#a la choosing a fandom character name
daydreamerwonderkid · 5 months
What is 1 weird or funny lie you told?
Buckle in, kiddos. This one's a long one.
So, the irl name I chose for myself was taken from a character from one of my favorite manga. This character is extremely popular and well know within multiple fandom spaces and is instantly recognizable.
I chose their name because I can personally relate to their struggles and you can actually shorten their name to another that sounds more "common." Win-win.
Here's the thing. Despite how INSANELY popular this character is, I've only met FOUR people irl that instantly knew where I got the name from.
For the past 7 years, 99.9% of the time-regardless of age/demographic/fandom interest/etc-someone will hear my name and the immediate questions they'll ask are either:
"Oh ... are you French?" or "Are your parents Italian?"
"That's such an old sounding name ...."
"How pretty! Are you parents fans of classic literature?"
You have to understand something. When you're meeting with new people, especially strangers in a professional and outwardly conservative setting, it is extremely awkward/impossible to explain that your name was taken from a fucking manga character.
So what the fuck do I say when I'm in a very professional meeting with a very professional potential client and said very professional potential client asks me about my name?
I tell them that I have a crotchety great grandmother who was furious that my parents didn't carry on the family tradition of naming me after a ye olde ancestor from *insert European country.* She'd call me by this ancestor's name whenever she was babysitting me which drove my parents absolutely crazy. By the time I became a teenager, I preferred my ancestor's name over my birth name. My parents have made peace with it, but we still joke about how I "betrayed" them.
Yes, it's a lie. Yes, I cursed myself to wander this path by choosing such a weird name in the first place. Yes, I love my name and I will not change it.
It's funny, too, because my name helps me stand out in my profession and among my peers. Hardly anyone I meet forgets me because of my unique name. So it's sort of given me an advantage in my career, especially considering a lot of my job relies on successful networking and consultations.
And, yes, I do get questions about my great grandmother from time to time. Fortunately for me, I do have an actual crotchety great grandmother so I don't have to make up anything on that end.
In unprofessional/casual settings, I have given the actual story behind my name. It still surprises me when I meet people who are hardcore anime/manga nerds and they don't recognized my name. I feel like a crazy person whenever this happens tbh.
But yeah. I absolutely refuse to attempt explaining the concept of anime and manga in the workplace, let alone the fact my name was taken from a character with a popular and very Google-able meme attached to them.
This is the hill I've claimed and the grave I've dug atop it.
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franklyimissparis · 7 months
hi there can i ask what are your favourite fics??
ahhhhhh this was so hard to narrow down since i think i have something like 300 beatles fics bookmarked on ao3 (plus a ton saved from livejournal but i’ve only included ao3 ones here). at first i was gonna pick a top 5 or top 10 but that was too hard so here are my top 24-ish i think? could have picked a lot more tbh. i only included fics that are completed, even though there are a lot i love that are either WIP or abandoned. also didn’t include any modern AUs though there’s a lot of those that i love as well! if anyone has any specific requests for other fic reqs i’m always happy to suggest more :)
on our way back home by kathleenishereagain
this fic has the most kudos in the fandom for a reason! old paul time travels back to the touring days and his relationship with john changes from there. love the way they integrated the magical realism into this and it’s just such a beautiful, touching story.
knowing that the sun is there by tarenas
john comes out after brian dies. lovely look at john’s individual relationships with all of the beatles and cynthia (but especially his relationship with paul of course)
cutting water with a knife by savageandwise
may’s perspective on john and paul. love love love. heartbreakingly realistic and so poignant. feels like it could have been a cut chapter out of loving john.
i’m so tired, my mind is set on you by dornfelder
god how i wish this is what would have happened in india. i’ve read this fic so many times, it just feels so real i keep coming back to it.
india, actually by inspiteallthedanger
jane notices that john’s india tapes are all of paul a la love actually. love jane in this and paul and john’s dynamic is great.
grow old with me by inherownwrite
john and paul in scotland in the 80s - paul breaks his arm and gives john a fright. such a tender picture of what could have been had things not ended how they did.
i was a younger man then (now) (post hoc) by fingersfallingupwards
using the time traveller’s wife premise in quite literally the best way i have ever read. the way it unfolds is…. stunning.
having coffee by dornfelder
old paul and john reflecting on life and being outed in the 80s through an interview. lovely.
to lead a better life by downtothelastdrop
1966 ringo mistakenly thinks john and paul are together, leading to a revelation of paul’s own.
going nowhere by inspiteallthedanger
fix-it where after surviving the shooting, john moves back to england.
if i could choose my own name, it’d be the one that falls best from your lips by kandakicksass
one of my favourite reincarnation fics ever. i really enjoyed how simple it was, how the pieces just slid into place so naturally.
the birthday party by merseydreams
everyone reunites for ringo’s 40th in july 1980. an excellent look at the dynamic between all the bugs and how things could have gone.
something old something new by inspiteallthedanger
john shows up to pattie and eric’s wedding causing a beatles reunion for the first time in years and some shenanigans and talks with paul. this fic is hilarious and THIS is my george, i love him so much
1967 by please_dont_wake_me
paul and john stay in paris after their 1961 trip. they return to liverpool in 1967 as a couple. this feels so real, the way every minor character is written… the dynamics between them all - every detail is excellent.
the beatles holiday au series by econhomework
an AU that follows john and paul (and george/ringo) being a committed couple in the 60s/70s and having their children via surrogacy. i’ve been subscribed to this series for years now and it’s a lot of fun getting an update that builds upon the last around every holiday, giving a little snippet into their lives as the kids grow up chronologically. (they also have other fics set in this AU in their beatles fic requests series)
the brother dearest series by javelinbk
jim and mimi get married, causing john and paul to become step-brothers (sort of). interesting premise and an even better execution of it. not to mention the idea of jim and mimi getting together will never fail to make me laugh (but also sort of makes a lot of sense???)
how much was mine to keep by mynamesbetty
paul is ‘unstuck in time’ and lives his life out of order a la slaughterhouse five (one of my favourite novels). done very well.
take a sad song and make it better by javelinbk
1980s paul moves his ex-boyfriend into his house because he’s an idiot but i love him. great fix-it.
christmas lights (keep shinin’ on) by distinguished_like
paul invites john to the mccartney family christmas party, leading to some discussions between the two. very cute early years fic.
here today by herspecialagent005
december 1980 except john and paul are hosting a dinner party for some friends in scotland, with magical realism elements. ugh loved this so much, especially linda and just all the little details of john and paul settling into a life together.
kissing the blarney by tikk
paul is the blarney - this turns into a superstitious ritual in the band which emotionally complicates things but ends very satisfyingly.
writing letters (on my wall) by 15clubsaday
70s paul writes to john under a pseudonym while they aren’t speaking. newly finished and wonderful!
the jumper by merseydreams
john sees denny laine wearing HIS jumper and flies back to england to retrieve it. this fic has everything: miscommunication, john being a dumb shite, jealousy, confused denny laine, paul in all his 70s glory, and lesbian linda. truly could not ask for more.
back to where you belong by sleeprettydarling
george on johnandpaul throughout the early years. i’m a big sucker for the george & johnandpaul dynamic and how complicated and devastating it can be so naturally i loved this.
