" Bucky teased, kissing your neck.
It was getting hot inside the limo, with your gown and your husband crowding you against the leather seats. The sweat was quickly forming in your skin, and it was a bit uncomfortable, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell him to stop.
"No... I just-"
"I just-" Bucky mocked you, clicking his tongue. "Can't even speak anymore?"
"It's hot." You complained, in a whiny tone.
Bucky sighed, sitting up to turn the air conditioner on, the cold breeze welcomed to you both. His fingers never left your pussy, and he scissored you hard, smirking at how you tried to keep it down so the poor driver wouldn't hear you.
Reluctantly, he pulled his hand from you, pulling your head back by your hair and shoving his slick digits on your mouth, which you eagerly licked clean. Bucky undid his slacks, groaning in relief when he freed his rock hard length from the constricting fabric. He pulled you to his lap, your back to his chest, your thighs spread over his.
"Think you can ride me without hitting your head in the ceiling?" He whispered on your ear as you grabbed his cock and aligned him at your entrance.
"Hmmm... Probably no." You looked up.
"Then stay still while Daddy fucks you."
Your mouth hung open when he slammed into you, harder than you expected, without giving you time to get used to his thickness. He shoved his tie on your mouth to muffle your moans, one hand on your hip and the other squeezing your breast, while he pistoned his hips up.
You didn't even make a sound.
The sound of his balls slapping against your clit and the shameful, wet noise of your pussy being rammed were enough.
"See why I'm so obsessed with you? Why I can't stand you being lusted after? It's cause the thought of someone else having this pussy makes me wanna rip my fucking hair out, baby." Bucky murmured in your ear, his movements not easing down, not faltering for a second. "I know I have no leg to stand on, acting jealous and possessive of you, but fuck if I'm taking a single risk of losing you, of losing this."
Your eyes rolled back, your walls clamping down violently on your husband's cock, and you spasmed above him, reaching your apex.
With a groan that made you blush, Bucky came in hot spurts, filling you up with his load.
His chest was rising and falling as if he ran a marathon, and he gently patted your thigh. "C'mon baby, pull yourself together. We just got home. I'm not done with you yet."
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deansbite · 3 days
   𝒥𝒞  。  fuzzy dreams
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pairings 𓎟𓎡 ₊ ˖ amab!reader x dean winchester
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warnings 𓎟𓎡 ₊ ˖ 18+ mdni !! fingering jerking off semi-public sexy hot dean (im sorry i had to) praise caught jerking off.. (kinda) reader has an extremely vivid imagination masturbation sub!reader soft dom!dean
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summary 𓎟𓎡 ₊ ˖ despite the familiarity of the situation, the thought of sleeping in the same bed as dean riles you up a little more than you wanted it to. it wasn't your fault, he looked too good. with it being your only option, you had to take matters into your own hands—and imagination.
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͝ ⏝𝅄︶ ͝ ⏝ ⊹ ⏝ ͝ ︶𝅄⏝ ͝
You and Dean were in a motel room bed together, sound asleep. Well, you were asleep. Notice how it was in the past form? Yeah, well reason for that was because you stirred awake due to some bullshit dream — which was explicit. Perfect fucking timing because you and your childhood-fucking-bestfriend-Dean-Winchester booked a motel room with a single queen bed. It was the only room left.
See, you had no problem sleeping in the same bed as him. That was no problem because you'd done it since you both were tiny. Because both your dads were connected to the hip — literally whenever they see eachother on a hunt they'd let you two stand there, gun in hand and stare at eachother till they finished. But that was irrelevant when you were currently in bed.. your body heating up more and more by the minute.
Dean was fast asleep, shuffling and moving so that the mattress dipped under his weight — including his legs being tangled up in the covers so he tugged it over to his side — because you two were full grown adults. Boundaries were set and he was on his side, you were on yours.
On any other occasion, you'd freak out and snatch the covers back. But you were relieved — some cool air ran over your incredibly hot skin. You felt like you were set on fire.. inside and out. You let out a sigh of relief — fluttering your eyes shut. You felt in need of some.. blissful relief. Because you were rock hard. Which made you pissed because you never had explicit dreams on any other hunt where you didn't share a bed.. but the moment you actually share a bed with Dean, it magically happens?
You fluttered your eyes open. The motel room you were in — was surprisingly quiet. Well, that is if you don't factor in the continous dripping water from the kitchen faucet.. since the kitchen wasn't all too far away. And you also started to hear every tiny obnoxious noise. Which.. being truthful, was better to think about than your current situation. God damnit you just thought of it again.
Could this get any worse? You exhaled, your eyes having long adjusted to the darkness of the room, which helped you be able to get around. And that was exactly what you were going to do. Dean unexpectedly shuffled around in bed. Which made you tense up — realizing you had to be as quiet as you could possibly be if you wanted to go to the bathroom.
In a swift movement, you sat up. The mattress dipping even further now that you were sat on your ass and all the weight wasn't spread out, but more so pressed down in one single place. And that made you panic — snapping your head to look behind you at Dean. Who was very much still asleep, facing you. In his black tee, black boxers and messy hair.. with covers spread out on and.. around him? Because some of the covers were shoved between his legs — some of it on the ground and some just.. covering parts of him.
You furrowed a brow — about to forget what you were even planning on doing and just giggling at him. But.. you noticed his plump lips pressed together, he was laying on his chest, which shouldn't have upset you as much as it did. But it did. Because his shirt was rolled up just a little — which would've been able to give you a glimpse of his abdomen — and abs. God what the fuck?! He's your bestfriend. You didn't hit puberty or someshit like a twelve year old boy.
Pull it together, and just give yourself a handjob so your absurd thoughts won't be able to drive a wedge between your friendship just because you were horny for one day. Okay, breathe in. You rose to your feet, the floorboards groaning under your weight. That noise — whilst for Dean nonexistent.. for you that was like a rocket taking off. Fear shot up your spine and you froze every muscle in your body. Unable to move any further. Your eyes focused on Dean, watching him closely.
You weren't even sure why you tried so incredibly hard to be quiet.. if you woke him up, you'd just be going to the bathroom. No biggie.. except you were going to literally finger yourself. And you probably don't look the best.. and like you just had to pee. Your skin felt like it was on fire, your hair was probably messy and your pajamas were probably disheveled. After finally feeling like you were good to go, you head for the bathroom.
You needed to get this done and over with, even if Dean woke up. You'll find some excuse to tell him if he hears you shuffle in the bathroom. But you still hoped he slept through everything. Fucking finally you reached the bathroom door. Everything else in the motel room wasn't important, except the bed and bathroom. You looked over your shoulder to see Dean fast asleep.
You were put at ease with that fact, your head turned forward and you focused back on what you were planning on doing. Your hand reached out and your fingers wrapped around the cool.. rusty and metal doorknob, which was a contrast to your warm hands. You twisted it and pushed the door open. The door creaked for a moment, but you were quick to grab it to halt the noise just in time.
Eventually, after literally dealing with this whole situation as if it were a parkour and dodging the most unnecessary things, such as Dean waking up or finding another solution, such as sleeping it off.. but you were stubborn. And, you finally got to shut the bathroom door, gently to make sure it wouldn't slam, just a simple click. Before you got to suck in a deep breath.
Your fingers travelled up to the lightswitch, your index finger flipped up and the lights flickered to life, lighting up the entire room. You glared at yourself in the mirror.. jesus, you seriously looked like you just got into a fight with a Chimera. Your lips were parted and you looked flustered as fuck. You just bent over slightly, turning on the tap, cupping your hands under the cold running water before your hands were filled to the brim with cold water.
You splashed the water on your face, before running your wet hand through your hair and shut your eyes, your left hand gripping on the edge of the sink to balance yourself, the water was still running as background noise, which wasn't on purpose, you simply forgot. Now your heavy breathing and pants won't be the only thing bouncing off the walls.
Your hand travelled down your body, some remaining water droplets dribbling down your skin. To help you get off without feeling like you were a total freak, you started imagining Dean. Imagining his raspy and crackly — his sleepy voice as he praised you. "Doin' so good f'me, sweetheart, just a bit longer. Gotta get you ready for me." Dean's emerald green eyes focused on yours. He was ontop of you, his hand along with his body travelling down your body. His right hand ran all the way down your abdomen, stopping right at the waistband of your pants.
His fingers teased you by fiddling with it. Your eyes were locked on his. He had that dumb cocky grin on his face. "Should I give you a blowie or fuck you w'my fingers?" He whispered, as if he was asking himself. But he was loud enough for you to hear. His words meshed in with one another due to him having just woken up. Your hands went down and grasped onto his messy, dirty blonde locks.. you let out a pathetic whine.
"I hear ya, baby. Just be patient." He reassured, lips pressed together and his right hand, which was initally teasing you, now hovering a little above your pants, before it slipped beneath the fabric. His emerald green eyes travelling down your body, which travelled for a bit before coming to a stop to your ass. Despite one piece of material covering it, he observed the outline of his fingers, a smirk displayed on his lips.
"Oh?" He exclaimed, an eyebrow raising and his smirk a tad bit more visible now. His fingers were now directly pressing against your puckered hole — with your a thin fabric being your boxers between his fingers and your ass. You clenched around nothing. He saw how hard you were, the outline of your boner visible to him, which caused him to chuckle. "So needy." He commented, eyes darting from your boner to your face. "Look so pretty." He praised, humming and getting back to work, his fingers going up and underneath them and to your muscles to have better access.
"Gonna show you what you've been missin' out on. 'Cause I can fuck good, baby." He whispered. His index was circling around your hole, before he put slight pressure on it in the lightest way, causing you to whine his name. He chuckled, "Has nobody fingered you, baby? Already so greedy f'more 'n I haven't even started." He prompted. You shook your head in response. He clicked his tongue. "Well, m'glad t'be able t'change that. 'Cause damn y'are tight."
Without much of a warning, Dean plunged his index finger in till he had his first knuckle in. Your muscles basically clenching around him before unclenching. A gasp escaped your lips. Dean didn't react, just slowly pushing his index in, deeper and deeper, you let out a whimper. "Shh, calm down, sweetheart." He mumbled, his left hand, which was just resting on your lower thigh eventually came to use. His thumb caressed your skin. You lightly tugged on his messy locks, causing him to groan. "Come on, baby, ease up. You're so tight, wonder if i'll be able to fit."
You were tense, your walls squeezing around his fingers, he sighed and his index finger slowed down the pace. Now he slowly retreated his index, just so his index was still in your hole and then he immediately slammed it back in, grunting. "Gotta stretch you out if I wanna fuck this pretty ass, baby." He explained, but you were a writhing mess.
He kept fucking you harsh and fast with his index, the moaning and whining coming from you was so explicit your cheeks heated up. "Gotta get lube, easier t'fuck ya." He mumbled, his left cheek eventually resting on the inner thigh of your right leg. Eyes still so damn focused on your boner. His plump lips parted. You wondered how they'd feel around your hole instead — and how he'd be eating you out. You let out a much louder moan when Dean started up the scissoring motion after he slowly added in his middle finger.
You were close, Dean could tell by the way your breathing became irregular, you began fumbling with your words when you tried to tell Dean that you were about to fall over the edge. But he knew. You were clenching and unclenching around his fingers and he began thrusting his fingers in and out of you faster. And, eventually his free hand went up, rubbing your clothed cock. "What was that?" He asked, raising a brow.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you clenched around his fingers and saw literal stars. Your cum spurting from the tip onto the fabric of your boxers —
"Hey, sweetheart." A hoarse and concerned voice called out form behind the door. "You okay in there?" It was Dean.. your fucking childhood bestfriend. The guy who you imagined fucking you with his fingers and jerked off too. Oh fucking christ. This wasn't normal if you saw him as nothing more than a friend. Friends don't exactly fuck themselves with their fingers whilst imagining their friend doing it.
"You kept moaning my name." He added, "Did y'slip 'n fall?" A moment passed with no answer. Jesus christ you were completely fucked.
Your face was so completely obvious that you didn't fall. You removed your hand from underneath your pants and quickly washed it off under the tap. He cleared his throat. "I swear m'comin' in.. if y'don't answer in the next few seconds." His voice was filled with worry. "No, no! I'm fine! I'm just.." What the fuck do you say now?
͝ ⏝𝅄︶ ͝ ⏝ ⊹ ⏝ ͝ ︶𝅄⏝ ͝
cliffhanger cause this is testing the waters 😞 + this was a bit proofread by @pearlzier (so... mistakes / grammar errors may be found plus english isnt my first language gang..)
tags: on my other post
afab vers: right here!!