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the-kinning-hour · 23 days
My favorite thing about fandoms has to be obsessively sharing them with my best friend. Like, we got our own damn universe connecting ALL of these MK games. We got dead characters. We got revived characters. We got complicated family dynamics and relationships that only exist because one of us saw a piece of fanart by some obscure artist on Twitter or something and went, hey actually this is lowkey good! No one can tell us what is or isn’t real because we just make shit up. Our world.
So far some of our headcanons, not in order of randomness, include:
-Johnny Cage grew up in Texas
-Johnny and Kano being brothers who BOTH grew up in Texas (unfortunately Kano got downgraded by choosing Australia for his “I need to get tf outta this state” vacay. Johnny got the cool version with LA. Regardless they both are bullied at family functions.)
-Sonya and Stryker, older sister younger brother
-Mk1 Raiden, like his godly counterpart, is 7 feet tall.
-Mk1 Raiden also is an autistic man, I will fight on this hill
-Titan Shang Tsung actually just transitioned. That’s it. Her name is Damashi now. She’s just an evil little woman doing evil little things
-Bi-Han is the shortest between him, Kuai Liang and Tomas
-Tomas is also Venezuelan
-Fujin was the equivalent of Kung Lao’s father. And Raiden was Liu Kang’s. And they were all happy and nothing bad happened (for a while)
-Liu Kang is incredibly short
-In au contexts, to keep both versions of Shang Tsung relevant, Mk1 Shang is often a young man whilst Damashi is his elderly grandmother.
I could probably keep going, but I think the list gets boring after this. Generally, my point is: Reject canon and you will just have 110% more fun in every fandom you’re in. Rewrite those characters. Fix that chunk in the timeline you don’t like. And post it unapologetically. Chances are someone out there, even if they don’t say it out loud, is looking at this and screaming “Hell yeah!”
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gorbalsvampire · 2 months
is it bright where you are? (vtm city meta 2/?)
In Part 1, we talked about how to choose your city. In Part 2, we're going to start populating it with SPCs!
how many vampires?
If you've been around Vampire: the Masquerade for any significant length of time, you'll have heard the 1:100,000 ratio passed around.
Discard this. Ignore this. Screw this up, do a shit on it, nail it to a frisbee, and fling it over the rainbow. It's arbitrary, it's frequently contradicted, it persists in fandom largely because it's a hard number on which the brain battens and sticks, and it's got no relevance whatsoever to how many vampires YOUR city needs.
Likewise, anything from the sourcebooks that gives you any impression that you need seven Tremere before you can have a Regent, or a dozen Ventrue to fill out the bottom rung of the Board? Yeet that. Those aren't characters; they're filler. A needless strain on the night to night. They probably exist, shunted off into suburbia with cleaver families or otherwise keeping themselves to themselves, but please don't feel like you need to know their names or have statblocks for them. They do not matter. They are there for verisimilitude's sake; spackle for the brain wrinkles of tidy minds.
You'll have Player Characters. They'll need sires, and they may have a Mawla or an Adversary. In an ideal world that's where you should start: build around the things the players put on their sheets, i.e. the things they've signalled they want in the game.
We do not live in an ideal world. At the present moment in time, my brain has been sparked by an impromptu chat from one of my D&D group who's been watching LA/NY By Night and getting back into Vampire. This particular group are now considering a pivot when we're done with our current D&D adventure, and I am reconsidering the handful of ideas I had for a Manchester based story some years ago. We have a sense of what clans are cool: we're probably looking at Toreador, Tzimisce and Lasombra (which is weird) and probably Anarchs because I know what these gremlins are like, and I want to lean into Ventrue and the Anarch pillar clans (Brujah, Gangrel, Ministry) because we're gonna have to fill out the conventional sect members.
The truth is, you've probably got an idea or two about your city already. That's why, a lot of the time, I actually start with the domains.
domains and you
Most cities kind of divide themselves into domains naturally. If you know the city, you can do what I'm doing right now and go "hmm, Oxford Road would make a good seat for a Ventrue Prince with this feeding limitation and that power base... Deansgate feels more anarchy, more Brujah... if we're going to put Toreador anyway, put them in Salford, maybe a Toreador/Gangrel axis, that could be fun... Elysium in the Northern Quarter, there's places there that would be perfect... and obviously the more north you go the more Anarch things get as the money runs out..."
If you don't, here's a trick you can do. Point your web browser to snazzymaps.com. Select your preference of style (I like to use Dark and Red as filters, for obvious reasons, and "dango red" is my current favourite). Drag the view to your real-world city of choice and zoom out until you have the names of good-sized, famous districts visible. If you want a busier and more complicated city, zoom in a bit and get the smaller ones. You'll need an account to save, but nothing stops you taking screenshots...
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Here are a couple of maps of Manchester: the wide zoom that includes some of the outer city, but not the real satellite towns like Sale or Altrincham, and the close in on the inner city which is where most of the action will probably be happening. I would of course crop these to hide the various UI greebles if I was using them in any sort of player facing resource, but that comes later.
That gives you your domains, which you can start populating with any SPCs you already have burning a hole in your brain. You can set markers at this stage, if you know where you want to put things, or you can do so in the later Relationship Mapping stage, or you can not bother and use a damn notebook (which, again, since I know Manchester fairly well - I lived there for two years and married a local - is probably how I'd go about things).
The old-school variation on this is acquiring an Eyewitness travel guide (the fat ones with the white covers) and using the chapters from that as domains. I like using Eyewitness because they're pretty exhaustive in terms of landmarks - gives you plenty of things you can navigate by and slip into descriptions, although it does give your game a slightly sightseer vibe.
For historical games, I like to dig up a historical map! There's not always one from exactly the right decade, but usually some from close enough that you can pinpoint landmarks around which a domain might centre and still achieve the right period vibe.
Anyway. However you've reached this point, this is where you start doing the Research, rounding out your initial enthusiasm for PCs and SPCs with historical conteeext! Vampire works really well as historical fiction in my experience - reality is deeper and gnarlier than anything you could make up and, quite often, you'll come across people and events and places that make you think "oh, this could be vampires."
I usually spend a couple of weeks on this. Just chipping away on different deep dives, different conflicts - politics, sport, universities, anything that exposes deep long term fault lines in the city's integrity, because that's where the monsters live and where their influence is felt. Once my head is creaking and my notes arranged along conflict lines... the Process can really begin.
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softie-system · 7 months
anybody want a discord to join?
so. wei created a huge multifandom rp focused discord, especially with lesser known fandoms in mind! it has all kinds of fun stuff and you can really choose your own experience! (ignore the name of the server, it was the only thing we could think of to call it)
you might want to join if:
. you want a server that is dedicated to being the best it can be!
. you want a server that respects all headcanons and interpretations while appreciating literary analysis
. you like one or more small fandoms, want to meet other people who like those same fandoms, and maybe even rp as well
. you like dnd
. you want to have the option to create and post things for rps or to not have anything created/posted for rps if you want!
. you like servers where non-mods get to have a lot of say in everything basically on the level of mods
you might not want to join if:
. you don't like the idea of there not being a limit to the amount of people who can rp as a character or how many characters someone can rp as
. you don't like the idea of anyone being able to submit any fandom to either be able to be RPed as or to be banned from rp.
. anything else in the rules and info channels doesn't sound good to you
. you would be uncomfortable with the fact that the only time when wei would consider adding a limit to people joining would be when there are multiple active people for every character in every fandom
. you would want to have stuff created and posted for every rp, even if someone in said rp wouldn't be comfortable with that
. you don't like that the mod team, including us, the server owners, aren't going to be an authority thing but rather a group to carry out server tasks
. you aren't comfortable with the fact that the media here is going to be imperfect and that there will probably be Cwed discussions of said imperfection
mentioning + tagging some of the smaller fandoms and characters that are added in here (as well as mentioning who wei play for transparency)(nowhere near an exhaustive list of every fandom but mostly tagging the smallest ones so that wei can find more people, also wei only tagged some but typed and tagged other fandoms so yeah):
spirit wind elegance/feng ling yu xiu
(wei play bai yu xiu)
our life now and forever
(wei play tamarack and our olnf oc)
beyblade, beyblade burst, beyblade metal fury, etc.
(wei play free de la hoya and gingka hagane)
ayakashi romance reborn
(wei play yura and kuro)
emily the strange
(wei play emily lestrange, based off of the novels mostly)
dear dumb diary
(wei play jamie kelly)
noisz, including noisz starlivht
(wei may not play any characters from noisz yet, but once wei get starlivht working and/or find a playthrough, wei might play sumire or grace)
lost song
(wei play finis)
(wei play morrigan crow)
return of the blossoming blade/return of the mount hua sect
(wei play yu iseol and chung myung (/cheong myeong in the webtoon))
upside down magic
(we don't think we play any characters here yet)
dr stone
(wei play senku)
(wei play kwaazi, tweak, and peso)
(wei play bitsy and ginny)
(wei don't play anyone from lolirock, but wei might play praxina)
cursed princess club
(wei don't play anyone from here, we might play jamie tho)
harvey street kids (wei play li'l lotta and audrey)
wild kratts
(wei might play donita donata and/or fabio )
dead end paranormal park/deadendia
(wei don't play anyone from there yet)
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What got you into writing/how long have you been writing?
What’s your writing inspiration?
Do you write in silence or need background sounds? Like music?
Do you struggle more with dialogue or detail?
Any tips for someone who wants to write fanfiction?
How do you differ all your OC’s so you don’t rewrite the same characters over and over?
Do you do research?
— from someone who would love to write their own stories lol but yours are great!
My darling. So many apologies for how tardy I’ve been in replying to this, I really wanted to give it due thought because I’m quite touched you’d even ask.
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1: I’ve been writing since I was little, my mama was always reading me classics and my greatest ambition was to be some kind of author every bit as colorful as their characters, a la Oscar Wilde. 🥳
2. Writing inspiration? Oh that’s a hard one only in that I could cite a million things and chat your poor ear off, but to be boring and also frank -I just love stories. I think they’re so inspiring and healing and necessary for making sense of things, or else resigning to things that can’t be explained. I love to study love and how very human and fallible and also indestructible it is in its many forms. I love to dig through tragedy and find the refining purpose of it, I love to take characters through hells I’ve been through so that I can imagine their triumphs, too, and my own through them. If this can happen to -name your hero- then I’m no smaller for it happening to me, if -name your hero- can get through it and be loved and admired by a whole fandom? -I deserve the same commendation from myself at the very least. Stories are essential and fun and I never ever imagined I’d have a little group one day liking my own where we could all scream about these things together. I’m legit so humbled each time I log on here and find y’all ready and waiting and interactive. The community of it, that’s the biggest drive right now, tbh. What a sweet season.
3. I usually write in silence, or else at any chance where I have a moment, so that could be public transport or lunch breaks or in the loo during family holidays, ha. However I do find music to be an inspiring mood setter for writing later that day. Especially as i juggle many ongoing projects at once, the genre im listening to before may very well influence what gets worked on.
4. Detail!! Dialogue can be challenging but I hear it so clearly in my head most of the time that it’s not hard. Details can devastate me.
5. Ooof, I still feel like I’m a baby at it, this is only my second fandom to dare for. I’d say for sure write what you find inspiring instead of what appears to be wanted, i firmly believe that’s the only sure way to keep up any inspiration and the niche will draw its own crowd, one’s who will like it all the better for its specially crafted world. Also, for dialogue -replay and replay dialogue from the character before you write. Are they terse or do they ramble? Are they sarcastic or earnest? Do they have a word they repeat often? -I noticed the other day how Rosenthal uses “you know?” often in the show. Also, sometimes switch up sentence structure from character to character, it helps feel like hopping brains without a fully jarring POV change. All these are things I’m currently working at myself, but that’s the best I’ve got for advice.
6. Oh boy I’m still figuring this out myself. Three things come to mind as little helps I use- first off, read real biographies, it helps tremendously with crafting fully dimensional fictional people. Two -have a maturing arc for your OC during the story, separate from whatever adventure or romance that occurs, this will make it feel less like a inserted person into the broader story. Three, choose a personality type or something similar to both keep them separate from the next but also to ensure their virtues have corresponding vices.