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siddyyyyyyyy · 15 hours
!original idea: @dollishbabess
Week 1: Dick Grayson (1 Oct - 7 Oct)
↳Day one: Haunted House Date You and Dick visit a haunted house attraction, but he's more scared than you are, clinging to you the entire time.
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wc: 1.1 K warnings: none, no y/n used, fluff a/n: I'm tired of kinktober so here is romtober (divider: @saradika-graphics)
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It‘s not like Dick hates horror movies, he actually enjoys some medium-core scary movies. Especially when he gets to use the excuse to cuddle up under a thick blanket beside you and cuddle. The more chilly weather, the warm colours, and the cool dates you can go to is his favourite part about autumn.
Like now, you are both on your way to your current date, hand in hand. Even wearing matching scarfs, it couldn‘t get more perfect. The sun is already setting as you enter the small gate to the wooden house, that could be mistaken for a simple cabin. ‚Simple‘ if it wasn‘t for dead trees and broken fence around it. Studying the area briefly to make sure nothing could go wrong, you finally step inside.
He thinks you don‘t notice but the grip on your became tighter once you stepped inside. Still, he wears his care-free smile on his face. Of course, you won‘t comment on it and just follow him around. The house is definitely abandoned, no sounds beside the wind going around outside.
»Well, this isn‘t as bad as I expected it to be.« He shrugs lightly and steps closer to one of the drawers, looking through the framed pictures.
There were what looks to be a family from the early eighteen-hundreds. Old gothic clothing, blank faces and of course the familiar black and white filter. Well, not really a filter as they just didn‘t have colourised photographs back then.
»Do you think they are ghosts now that watch over this house?«
Dick‘s poor attempt to scare only resulted you in giving him a stoic expression before you scare him back.
»No, they would most likely be poltergeists or other spirits. Maybe even transform into other creatures,« taking a step closer, you presss a small kiss onto his cheek, »just don‘t piss them off.«
With a playful wink, you let go of his hand and explore more of the house, roaming around freely.
He gets out of his trance and follows you quickly, taking your hand into his again.
»Yeah, I uh… I won‘t.« Dick mumbles back while glancing around the house once more before focusing on you.
It‘s quiet for a while before something seems to fall in the house. Probably next room. Dick gets in front of you, seeming tense as he carefully peeks around the corner and makes sure there isn‘t any danger for the both of you. However, you are not having any of it. Scoffing lightly, you nudge his arm a bit.
»C‘mon, it was probably just a wind.« Now Dick is a little annoyed and glances back to you.
»How can you say something like that? We‘re in a haunted house, remember? Haunted.«
He is really trying not to sound like a concerned parent, but you can still see and hear the hint of worry in his tone. Still, it‘s actually amusing to see him this riled up just because you‘re in a ‚haunted‘ house.
Eventually, he relaxes again but keeps his hand in yours. The room that you heard the thud coming from was just a normal bedroom. Judging by the pale pink curtains and dirty, pastel pink sheets, it probably belonged to the young girl in one of the pictures you saw earlier. With no fear, you stride in quietly and just take a look around, picking up some small things to examine them further. Dick does the same, but not without glancing over to you frequently; ‚just to make sure you‘re alright‘.
And that‘s definitely why he didn‘t jump up when another thud was heard from the room you came from. It didn‘t make things any better that the sun was almost completely down by now, making it dim inside. Naturally, Dick reached for you hand and continued to look around the house like this together.
He was more alert than normally, probably because he didn‘t want anything to happen to you. And probably because he was slightly paranoid now. Some ravens are yelling nonsense outside as he tries his best it just get along.
But it doesn‘t help, it‘s way too many coincidences at the same time.
»Are we sure we took a harmless haunted house? This doesn‘t seem like it...«
He mutters to you, but it only makes you more amused.
»Yeah, we would be dead by now if it wasn‘t. Trust me, supernatural has thought me that much.«
The casual shrug you give him is only making him a more paranoid. It might seem like you know much about paranormal stuff, but he has watched too many horror movies in the past few days to just be relaxed about it. There‘s always some person who says nothing will happen, and then the worst thing happens after all.
Not that he would say that to you.
»Right, yeah… anything else they thaught you? Like, being more cautious?«
You didn‘t even have time to answer before the window of the kitchen suddenly opens up, blowing fresh breeze inside.
He shreeks and wraps his arms around you in a death grip, way more surprised than you.
»See? I told you it was a bad idea!«
»It was your idea!« You argue back and huff out lightly at him. His hug is almost squishing you together at this point and it actually feels a it suffocating.
»Could you… let go?« Dick doesn‘t get what you mean until he looks down at you, letting go with a sheepish expression.
»Right, sorry...« Intertwining your fingers with his, he makes his way to the exit, having to drag you out.
»Wait, what are you doing? Are we leaving already?« You ask rather confused and in disbelief, looking back to take in the house again.
»No, we‘re just going home. This place is weird.« Dick answers back less amused and gets out of the old house finally, pausing once he sees a black cat cross the damn street in front of you.
»Seriously? It was just getting fun...«
You mumble back which makes him snap back into reality. He shakes his head briefly before walking out, leaving the small property.
»You thought this was fun? Well… it… it was fun but ot fun like an amusement park, you know? How about we go there next?«
You stay quiet for a small moment, just studying him before you just accpet it. He seems a bit spooked, so why not?
»I won‘t mind, sure«
He finally smiles more easily at you, his arm going around your shoulders to let you stay close. After that quick trip to the haunted house, you arrive at the amusement and play a few games, you went to a ride together and ended the night with two slushies. All in all, it was pretty fun for both of you. N matter how hard Dick held onto your hand before that, it was entertaining.
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a/n: hope you enjoyed this! i'll try to make the other parts more intersting and fluffy, i'm actually very excited to be part of this small challenge!! let's see how i'll hold up though >"<
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wooziorgans · 18 hours
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pairing: angel!jihoon x male demon!reader
main prompt: corruption kink
warnings: anal sex. loss of innocence (technically virginity loss). bottom jihoon. top reader. biblical themes. jihoon can stop/slow time w his angel powers. reader knows people’s desires. jihoon’s a little hesitant at first but fully consents. jihoon has punched reader in the past. “taking your wings out” is a euphemism for sex. jihoon is not biblically accurate. angels don’t need to clean themselves out for anal sex.
word count: 4k WHOOPS
a/n: happy october! this is officially the start of my kinktober event and we’re starting off strong! this is wayyy too long, but for the first day i think i’ll let it slide. also tysm for 300 that’s insane. what.
also if anyone wants to be added to the tag list pls lmk
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You raise the glass of whiskey to your mouth. Just as the amber drops start to fall into your mouth, they stop. You huff, half in annoyance, the other half an unbridled amusement. You remove your hands from the glass and lean back in the comfy armchair. The glass stays in its place, floating, and you know it’s him.
“What do you want, Jihoonie?” You purr softly, not bothering to turn around to face him.
“We had a deal.” The angel huffs, and though you can’t see him, you can almost imagine the furrow of his brows, the way he’s surely stomping his feet as he speaks. You hum, still not acknowledging him, and that seems to piss him off more. “You were supposed to send him to hell. Not purgatory.” Jihoon sighs, and you look up to the large bay windows to see his reflection running a hand through his long blond hair.
Jihoon’s wearing actual human clothes, and not the white robes you see him in most of the time. You swipe your glass out of the air, hand covering the top of it to trap the whiskey inside as you set it down. Angel physics are weird; even after all of the encounters you’ve had with Jihoon, you still haven’t gotten the inconvenience of his powers. Finally, you turn towards him.
“I don’t know what you mean. I sent him to hell. Where were you? Blessing his wife so that she could continue her affair now that her husband was dead? For someone who preaches that he’s so holy, you really must not see the irony of your decisions.” You laugh, stark and short.
“She wanted a child. It’s not my fault our schedules interfered.” Jihoon snaps, and you stand abruptly. You walk towards him, confident strides that seem to knock the air out of his lungs. The angel has interacted with plenty of demons before, but none of them seemed to have the same effect on him as you did.
Jihoon suspects that it has something to do with your own power. The ability to know exactly what people desire. It’s quite troublesome. “Blessing people seems to be your scapegoat for all of that desire bubbling under the surface, angel.” You coo, hand sliding under his jaw to tilt his face upwards. Your thumb catches under his lip, tilting him up by the chin, and you can hear his breath shutter. Jihoon takes a few steps back.
You laugh quietly. The sound is low and sultry, and it has Jihoon forgetting why he’s even here. “I- I do what I’m told to.” You follow his steps, smirking.
“Is that so? I’m sure no one told you to wear human clothes, angel.” Jihoon steps back more, trying to get away from your touch, but he does nothing to remove your hand from his face. “You’re getting the hang of being on Earth. Though, you’re not wearing shoes and your shirt is made of mesh.” You back him into the counter of the bar, still maintaining a bit of distance between your chests.
“I had business to attend to in Busan. I was on the beach. This is a perfectly acceptable outfit.” Jihoon scoffs, hands reaching behind him to grip the ledge of the counter. You step closer, tightening your hold on his chin. Your thumb swipes over his bottom lip and you can feel the muscles in his throat move as he swallows.
Jihoon finally actually looks up at you, face flushed with parted lips. “You’re such a sweet angel; always looking out for humanity.” You push your thumb against his teeth, and Jihoon pulls back slightly. But you can feel it; the thrumming throughout his whole body. You’ve felt it in your soul thousands of times with humans, but the only angel who gives you the privilege is Jihoon.
“We agreed this couldn’t happen again.” Jihoon’s breath picks up as you slot yourself against him.
“No, angel. You said it couldn’t happen again. I said nothing of the sort.” Your grip on his face falters, other hand sliding up his side to grab onto the waist of his jeans. “What was so bad about last time?” The lilt in your voice is teasing, and if you didn’t have Jihoon trapped against the bar, or half as worked up as he is right now, he might’ve taken the opportunity to punch you. He’s done it before, but only in your first few meetings. Distant history.
“You kissed me!” He hisses, in a half attempt at getting away from you. If he wanted to actually leave you, he could disappear just as fast as he arrived. He stays put, and you know that it’s driven by the desire he so desperately tries to cage down. The part of him that must remain holy tries to fight back, no matter how much he wants this.
“What else happened?” You tilt your head to the side, nose brushing against his as you lean forward towards his face. You can hear him audibly swallow, and it only makes you want him more.
“I got… well, y’know… worked up.” There’s a slight shake in Jihoon’s voice, and you know you’ve got him right where you want him.
“But you enjoyed it, yeah? You kept thinking about me, didn’t you?” You purr, breath hitting his ear as you whisper. Your eyes darken, a slight red sheen to your irises. If Jihoon could see your face, you’re sure he’d fold a lot faster. You like the chase though, and so you graze his earlobe with your teeth.
Jihoon lets out a small whine. If you weren’t so close to him, you might not have heard it. One of his hands lets go of the counter, moving to your side to grip at your dark shirt. You place a kiss to his jaw, nipping at the smooth, pale skin.
“Tell me what you thought about last time,” you whisper, “tell me what you desire.” The bite in your voice isn’t malicious. You’re using your power on Jihoon, and there’s a chance it won’t work. It typically doesn’t work on other celestial beings.
“To feel good. Please. Let me sin; just once.” The distance in his voice shocks both of you. It worked.
You pull away from him, lips smacking as they disconnect from Jihoon’s neck. You stare at him for a moment, taking in the flush on his face in the low lights of your penthouse. He won’t look at you. He can’t, not with his involuntary omission.
Jihoon is undeniably beautiful; truly devine in the careful chisels of his face. Though he is, by creation, an angel, angelic is one of the only words you can think of to describe his features. He’s so innocent and pure, even with the slight fuzz of distortion caused by him stopping time, and god do you want to ruin that.
“Come. Sit, and we’ll talk.” You don’t give him the option to follow you on his own. Your arm wraps around his waist as you pull him back to the armchair you were sitting in when he showed up.
You take a seat, stretching out as you wait for Jihoon to sit down. There’s one issue with that: the armchair is the only seat in this section of the penthouse. Jihoon just stares at you, and you pat your lap. He doesn’t move.
You sit up in the chair, arm snaking out to grab Jihoon by the waist and pull him down onto your lap. His back hits your chest as he squeaks softly as you spread your legs to sit him in between them. The wide seat holds both of you with room the spare.