7. I do research a lot. But I find that it’s a fine line for myself of when that drains all creativity or bravery. Im massively indebted to so many mutuals who generously share their own with me.
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Hey, can I just say that you have reignited my passion for Tolkiens works completely!?!?!
I love your hcs, they are so interesting and so full of life and lore 😊
I was wondering how you got the idea and what went into making your Ocs. Did you have an idea at first and then it snowballed into a full blown headcanon?
Of course only if you want to.
Again I just wanted to tell you how much I love your work. It always gives me a smile at the end of a hard day.
Oh my god, i’m so happy you like this!!!
So in regards to my ocs, i actually pick characteristics that i like in other characters across media and go “you now belong to this family thx”
But funfact! Lasgen was originally fem!legolas.
Hence “las” and the g and e that they both share in their names. I only came up with her name when i started to seperate her form a fem!legolas version.
Also, this isn’t actually my first rodeo in creating an entire sperate au for a fandom i’m in complete with ocs, and one thing i always end up having is the main fem oc (in this case Lasgen) be a lesbian.
Bc i like girls.
I knew i wanted legolas to have at least 1 more brother and sister in addition to lasgen, which is how i ended up creating lirion and kleoyia. Lirion is kinda inspired by verde from khr, and kleoyia is creation based off of characteristics that i would love to see, but couldn’t conceivably fit into Lasgen’s character without clashing. I still love kleoyia as well though.
I already knew i wanted lasgen and ingwe to be half siblings and that thranduil and ingwe had a parent+child like relationship, but it was only recently that i started including ingwe as “1 of them”, so to speak.
I personally really focused on the sibling dynamics, bc i just love seeing genuinely supportive siblings, and i find those dynamics a bit overshadowed in romance focused media (which i get, but still) and it’s also important to me that, while they are siblings, they are also undoubtedly their own person as well.
So, yeah, i guess you can say everything snowballed.
It’s also lowkey a product of my frustration of the way the silvans are more or less completely excluded from the elven hierarchy and history, so i asked myself “how do i involve the silvans with the rest of the elves without creating ocs” and boom! Thranduil and miriel are now twins.
And having lasgen be siblings with ingwe and friends with the rest of the we’s, and having thranduil and miriel care for them just felt like weaving those connections tighter.
As i mentioned in previous posts, i am also an avid dreamer of the years before the elves knew of the valar and what that must have been like.
Lowkey, oropher and cloudryad were kinda inspired by sephiroth and cloud, though they have since strayed away from that, but that was the basis for them.
Legolas is in a polyamorous triad bc why not? I couldn’t choose between a wife or husband, so i just picked both. Also, i think the dynamic of legolas being in a polyamorous relationship is much more interesting, especially if we explore it alongside the heteronormativity of the noldor (at least in this au)
Honestly, my main shtick is really just finding dynamics and characteristics i like and then sticking them into my au. And my motto is “instead of asking why, ask why not” in regards to ideas and hcs, so i will end up with actual wild ideas at time.
Tbh, there’s actually so much lore and ocs i have cooked up in my head that i haven’t shared yet because i don’t want to overwhelm people.
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nugulover69 · 20 days
If you had to assemble a five-member idol group of only characters from heisei era toku who would you choose and why
I've pondering this ask all day and I finally have the answer
I call them "I have side swooped bangs and a demon inside of my brain helppppp HELP MEEEEEE" or Cherry Boyz for short
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As the name indicates, its 5 boys with similar bangs and brain issues. granted Yamato is the only one here who doesn't get possessed by an evil entity canonically (dinosaurs, malware, french malware, and Beeg Worm) but his sheer quantity of non-fantastical issues qualifies him being here
Yamato is leadernim naturally. Eiji doesn't have the desire (heh) to lead, Emu IS the eldest here at 24 so he could be leadernim, but I think its funnier if he's an eldest not-leader Xander UKISS style (maybe he's a bit jealous of Yamato bc of it. heated drama and all that), Hiromu is too much of a hard ass to lead THESE specific men and Tsurugi is Tsurugi
Hiromu and Tsurugi are both the youngest at 20 so I think they'd have a fun opposites attract maknae dynamic. they are this to me
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They're also def the most popular ship in the fandom, right behind Emu/Yamato. Eiji is shipped with his own boxers a la Onew and fried chicken
As for music positions, Yamato strikes me as a leader-lead vocal type who veryyyy occasionally raps but like the kinda rapping that's more just talking in a "sexy" voice (Jacob The Boyz iykyk). Eiji is main vocal bc I want to add to his existing Onewisms and ya know >Time Judged All. Emu is main rapper and he's very bad at it. Hiromu is lead rapper who is objectively better at rapping than Emu but he's not Cute Quirky Gamer BF so no one cares and neither does he frankly. and Tsurugi is useless sub vocal (he always says he "STANDS AT THE TOP OF VOCALS" while only getting a few lines per comeback)
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10 Characters and 10 Fandoms
I was hoping this day would not come. I had hoped I would fly free and clear from having to choose between all the people trapped in my television. But alas...I can avoid it no longer...thanks @lurkingshan
Cause here is the thing, when I think of what drives me batshit, crawling up the wall, tearing at the curtains it is not the characters but the dynamics that I love and cherish.
Rules: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same.
So I guess, without further ado, and in no particular order, here are 10 of my faves and why
Wen Kexing - Word of Honor
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I mean...this one seems pretty obvious (coughs in username) but this is my dumb slut, okay? He's beauty, he's grace, he's got Zhou Zishu Derangement Syndrome harder than anyone.
Wen Kexing, how do I love you? Let me count the ways:
Fashion Icon
Crazy Bastard Man
Yi Baiyi's Number One Nuisance
Gay As Hell
Not Once. Not Ever.
Akk - The Eclipse
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Oh Akk, my favorite little war criminal. If I had to pick one single favorite character, it's my boy.
Can't put my finger on why but for some reason I am obsessed with this emotionally repressed gay boy who has difficulty accepting himself and feels pressured to perform actions far outside what a teenager should be allowed to do because adults put pressure on him and because he doesn't want people to be disappointed in him...
Unlike Wen Kexing, Akk has done many things wrong, but he's my sweet cheese, good time boy, and he deserves to be harassed by his rat bastard boyfriend at all times. He's learned, he's grown, he's free of Suppalo and I want nothing but the best for him forever and alwas.