The warmth of your skin, that which is a part of you from being forged in the depths of hell, sends chills up Jihoon’s spine. Your hands smooth the weird fabric of his undershirt, pressing down on his stomach. Your lips latch onto the side of his neck, teeth grazing against his sweet spot.
Jihoon’s full body reacts to you, back arching away from your chest as his head falls back. “This is what you want, right?” You whisper into his ear. Jihoon nods, gasping softly as your hands slide over his thighs. “Good, because I’m going to ruin you.”
He’s so sensitive and responsive, moaning lowly at your confession of your own desires and the hot sparks that shoot through his entire body from your hands on his thighs. You massage the flesh through the smooth denim of his jeans, squeezing the firm muscles as you reattach your lips to his neck.
Your thumb brushes over the growing bulge in Jihoon’s pants as your other hand travels up the mesh of his undershirt. Briefly, your nail catches on his nipple, eliciting another moan from the angel as you continue to move your hand upwards. You reach the light blue fabric of his button up and carefully slide it off of his shoulder.
Jihoon takes the cue, shrugging the other side of it off. The oversized shirt pools at his elbows, before Jihoon pulls it down, over his wrists and off of him completely. Your lips work steadily on his neck, littering the flawless skin with deep purple bruises.
You pull away from his neck as your hand slides over his growing cock. Jihoon mewls, hands gripping at the arms of the chair. You run both hands under the mesh tank top, feeling his radiant skin with your full hands. Jihoon stiffens as your fingers brush over his nipples.
“So sensitive.” You whisper, hands finding the bottom of the tank top as you pull it up his torso. “So pure.” You press your nose into one of the dark bruises on his neck as you reach his armpits with the shirt. Jihoon stalls for a second as he lets you just feel him.
His head short circuits until he feels you tug at the tank top again. He lifts his arms for you, and you slip the fabric over his head. Jihoon’s bare back presses against your chest. One of your hands snakes around his neck to cup his jaw. Your thumb presses into his chin to tilt his head back against your shoulder.
Jihoon goes willingly, lips parting as he closes his eyes. He already seems gone, head fuzzy with lust. That’s when you tut softly, other hand tracing the defined muscles of his chest. Your fingers pinch at his nipple, twisting and prodding carefully. Jihoon moans rather loudly, disrupting the quiet atmosphere.
“Unfreeze time.” You mutter into his neck. You know your senses are muted because of it, and you want to feel the full effect of the angel. Jihoon pulls away from you, straightening his back out. You can see two, almost scar-like lines on his shoulder blades. You run your hands over the skin, and he shivers, head falling forward as a low moan slips past his lips. You do it again, this time dragging your nails around the area.
Jihoon stifles a cry, jerking away from you. In a moment, the lines on his back are gone, replaced by beautiful white wings that start to unravel themselves. And then the fuzz from the time dilation is gone.
The glass of whiskey clatters onto the table, rolling in its place before settling on the wood. Jihoon’s wings are at full span, only for a moment, before they’re tucking themselves back into his shoulders. You pull him back to your chest, one hand slipping around his waist. He moans, but it’s louder, whinier, higher.
He’s getting desperate.
You abort your mission, opting to pick him up and flip him around a you stand. Jihoon gasps, hiding his face from you as he wraps his legs around your waist. “Don’t get all shy on me now, angel. After you’ve just shown me your wings?” The euphemisms goes way over his head, and he only offers you an actual explanation.
“I have to take them out to… you know, do the time thing.” You chuckle deeply as you walk towards the bed. The back of your leg hits the side of the mattress and you sit down.
Carefully, you peel Jihoon away from you to look at his face. He goes easily, hands finding the side of your face. All at once, both of you lean in with closed eyes. Your lips meet carefully, but the softness is gone quickly.
Your hands squeeze at his ass, and Jihoon whines into your mouth. You take the opportunity to slip your tongue into his mouth, and Jihoon attempts to match your movements.
It’s messy, wet, and a little uncoordinated, but Jihoon’s a fast learner. His hands grip at your shirt, tugging it as he kisses you with a fire that wasn’t there the last time. It makes your stomach twist with your own want for him; how eager he is, how much he wants this— wants you.
You can already see the effects of your teasing in how desperate he’s getting for stimulation. You shift back on the bed, supporting yourself with one arm as the other grips his ass tightly. Jihoon pulls at your shirt again, and you help him slide it off, only breaking your kiss to fling the fabric off your body and onto the floor.
Quite quickly, your hands find Jihoon’s jeans, toying with the button. He whines softly, hands raking over your back, across your own shoulder indents, and you shutter. The skin there has always been incredibly sensitive. You grip his ass once again, flipping him over and onto his back.
Jihoon gasps against your lips as he hits the mattress. His large brow eyes are sparkling, pupils blown out. Your hands get to work quickly, undoing the button on his jeans and sliding the zipper open. He’s gotten better at wearing pants, as weird as that sounds. You were the one to teach him about boxers, and you’re presently surprised to find a pair of black ones sitting on his hips.
You pull away from his lips to see him, and he whines softly, chasing your lips. You don’t give him what he wants. Instead, you dip your hand into his pants and run your palm over his hard cock. The weight of it seers your palm. It’s heavy, thick, and so incredibly hard. Divine, you think.
Jihoon moans, back arching off the bed as his hands grab at whatever they can find, which are the white sheets of your bed. “What do you want me to do, angel? Tell me and it’s yours.” You growl, squeezing his cock as your fingers continue to travel downwards.
“Ngh, fuck. I want you to fuck me. Please, oh god- please.” Jihoon whines, chasing your touch as you start to pull off his jeans.
“You—” You nearly tease him, for using the big guys name in vain and for swearing. But you opt out of it. For once. “Ass up, angel.” You instruct, and he listens, planting his feet into the mattress and lifting his hips up.
Your thumbs catch the band of his boxers, and in one quick motion, both remaining articles of clothing are down to his knees. Jihoon’s cock slaps against his stomach as you pull him free. He’s long and thick, dripping precum from his tip. His balls are round and full, and he’s completely hairless. You never knew a dick could be so pretty, but then again, it’s Jihoon. Of course his cock is beautiful.
Jihoon moans at the reverberation of his dick hitting his stomach as you pull his jeans all the way off. You smirk at the way he tries to thrust his hips towards you, silently begging for you to touch him. You want to, oh how you want to wrap your hand around his cock and show him no mercy, but you slip the knot in your waistband and push your own sweatpants down.
Jihoon stares at you, mouth watering as your own cock springs free. Finally, you give him what he wants. You lean forward, lips finding his once again as your hand wraps around his cock. He gasps into your mouth, tongue tangling with yours.
Your hand coats his cock in his precum, giving him time to adjust to the new sensation. You might be a demon, but you’re not an asshole. You can’t give him too much right now or he’ll break, and no matter how much you want to see that happen, it’s too soon for your liking. You speed up your hand, other hand caressing his thigh.
“More, shit, please. I need more.” Jihoon pants, his voice whiny and unsteady. You peck his lips, pulling away from him once again. He whines, as expected as you crawl off the bed to grab your lube from your bedside table. You flip the bottle in your hand, throwing it up as you get back on the bed.
“What’s that?” Jihoon asks, eyes wide. You smile softly at him as you settled back in between his legs.
“This,” you pop the cap off the bottle, “is lube. It’ll help me fuck you.” Jihoon whimpers softly. His pink lips, which are swollen from kissing, part with a quite wet sound. You push his thighs apart, and he goes willingly, spreading his legs as he lifts his knees up to his chest.
“How… how does it work? What am I supposed to do?” He asks softly, slightly breathless.
“Just sit back and look pretty for me, okay? I’ll do all the work. Just let me ruin you.” You squirt a bit of lube on your fingers. Jihoon just nods as you press the dollop of cold lube against his hole. He squirms, head falling back as you carefully push your finger in.
You give him a few seconds to adjust to having something in his ass, before you start pumping your single digit in and out. Jihoon grips at the sheets, unable to really form sounds— just silently gasping.
You push a second finger in, watching his expression carefully. “That feel okay, angel?” You ask, voice low and husky. Jihoon just nods. “How about you go ahead ‘n touch yourself for me, hmm pretty?” Jihoon takes a moment to wrap his hand around his cock, but he listens to you.
“So much,” he gasps softly, “so full, shit.” You just smirk, leaning down to kiss his chest. Jihoon isn’t really sure what to do with his hand around his cock, so he gives it hesitant tugs.
You wrap your hand around his, helping him slide it up and down his cock. Something about seeing him like this, so inexperienced and eager to learn, has you needing to leave him ruined. You want to see him crack. You twist your fingers inside his ass, scissoring them open against the tight muscles protest.
Jihoon gasps, pushing his hips down onto your fingers, accidentally pulling you in closer to his prostate. The tips of your fingers brush against it, and his eyes roll back as a strained moan leaves his lips. You twist them again, prodding at the spot to hear him squeak out such beautiful sounds again.
You push the tip of a third finger against his hole, sliding it all the way in. Jihoon gasps, fingers twitching under yours. You pump them in and out a few times, scissoring as best you can to open him up. He’ll need it.
He gasps as whines against the mattress, exhaling deeply as you finger him. When you decide he’s ready, you pull your fingers out. Jihoon whines softly at the sudden emptiness. “I think you’re ready.” You whisper, releasing your hand from his cock. Jihoon just nods, eyes fluttering shut in anticipation. “I can’t wait to ruin you.” You purr, placing a soft kiss to his chest as you find the bottle of lube again.
You coat your cock generously, sighing at the stimulation before you like yourself up. “Ready, angel?” You place a gentle hand on Jihoon’s thigh. He nods, squeezing his eyes shut as he waits.
“Look at me.” You demand, and Jihoon listens, eyes snapping open. “I want you to watch me put it in.” You pull him up to sit on his elbows. Jihoon looks down, lip in between his teeth as you tease his entrance with your tip.
You slide home in one motion, and Jihoon closes his eyes halfway through. The stretch is too much, so good, not enough. It’s foreign and it’s uncomfortable, but something twists softly in the angels stomach, has him craving more despite the discomfort.
You still your hips, letting him adjust to the stretch. Three fingers almost isn’t enough with how tight he is. “Ngh, fuck. Move, please.” Jihoon pants, chest heaving. You do as he says, pulling back out before thrusting back in. Jihoon moans loudly, back arching as his thighs shake.
You thrust in again, angling your hips up slightly, and his moans get louder. That must be his prostate. “Gonna get you addicted to my cock, angel. Gonna make you think about me all the time. Gonna turn you into my slut.” You groan, completely enamoured by the warmth of his wet walls. “I wanna see you break. Wanna teach you everything there is to know.”
Jihoon just nods, chest heaving as he takes it. “Please, shit. Teach me.” He babbles, too far gone to recognize what you’re saying properly. You can see it in his eyes, the way he can only focus on the pleasure of your thick cock kissing his prostate. You can see how gone he is, how much he loves this, and it drives you insane.
You pick up your pace, hammering into him to hear his pretty, high moans. It’s brutal; raw and messy. Animalistic almost, in the way you’re taking what you need from him. Jihoon can’t even really move or think, far too fucked out from the pace you set. But he loves it.
He loves the full body sensation of white noise that fills his ears and the rest of his head. All at once, it’s nothing, and then a hot flash of white floods his eyesight. Jihoon’s eyes roll back, and he cums, cock untouched as thick white ropes coat his chest.
He’s squeezing so tight around; you it’s too much. “Oh god.” Jihoon sobs, fists tight balls at his sides as his back lifts off the mattress. You give a few more thursts before you cum inside of him, palm pressing down on his stomach softly.
You’ve never been to heaven, but you think the flashes of white that coat the back of your eyelids must rival the pearly gates. You pant softly, hips stalling as you fill him up.
And then you pull out and collapse next to him on the bed. Your hand finds his blond hair, as you smooth it down over his forehead. Jihoon smiles softly, eyes heavy, as he rolls onto his stomach. He buries his face in the pillows, exhaling deeply.
Truly, there’s never been anyone or anything more beautiful than Jihoon to you. He’s truly divine; perfectly sculpted and soft. The fact that you got to have his first time, in the millennia you’ve known him, is slightly surreal as he lays next to you, completely naked.
“I should go. I’ve got to get back to Busan.” Jihoon sighs softly.
“Stay a while. Have a drink. We just had sex. You can’t expect yourself to get back to your angel duties right away.” You laugh softly, hand cracking down on Jihoon’s ass.