Jim Jimenez - Our Flag Means Death
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Ohhhhh Jim. The Swagger, The Sex Appeal, The Being The Only Competent Member of Stede's Crew. I mean, what is not to love about The Orphan Raised By Nun Grandmother To Be a Killer?
As a fellow Studier Of The Blade, I would welcome the chance to let Jim kill me. Besides the fact they would lay waste to many, as an enby, they automatically earn a spot in my favs list.
Guillermo de la Cruz - What We Do In The Shadows
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Tumblr Users, name a sexier character that Guillermo de la Cruz. That's right! YOU CAN'T!
Gay, serial killer...mmm you know what I'm beginning to sense a trend in my favs list...
eh, we can unpack that later!
My lovely, bumbling, dumbass with posession of the only brain cell in the household. So bright and smiley in the beginning you almost forget that he is 10 years in to literally hunting people to feed to his best friends/mortal enemies/family/tormenters/employers/bumbling idiots that stole him away from Panera Bread. There is no greater personification of the Duality of Man than the man who can lay waste to an entire theatre full of vampires and also spending literal hours closing every possible loophole in Nandor's Dick Length Wish. No greater personification of the Duality of Man than the man who can best Nandor in a gay little fight, and then immediately get pushed into a coffin and shipped to England.
Keyleth - Critical Role
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My beloved, all powerful awkward disaster of a Druid. Keyleth helped me through some difficult fucking parts of my life, and I really appreciate how heavily Marisha allowed Keyleth to embrace and exert her anger where it needed to be released. I love how Keyleth can both bring a building down with her bare hands (literally) and turn into a goldfish and splatter along the rocks (also literally)
I love when character who are hurt or in pain or grieving continue to be kind, and I love when that composure starts to slip.
Ellie Williams - The Last of Us
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I love my baby dyke with all my heart. She's a killer, she's a track star, she makes grown men weep and young kids laugh. She's immune from being mushroomified, and she horrifies Joel's Southern Table Manner Sensibilities. What more can you ask for out of a character?
Tankhun Theerapanyakul- KinnPorsche
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Serves cunt.
Kaz Brekkar - Six of Crows
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Kaz Brekkar is the walking contradiction, and that is why I love him.
Kaz, External Monologue: murder. murder. crime. crime. heist. heist. fuck pekka.
Kaz, Internal Monologue: Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej. Inej.
There is just something so juicy about a character who yearns desperately to touch, to hold, to love and is physically incapable of doing so. Also like, shout out to having disabled characters in media of all forms
Raine Whispers - Owl House
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Again, enby, therefore automatically on the fucking list. But also like. COME ON. Look at them. They are so precious, they are so awkward, and they are so badass. This motherfucker can't talk on a stage to save their life, but can lead a goddamn rebel organization?
ALSO LIKE, LET'S DISCUSS THE FUCKING WHISTLE AND THE MONTHS OF FAKING MIND CONTROL?!?!?!??!?! Y'all seriously want to sit here and not claim them as a fav? Okay, but couldn't be me :)
Zuko - Avatar: The Last Airbender
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It's Zuko. Need I say more? I will never not love Zuko because I lived through his redemption arc live on my TV. I went from hating this motherfucker's guts to truly deeply loving him in real time and that's all I have to say on that. He's a runner, he's a track star, he's a war criminal, and a baby girl, and truly is the king of kings for doing one nice thing and nearly dying from fever about it.
Well, this has made me realize that most of my favs are gay murderers. Teehee. Please never make me choose my favorite characters again.
If someone tags me in one of these, ask me to do my Top 10 Character Dynamics, please I beg you!!!!1
@bengiyo , @shortpplfedup , @kyr-kun-chan , @moonspiritmars
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sunnydaleherald · 1 month
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, August 14th
ANDREW: Ooh. This one has oxygen tanks. ANYA: They'd only be useful if something big was attacking, and then we could shove one down their throat and blow 'em up like Roy Scheider did with that shark in Jaws. (Andrew stares at her) What? ANDREW: You are the perfect woman. ANYA: I've often thought so. Wanna rob?
~~End of Days~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Whatever It Takes by badly_knitted (Buffy, Angel, PG)
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Succeeding by apachefirecat (Faith, Buffy(+/Spike) with cameos from Angel and Dawn, rated G/K)
Always Prepared by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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This One's On Me by Anonymous (Cordelia/Gunn/Spike/Wesley, Explicit)
Возвращение из страны Оз by B_E_S (Buffy/Angel, T)
In The Spotlight by bunniesitmustbebunnies (Angel/Cordelia, T)
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Permission by itsalwaysteatimeinwonderland (Spike/reader, NSFW gif in post, content warning: Smut. A lot of smutty smut.)
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Always Prepared by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, anthology rated PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Strange Estrangement - Chapter 1-13 (COMPLETE!) by purple_mechanicalpencils (Andrew/Xander, Andrew & Anya, Andrew & Spike, T)
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Choosing Peace, Pt. 11 by itsalwaysteatimeinwonderland (Spike/reader, not rated, content warnings: None)
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Bound, Ch. 63 by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Reclaimed, Ch. 10 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
East of Nevada, Ch. 15 by Blissymbolics (Buffy/Spike, R)
A Tumble in Time, Ch. 1 by thedoppleganger (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Regency Slayer, Ch. 1-5 by vampirische liebe (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Love Can't Fix Us, Ch. 3 by calikocat (crossover with Herbie/The Love Bug and Teen Wolf, Xander, FR15)
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Stiff Pole, Ch. 1 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Comic: I'm not calling you "good girl" Faith by aa-arttss (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
if i were a weapon, you said i'd be a gun. by snakeliciousbaby (Oz, Xander, worksafe)
Vid: BtVS season 4 tribute by Faith Victoria (ensemble)
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Digital drawing: Willow vs. Salem from RWBY by Blueflymagic (worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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The Pack Fashion Part Two by theoverlookedoneedits1997
Angel [the episode] Fashion Part One by theoverlookedoneedits1997
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Stake fodder's rewatch: S2.9 & 10 What's My Line?