“Yeah, sure. As long as this means I don’t lose my wings. I still have to be holy.” He sighs, flinching at the sting, a soft moan leaving his lips.
“Oh, you’re the holiest thing I know.” You whisper, nipping at his neck softly. And you mean it.
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tag list: @thepoopdokyeomtouched @noiceoofed @tychebaby @aaniag
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kick-a-long · 8 hours
jewish american safety tips for upcoming oct 2 to oct 7th 2024
ok, so this is not a post about looking for trouble. but if trouble finds you from oct 2 to oct 7 and you don't pass enough to feel safe, and even if you do, there are some simple ways you can carry things to defend yourself while still deescalating a bad situation long enough to escape.
the important part is to either make you just enough of a problem that they don't want to spend the effort or a good little jew who doesn't fight back. don't hit them, try to stall and deescalate until you can run or get some distance. walk with people, travel with people, don't expect anyone to fight for you (being in larger groups is just a detergent) so the same rules apply alone as with someone else.
carry a bat or cane. these are pretty easy to get at a sports shop or a pharmacy. they are good for keeping attackers at a distance and in that time someone might pass by and get them to run off. these will not win a fight. carrying them is a way to make them think twice, keep their distance and regroup because jew bashers won't expect you to be able to do them any harm and it can give you time. don't hit them even if they faint at you because they will attack.
if you have a dog with you, be sure you can hold him back for both you and the dog. dogs are usually perfectly happy to attack and give you a chance to run but they will hurt that dog and you might try to save it which is worse than having no dog. the ideal dog is a barker not a biter, or a big scary dog you can control.
carry a rape whistle. these can do fuck all but the sound might scare them off. especially if it's the electric kind that sounds when activated. this method makes them feel like they will get caught and they are all cowards.
mace is a bad idea but if you think you know how to use it without spraying yourself it might give you time to run but it will get that now very pissed antisemite an opportunity to run after you.
third if you wear a yamika, you are now also wearing a baseball cap on top. if you wear religious garb or gay identifiers of any sort, you have to make sure it's only visible on your front so you can see who can see you or don't wear it at all if you can. stick to places you know and residential areas.
don't be afraid to knock on strangers doors if you even get a whiff of being followed. most people love to be a hero and if you don't want to let you in ask if they can watch for trouble coming from their door or window while you wait by the house. even if you are just walking to an apartment try ringing bells. if you are in a shops area, head into a shop and explain that you are unsafe and ask if you can stay for safety. you should call police but police take time to respond and they can't charge someone that hasn't done anything... and the whole point is to prevent them doing anything.
NO KNIVES. NO GUNS. no weapons, although some chunky rings can't hurt. no earings to grab, no necklaces to grab, keep your hair up. no nutzo weapons, you are not john wick. you want them to keep their distance not engage. the people who do this want easy targets and they are cowards at heart.
the most likely thing to happen is getting yelled at on the street from a car. that's fine. those dudes usually drive off. if they stop, you can run off by the time someone gets out. they only brought the car to get away and they don't want their car stolen so they probably wont get too far from it.
second most likely is drunk assholes spontaneously following and heckling and yelling slurs. keep your ears open and don't respond and run off if they stop. drunk guys want trouble but don't usually attack unless you engage. play it off as a silent uncomfortable joke where you smile if you have to because they might see it as "just a little fun". don't talk. don't laugh. don't engage.
the third situation is the real danger. if you see a lone guy or a group of guys in a car or on foot who don't look rowdy, drunk, aren't speaking but are looking at you. run. the easiest thing to do is walk towards a house. no waiting.
the fourth is a large violent riot/protest. don't look scared. chant whatever they chant and get to the nearest house.
i know a lot of jews are feeling unsafe. it's very, VERY unlikely that anyone in America is going to be physically targeted or attacked (except orthodox jews. sorry but your community probably already has security in place. rely on them it's not their first rodeo.)
if you are outnumbered by people joking on a bus or public transit you can't get off immediately, stay safe and subservient. that's what antisemites consider a good jew. scared and knows their inferior place. try keeping your head down and get off on the next stop. don't think the other passengers will help you and don't assume they don't have weapons.
i know it's scary but it's very unlikely you will encounter any of these situations. stay inside as much as possible, only travel by day or by car if you have to get out, a quick trip to pick up beer or dinner is not worth it if it puts you in danger.
stay safe.
edit for good advice from @angryjewishcockroach : Another tip re: cars: if you’re walking and someone is following you in a car, or you’re afraid they’re going to start following you, do a 180 and go in the opposite direction. The amount of time it takes to turn a car around will give you a good head start, and most jerks won’t even bother. If you’re in a neighborhood or something similar, you can also cut through lawns; cars can’t follow you there, and you should hopefully be able to lose them if they try to follow anyway.
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thewritergx · 1 day
Simon Says: Dean Winchester x F!Reader
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Warning: Smut, Pet Names (Baby, Slut, Bitch), Dom!Dean, Blood. Bodily injury, Oral (male-receiving), Breeding Kink, Spanking, Squirting, could be non-con if you squint.
Word Count: 4K
Summary: Sam, Dean, and Y/N  just back from an awful case. You fucked up big time and now Dean has to teach you how to listen.
A small gash bled across my face. Fucking Demons, I rolled my eyes. O was sitting in the backseat of the Impala, listening to Dean bitch about how I can't put yourself in situations like that. I rolled my eyes again
The three of us thought we were on a routine ghost hunt, only to find it was a group of high up demons terrorizing a quiet town in Texas. We knew who they were but not where they were staying or why they were here. Sam and I had come up with a great plan. I was going to seek out a demon at the bar, get him to take you back to his place. We were told by a few locals where they liked to hangout, drink as much as their vessels would allow. It was working out perfectly too. 
I sat down on a rickety old stool, ordered a vodka cranberry from the waitress. She was nice, dressed as a pinup girl doll. She wore cutoff shorts,  a flannel crop top tied in bow under her breast and a cowboy hat. I admired her body, the way her clothes fit her perfectly. 
A few seats down from me a tall man with a bread sat sipping a whiskey drink on rocks. I walked over, taking my drink. I could spot a demon easily. They always stood in public spaces, always looking like they were waiting, watching too closely. 
As I approached him, I  flashed a smile. 
“Hey, care for some company”. My hair covered an earpiece connected to Sam and Dean. I felt like an FBI agent wearing it. I also decided this was the perfect time to fuck with Dean. He was in a horrible mood the entire drive down and he hated the plan Sam and I created. 
The demon smiled. Whoever he was wearing took great care of his body. His arms were toned, nice curls in his hair. I couldn't complain. I dragged my care closer to him. “What's your name, big boy?” I sipped out of your drink, trying to make it look like I was actually drinking while still staying level headed.
“Paul, what about you pretty girl?” The Demon in Paul’s body moved a strand of hair out of your face, brushing it behind your ear. 
“Sandra”, I lied. The Demon shook his head, Sandra lingering on his tongue as he repeated it out loud. “Pretty”, he stated.
I thanked him, nodding my head with pleasure. 
“You know, I could show you something really pretty if you want to get out of here”. I stood, holding my hand out to the Demon. 
“And what would that be? The Demon smiled. My plan was going so beautifully. 
I leaned into him, my mouth close to his ear and whispered “anything you’d like to see, daddy. You knew Dean would be pissed now. Calling another man daddy, even if it was part of a hunt, would light a fire so hot in him he might explode. 
The demon stood, taking my hand “dirty little girl, huh? Gonna let me do whatever I want?” He asked, his eyebrow raised a bit.
I nodded, walking him towards the exit. “My place is off limits. My needy boyfriend is there” I stated matter of factly. That would piss Dean off. Once outside the demon led you to his car. A nice Chevy Malibu in a light gray color. Dean would hate it if you laughed to yourself. I felt the demon blade pressed against my leg, kept in a hollister by my ankle. 
I sat in the shotgun seat, putting on my seat belt. The demon gripped my thigh, his finger grazing slightly against my core. I didn't react. Although I was playing confident, I had no intention of actually doing anything with anyone other than Dean. We had been dating for about six months now, and the sex was the best thing I have ever experienced. 
Behind us, two bright headlights shine. I recognized the headlights of the Impala easily. Mostly because they were blinding and Dean refused to drive without his brights on. I felt safe knowing the boys were only a few cars down from me.
In the Impala, Dean gripped the steering wheel. His teeth were grinding, his jaw clenched. Sam looked over laughing, “Dean, you gotta chill. She's just doing what we told her”.
“This was yall’s fuckin’ plan. I had no part in this shit, Sammy.” Dean's words came out like daggers, digging into anyone around him. 
After about fifteen minutes of driving, I turned onto a dirt road. It was dark and we drove until  we reached a run down house. The windows were boarded up and no one else was around for miles. I no longer saw the headlight behind me and I was tarting to wonder if Dean had been right. 
In the ear, I heard Dean “Y/N, we're right behind you but can't see you right now. Say something so we know you're safe”. I felt relief at the sound of his voice.
“So, what do you have in mind?” I  mumbled. 
“Aw, getting shy now? Don’t worry, we’re gonna have such a fun night. Wont want to ever go back to that little boyfriend of yours.” The demon opened his side door and you followed, stepping on the muddy ground outside. The demon took my hand, walking you up the front steps of the house. It was pitch black inside before he turned on a single light. A couch sat in the living room with a pretty nice TV. It was probably the only real nice thing in the whole room. 
The demon led me inside, sitting me on the couch. It was dusty and I really didn't want to touch it. In another room I  heard clashing and a few mumbles. “Stay here for a second,” he said harshly as he walked to the door. When he opened it for more demons to come out, all looking in my direction.
“Brought us a treat?” One of them asked. His eyes were jet black.
“It’s getting really hot in here.” It was your code red phrase. One that the boy was recognized as dangerous. I stayed still, watching the demons approach me. 
In a few short seconds, the front door swung open. “Sorry to crash your little party,” Dean yelled across the room. The boys gripped shining white blades in their hands. Sam stabbed the closest one next to me, sending him into flames. That was my chance to rise, pulling the hem of my  jeans up and grabbing the blade from my ankle. As I bent down a demon wearing a woman with long red hair, grabbed me and shoved me to the ground. I landed hard, scraping the side of my face. A small gash ran red blood down to my eye. Now I was pissed. I threw my knife as I pulled myself up, landing it hard in her stomach. 
I smiled. “That was so cool” I finally spoke out. Dean did crack a subtle smile at that. He wasn't soulless, that was good. The three of us were able to take down all the demons except one. We had questions we needed answered. 
“What are yall' doing here? Who Sent you?’ Sam yelled as he pressed the demon against the wall. 
“Wouldn't you and your pretty bitch like to know?” The demon smiled. “She was all over me by the way, might want to get that slut on a leash.” The demon hissed at me.
I laughed and saw Dean’s grip around the knife. “You shut the fuck up or I’m gonna make this real, real slow.” Dean shouted.
“Answer the question!” Sam spit. 
The demon laughed again, his eyes black as night. That was the last straw for Sammy, and he shoved the knife deep in his back.
“Sam, what the hell? We needed answers! Now we have nothing.” I scolded him.
“I’m sorry but I wasn't listening to that shit anymore.” Sam dropped the demon to the ground and picked up his blaze. 
The three of us walked out of the house. Both boys were fuming. “Get in. Now,” Dean demanded and opened the back door. Great, now I have to deal with silence and mean looks all the way home.
This was a few hours ago now. Sam had fallen asleep a bit ago and Dean played Led Zeppelin low on the speakers. We hadn't taken a single break from driving and my back was aching from sitting upright. I undid my seat belt and laid my back flat against the cold leather. I brought my knees up, bent in an upright position. 
“Get your shoes off my seat.” The first words Dean had spoken in an hour. I shot him a look in the mirror. Instead of doing what he asked, I dug my shoes in harder, pressing into the leather fabric. I heard Dean huff and mumble something under his breath. He shot me a look this time. "I'm serious y/n, you're gonna fuckin' get it when we get back home". I smiled at the thought and continued to ignore him. After a while longer, I closed my eyes, trying to find a quick rest.
I was woken in the morning by the trunk slamming hard. The sun finally rises through the widows. it took you a moment to remember the events of last night. I knew Dean would be exhausted from driving, probably more pissed now than he was during the hunt. He had all night to stew in his thoughts with no release. 
I closed my eyes again. I was exhausted, waking up every few minutes to a bump or dip in the road. The door to the back opened quietly and I felt a tap on my shoulder. 
“Come on, baby. I got ‘ya” Dean helped me out of the car and hosted my legs around his waist. He grabbed me just under my ass. you wrapped your arms around his neck giving him a small kiss as he carried you through the bunker and into your shared room. He laid you lightly on the bed, taking off your shoes. I lazily raised my hips up as he slid down my jeans, leaving me in a thin pair of black panties. He grabbed me by my wrist, pulling the top half of my body off the bed. He grabbed the bottom hem of my shirt, pulling it up over my head. Next, he unclipped my bra, leaving my chest exposed. 
“You know you’re in some deep shit, right y/n?” Dean stood above you, holding my chin in his hand and rubbing soft circles with his thumb. 
I swallowed hard. I knew he was playing too nice. “Dean I-” I started to speak but was cut off.
“Shh, no talkin’’. Not ‘til I say so. Gotta lotta makin’ up to do” Dean Pulled me into a rough kiss, his teeth grabbing my bottom lip/ HIs tongue was sloppy and strong, entering my mouth in rough circles. I gasped for air as he pulled away. He looked at me for a second, contemplating what he wanted first. After a moment, he sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled me on top of him, laying me down flat with my ass in the air. I stayed quiet, waiting for whatever he had planned next. 
“You’ve been a very bad girl, and I think daddy needs to teach you a lesson, huh. YOU gonna let daddy teach you what happens when you don't act right?” His hand caressed my ass, grabbing at it hard. 
I nodded my head. Following his instructions. 
He brought his hand up in the air and swung it down hard. I was shocked he actually spanked. Usually Dean is rough but he never hurt me. Usually his spanks stung slightly, but this time was different. He hit me so hard it was going to leave a bruise. I wondered how bad his hand stung from that. I let out a cry, trying not to make it too loud, Dean laughed “Oh, baby. It's gonna be a long morning. I ain't leaving till i know you've learned better.” He slapped my ass harder and I jumped. “Stay fucking still. Don't make me get mean.” Dean's tone was strong. You had never heard his voice like that before. It hurt bad, but I loved it. I had always had a thing for pain, wanting it as rough as Dean could give me. 
I tried to stay as still as possible, but as the hits kept coming, it was getting harder and harder to stay still. I swear Dean was out for blood. My blood. Tears began to fall as he bruised my ass, leaving red stinging markers across each cheek. 
“Get up”, he spoke through gritted teeth. “I love you baby, but i’m about to fuck you like I hate you.” 
I felt a cold shiver down my spine as Dean forced me down on my knees, opening my mouth under him. He leaned down, spitting in my mouth with great precision. I swallow it, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. I wanted more. I moved my hand to his shorts, and he quickly slapped it away.
“Did I tell you, you could touch?” Dean asked, no hint of emotion other than anger on his face. If he was tired, I couldn't tell. If he was dying to be inside me, I couldn't tell. His eyes only showed red. “Put ‘em behind your back”.
I did as I was told, nodding my head and placing my hands behind me. Dean walked to the closet and searched for a moment. I waited patiently for him to get back. I saw a black tie in his hand. He walked behind me. Pinning my wrist together, he tied the tie tight around them. I couldn't move my hands if I wanted to. Dean walked back in front of me slowly stripping all his clothes. I admired his body, taking note of every scar, every tattoo. 
Once he was stripped completely, he stood tall directly in front of me. He pumped his cock a few times. “Open”. He demanded.
I opened my mouth slightly.
“Wider. Don’t play with me y/n or this will get a lot worse.” He grabbed the back of my neck. His grip was loose but stern. His cock was half hard, glistening with precum. Dean tapped it against my lips, moving it around the entrance of my mouth. After some teasing, he finally put the tip in my mouth. I closed my lips around hum, sucking the tip with slight pressure. I felt him getting harder as the seconds passed. His grip on my neck stayed but became firmer. He used it to bob my head back and forth across his cock. Soon my eyes were watering and my face was slick with salvia. Dean went harder, hitting the back of my throat. I gagged and struggled to breathe but his grip was relentless. I felt like I might throw up at any second and I tried my hardest to push him off. Finally Dean, let me free. I choked and fought for air as he let me go. 
“Good little slut, takin’ me so good.”Dean only gave me a few seconds before he was wrapping my lips back around him. He tasted like sweat from the earlier fight. It wasn’t gross, just enough for me to taste under my spit. My jaw was starting to hurt. I knew Dean could go on like this forever. In our months of dating, I could never get him to cum just from sucking him off. Believe me, I have tried. After at least twenty more minutes of this, tears were streaming down my face. The back of my throat was for sure bruised. Dean looked like I had hardly done anything and I looked like I just ran a mile. 
Dean grabbed my waist and hoisted me up on my feet. He turned me around to face the wall and threw me on the bed. He laid me chest down, bending my knees and positioning my ass in the air. He massaged it lightly and ripped my panties down. His hands went up to my hips, putting me at the best possible angle. I felt him line himself up at my center, his dick entering me swiftly. I knew Dean didn't have time to put on a condom, which was our only form of birth control. 
“Dean, you didn't put on anything”
“Yeah, I think I'm just gonna make you a real slut. Cum in this pussy like I deserve to.” He gave me no time to prepare before he started thrusting into me at the fastest pace I had ever experienced. A slight burn went through my body as he hit my cervix over and over. I felt like i was being hit in the stomach.
“D-Dean, please. Slow down, please”. I cried out.
“It’s okay. I know you can take it. Be a good little slut and take daddy’s dick. I know you can. Know you've been cravin’ it for days. That's why I was in such a bad mood, needin’ this pussy to come make me happy again.” 
Dean never faltered his thrust. I was practically begging him to stop, but it felt so good I was glad he didn't. He grabbed my hip with one hand as he and began using the other to untie the tie around my wrist. I thought he was taking it off to give me more movement, let me touch him. But, instead of disregarding it, he placed it around my neck. He pulled it tight, making me raise my head off the mattress. He choked me hard and the room started to darken.
“D-daddy t-too much”. My words came out a slurred mess. He let go of the tie, finally throwing it over his shoulder. I swear I was high from him, creating a creamy white mess at the base of his cock. 
“Shit, you’re fucking creaming my cock baby. You came already?” Dean sounded proud, cocky. I nodded my head yes and Dean let out a groan. 
“Can’t wait to cum in this pussy. Been wanting to for a longtime. Thinking about puttin’ a baby in you, let everyone know this pussy belongs to me.” He leaned down and whispered in my ear. I swear I felt my cunt dripping now.
“It does Dean. I swear. It’s all yours. Take it.” I tried not to scream as he hit my g-spot over and over, just on the edge of cumming again.
He pulled out of me quickly causing a sad moan to escape from my lips. He flipped me on my back, brushing my hair out of my face. He planted soft kisses all over my body before climbing on top of me, placing my legs over his shoulder. I loved him like this. His skin hot, out of breath, wanting to destroy me. It is something I never saw in him before, a primal instinct awakened inside him. 
“I heard you call that demon daddy.” He slapped my face, not hard enough to leave any marks. Just enough for me to feel it. “Want to show you who your real daddy is, never let you forget”
A rush hit me again. My legs were shaking and I felt myself clenched down hard around him. Dean pulled his dick out, a thin splash of my cum squirting out. “Fuck, yes. Such a good little bitch. Squirt on daddy's cock. Make a fuckin’ mess on me.” His voice somehow sounded darker. I let out a high-pitched moan as I came, wetness pulling around my pussy. 
Dean thrusted back in, showered in my slick. He entered slower this time, giving me a bit of a break. Subtly, he quickened his pace gain, matching his earlier rhythm. I knew Sammy was just down the hall and I tried to stay as quiet as possible. Dean rubbed small circles around my clit, snaking his arm through my legs. the extra motion added more, pushing me over the edge again.
“Daddy, Please. I can't take much more.” I knew my lips would be red and swollen when we were done. I would be feeling this for days. 
Dean let out a long groan and threw his head down on my neck. “Fuck, y/n. Never gonna get over how tight this pussy is. God, fuckin’ love it.”
Dean's thrusts started to get sloppy, his body getting heavier on top of me.
“Fuckin’ close baby. Gonna paint this pussy.” Dean sucked in extra air through his teeth. I felt him hit the back of me a few times, slowing before pulling out. He admired his cum spilling out of me, a thick white paste sitting between my folds. Dean used his index finger, scooping it up and placing it back inside me. He fingered before a while longer, till I was pushing hand away and begging him to stop. 
Dean used his shirt from earlier to clean my core, whipping away any wetness left behind. He kissed up and down my neck, leaving a few light purple spots. “You okay, y/n? I’m sorry if that was too much, just needed you so bad.” 
I kissed him, gently sucking his bottom lip. “No, It was amazing. Gonna flirt with demons more often”.
He laughed “Please, don’t”.
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bloop-bl00p · 10 hours
Rewriting Charlie: The Princess of Hell
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(Using a GIF from the pilot before that’s the only version I like)
I didn't like Charlie in the series not only does she suffer from the terrible conditions of being a female character in a show belonging to Vivziepop but her overall innocence doesn't make sense to me.
I can understand why she would be naive and all that stuff, she probably got heavily sheltered. While we don’t know what her relationship with Lilith is, Lucifer cares enough about her to know that Hell is a dangerous place for a kid. An adult version of her would be aware of Hell being full of dangerous people but would still be vulnerable to extremely good manipulators like Alastor. That’s how her character felt to me when I watched the Pilot.
But then Vivziepop decided to give her a concussion.
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It’s not cute or funny, she’s a grown adult and still acts like a child that just freshly got out of the womb. I can understand the optimism, she worked really hard on her project and things are finally starting to set in motion even with a few highs and lows.
But seriously, episode 4 pisses me off, she didn't try to do anything to stop Valentino. Not only did she not listen to Angel Dust who was visibly scared, but she also did nothing when he came out of the dressing room with a black eye. That’s not miscommunication that’s brain damage, the girl was dropped as a baby and her cerebral haemorrhage never stopped.
“But Angel stopped her🥺”
And? She’s the princess of Hell, surely she realizes that the only reason Angel did that was because Valentino told him to do so, surely she understands that the only way she could assure Angel's safety and make sure he followed through with his redemption was to remove Valentino and possibly the other Vees from the equation? Right?
She could rip the contract! She can’t? Well, get your father involved! I’m pretty sure an angel, fallen or not, can do something about a petty contract between two sinners, otherwise, it’s time to actually explain to us how this whole deal and soul-owning work.
Or better, she could simply kill Val, you know? Because Angel isn’t his only victim and killing him would free countless souls from his abuse. She obliviously cares about other sinners, no matter how despicable they are. Wait, what do you mean she’s against violence?
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Girl can clearly fight and get violent if necessary, and the Pilot is still canon. Don’t you dare tell me this specific part of her isn’t cannon anymore, you either make a pilot entirely cannon or you simply remake it to fit your new vision? Unless you wanna confuse people.
If I had no other option to protect a friend, and possibly protect other people, Valentino would have been long gone. What are the other Vees gonna do? Be mad? I’m the Princess of Hell if my hair gets touched, Lucie gonna get angry. And if they touch my friend, well, they are dead.
✦ Meet Lenore, they are non-binary
The relationship between Lilith and Samael is open, they aren't married a concept way too holly for hell. It’s quite rare for the two to find themselves in the same place for more than a couple of hours, let alone spending the whole night alone. That’s why Lenore is a such special case since they actually are Samael’s child.
They were born around the early 17th century and visited Earth all the way through the early 1700s to late 1800s, they’re 413 years old making them the youngest of Lilith’s children.
Lenore was not raised by Lucifer of Lilith but by a group of sinners nicknamed Lilith’s Daughters or Lilins. They are women under Lilith’s jurisdiction. I’ll talk about them when I’ll talk about Lilith.
✦ Personality and goals
I pretty much did my own character at this point since Lenore shares little similarities with Charlie, like very little. Their most prominent default is their superiority complex, Lenore is the only child of Samael which makes them pretty powerful by default. They were seen in high regard by the members of society and each expected them to somehow fully bring Hell into this new marvelous era of prosperity.
After centuries of being constantly told that their ancestry made them superior to most, Lenore eventually started to believe it. They won’t directly tell you that you’re weaker, it’s mostly communicated through their behavior and how condescending they can sound when talking to Imps or Sinners compared to royalties.