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Buffy S7E7: Conversations With Dead People (feat. Ben Gierhart) | Booze & Buffy
Episode 69: Something Blue (w/ Dean Jurhs) by Gym Was Cancelled: A Buffy Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Please recommend me some time travel fanfics... by sunnydaleslayer
[Fandom Discussions]
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In my dream version of season seven... [Faith, the jacket from Him] by 5bi5
Re: s7 hot janitor!Faith by explosionshark
call willow's s6 relationship with tara what it is. + willow has one thousand fatal flaws by greensaplinggrace
how losercringe (affectionate) (but also a little derogatory) it is that angel named himself angel by imunbreakabledude
One of the bits I’m really enjoying with In the Company of Witches and Slayers by lightdancer1
nonsensical to try to apply labels like ‘abuse’ to angel & darla’s relationship by moistvonlipwig
xander is a character i have many complicated feelings about by moistvonlipwig, zorilleerrant
They could give some other reason for Giles to leave. by redhatmeg
I also think a lot of people misinterpret what the monks did with Dawn. by theredpharaoah
Just to clarify, I do not call Faith Buffy’s boyfriend because... by fictiongods
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Reasons why I ship Buffy/Spike by deird
What kind of magic would you have liked to have seen in Buffy? by Kat-Attack-52
La importancia de Buffy y Joyce para mi ❣️ [in Spanish] by MineRepulsive
The metaphor of Willow and Oz's relationship by spectacleskeptic
Willow question by Tsole96
Kind of feel bad for Kathy by shey-they-bitch
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pristina-nomine · 2 years
so my knowledge about her is entirely limited to your posts, but may I request ophélie from la passe miroir for the character ask? 💌 very curious about this series!
Ah, I'm so happy that my posts got you curious about it ✨ (I’m also so sorry for the super late reply, but this week stuff just kept happening and I haven’t had a moment to write anything) Anyway! Thanks for allowing me to indulge in more obnoxious gushing u.u
Favorite thing about her: that she's devoid of any sentimentalism, even if the plot constantly puts her through super angsty scenarios. And that in her character arc of opening up to others and accepting the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, this part of her never really changes; she comes to realize that feelings are not necessarily melodramatic, that she can love and love deeply, but always in her own way
Least favorite thing about her: even though I really like the general theme of Thorn’s wounds running too deep to be magically cured by him falling for Ophélie, at times in tome 3 I did wish she wasn’t that accommodating to him. Which, again, is a fundamental point of her personal growth and objectively well done (and he’s like. very much accommodating to her as well), but there are a couple of specific scenes where it rubs me the wrong way a bit, can’t help it
Favorite line: Il n’avait pas le droit!!!! Character thesis statement. Iconique. Also, given that the whole series is her internal monologue, honorary mention to the resolve moment in the final paragraphs of tome 1
brOTP: so many to choose from, so I’ll go with: the scarf. Unironically one of my favorite characters.
OTP: Thorn, of course. I love that they’re one and the same obstinate communication disaster, that he realizes it almost immediately and does nothing at all to shy away from or hide his feelings, while she needs to go through her whole journey to understand and accept this new part of herself. Excited to read in which other way they’ll misunderstand each other in tome 4! (I’m not actually. Let them be content, at least for a while, please)
nOTP: given that Ophélie notp-ies herself with everyone aha I'd say Renard, Archibald, anyone of the dudes she forms a strong friendship with, basically (I’m not as opposed with the gals for some reason? But I’m also very monogamous with my ships, so still ain’t it)
Random headcanon: this may be more of a general lore thing because I also apply it to other characters, but the use of "of Anima" - ie the place she comes from - as a surname stand-in, Middle Ages style (mainly because I hate tagging characters with only their first name so I had to make something up aha)
(Wait, now that I think about it, they do use the Family Spirits names in the wedding ceremony... that's pretty much the canon equivalent of a surname... well, there goes my headcanon)
Unpopular opinion: welp, I don't even know what the popular opinions are, the fandom here is so minuscule aha. One thing may be that I'm very adamant about her being in her early twenties, or 19 at least? If she was a teen her uneasiness about romance/sexuality and frustration at feeling "half a woman" and "a child" simply wouldn't hit as hard
Song I associate with her: Alice's Theme by Danny Elfman!!
Favorite picture of her: this picture of an Edwardian young lady who looks precisely how I see her with my mind's eye, minus the scarf
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Bonus: these stunning portraits by @fantasy-seal and Ilenia Pastore
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
my opinion, like many in the fandom, is that Buck has always been a little bi coded, and I think handling it like the way abc handled Rosa Diaz being bi, by simply having Buck drop some information he’s always known about himself but never been comfortable sharing, would be a decent way of handling it. for one thing, having both buck and eddie go through a gay panic thing would be a lot for one season, and maybe a bit repetitive, and I think it would be perfectly in character, while adding a really lovely layer to Maddie & Buck’s relationship, that Maddie has always known Buck was bisexual, and has attempted (maybe awkwardly) over the years to get Buck to be more comfortable with it. I also think it would add a really wonderful layer to Buck and Chim’s relationship (again, to make the b99 comparison bc this is a textbook “if i had a nickel for every time a beloved, diverse show involving police officers got canceled by fox and picked up by ABC bc beloved diverse shows with a really active fan base are their bread and butter i’d have two nickels” situation lol), the same way it was a natural & moving way to have the first person Rosa came out to be Charles, if Chim finds out because Buck needs to talk to Maddie about how he and Eddie had a stress induced make out on Eddie’s couch and then Eddie had a panic attack over being gay, and Chim is there trying to connect the dots of this conversation & be supportive bc Buck is anxiously mumbling while bear hugging Jee in his kitchen. And “Buck has been bisexual the entire time” leaking out to the rest of the 118 has a lot of potential; we know they’re all gossipy & nosy about each other, and Chim is terrible at keeping important secrets, so Hen & Bobby piecing it together from Buck‘s sudden interest in LA Gay Culture & Chim’s nervous stuttering, while Ravi is like “happy that you’re comfortable enough to come out to me Buck but again, i do not need to know this much detail about your personal life” all of this just seems like a very natural, easy way of getting Buck to come out.
and that leaves the Gay Panic storyline to Eddie, lmao. because whether they decide to go with the common fandom idea of “eddie is gay but due to being a really macho dude from Texas, born into a family of very typically ‘we will always love you no matter if you’re straight or choose to be gay’ esque family, has been heavy repressing it all these years” or they decide to make him bisexual, it’s clear that Eddie’s continued wild misses at dating women, panic attacks over the idea of being with a woman, and naming another man as the caretaker of his child in case he dies, that Eddie is primed to have an absolute break down if he ever comes out. Is it very similar to Carlos’ story? Yeah, obviously, but they’re incredibly different people, and more than that, the type of family they come from is incredibly common in this day and age, and whereas we’ve seen the fallout of all the shame that comes with feeling like your parents love isn’t unconditional wrt Carlos, we never saw the initial, badly handled coming out that prompted this break in the Reyes family, and we would be seeing that with Eddie and the Diaz family! not only that, but we have Hen & Toni there to help Eddie (and his parents & pepa & abuelita) through it, to help them handle what are bound to be difficult conversations on Eddie’s history of dating women his family will like that he has minimal interest in, and what happens now that Eddie is once again testing the unconditional aspect of his family’s love.
And that’s not even touching The Bobby And Athena Of It All, from Bobby once again relating to Eddie’s struggles of “what do you do when you feel like the core of who you are has shifted and everyone else is standing still” to Athena having intimate knowledge of the effect of coming out late in life, after you’ve lived a whole life as an ostensibly heterosexual man. We could get a really touching scene between Bobby & Athena and Buck, discussing how this is something he’s always known but it’s just been easier to let it go unsaid even if he knew Bobby and the rest of the 118 would be loving and supportive if he ever came out. Imagine the jokes re: Buck, Eddie, AND Hen being the messiest gays in LA while Ravi is begging them to Say Less.
I think the storyline potential of “Buck and Eddie impulsively make out after a stressful call in ep 1 and then skirt around their feelings for at least half a season” can be really rich, and also kind of in line for how abc has handled a character who got popular for being bi coded, and I’m not saying i trust them to not be cowards about it, but I am saying they shouldn’t be cowards about it.
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wolfgirl-valentine · 10 months
10 fandoms 10 characters 10 Tags
Thanks for the tag @rainy-days-and-nights 🫂✨💚 sorry for the delay in answering, I been thinking about who put in the list sjsjsjsj(batalle para elegir solo a unx por fandom 🥹) so! Ten characters in no particular order.
Corvo Attano-Dishonored
I love him so much and I even named one of my cats after him 🖤
Boba Fett- Star Wars
Been obsessed with him since I was a child, a little disappointed in his treatment in recent years u_u
Garrus Vakarian- Mass Effect
My husband actually
Zuko - Avatar The las Airbender
He still has the best redemption arc in my opinion
Marko - Saga (Comic)
It was so difficult to choose only one character of this comic 😭 but if I have to he is definitely the one
Olivier Armstrong - Full Metal Alchemist
My queen 🖤✨
Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption 2
I just played this game this year for the first time and the wound is still fresh 🥺
Bigby Wolf- Fables/The Wolf among us
THE big bad wolf what can I say ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Vincent Valentine- Final Fantasy VII
The reason behind the "Valentine" in my nickname xD, fun fact I haven't played FF7 for a reason or another all the copies that have ended in my hands were damaged, but I played Dirge of Cerberus a lot.
Will Graham - Hannibal (NBC)
I enjoyed how his character adapted through the series, still salty about the cancellation ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ
Tagging....uuuuuhhhh.....@sparkylulu @the-cloudy-dreamer @marvagon @dian-skywavecounty
Only if you want to :)
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apocrypha73 · 10 months
20 questions writer meme
Thank you @heyholmesletsgo for tagging me :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
76 (and counting)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,095,178 at this moment
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm currently writing for Visual Prison and The Untamed/MDZS fandoms, but in the past I've written for Star Wars Rebels, the mcu, Supernatural, and a few others
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Maybe not so accidentally (899 kudos). A kalluzeb (star wars rebels) canon divergence AU
A Blind Goddess (657 kudos). Another kalluzeb fic. The star wars rebels fandom is a big one, so I guess it's not a surprise my top 3 fics with most kudos belong to it. It doesn't necessarily mean they're my best fics, only that more people have read them. But I'm grateful anyway.
The Reasons Why (426 kudos). Also a kalluzeb fic, and the first one I ever posted in English (I had only written in my own language until then). It was nerve-wracking to take that step but everyone's response was so kind it encouraged me to continue.
We Weren't Always Like This (413 kudos). This is a matchablossom fic (SK8 the Infinity), the first of the two fics I've written for that pairing.
No es la sangre (401 kudos). A thorki AU. This one is in Spanish
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course! The comments are a place to fangirl with people who are just as enthusiastic about the OTP as you are, what's not to like? Maybe I don't always reply as fast as I should, but I enjoy doing it.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think most of my fics have a happy ending, I'm a basic bitch and proud of it. The only exception I can recall is It's not over, a destiel fic that was inspired by episode 5x04 of Supernatural and there's no way a story set in that alternate timeline could end well tbh.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The other 75? XDD. Okay, fine, there are two fics in which the happy ending felt very satisfactory to me because the characters went through quite a lot of angst to get there: Under the Spotlight (songxiao, The Untamed/MDZS) and Take my hand, take my whole life too (sagamist, Visual Prison)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I've been really lucky in that regard
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but I'm pretty vanilla about it. I think the kinkiest thing I've ever written was some light bondage and very soft dom/sub dynamics.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
El vínculo más profundo. It's more of a fusion than a crossover actually. The characters are from the movie "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters" but the story is set in the Pacific Rim universe. It was fun to write
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, it happened a couple of times with No es la sangre. Someone took it and posted it as their own, first on ffnet and then on wattpad. I don't think it was the same person in both cases. One of the (many) advantages of writing for small fandoms, as I do now, is that the chances of that kind of thing happening are almost zero.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Partially. Someone started translating No es la sangre into English, but they got busy and stopped after a while. I've thought about translating it myself but to be honest, I don't have the energy.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, a very long time ago, with a very dear friend of mine. It was for the X-Files fandom.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
This is the most difficult question of this whole meme. I can't choose one, I love my ships dearly. I'd have to name at least five.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I only have two wips currently in the works and I intend to finish both of them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Action scenes, I think. Sometimes dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing, infodumping, knowing how to let a story breathe and not rushing it. Those are the things I find more difficult to get right.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If the story needs it, and if it's a language I know well, why not?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files. Yeah, it's been a while
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I changed my mind, this one is actually the most difficult question. Aaah, I don't know, I tend to associate my fics with the community I get to enjoy through them, you know? It's not about how proud I am of the fic itself, it's about the whole experience. I am very fond of En la prórroga because I wrote it as a birthday gift for a friend and she loved it. I'll always love Under the Spotlight because it was my doorway to the songxiao fandom, where I have met some of the most amazing people you can find on the Internet. The same for Can't go back anymore, my first visupri fic, because I got to become part of an incredible group of friends thanks to it. And then there's Baby, It's Cold Outside and all the fun we had while I was posting that one. I'm overwhelmed by the response I've received to Maybe not so accidentally and No es la sangre, because I never expected any fic of mine to become so loved by anyone. So how am I going to choose just one?