They also like to flaunt their knowledge over a vast subject of things like witchcraft, which they learned during their childhood with the Lilins. And while yes, they are pretty smart, they still fell to the massive anti-heaven propaganda, essentially believing that The Trinity is this overly powerful dictator and that Hell is the only way you can get away from his wrath… partially. While they do ask lots of questions, questions they learned to keep to themselves, the Authoritarian God is an idea that was fed to them since childhood. It’s hard to see it in another way. No, Lenore doesn’t care that much about Heaven nor do they care about the sinners of Hellborns.
So why a sanctuary? To separate themselves from their parents of course! Familial bonds in the Dawnherald family are really weak, especially considering they grew up with an absent father. Lilith just allowed them to have a portion of land in Limbo after countless requests.
Lenore wants to build their own legacy and something intently better than the kingdom of their parents, first because they don't want to live in their shadow. The praises coming from being their child comes with the price of always being seen as such, just the offspring of two important figures which they don’t want, and second because the foundation of how Hell works is boring. Fears and hopelessness were how Samael and the Fallen Angels imposed their supremacy onto the inferior who were the sinners, while it worked and kept working, Lenore with their ego felt like they could control the population better by weaponizing something rare in Hell, kindness.
In the sinners’ eyes, Heaven abandoned them, Hell is merciless to the weak and there’s Lenore. The one that actually cares, the one that feeds and protects them, their savior. Even if they never see the pearly gate, they sure can feel safe in this false Haven provided by them, how benevolent.
They created a whole persona to hide their true intention, voluntarily creating this reputation of being an inexperienced princet to be able to manipulate gullible people with more efficiency. The more people would underestimate them the more convenient it is for them. The sanctuary is here to test multiple of Lenore’s ideas on how they could change rulership in Hell for the better.
“Everything for the people nothing by the people.”
This is the core of how their sanctuary function, you will get to the safety of a shelter, food, and basic civil rights as long as you obey. This is not a utopia but what Hell has the best to offer, sinners always try to find better options to survive, and the sanctuary just happens to be that. All that is asked from them is obedience and bringing something useful to the community.
This refusal to give any form of agency to their protégé stems again from their Pride and desire to control everything, they simply cannot see themselves outside of a leadership role.
Everyone in Hell sees this as a temporary means, an endeavor they would immediately stop the second they are promoted to be more active in Hell’s politics. Hell thrived with the chaos that occurred because of the harsh life conditions, suddenly changing the system just because one of Lilith’s spawns is pretending to have a ‘better alternative’ would be ridiculous. It is clear that most people see their sanctuary on a surface level and mostly see it as this place where sinners and others are fully free of their movements.
✦ Family
Sheesh! That’s not really a sensitive subject since their interaction with their parents is almost non-existent. Their siblings also seem to not want to have anything to do with them, the feeling is shared.
They never saw Samael in person but they are mostly curious about him. They only know him through history books telling the Tale of this ancient Morningstar finally realizing his self-worth and fighting against the tyranny of the Trinity. It’s easy to pick up the fact that their father holds dear his self-importance, they relate, in a way, but their interest doesn’t go beyond a historian being curious about an unknown historical figure. They never met him, it’s better to not make assumptions.
One question still lingers in their mind… what could drive such a well-respected being to turn away from The Trinity in such drastic ways? The point of dictatorship is to make sure everyone is perfectly indoctrinated into the regime, how did their father, after millennia of servitude randomly pick up on this? These are obliviously questions that they shouldn’t ask and, for the sake of maintaining appearance, it’s best to search the response on their own. At best, they’ll be totally reasonable answers, at worst they’ll find something that they were not meant to see.
Ah, Mother Lilith, they have seen her in person and often have little weekends with her. A charming individual, indeed, they would love her even more if it wasn't for being constantly told to give up on their silly little games with sinners. While they did make up a naive persona for the rest of Hell to be fooled, the fact that their own mother doesn’t take them seriously is appalling to witness.
Lilith is the active ruler of Hell with a handful amount of right-hand men/women if it wasn’t for their pride Lenore would have begged to be put in a position that would allow her to change Hell’s policy. Something they always manage to bring up, even during eventful tea times, those are rare their mother is always busy. The woman is still fun to converse with as she holds wisdom from more than 10 centuries of existence, it’s always useful.
✦ Details
✧ The reason why Lenore doesn’t have a much more important roles in Hell’s hierarchy is because they are young by Hell’s standard.
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✧ Right now, Lenore isn’t trying to form any meaningful relationship, they’ll end up with Vaga nonetheless. I did not think of a specific sexuality for them honestly so feel free to fill the void with your headcannon if you want.
✧ Lenore’s a witch, while I’m probably going to go on a magical fantasies type of witchcraft, I’ll still have a few actual things that are actually practiced by actual witches. Plus there are a few practices that can be useful for the story.
✧ Them finding out about redemption and even wanting to do it in the first place is established much later.
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laughingfcx · 11 hours
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(why are you still) call(ing) me baby(?)
soundtrack <3
pairing: tetsurou kuroo x f. reader
content: fluff, crack humor, kuroo acts like a (jealous) loser virgin LOL, way too many pet names, it girl energy reader !!!
warnings: swearing, jealous kuroo, misunderstandings, ooc. dry humor kinda but idk. it's weird i'm weird.
word count: .8k
part one.
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kuroo actively avoids you until his first break, at which point he's forced to sit near you.
"isn't that too big for you?" he asks when the silence gets comfortable enough. you shrug, tugging the jacket in question tighter around yourself.
"i dunno, they didn't have any spares in my size so they just gave me one of yours."
in that exact moment, kuroo has an epiphany. the world stops moving, and so many things change.
"you can keep it," he forces out with a (fake) cough. a large hand comes up to cover his mouth, but also the dark red blush on his cheeks. "i have like, four of them."
"thanks, baby!"
kuroo's heart does a weird little jump; he chokes on his water and makes an excuse about needing to go to the bathroom.
in the bathroom, he remembers the concept of box breathing. he is forever indebted to whoever discovered it. however, it does not help in the slightest when you accost him as soon as he prepares to go back to the court; there are some things you don't understand! kuroo, baby, you're the captain, so you should definitely help me out here!
he swears under his breath, yes i'm coming, what do you need?
you're pleasantly surprised and a little put off that the effect has worn off this fast. (actually, kuroo's thumb is digging into the palm of his hand, and he thinks he might suffocate.) not to mention, he hasn't picked up any of the (admittedly too-subtle) hints yes been dropping.
okay, next course of action.
"wait, kuroo—"
"i just realised that, um, yeah you're the captain so it's best to ask you, but also you're the captain, so i'm sure you're suuuuper busy!"
you don't let him get another word in, flitting over to kenma, who's crouched down on the floor, and start talking to him, and your heads are so close together.
kenma is his best friend. he should not dislike kenma. he should not feel jealous of kenma. yet right now, that's exactly what he's doing, exactly what he's feeling. kuroo grits his teeth and pries his eyes away from where they've been burning holes into the back of kenma's head.
"damn, he looked away?" kenma.
"yeah, i guess he doesn't really like me as much as you thought," you sigh.
"stupid, that's not true."
you're interrupted by the sound of a volleyball slamming onto the ground. it's louder than any of the ones you've heard before, and slightly terrifying to experience up close.
"woah, kuroo, that was a mean spike!" yamamoto looks excited, but kuroo seems more annoyed than pleased by his success.
"it's fine," he responds sourly. "could be better."
but his junior doesn't seem to notice, coming up to kuroo with a pumped up grin. "no, dude, seriously—"
"i get it!" he snaps. "i don't care."
yamamoto blinks, then slowly backs away. "oh, okay..."
kenma looks away to shield his face from kuroo's eyes, and subsequently to hide the evil smile that's stretching across his face. "see? he's mad."
"maybe he's just annoyed because i'm annoying!"
"you're fucking delusional."
you smile fondly at him, ignoring the insult after years of getting used to them. but that's from your point of view. what kuroo in his deluded haze of jealousy sees is completely different — why are you and kenma so close all of a sudden? and kenma knows he likes you! how could he?
kenma pats your shoulder and gets up, walking towards kuroo with a wry but self-satisfied smirk. kuroo begins to think of ways he can kill kenma and then himself with the ball in his hands as fast as he can. unfortunately, his best friend (and worst enemy) makes it to his side uninjured.
"what's gotten you so pissed off today?"
"nothing, i'm fine," he replies through gritted teeth. it is very obvious that he is in fact, not fine at all. hate permeates him to the core, hands gripping the volleyball like he'll die if he lets go.
kenma snickers, noticing kuroo's glare and white knuckles. "jealous?"
"of course not." one of his eyes begins to twitch; he stares straight ahead and refuses to look at kenma.
he hears a sardonic laugh beside him. "stupid, we were talking about you."
"as if." kuroo's given up on trying to deny anything anymore, but he's still mad.
"no, really," kenma replies. kuroo turns to him with a surprised frown, and kenma shrugs. "so stop being weird, or whatever, kuro."
uncharacteristically, he also pokes kuroo's side; once he sees the venomous look in his eyes he takes off running, videogame console clutched tightly in his hands.
sitting beside lev, you watch the two of them run in circles around the court. a notepad rests in your lap, and you bite the top of your pen thoughtfully. "i dunno, lev, that didn't seem to work either."
"maybe it's time for a new plan," he suggests.
"yeah, maybe."
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author's note :: mid writing much apologies <3 written series r insane i like. havent done one in almost a year (yuji x reader u will always be,, something to me). mm kuroo mmfghh jealous kuroo mmmmmfhghhfhgfh jealous and ANGRY kuroo he's so. i would let him. yk.
@chososcamgirl @stillnotherapy gc poops hi <3
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delicateflowerss · 14 hours
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That time of the month came early, and now the local vampire won't leave you alone.
Warnings: 18+, DUB-CON, period kink, blood, compulsion, blood drinking
Pairing: Roman Godfrey x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
happy spooky season and enjoy the first tale of spooktober <3
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All you see is red. 
You were letting the warm water run down your back, closing your eyes in bliss. 
But when you opened them, you were met with red. Dripping down your thighs and staining the water going down the drain. 
You sigh with frustration at the fact that you’re early. 
Of all days, you had to get your period on Halloween. 
With how your luck has been lately, you’re not surprised. 
You get out of the shower, dry off and grab a tampon, hoping that you can still have a fun night out with your friends. 
A crisp autumn breeze makes you hug your arms closer to you. You sink your teeth into your bottom lip as you look around at the busy street. Everywhere you look, people are dressed in costumes. They’re either waiting in line for the club you’re standing outside of or walking to another destination. 
You grow uneasy as you don’t see any sight of your friends who said they would meet you there.  
You shift from one ruby red slipper to the other as you can’t shake the feeling that someone is watching you.  
It’s a heavy feeling, one that makes you feel claustrophobic.  
But you look around and find no one staring at you. 
You try to take a deep breath to calm yourself down. You realize you’ve been a little paranoid since you got fired from your job last month. 
You’re not exactly sure why. Whether it was a blow to your confidence or you felt that you pissed off the wrong guy in town. 
Hemlock Grove is small and he takes up a large part of it. 
Your breath hitches as you turn around, finding your friends in front of you. 
You feel yourself relax as you take in the familiar smiling faces. So stuck in your mind, you guess you didn’t hear them approaching you. 
“Sorry we’re a little late. Abby couldn’t find her cat ears.” 
You notice Abby roll her eyes and fix the ears on top of her head.  
“You look amazing!” Sara changes the subject, looking you up and down. 
You can’t help but grin before complimenting her on her own costume. 
“Thanks for waiting in line. Looks like we’ll be let in soon,” Sara says as she eyes the decreasing line ahead. 
“I’ve been waiting for this all week,” Abby says. 
“Is that why you lost the most important part of your costume?” 
Abby makes a face at Sara’s teasing.  
“I just hope some guy in a cheap vampire costume doesn’t hit on me like last year.” 
You and Sara just laugh at Abby’s comment as you all are let inside the club by the bouncer. 
As you walk in, you feel like your ears have gone inside your head. With the music and the amount of people, it’s deafening. 
The only lights on are colored. You blink, your vision going from purple to green to red. 
You and your friends walk up to the bar, lit up and decorated with fake spiders and cobwebs. 
Sara eyes the decorations before noticing people being served a bright blue drink with gummy eyeballs. 
“We have to get those,” she tells you and Abby. 
You nod, just wanting some sort of alcohol in your system. 
But while your friends order drinks, you can’t help but look around. 
They really went all out this year, you think, your eyes wide with awe. 
Your eyes scan the plastic gravestones before seeing someone that takes any wonder out of you and replaces it with a colder feeling. 
He stands across the room, staring at you. 
In a sea of people dressed in costumes. He’s the only one who isn’t.  
He takes his cigarette out of his mouth before letting the grey smoke furl from his pink lips.  
It surrounds him like a cloud before vanishing and then the cigarette is back in his mouth. He inhales, ready to do it again. 
For some reason, you continue to watch him.  
And he does the same, making that intense eye contact with you that you never liked. Even in a dark place like this, you can still make out that his eyes are green. 
It doesn’t even cross your mind that he shouldn’t be smoking in here.  
But that’s probably because rules don’t apply to men like Roman Godfrey. 
You finally turn away from him, but it feels difficult as if it takes all your strength to do it. 
Before you can think too much about why Roman does what he does and what he’s doing at this club on Halloween night, Sara hands you your drink. 
You take a much-needed gulp of it, tasting the sugar masking any alcohol. 
You follow your friends to a corner of the club, away from Roman. And when you gather the courage to look at him again, you find that he isn’t there anymore. 
Your eyes flit in a panic. You hated the idea of him standing in one spot, staring at you. But not knowing where he is now makes your heart race. 
You try to swallow down your fear before you see that a group of guys have approached you and your friends. 
You take another gulp of your drink as one of them walks up to you. It looks like he’s fighting off a smirk as he looks you up and down. 
“Dorothy, huh? That’s adorable,” he says and you can hear the condescending edge to his tone. 
You look at his own costume, noting the lack of effort that he put into it. 
You decide to at least smile, giving him some sort of reaction.  
He introduces himself and you look over at your friends, who seem preoccupied with the guys hitting on them. 
You had somewhat hoped that this wasn’t what you guys would end up doing this year. But you decide to play along.  
At least you know you won’t be going home with the guy since that time of the month came early. 
You offer up your name to him and try to answer his questions over the loud music. 
After a little while, he asks you if you want to dance. 
At first, you’re hesitant but when you look to where your friends were standing and don’t find them, you agree. 
Any thoughts of Roman disappear when you finish the blue liquid in your cup. 
And any thoughts of the guy you’re with disappear when you surround yourself with a ton of sweaty dancing bodies. 
The bass of the music shakes the floor and you can’t help but close your eyes as all you can focus on is that. 
It isn’t until the song changes that you open your eyes. 
When you do, the man you were with has completely vanished. You look around, unable to find him and you don’t think you can even remember what his name was. 
You search until you feel someone standing right behind you. 
You freeze, not able to move as if your feet have been planted to that exact spot on the dance floor. 
You want to move but he puts his hands on your shoulders like he’s stopping you.  
He waits a few moments before dragging them down your arms and you feel like you can’t even take a breath. 
You know who it is, as his pale hands try to grab yours.  
But you tear away from him, snapping the roots that were keeping you hostage. 
You turn to face him and you’re not surprised to find Roman looking down at you. 
You can’t read a single emotion on his face besides the slight trace of annoyance. 
But you think you have him beat on who is more annoyed. 
You don’t waste any time in storming away from him and the dance floor. But before you can get very far, he grabs your arm, yanking you toward him. 
“What’s your problem?” he asks, annoyance now more prominent in his expression. 
Your confusion turns to anger as you send him a searing glare. 
“My problem?” you echo. “What do you think my problem is, Roman?” 
He stares back at you with a question in his eyes and you don’t know if you want to laugh at him or pity him. 
You suppose that there’s a softness to Roman’s face, a boyish quality in his big round eyes and pouty lips. And that’s what lures you in, until you realize there’s something more sinister behind those eyes and in the curve of the ever-present scowl on his face. 
You’re not even surprised he’s trying to sleep with you now. You heard that’s something he does with all his assistants. 
You almost found it odd that he never tried anything with you the whole time you were employed by him. 
You take your arm out of his forceful grip. 
“I’m not going to sleep with you or whatever you want right now, Roman. You fired me for no fucking reason,” you yell but your voice is still not loud enough over the music. 
“I was good at my job. I did everything you asked and then you threw me out in front of everyone. It was humiliating,” you stop yourself when your voice cracks. 
For once, Roman has nothing to say.  
All he does is avert his gaze from you and all you can do is shake your head and walk away.  
You just want to get out of there but you realize you need to go to the restroom first. 
After searching for a couple minutes, you’re surprised to find the restroom with no line outside of it. 
The bathroom is dark, painted black with red stall doors. That uneasy feeling comes back as the space is strangely empty with no one around. 
You find a stall and lock it. 
You check your phone and see a message from Sara telling you that they have left without you.  
Of course, you think, rolling your eyes. 
You would be out of here right now too if you hadn’t gotten your period. 
You check your purse for a new tampon after taking out the old one. But after scurrying through the contents of your purse, you find nothing. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you whisper. 
There’s absolutely no one around and you didn’t notice any tampon dispensers in the bathroom. 
Deciding that you’re about to leave anyway, you pull up your underwear and hope for the best. 
You leave the restroom, eyes on the floor as you think this might be the worst Halloween you’ve ever experienced. 
“Where’s Toto?” 
You almost can’t believe it when you hear his voice. But then you find him standing right in front of you. 
His height almost makes you feel trapped but it doesn’t stop you from showing how you really feel. 
One simple word from you holds every ounce of resentment you have towards him right now. 
“You’re supposed to be some slutty version of Dorothy, right?” 
“You’re such a dick,” you spit out before trying to go around him. 
He stops you with a light touch from his large hand. You look up at him, waiting for him to say something. 
He’s quiet for a moment while he runs his other hand through his hair, fighting with himself to get what he wants. 
Finally, he says your name. 
It’s soft but slightly demanding. 
You keep your attention on him like it’s something you don’t have to think about. 
The exit sign nearby bathes him in a blood red light. 
“Let’s talk outside,” is all he says. 
And for some entirely unknown reason, you agree. 
You follow him through the nearby exit, out into the alley. 
The music and sounds of the club are muffled now and you take in the eerie silence. 
You fix your gaze to him, waiting for him to speak. 
“I don’t want you to think I fired you for no reason,” he begins. 
You can tell it’s difficult for him. Roman doesn’t seem like the type to apologize or to willingly talk about his feelings. 
He looks at you and you can’t help but look back, gazing deeply into his eyes. 
“I fired you because I couldn’t stand being around you.” 
You feel like you’ve been kicked in the chest. 
“And it’s not what you think,” he continues, starting to walk toward you. 
You back up, each step taking you closer to the brick wall behind you until your back hits it, a small grunt leaving your lips. 
He steps closer and closer to you until he closes the gap between you two. 
You’re nervous, unsure of what to do, but all you can do is stare into those eyes. 
His voice gets lower as his mouth gets closer to you. 
“I fired you so I wouldn’t do something I regret.” 
You open your mouth in confusion, trying to form the words but instead he stops you with his lips hungrily kissing your open mouth. 
He licks inside your mouth as you breathe him in, your fingers twisting up the fabric of his black sweater. 
He moves his mouth away from yours and finds your neck. You move your head back to let him lick the column of your throat, nibbling at the delicate skin that covers the blood pumping through your body. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt hungrier,” he whispers until he hesitates. 
His hands move down your body, going under your dress and finding your underwear. 
But you stop him, your hand finding his. 
“Roman. I can’t.” 
He shushes you and says, “I could smell you from the moment you walked into the door.” 
You furrow your brow at his words and you almost stop him again but his movements are careless as he quickly rips off your underwear and kneels down before you. 
You look down at him, waiting for his reaction but he barely even takes a look at you before putting his tongue to your core. 
A moan escapes your lips as you throw your head back. He continues to lap at you, drinking the blood that pours from in-between your legs. 
You tangle your fingers into his hair as pleasure courses through you, the feeling rising within you as each cry comes from your mouth. 
He takes your clit into his mouth, sucking on the swollen bud and letting his tongue brush over it.  
He moves his lips down, through your bloody folds and your eyelids flutter as you pull Roman’s hair harder. 
He continues like that while pleasure has completely replaced any disgust you have for Roman’s actions.  
Your breathing is fractured and as he takes your clit into his mouth again, you feel complete bliss overtake you as you let out one last moan. 
Your mind feels hazy as Roman stands back up. 
Then you blink, finding Roman’s lips and chin covered in blood. 
Confusion, fear, and disgust cloud your mind as you watch him slowly lick his lips as if he wouldn’t want to waste a single drop of you. 
His stained lips curve into a smirk before he brushes his thumb across your chin. Then he says something in that usual cocky tone of his. 
“Maybe I should hire you back. Then we can do this more often.” 
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haveihitanerve · 1 day
ok y'all joke about Washington and Hamilton being father and son in the musical but not in real life- but Alexander Hamilton when Washington died literally wrote and published that Washington was his aegis- meaning pretty much George was his strong supporter and protector, Hamilton was initiated into Washingtons inner circle and nicknamed "the little lion", Washington told Congress that he needed people who could think for him(so he placed all his trust in those people cough cough hamilton was one of those people cough cough) Hamilton was one of the only people who could and I quote, "seamlessly interpret Washington's commands, put them into words, and fill in the necessary blanks" and Washington denied Hamilton a field position because he did not want him to die, until the last battle where he pretty much promised Hamilton the glory of the battlefield that he so desired. Even after he left office Hamilton still worked for and with Washington, -and i need you to understand the importance of this- wrote his fucking goodbye speech even though he hadn't been a part of Washington's office for a few years. After the Maria Reynolds scandal, Washington sent Hamilton some wine and a card a way of expressing his "sincere regard and friendship". Anyway they might not have been father and son but they damn sure as hell were close.
-oh and Hamilton would also literally bet different cabinet members to go and pray pranks on Washington just to piss him off
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mintytealfox · 2 days
Expedition Au
I can see MN!Alice visiting FG!Norton when she's awake between hibernation periods as well as her other friends and them vice versa.
Oh my heart oh my heeaarrttttttttt 😭😭😭 yeeeeeesssssess!!! 💕💕😭😭💕💕 Absolutely Absolutely!
Her waking up and listening out if anyone else is awake. Then getting up, stretching out, and making her way over to Melly, picking some of the flowers out of the way so she can see her sleeping face. Satisfied that Melly is well she makes her way to where Frederick hasn’t moved since his final transformation day. She picks off and wipes off a lot of the extra overgrowth, concern still present for him but he is definitely still alive so she gently pats the side of his head and fixes his hair a little before getting up and making her way to
Norton who is a little further away by the mountain side. Once she reaches him she carefully fixes his hair and kisses his forehead before curling up under his arm by his side and laying there a while with him and telling him about her dreams, hoping he can hear her. “I don’t like being the only one awake…it’s so lonely…but I don’t want to take you from your dreams….” “The dreams, of what could have been….are the best part.”
(which makes me think they are 'sane', aka they are hella unhinged compared to how they used to be)
but she would certainly take time to polish his rocks and get all the dust and rubble all of him that fell from landslides and such from the mountain, getting him all cleaned up again.
gotta dust him off real good lol
When she wakes up alone she would likely do a check up on all the insects and creatures, then check along the nearest part of the barrier, before looking over Alice to make sure she is still in her dream state and comfortable, then looking at her trees to see how they are doing and trimming any that are trying to attach to her.
She then goes over to Norton. Sometimes she wakes him up just to piss him off, but usually she just makes sure he is still alive and hasn’t melded with the mountain at all and cleans off any fallen rubble off of him.
Before heading over to Frederick, cleaning off the extra overgrowth then placing some fermented juice she’s been making next to him. “You could likely drink an entire winery’s worth of wine by this point…its a shame this is all I have for you…..”
As she sits there she notices an unchanged horse walking up next to her. She picks it up like a kitten under its belly and lifts it up to examine it "I....haven't seen one of these since..." her eyes widening as she stands and looks behind her "are there people here?"
He would look for any new signs of Orpheus messing around again before going over to Fredrick to clean off the new overgrowth. He would likely sit in silence next to him for a bit before checking on
Melly, and likely paying it forward by waking her up to piss her off sometimes but usually getting the flowers out of her face and then griping at the insects to “give her some damn space once in a while”
Then going to check on Alice and hang out with her (until he starts fading back to sleep again and returns to his spot to do so). But he would trim the trees and their branches that are getting too clingy with Alice and then clean up her feathers making sure they are clean and shiny, humming while he does so. He would also return the favor of telling her about his dreams and hoping she can hear him like he can hear her.