Tagging @dreamyguns @ardilla-cocainomana @malalechan and whoever else wants to answer
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g0dspeeed · 5 months
This is the self insert/OC fairy. 🌼🧚‍♀️When you get this in your ask box, please tell us 3 facts about your S/I or OC and pass it around. Let's learn about each other's S/Is/OCs! 🌈🌷
Thank you for asking to learn more about my lil OCs 💕
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1. Cappie De La Costa's actual name is Love. I wanted to represent Love in its more raw, dangerous, and wild form. I liked the narrative of Jacob Seed choosing his family over Love, Love leaving John Seed, and Eli Palmer finding Love on the side of the road.
2. I've been playing around with putting Cappie in the Call of Duty universe for some time. The fandom space intimidates the hell out of me, so I'm not sure how far I'll actually go into making it happen beyond my little daydreams. I already have her paired with a character though...
3. Prior to her adventures in Hope County, Cappie already survived the gnarly situation in Yara, essentially living out the dangers depicted in Far Cry 6. Living with her half-brother Staci Pratt in a small town called Fall's End was meant to be a break from the horrors of Yara. Girl can't catch a break.
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fluffypotatey · 5 months
went ahead and wrote up a little thing on the c!/cc! divide since it was on my mind
on the c!/cc! divide
the c!/cc! divide was an idea that was mostly popularized during the DSMP era, to deal with the separation between the streamers and their characters. RPF was Bad, of course, but these were roleplay characters! Yes, they were fictionalized versions of the streamer personas, (which were in and of themselves fictionalized versions of the real people), but did that make them fair game? to explain, i have to go into the layers of separation between the real life person, and the characters they play.
the first layer is the real life person. they are the ones editing the videos, they are the ones going grocery shopping to buy more milk, they are the ones paying taxes. we the audience don't get to see this person, and that's good (most of the time, at least)
the second layer is their persona- who they are in front of the camera. this is the version of themselves that they show us, the audience, and is on some level a character they play. of course (as we have seen to devastating results in several cases), this persona is something of a lie, and should Not be taken as perfectly representative of the Real Guy- like our own online personas, this layer is a performance, and can only show the streamer in the way they choose to be seen.
the third layer is the Character, and is individual to each series. it is the version of the streamer persona unique to the server they are from, and this ranges a Lot due to the improvised nature of most popular SMPs. sometimes, these Characters are planned beforehand and given different personalities and priorities than the Real Guy or their Persona, but this is not a requirement (especially since, again, most popular RP servers are improvised- oftentimes the characters only truly differentiate from the streamer persona After the roleplay's already begun)
the reason for the ambiguity in the Character layer (and why the layer exists at all!) is because in the end, these streamers/youtubers are Entertainers, and they're here to tell us a Story. whether that story is planned out on purpose or unfolds through chance and luck and reaction, whether it's a fully scripted tale of heroism and tragedy or a bunch of friends dicking around with no plans, their platform (and for many, their paycheck) depends on the ability to make a compelling story out of it. this is also why no matter what, no matter how thin the separation between character or persona or even the real person, we still refer to what we see in their videos as their characters- because in the end, they're constructs in a story.
typically, the labels c! and cc! are used for the convenience of fandom, because in most cases the name of the Character and the Persona are the same. this distinction emerged and was popularized during the Dream SMP era, and has remained in popular use since. (cc! stands for Content Creator and c! stands for either character or cubito, both meaning the same thing)
to better explain how the c!/cc! labels are used, i'll use the streamer Quackity as an example.
cc!Quackity is how we refer to both the streamer persona quackity and the Real Guy Alexis (although we usually just combine the two unless the separation between them is actively relevant, since all we see of the Real Guy is the persona anyways) (also i won't be using his irl name again)
c!Quackity is the character Real Guy!quackity played in the Dream SMP, who was Vice President of L'Manberg, and ran the Las Nevadas Casino.
q!Quackity is a character that Real Guy Quackity plays/played on the QSMP, who is separate from both c!quackity and cc!quackity (idk as much abt q!quackity sorry)
and ElQuackity is a character that Real Guy Quackity plays/played on the QSMP, who is separate from c!quackity, cc!quackity, and q!quackity, and is not referred to with the c! or q! modifiers because he has a different name than his QSMP counterpart and streamer persona, so neither is necessary to tell who you're talking about.
Some Additional Notes:
this language evolved as a response to the ambiguity that comes from the characters and actors behind them having the same names, and the characters being variably fictionalized versions of the actors anyways.
it's like dnd, if everyone at your table was using their own names for their characters
these distinctions are different from the cc end of things, which is also why the characters and personas usually have the same names- to the ccs, both are just The Character I'm Playing
the c! modifiers are also used to denote which server we're talking about, even if we're talking the same characters (for instance, even though Princess Gem of Dawn from empires smp season 2 and Gem The Elf from hermitcraft season 9 are canonically the same character, they're referred to separately)
if there's any distinction we can use between cubitos that isn't c!, we tend to default to that one (i.e. i don't call fWhip from empires smp season 1 c!fWhip or e!fWhip, because i can say Count fWhip instead)
i'd be willing to bet that, although we generally use the same terms due to high levels of overlap, and although i haven't actually looked into it, that there is a significant difference between how we refer to primarily YouTube servers vs. primarily livestreamed servers.
we also have a fandom culture of not using the cc's Real Life Names unless that's what they use talking to us (i.e. we use Joe Hills' full name because that's how he introduces himself, we use Martyn InTheLittleWood's (Martyn Littlewood) first name but not his last even though we know it, and we don't use Mumbo Jumbo's or BDoubleO100's names, first or last, at all, even though we know both). this is partially out of courtesy and partially because we engage with them primarily in the context of their job and referring to the Real Life Guys feels like following your teacher to the grocery store.
this also has a Lot of significance in terms of shipping, because attitudes towards RPF (Real-Person Fiction) have historically been very negative in these spaces (ESPECIALLY in the 2019-2021 era GOOD LORD), and it's extremely useful to have a way to separate the statements "oh impulse and bdubs were such a sweet couple in double life, i love shipping impdubs!" and "I think the Real Life Guys Scott and John should leave their wives and children and get gay married to each other so they can kiss sloppy style" (bc even if you don't care about RPF at all those are Very Different Statements)
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