He can't lay in the trees with her without ruining her nest so he just picks her up out of her nest and hold her to snuggle with her for a long while (so the trees that make her nest have a moment to get all re-poofed and comfy again) and then put her back all perfectly comfy like~
He won't wake up long enough to move until after the arrival of Naib, and he would have to pull himself out of the ground cause he would be half buried. The other's let this happen so he would be secure and just kept the overgrowth from fully covering him. So the image of him lifting his head and having to forcefully pull his shoulder, that he has been laying on, up and out of the ground with a great deal of effort.
Then seeing all the fermented juice sitting there in hand made bowls and such like "......what is this...."
His eyes then spotting a 'small' person and widening "???" Naib trying to stay completely still like Frederick is some sort of giant wild animal: "......they assured me that leaving me alone here with you would be fine since you never wake up.......apparently these lands like to f**k me, I guess"
Frederick shakes his head like he is seeing stars, then wincing and putting and hand to his head "the damned ringing...." he tries to get up and stand
Naib: "WOAh no, hold on! I am almost positive that is the last thing you should be doing--!!!"
but Frederick finding trouble staying up right as vertigo hits him like a truck and begins falling over only for Norton to start running to catch him and stand him up right
Norton/FG: "Hey! You're finally awake~"
Melly and Alice come running over with both excitement and relief on their faces
-Naib clears his throat- Norton having Frederick lean on Melly so he can kneel down and see Naib a little better: "turns out you ARE a lucky charm~" -and does his signature FG grin, referencing something he said to Naib when he first woke Norton up on accident- Naib: "....wonderful..." -was here to find their bones and collect their data and findings, not any of this-
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just imagine theo's dad pulls up and starts acting like everything is fine with him and sunshine, he's even a little flirty making jokes about the good old times but logan doesn't buy it for a second.
she's almost completely drawn into herself, there's fear and anxiety on her scent and she's barely looking at him- she's not even rambling and that just pisses him off.
i think theo's father caught her off guard at the school entrance and she's reeling but slowly getting ready to yell at him until her lungs give out.
logan barely gives her the time to do that- he PICKS THAT MAN UP like a ragdoll, tosses him into his car and shuts the door and just glares until he leaves.
'are you alright? talk to me.'
'yeah i'm- he's been calling lately but i never thought he'd show-'
'sweetheart, i need you to breathe, okay? your heart is pounding out of your chest'
'it feels that way... where's theo?'
so he goes with her to pick up theo but he can still tell she's shaken but she puts up an excellnt front for theo and he doesn't want them to leave (he should've broken that fucker's leg off, if he can walk he can get to them) but its not like he can ask her to move in and keep her hidden in his bedroom. he thinks about doing something along those lines all the time but like... not like this.
so he invites theo and her out to dinner. theo is blissfully unaware of how far away his mother seems, he's fascinated with logan and the fact he exists outside the school. he drags him everywhere, asks him questions about the city before there were buildings and is delighted by the fact he has answers.
she lightens up a bit but is visibly weary when they get to the aparement, glancing over her shoulder every 5 minutes. it makes him twitch and want to kill someone.
it's how he ends up having a sleepover at her place but its on her couch and his clothes are still on so its definitely not what he had in mind when he pictured spending the night here but he can hear her heartbeat and somehow he doesnt mind as much
AAAAAAAA I LOVE THIS SOSOSO MUCH! 🥰 This is absolutely amazing darling!? ❤️
she's almost completely drawn into herself, there's fear and anxiety on her scent and she's barely looking at him- she's not even rambling and that just pisses him off. Ooooh that would make sirens go off in Logan's head! 😱 Like, her not being her usual self 😱
logan barely gives her the time to do that- he PICKS THAT MAN UP like a ragdoll, tosses him into his car and shuts the door and just glares until he leaves. THIS SCENE, THIS SCENEEEE! OH IT'S GENIUS😱😍
'sweetheart, i need you to breathe, okay? your heart is pounding out of your chest' I can literally hear him saying thiiiis🥺❤️
he should've broken that fucker's leg off, if he can walk he can get to them THE WAY THIS IS SO LOGAN 😂😍
theo is blissfully unaware of how far away his mother seems, he's fascinated with logan and the fact he exists outside the school. ADFGJKL-
Theo would be delighteeeed😂 And Sunshine would be trying so hard not to show how stressed out she is in front of Theo 🥺
Poor Sunshine glancing over her shoulder every five minutes❤️
his clothes are still on so its definitely not what he had in mind when he pictured spending the night here but he can hear her heartbeat and somehow he doesnt mind as much So can we all agree that her heartbeat is gonna be his favorite sound in the world? 😏❤️
This is so goooood! ❤️ I feel like Sunshine would wake up the next morning and go to the living room to find Logan already awake and she'd be like,
"Oh hi! Um-I'm gonna make myself coffee, would you like some as well?"
"That'd be great, thanks. Are you okay?"
"Uh, yeah. Are you okay? Because you know, that couch works part time as a medieval torture device so-"
"I've been through worse."
"Eh I mean, debatable because one time I fell asleep on that couch and-"
"Are you okay?"
"Having you here helps."
"Does it?"
"More than you can imagine."
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crownedinmarigolds · 2 days
This isnt apart of the game,(which is so fun and im loving learning about ppls vamps) but im feeling bold and not socially afraid- what IS/Was the deal with noa and her brother? What are her thoughts/feelings after all this time?
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Ohhh thank you for being interested! I'm sorry if this comes out super rambling and incoherent! I guess it'd just be best to tell their story! It's really not as black and white as it appears, and feelings are extremely nuanced and messy when it comes to family and abuse. It seems easy as an outsider looking it to make commentary and theorize about what you would've done, but you just never know!
Joaquin Hidalgo is the eldest son to Vincento Hidalgo-Giovanni and his wife Ingrid Giovanni. The Hidalgo bloodline had only been a part of the Giovanni clan for a few generations, and young Vincento was a necromancer prodigy who married a main clan daughter who would bear his children and continue the family line. They were blessed with three sons - Joaquin, Eduardo, Ferdinand - and a little daughter, Noa. By all means they were very normal for a incredibly rich family with dealings in the local cartels of Mexico and the secret vampire clans that trace back to Italy. The parents seemed to get along, the children were growing up fine and developing their own ways and personalities. Joaquin certainly felt pressured as the eldest, but it was still "normal."
One evening the family was going out in a chauffeured vehicle, probably to dinner or maybe even a movie, when they were suddenly gunned down by unknown assailants. Joaquin at the time was thirteen and tackled little Noa, freshly seven, to the car floor where they dodged the hail, but the rest of the family were not so lucky. Mother and their other two brothers were killed instantly, while their father had seconds after to try and say something but ultimately couldn't, and the fresh orphans watched him die beside the rest of their already gone family. Joaquin promised Noa next to their bodies that he would never let her be hurt like this, and she believed him, and they vowed to be together for eternity. Not long thankfully after they were pulled from the car by people who called themselves their "family," where they were taken home and a bunch of strangers busied themselves with getting funerals set up and other various grown up things. A few days later, their father comes walking through the front door. Paler, walking with a cane from his injuries, strangely colder in personality, but THERE. Joaquin immediately felt like something was wrong, but Noa interpreted this as a miracle.
Over the years, Father ruled the house as a father would, but he ran it a bit crueler, a bit more seriously. Joaquin, having been old enough to really get that things were off, bit back and fought, and was often put back in his place through physical violence. Noa watched him go through this and learned to keep quiet if she wanted to not be struck. When she got old enough, Father finally revealed the vampiric nature of their bloodline to the both of them. Noa was then ghouled as soon as she could, her body still young, practically stunting her - but it gave her access to incredible magics. Joaquin was ghouled and practically made a mad dog bully for the human side of the clan, which pissed him off further. There was a weird mixture of feelings between the two of them - the jealousy of seeing his baby sister succeed where he always failed, the relief the pressure wasn't on him to be a necromancer, the fury of seeing her adoration and love of family being used to manipulate her. He loved Noa, she loved him, and things grew more and more confusing. He was allowed to go out but nothing satisfied him, especially when he took more and more vitae. She was locked inside the house for her protection, and also to study. In our personal headcanon (though this may be canon for Gio Ghouls??) the vitae makes one fiercely loyal to the Giovanni, and it twists one up to chase after family. Things did get a little "far" between them during this time, but they never fully culminated anything. Things got worse for Joaquin when a Tremere ghoul contact joined his little posse - Nythanel Loken - who became his sister's best friend and biggest advocate. Everything was coming up Noa and it bothered him, and there was a million confusing reasons why.
He finally decided to put his foot down when she revealed that Father told her that she would be Embraced. She was so excited, and then he was told straight from Father later he was going to be shipped off to Italy to both learn things and marry into a bloodline to essentially be a baby pumping factory until he was found worthy of an Embrace or died. No Noa, no real future other than providing some genetics. He knew through his contacts where to find the Sabbat, and he led them right to the family compound to rid the world of one more vampiric smear. However the Sabbat being the Sabbat went harder than he wanted - capturing him and killing and enslaving the spirits of many who were there and not giving him his sister. He had no idea where she was, but she wasn't with him. Eventually he escaped their clutches and ran to America, completely alone. He then dedicated his existence to becoming a hunter, using his knowledge during his time as a ghoul against vampiric scum and even other supernaturals. He met his buddy Ray who joined him for a few good years of hunting, and then it all came crashing down when he found Nyth and Noa again in Reno Nevada in 1993. It's been over a decade since he knew of Noa's whereabouts, and now he was so close. Years and years of weird feelings were crashing back, because it was all real again. He was past forty now, getting desperate to cling to something beyond hate again.
Eventually - Ray was killed by Joaquin for nearly killing Noa, and they were finally together for good this time. No Ray, seemingly no Nyth, and the family out of their hair. He clumsily culminated their long awaited reunion in a motel they ran off to hide in while she still mourned, Nyth's body close by, Ray's left behind, and poor Julian the ghoul in the next room over. Noa afterwards insisted she make a plan with the family to get Nyth back to her, which pissed Joaquin off but he was in love and back with her again so what could he do.
She told him they could be together for good when he was Embraced by her or someone within the family, but he staunchly refused to be turned. He never wants the vitae again, he never wants to become a supernatural creature. He wants to be with her for Eternity, but he cannot become an immortal. This is the defining moment that leads to his demise at her hands. As she worked with the Family and eventually the Setites to bring Nyth back to full health, Joaquin grew more and more irritating and controlling. He hated her deeper descent into Necromancy and dealing with two-faced Kindred, he hated her pulling away from him when they were finally together. She was clearly furious with him, and it felt like it was falling apart.
One night she was sweet to him again, saying that it was all almost over. Nythanel's notes and her own studies mixing with Setite sorcery were going to bring her friend back. They just needed a body to house Nyth. Joaquin killed Julian the ghoul for Noa, and together they prepared the ritual to "resurrect" Nythanel. Joaquin also had the gut feeling this night wouldn't just end in Julian's death, but his own. Noa approached the ritual room dressed in something clingy, and when Nyth and Julian's body was prepped, she explained the rest of the ritual required more blood, more life. They were together for the last time, Noa drinking the vitae direct him him, and in his own terrible way he was happy. She was happy. He was finally satisfying to her. Joaquin died happy.
OKAY SO. It just feels so rambly! Feel free to ask for more specifics I TRIED to do bare minimum but uh….
Noa after this time loves Joaquin, and she still can't let him go even now in modern nights. She knows his spirit is out there, and he will make his way back to her somehow.
It's just very confusing because yes, he took advantage of her and abused her, but she loved him so much. They in a way were all the other had, they just coped very differently… ahhh. Sorry. I don't know if I'm really relaying everything properly! Thank you for asking!!!
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literaturezombie · 1 year
u know what I adore the Ed arc in episode 7 like. he's right he doesn't know who he is and they haven't fully stopped seeing each other as the idealized versions they've built up in their heads and they're both impulsive and moving too fast but I am also so certain. and maybe I'm projecting onto him again but so certain Ed didn't think the only option was for him to leave and go be a fisherman or whatever but a tiny little part of him just wanted to get to be the one to leave Stede this time and make him feel just a little bit how he felt. girls can have a little bit of revenge by making the people they love suffer the way they made them suffer as a treat!!
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